_John Frederick BARGER _+ | (1839 - ....) m 1860 _Douglas R BARGER _________| | (1860 - 1939) m 1885 | | |_Martha Jane MARTZ _____+ | (1842 - 1900) m 1860 | |--Alta Leota BARGER | (1890 - 1974) | _Jonathan SHAWVER ______+ | | (1821 - 1899) m 1852 |_Amanda Magdaline SHAWVER _| (1862 - 1928) m 1885 | |_Sarah A APPLE _________+ (1832 - 1904) m 1852
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Jesse Granville BOTKIN _+ | (1869 - 1948) m 1893 _Jesse G BOTKIN ___________| | (1899 - 1987) m 1920 | | |_Ella Philipena KRAMER __ | (1873 - 1936) m 1893 | |--William E BOTKIN | (1922 - 1996) | _Burton E PERFECT _______ | | m 1899 |_Marguerite Maude PERFECT _| (1902 - 1996) m 1920 | |_Pearl Ina PARK _________ (1880 - 1963) m 1899
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Martin BRIGNER _______+ | (1850 - 1932) m 1872 _Jacob BRIGNER _________| | (1879 - ....) m 1902 | | |_Clarinda SOUTHWORTH __+ | (1852 - 1919) m 1872 | |--Mille F BRIGNER | (1903 - ....) | _Christopher BLAKEMAN _ | | (1861 - 1942) |_Mary Delphia BLAKEMAN _| (1886 - 1955) m 1902 | |_Sarah Ellen CARSON ___ (1861 - ....)
_Eliphas BURNHAM ____+ | (1799 - 1881) m 1820 _Andrew BURNHAM _____| | (1825 - ....) m 1866| | |_Lydia MEACHAM ______+ | (1796 - 1889) m 1820 | |--Lydia A BURNHAM | (1868 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Nancy M AMY ________| (1833 - ....) m 1866| |_____________________
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
__________________________ | _Jack Eugene CAIN _______| | (1928 - 2001) m 1950 | | |__________________________ | | |--Diana Ruth CAIN | | _George Lucian EVILSIZER _+ | | (1906 - 1965) m 1925 |_Loretta Ruth EVILSIZER _| (1931 - 2014) m 1950 | |_Goldie Mae SHOVER _______+ (1904 - 1944) m 1925
_William Hamilton COVAULT _+ | (1847 - 1926) m 1869 _William Roy COVAULT _| | (1885 - 1949) m 1905 | | |_Harriett Jane RALSTON ____ | (1850 - 1919) m 1869 | |--Joeseph Hamilton COVAULT | (1911 - ....) | ___________________________ | | |_Amy Annie GOOCHEY ___| (1881 - 1971) m 1905 | |___________________________
_Francis Marion DICK _+ | (1837 - 1910) m 1858 _Elmer E DICK _______| | (1863 - 1919) m 1887| | |_Caroline FRIEDLINE __ | (1835 - 1908) m 1858 | |--Cecil DICK | (1888 - 1953) | ______________________ | | |_Alice J KELLER _____| (1866 - 1949) m 1887| |______________________
_William Smedley EVILSIZER _+ | (1874 - 1942) m 1894 _Lester James "Pistol Pete" EVILSIZER _| | (1896 - 1979) m 1918 | | |_Susie E HOSELTON __________+ | (1876 - 1930) m 1894 | |--Warren Tyler EVILSIZER | (1921 - 1977) | _Joseph David TYLER ________ | | (1871 - ....) |_Hallie Cornelia TYLER ________________| (1895 - 1954) m 1918 | |_Mary Ella CUSTER __________ (1867 - ....)
Name: Warren T Evilsizer
Birth Year: 1921 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Missouri State: Missouri County or City: Barton
Enlistment Date: 21 Aug 1942
Enlistment State: Missouri Enlistment City: Jefferson Barracks Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 4 years of high school Civil Occupation: Installer-Repairman, Telephone And Telegraph or Chief, Clerk or Railway Shop Dispatcher or Manager, Production or Entertainment Director
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 65 Weight: 140
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
_James Henry FLARIDA _ | (1821 - 1880) _George W FLARIDA ___| | (1856 - 1911) m 1893| | |_Emma DOWNS __________ | (1826 - 1892) | |--Son FLARIDA | (1898 - ....) | _George W BRIGGS _____+ | | (1829 - ....) m 1850 |_Minnie O BRIGGS ____| (1868 - 1928) m 1893| |_Sarah POND __________+ (1832 - 1891) m 1850
__ | _John GLENN _________| | (1787 - 1866) | | |__ | | |--Joseph C GLENN | (1824 - 1887) | __ | | |_Mary COOPER ________| (1794 - 1867) | |__
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Lewis HANBACK __________+ | (1840 - 1918) m 1872 _Frank R HANBACK _______| | (1877 - 1940) m 1899 | | |_Mary Elizabeth PENCE ___+ | (1853 - 1925) m 1872 | |--Mildred Neosha HANBACK | (1899 - 1985) | _Holmes Marvin BECKWITH _ | | (1842 - 1923) |_Minnie Moina BECKWITH _| (1877 - 1939) m 1899 | |_Roxie SHARP ____________ (1844 - 1915)
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Elijah Wilson JENKINS _+ | (1851 - 1906) m 1873 _Orla Jackson JENKINS _| | (1873 - 1925) m 1898 | | |_Matilda CAMPBELL ______+ | (1854 - 1932) m 1873 | |--Ivaloo Naomi JENKINS | (1917 - 1980) | ________________________ | | |_Adda "Addie" REED ____| (1881 - 1954) m 1898 | |________________________
_George Washington JENKINS _ | (1800 - 1860) m 1821 _Alexander Johnson JENKINS _| | (1834 - 1910) m 1861 | | |_Elizabeth WEAKLEY _________ | (1804 - 1866) m 1821 | |--Minnie M JENKINS | (1872 - 1949) | _Israel MINNICH ____________+ | | (1810 - 1875) m 1837 |_Eunice Elizabeth MINNICH __| (1840 - 1917) m 1861 | |_Anna BUROKER ______________+ (1820 - 1900) m 1837
