________________________ | _ EATON ______________________| | | | |________________________ | | |--Ronald Eugene EATON | | _Robert Dale WRISCHNIK _+ | | |_Cheryl A (Danley) WRISCHNIK _| | |_Rose WILLIAMS _________
_________________________ | _John William EMERY _| | m 1874 | | |_________________________ | | |--Josie Elvira EMERY | (1879 - ....) | _Joseph D STEMBEL _______+ | | (1828 - 1920) m 1851 |_Melissa STEMBEL ____| (1851 - ....) m 1874| |_Mary Magdalene ZEIGLER _+ (1828 - 1911) m 1851
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884
_John Avertus EVILSIZER _+ | (1869 - 1945) m 1891 _Floyd J EVILSIZER __| | (1899 - 1961) m 1922| | |_Laura Ellen RICHARD ____+ | (1869 - 1939) m 1891 | |--Margaret EVILSIZER | | _________________________ | | |_Emma M TILDEN ______| (1905 - 1976) m 1922| |_________________________
_George Washington FAULKNER _+ | (1820 - 1874) m 1844 _Philander Emery FAULKNER _| | (1855 - ....) m 1878 | | |_Mary Elizabeth SCHNEPP _____+ | (1825 - 1902) m 1844 | |--Aden O FAULKNER | (1879 - ....) | _____________________________ | | |_Malinda F BANTA __________| (1859 - ....) m 1878 | |_____________________________
_Jacob HEASTON _______+ | (1827 - 1905) _Walter HEASTON _____| | (1867 - ....) | | |_Carrie Jane SWISHER _ | (1843 - ....) | |--Son HEASTON | (1900 - ....) | ______________________ | | |_Ella MCAFEE ________| (1869 - ....) | |______________________
_Samuel HEDGES ______ | (1740 - 1832) _Jonas HEDGES _______| | (1790 - 1864) m 1812| | |_Mary TABB __________ | (1768 - 1806) | |--Elizabeth HEDGES | (1818 - 1901) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth ROBINSON _| (1793 - 1834) m 1812| |_____________________
CCGS Newsletter
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Allen ERVIN ________ | (1839 - 1913) m 1864 _Ira A "Boone" IRVIN _________| | (1871 - 1941) | | |_Mary Ann ZIMMERMAN _+ | (1843 - 1931) m 1864 | |--Maud I IRVIN | (1906 - 1984) | _____________________ | | |_Martha Lorena "Rena" JERVIS _| (1882 - ....) | |_____________________
_Joseph KINYON ______+ | (1809 - 1850) _John Benjamin KINYON _| | (1838 - 1917) | | |_Margaret BROWN _____ | (.... - 1850) | |--Sarah KINYON | (1862 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Mary _________________| | |_____________________
_Jacob MAGGERT ______ | (1760 - 1834) m 1787 _Samuel MAGGERT _____| | (1810 - ....) m 1825| | |_Mary _______________ | (1770 - ....) m 1787 | |--Elizabeth MAGGERT | (1830 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Barbara SILLS ______| m 1825 | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Martin MAHAR _____________| | (1838 - 1881) m 1868 | | |_____________________ | | |--Josephine (Bumgardner) MAHAR | (1873 - ....) | _George YEAZELL _____+ | | (1799 - 1868) m 1827 |_Caroline Malissa YEAZELL _| (1842 - 1919) m 1868 | |_Elizabeth JONES ____ (1805 - 1886) m 1827
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
__ | _Christopher MICHAEL _| | (1839 - 1877) m 1873 | | |__ | | |--Ella Christine (Siegle) MICHAEL | (1878 - ....) | __ | | |_Rebecca SUNDERLAND __| (1849 - 1912) m 1873 | |__
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_____________________ | _Reese MILLER _______| | (1820 - ....) m 1841| | |_____________________ | | |--S M MILLER | (1842 - ....) | _Ezra MEAD __________ | | (1794 - 1846) |_Ophilia D MEAD _____| (1824 - ....) m 1841| |_Amanda Sylvia ______ (1798 - 1845)
_Johan George (Immigrant) BENTZ _ | _Henry Heinrich PENCE __| | (1739 - 1824) m 1765 | | |_Anna Barbara BULLINGER _________ | | |--Barbara PENCE | (1775 - 1820) | _________________________________ | | |_Mary Magdeline BLIMLY _| (1749 - 1829) m 1765 | |_________________________________
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1820
by Hiram M Curry MG
_Ross Baker REED ____ | (1850 - 1947) m 1882 _Clarence Clay REED _| | (1889 - 1974) m 1906| | |_Flora Etta DECKER __ | (1863 - 1930) m 1882 | |--Maxwell REED | (1913 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Iva Imo CURL _______| (1889 - 1918) m 1906| |_____________________
