

[NI1] Because of the Hessian Solder confusion, the only biological children of this man would be Mary, Henry, Jacob Jr and John. Johannes the probable flather of Sarah and Anna Matgaret, and the deserter Nikolas the probable father of Phillip, Joshua, Elizabeth. For research purposes, we are keeping them all under Jacob until sorted out.

[HI1] (Research):German naming patterns indicate this is Jacob, as the middle name was the name commonly used.

For many years, we relished the idea that Ol Jakob was a Hessian Soldier from Germany, coming to America to fight in the Revolutionary War, paroled to a farmer, working his way to become a land-holder and start his new life and family in America.BUT All of the facts lead us back to Germany where Jakob Uebelshaeuser was returned as an invalid, married, had children, and died in Germany. His brother/cousin, Johannes, was returned to Germany some time before 1788 as he also marries in Germany. .A Hessian by the name of Nicolas was found "deserted to the enemy", Oct 1777. If Nicholas assumed the name of Jacob and really is our ancestor, we shall never know. But facts show Jakob was taxed in 1778 in Exeter , Twp, Berks Co.,PA, so we would assume this would not be the Hessian since he was repatriated to Germany. I concluded theory of the Hessian Soldier had died and been put to rest, but see that he could have very well fathered children before returning to Germany. However, our ancestor, Joshua was born much later that Jacob returned, leaving us to conclude the Hessian Jacob is NOT our ancestor.

Jacob the Hessian Soldier who was returned to Germany, was born 12/27/1752 to Johan Christoph Ibelsheuser and Anna Martha Theis and married Anne Elisabeth Ibelshaeuer on 11/26/1783, she the dau of Johan Just. Ibelshaeuser and a woman with maiden name of Achebach. She (wife Anne) died 7/2/1811 and Jacob died 10/19/1813.

We are continuing the search, following new leads every day, so that we can find the true "roots" of Ol Jacob. We only know he is the PATRIARCH of the Evilsizer/Evilsizor Family.

The first mention of Jacob is in 1778, Berks Co, Pennsylvania on the tax list as Jacob Evelsheimer. The name is spelled in this similar manner for marriage certificates, birth records, and court records. Until as such time there is some kind of proof to a connection the the Hessian Uebelschausser, our ancestry shall remain as I have him in this book. We can follow Jacob from the 1784 Berks Co, PA Tax list to Rockingham Co, VA in 1788 where he had a militia voucher. In 1789 he gave up his children to overseers of the poor. He did not give up Jacob Jr, his name sake. Jacob disappears for many years, maybe going off to find a new wife and start someplace new. For whatever reason, he ends up back in Rockingham Co, VA in 1804 on the personal Tax List. Sometime in the early 1790's he starts a new family, as more children are born. Living also in Rockingham Co, VA in 1807 are George and Adam Evilsizer. Birth dates, ,marriages, and census records verify that George and Adam are NOT children of Jacob. George and Adam go to Harrison County Indiana about 1815.

I have found many web sites that �u��b�incorrectly�/u��/b� show Adam (c1777-1821) and George (1784- 1864) as children of Jacob. Facts to disprove this are the 1784 Berks Co, Pa Census showing 6 members in the household. All children in this household have proven birth records from Berks Co, PA., also birth places in the census of both Adam and George say Virginia. Jacob did not get to Rockingham Co, VA until 1788, probably following his brother there. These sons also do not appear in the 1810 Census of Rockingham Co, as only Joshua and Phillip (proven children of Jacob by marriage consent records) appear in this census. Also, in 1789 when Jacob gave his children to the overseers of the poor, George and Adam were not mentioned. I strongly suspect the father of Adam and George died. It is only coincidence Jacob, Adam, and George appear in the 1807 Personal Property Tax List of Rockingham Co. Just goes to show you can never assume......

[NI3] PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COU RT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 24, Page 137- Filed 12 November 1849- Petition to Partition Henry McCartney et al, by their next friend and father, Christopher McCartney vs Henry Evilsizer et al Henry Evilsizer, deceased, was seized of 96 acres of land, located in the south-west quarter of Section 35 Township 3 Range 12 (Adams Township ). Henry's heirs named in the suit were: Henry Evilsizer & John Evilsizer, both of Indiana; Squire Evilsizer, William Evilsizer & Allen Evilsizer, all of Champaign County, Ohio; Leonard Evilsizer & Abram Evilsizer, both of Miami County, Ohio; Sophia Evilsizer, wife of James Wert of Champai gn County, Ohio; Patsey Evilsizer, deceased, married James Baggs, deceased (their children's names were not listed); Jacob Evilsizer; Sally Evilsizer, deceased, married Edwin Jenkins, deceased and had one child, also deceased; Betsey Evilsizer, deceased, married Christopher McCartney, and was the mother of Betsey McCartney, wife of Charles Huffman; Henry McCartney, William McCartney, John McCartney, Jacob McCartney, Peter McCartney and Susannah McCartney, all of Illinois

From Urbana "Citizen and Gazette" 11/30/1849-Petition to partition Henry McCarty, et al by next friend Christopher McCarty vs Henry Evilsizer, et al. Petition to Partition Petition against Henry Evilsizer, Jacob Evilsizer, John Evilsizer; Charl es and Betty Huffman of Iowa; Squire Evilsizer; Wm Evilsizer; Allen Evilsizer; Sophia and James Worts of Champaign Co; Leonard Evilsizer and Abram Evilsizer of Miami Co, and two unknown children of Patsy and James Boggs, d ec'd paying for partition of land in Champaign Co. (The spelling used in the newspaper article used OR, however original petition was ER)

Minutes -Common pleas Book 21 Champaign Co, OH, April term, 1850, Saturday, May 4th Henry McCarty et al by their next friend Christopher McCarty vs Henry Evilsizer, et al.
Petition for Partition This case came on to be heard upon the Petition to, and on motion to the C ourt by James McNemar, Council for the Petitioner; it is ordered that by the oaths of Joseph H Woods, Harvey Talbot and James C Grafton, partiti on be made of the lands, in the Petition resolved in the following proportions to wit: The the said Henry McCarty, William McCarty, John McCarty, Ja cob McCarty, Peter McCarty and Susannah McCarty together, one eleventh part of said land, except the one seventh of the one eleventh part thereof, to the said Betsy Huffman , and Charles Huffman her husband, the one seventh of the one eleventh part of said land. To Sophia Worts and James Worts, one eleventh part of said land; To Henry Evilsizer, Jacob Evilsizer, John Evilsizer, Squire Evilsizer, Leonard Evilsizer , William Evilsizer, Abram Evilsizer and Allen Evilsizer, each, one eleventh part of said land. And it is furthered ordered that a writ of partition issue to the Sheriff of the County, commanding him to cause partition to be made accordingly, and that he make return of his proceedings in the promises to the present term of this court.

Minutes-Common Pleas Book 21 Champaign Co, OH October Term, 1850, Friday the 25th
Henry M McCarty et al by their next friends vs Henry Evilsizer, et al Petition for Partition And now at this item the Sheriff having made return of the writ of sale af o?, that he has sold the said land to John H Young, at the price of four dollars sixty eight cents producing in the whole the sum of $409. 64 dollars and the court having examined the sale and finding the sa me in conformity with law approve the same, order the Sheriff to make a deed to the purchaser for said law, and of the money now in Court, the Court order the Sheriff to pay the costs of this suit, and of the sale , including the sum of $15 dollars for the professional services of James M Nema r, and that the residue by paid eleventh ( above this is written twelft h) part to James M Namar for the said demandants, and the residue to the other parties in interest.

History of Champaign an Logan Co, Ohio pg 137
"I turn to an old record of Section 16 of the Township, in connection with those who supported the school:... Wm Baggs, James Baggs, Martin Idle, John Idle, Jacob Idle, Henry Evilsizer

[XI3] _________________________________
Bob and Flossy [Hulsizer] spent all day in the cemetery to did up the dozens of pieces of his stone to find age 65 years 5 months. They found the foot sto ne H E and death date of March 20. These rubbings are scanned onto the CD- Rom. Millerstown contains two churches, German Reform and Universalist. On the southwest corner of the homestead farm of the late S G Brecount once stood a log meeting house. Known in its time as Mount Vernon, but the building has long since passed away and the Society now worships in Lena, Miami County. This is the location of the graves of Henry and Elizabeth. " The man who has a house next to the cemetery told us last spring that the re had been a foundation of a building close to the road and he had had the township trustees get rid of it. He told them if they would do th at he could properly take care of the site and the cemetery behind it. He does keep it well mowed and taken care of.I haven't found any other place where it mentions a meeting house called Mount Vernon although I haven't checked with any church in Lena, Miami County, OH. I know nothing more about it."

[HI4] (Research):Mary and William Ham (Hand) stayed and settled in Augusta Co.,VA No oth er info has been found in the census for William

[HI5] (Research):Augusta Co VA Marriages list this marriage to William Ham. In VA Genealo gy V19 p249 lists William (Billy) R Hand born VA married Dec 1799 Mary Evi lsiger of Fauguier Co.VA in Augusta Co. Dau Sally then moved to Appling Co.,GA and subsequently to Kentucky, re f: records of Augusta County Virginia 1745-1860 V1 p357 Chalkley Delinque nt Taxpayer 7 horses 0.9.4 1787-1790 Vol 19, p 975 also Chalkley Vol 2, Na ncy hand

Ancestors of William Hand from Mariam W Schaeler, 1101 Wilmington A ve # A, Dayton, Ohio, 45420-1681,(937)293-0779, [email protected]

[NI6] Measures taken to form a new county with the seat of Justice at Barnesvill e. "In 1818, a strong effort was made by the inhabitants of Barnesville and the vicinity, to get the Legislature to erect a new county out of parts of the counties of Belmont, Guernsey and Monroe, with the seat of Justi ce at Barnesville. The measure failed, however. Mr Patterson, a son of the ten representative for Belmont, has Kindley furnished us with the origi nal petition just as it was presented to the General Assembly............. ....John Ball....Lewis Peters....Abraham Peters........Abraham Peters Jr.. ......John Evilsizar....... Wm Vance........................."
Source-CD 450- Family Histories of Ohio, Disk ! History of Belmont and Jef ferson Counties Chapter XXI; History of the Towns and Townships of Belmont City.

Stories of Guernsey County Ohio pg 824 Owners of Real Estate , Jackson, Twp 1840 John Evilsizer 170 acres lot 1

[HI7] (Research):Born after 1784 census and married before 1810 census. Settled in Harrison Co Indiana. It is questionable if this Sarah that married Peter Hartsook is the daughter of Jacob. There are a couple of conflicting items. The marriage application in Augusta County says that Abraham Sambert made oath that the father of Sally Evilsizer verified that she was over the age of twenty one years. That would be true if she was actually born in 1784 as the baptism states. However if tombstone is correct ( born 12/16/1788) died 9/13/1851 62y9m16d then she would have NOT been of age to marry in 1809. Another possibility is she may have been a sister to George making sense she be buried next to him. The actual Sarah d/o Jacob may have died sometime after 1789 when she was bound to Samuel Miller overseer of the poor. A third possiblility is Jacob named another daughter Sarah born in 1788 that we have no documentation on. I am going to make a project of seeing the tombstone.

[HI8] (Research):I believe Mary's brother Solomon, came to Guernsey Co, OH, as they are liv ing next to each other in the 1850 Census. Solomon and Elizabeth ages 50 a nd 36 both born in VA. Children, Jacob 18, Harriett 13, Eveline 11, Solom on 10, Isaac 8, Martha 5, Lucinda 3 and Morgan WM age 1, all born in Ohi o. There is an IGI record for an Abraham Peters which could have been Mary 's brother born 12/11/1791 in New Market, Shenandoah Co, VA, the son of Ab raham Peters and Catherine Zirkle.

[HI9] (Research):Settled in Harrison Co.,IN, then went to McDonough/Schuyler Co.,ILL in c1839 Cemetery records indicate age was 72y9m27 days. This was in error by one year, as we have her birth record from the church records. 1850 Census age 63

Born after the 1784 Cenus and married before 1810 Census Settled in Harrison Co.,ILL, then went to McDonough/Schuyler Co.,ILL in c1839

Family researcher; [email protected] Michael Steffen

[HI10] (Research):Probate document of estate of Joseph Huff 4 July 1842 in Schuyler Co. Illinois named Jacob and Elias Huff as administers. At the estate sale the n mes,Maria Huff, Alfred Huff, Elias Huff, Jacob Huff, Abijah Huff are named. See William H Huff's folder for excerpt from book about Green Co Tennessee. Per Michael Black, the Huff family migrated to North Carolina about 1800 and moved to Eswold
on the Sweetwater River in Green County Tennessee and operated the Huff Ferry. They stayed there for several years during which time William Hamilton Huff was born, and later moved to Ilinois..via Indiana or Ohio? The first family to settle in what became Schuyler County Illinois (then part of Pike County which embraced the while Military tract in the Western Reserve ) was that of the Hobart family. Seven people lived there: Calvin Hobart and his wife Sarah Obart: Norris Hobart, Chauncey Hobart, Truman Hobart and wife Elizabeth Hobart, William H. Tay lor(father of N.H.Taylor)and Samuel Gooch.See the Schuylerite Volume 24 NO 9 ,Spring 1995

Children of Elias and Margaret Evilsizer came from the family bible See my files for scanned copies.

Researchers: Max Huff [email protected] and [email protected] and Larry Houf houflj@j and Ken Williams [email protected] and Barbara [email protected] Dor othy Boyd [email protected] Mike [email protected]

[NI11] Collections of the Indiana Historical Society states that Joshua built the second gristmill in Morgan Co on the White River near the town of Paragon, Ind.

26 July 1841 Joshua mortgaged James Steel Jr. and Archibald Wood (trading under Steel Jr. & Co.) for $135.00. One ax wagon and bed, one grey horse, horse being one sorrel mare and one five year old work steer. If Joshua fails to repay the debt Steel Jr. & Co. may sell the property to the highest bidder. Joshua was able to sign the note. Witnesses were A.B. Rountree and G. Rountree.

April Term 1843 of the Circuit Court Judgment against Joshua Evilsizer for the sum of $564.77 and cost. Judgment an execution issued dated on the 29th of April 1843 directed to the sheriff's of said county. The sheriff levied the land described and were sold. Matthew Forrest being the highest bidder. northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 93 south range 4 west. Sheriff Imo J. Vernar signed the document. Document was dated 5 March 1847.

Some of the information for Joshua's descendants from family sheets submitted by Mrs Alma Quigley, 334 NE 2, Ontario, OR 97914

Excerpt from "Counties of Morgan, Monroe and Brown, Indiana: Historical and Biographical Editor: Charles Blanchard, Published 1884
Morgan County, Baker Township "The earliest settlement of Baker township is enshrouded in mystery. It is certain that white families lived therein as early as 1820, and possibly 1819. A family named EVILSIZER was living there on the old Thomas Hodges farm when the first permanent settlers arrived, but how long they had been there cannot be learned. It is believed that his family lived there before the cession treaty of 1818. The family consisted of the father, mother, two or three sons, and a daughter or two. They were professional pioneers and preferred to live in the woods, remote from the settlement. The father and the boys were skillful hunters and trappers and several times a year visited the other settlements in the Southern part of the state to sell their furs or exchange them for ammunition, traps ,
weapons, tobacco or some article of clothing for the women. The men dressed almost wholly in deer or raccoon skins and spent their time hunting and trapping in which they were very expert. They had a garden consisting of one half to three quarter acre which was cultivated by the women, as the men were above that sort of degradation. According to tradition, the men on one occasion had considerable difficulty with a band of four or five Indians that stopped at their cabin. The trouble arose over a trade of furs on the part of the Indians for ammunition and trinkets on the part of the whites. Arms were drawn, wounds given, but the difficulty was adjusted before any of them were killed. It is said this family killed many bears in various parts of Morgan County. Within two or three years they left the county, going no one knows whither, but certainly out into the wilderness."

Pioneers of Morgan County - Memoirs of Noah J Major, Indianapolis, IN 1915 pg 421-422
The second mill built on the river in this county was by Joshua Evilsizer and was located not very far from the iron bridge near Paragon. It passed from Evilsizer to Ambrose Burkhart in an early day, who operated it a few years and sold out to a Mr Pumphrey, who, we think, was its last owner. It probably went out of business about the year 1850. It was in the recoiling waves below the dam of this mill, one cold winter day, that the sad drowning of Leander S Lankford and a man named Crocket occurred in the presence of half a dozen or more men who were unable to rescue them They were crossing the river above the dam, when by some mismanagement, they let the canoe drift over it and were caught in the surgin waters below. A small boy, son of Crocket, clung to the canoe and was saved. This accident happened as many as fifty years ago. Not very far below this mill, just in the edge of our county, was Mr Myer's mill, completed and put in running order at a later date than the Evilsizer mill. ......

Washington, west of the Cascades: historical and descriptive; the ..., Volume 2 By Herbert Hunt, Floyd C. Kaylor pg80
The history of Hoquiam and of the Grays Harbor country cannot be better told than by detailing many of the incidents of the life of James A. Karr, who lived until November, 1914, to tell the tale of the wonderful development of this section of the country, his memory forming a connecting link between the primitive past and the progressive present. After the death of the father, the mother took her children to a place near the home of her brother, Reuben Stepp, and there she became acquainted with a German of the name of Evilsizer, who was a widower with several children. She became his wife and they removed to Washington County, Illinois, Mr. Evilsizer having there purchased a farm on which was a comfortable brick residence. He expected to pay for this place by the sale of his property in Indiana, but not getting the money for this, he was compelled to leave that land and settled on an eighty-acre tract of raw land for which his son had contracted. Before he secured title to that place, however, he became ill and passed away.

Indiana State Snetinel Nov 6, 1851
Morgan Co
The s w fr of the nw qtr sec 23, 1 tt n, r 1 w, contining 50 acres, mortgaged by Joshua Evilsizer, forfeited and sold on credit to Silas Pumphrey Sr. Loan, interest &c $333.97
Same article 12/5/1850 $326.03

[HI13] (Research):After the birth of his first son, Sinclair and Perlina moved from Indiana to Montevallo, Missouri along with her parents, where Sinclair set out the first orchard in the small trading post. Soon after, they moved nor theast of Richmond in Ray County where he took out a land grant of four sections between Millville and Tinney's Grove. Sinclair was a Judge of the Ray County Court several terms during the 1860's and 70's. Many times he would take his granddaughters, Lucy Burress and Cora Evilsizer with him to Richmond when he was attending court for the day.

Perlina always described Sinclair as a "southern gentleman" which I presume meant he did not do menial work or labor with his hands (farm work with out getting dirty!). One example- Perlina had had a baby a day or two before and since there was no one else around to milk the cows, Sinclair, who did not know how to milk (so the story goes), carried her to the barn where she could do the milking! I guess there were several "southern gentlemen" in the family as there are similar stories about Sinclair's brother Levy and his son, Joshua.

Sinclair's two sons, Joshua and Thomas Jefferson, served with the Union Army during the Civil War. Sentiments for pro or anti slavery had a long history in Missouri. Loyalty ran deep from southern supporters and produced many guerrilla forces true to Dixie. Throughout 1861 and much of 1863, local government broke down over much of Missouri, with local civil wars and guerrilla raids and much destruction of public and private property. It was during this time that Sinclair had rode over to a neighbor's house, Mr. Schooler, who lived west of his place. While visiting together, they heard horses approaching and realizing they were Quantrill's Raiders, Mr Schooler said "Evilsizer, you'd better get out of here." While Sinclair hid, Mr. Schooler went out to see what they wanted. They said they were on their way to Evilsizer's house to kill him. They wanted to water their horses and go on, but to give Sinclair more time for his get-a-way, Mrs. Schooler talked them into staying for lunch. When they came inside, Sinclair sneaked out, mounted his horse, went home and packed a few things and rode to Chillicothe to wait out the war. (Source of story was Joe Amery, Sinclair's grandson, who passed it on to Marion Kelliher, great granddaughter of Sinclair.

After the war, Sinclair and Perlina continued to live on their farm for a number of years, which he had named "Millstead" with many tragedies s triking Thier family. Joe Amery said that many of the Evilsizers died of Typhoid. First their son Levi, died at the age of 7, Sara age 17 died in 1875, William age 27 died in 1876, Mary , who had married Tom Burress, died at the age of 26 in 1878; Malinda in 1882, and Jeff who was killed in 1883.

In 1961 Myron Gafffin Reynolds, daughter of Lucy Burress Gaffin and granddaughter of Mary Evilsizer Burress, related some of her memories to Marion Kelliher, great-granddaughter of Sinclair and Perlina: "Mama used to tell us for weeks after her mother (Mary Burress) died, she would run off from the farm and Sinclair and Perlina would find her lying across her mother's grave crying and grieving for her. Grandmother had a very hard time with her (Lucy)."

In 1883 when Sinclair's son Jeff, was killed, Joe Amery tells this story: "Thomas Miller, who married Sinclair's daughter, Malinda, had borrowed a horse from his father-in-law, Sinclair. Later, the horse was seen in someone else's possession. The man said he bough the horse from Thom as Miller. The Evilsizer's eventually were involved in a lawsuit with Thomas Miller. While the lawsuit was pending, Jeff was called to his door one rainy night and, when he opened it, was shot. He lived long enough to swear he saw Billy Miller (Melinda's son) at the door. However, Billy was acquitted when his sister, Eliza, swore he was at home that night. Malinda had died in 1882 and Perlina always said she was so glad that Malinda never knew of this tragedy" At the time Jeff owned a large farm consisting of 400 acres near Cowgill in what is now Caldwell County, not too far from his father's place. His widow, Eliza, lived on the farm alone for a number of years, where she, too was killed in 1891.

After the death of Jeff, Perlina and Sinclair were so devastated by these events, that they sold their farm in 1884 ($35 an acre) after having lived in Ray County approximately 40 years and moved to Kansas.

Their destination was Severy in Greenwood County, Kansas, where their daughter, Mariah Jane (Jennie) and her husband Henry Turner were living. They took their daughter, Dell Oro and their grandchildren, Cora Evilsizer, Lucy and Albert Burress along. Cora's father William died in 1876 and her mother remarried and more or less gave Cora to Sinclair and Perlina to raise; Lucy and Albert Burress' mother, Mary, had died in 1878.

Sinclair bought land in Severy and farmed and was also engaged in the hard ware business with the Turners until his death.

Joe Amery said he remembered writing letters for his grandmother, Perlina, and his mother would explain to him that Perlina had not had the chance for schooling that he had. Joe also passed this story on to Marion Kelliher:"Grandma Evilsizer used to tell about living in her fathers' home in Indiana. She said her father ran a distillery and in the fall he always threw the "pummies" out so that the wild hogs would come and eat them. Some would eat enough to get drunk and then her father would kill enough for the family's meat.(Pummies were some sort of residue, I suppose, from the distilling process.) "Perlina also said the Indians would come quite often and ask for milk, but they would never bring a container. Perlin 's mother would say "You won't bring back the bucket." The Indian would then take his rifle and place it above the door for her to keep until he brought back the bucket."

Lavonne Schulze, 2x great-granddaughter of Sinclair and Perlina and who owns the family Bible, has written: "There are odd scraps of beautiful dress material in the Bible along with pressed flowers, a long braid of dark brown hair, little paper hearts and a slip of paper which reads " Hay from woods to Mrs. Evilsizer - gross 2840, tare 1140, net 1700 - amount $1. 70."

by Sharon Durels, 1997

Obituary, August 15,1891-Severy, KS Sinclair Evilsizer was born June 19,1819 in Rockingham Co, Virginia and emigrated in an early day with his parents to Morgan County, Indiana. In the year of 1838 he was married to Perlina Walters; by this union there were twelve children, of which only five remain to mourn the death of their father, three girls and two boys. In the year 1840 he moved to Ray Coun ty, Missouri and settled on a farm proving a successful farmer. April 1st, 1884 he came to Greenwood County, Kansas with his family and settled at Severy, where he resided until his death, which occurred at 6:10 P. M. August 18, 1891, after an illness of eleven days, at the advanced age of 72 years, 3 months and 1 day. The funeral services were held at the Congregational church at 4 P.M., last Friday after which the body was interred in Twin Groves Cemetery. He professed religion in 1867 but never united with any church, but being a strict Baptist in belief. He was a loving husband, a kind and affectionate father and a friend to all in need; respected by all who knew him. During his illness he was a patient sufferer, never complaining, and his death is a quiet sleep. When his wife wou ld tell him she could not give him up, he would say "It won't be long ". We shall miss him for he is gone. "Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream, For the soul is not dead that slumbers And things are not what they seem"

Evilsizer William H.1 M Mo

In 1983 I received a letter from a Greenwood County, KS Historical Society volunteer in response to a letter I had written. She stated: "There is a probate record for Sinclair Evilsizer, but for some reason, the file is missing. However, I was able to go to a ledger entry and get the following information.........". She goes on to list his death date at Severy, KS & lists his heirs. She also stated that he left no will & that his estate was mostly personal property. S Durels

Letter written to Edwin Jean Evilsizer from her sister "I am sure I've told you before, but you may have forgotten, that Grandfather and John Evilsizer's father Sinclair hurried off the farm and spent so me time in Chillcothe until Quantrell's raiders were out of the territory. They had gone to Sinclair's southern-sympathizing neighbor's farm and mentioned that they were going to kill "Old Man Evilsizer" because his oldest son Joshua was in the Union Army. The neighbor sent warning to Sinclair .

During the Civil War, Quantrell and his raiders wreaked much havoc in Missouri, attacking Union army groups and civilians who would not support the raiders. During 1860-61, many west Missouri homes and farms were destroyed by the guerrillas and Union troops - mostly by Quantrell's men. In an effort to capture the guerrilla group and discourage local assist ance to them, a force of Union soldiers arrested all residents of Independence during the spring of 1862 and destroyed much property. On August 25, 1863, Brigadier General Thomas Ewing issued General Order No. 11, which ordered the evacuation of much of Jackson and other counties with in 15 days. Residents who could not prove their loyalty to the Union were to be completely removed from the military district (which encompass ed Kansas and Missouri). Grains and hay were to be turned over to the military and any not surrendered was to be burned. Large numbers of people lost their homes and properties.

The problem did not end with the war, however. Several bandit gangs which arose from the Quantrell raiders (e.g., the James and Dalton brother s) and plagued much of Missouri, including Jackson County.

Before my summer, 1962 trip to Kansas City, to visit my mother, I wrote to my father's cousin, Joe Amery, who lived in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. My father had died when I was 12, and I wanted to visit Mr. Amery to learn more abour my father's family. Mr. Amery was the son of Sinclair's daughter Nancy Ann "Annie" Evilsizer and John Amery, of Braymer,

Joe Amery not only invited me to visit, but when I arrived he drove me to visit the graveyard at Tinney's Grove, where Perlina's mother Perlina Walters and some of Sinclair's children are buried. He also took me to Millville, where Sinclair and Perlina had a farm, which they call ed "Millstead". The house was gone, but I took a picture of Sinclair's barn, which was still standing.

I also took a picture of the remains of the home of Sinclair's neighbor, Mr. Schooler, who had the adjoining farm. Joe Amery wanted me to see Mr. Schooler's home, because, although he was a southern sympathizer, he may have saved Sinclair's life. The occasion was when four of Quantrell's men--bushwackers--came on horses and dropped in at Schooler's home. They said t hey were looking for Old Man Evilsizer and planned to hang him because his son (Joshua) was in the northern army.

Mr. Schooler invited the men in to have some food and he sent someone to warn Sinclair that he was in danger. Sinclair immediately went to Chillico the, Missouri and stayed there a few weeks until the bushwackers were out of his neighborhood.

And endnote to this story is that some years later, when John, 83, was told that his brother Joe, 80, had died, he went to his niece's (or daughter -in-law's?) home to tell her the news. He died, crying on her shoulder.

In September, 1990, Jim and I were planning a trip from New Jersey to Wyoming with a pop-up trailer, and I got in touch with Hoy to see if I could meet him. He invited me to come to his ranch home and when I knocked on the door, he opened it and opened his arms to greet me. It was very touching. Another fine fried chicken dinner--I think what I call dinner was often served at lunch time in these country places. Hoy and his wife were delightful and it was a wonderful visit. He took me to the ranch house where my parents had lived, for he knew about it, even though he never knew them. They had moved back to Missouri in about 1921.

I exchanged Christmas cards with Hoy and Willamae for a few years, b ut in 1993, she said Hoy was ailing, and I imagine he has passed on by now .

[NI14] Jefferson T was believed by family members stories handed down through the years to be suspected of being a "horse thief", running off to MO,and taking a new wife without divorcing the first one having a family in each state. Jefferson being an unusual name, we find evidence of two (2) Jefferson Evilsizer 's in Washington Co, ILL in the 1865 Census. The source census matches with children and their birth dates. Another Jefferson shows in Mud Prairie Twp Pg 109 line 22 - 2 FWM-30-40 2 females 0-10 and 1 female 20-30. ano ther older male (20-30) in household ? He had no son named Jefferson that we know of. This is possible verification of the "two family" theory, We know he married Eliz Clark in 1840 and the 1840 census shows a female child under 10 (born 1840). This female would be 25 in 1865 to be the possible female 20-30 in the other household. Nothing was left in his will to his first family.

[HI14] (Research):
Nov 20, 1865 Jefferson Evilsizer debtor to Ernest Vos and Company successors to Ernest Vos and William Beard. Amount subscribed for Coal Company by contract.. .......$500.00

Ernest Vos and Company successors of Ernest Vos and William Beard state that the foregoing account of five hundred dollars is just, true and unpaid and that there is no offset or discount against the same, or any ...embraced therein. Ernest Voss & Co.

Also , Louis Bunce Clerk of Coal Mining Company says that according to the best of his knowledge and belief the above account is just, true and unpaid. L Bunce

Also Susan Evilsizer, Executor of Jefferson Evilsizer, deceased, says that she knows the foregoing account is just, true and unpaid and wishes to have the same allowed Susan Evilsizer

Sworn to and subscribed before me by Ernest Voss & Co, Louis Bunce, this 17th day of December, 1866 A C Stewart

[HI15] (Research):Never married Washington Co, IL 15 June 1843 Reason B. Evilsizer sells the trustees of school. North half of the northe ast quarter of section 17 of 3 south of 4 west containing 80 acres. For $1 50.00 loaned to him by the treasure of said trustees. Reason was not ab le to sign his name but made his mark, X. Witnesses were A.B. Rountree a nd Jefferson Evilsizer.

[HI16] (Research):Di Cruthird, daughter of Clyde Alvin says her grandfather used to take her to see Elliott Raines old farm in Ill. He built it so that you could drive the horse and wagon full of hay into the hayloft.

Her grandfather William Hoy told how his grandmother, Polly (Rountree) would watch how many pieces of bread he ate. She would chastise him for dunking his bread in his coffee and then pouring his coffee into his saucer to drink it. This was an obvious family trait, as I also remember my grandfather, Clarence Elmer, grandson of Polly Rountree, doing the same with his coffee and saucer.

In the constitution of the church (Baptist Church at Elkton), written in July 1842 you will find a listing of the membership. Among them are Polly B. Jones (Polly B. Rountree, dau of Linville) who had married Nieper Jones in March 1842, and Polly B. Rountree(daughter of Allen B.) who married John Boucher in March 1844. Also on the list are Joshua Evilsizer, Melinda Evilsizer and Elizabeth Evilsizer.

[HI21] (Research):Zachariah's nephew Joshua, son of his brother Sinclair, served in the same Regiment. 2nd REGIMENT MO CAVALRY ("MERRILL HORSE").

Organized at Benton Barracks, Mo., by Captain Lewis Merrill, U. S. A., under authority of General Fremont, September 3 to December 11, 1861. (Co. " L" organized at St. Louis, Mo., January 1, 1863, and Co. "M" at Warrent on June 30, 1863.) Before organization of Regiment was completed ordered to march to Springfield, Mo., September, 1861. Fremont's Campaign again st Springfield, Mo., September-October, At Sedalia, Mo., till January,
1862. Scout through Saline County December 3-12, 1861. Expedition to Milford December 15-19. Shawnee Mound or Milford, Blackwater River, December 1 8. Roan's Tan Yard, Silver Creek, January 8, 1862. Knobnoster January 2 2. Attached to Dept. of Missouri September, 1861, to January, 1862. Distri ct of Northeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of So utheast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to August, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Arkansas Expedition, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Ca valry Division, Army of Arkansas, to January, 1864. 2nd Brigade. 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Army Corps, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee, to muster out.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 53 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 205 Enlisted men by disease. Total 262.

Source of Data: "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, V.III" by Frederick H. Dyer, c1908, p.1303

[HI22] (Research):Levi Was found living with the Maxwell family in Wash Co IL, 1850 Census

Butler Missouri, Thursday April 13, 1916
The Butler Weekly Times
L H Evilsizer for many years a resident of Lone Oak township died at his h ome south of town Sunday morning. Mr Evilsizer had been in poor health f or a long time and finally was attacked by heart disease which in his weak ened condition caused his death. The funeral services conducted by Rev Spe ncer were held at the Peru Church Monday afternoon and interment made in t he Elliott Cemetery

[DI22] Butler Weekly Times April 13, 1916
L H Evilsizer Dead
L H Evislizer for many years a resident of Lone Oak township died in his home south of town Sunday morning. Mr Evilsizer had been in poor health for a long time and finally was attacked with heart disease which in his weakened cndition caused his death. The funeral services were conducted by Rev Spencer, were held at the Peru Church Monday afternoon and interment was made in Elliott Cemetery

[HI23] (Research):
Her parents were Levi Walters (born 11-25-1796 in Jessamine Co., KY,) and Mariah Martins(born 4/23/99). They were married around 18l7, moved to Morgan County, Indiana. Two branches of the family agree that the Walters family pronounced their last name as if it was "Waters".

LaVonne Shulze, Sinclair's 2X great granddaughter has the 150th anniversary program of the Morgan County, Indiana Samaria Baptist church. It says the church was organized in the home of Levi Walters 1829.

Speaking with Marion Evilsizer Kelliher in 1965, Perlina's grandson Joe Amery said his grandmother Perlina told him that her parents went on a river trip after their wedding. A stranger on the boat tried to kiss Mariah and Levi challenged him to a duel. The boat was stopped; grave diggers made ready. Each man fired one shot, and the stranger was killed.

After their residency in Morgan County, Indiana, Levi and Mariah Walters, and Sinclair and Perlina Evilsizer moved to Missouri together and settled there.

Family migrated from Kentucky when 4 years old. Comments LaVonne Schulze in letter she wrote to Marion Kelliher: "My grand mother, Mary J. "Jennie" Evilsizer Foster, told me many stories her grandmother, Perlina, had told her. The favorite was about her great adventure traveling in the covered wagon with her father -- fording streams, etc. This seemed to be one of the great highlights of her life. This must have been the trip from Kentucky to Indiana. She never mentioned her m other, but always talked about her father -- seemed to idolize him."

Joe Amery also took me to the area of Braymer, Missouri, to the home of his brother John, whose wife fixed a big fried chicken lunch. They were very hospitable, showed me pictures and clippings, and talked about their Grandmother Perlina, whom they knew as children. The Amery brothers' sister was also named Perlina. (Parenthetically, Perlina is pronounced wi th a long "i", not "perleena".) Joe disputed John's clairm that their grandmother had smoked a pipe, but LaVonne Schulze told me that her father (another grandson of Perlina) told her that Perlina smoked a little clay pipe. She could not write, but made her "x" and her grandson John Amery (not Joe Amery) wrote letters for her.

I was delighted with the hospitality of my father's Missouri cousins and the generosity with which they furnished information. I loved getting the oral tales of real people (brother cousins arguing with each other as to whether their grandmother Perlina, whom they knew, smoked a cigar and was illiterate--the city cousin insisted to his country brother that it wasn't so). And also, the tales about their grandparents which I received from the descendants of Levi Hennings Evilsizer and Zachariah Evilsizer. From Marion Claire Evilsizer

[HI24] (Research):Her brother possibly lived nearby in 1860 Lincoln Co, Hurricane Mo, New Hope PO
Henry McMahill �tab�40 KY
Elizabeth McMahill �tab�30
Jefferson McMahill �tab�15
Susan McMahill �tab�12
Matilda A McMahill �tab�9
John McMahill �tab�7
Sarah McMahill �tab�5
Mary McMahill �tab�1
William McMahill �tab�25
Robert Johnson �tab�28

[HI25] (Research):Living with son Clark B Evilsizer in 1930. Name is Anna McMorran, mother, widow. age 84

[NI26] Polly married first Nieper Jones in 1842 and 2nd Ezekiel Young in 1849

[XI26] Polly is reportedly buried in Elkton, however no stone has been found for either her or Elliott. There are many old unknown graves in this cemetery.

[HI28] (Research):Robert was married to Nancy Ann Walters in 1842. She was the daughter of Levi Walters and Mariah H Martin. Nancy was the sister of Perlina Walters who married Sinclair Evilsizer. Sinclair was Cinthia's brother.

[HI29] (Research):Died at the home of his daughter, Nancy Page Children appearing in 1870 Census may belong to his second wife, Frances Calvin 15 David 14 Ellie 11 Elizabeth 7 Frank 2- probably child of Geo and Frances

[HI31] (Research):Emporia Gazette, Emporia Kansas, Feb 1925 Mrs Fannie Evilsizer dead Mrs George Witteman, who lives southeast of Emporia, was called Sunday nig ht to Appleton City, Missouri by the death of her mother, Mrs Fannie Evils izer. Mrs Evilsizer spent last summer in Emporia at the Witteman home. S he was about 81 years old. Mrs Witteman's son, Frank Witteman of Americu s, accompanied her to Appleton City.

Burton genealogy at Provided by Victor Morris while he was still living

Death cert names father Thomas Burton, and no mother name. Informant W W B laylock. Appears in census records 1850 and 1860 with David Burton. Maybe Thomas w as a middle name... but I trust Victor Morris research

[DI31] Emporia Gazette, Emporia Kansas, Feb 1925 Mrs Fannie Evilsizer dead Mrs George Witteman, who lives southeast of Emporia, was called Sunday nig ht to Appleton City, Missouri by the death of her mother, Mrs Fannie Evils izer. Mrs Evilsizer spent last summer in Emporia at the Witteman home. S he was about 81 years old. Mrs Witteman's son, Frank Witteman of Americu s, accompanied her to Appleton City.

[NI32] Malinda married first in Morgan Co, IN William Carr 2-24-1831. After Joshua died, she married John Stark in Washington Co, IL, 11-6-1848. Info for Malinda is from Peggy Seidler

Washington, west of the Cascades: historical and descriptive; the ..., Volume 2 By Herbert Hunt, Floyd C. Kaylor pg80
The history of Hoquiam and of the Grays Harbor country cannot be better told than by detailing many of the incidents of the life of James A. Karr, who lived until November, 1914, to tell the tale of the wonderful development of this section of the country, his memory forming a connecting link between the primitive past and the progressive present. Fifty-seven years have come and gone since he filed upon a claim in Chehalis, now Grays Harbor, county, in 1860, being then a young man of twenty-six years. Until that district emerged from pioneer conditions much of his life had been spent upon the frontier, for Indiana had taken on statehood only eighteen years before he was born on Little Indian creek, not far from Martinsville, Indiana, on the 18th of September, 1834. His earliest recollections are of playing on the sand on the bank of that creek with his little sister, who died after he left home. He has; no memory of his father save as he saw him in death, the grief of his mother impressing this sight indelibly upon the mind of the three-year-old boy. However, he remembers his grandfather Karr, a fine type of the Irish gentleman, dressed like a squire in leggings and hunting coat. After the death of the father, the mother took her children to a place near the home of her brother, Reuben Stepp, and there she became acquainted with a German of the name of Evilsizer, who was a widower with several children. She became his wife and they removed to Washington County, Illinois, Mr. Evilsizer having there purchased a farm on which was a comfortable brick residence. He expected to pay for this place by the sale of his property in Indiana, but not getting the money for this, he was compelled to leave that land and settled on an eighty-acre tract of raw land for which his son had contracted. Before he secured title to that place, however, he became ill and passed away.

James A. Karr and his brother Henry had worked with their stepfather in clearing and developing the land, but the family had no claim to it and were compelled to move again. They went to live in a little house beside the road and such was now the financial condition of the family that the mother was obliged to hire out in order to support her children. At length, however, they rented land and the two boys, who had a yoke of oxen, again began farming. Later the mother married a Mr. Storick and again the family moved, settling on a good farm in St. Clair county, Illinois, not far from St. Louis. There was much hard work to be done in the further clearing and cultivating of the land and the Karr brothers did their full share. Mr. Karr, however, recognized that his stepbrothers had little chance in life because of a lack of education and. that they would always have to depend upon severe manual labor. He often expressed a desire to attend school but received no assistance from Mr. Storick, although his mother encouraged the idea. At length, feeling that if he obtained an education it must be through his own efforts, he left home at the age of fourteen years and hired out for the summer, at a wage of five dollars per month. At harvest time a man who could swing a cradle or could bind after the cradle was paid a much better wage than the regular farm hand, and Mr. Karr proved that he could bind as well as men of twice or thrice his years. Accordingly he did work of that character, earning at first a dollar and afterward a dollar and a quarter per day, and the money thus gained was used in buying books and clothing, while by working on Saturdays and morning and night to pay for his board, he was able to attend school for several months that winter. He afterward entered upon an apprenticeship to the brickmaker's trade and the money which he earned through the summer months in that way enabled him to again attend school in the winter. One of his teachers, John Leeper, a graduate of McKendree College of Illinois, proved an inspiration to him and assisted him in every possible way in his studies. For six years Mr. Karr continued working in the summer and attending school in the winter, and finally, with a partner, he established and operated a brickyard, in which he won a measure of success that enabled him to pay his board and devote an entire year to study, in which time he acquired a knowledge of algebra, natural philosophy and astronomy. He was particularly interested in the first named and his fellow students often called upon him to assist in solving their problems. After that year he taught school for a term and then, inclined to the study of medicine, he spent some time in a drug store. All these experiences not only proved to him a means of earning a living at that period but gave him a fund of knowledge upon which he called in his later pioneer experiences in the northwest. He became one of the first school teachers and one of the first brickmakers of Chehalis county when some years later he established his home in the Grays Harbor country.

In 1855 following the discovery of gold in California, Mr. Karr and his brother decided to go to the mines, as this would enable them also to see something of the world. Returning to Indiana, Mr. Karr, who was then twenty-one years of age, settled his father's estate, his share thereof being about five hundred dollars, which furnished the brothers the capital for their trip. Proceeding to New York, they took passage on a steamer bound for Panama, crossed the Isthmus and thence proceeded northward to California, where they spent three years in the mines. They made Nevada City their headquarters but they did not find the expected fortune and in 1858, attracted by the Fraser river excitement, started north as passengers on the Anne Perry from San Francisco to Whatcom. There they purchased a small boat to go from Bellingham Bay to the Gulf of Georgia and thence up the Fraser river. Point Roberts extended into the gulf in a southeasterly direction for quite a distance. South of this point the water was quiet but on the river side there was a strong surf driven on by northwest wind. However, they decided to land on the north side in order to be ready to make the start up the river, but while so doing their boat filled with water and their provisions received a soaking, although little damage resulted. Proceeding up the river, they stopped at Fort Yale for a week or more in September, 1858, and there purchased Sockeye salmon from the Indians, which furnished them many an appetizing meal when the fish was fried in butter.
[ocr errors]

As the winter was coming on and there seemed no prospect of getting gold, the brothers returned southward, accompanied by their partner, John C. Gove, who became one of the pioneer settlers near Seattle. Purchasing their partner's interest, they started back to the Sound and at Olympia sold their boat proceeding on the trail with their packs. They spent the night on Mound Prairie at the home of a Mr. Goodell, whose son Ed had just been helping to make a survey of the land at Grays Harbor. He told of the country and of the river called Hoquiam, Mr. Karr and his brother retaining a distinct remembrance of this. However, the brothers proceeded to Portland to spend the winter and there entered the employ of Colonel Frush, who was building streets, for which purpose he hauled gravel from the Willamette river bars. In securing the gravel the brothers were able to earn three dollars per day and later they cut cordwood, for which they were paid a dollar and a half per cord and by working steadily they could earn three dollars per day in that way. In the spring James A. Karr ran the steam ferry across the Columbia, while his brother drove a team, but they never abandoned the idea of returning to Grays Harbor and in August made preparations for a trip into the new country. Returning to Olympia, they purchased cloth from which they made a tent and also laid in supplies for the trip. Proceeding on their way, they stopped for a time at the ranch of "Blockhouse" Smith at Cedarville and there proceeded to make a canoe. The cedar tree which they selected for the purpose split, so they secured a green cottonwood growing beside the river. They hewed this out and, wishing to hasten the work, they piled the canoe full of branches of vine maple, to which they set fire but found that they had burned a hole in the cottonwood. A thin board, oakum and pitch repaired the damage, and packing their supplies in the canoe, they started down the river, after two days reaching Cosmopolis, which was the metropolis of this country. The district was largely an unsettled and undeveloped region, the Metcalfs living at Montesano and the Scammons at Wynoochee, which was the county seat. From that point they proceeded to Hoquiam, rounding Cow Point and so coming into the mouth of the river. They landed where the first schoolhouse was afterward built, near the present site of the Hoquiam sash and door factory, and proceeding at once to the upland, Mr. Karr found a level green bench which dropped abruptly into the tidal prairie, where the grass grew tall among the scattered forest trees and a spring of clear water issued from the hillside. So attractive was the site that Mr. Karr decided to make it his home, while his brother chose a sight across the river. Then they began building a cabin of hemlock logs, chinked with dirt and soft sandstone. Inventive ingenuity was brought into play to protect their cabin and its supplies during their absence. The usual latchstring hung out, but instead of opening the latch, as was customary, when it was pulled it only shut the more tightly. But another string with a little block of wood attached was brought out further on and the end concealed with soft earth. It was this string that opened the door, but it would not be noticed by anyone who was not accustomed to such an arrangement. However, one day when the brothers were absent from home, Captain Winsor, a well known frontiersman, called. Used to all kinds of pioneer devices, he soon discovered their arrangement and he and his party entered the house, built a big fire and prepared a meal from supplies which they found. After they were gone the fire in some way spread to the timber, burning away the mantel and doing some damage to the interior, but fortunately the wet hemlock logs of which the cabin had been built proved fireproof, so the Karrs found their home only somewhat dismantled. They had met Captain Winsor and his friends, who told them of their visit but little dreamed of the result of their self-obtained hospitality.

As time passed on, the brothers continued the work of clearing and developing their places and in 1860, after making a trip to Olympia accompanied by Austin Young, James A. Karr established a brickyard at Cosmopolis, hoping thus to obtain ready money by supplying the commodity which the community greatly needed. He was not only associated in this undertaking with his brother but was also joined by Austin Young, Ed Campbell and David Byles. They furnished brick for the government barracks at Chehalis Point, and when the buildings �were abandoned after the war, Mr. Campbell bought one and moved it to Hoquiam, where it still stands on the east side of the river. The brick manufacturers furnished brick for' many of the fireplaces in the early homes and the income which they acquired enabled the Karr brothers to secure many needed supplies.

Olympia was a small village of about four or five hundred people when in March, 1860, Mr. Karr went there to enter his claim, which he secured as a preemption, the homestead law having not then been passed. When Chehalis county was formed James A. Karr was elected its first auditor and filled the office for twelve years. There was no salary attached to the position but the incumbent was allowed fees and three dollars per day for full time. In the winter of 1860 Mr. Karr taught the first school at Cosmopolis in a little building erected from lumber brought from Cedarville, while his own brickyard supplied the brick for the fireplace and chimney. He had twelve or fifteen pupils, for several families, including the Metcalfs, Goodell, Smith, Byles and Young families, were then living in the neighborhood. Christmas of that year was celebrated at the home of Mr. Goodell, with speaking, singing and a general good time. The families of the neighborhood gathered and the invitation was also extended to the soldiers stationed there. It was feared that the Indians, knowing that war was in progress among the whites of the north and the south, might go upon the warpath, so that a garrison was maintained at Chehalis Point and a blockhouse was erected at Cedarville. In the winter of 1861-2 Mr. Karr engaged in teaching at Montesano and as there was little money in the neighborhood he was largely paid in cattle, so that when he was ready to develop his farm he had quite a small herd of excellent cattle. In the winter of 1862-3 he taught at Mound Prairie. It was there that he had first heard of Grays Harbor when stopping at the Goodell home in 1859. One of the sons, Ed Goodell, had in the meantime married and removed to Forest Grove but Mr. Karr met him again at the close of the school term of 1863.

It was an occasion that, seemingly trivial, proved a most momentous one in the life of Mr. Karr, for Mr. Goodell showed him the picture of an attractive looking woman saying that he would give him the picture if he would take it to the original. In a spirit of fun Mr. Karr took the picture and about that time, desiring to see his brother on business matters and thinking that he might find work at harvesting or masonry and thus bring in money needed for carrying on the farm at Hoquiam, he started for the place where his brother was working, not far from Hillsboro, between Portland and Forest Grove, Oregon. In the course of a conversation with the woman with whom his brother boarded Mr. Karr chanced to say that he had the picture of a very nice looking girl. On seeing it the woman exclaimed: "Why, I know her. That's Abbie Walker and she is teaching at Hillsboro, only about a quarter of a mile away." She proposed that they visit the schoolhouse about the time the school would be closed. This plan was carried out and Mr. Karr walked with the young lady to her boarding house, which was some distance from the school. The old-time pioneer hospitality was extended him by the people of the house and after remaining there through the night he next day accompanied the young lady to school and they planned a ride together to her home at Forest Grove, where they spent the following Saturday and Sunday. The acquaintance progressed rapidly and when Miss Walker spoke of making a trip east of the mountains to visit the scenes of her childhood near Spokane, Mr. Karr replied that it would be a long, tedious journey and he wanted her to go to Hoquiam with him. An immediate marriage was agreed upon and was celebrated at the Walker home September 14, 1863, the bride's father, the Rev. Elkanah Walker, being the officiating clergyman, assisted by Rev. Chamberlain of Portland, vvho was then visiting at their home. The wedding trip consisted of a visit to the State Fair at Salem and a trip to Mound Prairie.

Mr. Karr was engaged to teach the Black River school that winter and in the spring he went to the farm to start the work, his wife remaining to finish out the two months of school. In the latter part of March he returned and accompanied his wife down the river to the homestead which they occupied for forty years. They earnestly undertook the task of developing the place and the labors of both were soon evident in its transformation and improved appearance. The first year they had ten cows and butter constituted their chief export. Mr. Karr remained continuously upon the farm save for the years 1875, 1882 and 1893, when he represented his district in the state legislature. Chehalis was a republican county, but as it did not contain enough people to form a district, the legislature resorted to gerrymandering when the democrats were in power and Chehalis was attached at various periods to different districts. It was first joined to Pierce, and although a republican stood no chance of winning, Mr. Karr made speeches throughout Pierce county, which was strongly democratic. At that time he was defeated, but when Pierce and Chehalis counties were again joined Mr. Karr received a large majority in Pierce and said that he thought the speeches he made several years before must have just begun to take effect. As a member of the legislature he carefully considered the vital questions which came up for consideration and gave his support to many measures which have been farreaching in their beneficial effects. He always kept in close touch with the questions and issues of the day from the time when he acted as secretary of the first political meeting held in Grays Harbor in 1860, on which occasion Governor Stevens was in the midst of his campaign for delegate to congress.

Mr. Karr actively continued the work of the farm and for ten years the family lived in the original log cabin, although some additions and improvements were added thereto. In 1874 he planned to build a new home, bringing lumber from Elma, doors and window sash from Tutnwater and brick from a schooner that had carried its cargo from Portland. Mr. Karr quarried the stone for two fireplaces from the bluff across the river and secured shingles at Montesano.
When materials were thus assembled a story and a half house was erected, facing the south and overlooking the waters of the bay. It was a period when the settlers had to depend upon their own labor for nearly all supplies and Mr. Karr undertook the task of tanning leather, at first using smartweed and other ingredients from the east, but he discovered the astringent properties of hemlock and alder bark and from those made his tanning materials. After producing leather this was cut up and shaped into boots and shoes for the family, Mr. Karr making the lasts and pegs, and the shoes it is said "made up in durability for what they lacked in elegance." All garments, even those for the boys, were homemade and raincoats were made of unbleached cotton soaked in linseed oil. Mr. Karf's former experience as a drug clerk enabled him to provide remedies for his family when there was no physician near at hand and not infrequently he was called upon to prescribe for his neighbors. He contributed to the social enjoyment of the community by his violin music, having studied in Nashville, Illinois, and afterward in Nevada City, California. While teaching at Cosmopolis he gave instruction in music as well as in the common branches. It was at Mr. Karr's suggestion that a trail was opened from Elma to Olympia over which horses and cattle could be driven, and this trail proved the predecessor of the stage road when a stage line brought the community into seemingly close connection with the capital. Later Mr. Karr and Mr. Campbell were owners of a big shovel-nosed canoe, with which they took their farm produce up the river in the fall, finishing the journey by wagon, and on the return they brought with them provisions to last for a year. They had little trouble with the Indians in that locality, although when the Modoc war was in progress it seemed that there might be an uprising at Grays Harbor.

Mr. and Mrs. Karr became the parents of twelve children, namely: Mary Olive, the wife of H. L. Gilkey, who is cashier of the First National Bank of Southern Oregon at Grants Pass, Oregon; Beatrice Abigail, now Mrs. H. B. McNeill, of Aberdeen; Elkanah Walker, deceased; Cyrus James, who is captain of the lightship Umatilla, stationed near the Bay station; Henry Anderson, twin of Cyrus, who died at the age of fourteen; Phoebe Rose, now Mrs. Johnson, of Centfalia; John Ross, a twin of Phoebe, who is a resident of North Yakima; Ruth, now the wife of J. S. McKee, of Hoquiam; William Hay, deceased; Eunice Viola, who resides with her mother in North Yakima; Levi Zebulon, a resident of North Yakima: and Arthur Thompson, of North Yakima, who married Harriet Chadwick, a daughter of Judge Chadvvick. On the I4th of September, 1913, at North Yakima, Mr. and Mrs. Karr celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Karr gave their children good educational opportunities. School was held during the summer months, and when the term was over, the big family bedroom at home was converted into a schoolroom, with homemade desks, and the parents acted as instructors to their children until the older sisters were able to assume the task of teaching. Mr. Karr was advanced in his ideas concerning education and believed firmly that girls should be given the same chance as boys and accordingly his daughters received as good educational advantages as his sons. Three daughters graduated from the University of Washington and Mrs. McKee has a Master of Arts degree and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, admission to which is gained only by high scholarship. Mr. Karr took a great deal of pride in Mrs. McKee's fine scholastic record. In winter a society was formed which was practically a parliamentary law club\emdash the first on the Harbor\emdash and Mr. Karr acted as president. His children received training therefore along that line and the instruction has proven valuable in later years. With the passing of pioneer conditions the Karr farm, owing to the progressive spirit of the owner, took on all of the improvements of modern times and through his business ability Mr. Karr won very substantial success, his estate becoming valuable. In 1904 the family removed to North Yakima, where his last years were spent and where his widow still resides. He died of apoplexy on the night of November 4, 1914. He had been keenly interested in the general election which took place on the preceding day and particularly in the fate of the prohibition law, had voted and seemed in his usual health. He was a stanch republican in his political belief and fraternally was a Mason and a charter member of the Hoquiam lodge of that order. Although there were many happy memories of early times, he looked back with no sigh of regret to the past but rejoiced in the progress of the present and kept in touch with the trend of modern thought. He had passed the eightieth milestone on life's journey when called by death, but old age need not suggest as a matter of course idleness and want of occupation. There is an old age which grows stronger and brighter mentally and morally as the years go on and gives out of its rich stores of wisdom and experience for the benefit of others. Such was the recosd of James A. Karr.

[HI33] (Research):No further record found. Not in 1860 or 1865 Census of Washington Co, IL

[HI34] (Research):No further record found

[HI35] (Research):Mary Patricia Evilsizer O Tauma.........says I decided to name our new kitten "spicey jane" after our mutual relative from here in Illinois. Jane is a black & white medium hair with little sp ts on her nose and long, dainty little tufts of white hair in her ears. she was rescued by the humane society where we volunteer when she was about six weeks old, having become separated from her mother somehow. she was found in an alley, sick and near starvation but two weeks at our vet clinic and a week of recuperation where all she did was sleep all day, turned her into a healthy, perky kitten

[HI36] (Research):Complete Rountree Ancestry of this family found at gencircles,com

1830 CENSUS WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Pg 182, Ln 1 Rountree, Linville Males Females 1 under 5 2 under 5 1 between 20 & 30 1 between 5 & 10 1 between 30 & 40 1 between 20 & 30

1840 CENSUS WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS Pg 232, Line 3 - Rountree, Linville Males Females 1 under 5 1 under 5 1 between 5 & 10 2 between 5 & 10 1 between 15 & 20 2 between 10 & 15 1 between 30 & 40 2 between 15 & 20 1 between 30 & 40

1850 CENSUS WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS 777/777 - Rountree, Linville 49 Farmer b. KY William F. 20 Farmer b. IL Temperence J. 18 b. IL Henrietta T. 16 b. IL Newton J. 15 b. IL Rhoda G. 13 b. IL Harry H. 10 b. IL Nipper J. 7 b. IL Allen B. 4 b. IL Hiram C. 1 b. IL James B. 1 b. IL

1879 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS Pg 25: Linville Rountree associated elected to Board of Commissioners 185 3. Linville Rountree elected to 13th Board of Commissioners 1838.

Linville Rountree elected Associate Justice 1853 and 1857

Pg 70: Linville Rountree was first Blacksmith of Elkton.

WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS PROBATE RECORDS Will of Linville Rountree, Filed 7 August 1866 Wife: Jane; Sons: James B., Hiram C., William T., Newton J., Harry H., Nipper J., a nd Allen B. Daughters or legal heirs: Polly B., Delilah F., Judah T., Temperance J ., Henrietta and Rhoda G. Granddaughter: Mary A. Jones Executor: James M. Rountree Written 2 August 1866 Witnesses: F. H. Reeves and J. A. Carr

[HI39] (Research): Nashville Journal October 26, 1922
Henry Evilsizer, an employee of the Nashville Mining Company, died sudden ly Saturday night at his home near Oakdale, at the age of 64 years. D r. S P Schroeder conducted the coroner's inquest at the family residence Sunday and summoned the following jury: Reinholdt Kroener, foreman, P J May, Charles Petrashek, J I Fleschute, Clyde Dahncke and Charlie Dintleman. They found that he came to his death by heart disease during t he night from October 21 to 22." At the inquest, Mrs Evilsizer testified that her husband had been complaining about his leg a great deal since he w as hurt September 3, 1921. Last winter this limb broke open three times but had lately healed over.She said he complained of headaches a good de al the last year....Although he worked hard at tasks, he did not have t he strength he formerly had. Walter Evilsizer of Nashville testified that he was a nephew of the deceased and that Mr Evilsizer had come to his house last Monday evening to board with him and that he worked at the mine the entire day. Saturday he complained of a bad cold and in the eveni ng had a tight feeling across his breast. After eating a hearty supper, Walter Evilsizer suggested that his uncle wait until morning before going to his home near Oakdale, since he was not feeling well, but the older man insisted that he wanted to go home immediately so they set out in Walter's car, arriving at their destination about 7:30. While at his ho me he was cheerful, played the violin and retired at about 10:00 P.M. Sund ay morning the family got up late and a little before 9 his son Hiram called him to breakfast, and receiving no response, went to his room and found him dead. Hiram Evilsizer corroborated his cousin's testimony. Hen ry A Evilsizer was born at Waterloo in 1859 as the youngest son of Ellio tt and Polly Evilsizer and died October 22, aged 62 years, 10 months a nd 17 days. He was united in marriage with Kate Whittenburg in 1882. To th is union 11 children were born, 3 of whom, Mrs. Gertrude Corden, Mrs Cathe rine Mitchell and Warren, preceded him in death. Those left to mourn his death are his wife, 8 children, Elliott and Mrs Gus Borchelt of Nashvill e, Mrs Frank Borchelt of Johnson City, Hiram, Edward, Luchion and Viol et of Elkton, 16 grandchildren, also a host of friends.Funeral services were held in the M E Church, South, in this city Tuesday afternoon and we re conducted by the pastor Rev Burge. The Miner's Local No. 2109 attended the services in a body and held a ritualized service at the grave in the Masonic Cemetery Those from a distance attending the obsequies were; Mr and Mrs William Seyler and daughter, Mrs R L Stephenson and children, Cleo, Leo Orville and Lynn, Mrs and Mrs Joe Pulliam and daughter, Ira R uth, Mr and Mrs harry Seyler, Mr and Mrs Frank Borchelt, all of Johnston City, Mrs and Mrs Albert Corden of DuQuion, Mrs Fred Stillman of St Clai r, MO, Mrs Etta Folks and daughter Margaret and Mrs Jennie Catchion of St Louis, Mrs Matt Smith and son Pat of Ashley, Mr and Mrs Newton C unningham and daughter of Elkton.

[DI39] Name �tab�Henry Evilsizer
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�22 Oct 1922
Death Place �tab�Oakdale, Washington, Illinois
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�62
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1860
Birth Date �tab�05 Dec 1859
Birthplace �tab�Waterloo, Ill.
Father �tab�Elliott Evilsizer
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�Pennsylvania
Mother �tab�Polly Rountree
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�Elkton, Ill.
Occupation �tab�coal miner
Residence �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�24 Oct 1922
Burial Place �tab�Nashville
Cemetery �tab�Masonic
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4008050
Image Number �tab�2448
Film Number �tab�1556745
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�cn 35261

[HI42] (Research):Living in 1900 with mother and step father

[HI48] (Research):After James Walter died, Annie married Smith Adlaska Jones 3-9-1892.

[HI52] (Research):My mother and father researched George and Mary Graham for over 50 years with no results. I have contunued thru 2014 with no results.

Mary death cert says George born Il and Mary born KY.

1880 McPherson Co, KS
George Graham �tab�45 born IL
Mary J. Graham �tab�42 born KY
Sarah C. Graham �tab�23
Allen R. Graham �tab�21
George W. Graham �tab�15
Harriet L. Graham �tab�13
Lawrence E. Graham �tab�10

1870 Davies Co, Union, MO
James L Davis �tab�39
Letitia Davis �tab�39
George Graham �tab�36
Mary I Graham �tab�32
Sarah C Graham �tab�15
Allen R Graham �tab�12
Mary I Graham �tab�9
George W Graham �tab�6
Harriet L Graham �tab�4
Lawrence Graham �tab�1

[HI57] (Research):WWI Draft Registration Card 9/12/1918 James Walter Evilsizer age 32 living in Nashville, IL Born 2/8/1886 Coal Miner - at present training for Alfred McWilliams Kin, Jennie Evilsizer, Nshaville, IL tall, med build, blue eyes, ---hair, no defects

Living in Richmond MO at time of death, taken to St Louis Hospital where he died

[HI59] (Research):1910 Census has Sarah Fox, age 75 named as mother in law, widow, 9/6

Muskogee County, Oklahoma Census, 1910 about CHARLES EVILSINER Year: 1910 State: OKLAHOMA County: MUSKOGEE Inc. Place: MUSKOGEE CITY Township: PORTER TOWNSHIP SD: 3 ED: 113 Page: 11 Fam.: 15 Surname: EVILSINER Given Name: CHARLES Age: 19 Birthplace: IL Sex: M Race: W Relation: HEAD Marital Status: M Yrs. Married: 0

Muskogee County, Oklahoma Census, 1910 about LUCINDA EVILSINER Year: 1910 State: OKLAHOMA County: MUSKOGEE Inc. Place: MUSKOGEE CITY Township: PORTER TOWNSHIP SD: 3 ED: 113 Page: 11 Fam.: 15 Surname: EVILSINER Given Name: LUCINDA Age: 24 Birthplace: OK Sex: F Race: W Relation: WIFE Marital Status: M Yrs. Married: 0

WWI Draft Registration Card 6/5/1917 Washington Co, Nashville, IL Charles Zachariah Evilsizer age 26 Born 9/28/1890 in Nashville, IL living in Nashville, IL Coal Miner for Nashville Coal Co Single, tall and slender, Blue eyes, black hair no defects

1920 Census name is George, wife Ruth age 26 son James 6months enumerated Jan 10th 1920. Occupation Coal Miner. Strange as he is my great uncle Chick and he never went by George

Evilseizer, George
Age: 29 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_412
Race: White Page: 13A
State: Illinois ED: 225
County: Washington Image: 1003
Township: Nashville

[DI60] Name: �tab�Etta Folkers
SSN: �tab�499-26-7118
Born: �tab�5 Dec 1892
Last Benefit: �tab�63301 Saint Charles, Saint Charles, Missouri,
Died: �tab�Jul 1977
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)
Name:�tab�Etta Folkers
Date of Birth:�tab�Monday December 05, 1892
Date of Death:�tab�July 1977
Est. Age at death:�tab�84 years, 7 months
Last known residence:
�tab�State: �tab�Unknown
Location of Last Benefit Paid:
�tab�City: �tab�Saint Charles; Black Walnut; Kampville; Kampville Beach; Kampville Court; Orchard Farm; South Shore
�tab�County: �tab�Saint Charles
�tab�State: �tab�Missouri
�tab�ZIP Code: �tab�
Social Security details:
�tab�State of Issue: �tab�Missouri
�tab�Number: �tab�499-26-7118

[XI60] Section 20 Lot 527 Graves 1-6

[NI61] Weekly Tribune, Cape Girardeau MO June 22, 1917
Kills Sheriff and marshall
Nashville ILL is Scene of Shooting
Murder, Seeking Man Who Was About to Wed Daughter, Then Wounds Himself
Nashville, ILL June 21-Nashville is quiet following threats of mob vilence when Hiram Rice, former city marshall shot and instantly killed Sheriff J K May and City Marshall August Lueker. Rice fired upon the two officials when they attempted to disarm him after he threatened to kill John Evilsizer Jr, who planned to marry Rice's daughter later in the afternoon. Rice gave his consent to the marriage two weeks ago but apparentley took a sudden dislike to Evilsizer during the past several days. The daughter is sixteen years old. Rice was probably fatally wounded by a bullet from Lueker's revolver and was taken to city hospital at Mount Vernon. It was said at the hospital that Rice would die within 48 hours unless there was an unexpected change for the better. Mayor Henry Krughoff, who closed the saloons immediatley after the shooting, has ordered that they remain closed until Friday night. All Nashville is preparing to attend the funerals of the two officials, who were very popular here.

[HI61] (Research):The Day They Shot County Sheriff May From: The Nashville News Date: unknown By: Don Lehnhoff

The story is the type that makes for a good Country and Western ballad. The best part is it's all true.

It concerns a unique bit of Washington County history, recollecting the saga of the only County Sheriff ever to lose his life in the performance of his duty.

It was resurrected recently by Bill Temme when he found what he believes to be one of the bullets fired in the historic shoot out, Temme found the bullet lodged inside the southwest wall of the L & N Depot building now under renovation by the County Historical Society. The bullet was discovered while replacing worn weather boards. "I'd been looking for it for the last year and half," said Temme, who has researched the depot building and its historic significance. "Everybody said it (evidence from the shoot out) was in the southwest corner and that's the only hole on the south side." Temme hopes to determine the caliber of the bullet as a final way of proving who fired the shot. It is logical to assume the bullet cam from the gun of Assistant City Marshall, August Leker, one of three men who died as the result of a confrontation on Wednesday, June 20, 1917. Leker and Sheriff, Jacob "Jake" May had been summoned to the Jankowski salo on which was housed next to the depot around 12:30 P.M. on June 20, to disarm Hiram Rice. Rice, who had taken a shotgun into the saloon and was threatening to shoot John Evilsizer, Jr., his 20 year old perspective son-in-l aw. Evilsizer and Rice's 16-year-old daughter, Ella, planned to be married. In fact, the parents of both had applied for a marriage license earlier that year, but because Ella was under 16, the license had been denied. June 20 was Ella's 16th birthday. Rice had changed his mind about them arriage and now threatened to shoot Evilsizer rather than see the marriage confirmed. Rice was a 60-year-old former City Marshall and had been president of the local miner's union for the last 20 years. He had been suffering from rheumatism and until the day of the shoot out, walked with the a id of crutches. But on that Wednesday, Rice visited several saloons in Nas hville before going to the Jankowski place. When May and Leker confronted Rice on the street between the saloon and the depot, outside the establishment, Rice threatened May with a raised shotgun. "You saw that" said May as Leker pulled a revolver and fired five shots at Rice, missing him with all five. Rice blasted his shotgun into Leker's chest, reloaded, then shot May in the back of his head before he fell to the ground, wounded in the abdomen by one of three bullets fired by May, according to Newspaper reports. Customers from the saloon ran outside to find May and Leker both dead and Rice mortally wounded. Rice was transported to Mt. Vernon hospital where an operation proved useless. He died after signing a confession four days later. In the flowery prose of the Nashville Journal Newspaper of June 28, 1917: "Rice passed from the reach of human courts to face the Supreme Judge." Rice was given no chance of recovery after the operation in Mt. Vernon found the bullet lodged in his hipbone and pierced five intestines. "Sinking spells set in," but before he died he stated that it was a bullet from Leker's gun which had struck home. He claimed Leker fired first. Witnesses at a Coroner's Jury held the day of the shooting differed as to whom fired first. Most said it was Leker. Rice was disarmed after the shooting by Leo Jankowski, the saloon owner a veteran of the Spanish-American War. Rice surrendered without a struggle. Rice was kept under armed guard at his home to prevent a get-away or possible lynching before he was transported to the Mt. Vernon hospital Wednesday night. Thousands of County residents attended the funerals of May and Leker. Leker had been born in Nashville on April 29, 1881. May was born in Lettveiler, Germany on November 17, 1871. He had first been elected Sheriff in 1914 and was the second of five May family members to hold the position in Washington County, since Illinois became a state in 1818. Jacob May was Sheriff from 1874-1878; William H. May was Sheriff from 1922-1926, a cousin, Freeman F. Kaser was Sheriff from 1958-1962 and A. Virgil May was Sheriff from 1962-1966. The day after the shooting, Ella Rice and John Evilsizer again applied for a marriage license but were denied by County Clerk Heckert "under the circumstances." Ella and John eventually married and had a number of children and remained married until death. Newspaper reports identified the bullet, which killed Rice as a 32-calibre. Rice was using a 16- gauge shotgun. The identity of the revolvers used by May and Leker was not given. From the Coroner's Jury testimony, however, the angles indicate the position of the bullet found in the L & N Depot could be one fired at Rice by either Leker or May. The likelihood that it came from Leker 's gun is prevalent due to the extreme closeness of his shots to the window of the depot where the bullet was found. The bullet was found three feet from the corner of the depot building about two and one half feet above ground level. Newspaper accounts say Rice was standing about three feet away from the corner of the building on the southwestern side.

[DI61] Certificate of Death 5/13/1959
St Louis Co, Barnes Hospital, St Louis MO
John C Evilsizer
Res 207 W Smith, Washington Co, Nashville, IL
Born 12/16/1896 aged 62 years
Married, Coal Miner
Father-John C Evilsizer
Mother Melissa Graham
Informant Ella Evilsizer 207 W Smith
SS# 344-01-5570
COD-Carcinoma of Larynx with metastases to lung. 1 yr
Contributing to death-Post operative right lower lobe lobectomy
Burial Masonic Cemetery, Nashville, IL

[DI62] Social Security Death Index
about Agnes Catsigian
Name: �tab�Agnes Catsigian
SSN: �tab�496-22-3450
Last Residence: �tab�63114 Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri,
Born: �tab�6 Jul 1900
Died: �tab�Jul 1976
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)

[XI62] Name: �tab�Agnes G Catsigian
Service Info.: �tab�PFC US ARMY
Birth Date: �tab�6 Jul 1900
Death Date: �tab�11 Jul 1976
Relation: �tab�Wife of Catsigian, James P
Interment Date: �tab�14 Jul 1976
Cemetery: �tab�Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: �tab�2900 Sheridan Road St. Louis, MO 63125
Buried At: �tab�Section Ops2 Site 1980a

[HI63] (Research):Not sure this is Fred: 1900 Duval Co, TX
Chas F Stillman �tab�54
Isabel Stillman �tab�39
Fernand F Stillman �tab�19
Mary Stillman �tab�13
James Stillman �tab�10
Fred Stillman �tab�9
Viola Stillman �tab�6
Chas F Stillman �tab�3
Sarah Stillman �tab�1

[HI65] (Research):Nicholas Shaffer gave grandchild William to hired hand Tom Lantz and wife Sarah to care for.

[DI67] Nashville, Washington Co, ILL News May 6, 1976 EVILSIZER, Carrie Ella (RICE)-A former resident of Nashville, Mrs Carrie E lla Evilsizer of Odin, passed away on Thursday, April 29, in the Washingt on County Hospital where she had been a patient for three weeks. She had a ttained the age of 74 years. Born June 20, 1901 in Nashville, she was t he daughter of Hiram and Effie (Rittenhouse) Rice.She was united in marria ge to John Calvin EVILSIZER on June 30, 1917 in Nashville and he preced ed her in death on May 13,1958. A member of the Grace united Methodist Chu rch in Nashville, she had made her home with her daughter Jenetta, in Od in for the past 11 years. Surviving are three sons, John Calvin Evilsize r, Jr. of Centralia, Harry Evilsizer of Woodlawn and Joseph Evilsizer of S alina, Kansas; three daughters, Mrs. Jenetta Williams and husband Russe ll of Odin, Mrs. Agnes green and Husband Henry of Oklahoma City, OK, and M rs. Virginia Stricker and husband Warren of Okawville; two nieces, Mrs. Ru th Teel of Okawville and Mrs. Edna BASSETT of Coulterville, one nephew, Ge ne Rice of Coulterville., **27 grandchildren, 21 great grand children a nd one great-great grandchild. Preceding her in death besides her husban d, John were one daughter, Faire Elizabeth, two sisters and three brothe rs Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:00 in the King Funeral home in N ashville with Rev Richard Scott, officiating. Mrs. Gladys Richards serv ed as organist. Burial was at the Masonic Cemetery with Gary Stricker, Mic hael Williams, Calvin Evilsizer, Clarence Evilsizer, Roy Frederking and Wa yne Hashheider, serving as casket bearers.

**There are many grandchildren missing in this family tree.

[DI68] Weekly Lamar Democrat, August 1964 Mrs Mary Elizabeth Evilsizer, for more than sixty years a resident of Iant ha, died at her home in Iantha, at 10:30 A.M. Thursday. She would have rea ched her eighty-fifth birthday had she lived until the twenty fourth d ay of August. She had been in steadfastly failing health due to circulato ry disease for the past couple of years. However she became seriously i ll about three months ago. She was a patient several times in Memorial hos pital and it was known there was little medical science could do to allevi ate the gradual deterioration of the vital forces. The deceased was bo rn at Piper City, Illinois, August 24, 1879, the daughter of Hart Quick a nd Lucy Ellen Leatherman Quick. She was married to John Walter Evilsizer J une 25, 1902 at Irwin. Following their marriage they settled at Iant ha in the home, in which she was to spend the remaining sixty two yea rs of her life and where she died. The husband died May 11, 1941. Five att ractive daughters all esteemed and favorably known, survive their parent s. They are Miss Fay Evilsizer, Lamar elementary school principal, of t he home at Iantha, Mrs Gay Payton and Mrs Dot Norton of Lamar, Mrs Zoe Hou ser of Piper City, Illinois and Mrs May Hart of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Two broth ers, John Quick of Pekin, Illinois, Charles Quick of Dillon, Montana, fo ur grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive. The deceased w as a devoted wife and mother and the five daughters returned the devoti on in full measure, lavishing every attention upon their mother. She was i nterested in community and civic affairs, and enjoyed the respect and affe ction of her neighbors. She was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jes us Christ of Latter Day Saints. The body was taken to Chiles funeral ho me to be prepared for burial. The last rites were set for 2 P.M. Saturd ay at the Chiles chapel. Interment will be in the Iantha Cemetery.

[HI69] (Research):1900 United States Federal Census
about Jennie M Barker
Name: �tab�Jennie M Barker
Home in 1900: �tab�Cimarron, Woods, Oklahoma
[Woods, Oklahoma]
Age: �tab�24
Birth Date: �tab�May 1876
Birthplace: �tab�Illinois
Race: �tab�White
Gender: �tab�Female
Relationship to head-of-house: �tab�Wife
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Missouri
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Illinois
Mother: number of living children: �tab�3
Mother: How many children: �tab�4
Spouse's Name: �tab�Edward Barker
Marriage Year: �tab�1894
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Years Married: �tab�6
Occupation: �tab�View on Image
Neighbors: �tab�View others on page
Household Members: �tab�
Name �tab�Age
Edward Barker �tab�29
Jennie M Barker �tab�24
Wilbur Barker �tab�3
Dempster D Barker �tab�2
Clarence E Barker �tab�7/12

[DI69] Nashville Journal November 4, 1959 Jennie Evilsizer Dies in Nursing Home Mrs Jennie Evilsizer of Nashville who had lived in Washington Springs Nurs ing home in Okawville in recent years, died Tuesday night in St Elizabeth 's Hospital, Belleville. She was a native of Oklahoma. Funeral services wi ll be held at 1 P.M. Friday in the Robert N Smith funeral home and buri al will be in the Masonic Cemetery. The Rev Homer Young will officiate. Fr iends may call at the funeral home after 6 P.M. Thursday. She was the wid ow of Walter Evilsizer. They had no children.

[DI70] Name: �tab�Clarence Elis Ward �tab�
Social Security #: �tab�700096366
Gender: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�4 Aug 1901
Birth Place: �tab�Ohio
Death Date: �tab�26 Apr 1980
Death Place: �tab�Alameda
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Licklider

[NI71] Daughter's obit names mother Marjorie Funderberg, howqever spouse John Gordon names his wife as Marjorie Funderburg.

[NI72] Nickname "Cactus Joe from Idaho"

Ivan graduated from Sullivan Public High School in Sullivan, Missouri in 1945. He enlisted in the Army for about a year and was sent overseas to Germany for most of that time. He married Helen in 1946, shortly before he went overseas. When he returned, he and Helen moved to Dallas, Texas.

Ivan attended Draughon's College in Dallas where he studied accounting and business management. His first job was with Excel Products as Office Manager. He worked for Howard Van Lines, and it was there that he met Woodie Jarmon who owned a van lines in Wichita Falls, Texas, and he hired Ivan to move there and work for him as Office Manager.

Several years later, when the Jarmon brothers started using van lines money to put into oil well ventures, the company began losing money and Ivan resigned from Jarmons. He moved his family to Mobile, Alabama where they stayed for three months and then returned to Texas - to the Dallas area. After eight months, Ivan and Helen moved to Los Angeles, California and stayed about five years. They then moved from Los Angeles to Tampa, Florida.

Ivan worked for Yocam Batteries in Tampa, and they transferred him to Jacksonville as Regional Manager of their branch office in Jacksonville. Ivan left Yocam to work as Controller for Montgomery Ward in Jacksonville. Later, they transferred him to Tallahassee where they were opening a new store.

Ivan and Helen left Florida the end of February of 1972 and moved to San Diego, California. Ivan first worked as Controller for Montgomery Ward in San Bernardino where they were opening a new store. Then, he worked for a Health Food Store in La Jolla. Later, he worked for El Poco Candle and Gift Shoppes. When Mr. Smith died, he started working for Ponto Corp. in Carlsbad. He was Vice-President of Finance at both Ponto and El Poco.

Ivan had open-heart surgery for replacement of a heart valve in 1989, and then retired a year later, in 1990. He continued to work for short periods as a Consultant for Gary Randall with Ponto Corp up until his death on January 1, 1997.

Personal observations on places he lived:
Kansas City, Missouri- It rained 22 days in a row which brought about a sudden departure. Bought a 1934 Pontiac to make the drive to Dallas. Paid $1 50 down and financed the balance of $200. The car used 26 quarts of o il on the trip.
Dallas Texas- The cleanest city I ever lived.
Wichita Falls, Texas-Arrived in august of 1953 and saw the first rain August of 1953. The dust was so thick, the prairie dogs dug holes 20 feet in the air.
Mobile, Alabama- Best fishing in my life.
Los Angeles, California-Liked the weather, but did not like the people who lived there.
Tampa and Jacksonville, Florida-Not much difference between the two; Ninety degrees in the shade and 99% humidity. Summer rains every day and winter rains every other day. Grew web feet after 13 years.
San Diego, California- Chamber of Commerce City- Perfect everything. America's best kept secret.

[MI72] (Medical):Emphezima from smoking for many years. Health deteriorated after heart surgery in Feb, 1989.


[DI73] Name: �tab�John Gordon
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1917
Age at Death: �tab�49
Death Date: �tab�20 Jan 1966
Death Place: �tab�Bellefontaine
Spouse: �tab�Marjorie Funderburg
Parents: �tab�Chris
Newspaper Information: �tab�Newspaper: Bellefontaine Examiner; Newspaper Date: 20 Jan 1966; Newspaper Page: 7 Column: 6; Repository: Logan County Libraries -Bellefontaine, OH; Years Available: 1949-51, 1953-59,1960-1970, 1972, 1974- current
Name: �tab�John W Gordon
Birth Date: �tab�1917
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States
Death Date: �tab�20 Jan 1966
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mary Rutan Hospital
Death Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, USA
Certificate: �tab�04738
Age at Death: �tab�49
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[NI74] Helen attended part of her first year of grade school in Herrin, Illinois. When her family moved to Sullivan, Missouri, she attended Sullivan Elementary and Sullivan Public High Schools and graduated in 1944. Taking the train to Kansas City, she attended Kansas City Secretarial School and s tarted her first secretarial job at Commodity Credit Corporation, later called the War Assets Administration.

When my brother Chuck vistied St Louis in 2010, he obtained from Texal Barnes the previous addresses that mother lived. 213 S 21st St, Herrin, IL: 103 Virginia St (Sullivan?), and 24 McKinley

When she and Ivan moved to Dallas, she worked for three different companies as a secretary. In Wichita Falls she worked for a couple of law firms and for the railroad for a short time. When she and Ivan left Texas and moved to Mobile, Alabama, she worked for a law firm. In Los Angeles, she worked as secretary to the Sales Manager for General Mills.

While Helen and Ivan were in Tampa, most of the time she did not work outside the home. She did work for a short period as a secretary for an electrical company.

In Jacksonville, Florida, she first worked as a secretary for a cruise line company, and then later for short periods she worked with Kelly Girls, a temporary agency company. She also worked for Kelly Girls in Tallahassee, FL

When she and Ivan moved to San Diego, California, she first worked with Triple A and then later, for a few years, she worked for Kelly Girls and Manpower Temporary Agency. Most of the time in San Diego, Helen had not worked outside the home.

She was a talented painter and many of her paintings are displayed in several states. Her children have most of her paintings today.

Helen's maternal grandfather was Benjamin Morrison Board. Benjamin was the Great Great Grandson of Cornelius Board

Cornelius Board (ca.1690-1745) was the Founder of the Board family in America. He came from Sussex, England in 1730 with his wife, Elizabeth, and two young sons, James and David; James was ten, born in 1720, and David w as three, born in 1727. He settled first at Bloomfield, New Jersey, then later at Boardville, Pompton Township, Passaic County, New Jersey.

Cornelius was a Civil Engineer and Surveyor. He was sent by Alexander Lord Sterling to search the mountains of northern New York and New Jersey for copper ore, but he found not copper but iron in great abundance. He named the place Sterling after his patron, and he built the first forge the rein the years, 1730 to 1736. The first iron made in that part of the country was made by Cornelius Board, and it is absolutely certain that this first Sterling Forge was the beginning of the works that later made iron for cannon balls used in the Revolution; also, for the great chain that stretched across the Hudson at West Point.

Benjamin's grandfather was Philip Schuyler Board who descended from the famous Schuyler's of New York. Philip's mother was Janneke Ann Schuyler who was a great great granddaughter of Philip Schuyler and Marguerita Van Slichtenhorst. President George Bush also descends from Phillip Schuyler.

Helen's maternal grandmother was Dora Elizabeth Nuckolls. The Nuckolls Worldwide Kindred Society published "The First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred, Book II", copy write 2000, Higginson Books. Daughter Sandra Jean is Secretary-Treasurer of this Society and compiled the information for the book .

[MI74] (Medical):Cronic Hay fever and Bronchitus

[DI74] �u�San Diego Union Tribune Thursday December 21, 2006�/u�
Helen Marie Evilsizer passed away Saturday, Dec 16, 2006 resting in the ar ms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ after a battle with pancreatic can cer, aged 80y10m19d. Helen was born Jan 27, 1926 in Herrin, IL the d au of Stephen Barnes and Elmina Board. She eloped with her childhood sweetheart, Ivan Evilsizer and married Jul 15, 1946. He died Jan 1 1997. Her hobbies included oil painting and genealogy. Four of her family history books can be found in the Salt Lake Library. She and Ivan lived in Texas and Florida, moving to San Diego in 1972. She was a member of the East Clairemont Southern Baptist Church and attended a local Bible Study Group. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, brothers Bartis Barnes, Bennie Theodore Barnes, and Charles Barnes; sisters Edith Barnes, Ruby Dorrell, and Dorothy Dorrell. She is survived by brother Texal Barnes; sisters Mary Jeanette Escarcega of AZ, and Lillian Lucius of FL; Children Ivan C Evilsizer and Sandra Koscak, both of Helena, MT; grandchildren Laura and Tyler Evilsizer, also of Helena; special niece Dee Barr of AR; and a host of nieces and nephews who will mourn her loss. She will be interred today next to her beloved husband today at Ft Rosecrans National Cemetery, Point Loma, CA.

�u�By daughter Sandra 12/31/2006 �/u�
Tom and I moved temporarily to San Diego to be caregivers for my mother. We were there during the last 7 weeks of her life. It was so sad to see her in so much pain. Although it was both a physical and spiratual battle, God sustained us through it. I feel blessed that I was able to be by her side and tell her each day how much I loved her. She will be truly missed in this world, but looking forward to reuniting with her again in the new heaven and earth.

[XI74] Plot: Sect A-E Site 1209


James Todd, a native of Ireland, born about the year 1750, migrated from h is native land and first located in the State of Massachusetts, where he l ived until the War of the Revolution. Being of Irish birth he readily ca st in his lot with the people of the Colonies in crushing the might of Eng land, the hereditary foe of his native land. Following the Revolution Jam es Todd married Mary Brand, a native of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a nd together they established their home in that county, where seven childr en were born to thent. Some of the children grew to maturity in Dauphin Co unty, married there and raised families. In the year 1806, the elder Jam es Todd, together with the greater portion of his family, came west to Ohi o, settling finally in Warren County, Ohio, building their log cabin ho me close to a branch of the Little Miami River. An eastern branch of the r iver that became kno~n and still is listed on maps as Todd�s Fork. This li ttle stream has its origin near the boundary between Greene and Clinton Co unties, and flows south-westerly across Clinton and Warren Counties to i ts junction with the Little Miami. In the region bordering this stream ma ny of the pioneering families who settled in Champaign and Clark Counti es sojoumed there for few years before making final settlement in our loc al territory.

[DI77] ALTHOUSE, Jacqueline A. 77, of Springfield, passed away on Friday, September 19, 2014 in the Springfield Masonic Community . She was born on May 28, 1937 in Springfield, the daughter of John William and Marjorie Mae (Evilsizor) Gordon. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Robert Morgan and her second husband and love of her life, Jimmie D. Althouse. Jackie worked at Community Hospital for 15 years, the Tecumseh Consortium, and also Maines Towing for five years. She loved traveling especially to Tennessee with her daughter Rhonda and enjoyed visiting casinos. Jackie was an avid reader and bowler. She is survived by her four children: Deborah (Tim) Spangler of Blue Ash, Ohio; Terrence Morgan of Springfield, Rhonda L. (Michael) Knox of Springfield, and Mark (Susie) Althouse of Springfield; brother, John P. T. (Lois) Gordon of Morral, Ohio; three grandchildren: Heather Morgan, Terry and Alisha Harris; three great grandchildren, lifelong friend, Judy King, and several nieces, nephews, and adopted family members. She was also preceded in death by her parents and her nephew, John T. Gordon, and son Scott Althouse. A celebration of her life will be held on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. Friends may call from 1-2:00 p.m. prior to the service. Burial will be in the Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the John T. Gordon Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund www.marioncommunityfounda- You may express condolences at

[DI80] �b��i�Name:�/b�Harry F Funderburg�tab��tab�
�b�Birth Date:�/b�1903�tab��tab�
�b�Birth Place:�/b�Ohio, United States�tab��tab�
�b�Residence Place:�/b�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States�tab��tab�
�b�Death Date:�/b�3 Jan 1985�tab��tab�
�b�Hospital of Death:�/b�Community Hospital of Springfield�tab��tab�
�b�Death Place:�/b�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, USA�tab��tab�
�b�Age at Death:�/b�82�tab��tab�
�b�Social Security Number:�/b�277-01-9918�tab��tab�
�b�Marital Status:�/b�Widowed�tab��tab�
�b�Industry of Decedent:�/b�Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment�tab��tab�
�b�Occupation of Decedent:�/b�Assemblers�tab��tab�

[DI81] Name:�tab�John H Elix
Titles and Terms:�tab�
Event Type:�tab�Death
Event Date:�tab�08 Jan 1943
Event Place:�tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Residence Place:�tab�
Address:�tab�1558 Mound St.
Marital Status:�tab�Widowed
Occupation:�tab�Machinist - road roller
Birth Date:�tab�26 May 1867
Birthplace:�tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Year (Estimated):�tab�1868
Burial Date:�tab�11 Jan 1943
Burial Place:�tab�
Father's Name:�tab�
Father's Titles and Terms:�tab�
Father's Birthplace:�tab�
Mother's Name:�tab�
Mother's Titles and Terms:�tab�
Mother's Birthplace:�tab�
Spouse's Name:�tab�Elizabeth Elix
Spouse's Titles and Terms:�tab�
File Number:�tab�fn 540
GS Film number:�tab�2024043
Digital Folder Number:�tab�004057822
Image Number:�tab�00567
Citing this Record:
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Sep 2014), John H Elix, 08 Jan 1943; citing Springfield, Clark, Ohio, reference fn 540; FHL microfilm 2024043.

[DI82] Name:�tab�Elizabeth Elix
Titles and Terms:�tab�
Event Type:�tab�Death
Event Date:�tab�19 Mar 1923
Event Place:�tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Residence Place:�tab�
Address:�tab�1858 Mound St.
Marital Status:�tab�Married
Birth Date:�tab�24 Oct 1855
Birthplace:�tab�Springfield, Ohio
Birth Year (Estimated):�tab�1856
Burial Date:�tab�22 Mar 1923
Burial Place:�tab�
Father's Name:�tab�H. H. Shultz
Father's Titles and Terms:�tab�
Father's Birthplace:�tab�Penn.
Mother's Name:�tab�Catherine Strickler
Mother's Titles and Terms:�tab�
Mother's Birthplace:�tab�Penn.
Spouse's Name:�tab�John H. Elix
Spouse's Titles and Terms:�tab�
File Number:�tab�fn 16447
GS Film number:�tab�1992263
Digital Folder Number:�tab�004000554
Image Number:�tab�02157
Citing this Record:
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Sep 2014), John H. Elix in entry for Elizabeth Elix, 19 Mar 1923; citing Springfield, Clark, Ohio, reference fn 16447; FHL microfilm 1992263.

[DI83] Nancy Lee Hess, age 81, of Saint Paris, passed away at 5:35 p.m. on Monday, September 22, 2014 in the Springfield Regional Medical Center. Born on April 9, 1933 in Champaign County, Ohio, Nancy was a daughter of the late Leonard and Ethel (Eaton) Heath. She married Donald Guy Hess on June 30, 1963 and he preceded her in death on November 6, 1996. Nancy is survived by three daughters: Teresa (Ken) Roberts of Conover, Vicki (Randy) Smith of Bellefontaine and Beth (Guy) Renkel of St. Paris. She was a loving and proud grandmother to five grandchildren; Megan (Bo) Campbell of Troy, Chad (Maria) Smith of Pittsburgh, PA, Nicole (Shawn) Hanes of St. Paris, Ryan (Chasity) Meyers of St. Paris, Donald Tyler (Alicia) Frederick also of St. Paris and one step grandchild, Rechel Renkel of Columbus. She is also survived by seven great grandchildren; Cayden, Brady, Drew, Lia, Brycen, Reese and Bella. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by a sister, Betty Pence, an infant brother, and her special friend Jerry Harris. Nancy was a 1951 graduate of Rosewood High School. She retired from Graham Local Schools after 25 years as a bus driver and was recently a volunteer at Mercy McAuley Center in Urbana. She loved to work in her yard. Funeral services will be held on Friday, September 26, 2014 at 11:00 a.m in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield St. Paris, Ohio with Pastor Mike Maurice presiding. Burial will follow in Spring Grove Cemetery, N. Heck Hill Road, St. Paris, Ohio. Visitation for family and friends will be held on Thursday, September 25, 2014 from 3:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m in the funeral home. Memorial donations can be made to the Community Mercy Hospice, 444 W. Harding Road, Springfield, Ohio.

[DI84] URBANA \endash Ray Knull, 57, of Urbana, entered the Church Triumphant at home surrounded by his family on Saturday, October 18, 2014. Ray fought cancer for the last 8 years with strength, grace and a positive attitude.He was born January 8, 1957, in Urbana, a son of the late Arthur M. Knull and the late Grace (Geuy) Knull.Ray graduated from Urbana High School in 1975 and Capital University in 1985. He worked at Honeywell Grimes for 35 years and was a member of the Messiah Lutheran Church. He was a talented woodworker and stained glass artist and was most proud of building their home with the help of family and friends. Ray was a proud athletic parent and enjoyed being part of his sons' sports.
He is survived by his wife, and high school sweetheart, Deborah (Keebaugh), whom he married August 11, 1979, sons Justin (Helen) of Lansing, MI, Garret (Courtney) of Urbana, Kalen (Tara) of Sycamore, IL, and was a proud and loving grandfather to his 5 grandchildren, Grace, Calum, Jude, Hailey and Logan. Other survivors include his sisters, Pat (Jerry) Holland of St. Paris, Carol Nolte of Urbana; brother, Phil (Mitzi) Knull of Conover, and several nieces and nephews.The family would like to express their gratitude to Dr. Felix and the angels of the Springfield Regional Cancer Center for their love and care over the past many years.

The family will receive friends 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, October 22, 2014, in the WALTER & SMITH FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. The funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, October 23, 2014, in the Messiah Lutheran Church, 1013 East Lawn Avenue, Urbana, OH 43078, with Pastor Scott Anderson officiating. Burial will follow in Grandview Cemetery, Urbana.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Ray's memory to Messiah Lutheran Church or to the Cancer Association of Champaign County, P.O. Box 38125, Urbana, OH 43078.

Condolences may be expressed to the family at

[HI94] (Research):Headline: Peorian John Adams dies at 100 Publication Date: December 27, 1996 Source: Peoria Journal Star Page: C11 Subjects: Region: Illinois Obituary: PEORIA -- John Adams, 100, of Peoria died at 3:51 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 26, 1996, at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center. Born Jan. 14, 189 6, in Peoria to Peter and Anna Lindig Adams, he married Verna Augusta Mill er on March 29, 1917. She died May 10, 1975. He also was preceded in death by one daughter, Betty Evelsizer, one grandson, three brothers and fo ur sisters. Surviving are two daughters, Sister Marguerite and Verna Cart er, both of Peoria; two sons, Robert of Bartonville and William of Peki n; 14 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and 21 great-great-grandchild ren. An employee of Herschel Manufacturing in East Peoria for 50 year s, he retired as a supervisor in 1961. He was a lifelong member of St. Bon iface Catholic Church, which is now St. Ann Catholic Church. He also w as a life member of the St. Vincent DePaul Society and St. Boniface Men 's Club. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at his church. The Rev. Richa rd Horvath will officiate. Visitation will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at D avison-Fulton Western Chapel, with a Scripture reading at 4 p.m. Visitati on also will be 30 minutes before services at the church. Burial wi ll be in St. Joseph Cemetery in West Peoria. Memorials may be made to S t. Ann Catholic Church or St. Mary's Monastery in Nauvoo.

[DI96] PEORIA HEIGHTS - Paul "Eve" Evelsizer, 63, of Peoria Heights passed away at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014, at his home, surrounded by his family.

Funeral services will be at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 3, 2014, at Clary Funeral Home, 3004 W. Lake Ave. in Peoria, with Pastor Cathy Clark officiating. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. on Monday, prior to services at the funeral home. Military Funeral Honors will be provided by the U.S. Navy. Cremation rites will be accorded, following services.Paul was born on June 19, 1951, in Peoria, the son of Paul and Elizabeth "Betty" (Adams) Evelsizer. They preceded him in death. He married Janet "Susie" Bernshausen on April 25, 1981, in Manito.He is survived by his wife; daughters, Kimberly (Robert) Phillips of Eureka and Stephanie (Craig) Davis of Peoria Heights; grandchildren, Delaney and Jackson Phillips and Jadyn and McKenzie Davis; and sister, Mary Margaret (Robert) Smith of Peoria. Paul was a painter for NHS Property Management in Peoria and retired in May of 2011, after 10 years of service. He was formerly employed as a painter for Forrest Park Apartments in Peoria Heights for 13 years and as an assembler for Altorfer in East Peoria for three years.He was a U.S. Navy veteran and enjoyed fishing, playing Golden Tee Golf, watching St. Louis Cardinals baseball, visiting Florida and Lake of the Ozarks, and sitting in his backyard.
Paul was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather.
He had a very good sense of humor and loved to talk with his hands.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the
American Cancer Societyor St. Jude Mid-West Affiliate.
Paul's Memorial website may be accessed at

[DI101] URBANA \endash Dorothy Mae Cotrell, 84, of Urbana, died at 10:37 a.m. on Monday, November 17, 2014, in Springfield Regional Medical Center, Springfield.

She was born on March 19, 1930, in Springfield, OH, the daughter of Charles and Audie (Seymour) Rice. Dorothy retired from W.B. Marvin after over 20 years of service. She attended the Church of God of Prophecy and enjoyed playing with her bowling team on Tuesday mornings.

Survivors include 2 daughters, Debbie Combs of Urbana and Deena Charles and husband David of Urbana; a son, Dwain Cotrell of Urbana; granddaughter, Amber McCombs and husband Andy; grandsons, Zachary Charles and Brett Charles; great-grandchildren, Maxwell and Silas; a brother, Roy Rice and wife Beverly of Springfield; and nephew Andrew of Springfield.

She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Donald W. Cotrell in 2003; and a son, David Cotrell.

The family will receive friends 6-8 p.m. on Friday, November 21, 2014, in the WALTER & SMITH FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. A service will be held at the convenience of the family.

Memorial contributions may be made in Dorothy's memory to the Cancer Association of Champaign County, P.O. Box 38125, Urbana, OH 43078.

Condolences may be expressed to the family at

[HI114] (Research):Ancestry and descendants of Arnsmeyer, Schafer, and Brink families from Wa nda L (Brink) Gines

[HI115] (Research):Edwardsville Intelligencer Edwardsville Illinois 22 October 1962 Real Estate transfers James O Evilsizer to Jackie Hyman lot 37 in College hills. Stamps.$55

Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) > 1966 > August > 12 In the Circuit Court for the Thrid Judicial Circuit of Illinois , Madis on Co, IL James O evilsizer and helen Evilsizer, Plaintiffs vs Mina E Moore , Ursa la Unland, Zeldura Parker, Jefferson L Moore, James L Moore, Donald D Moore, Defendants,

Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) > Friday, July 29, 196 5 In the Circuit Court for the Third Judicial Circuit of Illinois, Madison County, ILL. James O Evilsizer and Helen Evilsizer, Plaintiffs vs Mina E Moore, Ursala Unland, Zldura Parker, Jefferson L Moore, James L Moore, Dona ld D Moore, Defendants. In Chauncery No 66-E-124 Come now the laintiffs, by George M Berry, their attorney and for their ac tion against the defendants state: That they who are the heirs of J D Moore who died intestate on the 24th day of December 1961. That the lette rs of administration were issued to the widow, Mina E Moore on the 24th d ay of December 1961 by the probate court of Greene County, Illinois. Th at the defendants inherited from the deceased the follwoing described re al estate to wit: The north Fifteen acres, beign the North Fifteen acr es of the South Sixty acres of the east one half of the Northwest quart er of section Seven township eight west of the third principle meridian, d escribed as follows: A tract of land containing fifteen acres, being the n orth fifteen acres of the south sixty acres in the east one half of the no rthwest quarter of Section Seven township Six north, Range eight, we st of the third principle meridian, Madison County, Illinois, describ ed as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe set in the east line of the north west quarter of said section at a point 1582.3 feet north of the sto ne at the southeast corner of said quarter section, then westerly on a li ne parallel to the south line of the east one half of the northwest quart er of said section seven, a distance of 1666 feet to an iron pipe at the n orthwest quarter of said south sixty acres; thence south along the west li ne of the east one half of the northwest quarter of said

Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) > 1966 > August > 3 Real Estate Transfers james O Evilsizer to William L wyman land in sec 7 M oro. Satmp is $2.75

Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) > 1966 > August > 4 Real Estate Transfers James O Evilsizer to William L Wyman land in sec 7 M oro Stamp is $4.75

Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) > 8/2/1971 Notice of sale of Real Estate for taxes and notice of Filing Petition f or order to issue tax to james O Evilsizer and unknown owners. Real esta te so purchased was last taxed in the name of James O and helen K Evilsiz er. The time for redemption of said real estate will expire on Nov 19, 19 71 (more)

[XI127] Section 20 Lot 527 Graves 1-6

[XI129] Section 20 Lot 527 Graves 1-6

[NI134] Deceased siblings
Lorraine Amy Bereuter
1924 \endash 2006
Robert Bereuter
1926 \endash 1987
Shirley Bereuter
1932 \endash 1998

[NI139] We went to Gatewood Gardens years ago. Sherman doesn't have a stone. There wasn't any other Folkers on list. I believe an Antoinettt Rosenbaum at Forest Hill Cem. is Sherman's aunt. Haven't made it there yet. Haven't found any help on web sites for Forest Hill Cem. Was told it's about a mile west of Wellston. Must not be to far from Vahala. Sherman's grandmother Fredricka was buried in Holy Ghost. Waiting for library to reopen to go thru Holy Ghost Cem. records. Hoping to find Sherman's parents there also. (Susan Gronek)[email protected]
Marshall Folkers (Raymonds brother) is my mothers father. Grandpa moved less than a mile from me the last ten years of his life, except the very last 6 months or so.We moved him to Florissant to be closer to mom and uncle. Grandpa was out hunting deer and turkey with my husband. In his late 80's. Shopping with me
every week. And so much more. Miss having him around!

Sadie Margaret Folkers
1895 \endash
Irene Florence Folkers
1897 \endash
Chouteau D. Folkers
1902 \endash
Duthiel Folkers
1906 \endash 1986
Marshall Folkers md Lula Louise Gertrude Shelton 10/31/1937
1908 \endash 2005

[DI139] Name: Raymond Folkers SSN: 497-07-5750 Last Residence: Missouri Born: 6 Feb 1899 Died: Jun 1963 State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951 )

[XI139] U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 about Raymond Pierce Folkers
Name: �tab�Raymond Pierce Folkers
Service Info.: �tab�PVT US ARMY WORLD WAR II
Birth Date: �tab�6 Feb 1899
Death Date: �tab�9 Jun 1963
Service Start Date: �tab�7 Nov 1942
Interment Date: �tab�13 Jun 1963
Cemetery: �tab�Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: �tab�2900 Sheridan Road St. Louis, MO 63125
Buried At: �tab�Section E Site 995

Inscription : Raymond Pierce Folkers
Army Air Forces
World War II

[DI141] Elizabeth was buried as Fair Gregory nee Evilsizer. Source, Cemetery recor d Family history says she was run over by a train as she was crossing the ra ilroad tracks. She was chasing after Mr Gregory who was running arou nd on her with other women. She had another child by Mr Gregory other th an Joseph, which Mr Gregory took from the hospital and ran off with him.

[HI145] (Research):Nashville News, Nashville, ILL Jeanetta Williams, 73 of Odin, died Wednesday Jan 7 2004 at her home. S he was born Aug 4 1930 the daughter of John and Carrie Ella (Rice) Evilsiz er. She married Russell D Williams on April 22 1950 in Pocahontas, Arkans as and he preceded her in death on Dec 4 1993. She is survived by one so n, Michael Williams and wife Victoria of Odin, one daughter, Elizabeth Y aw and husband Greg of Worden; two sisters, Victoria Stricker of Okavil le and Agnes Greene of Moore, Oklahoma, four grandchildren and two niece s. Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents, two brot hers, John Evilsizer and Harry Evilsizer; and one sister, Fair Evilsize r. Mrs Williams, was a ward clerk and medical secretary at Salem Townsh ip Hospital. She was a member of the Zion Hill Baptist Church and had liv ed in Odin the last 40 years. Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Satu rday at the Irvin Funeral Home in Odin with Rev Greg Williams officiatin g. Interment was in Peaceful Valley Cemetery in Odin. Memorials may be ma de to the Diabetes Assoc and will be accepted at the funeral home

[NI146] Son of William Redman and Mary Jane Culp

[HI146] (Research):

[DI146] Name: Lewis W Redman Birth Date: Est. 1883
Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Urbana
Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States Death Date: 12 Mar 1967
Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign
Certificate: 16165 Age at Death: 84
Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Married

[HI147] (Research):Family researcher Douglas Scott [email protected]

[DI150] St. Louis Post Dispatch-February-1954 Two persons were killed and four seriously injured in a head-on automobi le collision yesterday on **US Highway 460, Route 4, near Fayetteville, I LL about 17 miles east of Belleville. The dead were Edgar Green, 43 yea rs old, of Parkin Ark, and Mrs. Una Lee Evilsizer, 31 of Mascoutah, Ill. B oth were dead on arrival at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Belleville. Green w as a passenger in the station wagon driven by Herschel L Gregory, 20 of Au rora, ILL. Mrs. Evilsizer was riding in an automobile driven by Elmer Lun er of Mascoutah the two drivers and Luner's wife, Jo Ann and Stanley Sie be of Mascoutah, also passengers in Luner's automobile were seriously hur t. Illinois Highway police reported the collision occurred on a curve, b ut they had been unable to learn the details of the accident because of t he serious condition of those injured. ** ( This is a blind cur ve in Rt 4 where it intersects Jefferson Road and has been the site of qui te a few bad accidents.)

[HI151] (Research):NASHVILLE NEWS-Sept 5, 1968 Clarence J Evilsizer, son of John C Evilsizer Jr of Nashville is appoint ed to the rank of Warrant Officer while serving with 2nd Staff and Facul ty Company, Fort Eustas, VA. His wife Paula lives at 408 Lucas Creek Rd ., Newport News, VA

Daily Press, Newport News, VA Sunday, May 4, 2003 Newport News- Clarence James "C.J." Evilsizer, age 63, went ot be with t he Lord, Friday, May 2, 2003, with family and friends at his side. A nati ve of nashville, ILL, he retired from the U S Army as a CW3, seving two to urs in Vietnam. He also retired from Siemens as a Senior Buyer. Mr Evilsiz er attanded St Jerome Catholic Church. He was preceeded in death by his pa rents, John and Una Lee Evilsizer. Surviving are his lovely wife of 43 yea rs, Paula Evilsizer, two sons, Frank Evilsizer and his wife Lisa of Florid a; Mike Evilsizer and his wife Louise of Newport News; two sisters, Fairle en Curl and her husband Robert of Breese, IL; Janice Bullard of Keyport, I L; his brother Calvin Evilsizer and his wife Gisela of Fayetteville, NC a nd 7 grandchildren, Sahne, Amanda, Brenda, Rachel, Tyme, Grey and Chais.

�tab�CW3 US ARMY
�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 08/11/1939
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 05/03/2003
�tab�(757) 565-2006

[HI156] (Research):Telephone conversation in February 2001 gave me information on this family

Opal Evilsizer CENTRALIA - Opal E. Evilsixer, 74, of Centralia died at 9:41 pm. Friday Ju ne 18, 2004. at St. Mary's Good Samaritan Hospital in Centraha. She was born on June 28. 1929 in Du Quoin, daughter ot Harrison L. and Pea rlMae (Satterileld) Branum. She married. John C. Evilsizer in Mascoutah. a nd he preceded her in death in 1966. Mrs. Evilsizer is survived by four sons,Jack Hufstutler of Petersburg.Ind ., and Roy E Evil izer, James F Evilsizer and Joe W Evilsizer, all of Cent ralia: a stepson, Calvin Evilsizer-. two daughters, Pam K Lincoln of Junct ion City and Paula J. Evilsizer of Centralia: two stepdaughters Fairlene C url - and Janice Evilsizer~ tbree brothers. Joe A.Brtanum of Winslow,Ind ., John W. Branum of Christopher and Robert Branum of Reynolds,Ind,; a sis ter, Frances L. Ripley of Waco, Texas; 28 grandchildren; and several great -grandchildren. In addition to her hnsband, she was preceded in dea th by a son, John C. Evilsizer Jr.; a stepson, Clarence Evilsizer; three b rothers, Harrison, Jack and Jimmy; and a sister, Minnie Services will be held at 2 p.m.Tuesday at the Boggs Chapel of the Styninge r-Pacey Funeral Home in Centralia with David Powell offlciating.Interme nt will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Park in Centralia. Friends may call from 5 to S p~m. Monday at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the faintly and will be received at. thefuneral h ome. , Online expressions of sympathy may be sent to [email protected].

Name: Opal Evilsizer SSN: 341-20-3143 Last Residence: 62882 Sandoval, Marion, Illinois Born: 28 Jun 1929 Last Benefit: 62801 Centralia, Marion, Illinois Died: 18 Jun 2004 State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (Before 1951 )

[HI158] (Research):St Louis Post Dispatch, Dec 21, 1945 Pg 8C Burial Permit issued for Justin Dean Tate, Sr age 23, Centralia, IL

IT HAPPENED HERE The Nashville News 20 Dec 2000

1945 Justin Dean Tate of Centralia was killed in a Hunting accident near the Ca rson School west of Nashville.

[NI163] Previously married:
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
Name: �tab�James P Catsigian
Age: �tab�29
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1889
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Aug 1918
Marriage Location: �tab�Claytn, St Louis, Missouri
Spouse Name: �tab�Helen Steffer
Spouse Age: �tab�27

[DI163] Social Security Death Index
about James Catsigian
Name: �tab�James Catsigian
SSN: �tab�489-05-7537
Last Residence: �tab�Missouri
Born: �tab�5 Jan 1889
Died: �tab�Jan 1963
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)

[XI163] Name: �tab�James P Catsigian
Service Info.: �tab�PFC US ARMY WORLD WAR I
Birth Date: �tab�5 Jan 1892
Death Date: �tab�14 Dec 1962
Service Start Date: �tab�20 Mar 1918
Interment Date: �tab�18 Dec 1962
Cemetery: �tab�Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: �tab�2900 Sheridan Road St. Louis, MO 63125
Buried At: �tab�Section Ops2 Site 1980a
Catsigianis, James P.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1962 12/16 p1E, (St.L. Co.) Burial permit 12/20 p17D

[HI164] (Research):The story of Kate being a "tough old bird". She was working in the fields when she was pregnant with her youngest daug hter and when it came time to give birth, she went into the barn and lay d own on a mound of straw to give birth. She wrapped the baby in her pettico at and took it into the house to the older daughter to care for and went b ack into the field to work.

[HI165] (Research):Nashville Journal November 29, 1945 Elliott Evilsizer, 63, former Nashville City Councilman, dropped dead Satu rday evening about 8:30 o'clock at the corner of North Washington and We st Elm Streets while on his way up town. An inquest was conduct ed by Dr G A Green, coroner, at the Hileman funeral home Sunday morning a nd the jury returned a verdict of "death due to coronary thrombosis." Jury men were; Ed Lincoln, R R Snyder, Garfield Law, H D Nickel, Harry Fix a nd Charles McElroy. Mrs Mary Elle Wisely,* who was accompanying him to tow n, testified that he suddenly slumped to the sidewalk and died within a f ew seconds. He was taken to the home of Ed Lincoln just a few houses aw ay from where he fell where he was pronounced dead. Mr Evilsizer, former h ead of the United mine Workers local and an alderman during the last Krugh off administration, was born in Washington County Feb 17, 1882, the s on of Henry and Katherine Evilsizer. He was married to Sarah Stamm in 19 04 and she died 6 years ago. He is survived by his mother, Mrs Catheri ne Evilsizer of this city and six children, Vera, Mars Herbert Hig gs of St Louis, Yvonne, Mrs Claude Ward of Grand Rapids Michigan; Hildre d, Mrs Steve Essich of San Diego, CA; Quinton of Cleveland, OH and twin so ns in the Navy, Richard and Raymond.; Two sisters, Mrs Violet Sanders a nd Mrs Edna Borchelt of Johnston City; 4 brothers, Hiram of here, Edwa rd of Christopher, Lucien of Buckner and William of Okawville; also 9 gran dchildren. He worked in the local mine until it closed and at the ti me of his death was working with Fred Speck. Funeral services were he ld at the Hileman funeral home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with R ev A W Hendrix officiating. Burial was made in the Masonic Cemetery. Pallb earers were: Arthur and Clarence Decker, Milburn Witte, Louis Storck, Fr ed Speck and Frank Witt. Mrs E F Gewe was organist.

* Not known who this Wisely is I am researching the Wisely family that lived in Oakdale. Charlene Gillespie Deutsch [email protected]

WWI Draft Registration Card 9/12/1918 Elliott Rains Evilsizer age 35 born 2/17/1886 Washington Co, Nashville, IL Miner, Nashville Mining Co. Kin-Wife, Sadie Evilsizer Tall, Large Build, Blue eyes, ---hair no defects

[MI165] (Medical):Coronary Thrombosis, suddenly slumped to the sidewalk and died within a few seconds

[DI165] Name �tab�Elliott Raines Evilsizer
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�24 Nov 1945
Death Place �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�62
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1883
Birth Date �tab�17 Feb 1883
Birthplace �tab�Washington Co., Illinois
Father �tab�Henry Evilsizer
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�Waterloo, Illinois
Mother �tab�Katherine Whittenburg
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�Beaucoup, Illinois
Occupation �tab�Coal Miner
Residence �tab�Nashville, Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�30 Nov 1945
Burial Place �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Cemetery �tab�Masonic
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4204460
Image Number �tab�764
Film Number �tab�1984363
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�cn 44521

[DI167] Name �tab�Ollie Rose Borchelt
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�10 Nov 1924
Death Place �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�36
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1888
Birth Date �tab�05 Dec 1887
Birthplace �tab�Nashville, Illinois
Father �tab�Henry Evilsizer
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�Waterloo, Ill.
Mother �tab�Katie Whittenberg
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�Beaucoup, Ill.
Occupation �tab�housewife
Residence �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�Gus Borchelt
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�12 Nov 1924
Burial Place �tab�Greenwood
Cemetery �tab�
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4007953
Image Number �tab�1264
Film Number �tab�1493149
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�cn 27

[HI169] (Research):

[DI170] Name �tab�Catherne Belle Mitchell
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�31 Jul 1916
Death Place �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1895
Birth Date �tab�1895
Birthplace �tab�Nashville, Ill.
Father �tab�Henry Evilsizver
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�Waterloo, Ill.
Mother �tab�Whittenburg
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�Beacoup, Ill.
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Residence �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�01 Aug 1916
Burial Place �tab�Nashville, Ill.
Cemetery �tab�
COD- complications of childbirth�tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4007986
Image Number �tab�1400
Film Number �tab�1530923
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�45191

[HI172] (Research):Found reference to this family from WFT Vol 36 Tree 54, Dan Malone, 4658 Pepperwood Dr, Penngrove, CA 94951

[HI173] (Research):Family research on this family Margaret Forgach 5750 W Gerhart Rd Tucson, AZ 85745

[email protected] Shirley Lynn Evilsizer-Timmons

[HI175] (Research):Parentage not known.

Stamm family researcher Emily Matthews New E-mail Address:grannyhunter@at

[DI175] The Nashville News
June 24, 2009
Sadie Evilsizer of Nashville.

Name �tab�Sadie Evilsizer
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�15 Jun 1939
Death Place �tab�Hood River, Madison, Illinois
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�52
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1887
Birth Date �tab�14 Feb 1887
Birthplace �tab�Eldin, Ill.
Father �tab�William Stamm
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�W.S.
Mother �tab�Nerva Eubanks
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�U.S.
Occupation �tab�house work
Residence �tab�Nashville, Washington, Ill.
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�Elliot Evilsizer
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�18 Jun 1939
Burial Place �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Cemetery �tab�
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4008531
Image Number �tab�1007
Film Number �tab�1819834
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�rn 137

[HI176] (Research):Not found in SSDI, but not mentioned in brothers obit 2006

[HI177] (Research):Name: Yvonne Mottashed SSN: 366-12-0013 Last Residence: 85710 Tucson, Pima, Arizona, United States of America Born: 19 Jul 1907 Died: 1 Sep 2003 State (Year) SSN issued: Michigan (Before 1951 )

[NI179] 4/6/2006 we have a 96-year-old cousin in Florida. His name is Quentin "Bud" Evilsiz er. He is one really neat man. He is also very ill and my parents have g ot to visit with him, as recently as this last Saturday. He was in the hos pital and expected to go home on Monday (the 4th). He and his wife Wilma h ave four daughters. Three of them live in Florida and one in Georgia. I w as able to meet Bud and Wilma back in the late 80's when I was visiting wi th a friend in Tampa.I got a phone book and found a listing for them in S t. Petersburg. Called them, told them who I was/am and we talked a whil e. Guess what? The next day they came and picked me up, took me to their h ome. SWEET COUPLE!!!!!Bud told me stories of growing up and playing wi th my Grandpa when they were little boys! So interesting and Bud su re is a character. [email protected]

[HI179] (Research):

[DI179] St. Petersburg Times (FL) - May 30, 2006 Deceased Name: EVILSIZER, QUENTIN E. EVILSIZER, QUENTIN E., 96, of Seminole, died Saturday (May 27, 2006) at ho me. He was born in Nashville, Ill., and moved here in 1962 from Hinckle y, Ohio. He was Methodist and enjoyed animals and flowers. Survivors inclu de his wife of 59 years, Wilma; five daughters, Barbara Poust, Jacksonvill e, Cheri Coke, Gray, Ga., Pamela Wilty, St. Petersburg, Patty Carden, Larg o, and Shirley VanDyken, Jennison, Mich.; a brother, Richard, Lambertvill e, Mich.; 14 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-gran ddaughter. Memorial Park Funeral Home, St. Petersburg

Name: Quentin Evilsizer SSN: 345-03-6487 Last Residence: 33771 Largo, Pinellas, Florida Born: 7 Feb 1910 Died: 27 May 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (Before 1951 )

[HI180] (Research):Name: Raymond E. Evilsizer SSN: 316-22-2016 Last Residence: 46902 Kokomo, Howard, Indiana Born: 1 Oct 1927 Died: 1 Aug 2004 State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951 )

[MI180] (Medical):Twin to Richard

[DI181] EVILSIZER Richard M. Richard M. Evilsizer, age 80, of Lambertville, Michigan, died Saturday, September 6, 2008, at his home, surrounded by his loving family. He was born in Nashville, Illinois on October 1, 1927, to Elliot and Sadie Evilsizer. Richard was employed at a truck driver with Roadway Express for 43 years, retiring in 1990. He was an avid fisherman, a lover of animals (especially dogs) and enjoyed gardening. Richard was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Bud and twin brother, Ray; his sisters, Maxine, Jo and Hilly. He is survived by his devoted wife, Mary Evilsizer; children, Richard J. (Patty) Evilsizer, Michael Evilsizer, Christopher (Mary) Evilsizer, Denise Hawryluk and daughter of heart, Amy (Dan) Higgs; 14 grandchildren, nieces, nephews and many relatives, friends and Buttercup, Socks and Shadow. Visitation will be at H. H. Birkenkamp Funeral Home, 3219 Tremainsville Rd. (at Alexis) 419-473-1301 on Monday, September 8 from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Funeral service will begin on Tuesday, with visitation from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at St. Michaels Lutheran Church, 5790 W. Temperance Rd. (at corner of Whiteford Center Rd.) with funeral service at 11:00 a.m. Entombment at Ottawa Hills Memorial Park Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be given to St. Michaels Lutheran Church.

Published in the Toledo Blade from 9/7/2008 - 9/8/2008

[HI183] (Research):There may be some information on Claud's death in error. A search of Tex as death records was done from 1964 to 1998. None was found. There was a d eath found of a Claude Ward witht the same birth date and death date who d ied May 1971 in Coconino Co, Sedona, Arizona. He was issued SS# 368-09-65 25 in Michigan which makes sense as he was married in Detroit.

Name: Claude Ward SSN: 368-09-6525 Last Residence: 86336 Sedona, Coconino, Arizona, United States of Ameri ca Born: 16 Jan 1904 Died: May 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Michigan (Before 1951 )

[HI189] (Research):Children of this marriage on WFT Vol 33 Tree 1399

[HI193] (Research):Name : Mildred M. Campbell Death date : 31 Mar 1952 Death place : Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States Birth date : 03 Dec 1910 Birth place : Nashville, Illinois Age at death : 41 years 3 months 30 days Gender : Female Marital status : Divorced Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 1200 French, Lakewood, OH Occupation : Saleslady- May Co SSS# 291-20-3270 Burial date : 4/4/1952 Burial place : Nashville, IL Cemetery name : IOOF Cemetery Father name : August Borchelt Mother name : Ollee Evilsizer Informant-Roger Lee Campbell COD- Operation, Lutheran Hospital 10 days, anerism circle of Wallis, rig ht artery hemorrage GSU film number : 2246268 Digital GS number : 4109418 Image number : 00257 Certificate number : 22219 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI197] (Research):Story from Maxine- After Grandma and Grandpa ran away to the courthouse in Belleview to get m arried , they went back to Grandma parents, the Johnnie Clyde Linder 's in Ashley, IL and grandpa almost got shot. Grandma Linder always carri ed a pistol in either her dress waistband or her corset. She was goi ng to kill grandpa Evilsizer because he ran off with her underage daught er and got married.

Another Linder researcher. Gayle (Edwards) Skibinski [email protected]

Linder-Edwards Family History Came from Barren Co, KY11/30/1849 to Lawrence Co, IN 8/1/1850 to Orange County, Northwest Twp, IN on 11/12/1850 and came to Washington Co. IL in 185 7. Scanned copies of this family hstory on CD-Rom version of this book.

Having been in poor health for some time, Mrs LuEdith Mae Evilsizer, wi fe of William H Evilsizer of Okawville, entered rest at 4:05 P.M. Frida y, january 13, 1978, in the Marka Nursing Home at Mascoutah. She had reach ed the age of 79 years, one month and 11 days. She was born in Cole Coun ty on December 2, 1898, the daughter of John and Zuella Linder, nee Redbur n. Her marriage to Mr Evilsizer took place in Belleview on AZpril 1, 191 9. They were the parents of six children. Mrs Evilsizer was a devoted wi fe and mother. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and W...Soc iety of Christian Service, Okawville, and was a member of the Vetera ns of Foreign Wars Auxilary Unit No 5596, Okawville. In addition to her hu sband, William, those mourning her passing are her children, William N Evi lsizer and wife Mary and Clyde A Evilsizer and wife Leona of Mascoutah, Do nld R Evilsizor and wife Mary Lou of Cypress City, Calif, Maxine Kuykenda ll and husband Don of La Puente, Calif, Norman Evilsizer and wife Margar et of Chaske, Minn; one brother, Edward Linder, Mattoon; nieces, nephew s, other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by on daughter L ouise; a sister, Jennie Lawhorn, and two brothers, Jessee and Frank. Funer al services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, January 17 at the Moll Funeral Ho me in Okawville. Her pastor, Rev Orlando Brakemeyer, conducted the last ri tes; Mrs Alice Miller served as organist and Warren Steig was the vocalis t. She was laid to rest in Masonic Cemetery at Nashville with the followi ng serving as pallbearers; Paul welker, Adolph Rockaman, Elmer Ellerbusc h, Viles Schwankhaus, Mac McCowan and Edw Madal.