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Isaac R JENKINS ____+ | (1844 - 1872) m 1871 _William David JENKINS _| | (1872 - 1946) m 1899 | | |_Susan C ALLEN ______+ | (1854 - ....) m 1871 | |--Worden Isaac JENKINS | (1905 - 1985) | _James BECK _________+ | | (1830 - 1913) m 1852 |_Anna Elizabeth BECK ___| (1865 - 1950) m 1899 | |_Elizabeth SMITH ____ (1832 - 1907) m 1852
Warden S Jenkins �tab�25
Lucille A Jenkins �tab�26
William D Jenkins �tab�5 3/12
Martha J Jenkins �tab�4
__ | _Christopher KENAGA _| | (1766 - ....) | | |__ | | |--Elizabeth KANAGA | (1792 - 1877) | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_William LINVILLE ___ | (1763 - 1833) m 1786 _Benjamin LINVILLE __| | (1787 - 1864) m 1812| | |_Elizabeth HOAR _____ | (1768 - 1843) m 1786 | |--John Guthrie LINVILLE | (1821 - 1877) | _____________________ | | |_Ann HAINES _________| (1788 - 1850) m 1812| |_____________________
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
______________________ | _Ebenezer OWEN __________| | (1803 - 1880) m 1825 | | |______________________ | | |--Thomas Curl OWEN | (1831 - 1895) | _Thomas CURL _________+ | | (1785 - 1853) m 1806 |_Elizabeth (Betsy) CURL _| (1807 - 1871) m 1825 | |_Mary (Polly) FARRIS _ (1789 - 1860) m 1806
Goshen Twp HH284
Ebenezer Owen, 36, VA Physician $6000
Elizabeth 43, OH
Thomas C, 19 OH
Jerimiah C 14 OH
Celesta 10 OH
Name: �tab�Thomas Owen
Enlistment Date: �tab�20 Aug 1862
Side Served: �tab�Union
State Served: �tab�Ohio
Service Record: �tab�Enlisted as a Assistant Surgeon on 20 August 1862 at the age of 31.
Enlisted in Company S, 110th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 20 Aug 1862.
Resigned Company S, 110th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 20 Apr 1864.
Thomas C Owen �tab�39
Sarah Owen �tab�38
Carrie Owen �tab�13
Estella Owen �tab�9
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_David PENCE ________+ | (1807 - 1884) m 1831 _Moses Frazee PENCE ______________| | (1833 - 1904) m 1857 | | |_Priscilla FRAZEE ___+ | (1814 - 1902) m 1831 | |--Smith McFarland PENCE | (1859 - 1939) | _Robert MCFARLAND ___+ | | (1783 - 1863) m 1821 |_Mary Catherine "Kate" MCFARLAND _| (1836 - 1920) m 1857 | |_Eunice DORSEY ______+ (1797 - 1869) m 1821
CCGS Newsletter
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
__ | _Joseph SEIBERT _____| | (1814 - 1885) m 1836| | |__ | | |--Joseph SEIBERT | (1848 - 1862) | __ | | |_Mary APPLE _________| (1816 - 1868) m 1836| |__
_Christian SHANLEY ___________+ | (1826 - 1916) m 1853 _Edwin Or Edgar Cory SHANLEY _| | (1869 - 1951) m 1891 | | |_Susannah Stephenson CALLAND _+ | (1830 - 1879) m 1853 | |--Karl Sager SHANLEY | (1906 - 1983) | _Abraham SAGER _______________+ | | (1818 - 1905) m 1848 |_Anna Belle SAGER ____________| (1870 - 1971) m 1891 | |_Anna RYMAN __________________ (1827 - ....) m 1848
_Joseph WILKINSON ___ | (1732 - 1789) _Asahel WILKINSON ___| | (1776 - 1861) m 1793| | |_Mary HOLLINGSWORTH _ | (1725 - 1790) | |--Joseph WILKINSON | (1803 - 1896) | _Jacob REGAN ________ | | |_Charity RAGAN ______| (1771 - 1819) m 1793| |_____________________
Name: �tab�Joseph Wilkerson
[Josseph Wilkerson]
Township: �tab�Pleasant
County: �tab�Clark
State: �tab�Ohio
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: �tab�3
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: �tab�2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: �tab�2
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: �tab�1
Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): �tab�9
Persons Employed in Agriculture: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Under 20: �tab�7
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: �tab�2
Total Free White Persons: �tab�9
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: �tab�9
Joseph Wilkison �tab�57
Hanna Wilkison �tab�55
William Wilkison �tab�26 broom maker
Charlotte Wilkison �tab�23
Alcinda Wilkison �tab�21
Joseph Wilkison �tab�18
Frances Wilkison �tab�14
Martha Bell Wilkison �tab�6
Joseph Wilkinson was born in Harrison Co, VA 8/22/1803 moved to Ohio in 1911 with his father Asahel. Asahel was the first white settler in Adams Twp and there was a block house erected on his farm during the War of 1812. Joseph md Hannah Weelsworth Aug 1826 and had 9 ch
Joseph Wilkinson was 91 years old on the 22nd of August. The annual family gathering was stopped by the death of Mrs Wesley Wilkinson
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900
(Wilkerson) died Jan 6 aged 92y 4m. Schoolmaster and a lawyer. Md 2nd wife 20 years ago who survives
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
Ohio Marriages LDS
Ohio Marriages LDS