_Samuel L ROBISON ___+ | (1817 - 1910) _William Hunter ROBISON _| | (1846 - 1945) m 1874 | | |_Mary Ann MYERS _____ | (1827 - 1914) | |--William Dunlap ROBISON | (1880 - 1941) | _William DUNLAP _____ | | (1815 - 1899) m 1840 |_Rebecca E DUNLAP _______| (1843 - 1899) m 1874 | |_Elizabeth SKILES ___ (1816 - 1881) m 1840
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_____________________ | _Daniel S SIBERT ________________| | m 1884 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jennifer SIBERT | | _Simon W WHITMORE ___+ | | (1835 - 1905) m 1860 |_Arminda "Minnie" Ulva WHITMORE _| (1863 - ....) m 1884 | |_Elizabeth WIANT ____+ (1840 - 1924) m 1860
_Joseph STALEY ____________+ | (1780 - 1867) _Emanuel STALEY ____________| | (1803 - 1862) | | |_Margaret Catherine COBLE _ | (1782 - 1830) | |--John E STALEY | (1831 - ....) | ___________________________ | | |_Permelia Vantress VENTERS _| (1811 - 1876) | |___________________________
Shelby County Marriage Records Vol1 1819-1870
Shelby County Marriage Records Vol2 1871-1899
_______________________ | _Harry TILBURY ______| | m 1896 | | |_______________________ | | |--Cleo TILBURY | (1899 - ....) | _William Walter ALBIN _+ | | (1842 - 1902) m 1863 |_Emma Ellen ALBIN ___| (1871 - 1899) m 1896| |_Mary Ann MORRIS ______ (1844 - 1918) m 1863
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
_Eldor Dean WINDHORN _ | _Steven James WINDHORN _| | | | |_Joyce Arlene KOETS __+ | | |--Morgan Elizabeth WINDHORN | | ______________________ | | |_Marie LUERA ___________| | |______________________
Section 2 Twp 3 Range 12 (Johnson Twp) NE 1/4
John and Mary M Yotsler to David Comer 52 acres Bk O Pg216
John Utsler �tab�48
Mary M Utsler �tab�43
Benjamin Utsler �tab�11
Isaac J Utsler �tab�7
Jacob Utsler �tab�21
John Utsler �tab�20
Jasper Utsler �tab�17
Michael Utsler �tab�14
Sophia Utsler �tab�75
William Utsler �tab�9
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_Michael ZIRKLE _____+ | (1735 - 1811) m 1762 _Lewis "Ludwig" ZIRKLE _| | (1776 - 1856) m 1802 | | |_Catherine __________ | (1747 - 1830) m 1762 | |--Elizabeth L ZERKLE | (1821 - 1891) | _____________________ | | |_Catherine BRANNER _____| (1781 - 1866) m 1802 | |_____________________
Record Book 32, Page 385- Filed 9 April 1867- Petition Isaac Ammons, Guardian of Charles Zerkle & Mary E. Zerkle vs Charles D. Zerkle & Mary Ellen Zerkle, his wards, & Others George Zerkle died in 1865 and Isaac Ammons was appointed the guardi an in February 1866 of his minor children, Charles D. and Mary Ellen Zerk le of Allen County, Ohio. George Zerkle was an heir of his father, Lewis Z erkle. Lewis' will was probated on 4 April 1856 (will attached to suit) a nd he was seized of a total of 120 acres located in the east half of the north-east quarter and the north-east quarter of the south-east quarter of Section 1 Township 3 Range 12 (Johnson Township). Lewis Zerkle's heirs were: Catharine Zerkle, widow, died in January 1866; Sarah/Sally Zerkle, wife of Abraham Hess of Illinois; Michael Zerkle; Anna Zerkle, wi fe of Samuel Moore of Logan County; Caroline Zerkle, wife of Solomon Pen ce of Clark County; �u��b�Elizabeth Zerkle, deceased (mother of Solon Zerkle &
Reams Zerkle); �/u��/b�Susannah Zerkle, wife of Benjamin Rinker of Clark County; Ca tharine Zerkle, wife of George Leonard; George Zerkle, deceased (left a widow, Anna Zerkle, and children, Charles D. Zerkle and Mary Ellen Zerk le of Allen County, Ohio); Casper Zerkle, grandson.
-pg 284 Elizabeth Zerkle age 46
Romanus, 23
Sarah 20
Willie 2
Eddy 9m 6/13/1870
Section 1 Township 3 Range 12( NE 1/4) Quitclaim from Eliz Zerkle to Solomon Pence, E 1/2 of NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Bk55 Pg281
Section 1 Township 3 Range 12( SE 1/4) Quitclaim from Eliz Zerkle to Solomon Pence, NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 and E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Bk 55 Pg281
Death Records-County Records
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp