Name «tab»Elmore Evilsizer
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»27 May 1874
Birthplace «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Joseph Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Hannah E. Zerkel
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»I10449-0
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»295232
Reference Number «tab»138-139
[MI1770] (Medical):2 yrs toxic goiter - Exophthalmic Goiter
[BI1770] IGI DOB 8/22/1872
IGI DOB 8/22/1872 Name : Emma E. Evilsizor
Death date : 25 Aug 1940 Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Estimated birth year : 1872 Birth place : Age at death : 68 years 3 days
Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : White
Occupation : housewife Burial date : 8/28/1940
Cemetery name : Nettle Creek Spouse name :Jasper Evilsizor
Father name : George Hamilton Father birth place : VA
Mother name : Mary Idle Mother birth place : VA Informant- Oscar? Evilsizer COD-Angina GSU film number : 2023841 Digital GS number : 4122506 Image number : 2662 Certificate number : fn 48108 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI1772] (Research): I thought Alice and Oscar was mother and son but then I called them Aunt and Uncle. Virgil is a ringer as I just never gave much thought to the situation. I just remember they all lived together in Urbana at the time. I'm told that Aunt Alice was cooking for the home where she lived until her passing. She looked the same from the day I first met her until the last!!!!! Remarkable HUH!! The Evilsizor family really used the name Alice as my mother was Alice and Edna told me she was named after Aunt Alice, CC's sister. Donald Allen [email protected]
[MI1772] (Medical):Champaign County Nursing Home
Springfield OH News-Sun, Friday, January 7th, 2000. Alice Leona Evilsizer 97 of Urbana passed away Wednesday, January 5th, 200 0, in the Champaign Co, Nursing Home. She was born June 14, 1902, in Urban a, Ohio, the daughter of Jasper and Emma (Hamilton) Evilsizor. Alice is su rvived by one sister, Thelma Seelenbinder of Springfield and many nieces a nd nephews. She was preceded in death by one son, Virgil W Evilsizor; two sisters, Mary Grow and Maude Evilsizor; five brothers, Oscar, Arthur, R obert, Clifford and Willard. A gathering of family and friends will be he ld from 10-11 A.M. Saturday, Jan 8th, 2000 in the Littleton & Rue Funer al Home, Urbana. Funeral services will be held at 11 A.M. with Rev Cliffo rd Kissinger officiating. Burial will be in the nettle Creek Cemetery. You may express condolences to the family through www.littletonandrue.com. (Obit of brother Charles Clifford 1937 says she is single at the time of his death.)
Alice dying with the last name of Evilsizor leads you to believe she was n ever married, or married to another Evilsizor
Date of Death: January 5, 2000 Birth Date: June 14, 1902
Volume: 32282 Certificate: 008882 Autopsy: N
Social Security Number: 277543331
Father's Surname: EVILSIZOR Time of Death: 6:17 PM
Marital Status: never married Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Place of Death: nursing home Certifier:
Physician Branch of Service:
Method of Disposition: Burial
Mother's Surname: HAMILTON
Race: White Birth Place: URBANA, CHAMPAIGN, Ohio
Residence: URBANA, CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Age: 97 years
[DI1773] Springfield News Sun-Monday, Jan 27, 1992-Pg 16 Mary E Grow,85, of Bellefontaine, died Sunday at Heartland of Bellefontaine. Grave side services at Huntsville Cemetery, 2 P.M. Wednesday. Arrangeme nts by Eichholtz funeral home, Bellefontaine.
(Research):Age in 1920 Census 4 2/12
THELMA MARTHA SICELENBINDER 81. of Springfield. died Saturday, February 15.2003 in the Oakwood Village. She was born in Urbana, Ohio November 1 6, 1915 the daughter of Jasper and Emma (Hamilton) Evilsizor. Mrs. Seelenb inder was a member of the St. John Lutheran Church. She was previously emp loyed by I C Penney and retired from the Society National flank with ov er twenty years of service. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-la w, Fred and Shirley (Can) •Seelenbinder of Lima; two grandchildren. Jeffr ey and wife Carol of Michigan and Daniel of Maryland: two great grandchild ren. Katie and Kelly of Michigan. Funeral services will be held Wednesd ay at 2:00 p.m. in the LIT~LETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, SPRINGFIELD with Past or Kay Glaesner officiating. A gathering of family and friends will held o ne hour prior to the time of service. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemeter y. Memorial contributions may be made to the Glaesner Health Care Cent er at Oakwood Retirement Village, 1500 Villa Road Springfield, Ohio 4550 3. You may express condolences at www. Uttletoncndrue. corn (Photo)
[XI1774] 6161 «tab»SEELENBINDER «tab»THELMA «tab»M. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»URBANA, OH «tab»02/15/2003 «tab»02/19/2003 «tab»32 «tab»Lot 125 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Oscar Evilsizor age 7 attended 1899-1904
Springfield News, May 8, 1910 Oscar and Arthur Evilsizor of the Center, were in Bowlusville Saturday evening on special business
Springfield News, May 10, 1910 Oscar Evilsizor of Mount Golian Ridge was in Shantytown Sunday
Springfield News Willow Dale, June 8, 1910 Mr B B Calop and Oscar and Robert and Mattie Evilsizor, of Johnson's Island and Willow Villa attended children day exercise at the U B Church Sunday night at Bowlusville
Springfield News, June 10, 1910 Oscar Evilsizor of Willowville, spent Sunday with I N Evilsizor of Kucedleville
Springfield News, August 7, 1910-Willowville Oscar Evilsizor is going with J C Thackery's machine
Name: Oscar Freeman Evilsizer City: Not Stated County: Champaign State: Ohio Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America Birth Date: 22 Nov 1891 Race: Caucasian Roll: 1819797 WWI Draft Reg Card Sept 12 1918 Oscar Freeman Evilsizor RD8 Urbana, OH Age 25 born Nov 22 1891in Terre Haute, OH Self employed farmer, single, med height, stout build, blue eyes, light ha ir
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Oscar Evilsizer Birth Date: 22 Nov 1891 Residence: Champaign, Ohio RR#4 Urbana, OH Birth: Champaign County, Ohio Race: White Roll: WWII_2372905 Contact:Alcie Evilsizer, Sister, same address Self employed
Urbana Citizen Wednesday January 19, 1977 Oscar F Evilsizor, 85, 158 Taft Ave, was dead on arrival at Mercy Memori al Hospital at 8:50 P.M. Tuesday where he was taken by the emergency squa d. He was born in Champaign county on Nov 22, 1891, the son of Jasper a nd Emma Hamilton Evilsizor. He was a lifetime area resident. He farmed unt il 1945 when he moved to Urbana. He was employed at the Urbana Water Wor ks where he was a boiler operator. He also worked with the Howard Mills. T he last 25 years he was with the Desmond-Stephens Co. He retired in Decemb er 1976. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs Mary Grow of Bellefontain e, Mrs Richard (Thelma) Seelenbinder of Springfield and Mrs Alice Evilsiz or of Urbana. A number of nieces and nephews also survive. Friends may ca ll at the Hollingshead funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 on Thursday. Se rvices will be held in the Hollingshead funeral home on Friday at 1:30 P. M. the Rev Clifford L Kissinger of the First Baptist Church officiating. B urial will be in Nettle Creek Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be ma de to the Urbana Para-Medics. Monday Jan 24, 1977 Pallbearers were Herman Leopard, Benjamin Johnson, Her bert Cassell, Donald Gullett, John Evilsizor and Richard Patton.
Name: Oscar F Evilsizor Gender: Male Date of Death: 18 January 1977 Volume: 22738 Certificate: 000585 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 85 Years
(Research):Springfield News, May 17, 1910 Robert Evilsizor and Arthur of Pumpkin Center and B H Lower of Whistleville attended church at Bowlusville Sunday night
Springfiled News, Willow Dale, June 8, 1910 Uncle Robert Evilsizor has killed the oldest and largest rattlesnake of the season, having all twelve rattles and a button. This one was killed on the J C Thackery farm
Springfield News, August 7, 1910, Willowville William Morris and Robert Evilsizor were making hay on the J C Thackery farm last week
Name: ROBERT H EVILSIZOR Gender: Male Date of Death: July 25, 1964
Volume: 17726 Certificate: 48214 Marital Status: Never Married
Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White
Residence: , Champaign County Age: 71
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1901 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Arthur Evilsizor age 6 attended 1901-1904
Springfield Daily News 4/13/1910- SOUTH END Snakes, big snakes and little snakes, there are lots of all kinds this spr ing. Arthur Evilsizor, while working in the woods last Friday sought out s helter out of the rain to eat his dinner, so he went into a large stump. W hile there eating his dinner and counting up the money he had made, a lar ge blacksnake crawled up and took charge of the dinner and Arthur's hair s tood on end, and he made a hasty retreat
Springfield News, May 8, 1910 Oscar and Arthur Evilsizor of the Center, were in Bowlusville Saturday eve ning on special business
Springfield News, June 24, 1910 B H Lower od Turkeyfoot, and Arthur Evilsizor of Shadville attended Sund ay School and church at Bowlusville Sunday morning
Name: Arthur Vineyard Evilsizor City: Not Stated County: Champaign State: Ohio Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America Birth Date: 08 Jul 1895 Race: Caucasian Roll: 1819797 WWI Draft Reg Cards June 5 1917 Arthur Vineyard Evilsizor RD8 Urbana, OH Age 21 born July 8 1895 in Urbana, OH Farmer for H W Barnett Married with wife, med height, med build, brn eyes, brn hair
1930 Ohio Census Arthur V Evilsizor Moorefield, Clark, OH abt 1896 Ohio Head Sarah K Evilsizor Moorefield, Clark, OH abt 1898 Wife John E Evilsizor c1918 Leona M Evilsizo c1920 Etta L Evilsizor c1923 Lucille K Evilsizor c1926
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Arthur Vinyard Evilsizor Birth Date: 8 Jul 1895 Residence: Clark, Ohio RR3 Springfield Birth: Champaign CO Race: White Roll: WWII_2372905 Contact:Sarah Evilsizor, same address Emp-Self-Farmer
Urbana Citizen Thursday August 26, 1976 Services for Arthur V Evilsizor, Springfield, were held Wednesday in Jacks on Lytle and Coffman funeral home, Springfield, with the Rev Walfred Fahr er officiating. Burial was in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield. Evilsizo r, 81, died at 9:15 P.M. Sunday in Springfield Community hospital. He w as born July 8, 1895 in Champaign county the son of Jasper and Emma Hamilt on Evilsizor. He retired in 1960 after 26 years as a guard at Internation al Harvester and was a member of UAW Local 402, the Tremont City Junior Lo dge and the Northridge Christian Fellowship Church. Surviving are: wife, S arah K; three daughters, Mrs Richard (Leone) Patton and Mrs Edward (Lucill e) Draper, both of Springfield, and Mrs Harold (Louise) Mitch of Londo n; a son, John of Springfield; three sisters, Alice Evilsizor of Urbana, M rs Mary Grow of Belefontaine and Mrs Thelma Seelenainder of Springfiel d; a brother, Oscar of Urbana; 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren
Springfield Daily News MOnday August 23 1976 Arthur V Evilsizor, 81, of 1516 Greenwood Ave died at 9:15 p.m. Sund ay at Community Hospital following seven months of failing health. He w as born in Champaign County July 8 1895 the son of Jasper and Emma Hamilt on Evilsizor. Mr Evilsizor retired in 1960 after 28 years of servi ce as a guard at the International Harvester Co. He was a member of the No rthridge Shristian Fellowship Church, the local 402 UAW-CIO and a past mem ber of the Junior Lodge in Tremont City. Survivors include his wife Sar ah K; three daughters, Mrs Richard (Leona) Patton, Mrs Edward (Lucille) Dr aper both of Springfield, and Mrs Harold (Louise) Mith, London, Ohio; a so n, John Evilsizor, Springfield; 15 grandchildren; 24 great grandchildre n; three sisters, Miss Alice Evilsizor, Urbana; Mrs Mary Grow, Bellefontai ne; Mrs Thelma Seelenbinder, Springfield; and a brother Oscar of Urban a. A daughter, Mrs Betty Roberts died Nov 30 1975. Services will be he ld at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Jackson Lytle and Coffman Funeral Home by t he Rev Walfred J Fahrer, pastor of the Northridge Christian Fellowship Chu rch. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2-4 and 7-9 Tuesday. Buri al will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the Clark C ounty Cancer Society or the Northridge Christian Fellowship Church.
Williams Springfield City Directory 1925 Walsh Bldg, S.E.C. 3rd and Vin e, Cincinnati, Ohio Evilsizor, Arthur V plumber h 1379 Columbus Av (Sarah C)
1950- 1951-1952 Clark County Farm and Business Directory Lehmann Buildi ng Bowling Green Ohio Evilsizor, Arthur V (Sarah) RFD # 3 Springfield, Ohio, Derr Rd owned 7 acr es. Watchman, International Harvester Co. Betty 17, Roger Payne 7
1965 William Springfield City Directory, 1965, Publishers 37th West 7th S t, P O Box 225, Cincinnati, OH Arthur V Evilsizor, Sarah K, 1516 Greenwood Ave
Name: Arthur V Evilsizor Gender: Male Date of Death: 22 August 1976 Volume: 22597 Certificate: 062793 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Springfield, Clark County Age: 81 Years
[XI1777] EVILSIZOR «tab»ARTHUR «tab»V. «tab»1/0/0 «tab»CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, O «tab»8/22/1976 «tab»8/25/1976 «tab»Sec32 «tab»Lot 291 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
[DI1778] Urbana Citizen Thursday June 17 1976 Willard C "Pappy" Evilsizor, 72 White Pigeon, Michigan, died Wednesd ay at 10 A.M. in Three Rivers Hospital, White Pigeon. He was born August 1 4, 1903 in Urbana a son of Jasper and Emma Hamilton Evilsizor. He marri ed Olive Birt on March 24, 1925 in Urbana. He was manager of the Chappell is Gladioli Farm in White Pigeon for 25 years. Survivors include his wif e; three sons, Russell, Sturgis,MI, Robert and Richard, White Pigeon; thr ee daughters, Mrs Charles (Virgie) Tucker and Mrs Adam (Dorothy) Steine r, both of Springfield and Mrs Reginald (Vicki) Platz, White Pigeon; 19 gr andchildren; three great grandchildren; two brothers, Oscar of Urbana, a nd Arthur, Springfield; and two sisters Mrs Richard (Thelma) Seelinbinde r, Springfield and Alice Evilsizer, Urbana. Services will be conduct ed in the White Pigeon United Methodist Church Saturday at 1 P.M. with t he Rev Daniel Walcott and the rev Robert Stillson officiating. Burial wi ll be made in White Pigeon Cemetery. Friends may call at the Farrand funer al home in White Pigeon from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Memorial contributio ns may be made to the United Methodist Church
(Research):Elkhart Truth, Wednesday Feb 11, 1987 Friends of Olive L Evilsizor, 79, of 306 S Washington St, White Pigeon, m ay call from 1-9 P.M. today at the Farrand Funeral Home, White Pigeon. Ser vices will be at 1 P.M. Thursday at the White Pigeon United Methodist Chur ch. The Rev Wesley Smith, of the Church, and the Rev Robert Stillson, Hopk ins United Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be made in Whi te Pigeon Cemetery. Mrs Evilsizor died at 12:30 A.M. Monday (feb9, 198 7) at Three Rivers Manor, where she had been a patient for three months. S he was born Aug 27, 1907 in North Star, Ohio as Olive L Birt. She marri ed Willard C Evilsizor on March 24, 1927 in Urbana, Ohio. He died June 1 6, 1976. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs Reginald (Vicki) Platz, Whi te Pigeon, Mrs Charles (Virgie) Tucker and Mrs Adam (Dorothy) Steiner, bo th of Springfield, Ohio; two sons, Robert and Richard Evilsizor, both of W hite Pigeon; 21 grandchildren; 23 great grandchildren; a sister, Mrs Jam es (Elise) Gause, Nashport, Ohio; and two brothers, Clifford Birt, Wabas h, and Forest Birt of Colorado. A son, Clarence R died in 1983, and a sist er and two brothers are also deceased. Mrs Evilsizor had lived in White Pi geon since 1947, moving from Springfield, Ohio, and at one time was restau rant manager at the Harvey House in Constantine. She was a member of the W hite Pigeon United Methodist church, the Martha Rebecca Circle of the chur ch, the Florence Country Club and the Pine Street Club. Memorials may be m ade to the White Pigeon United Methodist Church
1910 Ohio Census Darke Co, 0102 A G Birt Husband W 24 Ohio 00410387 0057 Wife Margaret 3 0, Ohio Daughter Olive L 02, Ohio Son Forrest 01, Ohio Son Clifford NR, Oh io Father-in-law George Patton 66, Indiana
Using Google I found an obituary for a distant relative on your rootsweb w ebsite (Ruth Birt - obit published Jan. 14, 2005). I appreciate the lo ng hours you must have spent compiling these Obituaries and I wanted y ou to know that it was a big help to me. Thank you! Sincerely,Oren Stembe l Silver Spring, MD [email protected]
Name: «tab»Clarence R Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»2 Aug 1925
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign
State File Number: «tab»1925074111
Additional Information: «tab»Willard
[DI1780] Springfield News-Sun Sunday, June 19, 1983 Clarence Russell Evilsizor, 57, of Sturgis, Michigan, a former reside nt of Springfield, died at 11:30 P.M. Friday in Sturgis. Calling hours a re 3-5 and 7-9 P.M. Monday in the Foglesong Funeral Home, Sturgis, where s ervices will be conducted at 1:30.p.m.
Name: «tab»Virgie D Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»5 Jan 1927
State File Number: «tab»1927300677
Additional Information: «tab»Willard
[DI1781] Springfield News-Sun, Wednesday, Jan 9, 1991, Pg 8 Virgie D Tucker, 64, of 1316 Kenwood Avenue, formerly of 1500 East Leff el Lane, died at 12:08 A.M. Monday, January 7, 1991, in Community Hospita l, after three weeks serious illness. Friends may call one hour prior to s ervices at 2 P.M. Wednesday in the Highlands United Church of Christ, wi th the Rev Dennis A Moritz officiating. Interment in Rose Hill Park. Littl eton Funeral home serving the family.
Name: «tab»Robert H Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»6 Jun 1935
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign
State File Number: «tab»1935040131
Additional Information: «tab»Willard
[DI1783] White Pigeon: Robert Hugh EVILSIZOR, 62, of 306 S. Washington St., White Pigeon, a form er 24 year maintenance man for White Pigeon Schools, died April 26, 199 8, at his home following an extended illness. He was born June 6, 193 5, in Springfield, Ohio, a son of Willard and Olive (BRIT) EVILSIZOR. A Wh ite Pigeon resident most of his life, he graduated in 1954 from White Pige on High School. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1955 to 1959. On Nov. 2 0, 1982, he married Toni STRAWSER at White Pigeon United Methodist Churc h. He was employed four years at RC Cola in Sturgis. After retiring from W hite Pigeon Schools on July 11, 1996, he delivered papers for the Sturg is Journal. A member of the White Pigeon United Methodist Church, he al so was a member of the White Pigeon Men's Bowling Association, the Tuesd ay Night Golf League, and participated in adult softball and served as a L ittle League coach. Surviving are his wife; three sons, Brad and Dennis E VILSIZOR, both of White Pigeon, and David EVILSIZOR of Mendon; two step-da ughters, Mrs. Johnny (Angel) LEMONS of South Bend, Ind., and Mary HARTM AN of Elkhart; one grandson, Brandon Scott EVILSIZOR; four step-grandchild ren, Sherry and Nickie LEMONS and Aaron and Amy HARTMAN; two sisters, Doro thy STEINER of Springfield, Ohio, and Mrs. Reg (Vicki) PLATZ of White Pige on; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parent s; one son, Danny; one sister, Virgie TUCKER; and two brothers, Richard a nd Russell EVILSIZOR. Relatives and friends may call at the EVILSIZOR ho me following Graveside services at 2 P.M. Wednesday at the White Pigeon To wnship Cemetery, White Pigeon. Ken Ward and the Rev. James R. EVILSIZ OR of the Christian Missionary Alliance Church in Osceola Mill, Pa., wi ll officiate. Memorials may be directed to the American Heart Associati on or the American Diabetes Association. Envelopes are available at the Fa rrand Funeral Home of White Pigeon, which is handling the arrangements. Tr anscribed from an original newspaper clipping from the 'Sturgis Daily Jour nal', which serves the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area. Copy provided by Sturgis Public Library.
[HI1789] (Research):Evilsizor , Richard L-(Sept. 8, 1944- April 4, 1991)White Pigeon - Richa rd L. Evilsizor, 46, of 68468 Mott St., died at 3:45 P.M. Friday at Sturg is Hospital after an illness. Mr.Evilsizor was a truck driver for Evilsiz or Trucking. He was born Sept.8, 1944, in Springfield, Ohio but spent mo st of his life in this area.On Dec. 28, 1963, in White Pigeon, he marri ed Shirley J. Skeels. She survives with three sons, Gordon, Gary, and Gre g, all of White Pigeon;two sisters, Dorothy Steiner of Springfield, and Vi cki Platz of White Pigeon; and a brother ,Robert of White Pigeon. He w as a member of the Cass County Conservation Club and the White Pigeon Unit ed Methodist Church. Services will be at 1 P.M. Monday at Farrand Funer al Home. Burial will be in White Pigeon Cemetery. Friends may call fr om 7 to 9 P.M.> today and 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 Sunday at the funeral home. Me morial contributions may be made to the White Pigeon Library Memorial Bo ok Fund.
Name: «tab»Stillborn L Evilsizer
Birth Date: «tab»8 Sep 1944
State File Number: «tab»1942001580
Additional Information: «tab»Willams
(Research):William was married previously to Arabelle Gardner and had children Nell ie May 2/15/1885 and Harry Gilbert 2/25/1886. William's brother Charles la ter married his first wife Arabelle.
BIRTH: The birth date of 3 February 1859 and place of Clark Co., OH was s ent to me December 1993 by Mrs. Susan (Sager) Moore R.R. 1 Box 96-1 Br inghurst, IN 46913.
MARRIAGE: I haven't found the marriage of William to his first wife, Arab elle Gardner, in either Clark or Champaign County records. I have fou nd birth records for two children of the first marriage: Clark County Probate Court OH Birth Record Book 1 Page 270: Tremont Prec inct Nellie May Sager Born 1885 February 15 German Tp., Clark Co., O. F emale Father: Wm. H. Sager Mother: Belle Gardner Residence of Parent s: German Township Champaign County Probate Court OH Birth Record Bo ok 2 Page 474: Birth: Harry G. Sager born 25 February 1886 son of W m. H. Sager and Belle Gardner. Residence of Parents: Mad River Township Reported by the parents. Har ry's obituary (Died: 7 Sept. 1967) names a half brother, Wilbur Sag er of Terre Haute, Ind. Also, Harry Sager's Clark County, OH marriage lic ense names his parents as: Wm. H. Sagers and Belle Gardner in Marriage Bo ok 22 Pg. 461.
DIVORCED: Susan's information says William divorced his first wife Arabel le Gardner. On 28 January 1994 I looked in the Clark County OH Common Ple as Court Plaintiff and Defendant Index Books for the divorce, but there w as none in Clark County. William's brother Charles later married Arabel le Gardner, his sister in-law.
OBITUARY: "Urbana, O. Daily Citizen" Tues., Nov. 30, 1937:
"FARMER IS FOUND DEAD AT HIS HOME William H. Sager, 78, farmer, who li ves two and a half miles east of Thackery, was found dead in his home Mond ay at 4:00 P.M. by a son, Wilbur. Death was due to heart ailment. In ad dition to the son, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Craig of Phoen ix, Arizona; four brothers, John, who lives near Urbana, and Charles, Fore st, and Winfield, all of Tremont; three sisters , Mrs. Ada Pattison, Mr s. William Hartman and Mrs. Anna Zirkle, all of Tremont. Funeral servic es will be held Thursday at 2:00 P.M. in the Tremont Church, in char ge of Rev. Paul H. Cramer. Interment will be made in the Tremont Cemete ry by Ira Frank, St. Paris funeral director."
BURIAL: According to his obituary he was buried "in the Tremont Cemetery ." This would be Mt. Calvary in Tremont City, Clark Co., OH, but I haven 't found his tombstone.
OBITUARY: "Springfield (O.) Daily News" Sunday, February 8, 1953: "MRS. ARABELLE SAGER Mrs. Arabelle Sager, 86, of 700 Montgomery av., di ed at 9:40 A.M. Saturday in Springfield City Hospital. In failing heal th for several years, she had been hospitalized since Nov. 21, 1952. A f ormer resident of Tremont City, she had lived in Springfield for six year s. Born in Fayette County, O., July 4, 1867, a daughter of Leonard and Na ncy Gardner, she was a member of the Tremont City Methodist Church. Surviv ors include her husband, Charles; a son, Harry G. Sager, of Springfiel d; a daughter, Miss Nellie Sager, of Springfield; a sister, Mrs. William L ower, of Champaign County; a brother, John Gardner, of Springfield, four g randchildren and six great-grandchildren. The body was taken to the Little ton funeral home."
[HI1793] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, Monday, November 17, 1986 Dayton- Edith F Hope, 95, of formerly Irwin, Ohio, died Saturday morni ng at the king Tree Center in Dayton. She was born Nov 19, 1890 in Urban a, the daughter of Irvin and Mary (Haney) Evilsizor. She was married on J an 2, 1910 to Orlando C Hope. He died in 1952. She was a member of the Fir st Baptist Church of Mayville. Survivors include a son, Arthur C Ho pe of Huber Heights, Ohio; a Daughter, Mrs Mary E Nichols of Wilmington, O hio; nine grandchildren; numerous great grandchildren; a sister, Mrs Ed na Powell of Urbana and a brother Clyde Evilsizor of Urbana. Funeral servi ces will be held Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. in the Ingram Funeral Home Marysvill e, with the Rev Hubert Cagwin officiating. Burial will be in Milford Cent er Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 9 P.M
Name «tab»Edith Evilsizor
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»19 Nov 1890
Birthplace «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Irvin Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Father's Age «tab»20y
Mother's Name «tab»Mary Estella Haney
Mother's Birthplace «tab»Green County, Ohio
Mother's Age «tab»20y
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04079-7
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»530184
Reference Number «tab»v 9 p 47
[NI1794] Son of John Henry Hope and Elizabeth Turner
Michigan Deaths, 1971-1996
about Orlando H Hope
Name: «tab»Orlando H Hope
Birth Date: «tab»14 Jan 1994
Death Date: «tab»1 Aug 1971
Gender: «tab»Male
Residence: «tab»Portage, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Place of Death: «tab»Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan
[HI1795] (Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Nancy E Evilsizor age 7 attended 1898-1904
«i»Champaign Democrat «/i»January 20, 1925 (source CCGS Newsletter Winter 2009 Vol25 No 4 Pg106)
«b»Warrant Issued for the Arrest of "Ted" Frazee Bootlegger Paroled From County Jail Failed to Make Good
«/b»Theodore Frazee, known for many months as the king of Urbana bootleggers, given a parole from the county jail as a Christmas present by the county commissioners, has failed to live up to the agreement under which the parole was granted and a warrant has been issued for his arrest and re-imprisonment..
Frazee has been in the county jail since September, 1922, with the exception of a few months while out on parole. He was laying out an unremitted $1,000 liquor fine at a rate of 60 cents a day. The days were long and his wife and three children, hacked by his own pleas, constantly sought his parole.
The parole was granted on the day before Christmas with the understanding that Frazee was to pay $25 cash and $25 per month until the balance of his fine, which amounted to $668 was paid.
A payment was due January 1. The commission-ers failed to receive it and Frazee was ordered before the board. He appeared on January 2, and told the commissioners that he did not have the money«b»«i». «/b»«/i»He was given just one hour to get the money or go back to jail. He walked out of the commissioners' office to raise the money, but as far as the commissioners have learned he is still looking for it, After walking out of the court house Frazee dropped out of sight. When he failed to return the commissioners immediately issued a warrant to Sherriff ~J. K. Bosler, for his arrest.
(Research):A family tree at ancestry shows
John T Frazee
1813 \endash 1891
Ellen Arabella Thorn
\endash 1897
[DI1796] Name: WILLIAM T FRAZEE Gender: Male Date of Death: July 29, 1967 Volume: 18915 Certificate: 50021 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 77
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Ruth Evilsizor age 6 attended 1899-1904
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot#46 4/1/1971 Certificate, Ruth E Reed, deceased to Clarence C Re ed Bk 205 Pg603
Urbana Daily News December 27,1970 Ruth Ellen Reed, 77, of 118 E. Main Street, St. Paris, died at 4:05 P.M. S unday in Urbana Mercy Hospital where she had been a patient four days. S he was in failing health six months. She was born in Champaign County Sept ember 15, 1893, the daughter of Irvin and Mary E. Haney Evilsizor. Survivi ng are her husband, Clarence C. Reed, three sons, Nelvin of Urbana and Rus sell and Harold of St. Paris; one daughter, Mrs. Jack (Glenna) Wilthei ss of Valley City; three brothers, Grover and Clyde of Urbana and Ralph Ev ilsizor of Irwin; four sisters, Mrs. Omer (Edna) Powell and Mrs. Ethel Fra zee of Urbana, Mrs. Edith Hope of Marysville, and Mrs. Elva Baker of Milfo rd Center; 16 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Rev. Luther Buchol tzm Zion Lutheran pastor, will conduct services in the Baker Funeral Ho me at 2 P.M. Wednesday. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery. Friends m ay call at the funeral home Tuesday afternoon and evening and until ti me of service Wednesday.
(Research):Clarence was the grandson of Josiah Reed and the great grandson of Samu el Reed
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot#46 4/1/1971 Certificate, Ruth E Reed, deceased to Clarence C Re ed Bk 205 Pg603 Lot#46 10/22/1974 Executor's Deed, Clarence C Reed, deceased to Roger R Fe rguson etux Bk216 Pg86
(Research):There are two McConnehae children in the Childrens home in 1920. Edna age 9 and her brother William age 8. It is possible these are two childr en of this marriage. Elza cant be found in a census to determine his age.
Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1901 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping cough. Elva Evilsizor age 6 attended 1901-1904
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about George M Baker
Name: «tab»George M Baker
Birth Date: «tab»1884
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Union
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»19 Oct 1962
Hospital of Death: «tab»Memorial Hospital of Union County
City of Death: «tab»Union County
County of Death: «tab»Union
Certificate: «tab»78000
Age at Death: «tab»78
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
«b»Urbana Mercy Hospital Admissions and Dismissals from Piqua Daily Call
7/9/1968 Grover Evilsizor
7/13/1968 Grover Evilsizor
4/17/1968 Grover Evilsizor
6/29/1968 Grover Evilsizor
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1902 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping cough. Grover Evilsizor age 5 attended 1902-1904
Name: Grover Randolph Evilsizor
City: Not Stated County: Champaign State: Ohio
Birth Date: 21 Mar 1898 Race: White Roll: 1819797
WWI Draft Re Card Sept 12 1918
Grover Randolph Evilsizor Urbana, OH Age 26
Born Mar 21 1898
Self Employed farmer
Father Irvin Evilsizor
Med height, med build, blue eys, light hair
Urbana Citizen Saturday Feb 20, 1971 Grover Evilsizor, 72, of 4492 route 54, Urbana, died at 7:30 P.M. Frid ay in his residence following several years of failing health. Born in Cha mpaign county on March 21, 1898, he was the son of Irwin and Mary Haney Evilsizor. He was married to the former Dorothy McConnehay. A retired employ ee of the Desmond-Stephan Manufacturing Co, he attended the Freewill Bapti st Church. Surviving in addition to his wife are five daughters; Mrs Calvin (Jean) Roland, Mrs Walter ( Marjorie) Adkins, Mrs Orval (Betty) Litrea l, and Mrs Garland (Elnora) Nichols all of Urbana; and Mrs Carl (Florence ) Laughlin of Sidney; four sons, Richard R, David E, Joseph and Daniel N, all of Urbana; four sisters, Mrs Ethel Frazee and Mrs Edna Powell, both of Urbana, and Mrs Edith Hope and Mrs Elva A Baker, both of Marysville; two brothers, Clyde of Urbana , route 4, and Ralph of Irwin, 32 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Two sisters and three brothers prece ded him in death. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 P.M. on Tuesday in the Walter funeral home with the Rev Dewey Conley, pastor of the Urbana Freewill Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be in Oak Dale Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 9 P.M. on Monday. Wednesday, Feb 24th Pallbearers were Walter Adkins, Jack Litreal, Richard Henry, Carl Laughli n, Richard Evilsizor and Garland Nichols.
William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941
705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co.,
Evilsizor, Grover R janitor Springfield Baking Co r RD 1 Mechanicsburg
Name: Grover Evilsizor Gender: Male Date of Death: 19 February 1971 Volume: 20360 Certificate: 006871 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 72 Years
Family Researcher Robin Laughlin «u»[email protected] «/u»
Name «tab»Grover Randolph Evilsizor
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»21 Mar 1898
Birthplace «tab»Madriver, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Irvin Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Father's Age «tab»28
Mother's Name «tab»Mary Estella Haney
Mother's Birthplace «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Mother's Age «tab»27
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04079-8
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»530184
Reference Number «tab»v 8 p 542
Name: «tab»Richard R Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»4 Jul 1922
Death Date: «tab»6 Feb 2006
Cemetery: «tab»Oakdale Cemetery
Cemetery Address: «tab»Urbana, OH 43078
[NI1805] Dau of Charles Goodwin and Ellen Crews
Palm Beach Post, The (FL) - October 26, 1997 Deceased Name: VERNETTE GOODWIN EVILSIZOR 92 years old, of Palm Beach, FL is safe in the arms of Jesus, having pass ed away peacefully at her home on Thursday, October 23, 1997. Born in Fair field, IL, she was a resident of the Palm Beach area since 1954, and a mem ber of the Sailfish Club of Florida. Mrs. Evilsizor was a loving, genero us person who was active with the American Red Cross for many years. She w as preceded in death by her beloved husband, Homer Evilsizor who died in 1 977. She is surived by her cousin, Carrie Rader of Fairfield, IL; a nephe w, William Plooard and his wife Edith of Palm Beach, FL; and many loving a nd caring friends. A Funeral Service will be held at 3:00 PM on Monday, Oc tober 27, 1997 at QUATTLEBAUM-HOLLEMAN-BURSE FUNERAL HOME, 1201 South Oli ve Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL, with Rev. Paul F. Arnold, Pastor of the Fi rst Evangelical Lutheran Church, officiating. The entombment will be he ld at Oakwood Memorial Mausoleum, Saginaw, Michigan. Friends may call at t he funeral home on Sunday, October 26, 1997 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM and 6: 00 to 8:00 PM. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in her mem o ry to: The Sheriff's Youth Ranches of Florida, PO Box 2000, BOY'S RANC H, FL 32060-9984.
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Vernette Goodwin Evilsizor Death Date: 23 Oct 1997 County of Death: Palm Beach State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 92 Race: White Birth Date: 29 Apr 1905
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Monday July 28, 1997 Clara Marie Evilsizor, 64, of Urbana, died Sunday, July 27, 197 at 4 A. M. in Eaglewood Care Center, Springfield. She was born September 8, 193 2, the daughter of Charles E and Francis (Stephanich) Humphreville in Roun dup Montana. She served in the U S Air Force for three years during the Ko rean era. She and her husband owned and operated Country View Adult Fami ly Home on Jackson Hill Rd. Mrs Evilsizor retired in 1982 after thirty yea rs being with the Champaign County Health Board of Education. She was a li fe time member of Chapter No 31 of the Disabled American Veterans. S he is survived by her husband, Richard R Evilsizor, who she married Dec 1 6, 1955 in Seguin, Texas; her mother, Francis S Mitchell of El Reno , Okl a; one daughter, Tina M (Glenn) Blair, of Urbana; one son, Richard R (Lind a) Evilsizer, Jr of Norwich; two sisters, Frances Mae (Burl) Mitchel l, of El Reno, Okla., Ruby (Dick) Giacoletto, of Rancho Mirage, Calif; o ne brother, Franklin D (Rowena) Humphreville, of Yukon, Okla; eight grandc hildren, Rhonda A Bucki, of Florida, Christopher Evilsizor, of Piqua, Apr il and Lisa Laffterty of Norwich, Glenn Blair of Lackland AFB, Texas, Kell i, Amanda and Christopher Blair, of Urbana; two great grandchildren, Ashl ey and Quentin ; and a nephew, Andrew D Evilsizor who made his home with M arie. She was preceded in death by her father. Friends may call from 6-8 P .M. on Tuesday, July 29, 1997, in the Littleton and Rue Funeral Home, Urba na, where services will be held on Wednesday at 10 A.M. with Calvin Rowla nd officiating. Burial will be in Oak Dale Cemetery. Memorial contributio ns may be made to MADD or Box 13, Urbana Fire Department
Name: Clara Marie Evilsizor Gender: Female Date of Death: 27 July 1997 Birth Date: 08 September 1932 Volume: 31162 Certificate: 051257 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 517360416 Father's Surname: Humphreville Time of Death: 4:00 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Air Force Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Stephanich Race: White Birth Place: Montana Residence: Ohio Age: 64
«tab»DATE OF BIRTH: 09/08/1932
«tab»DATE OF DEATH: 07/27/1997
«tab»319 PATRICK AVE URBANA, OH 43078
«tab»(937) 652-4327
[HI1808] (Research):No children by first marriage
Name: «tab»Marjorie L Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»1 May 1924
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign
State File Number: «tab»1924043862
Additional Information: «tab»Grover
Urbana Daily Citizen Friday April 16, 2004 Pg A-2 Marjorie Leona Adkins, 79, of Urbana died Thursday April 15, 2004 in her r esidence. She was born in Champaign County on May 1 1924 the daughter of G rover R and Dorothy L (McConnaha) Evilsizor. She was a member of Eastern S tar Caroline Chapter, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem and the Episcop al Church of the Epiphany, Urbana. She is survived by her daughter Angel la (Tom) Burbrink of Urbana, grandchildren Dustin and Faith Burbrink and A nthony Harris all of Urbana, brothers Joe Evilsizor and Richard Evilsiz or both of Urbana, sisters Florence Laughlin of Sidney, Betty Litreal, Je an Rowland and Elnora Nichols all of Urbana, and several nieces and nephew s. She was preceeded in death by her parents, husband Walter Adkins and br others Dave Evilsizor and Daniel Evilsizor. The family will receive frein ds on Sunday April 18 2004 from 4-7 in the Walter-Schroeder Funeral Hom e. A Dignity Memorial Provider with Eastern Star services to be held at 6 :45 p.m. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday April 19, 2 004 with the Pastor Calvin Rowland officiating. Burial will follow in Gran dview Cemetery Urbana
Same obit also appeared in the Logan Co,Bellefontaine Examiner on April 1 4, 2004
Lillian Jean Rowland, 87, of Urbana, went to be with the Lord Thursday, December 26, 2013, in Mercy McAuley Center surrounded by her family.She was born September 30, 1926, in Union township, Champaign County, Ohio. Lillian was a member of the El-Shaddai Community Church of God.She is survived by her children, Calvin (Vivian) Rowland, Phillip (Kim) Rowland, Sandra (Roger) Gladman, Nanette (Avery) Lowe and Kathy (Joseph) Anderson, son-in-law, Timothy Moore, all of Urbana; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; her sister, Nora (Garland) Nichols of Urbana; as well as numerous grandchildren, nieces and nephews of several generations.She is preceded in death by her parents, Grover Randolph and Dorothy Leona (McConnehay) Evilsizor, daughter, Candace Moore, grandsons, Ryan Moore and Beau Rowland, and her siblings, Richard Evilsizor, David Evilsizor, Joseph Evilsizor, Daniel Evilsizor, Marjorie Adkins, Florence Laughlin and Betty Litreal.
Graveside services will be held at 1:00 p.m. in Oak Dale Cemetery, Urbana.Services are entrusted to VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.vernonfh.com.
(Research):Source of middle name " Ellen"- Vol 1 Tree 3092
Also personal family history
Name: «tab»Betty E Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»25 May 1928
State File Number: «tab»1928047853
Additional Information: «tab»Grover
Florence E. "Sue" Laughlin, of Sidney went to be with the Lord at 8:56 p.m. on November 29, 2010 at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton. She was born in Urbana, OH. on August 6, 1930 to the late Grover and Dorothy (McConnehay) Evilsizor. On April 26, 1958, she married Carl H. Laughlin. He preceded her in death on April 17, 1991.
Sue is survived by three children: Gretchen (Richard) Henry, Patricia Laughlin and Robin Laughlin, all of Sidney; three siblings; Jean Rowland, Elnora (Garland (Budd") Nichols and Joseph A. (Carol) Evilzisor, all of Urbana, three grandchildren; Jill (Shawn) Henry, Houston, Stacy King, DeGraff and Courtney (Jeremy) Laughli-Jarrell, Barberton, OH; and eight great grandchildren. She was preceded in death three brothers and two sisters.
She was of the Christian faith. She retired from Copeland Corporation after 21 years. Sue owned and operated Wiford Jewelers for 34 years. She loved her grandchildren, crocheting, playing piano, singing praises to her God and working on clocks.
Memorial services will be held on Sunday, December 5, 2010, at 1:30 p.m. at Adams Funeral Home, 1401 Fair Road, Sidney, with Rev. Harold McKnight officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made The Gideon's International, P.O. Box 140800, Nashville, TN. 37214.
Florence E. "Sue" Laughlin, 80, of Sidney, went to be with the Lord at 8:56 p.m. on Nov. 29, 2010, at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton.She was born in Urbana on Aug. 6, 1930, to the late Grover and Dorothy (McConnehay) Evilsizor.On April 26, 1958, she married Carl H. Laughlin. He preceded her in death on April 17, 1991.Sue is survived by three children, Gretchen (Richard) Henry, Patricia Laughlin and Robin Laughlin, all of Sidney; three siblings, Jean Rowland, Elnora (Garland "Budd") Nichols and Joseph A. (Carol) Evilsizor, all of Urbana; three grandchildren, Jill (Shawn) Henry, of Houston, Stacy King, of DeGraff and Courtney (Jeremy) Laughlin-Jarrell, of Barberton; and eight great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her mother and father and three brothers and two sisters. Richard R. Evilsizor, Marjorie L. Evilsizor Adkins, Betty E. Evilsizor Litreal, David E. Evilsizor and Daniel N. Evilsizor.Sue was of the Christian faith. She retired from Copeland Corp. after 21 years.Sue owned and operated Wiford Jewelers for 34 years.She loved her grandchildren, crocheting, playing piano, singing praises to her God and working on clocks.Private graveside services will be held at Graceland Cemetery, Sidney, at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are being handled by Adams Funeral Home, 1401 Fair Road.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to The Gideon's International, P. O. Box 140800, Nashville, TN 37214.Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.theadamsfuneralhome.com
«b»Urbana Mercy Hospital Admissions and Dismissals from Piqua Daily Call
5/9/1968 David E Evilsizor 134 Orchard Dr
Name: «tab»David E Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»25 Feb 1933
State File Number: «tab»1933008466
Additional Information: «tab»Grover
Urbana Citizen Saturday December 18, 1999 David E "Big D" Evilsizor, 66, of 5994 Molunkee St, Cable, Ohio, made h is peace with this world Thursday, Dec 16, 1999 in Community Hospital, Spr ingfield, Ohio. He was born Feb 25, 1933 in Clark County, to Grover and Do rothy Evilsizor. He retired from White's Sales and Service. Dave is surviv ed by his wife Joyce (Kessler) Evilsizor; son David Eldon Evilsizor, Jr; t hree daughters, Deborah E (Evilsizor) Ricketts, Christina L (Evilsizor) Kl iesmit, and Cheryl L (Evilsizor) Johnson; six grandchildren, Kurry M Klies mit, Josh M Foy, Jennifer M Foy, Rikki R Ricketts, Cary Jo Knotts and Tys on J Knotts, all of the Urbana area; brothers Richard and Joseph Evilsizo r, sisters Marjorie Adkins, Betty Littrell, Jean Rowland and Elnora Nichol s, all of Urbana, Florence Laughlin of Sidney, Ohio; several nieces and ne phews and Diane and Andy Evilsizor of Urbana. The family will receive frie nds in the Walter Schoedinger funeral home on Sunday Dec 19, 1999 fro 3 -5 P.M. where the funeral services will be held on Monday Dec 20, 19 99 at 10:30 A.M. with Pastor Calvin Rowland, officiating. Please send yo ur heartfelt donations to the Community Hospital Independent Endowment Fu nd ICU Unit at Community Hospital, 530 S Burnett Rd, Springfield, Oh io in David's memory. The life giving and Heart sharing efforts are great ly appreciated. Burial will be in Oak Dale Cemetery. Pallbearers are Jo sh M Foy, Tyson J Knotts, Kurry M Kliesmit, Rick Ricketts, Lee Boyd, Bi ll Buroker, Jim White Phillip (Smitty) Smith, Rick Clay, Phillip Rowlan d, Garland (Buddy) Nichols, Jr, Joey Nichols, Randy Evilsizor, Frank Kendr icks, Tim Littrell, Dean Kessler, Howard Kessler, Earl Kessler, Jr and Ric hard Kessler.
Name: DAVID ELDON EVILSIZOR Gender: Male Date of Death: December 16, 1999 Birth Date: February 25, 1933 Volume: 32193 Certificate: 096199 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 272260241 Father's Surname: EVILSIZOR Time of Death: 3:27 PM Marital Status: married Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: hospital/inpatient Years of Schooling: 9 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: US ARMY Method of Disposition: Other Mother's Surname: MCCONNHEA Race: White Birth Place: CLARK, Ohio Residence: CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Age: 66 years
Name: «tab»Joseph A Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»25 Apr 1935
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign
State File Number: «tab»1935024309
Additional Information: «tab»Grover
[DI1819] Joseph Evilsizor, 77, of Urbana, passed away Monday, October 29, 2012, in his home.Joe was born April 25, 1935, in Champaign County, Ohio, the son of Grover and Dorothy (McConnehay) Evilsizor.He was a member at McGrew Lodge 433 K of P Westville, Ohio, and was a supervisor at Siemens.Joe is survived by his wife of 22 years, Carolyn "Carol" (West) Evilsizor; son, Billy (Robin) Hanlin of St. Paris; daughters, Sonya (Jeffrey) Henry of Urbana and Tracey (Jim) Rohr of Springfield; sisters, Jean Rowland and Nora (Bud) Nichols; sister-in-law, Joyce Evilsizor; his grandchildren, Jordan Henry, Blake Hanlin, Catherine Hanlin, Wiatt Hanlin, Dalton Hanlin, Jimmy Powell and Cameron Rohr; numerous nieces and nephews; as well as his beloved cat, Amelia.He is preceded in death by his parents; daughter, Kelly Kay Evilsizor; sisters, Marjorie (Walter) Adkins, Florence (Carl) McLaughlin and Betty (Jack) Litteral; brothers, Richard (Marie) and David Evilsizor, Dan (Martha) Evilsizor; brother in-law, Cal Rowland.A gathering of family and friends will be held from 2 - 5 p.m. on Friday, November 2, 2012, in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. Funeral services follow at 5 p.m. in the funeral home with Pastor Calvin Rowland officiating. Burial will follow in Kingscreek Cemetery at the family's convenience. Memorial contributions may be sent to Cancer Association of Champaign County, P.O. Box 38125, Urbana, OH 43078.Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.vernonfh.com.
Name: «tab»Harold L. Evensizer
SSN: «tab»701-10-4651
Last Residence: «tab»94534 Fairfield, Solano, California,
Born: «tab»2 Apr 1913
Died: «tab»12 Sep 2006
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Railroad Board (Issued Through) (Before 195
[HI1823] (Research):This family info from Daniel Evilsizor [email protected]
Name: «tab»Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»31 Aug 1942
State File Number: «tab»1942099934
Additional Information: «tab»Shover
[DI1823] Urbana Daily Citizen-Saturday May 12, 1984 Services for Daniel N Evilsizor, 41, of 301 W Church St, Apt 1, Urbana, wi ll be held at 10:30 A.M. Tuesday in the Walter Funeral Home. Mr Evilsiz or died at 3:06 A.M. Friday in a motorcycle accident in Columbus. Calvin R owland will officiate at the service. Friends may call from 3-5 and 7-9 P. M. Monday at the funeral home. Mr Evilsizor was born August 30, 1942, a s on of Dorothy (McConnehea) Evilsizor, who survives, and Grover Evilsizo r. A Navy veteran, he owned and operated Evilsizor's home securities. He w as a member of the Moose Lodge, Eagles Lodge, Knights of Pythias Lod ge of Westville, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Also surviv ing are his wife, Martha (Bailey) Evilsizor; a son David Nathan, III, at h ome; a daughter, Julia Ann, at home; five sisters; Florence Laughlin of Si dney and Betty Littreal, Jean Rowland, Marjorie Adkins, and Elenore Nichol s, all of Urbana; and three brothers, Richard R, David and Joseph, a ll of Urbana
(Research):EVILSIZOR, Martha Jean (Bailey) 65, of Urbana, passed away Sunday, Apr il 9, 2006 in Community Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. She was born January 13, 1941, in Logan County, Ohio, the daughter of Ralph and Ruth (Gentis) Bailey. Martha is survived by a daughter, Julia A. Evilsizor-Brown of F lorida; a son, Daniel N. Evilsizor of Urbana; six grandchildren, Chasity B. Evilsizor, Jonathon L. Cox, Keyshia D. Evilsizor, Jerrod W. Cox, Dan iel N. Evilsizor, and Christine N. Evilsizor; one great-grandchild, Skylar Nathan Evilsizor; a brother, Gerald W. (Jerry) of Mutual; three sisters, Betty Callaway and Phyllis Kimmel of Springfield, and Barbara Warner, M ontpelier, Ohio. She was preceded in death by her husband, Daniel N. Evilsizor, her parents, and two brothers, Ralph E. (Eddie) Bailey, Michael A. Bailey, and a sister, Marjorie Gongales. A gathering of family and frien ds will be held Thursday, April 13, 2006 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the VERN ON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. Burial will be at the family's convenience. Memorial gifts may be made in Martha's memory to: Urbana Youth Sport, P. O. B ox 5, Urbana; Urbana Wrestling Club, P.O. Box 627, Urbana; Memorial Honorary Donation NOAH, P. O. Box 959 East Hampstead, New Hampshire 03826-095 9; Boy Scouts of America Cub Pack 66, 1999 Scioto Street, Urbana or Boy Scouts of America Tecumseh Council 439, 362 South Thompson Avenue, Springfield, Ohio 45506. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 4/12/2006.