She does not appear as a child in the 1900 census. This would suggest s he was born December of 1900 and not 1899. Her mother stated she had no ch ildren as of June 14, 1900

[HI199] (Research):Herald & Review (Decatur, IL) - May 7, 1991 Deceased Name: William N. Evilsizer MATTOON -William N. Evilsizer, 68, Mattoon, retired coal miner and farm er died Sunday (May 5, 1991). Member, Mattoon Christian Church. Survivor s: wife Anna Cooley Evilsizer; sons, William E. and Junior N. Evilsizer, b oth of Mattoon; stepson, Lester Ray O�Dell, Flora; stepdaughters, Letty Fo nner Carolyn Harnden and Josie Morgan, all of Mattoon; brothers, Norman Ev ilsizer Wisconsin; Donald R. Evilsizer, California; sister, Maxine Kydenal l, Colorado. Services: 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Schilling�s Funeral Home, Matt oon. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Burial: Dodge Grove Cemetery, Mattoo n.

Name: William N. Evilsizer SSN: 337-18-1622 Born: 25 Sep 1922 Died: 5 May 1991 State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (Before 1951 )

[HI208] (Research):Belleville NEWS DEMOCRAT, March 2, 2002. Freida Evilsizer. Freida Marie Evilsizer, 60, of Christopher died Thursda y, Feb 28, 2002. No visitation. Cremation was held. Dashner Funeral Hom e, Dupo.

Freida Marie Evilsizer, 60, of Christopher, entered rest on Thursday F ebruary 28 2002 at Friendship manor Healthcare Center in Nashville. Bo rn on October 12 1941 in Nashville, she was the daughter of Freida (Edward s) Emrick, who survives in Hoyleton. Also surviving are her childre n, Teena Pulcher and husband Kenneth of Dupo, John Maier of Staunton, Tim my Maier of Dupo, Robin Partee of Rockway Beach Missouri and Randy Part ee of Mesa Arizona; one sister Dixie Watkins of Decatur; 18 grandchildr en and three g-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother D avid Evilsizer and a sister Wanda Ross. As per her request, her body w as cremated. The Dashner Funeral Home, Dupo was in charge of arrangeme nts.

[HI209] (Research): Freida Marie Evilsizer, 60, of Christopher, entered rest on Thursday F ebruary 28 2002 at Friendship manor Healthcare Center in Nashville. Bo rn on October 12 1941 in Nashville, she was the daughter of Freida (Edward s) Emrick, who survives in Hoyleton. Also surviving are her childre n, Teena Pulcher and husband Kenneth of Dupo, John Maier of Staunton, Tim my Maier of Dupo, Robin Partee of Rockway Beach Missouri and Randy Part ee of Mesa Arizona; one sister Dixie Watkins of Decatur; 18 grandchildr en and three g-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother D avid Evilsizer and a sister Wanda Ross. As per her request, her body w as cremated. The Dashner Funeral Home, Dupo was in charge of arrangeme nts.

[HI211] (Research):Listed in Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Illinois-PFC Marine Corp

Records on Military Personnel Who Died, Were Missing in Action or Prisone rs of War as a Result of the Vietnam Conflict, created, 1/20/1967 - 12/199 8, documenting the period 6/8/1956 - 1/21/1998 MILITARY SERVICE M USMC [United States Marine Corps] COUNTRY OF CASUALTY VS Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) TYPE OF CASUALTY A1 Hostile - Killed REFERENCE NUMBER 797 797 NAME EVILSIZER DAVID NATHANIEL EVILSIZER DAVID NATHANIEL DATE RECORD PROCESSED 6604 6604 SOCIAL SECURITY OR SERVICE # 2131241 2131241 MILITARY GRADE PFC PRIVATE FIRST CLASS PAY GRADE E2 PRIVATE (U.S. ARMY) or AIRMAN (U.S. AIR FORCE) or PRIVATE FI RST CLASS (U.S. MARINE CORPS) or GRADE/RATE ABBREVIATIONS WITH FIRST COLUM N: A,C,D,F,H,S,or T; THIRD AND FOURTH COLUMNS: BLANK (U.S. NAVY, U.S. COA ST GUARD) DATE OF DEATH (MM/DD/YY) 04/15/66 04/15/1966 HOME OF RECORD CITY RICHVIEW RICHVIEW HOME OF RECORD STATE CODE 14 Illinois SERVICE OCCUPATIONAL CODE 0331 Machine Gunner (USMC) DATE OF BIRTH (MM/DD/YY) 11/14/46 11/14/1946 REASON D Gunshot or Small Arms Fire AIRCRAFT OR NOT AIRCRAFT 7 Ground Casualty RACE C Caucasian RELIGION CODE 72 Protestant- No Denominational Preference LENGTH OF SERVICE 01 1 MARITAL STATUS S Single (Spouse Not Listed) SEX M Male CITIZEN CODE 1 U.S. POSTHUMOUS PROMOTION 0 Not Posthumously Promoted DATE TOUR IN SOUTHEAST ASIA BEGAN LAST RECORD CODE 1 Final Record BODY RECOVERED OR NOT * Body Recovered AGE 19 19 COMPONENT R Regular (RA, USN, USAF, USMC, USCG) COMMENTS TYPE PROVINCE CODE 03 Military Region 1 - Quang Nam CORPCD 01 01 PROCD 2 2 FLAG _ _

[HI215] (Research):Herald & Review (Decatur, IL) - January 11, 1995 Deceased Name: Anna Mary Evilsizer MATTOON -Anna Mary Evilsizer, 70, Mattoon, Avon cosmetics dealer, died Mon day (Jan. 9, 1995). Member: Mattoon Christian Church and Odd Fellow-Rebeka hs. Survivors: sons, Lester 'Les' O�Dell, Flora; J.R. and Bill Evilsize r, both of Mattoon; daughters, Letty Fonner, Carolyn Harnden and Josie Mor gan, all of Mattoon; brother, Bill Cooley, California; sister, Helen Manue l, San Lorenzo, Calif.; 12 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren. Preced ed by: parents and husband. Services: 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Schilling Funer al Home, Mattoon. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday. Burial: Dodge Grove C emetery, Mattoon. Memorials: Mattoon Christian Church or Carle Foundati on Hospice

Name: Anna M. Evilsizer SSN: 338-12-4104 Last Residence: 61938 Mattoon, Coles, Illinois, United States of Ameri Born: 19 May 1924 Died: 9 Jan 1995 State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (Before 1951 )

[HI216] (Research):

[DI216] Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 about Karen Sue Evilsizor Name: Karen Sue Evilsizor Death Date: 14 May 1942 Death County: Harris Certificate: 22300
Name: Karen Sue Evilsizor Date of Birth: 14 May 1942 Gender: Female Birth County: Harris Father's name: Hershel Grant Evilsizor Mother's name: Valva Leota Jane Brooks Roll Number: 1942_0003

Name : Karen Sue Evilsizor
Death date : 14 May 1942
Death place : Goose Creek, Harris, Texas
Birth date : 5/14/1942
Birth place : Harris Co, Wooster, TX
Age at death : 1 day
Gender : Female
Marital status :
Race or color :
Spouse name :
Father name : Herschel Grant Evilsizor
Mother name : Valva Leota Jane Brooks
Premature infant 6 mo gestation.
Informant H G Evilsizer, Baytown, TX P O Box 569
Digital GS number : 4168366
Image number : 1246
Collection : Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

[NI217] Mentioned in sisters obit:
Annie L. "Loy" Welker, 86, of Mascoutah, Ill., born Dec. 6, 1927 in Okawville, Ill., died Wednesday, July 16, 2014, at Oak Hill Nursing Home in Waterloo, Ill.Loy was a homemaker, and along with her husband Skip, owned and operated Skip's tavern in Rentchler, Ill., for 25 years. She was a retired head housekeeper from West Main and MarKa Nursing Homes in Mascoutah, a member of Holy Childhood Catholic Church, Mascoutah, and a life member of the Women of the Moose Chapter 392 of Mascoutah.She was preceded in death by her parents, Clarence "Earl" and Zelines Lee "Girlie", nee Garbs, Hawkins; her husband, Paul A. "Skip" Welker whom she married on April 24, 1946, in Okawville, Ill., and who died Aug. 29, 2005; and three sisters, Ellen in infancy, Marcella Madala, and Leona Mae Evilsizer.
Surviving are her son, Jim Welker of Mascoutah, Ill.; three granddaughters, Melissa (Jeff) Schanz of Mascoutah, Ill., Julie (Ryan) Weber of Waterloo, Ill., and Angie (Jeremy) Schanz of Mascoutah, Ill.; seven great-grandchildren, Allison, Brendan, and Colton Schanz, Samantha and Payton Weber, Austin and Katelyn Schanz; and nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.Memorials may be made to Holy Childhood Memorial Improvement Fund, or Hospice of SouthernIllinois, Inc. Condolences can be sent to the family by visiting Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 18, 2014, and from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday, July 19, 2014, at the Moll Funeral Home in Mascoutah, Ill. There will be a prayer service at 4 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.Funeral: Funeral services will be held 10 a.m. Saturday, July 19, 2014, at the Moll Funeral Home in Mascoutah with Father Paul Wienhoff officiating. Burial will be in Holy Childhood Catholic Cemetery, Mascoutah, Ill.

MOLL FUNERAL HOME, Mascoutah, Ill.
Published in Belleville News-Democrat on July 18, 2014
- See more at:

Read more here:

[HI217] (Research):

[DI217] Mrs. Leona Mae Evilsizer, nee Hawkins/Garbs, of Mascoutah, IL, died suddenly on Jan. 20, 2012 at Terrace on the Park (Grange Nursing Home), Mascoutah, IL, after a lingering illness of many years. Born in St. Louis, MO on March 6, 1930, Mrs. Evilsizer grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Okawville, IL, the third daughter of Mr. Clarence "Earl" Hawkins and Mrs. Zelines Lee "Girlie" Hawkins, nee Garbs. On Dec. 14, 1946, she was united in marriage to Clyde "Red" Evilsizer at the First United Methodist Church in Nashville, IL. Leona was 16 and Clyde, 20, discharged only two days from the 3rd Army, after spending two years of combat on Okinawa during WW II. Leona attended Okawville grade and high schools. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a choir member. Leona continued her education through a unique Illinois state waiver program and became a Licensed Practical Nurse. She interned under Dr. Charles Longwell, Dr. Fagens and Mrs. Rose Garbs, R.N.

[DI234] Name �tab�Edward Alvin Evilsizer Jr.
Death Date �tab�22 Jun 1942
Death Place �tab�Nashville Township, Washington, Illinois
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�11
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1931
Birth Date �tab�20 Jul 1930
Birthplace �tab�Nashville, Illinois
Father �tab�Edward Alvin Evilsizer
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�Nashville, Illinois
Mother �tab�Frieda Gertrude Taylor
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�Nashville, Illinois
Occupation �tab�
Residence �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�25 Jun 1942
Burial Place �tab�Nashville, Illinois
Cemetery �tab�Greenwood
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4008598
Image Number �tab�1399
Film Number �tab�1851523
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�25252

[DI235] Death Cert
Barton Co, Lamar, MO
Mary Alice Blalock, female, white, widowed, husband W W Blalock
born 6/11/1862 aged 78y 11m 15d, born Nashville, IL
Father L H Evilsizer born Virginia
Mother Frances Burton, born TN
Informant Mrs Bessie Giddings, Topeka, KS
Burial 5/28/1941 Lake Cemetery, Lamar, MO
COD Iranition due to senile dementia

[DI236] Emporia Gazette, Emporia Kansas, Monday, May 1, 1933
Mrs George Witteman, who died at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at her ho me, Fifteenth and Prairie, was born October 3, 1863 in Illinois. She maid en name was Emma Elizabeth Evilsizer. When a child she moved with her pare nts to Barton County Missouri, where she was married December 30, 188 0, to George Witteman. They moved to a farm near Burlington shortly aft er their marriage. About 18 years ago, they moved to a small farm northwe st of Emporia. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs Hazel Wel born, Waverly; and three sons, Frank Wittmena, Americus; Albert Wittema n, Waverly, and Charles R Witteman, Emporia. A daughter, Mrs Fannie Brook s, died May 16, 1915 and another child died in infancy. Mrs Witteman w as a member of the Arundel Avenue Presbyterian church and was a charter me mber of the Lyndon Valley club. Funeral services were to be held at 2 o'cl ock this afternoon at the Arundel Avenue Presbyterian church.

[DI237] Funeral Notice
Died at Lamaraon Saturday, May 28, 1898 at 7"15 p.m. Charles H Evilsizer, aged 31 years and 9 months. Funeral Services will be held Monday May 30, at the M E Church, at 3 p.m. Burial at Lake Cemetery under the auspices of the M W A. Friends invited to attend

The Butler Weekly June 2, 1898
Family Grudge Ends in Death of Charles Evilsizer
Lamar Mo May 28- Charles Evilsizer, a farmer, living six miles north of here, was shot and instantly killed in the subrubs of this city at 7 o'clock this evening by G W Herndon, a wealthy cattle dealer. Four shots were fired, one severing Evilsizer's jugular vein. He died in a few minutes. An inquest was held. Herndon has given himself up. The cause of the shooting is an old family grudge. Charles Evilsizer was a nephew of J Evilsizer, of Butler, who left monday morning with his family for Lamar to attend the funeral. We are unable at this hour to get the cause of the shooting.

Kansas City Journal June 5, 1898
Hernodon Bound Over
Wife of his victim Gives Testimony Which Tends to Help His Case.
Lamar Mo- June 4- George W Herndon, who shot and killed George (sic) Evilsizer, a farmer in the north part of this city last Saturday morning had a preliminary hearing before Judge Allen yesterday and was bound over to court in the sum of $10,000. He has not yet given bail. Mrs Evilsizer was the first witness. She testified that as they were passig=ng through the north part of the city Saturday evening on their way home, they caught up with Herndon, who was walking along the road. Her husband commenced cursing at Herndon and told him he had ruined an innocent girl. Herndon called her husband a liar, at which juncture he dropped the lines and jumped out of the wagon toward Herendon who asked what he watned. Her husband kept moving toward Herndon, who drew his revolver and shot four or five times. She testified that her husband had cursed Herndon at different times. Herndon employed H C Timmonds Messrs Thurman & Wray and Solce and Burnett to defend him. Van Poole and Martin assisted. Prosecuting attorney Moore. Herndon was accompanied by his wife and daughter from the court to the jail and they sat beside him during the trial. Circuit court convenes in this city next Monday and the case will probably be disposed of during the term. The defense offered no testimony at the preliminary, but they probably will make a vigerous plea of self-defense in the trial proper. Mrs Evilsizer won the admiration of every person in the courtroom, which was crowded by her turthful statement regarding the shooting although it was very detrimental to her dead husband. The county jail has been strongly guarded every night this week to protect Herndon from mob vilence. There is much apprehension as to his safety should he return to his home in the north part of town near where the killing occured.

The Emporia Daily Gazette Emporia kansas September 22, 1898 Col F
Herndon Case Called
Slayer of Charles H Evilsizer to be Placed on Trial for His Life
Lamar Mo Sept 22- The case against George W Herndon, indicted for murder in the Barton county circuit court, in session in this city, yesterday afternoon. On Saturday evening, May 28th last, Herndon shot and killed Charles H Evilsizer, a farmer, in this city. There had been emnity between the two men for some years. The case promises to be an interesting one, as Evilsizer was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and the third member of that order in this state to meet death at the hands of his fellow men. In the other two cases the guilty parties were never apprehended. The organization has employed leading criminal lawyers to assist Prosecuting Attorney Moore

Kansas City Journal Sept 22, 1898
Herndon Case Called
Slayer of Charles H Evilsizer to be Placed on Trial for His Life Friday
Lamar Mo- Sept 21- The case against George W Herndon, indicted for urder in the first degree, was called in the Barton County circuit court in session in this city, yesterday afternoon. The attorneys for both sides announced they were ready for tiral. The court entered a venire for seventy-five jurors returnable by Friday at noon, at which time forty qualified jurors will be sleected. The witnesses were dismissed until that time. On Sat evening May 28th last , Herndon shot and killed Charles H Evilsizer, a farmer, in this city. There had been emnity between the two men for some years. ON the evening of killing Evilsizer , his wife and child were going home in a wagon. When near the home of Herndon in the north part of town, they met Herndon, Evilsizer cursed Herndon and jumped out of the wagontoward him in a threatening manner, declaring a time for the settlement of their differences had come. Herndon said nothing, but when Evilsizer came close to him, drew a revolver and fired four shots all of which took effect in Evilsizer's body, who staggered across the road and fell dead. Herndon gave himself up. The jail was closely guarded for a week to prevent mob vilence. At the June term of the circuit court he was indicted for murder in the first degree. Later he was admitted to bond in the sum of $10,000. The case promises to be interesting one as Evilsizer was a member of the MOdern Woodmen of America and the third member in that order in this state to meet death at the hands of his fellow man...

The Butler Weekly Times Sept 29, 1898
Lamar Mo Sept 26- The case of the state against George W Herndon was called in circuit court this afternoon. Herndon, who is a prominent farmer and stockman, shot and killed Chas H Evilsizer in this city on the evening of May 28th.Bad blood had existed between the two men for some time prior to the tragedy and, it is said, Evislizer had frequently threatened to kill Herndon. Charles H Evilsizer formerly lived in Bates County and has a number of relatives in Butler and vicinity.

[HI238] (Research):Lamar Democrat, Nov 9,1899, Lamar Missouri
Jennie M Evilsizer, wife of W J Evilsizer, died at her home on North First Street, this city, Friday, November 3rd at 10:00 P.M. She had been confined to her bed for weeks with paralysis of the brain, which had assumed a mild form from about the first of August. She was aged 32 years.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church Sunday afterno on at 2:00, conducted by Rev G J Hunt. The church was crowded with people who had assembled to pay their last respects to the dead. The funeral cortege was one of the largest ever witnessed in Lamar, there being over 80 vehicles in the procession. Interment was at Lake Cemetery.
Mrs Evilsizer was born in Washington County, Illinois March 23rd, 1867. Her maiden name was Jennie M Evilsizer, her father being L H(Levi Hennings) Evilsizer. The family came to Barton County in 1871. Her father and mother now reside in Bates County. May 13, 1885 she was married to W J (William Jefferson) Evilsizer. They have resided in and around Lamar since their marriage. Two daughters bless their union-Ollie and Nola, aged 13 and ten years respectively.
David and Henry Evilsizer of Butler were in the city Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. W J Evilsizer.

Died of Paralysis Mrs. Jennie M Evilsizer, wife of W J Evilsizer, died at her home in this city Friday at 10:00 P.M., aged 32 years. The deceased had suffered from a paralytic stroke since the first of August, though not confined to her bed continuously until within the last two weeks. Although the right side of her body and brain were affected, the family entertained strong hopes of her recovery, almost to the end.

[MI238] (Medical):Paralytic stroke a couple months before death

[HI239] (Research):Informant on death cert 1954 Mrs Carl Schreiber, Lamar, MO

[DI240] Obituary (newspaper clipping)
A large crowd________to pay last________memory of_______William Smedley Evilsizer, filled the River Chapel Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Frank James of the local Methodist Church. Mrs. Helen Selvey, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Ben Daetwyler, sang two solos. "Thy Never Failing Kindness" and "Jesus Whispers Peace". The ladies who assisted with the large and handsome floral offering were: Mrs. Will Jones, Mrs. Florence Law, Mrs. Jack Wheeler and Mrs. Walter Wirts. The casket bearers were Charles Perry, Will Heydenberk, Will Craig, Earl Rutherofrd, Harry Brummett and Florence Law. At the close of the service in the Chapel the casket was escorted toe Lake Cemetry where in the presence of loved ones and friends all that was mortal of William Smedley Evilsizer was lowered to its last rest by the grave of the wife of his youth. He will sleep among old friends and neighbors in the Little City of the Dead here in the heart of the community where he spent his whole life.

Informant on death cert was son Lester. Age was 68 years confirming the 1874 birth date, however typed birth date on death cert was July 22, 1872 which is incorrect.

[HI245] (Research):Name : Frances Elizabeth Smith
Death date : 10 Nov 1972
Death place : Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States
Birth date : 13 Mar 1889
Birth place : Missouri
Age at death : 83 years
Gender : Female
Marital status :
Race or color : White
Spouse name :
Father name : Thomas Ezra Cox
Mother name : Mary Alice Evilsizer
Digital GS number : 4005483
Image number : 02532
Collection : Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

[BI245] Death cert gives DOB 3/13/1889

[DI245] Name �tab�Frances Elizabeth Smith
Death Date �tab�10 Nov 1972
Death Place �tab�Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States Presbyterian Hospital
Gender �tab�Female
Race �tab�White
Death Age �tab�83 years
Estimated Birth Date �tab�
Birth Date �tab�13 Mar 1889
Birthplace �tab�Missouri
Marital Status �tab�widow
Spouse's Name �tab�
SS# 511-48-2792
Father's Name �tab�Thomas Ezra Cox
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Mary Alice Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Occupation �tab�housewife
Place of Residence �tab�Wichita KS 115 S Rutan
Cemetery �tab�Old Mission Mausoleum
Burial Place �tab�Wichita KS
Burial Date �tab�11/11/1972
Informant Betty Zech (hosp emp)
Additional Relatives �tab�
Film Number �tab�2242089
Digital Film Number �tab�4005483
Image Number �tab�02532
Reference Number �tab�81245

[HI248] (Research):Witteman, Frank
Age: 38 Year: 1920 , MO OH IL
Birthplace: Missouri Roll: T625_538
Race: White Page: 7B
State: Kansas ED: 43
County: Lyon Image: 639
Township: Americus Emma, wife, 37, IL TX< GER John, step-son, 17 ME Raymond, stepson, 12, NE

[HI250] (Research):Witteman, Albert (no image as of 10/9/2002)
Age: 30 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Missouri Roll: T625_0527
Race: White Page: 11B
State: Kansas ED: 10
County: Coffey Image: 589
Township: Star

[HI251] (Research):Witteman, Charles R (image not on line as of 10/8/2002)
Birthplace: Missouri Roll: T625_0527
Race: White Page: 5A
State: Kansas ED: 21
County: Coffey Image: 830
Township: Pottawatomie

[DI253] California Death Index, 1940-1997
Name: �tab�Anna J Evilsizer
Social Security #: �tab�555801157
Sex: �tab�FEMALE
Birth Date: �tab�15 Aug 1869
Birthplace: �tab�California
Death Date: �tab�20 Jun 1967
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Wilson

[NI255] Grandaughter- Deborah Salvat [email protected]

[HI258] (Research):Came to Missouri from Nashville by covered wagons with his father, Zachari ah Evilsizer and his uncle Levi Evilsizer. Lived in Barton County 8-9 mil es from Lamar. later moved up between Butler and Rich Hill. He first marri ed his cousin Jennie Evilsizer (Levi's daughter) and she died 32 years o ld in 1899. They had two daughters. In 1900 he married Callie Tucker. Th ey had twin boys who died at birth and two daughters-one who lived in Spri ngfield, and the other, Claudine Boss who lived in Lamar. Ran for Sheri ff of Barton County, Democratic Candidate

Informant on mothers death cert 6/2/1917 W J Evilsizer, Lamar, MO

[HI259] (Research):County Roll Number Page Number Barton C 593 155

Date of Return (Month/Day/Year) 1. Name of Child 2. Sex 3. No. of Child of this Mother Race or Color 1. Date of Birth 2. Place of Birth June 23, 1886 1. Olive Belle Evilsizer White 1. June 22/86 2. Female 2. Union Twp. 3. 1st

1. Nationality of Father 2. Place of Birth Age 1. Nationality of Mother 2. Place of Birth Age 1. Am. 24 1. Am. 22 2. Ill. 2. Ill.

1. Full Name of Mother 2. Maiden Name of Mother 3. Residence of Mother 1. Full Name of Father 2. Occupation Name and Address of Medical Attendant

Name and Address of Person making Certificate

Returned by

1. Jennie U. Evilsizer 1. William Jefferson Evilsizer 1. M.G. Witter 2. Evilsizer 2. Farmer 2. M.G. Witter 3. Union Twp. 3. Irwin, Mo.


Name: Name Recorded 9/15/42 Olive Belle Evilsizer Birth Date: 22 Jun 1886 Birth County: Barton Birth Location: Union Twp Race/Ethnicity: White Gender: F (Female) Mother's Name: Jennie U Evilsizer Mother's Age: 22 Father's Name: William Jefferson Evilsizer Father's Age: 24

[HI260] (Research):There is a Nola Cole born 7-23-1889 who died in Long Beach, CA, March 197 2. It is unknown if this is same person, as she was issued a SS# from CA. 1930 census born KS

[HI261] (Research):Death cert names father but mother unknown

[DI263] Death location is questionable, as she does not show in the Missouri death records.

[HI264] (Research):World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Missouri Barton County , Lamar, MO age 21
Born Nov 11, 1896 Barton Co, MO
Father born Barton Co, MO
Employer- J A Campbell, Lamar MO
Kin-W S Evilsizer, Mumma, OK
Med height, Med build, Lght Blue eyes, black hair, no disabilities
Signed June 5 1918 Lester Evilsizer

(Street and house number) (Town or City) (County) (State)
*Inducted at: LAMAR on 9/5/1918 Place of birth: Age or date of birth: 11 NOV 1896 Organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers:


PVT Engagements: Wounds or other injuries received in action: Served overseas from � To � from � To � Honorably discharged on demobilization Y In view of occupation he was, on date of discharge, reported N per cent disabled. Remarks:

CERT. OF SERV #86335 NOV 30,1956

Truman's Birthplace: Lamar, Missouri By Reba Young pg23
Now why was mild mannered Lester Evilsizer caled Pistol Pete? Bet that is an interesting story.

[DI265] Lamar, MO Parsons Kansas c 7-27-1990 Ed Evilsizer Funeral mass will be held at 10:30 A.M. Friday, July 27, at St Mary's Cath olic Church, Parsons, Kansas, for Ed Evilsizer, 85, a former Lamar resident, who died at 3:10 A.M. Monday at the Labette County Medical Center, Parsons Kansas, where he had been a patient since July 21. He had been in
failing health since December 29, 1989. Father Leo Kerschen will officiate. Burial will be in Mount Olivette Cemetery. Rosary will be recited at 7 P. M. Thursday, July 26 at the Burris-Carson -Wall funeral home, where the family will receive friends following the rosary. Memorials are suggested to the St Mary's Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Eleanor Evilsizer; two sons, Robert Evilsizer, Lamar, and Larry Evilsizer, Yountville, Calif; four daughters, Frances Sue Walters, Norwalk, Calif, Mary Kathryn Pearce, Parsons Kansas, Evelyn Merchant, Mission Kansas, and Cynthia Bruemmer, Detroit, Michigan; two step-sons, Francis Grillot, Jr, Genoa, Ill, and James Grillot, Tulsa, Okla; 19 grandchildren;23 great grandchildren; 2 great-great grandchildren; six step grandchildren and 10 step great g randchildren. Mr Evilsizer was born Dec 3, 1904 in Lamar to William Smedley and Susie (Hosselton) Evilsizer. He attended schools in Lamar and work ed at the Bright Bakery. In the early 1940's he moved to Parsons, whe re he was employed at the Alexandra Bakery and Sally Ann Bakery. He was al so employed at the Kansas Army ammunition plant during WWII. In 1955 he moved to Denver, Colorado where he owned and operated a donut shop for 13 years. He was also employed at the Star Bakery while living in Denver. In 1970 he returned to Parsons after retiring at age 65. Mr Evilsizer was a member of Saint Mary's Catholic Church of Parsons. He married Beulah Oehring on Feb 7, 1922, in Lamar. She died in 1967. He then married Eleanor Grillot on July 7, 1979, at St Mary's Catholic Church in Parsons.

Wichita Eagle July 25, 1990 Parsons- Ed Evilsizer, 85, retired baker, died Monday, July 23, 1990. Rosa ry 7 PM Thursday; Burris-Carson-Wall Funeral Home; service 10:30 AM Frida y, St Mary's Catholic Church. Survivors wife, Eleanor; sons Robert of Lamar, MO; Larry of Yountville, CA; daughters Frances Sue Walter of Norwalk, Ca; Mary Kathryn Pearce of Parsons, Evelyn Merchant of Mission, Cynthia Bruemmer of Detroit; stepsons, Francis Grillot of Tulsa; 19 grandchildr e, 23 great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren; six step great
grandchildren; 10 step great grandchildren. Memorial has been established with St Mary's Catholic Church.

[HI266] (Research):Hallie's parents info from Teresa E. VanGilder Achey

[HI270] (Research):Death cert gives DOB 3/28/1905
Emp: Secretary Col Natl Bank, KC
Informant Mildred Evilsizer 7330 Virginia, KC
Address 627 E 70th, KC

[BI270] Name �tab�Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�28 Mar 1904
Birthplace �tab�Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�1st
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�D. L. Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�America
Father's Age �tab�26
Mother's Name �tab�Ella Walker
Mother's Birthplace �tab�America
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C74343-7
System Origin �tab�Kansas-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1605148
Reference Number �tab�Page 155 #6101

Name �tab�Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�28 Mar 1904
Birthplace �tab�Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�1st
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�D. L. Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�America
Father's Age �tab�26
Mother's Name �tab�Ella Walker
Mother's Birthplace �tab�America
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C74343-7
System Origin �tab�Kansas-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1605148
Reference Number �tab�Page 155 #6101

[DI270] Death Cert
Jackson Co, Kansas City MO
627 E 70th St
Lived in community for life.
SS 496-24-9564
DOB Mar 28, 1905
Widow of Willis Allen Cook
Born Kansas City, KS
Aged 43 y 1 m 43 Days
Occupation- Sec Col. Natl Bank
Father David Lee Evilsizer b MO
Mother Ella Mae Walker born MO
Informant-Mildred Evilsizer, 7330 Virginia, KC
Burial 5/3/1948 Brooking MO
COD Carcinoma of left breast

[XI270] Death certificate has circled (removal) to Brooking Mo

[HI272] (Research):Name: �tab�Mildred E. Garrett
SSN: �tab�487-07-2492
Last Residence: �tab�87111 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, United States of America
Born: �tab�12 Nov 1911
Died: �tab�1 Jun 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951

[DI273] Death Cert Md to Norma
Born GalvestonTX to J Frank Cook and Mattie M Allen
Burial Brooking Cem 10/20/1942
Employed Equitable Ins Co

[HI274] (Research):Publication Date: November 04, 1997 Source: The Kansas City Star Page: B4 Subjects: Obituary Region: Missouri Obituary: Edith O'Brien Cahill, 100, Mission Hills, passed away Sunday, No vember 2, at the Villa St. Joseph Nursing Center. Private grave side servi ces will be at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. The family suggests contributio ns - to Children's Mercy Hospital, or The Salvation Army. Edith was born in Albert Lee, MN, and attended schools in Kirstine, MO, be fore moving to the Kansas City area. She owned and operated Terry Sales C om - Any for 55 years before retiring in 1985. She was a former memb er of the Women's Chamber of Commerce. She was preceded in death by her hu sband, Robert E. Cahill. She is survived by her daughters, Lucille Armaco st and her husband, Don, and Mildred Evilsizer; seven grandchildren; sixte en great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Edith lov ed to do needle - work, traveling, and antiques. Edith was kind, loving, d etermined, and will be missed by all who knew her. Arrangements: D.W. Newc omer's Sons Over - land Park Chapel)

[DI274] MILDRED EVILSIZER, age 95, of Prairie Village passed away January 27, 2012. She was born April 4, 1916 the daughter of Robert and Edith Cahill. In addition to her parents, Mildred was preceded in death by her husband, Marvin Evilsizer, and her son, Marvin Evilsizer Jr. Survivors include her sons, Bob Evilsizer (Cheryl) of Prairie Village and Jim Evilsizer (Joanne) of Santa Rosa, Calif.; her daughter-in-law, Pat Evilsizer of Temple, TX; her sister, Lucille Armacost, of Mission Hills; her eight grandchildren, Dr. Christopher Evilsizer (Mary) of Castle Rock, CO., Kellie Evilsizer of Austin, TX, Keri Seifert (Peter) of Edina, MN, Kristen Evilsizer Reeves (Bret) of Fairway, Stacie Borchers (Chris) of Dallas, TX, Kate Baum (Matt) of Ashland, OR, Matt Evilsizer (Danielle) of Mill Valley, CA, Scott Evilsizer (Sonia) of Prairie Village; fourteen great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.Mildred graduated in 1939 from Kansas City Teacher's College and later received her Masters Degree in education from UMKC. She taught in the Kansas City Missouri School system for over thirty-six years and upon retirement, volunteered for Head Start and the Children's Center for the Visually Impaired. She was a member of Wornall Road Baptist Church, Friends of the Arts, and Homestead CC. Mildred was an avid bridge player and a worldwide traveler. She was a wonderful mother and grandmother and will be greatly missed by her family.Funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at D.W. Newcomers' Sons Johnson County Chapel, 11200 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66210. The family will greet friends before the service at the funeral home at 2:30 p.m. The family thanks the wonderful support and friendship from the staff of Brighton Gardens and the dedicated help from Continua Hospice. In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Children's Center for the Visually Impaired or Continua Hospice.

[HI275] (Research):Name: �tab�Dudley L Garrett
Social Security #: �tab�524056136
Sex: �tab�MALE
Birth Date: �tab�28 Dec 1904
Birthplace: �tab�Missouri
Death Date: �tab�27 Jan 1989
Death Place: �tab�San Diego
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Shope

[HI281] (Research):Gooding County Leader, January 3, 1996 Eula Vivian GEE, 81, Gooding, died Dec 23, 1995 at Gooding Rehabilitati on and Living Center in Gooding. She was born on Aug 14, i8n Butler, MO, t he daughter of Henry and Francis EVILSIZER. She attended schools in Goodin g. She married Charles Gee on Aug 26, 1934 in Gooding at the Methodist par sonage. They farmed north of Gooding for 56 years. Charles preceded h er in death on Aug 22, 1974. She was a lifetime member of the Gooding Unit ed Methodist Church, where she was a Sunday school teacher, choir member a nd active with the United Methodist Women. She was a 50-plus member of t he Gooding Grange, member of the 20th Century Club, active with the Goodi ng Hospital Auxiliary and served for many years with the American Red Cro ss Blood Bank. She is survived by her children, Peggy (Lawrence) LaR ue of Wendell and Larry (Rhonnie) Gee of Rathdrum; sisters, Dorothy (De l) Cagle of Chico, CA, Alma (Bud) Quigley of McCammon, and Opal (Stan) Sta nley of Medford, Oregon; five grandchildren and three great grandchildr en Funeral services were held Dec 28, at Gooding. Burial was in Elmwood Ce metery.

[BI282] Butler Weekly Times July 20, 1916
Mr and Mrs henry Evilsizer are the proud parents of another baby girl born July 14, 1916

[HI283] (Research):Gooding County Leader, December 31, 1965 Last rites in honor of Margaret Elizabeth Mohwinkle, 45, wife of Edd Mohwi nkle of 706 Arizona Street, Gooding will be held at 2:30 P.M. today, Thurs day, December 31, at Gooding First Methodist Church. The Rev Warren McConn ell will officiate. Friends may call at Thompson Chapel until the ti me of services. Mrs Mohwinkle died of a heart attack Monday, December 2 8, while driving an auto near her home. She was born May 16, 1919 at Goodi ng. She attended schools here. In 1937 she graduated from Gooding High Sch ool. January 7, 1942, she married Edd Mohwinkle in Gooding. For 12 years s he worked in the dry cleaning department of National laundry. The past s ix years she was employed at Carter Cleaners. A member of the Gooding Fir st Methodist Church, she taught in Primary Sunday School for 20 years. Sur viving are her husband; her mother, Mrs Frances Evilsizer, Gooding; sev en sisters, Mrs Leslie (Ladine) Hendrix, Twin Falls; Mrs Opal Wonacott, S an Jose, CA, Mrs Charles (Lucille) Hoodenpyle, Redondo Beach, CA; Mrs R oy (Mary) Burkitt, Redondo Beach, CA; Mrs Charles (Eula) Gee, Gooding; M rs Bud (Alma) Quigley, Ontario, OR; Mrs Delmar (Dorothy) Cagel, Saratog a, CA; numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her fathe r, Henry Evilsizer, Dec 30, 1955. Music will include "Precious Lord, Ta ke My hand" and "Beyond The Sunset" sung by Larry gee with Deloris Chesl ik accompanist. Pallbearers will be Leslie Hendrix, Charles Gee, Delmar C agel, Bud Quigley, Charles Hoodenpyle and Melvin Mohwinkle. Memorial gif ts may be given to First Methodist Church. Interment will be at Elmwood Ce metery under direction of Thompson Chapel.

[DI284] Dorothy Cagle died Friday, September 30, 2011 at the age of 90. She was born March 28, 1921 in Gooding, Idaho to Henry and Francis Evilsizer. She was the youngest of eight girls.
She was predeceased by her husband of 59 years, Delmer Cagle. They have two children, Mike Cagle of Chico and Diana Locke of Wash; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren with another great-grandchild due in January.Dorothy was a 40 year member of the Eastern Star, a 35 year volunteer of Enloe medical center and a member of the macular degeneration support group. Her hobbies were knitting, playing cards, traveling, ballroom dancing and an avid sports fan.Services for Dorothy will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at Newton-Bracewell Chico Funeral Home.In lieu of flowers the family would like you to perform a random act of kindness or a donation to your favorite charity in care of Newton-Bracewell Funeral Homes.
You may share your thoughts and memories of Dorothy online at Published in Chico Enterprise-Record on October 4, 2011

[DI286] Name: �tab�Newton Edward Wonacott
Social Security #: �tab�519097539
Sex: �tab�MALE
Birth Date: �tab�10 Sep 1905
Birthplace: �tab�Oregon
Death Date: �tab�2 Mar 1981
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Harding

[HI289] (Research):Gooding County Leader, August 27, 1974 Charles Lawrence Gee, 69, Gooding, died August 22, at his home. Born May 1 3, 1905, at Edgar, Neb, he came to Idaho as a young man and married Eula E vilsizer August 26, 1934 at Gooding. They have farmed on a ranch nor th of Gooding since that time. In 1962 he went to work as a ditch rider f or the Big Wood River Canal Co. He was a member of the Gooding Grange a nd a lifelong member of the Methodist Church. In addition to his wif e, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs Peggy LaRue, Wendell; one son, Lar ry Gee, Genesee, three sisters, Mrs Mildred Manuel and Mrs Alta Mink, bo th Gooding, and Mrs Bera Meeker, Sandpoint, and three grandchildren. Funer al services were conducted Monday at the Gooding United Methodist Church w ith Rev Ed Stubbs officiating. Interment was in Elmwood Cemetery.

1930 Gooding Co, Gooding, ID ED10 Alvah M Gee, head, own home, 65 md age 26 IA OH IN Laura M, wife, 64 md age 25 MO WI WI Charles L son, 24, single NE

[HI290] (Research):1930 Gooding Co, Gooding, ID ED10 Alma M Quigley, head, 67 Md age 30 rent home UT IREL IL Elizabeth A, wife, 57 md age 19 WALES ENG ENG Stanley, son, 27 ID Edna, dau, 18 ID Elmo Q son 12 ID

[DI292] Social Security Death Index about Delmer Lee Cagle
Name: �tab�Delmer Lee Cagle
SSN: �tab�333-12-4431
Last Residence: �tab�95926 Chico, Butte, California,
Born: �tab�30 Aug 1919
Died: �tab�17 Nov 2010
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Illinois (Before 1951)

[HI293] (Research):D/o William Brinton Rouse and Mary Fissue Pinson

[HI294] (Research):From: [email protected] I was wondering about your entry ( for Mildred Blanche LIZE R, m. Frank WITTEMAN. Are you familiar with this family re any possible c hildren (I notice that she died at a very young age)? I'm researching t he LIZER family to which she belongs, namely her father, Frank, his fath er Eli, and Eli's father John, who was almost certainly the broth er of my grgr-gfather George. Have followed Frank from Iowa to Kansas ( in the records) and am now taking a look at the children. Am especially i nterested in any living descendants who are researching the LIZER famil y. Thank you in advance for any information that you might be able to gi ve me.


[HI295] (Research):Son of William Charles Brooks and Emma Sarah McGreer

[HI296] (Research):Raised by grandparents, George Witteman and Emma Elizabeth Evilsizer

[HI317] (Research):John Louis son of John Jacob & Frederike Catherine Janssen, John Jacob s on of John Ludwig & Katherina Elisabeth Reis, the elder emigrants 1850. 1850 Bexar County, TX Jacob Kempler, Handwritten p.323, Ancestry Image 2 S alado Creek Twshp 1860 Bexar County, TX Jacob Kembler p. 258, Ancestry Image 30 1870 Adams County, IL Jacob Gambler p.339, Ancestry Image 7 Keokrek Jct. T wshp 1880 Adams County, IL Lewis Gambler p. 6, Ancestry Image 6 Houston Twshp 1880 Adams County IL NE Jacob Gambley p. 32, Ancestry Image 17 District 18

1870 Adams Co, Northeast, IL Keokuk Junction Jacob Gambler, 49, Hanover Katie, 47, Hanover Lewis, 18, IL David 16 IL Mary 15 IL Minnie 10 IL

1880 Census Place Northeast, Adams, Illinois Family History Library Fi lm 1254174
NA Film Number T9-0174 Page Number 295D Jacob GAMBLEY Self M Male W 59 Farmer HANOVER HANOV Katrina GAMBLEY Wife M Female W 57 HANOVER HANOVER David GAMBLEY Son S Male W 27 TX Farm Hand HANOVER HANOV ER Avid JURGENS Other S Male W 20 Farm Hand HANOVER HANO VER

Year: 1880; Census Place: Houston, Adams, Illinois; Roll: T9_174; Family H istory Film: 1254174; Page: 161.2000; Enumeration District: 11; Image: 032 5. Lewis Gambler 28 Ennel Gambler 26 Catharine Gambler 2

Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Glenville, Clay, Nebraska; Rol l: T623 920; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 31. John L Gembler 48 11/1851 TX GER GER Jurgens Gembler 46 9/1853 GER GER GER immig 1868 in USA 32 yrs m24y 5/3 John J Gembler 19 son,10/1880, ILL Emma L Gembler 16 dau 8/1883, 16, IL Henry L Gembler 15 son 3/1885 15 IL Angeline Albers 7.12 granddau, 10/1899 IL IL IL

Year: 1910; Census Place: Glenville, Clay, Nebraska; Roll: T624_840; Pag e: 5B; Enumeration District: 36; Image: 1385. 4/30/1910 John L Gembler 58 TX GER GER Eugel G Gembler 57 m1x m35y 5/3 Anna E Albers 10 grdau, 10, IL IL IL

Year: 1910; Census Place: Precinct F, Seward, Nebraska; Roll: T624_855; Pa ge: 5B; Enumeration District: 163; Image: 586. John Gembler, head, 28, single, IL GER GER Lena Imig, sister, 31, widow, 1/1 IL GER GER Alta Imig, niece, 3, single, NE

wondering if you had any other information on Emma Louise Gembler who marr ied Frank Witteman. Do you happen to have her parents names?My husband des cends from Johann Jacob and Frederike Catherine JANSSEN GEMBLER who migrat ed to the Golden, Adams County, Illinois area. I show they had 4 so ns in the proper age range to be Emma Louise's father. One is named Jo hn Louis, so that would be my first bet.Hoping to hear from you!Thanks, Pa tsy Stevens [email protected]

[DI338] Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Warren Evilsizer Death Date: 19 Apr 1977 County of Death: Dade State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 55 Race: White Birth Date: 4 Jul 1921

[DI339] Thursday, October 25, 2001 7:10 AM MST Robert Eugene Evilsizer Bakery manager, 78 Robert Eugene Evilsizer, 78, of Lakewood, a bakery manager, died Frid ay in Lakewood. Services will be at 1 p.m. today at Fort Logan National Cemetery, Area A, 3698 S. Sheridan Blvd. Interment will be in Fort Logan National Cemetery. He was born Aug. 29, 1923, in Lamar, Mo. He served in the Army during Wor ld War II. On July 10, 1943, he married Dora Grace Miller in Labette, Kan. He was a bakery manager for Albertsons and also owned Bob's West Park Bakery. He was a member of BACT and AARP. His interests included woodworking, fishing and gardening. He is survived by his wife; two sons, William, Pine, and Edward, Denver; a daughter, Lorie Frehner, Conifer; three sisters, Frances Sue Walter s, Norwalk, Calif., Evelyn Merchant, Kansas City, Mo., and Cynthia Bruemmer, St. Louis; a brother, Larry, Fresno, Calif.; six grandchildren; and fo ur great-grandchildren. Contributions may be made to Parkinson's Foundation, 1420 Ogden St., Suite 103, Denver, CO 80218; to Mapleton Care Center, 3 11 Mapleton Ave., Lakewood, CO 80304; or to any charity.

Rocky Mountain News (CO) - October 31, 2001 Deceased Name: ROBERT EUGENE EVILSIZER 78, of Lakewood died Oct. 19. Services were Oc t. 25, with inurnment at Fort Logan National Cemetery. Mr. Evilsizer was born in Lamar, Mo., on Oct. 19, 1923. He married Dora Miller, 1943. He served in the Army during World War II. He was a bakery manager for Albertson 's and owned Bob's West Park Bakery. He was a member of BACT Baker's
Union and AARP. Survivors include his wife; daughter Lorie Frehner of Conife r; sons William of Pine, Edward of Denver; sisters Frances Sue Walters of California, Evelyn Merchant and Cynthia Bruemmer of Missouri; brother Larry of California; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren.



[HI341] (Research):The Wichita Eagle July 18, 1998 Mary Katherine PEARCE, 66, former Labette County Medical Center physical therapy department employee, died Thursday, July 16, 1998. Service 1:30 P. M. Monday, Faith United Methodist Church. Survivors include husband, Raymond; sons Ed of parsons, Chuck of Tulsa; daughters, Julie ODell of Erie, Patty Wells, Peggy Kinsch, both of Parsons; brothers, Robert Evilsizer of Colorado, Larry Evilsizer of Fresno, Calif; sisters Fancis Walters of Norwalk, CA; Evelyn Merchant of Mission; Cynthia Bruemmer of Ferguson, MO; 13 gr andchildren; Four great grandchildren. Memorial has been established with the Little Lighthouse, Tulsa Oklahoma, Carson-Wall Funeral Home

[HI347] (Research):3206 Willow Rd, Temple, TX

Temple, Texas 8/28/1981 Marvin H Evilsizer Jr , 41, Temple, Texas, formerly of Prairie Village, di ed Thursday at the home. He was born in Kansas City and had lived in Temp le eight years. Mr Evilsizer was a merchandise manager for Sears Roebu ck & Co in Temple. He was a member of the Village united Presbyterian Chur ch, Prairie Village. He was graduated from Baker University, Baldwin, Ka n, and had attended the University of Kansas. He was a member of the Phi K appa Phi fraternity and the Alpha Kappa Phi business fraternity. He w as an air force veteran. He leaves his wife, Mrs Patricia Ann Evilsizer, a nd two daughters, Miss Kellie Ann Evilsizer and Miss Stacie Lee Evilsize r, all of the home. ; his mother Mrs Mildred Evilsizer, Prarie Village; t wo brothers, James C Evilsizer, Englewood, Colo; and Robert C Evilsizer, O verland park, KS; and his maternal grandmother Mrs Edith Cahill, Shawne e. Services and burial will be Saturday in Temple. The family reques ts no flowers and suggests contributions to the Bell County Cancer Societ y, Temple

[DI361] Name �tab�Ralph Monroe Hendrix
Titles & Terms (original) �tab�
Titles & Terms (standardized) �tab�
Date of Death �tab�18 Apr 1931
Place of Death �tab�Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
Gender �tab�Male
Race (on document) �tab�white
Race (standardized) �tab�White
Age at Death �tab�3
Estimated Date of Birth �tab�
Date of Birth �tab�17 Feb 1928
Place of Birth �tab�Gooding, Idaho
Marital Status �tab�Single
Spouse's Name �tab�
Spouse's Name: Titles & Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Name: Titles & Terms (standardized) �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Leslie Hendrix
Father's Name: Titles & Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Name: Titles & Terms (standardized) �tab�
Father's Place of Birth �tab�Mo
Mother's Name �tab�Ladine Evilsiger
Mother's Name: Titles & Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Name: Titles & Terms (standardized) �tab�
Mother's Place of Birth �tab�Mo
Occupation �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Place of Residence �tab�Twin Falls, Ida
Cemetery �tab�Twin Falls Cemetery
Place of Burial �tab�
Date of Burial �tab�20 Apr 1931
Funeral Home �tab�
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
GSU Film Number �tab�1530911
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�SF 74992 LR 74


Record Book 30, Page 228 � Filed 11 January 1862 � Petition for Dower Ire ne W. Cranston vs Josephine P. Cranston & Others Christopher Cranston died in 1860 and was seized of an estate of inheritan ce: 39 acres and 93 acres in Military Survey Number 5855 owned by Edward Crans ton; and another 211 acres owned by Edward Cranston which he received fr om a quit claim from Stephen Cranston, John Cranston & Ephraim Cranst on to Christopher Cranston and Edward Cranston. Christopher�s heirs wer e: Irene Cranston, widow; Josephine Cranston; Charles E. Cranston; Ma ry I. Cranston; Henrietta Cranston, wife of Warren Harris; William Cransto n; Helen H. Cranston; Ann E. Cranston; Christopher C. Cranston; Lewis N. C ranston and Otto 3. Cranston.

[DI405] ame: �tab�Josephine P. Cranston
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�14 Nov 1904
Death Place: �tab�Kirksville, Missouri
Age: �tab�73
Birth Date: �tab�1831
Birthplace: �tab�Woodstock, O.
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Christopher Cranston
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Lora H. Park
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 91

[DI429] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Franklin E Maxson
Name: �tab�Franklin E Maxson
Birth Date: �tab�3 Sep 1914
Birth County: �tab�Logan
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: �tab�20 May 1998
Death Time: �tab�08:23 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�035784
Age at Death: �tab�83
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Residence
Social Security Number: �tab�281-10-5684
Father's Surname: �tab�Maxson
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Griffis
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�11
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Automotive repair and related services
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Automobile mechanics
Primary Registration District: �tab�1100

[HI431] (Research):Parentage not proven I found a long time ago an Elizabeth Idle b 10Jul1784 bap 15Aug 1784 Daughter of Peter and Maria: sponsors were: Carl Lubold and wf Elizabeth. This was recorded in St. Paul's Amity Twp. Berks PA. We have nothing that states that Elizabeth born in BERKS Co, Pa 10Jul1784 is the one and same Betsy that Martin signed the bond for. This would make her age at death 59, but she was 57, proven by a Pellon rubbing.
When I found her birth date at St. Pauls and there WERE Evilsizers's in the same church at same time, I threw that out to Flossie as a possibility. She agreed it COULD be. BUT unless she found proof, I don't know if one and same. There were other Edel families in Berks at same time.At any rate she was NOT a sib of MARTIN's

The record in St. Paul's names Elizabeth parents as Peter and Maria. Edel. Now if we could find proof that Peter was a relative to Martin whom we do think was born in what is now Lancaster. He was however in Bucks by 1778 and then in 1790 moved to VA. We never found a Peter Eitel in VA. So many ???

Now another clue was that Henry was bound to a Culp and a person with same name did appear in the 1790 Bucks Co census. There are a lot of things that say, she COULD be but we lack proof, unless Flossie found it and didn't tell me. There are several errors floating around concerning Martin Idle/Eitel and his family, many are just plain wrong data and some are conjecture, nei ther of which I would incorporate as FACT.
It's funny all of this came to my attention through an Idle researcher from CA. He had received an "updated" Idle list which contained the FACT th at Betsy in VA, WAS Elizabeth born in Berks, BUT had her as the sist er of Martin, NO the one born that date in Berks was daughter of Peter. Unless 2 girls with same name born in same place , exact same date differe nt parents. The record for Martins birth lists his parents as JOHN and Eli zabeth not Peter and Maria. Another error on the list sent to Terry was that Christina Idle born 1775 Berks married a William Morris in Fincastle, WRONG again, Christian b 1775 married a Jacob Morris in St. Paul's, Berks in 1795. (Phyllis Dingeman)

[XI431] Today was a long day but it was somewhat productive for all of us Evilsizors. Flossie received a book from Pat Stickley of Burial places in Champaign County. This book was compiled by Caroline R. Nixon and Emma Nixon Bolt on in 1936. It states that Henry and Elizabeth Evilsizor were buried in the Wells Cemetery on Elm Tree Road near Fletcher, Champaign County, Ohio. We had heard this before but could never find their tombstones. Alas, today we found the stone of Elizabeth. The writing on the stone is as follows; Elizabeth wife of Henry Evelsizor( note the spelling) Died Sept.6 1843 aged 57 years. We did not, however, find a stone for Henry. I dug next to Elizabeths stone, on the left, and found lots of pieces of what looked like slate, but no writing. We will look for an obit now that we know her death date. Bob & Flossie Hulsizer

[HI433] (Research):The descendants of Christopher McCarty were furnished by Sue Beck, 1650 Mi chael Dr, Schereville, IN 46375 Christopher had a child James in North Carolina by an unknown spouse. Chri stopher was widowed by 1850. In the 1850 census he had come to Pulas ki Co from Montgomery Co, where he was in 1840. In 1850 he instituted a co urt case in which he sued the estate of his father-in-law, Henry Evilsize r, to get settlement for his children. In the early 1860's, his son Willi am was declared insane. William and his guardian sued Christopher for mon ey owed to William. Christopher sued his stepson in the late 1860's ov er a land deal. Christophers burial site is unknown but may be an unmark ed grave in Sutton Cemetery near his daughter Elizabeth Huffman.

1860 Indiana Census age 65 Rich Grove, Pulaski, IN Post Office: Winamac Census page 1023 line 03A Real Property $1700 Personal Property $175 Farmer Family # 0578 Dwelling #0578

Descendents of this line furnished by: Jerald L. Hemphill Lake Mary, Flori da (407)323-8259 [email protected]

Family connection Lucinda LeBel. [email protected] 1115 Lasswade Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32312

Tiffany(Alexander) McCarty [email protected]

[HI434] (Research):When the Sheriff of Champaign County, Ohio advertised in the "Western Citi zen & Urbana Gazette" newspaper for the sale of Henry Evilsizor's Real Est ate on Nov 23, 1849, they named Henry's children with the son Henry first. The last named was "two unknown children of Patsy and James Boggs, deceased."

No census records have been found, although a mention of living in Io wa in one of the estate papers. There is, however in 1820 Champaign Co, Census Pg 458 a James Baggs-210010 -20100. If this James, he would have a previous wife, if not, it is a poss ible father.

[NI435] History of Champaign an Logan Co, Ohio pg 137
"I turn to an old record of Section 16 of the Township, in connection with those who supported the school:... Wm Baggs, James Baggs, MartinIdle, John Idle, Jacob Idle, Henry Evilsizer

[HI435] (Research):There is a marriage recorded in Fincastle, Botetourt Co, VA of James Baggs /Boggs to Mary IDLE performed 22 Dec 1803 by Ed Mitchell. As the Evilsizer and Idle families migrated from Fincastle at the same time, I would suspect this is the same James. Iowa records were searched in 1850 (Lee Co, 29th Dist) . The only James Boggs was 43 married to an Amelia age 27. No older children in the household that would represent children of Patsey. Indiana records were also researched, as IA was used in early records for Indiana. A Wiliam Baggs married a Sohpia Idle in 1803 Botetourt Co, VA. Another researcher Charlene Baggs [email protected] 6938 Lewis Center Rd Ga lena Ohio 43021

Research on the Baggs surnamed has turned up the following clues:

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE O RIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 MEMORANDUM OF MARRIAGES FOR 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY RECORDS. page 365 1779--August 23, Henry Penninger informs the Court that Gerard Erwin has p ropagated news tending to raise tumults and seditions in the State; bound to Grand Jury. Will of James Baggs proved. Thos. Baggs qualifies executor. Relief of Bridget, wife of John Fowler, a soldier; three small children. Wm. Nalle recommended escheator. Relief of Barbara, wife of Geo.
Woolridge, a soldier. Relief of Mary, wife of Jno. Rylie, a soldier. Estate of Adam Ellwine committed.

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE ORIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 LAND ENTRY BOOK NO. 1, AUGUSTA RECORDS. LAND ENTRY BOOK NO. 1, AUGUSTA COUNTY. page 377 1750-51, February 28th--James Baggs, 100, on Lick Branch, joining the land he formerly lived on.

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE O RIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 AUGUSTA PARISH VESTRY BOOK. ADMINISTRATORS' BONDS. page 438 Page 96.--21st May 1752: Orphan Ruth Baggs, daughter of James Baggs, bound to Wm. Hutcheson.

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE O RIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 DEED BOOK NO. 2. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. page 280 Page 509.--20th February, 1749. Cornelius Murley and Austas, his wif e, to Daniel Murley, their son, half of 400 acres. Patented to Cornelius in Gap of North Mountain, next to James Baggs, on North Fork North River Shanando. Teste: Charles Harr, Robert Hook.

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE O RIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 DEED BOOK NO. 5. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. page 312 Page 195.--22d June, 1752. Daniel Murley and Judith, to Cornelius Murle y, 200 acres in Gap of North Mountain, half of 400 acres. Patented to Cornelius and conveyed by him to Daniel, next to James Baggs' land in No. Fo rk River of Shanado.

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE O RIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 DEED BOOK NO. 8. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. page 356 Page 152.--13th August, 1759. James ( ) Baggs and Elizabeth ( ) to Uriah H umble, �25, 220 acres in Brock's Gap of North Mountain patented to James a nd lies on side of Third Hill upon Dry River, a branch of Shanando. Test e: James Johnson, Johannis Keplinger. Delivered: Uriah, April, 1765.

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE O RIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 DEED BOOK NO. 16. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. page 498 Page 322.--18th June, 1770. Uriah Humble and Charity ( ) to his son, Conr ad Humble, �30, 220 acres in Brock's Gap on Dry River patented to James Ba ggs, 12th January, 1746, and by him conveyed to Uriah. Teste: Jacob Mille r, Conrad Custer, John Thomas. Delivered: Jno. Ruddle, 10th May, 1784.

CHRONICLES OF THE Scotch-Irish Settlement IN VIRGINIA EXTRACTED FROM THE O RIGINAL COURT RECORDS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY 1745-1800 DEED BOOK NO. 22. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. page 551 Page 24.--Corner John Michael Brooks' land, patented to James Baggs 10th J une, 1760. Teste: John Ruddell. Thomas Baggs, Conrad Humble.

Apprentices of Virginia-Augusta Co Father: Baggs, James Source: Augusta Parish Vestry Book 1746-1780, 96

Ohio Land Records Patentee: JAMES BAGGS Land Office: WOOSTER Document Number: 902 Miscellaneous Document Number: Title Authority: CASH ENTRY SALE Signature: Y Signature Date: 1826/05/10 Description Number: 1 Aliquot Parts: W�NW Section Number: 24 Township: 19 N Range: 20 W Base Line: OHIO RIVER SURVEY Total Acres: 80.0000 Fractional Section: N Metes and Bounds Description: N Survey Date: Warantee : Canceled Document: N Multiple Patentee(s): N Multiple Warantee(s): N Access Number: OH0530__.391 Image Name: 00002843 Image Type: L Volume ID: 052

There is a James Baggs in 1820, Mad River, who is a candidate for father 1820 Champaign Co, Mad River Oh Census, James BAGGS, 2m<10,1m10-16, 1m 26- 45;2f<10, 1 f 16-25

1830 Champaign Co, Mad River, OH James Baggs 1m20-30,1m<5; 1f 20-30

Not found in 1840 > There is a James Baggs in 1840 Iowa Terr, Van Buren, but with 4 children, and only 2 mentioned (not by name) in estate of Henry Evilsizer.

[HI436] (Research):Although this family and descendants spelled the name Evilsizer in all documents and all census records, Jacob's tombstone is spelled Evelsizer.

Jacob left his children in Champaign County Ohio when he moved to Jay County Indiana. The children by his first wife were left with various families.

[HI439] (Research):It appears that the Wert family came to Champaign County, Ohio from New Je rsey or New York, probably the former. According to the marriage recor ds of Champaign County, the family migrated into the County about the ear ly 1830s. In the voter listing of 8 October 1811, Urbana Township, the re was one Thomas Wert listed. However, he was not located in the 1820 cen sus nor any census list. The surname of "Wert" may have been inaccurate ly translated from "West." At this point, just how closely related the var ious families were is undetermined. It also appears that members of the We rt family arrived in Champaign County at various eras. Perhaps, the fath er and a few of the children came first and finding the area to their liki ng enticed the other members of the family to settle in the area. Francis Wert, born circa 1789, probably died after the enumeration of t he 1860 census, may have been born in New York. In the 1860 census of John son Township he was listed as the Postmaster of Johnson Township, thus w as probably living in St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio. This position w as obtained after Jesse Long stepped out of the office. In the 1840 cens us Francis' wife was living, being born circa 1780-1790, however, she appe ars to have been deceased by the 1850 census. In this census they had o ne daughter living at home, who is surely Larine/L./Susene Wert who marri ed James McFerren/McPheran. For the purpose of this study we will assume t hat Francis Wert was the father of at least several of the children in t he area, and may be the father of the Wert families who were in Shelby, Lo gan and Miami Counties of Ohio also. As there appears to be quite a gap be tween the ages of the children listed here, it is more than probable th at several of the children settled in the surrounding area of Champaign Co unty. I. James Wert b. ca. 1800-1810; m. #1, ---; m. #2, 7 Oct 1832 Champaign County., Sophia Evilsizer. They were listed in the 1840 census of Johnson Tp. o nly. A. male b. ca. 1825-1830 B. female b. ca. 1825-1830 C. female b. ca. 1830-1835 D. female b. ca. 1830-1835 E. female b. ca. 1835-1840 F. male b. ca. 1835-1840 G. male b. ca. 1835-1840

1840 There is a Francis (Wert) and wife on p.335 both in the 50 and und er 60 age bracket. I figure this is probably the father of James.

