_Ezekiel ARROWSMITH _______ | (1771 - 1849) m 1797 _Wesley ARROWSMITH __| | (1800 - 1844) m 1824| | |_Elizabeth KENTON _________+ | (1778 - 1867) m 1797 | |--Martin ARROWSMITH | (1836 - 1837) | _(George) Frederick PENCE _+ | | (1752 - 1835) m 1778 |_Susannah PENCE _____| (1804 - 1868) m 1824| |_Mary _____________________ (1750 - ....) m 1778
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Samuel BATDORF _____+ | (1811 - 1872) m 1835 _John Henry BATDORF _| | (1839 - 1934) m 1864| | |_Susanna NEFF _______ | (1811 - 1898) m 1835 | |--Franklin C BATDORF | (1867 - 1945) | _Samuel BOWERSOCK ___ | | (1812 - 1881) m 1834 |_Joanna BOWERSOCK ___| (1843 - 1933) m 1864| |_Sarah CAREY ________ (1818 - 1879) m 1834
Champaign Co - Evergreen Cemetery
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
_William Jay BOLLENBAUGH _ | _William Donald BOLLENBAUGH _| | | | |_Patricia Lynn EVILSIZER _+ | | |--Zach BOLLENBAUGH | | __________________________ | | |_____________________________| | |__________________________
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Jacob B ELLSWORTH ____ | (1806 - 1867) m 1825 _William Jacob ELLSWORTH _| | (1832 - ....) m 1855 | | |_Sarah RUNYAN _________+ | (1809 - 1896) m 1825 | |--Justice Walter ELLSWORTH | (1859 - 1943) | _Truman M KIMBALL _____+ | | (1803 - 1894) m 1835 |_Harriett KIMBALL ________| (1837 - 1911) m 1855 | |_Mary Jane FULLINGTON _ (1813 - 1858) m 1835
Ohio Marriages LDS
_David FORD _________+ | _John K FORD ________| | (1790 - 1874) | | |_____________________ | | |--William H FORD | (1821 - 1889) | _____________________ | | |_Dorcas _____________| (1784 - 1856) | |_____________________
Beers His. of Clark Co., OH \endash pages 148 thru 151 tells about public buildings and also indicates that Wm. H. was superintendent for the County Infirmary from 23 Feb. 1863 until 1876 when Isaac Curl was appointed.
Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 377C
William H. FORD Self M M W 58 VA Occ:Farme rFa: VA Mo: VA
Malinda FORD Wife F M W 54 OH Fa: KY Mo: KY
Ruth GUINN Dau F M W 32 OH Fa: VA Mo: OH
Sallie E. FORD Dau F S W 26 OH Fa: VA Mo: OH
Fanny A. FORD Dau F S W 15 OH Fa: VA Mo: OH
Rosa GUINN GDau F S W 8 OH Fa: VA Mo: OH
Charles EVILSIZER Other M S W 18 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH
Noah HAYES Other M S M U11 OH Occ: Domestic Fa: OH
Pg421 HH101 (next to parents John and Dorcas)
William Ford, 29, VA
Malinda, 24 OH
Ruth E, 2 OH
Thomas D, 1, OH
Record Book 24, Page 387- Filed I April 1852- Petition to Sell Land Matthias Slygh and Joseph Ford, Administrators of Joseph Ford Sr. deceased vs Catharine Ford et al Joseph Ford Senior died seized of 122 acres of land in Section 20 Township 5, Range 11 (Salem Township). He left the following heirs: Catharine Ford, widow; James Ford of Allen County, Ohio; Mary or Nancy L. Ford, wife of . .. Clifton of Allen County; Joseph Ford; �b�Christiana Ford, wife of Matthias H. Slygh�/b� and the heirs of Maley Ford, deceased: Harriet Ann and Henry Ford.
"being the same premises for which I derive title by deed from
the administrators of Joseph Ford, dec'd dated Oct. 13, 1852." Signed
Wm. H. Ford and his wife Malinda J.
When the Joseph Ford estate was settled in 1852,
the Estate sold the 120/122 acres to William H. Ford and wife
".....that William H. Ford and Malinda J. Ford wife of said William H. Ford of the County of Champaign and State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars to us paid by Jacob PENCE.......being in the southside of the north west quarter of section twenty in town 5 of range 11 containing one hundred and twenty two acres......AND BEING SAME PREMISES FOR WHICH I DERIVE TITLE BY DEED FROM THE ADMINISTRATORS OF JOSEPH FORD DEC'D..............
Description of the land:
"...corner to B. Sweet's and G. Sparks land, running thence n. 121 poles and 15 links to a stake corner to Samuel Clifton. Also the following tract. Being part of the sw quarter of sec. 20, t. 5 range 11..beginning at the nw corner of a twenty acre lot deeded by Thomas Ford to Jacob Ambrose thence w. 42 1/2 poles thence s to the nw corner of a nine acre lot deeded by Thomas Ford to Josiah Richards, thence e to said 20 acre lot, thence n. to the place of beginning (save and except two acres lying in a square form out of the ne corner of said above described land heretofore deeded by John Goddard and wife to **NANCY PORTER in trust for her eldest child containing nine and one quarter acres...and being the same premises for which I derive title by deed from the administrators of Joseph Ford, decd dated Oct. 13, 1852.
�u�Signed Wm. H. Ford and his wife Malinda J. �/u�Recorded March 23, 1855
William H. Ford sold the same land to Jacob Pence and made a partial payment back to the Joseph Ford heirs to settle for the original 1852 purchase. "Same premises for which I derive Title by Deed from the
Administators of Joseph Ford, Deceased.". (Info from John Harding)
O-219 - Partial settlement - p. 686 - Joseph Ford and M.H. Slygh - to be paid by Wm. H. Ford $653.91 2/5 given to each - 1855 after land was sold by Wm. & Malinda Ford - Jos. Ford, Christine & M.H. Slygh, James Ford, Nancy Clifton, Jonas Hedges as gdn. of Henry & Harriet Ann Ford.
We cannot identify Nancy at all who had a child in at least 1836, making her b. about 1816, maybe. I do not know who she was. Since Nancy was a nickname, oft times for a variety of other given names, Nancy MIGHT not have been her given name. Possible women b. about the right time to be this Nancy: Nancy Porter with sons Cromwell, Samuel, and John were listed in 1850 census Champaign Co., OH Mariah Porter b. 1810 m. James Cowden Grafton in 1836! But if this the right person, why called Nancy Porter in the deed, rather than Grafton? Only two I have record of who might possibly qualify. but an unidentified Nancy Porter had ch. Cromwell, Samuel and John listed in 1850 census Champaign Co., OH with no father in the home.
-pg 50 HH131
William H Ford, 37, VA farmer $8000/ $1786
Malinda J 34, VA
Ruth E, 12, OH
Dorcas T 9 OH
Sarah 7 OH
Henry Powell 5 OH
William H 2 OH
Malinda 2 OH
Amelia Claybaugh, 27 housework
James Watkins, 20, farm labor
James Dyson, 22, Eng, farm labor
William H Ford, 49, VA Supt of Infirmary
Mary, 44, OH
Ella, 20, OH
Flora 18 OH
Sallie 16, OH
Powell, 14, OH
William 11 OH
Walter 11 OH (name in error, is Malinda)
Fannie, 5, OH
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
_Ezra H FURROW ______+ | (1823 - 1883) m 1852 _Jacob Lawrence FURROW ___| | (1861 - 1906) m 1884 | | |_Rachel BROWN _______+ | (1833 - 1897) m 1852 | |--Thriza FURROW | (1885 - 1888) | _Daniel Perry BODEY _+ | | (1834 - 1890) m 1860 |_Josephine "Josie" BODEY _| (1861 - 1887) m 1884 | |_Huldah Jane DAVIS __+ (1840 - 1892) m 1860
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Nathan GRIEST _________+ | (1839 - 1924) m 1867 _Clarence Daniel GRIEST ____| | (1882 - 1930) m 1904 | | |_Emeline GETZ __________ | (1846 - 1923) m 1867 | |--Jeanne Annette GRIEST | (1917 - 1968) | _McClelland BALLENTINE _+ | | (1864 - 1918) m 1884 |_Pearl Gertrude BALLENTINE _| (1885 - 1949) m 1904 | |_Ida Ann MICHAEL _______+ (1865 - 1947) m 1884
_Jacob HORR _________ | (1772 - 1847) m 1792 _Obed HORR __________| | (1795 - 1858) m 1839| | |_Hannah PIERCE ______ | (1774 - 1839) m 1792 | |--Frances Ann HORR | (1848 - 1855) | _____________________ | | |_Catherine W FOLEY __| (1820 - 1857) m 1839| |_____________________
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_John Henry HULING ____________+ | (1858 - 1947) m 1888 _Thurman Hansen HULING __| | (1889 - 1986) m 1915 | | |_Sarah Virginia "Jennie" WARD _+ | (1870 - 1950) m 1888 | |--Donald HULING | | _______________________________ | | |_Agnes Melvina HAWTHORN _| (1895 - 1988) m 1915 | |_______________________________
_Emanuel HUPP ___________+ | (1792 - 1836) m 1817 _Michael HUPP _______| | (1829 - 1924) m 1858| | |_Mary Ellen NEFF ________ | (1795 - ....) m 1817 | |--Alonzo R HUPP | (1861 - 1942) | _Elijah MORRIS __________+ | | (1802 - 1876) m 1824 |_Phoebe Ann MORRIS __| (1836 - ....) m 1858| |_Elizabeth "Betsy" KING _ (1804 - ....) m 1824
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Ohio Marriages LDS
__ | _Cicero KENT ________| | (1836 - 1916) | | |__ | | |--Malinda KENT | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
__ | _Phillip KIZER ______| | (1767 - 1818) | | |__ | | |--Michael KIZER | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_Gideon LANDAKER ____ | (.... - 1837) m 1820 _Isaac LANDAKER _____| | (1829 - 1901) m 1854| | |_Hannah GARRETT _____ | m 1820 | |--Gideon LANDAKER | (1855 - 1900) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth MARSHALL _| (1834 - 1908) m 1854| |_____________________
_Jacob LEONARD ______+ | (.... - 1836) _William H LEONARD __| | (1811 - 1870) | | |_Catherine __________ | (1791 - ....) | |--Peter M LEONARD | (1844 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Mary Jane __________| (1814 - 1870) | |_____________________
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_Conrad Moore MOHR _____+ | (1818 - 1898) m 1840 _John H MOHR ________| | (1840 - 1874) m 1864| | |_Catherine FORRY _______+ | (1820 - 1859) m 1840 | |--Louie B MOHR | (1873 - 1874) | _Peter PHENEGER ________+ | | (1805 - 1869) m 1827 |_Eliza Ann PHENEGER _| (1838 - 1926) m 1864| |_Mary Matilda SEITHMAN _+ (1805 - 1886) m 1827
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
_____________________ | _Lewis RUNKLE _______| | (1822 - 1901) | | |_____________________ | | |--Ida RUNKLE | (1859 - ....) | _Abner PARKE ________ | | (1784 - 1873) |_Jeanetta PARKE _____| (1827 - 1909) | |_Matilda ____________
Ohio Marriages LDS
_John RUNYON ________+ | (1792 - 1875) m 1815 _Benjamin RUNYON ____| | (1819 - 1879) m 1838| | |_Mary PRICE _________ | (1799 - 1865) m 1815 | |--John Harrison RUNYON | (1847 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth NICHOLAS _| (1821 - 1888) m 1838| |_____________________
_____________________ | _Samuel K SHIDAKER ____| | (1823 - 1911) m 1846 | | |_____________________ | | |--Andrew Monroe SHIDAKER | (1854 - 1940) | _David BEAVER _______+ | | (1803 - 1869) m 1824 |_Catherine Ann BEAVER _| (1825 - 1910) m 1846 | |_Frances CORBIN _____+ (1803 - 1863) m 1824
Shelby County Marriage Records Vol2 1871-1899
_____________________ | _Peter SMITH ________| | (1768 - 1845) m 1791| | |_____________________ | | |--David S SMITH | (1797 - 1847) | _Martin COMER _______+ | | (.... - 1817) |_Christiana COMER ___| (1771 - 1818) m 1791| |_Mary MAGDALENE _____
Ohio Marriages LDS
__ | _William STALEY _____| | (1795 - 1870) | | |__ | | |--Margaret Jane STALEY | (1842 - ....) | __ | | |_Mary _______________| (1805 - ....) | |__
_John STEINBERGER ___+ | (1819 - 1862) m 1840 _Aden STEINBERGER ___| | (1849 - 1942) m 1870| | |_Susan CRABILL ______+ | (1820 - 1897) m 1840 | |--Vernon C STEINBERGER | (1876 - 1942) | _Gideon H WARD ______+ | | (1821 - 1905) m 1844 |_Catherine WARD _____| (1852 - 1882) m 1870| |_Malinda SMITH ______+ (1824 - 1878) m 1844
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1867-1877
unnamed at birth
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
E Vernon
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Jonathan TULLIS ____ | (1755 - 1824) _Ezra TULLIS ________| | (1783 - 1842) m 1806| | |_Nancy DARK _________ | (1769 - 1839) | |--Mary TULLIS | (1811 - 1880) | _____________________ | | |_Mary BLUE __________| (1777 - 1843) m 1806| |_____________________
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Abraham YEAZELL ____ | (1774 - 1832) m 1794 _James YEAZELL ______| | (1817 - 1888) m 1872| | |_Mary Ball CURL _____+ | (1776 - 1828) m 1794 | |--Frank YEAZELL | (1878 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth LITTLER __| (1826 - 1910) m 1872| |_____________________