Name: Martha Evilsizor SSN: 298-38-2394 Last Residence: 45503 Springfield, Clark, Ohio Born: 13 Jan 1941 Died: 9 Apr 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1960-1961 )
(Research):TAYLOR GOLDIE E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 10/2/1936 Volume Number: 8258 Certificate Number: 61057
Name : Goldia Estella Taylor Titles : Death date : 02 Oct 1936 Death place : Concord, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 12 Jun 1900 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co, Ohio Age at death : 36 years 3 months 20 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Urbana R.D. 2 Occupation : Housewife Residence : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 05 Oct 1936 Cemetery name : Nettle Creek Cemetery Spouse name : Michael A Taylor Father name : Francis Evilsizor Father birth place : Champaign Co, Ohio Mother name : Mary Estella Haney Mother birth place : Champaign Co, Ohio Informant-Mrs Mary Evilsizor COD- Heart disease GSU film number : 2022691 Digital GS number : 4122462 Image number : 3144 Certificate number : fn 61057 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI1827] (Research):This person is buried next to Daniel. The connection will require more res earch. Jerry Gail McLaughlin, 42, of 195 N.Oak St. died at 9:05 am Thursday in Mary Rutan Hospital, Bellefontaine. Body to Walter-Schoedinger Funeral Hom e; visitation 7-9pm Sunday. Graveside services 1:30 pm Monday in Nettle Creek Cemetery. Dec. 17, 1946 - May 4, 1989 Dad: John G. "Jerry" McClaugh lin, 71, of 1812 South Route 68, Urbana died Tuesday in Mercy Memorial Hos pital, Urbana. (Newspaper: Thurs. June 18, 1987)He was born in Hamilto n, Ohio January 7, 1916 the son of E.H. and Helen (Dougherty) McLaughli
"The Springfield (O.) Daily News" Thursday, March 31, 1921: FORMER MARINE DIES AT HOME URBANA, March 31. --Millard Evilsizor, an ex-marine (sic) and son of Mr s. Mary Evilsizor, died at noon Tuesday at their home six miles south of U rbana from pneumonia and complications. Mr. Evilsizor was 18 years of a ge and a son of Irvin Evilsizor who died two years ago. Young Evilsizor j oined the marines last December, but was recently discharged because of i ll health. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clo ck at the First M. E. church, here, in charge of Rev. O. P. Hoffman. The body will be buried in Nettle Creek cemetery."
Name: Daniel Millard Evilsizor
Death date: 29 Mar 1921
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 10 Sep 1902
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Mad River
Age at death: 18 years 6 months 19 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Burial date: 01 Apr 1921
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Nettle Creek
Spouse name:
Father name: Irving Evilsizor
Father titles:
Father birth place: Mad River
Mother name: Mary E. Haney
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1991489
Digital GS number: 4025015
Image number: 1778
Reference number: cn 13254
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Wednesday March 18, 1981 IRWIN- Ralph F Evilsizor, 75, Spain St, Irwin, died at his home at 6:30 A. M. today following two years of illness. He was born in Champaign county J uly 29, 1905, the son of Ervin and Mary Haney Evilsizor. He was an employ ee of the Wickham Piano Plate Company in Springfield. He retired in 1969 a fter 35 years of service. He is survived by his wife, Harriett Walke Evils izor; five sons; Paul and James of Springfield; Roger of Urbana; Dona ld of Irwin and Harold, serving in the United States Navy; four daughter s, Mrs Harold (Elouise) Rogers of Troy; Mrs Westly (Irene) Howell of Sanfo rd NC; Mrs Kenneth (Bernice) Baker of Irwin; one brother Clyde of Urban a; two sisters, Mrs Edna Powell of Urbana and Mrs Edith Hope of Marysvill e; fifteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. A son, Ralph di ed in 1969. Services will be held at 1:30 P.M. Saturday in the Skillman Fu neral Home, Mechanicsburg. Burial will be in the Millford Center Cemeter y. The Rev Ben Snyder will officiate. Friends may call at the funeral ho me from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M., Friday.
Information for this family provided by Roger Allen Evilsizor rae122@main- net.com
(Research):Name: Harriett C. Evilsizor SSN: 302-20-6169 Last Residence: 43040 Marysville, Union, Ohio Born: 24 Aug 1915 Died: 10 Nov 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Marysville Journal-Tribune Harriett C. Evilsizor, 90 of Marysville, died Thursday, Nov. 10, 2005,in M ilcrest Nursing Center, Marysville. She was employed with Grimes Manufacturing for 20 years. She played the piano and organ. She loved to play gam es and listen to music. She was born Aug, 24, 1915 in Irwin, the daughter of the late Walter and Katie Peifer Walke. She married Ralph F. Evilsizor on Dec. 31, 1931. She is preceded in death by her parents; her husban d; two sons, Ralph R. and Donald; a daughter Eloise Rogers; two brothers a nd three sisters. She is survived by: her children, sons, Paul (Gwendoly n) Evilsizor of Springfield, James P. (Linda) Evilsizor of North Lewisbur g, Roger (Zadie) Evilsizor of Urbana and Harold Evilsizor of Newport New s, VA; daughters, Irene Howell of Sanford, N.C., Bernice Jean Baker of Irw in and Doris M, Evilsizor of Marysville; 15 grandchildren, 20 great-grandc hildren and 10 great-great grandchildren. A gathering of family and frien ds will be held on Monday from noon to 2 p.m. in the Skillman, McDonald & Vernon Funeral Home, Mechanicsburg whe re funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. with the Pastor Robert E.Dye of ficiating. Burial will follow in Milford Center Cemetery. Memorial Gifts may be made to Loving Care Hospice, 113 S. Main St., Marysville, Ohio 43040.
Name: «tab»Iialph R Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»23 Oct 1932
State File Number: «tab»1932081847
Additional Information: «tab»Ralph
Urbana Daily Citizen, Tuesday, November 20, 1969 Funeral services for S Sgt Ralph Evilsizor,37, of 549 Portage Path, Spring field, who was killed in action last Thursday near the Cambodian Bord er in South Vietnam, will be held at 1:30 P.M. Saturday in the Richards Me morial Home in Springfield. Survivors include his wife, Janet; his parent s, Ralph and Harriett Walke Evilsizor of Irwin; four sisters and five brot hers.
Springfield News 11/19/1969 Springfielder, 37, Killed In Vietnam S/Sgt Ralph R Evilsizor, 37, of 549 Portage path, a veteran of 10 years mi litary service, was killed in action Thursday near the Cambodian bord er in South Vietnam it was learned Tuesday. S/Sgt Evilsizor is the third S pringfielder to be killed in was action since Veterans Day. Mrs Evilsizo r, the former Janet L Good, was notified of the death of her husband Sunda y. Before entering the service, he was employed as a driller by the Wickh am Piano Plate Company. He was born Oct 23, 1832 in Irwin, a son of Ral ph and Harriet Walke Evilsizor. In additon to his wife and parent s, he is survived by four sisters, Mrs Eloise Rogers and Mrs Irene Howel l, both of Troy. Mrs Bernice Baker and Miss Doris Evilsizor, both of Irwi n; five brothers, Paul and James both of Springfield; Donald and Harold bo th of Irwin; and Roger Evilsizor, servin with the US Army at Fort Sam Hous ton, Texas. His body will be brought to the Richards Memorial Home Wednesd ay for services at a time to be announced later. During his army career, S /Sgt Evilsizor was awarded the Vietnam Campaing Medal, the Berlin Briga de Medal, the Good Conduct Medal and the Army Occupational Medal. He was t wice enrolled in the Order of the Swagger Stick for being chosen as the ou tstanding platoon sergeant.
n Memory of Staff Sergeant Ralph Raymond Evilsizor Let us not forget Staff Sergeant Ralph Raymond Evilsizor, casualty of t he Vietnam War. As a member of the Army, SSG Evilsizor served our count ry until November 13th, 1969 in Quang Tri, South Vietnam. He was 37 yea rs old and was married. Ralph died from multiple fragmentation wounds. H is body was recovered. Ralph was born on October 23rd, 1932 in Irwin, Ohi o. SSG Evilsizor is on panel 16W, line 069 of the Veterans Memorial Wa ll in Washington D.C. He served our country for 8 years.
Name: «tab»Eloise Evilsizer
Birth Date: «tab»6 Sep 1935
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign
State File Number: «tab»1935066481
Additional Information: «tab»Ralph
[DI1832] Springfield News-Sun, Sunday, October 22, 1989 Eliose E Rogers, 54, of 1333 South Sanders Rd, Troy,ohio, died Saturday mo rning, October 21, 1989 at 6:35 a.m. in her residence. She is surviv ed by her husband, Harold L Rogers; four daughters, Mrs Mike (Branda) Slay ton and Mrs Daniel (Cathy) Gansheimer, both of Gettysburg, Ohio, Mrs Charl es (Deborah) Kaster of Troy, and Mrs Stephen (Jucy) Heckman of New Carlisl e; her mother, Mrs Harriett C Evilsizor of Irwin, Ohio; seven grandchildre n; three sisters, Mrs Bernice Baker and Doris Evilsizor, both of Irwin, Oh io, Irene Howell of Sanford North Carolina; five brothers, Paul E Evilsiz or and James Evilsizor, both of Springfield, Roger A Evilsizor of Urban a, Donald E Evilsizor of Irwin, Ohio, and Harold E Evilsizor, station ed in the United States navy. She was preceded in death by her father, Ray mond Evilsizor on March 18, 1981 and a brother, Raymond Evilsizor on Novem ber 13, 1969. Services will be held on Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Trostel-Ch apman Funeal Home, New Carlisle. Burial will be made in the New Carlisle C emetery. Friends may call on Monday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. in the funeral h ome.
[HI1843] (Research):DONALD E. "FLASH" EVILSIZOR Donald E. "Flash" Evilsizor, 53, of Marysville died Thursday, Dec. 20, 200 1, at Riverside Hospice after a hard-fought and courageous battle with can cer since 1999. He worked for the Scotts Company for 30 years and was a me mber of Moose Lodge 1651. He enjoyed fishing, hunting and good country mus ic. He was born July 14, 1948, in Irwin to Ralph and Harriett Walker Evilsiz or and was predeceased by his father, a sister, Eloise Rogers; and a broth er, Raymond Evilsizor. He is survived by his mother; his wife, Cathy M. Pr ice Evilsizor whom he married Feb. 14, 1998; two children, Ryan and Meg an Arthur; seven siblings, Paul (Gwenn) Evilsizor, Irene Howell, Bernice B aker, James (Linda) Evilsizor, Roger (Zadie) Evilsizor, Doris Evilsizor a nd Hal Evilsizor; his mother-in-law, Margaret Price; two sisters-in-law, B arbara Dranschak and Sheryl Rice; three brothers-in-law, Bruce, John and D an Price; and many nieces, nephews and close friends. Funeral services wi ll be held at 10 a.m. Monday at the Skillman-McDonald Funeral Home in Mech anicsburg and burial will be at Oakdale Cemetery. Friends may call fr om 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be m ade to the American Cancer Society.
Name: «tab»Sharon Evilsizor (sic)
Birth Date: «tab»14 Jul 1948
State File Number: «tab»1946021173
Additional Information: «tab»Ralph
(Research):Springfield News-Sun, Wednesday, Aug 22, 1990, Pg 25 Edna L Powell, 82, of 820 S Edgewood Ave, died at 9:30 A.M. Tuesday in Mer cy Hospital. Body to Walter Schoedinger Funeral Home. Visitation 3-5 and 7 -9 P.M. Thursday; services there 10 A.M. Friday.
Name: Edna L. Powell SSN: 301-42-8377 Born: 13 Nov 1907 Died: 21 Aug 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963 )
Edna Leona Evilsizor was adopted by Andrew Wasner in 1912, circumstances are not known.
[HI1847] (Research):
[DI1847] Name: Omer C Powell Gender: Male Date of Death: 28 January 1985 Birth Date: 15 June 1887 Volume: 25905 Certificate: 000621 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 299308632 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Kansas Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 97 Years
[HI1848] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, Monday, September 17, 1990 Clyde W Evilsizor, 80, of 3876 Valley Pike, died Sunday, September 16, 19 90 at 9:57 A.M. in the McAuley Center. Born January 24, 1910 in Champai gn County, he was a son of Ervin and Mary (Haney) Evilsizor. He was a reti red farmer. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs Carl (Charlotte) Albe rt of Galion and Mrs James (Mary Jane) Johnson of Urbana; three sons, Cly de Jr of St Paris, Frederick of Urbana and James of New Jersey; 18 grandch ildren; and several great and great great grandchildren. He was preced ed in death by his wife Iva (Russell) Evilsizor, in September 1982; five b rothers and five sisters. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10: 30 A.M. in the Walter-Schoedinger Funeral Home with the Rev Jeff Cooper of ficiating. Burial will follow in Nettle Creek Cemetery , near Westville. F riends may call Tuesday from 5 to 8 P.M. in the funeral home. Memorial con tributions may be made to the cancer Association of Champaign County, t he American Lung Association or to Hospice of Mercy Memorial Hospital
[HI1849] (Research):Urbana Citizen Monday, Sept 27, 1982 Mrs Clyde (Ivy) Evilsizor, Sr, 72, of 3676 Valley Pike, Urbana, died at 2: 10 A.M. Sunday in her residence, following an extended illness. She was bo rn June 12, 1910 in Champaign County, the daughter of William and Samant ha J Lee Russell. She is survived by her husband, Clyde; two daughters, M rs James (Mary) Johnson of Urbana and Mrs Carl (Charlotte) Albert of Galio n; three sons, Clyde Jr of Mutual, James of Williamstown, NJ and Fred of U rbana; 18 grandchildren; and 15 great grandchildren; and one brother, O ra Russell of Urbana. Three brothers, one sister, and two granddaughters a re deceased. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Wednesday in t he Walter Funeral home, with the Rev Forest Cooper officiating. Burial wi ll be in Nettle Creek Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral ho me 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesday. Thursday, Sept 30, 1982 Pallbearers were David , William and Terry Evilsizor, Darryl Johnson, Robe rt Eubanks and Donny Russell
(Research):Name: Emil I Evilsizor Gender: Male Date of Death: 28 June 1970 Volume: 20096 Certificate: 041284 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 58 Years
Hired on as a farm hand at the age of 21 with the Williams family.My great -grandfather Williams had been dead for approximately 3-4 years at that ti me. When my grandfather and grandmother married, she was 13 years ol d. My grandfather had spent the better part of his life, until then, drift ing and working where he could find it. As best as I knew, he could only r ead and sign his name, and could count. [email protected]
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, Monday, April 10, 2000 Ida Josephine EVILSIZOR, 88, OF Urbana, died Sunday, April 9, 2000, at 8: 40 P.M. in the McAuley Center. She was born May 13, 1911 in Champaign Coun ty to Charles and Grace Dixon Turnmire. She was retired from W B Marvin, County. She is survived by her children, Grace (Evilsizor) Wheeler-Hall, of Lon don, Ohio; Eugene (Jo) Evilsizor of Urbana; grandchildren, Pam (Douglas) D ailey, London Ohio, Jack (Tammy) Wheeler, Grove City, Ohio; Kenneth Evilsizor, Wisconsin, Teresa Carney and Kim Evilsizor, both of Piqua, Ohio; Bru ce and Brad Evilsizor of Urbana; Joni (Neal) Sheaffer, of Illinois; sever al step-grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; several great great grandchildren; brother Harry Turnmire, of Urbana; and a sister, Frances Amri ne of Marysville, Ohio. She was preceded in death by her husband, Emil Evi lsizor, in 1970, and a son, Robert Evilsizor in 1980. She was a memb er of the Freewill Baptist Church, Urbana, Ohio. The family will receive f riends on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 from 5-8- P.M. in the Walter Schoedinger Funeral Home where a funeral service will be held on Wednesday, April 1 2, 2000 at 1 P.M. with Rev Roger Childers officiating. Burial in Oak Da le Cemetery.
Name: IDA JOSEPHINE EVILSIZOR Gender: Female Date of Death: April 9, 2000 Birth Date: May 13, 1911 Volume: 32354 Certificate: 026847 Social Security Number: 289286264 Father's Surname: TURNMIRE Time of Death: 8:40 PM Marital Status: widowed Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: nursing home Years of Schooling: 8 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: DIXON Race: White Birth Place: CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Residence: URBANA, CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Age: 88 years
[HI1852] (Research):Name : Homer Evilsizor Death date : 08 Oct 1915 Death place : Mad River Twp, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 05 May 1915 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 5 months 3 days Gender : Male Marital status : Single Race or color : Residence : Mad River Twp., Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 10-10-1915 Cemetery name : Nettle Creek Spouse name : Father name : Irvin Evilsizor Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Mary Haney Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1983546 Digital GS number : 4095908 Image number : 1257 Certificate number : fn 53042 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):From History of Washington Co.,OH 1788-1881 Samuel Hunt, age 29 , volunteer, August 5, 1862, three years. Ninety-seco nd regiment, company F, private, served three years, mustered out June 1 0, 1865 Pg 284-Lawrence Twp (Samuel's brother Jonathan, was also a member of the 92nd Regiment and di ed in the battle of Hickam, TN)
William COMBS' Civil War Diary My ggrandfather, William COMBS, joined Co F, 92nd Ohio Volunteer Infant ry (OVI) which formed at Marietta, (Washington county) and Camp Chase, Ohi o. This diary starts April '65 (after the unit wintered at Savannah), desc ribes the march through the Carolinas, Virginia, the Grand Review, musteri ng out and train trip home. Thursday 27 April Samuel Evilsizer returns to the company; he was taken pr isoner at Chickamauga; one recruit comes for the company today; dress para de at sundown. Lisa Wireman
A family descendant, Elizabeth Rose Evilsizer Smith in a telephone convers ation on 9/25/2000 indicated that Samuel had a daughter and three sons. H aving Census records, to rely on, they show there are the only two sons, F rank and Samuel.
[HI1854] (Research):Name : Mary Congleton Death date : 27 Oct 1914 Death place : Liberty Twp., Washington, Ohio Birth date : 04 Jan 1836 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 78 years 9 months 27 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Housekeeper Burial date : 29 Oct 1914 Burial place : Bear Run Father name : Jonathan Evelsizer Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Sarah Sheeley Mother birth place : Ohio Informant-H O Howell COD-TB GSU film number : 1983284 Digital GS number : 4021357 Image number : 318 Certificate number : fn 58072 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI1855] (Research):Name : Sarah Hoff Death date : 28 Dec 1923 Death place : Lawrence Twp, Washington, Ohio Birth date : 30 Nov 1837 Birth place : Guernsey Co., Ohio Age at death : 86 years 28 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Hiram Huff Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Housewife Burial date : 30 Dec 1923 Cemetery name : Rake Cem. Spouse name : Hiram Hoff Father name : Johnathan Evilsizer Father birth place : Pa. Mother name : Sarah Sheley Mother birth place : Md. Informant-George Hoff, Troy, OH COD Cerebral hemorrage GSU film number : 1992398 Digital GS number : 4000577 Image number : 1895 Certificate number : fn 74655 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):History of Washington Co OHIO 1788-1881 Pg 284-Lawrence Twp Jonathan, age 20, volunteer, July 1862, three years, Ninety-second regimen t, company F, private, died Sept 1863, mortally wounded at Chickamauga
Ohio Civil War Database lists age as 29 enlisting 8/5/1862 serv ed in Co F 92nd Inf Reg, Union Army History Ninety-Second Ohio Volunteer infantry, 949 men, N. H. Van Vorhes colone l, organized at Marietta, Washington county, August-September, 1862; ma de two expeditions into Western Virginia before mustered in or uniforme d; mustered October 1, 1862, ordered to the Kanawha valley October 7, serv ing the year out in Lightburn's Kanawha Division; January 7, 1863, order ed to Nashville, Tennessee;January 1-3. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., Janua ry 7-22, and duty there till February 17. Moved to Carthage, Tenn., Februa ry 17, and duty there till June 5. Moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn.. June 5. M iddle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Hoover's Gap June 24 -26. Tullahoma June 29-30. Occupation of Middle Tennessee till August 1 6. Passage of the Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River and Chickamau ga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Near Graysville September 10. Ca tlett's Gap September 15-18. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-21. serv ed in Tennessee and Georgia in 1863; February 22, 1864, entered upon the G eorgia campaigns, assigned to First Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Ar my Corps; crossed into South Carolina in February, 1865, and marched throu gh that State and North Carolina; through Richmond to Washington in May, 1 865, and there reviewed; mustered out at Washington, June 10, 1865, 488 me n, Lieutenant Colonel John C. Morrow commanding. Regiment lost during serv ice 4 Officers and 47 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Offic er and 192 Enlisted men by disease. Total 244. From: The Military History of Ohio. by H.H. Hardesty
The Battle of Chickamauga (The River of Blood) The fighting at Chickamauga claimed 35,000 casualties, more than any oth er battle in the Civil War's Western Theater.The Confederates had lost 184 54 killed, wounded or captured, including nine brigade and two division co mmanders;(Brigadier General Benjamin Hardin Helm, brother-in-law to May Li ncoln died the same day) Federal losses numbered 16, 179, including sev en brigade commanders. These had been the bloodiest two days (Sept 19 & 2 0) (1863) of the war. One of Nathan Forrest's cavalry officers, Colonel Th omas Berry, recorded his impressions: "Neighing horses, wild and frightene d, were running in every direction; whistling, seething, crackling bullet s, the piercing, screaming fragments of shells, the whirring sound of Shra pnel and the savage showering of canister,mingled with the fierce answeri ng yells of defiance, all united in one horrible sound" Berry wrote th at he had been in numerous battles and had never seen one so awful. "The g hastly, mangled dead and horribly wounded strewed the earth for over ha lf a mile up and down the river banks" he reported. "The dead were piled u pon each other in ricks, like cordwood, to make passage for advancing colu mns." The Chickamauga lived up to it's name that day he said, "It ran r ed with blood." Upon arrival in Chattanooga, Charles Dana sent a telegr am to Washington. "My report today is of deplorable importance," it bega n. "Chickamauga is as fatal day in our History as Bull Run." Source-Time L ife Books-Civil War Series-by Jerry Korn-The Fight for Chattanooga, Chicka mauga to Missionary Ridge.pgs 44-75
Letter from brother Samuel to Jonathan dated July 15, 1862 (Copy scann ed to CD) Mr Jonathan Evilsizer, Moss Run PO Washington Co, OH.
(Research):History of Washington Co OHIO 1788-1881 Pg 284 Lawrence Twp Josiah, age 19, volunteer, February 1864, 3 years. Thirty-sixth regimen t, company K, private, served one and one-half years, mustered out July 18 65.
Mustered in August 27, 1861, at Marietta, O., by Henry Belknap, Captain 18 th Infantry, U.S.A. Mustered out July 27, 1865, at Wheeling, W. Va ., by A. Pettit, Captain 8th O. V. Cavalry. Please note the following: The 34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry lost its independent identity when it w as consolidated into the 36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry on 22 February 186 5. The men of the 34th finished out the war on the muster rolls of the 36t h.
The official list of battles in which this Regiment bore an honorable pa rt is not yet published by the War Department, but the following list h as been compiled, after careful research, during the preparation of this w ork:
Battle Place Battle Date(s) Lewisburg, VA May 23, 1862 Bull Run, VA (Second Battle) August 30, 1862 Frederick, MD September 12, 1862 South Mountain, MD September 14, 1862 Antietam, MD September 17, 1862 Tullahoma Campaign, TN June 23-30, 1863 Hoover's Gap, TN June 24, 1863 Chickamauga, GA September 19-20, 1863 -(Brother Jonathan died in this batt le.) Brown's Ferry, TN October 27, 1863 Mission Ridge, TN November 25, 1863 Cloyd's Mountain, VA May 9-10, 1864 Lynchburg, VA June 17-18, 1864 Kenesaw Mountain, GA (General Assault) June 27, 1864 Cabletown, VA July 15, 1864 Charleston, WV July 19, 1864 Kearnstown, VA July 23, 1864 Winchester, VA July 24, 1864 Martinsburg, WV July 25, 1864 Halltown, VA August 24, 1864 Berryville, VA September 3-4, 1864 Opequan, VA September 19, 1864 Fisher's Hill, VA September 22, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA October 19, 1864 Beverly, WV January 11, 1865
These descendants reported by Debbie K Jarrell of Marietta, OH
Name : Josiha Evelsizer Death date : 01 Jun 1912 Death place : Marietta, Washington, Ohio Birth date : 03 Nov 1837 (this is birthday of his sister Sarah) clearly 1 847, then crossed out and made 1837 Birth place : Noble County, Ohio Age at death : 74 years 6 months 29 days Gender : Male Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Retired Farmer Burial date : 03 Jun 1912 Cemetery name : Rake Cemetery Father name : Jonithan Evelsizer Father birth place : Pennsylvania Mother name : Sheely Mother titles : Mother birth place : Maryland Informant Wm J Evelsizer COD- TB GSU film number : 1953421 Digital GS number : 4021199 Image number : 2360 Certificate number : fn 35527 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):This family researched by Betty Birk [email protected] (Betty Birk) Alos Jackie Creighton [email protected]
Name : Amy Creighton Death date : 29 Nov 1923 Death place : Marietta, Washington, Ohio Birth date : 31 Dec 1849 Birth place : Wash. Co., Ohio Age at death : 73 years 10 months 29 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 705 Eighth Occupation : Housewife Residence : Marietta, Washington, Ohio Burial date : 02 Dec 1923 Cemetery name : Oak Grove Spouse name : Isaac Creighton Father name : Johnathan Evilsizer Mother name : unk Mother birth place : unk Informant-Isaac Creighton COD-Brain tumor GSU film number : 1992396 Digital GS number : 4000579 Image number : 1687 Certificate number : fn 68763 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[MI1860] (Medical):Deaf and dumb
(Research):Jay County Historical Society
Minor fought in the war of 1862 Roll of Honor Civil Ward Union Soldiers #472 Pvt Co E 89th Infantry Ft Pickering, Memphis,TN Vol XXI Mississippi River Natl Cemetery, near Memphis TN (Minor's cousin Lafayette, son of Leonard's brother Jacob, died at Ft Pick ering TN and was enlisted in the same 89th Infantry.)
Must have been originally buried in Center Cemetery, Jay Co, Greene, I N, as he was listed in the cemetery index.
The Portland Commercial, Thursday October 10, 1889, page 8 col 2-3 From the report of the reunion of the 89th regiment, 9th Indiana Battery, Company E. M.Evilsizer, Portland Indiana was in attendance.
89th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Organized at Indianapolis, Ind., and mustered in August 28, 1862. Left Sta te for Louisville, Ky., thence moved to Munfordsville, Ky., September 2. S iege of Munfordsville September 14-17. Regiment captured September 17 a nd paroled. March to Bradenburg, thence to Jeffersonville, Ind. Duty at In dianapolis, Ind., saw June 27. Ruff's Station July 4. Chattahoochie Decemb er 5-8. Attached to District of Memphis, Tenn., 16 Army Corps, Dept. of t he Tennessee, to March, 1863. 1st Brigade, District of Memphis, Tenn., 5 th Division, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Divisio n, 16th Army corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division (Detachme nt), Army of the Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. 1 st Brigade, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps (New), Military Division West Mi ssissippi, to July 1865.
SERVICE.--Guard and fatigue duty at Fort Pickering, Memphis, Tenn., Decemb er 21, 1862, to October 18, 1863. Expedition to Hernando, Miss., August 16 -20, 1863. Garrison and Picket duty at Memphis, Tenn., till January 26, 18 64. Expedition after Forest, December 24-31, 1863. Lafayette and Grierson 's Bridge December 27 (Detachment). Moscow December 27 (Detachment). Mov ed to Vicksburg, Miss., January 26-31, 1864. Big Black River February 2. M eridian Campaign February 3-March 2. Queen Hill February 4. Meridian Febru ary 14-15. Decatur February 22. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Fort D eRussy March 14. Occupation of Alexandria March 16. Henderson's Hill Mar ch 21. Battle of Pleasant Hill April 9. Fort Bisland April 12. Natchitoch es April 20-21. At Alexandria April 26-May 13. Bayou LaMouri May 7. Retre at to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Yellow Bayou May 18. Moved to Vi cksburg May 20-24, and to Memphis, Tenn., June 4-9. Old River Lake or La ke Chicot, Ark., June 6. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-21. H arrisburg, near Tupelo, July 14-15. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., A ugust 1-30. Moved to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., September 8-19. Expediti on to DeSoto September 20-October 1. March through Missouri in pursu it of Price October 2-November 19. Greenton November 1. Moved to Nashvill e, Tenn., November 25-December 1. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Purs uit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Moved to Eastport, Miss ., January 1, 1865, and duty there till February 9. Moved to Vicksburg, Mi ss., thence to New Orleans, La., February 9-21. Campaign against Mobile a nd its defences March 17-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blake ly March 26-April 9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupati on of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-27, and duty there ti ll June 1. Moved to Mobile June 1 and duty there till July 19. Mustered o ut July 19, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 55 Enlisted men killed and mor tally wounded and 3 Officers and 188 Enlisted men by disease. Total 252.
Minor has been a tough person to keep the records straight. With the recor ds I have, I have been able to put together some facts. We know by marria ge records and cemetery records that he first married Mary Manson. He enli sted in the Civil war one week later, and she died four months later whi le he was away. So we know there were no children of this marriage. Wh en he returned from the war he married Mary Sigler and nine months late r, son William Lewis was born. Mary died in 1870. In 1873 he married Ma ry Jane Rider. It is not known how long he stayed married to her, but we k now there were two children born at least. Since there was a gap in birt hs between 1875 and 1881, we feel he must have met Elitha Jane Barber a nd had children by her. There is no marriage record, but birth records na me mother. When she died in 1890, Minor sent his children, which I assu me to be hers, to the Orphans home. He then remarried one last time. Somew here in this time unknown is a son born named Minor, as in 1899 after Mino r's death, there is a marriage recorded in Jay County. Until as such ti me the younger Minor is found in a census, or if the marriage record was 1 890 instead of 1899, then this is a mystery. If a child Minor existe d, he was not a child sent to the orphan's home in Center, Rush County, IN . If the 1899 date should really be 1890, then Minor married his st ep daughter, Esther Jane Brandenburg five days after the death of her moth er. I have ordered the Veterans records.
[NI1863] Henry and Priscilla moved to Kansas, as Priscilla filed for a Civil War Military pension in Kansas. 1889 Application No 712441 and 1911 Application No 962567. They came to Coffeyville KS and were followed by the Holmes from Crawfordsville, Indiana to a farm near Coffeyville. In 1894 Holmes moved to Lenapah Okla and bought a drug store. In 1898 his son in law, Harvey joined him. Together they developed other businesses
[HI1863] (Research):
Obit - No date, no newspaper name
Mrs Duckett Is Dead
Resident of Coffeyville for Thirty Years Passed Away Today at Lneapah, Okla.
Mrs Priscilla Ann Duckett, widow fo the late Henry W Duckett, a resident of Coffeyville for thirty years, died at 6 o'clock this morning at the home of a sister, Mrs Mary Holmes at Lenapah. She was 84 years, 4 months and 9 days old and resided at 114 East New St. Mrs Duckett went to visit her sister at Lenapah last Thanksgiving day and early this month was taken down with an illness that failed to yield medical treatment. The funeral services will be conducted from the family home at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon by Dr Henry O Holter, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery beside the husband who dies sixteen years ago. The body is at the home. The other surviving relatives are another sister, Mrs Sarah Vincent, 6 East New St, this city and a brother Albert Evilsizer of Winnetka
(Research):Mentioned in fathers estate settlement in 1885 as Margaret Mason
Named in obit of Henry Ducket, husband of sister Priscilla, says 1917 deceased wifeof John Mason
George Mason appears in 1910 census with a wife named Emma suggesting Maggie may have died sometime between 1900 and 1910. He is married to a Maggie in 1900 born 1866. A KY Death certs say this is Maggie (nee) Bone who died 1937 Hopkins Co, KY
Letter from Pearl Azalia Harvey Keith in docs of Tibbits
Uncle Louis Evilsizer, Grandma's brother came here and had a little son Freddie, aobut 5 or 6 years old when I was a child. I can remember a little about him. His mother had died, her name was Addie Evisizer, and artist and I have a picture of grandma's of the farm home east of Coffeyville she painted. She and Uncle Lou taught music. I have several song books, he had printed. Uncle Lou's wifes name is Addie Evilsizer in these music books and I don tknow if he married again after Ardella died in 1875 but he must have because this son Freddie was here in my time. Uncle Al heard from Freddie one time when he was here and he was in France. Uncle Al was here at grandma's a lot. Was here when she died, then he went home to Chicago and soon died. I dont remeber when. In these song books aunt Addie wrote the wrods and Lucle Louis the music. (Music scanned to Tibbits docs)
(Research):A well known professor of music and composed a large number of valuable
contributions to musical literature. Named is spelled both Lewis and Louis in different documents.
Name «tab»Louis M. Evilsized
Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Death Date «tab»10 Jul 1921
Death Place «tab»Carthage Village, Hancock, Illinois
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»
Race or Color «tab»
Age «tab»69
Estimated Birth Year «tab»1852
Birth Date «tab»16 Jul 1852
Birthplace «tab»Ohio
Father «tab»Don'T Know
Father's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Father's Birth Place «tab»Don't Know
Mother «tab»Don'T Know
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Mother's Birth Place «tab»Don't Know
Occupation «tab»Retired Teacher
Residence «tab»
Street Address «tab»
Spouse «tab»Mary E. Rucker
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace «tab»
Burial Date «tab»12 Jul 1921
Burial Place «tab»Moss Ridge
Cemetery «tab»
Informant «tab»
Additional Relatives «tab»
Digital Folder Number «tab»4008119
Image Number «tab»471
Film Number «tab»1570368
Volume/Page/Certificate Number «tab»21443
[NI1867] In 1894 Holmes moved to Lenapah Okla and bought a drug store. In 1898 his son in law, Harvey joined him. Together they developed other businesses
(Research):Delilah Evilsizer farmed out all of her kids after her husband, Cary Walke r, died. However, when my mother was 4 1/2 yrs old and her mother was se nt away, Delilah took in her grandchild to raise until she became too i ll to keep her anymore. The fact that she didn't raise them didn't se em to bother any of Delilah's kids, though. She sent them to be rais ed by her husband's kids by his first marriage, and they all lived pret ty close around. She remarried several more times but never had any mo re children of her own, just raised the children of the husbands' she marr ied. One of her daughters, Leota, married the son of one of her other husbands, and they were married at age 11 or 1 2. They lived together for the rest of their lives and adopted one girl, t hen had one of their own. The one of their own has provided much of the i nfo I have and she is still living in Redkey, IN. She never had childr en of her own and her husband committed suicide at an early age. She h as actively run her own beauty shop from her home ever since he died, pl us taking care of the women descendants of Delilah before they died, Leoa ta and Minnie. BTW, Minnesota (Minnie) Walker, a daughter of Delilah Evi lsizor, was born in Minnesota, and I've never found out why they were the re when she was born. I wouldn't have known that was born there without t he living cousin to explain where she got that name. The descendants of D elilah were evidently not very prolific. Minnie had no children, Leota had one of her own, Car ey E. had one, but his brother Irvin had two or three. I have found th is gene where children were not born often in my dad's side of the famil y, too. His mother was from a family of 9 girls, but only 3 of them we re able to have children.
Although Delilah was still married to Howell when she died, he had gone b ack to another state, I think IL, to be cared for by his sons of a form er marriage, and she had moved in with her daughter to be cared for. By Barbara Johnson
I am fortunate to have a photo (tin type) of both my g-grandmother and grandfather Vincent--what handsome people they were. My mother (deceased) le ft to me a photo album (surely of Vincents and Evilsizers) and I don't kn ow anybody in it --My g-grandparents names were on theirs and then the re is one that says Freddy (in a dress as a small boy--perhaps a year old ). I was perturbed about having this album with no names and my good husb and said--let's take it out to Idaho where Mother's cousin--Vincent Tibbet ts was living at the time---but you know how it goes--we put it off and Vi ncent passed away. But I was looking thru some of the correspondence betw een this cousin and Mother--and the comment was made between them th at it was a shame that the older generation hadn't put the names on the se pictures---so we could of made that long trip to see Vincent and he wou ld of been unable to identify these pictures either. Oh--well! However-- someone who is doing a study of the Evilsizers could possibly put some nam es with these faces. We went a few years ago to Fairbury, IL to see so me friends and passed a mailbox that said Evilsizer and I have often wonde red it these could possibly be kin. We went a few years ago to Portlan d, IN where Grandma was born and went to the library just browsing to s ee if there could be one or two Evilsizers listed there--it is an odd name --and low and behold--there were hundreds of kinfolk--it didn't take me t oo long to realize that in Portland--it was not an odd name. This Vince nt Tibbetts that I referred to earlier had done an extensive research on t he Vincent and Evilsizers--and he knew which farm was their's and had a va luable history. He had daughters which I hope would have kept their fathe r's papers. Mother--at the time of her death--still had remaining cousi ns living in the Hartford City, IN area--but for some unknown reason--h ad quit corresponding with my Mother. Rosemary Fritz Stepehns, 4/20/2000
Also descendents from this family is Patricia Joanne McIntire Blair PJoBla [email protected]
(Research):1860 Indiana census she was living with the Moses Whitcomb Family Moses a ge 29 born PA. She is listed as age 28 also born in PA. She must be a sist er to Moses. Moses spouse Rhoda age 27 b OH and son William one year ol d, b IN. No children with Laer in this household. There is a record of a m arriage of a L E Whitcomb 8/12/1858 to a Samuel W Bell book CB- Pg 7 20 in Jay Co. She may have taken back her maiden name and as Abraham di ed before 1860, this is a possible remarriage.
1850 Jay Co, Knox, IN
jacob Evilsizer Hannah Blue
Collins, David 37 OH Sarah E 23 PA Elizabeth J 2 IN Cornelius 82 NY Leah Whitcomb 19 PA
Whitcomb, Elias 23 OH Hannah 17 OH
This Birth Record from Berks County Pa says Johannes Jacob Ewelsweiser, son of Johannes Jacob and ________. This individual is assumed son of Ol Ja kob, according to the facts of German naming patterns Why was he not bound to overseers of the poor in Rockingham Co, VA? German custom was to keep the oldest, or the namesake, with the family. As Henry was the oldest, we think Ol' Jacob kept his namesake.
This must be assumed Jacob Jr., as he later shows up in census with this birth date.
This Birth Record from Berks County Pa says Johannes Jacob Ewelsweiser, son of Johannes Jacob and ______________. This individual is assumed son of Ol Jakob, according to the facts.
[NI1873] Dau fo Michael and Catarina Ropp
(Research):Karen Gerlach
Dau Mary give mothers birth location Maryland
(Research):Descendants of Samuel Blake were provide by Dwight Vieland, 209 Ceramic Bl vd, Dept of Material Science & Engineering, Univ. of Ill , Urbana, Ill 618 01 [email protected]
Age 18 at marriage in Feb 1889
(Research):Name : Harriette D. Knox Death date : 24 Feb 1937 Death place : Senca, Noble, Ohio Birth date : 10 Apr 1865 Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 71 years 10 months 14 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Thomas Knox Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Housework Burial date : 26 Feb 1937 Cemetery name : Mt. Eplria Spouse name : Thomas Knox Father name : Ebenezer Evilsizer Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Elizabeth Baker Mother birth place : Ohio Informant-Mrs Arthur Moore COD Influenza GSU film number : 2023492 Digital GS number : 4020722 Image number : 623 Certificate number : fn 15254 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):1920 Census names housekeeper Georgia Alexander age 28 and her son age 8
This possibly Hiram
(Research):«u»«b»World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 «/u»
Name «tab»Nelson O. Evilsizer
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 28 February 1952 Mrs Oma Evilsizer of New Concord left Thursday for a visit with her daught er Mrs Jane Moravic and family of Leechburg, PA
The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 01 August 1939 Mrs N O Evilsizer dies at hospital. Mrs Margaret Evilsizer, 62, wife of N O Evilsizer, near Norwich, died at 3 "30 Tuesday Morning at Bethesda Hospital, where she underwent and operation Sunday. Mrs Evilsizer, who had spent almost her entire life in Norwich, New Concord vicinity had been ill only a few days. She was admitted to the hospital Sunday. Surviving are her husband, two sons, Joseph of New Concord and Charles Evilsizer of Columbus; two grandchildren, o ne brother Charles hardesty, Norwich, one sister Mrs Etta McIntire near Chandlersville. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afterno on at Mock Funeral Home, New Concord. Burial will be at that place. The bo dy will remain at the funeral home
(Research):«u»«b»World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 «/u»
Name «tab»Joseph Lewis Evilsizer
Name «tab»Margaret E. Evilsizer
Name : Margaret Ellen Early Death date : 04 Dec 1942 Death place : Massillon, Stark, Ohio Birth date : 14 Oct 1879 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 63 years 1 month 20 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : African American Street address : 546 Tremont Ave S.E. Occupation : Housewife Residence : Massillon, Stark, Ohio Burial date : 07 Dec 1942 Burial place : Cemetery name : Massillon Spouse name : George Early Father name : Evolsizer Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 2024042 Digital GS number : 4057820 Image number : 249 Certificate number : fn 76238 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):After Ebenezer's death, Susanna refused to care for Ottis and his brothe r, George; they were placed in the Xenia Orphans Home for Children of Sold iers & Sailors in Xenia, Green Co, OH. Ottis was one year old when his fa ther died.
(Research):Ohio Military Men
(Research):Everett and his brother George arrived at the Ohio Soldier's and Sailors O rphans' Home 8/22/1907, age 8 and 6, Xenia, Ohio. A Samuel Evilsizer had s omething to do with this, as his name is on some of the paperwork.
Name «tab»Evert Ottis Evilsizer
(Research):Listed in the Church records of the Methodist Episcopal Church: Jackson Co unty, WV as a member of the church at Island Run, Jackson Co, WV
(Research):SS Application says born in Noble Co, Louisville, KY(Louisville is in Jeff erson Co, KY) Death Cert says born in West Virginia- other siblings born in WV Census records say born in WV also, however he did not appear in the 19 00 Census with his parents.
Name «tab»George Edward Evilsizer
Name «tab»Joshua Evilsizer
Name : Almira Evilsizer Death date : 06 Aug 1911 Death place : Caldwell, Noble, Ohio Birth date : 29 Jul 1852 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Noble Co., Ohio Age at death : 59 years 6 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : House Wife Burial date : 08 Aug 1911 Cemetery name : Devolld Cemetery Father name : Thomas Balis Father birth place : Noble County Mother name : Sarah Wickham Mother birth place : dont know Informant-Charles Kinsinger COD- Suicide-drank carbolic acid GSU film number : 2033201 Digital GS number : 4020339 Image number : 767 Certificate number : fn 45021 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Also in Augusta Co, VA with Peter, all living close was William Hartsook-0 1201-01101. Could possibly be his father. Also was Jacob Hartsook, possib ly a brother -20100-00010.
name: «tab»Maude Dickleman Swimley
Stephen was the son of Stephen (Cumberland Barnes) and Sarah Elizabeth Perry.
(Research):Stephen is my (Sandi Koscak) grandfather. I never met him because he died before I was born. Stephen and Elmina lived in Princeton, Kentucky until about 1920 when they moved to Herrin, Illinois where Stephen had a house built for his family. Their son, Bartus, had died at age two and their daughter, Ruby, was eighteen months old.Stephen worked in the coal mines and with the railroad. While working with the railroad, he was seriously injured.Stephen and Elmina left Herrin in 1933 and moved to Missouri where they bought a farm on the outskirts of the town of Sullivan where Stephen became a farmer.When Stephen died, at age 57, he was buried in the graveyard in Sullivan, Missouri.Elmina and her brother Andrew were the only two of Benjamin Morrison Board 's children by his second wife Dora who lived long lives.After Stephen died, Elmina moved back to Princeton, Kentucky. Later, she moved to Madisonville, Kentucky. She lived to be over ninety years of age, and when she died she was buried in the Perry Graveyard in Princeton.
Cert 43577
Sodt, Elizabeth (Brown) Manchester, Michigan Died January 1, 2015 in Tecumseh, Michigan at the age of 91. She was born the daughter of Albert and Louise (King) Brown on December 11, 1923 in Redford, Michigan. On September 21, 1947 she married Louis Dean Sodt and he preceded her in death. She enjoyed camping with her husband in their trailer. She was an avid card player and enjoyed the game of Bridge and also playing the penny slots at the casino. Growing up near Detroit, she enjoyed watching the Tigers. She was a nurse for over 40 years starting at Foote Hospital where she met her husband and finishing with15 years of service at Chelsea Hospital. Elizabeth is survived by her children Martha (Ron) Evilsizer of Manchester, Mary LaMarre of Yardley, PA, Kristin (Bob) Smith of Las Vegas, NV, William (Nancy) Sodt of Manchester, Dianne (Gregory) Davitt of Durham, NC, Brenda (Chuck Marshall) Foster of Ann Arbor, also surviving are 16 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by her brothers, Thomas, Milner, and William Brown as well as her grandson Bill Sodt. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary Catholic Church, Chelsea, on Saturday, January 10 at 11:00 a.m. The family will receive friends at the church from 10:00 a.m. until the hour of Mass. Expressions of Sympathy may be made to Hospice of Lenewee. Arrangements by Staffan-Mitchell Funeral Home, Chelsea. -
Ruby and Dorothy both left Sullivan, Missouri and went to St. Louis to attend business school after graduation from high school.Ruby and Dorothy married brothers, the Dorrell brothers; Ruby married Ed and Dorothy married John.Ruby and Ed lived in the St. Louis area for many years. They later moved to Eureka, Missouri, not far from St. Louis. Several years later, they moved to Cuba, Missouri.After Ed died, Ruby sold her home and moved to Tullahoma, Tennessee to be near her son, Woodie and his family. Her daughter, Tamra, lived in Cuba, Missouri.
Dorothy Mae and Ruby Evalene married brothers, John and Ed Dorrell, so the ir children were double cousins.
Daughter of the late Stephen and Elmina Barnes. A native of Herrin, Ill.. She died at Regional Medical Center, Madisonville, Ky. Services were at 2 pm Sunday, at Morgon's Funeral Home, Princeton, Ky. Survirors included three brothers, Benny Barnes, Hopkinsville, Ky; Charles Barnes, Louisville, Ky.; Texal Barnes, St Ann, Mo.; and five sisters Ruby Dorrell, Tulahoma, Tn.; Dorothy Dorrell, Warrenton, Mo.; Helen Evilsizer, San Diego, Calif.; Lillian Rae Luicius, Tampa, Florida,; and Jeanette Budiger, Tucson, Ariz
(Research):Texal and Wanda Lee lived in Springfield, Missouri, then moved to St. An n, Missouri where they have lived for many years. Texal was in the Army A ir Force for a short while before he married Wanda. He worked for Dougl as McDonald Aircraft in St. Louis for many years. Their three girls a ll had boys.
Texal Barnes loved the Lord and His word. His family described him as "The Greatest." He was a very good father, husband and provider for his family. His wife Wanda says her husband strived to do everything perfect and well no matter if it was in his working life as an aircraft inspector at McDonnell Douglas or life at home. "He was very busy and never one to sit around," Mrs. Barnes said. Texal Barnes' work on Earth was completed on February 26, 2012. He passed away at Bentley Extended Care with his grateful family by his side.Mr Barnes was born January 25 1924, in Herrin, Illinois, to Stephen and Elmina Board Barnes. He grew up with nine brothers and sisters. Mr. Barnes was inducted into the Army on March 9, 1943. He served in the Central European Theater, armed with a gun and typewriter, where he served as a clerk-typist. Like most soldiers of the time, Mr. Barnes was preparing to continue serving his country in Japan when the war ended. He was discharged on February 4, 1946. He married Wanda Landing on June 21, 1947.Mr. Barnes attended Bible College on the GI Bill and continued to be a student of the Bible throughout his life. He taught himself to read Greek and Hebrew. He later joined McDonnell Douglas Corporation in St. Louis where he worked as an aircraft inspector. Mr. Barnes was also part of the Gemini and Mercury spacecraft projects. He retired in 1988 and threw his energy into working on woodworking projects at home and spending time with his family and travel.Besides his wife Wanda, Mr. Barnes is survived by children Jeanne (Rick) Whisman, Nancy (Matt) Newberry and Judy (Carl) Meintz; grandchildren Bryce Whisman, Grant Whisman, Jesse Dean "Dino" (Alison) Mathenia, Dustin (Jessica) Mathenia, Bonnie Newberry, Grace Newberry, Brad (Andrea) Meintz, Shawn (Angela) Meintz and Eric (Erica) Meintz; great-grandchildren Adelynn, Nahla, Troy, Kaelin, Aiden, Angelica, Ava, Jackson and Kennedy; and a sister Lillian Rae Lucius. He was preceded in death by his parents and eight brothers and sisters.A funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday February 29, 2012, at Alexander-White-Mullen Funeral Home, 11101 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Ann, Mo. 63074. Burial will follow at Mt. Lebanon Cemetery with full military honors. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. on Tuesday February 28, at Alexander-White-Mullen Funeral Home.Arrangements under the direction of Alexander-White-Mullen Funeral Home, Saint Ann, MO.
