_____________________ | _Ezekiel ARROWSMITH _| | (1771 - 1849) m 1797| | |_____________________ | | |--Wesley ARROWSMITH | (1800 - 1844) | _William KENTON _____+ | | (1737 - 1822) m 1763 |_Elizabeth KENTON ___| (1778 - 1867) m 1797| |_Mary CLELLAND ______ (1747 - 1788) m 1763
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
Ohio Marriages LDS
David Bowers �tab�38
Mary A Bowers �tab�29
Charles Bowers �tab�9
Ann E Bowers �tab�7
George S Bowers �tab�5
Eva Bowers �tab�65
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_John T BRITTON _____ | (1760 - 1846) _Nathan BRITTON _____| | (1782 - 1854) m 1800| | |_Jane EVANS _________ | (1760 - 1820) | |--Elijah BRITTON | (1809 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Ketty STEVENS ______| m 1800 | |_____________________
________________________ | _John Mahlon CARDER _| | (1822 - 1901) m 1855| | |________________________ | | |--John F CARDER | (1858 - ....) | _William Henry DOBBINS _ | | (1800 - 1850) m 1828 |_Eliza Jane DOBBINS _| (1827 - 1911) m 1855| |_Mary E GOLDSBERRY _____ (1804 - 1889) m 1828
_Clarence W COLBERT ________+ | (1885 - 1935) m 1918 _William Thomas COLBERT _____________| | (1919 - 1975) m 1940 | | |_Annarae Louise CLARK ______ | (1897 - ....) m 1918 | |--Lee Elizabeth COLBERT | | _Charles Cletus HUDDLESTON _+ | | (1888 - 1982) m 1915 |_Cleta Elizabeth "Betty" HUDDLESTON _| (1916 - 2011) m 1940 | |_Maud Marie MCKEEVER _______ (1898 - 1982) m 1915
_____________________ | _Isaac Kennedy DAVIS __| | (1848 - 1923) m 1875 | | |_____________________ | | |--Wilbur R DAVIS | (1889 - 1951) | _Thomas Denton CROW _+ | | (1821 - 1908) m 1847 |_Flora Henrietta CROW _| (1853 - 1918) m 1875 | |_Henrietta DOWNS ____+ (1821 - 1858) m 1847
_Henry EVILSIZER ________________+ | (1780 - 1846) m 1798 _Squire EVILSIZOR ___| | (1812 - 1899) m 1835| | |_Elizabeth "Betsy" (Eitel) IDLE _ | (1784 - 1843) m 1798 | |--Rosetta EVILSIZOR | (1852 - 1932) | _Phillip COMER __________________+ | | (1776 - 1830) m 1796 |_Christina COMER ____| (1810 - 1891) m 1835| |_Babara BAKER ___________________ m 1796
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
1907 Jay Co, IND City Directory
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_Francis FORD _______ | (1770 - ....) _James Levi FORD ____| | (1805 - ....) m 1831| | |_Nancy Ann WAUGH ____ | (1775 - ....) | |--Charles FORD | (1838 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Matilda RICHARDS ___| (1815 - ....) m 1831| |_____________________
Pg39 P O Tipton HH288
James Levi Ford, 55 VA
Matilda, 45, OH
Charles, 21, teacher of com schools IA
James, 13, IA
Minerva 15 IA
Amanda 10 IA
Joseph 8 IA
John 5 IA
_William GEARHART ___ | (1791 - 1862) m 1812 _John M GEARHART ____| | (1820 - 1873) m 1838| | |_Margaret WEAVER ____+ | (1791 - 1858) m 1812 | |--William E GEARHART | (1851 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Ann BROWN __________| (1828 - 1880) m 1838| |_____________________
_Andrew HUDDLESTON __+ | (1813 - 1896) m 1833 _John Riley HUDDLESTON _| | (1838 - 1901) m 1860 | | |_Catherine SILLS ____ | (1809 - 1895) m 1833 | |--Goldie HUDDLESTON | | _David B BUCKLES ____ | | (1790 - 1877) m 1811 |_Martha BUCKLES ________| (1836 - 1912) m 1860 | |_Elizabeth COVAULT __+ (1795 - 1865) m 1811
Ohio Marriages LDS
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
_Edmund LEGGE _______+ | (1780 - 1850) m 1813 _Newton M LEGGE _____| | (1828 - 1879) m 1849| | |_Elizabeth __________ | (1793 - ....) m 1813 | |--Mary Jane LEGGE | (1854 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Emily ROGERS _______| (1825 - ....) m 1849| |_____________________
