_Samuel H ALLGYER __________ | (1867 - 1961) _Ralph ALLGYER ______| | (1888 - 1915) | | |_Mamie KISER _______________ | (1867 - 1943) | |--Marvin Ford ALLGYER | (1914 - 1999) | _Franklin Wesley FORD ______+ | | (1867 - 1937) m 1889 |_Chloe M FORD _______| (1889 - 1976) | |_Artimissa "Artie" FANSLER _+ (1870 - 1951) m 1889
Rosewood PO HH4
Frank W Ford, 63m22, own $1400, OH OH OH Gen Store Keeper
Artie A, wife, 59m18, OH VA OH
Chloe M Allgyer, dau, 40, wd, OH OH OH
Dorothy E, grdau, 18, single, OH
Marvin F, grson, 16, single, OH
_Wesley ARROWSMITH ____+ | (1800 - 1844) m 1824 _Miller Pence ARROWSMITH _| | (1831 - 1885) m 1860 | | |_Susannah PENCE _______+ | (1804 - 1868) m 1824 | |--Anna Maude (Hotchkiss) ARROWSMITH | (1871 - ....) | _David Colville VANCE _ | | (1805 - 1876) m 1826 |_Elizabeth Quimby VANCE __| (1835 - 1927) m 1860 | |_Nancy PRINCE _________+ (1808 - 1895) m 1826
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
_William Thomas COLBERT _____________+ | (1919 - 1975) m 1940 _Clark Thomas COLBERT ________| | (1947 - 2006) | | |_Cleta Elizabeth "Betty" HUDDLESTON _+ | (1916 - 2011) m 1940 | |--Morgan Anne COLBERT | | _____________________________________ | | |_Rebecca "Becky" A ZACHARIAS _| | |_____________________________________
_Joseph CROW ________ | (1790 - 1825) m 1813 _Thomas Denton CROW _| | (1821 - 1908) m 1858| | |_Martha HULL ________ | (1796 - 1864) m 1813 | |--Anna E CROW | (1859 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Emily PIATT ________| (1832 - ....) m 1858| |_____________________
_Henry EVILSIZER ________________+ | (1780 - 1846) m 1798 _Squire EVILSIZOR ___| | (1812 - 1899) m 1835| | |_Elizabeth "Betsy" (Eitel) IDLE _ | (1784 - 1843) m 1798 | |--Sarah EVILSIZOR | (1851 - 1919) | _Phillip COMER __________________+ | | (1776 - 1830) m 1796 |_Christina COMER ____| (1810 - 1891) m 1835| |_Babara BAKER ___________________ m 1796
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
1907 Jay Co, IND City Directory
[586] 1860 US Census - Actual, Age 10.-Pg38-Logan Co, OH
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_Francis FORD _______ | (1770 - ....) _Andrew FORD ________| | (1803 - ....) m 1830| | |_Nancy Ann WAUGH ____ | (1775 - ....) | |--Isabelle FORD | (1839 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Jane SMITH _________| (1810 - ....) m 1830| |_____________________
_______________________ | _William GEARHART ___| | (1791 - 1862) m 1812| | |_______________________ | | |--John M GEARHART | (1820 - 1873) | _William Henry WEAVER _+ | | (1759 - 1836) |_Margaret WEAVER ____| (1791 - 1858) m 1812| |_Mary E KIGER _________ (1771 - 1845)
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Edmund LEGGE _______+ | (1780 - 1850) m 1813 _Newton M LEGGE _____| | (1828 - 1879) m 1849| | |_Elizabeth __________ | (1793 - ....) m 1813 | |--Manon Ellwood LEGGE | (1850 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Emily ROGERS _______| (1825 - ....) m 1849| |_____________________
_John Guthrie LINVILLE _+ | (1821 - 1877) m 1848 _Philander Edward LINVILLE _| | (1853 - 1934) m 1875 | | |_Mary H HARLAN _________ | (1821 - 1894) m 1848 | |--John Guthrie LINVILLE | (1883 - 1969) | _Hiram MCCLELLAN _______+ | | (1829 - 1909) m 1850 |_Mary Cecelia MCCLELLAN ____| (1855 - 1938) m 1875 | |_Ann Elizabeth SWISHER _ (1827 - 1905) m 1850
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_John NEFF __________ | (1776 - 1828) _Adam NEFF ____________| | (1808 - 1885) m 1841 | | |_Barbara KAUFFMAN ___ | (1774 - 1840) | |--Emma NEFF | (1853 - ....) | _Isaac TURMAN _______ | | (1780 - 1823) |_Mary Margaret TURMAN _| (1825 - 1846) m 1841 | |_Margaret ___________