Jeanette attended her first year of college at Bethel Womans College in Hopkinsville, KY. She transferred her second year to Southwest Baptist Univ rsity in Bolivar, Missouri and graduated there in 1948. She then attended the Central Bible Institute in Springfield, Missouri where she studied sign language for the deaf. This great ability was to bring her wonderful accomplishments in her life. She and her husband moved to Colorado, she became an ordained minister and opened the Denver church for the deaf. At one time, it was the largest Church for the deaf in the world. She was Owner/Operator of the Thornton Private School (aka Red Riding Hood Preschool) from 1952-1977and she taught all of her pre-schoolers to read. The next fifteen years was spent signing for the deaf for the Billy Graham Crusades, and Oral Roberts. She was also a court interpreter for the deaf in the Denver Courthouse. She owned half interest in a Bible bookstore "The Crossroad Bookstore" in Estes Park, Colorado. She was also in the 1976 publication of "Who's Who in Colorado" by Daniel Valdes. She took up painting as a hobby and discovered her talents were in demand and now has her paintings in 39 states. She is retired now living in Tucson, AZ in the winter and Estes Park, Colorado in the summer. She is also the only grandmother I know that broke her arm while riding a skateboard!!
Jeanette attended her first year of college at Bethel Womans College in Hopkinsville, KY. She transferred her second year to Southwest Baptist Univ rsity in Bolivar, Missouri and graduated there in 1948. She then attended the Central Bible Institute in Springfield, Missouri where she studied sign language for the deaf. This great ability was to bring her wonderful accomplishments in her life. She and her husband moved to Colorado, she became an ordained minister and opened the Denver church for the deaf. At one time, it was the largest Church for the deaf in the world. She was Owner/Operator of the Thornton Private School (aka Red Riding Hood Preschool) from 1952-1977and she taught all of her pre-schoolers to read. The next fifteen years was spent signing for the deaf for the Billy Graham Crusades, and Oral Roberts. She was also a court interpreter for the deaf in the Denver Courthouse. She owned half interest in a Bible bookstore "The Crossroad Bookstore" in Estes Park, Colorado. She was also in the 1976 publication of "Who's Who in Colorado" by Daniel Valdes. She took up painting as a hobby and discovered her talents were in demand and now has her paintings in 39 states. She is retired now living in Tucson, AZ in the winter and Estes Park, Colorado in the summer. She is also the only grandmother I know that broke her arm while riding a skateboard!! By Sandi Evilsizer Koscak 1/27/1999
(Research):Complete Hurt genealogy found at gencircles.com
At the time of this report 12/31/2013 Aunt Rae is in Hospice care. She has refused to eat and drink and is barely being kept alive. So many operations over the years. Her heart pacemaker needs a new wire but it cant be replaced because it has grown into her flesh. Her lungs fill with fluid almost every day, and she is in extremely failing heath. She is the last child living.
Lucius, Lillian R., 82, of Tampa passed away January 1, 2014. Born in Herrin, IL to Stephen and Elmina Barnes and she moved to Tampa in 1958. Lillian is preceded in death by her husband, William H. Lucius and nine siblings. She was an involved member of The First Baptist Church of Downtown Tampa and enjoyed playing the piano. She is survived by her sons David, Mike, daughter Phyllis (Paul); and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. There will be visitation on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 from 9am-10am with a funeral service at 10am both at the funeral home with interment to follow at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to The American Heart Association.
(Research):Bill was in the Army all of his life. He and Rae lived in Kentucky, then T ampa, Floria. They lived a brief time in Indiana, then moved back to Tampa .
Benny was institutionalized for many years.
The Times Leader Princeton, Ky. Dec. 6, 2000
Charles was a 1956 graduate of Caldwell County High School, Princeton, Ky.
The Times Leader Princeton Kentucky January 8th 2003
Plot: SECTION 31 Lot 200- Grave: 3 which is near the Grinstead entrance of the cemetery.
Name «tab»Evilsizor
Death certificate shows Ruth Thrush was the daughter of John Evilsizer (Virginia) and Mary Arnold (Virginia), female, white, married, married at age 23, parent of 12 children, 9 living, born in ohio and died on February 5, 1898 in Emerson Twp., Gratiot Co., Mich at the age of 53 years 3 months and 24 days, cause of death Heart Failure. Burial was on February 9, 1898 in Emerson Charter, Gratiot Co., Michgian.
(Research):Obit say s he was Capt in Co H staioned at N Lewisburg, but he was too you ng ot be in civil war. There is only one French Swishe
(Research):Springfield News, Bowlusville, March 5, 1907 Joseph Evilsizor has purchased the Marion Boosinger property west of our village.
Name «tab»Joseph Wiley Evilsizor
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Feb 1 1, 1904 S Augusta Brohawn, Teacher Russell Evilsizor
Name «tab»James R. Evilizer
Tombstone lists DOB 3/1893
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Monday Nov 22, 1954 Funeral services were conducted at 2 P.M. Sunday in Spencerville for George Weldon Evilsizor, 86, a native of Champaign County businessman. Interme nt was made in the cemetery in Spencerville. Mr Evilsizor died Friday afternoon in his home in Spencerville. He had been ill of a heart condition ., Born in Champaign County on March 12, 1868, he was the son of Isaac and Amanda Evilsizor. His wife preceded him in death on Jan 1, 1954. Surviv ors are three sisters, Mrs Ida W Baumgardner, Bellefontaine; Mrs Elizabeth Madison of Richwood and Mrs Amanda Winnie Redman of Urbana and a brother Charles Evilsizor , Urbana.
(Research):Unable to locate in any Census
(Research):34th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry
(Research):Source of middle name for Jonathan was from Sandy Carawan scarawan@beachli nk.com
Name «tab»Jonathan E. Evilsizer
Name: Samuel Union Evilsizer
(Research):CIVIL WAR PENSION APPLICATION George Snodgrass, application #107,622; certificate #75,403 widow's application #163,815; certificate #120,207 minor's application #219,877; certificate #168,284
(Medical):Granted a disability resulting from Rheumatism contracted while in the line of duty from exposure in Chattanooga, Tenn in February 1864 and was confined to his back and hips.
(Research):1910 Washington Co, Census shows Maggie age 49 as Sister In Law and and wi fe Nancy
(Research):Parentage not proven. Facts support: 1870 Census living next to Sister Harriet and Sister Margaret in household of Bergen Baker. (His step mother w as a Baker ) Father had remarried by 1853. Location is same . Date of birth found in census agrees with birth date of this child. Dates consistent with birth of the siblings.
Name «tab»Bessie C. Evilsizer
Name : Bessie Catherine Wright Death date : 25 Jan 1948 Death place : Marietta Twp., Washington, Ohio, United States Birth date : 19 Apr 1882 Birth place : Washington County, Ohio Age at death : 67 years 9 months 6 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Rt 6 Marietta Occupation : Housewife Burial date : 1/27/1948 Cemetery name : Oak Grove Cemetery Spouse name : Fred Wright Father name : Jesse Evilsizer Father birth place : Ohio Mother titles : Unknown Informant-Willia Wright COD-acute coronary thrombosis GSU film number : 2246457 Digital GS number : 4109086 Image number : 00885 Certificate number : 13400 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):She may also have married Samuel K Alexander 11/12/1892 in Washington Co, Lawrence, OH. John Evilsizer died 1888 suggesting she may have remarried. The transcribed marriage record shows Samuel and agw 21 and Lucinda Evilsizer as age 18. There are no known names corresponding with these ages. Samuel Alexander in Lawrence Twp is born 3/1827 a widower, suggesting Lucinda died before the 1900 census.
Res Washington Co, Moss Run OH
Name : Mary Elizabeth Evilsizer
(Research):Baltimore Daily Sentinel Tribune September 9, 1950 Services will be held Sunday, in South Liberty EUB Church at 2:30 for Jo hn Evilsizer, 70, of near Wingston. Mr Evilsizer had been suffering f or a year from heart disease and was in the Findlay Hospital 17 days whe re he died Thursday at 8:30 A.M. The body will be moved from the Rippeth F uneral Home Sunday at 1:00 P.M. to the church. Rev Richard Dunham, Findla y, will officiate. Burial will be in the Ten Mile Cemetery. Mr Evilsizer w as born December 22, 1880 in Henry Twp, Wood County to William and Mary Ev ilsizer. He was a farmer by occupation and a lifelong resident of the coun ty. His wife, the former Bernice Melhone, survives him with a daughter M rs Blanch Hillard of near Rudolph; two grandchildren and two great grandch ildren and a sister, Mrs Anna Grove, Alva, MI Mr Evilsizer was a memb er of South Liberty EUB Church
(Medical):Suffered from heart disease and was in the Findlay Hospital 17 days where he died.
Birth Records from Champaign County Probate Court Compiled by Pat Stickl ey born Mad River Twp 9/20/1867 to Isaac and Amanda Evilsizer
date handwritton it - from a sc rapbook. May 11, 1957 was on a Saturday according to my perpetual calendar.
Married first
Groom's Name: «tab»Clifford P. Scott
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Helen L Scott
(Research):Springfield Daily News, Wednesday, February 1, 1939-Pg5 Illness Fatal to Mary Ballentine-Native of Champaign County Succumbs at a ge 63 Mrs Mary Welcie Ballentine, 63, of Springfield, Route 2, died Tuesday at 6 :30 P.M. in her home. Death followed an extended illness. A native of Cham paign County, Mrs Ballentine had lived her entire life in Champaign and Cl ark Counties. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Urbana, Ohi o. Survivors include her husband, T H Ballentine, three daughters, Mrs Aud ra Evans of Middletown, Ohio and the Misses Zelma and Mary Lavone Ballenti ne, at home, four brothers, Charles Evilsizor of Thackery, Weldon of Napol eon, Ohio, Samuel of Thackery, and Worley of Piqua; four sisters, Mrs I da Baumgardner of Bellefontaine, Ohio, Mrs Charles Hoberty of West Cheste r, PA; Mrs J S Mattison of Richwood, Ohio, and Mrs Lewis Redman of Urban a, and four grandchildren, Thomas, Franklyn, Marilyn and Barbara Evans. T he body was removed to the Woods Funeral Home
(Research):MIddle name in marriage record was Welcie
Name «tab»Clara W Evilsizer
Springfield Daily News, 1951 Mrs Clara W Hoberty, 74, died at 8:15 P.M. Tuesday in her residence on t he Dalton Rd, Springfield Route 2, following an illness of one year. Mrs H obarty was born August 18, 1876 in Champaign county near Terre haute. S he had lived most of her life in Clark and Champaign counties with the exc eption of 14 years spent in New Jersey. She was a member of the North Hamp ton Evangelical Reformed Church and of Faith Council 198, Daughters of Ame rica, in Urbana. Survivors include her husband Charles B, one son, Clemen t, Springfield, Rt 2; three sisters, Mrs Ida Bumgardner, Bellefontaine; M rs Justin Mattison, Richwood, OH; and Mrs Louis Redman, Urbana; three brot hers Charles Evilsizor, Thackery, Samuel Evilsizor, North Hampton, and Wel dy Evilsizor, St Mary's OH; 11 grandchildren and a number of nieces and ne phews. The body was taken to the Jackson-Lyle funeral home where it will r emain until one hour before services at 2:30 P.M. Friday in North Hampt on Evangelical Church; the Rev M P Schoepfle, pastor of the North Hampt on church will have charge of the services. Burial will be made in the Ter re Haute Cemetery
Piqua Daily Call April 5, 1945
Urbana Daily Citizen October 2, 1945 Death Takes Confessed Murderer - Coroner Gives Suicide Verdict in death Of Amos Werley Evilsizor "Amos Worley Evilsizor, 67, Piqua, Rt 2, who confessed bludgeoning his sweetheart to death with a heavy stone and then placing her body in the shallow water along the Banks of Kiser lake died at 12:30 A.M. today in Champaign County Hospital. Champaign County Coroner, Dr. C E Thompson retur ed a verdict of suicide from gunshot wounds. A first degree murder charge was placed against Mr Evilsizor Monday afternoon. The charge was signed by sheriff Jay H McKeever. Evilsizor attempted to take his own life at 2 A.M. Sunday when he shot himself with a 20 gauge shotgun on a barn on his Miami County farm a few hours after he murdered Mrs Barbara Avery Yoast, 30, of Piqua, at Kiser Lake near St Paris. The shots from the gun entered the right side of Evilsiz or's body about the chest and under the right arm. When taken to Piqua Memorial Hospital physicians believed the wounds were not serious. Evilsizor was later removed to the Hospital here. Evilsizor confessed to the Campaign County Sheriff Jay McKeever that he and Mrs Yoast drove to the lake Saturday night after their return from Huntsville, Alabama where the latter had been visiting her father Bethel Ferrell. A violent quarrel ensued when Mrs Yoast demanded $2,500 of Evilsizor under the threat of reporting him to authorities for violation of the Mann Act, the murderer stated in his confession. Getting out of the car, Mrs Yoast pulled out a knife, Evilsizor said. It was then according to his statement that he picked up a stone and attacked her. Marks of violence were found on the body including a cut over one eye, one on the head, and another on the forehead. Sheriff McKeever said the skull was fractured by the blow on the head. No water was found in the lungs, indicating that death had occurred before Mrs Yoast's body had been placed in the lake. County Coroner Dr C E Thompson, in conducting an autopsy in the Richeson Funeral Home, St Paris revealed that Mrs. Yoast had been dead from between 10 and 12 hours when her body was discovered. The murder was placed at between 8:30 and 10:30 P.M. Saturday. When Sheriff McKeever visited the murder scene Sunday morning he found a man's coat. There were also spots of blood in the grass and shrubbery. By questioning residents in the Kizer Lake area, the Sherri learned Evilsizor had been in the vicinity Saturday night. The questioning produced a man who, on Saturday night, pulled an automobile from a ditch along the roadside near the murder scene. This man was Guy Putnam, who lives on the opposite side of the lake. He also recognized Evilsizor as the
(Research):Evilsizor Samuel P, Former Mayor, Dies in Ohio-Lake Co Samuel P. Evilsizor, village president, of Libertyville in 1931-32 and bui lding commissioner since May 1937, died suddenly at 12:30 P.M.. Sunday, J an 9, 1938, at the home of his brother,Charles, in St. Paris, Ohio, whe re he had gone to visit. Cause of his death was a heart attack occasion ed by the excessive strain of a heavy meal on his weakened stomach. He h ad been troubled before with internal hemorrhages.Mr. Evilsizor was 64 yea rs old. He had lived in Libertyville more than a quarter of a century, tak ing a deep interest in civic growth of Libertyville and in the developme nt of the town's business and residence sections. At the time of his dea th he was the owner of several properties here and was thought to be in fa irly good health. Funeral services were held yesterday at 2 P.M.. from t he home of at 336 Milwaukee Ave. The Rev. Samuel W. Vose officiated and pa ll bearers were: Village President. A.E.Suter, Police Chief Frank Druba, t wo nephews, James Gannon of Chicago and John Gannon of Evanston; and two g randsons, Bruce and Robert Kilby of Evanston. Burial was in Ascension ceme tery.The body was delivered to the Ray-Burnett funeral home Monday morni ng from Ohio. Samuel Paul Evilsizor was born Oct. 23, 1873. He was marri ed on June 30, 1892, to Catherine Wynn at Urbana, Ohio. A year later the c ouple moved to Evanston. About the year 1902 the family moved to Libertyvi lle. After a residence here of 13 years, Mr. Evilsizor took up work in Pax ton, Ill., where they lived for five years. They then returned to Libertyv ille. In February, 1922, Mr. Evilsizor was named water superintende nt of the village and he held that position until May, 1926, accordi ng to records in the clerk's office. At one time he was in charge of Publ ic Service here and later went into his own electrical contracting busines s. Mrs. Evilsizor preceded her husband in death on January 25, 1937. (Ob it below) Surviving are four daughters: Mrs. Gertrude Karnitz, Waukegan; M rs.Florence Kilby, Evanston; Mrs. Ruth Knigge and Mrs. Mildred Delthron,bo th of Libertyville. The Independent Register Libertyville, Illinois, Thurs day, January 13, 1938
(Medical):Died while visiting brother in St Paris, OH
33884 «tab»WILDASON «tab»DELLA «tab»M. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»CHAMPAIGN CO., O. «tab»11/02/1952 «tab»11/05/1952 «tab»D «tab»Lot 79 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
Birth record Alice, census record Ada
Had a wonderful tenor voice and often sang in the Methodist Church of Lenepah when he came to visit
(Research):Listed in Portland Indiana City and Business Directory 1897
Name «tab» Albert William Evilsizer
(Research):1910 Census shows married 45 years, Having Six children with three still l iving.
(Research):Death record states age 71 in 1930 - 1858 Jay Co, 1860 Census gives age as 4 - 1856
TOmbstone 1855-1921 (no photo)
Urbana Daily Citizen-Thursday, Jan 6, 1944 Mrs Elsie A Evilsizor, wife of Amos W Evilsizor, died at 2 P M today in her home one mile north of Piqua. Born April 30,1894 near Millerstown, she was the daughter of William and Elnora Erwin Comer and one of six child ren. She was married to Mr Evilsizor on Feb 11, 1917 and had lived in Miami County for the past 15 years. She was a member of the Piqua Baptist church, Bethany Sunday School class and upper Springcreek Community Church. She is survived by her husband, by three daughters, Mrs Harold McDona ld of Troy, Lucille and Alice at home; a step-daughter Mrs Robert Comer of DeGraff, her mother Mrs Comer of Fletcher; two sisters, Mrs Harold Rouse , and Mrs Luther Evilsizor of Urbana; two brothers Robert comer of De Graff and Russell Comer of Fletcher and two grandchildren. Funeral servic es will be conducted in Piqua Baptist church at 2 P M Saturday by the Rev J W Poorman, pastor. Friends may view the body at her late home afternoon on Friday. Interment will be in the family plot in Millerstown Cemeter y.
(Research):COMER -- ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs. 13 Nov 1941, Pg 1 William Jackson COMER, 73, passed away at his home in Fletcher at 8 o'clo ck Saturday evening after being bedfast since last April when he suffer ed a paralytic stroke. Mr. COMER a native of Champaign County had farmed m ost of his life and for many years reside near Lena. He was a member of t he Lena Baptist Church and of the Men's Class of the Fletcher Federated Ch urch. Surviving are his widow Elinore; three daughters, Mrs. Worley EVILSI ZOR, Piqua rural route; Mrs. Harold ROUSE, Urbana route 3; and Mrs. Luth er EVILSIZOR, Urbana route 1; two sons, Robert DeGraff route 1, and Russe ll of Brown Township, Miami County. He also leaves a sister, a brothe r, 15 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Final services were cond ucted Tuesday at 2 o'clock at the Suber funeral home in Fletcher with Re v. Harry Manning of Lena and Rev. Edward Fischer of Fletcher officiatin g. Burial was in Spring Grove cemetery.
(Research):Name: ELNORA A COMER Gender: Female Date of Death: December 16, 1960 Volume: 16348 Certificate: 84579 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Miami County Age: 91
(Research):Urbana Citizen Saturday March 17, 1979 Mary E Evilsizor, 81, formerly of 1309 Campground Rd, Urbana, died Friday at 8:15 P.M. in the Urbana Care Center. She was born Oct 12, 1897 in Mi ami County, the daughter of William and Nora Erwin Comer. She was a member of the First Baptist Church and former Member of Rebecca Lodge No 18 8, Daughters of America and the Cheer-up Club. She and her husband mov ed to their Urbana address at the time of their marriage 58 years ago a nd lived there ever since. She is survived by her husband, Luther; two dau ghters, Mrs Charles (Elizabeth) Boyer of Tremont City and Mrs Roger (Beck y) Watson of Urbana; one sin, Charles William Evilsizor, Freehold, NJ; o ne brother, Russell Comer, Casstown, nine grandchildren and six great gran dchildren. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 P.M. Monday at t he Hollingshead Funeral Home where services will be held Tuesday at 1 P. M. Dr. Russell Jones, Baptist Church of Akron will officiate. Burial wi ll be in Spring Grove Cemetery. Urbana Citizen Wednesday March 21, 1979 Pallbearers were Jerry Evilsizor, Jeffrey Watson, Todd Watson, Greg Boyer , Don Troyer and Roger Wallace.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Feb 1 1, 1904 S Augusta Brohawn, Teacher Luther Evilsizor
Louisiana Statewide Death Index, 1900-1949
BLACKMORE JOHN M/W UNK 2720887 1933-10-13 PEORIA PEORIA 33-10-16
Hillsboro Press Gazette (Hillsboro, Ohio) > 1959 > March > 13 Cars Collide at New Market
(Research):Name: James S Evilsizer Birth Year: 1921
Name: «tab»James S Evilsizer
Name: «tab»James S Evilsizer
Name: «tab»Thurman V Evilsizer (sic)
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen march, 1928 Funeral Held The funeral od U H Lippencott aged 70 years, who died abot 1'oclock Saturd ay morning, at the home of his daughter, Mrs Harold Venrick east of tow n, was held from the M E Church at Mutual Sunday afternoon at 2' oclock. S ervices were conducted by Rev J A Jenkinson and the remains were laid to r est in the Buck Creek Cemetery. Mr Lippencott has been in ill health for s ome time, suffering from cancer, an operation performed about three yea rs ago affroding him only temporary relief. Beside the daughter at whose h ome he died he is survived by seven other children as follows: Mrs Hersch el Brigner, Mrs James Mason and Ross Lippencott of Urbana; Roy Lippenco tt of Springfield; Mrs Lowell Dunham of Woodstock and Mrs Ricjey Ree dy of Columbus. Also a sister, Mrs Isaac Evilsizor, of Bowlesville. His wi fe died about 22 years ago. The funeral arrangements were in charge of Dir ectors Davis and Byers
(Research):Name: ROY W LIPPINCOTT Gender: Male Date of Death: December 31, 1960 Volume: 16348 Certificate: 84575 Marital Status: Divorced Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 74
(Research):LIPPENCOTT WILIJUR County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 8/5/1927 Volume Number: 5417 Certificate Number: 4466
(Research):St Paris Dispath, Sept 30, 1909 The little daughter of Cliff Lippencott and wife died Monday, after an ill ness of two weeks
(Research):Springfield News August 8, 1976 Mechanicsburg- Mrs Elva L Venrick, 75, of 103 E Sandusky St, died at 3 P. M. Sunday in Madison county hospital, London, where she had been a patie nt for the past six weeks. She had been in failing health for the past t wo years. She formerly was employed by the Vining Broom Co., Springfiel d, retiring in 1965, and attended the First Church of God in Mechanicsbur g. She was born in Union township, Champaign county, Jan 6, 1901, the la st of nine children born to Ulrick and Effie Evilsizor Lippencott. Survivo rs include her daughter, Mrs Homer T (Ferryl) Perry of Mechanicsburg. H er husband Harold E died in 1947. Services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Wedn esday in the Skillman funeral home by the Rev Russell K Weindell. Burial w ill be in the Fairview Cemetery, Mutual Friends may call from 3 to 9 Tuesd ay in the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Champai gn county Heart Fund.
(Research):Name: MABEL M MASON Gender: Female Date of Death: November 28, 1965 Volume: 18245 Certificate: 81089 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 62
Son of George Mason and Clara Young
Name: JAMES R MASON Gender: Male Date of Death: September 02, 1965 Volume: 18182 Certificate: 65450 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 64
(Research):Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg24 17 May 1912 Urbana Daily Citizen Ethel Lippencott by father Andrew Lippencott (sic) vs Oren Brigner on mate rnity charge. Ethel is 13 years old and lives with her father on farm of J ames Hodge near Catawba. Brigner young man 22 years of age and worki ng on Dan Daley farm in Madison County, Ohio; her worked for Lippencott la st fall and boarded at the Lippencott home. His brothers wife is the sist er of Ethel Lippencott; $300 bond.
Name: «tab»Ethel Lorena Dunham
(Research):Name: Helen B Reedy Gender: Female Date of Death: 02 February 1970 Volume: 20004 Certificate: 018350 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Columbus, Franklin County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Columbus, Franklin County Age: 78 Years
(Research):Age in 1930 was 32 and 1920 was 22, but was not in the 1900 census.
(Research):Miner Dye purchased land Jan. 11, 1831 when he gave his residen ce as in Champaign Co., Ohio location was R 12 / T 03 / S 31. in section (C) This info from book : Ea rly Ohio Settlers, Purchasers of Land in Southwest Ohio, 1800-1840 by E llen & David Berry. General. Pub. Co. Dye, Miner State : OH Document Number : 2040 Acreage : 85.00 Patentee Name : Dye, Miner Warrantee Name : Accession Number : OH0270__.485 Volume/Page : 270/485 Land Office : Cincinnati Aliquot Part Reference : E½SW Section/Township/Range : 31/3/12 Meridian/Survey Area : Between the Miamis Act/Treaty Authorizing Sale : Sale-Cash Entries Date Signed : Jul 2, 1831 Multiple Patentees : N Multiple Warrantees : N Signed : Y Document Canceled : N Reserved Subsurface Rights : N Measured in Metes and Bounds : N Fractional Section : N
Killed in a train accident in Virginia
(Research):Palladium-Item, Greenville, Ohio-Sunday, May 28, 1995 Greenville, Ohio- Frances S Heindl, 77, of 262 Marion Drive, formerly of A rcanum, Ohio, died Saturday, may 27, 1995, at Heartland of Greenville. S he was born Nov 1, 1917 to Marshall and Lida (Foose) Evilsizor in Trotwoo d, Ohio. She was a homemaker and a member of Trotwood church of the Brethr en. Survivors include two sons, Louis C Heindl, Jr of Pittsburgh, Ohio a nd Thomas L Heindl of Greeneville; two daughters, Nancy baker and Patric ia Fourman, both of Arcanum; two brothers, Lewis Evilsizor of Vandalia, Oh io, and Donald Evilsizor of Larwill; a sister, Marge Anthony of painter Cr eek, Ohio; 9 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. She was preced ed in death by her husband, Louis C Heindl, Sr who died last October, t wo sisters and a great grandson. Service will be at 10:30 A.M. Tuesday, m ay 30, at Zechar Bailey funeral home in Greeneville, with the rev Bob Pfie ffer officiating. Burial will be in Abbottsville Cemetery. Friends may ca ll one hour before the services at the funeral home. Memorial contributio ns may be made to the American Cancer Society
e: «tab»Frances S Evilsizer
(Research):Name: Louis C Heindl Gender: Male Date of Death: 24 October 1994 Birth Date: 13 November 1905 Volume: 29982 Certificate: 077419 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 287070675 Father's Surname: Heindl Time of Death: 10:20 PM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Trubenbach Race: White Birth Place: Montgomery County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 88
Daughter Judy married Gene Miller
Name: «tab»Marjory L Evilsizor
From: [email protected]
Name: «tab»Marjorie Lida Anthony
J. Harold Anthony, Sr., 96, of Arcanum, passed away Thursday afternoon, August 11, 2011 in the emergency room of Wayne Healthcare in Greenville.He was born February 26, 1915 near Bradford, son of the late Roy and Anna (Cable) Anthony. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife, Marjorie L. (Evilsizor) Anthony on March 18, 2011; twin great grandsons Joshua and Luke Kinney; three brothers, Dale, Lloyd, and Robert Anthony; and four sisters, Lois Butts, Irene Magoteaux, Thelma Goodpaster, and Helen Crawford.Harold had retired from Fram after working over 25 years as a lead man. He was a former member of the Caylor Chapel EUB Church.He was the past president of the Darke County Horseshoe Club, past vice president of the Ohio Horseshoe Pitchers Association and was inducted into the Ohio Horseshoe Pitchers Hall of Fame. He was one of the people instrumental in bringing the Ringer Classic to Greenville. He had pitched in numerous tournaments around the country and had obtained the distinction of being ranked in the top 15 in the world in pitching. In addition to horseshoe pitching he had been an avid bowler, hunter, fisherman, and card player.He is survived by his children, Judy (Gene) Miller of Arcanum, Jim (JoAnn) Anthony of Hillsdale, MI, Jerry (Connie) Anthony of Bradford; grandchildren, Jodi (Robert) Kinney of Arcanum, Todd (Melissa) Miller of Parker City, IN, Julie (Steve) Wolfe of Ft. Wayne, IN, Ashley Anthony of Bradford, Randy Anthony of Bradford, Chris (Jeff) Wiechers of Toledo 0H, John (Stephanie) Cooper of Cincinnati,OH, Mark Cooper of Columbus OH; 10 great grandchildren; brothers, Lester "Bud" (Helen) Anthony of Georgia, and Billy (Janet) Anthony of Sidney; sisters, Edith Hawkins of Greenville, Roma (Richard) Stump of Florida, and Wilma (Jack) Reck of Rocky River, OH; and numerous nieces and nephews.Services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, August 22 at the Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home in Greenville with Pastor Bob Kurtz officiating. Burial will follow in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, OH.The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Sunday, August 21, from 6-8 p.m. The family requests that memorial contributions be given to the Darke County Horseshoe Club.
EVILSIZOR, Lewis M., Sr. Age 82 of Vandalia, passed away Saturday, Februa ry 12, 2005 at the Heartland of Miamisburg after a lengthy illness. He w as born January 17, 1923 in Springfield, OH, son of the late Marshall & Ma ud L. Evilsizor. Lewis was a retired pipe fitter from Plumber & Pipe Fitte rs Local #162 of Dayton and was a former employee of Adams-Robinson Constr uction Co. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran of WW II. Lewis was a member of t he St. Christopher Catholic Church, C.C.C. Alumni Chapter #122, American L egion Post #668, AmVets Post #99, VFW Post #9582, Spring Valley Senior Cen ter, Bellefontaine Senior Center and the St. Joseph Island, Canada Fishi ng Club. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Rita M. Evilsiz or in 1996 and 4 sisters. Lewis is survived by his wife. Mary E. Evilsizo r; 1 son, Lewis M. Evilsizor Jr. & friend Catharine of AZ; 2 daughters, Sa ndie & husband, Terry Jones of Lebanon, and Tanya & husband, Carl Ri ce of Kettering; half-brother, Donnie Evilsizor; 6 grandchildren, Erich, D amian, Stacey & husband, Brian, Michael & wife, Corinne, Lisa & Kari; 2 gr eat-grandchildren, Zachary and Andrew; 2 step-daughters, Scarlett & husban d, John Kinney, Nancy & husband, Gayle Bradds; 3 step-grandchildren, Tro y, Griffin & Nathan; 4 step-great-grandchildren, Miranda, Kyra, Kimber, a nd Addison and many other relatives and friends. Mass of Christian Buri al will be held at 10:00 am Thursday, February 17, at the St. Christoph er Catholic Church, 401 E. National Rd., Vandalia with Fr. Francis Kefe rl officiating. Burial Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call at the Mort on & Whetstone Funeral Home, 139 S. Dixie Dr., Vandalia on Wednesday eveni ng from 5-8 pm. If so desired, contributions may be made to the U.S.O., t he World War II Memorial Fund or the American Cancer Society in Lewis's me mory. Published in the Dayton Daily News on 2/15/2005.
(Research):1900 Logan Co, Bloomfield, OH Levi R Eleyet head, 2/1867,33, M10y OH OH OH Blacksmith Anna L, wife, 12/1869, 30, 3/3 OH OH OH Vernon R, son, 5/1890, 10, single Harry A, son, 3/1892, 8, single Jessie, dau, 8/1893
Plot: 38-6 Blk 23
(Research):No other info found
(Research):Wife name in 1900 census is also Martha, but she is age 45 born 1854 and s ays she has not children, Earl in the household suggesting Martha died a nd Jonas remarried another Martha, Says only married 18years, placing marr iage long beyond 1872.
(Research):Kristin immigrated to the US as a small child. It is said his last name w as Vestegard, and they made him change it to Hensen. Reason unknown.
(Research):1870 Census name is James age 2 1880 Census name is Logan age 12
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Hiram Davis
Name: «tab»Hiram J. Davis
Did she marry David Bond having a child June 2 1880 named Richard D Bond ad both died in childbirth? see unknown Evilsizer
(Research):Jack Davis
Name «tab»Hannah L. Knox
Name «tab»Albert Ebenezer Knox
(Research):Name: Ercil Belle Caldwell Gender: Female Date of Death: 08 March 1997 Birth Date: 09 May 1898 Volume: 31053 Certificate: 024170 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 270428047 Father's Surname: Knox Time of Death: 11:00 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Evilsizer Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 98
Name «tab»Knox
Name: «tab»C E Kinsinger
Name «tab»Jennie May Evilsizer
(Research):WWI Draft Reg Name: Jonah Evilsizer City: Not Stated County: Noble State: Ohio Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America
Name «tab»Jonah Evilsizer
Name «tab»Eva M. Davis
(Research):The Zanesfield Signal Sat, June 19, 1943 Mrs Mary Sanford Caldwell-Mrs Mary Lavina Landaker, 73, well known Cladwell woman, died Thu rsday night in her home on West St, She was the wife of Edward Sanford a nd the daughter of the late nathan and Nancy Parker Landaker and was bo rn in South Olive Community. She has resided in Caldwell for more th an 30 years. Mrs Sanford was a member of the Free Methodist Church in Cald well. IN addition to her husband Mrs Sanford is survived by twin sons Howa rd Sanford of Dexter City and Harry Sanford of Caldwell. The brothers and sisters are Daniel Landaker near Zanesville, Adam landak er of South Olive, Mrs Sarah Tilton of South Olive. Cora Mellon of Newar k. There are 10 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Last rites f or Mrs Sanford will be held from the Free Methodist Church Sunday afterno on at 2 o'clock and if the grandson, William Sanford, who is in the arm ed forces and is not able to be present, the body will be held until his r evival. Rev Chas A Mitchell will conduct the services which will be follow ed by burial in Dudley Cemetery with the Murphy Funeral Home in charge.
Name: «tab»Mary L. Sanford
(Research):Name: CHARLES SANFORD EVILSIZER Gender: Male Date of Death: December 26, 1999 Birth Date: July 7, 1911 Volume: 32219 Certificate: 102596 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 271058560 Father's Surname: EVILSIZER Time of Death: 10:15 PM Marital Status: widowed Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: nursing home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Method of Disposition: Donation Mother's Surname: SANFORD Race: White Birth Place: NOBLE, Ohio Residence: NOBLE, Ohio Age: 88 years
(Research):The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 28 June 1939 Surprise Party Miss mary Thompson was surprized Monday evening by a group of friends in o bservance of her 18th birthday. The group met at the home of Miss Mary ja ne Evilsizer with Miss Mary Belle Colley as cohost
Name: «tab»Mary J Evilsizer
(Research):The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 04 March 1940 Lodge Meeting The committee will include Mrs Etta Colley of Belle Valley , Inez and Lou ise Clark, Ruth Evilsizer and mary jane Evilsizer and Alice Dyer
(Research):Please keep my address in your book: [email protected] (it's a perm anent address that forwards to whatever email I am using at the time). thanks.. Rhon da -Kackley Researcher
(Research):EVILSIZER, Garnet Anne (Clarke)- b 9/5/1936, Noble Co, OH, d/o Paul M a nd Helen DYE Clark, died 9/18/1994. Good Samaritan Hospice, Zanesville, O H, after a long illness (cancer); Married Robert EVILSIZER s/o Charles a nd Ruth Evilsizer, 1957; survived by son, Todd and wife Amy. Children Garn et and Danton; by daughter Meg and husband, Phil Spear and children Sam, J ulie, Luke of Granville, OH; cremated; teacher, Caldwell School System. Journal Ledger, Caldwell Ohio, Noble Co
(Research):pr died before her husband and children moved to OHIO. Source Lindsay M Brien,"Dayton Journal" March 29, 1936
(Research):Info on the family of Ruth Hearn from John Marc Wheat 4966 34th Rd Arlington, VA 22207 [email protected] (mwheat) 703-536-8484 (Document scanned to CD)
(Research):(Elias R. Wilson deceased, Valentine Russell Administrator; 1846; Invento ry & Appraisal 23 Jan 1847; Account 2 Nov 1847 (Packet A- 657)). "Willi am C. Barger, late of Iowa" m. Mrs. Mary Wilson of Concord Tp. (Urbana Cit izen & Gazette, Friday, 6 Feb 1852, Page 3).
(Research):Not known if this is a child of this Wilbur:
(Research):Springfield Daily News,Tuesday, March 21, 1978, Pg 4 Richard F Seelenbinder, 63, of 2039 Old Coach Rd, died at 10:50 A.M., Mond ay in University Hospital Columbus. He was born in Springfield, June 7, 19 14, a son of Herman and Matilda Riskie Seelenbinder. He retired in 1975 fr om Cooper Energy Services, and was a member of St Johns Lutheran Church. S urvivors include his wife, Thelma; a son, Fred of Baltimore, six brother s, George, Arthur, Robert and Clifford, all of Springfield, Carl of Elingt on, Florida, and Emil of Columbus; three sisters, Mrs Mollie Wahn, Springf ield, Mrs Bertha Hoover, Dayton, and Mrs Marie Cradler, Spring Valley, Ohi o; two grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Friends may ca ll at the Jackson Lytle and Coffman Funeral Home from 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. Wed nesday. Services will be conducted there at 10 A.M. Thursday by the Rev K ay M Gleaser and Randall Peters. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.
6162 «tab»SEELENBINDER «tab»RICHARD «tab»F. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»03/20/1978 «tab»03/23/1978 «tab»32 «tab»Lot 125 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space
(Research):1910 Ohio Census Logan, Degraff 0138 David Grow Stepson W 20 Ohio 1320957 0057 Husband Dav id Archer Ohio Logan, Degraff 0138 Loyd Grow Stepson 18 Ohio 01330334 0057 Husba nd David Archer Ohio Logan, Degraff 0138 Minnie Grow Stepdaugther 13 Ohio 01330388 00 57 Husband David Archer
Name: «tab»Phoebe Arvilla Dill
Social Security Death Index about Forest Birt
(Research):Linder family info from [email protected] (jo & larry) Complete Linder genealogy at www.gencircles.com
(Research):This son must have died prior to 1840, as no other Evilsizer listed in Cen sus. Not as h/h or as child.
(Research):Urbana Citizen July 9, 1986 Van M Lamping, 61, of Piqua, the daughter of Mary Buroker Moore Evilsizo r, of DeGraff, was pronounced dead on arrival at 4: A.M. Friday, Ju ly 4, in Mary Rutan Hospital. She was born in Urbana, Sept 22, 1924, and w as graduated from Piqua High School in 1942 and from Wittenburg Universi ty in 1946. She had retired as a third-grade teacher from South Street Sch ool in Piqua. Surviving with her mother, is her husband, Ralph E Lampin g. Her father, Paul Moore preceded her in death. Funeral services were he ld July 8 in Piqua with burial in Miami Memorial Park at Covington.
Social Security Death Index about Ralph E. Lamping
(Research):Complete Huff ancestry and descendants at www.gencircles.com
(Research):History of McDonough Co, Pg 936 John Huff, deceased , was an early settler of Scotia township. He was bo rn in Schuyler County, Illinois, September 27, 1833, and reared in the to wn of Rushville. About the year 1849, his father, Andrew Huff, removed wi th his family to Blandinsville township, McDonough, County, and there rema ined until the spring of 1853. At that date, John Huff went to Californi a, and remained three years, returning then to this county. In 1857 he loc ated on Section 28, in Scotia township, where his family now reside. He w as marred to Rebecca Anderson, daughter of Preston Anderson, and old sett le of Blandinsville township. Their marriage took place January 15, 185 7. They had 5 children-Joseph F, Berry L, Lewis G, Oliver N and Parl ey J. Joseph F Huff was born on the farm where he now lives May 1, 1860, a nd has spent his entire life in this township. He is a good and worthy you ng man, and a member of the IOOF of Scotia. Berry L Huff, was born April 1 0, 1863 on the home place. They have a finely improved farm of 100 acres w hich they successfully manage, and are engaged in general farming.
(Research):Family researcher Charlie Brady of Bremerton, WA
(Research):Cemetery has "infant children" of Andrew Cain and L J Huff with no dates
(Research):1910 Census James F Fitzgerald
(Research):Thomas Sinclair Evilsizer's niece, Marion Kelliher, wrote me in 1983: "I have heard that my uncle, who had red hair, was called "Red Tom" and another man by the same name -- your grandfather apparently -- was called "Black Tom" when people needed to indicate which man they were referring to."
(Medical):Manic Depressive
«u»«b»Missouri Birth Records, 1851-1931 «/u»
Death Cert Transcipt
Kansas City Star June 16, 1914
(Research):At time of death, was Insurance Company Broker for Missouri Ins Co
(Medical):Gunshot wound to the head, self inflicted. he was discouraged about failing eyesight and what appeared to be heart trouble. He went to the basement of his apartment building he was living to shoot himself
(Research):Here is message I got from my cousin, Winton CANFIELD in Nacagdoches, T X. Winton and his wife, Ruby were in Lamar with us. Winton is GS of Robe rt Henry HARRIS and Iva was his Uncle. "(1) Claudine is still living . . . we visited with her on Saturd ay . . . she is home bound because she has to use a walker to get about, a nd it would be difficult for her to navigate the steps out of her home. S he is mobile inside the house, dresses herself each morning, and looks re al good. Gets "Meals on Wheels" Monday thru Friday, and prepares her own s nacks on the weekend. She has a sister, Nadine, in Lamar that dro ps in to check on her regularly. They are both in their nineties. The Bapt ist Pastor also drops by to check on her since she is the head of their "Prayer Chain." When a s pecial need arises in the church which needs special prayer, Claudine is n otified and she in turn calls "Prayer Captains" of the teams, which then s tarts the "Prayer Chain" in action. She enjoys being able to be helpful . . . even if it is just making phone calls. [email protected] (Betty J. Gaulding)
Name: «tab»Claudine Harris
(Research):Dinges genalogy and ancestry at www.gencircles.com
(Research):There is a John Stark in the 1865 Census of Washington Co, IL in Nashvill e, but the age is too young for John Sr, and too old for John Jr. male a ge 20-30.
Dau of James and Clarinda Scott.
(Research):Hartford City News-Times-June 21, 1955 Mrs Loretta May Evilsizer, 73, widow of Jesse O Evilsizer, and a reside nt of 422 West Commercial Street, this city, died at 10:30 P.M. Tuesd ay at the Waldo house, 511 West Washington Street, where she had been a pa tient for the past month. Mrs Evilsizer had been in failing health for t he past four years. Her death was due to complications. The body was tak en to the Keplinger Funeral Home where friends may call after 7 P.M. Wedne sday evening. Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon at 2 P. M. at the Keplinger Chapel, with the Rev C H Hanson, of the First Christi an Church officiating. Burial will be in IOOF Cemetery. Surviving are thr ee sons, Russell Evilsizer, this city, Ralph Evilsizer of Montpelier, a nd Kenneth Scott of Upland; one daughter, Mrs Cecil Kirkwood, this cit y, a sister, Mrs Cora Hurst, this city, and three brothers, William, Fra nk and Vernon Scott, all of this city. Born March 13, 1882 in Blackford Co unty, Mrs Evilsizer was a daughter of James and Clarinda Scott. She had be en a lifetime resident of the county. Her husband died August 11, 193 9. Mr and Mrs Evilsizer were united in marriage at Millgrove on Novemb er 5, 1901. She was a member of the First Christian Church and t he D of A lodge. She was a woman possessed of kindly and generous traits a nd was highly regarded by all who knew her.
(Research):The Ralph in the documents herein say he was 24 years and 7 months in Se pt of 1923 making him born February of 1899. He lied about his age to t he military, which was common. The Indiana newspaper said he was a ge 18 at the time of his arrest.
(Research):Grandmother of Kim Hyatt [email protected]
Son of Charles and Ella M Marshall Kirkwood
The Hartford City News-Times, Saturday, 14 December, 1996, Pg 2, Col 1 Cecil L Kirkwood, 93, 715 East Kickapoo St, Hartford City, died Friday, De cember 13, 1996 at 6 A.M. in his residence from complications. He was bo rn Sept 30, 1903 in Hartford City, Indiana, the son of Charles Kirkwood a nd Ella M (Marshall) Kirkwood. Both parents are deceased. He married Del la (Evilsizer) Kirkwood, who died June 21, 1990. They were married in Hart ford City December 24, 1927. He retired from 3m Company in 1968 after 46 y ears of service. Cecil attended Church of the Nazarene, Hartford City, bei ng a lifelong resident of Blackford County. He is survived by a son Jer ry C (wife Arlene) Kirkwood, Hartford City; daughter Jackie k (husband Dea n) Shaw, St Petersburg Beach, FL; grandchildren, Chris A Kirkwood, Kimber ly A Hyatt, Craig M Kirkwood, Michelle Hefielmire; nine great grandchildre n, sister Bertah B Reed, Hartford City and several nieces and nephews. Pre ceding him in death were sister, Lula Reading, Sister Celia Dearduff, brot her Merritt L Kirkwood and brother William Clyde Kirkwood. Funeral servic es will be Monday, Dec 16, 1996 at 2 P.M. in Keplinger Funeral home. R ev H Gene Pool will officiate. Interment will be in the Garden of the Memo ry Mausoleum at Garden of the Memory Cemetery, Muncie, IN Friends may ca ll at the Keplinger Funeral Home Sunday from 8-9 P.M. and on Monday fr om 8 am until time of service at 2 P.M. Memorials may be made to Chur ch of the Nazarene, Hartford City, IN.
(Research):Said to be involved in some sort of bank heist in Dayton
(Research):Independent Register, Libertyville, ILL Thursday, January 28, 1937 -Funeral services for Mrs. Katherine Evilsizor (Katie), 61, of 336 Milwauk ee Ave., who died early Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M ildred Diethorn on Lake St., were held Tuesday at 9:30 A.M. at the St. Jos eph's Church with interment following the services at Ascension Cemeter y. Mrs. Evilsizor is survived by her husband Samuel, a former preside nt of the village board; four daughters, Mrs. Ruth Knigge and Mrs. Diethor n, of Libertyville, Mrs. Gertrude Marnitz of Waukegan and Mrs. Florence Ki lby of Evanston; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Downs and Mrs. J. Gannon, and o ne brother J. Wynn, all of Evanston. There were eight grandchildren. Mr s. Evilsizor became ill about a month ago with an attack of influenza b ut was considered completely recovered from that sickness. A week ago Sund ay, she had gone to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Diethorn, during the af ternoon to take care of her grandchildren while Mrs. Diethorn and Mrs. Kni gge were away from home. When they returned they found Mrs. Evilsizor unco nscious on the basement floor. From that time until her death she had reco vered consciousness only for one day.
(Medical):Found unconscious on basement floor, never recovering from a bout with the flu
Name «tab»Cathrine Evelsizor
(Research):Name: Hattie E. Evilsizer Date: Aug 31, 1907 Location: Georgetown Age: 40 yr Gender: Female Race: W Source location: County Health Office, New Albany Source notes: The source of this record is the book H-7 on page 58 with in the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
(Research):Not proven to be this Gertrude but the location of Waukegan, IL leads me to believe it is probably her. Her age in the 1930 census agrees with this Gertrude's time of birth. Since she gives her parents birth places as Ohio in the 1930 census, I conclude this is the right woman. I was not able to find a death date for her. At one time, someone gave me her married name as "Karnitz". She may have remarried. However the Gertrude Karnitz buried in Minnesota has the same date of bith, but it is not this Gertrude
Genealogy of Corleys, by Jonathan Corley, Decatur Ill 1927
California Death Index, 1940-1997
Father: Jacob DIETHORN b: AUG 1866 in Bavaria
CONNEHAT, Edna I. Death date: 4/4/1923, Champaign County
(Research):Ida M. Evilsizer's death certificate: Ida Mae Evilsizer was born 1-1-1885 in Missouri. Her father was Richa rd P. Staples, born in Kentucky. Her mother was Alice Turner, born in Mis souri. Her husband's name was George E. Evilsizer. Their usual residen ce is listed as 57179 2nd Street, Fremont, California. The informant is l isted as Lynn Winslow, 1751 Old Canyon Road, Fremont, California. Ida di ed at Mission Blvd. Convalescent Hospital, 38650 Mission Blvd., Fremont, C alifornia. She had lived in Alameda County for 15 years, and lived in Cal ifornia for 27 years. The cause of death is listed as cerebrovascular occ lusion, and cancer of the breast with metastases. Entombment was at Ingle wood Park Cemetery. Chapel of the Roses in Fremont handled the arrangemen ts.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
(Research):Researching Geron: [email protected] (Russell and Gail Lee) Johann marries Elizabeth Effie in 1857. My Jacob is born 1862 in GR, marries Eliz. Ganz.in GR They name their daughter Effie born Gr 1887. Come to US 1888. Effie names her daughter Elizabeth. Settled in Springfield, Oh also
Springfield Daily News, Thursday, October 10, 1907
(Research):Springfield Daily News, Wednesday, May 5, 1971, Pg6 C H Dewey Geron, 72, of 1806 N Limestone St, died at 7:30 A.M. Wednesd ay in Mercy Medical Center. He was born Dec 1, 1898 in Clark county, the s on of Phillip and Lottie Evilsizor Geron. He was employed as a salesman f or Ripley Buick Company for 25 years and later with the Jim Strong Buick C ompany. He retired in 1968. Mr Geron was a member of St John's Lutheran Ch urch, St Andrews Lodge No 619 F and AM, Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton, An tioch Temple of Dayton and Neal Chapter No 522 OES. Survivors include h is wife, Carrie; one brother, Forrest of Springfield, and one nephew, Norm an Geron of Alexandria, VA. His body was taken to the Jackson, Lytle and C offman Funeral Home where friends may call from 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. Thursda y. Services will be held at 1:30 P.M. Friday in the funeral home in char ge of the Rev Charles C Poole, assistant pastor of St John's Lutheran Chur ch, Contributions may be made to St John's Lutheran Church. Burial wi ll be in Ferncliff Cemetery.
Name «tab»Dewey Geron
(Research):Clark, Springfield 0016 Lee J Stiner Husband W 38 Ohio Wife Winnie 38, Ohio Daughter Helen L 15, Ohio Son Clifford L 13, Ohio Son Chester E 12, Ohio Daughter Gracie M 09, Ohio Daughter Gertrude W 05, Ohio
(Research):Marriage bond applied for by mother and father 4/30/1898
(Research):Springfield News-Sun Wednesday March 15, 1989 Urbana-Dorothy L (McConnehey) Evilsizor, 85, of 250 Poe Avenue died at 6: 10 A.M. Tuesday in McAuley Center. Body to Walter Schoedinger funeral hom e; visitation 3-5 and 7-9 P.M. Wednesday; services there 1 P.M. Thursday
(Research):Owned and operated Country View Adult Family Home on Jackson Hill Rd
Name: «tab»Richard R Evilsizor
Daughter of William Hawson born in England per death certificate
(Research):Death cert names father Phillip Dinges born PA and mother Rebecca Krate b. PA
(Research):Blake genealogy at www.gencircles.com
(Research):1903 Wheatland, WY
(Research):Marriage to John Coffin not confirmed. FAG shows mary Ann last name as Phelps.
Death reocrds on ancestry and LDS begin in 1914. Alive in 1900 census, deceased in 1910 and not in records from 1914
(Research):IOOF Cemetery CASSELL Charles W. 1901 1960 Twin Hills/IOOF Penn Jay IN CASSELL Daniel H. 1859 1941 Twin Hills/IOOF Penn Jay IN CASSELL Harriett E. 1861 1941 Twin Hills/IOOF Penn Jay IN CASSELL K. Wight 1898 1984 Twin Hills/IOOF Penn Jay IN CASSELL Lucile 1906 1924 Twin Hills/IOOF Penn Jay IN CASSELL M. Beulah 1903 1944 Twin Hills/IOOF Penn Jay IN
(Research):Census Place:Winchester, Randolph, Indiana Source:FHL Film 1254307 National Archives Film T9-0307 Page 14 0C RelationSexMarrRaceAgeBirthplace Samuel SLAGLESelfMMW25OH Occ:PlastererFa: OHMo: --- Laura SLAGLEWifeFMW22IN Occ:Keeping HouseFa: ---Mo: OH L. A. SLAGLESonMSW4IN Occ:At HomeFa: OHMo: IN P. SLAGLEDauFSW4MIN Occ:At HomeFa: OHMo: IN
(Research):Unable to find a Peter Borbeck in Indiana for 1920 or 1930
Name: «tab»Paul Millice
(Research):John W. Hodges found in: Census Microfilm Records: Indiana, 1900 Lived in: Knox Township, Jay County, Indiana Series: T623 Microfilm: 380 Book: 1 Page: 69 b5/1868 m9y Emma J, wife 5/1864 3/2 Nora, 4/1893, dau Bell L, fau, 5/1897 Noah Brisco FIL 3/1837 Leola, SIL 11/1875
(Research):I believe death records are in error. Rachel appears as a child a ge 19 in the 1870 Census in household of her parents
(Research):Died of brain disease. Brough to Urbana from Ky by his father William in 1 799. His father is accredited with the naming of Kings Creek, Buck Cree k, Sinking Creek, Pretty Praire and perhaps others.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ida L Brigner
Groom's Name: «tab»George Corbett
Name: «tab»George P. Corbett
ame: «tab»Frank Robison
Name: «tab»Charles L. Scott
Daily News, Springfield, OH on Tuesday, January 15, 1957
NW-Cal 19
name: «tab»John Wesley Meddleton
(Research):Some records show name as Levi and others as Lewis. 1910 Census shows th is is first marriage, 21 yrs. 1900 census shows Levi W and 1910 shows Lew is W, 1920 Levi Tombstone says born 1860
(Research):Springfield News-Sun, Thursday, July 14, 1994, Pg 21 Herman K Stickley, 79, of 453 Gwynne St, died Wednesday at 11:50 A.M. in C hampaign Nursing Home. Visitation from 6-8 P.M. Thursday in the Walter-Sch oedinger Funeral Home, Urbana; services there at 11 A.M. Friday.
Name: «tab»Jane Aldrich
Stone not located
Possibly Mary Evilsizer who married Nathan Dye 3/5/1855Miami Co, OH age 18, Nathan age 21. However although in 1840 census, no children in 1850 census
COLBERT «tab» DALE «tab» MONROE «tab» 1905 «tab» 06 «tab» 28 «tab» ROWLAND «tab» «tab» MALE «tab» CA «tab» TEHAMA «tab» 1991 «tab» 08 «tab» 25 «tab» 553165420 «tab» 86 «tab» 7808966
Married James M Verity
name: «tab»Effie C Verity
(Research):Name: Charles W. Perry SSN: 301-42-8069 Last Residence: 43009 Cable, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 6 Jan 1884 Died: 15 Dec 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963 )
(Research):1920 Jay Co, Portland, IN Census shows a Bertha Evilsizer age 27 living wi th a Mr Williamson. No relationship given
(Research):Probate birth records in Champaign County show mother as Ruth Baker and father as J H Stevens.. Denise has placed a (sic) after Stevens. John Hamilton Stevens and Ruth Baker have a son named CLyde born 1886. It is still not known who Ezra's parents are.
(Research):Springfield New-Sun-Saturday September 17, 1984-Pg18 Urbana-Orval A "Jack" Litreal,70, of 1509 U S Route 68 S, died at 2:46 A. M. Friday in his residence. Visitation 2-5 P.M. Sunday in the Walter Schoe dinger funeral home; services there 1 P.M. Monday; burial in Oak Dale Ceme tery.
(Research):Children of William Hamilton from Dana Nelson 889 Hwy20-26, Ontario, Oreg on 97914 [email protected]
(Research):Name: Helen R Barger Gender: 2 Date of Death: 18 November 1987 Birth Date: 06 December 1924 Volume: 27056 Certificate: 080717 Autopsy: 9 Social Security Number: 302163296 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Champaign County Age: 62 Years
Champaign Democrat, Dec 17, 1912
(Research):Bio in 1902 Centenial GF was Henry Fairchild b 1814 Father was Orris
Name: «tab»Anna B. Mcdonnell
(Research):Marriage 1 ? FREEMAN Children Mary Jane FREEMAN Ira Daniel FREEMAN
Bible record gives date of birth 1837 Death Certificate gives date of birth 1839 Death Vol # 1985 Cert # 41301 Family researcher for Low Family: Anita Fielder 141 Moss Creek Dr Augusta, GA 30907 [email protected]
Name: Emily J. Evilsizor
Name: «tab»Susie Ellen Linn
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts M ay 1855-1871, (March 2000). pg71 4/17/1862 Hugh McDonald returned yesterd ay from 66th OVI with his son Lt Duncan McDonald, who is invalid; he infor ms us that W O Hunter of this place died in hospital at Winchester last Su n.
Newspaper Abstract
(Research):Name : William Newton Dorsey Death date : 06 Jul 1934 Death place : Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio Birth date : 27 Apr 1859 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 75 years 2 months 9 days Gender : Male Marital status : Single Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Farm Laborer Residence : St. Paris, Ohio Burial date : 08 Jul 1934 Burial place : Champaign Co., Ohio Cemetery name : Charity Chapel Father name : Isaac Dorsey Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Isabelle Evilsizor Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1993037 Digital GS number : 4001904 Image number : 3056 Certificate number : fn 41208 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen-Saturday, Feb 27, 1965 Mrs Clara C Evilsizor,89, of 115 S Second St, Fletcher, a native of Champa ign county died in her residence Friday afternoon. She was born Dec 4, 18 75 to Nathan Baker and Maria Stevens, and was married Dec 31, 1896 to Samu el Evilsizor. He preceded her in death March 11, 1954. She had lived in Ti pp City the last ten years with her daughter, Mrs Howard (Mary) Houser a nd was a former resident of Huntsville. Mrs. Evilsizor leaves two other da ughters. Mrs Lewis Zirkle of Troy and Mrs Robert (Edra) Barger of North Ha mpton; eight grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren; two sisters; Mrs Ma ry Drube of Troy and Mrs Anne Jenkins of Huntsville. Services will be he ld at 1 P.M. Monday in the Suber funeral home in Fletcher with burial in F letcher Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday afternoon a nd evening.
- Alice Mae Murphy burial record
aged 27 yrs
Dau of Catherine born 1808
(Research):A Sarah Evilsizer signed marriage bond 1899 for groom named Daniel McCune
(Research):Census Place:Kanawha, West Virginia Source:FHL Film 1255405 National Archives Film T9-1405 Page 40 3C James W. MCCLANAHANSelfMMW31WVFa: VAMo: WV Eliza MCCLANAHANWifeFMW31WVFa: WVMo: VA Charles E. MCCLANAHANSonMSW5WVFa: WVMo: WV Dora Ann MCCLANAHANDauFSW3WVFa: WVMo: WV Catherine CUNNINGHAMOtherFSW25WVFa: WVMo: WV Jarrett MCCLANAHANCousinMSW23WVFa:
(Research):1907 Jay County Directory,
The story is that he was killed by wild animals.
Name «tab»Virginia Mcclanahan
(Research):In 1836 he received a land grant from the Commonwealth of VA. He later pur chased more land which lied on the bank of the Poca River in Putnam Co.,VA Desc Tree provided by John Landers. Says the family moved to Jefferson County, MO is pr.1852. No census listing for 1860. 1850 shows America h/h in W/ V [email protected]
(Research):1887, Sept 23 "While REV ISAAC EVILSIZOR, wife and child were driving do wn hill near Terre Haute, Monday, their horse stumbled and fell, all escap ed except the infant, 7months old, it's skull was mashed, which cause it 's death."
Name «tab»Evilsizer
(Research):In Guernsey Co, Washington, OH pg 616 for 1870, there is a Catherine Van ce age 71. Can this be Catheirne Evilsizer? The ages do not fit for the f ollowing reasons: parents were married in 1809, making it impossible for her to be born pri or to 1800. She was in the 1830 Census with Cyrus, as a female age 20-30. (b1800-1810) She did not appear in the 1850 Census with Cyrus. His wife was named Hann ah age 34.
(Research):John's parents found on WFT Vol 48 Tree 1569
(Research):One of 13 children. Only 9 survived infancy. They were (in order of age)
Urbana Daily Citizen 1/13/2011 Urbana Daily Citizen
Name: «tab»Sarah Smith
(Research):From:[email protected] (glenda stadley) To:[email protected]
Son of Arthur Johnson and Alice Christian
Obit on file 3-17-2006 UDC
Name: «tab»Mary Ellen Rhoads
(Research):Obit of husband Claude names wife as Mary Lou Smith
Springfield News Thursday May 26, 1983 Urbana- Mrs Clyde Mary Lu Evilsizor, 50, of 5877 E Ohio 29, died Tuesday e vening in University Hospital, Columbus. Body to Walter funeral home; visi tation 7-9 P.M. Thursday; services at 10:30 A.M. Friday. Friday May 27, 1983 The Rev William Scarle of the First Baptist Church officiated, with buri al in Fairview cemetery, Mutual. Pallbearers were Donnie Routt, Robert Sta nley, Melby Ober, Mike Botts, Roger Frazier and Robert Reed
Name: «tab»William G Evilsizor
Evilsizor William G. 56, of Springfield died unexpectedly Sunday, May 6, 2007 in his residence. Graveside services will be held at 10 a.m. We dnesday at Calvary Cemetery Chapel. The family is being served by the Conroy Funeral Home.Springfield News-Sun (OH) - May 8, 2007
(Research):Urbana Citizen Tuesday September 8, 1981 St Paris- Two St Paris residents were killed while a third remains in "ser ious" condition after a car-truck accident on Rt 36 just west of St Pari s, Friday at 8:50 P.M... Gail R Springer, 34 , 109 Rupolo St and Teresa L ou Evilsizor, 23, of the Coral Courts trailer court, were killed in the ac cident. Russell Lauderback, also St Paris was listed in "Serious" conditi on this morning in the intensive care unit of Good Samaritan Hospital, Day ton. The driver of the semi-truck, James Henderson, 38, of Columbus, and h is co-driver, Thomas E Langiven, 29, of Lockbourne, Ohio, were not hu rt in the accident. According to the Champaign county Sheriff's report, Sp ringer was attempting to pass the semi, but after observing oncoming traff ic attempted to drop back into the eastbound lane behind the truck but th en drove into the back end of the truck. Henderson said his truck was trav eling 35 to 40 mph when he was struck in the rear by the auto, apparent ly at a high rate of speed. The autopsy reports are not yet complete. Mi ss Evilsizor was born Oct 29, 1957 in Urbana, the daughter of Clyde and Ma ry Lou Aultman Evilsizor. She was a member of the Grace Baptist church, a nd a 1977 graduate of Mechanicsburg High School. She is survived by her pa rents; three sisters, Mrs John (Patricia) Miller and Mrs Herb (Ivy) Mille r, both of Cable, and Mrs Crystal Wheeland of Urbana; three brothers, Will iam and David both of Urbana, and Jeff stationed in Yuma, Arizona with t he U S Marine Corps; her maternal grandmother, Mrs Mildred Aultman of Mutu al; paternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs Clyde Evilsizor, Sr of Urbana; sever al AUNTS AND UNCLES; AND THREE NEPHEWS AND ONE NIECE. Friends may call fr om 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesday at the Walter funeral home, where services wi ll be held Wednesday at 1:30 P.M. The Rev Dr Ray L Kaffenbarger, past or of Grace Baptist Church will officiate. Urbana Citizen Thursday September 10, 1981 Service for Teresa Lou Evilsizor, 23 , who died Friday night in a car-tru ck accident on Rt 36, just west of St Paris, were held Wednesday at 1:30 P .M. in the Walter funeral home. The Rev Dr Ray Kaffenbarger officiated. Bu rial was in Fairview Cemetery, Mutual. The pallbearers were Leonard Austi n, Roger Frazier, Rodney Rittenhouse, Charles Hillenbrand, William Ropp a nd Lewis Minnich.
Name: «tab»Laura L Evilsizor
Name: «tab»Mildred I Evilsizor
Urbana Daily Citizen Monday July 21, 1952 Funeral Services conducted Monday for Mutual Girl Funeral services were to be held at 10:30 A.M. Monday in the Humphrey's a nd Son funeral home of Mildred Irene Evilsizor, one and one-half month o ld daughter of Mr and Mrs Clyde W Evilsizor of Mutual. The child died Satu rday at 7 A.M. following a brief illness. In addition to her parents, t he infant is survived by one brother, William George Evilsizor, her patern al grandparents, Mr and Mrs Clyde W Evilsizor of Urbana; her maternal gran dparents, Mr and Mrs Ray Aultman of Urbana. Rev Samuel Furrow will officia te at services. Burial will be made in Kingscreek Cemetery
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Walter Wright
(Research):PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN IMMIGRANTS 1709-1786 List Consolidated from Yearbooks of The Pennsylvania German Folklore Socie ty Genealogical Publishing Co.,Inc Baltimore 1984 IMMIGRANTS FROM WUERTTEMBERG, The Adolf Gerber Lists
Name: «tab»Moore
Married around 1908 Martha Wilkinson
Name in census and marriage was Michael. 1880 census was Hart
Name: «tab»Royce Mckenzie
name: «tab»Samuel K Allison
Son Samuel death record names mother Nancy Reed
(Research):[Broward Metro Edition] South Florida Sun - Sentinel. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.: Jan 25, 2006. pg. 6.B Koscak Koscak, Margaret, of Sunrise, FL, passed away on January 24, 200 6. American Burial & Cremation Center At Jennings Funeral Home.*
(Research):Indian Fields Lutheran Church, same Tp. etc. record of John Eitel (Eidel) and wife Agnes on communion lists for this ch urch in May 19, 1755 and Nov. 6, 1756. Again there is a difference of wif e's name. That could mean the record I found in Millbach, Lebanon Co is n ot the birth of Martin and our bdate for him would then be wrong. Or it c ould mean John had two wifes. Needs more research.
(Research):Descendants of Henry from Vol 3 Tree # 1730 WFT
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters John Idle
Early Champaign County paper, title not known published 11/28/1878
(Research):Champaign Co, Will Abstracts Book C Pg 596 William Blue, probated 9/24/1870 Wife Margaret Blue the farm in Concord Twp; sons Martin, William W, James R and Simon Blue; son John Blue's (Dec'd) heirs. Witness Phillip Comer, James T Kite. signed 9/4/1866
(Lodge Symbol)
Oct 24, 1878 Items From the West End, Concord Township by Specs Jr
At time of death, her husband and six chldren preceded her. She was the aunt of Mrs Belle Walker and Mrs Eliza Knoop
(Research):These descendants from Mike Steffan
Name: «tab»Levitt E. Custer
died Dec 21 wife of Henry age 79 mother of 12, 11 living. buried Spring Grove
(Research):Spun 1st acrilan; research and Development in chemical engineering
(Research):Martin was supposed to have had at least one brother and knowing those pro lific Germans sure there were even more. Did you know we think we have a p ossibility for a birth for Martin in Heidelburg to a Johannes and Elizabe th Eitel, was transcribed Adele but a German handwriting expert said t he A was actually and E. AND Flossie found Eitel and Evilsizer Records in same chur ch, believe it was Swartzwald. She said that some were siblings to Henry a nd there were Eitels in that church at same time.
(Research):Springfield News Sun Tuesday June 2, 1998 Frederick J Holl, 80, of the Ohio Masonic Home, died Monday, , June 1, 19 98 at 2:20 P.M. at the Community Hospital. He was born July 19, 1917 in Sp ringfield, Ohio, the son of Julius and Amelia (Evilsizor) Holl. A lifelo ng resident , he worked as a buyer for Main Auto. He was a veteran of Wor ld War II serving in the United States Air Force. Frederick was a memb er of Central Christian Church where he was an Elder Emeritus. He also sa nd in the choir, was the director of Youth and Kum Dubble Chapel Classes a nd served as treasurer of the Building Fund during the building of the n ew church. He was a member of Clark Lodge 101 Free and Accepted Masons. Su rvivors include his wife, Virginia (Metz) Holl; a brother Paul M (Ruth) Ho ll of Pawnee, Illinois; a dear sister-in-law Miriam M Acton of Springfiel d; and several nieces , nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by h is parents; a sister, Katherine Holl. Friends may call Wednesday from 7 -9 P.M. at Jackson Lytle & Ingling Williams funeral home. Cark Lodge servi ces will be held Wednesday at 8:45 P.M. . Funeral services will be he ld in the funeral home at 2 P.M. Thursday with one hour prior visitation w ith Dr Steve Minor and Rev John Hearp officiating. Interment will foll ow in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, Contributions in Mr Holl's memory m ay be made to Central Christian Church Music Fund.
(Research):WWI Draft Registration 6/5/1918 Jefferson C Evilsizer living in DuBois, IL age 21 born 12/21/1896 in DuBois, IL Works for C & R RR in Centralia, IL Kin Matilda Evilsizer, Tall, stocky, gray eyes, light brn hair
Dau of Andrew and Sarah Farley
(Research):Powers Descendents provided by Martha McInnes Murray Arlington Texas [email protected]
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Tues Nov 18, 1952 Six year old Kenneth Ronald Evilsizor died suddenly at 11 P.M. Monday in h is home two miles north of Christianburg. Son of Kenneth and Ester Turn er Evilsizor, the youngest was born in Champaign county January 20, 194 6. Surviving besides the parents are a sister, Bonnie age 7; the patern al grandparents, Mr and Mrs William F Evilsizor of near St Paris; the mate rnal grandparents Mr and Mrs John Turner of North Lewisburg. The body w as removed to the Suber funeral home in Fletcher, Ohio where friends may c all from noon Wednesday until time of services. Lat rites are to be he ld at 2 P.M. Thursday in the mortuary with Rev L L Long of the Honey Cre ek Baptist Church officiating. Interment is to be made in Honey Creek Ceme tery, near Christianburg.
(Research):Many sources name Clifford Charles 1900 Census name is Clifford Death Cert from informant wife Edna was Sept 10 1898
(Medical):Contributing causes to death, indigestion by overeating
(Research):Research and notes of Bob and Flossie Hulsizer BIRTH: date of 1816 from tombstone According to Dorothea (Weigel) Alesh ire (Mrs. Robert), granddaughter of Ida (Morris) Baylor, he was named aft er the poem "Paradise Lost" by John Milton. According to the Ohio U.S. Ce nsus records, he was born in Ohio. I have a photocopy of a paper writt en by Milton's granddaughter Cora (Morris) Rhodes (dau. of Milton's son Wi lbur Ellsworth Morris) and given to Mrs. (K. B.) Mary A. Skardon now decea sed, but formerly of Upper Valley Pike near Lakewood Beach. Mrs. Skardon 's research is filed in the Clark County Historical Society, Springfield ., OH.
(Research):BIRTH: Born on the Twin Oaks Dairy Farm (Foos Farm) at 6759 Old Springfie ld Road near the intersection of Dolly Varden Road (at Dolly Varden), ne ar South Charleston, Clark Co., OH. The 1870, 1875, and 1894 Clark Coun ty Atlases list this property as belonging to Levi Jones. Her parents wor ked for the owner and Guy Ingling, manager. (Guy Ingling is the fath er of Dr. Ingling.) MARRIAGE: Earl and Mildred gave me this information on 19 February 199 4. They said they were married in the United Brethren Church, Sulphur Grov e, Montgomery Co., Ohio and that the reception was at the home of the brid e's parents at Crystal Lake. RESIDENCE: 1997, Earl is in a Nursing Home in Tipp City, Ohio. Mildred 's address is still 6890 Chambersburg Road, Dayton, Ohio 45424.
Name: «tab»William Fuller Butler
(Research):Settled in Clark Co, IL
(Research):Misc Book AA Recorders Office, Champaign Co, OH Power of Attorney pg214 10 /8/1837 William and Emeline Cowan of Beams? Co, IL appoint David Cow an of Champaign Co, OH atty to transact businees in Ohio
(Research):DORSEY GEORGE County Name: TRUMBULL Date of Death: 4/20/1918 Volume Number: 2579 Certificate Number: 28496
(Research):William only went to the fourth grade in school and didn't finish that gr ade. We believe that he worked on the Hulsizer farm from 1885 until 189 7. The farm was located on township road 166. The farm is now owned by Cy ril Woodard. In the summer Bill and some of his friends joined a traveli ng circus. The job with the circus lasted one year. He returned home a nd on April 21, 1989 he enlisted in the Lawrence Cadets of the Ohio Natio nal Guard. He was mustered out on February 10, 1899 and moved to Springfie ld, Ohio. He went to work at the O.S.Kelly company
Name: «tab»J.W. Ambrose
(Research): [email protected]
Name: «tab»Kenneth Evilsizer
Urbana Citizen Monday Sept 29, 1980 Robert Evilsizor, 51, of 720 S Walnut St, died at 10:A.M. Sunday in Mer cy Memorial Hospital in Urbana. An Urbana resident most of his life, he w as born Aug 18, 1929 in Champaign County, a son of Emil and Ida Turnmire E vilsizor. He was a former employee of Warehouse Transportation, Urbana, a nd McLean Trucking, Columbus. He was a member of the Urbana Freewill Bapti st Church and the Moose Lodge. He served as a paratrooper in the 11th Airb orne Division during the Korean War. Survivors include his wife, the form er Juanita Riggins; two daughters, Mrs Dennis (Teresa) Carney, St Paris a nd Kimberly K, at home; two sons, Kenneth E and Robert L, both of Urban a; six grandchildren; one sister, Mrs Richard (Grace) Wheeler of London; o ne brother, Eugene of Urbana; and several nieces and nephews. Services wi ll be held Wednesday at 1:30 P.M. at the Walter funeral home, Urbana by t he Rev Roger Childers of the Freewill Baptist church. Burial will be in O ak Dale Cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9 P.M .
A farmer in the White School Community of Caldwell County. A member of the Mt Pisgah Baptist Church and served for many years a a deacon and as Trustee of the church.
Married Effie A Board, dau of John Board and Tracy Creekmur. She born 11/18/1880 died 9/24*1967. Both buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Princeton KY. Never had children.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Neil M Allstatt
(Research):Record Book 9, Page 10 — Filed 21 llarch 1825 — Heard October Term 1825 Jo el Frankeberger, guardian etc. on Petition to Sell Personal Property Erank eberger was made the guardian of John Cowan, David Cowan, Samuel Cowan 12 y, Alexander Cowan, Wilson Cowan By and Caroline Cowan 6y, minor hei rs of John Cowan who died in August 1822 in Champaign County. By the la st will and testament of Rachel Cowan all of the articles of personal prop erty was left to the youngest child, Caroline. The appraisers, John Pepper s, John Frankeberger and William Frankeberger, valued the personal proper ty at $48. The property was sold at an auction on 15 April 1825 for $44.82 .
(Research):Record Book 9, Page 10 — Filed 21 March 1825 Heard October Term 1825 Jo el Frankeberger, guardian etc. on Petition to Sell Personal Property Frank eberger was made the guardian of John Cowan, David Cowan, Samuel Cowan 12 y, Alexander Cowan, Wilson Cowan By and Caroline Cowan 6y, minor hei rs of John Cowan who died in August 1822 in Champaign County. By the la st will and testament of Rachel Cowan all of the articles of personal prop erty was left to the youngest child, Caroline. The appraisers, John Pepper s, John Frankeberger and William Frankeberger, valued the personal proper ty at $48. The property was sold at an auction on 15 April 1825 for $44.82 .
(Research):Bio on pg 152 Champaign Co History 1991 by CCGS Came to Champaign County from New Hampshire in 1838 son of Jeremiah and Mary Towle. 6th descendant from John Gove who came to Mass in 1647 from London Englan d. John's son Edward led the rebellion against the New Hampshire coloni al governor in the London tower for 3 years as a political prisoner
(Research):Year: 1930; Census Place: Monroe, Miami, Ohio; Roll: 1849; Page: 1A; Enume ration District: 14; Image: 348.0. Samuel Evilsizor, head, rent, age 60 md age 26, farmer, OH OH OH Clara, wife, gg md age 21 OH OH OH Mary, dau, 18, OH Ruth Long, gr dau age 12 OH
Name «tab»Evilsizer
(Research):1880 Census Place Menno, Mifflin, Pennsylvania Family History Library Fi lm 1255156
Name: «tab»Ella Mary Elwell
(Research):Had one daughter
(Research):From:[email protected] I'm looking for information on Andrew McConnehea's father and mothe r. In Kingscreek Cemetery there is an Emmanuel McConnehay and Amanda Ali ce Conley. Could you tell me if these people are the parents of Andre w? I believe that Grandma said they were but don't know for sure. Grand ma was 12 years old when her mother Edna Lilly (White) McConnehea died. H er dad Andrew then married Eva who had 2 girls; Christina and Emma. I ha ve come to a dead end in my search. I have been to the Health Dept. and C ourt House in Urbana, and Kingscreek Cemetery for information. I have got ten no farther than Andrew and Emmanuel McConnehea. If you will tell me w hat it is you need I will gladly send you what information I have. I'm so rry but I don't know anything about a Ged com. I have Family Tree Mak er and if you send me your address I will gladly mail you the informatio n. Grandma and Grandpa took me several times to visit Dot and Grover. W ho are your parents? My Mom and I went to Aunt Dots funeral, but Grand ma wouldn't go. She said she couldn't stand to see her sister like tha t. Aunt Betty Jane McConnehea has just lost her husband, Jack and she h as also had a stroke after having open heart surgery. At the present ti me she is in a Nursing Home here in Springfield. Uncle Sam, has lost a l eg to diabetes but now has an artifical leg and getting around real wel l.
(Research):BETTY J. (MCCONNEHEA-KEMLER) ALLISON 84, of Fairborn, passed away on Tuesd ay, May 25, 2004 at the Inn at Fox Run. She was born in Urbana, Ohio on Fe bruary 2, 1920, the daughter of Andrew and Edna L. (White) McConnehea. Aft er losing her parents at a young age, she was raised by Clara, Anna Mari e, and Jake Kemler. She is survived by five son, Roger (Margie) Allis on of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Jay Allison, Jack (Eileen) Allison, a nd Jon Allison, all of Springfield, and Mark (Marc Marger) Allison of Cali fornia; one daughter Karen Powers of Fairborn; two half-sisters, Emma a nd Christine; 16 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren.. She was preced ed in death by her parents; her husband, Jack V. Allison; two brothers, Sa muel and Harry McConnehea; four sisters, Dorothy Evilsizor, Hilda McConneh ea, Lola Richendollar, and Catherine Snyder; infant half-brother, Carl McC onnehea. Friends may visit with the family on Saturday, May 29, 20 04 at 10 a.m. until time of memorial service at 11 a.m. in the JACKSON LYT LE & WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, North Limestone, A Dignity Memorial Provide r. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations in Betty ’s memory be made to the Inn at Fox Run, 7800 Dayton-Springfield Road, Fai rborn, Ohio 45324. First published in SNS on May 28 2004
(Research):1989 of Springfield
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Samuel P McConnehea
(Research):Springfield Daily News Tuesday, June 19, 1923
(Research):I am doing genealogy research on Henry Shaneyfelt and his children. Hen ry and Elizabeth's son David is my great grandfather. I would apprecia te it if you could send me any dates or information on any of the childr en of Clemmons and Louella Walker Shaneyfelt. I am trying to get as compl ete a file as I can on all of the children. Thanks again. Diana Philli ps Kerrigan [email protected]
Name: «tab»Robert Mcclain
Married first:
(Research):Charleston Daily Mail, The (Charleston, West Virginia) 1940 November> 20 Frank Evilsizer- Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday for Mr E vilsizer, 67, of Spencer, who died Monday morning in a local hospital. Rev M C Gainer and Rev Virgil Conant will conduct services at the home a nd burial will follow in Spencer Cemetery. He was the son of Samuel and Mary Creighton Evilsizer and was born in Washington, Ohio, but spent most of his life near Spencer where he was employed in the oil fields. Survi ving are his widow, Mrs Rosa Hunt Evilsizer of Charleston and four daughte rs, Mrs Martha Longfellow of Spencer, Mrs Margie Phillips of Kyger, Mrs Ida Phillips of Palestine WV and Mrs Opal Long of Creston.
Name «tab»Frank Evelsizer
Name «tab»Frank Evilsizer
(Research):Name: Herman G. Dorsey Serial Number: 1959450 Race: W Residence: Short Creek, O. Enlistment Division: National Army Enlistment Location: Cadiz, O. Enlistment Date: 20 Sep 1917 Birth Place: Sidney, O. Birth Date / Age: 26 Nov 1918 Assigns Comment: Co 3 308 Motor Supply Train to 11 March 1919; Co 3 Mec hanic Unit 1 Army Service Corps to Discharge Private American Expeditiona ry Forces 13 June 1918 to 12 July 1919. Honorable discharge 19 July 191 9. Volume #: 5
(Research):Record Book 9, Page 10 — Filed 21 llarch 1825 — Heard October Term 1825 Jo el Frankeberger, guardian etc. on Petition to Sell Personal Property Erank eberger was made the guardian of John Cowan, David Cowan, Samuel Cowan 12 y, Alexander Cowan, Wilson Cowan By and Caroline Cowan 6y, minor hei rs of John Cowan who died in August 1822 in Champaign County. By the la st will and testament of Rachel Cowan all of the articles of personal prop erty was left to the youngest child, Caroline. The appraisers, John Pepper s, John Frankeberger and William Frankeberger, valued the personal proper ty at $48. The property was sold at an auction on 15 April 1825 for $44.82 .
Name: «tab»Meda M. Dye
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Dorothy K Allstatt
(Research):Submitter: Mary Mortimer ([email protected]) Date: 23 Aug 2000
(Research):Name: Ruth P. Woodle SSN: 570-26-9513 Last Residence: 98115 Seattle, King, Washington, United States of Ameri ca Born: 2 Sep 1908 Died: 13 Mar 2001 State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951 )
(Research):Beatrice was not listed in the 1910 Census
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 280
(Research): Archibald Stewart, Robert Latta and John Williams settled on the highla nd east of the State road in 1814 or 1815.
(Research):Name: Victor Valdez SSN: 454-18-5599 Last Residence: 93639 Madera, Madera, California, United States of Ameri ca Born: 6 Mar 1911 Last Benefit: 93639 Madera, Madera, California, United States of Ameri Died: 4 Jan 1997 State (Year) SSN issued: Texas (Before 1951 )
(Research):Champ Co Will Book H pg 299 Emily C Barber Urbana City, died 2/14/1895 Probated 2/25/1895 Heirs: Orville H Barber husband; Samuel K Allison, bro, Mutual; George All ison, bro, Springfield; Robert R Allison, bro- NY; Grace Allison 1/2 siste r, Mutual. Husband Orville all the estate. Orville H Barber, Exec Wit: John Mayse, Michael Galligher Signed 4/4/1888
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Bonds Vol 18 No 3 pf 343 12 Nov 1864 James H Al lison gdn of Eliza Brown 12 yr 4 Jan 1864 heir of John West, decd. Suriti es N Blue and W R Thomas
(Research):Arnoldus RUTAN Self M Male W 27 OH Farmer OH VA Mila RUTAN Wife M Female W 29 PA Keeping Hou Zelora RUTAN Dau S Female W 2 OH OH PA Emily RUTAN Mother W Female W 65 VA VA VA 1880 Census Place Goshen, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
(Research):Obit from Mechanicsburg Protestant Church scrapbook 9/5/1890 Dr A H Underwood born 4/21/1836 in Brimfield, Portage Count y, OH served 18 months in the 4th OVI, discharged Feb 11 1863. Married Han nah Rutan in Sept 1864. Death resulted from a stroke. He leaves his wif e, two sons and his mother
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Mary Mitchell age 10 parent Jim
(Research):Took his family to Parker County Texas, raised 9 children and lived unt il 1917 when he died in the home of his son Charlie Cole McCarty.
(Medical):Had been in feeble health for more than a year. His death was NOT unexpected. Died at son's (Charlie) home Monday 7 A.M.
(Research):1850 Union Co, Union, OH pg 98 Ransom Patrick 23, OH Vashti 23 OH Loema 43 VT Moses,. 78, MA Levi, 20, OH Cynthia, 16, OH David P, 12, OH Joseph, 5, OH Polly Carter, 76 MA
Name: «tab»Ranson Patrick
(Research):Marriage 1 ? PATRICK Children Edgar PATRICK Hannah PATRICK Daniel Ira PATRICK Mary PATRICK Laura PATRICK Ella PATRICK Jennie PATRICK
(Research):Name: ZELORA E RUTAN Gender: Male Date of Death: October 22, 1962 Volume: 17094 Certificate: 83799 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Dayton, Montgomery County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 85
(Research):Graduates of Mechanicsburg High School published in CCGS Newsletter March 1 996 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Mary Rowinsky Class of 1881
(Research):Champaign County Guradianship Records Vol 18 No 3 Pg 364-365 Mar 11 18 65 C H Newcomb gdn of Zelora Estel Rutan 14yr Mar 1865; Arnoldos Leander R utan 12yr 1864; heirs of Harvey Rutan dec'd. Surities Christian Goul, Dav id Bowers
Name: «tab»Celora E. Rutan
Name: «tab»Enos Rutan
(Research):Poss E B Rutan Co F 44th OVI who died at Andersonville GA 9/2/1864. Buri ed in Andersonville National Cemtery
(Research):This child listed in the 1860 Census as child of Sarah. Named Adaserah, ho wever he shows up in the 1870 Census in same town age 17 named Thoma s. He is living with James and Mary Malony and attending school
(Research):Sang in curch choir Secretary of Sunday School at 5th Lutheran, 1923-1926 Church: Lutheran Education: 12 years Hobby: Cooking and collecting antique dishes No. Children: 3 Occupation: Housewife
Name «tab»Beatrice Schaefer
(Research):Education: 10 years Last Residence: Last residence: OH 453734 Occupation: Detroit sales, Appliance & Furniture, Dairy farmer (retired) SSN: Social Security #: 363-18-67404 SSN Issue State: State of issue: MI4
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Glenna Mitchell age 16 parent Jim
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 03 February 1947 Hirn Evilsizer Dies Hirn Evilsizer, 76, of Franklin Avenue, Cambridge, died Saturday nig ht at 8:15 o'clock at his home of a cerabral hemorrhage. He had been ill o ne week. Surviving are his wife, Fannie of the home, two brothers, Log an of Marietta and Ona of New Concord. One son, Charles of Zanesville, a s tepson Robert Cleggett of New Concord. Four Grandchildren and three gre at grandchildren. Funeral Services will be held at 10:30 Tuesday morni ng at the home wil burial in Claysville Cemetery
Name : Hiram Taylor Evilsizer Death date : 01 Feb 1947 Death place : Cambridge, Guernsey, Ohio, United States Birth date : 14 Mar 1870 Birth place : Birmingham, Ohio Age at death : 76 years 10 months 17 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 123 Franklin Occupation : Highway Employee State of Ohio Burial date : 2/4/1947 Cemetery name : Zion Cemetery Spouse name : Lizzie Baker Father name : Ebenezer Evilsizer Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Lizzie Baker Mother birth place : Ohio Informant-Fannie Evilsizer, Cambridge, OH COD- cerebral hemorrage GSU film number : 2372969 Digital GS number : 4076301 Image number : 03445 Certificate number : 9361 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name «tab»Hermon J. T. Evilsizer
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»1869
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04056-4
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 1 p 66
Name:«/b»Nelson O Evilsizer«b» City:«/b»Not Stated «b» County:«/b»Muskingum «b» State:«/b»Ohio «b» Birth Date:«/b»6 May 1874«b»
Race:«/b»White «b» Roll:«/b»1832624 Address New Concord, OH
Self Empl Farmer
Kin- Maggie L Evilsizer, same address
Tall, slender, gray eyes, brn hair, no disabilities
Signed Sept 12, 1918 Nelson O Evilsizer
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 08 July 1935
Two parcels in New Concord in case of Muskingham College against Oma Evils izer and others. Sold to plaintiff one for $334 and the second parcel f or $1067.
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»06 May 1874
Birthplace «tab»Seneca, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Ebenezer T. Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Baker
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04218-3
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 1 p 246
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 27 April 1953 New Concord News Briefs Mr and Mrs Gerald Wheeler and baby of Pleasant City are now living with M rs Wheelers grandmother,Mrs Oma Evilsizer
The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 06 August 1939 Mrs Margaret Evilsizer Final Services for Mrs Margaret Evilsizer 62, Norwich, who died Tuesd ay at Bethesda Hospital were held Thursday in the Mock Funeral Home of t he New Concord. Burial was in the New Concord Cemetery
Columbus Dispatch Pg 2A August 2, 1939 Area Deaths- Zanesville- Mrs Margar et Evilsizer, age 62, August 1.
Name: «tab»Margaret Enilsizer
Death Date: «tab»01 Aug 1939
Death Place: «tab»Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»16 Nov 1876
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Norwich, O
Death Age: «tab»62 years 8 months 15 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housework
Residence: «tab»New Concord
Burial Date: «tab»03 Aug 1939
Burial Place: «tab»New Concord
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Omar Enilsizer
Father's Name: «tab»Chas Hardesty
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Musk, Co
Mother's Name: «tab»Henrietta Geyer
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Norwich, O
Film Number: «tab»2023762
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4027222
Image Number: «tab»2726
Name:«/b»Joseph Lewis Evilsizer«b» City:«/b»Not Stated «b» County:«/b»Muskingum «b» State:«/b»Ohio «b» Birthplace:«/b»Ohio;United States of America «b»
Birth Date:«/b»18 Oct 1896«b» Muskingum Co, New Concord, OH
Roll:«/b»1832624 Add- Muskingum Co, OH
Father born Noble Co, OH
Emp- J R Wilson, New Concord, OH
Kin- Omar Evilsizer, New Concord, OH
Tall, med build, blue eyes, dk brn hair, no disabilities
Signed June 5, 1918 Joseph Lewis Evilsizer
Name: Joseph L. Evilsizer Serial Number: 3481934 Race: W Residence: New Concord, O. Enlistment Division: National Army LB 2 Enlistment Location: Zanesville, O. Enlistment Date: 15 Aug 1918 Birth Place: New Concord, O. Birth Date / Age: 18 Oct 1896 Assigns Comment: Motor Transport Corps Repair Unit 310 Cp Jesup, Ga to 5 M arch 1919; Motor Repair Unit 305 Cp Jesup Ga to Discharge Sergeant 1 Mar ch 1919. Honorable discharge 31 March 1919. Volume #: 5
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Joseph Lewis Evilsizer Birth Date: 18 Oct 1896 Residence: Muskingum, Ohio 112 E Main St New Concord, OH Birth: Muskingum Co, Ohio Race: White Roll: WWII_2372905 Contact-Carol Evilsizer, Nicholson Bldg, Cambridge, OH Emp-Pittsburg Produce Co, 11 Dept St, New Concord, OH
Certificate Number: 31492 Volume Number: 18046 Sex: Male Race: White Name: EVILSIZER, JOSEPH L County of Death: Muskingum County City of Death: Zanesville County of Residence: Muskingum County City of Residence: Date of Death: April 17, 1965 Age of Death: 68 Years Marital Status: Married
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 09 September 1952 Grand Jury Opens 3 day session.. Members of the Grand Jury....J L Evilsizer
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 19 November 1952 Arraignment Set for Monday Members of the grand Jury,, J L Evilsizer
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 14 May 1965 Inventory Filed Joseph L Evilsizer who died April 17 left an estate appraised at $5,000 ac cording to an inventory filed Thursday in Probate Court. Most of the esta te is in Real Estate. His Widow, Mrs Minnie mae Evilsizer is executor.
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 18 May 1965 Notice of Appointment Estate of Joseph L Evilsizer deceased. Minne Mae Evilsizer whose address is New Concord, OH has been appointed a nd qualified as Executrix of the estate of Joseph L Evilsizer late of Muskingum County , Ohio, Decea sed. Dated this 11th day of May 1965. Holland M Gray, Probate Judge, by Ca rl E Buker Deputy Clerk, Attorneys Meyer, Johnson a,d Kincaid.
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 25 May 1965 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given to the surviving spouse is any ; next of kin, and b enficiaries under the will ; all known creditors, any atorney or attorne ys representing any of the afore mentioned persons that inventories and ap praisals have been filed on the following deceased persons;;;;....... Joseph L Evilsizer.
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»18 Oct 1896
Birthplace «tab»New Concord, Muskingum, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Nelson O. Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Madge L. Hardesty
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04063-0
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»847938
Reference Number «tab»V 4 p 66
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»14 Oct 1878
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Ebenezer Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Elizabeth Baker
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04218-3
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 1 p 362
Researcher for Susanna: Dianne Howell [email protected]
1920;Census Place: Findlay Ward 2, Hancock, Ohio; Roll: T625_1386; Pag e: 9B; Enumeration District: 54 Benjamin Runyan 75 Anna S Runyan 62 wife Everett Evilsizer 17 stepson
Name : Anna Runyan Titles : Death date : 22 Jul 1944 Death place : Findlay, Hancock, Ohio Birth date : 04 Apr 1863 Estimated birth year : Birth place : W. Virginia Age at death : 81 years 3 months 18 days Gender : Female Marital status : Divorced Race or color : American Street address : 130 Garfield Occupation : Housewife Residence : Findlay, Hancock, Ohio Burial date : 25 Jul 1944 Burial place : Cemetery name : Elm Grove Spouse name : Benjamin Runyan Father name : William King Father titles : Father birth place : U Mother name : Bass Mother titles : Mother birth place : U GSU film number : 2032363 Digital GS number : 4122095 Image number : 3196 Certificate number : fn 44884 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: George E. Evilsizer Serial Number: 2282865 Race: W
Residence: Springfield, O. Enlistment Division: Regular Army Enlistment
Location: Columbus Barracks, O.
Enlistment Date: 16 Feb 1917
Birth Place: Findlay, O. Birth Date / Age: 21 3/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Co E 14 Infantry to 11 June 1917; Co E 44 Infant ry to 11 Feb 1918; Headquarters Company 44 Infantry to 8 Aug 1918; Headqua rters Company 76 Infantry to 26 Feb 1919; Headquarters Company 1 Infant ry to Discharge Private, first class 1 July 1917; Private 15 Apr 1918; Pri vate, first class 9 May 1919; Mechanic --; Cook 20 July 1919. Honorable di scharge 4 June 1920. Volume #: 5
The Oregonian Tuesday, July 22, 1930 Funeral Notice
EVILSIZER -- In this city, George E. Evilsizer, beloved husband of I da A. Evilsizer; father of George Jr. and Volories; son of Mrs. Anna Runya n; brother of Everett Evilsizer. Friends are invited to attend the funer al services today (Tuesday), July 22, at 1 P. M., in the Colonial Drawi ng Room Chapel of Holman & Lutz, 14th & Sandy Blvd. Interment Lone Fir Cem etery. ( Lone Fir Cemetery 2115 SE Morrison St. Portland, OR 97214 503-248-3622)
Evelsizer, George E
Age: 24 Year: 1920
Birthplace: OH Roll: T625_1499
Race: W Page: 1A
State: Oregon ED: 32
County: Multnomah Image: 642
Township: Portland Ida A, 21, wife
Name: Everett Evilsizer Gender: Male Date of Death: 19 September 1981 Birth Date: 13 September 1901 Volume: 24564 Certificate: 064713 Autopsy: 9 Social Security Number: 276189788 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: German Place of Death: Middleburg Hts., Cuyahoga County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Allen County Age: 80 Years
Last Name: EVILSIZER First Name: EVERETT Middle Name: M State of Death: OH Year of Death: 1981 Other Names None listed for this person. Newspaper Source There is 1 newspaper source: 1.) Order From Lima Public Library Source: Lima News Month: 9 Day: 21 Year: 1981
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»13 Sep 1901
Birthplace «tab»Findlay, Hancock, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Ch... Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Anna King
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04016-0
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»961484
Reference Number «tab»p 68
WWI Draft Registration 9/12/1918 Okmulgee Co, Okmulgee, OK
George Evilsizer born March- rest of page obscurred age 33
Oil Well driller,
Kin, Ida Evilsizer,
Med Height, Med Build, Blue eyes, dark hair no defects
Name: George Edward Evilsizer
Social Security #: 512035326
Sex: MALE Birth Date: 31 Mar 1884
Birthplace: West Virginia
Death Date: 10 Nov 1980 Death Place: Alameda
Birth Date «tab»1884
Birthplace «tab»Jackson, West Virginia, United States
Gender «tab»Male
Father's Name «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Christening Date «tab»
Christening Place «tab»
Paternal Grandfather «tab»
Maternal Grandfather «tab»
Paternal Grandmother «tab»
Maternal Grandmother «tab»
Death Date «tab»
Death Age «tab»
Film Number «tab»567209
Digital Folder Number «tab»4226769
Image Number «tab»00133
Gender «tab»Male
Burial Date «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Death Date «tab»22 Jan 1894
Death Place «tab»Center Tp., Noble, Ohio
Age «tab»73
Birth Date «tab»1821
Birthplace «tab»Guernsey Co.
Occupation «tab»
Race «tab»White
Marital Status «tab»Married
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»B07113-1
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930100
Reference Number «tab»v 3 p 57
Peter moved with brother Jacob to Gallia Co, OH where he purchased la nd in 1831. His brother purchased SESE, 13, 6N,16W on 7/28/1838. Both reco rds recorded in the Ohio land Office.
Patentee: PETER HARTSOOK Land Office: CHILLICOTHE Document Number: 1289 Miscellaneous Document Number: Title Authority: CASH ENTRY SALE Signature: Y Signature Date: 1831/01/04 Description Number: 1 Aliquot Parts: E«NE Section Number: 25 Township: 6 N Range: 16 W Base Line: OHIO RIVER SURVEY Total Acres: 80.0000 Fractional Section: N Metes and Bounds Description: N Survey Date: Warantee : Canceled Document: N Multiple Patentee(s): N Multiple Warantee(s): N Access Number: OH0170__.283 Image Name: 00005967 Image Type: L Volume ID: 050
By 1850 he had sold the land and gone to Harrison County, Indiana whe re he shows up in the 1850 and 1860 Census. His brother Jacob moved to Ful ton Co, OH as he appears in the 1850 Census in that County.
Peter must have remarried after the death of Sarah, as he is in the 1860 c ensus with Abigail age 26 b VA. Since Abigail was not a child in the 18 50 census, I believe this was a second wife.
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»05 Mar 1942
event place: «tab»Hardin, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»67y 2m 32d
marital status: «tab»
race: «tab»
occupation: «tab»
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: «tab»
estimated birth year: «tab»1875
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»G. L. Dickleman
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother: «tab»Mary Worley
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Floyd F. Swimley
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 17431
film number: «tab»2023983
digital folder number: «tab»4020632
image number: «tab»2943
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZKH-61C : accessed 27 Nov 2012), Floyd F. Swimley in entry for Maude Dickleman Swimley, 1942; citing reference fn 17431, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
The complete family lineage can be found in the original publication "Evil in the Barn"
The middle name of Cumberland has never been confirmed, no source ever found. It is doubtful of this, as those living who knew him do not know of this name.
Died St Francois Co, Farming MO at MO State Hospital. Dec 16,1943
He was there for 2 years 7 month and 15 days.
Res was Sullivan, Franklin Co, MO
Married, wife, Elmina Barnes
Age 57-7-21 born Apr 25, 1886 in America
Common laborer
Father Stepehn Barnes, born unk
Mother Shara Perry, born unk
Informant was MO state Hosp records
Buried IOOF Cemetery, in SUllivan MO Dec 19, 1943
COD Cancer of lower bowel and rectum.
Dorothy and Ruby went to St. Louis after they both graduated from High Sch ool. They attended a business school in St. Louis. They met their husban ds in St. Louis, Missouri.
Dorothy and John lived first in the St. Louis area, then later in Warrento n, further out from St. Louis.
John worked as a machinist at McDonald Douglas Aircraft.
Dorothy and John's son, John Leo II, was kidnapped at one time shortly aft er he and his wife, Sally, were married. The kidnapper, at gunpoint, ma de John drive him across the country and then later had John drive him ba ck to the St. Louis area. He did not harm John, just let him out of the c ar somewhere in the area. The kidnapper was eventually caught.
Their son, John, with Sally and only daughter, Kelly, later moved out of t he St. Louis area further West. They have since moved to other areas, b ut have never returned to the St. Louis area except for visits. The two o ther children, Joanne and Helen, with their husbands, remained in the ho me area close to John and Dorothy.
Helen and her husband, Darrel, became photographers, making wedding pictur es, etc. They had two boys.
Joanne and Gene had one child, Samantha Jo. Gene had a boy, Gordy, by a p revious marriage, who was about ten years old when he and Joanne marrie d. Samantha Jo won a lot of Trophies for gymnastics. At one time she pla nned on being in the Olympics. After Gene died, Joanne remarried.
By Sandi Evilsizer Koscak 1/27/1999
Aunt Rae passed away Jan 1, 2014.
My cousins Phyllis and her brothers Dave and Mike lived quite a distance from the hospital and Rae lived two blocks away. They used her apartment to catch up on sleep, showers, snacks, etc. The kids decided to begin going through some of her things, and found a drawer with 3 wrapped Christmas presents. Phyllis knew what they were, but the boys did not, as she never told them. Aunt Rae had bought them for her husband , my uncle Bill , 20 years ago for Christmas. Uncle Bill went into the hospital right before Christmas for a routine heart bypass operation and died on the operating table. She has kept the gifts still unopened for 20 years. Now here is the funny part.... Aunt Rae was always getting weird gifts for folks that only THEY would know what they meant. Something funny between each person personally that no one else would know. Kind of like a gag-gift, but had deep meaning to the one who received it..
So after Aunt Rae died, a few days later they all decided to sit in the middle of the floor and open the gifts. 3, so each sibling opened one each.. Here is what was in each package:
1. Pair of boxcutters
2. Green Publix Shopping Bag (Uncle Bill never caught dead shopping)
3. T-shirt with fish.
Phyllis said they all just rolled in the floor laughing because they would NEVER know what each meant. Secret died with Aunt Rae.
Benny "Teddy" Barnes, 66, formerly of Princeton, died Tuesday, Dec 5, 20 00 at Western State Nursing Facility in Hopkinsville, Ky.A member of Grapevine Baptist Church in Madisonville, he was born Oct 23, 1934 in Missou i, a son of the late Stephen and Elmina Board Barnes.He was preceded in death by two sisters, Dorothy Dorrell and Edith Barnes.Survivors include two brothers, Texal Barnes and Charles E. Barnes of Louisville ; and four sisters, Helen Evilsizer of San Diego, Calif., Jeanette Escarego of Tuscon, Ariz., Ruby Dorrell of Tullahoma, Tenn., and Lillian Rae Lucius of Tampa, Fla.Graveside services will be conducted Friday, Dec. 8, at noon at Perry Cemetery in Caldwell County, Ky. with the Rev. Dean Ray officiating.Morgan's Funeral Home, Princeton in charge of arrangements.
Charles D. Barnes, 64, of Louisville, died Friday, January 3, 2003, at t he University of Louisville Hospital. In accounting and tax preparation f or over 35 years, he was founder and CEO of Barnes Bookkeeping and Tax Se vice, Inc. He was a member of the Eagles Lodge at Lakeland, Fla., the NAT P, past governor of NSA past president of the Kentucky Association of Acco untants and retired from the Selective Service Board. His professional accreditations included EA, ATA, ATP and ACTA and his practice included clients from 15 states and internationally. He was co-pastor of the Kentucky Spiritualist Temple. He was preceded in death by several brothers and sisters. Survivors include his wife, Darlene B. Barnes; a son, Stephen E. Barnes; a daughter, Beverly J. Barnes; and five grandchildren, Steven Brent Barnes, Audrei Le-Anna Barnes, Charles Stephen Barnes, Gabriella Jerrianna Darlene Barnes and Stephen Jeremy Barnes. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, January 8th, at 11:30 a.m. at Pearson's Funeral Home, Louisv ille Burial rites will follow the ceremony in Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville.
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»28 Mar 1893
Birthplace «tab»German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»John W. Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Amanda Gentis
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C03945-8
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»466658
Reference Number «tab»v 3 p 124
Urbana Daily Citizen , Wednesday, October 3, 1934 J W Evilsizor, 70, a former resident of Champaign County died at his home in Staunton, IL, Monday according to word received by relatives. Mr Evilsizor lived many years in Mad River township. The following relatives survive; his father, Rev Isaac Evilsizor, of Mechanicsburg; Mrs Charles Hoberty, Mrs Lewis Redman, and Paul Harvey of this community, and Thomas Ballentine of Springfield. Mrs Redman, Mrs Hoberty, Mrs Ballentine and N J Laughlin have gone to Staunton to attend the burial services being held Wednesday.
Unable to locate in 1920 or 1930 census
Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Death Date «tab»01 Oct 1934
Death Place «tab»Staunton, Macoupin, Illinois
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»
Race or Color «tab»
Age «tab»68
Estimated Birth Year «tab»1866
Birth Date «tab»12 Jun 1866
Birthplace «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Father «tab»Iassic Evilsizor
Father's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Father's Birth Place «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Mother «tab»Amanda Cook
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Mother's Birth Place «tab»Tere Haute, Ohio
Occupation «tab»Motorman R.R.
Residence «tab»Staunton, Macoupin, Illinois
Street Address «tab»
Spouse «tab»Anna Evilsizor
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace «tab»
Burial Date «tab»04 Oct 1934
Burial Place «tab»Edwardsville, Madison, Ill.
Cemetery «tab»Valley View
Informant «tab»
Additional Relatives «tab»
Digital Folder Number «tab»4008369
Image Number «tab»2268
Film Number «tab»1712057
Volume/Page/Certificate Number «tab»v76 cn39 36998 p308
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»20 Mar 1895
Birthplace «tab»Salem, Auglaize, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»C. W. Evilizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Ida Edminston
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04051-0
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»959200
Reference Number «tab»V 3 p 69 item 11
Urbana Daily Democrat, Tuesday, August 31, 1915
Russell Evilsizor dies from abdominal injuries
Young man lives just nine hours after being run over by heavy wagon in the afternoon.
Russell Evilsizor, 21, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Evilsizor, residi ng southeast of Urbana, passed away at his home Tuesday morning about 2: 30 as the result of injuries received in a fall from a manure spreader abo ut 3:00 in the afternoon. Death was due to a chock and internal injuries received when the back wheel of the wagon passed over him.
Evilsizor was in the act of going into a field at the farm with the s preader full, when in reaching over to urge one of the horses on the team, he lost his balance. It is thought that he fell on his right shoulder, as a bruise at that place would indicate. The wheel of the wagon passed over his abdomen and on the left hip, where the wheel evidently struck him, a skinned place is noticeable and besides that only a slightly colored line over the abdomen is evident.
Dr D C Houser was called and he administered every aid possible to re lieve his intense suffering but to no avail. A second trip was made to his bedside by the doctor about 7 o'clock Monday evening and his pulse, whi ch was normal on his first visit had raised to 125. Upon his last vis it to the home about 12 o'clock, no pulse was evident at his wrist whatsoe ver, and then it was realized that his end was very near. Dr. Houser remai ned on this last visit until the young man's death at 2:30 o'clock.
The exact cause of his death can not be ascertained although it may have been caused by the shock of the fall.
The young man was exceptional in his character and had always taken an interest in farm work. His loss is keenly felt by his bereaved paren ts. He was of clean-cut character and had no bad habits of any kind. Besid es his parents, a younger brother, Luther, and two grandfathers, Rev Isa ac Evilsizor of Gallipolls, and James Edmondson of Terra haute are le ft to mourn his death.
Funeral services will be held from the home Thursday afternoon at t wo o'clock. Rev F G Arnold pastor of the First Baptist Church will officia te. Interment will be made in Oak Dale Cemetery
Name : Russell Evilsizor Death date : 31 Aug 1915 Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 20 Mar 1895 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 20 years 5 months 11 days Gender : Male Marital status : Single Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Farm Labor Burial date : 02 Sep 1915 Burial place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Cemetery name : Oak Dale Cemetary Father name : Chas W. Evilsizor Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Ida Edmondson Mother birth place : Ohio Informant-Chas W Evilsizer COD- Accident- Run over by wagon GSU film number : 1983428 Digital GS number : 4025083 Image number : 1885 Certificate number : fn 42155 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Organized at Anderson, Ind., and mustered in September 16, 1861. Mov ed to Jeffersonville, Ind., October 10, thence to New Haven, Ky., Novemb er 15, and duty there till December 14. Moved to Camp Wicliffe, Ky., Decem ber 14, and duty there till February 7, 1862. Attached to 10th Brigade, Ar my of the Ohio, November-December, 1861. 10th Brigade, 4th Division, Ar my of the Ohio, to February, 1862. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of t he Mississippi, to April, 1862. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Army Mississipp i. Garrison at New Madrid, Mo., to July, 1862. Helena, Ark., District of E astern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Di vision, Dept. of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of the Tennessee, to January, 186 3. 3rd Brigade, 12th Division, 13th Army Corps, Army of the Tennesse e, to February, 1863. 1st Brigade, 12th Division, 13th Army Corps, Ar my of the Tennessee, to August, 1863, and Dept. of the Gulf to March, 186 4. Defences of New Orleans, La., to December, 1864. Brazos, Santiago, Texa s, U.S. Forces, Texas, to June, 1865. Dept. of Texas to February, 1866.
89th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Organized at Indianapolis, Ind., and mustered in August 28, 1862. Left Sta te for Louisville, Ky., thence moved to Munfordsville, Ky., September 2. S iege of Munfordsville September 14-17. Regiment captured September 17 a nd paroled. March to Bradenburg, thence to Jeffersonville, Ind. Duty at In dianapolis, Ind., saw June 27. Ruff's Station July 4. Chattahoochie Decemb er 5-8. Attached to District of Memphis, Tenn., 16 Army Corps, Dept. of t he Tennessee, to March, 1863. 1st Brigade, District of Memphis, Tenn., 5 th Division, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Divisio n, 16th Army corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division (Detachme nt), Army of the Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. 1 st Brigade, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps (New), Military Division West Mi ssissippi, to July 1865.
SERVICE.--Guard and fatigue duty at Fort Pickering, Memphis, Tenn., Decemb er 21, 1862, to October 18, 1863. Expedition to Hernando, Miss., August 16 -20, 1863. Garrison and Picket duty at Memphis, Tenn., till January 26, 18 64. Expedition after Forest, December 24-31, 1863. Lafayette and Grierson 's Bridge December 27 (Detachment). Moscow December 27 (Detachment). Mov ed to Vicksburg, Miss., January 26-31, 1864. Big Black River February 2. M eridian Campaign February 3-March 2. Queen Hill February 4. Meridian Febru ary 14-15. Decatur February 22. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Fort D eRussy March 14. Occupation of Alexandria March 16. Henderson's Hill Mar ch 21. Battle of Pleasant Hill April 9. Fort Bisland April 12. Natchitoch es April 20-21. At Alexandria April 26-May 13. Bayou LaMouri May 7. Retre at to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Yellow Bayou May 18. Moved to Vi cksburg May 20-24, and to Memphis, Tenn., June 4-9. Old River Lake or La ke Chicot, Ark., June 6. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-21. H arrisburg, near Tupelo, July 14-15. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., A ugust 1-30. Moved to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., September 8-19. Expediti on to DeSoto September 20-October 1. March through Missouri in pursu it of Price October 2-November 19. Greenton November 1. Moved to Nashvill e, Tenn., November 25-December 1. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Purs uit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Moved to Eastport, Miss ., January 1, 1865, and duty there till February 9. Moved to Vicksburg, Mi ss., thence to New Orleans, La., February 9-21. Campaign against Mobile a nd its defences March 17-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blake ly March 26-April 9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupati on of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-27, and duty there ti ll June 1. Moved to Mobile June 1 and duty there till July 19. Mustered o ut July 19, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 55 Enlisted men killed and mor tally wounded and 3 Officers and 188 Enlisted men by disease. Total 252.
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»29 Jan 1870
Birthplace «tab»WASHINGTON,OHIO
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Josiah Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Margaret E. Templeton
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C51405-4
System Origin «tab»Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number «tab»941955
Sex: Male Death Date: 12 Apr 1931
Death Place: Roane, West Virginia
Age at Death: 68y 1m 6d
Spouse: Leona Olive Evilsizer Occupation:
Residence: Spencer, WV
Mother: Mary Jane Hershey Mother's Birth Place: Washington Co, OH Father: Samuel Harrison Evilsizer Father's Birth Place: Guernsey Co, OH Informant- George Evilsizer
Burial: Spencer Cemetery April 14 1931 COD; Diabitis
November 30 1862 My dear Wife
i received your kind and welcome letter i was much pleased to he ar that you and the children was all well and that little Isabelle could c all on her papa so nice and that John and Robbert and billey was sutch go od Children We are now building our winter quarters we have to cut lo gs and hawl them off the mountains with ropes i put in 13 days of extry w ork i get 25 cts extry per day you wrote that you have sold your Tobac co i want to know who you sold it to and how much you got paid do wn on it i was sorry to hear that you had had a gethering on your side a nd am glad that you have got well again Tell Father Evilsizer that i wa nt him to write to me and send me all the war news that he can rely on f or we got the news here that Ritchman was taken some believes it to be tr ue and some say that it is a lye We get despatches here every day but th ey only come from Camp and you know camp rumors is not verry wholesome B ut my humble oppinion is that we will get home against the 1 of Apr il if all things works as they are now tell father & mother to wri te to me as they have a good chance i expect to draw four monthes wag es a[t] Christmas or New years day this is one of the most god forsak en place that i have ever seen with my eys the mountains and roc ks is so high that it takes a person about a half a day to climb to the t op of them New river about five miles above where we are now camped h as no bottom land at all but there is nothing but mountain and rocks surr ounding it Lake Creek at the mouth of whitch we are now encamped is nothing but rocks and mountaines covered with Lore ll and ceder i have come to the conclusion that if it was not for the Sa lt works that the Rebbels need not want this part of virginia But we exp ect old ginkens to pay us a visit in a few days after some Salt he has b een with in 8 miles from us But if he does come the 92 is ready to recei ve him and we would be thankful to see him comming We will give him pepp er instead of salt you wish to kno how many letters i have wrote to you t his makes 5 that i have wrote to you and i have received three from you w rite as soon as this letter comes to hand and give me all partickulars i must now conclude w ishing you and the Children every Blessing i remain your affectionat and L oving husband untill death
George Snodgrass ------------------------- To all whom it may Concern:
Know ye, that George Snodgrass Private of Captain Hamilton F. Middles warts Company, (F,) 92 Regiment of Ohio Foot Volunteers, who was enroll ed on the Sixth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty t wo to serve three years of during the war is hereby DISCHARGED from the s ervice of the United States this tenth day of Jun, 1865, at Washington, D .C. by reason of telegram order War Dept. May 18, 1865 providing for the d ischarge of all men whose term of service expire previous to
Said George Snodgrass was born in Washington Co. in the State of Ohi o, is Thirty years of age, five feet ten inches high, fair complexion, bl ue eyes, light hair, and by occupation, when enrolled, a farmer. Given near Washington, D.C. this tenth day of Jun 1865... ------------------------- Examining Surgeon's Certificate Marietta, OH, 22 Oct 1866
I hereby Certify, That I have carefully examined George Snodgrass, la te a private in Co. F 92 Ohio, in the service of the United States a nd is an applicant for an invalid pension; by reason of alleged disability resulting from Rheumatism. In my opinion the said George S nodgrass is totally incapacitated ... that the said disability was contra cted in the service aforesaid in the line of duty. The disability is of un certain duration. ...The disease, commenced from exposure at Chattanoo ga February 1864 and was confined to the back and hips. Last winter the disease was a ggravated and he was obliged to use crutches. Last summer an abscess for med on the outer part of the left thigh and was opened. There are now thr ee ulcers, suppurating. He is emaciated from confinement, moves about wi th crutches, and is unable to perform any labor: is helpless.
George O. Hildreth ------------------------- Widow's Claim for Pension Washington Co., OH
On this 3 Aug 1868 personally appeared ... Mary Snodgrass, a reside nt of Lawrance Twp., Washington Co., OH, aged 32 years, who makes the foll owing declaration ... that she is the widow of George Snodgrass who was a private in Co. F commanded by Capt. W. T. Midd leswartz in the 92 Reg. of Ohio Infy. Vols. in the War of 1861; that h er maiden name was Mary Evilsizer and that she was married to George Snodgrass on or about 22 Apr 1852 at Lawrance, Washingt on Co., OH; by Alexander Clarke ... She further declares that said Ge orge Snodgrass her husband died of disease contracted in the service of t he United States as aforesaid at Lawrance Twp., Washington Co., O H, on or about 12 Jul 1868, of scurvy or scrofula. She also declares that she has remain ed a widow ever since the death of said George Snodgrass ... the followi ng is the names dates of birth and places of residence of all the children of her deceased husband who were under sixteen yea rs of age at the time of his death:
John W. born 6 Jun 1853
Robert C. born 7 Dec 1854
William H. born 27 Nov 1858
Barbry I./J. born 14 Dec 1862 [vss - Barbara Isabelle]
Margaret D. born 30 Apr 1866
Geo. M. born 4 Jan 1868 all reside with applicant. My Post Office address is Moss Run, Washington Co., OH. witnesses: Jonathan Evilsizer & Sarah Evilsizer. ------------------------- Brief in the case of Mary Snodgrass, widow of George Snodgrass ... Servic e: Adj. Gen. reports muster 7 Sep 1862 and discharge 10 Jun 1865. Inval id case admitted 14 Dec 1866. Paid to 4 Mar 1868. Pensioned for disabili ty from rheumatism of back and hip, three ulcers, swelling of hip extendi ng to thigh and resulting in abscess, considered the result of original di sease, which from the first affected back and hip. Disability total. Aff. of attending physician shows death 12 Jul 1868 of scrofulous disea se of hip joint. Lungs affected in latter part of his disease and hydorph ic collections in various parts of the body... Issue Certificate for $8 p er month, commencing 12 Jul 1868, and $2 per month additional for ea ch of the above-named children... ------------------------- Pension of Minor Children Barbara I. Snodgrass, Margaret D. Snodgrass and George M. Snodgrass, child ren of George Snodgrass ... Guardian, Elias Congleton, Washington Co ., OH ... Post Office, Dalzell, Washington Co., OH... ------------------------- Sworn Statement Washington Co., OH In the matter of Mary Snodgrass now Congleton widow of George Snodgrass County. F 92d Ohio Infty. deceased ...personally came... R. R. Warren M.D. ag ed 59 years a citizen of Saltpetre, Washington Co., OH...That he was the a ttending physician during the last illness of Elias Congleton and th at he died at or near Heslop, Washington Co., OH, on 11 Mar 1912. ------------------------- Sworn Statement Washington Co., OH
...Personally came...John W. Snodgrass aged 38 [58?] years and Robe rt C. Snodgrass age 56 years said Robert C. Snodgrass living at Caywood, O H, and John W. Snodgrass living at Marietta, Washington Co., OH...that th ey are sons of George and Mary Snodgrass and know that their father Geor ge Snodgrass died 12 Jul 1868 at Fifteen, Washington Co., OH, and were bo th present at the funeral. That their mother Mary Snodgrass did not remar ry until she married Elias Congleton about the year 1875. That she dr ew a pension for herself and the children who were under 16 at that tim e. That the father George Snodgrass never did a days work after his retu rn from the army, always walked with crutches and finally died as above s tated from the diseases contracted in the U.S. service ... that the said Mary Congleton and Elias Congleton lived together continuously from da te of marriage up to date of soldiers death...
Declaration of a Widow for Restoration of Pension Washington Co., OH On this 19 Mar 1912 personally appeared Mary Congleton, aged 76 years, a r esident of Fifteen, Washington Co., OH ...
Bureau of Pensions
You are hereby notified that check No. 6200859 for $30? dated 4 D ec 1914 in favor of Mary Congleton, P.O. Fifteen, Ohio, certificate #12020 7; class Civil War Widow...has been returned to this office by the Postmaster, with the information that the pensioner di ed 27 Oct 1914...
George served in the same Company and Regiment as his wifes brothers, Samu el Hunt and Jonathan Evilsizer. Jonathan died at the battle of Chickamaug a, TN
This family info from a Bible Record from Karen Barrett Karen Barrett (new address; I used to be [email protected] but I have sin ce left AOL and Earthlink and my new e-mail address is [email protected] t. But I'm the descendent of George Snodrass and Mary Evilsizer.) Another Snodgrass researcher is [email protected] (Diane Dayley)
8/26/2003 Sandi, Hi! It's been a while since I've written you - mostly becau se I haven't had any time to do any genealogy lately! But I wanted to con tact you because I just received a bunch of letters written during the Civ il War from what looks like Johnathan Evilsizer to his parents and to h is brother. I literally just got them a few days ago from my uncle, who f ound them after my grandfather died. I had been told they had been thro wn out, but here, my uncle had found them in an old trunk and gave th em to me. I haven't even had a chance to read them all (they are quite fa ded and the script is hard to read), and there are quite a few of them, b ut I just had to write to tell you because I was so excited! Most of t he letters were written by Jonathan and some refer to "Samuel and Georg e" with him in the camp so I'm assuming George is George Snodgrass, and Sa muel is "Samuel H. Evilsizer" in some of the letters. I also have a lett er from Nancy A. Covey to "Miss Evilsizer" and I think a few of the lette rs mention a Sarah and the surname Sheely. As I said, they are quite fad ed and hard to read. Some are in envelopes. I have one from the Army abo ut Jonathan's death dated in October of 1863. I will let you know more ab out them as I get them sorted. I would be happy to make copies of them f or you - I don't know how well they will copy because they are so faded, b ut I'll try.
Sworn Statement Washington Co., OH
...Personally came...John W. Snodgrass aged 38 [58?] years and Robert C. Snodgrass age 56 years said Robert C. Snodgrass living at Caywoo d, OH, and John W. Snodgrass living at Marietta, Washington Co., OH...th at they are sons of George and Mary Snodgrass and know that their fath er George Snodgrass died 12 Jul 1868 at Fifteen, Washington Co., OH, and w ere both present at the funeral. That their mother Mary Snodgrass did n ot remarry until she married Elias Congleton about the year 1875. That s he drew a pension for herself and the children who were under 16 at th at time. That the father George Snodgrass never did a days work after h is return from the army, always walked with crutches and finally died as above stated from the dise ases contracted in the U.S. service ... that the said Mary Congleton a nd Elias Congleton lived together continuously from date of marria ge up to date of soldiers death...
This last line: "...that the said Mary Congleton and Elias Congleton liv ed together continuously from the date of marriage up to the date of soldi ers death..." - from this I infer that Elias was also a soldier, because t hat is the person they seem to be referring to. But I have no other in fo than this. I got this from the Snodgrass Source Book, part of the Snod grass Clan Society. I can ask if there is more info, since the "..." impl ies that some parts of the document were left out. The Society is dedicat ed to researching and gathering all information about all Snodgrasses. Th ey have given me a wealth of information. But they wouldn't have anythi ng about anyone who was not a Snodgrass, so I don't know if they have a ny more info about Elias other than his connection to Mary (Evilsizer) Sno dgrass. But I would think that it's entirely possible that Elias was a ne ighbor or friend and that he may have known George as well as Mary, and ma ybe even served with George. I've looked for info on the Congleton line b ut haven't found much. If I do find something, I will let you know.
Karen Riley
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»19 Apr 1880
Birthplace «tab»Lawrence, Washington, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Josiah Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Rebecca Hashey
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C01195-0
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»941955
Reference Number «tab»v 2 p 100
Name: «tab»Lucinda Alexander
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»22 Oct 1898
Death Place: «tab»West Virginia
Age: «tab»70
Birth Date: «tab»1828
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Occupation: «tab»Wife
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07310-9
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»946210
Death date : 13 Jul 1933 Death place : Henry, Wood, Ohio
Birth date : 31 Dec 1844 Birth place : Guernsey Co., Ohio
Age at death : 88 years 6 months 13 days Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian
Occupation : none Burial date : 15 Jul 1933
Cemetery name : Ten Mile Spouse name : William
Father name : Cornelius Cale Father birth place : Virginia
Mother name : Susan Divens Mother birth place : Ireland
Informant-John Evilsizer, Custar, OH Rt 2
COD- Carcimona of face
GSU film number : 1992879 Digital GS number : 4001882
Image number : 1778 Certificate number : fn 43057 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
WWI Draft Registration 9/12/1918
Wood Co, Bowling Green, OH
John Evilsizer age 38 born 12/22/1879 Livign RR@ Wood Co, Luster, OH
Self employed farmer
Kin Mrs Bernice Evilsizer
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
Name: John Evilsizer Birth Date: 22 Dec 1880
Residence: Wood, Ohio Rt 1 Rudolph OH Birth: Henry Twp, Wood Co, Ohio
Race: White Roll: WWII_2372905
Contact Mrs Bernice Evilsizer same address
Emp-Self, Henry Twp
Med Height, Med Build, brown eyes, brown hair no defects
Name : John Evilsizer (no middle name) Death date : 08 Sep 1950 Death place : Findlay, Hancock, Ohio, United States Birth date : 22 Dec 1880 Birth place : Wood Co., Ohio Age at death : 69 years Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : rural Henry Twp 5 1/2 m west of Cygnet Ohio Occupation : Farming Burial date : 9/10/1950 Burial place : Hancock Co, OH Cemetery name : Ten Mile Cemetery Father name : Wm. Evilsizer Mother name : Mary Cale Informant-Blanche Hillard COD- Heart disease- 17 days in hospital GSU film number : 2372664 Digital GS number : 4109285 Image number : 00961 Certificate number : 56152 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name «tab»Evalsizer
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»20 Sep 1867
Birthplace «tab»CHAMPAIGN,OHIO
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Isaac Evalsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Amanda
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C51594-1
System Origin «tab»Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number «tab»295232
RETIRED FARMER'S RITES WEDNESDAY Funeral services will be held Wednesday for Charles W. Evilsizor, 89, of St. Paris, Route 2, who died Saturday night in Springfield. Services will be at 2 p.m. in the Don A. Neff funeral home in Urbana where friends may call after 7 p.m., Monday. Burial will be in Oak Dale Cemetery at Urbana. Mr. Evilsizor died at 10 p.m. Saturday in the home of Mrs. John May of 1762 N. Limestone st. where he had been staying for the last sever al weeks. He was a retired farmer and landowner and was a member of o ne of the oldest families of the Terre Haute and Thackery communities. A native of Champaign County , Mr. Evilsizor was born in Terre Haute, Sept. 20, 1867, a son of the Rev. Isaac and Mrs. Amanda Cook Evilsizor. He had resided in Champaign County all his life. He was a member of the Urbana Methodist Church. Survivors include his widow, Ida E.; one so n, Luther J. of Urbana, Route 1; two granddaughters, Mrs. Elizbeth (sic) B oyer of Tremont City and Miss Betty Louise Evilsizor, Urbana, Route 1; one grandson, Charles W. Evilsizor of Urbana; five great-grandchildren; thr ee sisters, Mrs. Ida Baumgardner of Bellefontaine, Mrs. Elizabeth Mette on of Richwood and Mrs. Winnie Redman of Urbana; and a number of nieces and nephews. Another son, Russell, was killed in a farm accident in 1915."
Name: «tab»Hiram Gove
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»17 Nov 1853
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Adaline Champney
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»19 Jul 1892
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Mccarthy, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Helen L. Zerkel
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»21 Aug 1892
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Dayton, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»27 Jun 1915
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Abraham Scott
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Cassie Anthony
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Mcclelland Zerkel
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Limbaugh
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86851-9
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0465399
Reference Number: «tab»2:3JNQN4K
Name: «tab»Helen L Scott
Birth Date: «tab»1892
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»14 Dec 1966
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»90045
Age at Death: «tab»74
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Name : Mary Wellcie Ballentine Death date : 31 Jan 1939 Death place : German, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 24 Apr 1876 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 62 years 9 months 24 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Route 2 Occupation : Housewife Residence : Springfield, Ohio Burial date : 04 Feb 1939 Cemetery name : Fremont Cem. Spouse name : T. H. Ballentine Father name : Isaac Evilsizor Father birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Mother name : Amanda Cook Mother birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Informant-Tom Ballentine COD- Rectal Cancer GSU film number : 2023676 Digital GS number : 4122482 Image number : 836 Certificate number : fn 6734 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
MIddle name in Death record was Wilda
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»08 Aug 1876
Birthplace «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Isaac Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Amanda Cook
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»I10449-0
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»295232
Reference Number «tab»p178-179
Name : Clara Wilda Hoberty Death date : 27 Feb 1951 Death place : Springfield Twp, Clark, Ohio, United States Birth date : 18 Aug 1876 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign County, Ohio Age at death : 74 years 6 months 9 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Housewife Burial date : 3-2-1951 Burial place : Terre Haute Cemetery name : Terra haute Father name : Isaac Evilsizor Mother name : Amanda Cook Informant-Charles B Hoberty COD-Otereo vascular carcinoma GSU film number : 2372796 Digital GS number : 4109363 Image number : 02646 Certificate number : 13651 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Three Men Wounded in Cutting Scrape Involving Two Women Wednesday Night
Wounded by a knife, alleged wielded by Mrs Barbara Yoast, 30, of South Roosevelt Avenue in a cutting scrape near 11 o'clock Wednesday night at the junction of Main Street and Clark Avenue, Werley Evilsizor, 66, route 2, Piqua; Ray Bey, 22 Wilkinson St, Sidney; and Arthur Hancock, 65, of Botkins are reported in fair condition at Piqua Memorial Hospital. Mrs Yoast and a companion, a mary Brown, 13, no home address listed, both of whom according to police were involved in the fracas, are in the city jail, pending arraignment, which according to the police will probably be held at 3 p.m. Friday in municipal court. This morning Mrs Yoast was being held on a intoxication charge alone, but police said that she will also be charged with cutting with intent to wound or kill. Mary Brown is being held for investigation. Evilsizor, who was cut on his left arm, just above the elbow, the tendons being severed was to undergo surgery today at the hospital. Bey, whom it was believed last night might not recover from his wounds, was reported today to be slightly improved. Knife wounds were inflicted on his side, chest, right leg and thigh, and under his right arm. One lung was also punctured, the hospital reported. Hancock received deep lacerations on his right arm above the wrist, one cut being four inches long. He escaped with the least injury. Minor bruises were sustained by the two women, Mary Brown having been hit in her mouth. Mrs Yoast was bruised about her face and this morning displayed a black eye to the police officers who were bringing her breakfast. The slacks she wore were covered with blood. Police officers discovered the knifing scape last night when they were called to the junction of Clark Avenue and Main Street to investigate an auto accident. According to the police records, the three men and two women had met in a local cafe at 9:30 p.m. An hour later they left and were supposed to be on their way to another place for a crap game. Bey, who was said to be intoxicated was driving Hancock's car south on Main Street and when they neared the Orr Felt & Blanket Co, Mrs Yoast pulled the keys from the ignition saying that she didn't like the way he was driving. Bey then stopped the car as he turned onto Clark Avenue and when Mary Brown stepped out of the auto, Bey followed her and is supposed to have struck her in the mouth with his fist. Barbara, according to police, tried to protect the other woman, and the two began throwing stones at Bey. Evilsizor then entered the scramble and was hit by Bey. It was then that Mrs Yoast , it is charged, used the knife, later found by police in the car.
Piqua Daily Call Saturday April 7, 1945
Barbara Yoast is Bound To Jury On 2 Cutting Counts
Mrs Barbara Yoast, 30, resident of South Roosevelt Avenue, arraigned in municipal court Friday afternoon before Judge J Harrison Smith on three charges, one for intoxication and two for cutting with intent to wound, has been bound to the May Grand Jury with $1000 bond on each of the latter two counts and fined $100 and costs and sentenced to the Dayton workhouse until paid, for the other charge. Mrs Yoast is charged with cutting with the intent to wound Raymond Bey, 22 of Sidney, whose condition is reported as satisfactory at Piqua Memorial Hospital today, and Arthur Hancock, 65 of Botkins, who is also a patient at the hospital. Hospital authorities disclosed that both Hancock and Werley Evilsizor, 66, of Route 2, Piqua, who was accidentally cut in the scrape are in satisfactory condition. When Mrs Yoast was placed on the stand yesterday, she stated that she "cut one" pleading innocent to the charge of Hancock and claiming to have used a knife against Bey in self defense. She told the court "If we hadn't done something they would have killed both us girls. If it hadn't been for Evilsizor I don't know what we would have done." The other woman involved in the case is Miss Mary Brown, 18, of Piqua, who was held for investigation but released Friday. Mrs Yoast further stated that, "There was three knives in the bunch, everybody was drunk and everybody was fighting." She also pleaded innocent to the intoxication charge, but had nothing to say in her defense following the testimonies of Police Lieutenant Edward Evans and Patrolman Earl McClannan that she was drunk when they talked to her at the hospital shortly after midnight on the night of the stabbing, April 4. Police said that Raymond Bey will be charged with driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages and Arthur Hancock with intoxication, upon their release from the hospital.
Urbana Daily Citizen October 1, 1945 An inquiry into the background of Mrs Barbara Yoast, 30, murder victim, and her killer, Worley Evilsizor, 67, both of Piqua, revealed a checkered
career on the part of the woman. Mrs Yoast within the past four months had been arrested on two separate charges of cutting with intent to wound. She was scheduled to appear today before the Grand Jury at Troy on one of the charges filed by Evilsizor. This offense occurred last July in Rossville, a colored section of Piqua along the Little Miami River. The cutting scrape, it was reported, took place after Mrs Yoast had taken Evilsizor's car without his permission. After Mrs Yoast had been bound to the Grand Jury, Evilsizor arranged for her release on bond. Early last April, this same woman, with Mary Brown, 18, of Piqua, were involved in a free-for-all with three men, Ray Bey,22, Sidney; Arthur Hancock, 64; Botkins and Evilsizor, on Clark Avenue. Mrs Yoast was brought to Piqua municipal court on the second cutting charge and was bound to the Grand Jury. This case was ignored by the May term grand jury. However, when arraigned she was fined $100 and costs.
Piqua Daily Call Oct 1, 1945
Worley Evilsizor, 66, Route 2, Piqua, shortly before noon today confessed that he had struck and killed Mrs Barbara Yoast, 30, of Piqua in a fight on the bank of Kizer Lake near St Paris some time before 10 p,m. Saturday night. A Charge of murder was to be filed by Champaign County officials today. Evilsizor's confession was made at Piqua Memorial Hospital where he had been taken Sunday morning following an unsuccessful suicide attempt at his home, two and a hlf miles north of Piqua on US 25. The confession was made to Sheriff Jay McKeever of Champaign County along with Richard Seifried local municipal court baliff who assisted Sheriff McKeever, Champaign County Coroner Dr C E Thompson and Miami County Deputy Sheriff Ted Jones. According to baliff Seifried, Evilsizor said that he and Mrs Yoast had been fighting in his car in the driveway just off route 69 along the southwest edge of the lake. He said that in the altercation, both dismounted from the car and that she threw a stone at him. He then picked up a rock and struck her on the head as they clinched in the fighting. He tossed her body into the lake. In relating the story to authorities, Evilsizor said that he was first inclined to move her body from the lake but instead, went to his car and left the scene. Mrs Yoasts body was found by two Springfield men Sunday morning as they were looking for a place to fish at Kizer lake. Marks of violence found on the body included a cut over an eye, one on the side of the head, and one on the forehead. Sheriff McKeever stated that the skull was fractured by the blow on the forehead. No water was found in the lungs, indicating to officers that Mrs Yoast was dead before being thrown into the lake.
Dr Thompson, the Champaign County Coroner said that the woman had been dead between 10 and 12 hours, thus placing the crime at between 8:30 and 10 p.m. Saturday. Marks in the gravel and earth indicated that the body had been dragged down to the lake bank. Spots of blood were found at various points where the fight had occured. Evilsizor is known to have returned to his home north of Piqua around 10 p.m. Saturday. He later left and returend some four hours later, when according to one of his daughters, he secured a shotgun and fired the .12 guage gun into his right side twice. He is to be removed to the Champaign County Hospital at Urbana today, sheriff authorities of that county planning to complete their preliminary questioning before removing him from the hospital here. Hospital staff says Evilsizors condition is fair. Authorities say that Evilsizor and Yoast were seen in Troy earlier Saturday evening, the pair having returned from Alabama where Evilsizor had gone to bring the woman back to Piqua. It is believed that Evilsizor changed the clothes he wore when he killed Mrs Yoast before returning to his home north of Piqua. In his car was found a suitcase containing other clothing. It is reported that a coat and trousers that he wore at the time of the fight with Mrs Yoast, were found to have had spots of blood on them. Officers say that he arrived home near 10 p.m. Saturday and then left returning again near 2 a.m.
Shortly after his arrival home early Sunday morning he told his daughter that he wanted the shotgun for he believed he heard someone around the barn. Authorities reveal that the daughter said she gave him the gun , and her father then went to the barn. Sometime later, when he failed to return after she heard two shots, she went to investigate and found him lying on the floor of the cowshed part of the barn. He had fired the 12 guage shotgun through the fleshy part of his right side twice. The sheriff's office at Troy was notified and officers found Evilsizor alive , with blood all over the gun and bits of flesh plastered against the rafters of the shed. Before being taken to the hospital here, he told his daughter that he had left Barbara at Kizer lake. It also has been established that when he drove from Kizer Lake, his car became stuck in the mud and a farmer residing near by was called to extricate the Miami County man's car from the mire. The farmer, it is reported, is acquainted with Evilsizor. Sheriff Cecil Marshall this morning said that a Troy man told him he had seen Evilsizor and Mrs Yoast together in Troy early Saturday evening. News of the finding of Mrs Yoast's body in Kizer Lake plus the suicide attempt by Evilsizor led local authorities to begin checking the Miami Countian's actions Saturday night. The fact that the two were frequently seen together led law enforcement officials to tentavely, and after investigation, to connect Mrs Yoast's death and Evilsizor's suicide attempt.
Mrs Yoast was scheduled to appear before the October Grand Jury today on a charge of cutting with intent to wound, the outgrowth of an altercation with Evilsizor, alledgedly taking place at Rossville in July. Authorites say that after she was bound to the grand jury on the charge , Evilsizor arranged her release on bond. They say that she had only recently returned from Alabama and was seen in Troy Saturday night with Evilsizor talking to a bondsman in that city. The cutting with intent to wound filed in July was the second preferred against her in four months. Early last April she with a Mary Brown, 18 of Piqua were involved with a free-for-all fight with three men on Clark Avenue near Main Street. At that time, Evilsizor, Ray Bey, 22 of Wilkinson Street, Sidney and Arthur Hancock, 64 of Botkins were cut by a knife which it was alledged Mrs Yoast weilded. Arraigned in municipal court on that charge, she was bound to the May Grand jury but the case was later ignored when it came before the Grand jurors. When arraigned here originally she was also fined $100 on an intoxication charge and sent to the Dayton workhouse until the fine and costs were paid. The second cutting with intent to wound charge was filed in July came during an altercation with Evilsizor when she alledgedly stole his car in Rossville, according to Miami County authorities, the cutting charge being filed instead of auto theft. Mrs Yoast's body was removed to the Richeson Funeral Home in St paris. Dr Thompson, coroner on the case said a coroner's inquest would be held but gave no date for the inquiry. She is a native of Alabama and had come to Piqua to work at Lear Inc. She was he divorced wife of Eli Yoast, who with their three year old adopted son reside in Lima. Other survivors are her father, C B Ferrell, Huntsville, Alabama , a sister Mrs Mattie Leapley of Sidney and a step-daughter Mrs Chester Voress, route 1, Sidney. The body will be shipped to Huntsville Alabama at 7 p.m. for funeral and burial.
Death closed the Barbara Yost murder case near 12:30 a.m. today when Werley Evilsizor, 66, year old farmer of Route 2, Piqua, confessed slayer of Mrs Yoast, 30, of Piqua, died at Champaign County Memorial hospital of self-inflicted wounds. Sheriff Jay McKeever of Champaign County said that Evilsizor had signed a confession that he had killed Mrs Yoast with a stone and threw her body into Kizer Lake near St Paris Saturday night after an argument. A first-degree murder charge had been filed at Urbana against Evilsizor. Champaign County authorities said that self-inflicted wounds caused by as .12 guage shotgun had caused Evilsizor's death.He was removed from Piqua Memorial Hospital to the institution at Urbana near 6 o'clock Monday night when his wounds were not believed serious. Mrs Yoast's slaying was uncovered when her body was found lying in shallow water along the southwest edge of Kizer Lake by two Springfield men Sunday morning. Evilsizor in a suicide attempt near 2 a.m. Sunday twice fired a .12 guage shotgun into his right side. Evidence at the scene of the crime and other clues led authorities to question Evilsizor here Monday morning, thus obtaining his confession.
Amos Werley Evilsizor was born April 14, 1878 in Champaign County the son of Isaac and Amanda Cook Evilsizor. He had resided on a farm south and east of Fletcher for a number of years and then after the death of his first wife, moved to the present residence two and one-half miles north of this city on the Dixie Highway. A number of years ago Evilsizor was well known locally being prominent in horseshoe pitching circles of this section of the state. He was married twice. His first wife Effie E Thackery dying October 23, 1916 and his second wife Elsie A Comer preceding him in death Jan 6, 1944. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs Robert Comer of DeGraff who married a brother of Evilsizor's second wife, Lucille and Alice at home; three brothers, Charles of St Paris, Samuel of Fletcher and Weldon of Napoleon; four sisters, Mrs Lewis Redman of Urbana, Mrs Justus Matteson of Richwood, Mrs Charles Hobarty of North Hampton and Mrs Ida Baumgardner of Bellefontiane; two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Suber Funeral Home in Fletcher with burial to be in Spring Grove Cemetery at Millerstown. Friends may call at Subers after noon on Wednesday.
(Note- Barbara's death certificate gives DOB 2/3/1915 Athens, AL daughter of C B Ferrell and Edna Spencer. Gives full name as Barbara Avery Yoast. Cause of death was "murdered', probably caused by Traumatic shock. She was buried in Merrimac Cemetery, Huntsville, AL)
driver of this car- an old acquaintance whom he had not seen for a long time.The Sherriff then drove to the suspect's farm home north of Piqua on the Dixie highway. It was here that Mrs Gwendola Comer, Evilsizor's eldest daughter, identified the hat which the Sheriff had found at the murder scene. The daughter also told the sheriff about her father's and Mrs. Yoast's affair. Evilsizor later confessed the murder to Sheriff McKeever, Prosecuting Attorney Richard P Faulkner and Coroner Dr C E Thompson from his bedside in Piqua Memorial Hospital. Mrs Yoast's body which was moved from the murder scene to the Bert Richeson Funeral home in St Paris will be sent to Huntsville, Alabama for funeral services and burial. Evilsizor was b rn 4/14/1878, the son of Isaac and Amanda Cook Evilsizor. His father served as pastor for several years of the Baptist Church at both Mechanicsburg and Terre Haute. Twice married, Mr Evilsizor was preceded in death by his two wives, Effie Fletcher Evilsizor and Elsie Comer Evilsizor. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs Robert Comer, DeGraff; Lucille and Alice, at home; a step-daughter, Mrs Christina McDonald, Troy; the following brothers and sisters; Charles W Evilsizor, St Paris Rt 2; Samuel of Fletcher; Weldon of Napoleon; Mrs Louis Redman, Urbana; Mrs Justice Madison, Richwood; Mrs Charles Hoberty, North Hampton and Mrs Bumgardner of Bellefontaine. The body was remov ed to the Suber Funeral Home in Fletcher, Ohio where it is to remain for services at 2:00 P M Thursday in charge of Rev J W Poorman, pastor of Piqua Baptist Church. Burial is to be made in Spring Grove Cemetery, Millerstown.
Piqua Daily Call Oct 2, 1945
Worley Evilsizor, 66, Route 2, Piqua farmer, who died at Champaign County Hospital at 12:30 a.m. today of self-inficted wounds, is shown at Piqua Memorial Hospital Monday after telling authorities that he had killed Mrs Barbara Yost, 30, of Piqua (inset) and threw her body into Kizer Lake near St Paris Saturday night. Evilsizor was removed from the Piqua hospital to Urbana Monday night and was to face a first degree murder charge.
Name : Amos Werley Evilsizor
Death date : 02 Oct 1945 Death place : Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 14 Apr 1878
Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death : 67 years 5 months 18 days
Gender : Male Marital status : widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : Rd 2 Piqua, OH
Occupation : farmer
Burial date : 10/4/1945
Burial place : Millerstown OH
Cemetery name : Spring Grove Cem
Father name : Isaac Evilsizor Father
birth place : Ohio
Mother name : Amanda Cook
Mother birth place : Ohio
Inf-Lucille Evilsizor
COD- gun shot wound to chest- Suicide
GSU film number : 2372584
Digital GS number : 4072474
Image number : 02514
Certificate number : 57526
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
From Champagin Co Genealogical Society Samuel Evilsizor and his wife katherine had four daughters. Their names we re Florence Kilby, Gertrued Karnitz, Ruth Knigge, and Mildred Cunningha m. Mrs Cunningham is living in Waukegan. He was in the electrical busine ss in Libertyville and sold his business to Titus Brothers. Her serv ed as Mayor from 1931 - 1933. Tough a lover of his home, he did enjoy car- traveling. Mr Evilsizor worked for the water department, and was buildi ng commissioner at the time of his death in 1938.
Name : Samuel P. Evilsizor Death date : 09 Jan 1938 Death place : Jackson, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 23 Oct 1871 Birth place : Champaign Co., O. Age at death : 66 years 2 months 16 days Gender : Male Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Electrician Residence : Libertyville, Ill. Burial date : 10 Jan 1938 Burial place : Removal Libertyville, Ill. Spouse name : Kathie Evilsizor Father name : Joseph Evilsizor Father birth place : Mad River Tp., Champaign Co., O. Mother name : Hannah Circle Mother birth place : O. Informant-Mrs Ida Evilsizor, St Paris, OH COD-Gastric ulcers GSU film number : 2023553 Digital GS number : 4030342 Image number : 690 Certificate number : fn 584 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
The Portland Commercial, Thursday, July 11, 1889, p5 c3. Albert Evilsiz er and wife were part of a group of people who went by train to Lima, Oh io to meet Benjamin Mitchell and wife the former Laura Kinsey as they we re making their way from Bombay, India where they were missionaries.
Jay County Newspaper Clippings May 19 1887-April 25, 1889 Vol II 2006 by R ex Bertram The Portland Commercial, Thurs, Feb 21 1889 Married- Davis-Burk - Married at Portland, Ind Feb 19, 1889 G Rosecrantz D avis of Mercer Co, O and Minerva Burk of Jay County, by Albert W Evilsize r, JP
Jay County Newspaper Clippings May 19 1887-April 25, 1889 Vol II 2006 by R ex Bertram The Portland Commercial, Thurs, mar 4 1889 Married- Mason-McDowle in this city Mar 16 1889, John L Mason and Mariet ta McDowle both of this city by "Squire Evilsizer"
Jay County Newspaper Clippings May 19 1887-April 25, 1889 Vol II 2006 by R ex Bertram The Portland Commercial, Thurs, April 11 1889 The trial of George McCartney, Supt of the County Infirmary for committi ng an assault on one of its inmates, James Putt, was held at the Mayor's o ffice in this city, before Esq, Evilsizer, Monday, resulting in a fi ne of $5 and costs amounting to $25.80. Mr McCartney stayed the judgeme nt with W H Hrkins as bail for three months. He has ten days in which to t ake the appeal.
Portland Commercial newspaper, Feb. 6, 1890, That an A.W. Evilsizer of Jay Co.IN had attended the funeral of Harry O ., infant son of J.H. and Nettie J. Davis, who died in Ft. Recovery, Darke Co., OH on Tuesday, Jan. 28th, who died of la grippe, or brain trouble. A.W.'s family and Dr. D.S. Kinsey, Mrs. J.F. Hill, Ruth Osborn, Myrtie and Fannie Long, and Mary Huey all of Jay Co, also attended.
Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Death Date «tab» 04 Sep 1931
Death Place «tab» Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Gender «tab» Male
Marital Status «tab»
Race or Color «tab»
Age «tab» 74
Estimated Birth Year «tab» 1857
Birth Date «tab» 19 Sep 1856
Birthplace «tab» Portland, Indiana
Father «tab» Leonard Morris
Father's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Father's Birth Place «tab» Pennsylvina
Mother «tab» Frances Dye
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Mother's Birth Place «tab» Virginia
Occupation «tab» Farmer
Residence «tab» Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Street Address «tab»
Spouse «tab» Caroline Evilsizer
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace «tab»
Burial Date «tab» 08 Sep 1931
Burial Place «tab» Niles Center, Cook, Illinois
Cemetery «tab» Menorial Park Cemetery
Informant «tab»
Additional Relatives «tab»
Digital Folder Number «tab» 4206161
Image Number «tab» 1860
Film Number «tab» 1893070
Volume/Page/Certificate Number «tab» rn 25598
Evelsizer, Benjamin F. Lived in: Greene Township, Jay County, Indiana 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 380 Book: 1 Page: 31
The Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel Fort Wayne Indiana 18 June 1902 As a result over a dispute over an account, Harry Denton, a merchant at Du nkirk, was severely cut with a knife in the hands of Ben Evilsizer
Name : Elsie Alverna Evilsizer Death date : 06 Jan 1944 Death place : Springcreek, Miami, Ohio Birth date : 30 Apr 1894 Birth place : Champaign, Ohio Age at death : 49 years 8 months 6 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : R. # 2, Occupation : Housekeeper Residence : Piqua, Ohio Burial date : 08 Jan 1944 Burial place : Millerstown, Ohio Spouse name : Amos Worley Evelsizer Father name : Wm. Comer Father birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Mother name : Elnora Erwin Mother birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Informant - A W Evilsizer GSU film number : 2024191 Digital GS number : 4057831 Image number : 349 Certificate number : fn 5797 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
From Springfield, Ohio, the "Springfield Daily News," Saturday, March 1 7, 1979, page 12. MRS. LUTHER (MARY) EVILSIZOR - URBANA - Mrs. Mary E. Evilsizor, 81, formerly of 1309 Camp Ground rd., Urbana, died at 8:15 P.M. Friday in the Urbana Care Center. She was born Oct. 12, 1897, in Miami County, the daught er of William and Nora Erwin Comer. Mrs. Evilsizor was a member of Fir st Baptist Church, and a former member of Rebekah Lodge 188, Daughte rs of America and the Cheer-Up Club. She and her husband had resided at t he Urbana address since their marriage 58 years ago. Survivors include h er husband, Luther; two daughters, Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth) Boyer of Tremo nt City and Mrs. Roger (Becky) Watson of Urbana; a son, Charles William Evilsizor of Freehold, N.J.; a brother, Russell Comer of Casstown; nine gran dchildren and six great-grandchildren. Her body was taken to the Hollingsh ead Funeral Home, where friends may call from 7 to 9 P.M. Monday. Funeral services will be held at 1 P.M. Tuesday in the funeral home with the Re v. Dr. Russell Jones of the Baptist Church of Akron officiating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Name: Luther J Evilsizor City: Not Stated County: Champaign Sta te: Ohio Birthplace: Champaign County Birth Date: 07 May 1897 Roll: 1819 797 WWI Draft Reg Cards June 5 1918 Luther J Evilsizor , RD1 Urbana, OH Age 21 born May 7 1897 Jackson Twp, OH Father born Champaign Co, OH Emplyed for Charley Evilsizor RR1 Urbana, OH Next of kin-Ida Evilsizor (Single) Tall, slender, Blue eyes, light hair
NURSING HOME PlaintiffeAppellee
JAMES LUTHER EVILSIZOR, et al DefendantseAppellants
CAS.E NO. 82 CA 09..
Court of Appeals of Ohio, Champaign County.
January 31, 1983.
PHILLIP S. SCHNEIDER, Champaign County Prosecutor, and CATHY J. WEITHMAN, Assistant County Prosecutor, 300 North Main Street, Urbana, Ohio 43078 Attorneys for PlaintiffeAppellee.
WILLIAM F. NEWMAN, Attorney at Law, 471 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Attorney for DefendantseAppellants.
On July 26, 1972, Mary EVILSIZOR was admitted to the Champaign Nursing Home. At the time of admittance, a factual statement was supplied to the home by defendant James Luther EVILSIZOR, husband of Mary EVILSIZOR. The statement included a list of real estate owned by Mrs. EVILSIZOR, and a notation that Mrs. EVILSIZOR received social security.
By June 18, 1975, complaint filed in the Champaign County Common Pleas Court by the Champaign Nursing Home against Mary and Luther EVILSIZOR, the Nursing Home alleged that defendants owed it $5,335.20 for services rendered to Mrs. EVILSIZOR through May 31, 1975. The Nursing Home also prayed for $17.90 for eachday after May 31, 1975 that Mrs. EVILSIZOR remained at the home. Default judgment was entered against Mr. and Mrs. EVILSIZOR by the Trial Court on August 8, 1975, in the amount of $6,200.80, as defendants had failed to answer or appear in court. The $6,200.80 figure was comprised of the $5,335.20 sum plus $17 a day for 65 days, less payments made by defendants in the amount of $239.40. The Champaign Nursing Home filed a second complaint in the Common Pleas Court against Mary and Luther EVILSIZOR on November 20, 1978, alleging. that defendants owed the home $18,124.55 for services rendered to Mary EVILSIZOR arising out of Mrs. EVILSIZOR'S stay at. the Nursing Home up to and including September 30, 1978. By January 23, 1979 entry, the Home was granted a default Judgment against Mr. and Mrs. EVILSIZOR 'In the sum of $18,124.55, defendants again being in default for answer and not appearing in court in person or by counsel. .
The Champaign Nursing Home filed a third complaint in the Champaign County Common Pleas Court on November 27~ 1979 ~against Mr. EVILSIZOR and the Treasurer of Champaign County. The complaint asserted in part that the certificates of Judgment filed on the August 8, 1975 Judgment' and the January 23, 1979 Judgment against Mr. EVILSIZOR were valid liens on the premises of Mr. EVILSIZOR as described in the complaint. The Home prayed that the liens on the property be marshalled, and that the real property be sold.
amended complaint filed January 16, 1980, the Champaign Nursing Home added as defendants Betty Watson, Mrs. William Boyer and William EVILSIZOR. According to plaintiff, these new defendants may have claimed some interest in the property as heirs at law of Mary EVILSIZOR.
In the interim, Charles William EVILSIZOR, Elizabeth Boyer, and Betty Watsom pursuant to Clv. R. 60(B), moved the Trial Court to vacate its August 8, 1975 and January «b»«i»23, «/b»«/i»1979 Judgments. The three stated in the motions that as children, heirs-at~law and next of kin of Mary EVILSIZOR, now deceased, the Court lacked Jurisdiction over the person of Mary EVILSIZOR.
The Common Pleas Court, as regards its August 8, 1975 judgment vacated the judgment against Mary EVILSIZOR by April 19, 1982 entry the Court finding that there was no Jurisdiction over her person in that case. However, the Trial Court determined that the judgment and theretore the certificate of judgment remained in effect against Mr. EVILSIZOR. No appeal of the Champaign Common Please Court is reversible in appellate proceedings. If the judgment upon which a judgment lien is based is merely voidable, such judgment lien is not subject to collateral attack. People's Banking Company v. Bertschy (Montgomery County Court of Appeals No. 7860, October 6, 1982), unreported. See also 30 AM JUR. 2d Executions, Section 721 (1967).
A judgment is void only in the event a court does not have jurisdiction, 1) over the person because the defendant is not before the court by proper process or appearance, or 2) over the subjettt matter of the action. See Incorporated Consultants v. Todd (1964), 175 Ohio St. 425, 195 N.E. 2d 788, and cases cited therein.
The first issue for determination, therefore, is whether the Common Pleas Court had jurisdiction over the person of Mrs. EVILSIZOR in Case No. 78-'CIV'112.«tab»Defendants' first two assignments of error relate to this issue. First, defendants argue that the January 23, 1979 judgment was taken against a physically incapable, feebleminded patient of a county nursing home. Oefendants refer this Court to evidence introduced at the July 17, 1980 hearing that Mrs. EVILSIZOR in 1978 was not able to manage her own affairs, and was not able to take care of herself, either physically or mentally.
The record indicates that, in reterence to plaintiff's November 20, 1978 complaint, personal service of the summons and accompanying documents was made on James EVILSIZOR and Mary EVILSIZOR. The Common Pleas Court concluded that Mary EVILSIZOR was not incompetent at the time, so therefore the court had personal jurisdiction over her.
Even assuming Mary EVILSIZOR was incompetent, (FNI) Civ. R. 4.2 states in pertinent part:
FNI See R. C. 2111.01(0). incompetent being defined as, in pertinent part,
any person who by reason of advanced age or infirmity, is incapable of taking proper care of himself or his property.
"Service of process. .shall be made as follows:
(3)«tab»Upon an incompetent person by serving either the incompetent's guardian or the person designated in subdivision
(5) of this rule, but if no guardian has been appointed and the incompetent is not under confinement or commitment, by serving the incompetent;
(4)«tab»Upon an individual confined to a penal institution of this state or a subdivision of this state, by serving the individual.
(5) Upon and incompetent person who is confined in any institution for the mentally ill or mentally deficient or committed by order of court to custody of , a lien attaching to all real property of such recipient or spouse described in the certificate.
Rather, the testimony indicates that Mary EVILSIZOR was admitted to the county home on the basis that her support would be paid for by her husband. Thus, her property was exempted from possassion by the county commissioners under R. C. 5155.23. Mrs. EVILS1ZOR'S status with the county home was therefore analogous to the relationship of a nursing home and a private patient. No bond under R. C. 5155.26 was deemed necessary, and bills for Mrs. EVILSIZOR'S care were sent out by the county home at regular intervals. The bills were paid until 1974. In order to receive payment for the uncollected bills, for services rendered, the Champaign Nursing Home instituted the 1975 and 1978 actions in the Common Pleas Court. We conclude the Common Pleas Court had jurisdiction over the subject matter of the actions.
Initially, the county home could not seek possession of Mrs. EVILSIZOR'S real or personal property in the Probate Court pursuant to R. C. 5155.23, as that section applies only to persons entering county homes. In this case, Mrs. EVILS1ZOR was a resident ot the home for over two years at the time the 1975 action tor non~payment of bills was commenced.
R. C. 5155.26 is silent as to remedies when a guardian, husband, wife, heirs, or persons entitled to the residuary interest in such property fail to pay the superintendent of the county home the amounts owed for the support of the ... The board of county commissioners shall seek to secure possession of such property by filing a petition in the probate court.
Ergo, the Common Pleas Court had jurisjdiction over the subject matter of the two suits brought for payment of services rendered to Mary EVILSIZOR.
In reference to defendants' fifth assignment of error that the Trial Court erroneously determined that the life estate of a spouse of a deceased county nursing home patient does not prevail over an after acquired judgment lien, we note that plaintiff did not proceed under R. C. 5155.061 in its dealings with Mrs. EVILSIZOR.
The assignment of error is overruled.
The judgment of the Trial Court is affirmed.
KERNS, P.J., and BROGAN, J., concur.
Ohio App., 1983.
1983 WL 5031 (Ohio App.)
Springfield News Sunday May 22, 1983 Luther Evilsizor, 86, formerly of 1309 Campground Rd, Urbana, died at 3: 40 P.M. Friday in Mercy Medical Center where he had been a patient for o ne day. He was born in Thackery, Ohio, May 7, 1897, a son of Charles and Ida Edmondson Evilsizor, a was a life long area resident. He was a retired farmer and horseman. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs William (Elizabeth ) Boyer, Tremont City, and Mrs Roger (Betty) Watson, Urbana; one son, William, Freehold, NJ; nine grandchildren; seven great grandchildren. Friends may call from 3-5 and 7-9 P.M. Monday at the Hollingshead funeral h ome, Urbana, where services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Tuesday with the R ev William Ford, campus pastor of the Springfield Christian Schools, offic iating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery.
about George T. Osborn
Name: «tab»George T. Osborn
Death Date: «tab»14 Jan 1928
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864
Age: «tab»64 years
Parish: «tab»Calcasieu
Certificate Number: «tab»349
Volume: «tab»1
Title: «tab»Louisiana Statewide Death Indeces 1900-1929
No one was injured, but some property damage resulted in a two car collision on Rt 62 at New Market, Monday, about 8 p.m., the state patrol said. The accident involved a northbound car driven by Harlan Gregory, 22, Morehead, KY and a southbound car drivin by James E Evilsizer, 22, Mowerystown. Gregory got over the center line on a curve, the patrol said. There was minor damage to both vehicles.
Hillsboro Press Gazette (Hillsboro, Ohio) > 1974 > April > 10 Happy Wanders HOmemaker Club committee chairwoman, Mrs James Evilsizer presented a selection....the next meeting will be at the home on Mrs James Evilsizer April 25th at Winchester.
Hillsboro Press Gazette (Hillsboro, Ohio) > 1974 > October > 4 Happy Wanderser Homemaker Club Mrs James Evilsizer demonstrated making decal placques using pictures from Christmas cards using decal glue. ..Secret sister gifts were distributed, one birthday gift was chanced and Mrs James Evilsizer was the winner.
Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Ohio State: Hawaii
Enlistment Date: 27 May 1944
Enlistment State: Indiana Enlistment City: Fort Benjamin Harrison Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life
Education: 3 years of high school Civil
Occupation: Shop Clerk
Marital Status: Married Height: 00 Weight: 000
Certificate Number: 29151 Volume Number: 079265 First Name: JAMES Middle Name: S Last Name: EVILSIZER Sex: Male Month of Death: November Day of Death: 29 Year of Death: 1992 Month of Birth: July Day of Birth: 05 Year of Birth: 1921 Fathers Surname: EVILSIZER Time of Death: 07:22 am Age: 71 Years State of Birth: 1801 Marital Status: Married State of Residence: Ohio Hispanic: Non-Hispanic Race: White Education: Elementary or Secondary State of Death: Social Security Number: 288123485 Mothers Maiden Name: NEUMANN
Birth Date: «tab»5 Jul 1921
Birth Place: «tab»Cuyahoga
State File Number: «tab»1921134317
Additional Information: «tab»Newman
Birth Date: «tab»abt 1921
Age at Death: «tab»71
Death Date: «tab»29 Nov 1992
Death Place: «tab»Bluffton, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Kathleen Moran
Marriage Date: «tab»13 Jun 1952
Parents: «tab»Everett
Newspaper Information: «tab»Newspaper: Bluffton News; Newspaper Date: 03 Dec 1992; Newspaper Page: 6 Column: 4; Repository: Bluffton Public Library;
Name: «tab»James S Evilsizer
Birth Date: «tab»abt 1921
Age at Death: «tab»71
Death Date: «tab»29 Nov 1992
Death Place: «tab»Bluffton, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Kathleen Moran
Marriage Date: «tab»13 Jun 1952
Parents: «tab»Everett
Newspaper Information: «tab»Newspaper: Bluffton News; Newspaper Date: 03 Dec 1992; Newspaper Page: 6 Column: 4; Repository: Bluffton Public Library;
Birth Date: «tab»9 Nov 1954
State File Number: «tab»1952186653
Additional Information: «tab»Moran
Not able to locate in 1910 by a page by page search.
Ulrich was married to Effie evilsizor. His middle initial is shown as H ., and he died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Harold Venrick near Mechan icsburg, Champaign County, Ohio. Hs death date was Monday March 10, 19 8. His funeral service was held at mutual M.E. Church with the burial in B uck Creek Cemetery. The survivors are listed as Mrs. Harold Venrick, Roy,C lifford, Ross, Mrs.Herschel Brigner, Mrs.James Mason,Mrs.Lowell Dunham, a nd Mrs Richard Reedy
My Aunt Jane who was born in 1917 remembers him. She said he visited o ne family after another. At their house, he preferred Grandma (his daughte r) and my Aunt Erma. Aunt Jane also said that he wasn't very nice. Ulric h, from what I understand, was a strange man who wandered from family to f amily. I have found family members in both Clark and Champaign Counties.
Three years before his death, he underwent surgery for cancer. Ulrich w as a widower for over twenty years. My aunt told me that he wasn't a very nice person. Sue Pets
Middle name obtained from marriage document of dau Eva
Name : U. H. Lippencott
Death date : 10 Mar 1928
Death place : Goshen, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth date : 24 Oct 1858
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Jackson, Ohio
Age at death : 69 years 4 months 16 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Farmer
Residence :
Burial date : 11 Mar 1928
Burial place : Buck Creek, Champaign Co., Ohio
Cemetery name :
Spouse name :
Father name : Harry Lippencott
Father titles :
Father birth place : Va.
Mother name : Martha Davis
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Va.
Inf- Clifford Lippencott, Mechanicsburg, OH
COD- stomach cancer
GSU film number : 1991204
Digital GS number : 4022085
Image number : 1385
Reference number : fn 13721
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Cliffor E Lippencott Gender: Male Date of Death: 01 March 1971 Volume: 20395 Certificate: 015640 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 78 Years
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg116 May 17 1912 Urbana Daily Citizen - Ethel Lip pencott for bastardy --se Oren Brigner
Death Date: «tab»29 Jul 1940
Death Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Lorrell Dunham
Father's Name: «tab»Ulrich Lippencott
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Effie Evilsizor
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2023839
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020678
Name : Ross Emmett Lippencott Death date : 29 Aug 1950 Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States Birth date : 10 Sep 1896 Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 53 years 11 months 19 days Gender : Male Marital status : married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 547 N russell Occupation : retired Burial date : 9/1/1950 Burial place : Champaign Co Cemetery name : Mutual Cem Father name : Ulrick Lippencott Mother name : Effie Evilsizor Informant-Lillian Lippencott COD-Coronary oclusion GSU film number : 2372661 Digital GS number : 4109282 Image number : 00185 Certificate number : 47368 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Deed Recorded Champaign Co, Johnson, OH Bk K pg 118 SW 1/4 E 1/2 6/28/1833 Minor Dye to Daniel Bray, 8.66 acres, part of south-west quart er recorded in book K pg 118 6/28/1833 Minor Dye to Zenus Everett, 12 acres recorded in Book L pg 32 4/7/1837 Minor Dye to Lewis Colvin, east half of south-west quarter record ed Book O pg 478
(C) : Between the Miami, Ranges IV-XV: Lands lying north of the northern b oundary of Range III. Greene, Clark, Champaign,Shelby and Logan Counties, (all or a part of ea ch county) ALL in Ohio. Looking at the combined atlas of Darke County, I find the address in quest ion to be in York Township. Range 12, Town 3, Section 31. Note: This parti cular section, which is next to Range 11, is smaller than normal with tot al acreage slightly over half of a normal section of 640 acres.
From Tibbitts Research Docs
(Notes taken at Troy, Ohio, at the public library and at the historical society headquarters.)
Columbus, Ohio, contains names and addresses of 20 Gleasons. This relates to the fact that Gm. Sarah Vincent told of a lawyer by the name of Gleason was son-in-law to an elderly Mrs. Dye, and that Gleason was trying to buy out the supposed rights of the Dye people
to the rumored inheritance from Andrew Dye.
This Dye woman said she had seen 2 deeds to Pennsylvania lands that belonged to Andrew Dye, one a sheepskin and one a parchment. (Note by B.V.T.) Many Dye people have tried to get to the bottom of this story about the large holdings of coal lands Andrew Dye was said to have owned in Penn., and left on a 99 year lease to coal or railroad companies, to be returned to the heirs at expiration of the lease. From the information I have gathered, I think the story is fictitious, and that the only lands Andrew owned in his later years were the 2 adjoining parcels called Sparro*'s Nest, and Green Hill, (See map of Greene County showing Whitely Creek drainage area.)
The same Columbus, Ohio, telephone directory also shows the Dye listings of 69 persons.
Book HISTORY OF MIAMI COUNTY (Ohio), published in 1880, lists Dye men by the name of Minor Dye:- Minor L. Dye was a member of the Miami C-kinty Agricultural Society in 1846. He had married Maria H. Thomas, Oct. 27, 1840. Children listed. (Same book, p.685) Lists Minor J. Dye. Also there is a lengthy list of people by the name of Long, but no clue found to identify Delilah Long, wife of Minor Dye of Jollytown, Pa. A book at the historical society, TROY, THE 19th CENTURY, mentions the use of carbon arc lamps for street lighting, the earliest form of street lighting following gas lamps. Andrew Dye and family lived in the vicinity of the Stillwater River and where Pleasant Hill is today. The cemetery at the latter place is near the town, where Andrew and 2nd wife Ann are buried. This cemetery had a monument that read "J.K.Teeter, Founder of Pleasant Hill."
Facts Supporting Parentage. 1. Born Greene Co, PA 2.Marries Delilah Long c1818-1819-(parents unknown) 3. Brother Andrew and Reason marry Long girls, parents unknown. 4. Appears in 1820 Census Greene Co, PA in same Twp as father James. New ly married and no children. 5. First child Frances born 1820, Greene Co, PA 6. Second child Sarah b 1821-1826 marries a Mr Gilbert 7. Child Barbara Ann b 1827 8. Son James (probably named after grandfather) b1/12/1831Elizabeth, Mia mi Co, OH 9. 1/11/1831 purchased land in what appears to be Darke Co, gives residen ce as Champaign Co, OH 10. Dye and Long Families migrated to this area. 11. Cannot find in 1830 Census to verify children, but does NOT appe ar in Greene Co, PA 12. Son Benjamin b 7/28/1833, Troy, Miami Co, OH-per obit 1835 List of males in Miami Co, names no Minor Dye 13. 1837 buys land in Jay Co, IN 14. 1839 Daughter Francis marries Leonard Morris Evilsizer, Jay Co, IN 15. 1840 Jay Co, IN Census-(Does NOT appear in Greene Co, PA) 16. 1841 Wife dies and is buried in Winters Cemetery, Jay Co, IN 17. 1842 Returns to Greene Co, PA 18 1843 marries Rachel Cain 19. 1844 Son Jefferson born in Green Co, PA 20. 1847 daughter Barbara Ann marries Daniel Evilsizer, Miami Co, OH 21. 1850 Census Greene Co, PA with Rachel and son Jefferson 22. 1853 son James marries Mary Ann Evilsizer in Miami Co, OH 23.1855 son Benjamin marries Elizabeth McKee in Miami Co, OH 24. 1860 Census Green Co, PA, wife Rachel and son Jefferson (Unable to find minor children (James and Benjamin) in ANY 1850 Cens us of OH,PA,IN 25 1870 Census Green Co, Gilmore Pa age 70 widow 26 Francis and Leonard Evilsizer named a son Reason Evilsizer Minor's fath er was James Reason Dye and brother named Reason) 27, Obituary of Leonard Evilsizer says wifes mother died in Jay County a nd her father died in Greene Co, PA, asserting he must have returned to G reene Co, PA
1850 Penn Census Minor Dye, 51 M, Farmer, Real Estate Value $2000, Born in PA Rachel Dye, 50 F, Born in PA Jefferson Dye, 6 M, Born in PA Mary Ann Jolley, 22 F, Born in PA Oliver P. Jolley, 15 M, No occupation, Born in PA Charles Jolley, 12 M, Born in PA (Note-The real estate value is well above average for this area. Avera ge is $400-$500. Mary Ann, Oliver and Charles all attended school within t he past year.)
Census Index: Western PA, 1870 Greene County Dye, Minor Sex : M Race : W Age : 70 Birth place : PA Township : Gilmore Twp Microfilm : Roll 1348, Page 247
KNOW ALL LIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Minor Dye, of Gilmore Township,
FIRST:- My will is; that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall by my executor hereinafter named be paid out of my estate, as soon after my decease as shall by him be found convenient,
SECOND:- That my beloved wife, Rachel Dye, shall be paid out of my estate all of her lawful interest.
THIRD:- I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Jefferson Dye, the reversion
or remainder of my dwelling house and lot of ground situate in Jolleytown, in the county and state aforesaid, and bounded as follows, Viz;
On the South side by Main Street.
On the West and North by land of P. McCullough and Company.
On the East by Alley. And all profits, income and advantage that may result therefrom, To have and to hold the same to him, the said Jefferson Dye, his heirs and assigns, to his and their use and behoof forever. And I further give, devise, and be- queath to my son, Jefferson Dye, the remainder, if any, of all my personal property.
And Lastly:- I do nominate and appoint my son, Jefferson Dye, to be th exe- cutor of this my last will and testament.
being duly affiniied according to law, depose and say that they were present and saw and heard Minor Dye, the Testator, sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the foregoifl instrument of writing to be his last will and testament, and that they signed the 5EQ his request, and in his presence, and in presence of each other; that at the time Of do- ing thereof the said Minor Dye, was of sound and disposing mind, memory and undorstandj-.. to the best of their knowledge, observation and belief.
J. L. Shriver.
Peter Bradley.
& Subscribed this 7th day of July 1873
Registered July 7th, 1873.
Name: Frances S Heindl Gender: Female Date of Death: 27 May 1995 Birth Date: 01 November 1917 Volume: 30240 Certificate: 036810 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 291286505 Father's Surname: Evilsizor Time of Death: 9:05 AM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Foose Race: White Birth Place: Trotwood, Montgomery County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 77
[Frances Evilsizor]
Birth Date: «tab»1 Nov 1917
State File Number: «tab»1917104796
Additional Information: «tab»Marshall
Sons Jim and Jerry
Birth Date: «tab»18 Feb 1921
Birth Place: «tab»Clark
State File Number: «tab»1921011431
Additional Information: «tab»Foose
Sent: 3/18/2011 6:09:49 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Received a phone call this morning from Jerry Anthony stating his mom Marge Anthony passed away. He was getting ready to drive over to his dad's house to inform him of the sad news. The family will be meeting today to make final arrangements. I was advised yesterday Marge had pneumonia and was taken to the Hospital in Greenville, Ohio. She was the daughter of Marshall Evilsizor and just turned 90 this past February. All I know at this time is she will be buried at Pleasant Hill Ohio where our dad and her mother were laid to rest. My dad's first wife passed away prior to marrying my mother Lela. Don Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»18 Feb 1921
Birth Place: «tab»Ohio, USA
Death Date: «tab»18 Mar 2011
Death Place: «tab»Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, USA
Cemetery: «tab»Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: «tab»Pleasant Hill, Miami County, Ohio, USA
Has Bio?: «tab»Y
Spouse: «tab»J Harold Anthony Sr
Father: «tab»Marshall Evilsizor
Mother: «tab»Lida Maude Evilsizor
Name: Lewis M. Evilsizor SSN: 286-12-2874 Last Residence: 45377 Vandalia, Montgomery, Ohio Born: 17 Jan 1923 Died: 12 Feb 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
«tab»MM2 US NAVY
«tab»DATE OF BIRTH: 01/17/1923
«tab»DATE OF DEATH: 02/12/2005
«tab»(937) 293-1221
ELEYET LEVI County Name: MONTGOMERY Date of Death: 8/11/1928 Volume Number: 5738 Certificate Number: 51040
1910 Census Name: Levi W Eleyet Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 43 Color: W Enumeration District: 0146 Visit: 0034 County: Shelby Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Susie A 40 Ohio Son Harry A 17 Ohio Daughter Jessie 16 Ohio
Not found 1920 Census
This is not Harry, as him and Bessie are also in the 1920 Census. So I sus pect Harry must have also died as he is not found in 1920 or 1930
Zanesfield Cemetery, Logan Co, OH Eleyet, Allie, 1877- (on monument with Otis N. Eleyet) Eleyet, Anna Mae, 1906-1993 (on monument with Harold O. Eleyet) Eleyet, Bessie Peelle, 1895-1944 Eleyet, Harold O., 1895-1965 (on monument with Anna Mae Eleyet; 2nd monume nt: 4 Oct 1895-20 Jan 1965, Pvt., Quartermaster Corps, World War I) Eleyet, Otis N., 1871-1954 (on monument with Allie Eleyet) Stopp, Martha N., 19 Jul 1926-23 Feb 1992 (daughter; adjacent to Haro ld O. Eleyet monument)
Fairview Cemetery, Logan Co, OH Eleyet, Clayton H., 1896-1919 Eleyet, Eva May, 1874-1910 Eleyet, Quin Y., 1873-1933 Eleyet, R. A. (Co. E, 134th Ohio Inf.) Eleyet, Susan, 16 Sep 1957
Zanesfield Cemetery, Logan Co, OH
Eleyet, Allie, 1877- (on monument with Otis N. Eleyet)
Eleyet, Anna Mae, 1906-1993 (on monument with Harold O. Eleyet)
Eleyet, Bessie Peelle, 1895-1944
Eleyet, Harold O., 1895-1965 (on monument with
Anna Mae Eleyet; 2nd monument: 4 Oct 1895-20 Jan 1965, Pvt., Quartermaster Corps, World War I)
Eleyet, Otis N., 1871-1954 (on monument with Allie Eleyet)
Stopp, Martha N., 19 Jul 1926-23 Feb 1992 (daughter; adjacent to Harold O. Eleyet monument)
Fairview Cemetery, Logan Co, OH
Eleyet, Clayton H., 1896-1919
Eleyet, Eva May, 1874-1910
Eleyet, Quin Y., 1873-1933
Eleyet, R. A. (Co. E, 134th Ohio Inf.)
Eleyet, Susan, 16 Sep 1957
Inscription: Until We Are Together Again
Cambridge Jeffersonian (Cambridge, Ohio) > 1904 > March > 17 Mr and Mrs L Evilsizer of Cambridge have moved to the farm here owned by G eorge Bendur
Cambridge Jeffersonian (Cambridge, Ohio) > 1904 > March > 24 Logan Evilsizer and wife made a business trip to Cambridge last Saturday
Cambridge Jeffersonian (Cambridge, Ohio) > 1904 > May > 5 Logan Evilsizer made a business trip to Cambridge and purchased a new bug gy and harness
Cambridge Jeffersonian (Cambridge, Ohio) > 1904 > June > 2 L Eviliszer and wife visited griends at Cambridge Saturday
Cambridge Jeffersonian (Cambridge, Ohio) > 1904 > July > 21 Mr and Mrs L Evilsizer went to Cambridge on business last week
Cambridge Jeffersonian (Cambridge, Ohio) > 1904 > August > 25 Miss Ethel Bendur and her sister Ella of near Cmabridge were visiti ng Mr and Mrs Evilsizer last week
Cambridge Jeffersonian (Cambridge, Ohio) > 1905 > October > 19 Logan Evilsizer and wife of near Concord visited firends here Saturday a nd Sunday
Death Date: «tab»10 Jul 1909
Death Place: «tab»Valley, Guernsey, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 Apr 1848
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Noble Co., O.
Death Age: «tab»62 years
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»N... Co.
Cemetery Name: «tab»Mt. Zion
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Eligoh Davis
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Old Virginia
Mother's Name: «tab»Eliza Coffman
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Old Va.
Film Number: «tab»1927181
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4019327
Image Number: «tab»955
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 35098
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»20 Sep 1889
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Thomas Knox
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Harriet Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04234-6
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 3 p 115
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»23 Sep 1891
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Thomas Knox
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Harriet Evelsizer
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04234-6
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 3 p 116
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»09 May 1898
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Thomas Knox
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Harrett Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04234-6
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 3 p 119
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Oct 1904
Event Place: «tab»Noble, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»P Kinsinger
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Almira Babio
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Minnie Graham
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Graham
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 66
Film Number: «tab»930096
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017351
Image Number: «tab»406
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»20 Jul 1887
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Joshua Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Elmira Bailis
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04046-7
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 2 p 121
Birth Date: 9 Sep 1889 Sarahsville, OH age 27
Res- Caldwell, OH
Empl-Plumber and Tinner for C E Kinsinger
Married with wife and child
Med height, slender, grey eyes, lt brn hair, no disabilities
Singed June 5, 1917 Jonah Evilsizer
Census names Noah Evilsizer Tombstone names Jonah W 1920 Census of house includes Gilbert Hartley named as son. age 14 and Dor othy Hartley named as daughter age 6
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 29 July 1938 Return to Columbus Mr and Mrs Charles Kinsinger returned Thursday to Columbus after being cal led to Caldwell becasue of the death of his neice, Mrs William Khune who se funeral was held Wednesday. Mr Kinsinger is a former well known busine ss man of Caldwell and while they were here they were guests of Mr and M rs Jonah Evilsizer on East Street.
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Jonah Evilsizer Birth Date: 9 Sep 1889 Residence: Noble Co, Ohio , 302 East St, Caldwell,OH Birth: Sarahsville, Ohio Race: White Roll: WWII_2372905 Contact-Charles Evilsizer, Caldwell, OH Emp- (Blank)
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 14 April 1953 Admitted Into Good Samaritan Jonah W Evilsizer, Caldwell, Surgery
Zanesville Signal, The (Zanesville, Ohio) > 1953 > May > 8 Caldwell- J W Evilsizer business man in Caldwell who has been a patient f or several weeks at Good Samaritan Hospital , Zanesville, has been dismiss ed to the home of his daughter, Mrs Carl Kackley, Pleasant City.
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»09 Sep 1889
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Joshua Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Elmyra Balis
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04046-7
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 3 p 57
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»09 May 1878
Birthplace «tab»Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Hiram Davis
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Hattie Evilszer
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C04218-3
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930098
Reference Number «tab»v 1 p 362
Death Date: «tab»16 Jun 1943
Death Place: «tab»Caldwell, Noble, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Apr 1871
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»72 years 2 months 3 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»21 Jun 1943
Burial Place: «tab»Dudley, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Edward Sanford
Father's Name: «tab»Nathan Landakar
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Parker
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2024138
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4122078
Image Number: «tab»420
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 47256
The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 06 November 1939 Lodge Meets Eleanor Robinson and mary Jane Evilsizer were initiated into the Rebekah L odge Friday evening at their evening meeting.
The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 04 March 1940 Lodge Meeting The committee will include Mrs Etta Colley of Belle Valley , Inez and Lou ise Clark, Ruth Evilsizer and mary jane Evilsizer and Alice Dyer
Birth Date: «tab»18 Sep 1921
Birth Place: «tab»Noble
State File Number: «tab»1921098800
Additional Information: «tab»Sanforo
The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 13 June 1940 Presbyterian Sunday School Class Meeting Guests include Mrs Chester Huprich, son David, Bobby and Sally Sue Evilsiz er Prizes werw won by Mrs Charles Evilsizer
Name: Ruth Fouch Age: 22 Estimated birth year: abt 1908 Birthplace: West Virgin ia OH OH Relation to head-of-house: Inmate Race: White Home in 1930: Lancaster, Fairfield, Ohio Lancaster Municipal Hospita l- Student Nurse Image source: Year: 1930; Census Place: Lancaster, Fairfield, Ohio; Rol l: 1791; Page: ; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 789.0.
Name: Ruth Evilsizer Gender: Female Date of Death: 31 July 1998 Birth Date: 25 January 1908 Volume: 31623 Certificate: 058797 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 299322064 Father's Surname: Fouch Time of Death: 5:35 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 14 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Donation Mother's Surname: Devol Race: White Birth Place: Marietta, Washington County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 90
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007 about Carl B Kackley
Name: «tab»Carl B Kackley
Birth Date: «tab»1918
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence Place: «tab»Guernsey, Ohio, United States
Death Date: «tab»12 Nov 1970
Hospital of Death: «tab»Public - Other
Death Place: «tab»Cambridge, Guernsey, Ohio, USA
Certificate: «tab»092660
Age at Death: «tab»52
Certifier: «tab»Coroner
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Information on ancestors of Garnet were found on WFT Vol 51 Tree 1241
Name: Garnet Anne Evilsizer Gender: Female Date of Death: 18 September 1994 Birth Date: 05 September 1936 Volume: 29966 Certificate: 073330 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 269328216 Father's Surname: Clark Time of Death: 1:45 PM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Other Years of Schooling: 05 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Dye Race: Black Birth Place: Noble County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 58
Personal family knowledge, she is not black. Is error in death record
First Cousin of Martha Curtis Washington
1883-1903 Inventory & Appraisments Book B pg 264 Whitfield Co, GA Filed, July 4, 1899 State of Georgia, Whitfield, Co By the court of Ordinary of said county: To D K McKany, D C Bryant, Fra nk Weatherly, J C King, J K Lowry. These are to authorize you or any thr ee of you, whose name are here above written to attend and appraise the g oods and chatels, lands, tenements, rights or credits of Adalyn Evilsiz er deceased, wheresoever any of the goods, chattles, lands, tenement s, or rights or credits of said deceased are within the county of Whitfie ld and which shall be sworn unto you by F I Reynolds, Adm or come to yo ur knowledge or sight, you having first taken the oath before some legal ly authorized person to make a true and perfect inventory thereof and a nd to cause the same to be returned under your hands, or any three or mo re of you to the said court within two months from the date herof. In test amony whereof, I hereunto affix my hand and seal this 3rd day of July 189 9. Joseph Bogle, Ordinary.
Oath of Appriasers State of Georgia Whitfield, County You, D C Bryant, D K McKany, J C King, J F Weatherly do swear that you wi ll make a just true appriasment and inventory of all and singular, the goo ds, chattles, lands, tenements, rights and credits of Adalyn Evilsizer dec eased as shall be produced by you by F J Reynolds, Adm of the estate of t he deceased and will make a retunr thereof according to law. D C Byrant D K McKany J C King J F Weatherly
Inventory and Appriasement 1 Piano $150.00 1 Lounge 8.50 1 lot books and sheet music100.00 1 small writing desk2.50 3 Rockers7.50 TOTAL268.50 3 upright chairs2.50 1 Violin and case5.00 1 lot pictures and plaques5.00 1 small center table1.50 Parlor Carpet5.00 TOTAL18.00 1 Bedroom carpet5.00 1 Ring1.00 1 Student lamp2.00 1 Alarm Clock .50 1 Mantle Clock5.00 TOTAL13.50 1 bedspeard, mattress, 3 pillows, bed quilts15.00 Portiers .50 4 window shades, poles trunk, clothing, quilts, carpetrags?, Ant?mat?100. 00 TOTAL115.50 Dining room table, 2 mirrors, pictures & tableware 10.00 Kitchen utinsils 2.50 Money 3.84 TOTAL16.34 2 prep books, 2 rings, breast pin 1.00 1 Ladies watch10.00 1 pocket knife .25 TOTAL11.25 GRAND TOTAL 443.09
We the undersigned appraisers do certify that having been first sworn by a nd before each other accoding to law that the written and foregoi ng is a true inventory and appraisement of all of the estate of Adelyn Evi lsizer, deceased, so far as the same was produced before us by the Adminis trator of said deceased to the best of our judgement and understanding, sw orn under our hands and seals this 7th day of July 1899. JC King, D C Brya nt, D K McKany, J F Weatherly
Book B pg 141 Sale Bill of the personal property and effects of Mrs Adalyn Evilsizer. Sold by Frank T Reynolds, Adm by order of the court of Ordinary. Whitfield Co, GA, sold July 20, 1899 1 Piano130.30 1 Lounge 10.75 1 Watch 8.45 1 Carpet 3.05 1 Desk, etc 4.60 1 Bed etc 5.25 Lot Books, HH Goods, clothing, etc80.20 TOTAL as per attached bill242.63
I J T Reynolds Adalyn Evilsizer do swear that the foregoing sale bill is c orrect so far as I know or believe, so help me God. Sworn to and establish ed before me on this July 22, 1899
Dorothy A. Zerkle August 23, 1909 - January 15, 2000
Birthplace: St.Paris, Ohio Resided In: Urbana OH USA
DOROTHY A. ZERKLE, 89, of Urbana, died at 6:15 P.M., Saturday, January 1 5, 2000 in Mercy McAuley Center. She was born in St. Paris, Ohio on Augu st 23, 1909 the daughter of Wilbur and Ada (Apple) Collins. Dorothy w as a member of River of Life Christian Center. She was a graduate of Witt enberg University and had retired from the Springfield City Schools aft er 35 years of teaching. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-la w, Marilyn and Russell Bodey of Urbana; three grandchildren, Gary (Vicki e) Bodey, Gloria (Brack) Houchens, and Brian Bodey; eleven great grandchil dren, Jacob, Perry, Tyson, Dorothy, Landon, Rebecca, Jason, Levi, Hanna h, Rosemary and Laura. She was preceded in death by her husband, Garna rd Zerkle in 1995 and two sisters, Helen Shaffer and Mary Baker. Priva te services will be held at the convenience of the family. The fami ly is being served by the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home, Urbana.
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»02 Nov 1931
Event Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Residence: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»67 years 7 months 28 days
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Birth Date: «tab»05 Mar 1864
Birthplace: «tab»Shelby County, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864
Burial Date: «tab»05 Nov 1931
Burial Place: «tab»Shelby County, Ohio
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»Wellington Branson
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Long
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»George Dill
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 67435
Film Number: «tab»1992478
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000608
Image Number: «tab»530
Name: «tab»Forest Birt
SSN: «tab»281-10-4372
Last Residence: «tab»54548 Minocqua, Oneida, Wisconsin,
Born: «tab»20 Nov 1908
Died: «tab»Oct 1987
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997 about Forest Virgil Birt
Name: «tab»Forest Virgil Birt
Death Date: «tab»7 Oct 1987
Location: «tab»Oneida (May be abbreviated)
Certificate: «tab»023654
John C. Linder found in: Census Microfilm Records: Illinois, 1900 Lived in: Humboldt Township, Coles County, Illinois Series: T623 Microfilm: 244 Book: 1 Page: 128
Name: «tab»Ralph E. Lamping
SSN: «tab»286-16-6205
Last Residence: «tab»45373 Troy, Miami, Ohio,
Born: «tab»26 Feb 1922
Died: «tab»22 Feb 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ralph E Lamping
Name: «tab»Ralph E Lamping
Birth Date: «tab»26 Feb 1922
Birth City: «tab»Sidney
Birth County: «tab»Shelby
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Piqua
Residence County: «tab»Miami
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45356
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»22 Feb 2002
Death Time: «tab»07:10 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Troy
County of Death: «tab»Miami
Certificate: «tab»012815
Age at Death: «tab»79
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»00108
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»8 Mar 2002
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: «tab»286-16-6205
Father's Surname: «tab»Lamping
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Zook
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»Yes
Branch of Service: «tab»Navy
Primary Registration District: «tab»5502
Age: 37 State: OH
Color: W Enumeration District: 0221
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0017
County: Hamilton, Cincinnati
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place
Mother Mary 68 Ireland
Sister Mary 40 Ohio
Sister Julia 31 Ohio
Sister Alice 28 Ohio
Northwest Missouri Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, St Joseph Misouri ADMISSION RECORD 5-22-1945 Admitted 7-4-1945 Parole Visit-Improved 7-19-1945 Discharged from parole 10-26-1945 Redadmitted Former Diagnosis-Manic Depressive Psychosis, Manic Type
Progress Notes #28799 Tom Evilsizer January 16, 1961-Patient Expired in the Medical-Surgical I Building at 5: 39 A.M. This patient was admitted to this hospital for the second time on
October 25, 1945. The mental diagnosis was : Manic Depressive, Manic Type On January 11, 1961, this patient was transfered from DW-11 to the Medical -Surgical I Building, in which building he expired. Dr Thomas notified the wife, Mrs Thomas Evilsizer, Kansas City, Mo, advising her of her husbands death. He asked for permission to perform an autopsy and admised her to send permission by wire. The wire granting permission was received. The patient was pronounced dead by Dr Forrest Thomas. The cause of death was: Bronchial Pneumonia and Chronic Generalized Arterioslerosis and Hypertension. Age at time of death: 76 years, 4 months, 15 days. Total time in hospital: 15 years, 2 months, 21 days. Letter written to County Clerk, Jackson County. The body was removed from the hospital by the D W Newcomer & Sons Funeral Home, 1331 Brush Creek, Kansas City, MO Signed Manson B Pettit, M D, Medical Superintendent
Name:«/b»Thomas G Evelsizer«b» Birth Date:«/b»4 Sep 1884«b» Birth County:«/b»Carroll «b» Birth Location:«/b»Fairfield Twp «b» Gender:«/b»M (Male) «b» Mother's Name:«/b»Ida Erlletta Evelsizer«b» Mother's Age:«/b»23 «b» Father's Name:«/b»John H Evelsizer«b» Father's Age:«/b»23
Buchanan Co, St Joseph, MO State Hospital # 2
Thomas S Evilsizer died 1/16/1961
res Jackson Co, Kansas City, MO 5505 Virginia St
Male, white, born 9/1/1884 Jackson Co, MO age 76
Occupation- Pharmacist-Interviewer, Division of Employment, Drug
Father John H Evilsizer
Mother Ida Cumming
Spouse, Pansy Evilsizer, 5505 Virginia, Kansas City, MO
So SS# given
COD Bronchial Pneumonia
Generalized arteriosclerosis and hypertension
Burial Forest Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, MO
An Intruder To The Hospital
Roy H Evilsizer Felled A Prowler With An Indian Club
With an indian club in each hand, Roy H Evilsizer, 601 East Twenty-Eighth Street, crept to the door when he heard a noise in the house early this morning. When he saw the door open and the man enter, Evilsizer swung one of the clubs on the intruder's skull. James McCoy, 34 years old, 2734 Cherry St was the name he gave when taken to the General Hospital with a 3 inch gash on his head. He is being held for the police.
(Note from daughter Marion April2008)
I had heard of that incident, for it was a sort of family joke. It did happen, but there had never been any Indian clubs in our house. I don't know what it was that my father hit the man with, but it seems to have been effective. My parents thought the reporter had a good imagination and wanted to enhance his story.
Roy Harrison Evilsizer owned ranch in Colorado for about 7 years.
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: Victor Hugo Evilsizer
City: Not Stated County: Lincoln State: Colorado
Birthplace: Missouri;United States of America
Birth Date: 9 Jun 1897 Roll: 1561823 image linked to wrong name in wong county
SSN: «tab»487-10-5366
Last Residence: «tab»64759 Lamar, Barton, Missouri
Born: «tab»20 Jan 1908
Died: «tab»8 Dec 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Missouri (Before 1951)
Springfield News-Leader (MO) - December 9, 2005
Deceased Name: Mrs. Claudine Harris
Mrs. Claudine Harris, 97, Konantz-Warden Funeral Home.
LAMAR \emdash Services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, at Konantz-Warden Funeral Home, for Nadine M. Hoover, 95, Lamar, who died Saturday, May 9, 2009, at Springfield Rehab & Healthcare Center. Pastor Robb Hodson will officiate. Burial will be in Lake Cemetery.
Visitation will be held at 10 a.m., prior to the service.
Survivors include two sons, Jerry and Glenn Hoover, both of Springfield.
She was preceded in death by a sister, Claudine Harris.
Mrs. Hoover was born Jan. 6, 1914, in Lamar, to William J. and Callie U. (Tucker) Evilsizer. She was a homemaker and a member of the Order of Eastern Star and First Baptist Church of Lamar.
She married Glenn O. Hoover on May 16, 1935. He preceded her in death.
Siblings William Frank, Cora and Vernon
Mrs. Jesse O Evilsizer- The News Sentinel-Fort Wayne, Indiana-Hartford Cit y-6/23/1955 Mrs. Loretta May Evilsizer, 73, widow of Jesse O Evilsizer, and a lifelo ng resident of Blackford County died at 10:50 P.M. Tuesday at the Waldo Co nvalescent Home. Surviving are three sons, Ralph Scott, Upland and Russe ll Evilsizer, Hartford City, and Ralph Evilsizer, Montpelier City; a daugh ter, Mrs Cecil Kirkwood, Hartford City; one sister, Mrs. Cora Hurst, and t hree brothers, William Frank and Vernon Scott, all of this City. Friends m ay call at the Keplinger Chapel. Final rites will be held at 2:00 P.M., Fr iday., the rev C H Hanson officiating. Burial will be at the IOOF Cemetery .
Hartford City News-Thursday, August 23, 1923 Youth Arrested in Desertion Ralph Evilsizer, 18, son of Mr and Mrs Jesse Evilsizer was arrested Wednes day afternoon about 4:30 P.M. by Marshall J B Orndorff on charges of bei ng a deserter from the United States Army. Information that young Evilsiz er was a deserter was received by the officer at 4 P.M. in a telegram fr om Ft Sill Oklahoma. A half hour later he was found working for B Hayden a nd taken into custody. He was taken to Ft Benjamin Harrison Thursday and t urned over to military authorities. Young Evilsizer was a private in batte ry D, 1st FA and enlisted October 19, 1922, deserting his post on May 4, 1 923. He arrived in this city last Sunday. He told officer Orndorff th at he had been since May making his way back to Hartford City.
