_Lafayette BECHTEL __+ | (1839 - 1878) _Oscar BECHTEL ___________| | (1862 - 1899) m 1883 | | |_Sarah E CARTER _____ | (1841 - 1908) | |--Lulu May BECHTEL | (1885 - ....) | _Jesse DIBERT _______ | | (1829 - 1891) m 1860 |_Elsie R "Nettie" DIBERT _| (1861 - 1934) m 1883 | |_Louise PLUMMER _____ (1841 - 1915) m 1860
Tombstone Inscription
Miami Valley Ohio Pioneers
_William Henry BURROUGHS _ | (1820 - 1905) m 1875 _William Henry BURROUGHS _| | (1883 - 1962) m 1899 | | |_Sarah EPPS ______________ | m 1875 | |--Robert W BURROUGHS | | _Winfield Scott BLUE _____+ | | (1849 - 1885) m 1880 |_Ona Belle BLUE __________| (1883 - 1966) m 1899 | |_Sarah Ann CRIFFIELD _____+ (1852 - 1932) m 1880
_Isaiah P COVAULT ________+ | (1799 - 1854) m 1819 _Robert J COVAULT ___| | (1841 - 1899) m 1862| | |_Elizabeth "Betsy" BEGGS _+ | (1801 - ....) m 1819 | |--Sarah "Sally" J COVAULT | (1861 - 1890) | _Joseph PARTINGTON _______ | | (1800 - ....) m 1828 |_Mary PARTINGTON ____| (1841 - 1919) m 1862| |_Elizabeth JOHNSON _______+ m 1828
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
__ | _Oliver Thornton CUNDIFF _| | (1804 - 1872) m 1835 | | |__ | | |--John M CUNDIFF | (1830 - 1871) | __ | | |_Elnore BEATTY ___________| (.... - 1836) m 1835 | |__
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
________________________ | _Hiram DARNELL ______| | (1805 - 1898) m 1834| | |________________________ | | |--James E DARNALL | (1835 - ....) | _John Nelson MIDDLETON _ | | (1778 - 1873) m 1801 |_Sarah MIDDLETON ____| (1815 - 1902) m 1834| |_Elizabeth WEST ________ (1783 - 1873) m 1801
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_Joseph K DICK ______+ | (1818 - 1905) m 1843 _David Lewis DICK ____| | (1852 - 1924) m 1891 | | |_Jane HEATH _________+ | (1811 - 1883) m 1843 | |--Ola DICK | (1901 - ....) | _John Henry EATON ___+ | | (1829 - 1897) m 1854 |_Mary Dolphena EATON _| (1860 - 1929) m 1891 | |_Catherine HOUSEMAN _+ (1835 - 1901) m 1854
_John Avertus EVILSIZER _+ | (1869 - 1945) m 1891 _Floyd J EVILSIZER __| | (1899 - 1961) m 1922| | |_Laura Ellen RICHARD ____+ | (1869 - 1939) m 1891 | |--Donald Leon EVILSIZER | (1930 - 2001) | _________________________ | | |_Emma M TILDEN ______| (1905 - 1976) m 1922| |_________________________
_Samuel Harrison EVILSIZER _+ | (1833 - 1913) m 1858 _Frank EVILSIZER _____| | (1873 - 1940) m 1894 | | |_Mary Jane HARSHEY _________+ | (1835 - 1900) m 1858 | |--William Hoyt "Willie" EVILSIZER | (1895 - 1968) | _Oliver Basham HUNT ________ | | (1839 - 1909) m 1858 |_Rebecca Rosean HUNT _| (1872 - 1949) m 1894 | |_Elizabeth Almeda HARPER ___ (1840 - 1879) m 1858
�u�Tmes Recorder, Spencer, W Virginia
Leatherbark News�/u�
Mr and Mrs Hoyt Evilsizer and daughter Betty of Charleston attended Sunday School at this place Sunday.