Family researcher Doris J. Lewis [email protected] [email protected] Delores Diane Wirt [email protected] Jonathan Wirt [email protected]

From Diane Wirt 5/2005 my 4/th gr.grandparents Andrew and Catherine Wirt-Wort-Wert had 8 childr en listed in the 1810 census for Botetourt Co.,VA. Their son William Wi rt is my line. I believe they had a son James who m. Sophia Evilsizor in C hampaign OH

[HI443] (Research):Edward Jenkins, brother of said nancy (md Wm Evilsizer) made oath that his father gave his consent. Wm. over legal age

1850 Champaign Co, Ohio pg383 135 137
Jennings Edward 40 M Merchant VA
Jennings Ann M 27 F Ohio
Jennings Columbia 7 F O hio
Jennings Pratt 5 M Ohio
Jennings Absolom 2 M O hio

Family researcher - [email protected]

[NI444] From "The History of Champaign Co", June, 1999 Taken from his obituary in The Champaign Democrat, Urbana, Champaign Count y, Ohio, Thursday, August 11, 1892 William Evilsizor, Sr was born in Kanawha County, Virginia (now West Virginia) June 8, 1808. He emigrated to Champaign County, Ohio, with his parents about 1814. The Evilsizor's came originally from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. In the fertile valley of Mad River Township, Champaign County, they settled on the farm of Abraham Pence, later owned by W S Garret. The County then was a dense forest. The red man and wild animals were common features. Many trees had been felled, in order to make a way for their present home, and it is certain that the deceased did his share of the work for his life of industry, economy, and honest integrity. Here he prospered, sufficient to gain means which placed him beyond want. William Evilsizor, Sr and Nancy Jenkins were married December 10, 1829, in Champaign County, Ohio. Their marriage applications noted that Edward Jenkins, brother to nancy, made oath that his father gave consent. To this happy union were born thirteen children, seven sons and six daughters. After 29 years, their happy union was severed by death of the wife, which occurred February 15, 1858, at the age of 44 years. Again he was married May 26, 18 59 to Frances Jane Allison. They had seven children, four sons and three daughters. After 26 years, their union was severed by the death of his second wife on March 31, 1885, at the age of 54 years. Mr Evilsizor has 20 children. 11 sons and 9 daughters. About 14 years before his death, he united with the Harmony Baptist Church. He was baptized by his brother Rev Henry Evilsizor who was a minister in the Christian Church. To this church, he proved faithful until death, leaving two aged brothers, Squire and Allen. He departed this life July 25, 1892 aged 84years, 1 month, 15 days. Of this family death has now removed a loving and kind father, mother, and step-mother, 4 brothers and 2 sisters, while 7 brothers and 7 sisters with a large number of grand and great grandchildren. It has been said that Mr Evilsizor was a large portly man with a black beard, who could crack a hickory nut with his teeth at age 80. William Evilsizor, and his two wives are buried in the Nettle Creek Cemetery, Mad River Township, about a mile south of Westville.
By June O York, gg-gd of William Evilsizor

By George Weldon Evilsizor
William became a member of the Baptist Church when he was 20 years old. In politics he was a Democrat and probably voted for Van Buren in 1887. His occupation was farming. his farm was located in the mad River valley about six miles south of Urbana where he lived with his wife and family in a crude manner. Their household furniture and kitchen utensils were limited to just necessary things. Some of the farm machinery and tools they used were breaking plow, harrow, sythe for cutting grass which was used for hay. They cradled their wheat, faliled out the grain and planted and gathered their corn by hand. Their small tools consisted of two axes, a garden spade and a wooden maul. Their livestock consisted of a tram of horses, some cows and a few hogs and chickens. Their only way of travel was by foot, horseback or farm wagon. Most of their bedding and clothing was made by hand in the home. The house, barn and other buildings we rebuilt from hewed logs. Some years later the buildings were replaced with more modern equipment.

�i� As, most the Evilsizor's in Champaign County today descend from William, I chose this as the logical location to include the article from the Family Reunion in 1933. Some names are mentioned that I have not found connections for�/i� .

Springfield Daily News, Thursday, August 24, 1933 The 12 annual reunion of the Evilsizor family was held Sunday at the ho me of Mr and Mrs Frank Evilsizor, west of Bowlusville. More than 180 members were present for the event, although the Evilsizor family is one of the largest in the state, numbering more than 300 persons. Members were in attendance from Indiana, Troy, Piqua, Richwood, DeGraff, Bellefontaine, Urbana, Terre Haute, St Paris, Westville, Tremont and Springfield. Following dinner served at long tanles on the lawn, a business meeting was held and the 1933 officers were elected as follows: President, Ezra Evilsizor, vice president, Herbert Evilsizor, and Secretary Treasurer, Lottie Geron. Those present were the Rev and Mrs Isaac Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs Marley Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs Clair Evilsizor, and children Donald, Roland, Garnet and Paul Roger; Mr and Mrs Coral Evilsizor and children, Norman, Norberta, Nitabelle and Norma; Mr and Mrs Clyde Lee; Mr and Mrs Philip Geron, Norman Geron; Mr and Mrs C H Geron, J M Evilsizor, Walter Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs George Randall; Mr and Mrs W F Fenton, Norman Evilsizor, Frank M Pummel, Carl R Rausch, Mr and Mrs Worden Hupp, Leona Evilsizor, Louise and Lucille Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs Morgan Leonard; Mr and Mrs A W Evilsizor; Mr and Mrs J E Evilsizor and Mr and Mrs H E Evilsizor and family. Mr a nd Mrs William J Greene; Harold and Marlene Evilsizor, Mrs C J Evilsizor, Ivan Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs Cliff Evilsizor and daughter Kathryn; Mrs Julius Holl and children, Freddie, Kathryn and Paul; Mr and Mrs Clem Evilsizor, John Caldwell, Marjorie Evilsizor; Mr and Mrs C Brown, Margaret, Edna, Myron and Dewalt Brown; Mr and Mrs C E Lippincott; Dorothy and Alice Li ppincott; A T Fenton; Mrs A N Gerard, Dorothy Gerard, Mrs Susie Nixon; Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bryant and daughter Marilyn; Mr and Mrs Jack Geron, Everett Geron, Mrs Margaret Roe, Margaret Randall, Mr and Mrs Charles Sultzbaugh, Kenneth Randall, Mr and Mrs Morgan Leonard; Mr and Mrs Clem Benedict, Mr and Mrs John Flarida, Mrs Rose Schaffer; Mr and Mrs Carl Follrath; Mr and Mrs J C Vogel; Robert Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs Willard Evilsizor, Russell, Virgie and Dorothy Evilsizor; Mrs L L Young and sons, Elwood and L L Young,Jr; Mr and Mrs J S Mathison and daughter Christine; Mr and M rs T H Ballentine, Mr and Mrs L W Redmond; Mr and Mrs N J Laughlin; Mr a nd Mrs A T Skillings, and children, Julia, Theyla, George, Lloyd and Herbert; Eloise Randall, Carmelita and Jack Follrath, Mrs Ollie Evilsizor, Harold Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs Russell Evans and children, Mr and Mrs Theodore Hulsizer and son Robert Earl; the Rev Mr and Mrs A J Furstenberger, Mrs Agness Howett, Pearl Rubucht, David A Roberts, H Robinson, Mr and Mrs Ramsey; Warder Deer; Mr and Mrs J McClellan, Bertha Fenton, Alpha Fenton, Ang ie Fenton, Dorothy Fenton, Mr and Mrs Charles Evilsizor, Miss Hazel Brown, Mr and Mrs W I Wivel, the Rev and Mrs E H Runyan; Mrs Ollie Rooney and son Donald. Mrs Lydia Crabill and Pauline Green, Betty and Frances Tomlinson, Robert Bennett; Mr and Mrs Frank Evilsizor and Thomas Nitchman

[DI444] Will Book G, Champaign Co, OH Will of William Evilsizer, Deceased No 3618 Probate Court, Champaign Co, O H

Be it remembered that on the 4th day of August, 1892, an instrument of wr iting, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of William Evilsizer, deceased, was produced in open court and an application filed therewith by Isaac Evilsizer, to admit the same to probate and record, whereun to the following proceedings were had: Said application being in words and figures following to wit: Application for Probate of Will State of Ohio, Champaign Co: Application to admit to Probate. In the matter of the Last Will and Testament of William Evilsizer, deceased, to the Probate Court of said county: Your petitioner respectfully reque sts that William Evilsizer late a resident of the Township of Mad Riv er in said County died on or about the 25th day of July A.D. 1892 leavi ng an instrument in writing hereto attached purporting to be his last Will and Testament. That the said William Evilsizer died leaving the followi ng named persons his only next of kin resident of the State of Ohio: Elizabeth Ebert, daughter, Urbana, ILL; Edon Evilsizer, son, Bowlusville, OH; William Evilsizer, son, Terre Haute, OH; Mariah Lee, daughter, Terre Haute, Ohio; Luanna Clark, daughter, Seth, Ohio; Isaac Evilsizer, son, Terre H aute, Ohio. Emeline Fenton, daughter, Tremont City, Ohio; Joseph Evilsizer, son, Urbana, Ohio; Eliza Evilsizer, daughter, Urbana, Ohio; Jasper Evil sizer, son, Urbana, Ohio; Effie Lippencott, daughter, Urbana, Ohio; Malvi na Evilsizer, daughter, Urbana, Ohio; Albert Evilsizer, son, Urbana, Ohio; Irvan Evilsizer, son, Urbana, Ohio; Charles Evilsizer, grandson, St Paris, Ohio, Simeon Evilsizer, grandson, St Paris, Ohio, Nancy Ballentine, gr anddaughter, Springfield, Ohio, Anna McCully, granddaughter, Urbana, ILL; Emma Houser, granddaughter, ------ILL, William Clark, grandson, Philo, ILL, John Clark, grandson, Philo, ILL.; Eliza Butler, granddaughter___ _, MO;Marietta Gulick, granddaughter, -----Kansas; Charles Nesbeth, grands on, Fisher, ILL; Elizabeth Judy, granddaughter, Fisher, ILL; Frank Nesbet h, grandson, residence unknown. Your petitioner herewith offers said Will for Probate and says that a time may be fixed for the proving of the s ame and that said above named persons may be notified according to l aw of the pendency of said proceedings. Isaac Evilsizer, Petitioner.

The State of Ohio, Champaign County The above named Isaac Evilsizer, being first duly sworn, says that the facts stated and allegations in the foregoing application contained are true as he believes. Isaac Evilsizer Sworn to before me and signed in my presence this 4th day of August, A.D ., 1892 Joseph P Northcutt, Probate Judge On the back of the foregoing application is endorsed the following to wit: "We the undersigned next of kin of the within named decedent, hereby waive further notice and consent to the probate of said Will. Valid this 4 th day of August, A.D., 1892 Isaac Evilsizer, Joseph Evilsizer, Irwin Evilsizer, Virna Evilsizer, Albert Evilsizer, Emeline Fenton, Nannie Ballentin e, Wm Evilsizer, S A Evilsizer, Effie Lippencott, Jasper Evilsizer, Mar ia Lee, Luanne Clark, Chas W Evilsizer, Edon Evilsizer." And said instrume nt of writing is in words and figures following to wit: WILL In the name of the Benevolent Father of All, I William Evilsizer of the County of Champaign and State of Ohio, do make this my last Will and Testament in the words and manner following:

ITEM 1st : I will that my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid.

ITEM 2nd: I will and bequeath the farm of 85 acres, more or less, upon whi ch I now reside, to my wife and also the personal estate which may be on l and at my decease until my youngest son Irvin Evilsizer arrives at the a ge of twenty-one. She is to pay the tax to keep the farm and necessary repairs to save the timber and provide for all my children during their minority about as I would do myself if living. If my said wife should need any help in the management of the farm and Estate, then it is my will and request that my son Edon should assist her in what is to be said and done about the business.

ITEM 3rd: To Allen, William and Eden Evilsizer I have advanced each $100, to Isaac $130 and to Jospeh $150 and wish to give to each of my girls t he sum of $50 for an advancement and to each of the boys of the second marriage $100. None of my girls have received any advancement, nor any of t he boys by the second marriage. In other words, I wish and will each of my boys $100 to make them all equal at that sum and each of the girls $50 and consider them equal with the boys at that point. Isaac and Joseph to be charged with their excesses to wit: $50 to Joseph and $30 to Isaac. If any of my children should die before my son Irvin becomes of age th en and in that case their shares in my estate are not to descend to their heirs-but to be equally divided between the balance.

ITEM 4th: I Will and bequeath dower to my wife in said farm after my son I rvin is of age and then the residue of my estate to be equally divided among her and all my heirs, making my said wife equal in the residue of my estate with all my heirs. Except the heirs of my son Allen and Margaret Clark, deceased., they having received their full share.

In testimony hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 18th d ay of Nov, A.D., 1878 William X (his mark) Evilsizer Signed and acknowledged by said William Evilsizer as his last will and testament in our presence and signed in his presence. Witness: Isaac Neff James L Dallas

Whereas on the 18th Day of November A D 1878, I William Evilsizer ma de my last will and testament. I now declare the following to be a codicil thereto---------

FIRST- It is my will that none of my heirs shall be allowed to partition my Real Estate or in any wise encumber the same by mortgage or any kind of lien thereon, until my youngest son, Irvin Evilsizer shall arrive at the age of twenty-five years.
SECOND- I will and bequeath to my daughter, Eliza Evilsizer, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars out of my personal estate, if not enough personal property, then the residue to be paid out of the Real Estate. This Three Hundred Dollars to be an extra sum for her support. I nominate and appoint my friend James L Dallas to act as Agent for her to pay out said money for her use and benefit as she may need the sae, and further my son Joseph has received out of my Estate One Hundred Fifty Dollars as set forth in my will. Said Joseph Evilsizer has since received the sum of $10, ten dollars, as an additional advancement. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of April, A D 1885. William X (his mark) Evilsizer Signed and acknowledged by said William Evilsizer as a codicil to his last will and testament in our presence and signed by us as witnesses in his presence. Isaac Neff Henry Seitz Witnesses

CODICIL- June 18, 1889 I, William Evilsizer, Sen, now and hereby make this as a second codicil to my will which bears date Nov 18th, 1878. It is my will that my daughter Eliza Evilsizer (who is an invalid) shall live here in my house and on my farm during her natural life and to be maintained thereon as aforesaid and her brothers and sisters are to take care of her as long as she lives: aid farm and house now constitute my present home and farm si..l u..ali in Mad River Twp, Champaign County, Ohio William X (his mark) Evilsizer Signed and acknowledged by said Wm Evilsizer, Sen, as a codicil to his
last will and testament signed by us as witnesses this 18th day of June, 1889. Isaac Neff Andrew Mc Sager Witnesses

Therefore the Court ordered as follows: In the matter of the Will of William Evilsizer, Deceased, Probate Court, Thursday, Aug 14th, 1892. This day an instrument of writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of William Evilsizer late of Mad River Township in this County , deceased, was produced in open Court for Probate. It is now ordered that the said will be filed in this court, and it appearing to the court that Isaac Evilsizer, Jospeh Evilsizer, Irvin Evilsizer, Effie Lippencott, Virma Evilsizer, Jasper Evilsizer, Albert Evilsizer, Maria lee, Emeline Fento n, Luanna Clark, Nanny Ballentine, Chas W Evilsizer, Wm Evilsizer, Edon Evilsizer, S A Evilsizer, next of kin of the testator, resident of the State of Ohio, Champaign County.

Name �tab�William Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Male
Death Date �tab�25 Jul 1892
Death Place �tab�Mad River Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Birthplace �tab�Virginia
Occupation �tab�Farmer
Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�p 131

[NI446] Stories of Guernsey County Ohio pg 824 Owners of Real Estate , Jackson, Twp 1840 Jonathan Evilsizer, 160 acres, lot 9

[DI446] Name �tab�Jonathan Evelsizer
Gender �tab�Male
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�10 Jan 1888
Death Place �tab�Lawrence, Washington, Ohio
Age �tab�78
Birth Date �tab�1810
Birthplace �tab�East Virginia
Occupation �tab�Miller
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07311-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946210
Reference Number �tab�v 1 p 324

[HI448] (Research):Name: Allen E. Evilsizer Date: Feb 11, 1893 Location: Jay County Age: 74 yr Gender: Male Race: W Source location: County Health Office, Portland Source notes: The source of this record is the book H-2 on page 24 with in the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.

Obituary of brother William says "aged brother, Allen survives him" Documented by Jackie Bryan

Allens descendants provided by Barbara J Johnson [email protected] She is a descendant of Allen and his second wife, Abigail Cavender

1880 Jay Co census lists him as 60, Abagal as 60, two sons; Thomas?? B, 2 1, b OH, Levi?? W. b. OH, gson,Sylvester 4, b IN; gdau Ida M 2, b IN. Th is son Thomas would have been born c 1859 which sits with siblings, howev er he does not appear in the 1860 Census.

Memorial of Father Allen E Evilsizer was born in Dark County, Ohio, April 16, 1814, died at
his daughters, one and one-half miles south of Collett, Jay County, Ind, Feb ruary 12, 1893, age 74 years, 10 months and 29 days. He leaves four daughters and two sons to mourn their loss. His dear companion died march 14, ei ght years ago; since that time he has lived with his children. During his sickness he often expressed that he loved his children and would
like to stay with them, but he was willing to go. During his severe sickness, of nearly six weeks, he bore the suffering with patience. He has lived a constant Christian life for a great many years; at the time of his death he held his membership with the Christian Church. During his suffering he talked of different passages of the scripture; it was consoling to him to have them read and have songs, of his selection sung, such as "Near er My God To Thee". Before his death he selected the text to be used for his funeral from Rev 14 Chapter, 13th verse and also the songs "Nearer My God To Thee" and "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name". He requested Rev P C Bechdolt to preach his funeral. He often called his children about him admonished them to be good; his last words was for them to live Godly. On the account of the sickness of Rev Bechdolt, there was no sermon preached. His remains was intermented in the Clay Comb Cemetery, one and a half mile west of the Green Post Office. The friends hope to have the funeral sermon preached in the future.

We miss thee from home dear father We miss thee from thy place; A shadow o'er our life is cast We miss the sunshine of thy face.

We miss thy kind and loving hand Thy fond and ernest care; Our home is dark without thee We miss thee everywhere.

He has left his earthly mansion And has gone to heaven above; There to rest forever with Jesus Where all is peace and love.

Hereaft ones, do not mourn Death will have his way; Remember that in heaven That sickle does not sway.

He has gone to heaven And left us here to dwell Such was the will of the master Who doeth all things well.

A Friend

[NI450] History of Champaign Co, OH Volume II, 1917 B F Bowen & Co, Inc. Judge Evan P Middleton, Supervising Editor Pg789
....At first Squire Evilsizor worked out as a farm hand, but later he farmed for himself, finally moving to Urbana township, where he died in Tremont City at the advanced age of eighty-four years, and his wife at the age of seventy-nine years. They were members of the hickory Grove Church. The father was first a Whig and later a Republican. To Squire and Christina Evilsizor eleven children were born, namely; Mary, the wife of James Dye, the former of Marion County, Ohio, but later of Nebraska, where her death occurred; Solomon who was a farmer in Urbana township, this county, died in 1915; Rebecca, who first married Joseph Bisset of Pennsylvania, and secondly Joshua Zerkle, both are now deceased; Lewis, who served in t he Civil War, established his home in Tremont City, Ohio; Eliza, wife of J ohn Fanning, Westville, Ohio; John T; Isaac, a farmer in Clark County, Ohio; Sarah who married Andrew Shafer, of Quincey, Ohio; Rose Etta, wife of Thomas Nitchman of Terre Haute, Ohio; Charles Wesley, retired farmer, Tremont City, this state; and Jasper, who died in infancy.

[HI450] (Research):

[DI450] Champaign Democrat, August 17, 1899.. Tremont City, Rev Evilsizor held religious services at the Home of Esq Evilsizor, who is seriously sick, Monday evening."

From Champaign Democrat Obituary, August 31, 1899
The funeral of Esquire Evilsizor was largely attended Friday which was held at Nettle Creek Church near Westville. He was a son of Major Henry Evilsizor, a soldier of the war of 1812, was born in Page County, Va. while his father was in the service of his country on the 10th day of May, 1812, and died at Tremont City on the 23rd day of August, 1899, aged 87 years, 3 months and 13 days. He came with his parents from Virginia in 1815 when but 3 years of age, and settled with them in Mad River Township Champaign County on the David Pence farm within a mile east of Nettle Creek Church. The church was not even located, nor probably thought of, as about where it now stands there were camped in large numbers the red men of the forest, with the smaller ones of whom he many times played in his boyhood days as was it his pleasure to often relate. How changed the scene, so much so that we can scarcely realize the fact.
He was married to Miss Christine Comer in 1832, when but 20 years of age, with whom he lived happily until eight years ago, when she departed this life. From this union sprung 11 children, 46 sons and 5 daughters, of whom 10 still survive him, as well as 56 grandchildren and 27 great- grand-children.
The most of his life was spent in Champaign County, but the last few years he has lived in Tremont City. He was one of those sturdy pioneers of the Mad River Valley, who has done his full share of clearing away the mighty forest and preparing the soil to support the great population that h as since and is now living therefrom. He has always enjoyed the respect and confidence of his neighbors wherever he lived. He and his wife joined the Hickory Grove Church known as a Baptist congregation near Urbana. Theyboth lived quiet and exemplary lives and none who know them doubt not that they have gone to that happy rest prepared by Christ for his redeemed.

Springfield (O.) Sun" Monday, August 28, 1899: TREMONT Tremont Aug. 26.-- Mrs. Shaffer and Mrs. Buck of Lima, attended t he funeral of Esquire Evilsizor. The funeral of Esquire Evilsizor which was held at Nettle Creek church Friday was largely attended. His age was 87 years, 3 months, and 13 days. He left ten children, fifty-six grand children and twenty-seven great grandchildren."

[HI451] (Research):Parentage not proven. Phillip Comer 1810 Census female child b 1810-1815 1880Census shows mother and father born in VA

Urbana Daily Citizen, November 17,1891
Mrs Christina Evilsizer, who had been a helpless invalid for three years, died at her home in Tremont City, last Saturday morning and was buri ed at nettle Creek Church Cemetery Monday afternoon, aged 81 years. A husband and nine children survive her. (I have the Cemetery books and she is not listed in this cemetery)

[NI452] Jay Co Historical Society
Jay County Indiana bio.
Evilsizer,Leonard Morris - was born in Kanawha County, Virginia, September 2, 1816. He gains a livelihood by farming. Steeled in Jay County in 183 7, and married Frances Dye, in Knox Twp., Jay Col, April 4, 1839. She is the daughter of Minor and Deliah (Long) Dye, who were born in Greene County, Pennsylvania, at which place the death of Mr. Dye occurred. Mrs. Dye met her death in Jay County, Indiana. Mr. Evelsizer is the father of eleven children, named respectively: Eliza Ann, born May 30, 1840, died in Miami Co ., Ohio March 30, 1842; Matilda Jane, Nov. 29, 1841, died in Miami Co., March 25, 1842; Minor, born Feb. 4, 1843, resides in Jay Co., Indiana. Priscilla, born Aug. 19, 1845, resides in Montgomery County,Indiana; James, born and died July 15, 1848; Margaret born June 15, 1849, is a resident of Jay County; Louis M. born July 16, 1851, resides in Jay County; Mary Frances, born August 19, 1854, is a resident of Montgomery County, Indiana; Albert W., born Sept. 19, 1856, resides in Jay County, Indiana; Sarah Maria, born September 11, 1858, is a resident of Jay County Kipher, born July 2, 1861, died Oct. 14, 1865. Henry and Elizabeth (Idle) Evilsizer, residents of Champaign, County, Ohio, and who were born in Virginia, are the parents of Leonard Evilsizer. His son Minor, fought in the War of 1862. Henry Evilsizer was one of the early settlers. Mail received at Portland. Leonard M. Evilsizer came to this county in 1837. He cleared 200 acres and has owned 1,200 acres in the county; also owns 193 acres in Iowa.

From Tibbitts Research Doc
The farm where L.M.Evilsizer lived and where my Mother, Bertha Pearl Vincent and her sister Netina�sup�-�/sup� Vincent were born (not certain about Lauren and Ray) was obtained from�b� �/b�the U.S. government in'1836 by Jacob G. Fouts. The land continued with his heirs and they to Sarah I. Briggs and to other Fouts, then to Ishmael Bunch and John S. Bunch. They sold it to John Evilsizer and his wife 1852. John in turn sold it to his brother Leonard,1853 After Leonard's death, the estate seems to have taken some time to be settled; various documents are referred to in this respect. The beneficiar ies named were his wife Frances, and 7 children, Minor Evilsizer, Priscilla Evilsizer, Sarah Vincent, Mary Holmes, Margaret Mason, Lewis and Albert Evilsizer. Later portions in this abstract regarding settlement of this estate, mention Minor Evilsizer and his wife Jane; Albert Evilsizer and his wife Caroline, Lewis N. Evilsizer and his wife Ruth, and Margaret Mason. One date re-garding the settlement of this estate was 1886. The above persons deeded sale of the land to Wm. N. McKinley. David & Sarah Vincent and Henry and Priscilla Duckett, gave a warranty deed Feb.4,1887. It was recorded further that another-portion of land was deeded to Wm. M. McKinley being recorded ed Apr. 4, 1891, this being acknowledged before ' a notary public in Montgomery County (id.). A similar warranty deed by Mary F. Holmes and John Holmes to McKinley on Feb. 4, 1887, also signed in Montgomery, County.
The abstract states that in Oct.1885 Minor Evilsizer was in a problem over an unpaid note, and the sheriff left a copy of summons at Minor's home. Frances, wife of LM Evilsizer, died Sept.21,1886, estate completed by 1889. In the Evilsizer graveyard near' their Portland farm, are other grave markers as follows s- F., granddaughter of Joseph and Jane Banta. Born Feb.12, 1875. Died Dec.9,1892. Aged 17 yr. 9m.27d.
Reginald Emerson, son of,L.M. & F.A..Evilsizer, died Aug. 27,1865.
James., son of ?? Manson. 12 yr. old.
Ardilla F., daughter of J. & M.J.Butcher, died Aug. 28, 1872, 24 d. old.
Mary Elizabeth, this stone is next to
that of Minor Evilsizer.
Billie Newton bought the farm in 1885,
in 1900 he sold it to the elder Bowens, who in time turned it over to their children who own i�sup� .�/sup�1 at the time of this writing (1976).

[HI452] (Research):

[DI452] Jay Co Probate records Pg 582 1st day Dec term 1885 Dec 17 William Newton adm of estate of Leonard Evilsizer Box 23

1886, petition to sell real estate, William Newton, Adm of the estate of Leonard Evilsizer vs, Francis Evilsizer, Minor Evilsizer, Priscella Ducket, Sarah Vincent, Mary Holmes, Margaret Mason, Lewis Evilsizer, Albert Evilsizer.

Jay County Newspaper Clippings May 19 1887-April 25, 1889 Vol II 2006 by Rex Bertram The Portland Commercial, Thur, Oct 20, 1887 News from Fair Haven The stolen property from Levi Hutchens' reported last week, has been found, along with many other articles stored away in an old house, in Greene township on the old Len. Evilsizer farm. The guilty parties, we understand, are residents of Portland.

[DI453] EVILSIZER, Frances Dye
The following information was found in October, 1974, at the public library of Crawfordsville, 1iLontgomery Coujty, Ind., in the genealogical - historical section of the library, on micro film.. The source material was THE CRAWFORDSVILLE �i�STAR �/i�(newspaper), of Sept.. 30 1886, under the headline County News.
�b�"Mrs Evilsizer, an �/b�aged lady who has been here visiting her daughter, died on last ednesday evening and was taken to her home Thursday to be buried.�sup�*�/sup�
(Note by .,V.P.) By combining the Portland, Indiana, newspaper account of her demise, which stated that she died in Montgomery county, and the remains were brought to Portland to be buried, the funeral services were held in her home at the farm and she was buried in Center cemetery, The above infor- mation from Crawfordsville did not identify the daughter at whose home Mrs Evilsizer died, but the latter part of Oct.of 1974 on my return to Idaho from a trip to the Last, I found the great granddaughter of Frances 4vilsizer,, �b�Mrs P�/b�earl Keith and she said her grandmother had lived in Crawfordsville, Ind., and had moved from there to Lenapah Okla. Mrs. keith still (1974) lives in Lenapab She said Mrs Evilsier had been in a wheel chair the latter part of her life, but she did not know �i�why.�/i�

[HI455] (Research):1903 Clark Co, Tremont City Directory RFD1- Isaac N Evilsizor, Ella R, C I rvin, Anna, Herbert

Springfield News, November 11, 1906 The K of P's gave their brother Isaac Evilsizor a great surprize last Wedn esday evening. About 60 persons were present, and all present report havi ng a good time

Springfield News March 12, 1910 The family of Absalom Maxwell have moved into the Boosinger property. Isa ac Evilsizor having purchased the property owned by Mr Maxwell

Springfield News, April 15, 1910 Friday evening the young people of the church will meet at Isaac Evilsizor 's for choir practice

Springfield News December 4, 1910, Tremont City The following are the assessments to each land owner who is affected by t he Butler Petition: Isaac Evilsizor, $25.80, Charles Engle 206.86, Oscar W ildison $37.15

Name : Isaac N. Evilsizor Titles : Death date : 24 Oct 1930 Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : Estimated birth year : 1849 Birth place : Age at death : 81 years 11 months 18 days Gender : Male Marital status : Race or color : Street address : Occupation : ret farmer Burial date : 10/27/1930 Cemetery name : Oak Dale Father name : Esquire Evilsizor Father birth place : Pa Mother name : Christine Comer Mother birth place : Pa Inf-Herbert Evilsizor GSU film number : 1992275 Digital GS number : 4000568 Image number : 244 Certificate number : fn 58018 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI455] Springfield Daily News October 27,1930 Isaac N Evilsizor, 82, who died at 7:45 P.M. Friday at his home, one mi le west of Bowlusville after a long period of failing health, will be buri ed in Oakdale Cemetery in Urbana, following funeral services Mond ay to be held at 2 P.M. at the U B Church in Bowlusville. Mr Evilsizor w as a life long resident of Champaign County, where he was born, and had al ways lived in the vicinity of Bowlusville. He was a member of Pythias Lod ge in Tremont City. Surviving him are two sons, C I Evilsizor of Urban a, a county commissioner of Champaign County and Herbert Evilsizor of Spri ngfield; and two daughters, Mrs Jacob Geron and Mrs Claude Brown, bo th of Urbana. Mr Evilsizor's wife died on September 24th.

[HI456] (Research):Springfield News April 16, 1907, Bowlusvile Mrs Isaac Evilsizor of the Valley Pike spent several days the past we ek in Springfield, the guest of Mrs Robert Broadstone

Springfield News May 4, 1908 The Ladies Aid Society will meet Wednesday, May 6, with Mrs Isaac Evilsiz or as hostess

Name : Eiffie R. Evilsizor Death date : 24 Sep 1930 Death place : Moorefield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 25 Dec 1856 Birth place : Clark, Ohio Age at death : 74 years 9 months Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : R.D. 3 Occupation : Houssewife Residence : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Burial date : 27 Sep 1930 Burial place : Urbana, Ohio Cemetery name : Oakdale Spouse name : Isaac Evilsizor Father name : Henry Lippencott Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Martha Davis Mother birth place : Ohio Informant-C I Evilsizor, Urbana, OH COD-Diabetes GSU film number : 1992273 Digital GS number : 4000570 Image number : 113 Certificate number : fn 52295 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI456] Springfield Daily News Wed, Sept 24,1930 Following an illness of more than a week, Mrs. Essie Evilsizor, 74, wife of Isaac Evilsizor of a mile west of Bowlusville, died at 9:55 A.M. Wednesday at her home. Besides her husband she leaves two daughters, Mrs Jac ob Geron of Urbana and Mrs. Claude Brown of Westville as well as two sons, C I Evilsizor of Urbana and Herbert Evilsizor of Springfield and 10 gra ndchildren. Mrs Evilsizor had lived in the vicinity of Bowlusville during the greater part of her life. She was a member of the Bowlusville Unit ed Brethren Church.

[HI457] (Research):Descendants of this family have used the original spelling of (ER)

Name: Charles Irvin Evilsizor City: Not Stated County: Champaign State: Ohio Birth Date: 31 Jan 1876 Race: White Roll: 1819797 WWI Draft Reg Card Sept 12 1918 Charles Irvin Evilsizor RD8 Urbana, OH Age 42 born Jan 31 1876 Farmer, wife Rosa Tall, 80 inches, stout, grey eyes, light hair

One of the tallest men in Ohio. According to a newspaper article he appli ed to get on the Chicago police force and the article states that he w as 6' 10" tall and weighed 285 lbs. when he was 26 years old. That artic le was dated December 21, 1901.

I believe this to be the "Edwin" in the 1900 Champaign Co, OH Census next to father Isaac/ He was living with Wm R Henrick as a boarder. The bir th date is the same. But the newspaper article makes you wonder...May 7, 1 902 Edwin Evilsizor and family moved to Port Hill, Pike County, Ohio la st Monday. He has purchased 212 acres of land and will engage in farmin g. (maybe this was Eddon who moved)

Springfield Daily News Saturday, January 24,1931 Commissioner Dies at His Home near Urbana Urbana, Jan 24- C I Evilsizor, 56, member of the Board of Commissioners Ch ampaign County died at his home on the Middle Urbana Rd near here at 8 P. M. Friday, following a prolonged illness. He is survived by his widow, Ros a; two sons, Minard and Ivan, at home; two sisters, Mrs Jacob Geron of Urb ana and Mrs Claude Brown of Westville and one brother, Herbert of Springfi eld. Mrs. Evilsizor's parents, Mr and Mrs Isaac Evilsizor, died on last Se ptember 24 and October 24 respectively. Mr Evilsizor's death lacked a f ew hours of occurring on the same day of the month. Mr Evilsizor had serv ed on the board of commissioners for the past six years, although he had n ot been active recently due to illness. Funeral arrangements have not be en made.

Will Book G-L Vol II Champaign County, OH Will of Jacob GERON, probated 1/ 20/1908, Urbana Twp. (died 1/7/1908) Heirs William Geron, son, Urbana; Nel lie Elisabeth Geron, Dau, Urbana. Daughter Nellie Elisabeth Garon $1000; r esidue of estate real and personal to William Geron and Nellie Elisabeth G eron share and share alike. Charles I Evilsizor guardian of Nellie a mino r. Friend D W Todd, executor. Witness, Cloud A Blake and Lee G Pennock Wi ll signed 5/20/1907

Codicil I, Jacob Geron, having on the 20th day of May, 1907, made my last will a nd testament, hereby declare the following to be a codicil thereto: I gi ve and devise to my friend Charles I Evilsizor all my right, title and int erest (being the undivided one-half thereof) in the warehouse situat ed at Dallas Switch, in Champiagn County, ohio, together with all the appu rtenances attached thereto, to operate the same; the said Charles I Evilsi zor, however, paying to my executor the sum of five hundred dollars immedi ately after my decease, five hundred dollars in two years and five hundr ed dollars in three years thereafter, the deffered payments to bear six p er cent payable annually, and to be secured to the satisfaction of my exec utor. Witness my hand this 20th day of June, 1907. John Geron Signed by John Geron as a codicil to his last will and testament in our pr esence, and signed by us in his presence at his request, T S Binkard, Clou de Blake.

Springfield News, June 24, 1900 Noah Reed, Jacob Broadstone, Lynn and Peter Reed, Irvin Evilsizor and Man ie Evilsizor, Charles Layton, John Geron and John Spahr will go to Iront on and Ohio River Sunday morning via Ohio southern excursion.

September 7, 1901 People from this place who patronized the Detroit excursion late evening a nd took the Detroit Southern railway are Isaac Evilsizor, Irvin and Miss E tta and Miss Alma Evilsizor, Misses Rose and Kate Spahr, Christopher Spah r, Charles W Evilsizor, Maria Evilsizor and others. Sunday will be spe nt in Detroit and points in Canada.

Sept 27, 1901 Found Many Human Bones Workmen at Tremont Strike Indian Burying Ground While Commissioner Evilsizor and his large force of workers were excavati ng in the gravel bank on the farm of E E Gard, they were startled at findi ng a large quantity of what are supposed to be Indian bones, some of whi ch appeared in good state of preservation. Old settlers no doubt rememb er that at one time there was an Indian camp near this place and in all pr obability these bones were from skeletons of Indians who were buried ther e. Mr Evilsizor will be glad to show this rare collection of Indian reli cs to curiosity seekers.

December 21, 1901 Tremont Giant Now In Chicago Makes application to get on Police Force Tremont should feel proud that she can boast of a giant prospective Chica go Policeman. Irvin Evilsizor, son of Isaac Evilsizor has asked to be appo inted a member of the regular police at Chicago. Mr Evilsizor is one of t he tallest young men in the state, being 6 feet 10 inches in stocking fee t, tips the beam at 285 pounds and is only 26 years old. He is a memb er of the Jr OUAM and is known far and near for his congeniality.

January 20, 1908 Mr Irvin Evilsizor has purchased a one-half interest in the German and Woodstock grain elevator, at Dallas Crossing. Mr Evilsizor is well known in th is part of the country

They were first put to rest in the Grandview Mausoleum in Urbana Townshi p, Champaign County, Oh. This mausoleum was damaged by vandals then by we ather. In the 1960s my Father moved his parents to Oak Dale and purchas ed lots for them and himself and my Mother Barbar VanScoy wvanscoy@thewavz .com

Ohio Deaths 1908-1953 Name : Chas. Irvin Evilsizor Death date : 23 Jan 1931 Death place : Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : Jan 31, 1876 Birth place : Champaign Co, OH Age at death : 54 years 11 months 22 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : White Street address : RFD 7 Urbana, OH Occupation : Farmer Residence : Urbana Burial date : Jan 27 1931 Burial place : Urbana, OH Cemetery name : Spouse name : Rosie Evilsizor Father name : Isaac Evilsizor Father birth place : Champaign Co, OH Mother name : Effie Lippincott Mother birth place : Ohio Informant: Rosie Evilsizor, Urbana, OH COD: Cant read GSU film number : 1992420 Digital GS number : 4020891 Image number : 585 Certificate number : fn 521

[HI458] (Research):Springfield News , 1906 Miss Rosa Spahr of New Moorefield, spent last Friday a the home of Mrs Jac ob Geron

Springfield News, January 27, 1910 Mr and Mrs Irvin Evilsizor were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr and M rs H H Huggard

EVILSIGOR, Rosa Anna Death date: 8/8/1940, Champaign County Ce rtificate #48103

Note on Death Certi says Burial 8/12/1840 in Grandview Mauseleum

[MI458] (Medical):Suffered stroke of paralysis-did not recover

[HI459] (Research):Did not appear as child in 1900 Census with parents. She appears as an officer in the Springfield Pythian Orphans Home, but giv es her birth date as Aug 1877.

[HI460] (Research):Springfield Daily News, Wednesday, March 21, 1945. Pg 12 Jacob Geron, 68, widely known retired farmer of 823 S Main St, Urbana, di ed at 12:05 A.M. Tuesday in Springfield City Hospital where he had be en a patient for several weeks suffering from heart disease. A native of C lark County, Mr Geron had spent most of his life in the Urbana communi ty as a farmer, and had been a resident of Urbana for the last 23 year s. He was a member of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics a nd of the Urbana Lutheran Church. Surviving are his widow, Martha; a so n, A Everett Geron of Springfield; a brother, Phillip Geron, Springfiel d; a sister, Mrs Samuel Karg of Springfield, Route 3, and one grandson. T he body was removed to the Humphrey funeral home where it will remain f or services at 2 P.M. Thursday, with the Rev Edward Driscoll of the Urba na Lutheran Church officiating, Burial will be in Oak Dale Cemetery.

[HI461] (Research):April 15, 1905 Mr and Mrs Brown of east Tremont City, gave a party in honor of their daug hter Ruth, Thursday evening. Those present were; The Misses Almira Seit z, Jessie Miller, Nell Dingledine....Elma Evilsizor, Maude Brown...light r efreshments were served.

Springfield Daily News Sept 1969 Urbana-Mrs Almira Brown, 88, of 580 Washington Ave, Urbana, died at 1:30 A .M. Tuesday in her residence. She was born March 20, 1881 in Champaign cou nty, the daughter of Isaac and Effie Lippincott Evilsizor and had lived th ere all her life. Mrs Brown was a member of the Bowlusville United Methodi st church. Her husband Claude, to whom she was married March 30, 1909 prec eded her in death Nov 30, 1966. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs Willi am (Margaret) Baker of Urbana and Mrs Paul (Edna) Swisher of New Philadelp hia; two sons, Myron and Dewiat, both of Urbana; eight grandchildren; fi ve great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs Etta Geron of Urbana; and one brot her, Herbert Evilsizor of Springfield. Her body was taken to the Neff Walt er funeral home, Urbana, where friends may call from 3 P.M. Wednesday. Ser vices will be held at 1:30 P.M. Thursday in the funeral home with the R ev Wilbur Riley, pastor of the Kingscreek United Methodist Church in charg e. Burial will be in the Oak Dale Cemetery, Urbana.

[HI462] (Research):Ancestors of Claude were found effler/desc32.htm#10854C [email protected]

[HI463] (Research):Springfield News, June 1, 1910 Herbert Evilsizor has been confined to his home for the last week, being s eriously ill for several days. He is better at this writing

Springfield News, August 10, 1910, Willowville Herbert Evilsizor of Bowlusville spent Sunday with Jasper Evilsizor and fa mily

Springfield News, Willowville, September 24, 1910 Herbert Evilsizor spent Sunday with Jasper Evilsizor

[DI463] Urbana Citizen Tuesday Sept 28, 1971 Herbert E Evilsizor,75, of 1725 W High St, died at 7:15 P.M. Sunday in Com munity Hospital. He had been in failing health for the past year and in se rious condition in the hospital for the past five weeks. He was born Ju ly 20, 1896 in Champaign county, the son of Isaac N and Effie G Lippinco tt Evilsizor. He retired in 1964 after 44 years employment at Internation al Harvester Company. He was member of the First Church of God, St Andre ws Lodge No 619 F & AM and Khana Shahar Grotto. Survivors include his wif e, Bessie M; three daughters, Mrs Willard (Donna) Baker of Springfield, M rs Grove (Eileen) Pendleton of Grove City and Mrs Roger (Norma Lee) Grie st of Springfield; two granddaughters, six grandsons, and several nieces a nd nephews. He was preceded in death by two sisters and one brother. His b ody was taken to the Woods-Allgier funeral home where friends may call fr om 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesday. Services will be conducted at 2 P.M. We dnesday in First Church of God by the Rev Harold Boyer. Mr Evilsizor's bo dy will lie in state one hour prior to services. Burial will be in Vale Cemetery.

Name: Herbert E Evilsizor Gender: Male Date of Death: 26 September 1971 Volume: 20623 Certificate: 072564 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Springifield, Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Springifield, Clark County Age: 75 Years

[NI464] History of Champaign Co, OH Volume II, 1917 B F Bowen & Co, Inc. Judge Evan P Middleton, Supervising Editor Pg 1019-1020
William Evilsizor was born on a farm in Mad River township, this county, S eptember 9, 1837, and died July 20, 1895. He was a son of William Evilsizor Sr who was born in Kanawha county, Virginia June 8, 1808 and died on Ju ly 25, 1892. .......William Evilsizor, Jr married Julia Ann Lee, who was born in Champaign County the daughter of William Lee, who accompanied his parents to this county from Virginia when an infant, the Lee family being a mong the pioneers of this county. William Evilsizor Jr and his wife we re the parents of eleven children, six of them who are now living; Laura A, wife of George Shaffer, a farmer of Mad River township; John W; Emory T, a resident of Mad River township; Marley E living on the old home place; Verna A, of Mad River township and Oran W, a farmer living in Jackson township, this county.....

[DI464] Will Abstracts of Champaign County, Ohio, Vol II Books G-L 1889-1911 Pg 385
Probated 7/24/1895, Mad River Twp, died 20 July 1895
William Evilsizer Heirs-John W Evilsizer, son, Tremont City; Emery T Evilsizer-son St Paris, Ohio; Marley E Evilsizer, son, Terre Haute; Vernon A Evilsizer, son, Te rre Haute; Oren W Evilsizer, son, Tremont City; Laura A Shafer, Dau, Terre Haute. Son Marley to be permitted to remain on the home farm until sold; all residue of estate divided equally. Sons John W and Emery Evilsizer, Executors Witness Josiah Lutz and Cyrus Miller Will signed 7/17/1895

[DI465] Name : Oren William Evilsizor Death date : 24 Feb 1949
Death place : Wagner Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 06 Jun 1875 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio
Age at death : 73 years 6 months 22 days Gender : Male Marital status : widowed
Race or color : Caucasian Street address : West Main St Occupation : farmer
Burial date : 2-28-1949 Burial place : Terre Haute Cemetery name : Terre Haute
Father name : William Evilsizor Mother name : Julian Lee Evilsizor
Informant-Mrs Betty Terrell COD_Hypertensive heart disease
GSU film number : 2246584 Digital GS number : 4109127
Image number : 01031 Certificate number : 6952 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI466] Name : Lillie Lee Evilsizor Death date : 02 Jul 1934 Death place : Madriver, Champaign Co., Ohio Birth date : 18 Nov 1874 Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 59 years 7 months 16 days
Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : RR #D Occupation : Housewife Residence : St. Paris, Ohio Burial date : 04 Jul 1934
Burial place : Terrehaute, Ohio Spouse name : Orren Evilsizor
Father name : Wm. Linebough Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Elizabeth Bollinger
Mother birth place : Ohio Informant-Oren Evilsizor COD-Carcinoma of uterus
GSU film number : 1993037 Digital GS number : 4001904 Image number : 3055
Certificate number : fn 41207 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI467] Urbana Daily Citizen, Thursday, July 28, 1988 DeGraff- William Harold Evilsizor, 92, of 419 S Main St, DeGraff, died Wednesday, July 27, 1988 at 4 P.M. in Heartland of Bellefontaine. He was born Dec 19, 1895 in Champaign County, a son of Oren and Lillie Lee (Linebaugh) Evilsizor. On June 16, 1917 he married Mary Lucinda Grube. On Oct 1, 1 966 he married Marie B (Buroker) Bell He was a retired farmer and train er of sulky race horses. He was a member of the Bellefontaine Church of Ch rist in Christian Union. Survivors include his wife, one daughter, Mrs Elton (Normadean) Murphy of West Carrollton; one son, Kermit of Bellefontain e; seven grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren; one sister, Betty Terrell of Urbana; three brothers, Cecil of St Paris, Bob of Springfield and Virgil of Venice, Fla. He was preceded in dea th by his first wife in June of 1959. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 A.M. in the Rexer-Riggin-Madden Funeral home, DeGraff. Burial will follow in Greenwood-Union Cemetery, DeGraff

Name: William H Evilsizor Gender: Male
Date of Death: 27 July 1988
Birth Date: 19 December 1895 Volume: 27368 Certificate: 053789
Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification
Social Security Number: 283204713
Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: German
Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Certifier: Physician
Race: White Birth Place: Ohio
Residence: , Logan County Age: 92 Years

[BI468] Name �tab�Mary Estella Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�09 Jul 1897
Birthplace �tab�Madriver, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Oren Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Lillie Linebaugh
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Greene County, Ohio
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04079-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530184
Reference Number �tab�v 9 p 347

[HI469] (Research):Name: Emmet Thedore Evilsizor City: Not Stated County: Champaign State: Ohio Birth Date: 30 Oct 1899 Rac e: White Roll: 1819797 WWI Draft Reg Card Sept 12 1918 Emmet Theodore Evilsizor, St Paris, OH Age 19 born Oct 30, 1899 Farmer emp by O W Evilsizor Kin, brother and father Med height, med build, blue eyes, black hair

Emmett T Evilsizer sued B A Speckbaugh to recover a loan and foreclosu re on a real estate mortgage. The Miami Court of Appeals held that Mr. Evi lsizer had a legal right to foreclosure.Evilsizor v. Speckbaugh, 88 N.E. 2d 296 (Oh. 1949)

Urbana Daily Citizen Monday, Sept 20,1954 Emmett L Evilsizor, Troy, a former resident of Champaign county, died at 4 :55 A.M. in the Strouder Memorial hospital in Troy. He has been ill sin ce April 20 of this year. Born Oct 30,1898, in Springfield he was the s on of Oran and Lillie Linebaugh Evilsizor. He was married to Mary A Petr ie in Lawrence, Kansas. They were married 34 years today. Mr Evilsizor mov ed to Troy 10 years ago from Champaign county. Survivors are two childre n; Ronald Evilsizor, with the U S Air force in Samson NY and a daughter, M rs. Winston Lang, Covington, Ohio; two granddaughters, six brothers, Cleme nt of Troy; Harold of DeGraff; Cletus of South Vienna, Virgil of Madina, R obert of Springfield and Cecil of St Paris; three sisters, Mrs Wendell Nie ce of St Paris, Mrs Stanley Bishop of Urbana and Mrs Gaylord Terrell of Ca ble. He was a member of the Baptist church in St Paris, belonged to the Ea gles of Tipp City and the Moose lodge of Troy. He received most of his edu cation in St Paris schools. His occupation was a restaurant operator a nd at the time of his death he operated the Brookville Drive in. Funeral s ervices will be held at 2 P.M. Thursday in the Ervin Deeter funeral ho me in Troy with Rev Samuel Furrow of the Kingscreek Baptist Church officia ting. Burial will be made in Riverside Cemetery. Friends may call aft er 7 P.M. Tuesday until time for services.

[BI469] Name �tab�Ervinset Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�30 Oct 1898
Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Oren Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Lillie Linebaugh
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00802-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 119

[HI470] (Research):Springfield News-Sun, Friday, December 28, 1984, Pg 13 Mabel V Bishop, 82, formerly of 136 E Ward St, Urbana, died Wednesday, 6: 30 P.M. Champaign Nursing Home. Born in Champaign County, Ohio, Janua ry 8, 1902, as Daughter of Oren and Lilly (Linebaugh) Evilsizor. She w as a lifelong area resident and a member of the First Baptist Church. S he is survived by one sister, Mrs Gaylord (Betty) Terrell of Urbana; fo ur brothers, Harold Ebilsizor of DeGraff, Robert of Springfield, Cec il of St Paris, and Virgil of Venice, FL. She was preceded in death by h er husband Stanley Bishop in 1958. Friends may call from 3-5 and 7-9- P. M. at the Hollingshead Funeral Home, Urbana where services will be held Sa turday at 10 A.M. with the rev Robert Trimble of Flint, MI officiating. Bu rial will be in Terre Haute Cemetery

They had no children

[BI470] Name �tab�Mable Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�08 Jan 1902
Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Orrin W. Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Lumbaugh
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00802-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 121

[HI471] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Monday July 16, 1984 MARGATE, FLA - Cletus R Evilsizor, 80, of 129 S Cortez Dr, Margate, a form er resident of St Paris and South Vienna, died at 5:55 A.M. Saturday in t he Tamarac Convalescent Center, Tamarac, Fla following an extended illnes s. He was born October 1, 1903 in Campaign county, the son of Oren and Lil ly Lee Linebaugh Evilsizor. He was a farmer and a member of the South Vien na Church. Survivors include his wife, Edna (Grey) Evilsizor; one son, Lew is E, of South Vienna; two daughters, Mrs Donald (Carolyn) Walhay of Tucso n, Arizona and Mrs Howard (Connie) Brammer of Warren; 10 grandchildre n; 14 great grandchildren; five brothers, Harold of DeGraff, Cleme nt of Ft Pierce, FL, Robert of Springfield, Virgil of Venice, Fla, and Cec il of St Paris; and two sisters, Mrs Mabel Bishop and Mrs Gaylord (Bett y) Terrell, both of Urbana. His first wife, the former Eva Irene Baker, di ed July 24, 1977. A brother and two sisters are also deceased. Services wi ll be held Wednesday at 10:30 A.M. in the Richeson Wickham funeral hom e, St Paris, with the Rev Albert Young officiating. Burial will be in Gl en Haven Memorial Gardens. Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday f or 2-5 and 6-9 and Wednesday from 9 A.M. until time of service.

Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Cletis R Evilsizor Death Date: 14 Jul 1984 County of Death: Broward State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 80 Race: White Birth Date: 1 Oct 1903

[HI472] (Research):Troy Daily News May 23, 1968 "COTTON" EVILSIZOR SELLS BARBER SHOP AFTER 35 YEARS "Its a young people's world," C.P. (Cotton) Evilsizor explained yesterda y, as he sold his business to John Mason and retired. A barber in Troy f or 35 years, Evilsizor added, "I'll still be helping him out a little on T uesday, Wednesday and Saturday." Established in his present locati on at 16 N Market since 1933, Evilsizor has been barbering for 43 yea rs - in Lawrence Kansas and Huntington Park, Calif previously. He owned a nd operated a Barber College in Springfield before starting out in Troy. " It's been many years now," he reminisced. "I've seen many, and many of th em come and go." "My bootblack John Jones is near 70 now. He has been wi th me 25 years." And half the barbers in Troy came through this shop... I trained them y ou see, and then they left and started their own besiness, but I don't min d....People were made to help each other out, If they can't do that for o ne another, what is there?" Noting the dicersity of his work, the retiring barber said, " You've g ot to be able to do any kind...all sorts of hair cuts, face massage, every thing." Evilsizor has cut hair of such famous old timers as Jess Willar d, Glen Cunningham and John Levi, "may, many a time", he recalled. Planni ng to devore himself to his 145 acre farm at R.R.1 in Casstown, Evilsiz or added. "Some fellows, when they retire, you know, they've got nothi ng to do with themselves....Not me, I've got my farm....and probably I' ll be going back out to California for awhile....that's where my family is ." Grandfather of four, father of Mrs Wilma Hunter, and step father of Mrs Jo yce Lenehan, Evilsizor spoke of keeping the business in the family. "I wan ted my daughter to go to beautician's school.... I was going to divide t he shop, you know.... but she went to she's a schoolteacher ... and she's got her masters....once they want to, why, there's no stoppi ng them." Nodding towards his successor John Maxson of Sidney, Evilsizor added, "T he boy's young and his shoulders are strong, so let him take that - the re sponsibility. For me, I'm not going to worry about the future. I'm just go ing to take it as it comes."

Miami Herald, The (FL) - September 12, 1984 Deceased Name: EVILSIZOR, Clement P. EVILSIZOR, Clement P., 79, 2023 St. Lucie Blvd., Fort Pierce, died Aug. 2 9. Services 2 p.m. Friday at Yates Funeral Home, Fort Pierce.

Name: Clement Evilsizor SSN: 290-30-1614 Last Residence: 33450 Fort Pierce, Saint Lucie, Florida, United Stat es of America Born: 10 Apr 1905 Died: Aug 1984 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1951-1952 )

Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Clement P Evilsizor Death Date: 29 Aug 1984 County of Death: Saint Lucie State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 79 Race: White Birth Date: 10 Apr 1905

[HI473] (Research):Springfield News-Sun, Monday, June 15, 1992 by Rod Lockwood

Bob Evilsizor enjoyed nearly every minute of his six and a half decades cutting hair in Clark County. Squirming kids fighting their first haircuts w riggled around in his chair and tested his patience. He watched custome rs grow old and pass away, only to be replaced by their sons and grandson s. Men shared confessions with him probably never told anyone else a nd he said he faithfully honored the unwritten code of the tonsorial profe ssion. "What you hear in the barber chair stays in the barber chair". F or 65 years he stood for countless hours cutting hair, chatting and listen ing. To hear Evilsizor talk, barbering is the best job in the world. "Barb ering was good to me all my life, every bit of it," Evilsizor said while r elaxing at Campbell's Barber Service, 1402 Maiden Lane. At 85 and sti ll in good health he figured it was time to step aside. He was experienci ng something that made his work rough and he couldn't take it anymore: Ma ny of his customers were getting old and dying. "Staying at it so long, pe ople are gone and it's pitiful and always hard on me." he said, shaking h is head sadly while talking to his partner for the last 10 years, Dick Cam pbell. "Damm it, Dick, when you live to be my age you lose almost everybod y." he said. "You become real friendly and all of a sudden they're gone a nd it's a hell of a thing." Campbell and Evilsizor have an easy rapport th at shows as they sit and talk, trading thoughts on the business. Campbel l, l8, obviously has a lot of respect for his former partner. He motion ed to his eyes to indicate tears when he talked about Evilsizor's last we ek on the job. "There was a lot of nostalgia." Campbell said. The two we re throwbacks to the days when haircuts were cheap (Campbell still charg es only $6) and simple, Campbell speaks with disdain of "hair stylists" a nd proudly said the only difference between a stylist and a barber is $1 0. Evilsizor tried to retire 10 years ago after being in business on his o wn, but it didn't suit him. "we shook hands and I said, "how do you like y our retirement," Campbell said. :He said, " I don't". I said, "Go get yo ur tools." Evilsizor originally went into the barbering business when he w as 20 and he realized that he didn't want to do it for a living. "I w as a farmer and it was hard work and I told my dad it wasn't for me. Wh en I was a kid I had decided I wanted to be a barber." he said. One of h is favorite aspects if the business was the people. He estimated that in h is prime he did 50 cent hair cuts a day. At the same time he served the sa le role as that of a good bartender; listener. "You listen, but you don 't want to argue. And religion is one thing you never want to talk about ." Evilsizor said. "People are interesting and in a barber chair they'll t ell you a lot more than anyplace else. They open up to a barber." Tr ue to the code, though, he won't relate any interesting stories he must ha ve heard while barbering. "When a customer told me something kind of secre t, I didn't tell anyone." he said. "That's one of the first things I learn ed." Probably the worst haircut you could get was a "youngster with the hi ccups" and in his prime kids posed a challenge both physically and mentall y, Evilsizor said. The good old days of barbering are long gone, he sai d, because it doesn't seem very many men are interested in nice, straig ht haircuts that personify what it means to be a clean cut. "So many peop le today aren't very particular about their hair." he said. "Years ago th ey would be very particular and everybody wanted to look neat." Campbell a greed. "You'll look in a church and see a man who has a nice suit, but h is hair will be long and he needed it cut two weeks ago. When we were you ng all men went to barbershops, but they don't do that anymore." he sai d. Evilsizor managed to pick up some hobbies over the years, including rep airing watches, wood working and painting barns. He also had a quirky hab it with cars: he bought a new one every two years. He has owned everythi ng from and Edsel to a Cadillac. "I don't know why I do that, I just need ed another car.", Evilsizor said, looking somewhat perplexed. "I never h ad a bad car. They were all good for two years. I know people used to wond er about me when I did that." He lives with his wife Mabel, and they ha ve two grown children. Evilsizor said part of his perpetually upbeat attit ude can be attributed to 65 years of getting up every day and going to a j ob that he truly loved. "I always said that I would never go to work unle ss it was something I enjoyed." he said. "We get people coming in here w ho just don't enjoy their work and I think that's awful."

SPRINGFIELD (O.) NEWS-SUN Tuesday, September 7, 1993: ROBERT E. EVILSIZOR 86, of Springfield, Ohio, died September 6, 1993 at O akwood Village, after several years of failing health. He was born in S t. Paris, Ohio on December 16, 1906, the son of Oren W. and Lilly (Linebau gh) Evilsizor. Mr. Evilsizor was a barber in the Springfield area f or 65 years. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Mabel W. Evilsizo r; two daughters and sons-in-law, Shirley and Robert Grill of Dayton, Oh io and Joanne and Dean Creswell of Oregon; one brother, Virgil Evilsiz or of Florida; one sister, Betty Terrell of Urbana, Ohio; six grandchildre n; nine great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. He is preced ed in death by his parents; five brothers; and three sisters. Friends m ay call from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday in the RICHARDS, RAFF AND DUNBAR MEMORIAL HO ME. Memorial contributions may be made to the donor's favorite charit y. Funeral services will be held at the convenience of the family

William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Robert F (Mable W) barber 917 S. Lowry Av h 304 W Euclid Av

Name: Robert F Evilsizor
Gender: Male Date of Death: 06 September 1993
Birth Date: 16 December 1906 Volume: 29514
Certificate: 065483 Autopsy: No
Social Security Number: 302189578
Father's Surname: Evilsizor Time of Death: 1:25 PM
Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic
Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 10
Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No
Mother's Surname: Linebaugh Race: White
Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 86

[BI473] name: �tab�Robert Faye Evilsizor
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Birth
event date: �tab�16 Dec 1906
event place: �tab�Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
registration date: �tab�
registration place: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
race: �tab�
father: �tab�Oren Evilsizor
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
father's age: �tab�
mother: �tab�Lillie Linebaugh
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
mother's age: �tab�
additional relatives: �tab�
reference number: �tab�p 18
film number: �tab�295232
digital folder number: �tab�004016263
image number: �tab�00554
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Nov 2012), Robert Faye Evilsizor, 1906.

[XI473] EVILSIZOR �tab�ROBERT �tab�F. �tab�1/0/0 �tab�ST. PARIS, OH �tab�9/6/1993 �tab�9/8/1993 �tab�32 �tab�Lot 170 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 2

[HI474] (Research):THE SARASOTA HERALD-TRIBUNE Thursday, February 15, 1996 Page: 4B Virgil E. Evilsizor, 87, Venice, died Feb. 13, 1996. He was born Dec. 13, 1908, in St. Paris, Ohio, and came to Venice 21 years ago from Medina, Ohio. He was a personnel director for 21 years with Permould Co. He was a member of the Medina Masonic Lodge and the Scottish Rite of Columbus, Ohio. He was a member of the First Christian Church of Venice. Survivors include his wife, Savannah W.; a daughter, Jacqueline MacDonald of Columbus; a sister, Betty Terrell of Urbana, Ohio; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.The memorial service will be at 2 P.M. F riday at the First Christian Church of Venice. Burial will be in Venice Memorial Gardens. Farley Funeral Home, Venice Chapel, is in charge.Memori al donations may be made to the Building Fund, First Christian Church of V enice, 1475 E. Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34292.

William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Virgil E (Savannah R)assembler International Harvester Co h 153 Maple

Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Virgil Elwood Evilsizor Death Date: 13 Feb 1996 County of Death: Sarasota State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 87 Race: White Birth Date: 13 Dec 1908

[NI475] Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 134

[BI475] Name: �tab�Rodrick C Evilsizor
Birth Date: �tab�25 Apr 1911
State File Number: �tab�1911027339
Additional Information: �tab�Linebaugh

[DI475] Springfield News-Sun Wednesday march 18, 1992 St Paris- Cecil R Evilsizor, 80, of 11762 W State Rd 36, died at 2:55 P. M. Monday in Mercy Medical Center. Visitation 5-8 P.M. Wednesday in the Ri cheson-Wickham and Atkins Funeral Home. Services there at 3:P.M. Thursday

Name: �tab�Cecil Roderick Evilsizor
Birth Date: �tab�25 Apr 1911
Birth Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
Death Date: �tab�16 Mar 1992
Death Time: �tab�02:55 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Memorial Hospital
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, USA
Certificate: �tab�023844
Age at Death: �tab�80
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Filing Date: �tab�18 Mar 1992
Hospital Status: �tab�Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: �tab�Yes
Type Place of Injury: �tab�Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: �tab�277-05-6511
Father's Surname: �tab�Evilsizor
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Linebaugh
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Education: �tab�10
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Painting and paint spraying machine operators
Primary Registration District: �tab�1101

[BI476] Name: �tab�Phylis Arvill Evilsizer
Birth Date: �tab�18 Jun 1913
State File Number: �tab�1913033240
Additional Information: �tab�Orin

[DI476] Name: �tab�Phyllis Amille Gatten
Death Date: �tab�08 Jan 1944
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�10 Jul 1913
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�30 years 5 months 29 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R.D. #2
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�11 Jan 1944
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Terre Haute
Spouse's Name: �tab�Casey Gatten
Father's Name: �tab�Owen Emilsigor
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., O.
Mother's Name: �tab�Sallie Lee
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., O.
Film Number: �tab�2024189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4057836
Image Number: �tab�879
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 763

[HI477] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1936 Betty Evilsizor

CCGS Newsletter Vol 22 No 1 pg 16 Jan 2006 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1934-19 39 From St Paris Ohio Graduates June 10 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthingto n 1937 Betty Evilsizor Terrell

TERRELL, BETTY 84, of Urbana, died Saturday, November 27, 2004. She was bo rn February 22, 1920 in Champaign County the daughter of Oren and Lilly (L inebaugh) Evilsizer. She retired from grimes Manufacturing in 1979. Surviv ors include her children, Nancy (Robert) Trimble, Dixie (Larry) Bodey, Sha ron (Bill) Borland, and Rick Terrell, 14 grandchildren and 27 great-grandc hildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gaylord (Pip) in July 1 984 and 11 brothers and sisters. Graveside services will be held on Tuesda y, November 30, 2004 at 1:30 p.m. in Terre Haute Cemetery, Terre Haut e. A gathering of family and friends will be held on Tuesday, November 3 0, 2004 from 4-6:30 p.m. in the Church of the Nazarene, 1999 Scioto Stree t, Urbana with a memorial service to be held at 6:30 p.m. In lieu of flowe rs memorial contributions may be made the Urbana Senior Citizens, Thomps on and Walnut St., Urbana, Ohio 43078. WALTER-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, 6 42 South Main Street, Urbana, A Dignity Memorial Provider, is handling arr angements. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 11/29/2004.

[BI477] Name: �tab�M Evilsizer
Birth Date: �tab�22 Feb 1920
Birth Place: �tab�Champaign
State File Number: �tab�1929021364
Additional Information: �tab�Linebaugh

[NI479] Dau of Minor Arnold

[DI479] Name �tab�Mary Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�25 Apr 1903
Death Place �tab�Ithaca, Gratiot, Michigan
Age �tab�87
Birth Date �tab�1816
Birthplace �tab�Virginia
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Minor Arnold
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B51854-2
System Origin �tab�Michigan-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�985692
Reference Number �tab�v B p 120

[HI480] (Research):Ages of his two daughters in 1840 suggest he may have married previously. The name of the second daughter has not been found and she does not show in 1850 suggesting she may have died.

[DI480] Name �tab�William Evilsize
Gender �tab�Male
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�08 Aug 1905
Death Place �tab�Henry Twp
Age �tab�89
Birth Date �tab�1816
Birthplace �tab�Belmont Co., Ohio
Occupation �tab�Farming
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Single
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B05181-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�955454
Reference Number �tab�Wood Co., Ohio

[HI481] (Research):Ebenezer served in the Civil War and was a private in Company E, 122nd Reg t, of the Ohio Volunteer infantry. He was reported 150 lbs, 5'8", blue eyes, fair complexion, light hair. He was captured in Winchester VA on June 1 5th, 1863 and held at the Libbey Prison at Richmond, VA & Belle Island Prison, exchanged on July 23rd, 1863 and later discharged on June 26th, 186 5. After his discharge he lived in Wood Co, then later moved to Noble Co, Ohio. He Had 7 children by his fist wife

Frank Evilsizer, has a hand made brass pin with picture of Susanna, his pocket knife and his cap and ball Navy Colt 32 pistol. He was to have taken it from a prison guard. He escaped. Captured 6/15/1863 battle of Winchester, VA.

Gary M. Sharp records indicate birth date of 5/10/1840

Adjutant Generals Office, Columbus, Ohio, December 3, 1954 Know ye that the records of this office show that Ebenezer T Evilsizer w as enlisted as a Private in Company E, 122nd Regiment, Ohio Vol. Infantry on the 22nd day of August 1862 and was mustered into the United States Service as such for the period of 3 years, on the 30th day of September, 1862 at Camp Zanesville, Ohio, by Charles C Goddard, Capt 17th Inf. U SA Mustering Officer and that he was captured June 15, 1863, at battle of Winchester* Virginia; mustered out with the Company June 26, 1865 , near Washington, D.C. by J C Robinson, brevet Major and A C M a3d Div ision, 6th Army Corps. He was 22 years of age when he entered service. signed Leo M Kreber Adjutant General of Ohio

122nd Ohio Infantry Organized in October, 1862, under Colonel William H. Ball, it soon moved into West Virginia, where it remained in active service until January, 1863. It operated in the Shenandoah Valley until July, when it went in pursuit of Lee in his retreat from Gettysburg. The Regiment continued to operate in Virginia, and under Grant participated in the battles of the Wilderness, and under Butler in front of Petersburg. In July it followed Early, north and fought at Winchester and Cedar Creek with Sheridan in September. The Regiment returned to the front of Petersburg, remaining until the fall of Richmond; it then joined in the pursuit of Lee and was present at the surrender. After participating in the review at Washington it was mustered out July 26, 1865.

*Second battle of Winchester, June 14, 1863 On June 14, 1863, General Robert H Milroy was defending Winchester from positions at West Fort, Milroy Fort and Star Fort, west and north of the tow n. Confederate forces, under Ewell, were enroute through Winchester to Pen nsylvania in a campaign destined to end in failure at Gettysburg three wee ks later. Early's division of Ewell's army was sent around to the we st of the Union fortifications to attack eastward from Little North Mounta in. The Federal troops were driven from West Port to Milroy and Star For ts further east. Milroy, outnumbered by Confederate forces from the sou th and west, withdrew during the night of June 14-15 via the martinsburg P ike. Before dawn on June 15,(Ebenezer captured this day) his force was int ercepted and attacked by Johnson's Confederate division. The Union retre at became a flight to the Potomac with heavy loses. CASUALTIES Killed 95 W ounded 443 Missing 2,820

Be it remembered that on the 24th day of July, 1902 an application was filed in this court as follows: In the matter of the Will of Ebenezer Evilsizer, deceased. In the Probate Court of Hancock County, Ohio. And now comes Paul Kemerer and f..du..ces for admission to Probate in said court, a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Ebenezer Evilsizer late resident of the township of Findlay in Hancock County, Ohio, who died on or about the 15th day of July A.D., 1902, lea ving an estate in said Hancock County. Said testator died leaving Anna Evilsizer, his widow, and the following persons, all of his next of kin, resi dent in the state of Ohio.

Harriet Knox, Daughter, Sarahville, OH Maggie Early, daughter, Cumberland, OH Dora Evilsizer, daughter, Columbus, OH Hiram Evilsizer, son, New Concord, OH Oma Evilsizer, son, New Concord, OH Emma Davis, daughter, New Concord, OH Logan Evilsizer, son, Findlay, OH George Everett Evilsizer, son, Findlay, OH** Otice B Evilsiser, son, Findlay, OH The State of Ohio, Hancock County, is the above named Paul Kemerer havi ng been first duly sworn, says the statements of the foregoing applicati on are true as he verily believes. Sworn to me and subscribed in my presence this 24th day of July, 1902 John D Snyder, Probate Judge

Living ancestor says this name in error. George's middle name was "Ellsworth", and Otis' middle name was "Everett"

Ebenezer was adopted into the Evilsizer family and he proudly took the name. His parents, Ebenezer F Thompson and Mercy S Haley were married July 19, 1845, after Ebenezer was born Ebenezer Finley Thompson, Born Dec 24, 1807 m. M. Louisa Halley see page 206

The following info from [email protected] (Randy Lashley), a Thompson Descendant. June 12, 1922 8:31 AM Oak Hill continuing I am recording first, some old papers mainly receipts that are signed or b ear the signatures of early relatives, or preachers or men of note or impo rtance then in the community & which I told Mr & Mrs Huston I wanted to ke ep & they said I could. I am entering them in the order of their dates: No. 1. This is certify that I received an obligation of Samuel Sproat bea ring date the 23d day of October, 1773 & due the first day of November 17 80 for which obligation I do promise to pay an obligation of S. Spro at to Thos Wilson & signed to Thos Dunwidy bearing the date the 26? d ay of August 1773 & due the first day of November 1780. Witness my ha nd & seal this 29th day of October 1781. William Adair Witness prest: Jas McElhiney, James Thompson No. 2. Feby 28, 1816. Received of Joseph Sproat forty eight dollars to p ay for the use of James Thompson Senr and 33.00 for the use of James Thomp son Junr by me. Ebenezer Finley

Dated Apr 21, 1827 Samuel Finley (seal) Witness: John McConnell, Wm McKinley. a holographic will probated Sept 14, 1869

38. Will of Samuel Finley Book 3 P 262 Wills: To my wife, Catharine Finley for life or widowhood all estate 2nd My son Ebenezer Finley, Elizabeth, John, Rebecca Jane, Williams, [si c] Joseph, Sarah Mary Melvina and Ezra Finley which is all the children I have got , I have given them $600 each with an equal outfit.

James Thompson, Born Feby 20, 1758 she thinks in Maryland. He died in Guernsey Co 1 1/2 miles from Old Hartford, now Buffalo O on Oct 8, 183 5. He was married Apr 15, 1779 to Mary Ann Jackson who was born Feby 2 4, 1761 & was the daughter of Robert Jackson & his wife, Mary Henthorn. H er father, Robert Jackson was senior son of Hugh Jackson was born March 1 7, 1733 in the Kingdom of Ireland, County of Fermanagh, Ireland. Mary Henthorn was born in Chester Co Pa Sept 29, 1733 daughter of James & Mary Hen thorn. Much of this was taken from the Bible record of Abraham Thompson, Uncle of Mrs Burns' father. Mrs Burns said in talking to her aunt Harriet Jackson Taylor, sister of her father Ebenezer F. Thompson, she asked her: "Aunt Harriet, what did your Father call Prest Andrew Jackson". She replied "He called him Uncle". Mary Ann Jackson Thompson died Mch 30, 1835

William Thompson, Born Oct 9, 1783 in Fayette Co Pa married Dec 3, 18 05 to Elizabeth Finley daughter of Ebenezer Finley by his first wife Ja ne Kinkead. He was a judge here, was a man of importance & tasty & caref ul in his dress & apparel. He died June 21, 1833 & she died July 3, 18 60 & both are buried in the cemetery here at Senecaville O.

Ebenezer Finley Thompson, Born Dec 25, 1807 in Fayette Co Pa, Died Jany 2 1, 1884 in Senecaville O, married May 20, 1845 to Mercy Louisa Halley of near Byesville O who was the daughter of Edward Halley & his wife Mary Wart enbee of French extraction. Mercy Louisa was born in Muskingum Co below Z anesville O Aug 13, 1816 & died in Senecaville O Dec 27, 1893. Both buried in the Cemetery here. He in early life was a merchant in Senecaville O & would have run for congress had he not about this time concluded to go into the ministry. He then about 1833 or earlier went to Uniontown Pa & attended Madison College. Later, he went to the College at Athens O & equipped himself for the ministry & was ordained in the Cumb Pres Church. He labored in the ministry, very laboriously & successfully
until his health broke down. He then retired to his farm adjoining this property where his daughter-in-law now lives & which he bought from the estate of his father, William Thompson, who had owned this property of a bt 5 A which was a part of his farm of about 250 A & he gave abt 3 A to Rev Wm Godfrey Keil who came here from Strasburg VA to induce him to remain here & labor in the ministry. Keil built this house abt 1830 & Langdon S. Thompson married his daughter.

Ebenezer F. Thompson died Jany 21, 1884, aged 76 yrs 26 days M.L. Halley, wife of E.F. Thompson born Aug 13, 1816, died Dec 27, 1893.

[DI484] Name �tab�Helen Jane Worthington
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�18 Aug 1907
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�16 Aug 1907
Death Place �tab�Ithaca, Gratiot, Michigan
Age �tab�51
Birth Date �tab�18 Aug 1907
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�John Ebilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�Penn
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B01972-9
System Origin �tab�Michigan-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1433391
Reference Number �tab�cn 22

[HI485] (Research):Central City Republican Central City, Merrick Co, Nebraska Dec 27, 1902 Mrs. James Dye died in this city Sunday morning of hemorrhage of the lung s. She had long resided in this county and was highly respected. Her hus band, a civil was veteran departed this life several years ago and her chi ldren had all.grown up. The funeral services were held at the residence T uesday morning, the Rev. Bancroft officiating, and the remains were inter red in the cemetery at Chapman. The following detail from the G.A-R. po st acted as pall-bearers: W.H.C. Rice; N.R. Persinger, Jos. Phelps, Jo hn Nhller, Herman Becker and H.C. Martin.

[HI486] (Research):The Courier, Merrick Co, Neb, Central City James Dye was born Jan 12, 1831 at Elizabeth, Miami Co, Ohio, and died Apr il 13, 1899 at Central City, Neb, aged 68 years, 3 months , 1 day. He w as married march 11, 1855 to Mary Ann Evensizer at Tory, Ohio and lived close to that place until 1880 when they removed to near Chapman Neb., and have since resided in this county. Nine children were born to them, se ven of whom survive, all living in this county excepting one daughter in Ohio. One boy, Joseph H is buried in Ohio and the other, George is buried in the cemetery in Chapman Mr Dye enlisted on the 14th day of Octob er, 1861 at Troy, Ohio and served in Company H of the 44th Ohio infantry until his discharge about June 20,1863 on account of disabilities incur ed in the service of his country. On the 24th day of June, 1881, his left leg was amputated above the knee since which time he has been a constant sufferer from severe pains in that member and other ills incident to his army life. He has been bedfast the greater part of the time for the past eighteen years, only once in while being able to sit up in a chair. He has long been remarkably patient all through his long and severe sufferings. One brother, Mr Benjamin Dye of Grand Island, and one sister,
Mrs Sarah Gilbert of Alliance are all who are left of a family of eight.

Uncle Jim stone says: James Dye Died April 13,1899
aged 68 yr 3 mo 1 d Dearest loved one,We must lay thee in the peaceful graves embrace, but thy memory will be cherished, till we see thy heavenly face. Co. H 44th Reg't
O.V. Inf

1890 Merrick Co, Veteran's Schedule D0 ED356 p3 L39 D134 F136 Dye, James P.O. Central City, NE
Private Co. H Reg. 44 Ohio Inft. Enl. 9 Oct 1861, Dis. 29 Jan 186 3.
Served 1y 3m 20d. Disability incurred: Injury to left ankle resul ting in amputation above the knee..
Remarks: Receiving pension of $30 per month.

Organized in October, 1861, under Colonel Samuel A. Gilbert, it moved in to West Virginia and operated until September, 1862 - having frequent enga gements with the enemy - when it moved to Kentucky. In December the men we re mounted as cavalry and operated against John Morgan. It joined Burnside 's advance into East Tennessee, and in January, 1864, the Regiment re-enli sted as veterans providing it should be mounted as cavalry. When it aga in assembled, after a furlough home, it was designated as the 8th Ohio Cav alry; in the sketch of which organization, its further history will be fou nd.

From Dyer's Compendium 44th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Springfield, Ohio, September 12 to Oc tober 14, 1861. Ordered to Camp Piatt, W. Va., October 14. Attached to Ben ham's Brigade, District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, October, 1861. 1 st Brigade, District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, to March, 1862. 3rd Br igade, Kanawha Division, West Virginia, to September, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2 nd Division, Army of Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1863. 1st Br igade, District of Central Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to June, 1863. 2 nd Brigade, 1st Division, 23rd Army Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to July, 186 3. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 23rd Army Corps, to August, 1863. 1st Brigad e, 3rd Division, 23rd Army Corps, to January, 1864. SERVICE.--Operations in the Kanawha Valley and New River Region, West Virg inia, October 19-November 16, 1861. Duty at Camp Piatt, W. Va., till Ma y, 1862. Action at Chapmansville April 18. Moved to Gauley Bridge May 1. E xpedition to Lewisburg and Jackson River Depot May 12-23. Jackson River De pot May 20. Action at Lewisburg May 23. Moved to Meadow Bluffs May 29, a nd duty there till August. Expedition to Salt Sulphur Springs June 22-2 5. Scout from Meadow Bluffs to Greenbrier River August 2-5 (Cos. "F," " G" and "K"). Greenbrier River August 3. Near Cannelton September 1. Campai gn in the Kanawha Valley September 6-16. Camp Tompkins September 9. Miller 's Ferry and Gauley Bridge September 11. Near Cannellton September 12. Cha rleston September 13. Point Pleasant September 20. Ordered to Covington, K y., September 27. Brookville September 28. Moved to Lexington, Ky., Octob er 6. To Richmond December 1, thence to Danville, Ky., December 20. Regime nt mounted at Frankfort, Ky. Operations in Central Kentucky against Cluke 's forces February 18-March 5, 1863. Action at Slate Creek, near Mr. Sterl ing, February 24. Stoner's Bridge February 24. Hazel Green March 9 and 1 9. Operations against Pegram March 22-April 1. Hickman's Bridge March 2 8. Dutton's Hill, Somerset, March 30. Expedition to Monticello and operati ons in Southeastern Kentucky April 26-May 12. Barboursville April 27. Mont icello May 1. Saunder's Raid into East Tennessee June 14-24. Pine Mounta in June 16. Big Creek Gap June 17. Knoxville June 19-20. Strawberry Plain s, Rogers' Gap and Powder Springs Gap, June 20. Williams' Gap and Powell V alley June 22. Rogers' Gap June 26. Operations against Scott July 22-27. W illiamsburg July 25 (Detachment). Loudoun July 26. Richmond and Manchest er Cross Roads July 27. Burnside's Campaign in East Tennessee August 16-Oc tober 17. Expedition to Cumberland Gap September 4-7. Operations about Cum berland Gap September 7-10. Cumberland Iron Works September 23. Blue Sprin gs October 10. Knoxville Campaign November 4-December 23. Siege of Knoxvil le November 17-December 5. Bean's Station December 14. Designation of Regi ment changed to 8th Ohio Cavalry January 4, 1864. (For losses, etc., see 8 th Ohio Cavalry.)

[MI486] (Medical):Leg amputated 6/24/1881 above the knee due to military injuries. Bedfast 18 years before his death

[HI487] (Research):July 2, 1904 Our old friend, Solomon Evilsizor, with a supply of dynamite, has been raising tumultuous commotions in the neighborhood, blasting obstructions to clear the way for the Bowlusville ditch improvement. Some of the folk in our neighborhood, hearing the rumbling sounds, no doubt thought that the Jap-Russo was nigh unto them

Affidavit for Transfer and record of real Estate Inherited, Champaign Co, OH Carrie Engle and Clayton Evilsizor being first duly sworn, says they are heirs at law of Solomon Evilsizor, deceased; that on the thirteenth day of May 1915, the said Solomon Evilsizor died intestate, residing at Cha mpaign County Ohio leaving the persons herein designated, all his hei rs at law and next of kin, with their age, address, relationship and porti on inherited by them in the real estate hereinafter described Jesse Evilsizor, 28, Urbana Son, 7th portion Edward Evilsizor, 47, Urbana, Son, 7th portion Carrie Engle 41, West Liberty, Daughter, 7th portion Clayton Evilsizor, 40, Urbana, Son, 7th portion Bertha Hurst, 31, Urbana, Daughter, 7th portion Ama Evilsizor, 37, Urbana, Daughter, 7th portion Ernest Mason 24, Urbana, Grandson, 7th portion

Vol 104 Pg 69 O The said Solomon Evilsizor, at the time of his decease was seized of the
following described real estate: Situated in the State of Ohio, in the County of Champaign and in the town ship of Urbana, and bounded and described as follows: Being a part in the southeast quarter of Section 34 T 5 R 11, beginning at a stake in the pike at south and in the east line of a 20 foot la ne owned by Philander Powell for a road to his timberland or lot; thence w ith the pike on the south side West 60 1/2 degrees eat 12.80 poles to a stake; thence S 4 1/4 degrees W 18.54 poles to a stake in the north line of said Powell timber lot; thence N 861/4 degrees with that line 10. 20 poles to a stake of 20 feet east of the west line of said lot; then ce W 21 1/4 degrees E with the east line of said lane 11 1/2 poles to t he place of beginning.
Carrie Engle Clayton Evilsizor
Sworn to and subscribed before me and in my presence this 3rd day of Jan, 1922. Joseph W Flaugher, Notary Public

Transferred Jan 3, 1922, W B Crim, Auditor Champaign Co. Received for reco rd Jan 3rd, 1922 at 11;30 A.M. Recorded Jan 4th, 1922 $ .75

[DI487] Name : Solomon Evilsizor Death date : 12 May 1915
Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 12 Feb 1839 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death : 76 years 3 months 1 day Gender :
Male Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian
Occupation : Farmer Burial date : 15 May 1915
Cemetery name : Nettlecreek Church
Father name : Squire Evilsizor Father birth place : Paige Co., Va.
Mother name : Mary Lippincott Mother birth place : Shelby Co., Ohio Informant-Edward Evilsizor COD-Pnuemonia, contributary, cancer of hand GSU film number : 1983347 Digital GS number : 4021333 Image number : 721 Certificate number : fn 26487 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI488] Page 167 of a book of obits put out by the Champaign County Genealogical Society is the following: Thursday, February 11, 1909 St. Paris, Champaign Co., Ohio newspaper: "Rebecca Zirkle died at her home in Springfield, Thursday aged 68 years. Interment in Terre Haute cem. Rev. Barney Warren, of Springfield conducted the service."

On 11/13/2000, Bob Hulsizer checked the Springfield Health Dept, Probate Department, Probate Court, and Health Department, and found no further info on Rebecca.

Name : Rebeccka Jane Circle Death date : 28 Jan 1909
Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 09 Sep 1840
Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 68 years 4 months 19 days
Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : 44 E. Collage Ave., 2 Ward Occupation : Housekepper
Residence : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Burial date : 31 Jan 1909
Burial place : Terrehaute, O. Father name : Squire Evilsizor
Father birth place : West Virginia Mother name : Chirstine Newcomer
Mother birth place : West Virginia Informant-Mrs J M Flarida COD-Apoplexy GSU film number : 1926952 Digital GS number : 4020894 Image number : 625 Certificate number : fn 570 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[XI488] Tombstone reads birth date 1842 Census records indicate the children. 1840 Census of parents shows one female under 5

[HI489] (Research):Family sheets from Bessie Plantz Evilsizor indicate this last name was Bishop. This has since been proven inaccurate.
From Jenn Merry 8/2012 [email protected]
I found a pensioner's card for a Jeremiah Bissett who was a member of Company F, 85th PA Regiment, killed Oct 21, 1864 in VA, and his widow's name was Rebecca. The dates fit, she married Joshua in 1869. Then in 1874 there was a minor's pension request from Jacob Dibert, "gdn" -- guardian?! So I am hoping to figure out who Jacob was and if he is associated with the Bissett kids, then I am right. The Bissett kids are living with Rebecca and Joshua in 1870 but are missing in 1880. Rebecca had my great grandmother Rosa in 1870, so it would make sense that she shipped her kids to someone else when she started having more.

U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 about Jeremiah Bissett
Name: �tab�Jeremiah Bissett
Death Date: �tab�21 Oct 1864
Cemetery: �tab�Hampton National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: �tab�Cemetery Road At Marshall Avenue Hampton, VA 23669
Buried At: �tab�Section E-H Site 1314

[NI490] Bob and Flossie Hulsizer spent many years researching and then compiled a book on Lewis Evilsizor. Most of the information of his descendan ts was taken directly from their work. Most notes and comments are from B ob and Flossie, not myself. Again, I want to thank them for their contribu tions to this book.

April 26, 1902 Lewis Evilsizor of near Bowersville, Ohio, was taken seriously ill Wednesday and for a time it was thought that this would be his last illness. Mr E vilsizor has for many years been afflicted with a complication of diseas es contracted while in the war of the rebellion.

June 4, 1905 The condition of Lewis Evilsizor's hand is critical. Fears are entertained that amputation will be necessary.

[MI490] (Medical):Had to have his arm cut off above the elbow later in life Also had Asthma with contributed to death

[DI490] May, 1921- Springfield News
Civil War Veteran and Native of Tremont City Lewis Evilsizor, 79, died Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his ho me in Tremont City after an illness of several months. Mr Evilsizor had li ved in the vicinity of Tremont all his life. He was a member of Poll Po st G A R in Tremont. He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Julius Holl, Mrs Oll ie Green, and Mrs Earl Gentis all of Springfield. Six sons, Bert of Arizon a, Marion of Michigan, John and Henry of Tremont City and Clement and Mars hall Evilsizor of Springfield. The funeral arrangements will not be ma de until the arrival of Bert Evilsizor from Arizona

Name : Lewis Evilsizor Death date : 24 Apr 1921
Death place : German, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 31 Jul 1843
Birth place : Oh Age at death : 78 years 7 months 24 days
Gender : Male Marital status : Widowed Race or color : American Occupation : Retired Farmer Residence : Tremont City, OH
Burial date : 28 Apr 1921 Burial place : Springfield, Clark, Oh
Cemetery name : Tremont
Father name : Squire Evilsizor Father birth place : Va
Mother name : Christine Cover Mother birth place : Va
Informant-John Evilsizor COD-Brights disease GSU film number : 1991589 Digital GS number : 4022203 Image number : 2573 Certificate number : fn 19818 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[XI490] Tombstone reads EVILSISER

[HI491] (Research):FANNING, Eliza J. Death date: 12/13/1926, Champaign County
Volume #5212, Certificate #72408

[XI491] *Index Card Info, no tombstone was found

[HI492] (Research):Name: John Fanning Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Census Age: 65 Color: W Enumeration District: 0011 Visit: 0178 County: Champaign Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Eliza J 65 Ohio Daughter Etta M 36 Ohio

CCGS Newsletter Mar 2006 Vol 22 No 1 pg24 Quadrennial Appraisement 1910 Mad River Twp, Champaign Co, OH Assessor F O Conrad, County Auditor C E Russell Taxes payable until Dec 1911 Lot 16 31st W end of 17 ft S end Value of Land $50, Value of Land and Bui ldings $50 Lot 31 48 ft Middle Value of Land $40, Value of Land and Buildings $140 Lot 32 48 ft middle Value of Land $30 Value of Land and Buildings $30

[DI492] Name : John Fanning
Death date : 20 Feb 1926
Death place : Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 03 Jan 1845
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Troy, Ohio
Age at death : 81 years 1 month 17 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Post Master
Residence :
Burial date : 23 Feb 1926
Burial place : Urbana, O.
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : Eliza Fanning
Father name : Peter Fanning
Father titles :
Father birth place : Germany
Mother name : Mary Ann Yonart
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Ireland
GSU film number : 1984193
Digital GS number : 4021616
Image number : 1639
Reference number : cn 7438
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Volume #4952, Certificate #7438

[XI492] *Index Card Info, no tombstone was found although there are several flags in this area.
Son of Peter & Mary Fanning

[NI493] History of Champaign Co, OH Volume II, 1917 B F Bowen & Co, Inc. Judge Evan P Middleton, Supervising Editor Pg789-790

John T Evilsizor, farmer of Urbana township, Champaign County, was bo rn in Jackson township, this county November 6, 1852. He is a son of Squire and Christina COMER Evilsizor, natives of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, from which locality they came to Champaign County, Ohio, when young with their parents.......John T Evilsizor grew up on the home farm and recei ved limited education in public schools, being compelled to go two and one -half miles through the woods to the school house in his district. He helped his father on the home place until he was twenty-one years of age, th en worked for Christopher Metz in Urbana township, a daughter of John a nd Martha Metz , who were pioneer farmers of Champaign County. Their fami ly consisted of eight children, namely; Permetta, the wife of John T Evils izor; Kate, Letitia, Ellen, Emma, Edward, Otto and Richard. Eight childr en were born to John T Evilsizor and wife, namely; Frank, a farmer in Cla rk county, Ohio; Ida, the wife of Alfred Garard of Springfield, Ohio; Carr ie who married Worden Hupp, of Tremont City, this state; Walter, livi ng in Urbana township, Champaign county; Clarence at home, a farmer and ra ilroad man; Lottie, wife of Phillip Geron, of Clark county, Ohio; Christop her, at home; and Ethel, who married Fred Weimer, a farmer of Urbana towns hip, this county. The mother of the above named children died on Janua ry 6, 1913. Politically, Mr Evilsizor is a Republican. He is member of the Junior Ord er of American United Mechanics. Hew has served as trustee of Urbana towns hip for a period of nine years in an able and satisfactory manner. At pres ent he resides on a farm in Urbana township, where he has lived forty-two years, his place consisting of ninety-three acres. He is well and favor ably known throughout the county.

[XI493] Tombstone name spelled Evelsizer

[HI494] (Research):Descendants of Sarah and Andrew from Charle Smith [email protected] A copy of a flyer which must have been made available at Sara's funera l. It states:

Mrs. Sarah E. Shaffer Born Sept. 1, 1841- this cannot be correct! Died Oct. 10, 1919 Age 62 yrs. 1 mo. 11 days (This does not match with birth date)

Death certificate now in possession, gives date of birth 8-31-1851

THE DAILY EXAMINER, Bellefontaine, Ohio: Wednesday, October 15, 1919, pa ge 2: FUNERAL IN QUINCY Of Mrs. J. A. Shaffer on Wednesday. Death Occurred on Sunday. Funeral services for Mrs. J. A. Shaffer were held in the Quincy Methodi st church Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Shaffer died from diabet es last Sunday evening after quite a long sickness and the husband and h er children were in the home caring for her constantly, but to no avai l. The children remaining with Mr. Shaffer are Mrs. Clement Buck, of Quin cy; Elza Shaffer, of Columbus Grove, and a son who resides in Elgin, Ill. Mrs. Shaffer was a member of the Lutheran church and had had her home in Q uincy for some time. She was respected by many who are sorely touch ed by her death."

Bessie Plants handwritten records name Sarah as "Becky" Shaffer

[MI494] (Medical):Diabetic

[HI495] (Research):Parentage not proven Facts to support 1. Location in 1880 Clark Co, German, OH 2. Location in 1870 Clark Co, German, OH 3. 1880 Census says both parents born in PA

Name : Andrew Jackson Shaffer
Death date : 07 Dec 1931
Death place : Columbus Grove, Putnam, Ohio
Birth date : 11 Jul 1848
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Ohio
Age at death : 83 years 4 months 27 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation :
Residence :
Burial date : 10 Dec 1931
Burial place : Terra Haute, O.
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : Sarah Shaffer
Father name : Henry Shaffer
Father titles :
Father birth place :
Mother name :
Mother titles :
Mother birth place :
Informant Elza Shaffer, Columbus Grove, OH
GSU film number : 1992480
Digital GS number : 4000606
Image number : 1634
Reference number : fn 74193
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI497] (Research):Descendants of this family from Judy Stucky 3614 Wittfield St Indianapolis, IN 46235-2242

Family sheet submitted by Karl W Rust, 209 W Plum, St Paris, OH 8/28/1978

1881 BEERS History of Champaign County, pg 722 Martin Nitchman, retired; P O Terre haute; the parents of our subject we re natives of Pennsylvania, and emigrated from that state to Ohio in 183 5, and settled near West Liberty. The marriage of Phillip Nitchman and Rac hel Titsworth was solomized probably in 1830. They were parents of Marti n, our subject, Ann, John T, Maria, David, Catherine, Charlotta, Sarah, El iza, Louisa, Christina, Benjamin J, Leibert and Philip. They were all bo rn in Pennsylvania, and five of the number are deceased. The father, Phili p, was a tailor by occupation, but they lived on a farm and the childr en all learned trades. Martin worked with his father at the tailoring busi ness until his marriage to Miss Catherine Carson of Adams County, Pen n, in 1831. After coming to Ohio, he again engaged in this business, whi ch was followed for twelve years. He then purchased a farm, and for a numb er of years, engaged in the agricultural business. He was very prosperou s, and made money easily. He commenced without any money, $2,000 in deb t, and at the end of seven years, had paid his debts, paid for his farm, r eared his family, and had money ahead. His children are six in number-Hann ah, Ann, William, Magdalena, Rachel and Clarissa.

[HI498] (Research):Springfield News March 10, 1900 Charles Evilsizor who has been for several days under the care of his doct or is now somewhat better

Springfield News March 24, 1900 Charles Evilsizor who has been ill with lung trouble for several wee ks at the home of his brother, Isaac Evilsizor, was able to be at his o ld home in Tremont for a short time yesterday. His many friends were gl ad to see him

June 23, 1901 Puce Evilsizor was the loser of a bran new hat at the Pocahontas banquet l ast Friday night. Of course it was a mistake, but he would be thankf ul if the Lagonda Indian would return it in person or by express and recei ve liberal credit for humanity sake, anyhow

September 13, 1902 Puce Evilsizor, who has been so very mysteriously absent from the "burg" h as been located at his brother, Isaac Evilsizor's performing the arduous t ask of cutting corn during the past week. It will be all right "den"

Springfield News Charles W Evilsizor died at 11: p.m. Wednesday at his home in Tremont Cit y. The body was taken to the Woods Funeral Home for services at 2 P.M. Sun day at the Tremont Methodist Episcopal Church with burial in the Tremont C emetey.

Conversation on 11/19/2000 Flossie Hulsizer and Dorothea Aleshire Dorothy remembers Charles played checkers with a man down the street. Pu ce means blue.

Columbus Dispatch April 22, 1938 pg 2A Area Deaths Springfield- Charles W Evilsizor, April 20

Name : Charles W. Evilsizor Death date : 20 Apr 1938 Death place : Tremont City, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 07 Nov 1858 Birth place : Champaign, Ohio Age at death : 79 years 5 months 13 days Gender : Male Marital status : Single Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Laborer Burial date : 24 Apr 1938 Burial place : Cemetery name : Tremont Father name : Squire Evilsizor Father birth place : Pen. Mother name : Christine Comer Mother birth place : Pen. Informant-Clarence C Evilsizor COD-Myocarditis GSU film number : 2023559 Digital GS number : Image number : 2836 Certificate number : fn 20485 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI500] (Research):Per family history, Phillip was the youngest son and Norman says he died y oung at age 37 and that he also had a son named Phillip Jr. SSDI index on ly has this one Phillip, so it is a mystery. Also, he does not show in t he 1920 census as a son

[HI504] (Research):ILL land records-Perry Co Section 12 Twp 04S SWNW Section Part Range 01W Record ID 445594 This land is in the north east corner of Perry County just a few miles sou th of Dubois, Washington Co, IL

Nashville Journal, September 11, 1924 Nashville, IL
Oliver Evilsizer died at the county home Monday at 8:00 P.M., aged 78 year s, of heart disease. Deceased was a native of Dubois, where he spent the g reater part of his life, but has been an inmate in the county home for ma ny years. Burial was made in the potter's field.

[DI504] Name �tab�Oliver Evilsizer
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�08 Sep 1924
Death Place �tab�Beaucamp, Washington, Illinois
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�78
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1846
Birth Date �tab�1846
Birthplace �tab�DuBois, Ill.
Father �tab�
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�
Mother �tab�
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�
Occupation �tab�labor
Residence �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�10 Sep 1924
Burial Place �tab�
Cemetery �tab�County
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4007950
Image Number �tab�1536
Film Number �tab�1493146
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�cn 33196

[HI506] (Research):Went with his brother Lawson "Loss" to Tombstone Arizona.

Book Title "Galeyville, Arizona Territory, 1880's" Published by Pental nd Press (919)-782-0281, Author Brooks and White, found in a booksto re in Tombstone in March 2001, pg 32, names Alvin Evilsizer, Soloon Keeper .

The Nugget Tombstone Arizona, August 11, 1881A Social Game Galeyville is noted as the rendezvous of the festive "cowboy". It is the re he most congregates, and joins in the amusements peculiar to his cla n. On last Friday one of them known as Ringold, entered into a game of pok er, and not being an expert with the "keards" as he is with his "gun ", he soon went broke. But the Star adds: He returned with a companion nam ed David Estes, one being armed with a Henry rifle and the other with a s ix shooter. The players were promptly ordered to hold up their hands, a nd the cowboys proceeded to "go through" the party, securing in the neighb orhood of $500. Some of the party were so frightened that they broke for t he woods, where they remained concealed until daylight. A well-known salo on keeper**, who was in the room, had $500 on his person. He dodged the He nry rifle and six-shooter, and escaped into the darkness, returning short ly with a shotgun, but the bold desperados had vamoosed. When the robbe rs left the town, they took with them a horse belonging to one of the citi zens."

Daily Nugget, Tombstone, Arizona, Thursday Morning May 18, 1882 Hotel Arrivals-Cosmopolitan G H Sands, Grand Central, mill; R B Stepart and family, Benson; A Evitzo r, Galeyville; J B Lane, Contention; Frank Linkham, A M Lismess, S S Burri s, C J Barber, Russellville

Daily Nugget-Tombstone, Arizona, Sunday morning May 14, 1882 List of letters remaining in the Tombstone Post Office for the week endi ng Saturday, May 13, 1882 Evilsizer A and Bro

Alvin Evilsizer to Joseph Sliger, July 9, 1883 This indenture made the ninth day of July in the year of our Lord One Thou sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Three, between Alvin Evilsizer , party of t he first part and Joseph Sliger the party of the second part Witnesseth th at the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the s um of Two hundred and fifty dollars lawful money of the United States of A merica to me in hand paid by the said party of the second part the recei pt whereof is hereby acknowledged do by these presents demise release a nd forever quit claim unto the said party of the second part and to his he irs and assigns all that certain lot price or parcel of land situated in t he said Cochise County of Territory of Arizona and bounded and particular ly described as follows to wit: Lots 10 and 11 in Block 24 in the Ci ty of of Johnson County and Territory aforesaid, together with the buildi ng situated on said lots and used by me as a Saloon. Together with all t he singular , the tennents , hereditaments(?), and appuntenants(?), thereu nto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversi on remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof. To have a nd to hold all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenan ces unto said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns foreve r. In witness thereof the said party of the first part has hereunto set h is hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of William Head Alvin Evilsizer

Territory of Arizona, County of Cochise. On the 9th day of July 1883 personally appeared before one William He ad a Justice of the Peace in and for the County . Alvin Evilsizer kno wn to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing inst rument and who acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and vol untarily and for the uses and purposes herein mentioned In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal (having no se al of office) the day and year in this certificate above written. William Head, Justice of the Peace Filed and recorded at request of E Lydow & Co, July 27, 1883 at 8 A.M. A T Jones, County Recorder.

Due to location and the fact he did not appear in the 1880 Census in IL L, ( on his way to Tombstone) I believe this might be the "Albert" Evilsi zer who married Josephine Farmer 12/10/1873 in Perry Co, IL. His brother O liver S also bought land in Perry Co, IL. Alvin did not make it to the 19 00 Census that I am aware.

A search of the 1880 California Census shows that Alvin went to live wi th his mothers brother, Greene B Mahill (Machill). He is living with him a nd his daughters. Green's wife has died by this time. We know that short ly afterward, in 1882 he is in Tombstone. His brother Lawson, whom he we nt to Tombstone with was also in California in 1880, but north in Colusa C ounty, Butte, CAPerry Co, IL is bordering Washington Co. IL, so this pers on is From the family of Joshua who settled there. Most descendants are ac counted for, but I suspect this is a child of Jefferson T. My reason bein g, he had several wives and several children and lived in two places maki ng it hard to figure out who belonged to him.

Found in 1910 Census, Toole Co, Sotckton, Utah, pg 91 Albert Evilsizer age 60 boarding in hotel, miner in a lead mine, single a ge 60 MO IN KY

I believe this is possibly the son of Jefferson T Evilsizer and Susan Mahi ll. Maybe his name was Albert Alvin and is why two names are used in the c ensus. Circumstancial evidence: 1 Born in MO, Jefferson born in IN and Susan Mahill born in KY matches t he 1910 Census info. 2 Was mining in New Mexico early and Tombstone AZ and in California, a nd is a miner also in a lead mine in 1910, keeping with the same professio n. 3 Brith date consistant with son Alvin

Burial: Tooele City Cemetery Tooele Tooele County Utah, USA Plot: 7-70-3

Death certificate says he was born in IL which is contrary to the census r ecords. Death record says he is son of Albert Evelsizer from Germany. There have been no census records of an Albert being the son of another Al bert from germany Death Certificate also spells name Evelsizer, also inconsistant with cens us There are no immigration records for an Albert Evelsizer to America. I suspect this death cerficate is not accurate from the informant in t he county infirmary. Census records in 1910 in Stockton Utah show him single and death cert sa ys he married, so he must have married after 1910

[DI506] Name �tab�Albert Evelsizer
Titles & Terms �tab�
Death Date �tab�12 Jun 1918
Death Place �tab�Tooele, Tooele, Utah
Birthdate �tab�
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1849
Birthplace �tab�
Death Age �tab�69 years 3 months 20 days
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Albert Evelsizer
Father's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Unknown
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Film Number �tab�2229753
Digital GS Number �tab�4121285
Image Number �tab�633
Certificate Number �tab�41

[NI507] Some of this family info provided by Mrs Alice Evilsizer, 1983 Charles was the village Marshall in Dubois while raising his family

[DI507] Name �tab�Charles Evilsizer
Death Date �tab�19 Nov 1917
Death Place �tab�Anna, Union, Illinois
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�64
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1853
Birth Date �tab�
Birthplace �tab�America
Father �tab�
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�
Mother �tab�
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�
Occupation �tab�Laborer
Residence �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�22 Nov 1917
Burial Place �tab�QuBolo, Ill.
Cemetery �tab�
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4007997
Image Number �tab�306
Film Number �tab�1543819
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�Rf 41291 R260

[HI509] (Research):Last spring I was reading a western novel, "Buckskin and Satin" about the events in and around tombstone , Arizona during the days of Wyatt Earp and crew, including the famous gunfight at O K Corral. There was in t he Chiricahua Mountains about 100 miles northeast of Tombstone, a little watering hole called Galeyville. Nearly inaccessible from the Tombstone side. It was a haven for outlaws and smugglers such as Johnny Ringo, Curly Bill and numerous others. The story mentioned a favorite saloon called "Evilsizer's Saloon". (This cannot be a fictional name). Through the publisher, I contacted the author who sent me some information on Galeyville and the contact for the venerable historian of Tombstone, Ben Traywick. Meanwhile, in another western novel, "Confessions of Johnny Ringo", I found another reference to the saloon in Galeyville, only this time the "s" was dropped from the last name. Ben Traywick indicated that "Evilsizer" was not listed in the Great Register of Cochise County for 1884 and gave me the address of the Arizona Historical Society. They sent me some copies of the December 2, 1881 Daily Nugget newspaper article of court proceedings with the named spelled "Evilsiger"

by Dennis Evelsizer in letter dated 5/2/00
The Daily Nugget, Tombstone, Arizona, December 2, 1881 "The following witnesses in criminal cases being unable to pay their expenses while in attendance upon court; the respective sums were allowed: L .. .....Evilsiger $31......

The Daily Nugget, Tombstone, Arizona, February 1, 1882 "Deputy Sheriff Breakenridge in his recent trip to Galeyville served bench warrants upon Ray Stahl, Loss Evilsizer, Fred Kohler and J Coggswell, who had previously been subpoenaed as witnesses, but failed to put in an appearance. They were brought to this city this time by the Deputy Sheriff."

GALEYVILLE is 4 miles south of the intersection of Hilltop. Coming from t he south, the turn off up to Galeyville is 1 mile north of Paradise. St op at the water tank and windmill. Although it has no buildings, it does have its share of history. Pennsylvanian John Galey opened the Texas Mine a nd Smelter in Galeyville in 1881, but the mining operation lasted only t wo years; the smelter was carted off to Benson, over ninety miles away. But the end of mining was only the beginning of the town. Galeyville became as refuge for outlaws like Curly Bill Brocius and Johnny Ringo. Both wo rked an effective cattle rustling operation in the canyons of the area. There isn't much in Galeyville now because many of the buildings were moved to nearby Paradise. A dilapidated wooden residence that stood just we st of the windmill and water tank was torn down sometime between October 1 978 and October 1979. The hole for the foundation marks the spot.

Great Register of the County of Cochise Territory of Arizona For the year 1882 Evilsizer, Lawson age 25 - US native- Miner- Russell City Evilsizer, Alvin age 32- US native- Miner-Russell City

RUSSELLVILLE Russellville was short lived because the establishment of Johnson sound ed its death knell. Here in 1882 a smelter was being erected and Geor ge J Roskruge laid out a town site. It was also called variously Russell, Russell Camp, and Russell City. An associated name is that of Russellville Peak, proposed in 1965 by Mrs Larry Devner. There may be a connecti on between the name and the fact that Capt George Briggs Russell in April 1871 battled Cochise and one hundred fifty Apaches near what later became Benson. Russell s' command consisted of about eighteen men. The Indians retreated from the open plains to the mountains and there entrenched. Russell sent for reinforcements. Ref: Lenon; macia; AHS, Russellville File and Johnson File; 107, VIII,108;277. p130

Tombstone Epitaph, Thursday, April 29, 1926 Arizona Pioneer Writes Interesting History of Early Town of Galeyville "......It seems there had been some kind of misunderstanding between Bill and Wallace (Curly Bill and Jim Wallace), and as bill began to get und er the influence of liquor, he started in on Wallace; things soon beg an to look serious when their friends interfered and got them separated. Wallace then went over to the corral behind Babcock's Saloon and saddled h is horse and led him around in front of the saloon where he dropped his re ins and stepped up on the little porch in front of the door. Bill was " IN ANOTHER SALOON" *** on the opposite side of the street, and when he seen Wallace, he came out of the saloon and started towards him." (This article in its entirety is scanned on the CD-Rom Version.

The other Saloon referred to is apparently the Evilsizer Saloon

John Ringo By David D. Johnson pg324
While he was referred to as Evilsinger in the Tombstone Epitaph, Historian Roy B Young was able to determine that his correct name was Lawson Evilsizer born around 1856 in Lincoln Co, MO.

[HI511] (Research):
Name : Ralph J Evilsizer
Death date : 02 Nov 1940
Death place : Donley Co, Texas
Birth date : 18 Jul 1887
Birth place : Il
Age at death : 53 years 3 months 14 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : White
Spouse name : Elizabeth Corder Evilsizer
Father name : Evilsizer
Mother name : Lizzie Smith
Digital GS number : 4030496
Image number : 2570
Collection : Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

[DI511] Name �tab�Ralph J Evilsizer
Death Date �tab�02 Nov 1940
Death Place �tab�Donley Co, Texas
Gender �tab�Male
Race �tab�w
Death Age �tab�53 years 3 months 14 days
Estimated Birth Date �tab�
Birth Date �tab�18 Jul 1887
Birthplace �tab�Il
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�Elizabeth Corder Evilsizer
Father's Name �tab�Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�St Louis, Mo
Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie Smith
Mother's Birthplace �tab�St Louis, Mo
Occupation �tab�Miner
Place of Residence �tab�Clarendon, TX
Cemetery �tab�
Burial Place �tab�Clarendon
Burial Date �tab�03 Nov 1940
Informant Mrs Elizabeth Evilsizer
Additional Relatives �tab�X
Film Number �tab�2138120
Digital Film Number �tab�4030496
Image Number �tab�2570
Reference Number �tab�cn49890

[HI513] (Research):Death Certificate says he changed his name to Roy Evans. He was a bartender and died of chronic myocorditis. Lived at 815 W Madison Street in Chicago. He was single. The informant was L A Beaumont at 912 W Madison Street and they did not know the names of his parents. His age was 51 at time of death. The certificate says he was a veteran of WWI.

WWI Draft Registration 6/5/1917 Losson Hugh Evilsizer age 25 living in DuBois, IL Born 11/188/1891 in DuBois, IL Employed as lineman IStaionary Engine) for Bates & Rogers Const, in Chicago, IL Single, short, mediuam build, Dark Green eyes, Dark Brn Hair, no defects

[NI515] Had eight children, lived in Detroit, IL
Gould Children Viola, Marsha, Thomas, Rosie, Clarence, Florence, Walter, James.

[MI515] (Medical):Deaf

[HI516] (Research):The Wichita Eagle, Wichita, KS, Saturday, July 8, 2000 Parsons, Kansas Evilsizer, Eleanor Grillot, 86, Parsons Middle School food service employe e, died Friday, July 7, 2000. Rosaries 7 P.M.; 7:30 P.M. both Monday, Cars on-Wall Funeral Home; funeral mass 10 A.M. Tuesday, St. Patrick's Cathol ic Church. Survivor: sons, Francis Grillot Jr. of Fairfield Bay, Ark., J im Grillot of Tulsa; stepsons, Robert of Fort Smith, Ark., Larry of Fresn o, Calif.; stepdaughters, Frances Walters of Norwalk, Calif., Evelyn Merch ant of Lenexa, Cynthia Bruemmer of St. Louis; sister, Mary Cooper of Cheto pa; six grandchildren; 18 step grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; 19 s tep great-grandchildren. Memorial has been established with Eleanor Grill ot Evilsizer Scholarship at Labette Community College.

[HI517] (Research):1870 Illinois Census Hiram Rice 65 TN, Tamaroa twp, pg 187 Hiram Rice 12 TX? Dubois twp pg 106 Hiram Rice 46 KY Coulterville pg 257

1860 Census had several Rice Families, but none had cons age bracket 10-20

Probate Records Washington, Co, IL prior to 1910 Rice, Verne, Hiram & ForestAdoptionBOX 307 Rice, Verne, Hiram & ForestAdoptionBOX 339

Rice genealogy at

[HI518] (Research):Parentage not known. Only Rittenhouse family in the area 1850 St Clair Co, ILL Pg 424 John 32 Louisianna 25 Geo W 8 Mary E 5 James W 4

[NI527] Cross & Martin Family Bible in possession of Sandra Koscak 12/2006 Found among mothers possessions when she died. Note taped to front cover of Bible says: " This was family bible of Gertrude Hamilton who died in a nursing ho me in Nashville, ILL. She left everything to Dessie parks of Okawville w ho in turn donated it to Washington Co Historical Society- Martin and Cro ss History. 1 page on back sheet and other on Family Page."

Includes Family record of Timothy Martin and family

Has a "Family Temperance Pledge" to abstain from all alcohol signed by : Miss Gwendolyn Addleman Mrs Della martin Mr G M Martin Mr Jack Cross Miss Leona Addleman Miss Susan Martin, Leona Martin's mother Miss Catherine Rogers

[HI527] (Research):He may have been married prior to Sarah Caroline as William E could be his son in this census.
1870 Washington Co, Richview, ILL pg 341 192/186
David Bryant 60, NC
Melinda Bryant 40, NC
Kissey Bryant 18 NC
Monroe Martin, 25 IL
William E Martin, 2m IL born April 1870
(Probably died young, not found in 1880 census)

[DI527] Obit reads, moved to Nashville ILL, August 1865 with a mother, a brother and two sisters.

[HI532] (Research):Complete Martin Ancestry and descendants at

[NI536] Joshua was the oldest child of Sinclair and Perlina Walters Evilsizer. When he was several years old his parents, along with his maternal grandparents, Levi and Mariah (Martin) Walters moved to Montevallo, Missouri in Bates County. (Today Montevallo is located in Vernon County) Joshua's father set out the first orchard in the small village of Montevallo, then just a trading post. Around 1847 the family moved northeast of Richmond in Ray County Missouri where Joshua resided with them until the outbreak of the Civil War.

Sentiments for pro or anti slavery had a long history in the state, and was to be the spark that set fires between brothers during the Civil War. Loyalty ran deep from southern supporters and produced many guerrilla forces true to Dixie. Throughout 1861 through much of 1863, local government broke down over much of Missouri, with local civil wars and guerrilla raids and much destruction of public and private property. During this time in August 1861, Joshua along with his mother headed for Chillicot he to enlist with the Union forces. On the way a band of guerrillas stopped them wanting to know where they were going. Joshua told them he was taking his mother to the doctor. After extensive questioning, they were relieved when the men finally permitted them to continue on their way.

Joshua was 21 years old when he enrolled the 10th day of August 1861. He s erved as a Private, Company E with the Second Regiment Missouri Cavalry, w ell known as Merrill's Horse. He was mustered into service on September 3rd at Benton Barracks near St. Louis where he was furnished a uniform, horse and gear. He served for only a short time when he became disabled and was sent to the post hospital in Sedalia, Missouri and on to St. Louis to the convalescent hospital. He was discharged May 1, 1862.

After his discharge, Joshua traveled a short distance to Nashville, Illino is where his two uncles and an aunt and their families lived (Zach Evilsizer , Levy Evilsizer, and Elizabeth Evilsizer McElhanon) and where he stayed until his marriage to Mary McBride in 1862. At that time Mary was working in Nashville as a domestic and lived with the Jacob Stoker family. Her parents had died between 1856-1860.

In 1870 they traveled to Kansas where they homesteaded. LaVonne Schulze remembers: "When I was a little girl, I would beg my grandmother, Mary McBride Evilsizer, to tell me about the early days in Kansas. She said they lived in a log house. She had to walk a great distance for water, and the grass on both sides of the path was so tall it was over her head. When Joshua went for supplies, he would be gone for one week and it was a horrible time for her. One time when he was gone, Indians came to the door and there she stood with her babies huddled around her. They did not say anythi ng, just looked at her. She searched around for food, which she gave to them and finally they went away. Mary hated their stay in Kansas."

I don't think Joshua felt the same about the ruggedness and the isolation of Kansas as Myron Gaffin Reynolds related to Marion Kelliher in 196 1: "Our grandmother, Mary Evilsizer Burress (Joshua's sister) wrote in her diary how the boys would write home such glowing letters about Kansas ." Perhaps "the boys" had that pioneer spirit, but the harshness of everyday life and isolation was too much for Mary to bear and, indeed, life was extremely hard on the prairie housewife.

In a country so short of firewood, the prairie stoves were designed so th ey could burn hay, dried corncobs and sunflower stalks, but the most comm on fuel were cow ships. The chips burned so quickly that they were tossed in by the handful. A Kansas boy who watched his mother baking describ ed the whole procedure as follows: "Stoke the stove, get out the flour sack, stoke the stove, wash your hands, mix the biscuit dough, stoke the stove, wash your hands, mix the biscuit dough, stoke the stove, wash your hand s, cut out the biscuits, stoke the stove, wash your hands, put the pan of biscuits in the oven, keep on stoking the stove until the biscuits are done." The final step of course, was to wash her hands and serve
dinner, even if she herself were too tuckered out to eat. Besides cooking, washing, and cleaning house, women on the prairies were expected to help the men with the plowing, to tote the water and fuel, and tend the vegetable ga rden. And in a land with few doctors who were miles away, it was up to them to keep the family healthy. They devised all kinds of remedies from t he materials at hand; coal oil for dandruff, warm manure for snakebite, warm urine poured into the ear for earache (also said to be good for freckles and sunburn), sassafras tea to cure spring fever, a roasted mouse (we ll done) ingested to cure measles, nine pellets from a shotgun shell swallowed for boils, buttercup tea for asthma, a bean thrown into a well over the left shoulder for warts and a potato carried in the pocket for rheu matism.

And, of course, they had to contend with the weather - summer draughts, when the thermometer rose well about 100 degrees and hovered there for weeks on end. Winter, with its fierce blizzards and arctic temperatures brought still another set of woes. Wind-driven snowflakes seeped through the cracks of the tightest log cabin or sod house.

It is not surprising that after two years of this hardship, Mary found Kansas life too hard to endure and refused to stay, and so, they packed up and moved back to Missouri.

By 1873 when Joshua was 34 years old, he and his family were living in the frontier town of Lamar in Barton County, which was first settled in 185 6. Wyatt Earp began his career in law enforcement on the boardwalks of Lamar after serving with the Union Army and upon his return became the Justice of the Peace. McCook Post, Grand Army of the Republic was mustered Sept ember 30, 1882 at Lamar, which Joshua was a charter member. Joshua was we ll known among the old soldiers in the Barton and Bates County area being an active member of the GAR.

Around 1886 he and his family moved to Butler and lived on West Ohio Stree t. Joshua owned the dairy in Butler and to quote LaVonne Schulze: "He never did any of the menial work. He dressed up at all times, and was a very proud, haughty man. He hung his hat on a special hook; his cane on another and no one ever touched it. He had a place for everything and everything had to be in place. Woe be to anyone who dared upset things."

Joshua continued to be active in the GAR and also in the Republican political affairs of the area. He and Mary lived in Butler the rest of Joshua 's life, a little over twenty years. The old soldier died on a Thursday evening at 9:30 on January 10, 1907 at the age of 67 after being ill several years. His obituary states: "He was a man well respected and esteemed by his neighbors and friends, and was well known by the older settlers of the county."

Mary continued to live in Butler and lived many years with her daughter, J ennie Foster and later in Emporia, Kansas. Another story from LaVonne Shulze: "Mary's parents died when she was very young and she was raised by ano ther family who treated her badly and would not permit her to go to school. I was fortunate to grow up in the same town with my great grandmother. She and my great Aunt Ella lived with my grandmother, Jennie Evilsizer Foster. It was a proud, closely-knit and intensely loyal family. Much of the strength of the family probably came from Mary. Her children all adored and respected her. They all came regularly to visit her bringi ng their children, then their grandchildren and finally, their great grand children. My father felt the same way about Joshua when he was alive. There was a closeness, which I have never experienced with the other branches of my family. When tragedy struck one member of the family, it struck all. There was also an intense family pride. My mother said it was a hard f amily to become a part of. She felt as if she was on trial all the time - and she was."

Another story about Mary that was told to her grandson, Clarence Evilsize r: "Mary was a small woman, quite attractive with very aristocratic features. She would occasionally stop by her son's home, Tom Evilsizer, and have tea with Clarence's mother, Lizzie. On one such occasion when she was very elderly, she finished her visit and prepared to leave. Someone offered a helping hand and she turned abruptly and snapped, "I can do it myself ." I think this short simple story probably exemplifies the make-up and personality of Mary McBride Evilsizer.

Joshua and Mary had a total of 10 children with only six living to raise families: Ella, Jennie, Thomas, Alta, Ida, and Myrtie.

Written by Sharon Durels Evilsizer, 1984

[HI536] (Research):Oak Hill Cemetery, Butler Co., MO
Joshua Evilsizer 22 Dec 1839 10 Jan 1907
Mary Evilsizer 1841 1934 same stone as husband Thomas Sinclair Evilsizer 12 Sep 1869 12 Dec 1924
Elizabeth Frances Rogers 25 Jan 1875 16 Jan 1944
Raymond; son of T or J.S. and L. Evilsizer (infant)

[HI537] (Research):EVILSIZER, Ada Willa Death date: 12/8/1938, Noble County Certi ficate #73143 Name : Ada Willa Evilsizer Death date : 08 Dec 1938 Death place : Caldwell, Noble, Ohio Birth date : 29 Sep 1873 Estimated birth year : 1893 Birth place : Noble Co., Ohio Age at death : 45 years 3 months 9 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Living in city 29 years Race or color : Caucasian Street address : East St. Occupation : Housewife Residence : East St Burial date : 11 Dec 1938 Cemetery name : Olive Cem. Spouse name : Jonah W. Evilsizer Father name : Edward Sanford Father birth place : Noble Co., Ohio Mother name : Mary Candaker Mother birth place : Noble Co., Ohio Informant-Mrs Vera Antila 611 West St, Caldwell, OH GSU film number : 2023672 Digital GS number : 4121593 Image number : 1552 Certificate number : fn 73143 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[MI537] (Medical):Contributing cause of death- Cerebral hemorrage

[HI538] (Research):Owned the Model Laundry in Miami Oklahoma for many years and served on t he Miami City Council.

Miami Oklahoma 1924
T S Evilsizer falls dead at health resort.
City Commissioner Succumbs to Heart Trouble at Claremore.
Thomas S Evilsizer, prominent Miami business man and city commissioner, of finance, died unexpectedly Friday night at Claremore. Death was believed to have been due to heart disease.A week.ago Mr. Evilsizer suffer ed an attack of Influenza and It Is believed to have weakened his heart. He had gone to Claremore Thursday to take a radium bath treatment a nd It was while taking a bath Friday night that he fell dead. Mr. Evilsiz er was 56 years old and had lived In Miami for the last ten Years, mo st of which time hewas engaged in the laundry business. He was a memb er of the present city commission, serving as commissioner of finance. Ca me Here From Missouri Born in Ray County, Missouri., Mr. Evilsizer left there when a young man and went to Butler, MO where,he engaged In the insur ance business. He made his home at Butler for many years, coming from the re to Miami ten years ago,and entering the dairy business. For a numb er of years he operated a dairy near the present site of the R.G.Cunningham Oil company on North Main street. Mr. Evilsizer later entered the laund ry business,becoming part owner and manager of the Miami Model Laundr y. When F. F. Davidson sold the Crescent Laundry last July, Mr Evilsiz er was one at the buyers, combining It with, the Model laundry and becoming manager of the new concern. Active,in Politics Mr. Evilsizer was a Republican taking an active part In local political affairs.. In the city elec tion of 1923,he was chosen commissioner from the Fourth ward and -Mayor J. J. Rubenstahl appointed him to head the department of finance. Mr. Evilsizer was a member of Calvary Baptist church and of the Knigh ts of Pythias lodge. Surviving him, are his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Evilsizer, and three sons, Clyde and Wesley. associated with their father in t he laundry business, and Clarence, a member of the Junior class of Miami h igh school. Funeral Services Today Funeral services will be held at 1 O'clock Sunday afternoon at the Calva ry Baptist church. The Rev. C. Stubblefield, pastor of the church, and the Knights of Pythias lodge -will conduct the services. Pallbearers wi ll be .J M. Dixon, J. W. Bartholomew, N. C. Barry, Charles Beard,W. A. Pai nter and Frank Zajic. The body will be taken to Butler, Mo. for burial, le aving here at 2:40 o'clock Sunday afternoon over the St. Louis-San Francis co railroad. The Cooper Undertaking company Is In charge.

Evilsiser, Frank S (This is really Thomas S)
Age: 50 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Missouri Roll: T625_1481
Race: White Page: 1B
State: Oklahoma ED: 120
County: Ottawa Image: 730
Township: Miami Wife Lizzie, 44, son Clyde 23, Wesley, 17 and Calrence 11

Ottawa County, Ok - Miami, Oklahoma Business Directory 1917-1918 Evilsizer Thos S ( Elizabeth F ) Model Laundry R 214 B se

Oak Hill Cemetery, Butler Co., MO Joshua Evilsizer 22 Dec 1839 10 Jan 1907 Mary Evilsizer 1841 19 34 same stone as husband Thomas Sinclair Evilsizer 12 Sep 1869 12 Dec 1924 Elizabeth Frances Rogers 25 Jan 1875 16 Jan 1944 Raymond; son of T or J.S. and L. Evilsizer (infant)

[MI538] (Medical):Died while taking a bath at health resort

[DI539] Miami News Record Newspaper Pg 1 Miami, OK Friday, Jan 17 1944 Mrs Elizabeth Evilsizer, 224 A St Southeast, died at the Miami Baptist hos pital at 5:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon. She was 68 years old and a resid ent of Miami for the past 29 years. The Evilsizer family operated the Mod el Laundry here until several years ago. Survivors include three sons, Cly de Evilsizer of Cassville, MO, Wesley Evilsizer of Miami, and Clarence Evi lsizer of Toronto, KS; two brothers, J H Rogers of Mexico, MO and J F Roge rs of Bulter, MO, and two sisters; Mrs G G DeWeese and Mrs Russell Gre en , both of Butler, MO. Funeral services will be held at 10 A.M. Saturd ay at the First Baptist Church with the Rev H E Kirkpatrick officiating. B urial will be in the Oakhill Cemetery at Butler, MO. pallbearers will be F rank Zajic, Asa Robinson, Wayne Anderson, Harry Bradley, Holt Hurst and Ke ith Holland.

Joplin Globe Sunday Jan 9 1944 Miami Ok Jan 8 Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church this morning for M rs Elizabeth Evilsizer, 68 yeas old, who died at the Miami Baptist Hospit al Thursday afternoon. The Rev M E Kirkpatrick officiated and burial was m ade at Butler, MO under direction of the Cooper funeral home. Mrs Evilsiz er had been a resident here 29 years and formerly perated the Model laundr y

[HI540] (Research):Clyde must have divorced Della as he was Single living at home in 1920 a ge 20

Ottawa County, Ok - Miami, Oklahoma Business Directory 1917-1918 Evilsizer Clyde H wrks Model Laundry r 214 B se

WWI Draft Registration 6/5/1918 Ottawa Co, Miami, OK
Clyde H Evilsizer born 8/14/1896 in Butler Co, MO
Lives 224 A St, Miami, OK
Fathers birthpalce, Melville, MO
Employer Model Laundry Miami OK
Kin T S Evilsizer, Miami, OK
Tall, Med Build, Blue eyes, Brn Hair no defects

[HI542] (Research):First home - 315 B Street SE, Miami, OK

Over the years, Mr. Evilsizer owned and operated several farms and ranch es (Oklahoma, Kansas, Montana) and also owned commercial laundries in Cart hage, Missouri (1946-49) and Lawton, Oklahoma (1949-1970).

Before moving to Joplin in 1978, he owned a large foothill cattle ranch (T riple Divide Ranch) located south of Glacier National Park and east of t he Continental Divide. (Dupuyer, Montana) This 10,000 acre ranch was lat er bought by the Boone and Crockett Club for wildlife research and preserv ation purposes. After the Boone and Crockett purchase, the Triple Divide R anch was renamed the "Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch" and was the featu re of several magazine and newspaper articles.

His 3x great maternal grandfather, Azariah Martin, served with the colonis ts in the American Revolutionary War. He died in Rockcastle Count y, KY in 1834

Name: Clarence Evilsizer SSN: 447-12-6944 Last Residence: 64804 Joplin, Jasper, Missouri Born: 7 Jan 1908 Died: 11 Jul 2004 State (Year) SSN issued: Oklahoma (Before 1951 )

Joplin Globe Obituaries Published: 2004-07-15 Clarence P. Evilsizer Clarence P. Evilsizer, age 96, of Joplin, passed away at 3:32 a.m. Sunda y, July 11, 2004, at Freeman Hospital West in Joplin following a lengthy i llness. Mr. Evilsizer was born Jan. 7, 1908, in Butler, Mo. He owned the T ip Top Laundry in Lawton, Okla., during the 1950s and 1960s. He then mov ed to Montana and owned a large foothill cattle ranch (Triple Divide Ranc h) located south of Glacier National Park and east of the Continental Divi de. This 10,000 acre ranch was later bought by the Boone and Crockett Cl ub for wildlife research and preservation purposes. After the Boone and Cr ockett purchase, the Triple Divide Ranch was renamed the Theodore Rooseve lt Memorial Ranch and was the feature of several magazine and newspaper ar ticles. He moved to Joplin, Mo.,, in 1978 and operated a farm in Saginaw. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Lawton and was a memb er of the Joplin Elk's Lodge. He married Bessie Walker on Jan. 29, 1929, in Miami, Okla. She preceded h im in death on March 23, 1997. Survivors include a son, Thomas Evilsizer a nd his wife, Jimmie Lee, Lawton, Okla.; one daughter, Sharon Kay Durels a nd her husband, Walter, New York, N.Y.; nine grandchildren and 12 great-gr andchildren. Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the Highla nd Cemetery in Lawton, Okla, with Dr. Gary W. Cook officiating. The fami ly will receive friends from 10 a.m. Friday until the service at the Beck er Funeral Home in Lawton.

Daily Oklahoman, The (Oklahoma City, OK) - July 15, 2004 Deceased Name: EVILSIZER, Clarence P. EVILSIZER, Clarence P., 96, farmer and rancher, died Sunday. Graveside ser vices 11 a.m. Friday, Highland Cemetery (Becker).

JOPLIN, Mo. -- Graveside service for Clarence P. Evilsizer, 96, Joplin, Mo ., will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Highland Cemetery, Lawton, with Dr. Ga ry W. Cook officiating.Mr. Evilsizer died Sunday, July 11, 2004, at a Jopl in hospital.Arrangements are by Mason-Woodard Mortuary, Joplin. Local arra ngements are by Becker Funeral Home.He was born Jan. 7, 1908, in Butler, M o. He owned the Tip Top Laundry in Lawton during the 1950s and the 1960 s. He then moved to Montana and owned a large cattle ranch, the Triple Div ide Ranch, south of Glacier National Park. He moved to Joplin in 1978 a nd operated a farm near the Saginaw community. He was a member of Lawton F irst Baptist Church and a member of the Joplin Elk's Lodge. He married Bes sie Walker on Jan. 29, 1939, in Miami, Okla. She died March 23, 1997. Survivors include a son, Thomas Evilsizer and his wife, Jimmie Lee, Lawto n; a daughter, Sharon Kay Durels and her husband, Walter, New York; nine g randchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Friends may call from 10-11 a.m. Friday at Becker Funeral Home.

[HI543] (Research):Joe Amery also told that, in 1852, while Levi was attending court in Lexington, Missouri, he contracted cholera and died at his hotel. Because of the current cholera epidemic, at night a wagon would go around, the driver ringing a bell, and calling, "Bring out your dead." Levi was buried in a long trench, along with many others. Mariah died May 27, 1963 and is buried at Tinney's Grove cemetery in Ray County, Missouri

Walters family info from Mikki McBride [email protected]

Perlinas children died of typhoid quite interesting as two of her brothers died in the 1850s rather suddenly, Martin and Liberty, and could not find a cause. Levis land was right on the river and might have been an unhealthy place to live. Levi supposedly died of cholera while away from home a nd his body placed in an common grave with other victims of the disease, a wagon coming around at night ringing a bell, to pick up bodies . This was from the Amery brothers via Mr Morris. Also Mr Morris commented that Robert and William, Levi and Mariah youngest children were red headed, quite tall and good looking. Source, Lura Glass

Free Inhabitants in District No. 75 , in the County of Ray , Sta te of Missouri . enumerated by me, on the 18th day of Sept. , 1850. Geo I. Wass on Ass't Marshall
Walters Levi B. 55 M Farmer $1,000 Ky
Walters Maria 53 F Ky
Walters William 9 M Mo
Walters Robert 6 M Mo
Morris Clabsom18 M Labore rKy
Lamley Mathew 23 M Laborer
Morris Malinda 19F Ind

our common ancestor is Levi, that cagey old codger. Did I ever tell you that his daughter and husband left Missouri on an early wagon train over the Oreton Trail. He became a famous trader with the Indians - too famous because he was highjacked and murdered on night in the Dalles, as he returned from a trading trip. Before his untimely death he had filed a claim for land on the Washing ton side of the river, and when I retired and came here for the first time in my life, I unknowing built a home on that very same property. Wierd, huh? Bill [email protected] (Bill Walters)

Complete Walters genealogy at

[HI545] (Research):(Source: Info for Thomas Miller & Malinda Evilsizer Miller family from Mar ion Kelliher, granddaughter of John Harrison Evilsizer. She received in fo from Judge Woolsey, grandson of Thomas & Malinda Miller.)

[HI546] (Research):Father John Miller b Ireland
Mother Anna McDowell, born Ireland

[DI547] Richmond Democrat, Ray Co, MO Nov 22, 1883
Our correspondant at Millville writes us that Jefferson Evilsizer was assasinated ar his home 8 miles north of that place about 9 or 10 o'clock on Monday night and died from the effects of a gunshot wound received about 2:00 on Tuesday afternoon. The facts revealed are about as follows: At the time named on Monday night after Evilsizer had gone to bed, someone knocked at the door of his home. He got up and opened the door, when the assassin, who was not more than three feet from him fired, the ball striking Evilsizer near the pit of the stomach causing his death as stated above. Before his death however he gave the name of the assassin, a young man who lived in the neighborhood named William Miller. Evilsizer was a man highly respected and the dastardly act that caused his taking off has caused great excitement. His funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of Mr S Evilsizer. Wm Miller was put under arrest today charged with the assassination

A Witness Out of The Way
A Nephew Shoots An Uncle To Prevent His Appearance Against His Father
St Louis, Mo., Nov 23, 1883
William Miller, a young man about twenty-two years old, is in jail at Richmond, charged with the murder of his uncle, Jeff Evilsizer. The crime was committed last Monday night in what is known as the Mud Creek Settlement, or Millerville, a locality remote from telgraph or railroad. On that night about nine o'clock after Jeff Evilsizer and family had retired, somebody outside the house called. The old man answered without opening the door, asking "Who is there?". The reply came "John Evilsizer" (Jeff's brother). The old man then opened the door and peered out into the darkness, but could see no one. He stood there nearly a minute, when suddenly there was a flash, a report, and the old man staggered back into the room and fell on the bed. A bullet had penetrated his abdomen, inflicting a wound that proved fatal twenty-four hours later. Before he died he stated he saw, by the flash of the pistol, that the shot was fired by Willie Miller. This news did not reach Richmond until Thursday morning, and when, about noon on that day, young Miller rode into Richmond on horseback he was arrested. He denied all knowledge of the killing.Thomas Miller, the father of the young man, has also been arrested. The Evilsizers and the Millers, though realted, have been on bad terms for some time. There is a charge of horse stealing against old man Miller, and the case was to be heard this week at Richmond, with Jeff Evilsizer as the principal witness. The Millers have made repeated efforts to beg or buy off Evilsizer from testifying, and it is now thought the killing was done to get a dangerous witness out of the way. The two families are very wealthy, both owning large and well stocked farms, besides other property.

New York Herald Nov 25, 1883
A Wife's Thrilling Story
The Murder of Jeff Evilsizer Described-Lynching of Miller Probable
St Louis, Mo., Nov 24, 1883
William Miller, the nephew of the murdered man Evilsizer, of Richmond, Clay County, stands a pretty fair chance of being hanged, either by due process of law or otherwise, as the first sign of anything like quibbling, legal dodging or delay of any kind, will prove the signal for action on the part of people who claim to be prompted by a higher law than that enacted by the Legislature and administered by the courts. That this is recognized to be the case is evidenced by the fact that the Prosecuting Attorney has sent a number of messengers out into the Mud Creek District, where the murder was committed, to assure the people in a semi-official manner that the law will be promptly administered in this case.
Mrs. Evilsizer, wife of the murdered man, tells the following story of her terrible experience on the night of the killing.
"We had spent what seems to me now one of our most pleasant evenings, and been in bed about half an hour when some one hollered out in front of the house. I asked who was there. "John Evilsizer" was the reply. "What do you want, you good for nothing thing, this time of night", I inquired. Then I asked Jeff to get up and let the boy in. My husband went to the door and opened it. I heard the person on the outside step upon the stone steps for his boots scraped on them. "He's dressed up" I said to myself: "Somebody must be sick. The next moment the pistol flashed and my husband staggered back on the bed. He begged me to light the lamp and I did, so after waiting a few minutes for fear they would break into the house. The light soon went out, for we were out of oil. My husband raised his shirt and I saw he was shot in the right side. I said, "Who could have done this thing." He answered, "Willie Miller." All night he lay there writhing, shrieking, and calling for water, which I gave him. Oh, how I prayed for him not to die!
"Three times I heard some one come around in their stocking feet and listen. I knew they were outside, and I expected they wound come in and shouted for help, but nobody came. The nearest neighbor was a half mile away, and nobody passed along the road."
The Grand Jury has the case in hand and has examined a large number of witnesses. The proceedings are supposed to be secret, but the evidence leaks out almost as fast as the witnesses make their statements. It is claimed that enough evidence has been given to show plans for the killing of two other men, who are witnesses against Thomas Miller, the father of the alleged murderer, who is charged with horse stealing. The excitement and interest in this case are due to the fact that all the parties are very wealthy and prominent people.
The Grand Jury at Richmond this evening found an indictment charging young Miller with murder. His is in jail, and the utmost precautions are taken to prevent lynching, and the jail is strongly guarded.

St Louis Globe-Democrat Nov 26, 1883 Issue 189 Col G
Evilsizer's Assassin
The Jail at Richmond Strongly Guarded, to Prevent the Lynching of Miller
Richmond, MO., Nov 25- All of last night lights glimmered from the windows of the residence portion of the County Jail, and occasionally a shadow was thrown across the curtains, showing the occupants of the room to be more or less restless, as if expecting something, their gestures being discerned from without. The occupants of the rooms were determined men, bent on resisting a mob. The jailer's familty had been removed to a neighbor's house. The same condition of affairs exists tonight. At about 1 o'clock, or soon after midnigth, the prisoners of the jail, who are five in number, were aroused by persons peeping into the windows, both front and rear, and called to Col. Warrenstaff, the jailer, when the men disappeared. Col. Warrenstaff found the prisoners greatly excited, except Miller, who was removed to the dungeon in the second story of the jail when the alarm was given. Mr Warrenstaff reassured them, saying that he would surrender his life in their protection, and as no further noise was heard, the fears of the majority of the prisoners were quieted. This was not the case with Miller, however. When the others felt alarmed he was not frightened, but when their fears were allayed, he became very nervous, praying the Sheriff not to let a mob kill him. He said the deathlike stillness boded him no good. He will be kept in the dungeon hereafter. This cell is quite strong, and is just at the head of a narrow flight of steps leading from the street door to the second story. The cell he formerly occupied is a very weak one, and an able-bodied man if permitted to work uninterrupted would be able to break into it in a couple of hours alone. Canterbury, one of the prisoners who is to be tried on a charge of rape, and who has already served seven years in the Ohio Penitentiary for robbery, says of the men peeping into the cell windows: He saw that one of them wore a cap, and that when they saw they had been discovered they crowded close to the walls of the building to keep from being seen.Today thestillness was ominous, and tonight in little knots of four and five on the different corners and at the hotels and restaurants, the situation is being discussed. One gentleman who knows whereof he speaks, if any one can know in a case like this, says no violence will be done, yet that trouble is even now anticipated is evidenced from the fact that one of the Constables of this township says he will surrender his office before he will help guard the jail. "I don't want to be killed," he said, "particularly by old army comrades, and if the men from the neighborhood of the murder come after Miller they won't leave the jail without him." The trial of the elder Miller for grand Larceny come up tomorrow. This is the case from which the murder of Evilsizer, it is supposed, was the outgrowth; and while tonight may pass quietly, a strong guard will be kept up, and should Miller be convicted, it is argued that it will tend to further incite the feeling against his son.

Lexington Weekly, Lexington MO Dec 8, 1883
Gentlemen from Richmond in conversation regarding the Evilsizer murder, state that the trip of the younger Miller to Waverly on the day following the murder was for the evident purpose of killing Docotr Beers, who lives near that place, who, with Mr Evilsizer, was a leading witness in the case against Miller's father for horse stealing. That such was the prupose of Miller's errand is pretty generally believed in Richmond, and also by a number of gentlemen living at Waverly, who or more or less conversant with the circumstances. Mr Evilsizer was an uncle of the murderer. The killing was done Monday; Tuesay at daylight Miller left for Waverly, leaving there for Richmond on Wednesday, and the next day he was indicted for murder in the first degree and locked up in jail, at Richmond.

St Louis Golbe-Democrat June 10, 1884
Criminal Calendar
Circumstances Connected with the Murder of Jeff Evilsizer
Arrest of Ex-United States Marshall Hall-Man, Woman and Pistol Missing-Safely Incarcerated
Richmond, MO June 9- A notable murder case was called up today in the Ray County Circuit Court. Pubic opinion is stong against William Miller, who is accused of killing his uncle, Jeff Evilsizer, and at one time there was a good deal of apprehension about an attack on the jail.Bad roads, as mush as anything, exercised a restraining influence on the excited farmers of the vicinity of the assasination, and they did not carry out their threats.
Evilsizer was called to his door in the middle of the nigth of November 19. When he asked who was there a voice replied, "Johnnie Miller." As soon as the door was opened the farmer was shot through the stomach. He lingered in great agaony, his wife being deterred from giving any alarm by the noises kept up outside, supposedly by the assassins. The man was reticent at first about naming his murderer, but finding that he must die, he told his wife and others that Willie Miller had killed him, adding "I recognized him by his big white hat." It was two days after the commission of the deed before much was known of it in Richmond, the county seat. On Monday night the foul deed was done, and on Wednesday evening young Miller rode into Richmond and stopped at the Wasson House. To a question put by the correspendent of the Globe-Democrat, he said: "I left home last Tuesday morning at daylight and have just got back from Waverly. I don't know of any news except there was a fire down our way." He knew nothing of the murder, he said, and proceeded to tell in detail where he had been. From his home he had ridden to the Lexington ferry, twenty-five miles, had crossed the Missouri, and had gone on to Waverly, twenty-three miles further.
For the motive of the crime it is necessary to go back to a horse trade which took place in Lexington on the 10th of April 1880. These feuds in farming communities smolder for years without dying out, and when the basis of the trouble is horseflesh, they seem to take on their most deadly character. On the day mentioned, Dr F.D. Beers, of Waverly, was at a livery stable in Lexington, where he met a man who traded to him a brown mare for a roan horse.The man represented himself to the Doctor as a renter living at Hardin, in Ray County, and stated that he wished to trade the mare to wean its colt, which had been left at home. This was on a Saturday, and less than a week later the Doctor left Lexington to pay a visit to a patient near Richmond. He visited a farmer, named Frazier, to whom he traded the mare he had got from the stranger at Lexington. The animal had been in Frazier's possession about three months when Evilsizer saw it. He claimed it was his, saying it had been stolen from him. Proving the mare to be his, Frazier turned the animal over to Evilsizer. Some six or eight days afterward Dr Beers paid another visit to Mr. Frazier. When the later told him of the mare being taken from him by Evilsizer, the Doctor then visited Hardin, Richmond and other points, searching for the man with whom he had originally traded. At Hardin he learned that the representations made to him at Lexington were false, nothing being known of the man there, though he had claimed that place as his home. In September following Dr. Beers was at a Mr. Oester's to whom he told the circumstances already detailed, adding a description of the man. Oester readily recognized him from this description, and the next day he and the Doctor rode to Thomas Miller's house. Miller was at work in a field, and when they had got in speaking distance the Doctor asked Miller if he knew him. Miller said he did; that he had been wanting to see him ever since Frazier had been obliged to surrender the mare. He invited the visitors to dismount, and when near the house asked Dr Beers how the affair could be fixed up. On the terms that Miller would not be prosecuted if he paid for the trouble and what had been lost, a settlement was affected with Dr. Beers and the matter was dropped. The Grand Jury, however, took up the case, and Miller was indicted for stealing the mare. Just before this case was to come before the court, (Dr Beers stated to your correspondent), Miller left $50 with F. R. Gautier, a lively man be given him if he would not testify against him. Mr Gautier gave the money to a daughter of Dr Beers, but when she tendered it to her father, telling him how she came by it, he refused it, and it was returned to Gautier. This case was to be tried last November, and of course Beers and Evilsizer would have been the principal witnesses.
Jeff Evilsizer was Miller's brother-in-law, Miller says. Jeff gave him the mare for debt, and that afterward, as Mrs Evilsizer claimed the animal, Jeff swore that he had not done so. The mare was taken from the stable at night, and Miller alleges that Jeff was privy to the taking and selling of the mare, but afterward changed his position from fear of his wife and replevined it. Mrs Evilsizer, on the other hand, states that the feeling of the Millers toward her husband was very bitter, and that threats had been made against him in regard to this case; that instead of her husband owing the elder Miller they held a note against the younger one, on which there was a balance yet unpaid. This is the horse case. The theory on which the murder is accounted for is that young Miller had undertaken to put both Evilsizer and Beers out of the way before his father's trial. Evilsizer was killed, and within a few hours of that event young Miller was on his way to Waverly. At that place he saw Gautier, and manifested considerable anxiety to find Beers. He was asked by Gautier is his name was not Miller, and he denied his identity, but finally acknowledged his name.
When he learned that Dr Beeers had left Waverly for Richmond, to testify in the larceny case, he got his horse and rapidly rode out of town, taking the road to Lexington. Seven miles or so from Waverly he overtook the Doctor, who was traveling in a buggy, but was not alone- a Mr Pickett, who, only last Fenruary, was threateningly warned to be quiet by the Millers, accompanying him. Miller rode on. When he reached Lexington, he stopped a short time, and at 3 o'clock that afternoon he started for Richmond, nine miles away, which he did not reach until nearly 9 o'clock that night. It did not take him so long to travel the distance between the two points, and it is part of the theory that as he went to Waverly to "finish" Dr. Beers, and was unsuccessful, he hid in the brush between the junction and the river, thinking the doctor would continue his journey through to Richmond in the buggy in which he left Waverly. Here again young Miller was foiled, the buggy being left a Lexington, and the doctor taking the train for Richmond the next morning. Miller is an honest looking country boym and when arrested at Richmond after he had been in town all night and about the Court House during the morning, he manifested no uneasiness and did nothing to betray himself. The only time uneasiness was shown by him was when active preparations were made to defend the old stone fortress called a jail against an expected lynching party.

William Mller was the son of Thomas and Malinda Miller found in the 1880 Census of Ray Co, MO. Thomas was a brother to Elizabeth, wife of Jeff Evilsizer. They are found in the 1880 census: Ray Co, Grape Grove, MO HH125
Thomas Miller �tab� 42 Ire
Malinda J. Miller 38 MO
William M. Miller 18 MO (man who murdered his Uncle Jeff Evilsizer)
Ann E. Miller �tab� 16 MO
Mary E. Miller �tab� 14 MO
John A. Miller �tab� 11 MO
Hissie M. Miller �tab� 8 MO
Robert S. Miller �tab� 6 MO

Daily Cairo Bulletin, Cairo ILL June 15, 1884
The Hangman's Shadow
William Killer on Trial for the Murder od Evilsizer
Richmond Mo June 14- The Miller murder case is fairly under way and the courtroom packed. Mrs Evilsizser testified that her husband repeatedly sai he recognized his nephew William Miller, is the man who shot him. The evidence so far is very damning to Miller. The defense objects to the introduction of declarations made by Evilsizer, and if the verdict should go against him the will no doubt take the case up. There are seventy witnesses to be examined, which will carry the case over to the last of next week.

Name �tab� Thomas Jefferson Evilsiger
Gender �tab� Male
Burial Date �tab� 21 Nov 1883
Burial Place �tab� Millville
Death Date �tab� 20 Nov 1883
Death Place �tab� Grape Grove, Ray Co., Missouri
Age �tab� 39
Birth Date �tab� 1844
Birthplace �tab� Tenn.
Occupation �tab� Farmer
Race �tab� White
Marital Status �tab� Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� B58249-8
System Origin �tab� Missouri-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 959726
Reference Number

[XI547] He is buried in a small cemetery in a on private property in a field. The Cemetery name is Millville. It is not visible from the highway. Several years ago my cousin and I went there. We unearthed several headstones and took pictures of them. Unfortunately this person headstone was not found. At one time cows were roaming there. All but five or six are knocked down,broken or unreadable, in fact a tree grows through one of them. It is cracked in many places some unreadable. If this Evilsizer is related I would be happy to send you a picture of this cemetery. Sharon Hunt 9/2011 [email protected]

[HI548] (Research):From the Richmond, Mo Conservator - Thursday July 23, 1891 A Mysterious Death A postal card from Judge W D Fortune at Tinney's Grove informs us that the dead body of Elizabeth Evilsizer, widow of the late Jeff Evilsizer who was murdered some years since, was found at her residence on Sunday. Remains were in an advanced state of decomposition showing the death had occrred some time ago. No particulars were obtainable and nothing could be l earned to throw light upon the matter. Was it a murder or had death come from natural causes which are not yet answered. The deceased lived on Mud Creek.

The CHIEF, Cowgill, MO July 24, 1891 FOUND DEAD
The Remains of Mrs Eliza Evilsizer Found In Her Own House Sunday Morning Last
Our readers will no doubt remeber how Jeff Evilsizer who lived in the edge of Ray County, 6 miles southeast of town, was called to his door and shot down by a midnight assassin, some 7 years ago. Ever since his death, which occured on the day following his widow, Aunt Eliza, has lived alone on her farm, and except for an occasional visit from a neighbor, was sole occupant of the premises. During the latter part of the week, however, passers-by saw no one going about the house which was shut up closely. On Sunday morning, George Rogers, Billy Malone, Isaac Hatfield and others went to the house to investigate and on entering the west room were horrified to find the decaying corpse of Mrs E, who had evidently been dead several days. The body lay supine on the floor, the knees being drawn up, one arm extended and the other across the breast. The face was black and swollen, beyond recognition, and the odor arising from the remains , together with their putrid condition made it impossible to detect any signs of violence, if such existed. The outer doors were closed but not locked, and the windows of the room where the dead woman lay were darkened by papers pinned up on the inside, the outer blinds also being closed. Nothing about the house seemed disturbed, $10 in money being found upstairs, besides several thousand dollars worth of notes and mortgages. As the coroner of Ray County could not attend to the inquest, and both the Justices of the township were absent, "Squire W W Whompson of Cowgill, impaneled a jury of Ray County citizens and proceeded with the case. Dr G B Cowley examined the body, the testimony of five or six witnesses was taken, after which the jury, composed of W W Griffling, J S Stephenson, W J Cullumber, W H Gilbow, C M Coffman and H N Graham, brought in a verdict of death in a way and manner unknown to the jury". The remains were buried near the Union Church late Sunday evening. The testimony given at the inquest developed merely the facts that deceased was last seen alive on Wednesday, July 15 and that she had at times complained of heart trouble. One witness deposed that he had frequently been in the room where the body was found, but that the windows never had been darkened by papewrs before. The evidence together with the position of the body and the fact that a quilt thrown over a barrel and a chair-back effectually concealed the remains from view of anyone looking in at the front window, led many to suspect foul play. They are not, however, incompatible with the theory of a sudden death from heart failure or apoplexy, and we are loth to believe any human being so debased as to take the life of this old and helpless lady. The mystery of her death, however, remains unbroken and may never be solved until that great day when the dead shall rise again. Peace to her ashes.

From the Richmond, Mo Conservator - Thursday August 31, 1891 A Grave Charge Mrs. Elizabeth Graham arrested for the murder of Mrs. Evilsizer. On Sunday, July 10, the dead body of Mrs. Eliz Evilsizer, a widow who liv ed alone on her farm about five miles west of Tinney's Grove, was found in her home in a badly decomposed condition. Her throat was cut from ear to ear, and the body was in such a bad condition that it had to be rolled in a quilt and placed in the coffin, without being washed. That she had been murdered there could be no doubt, but the author of the awful crime was unknown. The nephew of the dead woman, S H Miller was in Oklaho ma at the time of her death, and was subsequently notified. He arriv ed in this County a few days after her burial and at once began a search for the assassin of his kinswoman. Last Saturday, he swore out a warrant against Mrs. Sarah Graham, a neighbor of Mrs. Evilsizer, charging her with the crime of murder in the first degree. Sheriff Perdue went up last Saturd ay and served the warrant and brought the prisoner to this city. On Sunday he took her to Carrollton and lodged her in jail. We do not know what the evidence is against Mrs. Graham, but have heard in a circumstantial w ay that it is very strong. On Wednesday evening before the body of Mrs. Evilsizer was found, Mrs. Graham was seen going toward the Evilsizer farm, a nd late the same night she was overtaken by a farmer on a wagon and taken to Braymer, where she spent the night at a hotel. Her clothes were wet and bedraggled as though she had been trying to wash them or had walked through the grass and weeds. When Mrs. Evilsizer's house was searched after the finding of her body, the table was found set with three plates as though she was expecting company. In the kitchen, the coffee pot and other cooking vessels were found on the stove and thirteen slices of meat were laying on the table and other things went to show she was preparing a meal other than for herself. It is said that the two women were not on the best of terms, and that the trouble between them dates back to the time when they were neighbors in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Graham has retained as her attorney, Mssrs Garner and Scott and J W Shotwell

The Chief- Cowgill, MO- July 24, 1891 During the later part of last week, passers by saw no one going about the house, which was shut up closely. On Sunday morning, George Rogers, Bil ly Malone, Isaac Hatfield and others went to the house to investigate and upon entering the west room were horrified to find the decaying corpse of Mrs. E who had evidently been dead several days. The body lay on the floor, knees being drawn up, one arm extended and the other across the breast. The face was black and swollen beyond recognition, and the odor arising from the remains, together with their putrid condition made it impossible to detect any violence. The outer doors were closed and not locked and the windows of the room were darkened by papers pinned up on the inside and the outer blinds being closed. Nothing about the h ouse seemed disturbed, $10 in money being found upstairs besides several thousand dollars worth of notes and mortgages.

State of Missouri, County of Ray In the Probate Court of Ray County Missouri In the matter of the Estate of Eliza Evilsizer, deceased, M D L Blevins says that to the best of his knowledge and belief, the names of the heirs of said Eliza Evilsizer deceased, and their places of residence, are respectfully, as follows:Maggie Alexander, who resides in the County of........ in the state of New Jersey; S H Miller, who resides in the County of Oklahoma in the Territory of Oklahoma; James Miller, who resides in the County of Oklahoma in the Territory of Oklahoma; that the said Eliza Evilsizer died in Ray County Missouri July 15, 1891 without a will; that he will make perfect inventory of, and faithfully administer all the estate of the deceased, and pay the debts as far as the assets will extend and the law direct, and acco unt for and pay all assets which shall come to his possession or knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me his 3rd day of August, 1891. M D L Blevins

Exhibit E May 4, 1889 My Dear Aunt I am glad you liked your earrings; and hope you have received the napkins. I had no use for them and I gave so much to Ada that she will not miss them, I am in hopes she will have a son in the autumn as she is so anxi ous for one. You did not say how you liked the little pictures I sent wi th the earrings that is M J Miller they call her "May". She is very bright and will be 15 next September. I have had letters and papers from
Sam, and I think he is a smart young man and will yet make his mark. Do y ou like my papers to read? I am feeling better than I did last fall, and n eed to as my hard work commences very soon; how are you feeling? I think is awful you living alone not knowing what may happen to you. Write to me soon. Your loving Maggie

Exhibit 1 Richmond, Mo, June 5, 1889 My dearest niece- Your long looked for letter came to hand, how I looked for it, waiting particularly till Xmas; if she is alive she always sends me a present and I went to all three P O and finally got your letter after three months and three days, hence I have fretted about you least you were in need or driven to degradation and I am able to give you as good a home as Fred without any worry to you. I hope you are still in your place. I was very glad to get your letter and to hear you are well and happy; I am very loneso me and sometimes troubled of marrying again as none of my kin will come to me. I have had 21 offers since I was left a widow. I do not like to marry again but scarcely know what to do. I wish I was near you at house-cleaning that I could get some new carpets; how often I wish if I were there, how many things I would try to get to furnish my spare room. I have to keep my wheat in it. So far we had 605 bushels off thirty five acres, have not got all the place under cultivation but will by the coming summer try to get it as it would help me so much. I got 202 bushels, sold so me at 75 cents a bushel; If I had any one living with me I would run the farm myself and make by it. The gentleman that has your money has sold out, will pay it in Spring but there is another stockman that wants it, think of letting him have it. It will be $726.00 by that time. Have not been well for a long time with Kidney and liver trouble; got 1 bottle of Warner's Kidney and Liver Safe Cure that helped me; will try to get another soon; my place is in wheat this year and I hope it will be a good crop year. This is a lonely day here, have no fire so warm out. Now dear Maggie may God Bless you and preserve you and keep you in a state of grace is the sincere prayer of your affectionate aunt. Give my love to Mrs C rennett and family; please write soon and direct Mrs T J Evilsizer, Cowgill, MO
Your affectionate aunt E Evilsizer

Territory of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County Depositions of witness produced, sworn and examined on the 24th day of Apr il in the year of our Lord eight hundred and ninety three, between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and six o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the office of the Probate Judge in the court house building in the city of Oklahoma City, County of Oklahoma and Territory of Oklahoma, before me S A Steward, Probate Judge in and for the said county and territory; in a certain case now pending in the probate court of the County of Ray, in the state of Missouri, between Margaret J Alexander, plaintiff and MDL Blevins, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Evilsizer, deceased on the part of the defendant. S H Miller of lawful age being produced, sworn and examined on the part of the defendant, deposeth and sayeth as follows to wit: I have examined the letter dated "Pawtucket, Dec. 16th, 1872, addressed, Dear Aunt: "and know it to be in the handwriting of Mrs Alexander. The party mentioned as "Fred" on the first page of this letter, was Mrs Alexander 's husband. The party mentioned on the second page as "Uncle Alec" is my
uncle, and also Mrs Alexander's uncle. The party mentioned as "Ada" on same page is my cousin, Mrs Alexander's step-daughter. The party mentioned on third page , as Mary Jane is my sister- said letter is hereby attached, marked "Exhibit A" and made part of my deposition I also examined at the same time and place the letter dated "Pawtucket, February 24, 1874, addressed to "Dear Aunt" and described as "Exhibit B ". I desire to state in connection with this letter, that my uncle, Alec Miller, the party referred to on second page of this letter, where she says, - "I am not going to have a share of Uncle Aleck's ground, if so, I can put up a shanty for myself if anything happens between us here", at one time to avoid the payment of an unjust debt, deeded the land mentioned, to my aunt, Mrs Evilsizer, would have fell to the direct heirs of my uncle, Aleck Miller, at his death. Now I believe that my aunt, Mrs Evilsize, had promised to give to my cousin, Mrs Alexander, at some time, the mon ey now claimed by Mrs Alexander, to procure her silence about this transaction, and to leave the land in the possession of My Aunt, Mrs Evilsizer. The party mentioned as "Uncle James" on third page of the letter , marked " Exhibit B" is my uncle, also Mrs Alexander's uncle and brother of the deceased Mr Evilsizer. The party spoken of as "Elizabeth", on fourth page, is my mother. I have closely examined this letter and know it to be in the hand writing of my cousin, Mrs Alexander. I also examined at the same time and place, letter dated Sept 30th, 1888 ad addressed "my dear aunt", and described as "Exhibit C" and kn ow it to be in the hand writing of my cousin, Mrs Alexander. I also examined at the time and place the letter dated and described as "E xhibit D" and made a part thereof, April 24th, 1890 and addressed "Dear Aunt" and know it to be in the hand writing of my cousin, Mrs Alexander. The party spoken of on first page as "Jimmie Smith" is a second cousin of mne, also of Mrs Alexander. I also examined at the same time and place t he letter described as "Exhibit E", and dated ":The Langham, May 4th and addressed; My dear aunt"; and know it to be in the handwriting of my cousin Mrs Alexander. I also examined at the same time and place a letter dated "The Langham, Feb 26th and described as "Exhibit F" and addressed "dear aunt". The party spoken of as "Ada" on second page is the same party who is spoken of in "Exhibit A" and is Mrs Alexander's step-daughter. The party spoken of as "Willie Miller" is a second cousin of mine, and also of Mrs Alexander. I will further state in the deposition given by me on February 28, 1893, in this case, before the Probate Judge in the Court House building in the city of Oklahoma City, and territory of Oklahoma, I stated that Mrs Alexander told me in the last of August or the first part of September, 1891 that she sent my aunt, Mrs Evilsizer, four hundred ($400.00) wrapped up in a package of clothing through the mails, and it was not registered. This was after Mrs Alexander had come on to Missouri, and shortly after my Aunt's death; and was in answer to the question asked by me, how she sent this money;- that being the first that I knew of her claim against the estate; and thinking that, if she really had sent the money, it would be easy for her to show by the records, how it was sent. This was after she had examined, or caused to be examined, the effects of my aunt's estate. S H Miller Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 24th day of April 18, 1893
S A Steward

Territory of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County Deposition of witnesses produced, sworn and examined on the 28th day of Feb in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred Ninety Three, between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and six o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the office of the Probate Judge in the court house building in the City of Oklahoma and territory of Oklahoma, before me, S A Stewa rd, Probate Judge in and for said county and territory. I a certain case now pending in the probate court of the County of Ray, in the state of Missouri between Margaret J Alexander, Plaintiff and M D L Blevins, Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Evilsizer, deceased, on the part of the defendant. S H Miller of lawful age, being produced, sworn and examined on the part of the defendant, deposeth and sayeth as follows to wit: In 1883 I had charge of my Aunt's Mrs Evilsizer, notes and mortgages, amounting as near as I can remember in all to about Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($ 1500.00); I had then in my possession in 1884 and 1885 with the excepti on of a short time that they were in her possession. At that time she had other personal property which would amount in my judgement, to three ( 3) or four (4) hundred dollars. While those notes were in my possession the money was kept continuously at interest or as soon as a note was paid, the money was immediately loaned at ten percent, that being the amount that all the notes bore interest. I will further state, that from my knowledge of my aunt's ways, that she was very economical and saving, and that she continually, to the best of my knowledge, kept this money loaned at the current rate of interest. She also received rents from eighty acres of land which would amount to from one hundred and fifty dollars per year. She had other monies on deposit in some eastern banks, but I do not know wether she had received it all prior to that time, or not. I will further state, that she was very saving in her nature, and spent no money only for the absolute necessaries of life, and in a great many cases she did not, even procure what I would consider the absolute necessities. I will further state, that in all my connections with her business, it was never intimated to me, that she received any money from Mrs Margaret J Alexander during that time, or at any other time. I believe that the money that Mr George had was a number of different notes which he took up and assumed the responsibility, among the notes being one on Joe Goe. I am not positive about the other notes Mr George took up besides the Goe note, that money was loaned to Mr George during the short time that I did not have possession of the notes. I will further state, that Mrs Alexander told me in the last of August or the first of September, 1891, that she sent my Aunt, Mrs Evilsizer, Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) wrapped up in a package of clothing through the mails and it was not registered .. I will further state that I examined in Feb 1892, the letters writt en by Mrs Alexander to my Aunt Mrs Evilsizer, and now in the hands of Mr Blevins, the administrator of said estate; and did not see any mention ma de in any of the letters (and I examined them very closely) covering the period of 84 and 1888 both inclusive, of any money having been sent by Mrs Alexander to Mrs Evilsizer. I will further state that during the time I had possession of these notes and monies I was living within from one to two miles of my aunt, Mrs Evilsizer, all of the time; and was back and forward at her house frequently; this was in Ray County, Missouri; I am now living in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma Territory.
S H Miller Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 28th day of Feb 1893.

[XI550] No stone located in 2014

[HI552] (Research):(Source: Info for Thompson Burress & Mary Elizabeth Evilsizer Burress fami ly from Marion Kelliher, granddaughter of John Harrison Evilsizer..)

From LaVonne Schulze: Referring to Perlina's Bible entries, "Under Mary El izabeth's death, the entry was made as "Mary departed this life March 2 2, aged 27 years, 6 months, ten days."

[HI553] (Research):After Mary's death, Thompson married Mary A Dishman 8-21-1879, Ray Co, MO

[HI554] (Research):Moriah Jane (Jennie) Evilsizer Turner & her husband, Henry, ranched in Col orado before moving to Severy, KS.

[HI555] (Research):LaVonne Schulze: "Freda and Roy Evilsizer went to tell Aunt Jennie when He nry was killed. He had been returning from a trip and some friends we nt to meet him. Mother isn't sure whether Daddy was with them, but they o ffered to take him home in a car. Henry declined, got on a horse instea d. Horse was frightened by a train noise, as mother recalls, and threw He nry, who fell across a barbed wire fence slitting his throat and died.

[HI556] (Research):Unable to locate a death cert in Missouri.

[HI557] (Research):Death Cert DOB 7/7/1844 England.
Informant, James Amery (relation not known)

[NI559] John Harrison Evilsizer homesteaded in Colorado; died there when train hit his car; he had been a County Commissioner of Kiowa County, Colorado. His son, Roy Harrison Evilsizer also had ranch in Colorado for about 7 years.

John Harrison Evilsizer, my grandfather, ran a livery stable in Severy, Kansas, where my father Roy Harrison Evilsizer was born. John was some sort of hired official who helped in the opening of the Oklahoma territory ( according to family tales). Later, he and his youngest son Victor went to Colorado to operate a ranch there. My father and mother joined them around 1912, taking over a homestead which had been given up by some of her family. John had a second marriage late in life and a son, Hoy Evilsizer, a half brother to my father. When prices dropped at the end of WWI my father lost his ranch and the family moved to Sedalia, Missouri. John's son Hoy was a baby when they moved. I have the impression that my father did not like his stepmother, and the families lost touch entirely. I found out about Hoy when I began working on the family tree in the 1960's, and I had the privilege of meeting Hoy and his wife in the early 1990's at their home in Hugo, Colorado. (by Granddaughter Marion)

From Myron Gaffin Reynolds, Sinclair's great granddaughter. "John Evilsizer was a great favorite of my mother Lucy, her brother Albert Burress, and their cousin Cora Evilsizer. The three were about the same age and were orphaned grandchildren being raised in Sinclair and Perlina's home. They were about ten years younger than John.

"About 1900 John moved his family to Kansas City, Missouri, where he operated a flourishing livery business on Campbell Street. He knew horses and became a buyer of horsesfor the U. S. Army Calvary School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. After his children, Tom, Estel, Roy and Victor were grown, he divorced his wife Ida around 1910.

"'Uncle John' had a lot of pioneer spirit and saw great possibilities on the Grass Prairies of Colorado, where land could still be homesteaded. He took Victor with him and homesteaded several sections of land, part in their names and part in the names of Tom and Roy. Roy and Freda and their little girl Evelyn also moved to Colorado.

"In a few years John married Chloe and they had "this nice little boy, William Hoy, a darling redhead like Uncle John. Victor resented Chloe and also the baby. I spent the summer of 1918 with them, and it was a wonderful experience."

Myron visited Colorado again in 1949. Hoy, now grown, had married Willamae, and they had two red-headed daughters. Hoy was grazing cattle and owned a large trucking operation. "Hoy is very much like Victor in looks, taller, and has Uncle John's red hair." Apparently red hair came into the family through Perlina. Her brother William Walters had red hair. Perlina and Sinclair's son Thomas Sinclair Evilsizer had red hair. When people spoke of him and his cousin of the same name, they distinguished the two by referring to Perlina's son as "Red Tom" and the other (black-haired) man as "Black Tom". Perlina's grandson William Hoy Evilsizer has red-headed daughters.

[HI559] (Research):

[HI560] (Research):I forgot to tell you that my grandmother's death certificate came last week. She was born June 2, 1861 in Ray CountyMissouri and died at Topeka St ate Hospital Feb. 23, 1944. She had been there since 11-8-32. Immedia te cause of death was exhaustion, due to sinile psychosis and simple disor ientation. Her mother's name was Armilda Craig (which I new), born in
Kentucky, and her father's name was Thomas Cummins, birthplace unknown. I had only know his name was Cummins, so I was glad to get the first name. (Marion Kelliher)

Ida Cummins' first cousin, J. C. Kenton. I had written to the postmaster in the area to inquire about any Kenton addresses. Thus, I reached Mr. Kenton, who was about 92 years old and blind. The neighbor across the street read and wrote our correspondence. She said the Kenton tree was taken from Mr. Kenton's grandmother's bible records. I'll send you xeroxes of the questeionnaire I sent to him. You're reaching to the very twigs of branches, but if you're interested, Mr. Kenton's answers may give you clues I might not have recognized.
( Supposed to be related to Simon Kenton of Champaign Co, OH)

[DI561] Idaho Death Index, 1911-51
Year: �tab�1945
Certificate Number: �tab�142767
County of Death: �tab�Latah
City: �tab�MOSCOW
Date of Death: �tab�02/08/1945
Date of Birth: �tab�08/09/1865

[HI562] (Research):Was a miner in Gunnison, Co in 1880, single

[DI562] There is a death record in Los Angeles, of a Richard F Gibson, married, age 70 who died 9/22/1923.
In 1926 in LA was a Della Gibson on the voters registration.(Rep) Also in Tulare Co, 1926-1930 (year not specified) was also a Della Gibson that we know is her.

[HI571] (Research):Lamar Missouri, 1987 Long Time area Educator Dies by Doug Davis Lamar lost one of her beloved educators Saturday when Fay Evilsizer died quietly in her sleep at her home in Iantha. She was on who dedicated her li fe to education and was very successful at what she did. When retirement came she only ended one career to begin another at a higher level. She retired from being a teacher and began to teach teachers how to teach. She began her teaching career in a rural school during the beginning of the Gre at Depression, teaching in Iantha, then on to Lamar. She retired from Lam ar Schools in 1967, where she had been a first grade teacher and then elem entary principal; but she didn't stop teaching. What she had been doing part time, she then turned into full time, teaching teachers at their Horace Mann Lab School. She liked students. She liked her job. She was certainly a person who liked children. She was witty and very impressive. You e njoyed being with her. She was an institution. She was the kind of
person you will always remember. "Anytime you went into her office she had a remark or a funny story. She enjoyed the people she worked with. She knew something about all her students. She's worthy of a lot of respect."....... .....A eulogy delivered at her funeral Tuesday summed up her life very well..."Fay Evilsizer was a woman whose life literally touched the lives of thousands of others."

This entire article is scanned to the CD- but original faint copy makes most not legible

[NI574] I, Sandi Evilsizer, had a telephone conversation with Dot in Feb 2004. She was able to add information to this line of the family. I find it ironic that in Dec 2010 I had a contact with a cousin, Coty Evilsizer on facebook, and was working on this line, and wondering if Wilda was still living. Upon checking, I found she died one week before my inquiry.

[DI574] Dot Evilsizer Norton
July 07, 1917 - December 09, 2010

LAMAR, MO \emdash Dot Norton, age 93, of Lamar, passed away Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010, at Barton County Memorial Hospital.Dot was born July 7, 1917, at Iantha, Mo., the youngest of the five daughters of Walter and Mary (Quick) Evilsizer.A lifelong Barton County resident, Dot graduated from Lamar High School in 1935 and immediately began her 70 year career in retail on the Lamar Square.She first worked at Williams and Beans Dry Goods. She then worked for King's Fashions, which she purchased and renamed Dot's Fashions in 1973.In 1988, she acquired the Corner Card & Gift Shop and it became known as Dot's Hallmark.Dot was a member of First Baptist Church of Lamar.On Jan. 9, 1944, at Parsons, Kan., Dot married Wayne I. Norton, and they celebrated 56 years together before his death on Aug. 12, 2000.She was also preceded in death by her parents, Walter & Mary Evilsizer; and four sisters, Zoe Houser, Fay Evilsizer, Gay Payton and May Hart.Survivors include two daughters and their husbands, Shiela and John Ford and Marcia and John Bary, all of Lamar; five grandchildren, Grant Ford, Pella, Iowa, Pierce Ford, Lamar, Andrew and his wife, Jennifer Bary, Washington, D.C., Catherine and Maksim Bary, Lamar; two great-grandchildren, Lauren and Jacob Bary, Washington, D.C.; several nieces and nephews; and a host of customers and friends.Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 12 at Daniel Funeral Home where the family will receive friends from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Sunday.Burial will be in Lake Cemetery.Memorial contributions are suggested to Barton County Home/Health in care of Daniel Funeral Home.
The full obituary may be viewed and condolences sent at

The Joplin Globe; Page 2A Column 3
Saturday, December 11, 2010

[HI575] (Research):Parents of Wayne from Susie Martin-Rott [email protected]

[DI579] Social Security Death Index about Howard Hart
Name: �tab�Howard Hart
SSN: �tab�511-09-4301
Born: �tab�1 Apr 1909
Died: �tab�Mar 1966
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Kansas (Before 1951)

[DI580] ame: �tab�Jacob Nelson Mcilvain
Death Date: �tab�02 Nov 1953
Death Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�26 Jan 1864
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, O.
Death Age: �tab�89 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Robert Mcilvain
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Broodstone
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246621
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109484
Image Number: �tab�01530

[HI583] (Research):He died at the home of his daughter, mary McAlvey Leslie, near Middleto n, MI and is buried with his second wife, barbara mock McAlvey and daugh ter Sarah McAlvey in wood county, Ohio. They are all three buried in blo om chapel cemetery, wood county Ohio, off deshler road, near Bloomdale.

The Christian conservator on may 9, 1906 states that James McAlvey unit ed with the united brethren church at the age of sixteen and began preachi ng at the time of his majority. Pearl (Leslie) pratt-johnson-butler, h is granddaughter said that James preached is sermon in English on Sund ay mornings and in Dutch on Sunday evenings. Even after 70 years, pearl s till could recite the lord's prayer in Dutch, that James taught her when s he was a youngster.

James became blind in the latter part of his 95 years of life. Accordi ng to stories passed down, he found his way to the outhouse by using a str ing after he lost his sight.

[HI585] (Research):Census gives birth as c.1846 and Civil War records show he was 21 when enl isting making date of birth c1844. Nothing more known of this person. Enli sted and discharged same date as his brother George W.

161st Ohio Infantry Mustered in at Camp Chase, May 9th, 1864, 850 men, Colonel Oliver P. Taylo r; the Ohio National Guard unit was ordered to Cumberland, Maryland, th en to Martinsburg; June 4th five companies were sent up the Shenandoah val ley with supplies for Hunter; stayed with him in his movement from Lexingt on to Lynchburg; then marched back into West Virginia, from Lynchburg to W ebster, 500 miles, guarding a train of 150 wagons and ambulances, and encu mbered with our sick and wounded and 150 prisoners; July 2d they return ed to Martinsburg by rail, joined their regiment at Hainesville, and the s ame night, the regiment was ordered back to Martinsburg; under fire two da ys defending Maryland Heights; mustered out September 2d at Camp Chase, 8 31 men, Colonel Taylor commanding. From: The Military History of Ohio. by H.H. Hardesty

From Dyer's Compendium 161st Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, and mustered in M ay 9, 1864. Left State for Cumberland, Md., May 9, and duty there till M ay 28. Attached to Reserve Division, Dept. of West Virginia. Moved to Mart insburg, W. Va., May 28, and assigned to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, West V irginia. Detached June 4 and assigned to duty in charge of supply trains f or Hunter's Army. Hunter's Raid on Lynchburg June 6-25. Retreat to Martins burg June 19-25. Moved to Beverly June 28, thence to Webster June 30, a nd to Martinsburg July 2. Operations about Harper's Ferry July 4-7. Defen ce of Maryland Heights July 6-7. Duty in the Defences of Maryland Heigh ts till August 25. Ordered home and mustered out September 2, 1864. Regime nt lost during service 1 Enlisted

[HI586] (Research):James served in the 67th Ohio Infantry. This Regiment was organized by consolidating two parts of Regiments, the 4 5th and 67th, under Colonel Otto Burstenbinder, who was soon succeed ed by Colonel Alvin C. Voris. In January, 1862, it took the field under Ge neral Lander in West Virginia, and in March moved to the Shenandoah Vall ey where it endured severe service until the last of June. It was then tra nsferred to the army of the James under McClellan, and shared in the Penin sula campaign. In December it was transferred to North Carolina. In Apr il it operated against Charleston, and joined the assault upon Fort Wagn er with heavy loss. The Regiment re-enlisted in February, 1864, and we nt to Ohio. It returned to General Butler's army in May, and on the 10th s uccessfully resisted a heavy assault of the enemy between Richmond and Pet ersburg, losing seventy-six officers and men. On the 20th it charged the R ebels, recapturing a portion of the lines, with a loss of sixty men, and a gain in August captured the Rebel works at Deep River, with heavy los s. In October it engaged the enemy almost continuously, and in the spri ng of 1865 assaulted Petersburg; following the beaten Rebels to Appomatt ox and was present at the final surrender. The Regiment continued in servi ce until December 12, 1865, when it was mustered out.

Co H 67th Ohio Colunteer Infantry. Mustered in OPct 3-Dec 25, 1861 at Ca mp Oliver by Second Lieutenants John Faskin, John R Spafford, Hyatt G For d, and Joseph Jackos, USA Mustering Officers. Mustered out of Federal Serv ice Dec 7 1865 at City Point, Virginia by Capt J Remington, ACM, Dept of V A, Mustered out of state service Dec 15, 1865 at Columbis, OH. �James Evel eizen, also Evilsizer, Private, Enlisted Feb 1862 for 3 yrs. Discharged Ju ly 7 1865 at Tripler Hospital, Columbus OH by order of the War Dept.

Evilsizer/Powers line submitted by Marsha L Murray,2703 Edinboro Dr,Arling ton, TX 76012,CD#9 Tree # 3669 [email protected]

[HI589] (Research):7/27/1814: Phillip Evilsizer volunteered for Capt. Robert Irvins Co in t he regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Balew for the term of six month s, at a muster ground in Rockingham Co, VA. From there, they marched to Ri chmond, thence 12 miles below Richmond to Camp Holly Springs, where he w as stationed the balance of his term.

2/13/1815: Phillip Evilsizer discharged honorably at Richmond, Henrico,Co, VA

12/10/1850 : Phillip Evilsizer made a declaration for the purpose of obtai ning bounty land to which he may be entitled under the Act granting Boun ty Land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in milita ry service of the United States", passed Sept 28,1850. He received a boun ty Land Warrant for 80 acres (#14377)

3/29/1855-Phillip Evilsizer made a declaration for the purpose of obtaini ng the additional Bounty-Land to which he may be entitled under the "Act g ranting Bounty-Land " approved 3/3/1855. He received an additional Boun ty Land Warrant for 80 acres(#15086)

PHILLIP EBELSIZER-EVILSIZER WAR OF 1812 Enlisted: July 27, 1814 Discharged: Feb 13, 1815 Residence: 1850 1855 Green Co Tenn; 1871 Green Co,TN(Greenville) Widow: Annie Huffnow Service: Private in Capt Robert Erwins Co VA MIL Bounty Land:SC3345-143778650 Widow: SC1599 150368055 *National Archives M-313 Reel 31

1871 MAR 18: WAR OF 1812; DECLARATION FOR A PENSION On this da te Philip Evilsizer or Ebilszer, age about 77 years, resident of Greene Co unty and State of Tennessee, who was being duly sworn according to law, de clare that he was married , that his wife's name was Anne Huff now deceas ed to whom he married in the county of Rockingham and the state of Virgin ia (does not remember the date] 1814: that he served the full period of si xty days in the Military Service of the United States in the war of 181 2; that he is the identical Philip Evilsizer who volunteered in Captain Ro bert Irvins Company in the Regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Balew for t he term of six months, at a muster ground in the county of Rockingham a nd State of Virginia (cannot remember dates, thinks it was in 1814] and w as honorably discharged at Richmond in the county of Henrico and the Sta te of Virginia [cannot remember date of discharge-thinks it was in 18 14 or 1815] that he was a private soldier in said company "and march ed to Richmond-thence 12 miles below Richmond to Camp Holly Springs, whe re he was stationed the balance of his term--and on his return to Richmo nd was discharged as aforesaid--that in consequence of having no educati on and his extreme old age and affliction, he cannot remember the dat es of his volunteering and discharge--that he received a land warrant f or 80 acres for such service under Act of 28th of September 1850--& that Geo. W. Foute was his age nt in the procurement of said warrant, but he does not know the No. of sa id warrant---that afterwards he received Land Warrant No. 15.086 for 80 ac res under Act of March 3, 1855--B. McDannel his agent in the procureme nt of said last warrant from whose record the above number is taken--th at he has no record of his marriage and cannot remember dates--but was mar ried a short time previous to his service---that his first application f or County land was made"...... .....that his post office is at Greenvil le county of Greene and State of Tennessee, that his domicile or place of abode is 6 miles from said Post O ffice, County of Greene and State of Tennessee Philip (X) Evilsiz er (his mark)

He received $8 per month

7/27/1814: Phillip Evilsizer volunteered for Capt. Robert Irvins Co in t he regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Balew for the term of six month s, at amuster ground in Rockingham Co, VA. From there, they marched to Ric hmond, thence 12 miles below Richmond to Camp Holly Springs, where he w as stationed the balance of his term. 2/13/1815: Phillip Evilsizer discharged honorably at Richmond, Henrico,Co, VA

12/10/1850 : Phillip Evilsizer made a declaration for the purpose of obtai ning bounty land to which he may be entitled under the Act granting Boun ty Land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in milita ry service of the United States", passed Sept 28,1850. He receivedd a boun ty Land Warrant for 80 acres (#14377)

3/29/1855-Phillip Evilsizer made a declaration for the purpose of obtaini ng the additional Bounty-Land to which he may be entitled under the "Act g ranting Bounty-Land " approved 3/3/1855. He received an additional Boun ty Land Warrant for 80 acres(#15086)


WAR OF 1812 Enlisted: July 27, 1814 Discharged: Feb 13, 1815 Residence: 1850 1855 Green Co Tenn; 1871 Green Co,Tn(Greenville) Widow: Annie Huffnow Service: Private in Capt Robert Erwins Co VA MIL Bounty Land:SC3345-143778650 Widow: SC1599 150368055 *National AArchives M-313 Reel 31

1871 MAR 18: WAR OF 1812; DECLARATION FOR A PENSION On this da te Philip Evilsizer or Ebilszer, age about 77 years, resident of Greene Co unty and State of Tennessee, who was being duly sworn according to law, de clare that he was married , that his wife's name was Anne Huff now deceas ed to whom he married in the county of Rockingham and the state of Virgin ia (does not remember the date] 1814: that he served the full period of si xty days in the Military Service of the United States in the war of 181 2; that he is the identical Philip Evilsizer who volunteered in Captain Ro bert Irvins Company in the Regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Balew for t he term of six months, at a muster ground in the county of Rockingham a nd State of Virginia (cannot remember dates, thinks it was in 1814] and w as honorably discharged at Richmond in the county of Henrico and the Sta te of Virginia [cannot remember date of discharge-thinks it was in 1814 or 1815] that he was a private soldi er in said company "and marched to Richmond-thence 12 miles below Richmo nd to Camp Holly Springs, where he was stationed the balance of his term-- and on his return to Richmond was discharged as aforesaid--that in consequ ence of having no education and his extreme old age and affliction, he can not remember the dates of his volunteering and discharge--that he receiv ed a land warrant for 80 acres for such service under Act of 28th of Septe mber 1850--& that Geo. W. Foute was his agent in the procurement of said w arrant, but he does not know the No. of said warrant---that afterwar ds he received Land Warrant No. 15.086 for 80 acres under Act of Mar ch 3, 1855--B. McDannel his agent in the procurement of said last warra nt from whose record the above number is taken--that he has no record of h is marriage and cannot remember dates--but was married a short time previo us to his service---that his first application for County land was made".. .... .....that his post office is at Greenville county of Greene and State of T ennesse, that his domicile or place of abode is 6 miles from said Post Off ice, County of Greene and State of Tennesse Philip (X) Evilsizer (his mark) He received $8 per month

New Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church Organized 1839. The church has b een designated a historic landmark and is on the National Historic Registe r, Greene Co, TN On April 15, 1839, Phillip Evlesizer[sic], Wm. E. Smith and Thomas Davis m et and organized a church in the New Bethel Community. A petition sign ed by 38 citizens was presented to Presbytery then in session in Knoxvill e, Tennessee, requesting this Church Court to accept the newly organized c ongregation into their Presbytery, to be known as the New Bethel Cumberla nd Presbyterian Church. Knoxville, Presbytery accepted the petition and se nt the congregation resolutions. The early church members gathered around a very large tree which furnish ed shade from the sun and shelter from the rain. Benches of crude hewn lum ber were erected close to the trunk of the tree which served as their sanc tuary. The tree was later felled to prepare the site for building the pres ent structure. Proof of the church beginnings was found in 1945 when renov ations to the building were done. Under the floor of the church is a hug s tump from the tree which sheltered the people during those early camp meet ings. The first Elders were John Hull, Thomas Davis, Phillip Evlesizer[sic] a nd Wm. E. Smith. The first Deacons were Rufus Lucky and William Reed. On S eptember 14, 1939, the first session meeting was held. The following peop le were present, Isaac Davis, William E. Smith and Phillip Evlesizer. T he purpose of the session meeting was to select a delegate to the fall set ting of Presbytery. Phillip Evlesizer was elected as the first delega te to represent the new church at Presbytery.

[HI591] (Research):Descendants of Reese and Elizabeth were provided by Mrs Judy Castle Stubb s, of Nashville, TN [email protected]

Complete genealogy found at

Descendant of the e immigrant Johan Caspar Allstadt (1673-1742). The India na census data for 1820 listed one male child born to the union of Rease a nd Elizabeth Evilsizer. Elizabeth died in the years between 1820 and 183 0, for Rease was shown in the 1830 census living singly, with his broth er William's family. He was also living there in the 1840 and 1850 censu s. William Alstott seems to be that logical son as he reported in the 18 50 census that his father was born in Tennessee. As Rease was the only mar ried Alstott of Tennessee birth when William was born in 1817, it is the a ssumption that William is the inferred son of Rease and Elizabeth Allstot.

Rease is the son of John John was the son of John (1755-1837) and Margaret Williams Allstott (1763- 1845). The grandson of Nicholas (1727-1783?) And Catherine Allstott. He w as the great grandson of Johann Martin Allstadt and Anna Judith Walter All stadt. He was the great great grandson of the immigrant Johann Caspar Alst adt and Anna Elisabetha Riegel.
�b�Rease Allstot �/b�was the seventh child of John and Margaret Altstatt. Rease was born in Knox County, Tennessee. His grandfather, �b�Nicholas Alstott�/b�, had moved from Berks County, Pennsylvania to Rockingham County, Virginia, in the 1780s, right after the Revolutionary War. John and Margaret moved with their family to Tennessee around 1794.
Rease served in the War of 1812 in the Virginia Militia and received $8.00 a month as his pay. He was discharged in 1814. On November 1, 1815, he married Elizabeth Evilsizer in Rockingham County, Virginia. This union produced only one known child, William.

[NI595] s/o Elijah Phillips who died a few days after his birth. His mother mov ed to Champaign Co with the Corwin family 11 ch 5 living at time of death.

Elected to the Ohio Legislature from Champ Co 1837 and again in 1839

[DI595] Urbana Citizen & Gazette
February 19, 1885
Jesse C Phillips, one of the oldest pioneers of this county, died at his home in Union Twp Friday. He was born 14th March, 1799, in Kentucky, his father dying within a few days of his birth. In 1799, Mrs Phillips with her brothers and the Corwin family moved to Warren County. They remained there until 1813 when Mrs Phillips and her family removed to Champaign Co. He married 25th March, 1827, Ellen Stewart, daughter of Matthew Stewart. Eleven children born of this union, 5 still living. Mr & Mrs Phillips were members of the Nettle Creek Baptist Church.

Will Book F pg 6 Jesse C Phillips Union Twp died 2/13/1885 probated 2/28/1 885 Neirs-widow Elanore Phillips; Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, dau, Urbana; Hann ah K Wyant, dau, North Royalton, OH; Margaret S Hunter, dau, Catawb a; E T P Phillips, son, Urbana; Francis W Phillips, son, Bloomington Wis c; Ida Brinno, grdau, Cable; Nellie Berry, grdau, KS; Sophia Duffrin-grda u, Urbana; William Stout grson -KS; Oscar Stout, grson-KS; (some a re ch of Sarah Stout, deceased). Elijah T Phillips and James Taylor Exec Wit: M E Morgan, Henry Shipper Signed 12/20/1883

[NI597] Spouse:
John D Kirkpatrick (1820 - 1875)*

Edwin O Kirkpatrick (1852 - 1865)*
Elnora A Kirkpatrick (1853 - 1854)*
Cashus C Kirkpatrick (1854 - 1903)*

[HI601] (Research):Record book 10 pg 159 Heard Aug Term 1828 Trespass $1000, Slander John McAdmas vs Thomas Stewart Charles Anthony, attorney, represented John McAdams. On 20 Aug 1828 the pl aintiff agreed that the suit should be discontinued at the defendant's cos ts.

Will book C pg 149 Thomas Stewart probated 2/26/1856 Wife Clarissa ; Dau Sarah C H and Clarissa Stewart. Wit: Ed L Morgan, Ed L Morgan Jr signed 9/6/1855

[HI602] (Research):Record Book 13, Page 190 � Filed 24 August 1829 James Mason & Others vs Elias Langham & Others William Mason who died in 1815 unmarried and with no issue; purchas ed on 25 July 1811 from Elias Langham of Madison County, Ohio, 157 acr es in John Campbell Survey Number 4544 (Salem Tp.). The heirs of William M ason were his~ siblings: James Mason; John Mason; Alexander Mason; Edwa rd Mason; Isaac Mason; Matthew Mason; Sarah wife of Lemuel Wright and Eliz abeth wife of Archibald Stewart. Elias Langham died early in 1830 and le ft no widow but the following children: Agnes I. Langham; Elias P. Langha m; Jane Langham; John Iatighain; Eliza wife of Wharton Rector and Mary A nn Langham.

Record Book 18, Page 15 � Filed 23 February 1841 Lyman North & Others vs Jane Mason & Others On 28 September 1819 a patent was issued to William Mason, Isaac Mason a nd Matthew Mason, assignees for Edward Mason for 600 acres located in Sect ion 11 Township 5 Range 12 (Salem Tp�. In August 1820 Isaac and Matthew so ld 172 acres 5 perches to Benjamin Downs, who died in 1839 leaving Elizabe th as his widow and three children: Huldah Ann, Sarah I. and Aaron Down s. On 20 August 1820 Isaac and Matthew sold 75 acres to William Down s; on 20 September 1820 52 acres 2 rods and 33 perches to Samuel Down s; on 20 December 1820 149 acres and 3 rods of the south�east corner to Ez ra Reed and on 18 February 1822 they sold 111 acres 3 rods and 20 perch es to Lyman North. There were 149 acres 3 rods and 19 perches unsold. T he complainants were: Lyman North, Ezra Reed, William Downs, Samuel Dow ns and the heirs of Benjamin Downs: Elizabeth Downs, Huldah Ann Downs, Aar on Downs and Sarah Elizabeth Downs. The heirs of William Mason (died in 18 38) were his siblings: Jane widow of Isaac Mason; three children of Edwa rd Mason lived in Logan County, Nary Ann wife of Jesse Crubb, Catharine wi fe of Michael Funk and James Mason; two children of Alexander Mason were E lizabeth wife of Samuel Matthews and Elvira Mason of Virginia; Matthew Mas on of Champaign County; John Mason; Sarah Mason Wright; Elizabeth wi fe of Archibald Stewart and children of James Mason deceased of Virgini a. William, Isaac and Matthew Mason owned the land, when William died h is portion had not been distributed to his heirs. This suit was to sett le the distribution of William�s estate.

[HI603] (Research):Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Name: Sarah J Tritt Death Date: 6 Jun 1922 County of Death: Champaign

[HI605] (Research):Martin, George Age: 48 Year: 1920 IL IL IL, Driver
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_412
Race: White Page: 14A
State: Illinois ED: 225
County: Washington Image: 1005
Township: Nashville Della, wife, 40, Zachariah Cross, father in law, 65 widower, IL TN IL

Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Nashville, Washington, Illinoi s; Roll: 566; Page: 23A; Enumeration District: 19; Image: 178.0. George Martin 58 m47 Della Martin 51 m40 Zachariah Cross 74 father in law Jack Goleman 3 7/12 nephew IL ENG IL Robert Goleman 2 4/12 nephew IL ENG IL

[HI606] (Research):Cross & Martin Family Bible in possession of Sandra Koscak 12/2006 Found among mothers possessions when she died. Note taped to front cover of Bible says: " This was family bible of Gertrude Hamilton who died in a nursing ho me in Nashville, ILL. She left everything to Dessie parks of Okawville w ho in turn donated it to Washington Co Historical Society- Martin and Cro ss History. 1 page on back sheet and other on Family Page."

Includes Family record of Timothy Martin and family


[HI607] (Research):Charles was never found beyond the 1900 census. However I have an old fami ly photo with Sarah Caroline Sanders Martin taken in 1910 the year befo re she died with Charles Martin, his wife and 3 small children. There a re no names for the wife or the children. Also In 1900 and 1910 the numb er of children birthed and still living for Sarah indicate that Charles w as still living. Chalres being born in 1873 could very well be married wi th 3 children in 1910.

[HI608] (Research):Last Dying letter written Feb 1893 by Maggie Martin

Farewell dearest ones life no more is mine. I must give up life�s joys a nd all she owns for the cold dark grave. But Oh when first I found th at I must die, Oh how dark were my thoughts. Each pierced my heart li ke a sword. But no human hand can save me. I must die. I must and leave y ou all in my youth. Why should I live a life so brief this question ha ve I asked a thousand times or more. Oh why should I cling to this sinf ul world. Why should I fear to die for Him who so bravely suffered and di ed for us all.

Oh how it hurts me to look on the happy faces and list� to the merry voic es of my Brothers and Sisters dear and then Oh to know I must soon clo se my eyes on you all forever. Never more shall I hear your voices or s ee you all again. The cold grave will hide me from your eyes forever. I s ee I must give them all up. Life�s pleasures were made not for me, my li fe is very short and Oh I must die. Must let go of this earth and seek a m ightier hand for aid. Mother and Father I know you tried to save my you ng life but your help was all in vain. The mighty hand of death has got m e. Soon around me cold death�s arms shall fold. You�ll hear my voice no mo re, wait not for my coming feet, for my footsteps you�ll hear no more.

Oh dearest ones when around the table you all gather at meals look do wn at the end at my place and think of one who�s head is now covered wi th the sod. Who loved her place so well tho� now it will be filled with S ister or Brother. I could stay with you no longer. Oh each long tired d ay and night of suffering. Oh I am not afraid to die. Oh why should I fe ar or dread to give up this painful life and rest forever more. Oh at tim es I long for death to come and rest my aching body that has been tir ed so long, and ease my pains for nothing else can do it.

Oh dear Sisters and Brothers when over my youthful head the grass shall gr ow, Oh forget me not . Susie, you know my cedar under the apple tree s it it at my head and when you stand and gaze on it Oh, think of the one w ho lies beneath, on it whose tired eyes has rested and bedewed. The you ng limbs with tears Oh, how many times have I stood on my knees under t he apple tree at it�s side and smoothed it ore with my weak and trembli ng hands and thought how soon it should wave over this now aching hea d. Let it shelter my narrow home from the scorching sun and winter stor ms as earthly hands shall shelter you

[HI613] (Research):Informant on wife Sue, death cert 1948

Unable to locate in 1850, probably came to US 1850-1860, since Fred born E ng c1850

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Lawrence, Douglas, Kansas Terri tory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 0; Image: 14. B Leonard 47 shoemaker, Ireland Sophia Leonard 42 Eng H B Leonard 18 Eng Frederick Leonard 10 Eng Sophia Leonard 8 NY Kate Leonard 4 KY George Leonard 1 KS

1870 Lawrence Co, Doudlas, KS pg297 HH201 George Melvin, 24, Painter, Michigan Burt Leonard, 52, shoemaker, Ireland $10,000 $1000 Sophia, 51 Eng Fred, 20, shoemaker, Eng Sophia, 18, NY Kate, 13, KY George, 11, KS

1880 Census Place 1st Ward, Lawrence, Douglas, Kansas
Family History Library Film 1254380 NA Film Number T9-0380 Pa ge Number 52C Henry HOENE Self M Male W 45 GERM Cigar Mfg GERM GE Sophie HOENE Wife M Female W 27 NY House Keeping IRE E NG Frederick HOENE Son S Male W 4 KS GER NY

1895 Douglas Co, Lawrence Kansas State Census 3/1/1895 S Hoene, head, 42, b NY F L, (male) 19 b KS Henry, 14, KS Kate A Nolan, 38 KY N F Nolan, 14 KS W C Nolan 11 KS

Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Kansas City Ward 3, Jackson, Mi ssouri; Roll: T623 861; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 30. Kate Nolan 41 8/1858, widow, head, 2/2, KY Ire Eng Sophia Hoene 47 12/1852, sister, 2/2 NY Ire Eng Nicklos Nolan 19 son 10/1880 KS IL KY William Nolan 16 son 10/1883 KS IL KY Harry L Hoene 19 nephew 1/1881 KS Ger NY

Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Nashville, Washington, Illinoi s; Roll: T623 349; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 140. Frederick L Hoene, 12/1874, 25, single, KS Ger NY boarding, Cigar maker

Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Kansas Ward 8, Jackson, Missour i; Roll: T624_787; Page: 17A; Enumeration District: 102; Image: 123. Sophia Hoene 56 widow, 2/2 NY Eng Eng Frederick L Hoene 34 son, m1x m5y KS GER NY cigar Maker Susann Hoene 29 dil m1x m5y 0/0 IL IL IL Effie Johnson 28 boarding Mattie Johnson 25 boarding Henry Clay Johnson 23 boarding

Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Kansas City Ward 13, Jackson, Mi ssouri; Roll: T625_929; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 205; Image: 163. Sophia Hoene 67 widow, NY IRE ENG Fred L Hoene 42 son, married

Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Kansas City, Jackson, Missour i; Roll: 1196; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 97; Image: 292.0. Fred L Hoene 53 md26 Rent $25 KS GER NY Advertizing Salesman Susann E Hoene 48 md 21 IL KY AR Sophia Hoene 77 mother widow, md 21 NY Eng Eng

Sophia death cert- Sophia Leonard Hoene b 12/9/1852 New York died 8/19/19 30 Jackson Co, KC MO Informant, son Fred L Hoene. Age 77-8-10 Father Berna rd Leonard boen Ireland, Mother Sophia Upton born London England. Buried O ak Hill Cemetery Lawrence, KS

No stone found in Cemetery, but this note from look-up volunteer: There does appear to be a stone or a surviving stone there, may be no mark er, you might want to check with the Lawrence City Clerk and see what th ey show.

[HI618] (Research):Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Springfield, Greene, Missour i; Roll: 1188; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 722.0. John E Martin 40 m19 Brick Mason IL IL AR Velma A Martin 28 m25 TX TX TX John E Martin 7 TX

[HI619] (Research):Info on Hatttie's family from Heidie Hafner [email protected] In 1900 Hattie, age 8 born May 1892 in MO., was living in Piney Twp, Oreg on Co., MO with her grandfather James Parker, age 64 born Jul 18 35 in TN and his one daughter Verbena A. and three sons Henry C., Willi am W. and John R. Her mother, known then as, Frances J. English was in Th ayer Twp., Oregon Co., MO...she was a servant in the home of George M. Al len. The census has her listed as Fraces J. English age 27 widow born M ay 1873 in TN. Both of her parents were born in TN. Only Ethel M. is livi ng with her in the Allen household. Ethel M. is 9 years old born Oct 18 90 in MO. It says her father was born in MO and her mother in TN. It sho ws that Fraces (Frances) had four children and three of them were still l iving.

[DI620] Name: Velma Martin SSN: 465-20-6722 Last Residence: 76665 Meridian, Bosque, Texas, United States of America Born: 15 Jun 1901 Last Benefit: 76665 Meridian, Bosque, Texas, United States of America Died: Mar 1980 State (Year) SSN issued: Texas (Before 1951 )

[HI621] (Research):son of Frederick Wible and Elizabeth Bunch. Complete ancestry and descenda nts at

[HI622] (Research):Beers History of UNION TOWNSHIP. - 903 SAMUEL ALLISON, farmer; P. O. Mutual. The subject of this sketch wag bo rn in Jefferson Co., Va., Dec. 28, 1828; he is a son of Christopher and El izabeth Allison, both natives of Virginia, who emigrated to this State abo ut the year 1832, stopping in Clark Co. for a short time, and finally loca ting in this county, where they remained to the time of their deaths, so me fifteen or twenty years ago. They were parents of twelve children, eig ht boys and four girls. Samuel Allison spent his boyhood on the farm, a nd was educated in the the common schools of his day. Since arriving at ma turity, he has followed the avocation of his boyhood, which he fully under stands, and to which he is attached. He has been twice married; first in 1 850, to Lucy Reed, who bore him five children-Emma C., Samuel K., George R ., Robert T. and William D. She died in 1863. He celebrated his second mar riage with Cynthia Ann Shepherd, Oct. 1, 1868; two children are the resu lt of this union, viz., Clifford and Grace Elizabeth. Five of his childr en are living, two at home, the others in " neighboring cities. His farm c onsists of 168 acres, well adapted to the raising of grain, which is his c hief occupation.

Samuel owned the old Michael Dorsey farm in Union Twp

1850 Champaign Co, Union, OH pg297 Samuel Kennedy 48 VA Christina 51 VA Lucy E Reed 20 VA Samuel Allison 21 VA

[DI622] name: �tab�Samuel Allison
gender: �tab�Male
burial date: �tab�
burial place: �tab�
death date: �tab�10 Feb 1899
death place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
age: �tab�79
birth date: �tab�1820
birthplace: �tab�Virginia
occupation: �tab�Laborer
race: �tab�
marital status: �tab�Widowed
spouse's name: �tab�
father's name: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
mother's name: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�B07023-8
system origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
source film number: �tab�295234
reference number: �tab�v 2 p 7
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 17 Nov 2012), Samuel Allison, 10 Feb 1899.

[HI624] (Research):Champaign Co, Will Book D pg 19 Christina Kennedy. Probated 3/15/1871 Samuel Allison the farm in Union Twp on which late husband Samuel and I re sided; Samuel Allison to pay his son Samuel K Allison $500; son George All ison $500; son Robert Allison $500 and son William D Allison $500. Emi ly C Allison the house and lot in Urbana. Samuel Allison Exec Wit: James Taylor, Horace Happersett Signed 6/4/1870

[DI625] Name: �tab�Martha Agnes Gaumer
Death Date: �tab�10 Jan 1940
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�25 Jun 1872
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Neustadt, Saxony, Germany
Death Age: �tab�67 years 6 months 15 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�238 West Court
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�13 Jan 1940
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: �tab�George Edward Gaumer
Father's Name: �tab�Alfred Kunath
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Neustadt, Germany
Mother's Name: �tab�Agnes Boyer
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Neustadt, Germany
Film Number: �tab�2023773
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4121821
Image Number: �tab�683

[HI626] (Research):Pioneer of Champaign Co, OH

[HI628] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Alice Gaumer Class of 1882

CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Miss Alice L. Gamer: spinning wheel, apple butter stirrer,.2 bonnetblock s, rag carpet, salt cellar, baptism certificates of E. B. Gamer and Hann ah Hamman.

[HI629] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) George Gaumer class of 1879

[NI630] daughter of Jonathan Hamman

PROBATED 21 JUN 1898 URBANA TWP [DIED 17 AUG 189 6] as read Heirs-Edward B Gaumer-husband; Augustus H Gaumer-son-Urbana; George Edward Gaumer-son-Urbana; Alice Louise Gaumer-dau- Urbana; Criss ie Blanche Gaumer-dau-Urbana. Husband Edward B Gaumer life estate or 1/3 p rovided he does not remarry and at his death to my ch; son Augustus H Gaum er 1/6; son George E Gaumer 1/6; dau Alice Gaumer 1/6; dau Crissie Blanc he Gaumer 1/6. $100 to Board of Home Missions of General Synod of Evangeli cal Lutheran Church; $100 to Board of Foreign Missions of General Syn od of Evangelical Lutheran Church. The estate I inherited from my uncle Ge orge Probst shall remain in family line of husband and ch. Husband Edward B Gaumer executor Witness:Jessie Hupp Fannie Merrittwill signed 15 Aug 1896
Hannah Gaumer by
Alice Gaumer

[HI631] (Research):Gaumer Branch As Carriage Manufacturers

This branch definitely had its beginning in the U. S. with Johannes Gaum er who came from Wurtemburg in 1820 and settled in Pennsylvania. The fir st three generations of this family, following that of Johannes were all b orn in the state of Pennsylvania. Frederick Gaumer, born possibly about 1750 or �55, represents the first ge neration after Johannes. Fredrick married SaDie Desch, a daughter of Ad am Desch, who came from Germany and located in Pennsylvania. Deseh and wi fe were parents of two sons and four daughters. Charles (3aumer, son of Frederick and Sallie Desch Gaumer, was born abo ut 1790. He married Lucy Ann Snyder, a daughter of Peter and Sophia (Frien d) Snyder of Lehigh County, Pa. Charles and Lucy Ann Gaumer became paren ts of six children: Edward B., the first to arrive in Urbana; Sarah Ann, J ames Aaron, Charles M., Josephine C., and Sophia. The thther, Charles B ., was a tailor by trade. Both he and his wife passed their entire liv es in the Keystone state. Edward B. Gaumer was born in August, 1827, in Pennsylvania. His first occu pation was three years as an apprentice at the trade of carriage making be fore the age of 19. He than went to Reading, Pa., where he was employed fi ve more years at the carriage making trade. From there he came to Wayne Co unty, 0., and was employed for short periods of time at Wooster, Zanesvil le and Columbus. From Columbus he came to Urbana in 1854 at the a ge of 27 years. Here he and Warren established the carriage firm which I h ave already described. On March 13, 1856, Edward B. Gaumer was united in marriage with Hannah Ham mond, who was born in Lehigh County, Pa. They were parents of five childre n. One died in childhood. The four who grew to maturity were Augustus H ., George E., Alice L., and C. Blanch. The two sons both joined their fath ers in the carriage factory. Augustus H. was born in Urbana, Dec. 18, 1856. He received his educati on in Urbana schools, and was connected with the enterprise establish ed by his tither for nearly a half-century. In 1884 he was united in marri age with Miss Cyrena Johnson, daughter of Levi Johnson, a son of David Joh nson, a pioneer family of Concord Township. Augustus H. and Cyrena were pa rents of Josephine A. and Keren J. Gaumer. George F. Gaumer was likewise associated with the father in the carriage b usiness. He was born inJanuaty, 1861,was married in 1897 to Miss Martha Ku nath, who was barn in Neustadt, Germany. Edward K. and Agnes H. were the ir children. Thus concludes six generations of two honored Urbana families. One that fo unded a successfiil enterprise more than a century ago, the other that che rished a pride in an unfaltering effort of good journalism.

[NI632] Groom's Name: �tab�James D. Huffman
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�23
Bride's Name: �tab�Pearl Eva Parrish
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1878
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Jun 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Alvin Huffman
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Trout
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William Parrish
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Effie Miller
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single

[DI632] Name: �tab�James Douglas Huffman
Death Date: �tab�17 Jun 1943
Death Place: �tab�Harrison Township, Logan Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�10 May 1889
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Oh
Death Age: �tab�54 years 1 month 7 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�19 Jun 1943
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Bellefontaine Cem.
Spouse's Name: �tab�Pearl Huffman
Father's Name: �tab�Alvin Huffman
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ross Co., Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth ...Rout
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Oh
Film Number: �tab�2024136

[HI634] (Research):Name: Evilsizer Father: Albert Mother: Caroline Stanper County: Jay Gender: F Birth Date: 30 Apr 1884 Reference: Jay County, Indiana Index to Birth Records 1882 - 1920 Inclusive Volume I Letters A - Z Inclusive Book: H-1 Page: 85

Poss the Mary L Evilsizer who applied for a marriage license 2/11/19 20 in Chicago, IL age 18

[NI635] Tree at ancestory shows two children born:

Birth 24 Jun 1906 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Death 25 Jun 1906 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Birth 3 Jan 1915 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Death 3 Jan 1915 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois
No source documents located yet

[HI635] (Research):Ed and Anna bought the Savoy Hotel in Kansas City and moved there. Her mother Callie was living at the hotel at the time of her death. The building, which was built in 1888 and includes Kansas City's oldest restaurant, the Savoy Grill, survived an Oct. 23, 2014 fire, which gutted the restaurant's kitchen but did no structural damage. Opened in 1903, the Savoy Grill is one of six dining rooms on the ground floor and includes one of the building's two main entryways along Ninth Street. It is well known for features such as its original carved oak bar, stained glass windows, a booth that was frequented by President Harry S. Truman and a mural that encircles the top of the dining room and depicts a pioneer-era trip from the Westport Landing to Santa Fe, N.M.

[BI635] Name: Evilsizer Father: Albert Mother: Caroline Stauffer County: Jay Gender: F Birth Date: 22 Jul 1882 Reference: Jay County, Indiana Index to Birth Records 1882 - 1920 Inclusive Volume I Letters A - Z Inclusive Book: H-1 Page: 20

[DI636] Informant on death cert W W Hanville. Lived in Savoy Hotel at time of death

[MI637] (Medical):died while studying to be a minister

[NI638] Dua of James Mitchell and Eliza Robinson

[HI638] (Research):1850 McLean Co, IL Bloomington, Twp Pg 25 family#610 Isaac Mitchell age 32 b VA Sarah age 34 b Scotland John 17 b OH Andrew 11 b OH Robert 8 b OH Jasn??l (f) 6 b OH Mary age 3 b OH Isaac A 5/12 b OH

Enumerated 9/16/1850

[DI638] Name �tab�Mary Francis Evelsizer
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�21 Dec 1919
Death Place �tab�Gibson, Ford, Illinois
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�71
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1848
Birth Date �tab�17 May 1848
Birthplace �tab�Illinois
Father �tab�James Mitchell
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�New Jersey
Mother �tab�Eliza Robertson
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�Penn.
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Residence �tab�Gibson, Illinois
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�23 Dec 1919
Burial Place �tab�Bloomington, Ill.
Cemetery �tab�
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4008078
Image Number �tab�1421
Film Number �tab�1562395
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�cn 42865

Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Nellie May Dagenhart
Name: �tab�Nellie May Dagenhart
Gender: �tab�Female
Birth Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Mar 1889
Father's Name: �tab�O. W. Dagenhart
Mother's name: �tab�Louie C. Overhulser
FHL Film Number: �tab�466658

[DI640] name: �tab�Nellie May Dagenhart
gender: �tab�Female
burial date: �tab�
burial place: �tab�
death date: �tab�26 Jul 1891
death place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
age: �tab�2
birth date: �tab�1889
birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Oh
occupation: �tab�
race: �tab�White
marital status: �tab�Single
spouse's name: �tab�
father's name: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
mother's name: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�B07056-0
system origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
source film number: �tab�466665
reference number: �tab�v 2 p 90
Citing this Record\\\\

"Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 01 Nov 2012), Nellie May Dagenhart, 26 Jul 1891.

[HI644] (Research):Allen Evilsizer Bible pages copied by Nancy Evilsizor Ballentine 11/23/191 5

[DI644] Name �tab�Allen Eviloizer
Gender �tab�Male
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�18 Dec 1874
Death Place �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Age �tab�44
Birth Date �tab�1830
Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Occupation �tab�Farmer
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07057-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466665
Reference Number �tab�v 1 p 110

[DI645] Name �tab�Frances Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�29 Mar 1885
Death Place �tab�Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Age �tab�54
Birth Date �tab�1831
Birthplace �tab�Mad River
Occupation �tab�
Race �tab�
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�p 129

[HI646] (Research):I, Hannah Evilsizer, swear that I will honestly and faithfully discharge t he duties of my trust as Guardian of Layfaette, Warren, Genette, Carolin e, Benjamin Franklin and Emma Evilsizer, minor heirs of Jacob Evilsizer, d eceased according to law so help me God. July 12, 1861

We, Hannah Evilsizer and David Cole are bound unto the state of Indian a, in the sum f four hundred and fifty dollars for the payment of whi ch we bind ourselves, jointly and severly, firmly by the presents, seal ed and dated this 12 day of July 1861. If the above bound Hannah Evilsiz er will faithfully discharge her duties as Guardian of the person and prop erty of Lafayette, Warren, Genette, Caroline, Benjamin Franklin and Emma E velsizer, minor heirs of Jacob Evilsizer, deceased then the above obligati on is to be void, else to remain in force. July 12, 1861

State of Indiana, Jay County- In the Jay Common Pleas Court July Term 1866 To the honorable Jacob Heayne, Judge of the said court. Your petitioner, Hannah Evilsizer, guardian of Warren, Jenette, Caroline a nd Benjamin F Evilsizer minor children of Jacob Evilsizer, deceased, wou ld respectfully represent that said wards Reside with your petitioner at J ay County Indiana and are aged 20,15,13,11 years respectively; that said w ards had a personal estate consisting in many and notes of the value of ab out one hundred dollars which has all been expended in their education a nd support. That said wards have an estate dependant upon the settleme nt of any estate on the execution of any trust. That the annual value of s aid wards real estate is about four dollars which has been received and ex pended in their education and support. That said wards are each the own er of 323/4320 parts in value of the following Real Estate in Jay County I nd, towit: Lot No five (5) in Block No One (1) in the town of Quincey whi ch your petitioner believes it would be prudent and necessary to sell a nd to apply the proceeds thereof to the support and education of said ward s. Your petitioner therefore allows for an order to sell said real esta te for the purposes afore said at pr..rate sale and she asks that s he be allowed to sell this same without notice and such other order at t he court may deem just and proper. Hannah Evelsizer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 day of July 1866, B W Hawkins, Cl erk

Hannah remarried to Lemuel Sanderson July 1, 1878 in Jay Co, IN

Franklin family researcher. Mark Kellam [email protected] om

[HI654] (Research):One of Sarah's children married a man named Butler, as in her fathers wil l, he names grandchild, Anna McCully

[HI656] (Research):Newspaper not known, Original held by Daisy Ebert- August 27, 1907
Death of Mrs Ebert The remains of Mrs Elizabeth Ebert, wife of G T Ebert, was taken to Urba na Wednesday at 10:21 over the Big Four and taken to the Clements Cemete ry for burial in the family plot. Rev D J Boatright, pastor of the Christi an Church conducted the services at the grave. Mrs Ebert died at her ho me southwest of Mahomet Tuesday morning at 7:20 after a long illness, d ue to a complications of diseases. She was born in Champaign County, Ohi o, nearly 74 years ago and had been a resident of this county for the pa st forty years. For many years the family resided near the Contennial Chur ch, northeast of Urbana and for several years has resided at Mahomet. T he deceased is survived by her husband and two sons, Irvin Ebert who resid es a short distance north of Urbana and Joseph Ebert who resides in Danvil le. Mrs Ebert has been a member of the Newlight church since girlhood.

[DI658] �u�Urbana Democrat, Undated, About August 8, 1910�/u�
Life of Eldon Evilsizor Who Died August 6, 1910 Eldon Evilsizor of near Glen Echo, Clark Co, was born in Mad River township, September 30, 1835, and departed this life August 6, 1910, aged 74 years, 10 months and 17 days. He was married to Emily Jane Low of Urbana September 24, 1857. To their union were born 14 children, 9 sons and 5 daughters. The five daughters And 2 sons preceded their father in death. There remains to mourn his departure and aged wife, seven sons and 17 grandchildren and one great grandchild, two brothers and two sisters; three half-brothers and one half-sister, besides many relatives and friends to mourn his departure. By occupation he was a farmer, by a religious profession he was a Baptist, having united with the Nettle Creek Baptist church when a young man and was baptized by Elder Samuel Williams. He was a firm believer in the final perseverance of the saints, by that hope and faith he lived and in the triumph of that faith he died. His life by times may not have been exemplary, yet he possessed many noble traits of character. He was always courteous and kind, the latch string to his home was always on the outside, his friends were many, and enemies few, if any. He was afflicted when a small boy, and never afterward saw a well day, but was ever cheerful and constantly looked on the bright side of life. His genial temper and peaceful disposition made for him many and fast friends. Funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Elder T C William at the Nettle Creek Baptist Church August 8, 1910, after which his body was laid to rest in the Cemetery near by in the presence of a large assembly of sympathizing relatives and friends. The past is naught but memory With vivid brush we recall it; The future is not but fond hope With eager breath we forestall it. The present only is a flash It passes ere the thunders crash; Such then is life and that's in it A hope, a memory and a minute.

[XI658] (1835-1910) 74-10-17

[DI660] The Champaign Democrat, Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio, August 11, 1892
The funeral of Mrs William Evilsizor took place last Sunday at 10 o'clo ck A.M. at the residence. Rev James Randel conducted the services. He selected his text from Psalms 23rd chapter and 4th verse. She was a faithful member of Harmony Baptist Church for a number of years and there will be a missing link in the church. She was always ready to bear her share of the burden of the cross, not only in the church she will be missed but in the neighborhood where she lived. As a neighbor, there was none better. She was ready at all times to lend a helping hand to those in need. In the family circle her kind voice will no longer be heard. For several months she has been gradually sinking away with that fatal disease, consumption; her courage never failing her. Physically, she was growing weak er from day to day; spiritually growing stronger. Our loss will be her gain. Julia Lee was born in Champing County March 31st, 1843; married to William Evilsizor October 31st, 1861; died August 4th, 1892, aged 49years, 4mo nths and 4 days. She was the mother of eleven children, five of whom have preceded her to the better world. She leaves a bereaved husband, five sons, one daughter, and four grandchildren and a host of friends to mourn her loss. The remains were deposited in the Nettle Creek Cemetery

Name �tab�Julia A. Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Female
Death Date �tab�04 Aug 1892
Death Place �tab�Mad River Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age �tab�49
Birth Date �tab�1843
Birthplace �tab�Mad River Tp
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Married
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�p 131

[HI661] (Research):Name : Maria Lee Death date : 04 May 1917 Death place : Madrica, Champaign Co., Ohio Birth date : 26 Aug 1839 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 77 years 8 months 8 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Housewife Burial date : 06 May 1917 Burial place : St. Paris, Ohio Cemetery name : Nettle Creek Father name : William Evilsizor Father birth place : W. Va. Mother name : Nancy Jenkins Mother birth place : Informant-W V Lee, Urbana COD-Valvular heart disease GSU film number : 1984012 Digital GS number : 4021564 Image number : 3034 Certificate number : fn 30941 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI662] (Research):LEE Family Descendants from FTM Vol 17#1240 Juanita R Weigel 3450 Emera ld Dr NW Salem,OR 97304

History of Champaign County, Ohio by W H Beers & Co, 1881-page 716 William LEE, retired farmer, P O Terre haute. One of the noble pioneers w ho still live in this township is the man whose name heads this sketc h; he is so well known in the county that his name is familiar to all; h is life has been of that energetic sort that was characteristic of the fir st settlers, who have contributed the best years of their life to the deve lopment of this country. His father, John Lee, emigrated to Ohio with h is family, from Virginia in 1810; her purchased a tract of land of Willa im Copps, and settled upon it, soon after which he died, and, his widow n ot being able to pay for it, Copps again took possession; she rented a lit tle tract which was cultivated by the children for two years, when she pur chased 80 acres in the vicinity of Mr lee's present residence; this was pa id for, and the children, five in number, thereby obtained their sta rt in life; they were named James, Richard, William, Fanny and John. The m other's maiden name was Elizabeth Lowman, she was born in Maryland; she af terward married Phillip Stout; her death occurred in 1846. Four of the chi ldren are still living. William being the only son residing in the vicini ty of the old home. His marriage to Miss Susannah Blose was celebrat ed in 1832; they started in life on a cash capital of $100; by hard work a nd economy, William managed to pay for 24 acres, which was constantly add ed to, until he is now one of our large land-owners, having a half-secti on of valuable land, nicely improved, most of which was done under his sup ervision. His children, John, PHILANDER, Mary A, Elizabeth, Milly J, Susan nah, Henry, Dica, James A, Margaret L, Eliza E and Iva are living; two a re dead. All live in Ohio except Susannah who lives in Iowa. Mrs Lee di ed June 15, 1880 after living to see her children grow up to be useful m en and women; Margaretta manages the house since her mother's death. Mr l ee is a cousin to the late General Robert E Lee, one of the ablest Genera ls in the united States ever produced; his life has ever been characteriz ed by strict integrity, firmness of purpose, economy and strict adheren ce to business principles; he is now 71 years of age, as genial as wh en a boy of 20, and lives on his farm, caring little for the winter's stor m, as he is well provided for. We are glad to record his name among tho se deserving of having their names perpetuated in history.

[DI663] Urbana Daily Times Citizen' Thurs 26 Sep 1909 Mrs Lauana Clark widow of the late William M Clark died the county infirmary Wed after an illness of several months. Uraemic poisoning was the cause of her death. She was 65 years of age and is survived by a son who lives in Miami county and an adopted son whose present home is in Cincinnati. He arrived in the city during the night and arranged for the burial of his mother.The burial will likely take place at Terre Haute. Mrs Clark hs been an inmate of the infirmary for more than a year past.

[NI664] Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 99
Hezkial Zepheniah and Anna Hastings Burns emigrated from Loudoun County, Virginia in 1830, moving near Mechanicsburg, Goshen Township, Champaign County, Ohio. H. Z. Burns was a basketmaker. Children were Anna, Mariah, Thomas A. in 1835, James W., Henrietta, and George. H. Z. Burns, living in Goshen Township 1850, died there about this time and is buried at Mechanicsburg. After his death the family moved to Mad River Township. The father, dying early in life, left the widow with the care of four small children. Thomas being the oldest son, the care of the family fell heavily upon the mother and him. In the common school Thomas obtained the rudiments of an English education, and from his mother some knowledge of German and Latin. Farming and teaching school was his occupation. Thomas A. Burns was married to Louanner (Annie) Evilsizor, daughter of William and Nancy Jenkins Evilsizor Sr. Their marriage was performed September 17, 1857. A son, Alonzo Edgar Burns, was born to them December 29, 1858 near Urbana, Ohio in Champaign County. Alonzo Burns was raised on his grandfather Evilsizor's farm in Mad River Township. When he was 19 years old he came to Darke County, married Rosa Ann McDonald December 31, 1878, and made it his home. War trumpets sounded in 1861, and on the 9th day of May, he with others was assigned to the 13th O.V.I. That regiment was then over full, so they at once re-enlisted in Co. A. 66th O.V.I. of fighting fame. Thomas A. Burns enlisted at Urbana, November 6, 1861, as a private in Co. A, 66th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In February 1864, he was transferred to Co. H, 1st Bat. Vet Reserve Corps, by reason of a gunshot wound in the left foot. He was honorably discharged at the end of his term of enlistment, as a private in Co. H, November 6, 1864. After a short recuperation in Ohio, Burns re-enlisted at Camp Chase, Ohio, as a First Lieutenant in Co. B, 194th Q.V.I., at Stevensons Depot in West Virginia. He was injured while drilling, and on September 19, 1865, he was commissioned Captain in Co. E, 194th O.V.l., from which unit he was mustered out October 24, 1865.Capt. Burns as he was called was strictly a military man. He found more pleasure with his Grand Army comrades than with any other class of man. He delighted to perform military acts and was extremely satisfied to be at the front of a company of men, directing them in march and drill. With his known dash and bravery he was an ideal Army officer.Old residents recall Capt. Burns attired in a long frock coat, carrying an elegant gold-headed cane in one hand and a pair of white gloves in the other hand, when he would stroll into town. He liked to dance; even in later years, he could jump up and click his heels together twice before hitting the ground, while attending a rally with his old army comrades.
During the Civil War Thomas A. and Annie Burns separated due to the hot tempers of both; they divorced December 1866.Thomas Burns after demobilization lived with his mother and studied law under Hon. Charles Hovies of Troy, Ohio.About 1872 he moved to Versailles, Ohio and practiced law.Captain T. A. Burns was elected 12th District, Ohio, Senator in 1891.
He died January 15, 1904 and is interred in the Greenlawn Cemetery, Versailles, Ohio. Submitted by Arlene York

[HI665] (Research):Household 1900 is George S Clark, born 11/1880 age 19, named as Indentur ed son

[DI665] 'Urbana Daily Times Citizen' Saturday 6 Sep 1902 William M Clark who has been confined in the state hospital at Columbus for the past two years died there Friday. He was a farmer living near Terre Haute. The deceased was 68 years of age and leaves a wife living near Terre Haute. Remains brought to this city for interment [no cem listed]

Name: �tab�Wm. M. Clark
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�07 Sep 1902
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, O.
Death Date: �tab�05 Sep 1902
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�67
Birth Date: �tab�1835
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B01777-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�2026910
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 272

[NI667] See file in folder under Clark submitted by Elaine Clark 2003-Scanned to docs all descendants of this family

[HI667] (Research):Does not appear in 1870 Champaign Co, OH Census Index

Info on this family from Descendants of Ambrose Clark and Their History, 1 765-1973 by Grace Clark French. Library of Congress Catalog Card Numbe r: 73-90542

[HI668] (Research):Booklet Entitles "Church Messenger" (1885-1946) "History of Bowlusville Un ited Brethren Church" "since the early records have been lost, the following names were among t he first thirty-five to be recorded:......Mr and Mrs Isaac Evilsizor...... and families of Morris."

Springfield News - March 3, 1900 Isaac Evilsizor is seriously sick with lung trouble

Springfield News - July 14, 1900 Marquis S Davis and wife spent last Sunday at the home of Isaac Evilsiz or north of Tremont

Springfield News April 13, 1901 Rev Isaac Evilsizor was in Auglaize and Allen counties last week, the gue st of his two sons, preaching in Spencerville Sunday morning

Springfield News March 23, 1909 Edwin Wyant and Miss Anna Steinbarger, east of Tremont City, were marri ed Thursday evening in their own home near the Hickory Grove church by t he Rev Isaac Evilsizor. There were a large number of friends present and w itnessed the ceremony. A wedding supper was served and quite an enjoyab le time was had by the guests

Urbana Daily Citizen Monday, June 15, 1936 DROPS DEAD AS WIFE TELEPHONES CALL FOR DOCTOR Isaac Evilsizor, 88, dropped dead Monday Morning at 6 O'clock, at his ho me in Mechanicsburg. Shortly after arising this morning, Mr Evilsizor to ld his wife he felt ill. While she went to the telephone to call the docto r, he dropped dead from a heart attack. He had been in good health and w as still active until the time of his death. He is survived by his wido w, Mrs Flora A Evilsizor, four sons, Worley of Piqua, Samuel of Troy, We ldon of Nepoleon, Charles of Thackery. Five daughters, Mrs Winnie Redm an of Urbana, Mrs Ida Bumgartner of Bellfontaine; Mrs Libby Madison of Ric hwood, Mrs Leslie Ballentine of Springfield, and Mrs Clara Hoberty of N ew Jersey. A half-brother, Albert Evilsizor of Urbana also survives. T he body was removed to the Bryan Furman funeral home this morning, but wi ll be returned to the residence this evening. Funeral arrangements have n ot been made, but burial will be made in the Terre Haute Cemetery

Isaac used to ride his horse to visit families. Then when he left he wou ld change horses and ride home with the neighbors horse.

EVILSIGER, Isaac Death date: 6/15/1936, Champaign County Certi ficate #36382

Death Certificate name spelled Evilsizer

his child brith found, but needs follow up. Already had a son Joseph, but dates agree with siblings birth
Name �tab�Joseph Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�Mar 1872
Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Isaac Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Ammanda Cook
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I10449-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295232
Reference Number �tab�66-67

[MI668] (Medical):Dropped dead while wife was on the telephone calling the doctor

[NI669] History of Champaign Co, OH, Beers, 1881 Pg 711-712 Calvin COOK, farmer. Lewis Cook was a native of Vermont, and lived in th at state until he was 21 years of age, at which time he went to Western N ew York, and there married Annie Peck, a native of that state; her paren ts accompanied by Lewis and his wife, started for Ohio on a flatboat do wn the Ohio River; they passed Cincinnati and stopped at North bend, fifte en miles below; here Lewis engaged with Gen Harrison to work his farm, a nd continued in his employ four years; he then, in company with his brothe r-in-law, Ethmore Warren, came to this county and entered the quarter sect ion where Mr Cook now lives; they all came to this neighborhood about 181 7, and in 1823 or 24, the Peck family moved to Lake Co. Lewis Cook's wi fe died in 1823, leaving five children-Percy, William, Jane, Calvin and Me linda; in 1825; Lewis again married Boadicea Fay; they were parents of Cla rissa, Louisa and Lewis; she died in 1830 or 1831, and Lewis was again mar ried, in 1833 to Mrs Mary Hartwell; they had no children. Of the whole num ber of children only Percy, Louisa and Calvin are living. He was rear ed on a farm upon which he was born and still lives. He married Miss Eliza beth Hupp in 1842; she was a native of Virginia, and was born in that stat e, April 23, 1819, and Calvin, April 12 of the same year; he purchased t he 80 acre tract of his father, who went to Hancock County, IL, where h is son William was living, and died there a few months later. Calvin and h is wife were parents of eleven children, of whom, Amanda, William, Rape r, Lewis, Wesley, George, Mary and Samuel are living; all but two are marr ied, and live in this neighborhood. Mr Cook has traveled extensively throu gh Kansas, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, but still remains true to his old h ome in Champaign county; he has been one of the most successful farmers, a nd owns a large tract of land, which has been accumulated by his own indus try;...

[HI669] (Research):

Springfield News April 7, 1901 Mrs Isaac Evilsizor and daughter were at the home of Charles Evilsizor Thu rsday

[DI669] Urbana Daily Citizen Tuesday, August 13, 1912
Mrs Isaac Evilsizor, wife of Rev Isaac Evilsizor, died at her home on Ea st Reynolds Street last night at eleven o'clock. She had been an invalid f r several years and for the past several weeks had been very low. Mrs Evi lsizor was 67 years old and was the mother of a large family, a
number of whom survive. Her husband also survives and he together with one son lived at the family home. Mrs Evilsizor formerly lived southwest of Urbana but the family h ad made their home in Urbana for a number of years past. Short funeral services will be held at the home tomorrow afternoon after which the body will be taken to Terre haute for burial.

Name : Amanda Evilsizor Death date : 12 Aug 1912 Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 24 Feb 1845 Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 67 years 5 months 18 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 213 E. Reyonald St Occupation : Housewife Residence : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 14 Aug 1912 Cemetery name : Terre Haute Cemetery Spouse name : Evilsizor Father name : Calvin Cook Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Elizabet Hupp Mother birth place : Ohio Informant- I Evilsizor COD-cerebral thrombosis GSU film number : 1953423 Digital GS number : 4021200 Image number : 3123 Certificate number : fn 41646 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI671] (Research):Springfield News, Tremont City, 9/8/1910 John Fenton will move on the J C Thackery farm this fall

[HI672] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, Friday, November 15, 1912
Dies Suddenly of Stomach Trouble
Joseph Evilsizor died suddenly yesterday afternoon at his home on North Russell Street. Death was due to an attack of stomach trouble. He was downto wn as late as Tuesday evening and had been enjoying good health up to the time that he was first attacked on Wednesday. The deceased was 38 years of age and is survived by a wife and five children, three sons and two daughters, all of whom are married. Funeral services will be held tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock from Nettle Creek Church, Westville, and interment will be made in the cemetery there, Reverend Briggs will be in charge of services.

Name : Josepth Evilsizor Death date : 14 Nov 1912 Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 16 Aug 1854 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 58 years 2 months 29 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Laborer Residence : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 16 Nov 1912 Burial place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Cemetery name : Mille Creek Cemetery Father name : Wm. Evilsizor Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Nancy Jenkins Mother birth place : Unknown Informant-Jess Evilsizor COD-Pertontis due to gall bladder disease GSU film number : 1953480 Digital GS number : 4021222 Image number : 2498 Certificate number : fn 58142 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI674] (Research):Not married as of fathers will in 1878. Was an invalid. I belive she was sent to the hospital after her dad died in 1892 She appeared in 1870 as age 10

1900 Census, Champaign Co, urbana, OH Alms House, single born 1/1864

1910 Franklin Co, Columbus, OH, inmate, 47, single.

[HI675] (Research):The Urbana, Ohio CITIZEN AND GAZETTE for Thurs., February 1, 1877
" Sudden Death On Friday last, while the boys from a school in District N o. 9, Mad River township, were enjoying their noon recess in skating, o ne of their number, John Evilsizer, aged sixteen years, son of Wm. Evilsiz er, dropped upon the ice, and after a few gasps expired. The cause of h is death is unknown."

Springfield, Ohio, The Republic, January 29th, 1877 John Evilsizor, a lad of sixteen, Saturday, while playing at a schoolhou se five miles south of Urbana, Ohio, in the act of gathering snow-balls, f ell dead, from a rupture of the brain.

(Notice the dates of death differ)

According to the 1874 Champaign Co., O. Atlas, # 9 school is in the nor th eastern corner of the township. It is east and a little north of Westv ille.

[DI675] Name �tab�John Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Male
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�27 Jan 1877
Death Place �tab�Mad River Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age �tab�15
Birth Date �tab�1862
Birthplace �tab�Mad River Tp
Occupation �tab�Farmer
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Single
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�p 72, 73 #90

Springfield Daily News April 22, 1936 Jasper Evilsizor, son of William and Frances Ellison Evilsizor, was born 1 1/18/1862 in Mad River township, Champaign County, OH. He was one of sev en children-three girls and four boys, Also he was of a family in which th ere were 14 half-brothers and sisters. On September 17, 1891 he was unit ed in marriage to Emma Hamilton, also of mad River. To this union was added nine children; five sons and four daughters; one daughter Maude, havi ng died in infancy. Mr Evilsizor had been a life long resident of Mad River township and a prosperous and well respected farmer. About 30 years ago he attended a revival meeting in Tremont City held by Evangelist Carroll. In this meeting he received a definite religious experience. Thou gh he never united with any church, he held on to his inner and spiritu al experiences. He, with his wife, frequently attended the Bowlusville United Brethren Church and took an interest in its upkeep. For nearly two yea rs the deceased had been in declining health, caused by heart trouble. On last Oct 4 he was stricken with paralysis, on Oct 6 with a second st roke, and on Oct 8 with a third stroke. Since then he had been entirely bedfast. He bore his suffering patiently until the last and on early Sund ay morning, April 5, 1936, he passed to the world beyond at the age of 73 yrs 4 months and 17 days. He leaves to mourn his departure; his devoted wife; five sons, Oscar, at home; Robert, living in the home of Amanda Haer, Urbana, RR5. Three daughters, Alice, at home, Mary Grow of Cable, Ohio, and Thelma Seelenbinder of Urbana, and one half-brother, the Rev Isaac Evilsizor of Mechanicsburg; and 13 grandchildren and a numb er of nieces and nephews, besides a wide circle of other relatives and friends.

Many friends that traveled with me Reached Heaven's Portal long ago; One by one they left me battling With the dark and crafty foe. They are watching at the portal, They are waiting at the door; Waiting only for my coming--- The beloved ones gone before

Springfield Daily News April 9, 1936 Funeral Services for Jasper Evilsizor, 74 who died early Sunday mornin g, at his home three miles south of Urbana, from paralysis, were held from the Gardner and Seaver Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. R ev W H Sinks, pastor of the Bowlusville church, conducted the services. There were many beautiful floral tributes and the funeral home was filled to capacity with friends and relatives. The pallbearers were H W Barnet t, F W Morris, Galvin Morris, Bert Hare, Joseph Thackery, and Pearl Andrews. Interment was made in Nettle Creek Cemetery, south of Westville by Gard ner and Seaver, local funeral directors.

EVILSIZOR, Jasper Death date: 4/5/1936, Champaign County
Certi ficate #22522 Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name : Jasper Evilsizor Death date : 05 Apr 1936 Death place : Urbana Township, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 18 Nov 1862
Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 73 years 4 months 7 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : R.D. 5 Occupation : Farmer Burial date : 08 Apr 1936
Burial place : Nettle Creek Cemetery Cemetery name : Nettle Green Cem.
Spouse name : Emma Evilsizor Father name : William Evilsizor
Father birth place : Va. Mother name : Frances Allison
Mother birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio
Informant: Mrs Emma Evilsizor, Urbana, OH
GSU film number : 2022614 Digital GS number : 4041664 Image number : 3080 Certificate number : fn 22522

[DI677] Died in childbirth
Name �tab�Lippencott
Gender �tab�Male
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�03 Mar 1906
Death Place �tab�Union Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age �tab�
Birth Date �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Union Tp.
Occupation �tab�Infant
Race �tab�
Marital Status �tab�Single
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�W. H. Lippencott
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Effie Evilsisor
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�v 2 p 311

[NI678] Elroy was a woman's man and was often mean to his family. It is said he liked to drink and run around and that he battered his wife

[HI678] (Research):Elroy's death certificate names his parents for proof of parentage, but he does not appear as a child in the 1920 Census. Only Elroy appears, but is called Edgar.

[DI678] Publication Date: December 03, 1995 Source: The Kansas City Star Page: C8; C9 Subjects: Obituary Region: Missouri Obituary: Elroy Harvey Evilsizer, 79, Independence, MO, passed away November 30, 1995, at Windsor Estates Nursing Home. Graveside services wi ll be 1 P.M. Monday, December 4, at Lakeside Cemetery, Sumner, MO. Frien ds may call 7-8:30 P.M. Sunday, December 3, at George C. Carson & Sons Ind ependence Chapel.

[HI679] (Research):BIRTH: Listed in the 1870 Mad River Twp., Champaign Co., OH U.S Census as "Vina age 3 F Born Ohio" with her parents, two sisters, and thr e brothers. Listed in the 1880 Mad River Twp., Champaign Co., OH U. S. Census as "Lovina age 14 F Born Ohio" with her parents, two sisters, a nd three brothers.
When her son Wilbur Sager corrected his Champaign Co., OH birth record on 23 October 1953, he listed his mother's maiden name at the time of h is birth as "Evilsizor, Vinnia age 31 Born: Urbana, Ohio." Wilbur was b orn in 1898 so that means he is saying his mother was born in 1867.

!MARRIAGE: Richard R. Evilsizor 422 E. Court St., Urbana, OH 43078 - Oc t. 1991 listed her on a family record sheet as "Alvina" and her husba nd as Henry Sager. He had no dates for her or her husband, though.

SAGERS MELVINA E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 9/29/1922 Volume Number: 3952 Certificate Number: 46525

Name : Melvina E. Sagers Death date : 29 Sep 1922 Death place : Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 29 May 1865 Birth place : Champaign Co, O. Age at death : 57 years 4 months Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : R.F.D. 1 Occupation : Housekeeper Burial date : 01 Oct 1922 Burial place : Tremont City, O. Father name : William Evilsizor Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Frances Allison Mother birth place : Unknown Informant-Clarence Sagers, Bellefontiane, OH COD-Diabetes GSU film number : 1992067 Digital GS number : 4000530 Image number : 854 Certificate number : fn 46525 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI680] (Research):Springfield News, June 1, 1910 Albert Evilsizor has moved his family from the Woodburn farm to his brother Joseph's farm east of Urbana. They have resided here for several years and it is with regret we give them up

1910 Census child Ruth says adopted and niece Ethel Evilsizor age 18 in household

[DI680] Urbana Daily Citizen Monday, August 1, 1949 Following an illness of several months, Albert Evilsizor, 80, 129 Fyffe St, Urbana, died at 8:45 Saturday in Champaign County hospital. He was born October 6, 1868 in Champaign County, the son of William and Frances All ison Evilsizor. A retired farmer, he was a member of the Urbana Chapter of the Moose Lodge. Survivors include the widow, Margaret, a daughter, Mrs Ruth Alexander of Springfield and two grandchildren, Mrs Edna Johns on and Donald Reed. The body was removed to the Humphreys and Son funer al home where friends may call, Tuesday with rev Samuel Furrow and R ev R B Roan serving as ministers. Interment will be in Oakdale Cemetery

Name : Albert Evilsizor
Death date : 30 Jul 1949
Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 06 Oct 1868 Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death : 80 years 9 months 24 days Gender : Male
Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : 129 Fyffe St Occupation : retired farmer
Burial date : 8/2/1948 Burial place : Urbana
Cemetery name : Oak Dale
Father name : Wm. Evilsizor
Mother name : Frances Allison
Informant-Mrs Anna Evilsizor
COD- Parkinsonism, cerebral softening
GSU film number : 2247092 Digital GS number : 4109161
Image number : 03268 Certificate number : 41053 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI681] (Research):Urbana Daily Democrat, Thursday, September 26, 1918
Irvin Evilsizor died Wednesday-Unable to withstand shock of operation.
Failing to withstand the shock of an operation for abscess of the kidney s, Irwin Evilsizor, a well-known Mad River township resident passed aw ay at the County hospital Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The operati on was performed Last Friday, shortly after his arrival at the hospital fo llowing a siege of several illnesses lasting for some time. The body was t aken to the K C Gardner undertaking establishment and prepared for buria l. Mr Evilsizor was 48 years of age on August 14, last and was born and r eared in the vicinity in which he resided. He was a son of William and Fra nces Allison Evilsizor also natives of mad River township. He was o ne of a number of children three of whom, a sister and two brothers, are s till living. A Half sister and a half-brother are also left. On Novemb er 28, 1889 Mr Evilsizor was married to Mary Estella Haney, of Mad River t ownship and to this union were born eleven children, all but one of whom a re living. These are Mrs Edith Hope, Irwin Station; Mrs Ethel Frazee, Bowl usville; Mrs Ruth Reed at home; Mrs Elvira McConnehea, east of Urbana; Mis ses Goldie and Lena daughters; and Grover, Mildred, Ralph, Clyde and Emi l, sons Mr Evilsizor was one of the prominent men in his community and w as well known and respected. He moved in a wide circle of friends and w as held in high esteem by all. Funeral services in charge of Rev J H De nney of the First Methodist Church will be held in Nettle Creek Baptist Ch urch Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Interment will be made in the cem etery at that place.

[HI682] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Monday, February 18,1946 Mrs Mary Stella Evilsizor , 76, widow of the late Irwin Evilsizor of Cl ay Ave, Urbana, died at her home Sunday afternoon from complications. T he body will be taken from the Volney Seaver funeral home to the residen ce this evening. It will be returned early Tuesday morning to the funer al home for services at 2:30 P.M. Funeral services will be conducted by t he Rev H L Jones, pastor of the Free Methodist Church. Burial is to be ma de in Nettle Creek Cemetery. Mrs Evilsizor is survived by her five daughte rs, Mrs Edith Hope of Irwin, Mrs Ethel Frazee and Mrs Edna Powell of Urban a, Mrs Ruth Reed of St Paris and Mrs Elva Baker of Mechanicsburg; four son s, Grover, Clyde and Emil, Urbana and Ralph of Mechanicsburg; two brother s, Thomas Haney of St Paris and John Haney of Springfield; five sisters, M rs Ida Gentis of DeGraff, Mrs Nettie Prince of Westville, Mrs Etta Damewoo d, Mrs Elizabeth Craig and Mrs Lu Idle, Urbana Pallbearers were Warren and Donald Frazee, Carson and Arthur Hope, Haro ld Reed and Robert Evilsizor.

Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 163

[HI683] (Research):Home in 1860: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Gender: Male Post Office: Urbana Household Members: Name Age Aford B Lowe 52 Sophia Lowe 42 Joseph Lowe 17

Anita Fiedler research gives Alberts date of birth as Mar13 1811. Her sour ce reads: I have in my possession a hand-written list called FAMILY RECORD. It is f ragile, but having been written in ink, it is fairly well decipherabl e. At some point in time someone scotch taped the segments of the reco rd together. Nonetheless, the record is not difficult to read for the mo st part.

Grandma Emma says that: "Aunt Sophia visited us on Oak St. Her husba nd Alfred suffered much with kidney trouble." He and his brother, along w ith their mother Elizabeth Curl Lowe were bonded for $100 in settling esta te of Joseph Lowe who d. August of 1834. "Sophia and Albert Lowe had a b ig tall grandfather's clock that stood from floor to ceiling" relates gran dmother's notes. The clock must have been a source of pride and joy f or them.