Hartford City News, Saturday, Dec 30, 1967 Funeral services for Ralph Evilsizer, 63, 53 W Broadway, Shelbyville, w ho died at the William S Major Hospital in Shelbyville Saturday morning, w ill be held at the Keplinger Funeral Home Tuesday at 2 P.M. Mr Evilsizer m oved from Hartford City to Shelbyville three years ago. While he liv ed in Hartford City, he was employed at the St Joe paper Company. He was b orn in Blackford County to Jesse and Loretta Evilsizer on Feb 7, 1904. Off iciating at the funeral service will be the Rev Robert Neel and burial wi ll be in IOOF Cemetery. Friends may call at the Keplinger funeral home aft er 2 P.M. Monday to pay their respects. Surviving Mr Evilsizer are two dau ghters, Mrs Ronald (Patricia) Glesner, Shelbyville; and Mrs Francis Murra y, city; one son, Ralph Jr, Muncie; one sister, Mrs Cecil (Della) Kirkwoo d, city; one half brother, Kenneth Scott, Upland, six grandchildren and se veral nieces and nephews.
Oct 22, 1923 Military Justice CM No 158038
Memorandum for the Adjutant General
1 The record of trial in the case of Ralph Evilsizer, formerly Private, Ba ttery D, First Field Artillery, shows that he was convicted of desertio n, and sentenced to dishonorable discharge, suspended, total forfeiture s, and confinement for one year at the U S Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Lea venworth, Kansas, effective September 21, 1923. The evidence of record discloses that Evilsizer went absent without lea ve from his organization at Ft Sill, Oklahoma, on May 4, 1923, and remain ed absent without authority until he was confined at Fort Benjamin Harriso n, Indiana, on August 23, 1923. Evilsizer declined to testify or make any statement, and no evidence w as introduced in his behalf. Evidence of two previous convictions, w as by summary court-martial for misappropriating one pair of shoes and t he other by special court-martial for absence without leave, was submitte d. The charge sheet shows that Evilsizer enlisted October 19, 1922, at t he age of 23 years and eight months, with no prior service.
2. The record of trial discloses no mitigating circumstances or grounds f or clemency not summarized above. For the Judge Advocate General J H Stansfield Major, Judge Advocate Chief of Clemency Section
Headquarters Fifth Corps Area, Ft Haynes, Columbus, Ohio, October 8, 1923 General Court Martial Order No 115
Before a general court-martial which convened at Fort Benjamin Harrison, I ndiana, pursuant to paragraph 3, Special Orders No 212, September 11, 192 3. Headquarters Fifth Corps Area, was arraigned and tried:
Private Ralph Evilsizer, 6633191, Battery D, 1st field Artillery
CHARGE: Violation of the 58th Article of War Specification: In that Private Ralph Evilsizer, Battery D, First Field Art illery, did at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, on or about the 4 day of May, 1923, de sert the service of the United States, and did remain absent in deserti on until he was apprehended at Hartford City, Indiana, on or about the 22 nd day of August, 1923. PLEAS: To the specification and charge: "Not Guilty" FINDINGS: Of the specification and charge: "Guilty" SENTENCE: To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United State s, to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due, and to be confi ned at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, f or a period of one year.
The sentence was adjudged on September 21, 1923
The sentence is approved and will be duly executed, but the execution of t hat portion thereof adjudging dishonorable discharge appended until the so ldier's release from confinement. The United States Disciplinary Barrack s, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, is designated as the place of confinement b ut pending further orders this soldier will be held at Fort Benjamin Harri son, Indiana. ( J A 201)
By command of Major General McRae Official: C D Rhodes, Chief of Staff W T Bates, Adjutant General
CM NO 158038-Memorandum for File, October 20, 1923 The competent evidence of record in this case shows that this accused we nt absent without leave from his organization on May 4, 1923, at Fort Sil l, Oklahoma, and was returned to military control at Fort Benjamin Harriso n, Indiana, on August 23, 1923. The deposition of J B Orendorff, Hartfo rd City, Indiana, police officer, in the town in which accused was alleg ed to have been apprehended, not sworn to before a person competent to adm inister oath (Exhibit B) was introduced. There is no evidence of apprehens ion, as alleged, assuming therefore, that the accused surrendered, the sen tence adjudged in this case is not excessive in that the absence of this a ccused for a period more than 60 days, terminated by surrender, is punisha ble by dishonorable discharge, total forfeitures, and confinement at ha rd labor for one year. W J Bacon, Capt. JA
CHARGE SHEET Fort Sill Oklahoma, August 28, 1923 Evilsizer, Ralph, 6633191, Pvt, Battery D, 1st F A Date of current enlistment: October 19, 1922 Age at enlistment, 23 years, 8 months Term of current enlistment: Three years Rate of Pay: $30.00 per month Allotments to dependents: None Government Insurance Deduction: None Prior Service: None AFFIDAVIT Headquarters Fifth Corps Area, Fort Hayes, Ohio, Sept 11, 1923 Referred for trial to : Capt Thornton Chase, 11th Inf, Fort Benjamin Harri son, Ind, trial judge advocate of the general court-martial appointed by p aragraph 3 Special Orders No 212 W T Bates Adjutant
Headquarters Fifth Corps Area, Ft Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, Sept 11, 1923 Memorandum for the Commanding General SUBJECT: Charges against Private Ral ph Evilsizer, Bty D, 1st FA
1. The attached charges are correct and complete in form 2. They are appropriate to the indicated competent evidence in the case 3. A prima facie case justifying trial exists 4. Each specification states an offense cognizable by Court-Martial 5. The indicated competent evidence justifies trial on charge 6. The following evidence contained in the summary of statements of witnes ses submitted to be introduced at the trial for the following reasons 7. From the report of the medical officer to the investigating offic er it is believed that 8. The age of the accused is 24 years, 7 months. It is therefore recommended that the charge in this case be referred to ge neral court-martial. To Trial Judge Advocate, CCM Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN D P Quinlan, Corps Area Judge Advocate
The prosecution introduced the deposition of J B Orendorff, Hartford Cit y, Indiana. The deponent testified as follows: "I am Chief of Police, Hart ford City, Indiana. I know the accused. I arrested him about August 8, 19 23 upon information received from the War Department. I returned him to mi litary control at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, about the 9th of Augus t, 1923. The accused admitted that he was a deserter and expected arres t. He was engaged in a civilian occupation, to wit, working for Blene Hayd en on a moving van." (R-4 Ex B) The evidence sustains the findings of the court.
Hartford City, Indiana August 25, 1923 Your letter of Aug 23 inst at hand and in reply to questions asked will sa y. Date of apprehension: Wednesday, August 22nd, 1923 about 4.30 P.M. Clothing worn at time of apprehension:-Civilian Circumstances of apprehension-Received telegram war department Hq 1st F. A. Fort Sills, Oklahoma, stating that Ralph R Evilsizer was a deserter, ar rest and return to the nearest military post. And I started out to find hi m, and found him working for B Hayden on moving van, I arrested him at onc e. Date of return to military control: Thursday, August 23, 1923 and deliver ed at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, at 12 o'clock M. Did the accused make a statement? Yes, I am guilty, I've been looking f or it. Hoping that I have answered your questions satisfactorily. I beg to remain , Yours very truly, J B Orendorff, Chief of Police, Hartford City, Indiana
Sept 4, 1923 I certify that I am custodian of the service record of Private Ralph Evils izer, 6633191, Batt D, 1st Field Artillery, and that the following entri es are true as shown in soldier's service record.
Summary C M. appointed, Par a, S O 114 Hq. 2nd M G Co 94th A W Misappropriated one pair of shoes December 24, 1922 Sentence as approved, to be restricted to the Squadron for two months a nd to forfeit 2/3 pay for one month. Approved Jan 3, 1923. I certify that the above is correct. Sgt G W Walker, Jr, Capt, Cavalry, Comdg,TrB
Spec C M Appointed by Par 1, S O 43, Hq Ft Sill Okla. 58th A W Absent in des. Fr 1-4-23 to 1-15-23. Convicted of A W O L only. S entence as approved, to be conf at H/L for two mos & forf 10 days pay p er mo for like period. Approved 3-7-23 I certify the above is correct. Joi H Hinwood, Capt 11th Inf, Adjuant
Physical Examination Eyes:Blue Hair: Lt Brown Complexion: Ruddy Height:65 inches Weight:125 pounds Girth of chest: At expiration, 32 ½, at inspiration, 35 inches. General: Slender, well proportioned, furunculosis moderate right fore arm. General Conditions-Normal Vision: 20/20 Mouth and Gums: Fair condition Lungs:normal
Story from Donald Evilsizor 10/2006 When I was much younger back in 1945 there was a holdup that occurred in D ayton, Ohio but being only 6 years old at the time - what would I be ab le to remember or what was not even revealed to me? Or the possibili ty at the time may of existed the law in all probability did not even ha ve a definite suspect. But moving along in time to 1951 when my age was do ubled to 12 years old the holdup event surfaced again - but this time it w as learned that a family member was involved in the 6 year old case!
Exactly when the story broke open in the newspapers remain unknown at th is time to me but on Friday, June 1, 1951 the headline of the Dayton Jour nal Herald was one newspaper that carried the story. The notable headli ne was titled "Woman Identifies Dayton Man As Killer In 1945 Holdup" (unqu ote). I am certain the Dayton Daily News also carried the story too in a ddition to other area newspapers. Also the Battlecreek, Michigan newspap er may of had a story on this date and know they did for the Saturday, Ju ne 9, 1951 edition.
Again, I was basically shielded from a lot of the details but it surfac ed at our house on one evening when being visited by relatives and my d ad Marshall was angry making some very strong comments in regards to the s tory in the newspaper and related events in 1951. Folks with one excepti on that is essentially all that was ever heard over all these years - sin ce 1951 and that was 55 years ago.
Also I recall that some of our close relatives who were also kids ne ar my age back then seemed to only know a brief part of the event to o. We had discussed some of this over the years and we all seemed to ju st draw shaded memories with no details. Then someone sent me a very sho rt news article a few years ago that only covered a brief segment of how t he story broke open apparently in 1951.
Now in 2006 more information has been discovered and found in some newspap ers as it was indicated in the above paragraphs of this email. Hopefully s omeone will come forward who knows more of the story or has other news por traying the holdup event? I do not know nor ever did hear what the outco me was in the end.
The basics of the story as I know it to this point. First the names in the news and otherwise are listed as:
1. The alleged gunman - Ace Ellsworth Maggard (Maggart ?) also referr ed to as Ellsworth Maggart or Tex Maggart. In 1951 approximately 32 ye ar old house painter. Resided at 3715 McCall Street (Ave. ?) in Dayton, O hio. Maggart had apparently been arrested in 1935 as a juvenile burglar a nd auto thief. He was picked up again in 1947 and later released. The ne ws item also reflected prior to the current arrest he had lived in the sta te of Washington until a few months ago. Ace had been going with (datin g) Alberta Evilsizor for around 3 months.
2. My sister (half-sister) Alberta Creasman age 24 of Battlecreek, Michig an. I believe she was only around 18 years of age and not married when t he crime occurred in 1945 at which time her name would of been Alberta Evi lsizor. For some reason totally unknown to me yet she was known by the fir st or middle names as Jean or June. The name by which was known to the fam ily was Alberta Florence Evilsizor. Her statement apparently cracked t he murder case wide open. She was at one point charged with first degree m urder. Alberta had been once arrested in Troy for larceny and sent to a st ate girls' Institution for a term.
3. The slain former policeman who was shot and killed was Theodore Hust on (Houston ?) who was 40 years of age on August 25, 1945. His address w as listed as 208 Valley View Drive at the time he was killed. He was worki ng as a night dispatcher for the Cliff Cab Company having left the poli ce force in 1943 to purchase an interest in the taxi firm.
4. Shooting location at the time of the event was Hull Dobbs restaura nt at 524 on South Main Street in Dayton, Ohio.
5. Walter Hakes night manager, age 36 of 314 Hickory Street, Dayton, Ohi o. He was shot in the left leg.
6. Peter Creasman - Estranged husband of Alberta in 1951 who went to t he police in Battlecreek to inform the department what had been revealed to him previously by his w ife. He was upset over Alberta going with someone else. The family knew him as Pete.
7. Harry Wiegand of Battlecreek who was not involved in the crime with t he possible exception of maybe harboring a fugitive. Harry was apparently going out with Alberta C reasman which upset Pete enough so as to turn in Alberta to the police. From revealed indicat ions Harry was in love with Alberta at the time.
------------------------- -----------------------
That ends the names, basics and information as I know it to this poin t. I have been in contact with the Dayton Daily News and the Dayton Library. The newspaper indicated th ey do not have records readily available and the library would find difficulty in exerting time f or research unless there are specific dates for the news or other detail s. The library was attempting to assist me some more and also indicat ed I was free to review old editions on micro-film records.
I also believe that a obituary should exist for Theodore Huston who was sl ain. There should be some court records for Ace Maggart too. And there would of been probably many m ore newspaper articles during this time period covering the events.
My preliminary assumption is that all parties directly involved with th is case are likely deceased due to the time factor.
In the event there is any misunderstanding, I loved my sister Alberta ve ry much and was by her side when she was to the point of breathing her last in 1976 after suffering fr om cancer. Further, I love all my relatives to include those who may in the past may of had some misg ivings about me at any point in time. After the above scenario Alberta went on to lead a li fe of good citizenship from all of my knowledge. She did reveal to me in her later years of falling into a wr ong crowd or questionable association at one point in time when at a younger age.
Early on after the arrest it was not known if she had aided or abett ed in the crime. In the end to the best of my knowledge at this time she was held as a material witness only.
I see this article is already a bit lengthy for probably some of you so wi ll cut it off at this point to see if there is interest in more details to follow. I wanted to sort of wri te the story from the beginning to the end as known to me. Also again I would like to hear from anyone havi ng more information.
Name: Theodore Huston SSN: 293-22-6820 Died: Aug 1945 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: Alberta Creasman SSN: 285-22-6782 Last Residence: 37321 Dayton, Rhea, Tennessee, United States of America Born: 24 Feb 1927 Died: Oct 1976 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
From Donald Evilsizor 10/2006 When I was much younger back in 1945 there was a holdup that occurred in D ayton, Ohio but being only 6 years old at the time - what would I be ab le to remember or what was not even revealed to me? Or the possibili ty at the time may of existed the law in all probability did not even ha ve a definite suspect. But moving along in time to 1951 when my age was do ubled to 12 years old the holdup event surfaced again - but this time it w as learned that a family member was involved in the 6 year old case!
Exactly when the story broke open in the newspapers remain unknown at th is time to me but on Friday, June 1, 1951 the headline of the Dayton Jour nal Herald was one newspaper that carried the story. The notable headli ne was titled "Woman Identifies Dayton Man As Killer In 1945 Holdup" (unqu ote). I am certain the Dayton Daily News also carried the story too in a ddition to other area newspapers. Also the Battlecreek, Michigan newspap er may of had a story on this date and know they did for the Saturday, Ju ne 9, 1951 edition.
Again, I was basically shielded from a lot of the details but it surfac ed at our house on one evening when being visited by relatives and my d ad Marshall was angry making some very strong comments in regards to the s tory in the newspaper and related events in 1951. Folks with one excepti on that is essentially all that was ever heard over all these years - sin ce 1951 and that was 55 years ago.
Also I recall that some of our close relatives who were also kids ne ar my age back then seemed to only know a brief part of the event to o. We had discussed some of this over the years and we all seemed to ju st draw shaded memories with no details. Then someone sent me a very sho rt news article a few years ago that only covered a brief segment of how t he story broke open apparently in 1951.
Now in 2006 more information has been discovered and found in some newspap ers as it was indicated in the above paragraphs of this email. Hopefully s omeone will come forward who knows more of the story or has other news por traying the holdup event? I do not know nor ever did hear what the outco me was in the end.
The basics of the story as I know it to this point.
First the names in the news and otherwise are listed as:
1. The alleged gunman - Ace Ellsworth Maggard (Maggart ?) also referr ed to as Ellsworth Maggart or Tex Maggart. In 1951 approximately 32 ye ar old house painter. Resided at 3715 McCall Street (Ave. ?) in Dayton, O hio. Maggart had apparently been arrested in 1935 as a juvenile burglar a nd auto thief. He was picked up again in 1947 and later released. The ne ws item also reflected prior to the current arrest he had lived in the sta te of Washington until a few months ago. Ace had been going with (datin g) Alberta Evilsizor for around 3 months.
2. My sister (half-sister) Alberta Creasman age 24 of Battlecreek, Michig an. I believe she was only around 18 years of age and not married when t he crime occurred in 1945 at which time her name would of been Alberta Evi lsizor. For some reason totally unknown to me yet she was known by the fir st or middle names as Jean or June. The name by which was known to the fam ily was Alberta Florence Evilsizor. Her statement apparently cracked t he murder case wide open. She was at one point charged with first degree m urder. Alberta had been once arrested in Troy for larceny and sent to a st ate girls' Institution for a term.
3. The slain former policeman who was shot and killed was Theodore Hust on (Houston ?) who was 40 years of age on August 25, 1945. His address w as listed as 208 Valley View Drive at the time he was killed. He was worki ng as a night dispatcher for the Cliff Cab Company having left the poli ce force in 1943 to purchase an interest in the taxi firm. 4. Shooting location at the time of the event was Hull Dobbs restaura nt at 524 on South Main Street in Dayton, Ohio. 5. Walter Hakes night manager, age 36 of 314 Hickory Street, Dayton, Ohi o. He was shot inthe left leg. 6. Peter Creasman - Estranged husband of Alberta in 1951 who went to t he police in Battlecreek to inform the department what had been reveal ed to him previously by his wife. He was upset over Alberta going with someone else. The family knew him as Pete.
7. Harry Wiegand of Battlecreek who was not involved in the crime with t he possible exception of maybe harboring a fugitive. Harry was apparently going out with Alberta C reasman which upset Pete enough so as to turn in Alberta to the police. From revealed indicat ions Harry was in love with Alberta at the time.
------------------------- -----------------------
That ends the names, basics and information as I know it to this poin t. I have been in contact with the Dayton Daily News and the Dayton Library. The newspaper indicated th ey do not have records readily available and the library would find difficulty in exerting time f or research unless there are specific dates for the news or other details. The library was attempti ng to assist me some more and also indicated I was free to review old editions on micro-film records .
I also believe that a obituary should exist for Theodore Huston who was sl ain. There should be some court records for Ace Maggart too. And there would of been probably many m ore newspaper articles during this time period covering the events.
My preliminary assumption is that all parties directly involved with th is case are likely deceased due to the time factor.
In the event there is any misunderstanding, I loved my sister Alberta ve ry much and was by her side when she was to the point of breathing her last in 1976 after suffering fr om cancer. Further, I love all my relatives to include those who may in the past may of had some misg ivings about me at any point in time. After the above scenario Alberta went on to lead a li fe of good citizenship from all of my knowledge. She did reveal to me in her later years of falling into a wr ong crowd or questionable association at one point in time when at a younger age.
Early on after the arrest it was not known if she had aided or abett ed in the crime. In the end to the best of my knowledge at this time she was held as a material witness only.
---------------------------- ----------------------
I see this article is already a bit lengthy for probably some of you so wi ll cut it off at this point to see if there is interest in more details to follow. I wanted to sort of wri te the story from the beginning to the end as known to me. Also again I would like to hear from anyone havi ng more information.
Dayton News July 22 1952 Dayotn Man Cleared of Police Murder Ace Ellsworth Maggart, 32, was cleared today of chrages he shot and kill ed former Dayton police officer Theodore Huston in a 1945 hold-up. The Mon tgomery Co, grand jury yesterday ignored the evidence supplied by Marrar ts former girlfriend, Mrs Alberta Creasman of Detroit.
Death Certificate scanned to CD
Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Death Date «tab»25 Jan 1937
Death Place «tab»Libertyville, Lake, IL, USA
Gender «tab»Female
Marital Status «tab»
Race or Color «tab»
Age «tab»64
Estimated Birth Year «tab»1873
Birth Date «tab»29 Mar 1872
Birthplace «tab»Urbana, OH, USA
Father «tab»John Wynn
Father's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Father's Birth Place «tab»Ireland
Mother «tab»Bridget Graham
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Mother's Birth Place «tab»Ireland
Occupation «tab»Housewife
Residence «tab»Livertyville, Lake, IL, USA
Street Address «tab»
Spouse «tab»Samuel P. Evelsizor
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace «tab»
Burial Date «tab»27 Jan 1937
Burial Place «tab»Libertyville, Lake, IL, USA
Cemetery «tab»Ascension
Informant «tab»
Additional Relatives «tab»
Digital Folder Number «tab»4008430
Image Number «tab»2893
Film Number «tab»1766277
Volume/Page/Certificate Number «tab»cn 2507
The family of Henry William Washington Corley
Verne Corley, son of Amos A, is an electrician, having received practically a high school education in the schools of Tuscola, Illinois and during his boyhood worked at various kinds of employment. During the war with Germany he worked as electrician for the government in the shipyards on the Atlantic Coast. After the war he did electrical work for a period in Mattoon, Illinois. He unfortunately suffered a broken leg in a game of footbal, which practically ended his work and business in Mattoon, IL as he was disabled for several months. But when he recovered he procurred work in Waukegan, Illinois and has now resumed to making usually good wages. He married Gertrude Evilsizer 4/24/1914. She is of the Romon Catholic Faith and he is protestant. No children have been born to their marriage (1927). He resides at 411 Hall Ct Waukegan, IL
Name: «tab»Vern Corley
Social Security #: «tab»348073397
Sex: «tab»MALE
Birth Date: «tab»18 Nov 1891
Birthplace: «tab»Illinois
Death Date: «tab»26 Jun 1979
Death Place: «tab»Contra Costa
Mother: Anna BEHM b: 13 DEC 1867 in Fremont Center, IL
Volume #4138, Certificate #24060
about John C Walker
Name: «tab»John C Walker
Birth Date: «tab»1883
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Urbana
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»29 Jul 1967
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»50008
Age at Death: «tab»84
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Dies Without Realizing Hope
Adam Geron Will Be Taken a Corpse To Church He Helped to Build Members of St Luke's German Lutheran Church and friends will Friday pay tribute to the memory of the late Adam Geron, prominent farmer, and one of t e oldest members of the church, who passed away last Tuesday without realizing a much cherished hope to attend the dedication of the New St Luke 's Church. Mr Geron was 72 years old and in spite of his enfeebled condition he had hoped to atttend the dedication of the new church last Sunday. He had contributed liberally toward its erection and previous to his la st illness attended the services regularly, taking always much intere st in the church. Rev S P Stupp, the new Pastor will conduct the servic e. Mr Geron died last Tuesday night at his beautiful country home on the county line road nine miles north of Springfield. He leaves to mourn his loss the following children: Peter, John, Elizabeth, Adam, Frank, Effie, Phi llip, Lewis and Jacob Geron.
Heirs-Elizabeth Geron-widow-Springfield Peter Geron-sonSpringfield; John G eron-son-Urbana; Lizzie Gelzenleichter-dau-Clifton; Adam Geron-son-Beatt y; Frank Geron-son-Urbana; Effie Karg-dau-Urbana; Phillip Geron-son-Springfield; Lewis Geron-son-Spriflgfield Jacob Geron-son-Springfleld.All esta te to wife Elizabeth Geron her lifetime and at herdeath divided among chil dren. Elizabeth Geron executrix J J Miller administrator Witness:J J Miller Edwin L Littlewill signed 21 Apr 1906 Clark Co
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»01 Dec 1898
Birthplace «tab»Moorefield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»Philip Geron
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Lotta Evilsizor
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C00818-6
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»466658
Reference Number «tab»v 4 p 155
Urbana Daily Citizen March 15, 1989 Dorothy L Evilsizor, 85, 250 Poe Ave, Urbana, died Tuesday, March 14, 19 89 at 6:10 a.m. in McAuley Center. She ws born July 1 1903 in Champaign Co unty, a daughter of Andrew and Edna (White) McConnahae. Survivors inclu de five daughters, Mrs Walter (Marjorie) Adkins, Jean Rowland, Mrs Jack (B etty) Litreal, Mrs Bud (Elnora) Nichols, all of Urbana, Mrs Carl (Sue) Lau ghlin of Sidney; three sons, Richard R and Joseph A, both of Urbana and Da vid E of Cable; 25 grandchildren, 38 great grandchilred; three sisters, M rs Philip (Catherine) Snyder of Urbana, Mrs Jack (Betty Jane) Allis on of St Petersburg, Fla, and Mrs Lola Richendollar of Springfield; two br others, Harry McConnahae of Sarasota, Fla and Samuel McConnehae of Springf ield; and two half-sisters, Emma and Christine. She was preceded in dea th by her husband Grover in 1971, a son Daniel N; a brother and a siste r; a granddaughter and a great grandson. Funeral services will be held Thu rsday at 1 p.m. in the Walter-Schoedinger Funeral Home with the Rev Herbe rt Hoover Collins officiating. Burial will be in Oak Dale Cemetery. Frien ds may call Wednesday from 3-5- and 7-9 in the funeral home
From:[email protected] My name if Kathleen Inskeep, my Grandmother is a sister to Dorothy (McConn ehea) Evilsizor. I have been trying to find information on Grandma's fami ly. She has given me some names and would be glad to exchange informati on with you. My e-mail is: [email protected]. Kathleen
Name: Richard R Evilsizor Birth Year: 1922 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Ohio State: Ohio County or City: Champaign Enlistment Date: 17 Sep 1942 Enlistment State: Indiana Enlistment City: Fort Benjamin Harrison Branch: Air Corps Branch Code: Air Corps Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Army of the United States - includes the following: Voluntary e nlistments effective December 8, 1941 and thereafter; One year enlistmen ts of National Guardsman whose State enlistment expires while in the Feder al Service; Officers appointed in the Army of Source: Civil Life Education: 3 years of high school Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 73 Weight: 170
RICHARD R. EVILSIZOR Richard R. Evilsizor, 83, of Urbana, passed away Monday, Feb 6, 2006 in t he Hearth and Home, Urbana. He was born July 4, 1922 in Champaign Count y, Ohio the son of the late Grover and Dorothy (McConnehay) Evilsizo r. He retired from he United States Air Force as a Master Sargeant aft er 22 years of service. He was the former Veteran Service Officer for Cha mpaign County and a member of the D.A.V. Richard was a member of the Harm ony Lodge No. 8 F & AM, Commandery Raper No. 19, Chapter No. 34 and Counc il No. 59, all of Urbana, as well as the Antioch Shrine. He is surviv ed by one daughter, Tina M. (Glenn) Blair of Springfield, Ohio; one son, R ichard R. (Deb) Evilsizor of Norwich, Ohio; six grandchildren, Rhonda Buc ki of Florida, Christopher Evilsizor of Piqua, Glenn Blair of Springfiel d, Kelli (Walter) Leistritz of Urbana, Amanda (Jason) Page of Springfiel d, Ohio and Christopher Blair of Urbana; three great-grandchildren, Ashl ey Bucki, Ashley Leistritz and Michael Leistritz; four sisters, Jean Rowla nd of Urbana, Betty Literal of Urbana, Elnora (Garland) Nichols of Urba na and Florence Laughlin of Sidney; one brother, Joseph (Carol) Evilsiz or of Urbana; and several nieces and nephews. Richard is preceded in dea th by his parents; his wife, Marie (Humphreville); one sister, Marjorie Ad kins; and two brothers, Daniel Evilsizor and David Evilsizor. Visitati on will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb 11, 2006 in the VERNON F UNERAL HOME, Urbana. Masonic services will start at 4 p.m. with the funer al services immediately following in the funeral home with the Rev. Gl en O. Blair, Jr. officiating. Burial will be held at the convenience of t he family in the Oak Dale Cemetery.
Name: Richard R. Evilsizor SSN: 296-14-8345 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Born: 4 Jul 1922 Died: 6 Feb 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Birth Date: «tab»4 Jul 1922
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign
State File Number: «tab»1922059886
Additional Information: «tab»Grover
«tab»DATE OF BIRTH: 07/04/1922
«tab»DATE OF DEATH: 02/06/2006
«tab»316 PATRICK AVE URBANA, OH 43078
«tab»(937) 652-4327
Son Oliver Jr death cert named mother Alice Elizabeth Hawson
An Elizabeth "Sizer" was found in the Kanawah Co, WV marriage records to James Arthur 9/11/1839. Birth date for this child makes her a possibility and the fact that no "Sizer" family was found in this county. 1850 Cabell Co, WV shows Elizabeth age 33.
Name: «tab»James Arthur
Spouse: «tab»Elizabeth Sizer
Parents: «tab»Thomas Arthur, Sarah Blake
Birth Place: «tab»Cabell, Cabell Creek, KY
Birth Date: «tab»12 Dec 1813
Marriage Place: «tab»Kanawha Co, VA
Marriage Date: «tab»11 Sep 1839
Death Place: «tab»Cabell Co, WV
Death Date: «tab»13 Feb 1895
This Elizabeth born 1/5/1815 d 6/6/1881 Cabell Co, WV
Name not proven , but age range in census 1810-1820 gives 1814 birth date and area was in migration path from Berks Co, PA to Virginia/West Virgi nia
Marriage records shows name of Daniel and child birth record names David.
Death Date: «tab»08 Jun 1920
Death Place: «tab»Hamilton, Butler, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»09 Feb 1912
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Misemierburg, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»8 years 3 months 29 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»145 Progress Ave., 1 Ward
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»Hamilton, Butler, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»11 Jun 1920
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Greenwood Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Paul Millice
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Lillian Lambert
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1991134
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022035
Image Number: «tab»3029
County Collustrator, Urbana, Ohio, Thursday Oct 17 1831 A List of the lands forfeited to the state of Ohio for the non-payme nt of taxes, lying within the County of Champaign. Compiled by Pat Stickl ey, CCGS Newsletter Vol 10 No 2 April 1994 pg 32 Thomas Moore Sec 25 Range 11 Twp 5 NE 53 1/2 acres Notice is hereby given, that agreeably to an act of the Legislature of Ohi o, passed the 14th of March 1831, for the sale of lands and town lots forf eited to the State, for the non-payment of taxes which have accrued pri or to the first of January 1831, I will offer the foregoing lands and to wn lots for sale, at the Court House, in Urbana, on the second Monday in D ecember next, itbeing the 12th day of said month of December, if the ta x, interest, and penalties, charged on said list, be not paid into the Cou nty Treasury and the Treasurer’s receipt produced therefor, before the ti me specified in this notice for the sale of said lands and town lots. Mathew Magrew, Auditor of Champaign County
Name: «tab»Ida L Brigner
Birth Date: «tab»1888
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Ross
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»16 Apr 1969
City of Death: «tab»Chillicothe
County of Death: «tab»Ross
Certificate: «tab»039763
Age at Death: «tab»81
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Etta M. Impson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab», Union, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»18 Jan 1907
Marriage Place: «tab», Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George Corbett
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Cassie Cook
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John Impson
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Sazyeler
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86927-2
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0534840
Reference Number: «tab»2:3R162LN
Name: «tab»George P Corbett
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»11 Feb 1929
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»33
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896 ( he fibbed on this application)
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George Corbett
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Tessa Cook
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Cora E Houser
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»10-30-1907 Adams Co, OH
Spouse's Father: «tab»Joe Houser
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Spence
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Clk, OH Vol33CN19190
Film Number: «tab»466638
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016778
Image Number: «tab»318
Death Date: «tab»10 Feb 1937
Death Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»6/2/1886
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»50 years 8 months 8 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Cora Corbett
Father's Name: «tab»G. W. Corbett
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Cassie Crook
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2023489
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020639
Image Number: «tab»2614
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 8318
Death Date: «tab»18 Sep 1947
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»04 Mar 1905
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co. Ohio
Death Age: «tab»42 years 5 months 14 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Elenor
Father's Name: «tab»S.P. Robison
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»?Llva Engle
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372990
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4076581
Image Number: «tab»01246
Certificate Number: «tab»54628
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»17 Feb 1923
Event Place: «tab»Franklin, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1902
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jacob Scott
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Leola Dill
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sophia Ritzer
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1905
Spouse's Father: «tab»Wm. Ritzer
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Catherine Oat
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p297 64797
Film Number: «tab»1854977
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017608
Image Number: «tab»190
Page 4. Charles A. SPAHR, 77, of Albuquerque, N. M., a former Springfielder, died at 4:15 p.m. Monday in his residence there, 615 N. Cedar st. A native of Clermont County, Mr. SPAHR had resided in Clark (rest of obit cut off).
SPAHR Charles A«tab»
1878 Feb 18
1957 Jan 14
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»27 Dec 1910
event place: «tab»Broadway, Union, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»61y 11d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»Farmer
birth date: «tab»16 Dec 1849
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1849
burial date: «tab»29 Dec 1910
burial place: «tab»Broadway, Ohio
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»John Meddleton
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Mary Mc C...Ler
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»New York
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 69601
film number: «tab»1952769
digital folder number: «tab»4021040
image number: «tab»1781
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X885-Z5X : accessed 02 Oct 2012),
John Wesley Meddleton, 1910; citing reference fn 69601, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Death Date: «tab»18 Apr 1925
Death Place: «tab»Mad River Township, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»02 Apr 1851
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»W. Va.
Death Age: «tab»74 years 16 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»Fairfield Road
Burial Date: «tab»21 Apr 1925
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
California Death Index, 1940-1997 about Marietta Elizabeth Laufer
Name: «tab»Marietta Elizabeth Laufer
[Marietta Elizabeth Colbert] «tab»
Social Security #: «tab»545129478
Sex: «tab»Female
Birth Date: «tab»8 Jan 1907
Birthplace: «tab»California
Death Date: «tab»1 Dec 1982
Death Place: «tab»Siskiyou
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Roland
Father's Surname: «tab»Colbert
name: «tab»James Mathew Verity
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»23 Nov 1940
event place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»640 W. Pleasant
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»77y 11m 14d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»W
occupation: «tab»
birth date: «tab»09 Dec 1862
birthplace: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1863
burial date: «tab»25 Nov 1940
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Ferncliff Cem.
43032 «tab»VERITY «tab»JAMES «tab»M. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»CLARK CO., O. «tab»11/23/1940 «tab»11/25/1940 «tab»R «tab»Lot 26 «tab»SubLot 2 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 4
father: «tab»David Verity
father's «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Mary Jane Edminston
mother's «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»Effie Verity
spouse's «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 71336
film number: «tab»2023885
digital folder number: «tab»4035633
image number: «tab»2750
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZB8-RXH : accessed 04 Oct 2012), James Mathew Verity, 1940; citing reference fn 71336, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»31 Jan 1928
event place: «tab»Toledo, Lucas, Ohio
residence: «tab»Toledo, Lucas, Ohio
street address: «tab»2222 Scottwood Avenue
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»56y 10m 27d
marital status: «tab»Married
J M Verity
race: «tab»white
occupation: «tab»Housewife
birth date: «tab»04 Mar 1871
birthplace: «tab»Barnesville, Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1872
burial date: «tab»01 Feb 1928
burial place: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»John Eli Lorton
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Clarke County, Ohio
mother: «tab»Rebecca Snetsbaugh
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Clarke County, Ohio
spouse: «tab»J.M. Verity
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 4284
film number: «tab»1991143
digital folder number: «tab»4022068
image number: «tab»1206
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6HD-JGQ : accessed 04 Oct 2012), Effie C Verity, 1928; citing reference fn 4284, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Evilsizer, Bertha
Age: 27 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Indiana Roll: T625_440
Race: White Page: 2A
State: Indiana ED: 88
County: Jay Image: 1011
Township: Wayne servant in household of J R Williamson
Marriage record gives parents as David J Zerkle and Amanda Lutz
ZIRKLE -- Ezra C. Zirkle, 82, of 1013 Broadway, died 2 a.m. Monday, Nov. 20, 1961 in Mercy Hospital. Body to Neff-Walter funeral home, Urbana, where friends may call until noon Wednesday when his body will be taken to Terre Haute Methodist Church to lie in state until services 2 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Roland Perkins, assisted by the Rev. Robert S. Lawrence, officiating. Burial in Terre Haute Cemetery. JOUAM services 8 p.m. Tuesday in funeral home.
«u»«b»Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 «/u»
Name:«/b»Ezra C Zirkle«b»
Birth Date:«/b»Est. 1882«b»
Gender:«/b»Male «b» Race:«/b»White «b»
Residence City:«/b»Springfield «b» Residence County:«/b»Clark «b»
Residence State:«/b»Ohio «b» Residence Country:«/b»United States «b»
Death Date:«/b»20 Nov 1961«b» Hospital of Death:«/b»Mercy Medical Center «b»
City of Death:«/b»Springfield «b» County of Death:«/b»Clark «b»
Certificate:«/b»83791 «b» Age at Death:«/b»79 «b»
Certifier:«/b»Physician «b» Autopsy:«/b»Yes, used for certification «b»
Marital Status:«/b»Widowed
On this piece of paper that was sent from the family Bible it says th at he was born in Green River, GA
Came west on an immigrant train in 1879 to Eagle Rock Idaho from the re by team and wagon to Glendale Montana arriving there 10 oct 1879 Jonnie Oranger drove the team.
Urbana lady Died in London
Operation for Appendicitis in England Was Quickley Fatal
Burial in England
Mrs Eva McDonald, a former Urbana lady, who was operated on last week in London, England, where she had been making her home with her daughter, died last Thrusday night. A second cablegram telling of her death followed shortly one received by George McConnell telling of her operation. No particulars were given concerning the funeral arrangements, but it is thought the burial has been made in London. Mrs McDonald was raised in Urbana, her father being the late C W Marshall, who was the state agent for the Home Insurance company for many years and he was prominent in Urbana's financial circles. She was thw wife of Joel McDonald, who was associated in business with her father. After Mr McDonald's death, Mrs McDonald with her daugher Lora, went east to live. The daughter married Henry Lee Davis an Englishman and went to London to live accompanied by Mrs McDonald.
Death Date: «tab»05 Apr 1909
Death Place: «tab»Greenville, Darke, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»06 Feb 1850
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»59 years 1 month 27 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Governess
Residence: «tab»Troy, O.
Burial Date: «tab»08 Apr 1909
Burial Place: «tab»Troy, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Leander Mcdonnell
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Penn.
Mother's Name: «tab»Ellan Izer
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Penn.
Film Number: «tab»1927087
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020981
Image Number: «tab»95
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 18654
Death date: 06 Jul 1916
Death place: Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio
Birth date: 24 May 1839
Birth place: Urbana, O.
Age at death: 77 years 1 month 12 days
Gender: Female
Marital status:
Race or color: American
Street address:
Occupation: Housekeeper
Burial date: 08 Jul 1916
Burial place: Ohio
Cemetery name: Nettle Creek Cem
Spouse name:
Father name: not known
Father titles:
Father birth place: not known
Mother name:
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
Informan Lem Evilsizor
COD cerebral hemmhorage
GSU film number: 1983750
Digital GS number: 4021408
Image number: 1162
Reference number: fn 41301
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Death Cert was changed by person filling it out to show maiden name was Fenton. This has proved to be incorrect.
Springfield Daily News, Thursday, July 6, 1916
Mrs Emily J Evilsizor, aged 76 years, died Thursday morning at 9 o'clock of a complication of diseases at her home 1036 West Broadway. She was born in Urbana and was a member of the Baptist Church of that place. Mrs. E vilsizor is survived by seven sons. Lem, of this city, Melvin of Urbana, Jason of Urbana, Joseph of this city, William of Urbana, Ezra of this city, and Ernest of Urbana. Funeral services will be held at the residence
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial will be made in the Nettle Creek Cemetery near Urbana
Death Date: «tab»15 Nov 1930
Death Place: «tab»Troy, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»19 Aug 1853
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Tippecanoe City, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»77 years 2 months 27 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»216 So. Crawford St.
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»17 Nov 1930
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Riverside
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Leander Mcdonnel
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Penna.
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»U.S.A.
Film Number: «tab»1992278
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000565
Image Number: «tab»2067
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 67849
Name: Duncan A McDonald , Enlistment Date: 14 September 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Unit Numbers: 1903 1903 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 14 September 1861 at the a ge of 24 Enlisted in Company B, 66th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 14 September 1861. Promoted to Full Lieutenant 2nd Class on 14 October 1861 Wounded on 09 August 1862 at Cedar Mountain, VA Died of wounds Company B, 66th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 15 August 1862
April 17, 1862
Hugh McDonald returned yesterday from 66th OVI with his son, Lt Duncan McDonald who is an invalid;
Name: «tab»Duncan A. Mcdonald
Gender: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»1862
Source Film Number: «tab»182754
Reference Number:
Clara's grandfather and great grandfather was Simon Baker. From Beers Hist ory of Champaign County, OH on Page 705: Simon Baker was born Nov 17, 1791 in Frederick, MD and emigrated with h is parents, Elizabeth and Peter Baker, to Virginia, in 1796; in 1816, th ey again moved, this time to Champaign County, and entered land in 1816; P resident James Monroe's signature being affixed to their patent; their chi ldren, Frederick, Simon and Peter were born in Maryland; Rebecca, Betsy, P olly, John and Jacob were born in Viginia; six of whom are still livin g. Mr Baker can just lay claim to being the oldest man in the county, a nd is now 89 years of age; he has seen the entire development of this coun try from its infancy, and the most sanguine dreams of his youth are more t han realized; he has seen the heavy forests that were inhabited by the wi ld deer and Indian disappear, and in their stead stand fields of waiving g rain; the little frontier towns have grown to be prosperous cities, and t he log cabins have given way to the aristocratic farm residence. His paren ts are among the most industrious pioneers, and left their children a lega cy of honor and uprightness. Simon was married to Catherine Darnell in 182 3; they were parents of eleven children, all of whom were reared up exce pt two. He now resides on the old home, that was cleared by his own labo r; his son Nathan takes care of the farm, and Mr baker makes his home wi th him. He was always noted for his honor and fair dealing with his fell ow men, and will leave behind a name of which his children should ever fe el proud.
IGI CLARA C. BAKER Birth: 04 DEC 1874 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Father: N. D. BAKER Family
Last Name: EVILSIZOR First Name: CLARA Middle Name: C Spouse First Name: SAMUEL Age at Time of Death: 89 City of Death: FLETCHER State of Death: OH Month of Marriage: 12 Day of Marriage: 31 Year of Marriage: 1896 Parent's First Name(s): NATHAN Month of Death: 2 Day of Death: 26 Year of Death: 1965 Other Names There is 1 other family name for this person: 1.) Last Name: BAKER First Name: CLARA Middle: C
Newspaper Source Source: Bellefontaine Examiner Month: 2 Day: 27 Year: 1965 Page: 5 Column: 7
McClanahan, James Lived in: Poca District, Putnam County, West Virginia 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1770 Book: 2 Page: 83
Death Date «tab»06 Dec 1858
Death Place «tab»on Pocatalico, Kanawha, West Virginia
Gender «tab»Female
Age «tab»32 years
Estimated Birth Year «tab»1826
Birth Place «tab»Cabell County, Va
Marital Status «tab»Married
Spouse's Name «tab»William Mcclanahan
Father's Name «tab»Jacob Evelsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Letty
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Occupation «tab»Housewife
Street Address «tab»
Residence «tab»
Cemetery «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Burial Date «tab»
Film Number «tab»460366
Digital Folder Number «tab»4226827
Image Number «tab»23
Source «tab»County Records
Reference Number «tab»v 1 p 16
[email protected] (Linda Kay Anderson) www.my-ged.com/anderson/
Toni Coffee [email protected]
Hazel Hilliard 9110 Haskell Drive Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74014 Phone 918-251-2441 [email protected]
[email protected] Cathy Landers
Russell Landers. He is a descendant of Walker Landers and Ernest Lander s.
Gender «tab»Male
Burial Date «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Death Date «tab»16 Mar 1886
Death Place «tab»Madriver, Champaign, Ohio
Age «tab»0
Birth Date «tab»1886
Birthplace «tab»Madriver
Occupation «tab»None
Race «tab»
Marital Status «tab»Single
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Isaac Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Amanda Cook
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»B07024-6
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»295234
Reference Number «tab»p 129
Elizabeth Riggins* Samuel Riggins* Helen Riggins* John Tarpley "Top" Riggins Juanita Riggins* Threeman Riggins* Lawrence Eugene Riggins (my grandfather was Lawrence Edward, my middle na me is for him) Mendyoun Riggins* Wendel Riggins* Bobby Riggins*
* Denotes still living.
Juanita "Nita" Evilsizor, 74, of Piqua, formerly of Urbana died at 7:10 P.M. Wednesday, January 12, 2011 in the Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy. She was born March 17, 1936 in Clarksville, TN, a daughter of Lawrence E. and Marine (Williams) Riggins.
Juanita was a member of Favorite Hill Baptist Church and retired from Siemens Alliance.Survivors include her daughters, Teresa Carney (Bruce King) of Piqua and Kimberly Kay Evilsizor of Troy, son, Kenneth Evilsizor and his wife Darla of Urbana, daughter-in-law, Deb Evilsizor of St. Paris, sisters, Betty Rushing of TN, Helen Carrasco of TX and Mendyoun Mugridge of TN, brothers, Wendell "Huck" Riggins of TN and Bobby Riggins of TN, 13 grandchildren and 38 great grandchildren.She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Evilsizor in 1980, son, Robert L. Evilsizor in 2007, and brothers, Sam Riggins, Threeman Riggins, John "Top" Riggins and Lawrence Riggins.The family will receive friends 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Monday, January 17, 2011 in the WALTER & SMITH FUNERAL HOME, 642 S. Main Street, Urbana, where funeral services will be held at 1:30 P.M. Burial will follow in Oak Dale Cemetery, Urbana.Serving as pallbearers will be Jace Carney, Eric Evilsizor, Jay Carney, Ian Evilsizor, Ben Barney, Craig Rufener, Bruce King and Stephani Stewart.Memorial contributions may be made in Juanita's memory to PAWS Animal Shelter, 1535 West Route 36, Urbana, OH 43078.
1860 Never found
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»27 Jul 1887
Death Place: «tab»Lawrence County, Ohio
Age: «tab»69
Birth Date: «tab»1818
Birthplace: «tab»Virginia
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07039-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»317745
Reference Number: «tab»ldg 1 p 362 reg 40
Hello, Cyrus Vance was my grandfather. He was married to Catherine in 1830, 11 ye ars before my grandfather was born, the 4th of 7 children to Cyrus. Everyo ne believes my grandfather's mother was a Hannah Vance, but I'm not convin ced, as Catherine is the first marriage I have found for him. Do you ha ve any information on Catherine? Cyrus was in the 1850 Richland, Ohio cens us with Hannah, but I think she was other than his wife. Thank you, Glenda Vance Stadley
Bonnie Vance Miller Bvmiller
1850 Guernsey Co, OH Richland Twp pg 138 Cyrus Vance 42 Wagoner, b VA Hannah M 34 b VA Catherine E 15 Thomas P 13 John W 11 Samuel L 9 Debba M 7 Cyrus F 2 Vincent F 4m
It would seem Catherine Evilsizer died or divorced. From the ages of the c hildren, names, and the gap between Debba and Cyrus it seems likely it w as about 1844-1847. Child Catherine is probably named after her mother a nd son John named after Catherine's father, John.
Other Cyrus Vance Marriages Marriage(s): Spouse: Mary E. SHREEVE Marriage: 9 Dec 1856
Guernsey, Ohio
Marriage(s): Spouse: Nancy Mrs WHISSEL Marriage: 21 Feb 1864
Guernsey, Ohio
Nancy was a widow in 1880
We connect through Cyrus Vance and Catherine Evilsizer of Guernsey Count y, Ohio area. I would love to exchange information with you. Maybe we co uld help each other learn more. Lois Miller [email protected]
Death Date: «tab»12 Dec 1926
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1855
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»71 years 4 months 18 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Emmet V. Rhoads
Father's Name: «tab»Elias Beel Smith
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Bonham
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»1984618
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024345
Image Number: «tab»74
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 75696
Daughter death certificate names mother Mary Lou Aultman
Husbands obit names step children Cynthia Miller of Alb NM, Patricia Kniss of Springfield, IL and Rodey SMith of Urbana indicating she married Smith previously. But obit says first wife mary Lou died in 1983 also suggesting he married a second Mary Lou.
Columbus Dispatch, Wednesday May 25, 1983 Ohio Deaths Evilsizor, Mary Lou, 50, of Urbana, Ohio, Tuesday
Name: Mary L Evilsizor Age at Death: 50 Date of Death: 24 May 1983 City of Death: Columbus (Pt) County of Death: Franklin Volume: 25237 Certificate: 032934 Date of Birth: Est. 1933 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 286-28-0413 County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: OSU Medical Ctr Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Name: «tab»Mary L Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»Est. 1933
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States«tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White«tab»
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States«tab»
Death Date: «tab»24 May 1983
Hospital of Death: «tab»Osu Medical Ctr
City of Death: «tab»Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: «tab»Franklin
Certificate: «tab»032934
Age at Death: «tab»50
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No autopsy«tab»
Social Security Number: «tab»286-28-0413
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Birth Date: «tab»11 Jan 1951
State File Number: «tab»1951001000
Additional Information: «tab»Aultman
Name: William G. Evilsizor SSN: 279-50-9157 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of America Born: 11 Jan 1951 Died: 6 May 2007 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1966-1967 )
Birth Date: «tab»28 Oct 1957
State File Number: «tab»1957284296
Additional Information: «tab»Aultman
Birth Date: «tab»2 Jun 1952
State File Number: «tab»1952079271
Additional Information: «tab»Aultman
Ohio Deaths 1908-1953 Name : Mildred Irene Evilsizor Death date : 19 Jul 1952 Death place : Goshen Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States Birth date : 02 Jun 1952 Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 1 month 17 days Gender : Female Race or color : Caucasian Residence : Mutual, OH Rt 29 Burial date : July 21 1952 Burial place : Mechanicsburg, OH Cemetery name : Kingscreek Cemetery Father name : Clyde Wm. Evilsizor Father titles : Jr. Mother name : Mary Lou Aultman GSU film number : 2246300 Digital GS number : 4109428 Image number : 02290 Certificate number : 43021 Informant: Clyde W Evilsizor Jr COD; Premature 3lb 4oz
Name: «tab»Walter Wright
Birth Date: «tab»1898
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Marietta
Residence County: «tab»Washington
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»20 Sep 1962
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Marietta
County of Death: «tab»Washington
Certificate: «tab»70253
Age at Death: «tab»64
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
UEBEL, JOHANN FRIEDRICH (2)----Siglingen (1752) With wife. Ludwigsberg Protocol, 4.21.1752, to "Pennsylvania."//Johan Ub el (Johan Friedrich Uebel), age 30, Peggy, September 24[25] 1753, Hinke, I ,546,548. Cf. 3PA, II,444:Fred'k Evil(single), Coventry Tp.,Chester Co.,Pa .,1768; also 3PA,18,43:Fredrick Evil, Exeter Tp.,Berks Co.,Pa, 1767. Esta te of Frederick Ubel, of Exeter Tp.,Berks Co.,Pa, April 22, 1777, administ ration to Michael Dieber, next of kin, Berks Co Will Abstracts, I,223,GSP.
1767 Census-Berks Coshows neighbors of Boyer and Allstat. Facts of Jakob U ebelschausser show daughter< Elizabeth married Reese Allstat,and daught er Sarah's sponser at birth was Eva Boyer. Jacob in same household in 17 79 census after Johann died in 1777 leads me on a new path of evidence th is is the father of Jakob. Michael Dieber, listed in administration, sho ws in 1790 Census Berks Co, and land records 1811 in Schuykill Co(ne xt to Berks).
Death Date: «tab»19 Jul 1909
Death Place: «tab»Adams Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Jul 1909
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»5 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»20 Jul 1909
Burial Place: «tab»Cedar Point
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Walter Moore
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Conner
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1927092
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020999
Image Number: «tab»1620
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 33412
Hart was only found on a child death cert. May have been a nickname.
Never located in any census after 1880
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»09 Jul 1913
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Birth Date: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Miami C., O.
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Father: «tab»Chas. Mckenzie
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Clara Merrell
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ruth Deweese
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Birth Date: «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Troy, Miami, Ohio
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»David Deweese
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lydia Bectal
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»it 27731 p 161
Film Number: «tab»550154
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260995
Image Number: «tab»88
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»08 Oct 1918
event place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»33 W. Ward
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»64y 5m 15d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»
occupation: «tab»Assembler R.&M. Co.
birth date: «tab»23 Apr 1854
birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., O.
estimated birth year: «tab»1854
burial date: «tab»10 Oct 1918
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Mutual Cem.
father: «tab»Samuel Allison
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Va.
mother: «tab»Nancy Reed
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 58682
film number: «tab»1984443
digital folder number: «tab»4021826
image number: «tab»2941
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8VP-P13 : accessed 17 Nov 2012),
Samuel K Allison, 1918; citing reference fn 58682, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
A Philip Comer was in charge of the probate for Henry Idle's estate, 1865 .
Henry had 5 sons in the Civil War at the same time in the same Company.
Is this the same Henry Idle listed on the 1820 Tuscarawas Co Ohio Censu s, p. 169, One Leg Twp?
Enumerated with the family of Henry Idle on the 1860 census was an Thom as Idle age 28, b 1832, a carpenter. On 1850 there was an Elias Pullens, h ive builder, b.1829 in Virginia on census with family. Possible relati ve of spouse?
Champaign Co, Guardian records 4/22/1833 Book 14 Pg281 Henry Idle, gdn of Betsy Journell 11yrs, James Journell 9 yrs, Anderson jo urnell 7 yrs, Crockett Journell 5 yrs, Charles Journell 4 yrs, John Journe ll 3 yrs, children of John Journell, dec'd. Surity Peter Groves, John Hale
Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg473 Jan 11 1867 Henry Idle gdn of Mar ion McAlexander 20 yr Aug 20 1866; David McAlexander 17yr 7 Nov 1866; Jere miah McAlexander 13yr 27 Nov 1866; heirs of David McAlexander dec'd Surit ies P Comer and Henry McAlexander
John apparently owned land along the Catawba Creek in Botetourt Co, VA. He had this surveyed in 1819 after he was in Ohio. He later sold this land in 1827 to Nathan Switzer. Nathan owned the adjoining land and perha ps he rented it before 1827.
In 1832 John Purchased additional land in mad River, Ohio. In 1842 he sold some land to William Idle, his son, also to John G Lee, his son-in-la w, and to John, Jr. The farm land that John owned is now in 1997 a very lovely farm and owned now by a prominent person in Urbana, Ohio.
John Idle Sr. gave or sold land to his son William in Champaign Co Oh West /2 NE , 1/4 Section 10, Range 12 on 6 Apr 1842.
Death of John Idle
John Idle, the oldest white man in Champaign County died on Sabbath, Nov 24, 1878, at the residence of his son, William near Westville. He was born in Bucks Co, Penn on the 15th of Jan 1781, and was consequently at the time of his death in is 98th year. He was taken by his paretns at the age of ten years to Augusta County Virginia and subsequently to Botetourt county, where in the year 1804 he married Miss Mary Seibert, by whom he had seven children. In 1815 he emigrated to Ohio and purchased a small farm of Judge William Runkle in Mad River township, where he remained the balance of his life. IN 1841 the wife of his youth died, and the year following he married the step-mother of Judge John Taylor, now of Defiance Ohio. Immediately after his second marriage he suffered the amputation of a limb, the operation being performed by Dr Adam Mosgrove, Dr Fyffe, and Dr Kindleberger. He lived sonstantly on the same farm for a period of 63 years. Coming into the state when it was comparative wilderness, he lived to see the foest pass away and in its stead grow up a vast multitude of people. He was in reality one of that class of people to whom the present generation owes a wonderful debt of gratitude. His most prominent characteristic was that of an honest man, and having lived a lifetime of almost 100 years, he endeared himself to a very large circle of friends. His funeral obsequies were conducted by Rev James Randle, and a very large concourse of people gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to the centenarian.
He owned 80 acres of land in Section 32 of Mad River Twp. which he purchased from John and Mary BLUE (possibly his brother) in 1820. He sold th is land to Martin Idle in 1843 and purchased from Martin Idle the east 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 28, Twp. 4, Range XII (C oncord Twp.). He appears on the tax rolls of Champaign Co. in 1820, and r emains on the rolls at least through 1827. William was a veter an of the War of 1812, serving in Capt. Abner Barrett's company from 21 A ug to 21 Oct 1812 and from 1 Jan to 21 Feb 1813. His military papers sta te that he was 5'-10" tall, with blue eyes and light complexion. Willi am and Margaret died in Champaign Co. and are buried at Harbour-North Cem etery. His will was proved on 24 Sep 1870 and mentions an unnamed wife, s ons Martin, Simon, William W. and James R., and heirs of John and Samu el who are each to receive $10. Margaret was living with son Martin in Concord Twp. in 1880.
Lemuel BLUE (ca1800-1835), m.1821 Susannah JOHNSTON (b.1800/10). They we re married in Champaign Co. OH. The first known record of Lemuel is dat ed 9 Aug 1820, when he witnessed the sale of 80 acres in Sect. 32 of Mad R iver Twp., Champaign Co. OH, by John and Mary BLUE [Q.] to William BLUE [P .]. Then on 7 Sep 1820, Lemuel bought 30 acres of land in the NW quart er of Sect. 33 of the same township. Witnesses to this deed were John a nd William BLUE. There may have been some controversy over the title to th is 30 acres, for quit claim deeds were written in 1823 and 1827, and Lemu el didn't start paying taxes on it until 1824. There is no record of the s ale of this land or its disposition after Lemuel's death filed in Champai gn Co.
Source http://members.tripod.com/blue_family/bl06.htm
Family researcher Sarah A. Bitter Oregon, Ohio [email protected]
1870 Champaign Co, Concord, OH -pg 219 156/156 William Blue 77 VA Margaret 74 VA 157/157 Simon Blue 35 OH Eliza J 26 OH John M 7 OH Samuel O 6 OH Elmer E 3 OH Uriah 62 b VA
1860 Champaign Co, Concord, OH -pg 210 William Blue 65 VA margaret 54 VA Willaim 25 OH Simon 23 OH Jane 29 OH Nancy 19 OH
William Blue - Pvt Capt. Abner Barrett's Company Champaign Co, OH
1820 Champaign Co, OH Cornelius Blue pg 456 011101-10100 John Blue, pg 156 000010-0010 Samuel Blue pg 460 000211-00210 William Blue 200100-0010
1830 Champaign Co, OH-pg 28 John Blue 020001-21001 Samuel Blue 00011-0000001 William Blue 311001-210001 Andrew Blue 210001-010010 Cornelius Blue 110001001-011001
IN the 1840 Census, William is next to Andrew as in 1830 which always l ed me to believe they were both sons of Samuel
Researcher- [email protected] Mickey Jackson Cox
The last of the gatherings was the celebration of the 84th anniversary of Aunt Peggy Blue, of the vicinity of Heathtown. The good old lady is a native of Virginia, and while she lived beyond her four score years, yet she is hale and hearty and bids fair to complete her five score years. She does the entire household work for herself and son and grandson. On the above occasion some forty-five of her friends and relatives partook of an excellent dinner, under the immediate supervision of her son Martin, late supervisor of the 3d road district of Concord township.
10/23/1879 Concord Item. Celebrated her 8th birthday. Came from Loudon Co, VA in 1812 being sweet sixteen.
Urbana Citizen and gazette 2-26-1885 Margaret (Peggy) Blue of Concord Twp, maiden name IDLE was born 13th Oct 1 796 in VA; migrated to Ohio with brothers Henry, John and jacob Idle in 1815; md William Blue. Her oldest son John died in the hospital at Lexington, KY, 4th Feb 1863 and was buried in the cem at that place; her second son Samuel was a member of Co G 34th OVC and died at home 3rd Dec 1862. Her remainign sons, Martin, William, james and Simon are well known citizens of the west end.
Death Date: «tab»03 Jan 1924
Death Place: «tab»Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 Jun 1862
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»61 years 6 months 12 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»23 N Wilkinson St
Occupation: «tab»Dentist
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»05 Jan 1924
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Woodland Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»Effie Z. Custer
Father's Name: «tab»Isaac N. Custer
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Fisher
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992489
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000605
Image Number: «tab»2014
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 4491
Received citation from war & Navy dept. He developed solid propellant for rackets and missiles, World War II Was 15 miles away with Dionne quits were born in Canada
Church: Presbyterian Education: 12 years + 1/2 yr Wittenburg Univ + 5 years Ohio State Univ (B EM & MSC) Hobby: Plays violin and organ, church work, Sec. North Alabama Archaeolo gy Society Last Residence: Last residence: AL 356012 No. Children: 3 Occupation: Manager of Development, Monsanto (retired) SSN: Social Security #: 287-07-91453 SSN Issue State: State of issue: OH
A birth record was found near Schafferstown Heidelberg TWP, Lancaster County, in what is now Lebanon Co, for a Martin b 31 Mar 1754.(Millbank Churc h) The date fits as do the parents names. Martin was in the Militia in Hil ltown, TWP, Bucks Co, PA. He is listed on the tax rolls there as ear ly as 1778. In 1780 he is fined by the Comptroller General for missing mus ter in the Bucks Co Militia. In 1781 Martin again appears on the tax rol ls in Hilltown. Benjamin Brooks is listed on the tax rolls of Tinicum T wp which is about 10 miles from Hilltown. The two men are probably in t he same Militia.
Someone in the family claimed that martin was a Hessian soldier who desert ed to the American's. I contacted the Johannes Schwalm Historical Societ y, who are experts on the Hessian Soldiers and their reply was that the re were no Idles of any spelling listed. Also, that no Hessian soldier wou ld have been likely to have been a land holder as early as 1778, since th ey had only arrived in Long Island in August of 1776.
Martin was in the battle of CowPens 17 Jan 1781 in the Rev War but we ha ve been unable to document that record. Benjamin Brooks is listed there, b ut from MD. Martin was reported to have married a Benjamin Brook's siste r, Mary. Ben was his Captain in the Rev War.
In 1790 Martin and his family are listed in the 1790 Bucks Co, PA Censu s. Then, according to John SR (Martin's son) obit, the family left PA in 1 791 moving to Augusta Co, VA and then to Botetourt Co, VA. They remain ed in Fincastle or that area until 1815 when all but Henry moved to Ohio
Martin is found signing a marriage bond 6 Nov 1798 in Fincastle, Botetou rt Co, VA for Betsy and Henry Evilsizer. This Martin signed with the old s pelling Eitel.
I find the following notes at http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/m/a/r/S-D-Martinrott/ Family legend passed on by Beatrice "Trix" Shearer Cox, sister of Franc is M. Shearer, indicates that Martin Eitel came from Germany as a Hessi an Soldier. This 1967 letter is now in the possession of descendant Ter ry Dearborn Jr.
"Martin Idle came from Germany during the Revolutionary War as a Hessian s oldier, sold to England to fight against the Colonies. But it seems th at a good man couild not be held a slave in a bad service. Martin Idle sta rted his own thinking machine soon after he landed on this continent. He s oon found out he had been sold to fight for the wrong against the right. F lr this he was not to be blamed. But he wuld have shared in the bla me if he had continued on that side. Martin Idle was too conscious for tha t. Just as soon as he saw that the Colonists were in the right, he desert ed the English army and joined the Colonists and fought with them for free dom against oppression until victory was won and the foundation of the "Gr eat Republic", sanely and securely laid"
Chancery Records of Champaign Co, OH Minute Bock Supplement 3, Page 1 (Record Book 1, Page 1) - August Term 181 6 Orris Parish presiding judge; John Runyon Esquire; Joseph Layton Esquire a nd Hiram M. Curry Esquire, associate judges. Martin Idle Vs John Diltz Martin Idle was represented by Henry Bacon, attorney, and John Diltz was r epresented by Moses B. Corwin, attorney, in court cn 3 May 1814. On 13 De cember 1811 Diltz offered to Martin, who then resided in Virginia, 200 acr es of first quality land which lay on Mad River not far from Urbana and sh owed him a paper which was supposed to be a certificate for the acreag e. The certificate was supposed to be for land which was granted to a sol dier in the Indian or French War and prior to the American Revolution. Ma rtin moved his family from Botetourt County, Virginia and agreed to give J ohn Diltz $100 ($95 in bond and $5 in cash) f or the land. Diltz gave Id le a certif icate which Idle later gave to his attorney, Daniel D. Armstro ng, who has since left the county. Idle had determined that the paper w as of no value and is asking for an injunction prohibiting Diltz from col lecting on the bond.Joseph Diltz,father of John, had told Idle that t he certificate was valid.John Diltz answered the summons and said th at he did not offer a certificate for the 200 acres but did purchaseof T homas Davis of Virginia a certificate which allowed as much land as was th en available to Sergeants in the American Revolution. John's statement w as sworn before Nathaniel Pinchard, Justice of the Peace. The court decre ed that the injunction was perpetual and ordered Diltz to pay the cos ts of the suit; $29.97 1/2.
Indian Creek Reformed Church, Franconia Tp., Montgomery Co, PA Children of Martin Eitel and wife, Elizabeth [need to reconcile this na me with our records that say Mary Brooks; suppose she could be a Mary Eliz abeth. I was hoping to find the marriage record, but it wasn't there.] Magdaline b. 10/24/1779, bapt. 3/27/1780 John b. 12/30/1780, bapt. 3/25/1781 [these differ from our previous da tes] Sophia b. 5/24/1783, bapt. 2/5/1784 Henry b. 12/23/1785, bapt. 4/27/1786 [just a two year difference, can e asily confuse of 3 and 5]
Name: Frederick J Holl Gender: Male Date of Death: 01 June 1998 Birth Date: 19 July 1917 Volume: 31565 Certificate: 044468 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 277055337 Father's Surname: Holl Time of Death: 2:30 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 13 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Us Air Force Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Evilsizor Race: White Birth Place: Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 80
Evilsizer, Jeff C own home, age 32 , md age 22, IL IL NY, flagman-steam r ailway
Age: 32 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T626_543
Race: White Page: 17A
State: Illinois ED: 7
County: Marion Image: 0700
Township: Centralia
Relationship: Head Lorraine, wife, 28, md18, IL IL IL Lloyd, son, 7 IL IL IL Laura Qualls, sister in law, age 17 IL IL IL
Complete Powers genealogy at www.gencircles.com
Name : Kenneth Ronald Evilsizor Death date : 17 Nov 1952 Death place : Lostcreek, Miami, Ohio, United States Birth date : 20 Jan 1946 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Urbana, Ohio Age at death : 6 years Gender : Male Race or color : Caucasian Street address : R D Casstown Burial date : 11-20-1952 Burial place : Lostcreek, OH Cemetery name : Honey Creek Father name : Kenneth Evilsizor Mother name : Esther Wilma Turner Informant-Kenneth W Evilsizor COD-Virus infection and asthmatic heart condition GSU film number : 2246396 Digital GS number : 4109441 Image number : 02821 Certificate number : 73093 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Springfield News, August 7, 1910, Willowville Mrs George Hamilton of the Urbana pike and Clifford Evilsizor of Willowville, spent Sunday in Westville
Name: Charles Clifford Evilsizor City: Not Stated County: Champaign State: Ohio Birth Date: 17 Sep 1889 Race: White Roll: 1819797 WWI Draft Reg Card Sept 12 1918 Charles Clifford Evilsizor RR* Urbana, OH Age 19 born Sept 17 1889 (reversed s/b 1898) Farmer working for Jasper Evilsizor Med height, slender, brn eyes, brn hair
Urbana Daily Citizen Nov 1, 1937 Charles C Evilsizor, 39, died Sunday afternoon at his home, 454 Storms Ave nue. He was an employee of the United paper Board Company of Urban a. He is survived by his widow, Edna; two children; Alice, James and a ste p-daughter, Betty, all at home; His mother Mrs Jasper Evilsizor, of Urba na Rt 2; three sisters, Miss Alice Evilsizer of Urbana Rt 2, Mrs Mary Cro we of Mechanicsburg and Mrs Thelma Seelinbinder of Springfield. Also fo ur brothers, Oscar, Robert and Willard of Urbana and Arthur of Tremont Ci ty survive. Funeral services will be held on Thursday at 2:00 P.M. from t he Volney J Seaver Funeral Home on Scioto Street. Interment will be in t he Nettle Creek Cemetery
Nov 5, 1937 Rev E H Runyan, pastor of the Church of God officiating. Several Hymns were sung by a selected trio and there were many floral tributes. Burial w as made in the Nettle Creek Cemetery and pallbearers were; Omar Powell, Ev erett Long, John Coleman, David Grow, Ben haven, Russell Rupert, Robert Ha ven and Frances Howell.
Charles Clifford's pall bearers (Long) later married the Betty that was his step daughter
Marriage certificate says he was 26 on Sept 17 1923, but if born in 189 7, his DOB interferes with his sister.... need research. 1900 Census sa us born Sept 1898
EVILSIGOR, Charles Clifford Death date: 10/31/1937, Champaign County Certificate #66211
The paper gives the complete birth and death dates of Milton Paradise Mo rris, wife, and part of his children. Cora (Morris) Rhodes tells that s he thinks she had received the information from her father's sister Idali ne Victoria (Morris) Baylor. According to Cora, Milton Paradise Morris w as born March 1, 1816 in Kentucky.
OCCUPATION: The Sunday, December 15, 1907 edition of the "Springfield (O .) Daily News" has an article about his wife being the oldest living resid ent of Tremont City, Ohio at age 84. In this article it states that her h usband "was a shoemaker and broom maker by trade, but was a man of very po or health."
DEATH: The date of 1875 is from his tombstone in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Tr emont City, Clark Co., OH. Cora Rhodes' paper says he died April 24, 1875 .
Deed in Recorder's Office, Springfield, Clark Co., OH: Pp. 197-8 of Cem etery Record Book Vol. B covering the years 1864-1919: Solomon Sag er & Margaret his wife of Tremont, Clark County, Ohio for $5.00 to Mrs. Sa rah Morris Lot 13 Section 10 Township 4 Range 10 one square rod in M t. Calvary Cemetery near the village of Tremont, Ohio. 25 August 1875
BURIAL: The above grave, his wife Sarah's, daughter Ida (Morris) Baylo r, and son Antrim Elijah Morris are all together in Mt. Calvary Cemeter y. They are behind Solomon's plot, along the fence by the road comi ng up the hill, not far from the front entrance to the church - overlooki ng Upper Valley Pike through the village of Tremont City.
Dayton Daily News, Thursday, August 16, 2001 Mildred jane (Greene) STORCK, age 89, of Huber Heights, passed away Tuesda y, August 14, 2001 at Brookhaven Nursing home. Mildred was a retired Secre tary at Menlo Park Elementary School, a member of Sulphur Grove United Met hodist Church for over 70 years, and a 53 year member of Wayne Grange. S he was preceded in death by her husband of 64 years, Earl W in 1998, son R oger William Storck. Surviving are her daughter and son-in-law, Melan ie & Greg Kovach of Farmersville; son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Mar ilyn Storck of Huber Heights; daughter-in-law Rhelda Storck of Van Wert, O hio; sister, Lewella Hulsizer of Springfield; 7 grandchildren, 5 great gra ndchildren. Funeral Service 10 am Saturday at marker & Heller Funeral Hom e, Huber Heights Chapel, 5844 Old Troy Pike, with Pastor Jack Drodge offic iating. Interment Medway Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home fr om 6-8 p.m. If desired, memorial contributions may be made to Sulphur Gro ve United Methodist Church or Hospice of Dayto in Mildred's memory.
Name: Mildred Jane Storck [Mildred Jane Greene] Birth Date: 1 Oct 1911 Birth City: Fremont Birth County: Sandusky Birth State: Ohio Birth Country: United States Gender: Female Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic (Latino) Residence County: Montgomery Residence State: Ohio Residence Zip Code: 45325 Residence Country: United States Death Date: 14 Aug 2001 Death Time: 3:50 PM Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities City of Death: Brookville County of Death: Montgomery Certificate: 066684 Age at Death: 89 Registrar's Certificate Number: 04341 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Autopsy: No Method of Disposition: Burial Filing Date: 24 Aug 2001 Hospital Status: Other/Nursing Home Injury in Ohio: Yes Type Place of Injury: Unspecified Place Social Security Number: 284-38-8162 Father's Surname: Greene Mother's Maiden Name: Evilsizer Marital Status: Widowed Education: 12 Armed Forces Indicator: No Census Tract: 1501 Primary Registration District: 5721
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»15 Sep 1916
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Lycurgus Grant Butler
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lucy Huston
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Bernice Naomi Ambrose
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»2-1-1895
Spouse's Father: «tab»Judson Wise Ambrose
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Effie Miller
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p224
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»153
Lycurgus Grant Butler (1869 - 1950)
Lucy Huston Butler (1871 - 1956)
Abraham GARVER and Elizabeth GALLOWAY were married on 20 Feb 1834. Elizab eth GALLOWAY1 (daughter of Enoch GALLOWAY and Rachel MORRIS) was bo rn on 13 Apr 1816. She died on 3 May 1886. She was christened. She w as buried. Abraham GARVER and Elizabeth GALLOWAY had the following childr en:
+49 i. Lucinda Henry Helwick James Eberhart GARVER (born on 2 Apr 1835). +50 ii. John A. GARVER (born on 23 Jan 1838). 51 iii. Rhoda GARVER1 was born on 30 May 1840. She died on 9 Apr 192 4. She was christened. She was buried. +52 iv. Hannah Manuel Welsh GARVER (born on 2 Mar 1842). 53 v. Thomas GARVER1 was born on 2 Jan 1846. He died about 1854. He w as christened. +54 vi. Mary Ann (Katherine?) Wes Welsh GARVER (born on 16 Sep 1845). +55 vii. William H. GARVER (born on 27 May 1851). +56 viii. Martin GARVER (born on 9 Jan 1854). +57 ix. Jackson A. GARVER (born on 20 Oct 1856). +58 x. Elizabeth GARVER (born on 14 Jul 1859). Family info from [email protected]
We have a book put out by the Logan County Genealogical Society of cemeter ies in Monroe and Liberty Townships of Logan County. I had found the na me "Ollin N. Cox 1918-1937" and then under it "Waterman, Josephine C. 189 5-1974 Mother". From there we went to the Clark County Library website a nd found that there is an obituary of Mrs. Josephine C. Waterman in the Ju ne 29, 1974 newspaper. Today Bob went to our library and apparently fou nd Josephine's obituary. It says she was a retired employee of Graham Cle aners
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»06 Jul 1902
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»3
Birth Date: «tab»1899
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana Tp.
Occupation: «tab»No Occupation
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Hi Sandie,I want to thank you for a wonderfull job you did on the Allsta dt family line,it fill in a lot of missing pieces and explained some fami ly doubts concerning RoyJohnson who was Ada Mae Allstadt son before she ma rried my Grandfather Orris Perry Johnson we now know that his last name w as Gordon,thanks to you.My Grandmother Ida Mae never talk about it we ju st new that Roy did not look like the rest of the Johnson yet he carried t he name.I all so believe that the unknownJane ,Ephriam wife was a Perry,f or the Perry name comes down in our line my Dad,Orris Johnson middle na me was Perry,and my brother was a Perry Lee.All so you provided the missi ng link for the Roe family that I have been working on for three years.Thr ough some some other source I was able to trace the Johnson Family back to Sir William Johnson,quite interesting history there. Again I wou ld like to thank you.Cleora Mae Johnson Oswald.from Michigan.
Birth Date: «tab»18 Aug 1929
State File Number: «tab»1922114760
Additional Information: «tab»Emil
(Is this a wrong description or a middle name?)
Name: Robert Evilsizor Gender: Male Date of Death: 28 September 1980 Birth Date: 18 August 1929 Volume: 24161 Certificate: 062945 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 275243036 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 51 Years
Name: «tab»Neil M Allstatt
Birth Date: «tab»1908
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Silverton
Residence County: «tab»Hamilton
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»13 Mar 1964
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Silverton
County of Death: «tab»Hamilton
Certificate: «tab»19971
Age at Death: «tab»56
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
1850 Shelby Co, OH Samuel Cowan Turtle Creek, Shelby, OH abt 1811 Ohio Francis Cowan Turtle Creek, Shelby, OH abt 1814 Ohio
1860 Shelby Co, OH Samuel M Cowan Sidney, Shelby, OH 50 1809 Ohio Male Francis Cowan Sidney, Shelby, OH 47 1812 New Jersey Female
1880 Shelby Co, OH Dinsmore, OH pg 82 John COWAN Self M Male W 56 OH Farmer KY VA Caroline COWAN Wife M Female W 50 VA House Keep er VA VA William COWAN Son M Male W 23 OH Farmer OH VA Samuel COWAN Son M Male W 19 OH Farmer OH VA Alice COWAN Dau Female W 15 OH House Keep Samuel COWAN Brother M Male W 70 OH Laborer PA PA (He probably married Emma Wooddell 8/18/1883 Shelby Co, OH)
This John is too young to be his brother John born 1803
1880 Shelby Co, Sidney, OH Samuel COWAN Self M Male W 69 OH Laborer OH OH Synthia COWAN Wife M Female W 65 OH Keeping Hou se OH OH
Mrs Francis Cowan born NJ duried Graceland Cemetery died Sidney 8/3/1876 a ge 63 Lot 77 Sec 1
CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters Elias C Gove
Piqua Daily Call, Feb 13, 1945
Grandson Honored
Mr and Mrs S W Evilsizor of Fletcher entertained Monday evening at their home for their grandson Howard Robert Zerkle of Troy who leaves this week for induction into the armed forces.
Urbana Daily Citizen Friday, March 1954 Samuel W Evilsizor, 83, native of Champaign County, died at 12:30 P.M. Thu rsday in his home in North Hampton. A retired farmer he had been bedfast f or the past three weeks. Death was due to cerebral hemorrhage. Born Mar ch 22, 1870, in Mad River Township, Mr Evilsizor had spent most of his li fe in Champaign and Miami counties. He was one of 12 children born the t he Rev Isaac and Amanda Cook Evilsizor. He was a member of the North Hampt on Evangelical and Reform Church. Survivors include his widow Clara (Baker ); four daughters, Mrs Lena Moehring of Englewood, CA; Mrs Nellie Zirk le of Troy, Rt 2; Mrs Adra Barger of Springfield, and Mrs Mary Houser of T ipp City; two brothers, Charles of Thackery and Weldon of Spencerville, Oh io; three sisters, Mrs Ida Baumgardner of Bellefontaine, Mrs J S Madis on of Richwood, Ohio and Mrs Lewis Redman of Urbana; nine grandchildren a nd nine great-grand children. The body was removed to the Suber funeral ho me in Fletcher for services at 2:30 P.M. Sunday. Services will be conduct ed by the Rev M P Schoepfle, pastor of the North Hampton Evangelical and R eformed Church, of which Mr Evilsizor was a member. Burial will be in Flet cher. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 P.M. Saturday
1950- 1951-1952 Clark County Farm and Business Directory Lehmann Buildi ng Bowling Green Ohio Evilsizor, S.W. (Clara) Clark St. North Hampton, Ohio - listed in the hous ehold of J. M. Barger.
Family researcher (Michael Dobberstein [email protected])
From:[email protected] Do you have any information on Mrs. Nellie Zirkle, sister of Lenna Evilsiz or Moehring? I am looking for descendents of Reuben Zirkle from Ohio.(184 3-1892). Thanks! dotsy zirkle
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»15 Mar 1870
Birthplace «tab»CHAMPAIGN,OHIO
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Isaac Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Amanda
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C51594-1
System Origin «tab»Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number «tab»295232
NA Film Number T9-1156 Page Number 54D Peter ALLGIER Self M Male W 62 GER Farmer GER GER Sarah ALLGIER Wife M Female W 51 PA Keeps Hou John G. ALLGIER Son S Male W 19 PA Works On Farm G ER PA Salina J. ALLGIER Dau S Female W 15 PA GER PA Samuel H. ALLGIER Son S Male W 12 PA GER PA
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»07 Feb 1941
Death Place: «tab»Portage, Ottawa, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»08 Dec 1858
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Portage Twp. Ottawa Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»82 years 1 month 29 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housework
Residence: «tab»Portage Twp.
Burial Date: «tab»08 Feb 1941
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Port Clinton
Spouse's Name: «tab»Al Alvin Elwell
Father's Name: «tab»Richard Henry Gill
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Miles Creek, Va.
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Craighill
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023893
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4057799
Image Number: «tab»1500
Name: «tab»Elmer Ellsworth Gill
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»27 Sep 1947
Death Place: «tab»Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»21 Jan 1862
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Portage Twp, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»85 years 8 months 6 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Sarah R. Gill
Father's Name: «tab»Richard H. Gill
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Craighill
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372991
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4076582
Image Number: «tab»01838
Name: «tab»Richard Wilbur Gill
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»07 Jun 1930
Death Place: «tab»Portage, Ottawa, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»13 Nov 1857
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Portage, Ottawa, O.
Death Age: «tab»72 years 6 months 24 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Carpenter
Residence: «tab»Lakeside, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»10 Jun 1930
Burial Place: «tab»Port Clinton, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Gertrude Shirley
Father's Name: «tab»Richard H. Gill
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Va.
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Craighill
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Va.
Film Number: «tab»1992171
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000546
Image Number: «tab»2327
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 38360
Well, I'll close for now....write when you can and thank you for answeri ng my e-mail. Sincerely, Kathy
Name: «tab»Samuel P McConnehea
Birth Date: «tab»18 Nov 1922
Birth County: «tab»Champaign
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45503
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»14 Feb 2002
Death Time: «tab»10:25 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»008460
Age at Death: «tab»79
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»00207
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»19 Feb 2002
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Residence
Social Security Number: «tab»269-16-5707
Father's Surname: «tab»McConnehea
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»Yes
Branch of Service: «tab»Army Air Corp
Primary Registration District: «tab»1201
Denial Made to Perjury Charge
Secret Indictment is Returned Against John Evilsizor
John Evilsizor, carpenter, was brought before Common Pleas Judge F M Krapp Tuesday and arraigned on a secret indictment returned against him by the Grand Jury Monday charging perjury. He pleaded not guilty and was released on $1000 bond, signed by Roscoe Keefer and Carl Follrath. The indictment against Evilsizor alleges that during a trial of a suit of James W Circle against Evilsizor in the common please court recently, Evilsizor testified falsly. The suit was over $250 commission Circle claimed was due him from Evilsizor on the sale of a residence. Evilsizor testified in the case, the indictment recites, that he did not know that the men to whom he sold a house was sent to him by Circle, whreas, it is alleged, he did know the man was sent to him by Circle.
Public Records of Champaign Co, OH Vol I Book 1-23 1809-1852 Court of Common Pleas 3/3/1838 State of Ohio vs John Evilsizer John Evilsizer indicted for resisting a constable. William L Converse of Urbana on 3/3/1838. He was in a hearing 3/5/1838 before Elisha C Berry, Jus tice of the Peace. Cornelius Collins was the security for John's bond. Grand Jury named. 4/12/1838 Bound over for trial No other record
Sold land 5/20/1841 and moved to Indiana
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Aug 1913
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»40
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Plummer Mcclain
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura Blackburn
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Isa Burley
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»31
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Spouse's Father: «tab»Nelson Burley
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rebecca Ellis
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p474 cn946
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»600
name: «tab»Walter Mccain
event: «tab»Marriage 8/7/1929
event place (standardized): «tab»Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»22 on 7-15-1929, farmer, never married
estimated birth year: «tab»1907
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: «tab»Jackson, County
father: «tab»William Mccain
father's «tab»
mother: «tab»Clara Shear
mother's «tab»
spouse: «tab»Celia May Hamilton
spouse's age: «tab»16 on Nov 28, 1928. never married
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1913
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Jackson Twp
spouse's father: «tab»John Hamilton
spouse's father's «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Blanche Shall (Clearly written Shall)
spouse's mother's «tab»
reference number: «tab»83
film number: «tab»545417
digital folder number: «tab»004016846
image number: «tab»00496
Signed by mother and father for consent, John and Blanch Hamilton.
Because Blanch signed herself, we would assume she knows her maiden name
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8C2-P9V : accessed 01 Nov 2012), Walter Mccain and Celia May Hamilton, 1929; citing reference 83, FHL microfilm 545417.
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Celia Mae Ramey
Name: «tab»Celia Mae Ramey
Birth Date: «tab»abt 1914
Death Date: «tab»13 Oct 2007
Age at Death: «tab»93
Death Place: «tab»Ohio
Newspaper: «tab»Springfield News-sun, Springfield, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»15 Oct 2007
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 4, col. 6
Years Indexed: «tab»1982 - Current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Clark County Public Library; Clark County Public Library
Social Security Death Index about Celia Mae Ramey
Name: «tab»Celia Mae Ramey «tab»
Last Residence: «tab»43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Born: «tab»28 Nov 1913
Died: «tab»13 Oct 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Celia M Ramey
Name: «tab»Celia M Ramey
[Celia M Hamilton]
Birth Date: «tab»28 Nov 1913
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Adams
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»43078-2226
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»13 Oct 2007
Death Time: «tab»12:00 AM
Certificate: «tab»078761
Age at Death: «tab»93
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»084281
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Hospital Status: «tab»Nursing Home/Long Term Care Facility
Father's Surname: «tab»Hamilton
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»9th through 12th; No Diploma
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Manufacturing
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Laborer
Census Tract: «tab»39021010600
Times Record, Spencer WV Nov 28 1940
Frank Evilsizer Rites on Thursday
Frank Evilsizer, 67, well know Raone County resident, died Tuesday Nov 19 at the DuPont Hospital folling an illness of five weeks. Funeral rites were hold from the residense Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev M C Galiner and burial was made in the Spencer Cemetery with the Hardman Funeral Home in charge. Mr Evilsizer was born in Ohio near Marrietta but came to Roane county when only 4 years old. He had lived his entire life on Fairview Drive. For twenty-two years he was employed in the oil fields of Roane County. Surviving are his widow Rebecca Hunt Evilsizer and five children; Hoyt Evilsizer of Charleston, Mrs Martha Longfellow, Spencer, Mrs Opal Long of Creston, Mrs Marjorie Phillips and Mrs Ida Phillips
Source of my information on Samuel and Mary Jane was taken from the book " Roane County West Virginia Family History 1989", Pg 150. The article was w ritten by Ida May Phillips, a granddaughter. The Phillips' were frien ds of my grandparents, Edward McMullen and Mary Alice Hunt McMullen, a nd we would often visit with them in the 1930s when I would spend the summ ers with my grandparents. At that time Frank, Ida's father was living wi th the Phillips in the home that he (Frank) had built when they first settled on Colt Ridge .
All the best, Ted McMullen Applegate, California [email protected]
Name: Frank Evilsizer Sex: Death Date: 19 Nov 1940 Death Place: Roane, West Virginia Age at Death: 66y 11m 12d Burial Place: Roane Co, WV Burial Date: 11/21/1940 Cemetery: Spencer Cemetery Funeral Home: Bead?man-Conrad Birth Date: 11-27-1873 Birth Place: Washington Co, OH Marital Status: Spouse: Rosa Hunt Occupation: Address: Residence: Mother: Mary Jane Harshey Mother's Birth Place: OH Father: Samuel Evilsizer Father's Birth Place: Washington Co, OH Informant: Hoyt Evilsizer, Charleston, WV COD' Cant read physicians writing
Gender «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»27 Nov 1873
Birthplace «tab»WASHINGTON,OHIO
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Samuel Evelsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Mary J. Harshey
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C51405-4
System Origin «tab»Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number «tab»941955
Death Date «tab»19 Nov 1940
Death Place «tab»Roane, West Virginia DePue Hosp
Gender «tab»male
Age «tab»66-aa-12
Estimated Birth Year 11-27-1873 «tab»
Birth Place «tab»Washington Co, OH
Marital Status «tab»Married
Spouse's Name «tab»Rosa Hunt
Father's Name «tab»Samuel Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»Washington Co, OH
Mother's Name «tab»Mary Jane Harshey
Mother's Birthplace «tab»OH
Occupation «tab»Farmer and oil Field Worker
Street Address «tab»
Residence «tab»Rural Spencer WV
Cemetery «tab»Spencer Memorial
Burial Place «tab»Spencer
Burial Date «tab»11/21/1940
COD ? cant read
Informant Hoyt Evilsizer, Charlestown, WV
Film Number «tab»1983557
Digital Folder Number «tab»4259834
Image Number «tab»372
Source «tab»County Records
Reference Number «tab»15361
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»10 Sep 1871
Birthplace: «tab»MIAMI,OHIO
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»J. Dye
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»M. Evelsizer
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C51453-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number: «tab»549805
Name: «tab»Dorothy K Allstatt
Birth Date: «tab»24 May 1911
Birth City: «tab»Cincinnati
Birth County: «tab»Hamilton
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Death Date: «tab»24 Dec 1995
Death Time: «tab»05:30 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Deaconess Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Cincinnati
County of Death: «tab»Hamilton
Certificate: «tab»105669
Age at Death: «tab»84
Hospital Status: «tab»Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: «tab»283-18-8643
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Census Tract: «tab»0240
My mother, Gertrude PENCE KISER, and I are looking for information on a pl ay that was performed at the Millerstown Church bet. 1914 and 1918, the pl ay was "Spinsters Convention". My grandmother, Grace FOLTZ PENCE, was a te acher in Champaign Co. 1900~1907. She taught in the Niles School and Kana gy School. She helped organize the play along with Charles MILLER from Lur ay, Virginia and Lolita IDLE HALL, who was a good friend of my grandmothe r. Any information on the play, cast members and Lolita IDLE HALL wou ld be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Robert E Robison (1821 - 1896)
Nancy Ann Todd Robison (1820 - 1888)
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS Record Book 30, Page 464 — Filed 23 December 1862 — Petition to Partition Maggie A. Stewart, Guardian vs William Stewart et al Maggie A. Stewart was of Grundy County, Illinois. Archibald Stewart died c irca 1 September 1861 In Champaign County, seized of the south half of Sec tion 17 Township 5 Range 11 (Urbana Township), except 10 acres and a sma ll school lot. Archibald’s heirs were: Elizabeth Stewart, widow; Elizabeth Stewart Criffield, deceased and mother of Eliza Jane Criffield; John Stewa rt; Edward Stewart; James Stewart; William Stewart; Susan Jane Stewart , w ife of Randolph Tritt and the children of Matthew A. Stewart, deceased:Ha rry A. Stewart, Elizabeth A. Stewart and Margaret A. Stewart. Matthew’s wi dow, Maggie A. Stewart, was the guardian of their children.
Record Book 30, Page 616- Filed 16 April lB64 -Petition to Partition Jame, H. Allison & others vs Abraham Romick & Other, John West died in l864 and was seized of the east half (except 2 acre s) of the south-west quarter; about 30 acres of the west half of the south -east quarter; 40 acres of the west half of the east half of the north-we st quarter and , total of 37 acres in the north-west quarter, all of Secti on B Township 3 Range II (Jackson Township). John was the father of twel ve children: Ruth West, wife of James H. Allison; Tabitha West, wife of Wi lliam Merritt; Azuba West, wife of John A. Beatty; Eleanor West, wi fe of Abraham Romick of Illinois; Mary Ann West, wife of John Allison of C hampaign County; Rachel West of Champaign County, wife of William Scott w ho was in the army of the United States; Fletcher West of Iowa; Hannah Wes t, married ...Brown (and was the mother of Charles Brown of Indiana and El iza Brown of Champaign County); Eliza West, deceased, married ...Grafton ( and was the mother of Ann Grafton, wife of Oliver Faulkner of Illinois); W illiam West, deceased (father of Nancy West of Pennsylvania, Jasper Wes t, Susan West & John West, all of Illinois, and unknown illegitimate child ren); Nathan West, deceased (father of Rosetta West, Emily West and Franc is West of Indiana); Catharine West, wife of Jasper Grafton.
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 219B
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Mary Mitchell 1915
Settled in Parker county in Walker Bend Community now known as Horseshoe B end. The community was right along the Brazos river. The near by settleme nt of Smith Valley later known as Irby and then later and now as Tin Top.
How William M. McCarty ended up in Parker County - The facts begin when in 1865 William was found on a battle field in sou th Texas near death from heat stroke. He was captured by the southern forc es and taken into custody. It was through his recovery period that he beca me friends with Samuel Jackson "Jack" Cretsinger ( a member of the south ern army and the Cofederate Medical Corp.). They became such good frien ds that when the war ended Samuel invited William to return "home" with h im to Parker county Texas.
One story tells that when the Civil War broke out that one of the McCar ty boys was selected or choose to go and at the last moment William's fath er Christopher sent William in the other boys place. It is witnessed th at William had nothing to do with his family after going into the war.
Another similar story says that 2 McCarty boys were drafted ( William a nd a younger brother) and Christopher paid some one else to go for the you nger son only.
These documents were copied from the Winamac Library August 2002. The Fi lm numbers starts at 2450. Page 1
The State of Indiana Court of Pulaski
George Rater gives the court _____here to be informed that William McCar ty a resident of the county of Pulaski and State of Indiana now inhabiti ng said county and State is a person of unsound mind and is incapable of m anaging his own estate and further that said William McCarty is now sick a nd that he cannot be produced in court by reason of mania sickness________ primary regarding to his health.
He therefore asks that a Guardian be appointed for said William McCarty.
George Rater Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Feb 1867
W H Jacks
Page 2 We the jury find that said Wm. McCarty is of unsound mind, and incapab le of managing his own estate.
John Mickle
Page 4 In the Matter of the insanity of William McCarty
W H Jack Clerk of said Court ____ ______ in the matters and a th--- set out in t he Petition the above _________ case carries each and every allegation ma de and contained therein
WH Jack
Page 5 The State of Indiana County of Pulaski
Indiana Plea Court
Sept Term 1867 George Rater Guardian
Of William McCarty insane
W.H. Jacks Clerk of the Common Plea Court for ______ in the petition of the Guardi an George rater says he denies each and every allegation made and contain ed therein.
W.H. Jacks Clerk
Page 6 The State of Indiana County of Pulaski
In Common Pleas Court
Sept term 1867 In the Matter of the Guardianship of William Petition f or McCarty an insane Person discharge of ca use
By George Rater Guardian
To the h on Wm C. Talcott judge of the Court of Common Pleas.
The ___________ you petition will respectfully show to the court that he retofore at the Feb Term 1867 of this court he made application and was ap pointed Guardian of William McCarty an insane person. He would ________rep resent that since his ____applicant as such guardian his ________Wm. McCa rty has entirely recovered from his insanity and is now entirely able a nd is capable of managing his own affairs.
Page 12 We the jury find that said Wm. McCarty is now of sound mind and capab le of managing his own estate.
B F Lau Foreman
Court documents scanned on the Evilsizer CD Version 2.0 provided by Lucin da M LeBel Membership VP Tallahassee Genealogical Society [email protected]
In 1867 after William returned from the Civil War (1) , his Father-in-l aw George Rater was made his guardian for a short time (2) . William h ad a mania illness, which made him incapable of handling his affairs ( 3) . Later that same year, George Rater petitioned the court to reverse t he previous decision. William had recovered from his illness. During Proba te of Christopher McCarty's estate, George Rater presented the court wi th a note for $173.05 signed by Christopher McCarty that was owed to Will iam McCarty .(4) (1) American Civil War Soldiers Record 2642757. Enlisted as a Priva te on 30 December 1863. (2) Common Pleas Court, Pulaski Co. Indiana, 07 Feb 1867, George Rater p etitions the court to become William McCarty's guardian. William is declar ed insane. Documents are included. (3) Common Pleas Court, Pulaski Co. Indiana, 02 Oct 1867, George Rater in forms the court that William has recovered from his illness. William is ju dged to be sane. Documents are included. (4) The draft note is dated April 30th, 1867, it further states the no te is to be paid in full in eight months time. The note is signed by Chris topher McCarty. George Rater submitted this note to the Court to obtain t he money from Christopher McCarty's estate 1 Sept 1869. Document is includ ed. Christopher McCarty died 23 April 1869.
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»03 Dec 1904
Death Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»78
Birth Date: «tab»1826
Birthplace: «tab»Union Co., O
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 427
1880 Champaign Co, OH Urbana Ella Patrick, head, 34 OH OH IN Jennie, dau, 12 OH OH OH
Cemetery records for Vashti say kin of Ella
Name: Zelora Rutan SSN: 286-26-1456 Last Residence: Ohio Born: 21 Apr 1877 Died: Oct 1962 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Beers Seneca Co Ohio History SCIPIO TOWNSHIP - 969 SCIPIO TOWNSHIP. Z. E. RUTAN, teacher, Republic, was born in Champaign County, Ohio, Mar ch 4, 1851, son of Abner and Emily (Gray) Rutan, the former born Mar ch 6, 1817, died March 6, 1865. Abner Rutan's first wife, Irena Little, bo rn March 20, 1814, bore him two children: Milton H. and Enos K.; his seco nd wife, also born March 20, 1814, died July 31, 1883, and was the moth er of two children: Zerora E. and Arnaldus, the latter born October 14, 18 52. Our subject remained upon a farm until he arrived at the age of maturi ty; then for a year attended the Bellofontaine schools, and entered upon h is career in life as a teacher. He became principal of the Huntsville scho ols in 1875, and two years later he removed to Shrove, where he was princi pal of schools for two years; he then became principal of the Greenwich sc hools for one year; thence moved to Republic, where he has held a like pos ition for three years. Mr. Rutan is an active member of Republic Lodg e, I. O. O. F., No. 40, N. U. No. 22. of Greenwich. and K. of H. No. 12 5, at Shreve. He is a consistent member of the; Methodist Episcopal Churc h; in politics he is a Democrat. Mr. Rutan married, August 12, 1877, Lau ra Cheever, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, daughter of Rev. W. M. Cheever, and bo rn August 17, 1852; she is a graduate of the Bellefontaine school s. It is believed there is but one family of Rutans in America, and they t race their ancestry back to 1640, and are of French descent.
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»Bellefountain, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»08 Jun 1897
Death Place: «tab»Toledo, Lucas, Ohio
Age: «tab»46
Birth Date: «tab»1851
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Occupation: «tab»Teacher
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07135-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1672030
Reference Number: «tab»p 146
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»03 May 1865
Event Place: «tab»Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Nancy J. Sayer
Name: Beatrice E Louderback Gender: Female Date of Death: 21 March 1997 Birth Date: 06 February 1907 Volume: 31050 Certificate: 023496 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 286586043 Father's Surname: Schaefer Time of Death: 3:40 PM Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 99 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Evilsizor Race: White Birth Place: Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 90
Gender «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place «tab»
Birth Date «tab»06 Feb 1907
Birthplace «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date «tab»
Name Note «tab»
Race «tab»White
Father's Name «tab»G. E. Schaefer
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Father's Age «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Glenna Evilsizor
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Age «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»C00818-4
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»466658
Reference Number «tab»v 4 p 557
Family sheets in Mary Downs File
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