_Joseph ARGABRIGHT __ | (1785 - 1832) m 1806 _Joseph ARGABRIGHT __| | (1819 - 1896) m 1843| | |_Margaret OVERPECK __ | (1785 - 1849) m 1806 | |--Mary Elizabeth (McColley) ARGABRIGHT | (1851 - 1925) | _____________________ | | |_Rebecca STEPHENSON _| (1822 - 1909) m 1843| |_____________________
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
age 63
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Adam BIDDLE ________+ | (1841 - 1929) m 1865 _James Monroe BIDDLE _| | (1873 - 1940) m 1906 | | |_Sarah Jane TAYLOR __+ | (1841 - 1918) m 1865 | |--Herbert R BIDDLE | (1910 - 1989) | _____________________ | | |_Bertha WILTSIE ______| (1879 - 1940) m 1906 | |_____________________
_____________________________ | _Glenn BLAIR __________| | | | |_____________________________ | | |--Kelli BLAIR | | _Richard Randolph EVILSIZOR _+ | | (1922 - 2006) m 1955 |_Tina Marie EVILSIZER _| | |_Clara Marie HUMPHREVILLE ___+ (1932 - 1997) m 1955
_Carlton Vincent BODEY _+ | (1873 - 1964) m 1906 _Carl Vincent BODEY _| | (1910 - 2003) m 1941| | |_Maude Eva BUROKER _____+ | (1873 - 1944) m 1906 | |--Paul David BODEY | | _Watson CARRICK ________ | | |_Edith L CARRICK ____| (1915 - 1964) m 1941| |_Rilla Mae CHASE _______
_Luther CAREY _______+ | (1804 - 1842) m 1825 _Lewis M CAREY ________| | (1830 - 1910) m 1854 | | |_Jane WILSON ________ | (1804 - 1842) m 1825 | |--Alice CAREY | (1865 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Jane Elizabeth DAVIS _| (1834 - 1914) m 1854 | |_____________________
__ | _Nathan G DARNALL ___| | (1769 - 1848) m 1795| | |__ | | |--Catherine DARNALL | (1808 - 1851) | __ | | |_Eleanor LOGAN ______| (1777 - 1825) m 1795| |__
[15445] PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COU RT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 24, Page 72- Filed 14 July 1848- Petition for Partition Elias Darnell vs William Darnell et al Nathan Darnell, deceased owned 160.42 acres located in the south-west quarter of Section 25 Township 4 Range 11 and 30 acres located in the north-east corner of the south-east quarter of Section 31 Township 4 Range 11 (M ad River Township). He also owned an undivided half in Lot Number 18 in Tremont, Clark County, Ohio. Nathan's heirs were: Emilla Darnell, widow; Elias Darnell of Clark County; Dorcas Darnell wife of John West; William Darnell; Mary Darnell wife of ...Cheatham of Illinois; Catharine Darnell wife of Simon Baker; Ruth Darnall wife of Henry oiler of Indiana and Hester Ann Darnall wife of Isaac Neff.
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
_William DEATON _____+ | (1811 - 1855) m 1832 _John Asbury DEATON _| | (1835 - 1916) m 1858| | |_Catherine LEFFEL ___ | (1816 - 1904) m 1832 | |--Margaret "Maggie" DEATON | (1865 - ....) | _William FULLER _____ | | (1800 - ....) m 1819 |_Lucinda A FULLER ___| (1837 - 1911) m 1858| |_Margaret BOTKIN ____ (1800 - 1880) m 1819
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
_James Stanley EVILSIZER _+ | (1921 - 1992) m 1941 _James Stanley EVILSIZER _| | (1941 - 2012) | | |_Marcelia R NEUBERGER ____ | (1924 - 1973) m 1941 | |--Jason EVILSIZER | | __________________________ | | |_Linda A _________________| | |__________________________