_John Guthrie LINVILLE _+ | (1821 - 1877) m 1848 _Philander Edward LINVILLE _| | (1853 - 1934) m 1875 | | |_Mary H HARLAN _________ | (1821 - 1894) m 1848 | |--Phila Marie LINVILLE | (1894 - 1985) | _Hiram MCCLELLAN _______+ | | (1829 - 1909) m 1850 |_Mary Cecelia MCCLELLAN ____| (1855 - 1938) m 1875 | |_Ann Elizabeth SWISHER _ (1827 - 1905) m 1850
Ancestry.com-One World Tree
_John MARSHALL ______ | (.... - 1890) _Charles W MARSHALL _| | (1823 - 1890) | | |_____________________ | | |--Eva M MARSHALL | (1852 - 1912) | _____________________ | | |_Loraham WEBB _______| (1824 - 1897) | |_Lydia ______________ (.... - 1880)
[2484] PG 154 CHARLES W MARSHALL PROBATED B MAR 1890 URBANA CITY ~DIED 19 FEB 189 0] Heirs-Lorahama Marshall-widow; Eva McDonald-dau-Urbana. Daughter Eva L $10 ,000 and during her lifetime to remain in her control; if she not livi ng at my death and has no oh $10,000 to my wife if living. Son-in-law Jo el R McDonald to whom I have become as much attached as I possibly cou ld be to my own son $5000 if he survives me. To bro John A Marshall wat ch and chain and $200; grdau Lora Marshall McDonald $5000 when she is 18 y ears of age; sis Betsy L Nash $500; father John Marshall $200 annual ly as long as he lives. Wife Lorahama Marshall executrix Witness:J F Eichelberger A P Rosswill signed 28 Jul 1880 11
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Ohio Marriages LDS
__ | _Joseph K MAST ______| | (1815 - 1860) m 1839| | |__ | | |--Harrison F MAST | (1840 - 1861) | __ | | |_Susan MYERS ________| (1817 - 1880) m 1839| |__
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_Peter Pheneger PFENNEGER _ | _Peter PHENEGER ________| | (1805 - 1869) m 1827 | | |_Sarah HAMER ______________ | (1780 - 1860) | |--Samuel B PHENEGER | (1847 - ....) | _John SEITHMAN ____________ | | |_Mary Matilda SEITHMAN _| (1805 - 1886) m 1827 | |___________________________
Internet Source
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Daniel SNYDER ______+ | (1788 - 1849) m 1809 _Daniel SNYDER ______| | (1808 - 1870) m 1830| | |_Barbara PENCE ______+ | (1789 - 1866) m 1809 | |--John P SNYDER | (1831 - 1904) | _____________________ | | |_Ann KIZER __________| (1811 - 1881) m 1830| |_____________________
John Snyder �tab�39
Caroline Snyder �tab�41
Charles Snyder �tab�9
Sarah A Snyder �tab�14
Ada G Snyder �tab�13
Emma Snyder �tab�7
Rose Snyder �tab�5
Snyder �tab�1/12
Record Book 38, Page 508 - Filed 11 January 1871 Petition to Partition John Snyder vs William P. snyder and others Daniel Snyder died in 1870, seized of 240 acres of land located in the ea st half of the north- west quarter and the north- east quarter of section 1 6, 51 acres of land on the south side of the south- east quarter of Secti on 17 and 39.85 acres of land in the north- west quarter of the south- ea st quarter of Section 22 Township 4 Range 11. Anna Snyder was Daniels wido w. There were fourteen children: John Snyder; William Snyder; Elizabeth Snyder, wife of Hamilton Nagrew; Minerva Snyder; Mary Ann Snyder, wife of E. R. Johnson; Eliza Jane Snyder, wife of John M. Beach/Bench; Charles Snyder; Laura Snyder; Balfore/Balfour Snyder; Josephine Snyder; Cyrus Snyder; Martin V. B. Snyder, Maggie S. Snyder, wife of John W. Houx/Knox and David Snyder. The last five named people were non- residents of Ohio. Balfore and Joseph Snyder were minors.
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_David VANCE _________+ | (1782 - 1839) m 1817 _Calvin F VANCE _____| | (1820 - ....) m 1857| | |_Mary "Polly" WILSON _+ | (1797 - ....) m 1817 | |--Odessa VANCE | (1864 - ....) | ______________________ | | |_Margaret D _________| (1828 - ....) m 1857| |______________________