[DI683] Champaign Co Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884-The Urbana Citizen and Gazet te 1871-1884 CCGS, by Pat Stickley Dec 2000, pg22. Sep 19 1872 Died 11 Sept, Albert Low, aged 63y 6m. He was born in Brownsville, Pa in 1 809 and had been a res of Urbana since 1811

[HI684] (Research):The parents of Sophia Ward were Edward/John Ward 1764-1864, buried in Powe shiek Co., IA. Sophia's mother was Nancy Shall/Shaul. I have no informat ion for Nancy. Her name is from d. certificate of Sophia's sister Sarah J ane Ward Hess where Edward is named as Sarah's father, but JOHN IS WRITT EN RIGHT ON TOP OF EDWARD, both readable. The mother of Sarah is call ed Nancy Shall.

Sophia's dates are b. 29 Aug., 1809 d. 20 Nov., 1899. Burial in Oakdale C em., Urbana, Champaign Co., OH. I do NOT have her obit. Sorry. The ob it of Sophia's sister Elizabeth who m. Alfred Lowe's brother Thomas (siste rs marrying brothers) says this from Urbana Citizen and Gazette 12 Sept ., 1878, p. 3, col. 2:

"Elizabeth Low was born October 6, 1808 and died August 30, 1878, ag ed 69 years and 10 months. Her father, Edward Ward, moved from Harrison C ounty, VA to Clarke County, O., in 1816. She was married to Thomas L ow in 1831."

I have been unsuccessful in locating the b. place for the ch. of Edward/Jo hn and Nancy Shall Ward. Evidently the family was in Harrison Co. VA unt il 1816, but this does not say that the girls were BORN in Harrison Co. T here WAS a Shaul family in Harrison Co. and they did go to Champaign/Cla rk Co., OH and I think that family was related to my Nancy, [email protected] (Anita Fiedler)

[HI687] (Research):Living in house in 1910 Census is a Harry W Huff listed as son, age 18 (Po ssible if Lemuel married 1885-1895 before Wife Rena)

Living in house 1920 Census Arthur L Fisk, boarder. He must have split wi th both wives.

Urbana Daily Citizen Wednesday march 10, 1943 Lemuel N Evilsizor, 81, a brother to Jacob Evilsizor, Urbana, died someti me Monday night in his sleep and his body was found in the residence Tuesd ay at 432 West Washington Ave, Springfield. The body was removed to the Li ttleton Funeral Home where services are to be help at 10 A M Thursday. Bur ial will be made in Ferncliff Cemetery

William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Lemuel r 19 N. Spring

[NI691] After the death of his first wife, he put his three children in an orphanage and never brought them home, even after he re-married. Unable to locate in 1920 Census.
Has been referred to in two sources as "Jake" or "Jacob". The obit of Alice Louise True and Obit of his brother Joseph Otto. He was one of the men who provided a statement for John Yazel's pension application regarding the latter's medical condition after the Civil War. Edon made his statement before a probate judge on Sept. 12, 1903. At the time, he was 64 years old and lived in Urbana. I have attached a photograph of my grandmother Florence with her father Eddon Jason Evilsizor (taken sometime mid-1940's, I think). My mother tells me he went by "Jake" and that he was a very kind and gentle man. (Source Sherry McKinney)

[DI691] Urbana Daily Citizen Friday August 22, 1952 Eddon J Evilsizor Succumbs Thursday In County Hospital Eddon Jason Evilsizor, 84, of 709 North Russell Street, died at 9 P.M. Thursday in Champaign county hospital. Born in Champaign county December 16, 1867, hes was the son of Eddon and Emily Evilsizor. Surviving are his widow, Alice T Evilsizor; two daughters, Mrs Florence Morris of Springfield and Mrs Edna Foltz of Lima; a son Jason E Evilsizor of San Diego, Calif; a step-son, Cecil P Evilsizor of Urbana; two step daughters, Mrs Mae Cottrell of Urbana and Mrs Myrtle Cottrell of Lima and several grandchildren. The body was removed to the Humphrey's and Son funeral home where it will remain for services at 3:30 P.M. Saturday. Rev Samuel Furrow , past or of the First Baptist Church of Urbana will have charge of the services. Interment will be made in Nettle Creek Cemetery.** Friends may call at the funeral home Friday Evening and until time of services.** Was not found buried at Nettle Creek (father is buried there) (Not in Denise Moore Nettle Creek Cem Book)Serving as pallbearers were Roy Morris, Cecil Evilsizor, Arthur Cottrell, Roger Barnhart, Fl oyd Mowerey and David True. Interment was made in Nettle Creek South of Westville.

Name: Eddon Jason Evilsizor
Death date: 21 Aug 1952
Death place: Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 16 Dec 1867
Birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death: 84 years 8 months 5 days
Gender: Male
Marital status:
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 709 Russel St
Occupation: Retired Timber Worker
Burial date: 8/23/1952
Burial place: Champaign Co
Cemetery name: Nettle Creek
Father name: Eddon Jason Evilsizor
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: Emily Lowe
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
Informant Florence E Morris
COD cerebral softening
GSU film number: 2246303
Digital GS number: 4109431
Image number: 00362
Reference number: 49530
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI692] She died when Riche's dad was a young boy and Jason and his two sister's were put in the orphan's home. (from) Jackie Bryan

[HI693] (Research):Died at her home in Mad River township, Minnie, the youngest daughter of Eddon and Emily J Evilsizor. She was born May 15, 1868, and died June 8, 18 85, aged 17 years and 23 days. The funeral services at Nettle Creek Church were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Mathews. She leaves a lonely mother and father, and seven brothers and one sister to mourn her loss.

[DI693] Name �tab�Minnie S Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�08 Jun 1886
Death Place �tab�Mad River Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age �tab�17
Birth Date �tab�1869
Birthplace �tab�Mad River Tp
Occupation �tab�None
Race �tab�
Marital Status �tab�Single
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Edon Evilsirzer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Emily J. Lowe
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�p 129

[DI694] Her death record shows Etta Bell Evilsizer

[HI695] (Research):1910 Champaign Co, Urbana, OH Joseph Evilsizor, head, age 34 married 2 times, OH OH OH Lbaorer odd jobs Elnora, wife, age 28 m2x 3ch 3 living John, son, 16 Hazel, dau, 14 Violet, dau, 10

1920 Census shows h/h no wife or children renters names Chas Ervin, Wm Ervin and Earl Maskin

Urbana Daily Citizen Tuesday, September 16, 1947 Joseph O Evilsizor, 78, died at 2 P.M. monday at his home, 331 West Cou rt St. He was born in Champaign county on April 9, 1869. The survivors inc lude a daughter Mrs Hazel Wolford of Urbana; and a brother, Jake Evilsiz or of Urbana. The body was taken to the Humphreys and Sons funeral home wh ere it will remain for services at 2 P.M. Wednesday. Rev John H Meister, p astor of the Messiah Lutheran church, will officiate. Burial will be ma de in Nettle Creek Cemetery near Westville.**

Not buried in Nettle Creek according to my cemetery book.

Springfield Sun Jan 11, 1909 Mike SEEKFORD was in Dayton, Ohio last Saturday on business. He has purcha sed the property of Joseph EVILSIZER near Bowlusville and will take posses sion the first of March or probably sooner.

Williams Springfield City Directory 1925 Walsh Bldg, S.E.C. 3rd and Vin e, Cincinnati, Ohio Evilsizor Joseph helper h 333 Fleming

Name : Joseph O. Evilsiger
Death date : 15 Sep 1947
Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 09 Apr 1869
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Champaign Co, Ohio
Age at death : 78 years 5 months 6 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : widower
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : retired farmer
Residence :
Burial date : 9/17/1947
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Nettle Creek Cem
Spouse name :
Father name : Edwin Jason Evilsiger
Father titles :
Father birth place :
Mother name : Emily Lowe
Mother titles :
Mother birth place :
Informant Hazel Wolford
GSU film number : 2372990
Digital GS number : 4076581
Image number : 01179
Reference number : 54569
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[BI695] ame �tab�Joseph Otto Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�03 Apr 1871
Birthplace �tab�CHAMPAIGN,OHIO
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Edon Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Emily
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C51594-1
System Origin �tab�Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number �tab�295232

[HI697] (Research):Tombstone record appears to be read incorrectly in Denise K Moore book. S he is not inthe 1860 census, but in 1870 is age 9. Since she died in 187 1, I suggest she was born 1860-1861. The problem lies with the 1880 cens us with a daughter age 18 named Flora. Flora could have been the name of t he female in the 1870 census as it is difficult to read at looks like Sara h.

[HI699] (Research): 22 Richwood- The Evilsizor Reunion was held Sunday at the Lloyd Matteson farm west of Richwood. There were 125 present from Springfield, Urbana, Bellefontaine, St Paris, Piqua, and Richwood. Officers elected for next year were President, Ezra Evilsizor of Springfield, Secretary-Treasurer, Lottie Geron of Springfield. The reunion will be held next year at the home of Lottie Geron

Springfield Sun- March 3, 1900 John Evilsizor's sale of chattel was well attended by Tremont people. Horses, Cattle, hogs and feed brought good prices.

[MI699] (Medical):Eight month illness prior to death

[BI699] Bible record birth date July 31st
Death Cert birth date July 30 Informant, son Homer, but names parents as Edmund Evilsizor and Emma Lyle

[DI699] Columbus Dispatch 7/2/1939 Deaths in Ohio Urbana-
John E Evilsizor , 61, Champaign County.
�/u��/b�EVILSIGOR, John E. Death date: 7/18/1939, Clark County Certifi cate #41009

Springfield Daily News Wednesday, July 19, 1939
John E Evilsizor, 61, died Tuesday at 6:15 P.M. in his home at 1034 Broadw ay. Death followed an illness of eight months. Born in Champaign County on July 30, 1877, Mr Evilsizor had been a local resident 40 years, prior to his retirement last November because of ill health. Mr Evilsizor had been employed as an engineer in the stoker division of The Steel Products Engineering Co for 12 years. Mr Evilsizor was a member of Grace Methodist Church, Anthony Lodge No 455, Free and Accepted Masons, and Champion Council No 2, Junior Order, United American Mechanics. Survivors are the widow, Lydia (Hughes), two sons, Harold R and Homer H both of Springfield, four brothers, Jacob, Joseph and Melvin all of Urbana and three grandchildren, Marilene, Darlene and Jack Evilsizor all of Springfield. The body was removed to the Jackson funeral home and will be returned to the residence Thursday morning. The body will be removed to the Grace Methodist Church Friday noon to lie in state until the Funeral Friday at 2 P.M. Burial will be made in the Ferncliff Cemetery.

[XI699] 15710 �tab�EVILSIZOR �tab�JOHN �tab�E. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OH �tab�07/18/1939 �tab�07/21/1939 �tab�T �tab�Lot 41 �tab�SubLot 1 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 4

[HI700] (Research):1900Census says born 1894 SS Death Index says born 1895

Springfield News Sun, Sunday, Dec 20, 1987-Pg6D Florence E Morris,92, of New Carlisle, died Friday, December 18, 1987 in D ay-View Care Center, New Carlisle. She was born in Champaign County and w as a Springfield area resident for most of her life. She was a member of t he Order of Eastern Star of Springfield. She is survived by six daughter s, Mrs Mary Ruth Harvey, Mrs Robert (Grace) Basinger both of Lima; Mrs Flo yd (Carol) Mowery of New Carlisle, Mrs William (Maxine) Pope of Greenvill e, Michigan; Mrs Roger (Elaine) Barnhart and Mrs Harry (Martha) Engle bo th of Springfield; three sons, Roy Morris of Enon, Don and Irene Morr is of Visalia, Calif; Kenneth and Joan Morris of New Carlisle, 32 grandchi ldren, several great grandchildren and great great grandchildren; and a si ster, Edna Foltz of Lima. She was preceded in death by her husband, Roy Mo rris in 1934, a daughter, Dorothy Sine, and a brother. Services will be he ld on Tuesday, December 22, 1987 at 10 A.M. in the Trostel-Chapman Funer al Home, New Carlsile with John Wilson officiating. Burial will be in Map el Grove Cemetery, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Friends may call on Monday from 2 -4 and 6-8 P.M. in the funeral home.

From: Larry McKinney
Barbara [email protected] My husbands father was also Don Edward Morris--oldest son. born in 1916-

[HI701] (Research):My husband Don Morris Jr. is the grandson of Florence Morris. He is having trouble finding out any info. about Leroy Morris. His Mother says she cant remember anything--Irene Morris. Don contacted his Uncle Kenneth Morris in Ohio and he said he would send what he had, But never heard from him. His Aunt Grace sent him alot of info. on the Evilsizors. What a
large Family. Any way, thats about all. If you could help we would really appreciate it. We live in Visalia, Ca. Dons E-mail is [email protected] t(X) Or you can e-mail me at [email protected] (X) Thanks Again. Barbara Morris

[DI701] Name : Walter Leroy Morris
Death date : 27 Dec 1934
Death place : Continental, Putnam, Ohio
Birth date : 24 Aug 1892
Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 42 years 4 months 3 days
Gender : Male Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Occupation : Manager Electrical
Residence : continental, Ohio
Burial date : 30 Dec 1934
Burial place : Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Spouse name : Florence Morris
Father name : Thomas Edward Morris
Father birth place : Ohio
Mother name : Lydia Elizabeth Taylor
Mother birth place : Ohio
Informant-Mrs Roy Morris
GSU film number : 2022235 Digital GS number : 4001916 Image number : 230 Certificate number : fn 75488 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[MI702] (Medical):Died at Hillside Hospital

[DI702] Jason Eugene Evilsizor SS# 572-12-1129
born - 5 February 1897 in Ohio died - 17 October 1972 Hillside Hospital, 1940 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA
father - Jason Evilsizor born in Ohio
mother - Elizabeth Brown born in Ohio
crane operator 23 years
U.S. Government civil service 53 years in San Diego, 53 years in California residence - 4828 Rolando Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115
informant - Mrs. Jessie Lee Evilsizor same address
buried - 20 October 1972 Mausoleum of the Bells, El Camino Memorial Park cause of death - renal failure with uremia, phylonephritis with probable obstruction, bilateral staghorn calculi of kidneys, generalized arteriosclerosis, hypertension (film 00134 image 0118)

[DI703] Marguerite Belle Evilsizor SS# 569-10-1017T born - 6 June 1896 in Michigan died - 28 August 1972 El Cajon Valley Sanitarium, 510 East Washington, El Cajon, CA father - Henry Ruppert born in Ohio mother - Martha Robbins born in Vermont homemaker 55 years 60 years in San Diego, 60 years in California residence - 3111 Cowley Way, San Diego, CA informant - Rupert Evilsizor (son), 3221 Apache Drive, San Diego, CA disposition - 31 August 1972 to John R. Sykes - UCSD School of Medicine cause of death - cerebral vascular thrombosis, cerebral arteriosclerosis (film 00133 image 1815 )

[HI704] (Research):1910 Census with her brother Jason Eugene, in Clark Co, Childrens Home Put in orphans home when her mother died. Possibly the Edna adopted by Was ner family in 1912. Adoption Index Evilsizor, Edna adpt Wasner,Andrew etux August 12,1912 #61 80.

Year: 1920;Census Place: Lima Ward 2, Allen, Ohio; Roll: T625_1345; Pag e: 8A; Enumeration District: 23; Image: 200. Leroy R Morris 27 Florence Morris 24 Mary Ruth Morris 5 Don Morris 3 4/12 Dorthy Morris 16 Edna Evilsizor 19 sister in law

Lima News, Lima Ohio, Sunday, 10 Aug 1997 Edna Irene Foltz, 96, died at 6:10 A.M. August 8, 1997, at Lima manor Nurs ing Home, Lima. She was born July 17, 1901, in Urbana, to Jason and Eli za Smith Evilsizor. On April 4, 1925 she married Carl H Foltz, who died N ov 3, 1962. Mrs Foltz worked at the Banta Candy factory. She was a memb er of the Elderly Day Care Center and Lima Mennonite Church. Survivors inc lude three sons, Harold Foltz, Walter Foltz and Dale Foltz, all of Lima; t wo daughters, Martha (Bill) Kirkpatrick and June Glasco, both of Lim a; 21 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. She was preceded in dea th by two sons, Dean Foltz and Lloyd Foltz; a brother, Eugene Evilsizo r; a sister, Florence Morris; and one grandson. Graveside service will beg in at 1:30 P.M. on Monday at Memorial ark Cemetery. The Rev Mervin Mill er will officiate. There will be no visitation. Memorial contributions m ay be made to Marimor Industries. Arrangements are through Siferd Westwo od Chapel

Name: Edna Irene Foltz Gender: Female Date of Death: 08 August 1997 Birth Date: 17 July 1901 Volume: 31194 Certificate: 059428 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 277628569 Father's Surname: Evilsizor Time of Death: 6:10 AM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 16 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Cremation Mother's Surname: Smith Race: White Birth Place: Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 96

[MI704] (Medical):Blind on one eye.Was Shot with arrow.

[BI705] SSDI gives date of birth 1888.
All census records say he was born after1900 census taken

[DI705] Name: CARL H FOLTZ Gender: Male
Date of Death: November 03, 1962 Volume: 17072 Certificate: 78253 Marital Status: Married
Place of Death: Lima, Allen County Race: White
Residence: Lima, Allen County Age: 61

[NI706] The Jessie Lee (d 3/5/90) listed in this file is my great aunt. I have a fair amount of information on her siblings and ancestors if anyone needs it .
Richard Lee [email protected]

[DI706] Name: Jessie Lee Evilsizor Social Security #: 572121397 Sex: FEMALE Birth Date: 10 Feb 1896 Birthplace: Illinois Death Date: 5 Mar 1990 Death Place: San Diego Mother's Maiden Name: Brown Father's Surname: Lee

Film 00274 image 0641 Jessie Lee Evilsizor SS# 572-12-1397
born - 10 February 1896 in Illinois died - found 5 March 1990 Grossmont Gardens Retirement Center, 5480 Marengo, Room 317, La Mesa, CA father - John Lee born in Illinois mother - Mary Brown born in Illinois widowed homemaker 77 years 5 years education residence - 5470 Marengo Ave. #317E, La Mesa, CA 58 years in San Diego informant - Daniel Willis (son), 7311 Chambers Creek Rd., Tacoma, WA 98467 cause of death - asphyxiation, suicide, plastic bag over head buried -
12 March 1990 El Camino Memorial Park

[DI707] CADI
Henry A Rupert, married, age 70, died San Diego Co, 5/16/1924 Cetrt#25134

[DI708] San Diego Union 2/16/1934
RUPERT- In this city Feb 12, 1934, Adella M Rupert, mother od Marguerite B Evilsizor, sister in law of Mars Alice RObbins and grandmother of Margaret Rupert, Richard and Donald Evilsizor, all of this city. A native of Vermont, aged 79 years. Friends are invited to attend services at the Benbough Funeral Parlor. Interment Mt Hope Cemetery

[BI712] California Birth Index, 1905-1995
about Katherine Louise Wood
Name: �tab�Katherine Louise Wood
Birth Date: �tab�26 Oct 1925
Gender: �tab�Female
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Iuist
Birth County: �tab�Los Angeles

[DI712] Obit request Judy Hopkins, 10/4/2003 [email protected]
The Independent of Cottonwood and the Verde Valley Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Katherine Louise Evilsizor, 77, of Cottonwood, died April 25th. She was born Oct 26, 1925 in Los Angeles, CA. She was a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehova's Witnesses. She leaves three daughters, Clara "Tina" Brown of Glendale, Roxanne Weeks and Ruth Bebee, both of Cottonwood; a son Richard Evilsizor of Phoenix, nine grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. A memorial service will be held Saturday, May 10 in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah;s Witnesses, 1310 S Arizona 260, Cottonwood at 2 P.M. Westcott Funeral Home assisted the family with these arrangements.

[BI713] Name: Richard Henry Evilsizor
Birth Date: 1 Jun 1926
Gender: Male
Mother's Maiden Name: Rupert
Birth County: San Diego

[DI713] Great Falls Tribune, Great Falls, Montana, Tuesday, August 28, 2001 Richard Henry Evilsizor, 75, 2024 32nd St, a retired mechanical engineer a nd World War II Navy Veteran, died Friday at his home of pulmonary fibrosi s. At his request no service will be held. Cremation has taken place und er the direction of O'Connor Funeral Home and his remains will be scattered at sea at Mission Beach, San Diego. Survivors include his wife Marlene Evilsizor of Great Falls, a daughter Nancy Morris of San Diego, a son Edward Evilsizor of Las Vegas; stepsons Christopher Kopren of Longmont, Colo and Scott Kopren of Las Vegas; a sister Margaret Jensen of Whittier, Calif; brothers Rupert Evilsizor of San Diego and Donald Oadell of Van Nuys, Calif; three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The grandchildren are Richard Edward Evilsizor of San Diego; Shannon Driscoll of Chico, Calif; and Britanny Kopren of Longmont, Colo; great grandchildren are Angelika and Isaiah Driscoll of Chico. Also surviving are sisters and brothers-in-law Rosa Onadell of Van Nuys, Calif; Joyce Evilsizor of San Diego, Don Jensen of Whittier, Ronald and Pola Vorwerk of Preston, Minn; Lorna a nd Dale Rivard of Great Falls, Janice and Donald Nicklin of Great Falls, Wallace and Joann Vorwerk of Gibbon, Minn and numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Richard was born June 1, 1926 in San Diego, where he attended school. He graduated from Underground Coal and Gasification Drilling School at Houston and served in the Navy Pacific Campaign during World War II from 1943 to 1947. After the war he worked for Convair, general Dynamics, General Atomic Co, Gulf Oil Corp, and Chevron Corp in San Diego. he also worked for Fort St Vrain Nuclear Power Plant in Longmont, and E nergy International in Underground Coal Gasification in Rawlings, Wyoming, before retiring to Great Falls in January 2000. He married Marlene Kopren in 1970 in Escondido, Calif. He enjoyed coaching Little League, Colt League and Pony League in San Diego. He was an avid golfer and bowler, and a fan of the San Diego Chargers and the San Diego Padres. He also enjoyed playing senior softball and watching all sports.

The San Diego Union - Tribune; San Diego, Calif.; Aug 30, 2001; Survivors include his wife, Marlene Evilsizor of Great Falls, Mont.;
daughter, Nancy Morris of San Diego; son, Edward Evilsizor of Las Vegas; stepsons, Christopher Kopren of Longmont, Colo., and Scott Kopren of Las Vegas; sister, Margaret Jensen of Whittier; brothers, Rupert Evilsizor of San Diego and Donald Oadell of Van Nuys; three grandchildren; and two great -grandchildren.

Friends We Will Miss Evilsizor, Richard Henry (6/1/1926-8/24/2001) Dick was the GA construction coordinator at FSV from 69-79 and then worked at FSV again from 1985-9 0. He also worked for Convair, General Dynamics, Gulf Oil, Chevron and Energy International during his long career. Dick served in the Navy in the Pacific during and after WWII. He enjoyed coaching Little League and was an avid sport fan.

[BI715] Name: Donald Adell Evilsizor Birth Date: 12 Jun 1928 Gender: Male
Mother's Maiden Name: Rupert Birth County: San Diego

[DI715] DONALD OADELL 12 Jun 1928 23 Sep 2004 (V) 91406 (Van Nuys, Los Angeles, C A) (none specified) 560-32-6487 California

In Loving Memory of Donald Oadell Aka Donald Evilsizor Born 6/12/1928 San Diego, CA Passed Away 9/23/2004 Woodland Hills, CA Funeral Service Sat 10/2/2004 11:00 AM St Bridget of Sweden Officiating Fr Raymond Morales Interment At Sea off the coast of San Diego. Survived by wife Rosa Oadell, Daughters Mary Ann and Kimberly Oadell, Sister Margaret Jensen and Brother Rupert Evilsizor

[NI718] Jesse had siblings John Eugene Bryan (1904-1987) and
Harold Irvin Bryan (1910-1982) both buried in Crocker Memorial Park Cemetery, Pulaski Co, MO

California Death Index, 1940-1997
about Jesse E Bryan
Name: �tab�Jesse E Bryan
Social Security #: �tab�572035389
Sex: �tab�MALE
Birth Date: �tab�7 Oct 1901
Birthplace: �tab�Missouri
Death Date: �tab�25 May 1948
Death Place: �tab�San Diego
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Carmack

[NI719] Other husbands Newt Shelton and Manuel Harper

California Death Index, 1940-1997
about Maydoph Henderson Harper
Name: �tab�Maydoph Henderson Harper
Social Security #: �tab�551168025
Sex: �tab�FEMALE
Birth Date: �tab�4 Jul 1904
Birthplace: �tab�Alabama
Death Date: �tab�20 May 1979
Death Place: �tab�San Diego

[HI728] (Research):Ruth A. Bebee Ruth A. Bebee, 61, of Cottonwood, born July 14, 1943, in San Diego, Calif ., died Friday, Nov. 26, 2004, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center, Prescot t. Private family services and cremation was at Bradshaw Crematory. Arrangements by Arizona Wakelin Bradshaw Chapel. The Daily Courier, Prescott, AZ

Once the snows melt, her ashes will be scattered at the same location as her mother

Name: Ruth Adele Evilsizor Birth Date: 14 Jul 1943 Gender: Female Mother's Maiden Name: Wood Birth County: San Diego

[MI728] (Medical):ongestive heart failure and diabetes

[BI728] Name: Ruth Adele Evilsizor Birth Date: 14 Jul 1943 Gender: Female
Mother's Maiden Name: Wood Birth County: San Diego

[DI728] Ruth A. Bebee Ruth A. Bebee, 61, of Cottonwood, born July 14, 1943, in San Diego, Calif ., died Friday, Nov. 26, 2004, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center, Prescot t. Private family services and cremation was at Bradshaw Crematory. Arrangements by Arizona Wakelin Bradshaw Chapel. The Daily Courier, Prescott, AZ (Once the snows melt, her ashes will be scattered at the same location as her mother)

[HI729] (Research):film 00055 image 1730 Rupert Eugene Evilsizor, Jr. born - 8 December 1944 Family Hospital, U.S. Naval Air Station, North Isla nd died 9 December 1944 same 36 hours in hospital father - Rupert Eugene Evilsizor born in San Diego, CA mother - Katherine Louise Wood born in Los Angeles, CA informant - Mrs. Rupert Evilsizor, 718 Island Ct., Mission Beach, CA buried - 12 December 1944 Mt. Hope Cemetery cause of death - respiratory failure, prematurity

Name: Rupert Eugene Evilsizor Birth Date: 8 Dec 1944 Gender: Male Mother's Maiden Name: Wood Birth County: San Diego

Name: Rupert Eugene Evilsizor Social Security #: 0 Sex: MALE Birth Date: 8 Dec 1944 Birthplace: California Death Date: 9 Dec 1944 Death Place: San Diego Mother's Maiden Name: Wood Father's Surname: Evilsizor

[HI736] (Research):Name in 1850 Censes was Martha, age 6m

[NI737] The Herald And Torch Light
Hagerstown Maryland 02 July 1891
Edward Evilsizer aged 15 years, Charles Pence age 13 years and Charles Steinberger age 15 years have been arrested in Urbana, Ohio for attempti ng to wreck the night express train on the Erie road. Young Evilsizer confessed after his arrest and stated that three attempts had been made to wreck the night express train. After piling the obstruction on the track, they hid in the woods nearby to see the train run into it.

St Paul Daily Globe St Paul, MN 6/26/1891
Confession of Three Attempted Train Wreckings
Urbana, OH June 25
Detectives George W Caldwell of the Erie railroad and M H Fort of the Big Four have been working several days on the attempted wrecking of the night express train on the Erie railroad several days ago. They succeeded yesterday in arresting Edward Evilsizer, aged 15, Charles Pence, fifteen and Charles Steinberger, fifteen, as the guilty parties. Young Evilsizer confessed after his arrest and stated three attempts had been made to wreck the night express train. After piling the obstruction on the track, they hid in the woods near by to see the train run into it. Fortunately, no damage was done. The boys were arraigned before Mayor Canson this evening and entered a plea of guilty. They wil probably be sent to to the reform school.

[HI737] (Research):

[DI737] Urbana Daily Citizen, Tuesday, April 27, 1948 Funeral Services for Edward H Evilsizor, 72, who died Friday, were conduct ed at 10:30 A.M. Monday in the Humphreys' and Son funeral home, by the R ev H H Kester. Burial was in Mutual Cemetery. Pallbearers were Paul Thornb urg, Richard Davis, Richard Evilsizor, Guy Hunter, Raymond King and Willi am King.

Name : Edward Hayse Evilsizor Death date : 23 Apr 1948
Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 30 Jul 1875 Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death : 72 years 8 months 23 days Gender : Male
Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian SS# 281-10-4381 Occupation : retired employee of United Box
Residence : 604 N Russell, Urbana Burial date : 4/26/1948
Burial place : Cemetery name : Mutual
Spouse name : Bertha Evilsizor
Father name : Solomon Evilsizor Father birth place : Champaign Co, OH Mother name : Mary Lippincott Mother birth place : Champaign Co, OH Informant-Mrs Cecil Evilsizor COD-Congestive heart failure GSU film number : 2246459 Digital GS number : 4109088 Image number : 03082 Certificate number : 21563 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI738] (Research):Co A103 FSBN 28 Div WWI

[HI739] (Research):Urbana Citizen Friday Feb 19, 1971 Miss Amy Evilsizor, 86, died at 5:20 P.M. Thursday in the Bethesda Ho me in Cincinnati where she had been a resident since November of 1964. Bo rn April 8, 1884 in Champaign county, she was the daughter of Solomon a nd Mary Lippincott Evilsizor. She was an employee of Dr James Simmons, a M ethodist clergyman in the Urbana area for over 50 years. She attended t he Delta Avenue United Methodist Church of Cincinnati. Survivors include o ne sister-in-law, Mrs Jesse Evilsizor of Urbana; one brother-in-law, Willi am Engle of Zanesfield, seven nieces including Mrs Mary Evilsizor and M rs Opal Evringham, both of Urbana; three nephews, including William and Ri chard, both of Urbana and several great nieces and nephews. Funeral servic es will be held in the Walter funeral home at 2 P.M. on Sunday with the R ev Kenneth Carey, retired pastor of the Friends Church officiating. Buri al will be in the Nettle Creek Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral h ome from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. on Saturday. Monday Feb 22, 1971. Pallbearers were Kenneth Evilsizor, Phillip Evilsizo r, Richard Evilsizor, James Beaty, James Kohn and William Kohn.

Name: Amy G Evilsizor Gender: Female Date of Death: 18 February 1971 Volume: 20375 Certificate: 010582 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Cincinnati, Hamilton County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Cincinnati, Hamilton County Age: 86 Years

[HI740] (Research):Name : Carrie E. Engle Death date : 10 Sep 1931 Death place : Columbus, Franklin, Ohio Birth date : 17 Jan 1880 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Urbana Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 51 years 7 months 23 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housewife Residence : Burial date : 13 Sep 1931 Burial place : Mt Tabor Cemetery name : Spouse name : William B. Engle Father name : Solomon Erilsizor Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Lippinsott Erilsizor Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 1992473 Digital GS number : 4000613 Image number : 2209 Certificate number : fn 53713 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI741] Named after his mothers brother, Ulrich Lippencott

[HI741] (Research):

[HI742] (Research):All census records show spelling using the "ER". Jesse is the only sibli ng to change the spelling from OR back to ER. I am finding only the perso ns that remained in Ohio kept the OR spelling.

Hartford City News Times, Saturday, August 12, 1939 Death Claims Local Paper Mill Employee Death Followed An Illness With Heart Trouble and Complications Jesse O Evilsizer, 64, for twenty-five years an employee of Hartford Ci ty Paper Mill, died at 5:30 P.M. Friday at the family home, 306 North Mulb erry Street. Death followed an illness dating since April. He was forc ed to suspend his work as electrician at the Hartford City paper Mill on A pril 10th. For the past three weeks, his condition has been critical. T he body was taken to the Burk and Fennig Funeral Home to be prepared for b urial and will be returned to the family residence Saturday afternoon. Fun eral services have been set for Monday afternoon at 2:30 from the Christi an Church here, in charge of the Rev harper McCune, pastor. Burial wi ll be made in IOOF Cemetery. Mr Evilsizer's death was attributed to hea rt trouble, asthma and general complications. Jesse Orville Evilsizer w as born October 4, 1874 in Champaign County, near Urbana, Ohio, the s on of Joseph and Hannah Evilsizer. He spent his early life in Ohio, comi ng to Indiana when a young man. On November 5, 1900, Mr Evilsizer claim ed as his wife, Miss May Scott. Surviving other than the widow, are four c hildren; Joseph R, at home; Ralph Evilsizer at Bellvue, Michigan, Mrs Del la Kirkwood of this city, and Kenneth of Upland; nine grandchildren; one b rother, Elmer, two sisters, Mrs Della Wildeson and Mrs Anna Dear of Columb us, Ohio. A brother Samuel, died last January at Libertyville, Ohio.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Jess Orval Born 10/4/1875 laborer for Hartford City Paper Co next of kin Loretta May Evilsizer Medium Height, Med Build, Blue eyes, Brown hair Signed 9/12/1917 Blackford Co, Hartford City, IN

[DI745] Name : Joseph Calven Bissett
Death date : 31 May 1919
Death place : Troy, Miami, Ohio
Birth date : 13 May 1861
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Oh
Age at death : 58 years 14 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : American
Street address :
Occupation : Machinist
Residence :
Burial date : 03 Jun 1919
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Riverside
Spouse name :
Father name : Ferdinand Bissett (incorrect information on cert)
Father titles :
Father birth place : Pa
Mother name : unk
Informant- Mrs J C Bissett
GSU film number : 1984696
Digital GS number : 4021939
Image number : 1544
Reference number : fn 36430
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI746] (Research):Name : Ida B. Flarida Death date : 09 Sep 1948 Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States Birth date : 12 Nov 1862 Birth place : Deep Valley, Pa. Age at death : 85 years 9 months 27 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 239 Rosewood Ave Occupation : Housewife Burial date : 9/11/1948 Burial place : Clark Co Cemetery name : Ferncliff Cemetery Spouse name : John M. Flarida Father name : Jerrimiah Bissett Father birth place : WV Mother name : Rebekeh Evilsizer Mother birth place : Ohio Informant-Nora Odell COD-cerebral thrombosis GSU film number : 2246494 Digital GS number : 4109114 Image number : 00066 Certificate number : 52958 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[XI746] 32820 �tab�FLARIDA �tab�IDA �tab�B. �tab�00/00/0000 DEEP VALLEY, PA. 09/09/1948 �tab�09/11/1948 G Lot 164 SubLot 1 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 3

[HI747] (Research):

[DI747] Name : John Mason Flarida Death date : 15 Apr 1942 Death place : Moorefield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 15 Jan 1860 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Franklin Co., Ohio Age at death : 82 years 3 months Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Route 6 Occupation : Horse Shoer Residence : Springfield Burial date : 17 Apr 1942 Burial place : Cemetery name : Ferncliff Cem. Spouse name : Ida B. Flarida Father name : Henry Flarida Father titles : Father birth place : Unknown Mother name : Emma Downs Mother titles : Mother birth place : England GSU film number : 2024001 Digital GS number : 4057874 Image number : 886 Certificate number : fn 21530 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[XI747] 37898 �tab�FLARIDA �tab�JOHN �tab�M. 00/00/0000 �tab�FRANKLIN CO., O. �tab�04/15/1942 04/17/1942 �tab�G �tab�Lot 164 �tab�SubLot 1 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 1

[DI748] Springfield Daily News, Tuesday, July 20, 1926 Pg9
Joshua B Zerkle, 77, died Monday at midnight at his home in the rear of 44 E College Ave. He was born in Champaign County and lived in Sprin gfield for more than 20 years. He was a retired farmer. He leaves three daughters; Mrs Aaron Shaffer of Troy, Ohio; Mrs C I Benedict of this city and Mrs Clyde Lee of Terre Haute, Ohio, and one son, Charles Zerkle of St Paris and one step daughter, Mrs J M Flarida, also of Springfield. Funeral Services will be held at 2 P.M. Thursday at the Terre Haute Methodist Episcopal church. Burial will be made in the Terre Haute Cemetery. The body was removed to the Herr and Craver funeral parlors.

ZERKLE JCSHUA B County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 7/19/1926 Volume Number: 5093 Certificate Number: 42661

[HI752] (Research):Springfield Sun-News, January 20, 1900 Mrs Theodore McKinley and Mrs Charles Hupp were entertained at the ho me of Mrs Lewis Evilsizor Thursday.

Springfield News, August 27, 1905
Mrs Lewis Evilsizor, who lives near Bowlusville, came to Tremont City with garden products Friday afternoon and while delivering the products w as seized with heart failure and had it not been for persons near by who s aw her strange movements and ran to her assistance, she would have fall en out of her buggy. She was taken to the residence of Mrs. Edward Bare, w here medical aide was summoned. After working with her for some tim e, Dr J H Hirons said that she was out of danger. Later in the evening s he was taken home by Mrs Bare.

Springfield Daily News, Sunday, Feb 4, 1917
Aged Mother Called By Death
Mrs Sarah Ellen Evilsizor, aged 67 years, the wife of Louis Evilsizor, died last night at her home in Tremont City, of a complication of diseases. Mrs Evilsizor had been a resident of Tremont City for several years. Be sides her husband she leaves the following children; Clement and A B Evils izor, Mrs Amelia Holl, Mrs Ollie Green, and Marshall Evilsizor of Springfi eld; Henry Evilsizor of Champaign County; Mrs. Lydia Gentis and John M Evi lsizor of Tremont City and M L Evilsizor of Adrian, Mich. The funeral services will be held at the M E Church in Tremont Ci ty at 10 O'clock Tuesday and burial will be made in the cemetery at that p lace.

on another page same newspaper
Mother - Parent to Nine, Dies in Tremont City
Mrs Ellen Evilsizor Succumbs to Complications at her home Saturday Night
Mourned by a husband and nine living children, Mrs Ellen Evilsizor, aged 67, wife of Lewis Evilsizor, of Tremont City, died at her home in that village Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Complication of dieseases is given as the reason for death. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Tremont City Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs Evilsizor was a life-long resident of Tremont. Besides her husband, she is survived by nine children, four living in Springfield and all of them so close to the original home that attendance at the funeral will be possible. The children are: Herman A Evilsizor of Champaign County; Clement E Evilsizor, south of the city; John M Evilsizor of Tremont City; Mrs Lydia Gentis of Bowlusville; M L Evilsizor of Adrian Michigan; A B Evilsizor, Marshall Evilsizor, Mrs Ollie Greene and Mrs Amelia Hold of this city. Burial will be made at Tremont City Cemetery

REAL ESTATE: "Springfield (O.) Sun" Thursday, June 8, 1899: "REALTY TRA NSFERS Sarah Morris to John M. Morris, two acres in German township, $15 0"

[NI753] Springfield News July 7, 1900 Allen Evilsizor has become the owner of the Columbus Kunkle property , south of Tremont, and will proceed at once to remodel the place and make it a model country residence.

[DI753] Springfield Daily News Monday Dec 27,1954 Henry Allen (Dad) Evilsizor,85, who resided with a son, Harold of 3 35 � W Main St, died at 6:10 A.M. Monday in City hospital following a nine -month illness. His condition had been serious three weeks. A native of Clark County , he was a retired employee of the Crowell-Collier Publishing Co. He was born Sept 23, 1869, a son of Lewis and Sarah Morris Evilsizor and had resided in the county most of his lifetime. Surviving in addition to the son with whom he made his home are three daughters, Mrs Orval Ha rris and Mrs Carl Williams, both of Springfield; Mrs Ray Dorius of Califor nia; three brothers, Clem of Springfield Route 4; John Marley of Tremont City and Marion of Adrian, Michigan; one sister, Mrs Lydia Conley of Springfield; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. His body was taken to Richards Memorial Home where services will be conducted at 2 P.M. We dnesday. Burial will be in Terre Haute.

[HI754] (Research):Springfield Daily News Sunday, Sept 6,1931 Mrs Louisa Evilsizor,62,wife of Henry A Evilsizor, died at 4 A.M. Saturd ay at her home, 1201 W Pleasant St, after an illness of two months. Mrs Ev ilsizor had been a resident of Springfield for the last nine years, a nd of Clark County for the last 27 years. She was born in Champaign Count y, where she spent the early part of her life. While residing in Springfie ld, she attended the Grace M E Church in Terre Haute. Surviving are her hu sband, three daughters, Christine Evilsizor at home, Mrs Bertha Harr is of Cleveland; and Mrs Geneva Williams of Springfield; a son, Harold Evi lsizor; five brothers, Lorenzo and Frank Eipper of New Moorefield, Elmer E ipper of Montrose, Colo, Henry Eipper of Tremont City, Oliver Eipper of Ro sewood, OH; two sisters, Mrs Ida Davis of Troy, OH and Mrs Alice Gerha rt of Terre haute, OH, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be con ducted at 2 P.M. Monday at the Terre Haute M E Church in charge of Rev Jo hn R Wynd, pastor of Grace M E Church of Springfield. Burial will be in t he Terre haute Cemetery

Name : Louisa Evilsizor Death date : 05 Sep 1931 Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 13 Sep 1869 Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 61 years 11 months 22 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 1201 W. Pleasant Occupation : House Keeping Residence : Springfield, Clark, Ohio 1201 W Pleasant Burial date : 07 Sep 1931 Cemetery name : Terre Haute Cem. Spouse name : Henry A. Evilsizor Father name : Henry Eipper Father birth place : Springfield, O. Mother name : Christine Shuirr Mother birth place : Lawrenceville, O. Informant-Henry A Evilsizor COD-Cerebral hemorrage GSU film number : 1992473 Digital GS number : 4000613 Image number : 837 Certificate number : fn 52438 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI755] Springfield Daily News Sun Oct 9, 1955 Harold Evilsizor,56, an employee of the International Harvester Co the last 20 years, died at 10 A.M. Saturday in City hospital. He lived at 3 35 � W Main St and was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and a former member of the Reformed Church of Tremont City. Survivors are three sisters, Mrs Bertha Harris and Mrs Geneva Williams, both of Springfield and Mrs Christine Dorius, Los Angeles, Calif. His body was removed to the Richards Memorial Home, where friends may call from Sunday evening until time of services, 2:30 P.M. Tuesday with the Rev Emerson Fox as the officiating clergyman. Burial will be in Terre Haute Cemeter

[BI756] Decemeter 28, 1901 Born to Mr and Mrs Allie Evilsizor Monday morning a bouncing big girl bab y. All are doing well.

Name �tab�Christina Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�24 Dec 1901
Birthplace �tab�Tremont, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�H. A. Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Louisa Eipper
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00802-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 121

[DI756] Springfield Daily News, Jan, 1967 Mrs Christine Dorius, 60, of Sherman Oaks, Calif, died there Friday sudden ly of a heart attack. A native of Clark County, Mrs Dorius was born Dec 2 4, 1901 the daughter of Henry A and Louisa Eipper Evilsizor. She was a Spr ingfield resident for a number of years before moving to California 30 yea rs ago. Mrs Dorius was a member of the Terre Haute Methodist Episcopal Chu rch. Survivors are her husband Roy; and two sisters, Mrs Carl Williams a nd Mrs Orval Harris, both of Springfield. Her body will be brought to t he Richards Memorial Home.

[HI757] (Research):Springfield News, May 11, 1962 Ray Dorius-Word was received in Springfield Thursday of the death Tuesd ay of Ray Dorius,59, of Sherman Oaks, Calif. Mr Dorius was the husba nd of the late Christine Evilsizor, a former Springfield resident. Servic es will be held in Glendale, Calif and burial will be in Salt lake City, U tah.

[HI758] (Research):Springfield Dail News September 24, 1969 Mrs Bertha Harris, 65, wife of Orville L Harris of 315 Roosevelt Dr, di ed Wednesday following three weeks of illness,. Mrs Harris was the form er manager of the Hat Bar in Wren's and a former employee of the Springfie ld Credit Bureau. Mrs Harris was born Oct 20, 1903, in Clark county, the d aughter of Henry A and Louisa Eipper Evilsizor. She was a member of the La gonda United Methodist Church, Ohio State Mother's Club, and an active mem ber of the Woman s' Society of World Service. Survivors other than her hus band include one daughter, Mrs John (Anna Lou) Norris, 2111 Clifton Ave; o ne son, attorney Richard O Harris of Urbana; one sister, Mrs Carl (Genev a) Williams of Springfield, and nine grandchildren. Her body was tak en to the Woods-Allgier funeral home where friends may call from 7 to 9 P. M. Thursday and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Friday. Funeral services wi ll be held at 10:30 A.M. Saturday in the Lagonda United Methodist Chur ch by the Rev Gerald Geiger, pastor. Her body will be in state in the chur ch one hour prior to the services. Burial will be in Terre Haute cemetery.

Name �tab�Bertha Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�20 Oct 1904
Birthplace �tab�Tremont, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�A. E. Efilsizor
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Louisia Iper
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00802-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 123

[HI759] (Research):Springfield News Sun Saturday March 18, 2000 Orval L Harris, 97, of Englewood, Florida and formerly of Springfield, di ed at 11:43 A.M. Thursday, March 16, 2000 in Beverly Health Care Center, E nglewood, Florida. He was born April 26, 1902 in Dialton, Ohio, the s on of Ira L and Sara E (Baldwin) Harris. He retired in 1972 as a tool ro om machinist at Wright Patterson Air Force Base after 19 and one half yea rs of service. Survivors include his wife, Elizabeth M; two children and s pouses, Richard and Phyllis Harris, Urbana, Anna Lou and John Norris, Spri ngfield; nine grandchildren; 21 great grandchildren and several nieces a nd nephews. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Bertha; step son J ohn Conwell; one sister and three brothers. Friends may call from 3-6 Sund ay in the Conroy Funeral Home. Funeral Mass will be held at 10 A.M. Mond ay in St Bernard Church, Burial will be in Terre Haute Cemetery, Terre Hau te, Ohio. Memorial donations may be made to the Springfield Paramedic Fu nd or the American Cancer Society

[BI760] Name �tab�Jeneva Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�12 Mar 1907
Birthplace �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Henry A. Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Louisa Eipper
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00818-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 125

[DI760] Springfield Daily News February 11 1973 Services for Mrs Geneva Williams, 65, of 1338 W Jefferson St, will be he ld at 10 A.M. Thursday in the Richards Memorial Home by the Rev Paul Angel l. Mrs Williams died in her home at 4 A.M. Monday after having been seriou sly ill for one week. Burial will be in the Terre Haute Cemetery. Frien ds may call at the memorial home from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday.

ARNOLD, EIPPER, EVELSIZER, SMITH, WILLIAMS Name of Newspaper is Daily News , Springfield, OH on Tuesday, February 13, 1973 Mrs Geneva WILLIAMS, 65, of 1338 W Jefferson st, died in her ho me at 4 am Monday. She had been seriously ill for the past week. A memb er of Grace United Methodist Church, she was born in Clark County May 1 2, 1907, a daughter of Henry and Louisa EIPPER EVELSIZER. Mrs WILLIAMS liv ed in Clark County all her life. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs Lou (Ann) SMI TH and Mrs Patricia ARNOLD, both of Springfield; three sons, Larry of Mes a, Ariz, Paul of California and Michael of Springfield, and eight grandchi ldren. Her husband, Carl, died in 1971. Mrs WILLIAMS' body was taken to t he Richards Memorial Home where friends may call from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p m. Wednesday. Services will be held at 10 am . Thursday in the memorial ho me in charge of the R ev Paul Angell. Burial will be in the Terre Haute Ce metery


[HI762] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, Wednesday September 17, 1958 Clemon E Evilsizor, 84, of Springfield, route four, Old Clifton Rd, di ed at 11:40 A.M. Tuesday in City Hospital after one day's illness. Mr Evil sizor was born Oct 23, 1873, and was the son of Lewis Evilsizor and Sar ah Morris Evilsizor. Early in life he lived in Champaign county, but spe nt the past 53 years farming in Clark county. He was a farmer all of his a dult life. His wife, Urba Mae Walker Evilsizor died Oct 2, 1942. Survivo rs include two daughters, Mrs Lloyd (Nellie) Stratton, with whom he made h is home, and Mrs William (Esther) Nevius of Springfield; two sons, Norm an E Evilsizor, Springfield, route four, and Paul C Evilsizor of Bellefont aine; 10 grand children, nine great grandchildren and several nieces and n ephews. His body was taken to the Jackson Lysle funeral home where frien ds may call from 2 P.M. Thursday until the time of services at 2 P.M. Satu rday in the funeral home. The Rev W Morrison will officiate. Burial wi ll be in Ferncliff Cemetery.

1950- 1951-1952 Clark County Farm and Business Directory Lehmann Buildi ng Bowling Green Ohio Evilsizor, Clem, RFD #4 Springfield, Ohio Possum East Rd tenant Laborer, Good & Reese Inc.

WWI Draft Registration 9/12/1918
Clark Co, Springfield, OH
Clemen Elsville? Evilsizor
age 45 born 10/23/1873
Lives RR# 4 Springfield, OH,
Self employed farmer
Kin- Lewis Eveisizor, Tremont City, OH
Tall, small build, Blue eyes, B rn Hair, no defects

Name: CLEMON E EVILSIZOR Gender: Male Date of Death: September 16, 1958 Volume: 15517 Certificate: 60773 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 84

[MI762] (Medical):died in City Hospital

[XI762] 63335 �tab�EVILSIZOR �tab�CLEMON �tab�E. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�TREMONT CITY, O �tab�09/16/1958 09/20/1958 H Lot 544 �tab�SubLot 2 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 3

[HI763] (Research):Springfield News, April 15, 1910 Mrs Clement Evilsizor of Hustead was a Sunday guest there at the home of h er parents, Mr and Mrs James Walker

[DI763] Urbana Daily Citizen Monday, October 5, 1942
Funeral services for Mrs Urba Mae Evilsizor, 61, wife of Clem Evilsiz or of Springfield, Rt 4, sister of Mrs Ray Brown of Urbana Rt 1 and a sister of John Walker of St Paris, were to be conducted at 2 P M Monday with burial in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield. The rites were to be held in t he Jackson-Lytle funeral home in charge of the Rev J A Jenkinson, assistant pastor of the Central Methodist church. Mrs Evilsizor died Friday morning after an illness of two months. A native of Bowlusville, in Champaign C ounty she had been a resident of Clark County for the past 37 years. Surviving are the husband; two daughters, Mrs Lloyd Stratton of Springfie ld Rt 6, and Mrs Esther Bryant, Springfield; two sons, Norman E of Springfield and Lt Paul C Evilsizor, serving with the united States Army Air Corp s. Nine grandchildren

Name : Urba May Evilsizor Death date : 02 Oct 1942 Death place : Springfield, Springfield Co., Ohio Birth date : 02 Dec 1881 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co, Ohio Age at death : 61 years 10 months Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : American Street address : RR #4 Occupation : Housewife Residence : Springfield, Springfield Co., Ohio Burial date : 07 Oct 1942 Cemetery name : Ferncliff Cem Spouse name : Clem Evilsizer Father name : James Walker Father birth place : Belfast, Ireland Mother name : Emma Metz Mother birth place : Champaign Co, Ohio Informant-Clem Evilsizer COD- carcinoma lower end of esophagus GSU film number : 2024035 Digital GS number : 4057804 Image number : 1317 Certificate number : fn 57825 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI764] (Research):Springfield News-Sun Sunday August 20, 1995 Nellie E Stratton, 92, of Springfield, died Thursday, August 17, 1995 in C ommunity Hospital. She was born Feb 9, 1903 in Cedar Boggs, Champaign Coun ty, the daughter of Clement E and Urba Mae (Walker) Evilsizor She was a ho memaker and worked in her home with direct clothing sales for ten years. S he attended St John's Lutheran Church, Green Special Homemaker, Ladi es of the Orient, Zuanna; Little Miami Rebeka Lodge No 379, Daughters of A merica, Home City Chapter #27.Survivors include two sons, Lloyd (Fran k) F and Charles E Stratton of Springfield; two daughters, Barbara Mae Dun can of Springfield and Ruth I Gillette of Lebanon, Tennessee; seven grandc hildren; one step-grandchild; sixteen great grandchildren; and three step- great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lloyd W Str atton in January of 1979; a sister, Esther Gerhardt; and three brothers, N orman, Paul and Millard Evilsizor. Friends may call Sunday from 5-8 P. M. in the Woods Allgier funeral home. Services will be held Monday at 10 A .M. in the funeral home with the Rev Allen Dietz officiating. Interment wi ll follow in Ferncliff Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be direct ed to Squad 95.

Name: Nellie Estella Stratton Gender: Female Date of Death: 17 August 1995 Birth Date: 09 February 1903 Volume: 30332 Certificate: 059767 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 275241785 Father's Surname: Evilsizer Time of Death: 2:55 PM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 08 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Walker Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 92

[HI765] (Research):Springfield Daily News-Saturday, Jan 13, 1979, Pg 8 Lloyd Warren "Buss" Stratton, 76, of 5900 Old Clifton Rd, died at 5:25 A. M. Friday in Community Hospital following seven weeks of serious illnes s. He was born August 2, 1902 in Clark County, a son of John and Mary M ay Crabill Stratton. He retired in 1966 from International Harvester, whe re he was employed for 23 � years as an outside storekeeper. He was a memb er of Fielding lodge No 192, F an AM, South Charleston. Survivors inclu de his wife, Nellie E, to whom he was married 54 years; two sons, Llo yd F of Springfield, and Charles E of North Hampton; two daughters, Ms Bar bara Mae Duncan, and Mrs Howard (Ruth) Gilette of Lebanon,Tenn; seven gran dchildren; one step-grandchild; two step great grandchildren; two half-sis ters, Mrs George (Edith) Knaubb of Springfield and Mrs Forest (Ermalee) No wlin of Phoenix, Arizona; one step-sister, Mrs Harley (Meda) Beaver of Spr ingfield; several nieces and nephews. Friends may call from 2-4 and 7-9 P. M. Sunday at the Woods-Algier Funeral Home. Services will be conducted the re at 10:30 A.M. Monday by the Rev Randall Peters, associate past or of St Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church. Burial will be in Ferncliff Ce metery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dr Donald Kyles Medic al Center, Cedarville, or Emergency Squad No 95.

[HI766] (Research):Springfield Daily News October 1974 Mrs Esther E Gerhardt,67, of 431 N Burnett Rd, died at 2:30 A.M. Frid ay in University Hospital, Columbus. Active in tax and accounting field s, she operated an accounting office in her home for many years. Mrs Gerha rdt was a member of the Seven-O-Two Chapter of the American Business Woman 's Association and in 1972 was selected "Woman of the Year" by the Chapte r, which sent her to the association's national convention to compete f or national businesswoman of the year. She also served as past preside nt of the chapter. She was also a member of the Second Church of God, a me mber and the past noble grand officer of the Ivor Rebekah Lodge No 14, a nd Oxidental Auxiliary No 14, a ward committeewoman and a member of the co mmunity hospital auxiliary. She was second vice president of the Departme nt Association LAPM of Ohio. She was born in Springfield July 31, 1907, t he daughter of Clement Ellsworth and Urba Mae Walker Evilsizor. Survivo rs include her husband, Sherwood F, a daughter, Mrs Marilyn Bryant Hulsbe ck of Montgomery; three stepsons, Eugene S, Wayne B and Kyle D Gerhardt, a ll of Springfield; 12 grandchildren; 4 great grandchildren; a brother, Pa ul C Evilsizor of Bellefontaine and a sister, Mrs Nellie Stratton of Sprin gfield. Two brothers, Millard and Norman Ellsworth Evilsizor are decease d. Her body was taken to the Jackson Lytle and Coffman funeral home whe re friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Sunday. Ivor Rebekah Lod ge No 415 will hold services at 8 P.M. Sunday in the funeral home. Funer al services are to be conducted in the funeral home at 10:30 A.M. Monday w ith the Rev Otis Johnson officiating. Contributions may be made to the Ame rican Businesswoman's Association scholarship fund.

[BI766] Name �tab�Esther Genevive Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�31 Jul 1907
Birthplace �tab�Green, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Clem E. Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Ursa May Walker
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00818-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 127

[HI768] (Research):This found and not known if this is correct person WILLIAM NEVIUS
SSN 275-24-1230 Residence: 45503 Springfield, Clark, OH
Born 13 Jan 1886 Last Benefit:
Died Dec 1964 Issued: OH (Before 1951)

William Nevius is in the 1900 Clark Co, German, OH Census pg 48 Charles Nevius 3/1863 OH NJ IRE Mary S 3/1868 OH OH OH married 15 years, 4 children, 4 living William H 1/1886 Emma M 1/1887 Florence 9/1888 Robert J 2/1890 Nevin C M Hill, Uncle In Law, 7/1840, married 35y, OH MD DE

[HI769] (Research):Springfield Daily News Feb 26, 1989 Sherwood Ferris Gerhardt,90, passed away at 2:30 P.M. Saturday, February 2 5, 1989 in Veteran's Hospital, Dayton. He was born in Springfield, Oh io on July 28, 1898, the son of Dan and Lulu (Dunn) Gerhardt. He was a mem ber of the Bowlusville United Methodist Church, was a retired carpenter, a nd also engaged in farming. He was a member of the Springfield IOOF Lod ge Number 33 for 28 years and a member of the Lalmein Sanctorium No 122. S urvivors include three sons, Kyle and his wife Ruth, Eugene and his wife M ary Wayne and his wife Helen, all of Springfield; 10 grandchildren; sever al great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by h is first wife Eleanor and by his second wife Esther (Evilsizor) (Nevius ); also two sisters, Katherine Crabill and Esther Grossman, and a broth er David. His body was taken to the Jones-Kenney-Zechman funeral home whe re friends may call from 5-8 P.M. Tuesday. Funeral services will be he ld at 11 A.M. Wednesday in the funeral home conducted by Rev William Stove r. Interment will be in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. IOOF Lodge 33 will ho ld services at 7 P.M. Tuesday. Memorial contributions may be made to the B owlusville United Methodist Church.

[DI770] Springfield (OH) Daily News Tuesday, August 23, 1910 The small son of Mr and Mrs Clem Evilsizor is seriously ill at their ho me south of Springfield with cholera infantum. The family formerly resid ed here, and their many friends hope for the little one's speedy recovery

Springfield (OH) Daily News Sunday, August 25, 1910 Millard W Evilsizor died at the residence of his parents, Mr and Mrs Cl em Evilsizor, four and one-half miles south of the city Saturday afterno on at 2:30. The funeral will be held from the residence Monday at 12:30 a nd burial at Ferncliff.

Name : Millard W. Evilsizor Death date : 27 Aug 1910 Death place : Springfield Tp., Clark, Ohio Birth date : 05 Mar 1909 Birth place : Clark Co., Ohio Age at death : 1 year 5 months 22 days Gender : Male Marital status : Race or color : Caucasian Burial date : 29 Aug 1910 Cemetery name : Ferncliff Cemetery Father name : Clem Evilsizor Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Urba Walker Mother birth place : Ohio COD- Colitis GSU film number : 1952493 Digital GS number : 4021031 Image number : 1435 Certificate number : fn 41752 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[XI770] 65762 �tab�EVILSIZOR �tab�MILLARD �tab�W. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab��tab�08/29/1910 �tab�08/29/1910 �tab�H �tab�Lot 544 �tab�SubLot 2 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 1

[HI771] (Research):A 1946 decision of the Court of Appeals of Ohio in Clark County (Springfie ld) involved the conviction of Mr. Niles Young, Sheriff of Clark County, f or taking bribes to abstain from law enforcement against a gambling operat ion in the Red Brick Tavern. Norman Evilsizer is only mentioned as introdu cing William DeWitt, the Sheriff's campaign manager, to Leonard Donahue, o ne of the tavern's owners. State v. Young, 70 N.E.2d 458 (Oh. 1946)

January 8, 1970 Springfield Daily News Norman E Evilsizor, Springfield Township Trustee's Clerk Died Norman E Evilsizor, 57, of 2208 Seminole Dr, traffic manager at Udylite Co rp, and Clerk of the Springfield Township trustees, died suddenly Wednesd ay around 11:00 P.M. in his home. He had served for several years as cle rk of the township trustees. Also, Mr Evilsizor served as the Preside nt of the Clark County District Board of Health for a period. Mr Evilsiz or was a member of the deputy staff of the Clark County Sheriff in the ear ly 40's. Survivors include his widow, Mary. His body was taken to the Litt leton funeral home. He was born in Springfield, July 16, 1912, the s on of Clem Ellsworth and Urba Mae Walker Evilsizor and was a member of t he Emery Chapel United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, May ( Jerrie) V Evilsizor; two sons, Gail Owen Evilsizor of Springfield and Ga ry Wayne Evilsizor of Denver, Colo; one daughter, Judy Williams of Denve r, Colo; three grandsons; two sisters, Mrs Lloyd (Nettie) Straton and M rs Sherwood ( Esther) Gerhardt, both of Springfield; one brother, Paul C E vilsizor of Bellefontaine, and several nieces and nephews. Mr Evilsizor w as a past master of Clark Lodge No 101 F & AM; Springfield Chapter Royal A rch Masters No 48, Springfield Council No 17 Royal and Select Mason s; a 25 year member in the Grand Council and Grand and Select Masters-Pale stine Commandery No 33 Knights Temple; Past President and life member of t he Republican Central Committee. He was also honorary chief for Springfie ld Township No 1 Fire Station; a member of the BPOE Elks Lodge No 51; a me mber and past President of the Ohio State Association of Township Truste es and Clerks; first president of the PTA Council of Springfield local sch ool district; and past president of the Possum PTA. Friends may call fr om 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. Friday. Services will be held at 1 P.M. Saturd ay in the funeral home in charge of the Rev George Groh, pastor of the Eme ry Chapel United Methodist Church. Memorial contributions may be made to t he Heart Fund. Burial will be in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens.

William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Norman Deputy Sheriff's Office r RD 4

1950- 1951-1952 Clark County Farm and Business Directory Lehmann Buildi ng Bowling Green Ohio Evilsizor, Norman E (Mary) RFD # 4 Springfield, Ohio Petre Rd. Tenant Traf fic Mgr. Mitchell Engineering Co, Gail 9, Gary 7, Judy 6


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