_Lemuel PENCE ________+ | (1821 - 1912) m 1847 _Jerome Sylvester PENCE _| | (1850 - ....) m 1872 | | |_Nancy Ann JEFFRIES __+ | (1826 - 1913) m 1847 | |--Laura PENCE | (1875 - 1966) | _James Dunlap POWELL _+ | | (1819 - 1909) m 1845 |_Emma Eugenia POWELL ____| (1851 - 1916) m 1872 | |_Minerva HILL ________+ (1822 - 1902) m 1845
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1867-1877
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916
_Peter W PRINCE _____+ | (1833 - 1910) m 1865 _William Oliver PRINCE _| | (1869 - 1909) m 1894 | | |_Mary BROWNING ______+ | (1841 - 1936) m 1865 | |--Omer Lamar PRINCE | (1904 - 1967) | _William WRAY _______ | | |_Tressa Jane WRAY ______| (1869 - 1955) m 1894 | |_Catherine SNIDER ___
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Daniel SNYDER ______ | (.... - 1812) _Daniel SNYDER ______| | (1788 - 1849) m 1809| | |_Elizabeth __________ | | |--Daniel SNYDER | (1808 - 1870) | _Henry PENCE ________+ | | (1768 - 1844) m 1788 |_Barbara PENCE ______| (1789 - 1866) m 1809| |_Elizabeth KOONTZ ___ m 1788
Record book 34 pg 373 Filed 3 Oct 1870 Petition for Dower Anna Snyder vs William P Snyder & Others Daniel Snyder died in June 1870 and was seized of an inheritance in the ea st half of the NW 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of Sec 16 (a total of 240 acre s) ; 51 acres located on the south side of the SE 1/4 of sec 17 and 39. 85 acres located in the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of sec 22 Twp 4 Range 11 (M ad River Twp). Daniel's heirs were; Anna Snyder, widow; John Snyder; Eliza jane Snyder, wife of John N Beach of madison County, Ohio; Cyrus Snyder (not of Ohio); William P Snyder; Elizabeth Snyder wife of Hamilton Magrew; Minerva Snyder; mary Ann Snyder, wife of R E Johnson of Shely Co, Ohio; Charles Snyder; Laura Snyder; Balfor Snyder; Martin V B Snyder (not of Ohio); maggie S Snyder, wife of Jouhn W Houx (not of Ohio); Josephine Snyder and David Snyder
Record Book 38, Page 508 - Filed 11 January 1871 Petition to Partition John Snyder vs William P. snyder and others Daniel Snyder died in 1870, seized of 240 acres of land located in the ea st half of the north- west quarter and the north- east quarter of section 1 6, 51 acres of land on the south side of the south- east quarter of Secti on 17 and 39.85 acres of land in the north- west quarter of the south- ea st quarter of Section 22 Township 4 Range 11. Anna Snyder was Daniels wido w. There were fourteen children: John Snyder; William Snyder; Elizabeth Snyder, wife of Hamilton Nagrew; Minerva Snyder; Mary Ann Snyder, wife of E. R. Johnson; Eliza Jane Snyder, wife of John M. Beach/Bench; Charles Snyder; Laura Snyder; Balfore/Balfour Snyder; Josephine Snyder; Cyrus Snyder; Martin V. B. Snyder, Maggie S. Snyder, wife of John W. Houx/Knox and David Snyder. The last five named people were non- residents of Ohio. Balfore and Joseph Snyder were minors.
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902
Champaign Co - CCGS -Gen Society Newsletter
Md age 62 b Ohio
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_David VANCE _________+ | (1782 - 1839) m 1817 _Calvin F VANCE _____| | (1820 - ....) m 1857| | |_Mary "Polly" WILSON _+ | (1797 - ....) m 1817 | |--Bessie VANCE | (1869 - ....) | ______________________ | | |_Margaret D _________| (1828 - ....) m 1857| |______________________
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records