Name: Willie Hayt Evilsizer City: Not Stated County: Roane State: West Virginia Birthplace: West Virginia;United States of Ame rica Birth Date: 31 Mar 1895 Race: Caucasian Roll: 1992962 WWI Draft Reg Card June 5 1917 Willie Hoyt Evilsizer , Spencer, WV Age 22 born Mar 31 1895 Spencer WV Works at gas plant Carter Oil Co Married, wife, tall, slender, grey eyes, brown hair
Charleston Daily Mail, Charleston, WV Wednesday Evening, Feb 16, 1940 Firm Sues For Work Done on Spencer HomeThe Federal Home Improvement company of Charleston went into Circuit court Friday to collect $650 which it a sserted was due for covering with Inselbric the home of W H and Maud Evilsizer in Roane County near Spencer. Mr and Mrs Evilsizer, answering the $10 00 trespass action, contended that the imitationbrick covering was not pro perly applied. Trial of the case was expected to last throughout the day.
Charleston Daily Mail, Charleston, WV Wednesday Evening, Feb 19, 1940 Man Draws Ten-Day Jail Term For Giving False Testimony For testifying falsly in a circuit court trial, Byron Reinhart, Charleston carpenter, was summarily sentenced to 10 days in the county jail Monday by Circuit Judge Julian F Bouchelle, who declaired "I cannot permit an incident like this to p ass without punishment." Reinhart, former employee of the Federal Home Imp rovement company was a witness for that company in its $1,000 suit again st Mr and Mrs W H Evilsizer of near Spencer. The company sought payment f or placing an artificial brick covering on the home of Mr and Mrs Evilsizer; who countered with the charge that the work had been improperly done. R einhart testified that he had nailed lath to the sides of the house befo re applying the Inselbrick covering and insisted the court had named Contractor C J Kuhn to investigate. Mr Kuhn testified Monday that he had removed 14 panels of the covering from the home and found only a few laths pla ed. With that revelation Monday morning, the plaintiff took a non-suit in the civil action. Strongly censuring Reinhart, Judge Bouchelle to ld him: "Not only died you give me your oral testimony that you used laths on the house, but you emphasized it by pointing to an exhibit which was brought into the courtroom...You not only have betrayed the interest of your employer X X but you have also taken his money for your wages f or work which you did not do. You have been dishonest to the people on whose home you were working. Now that dishonesty has been aggrevated by your coming into a court of justice and testifying falsly to material facts when you were bound to have known you were so testifying." Pointing out that the witness had stuck to his false story, even when he had an opportunity to correct his testimony, Judge Bouchelle continued: "In order th at courts may function properly and that litigants may have a fair trial upon sworn testimony and upon truth given in a court of justice---and you w ere sworn to tell the truth-- it becomes the duty of the judge in such cas es to do what he thinks is right and proper, under the circumstances... .I therefore find that you have been guilty of misbehaving in the presence of the court, and you have been guilty by reason of your false testimony of obstructing and interrupting the administration of Justice, and I wi ll impose upon you a fine of 10 days in the Kanawha county jail, that being the maximum which I can give you without a trial by jury."
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Willie Hoyt Evilsizer Birth Date: 31 Mar 1895 Residence: Kanawha, West Virginia Birth: Roane, West Virginia Race: White Roll: WW2_2283494 Ser NoU3291 Address- Elk Two Mile, Kanawha WV, mailing RFD 6 Box 460 Charleston WV Age 47 Tel # Cap 36-200 Person-Maude Evilsizer Box 460 Charleston WV Employer VA Gasoline & Oil Co Charleston WV 6'1" 205 lbs Blue eyes, brn hair Ruddy complexion Signed W H Evilsizer May 20 1942 Roane Co, WV
Charleston Daily Mail, Charleston, WV Wednesday Evening, July 7, 1943 Defendants Win Suit In Common Pleas Court A Common pleas court jury Tuesday returned a verdict for the defendan ts in a $630 suit of the Federal Home Improvement Company against W H a nd Maud Evilsizer of Etowah. The plaintiff claimed the amount due on a con tract to cover a dwelling owned by the defendants with inselbric(sic). T he defendants claimed the job was done improperly.