_William Irvin EVILSIZOR _+ | (1837 - 1895) m 1861 _Oren William EVILSIZOR ______| | (1875 - 1949) m 1895 | | |_Julia Ann LEE ___________+ | (1843 - 1892) m 1861 | |--Cecil Roderick EVILSIZOR | (1911 - 1992) | _William C LINEBAUGH _____+ | | (1853 - ....) |_Lilly Lee Rosetta LINEBAUGH _| (1874 - 1934) m 1895 | |_Elizabeth BOLLINGER _____ (1852 - 1892)
=pg 73 Farm 108 Dog Leg Pike
Oren W Evilsizor, head, 44 OH
Lilly L, wife, 45, OH
Mabel V, dau, 17 single, OH
Cletus R, son, 16 OH
Clement P 14, son, OH
Robert F, son, 13 OH
Virgil E, son, 11 OH
Cecil R, son, 8 OH
Phyllis A, dau, 6, OH
-pg96 152 Loudenback Rd
Oren W Evilsizor, head, 54 md 20 own home OH OH OH
Lillie L, wife, 55 md 21
Virgil E, son, 21 single, Billing Clerk Harvester Co
Cecil R, son, 19, single, OH laborer
Phylis R, dau, 16, single, OH
Betty M, dau, 10 single, OH
Farm HH161 Rent $6
Cecil Evilsizor �tab�29 head, OH OH OH H3
Gladys Evilsizor �tab�27 wife H2, OH OH OH
Janet Evilsizor �tab�7 dau 1g OH
Richard Evilsizor �tab�5 son OH
Marvin Evilsizor �tab�3 son OH
St Paris- Mr and Mrs Cecil Evilsizor and children Janet Lee , Richard and Rex of St Paris, Mrs Everett Madden and children, Judith Ann and Thomas Lee of Sidney; Mr and Mrs Donald Russell and daughter Marcia Lynn of Springfield; and Mr and Mrs Edward P Knull and children Eddy and Caroline of Mechanicsburg were guests at a buffet supper Saturday evening given by Mr and Mrs Kenneth Edwards at their home in Mechanicsburg.
Piqua Daily Call Jan 25, 1968
St Paris- A delayed family Christmas celebration took place in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Evilsizor, 250 Park, Sunday , Jan 27. Dinner was served and gifts were exchanged. Home movies provided entertainment later in the day.
The celebration had been planned for Saturday Dec 23rd, but was delayed because of the illness and hospitalization of of Mrs Evilsizor. Later planned for Jan 11, the occasion was agin postponed because of a deep snow in the Mansfield area, preventing the Evilsizor's son Richard and his family from making the trip to St Paris. Present Sunday were the host and hostesses: Mr and Mrs Richard Evilsizor and son Chris, Mansfield; Mr and Mrs Rex Evilsizor and daughter Pennie Sue, Springfield; Mr and Mrs George Granish and children Dennis, Darlene and Terry Worthington, St Paris and Mrs W F Runkle, St Paris. Additional evening guests were Mrs and Mrs M J Everingham and Mrs Martha Detwiler, St Paris and Mrs John Runkle and grandchildren, Bellefontiane.
Geuy Construction Co, INC vs Cecil Evilsizor and Gladys Evilsizor, et al
Piqua Daily Call April 18, 1968
St Paris- Mr and Mrs Cecil Evilsizor have returned to their home at 250 park after two weeks vacation in Florida. While there they visited Mr Evilsizor's brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr and Mrs Cletus Evilsizor and Mr and Mrs Harold Evilsizor of Pompano Beach, Mr and Mrs James Karley of Sarasota and were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Claire Howard in Bradenton. They also visited various scenic points throughout the state. Enroute home they stopped at Morehead State University, Ky to visit their niece and her roommate , Miss Carol Detwiler and Miss Eunice Cornett, and Miss Detwilers fiance James Rauch.