Birth Record-County Records
WV-West Virginia Vital Records
SS Death Records
__ | _Henry B HEISTAND ___| | (1874 - 1965) | | |__ | | |--Theodore L HIESTAND | (1900 - 1985) | __ | | |_Lavina MEASE _______| | |__
_Peter Andrew HUFF ______________________ | (1760 - 1820) _Elias HUFF ______________| | (1783 - 1870) m 1804 | | |_Barbara ________________________________ | | |--Delilah HUFF | (1817 - 1880) | _Johannes " Ol' Jakob" EVELSHEIMER ______+ | | (1757 - 1830) m 1777 |_Anna Margaret EVILSIZER _| (1786 - 1858) m 1804 | |_Anna Elizabeth (MAIDEN NAME NOT KNOWN) _ m 1777
_____________________ | _Daniel HULLINGER ___| | (1757 - 1839) m 1783| | |_____________________ | | |--Daniel HULLINGER | (1788 - 1856) | _Valentine SHOCKEY __ | | |_Ann SHOCKEY ________| (1766 - 1836) m 1783| |_Barbara BIXLER _____
_Daniel JACOBS ______ | _Milton JACOBS _________| | (1855 - 1950) m 1903 | | |_Susannah SHROYER ___ | (1824 - ....) | |--Pauline JACOBS | | _Isaac Perry AMMON __+ | | (1842 - 1895) |_Nellie Victoria AMMON _| (1883 - 1950) m 1903 | |_Mary Phoebe KIZER __+ (1847 - 1929)
_Joseph LOUDENBACK __+ | (1796 - 1858) m 1816 _Jacob LOUDENBACK ___| | (1817 - 1880) m 1836| | |_Eve BAKER __________+ | (1798 - 1884) m 1816 | |--Eve LOUDENBACK | (1851 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Sarah KESSLER ______| (1812 - 1880) m 1836| |_____________________
1907 Jay Co, IND City Directory
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
______________________ | _Alexander PIATT ____| | (1814 - 1874) m 1848| | |______________________ | | |--Fidelia Ann PIATT | (1852 - 1916) | _Zachariah B TENNERY _ | | |_Aurelia TENNERY ____| (1825 - 1904) m 1848| |_Sarah SHYRIGH _______
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Ohio Marriages LDS
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
Md Titusville, Fl, F T Bude formerly of urbana son of John and Miss Frances Amelia Pritchard dau of Capt James Pritchard, pres of the Indian River Bank
_David SHROYER ______+ | (1832 - 1913) m 1856 _Thomas Harrison SHROYER _| | (1859 - 1936) m 1890 | | |_Sarah HENDRICKS ____ | (1839 - 1911) m 1856 | |--Harry SHROYER | (1891 - 1966) | _____________________ | | |_Sarah Ella SHADE ________| (1865 - 1918) m 1890 | |_____________________
__ | _William VALENTINE __| | (1765 - 1839) m 1787| | |__ | | |--Sarah VALENTINE | | __ | | |_Joanna CRANE _______| (1769 - 1859) m 1787| |__
_Johan Michel WISE __ | (.... - 1799) _John WISE __________| | (1752 - 1808) m 1780| | |_Anna Barbara BRAUN _ | (.... - 1800) | |--Elizabeth "Betsy" WISE | (1775 - 1807) | _Augustine PFEIFFER _ | | |_Catherine PFEIFFER _| (1767 - 1818) m 1780| |_____________________
_Daniel WREN ________ | (1774 - 1847) _James WREN _________| | (1807 - ....) m 1834| | |_Elizabeth BISHOP ___ | (1774 - 1853) | |--William WREN | (1844 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Sally Ann PEARCE ___| (1817 - ....) m 1834| |_____________________
_George YEAZELL ______+ | (1827 - 1894) m 1846 _James William YEAZELL _| | (1849 - 1929) m 1869 | | |_Nancy Ann WILKINSON _+ | (1827 - 1907) m 1846 | |--Fred L YEAZELL | (1877 - 1958) | _John NEER ___________+ | | (1817 - 1849) m 1839 |_Amanda Susan NEER _____| (1849 - 1921) m 1869 | |_Mary RHONEMUS _______ (1818 - 1883) m 1839