Shower Honors Carol Detwiler
St Paris-Miss Carol James Rauch was honored with a bridal shower of miscellaneous gifts Saturday evening in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Evilsizor, 250 Park. Co-hostesses were Mrs Florence Everingham and Miss Darlene Worthington. Guests included:�Mrs Rex Evilsizor and daughter Penny Sue, Mrs Richard Evilsizor, Mansfield,�..(more)
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Joseph D FORD ______+ | (1792 - 1863) m 1813 _James H FORD _______| | (1824 - 1908) m 1847| | |_Susan VERMILLION ___ | (1784 - 1852) m 1813 | |--Hellena C FORD | (1850 - 1860) | _____________________ | | |_Martha MORRIS ______| (1826 - 1854) m 1847| |_____________________
_Mark (O'canton) KENTON _ | (1701 - 1783) _Simon KENTON _______| | (1755 - 1836) m 1790| | |_Mary MILLER ____________ | (1714 - 1807) | |--Sarah KENTON | (1795 - 1862) | _________________________ | | |_Christina Ruth _____| m 1790 | |_________________________
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1820
by Samuel Woods
_____________________ | _Isaac KINDLE _______| | (1816 - 1880) m 1836| | |_____________________ | | |--Caroline KINDLE | (1845 - ....) | _James TAPPY ________ | | (1797 - 1874) m 1817 |_Delilah TAPPY ______| (1818 - 1890) m 1836| |_Sarah GRAVES _______+ (1787 - ....) m 1817
_Benjamin Franklin KITE _+ | (1836 - 1874) m 1857 _Albert "Alby" KITE _| | (1864 - 1942) | | |_Isabella OFFENBACKER ___+ | (1841 - 1919) m 1857 | |--Arthur L KITE | (1921 - 1979) | _Arthur Smith BAKER _____+ | | (1878 - 1933) m 1898 |_Reatha Mae BAKER ___| (1900 - 1933) | |_Daisy Dean NICKLES _____+ (1874 - 1914) m 1898
_Charles B KITE _______________________+ | (1853 - 1922) m 1870 _Edgar A KITE _______| | (1880 - 1963) m 1898| | |_Calista "Callie" Elizabeth ZIMMERMAN _+ | (1853 - 1937) m 1870 | |--Paul Lester KITE | (1900 - 1990) | _______________________________________ | | |_Nina BOARDS ________| (1880 - ....) m 1898| |_______________________________________
__ | _Benjamin Harrison "Harry" LEISURE _| | | | |__ | | |--Dortha Jean LEISURE | (1918 - 2008) | __ | | |_Olive BOND ________________________| | |__
_William D LINVILLE _+ | (1815 - 1897) _Benjamin Howard LINVILLE _| | (1841 - 1895) m 1866 | | |_Margaret HOAR ______ | (1821 - 1904) | |--Margaret "Maggie" D (Grendon) LINVILLE | (1874 - 1940) | _____________________ | | |_Anna M UNKEFER ___________| (1847 - ....) m 1866 | |_____________________
_John LOOKER ________ | (1777 - 1830) m 1801 _Harrison LOOKER ____| | (1805 - ....) | | |_Susannah LAYTON ____ | (.... - 1810) m 1801 | |--Alvin B LOOKER | (1857 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Elenore CASTOR _____| (1814 - ....) | |_____________________
__________________________ | _John LOTH __________| | (1845 - ....) m 1870| | |__________________________ | | |--John E LOTH | (1880 - ....) | _Joseph Franklin SWIMLEY _ | | (1817 - 1896) m 1840 |_Anna SWIMLEY _______| (1847 - ....) m 1870| |_Elizabeth Ann BUSEY _____ (1820 - 1860) m 1840
_William LOUDENBACK _+ | (1827 - 1905) m 1849 _Henry Jacob LOUDENBACK _| | (1850 - 1937) m 1876 | | |_Catherine BAKER ____ | (1828 - 1904) m 1849 | |--Harley Elmer LOUDENBACK | (1895 - 1978) | _Noah FREEZE ________+ | | (1817 - 1879) m 1842 |_Hannah Ellen FREEZE ____| (1856 - 1919) m 1876 | |_Rebecca LOGAN ______ (1822 - 1891) m 1842
Champaign Co - Evergreen Cemetery
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Samuel NEFF ________+ | (1796 - 1865) m 1840 _Daniel W NEFF ____________| | (1845 - 1922) m 1870 | | |_Rachel ROMICK ______ | (1811 - 1845) m 1840 | |--Elizabeth Ann NEFF | (1871 - 1931) | _John M FITZPATRICK _+ | | (1810 - 1849) m 1842 |_Nancy Keziah FITZPATRICK _| (1849 - 1911) m 1870 | |_Jane ALLISON _______+ (1817 - 1889) m 1842
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916
_Elias NICKLES ______+ | (1801 - 1883) _James Andrew NICKLES _| | (1846 - 1931) | | |_Barbara LONG _______ | (1815 - 1909) | |--Louisa NICKLES | (1866 - 1886) | _____________________ | | |_Mary E ANSPAUGH ______| (1846 - 1908) | |_____________________
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Abraham Shacke �tab�40
Florence Shacke �tab�31
James W. Shacke �tab�20
Mary J. Shacke �tab�18
Jacob S. Shacke �tab�13
Martha A. Shacke �tab�11
Lemuel U. Shacke �tab�7
Elizabeth Shacke �tab�5
_William VALENTINE __ | (1765 - 1839) m 1787 _William Henry VALENTINE _| | (1805 - 1865) m 1835 | | |_Joanna CRANE _______ | (1769 - 1859) m 1787 | |--Mary H VALENTINE | (1842 - 1894) | _____________________ | | |_Margaret C Widow BAKER __| m 1835 | |_____________________
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900