[MI3684] (Medical):Death reported by Isaac Bull
Name �tab�Olive May Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�17 Nov 1879
Death Place �tab�Madriver Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age �tab�3
Birth Date �tab�1876
Birthplace �tab�Madriver Tp
Occupation �tab�
Race �tab�
Marital Status �tab�Single
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�v 1 p 116
(Research):In 1820 Adam has within his household a female aver the age of 45 making her born prior to 1775. There are two possibilities. His mother, which would confirm that his father had died , his father not being Jacob, as Jacob was still alive, (helping the THOMAS theory). It could be a sister. Possibilities are an unknown Hannah Evilsizer that married a Thomas McGee in 1817 of legal age. Hannah could also be a daughter by a previous marriage.
Inventory of the Estate of Adam Evilsizer taken the 21st day of Decembe r, 1821.Files February 22, 1822 One dresser and its furniture app....to 2.50Polly Evilsizer/ David Arnold One small table1.00George Kepley One flax Wheel .25Polly Evilsizer One chest2.00Polly Evilsizer One barrell, a churn and dough trof .75Polly Evilsizer One auger, a spur and a set of clips .75M Collins Two Chers .50Polly Evilsizer Two ovens and a frying pan3.00 The wearing clothes of the dec'd1.50Polly Evilsizer One ax and a wedge2.00George Kepley One mattuck?1.??George K Clyne One shovel plow3.00Polly Evilsizer One saddle and saddle bags5.00Henry Baker/George Kepley One set of plow irons5.00John Mor?is? One suger kettle3.50Polly Evilsizer One Collar ,Harness And one par of chains2.00Polly Evilsizer One ?rusure? And a bridle .75 One bed and bedding one par of sheets15.00Polly Evilsizer One bed and bedding10.75Jacob Summers Twenty bushels of wheat10.00**John Argenbright/JohnMcBee Fifty bushels of corn12.50**John Argenbright/DanielSears Five head of hogs7.00Polly Evilsizer Sub total90.59 One two year ole stear4.00Henry Baker One brindle heffer5.00Isaac Miller One ?pader? Cow9.00Andrew Kepley One white backed cow6.00Polly Evilsizer One brindle cow11.50Polly Evilsizer One bull calf1.50 One filly15.50Clement Burton One bay mare21.00Polly Evilsizer One book .75 One silver watch5.00M Collins
Total172.84 Appraisors signatures Isaac Miller....? George Evil.....? Jacob Summers
State of Indiana Harrison County- I do hereby certify the within to be a t rue inventory of the appraisers value of the personal estate of Adam Evils izer, dec'd, then according to law so far as at this estate has come to t he knowledge of the administrator Henry Baker. Witness my hand and seal th is 21st day of Dec, 1821 Temple C Byrn
Transcribed to the best of my ability by Sandi Evilsizer Koscak
** The John Argabright (b. Oct. 19, 1794 according to obit) who married T eeny Baker seems to have been the son of Augustine and Barbara Hanger Arg nbright. John was a private in Captain Doles Company of the Virginia Militia from September 1 to Nov. 19, 1814. Served in War of 1812(Pension # WC- 25350). He and his brothers Frederick and Jacob and his sister Eva had moved to Indiana by 1820 and ended up in Blandinsville, Ill. John's name is listed f or his purchase of wheat and corn from the estate sale of Adam Evilsizer. This sale was held in Harrison County, Indiana on December 21, 1821. H enry Baker (Christina's father?) was the administrator. He seems to h ve relocated to Harrison Co., Indiana in time to be enumerated on pa ge 57 the 1820 census there and must be the John Arkenbright enumerated on p. 347 f the 1830 Floyd County, Indiana Census; also enumerated on p. 307 of the 1840 Floyd Co. IND Census and in Greenville Twp of t he 1850 Floyd County Indiana Census on pp. 466B-467A: Source [email protected] writes:
Name: �tab�Marie E Evelsizer
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jan 1925
Birth Place: �tab�Summit
State File Number: �tab�1925007830
Additional Information: �tab�William
Name: �tab�Marie Conkle
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jan 1925
Birth Place: �tab�Akron, Summit County, Ohio, USA
Death Date: �tab�5 Oct 2011
Death Place: �tab�Newell, Hancock County, West Virginia, USA
Cemetery: �tab�Shadow Lawn Memory Garden
Burial or Cremation Place: �tab�Newell, Hancock County, West Virginia, USA
Has Bio?: �tab�Y
Spouse: �tab�Paul Conkle Jr
name: �tab�James Sagers
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�25 Mar 1916
event place: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
residence: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�71y 4m 19d
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�W
occupation: �tab�Laborer
birth date: �tab�06 Nov 1844
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1845
burial date: �tab�25 Mar 1916
burial place: �tab�
cemetery: �tab�Mt. Calvary
father: �tab�Martin Sagers
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Virginia
mother: �tab�Mary Steine
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Virginia
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 22252
film number: �tab�1983647
digital folder number: �tab�4024450
image number: �tab�2625
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8NQ-HCS : accessed 04 Nov 2012), James Sagers, 1916; citing reference fn 22252, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[HI3694] (Research):There is a Mary Wible who married Nathan Gaunt. They had a female child bo rn 4/13/1900 in Jay Co, IN Book H-8 Pg 46. Another female born 9/12/1886 B ook H-2 Pg 24, Jay Co.
Name: �tab�Stella Willbanks
SSN: �tab�446-07-3167
Last Residence: �tab�74301 Vinita, Craig, Oklahoma,
Born: �tab�13 Apr 1891
Last Benefit: �tab�74301 Vinita, Craig, Oklahoma,
Died: �tab�Sep 1977
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Oklahoma (Before 1951 )
Died four months after her brother Walter.
Mentioned in May 1977 obit living Vinita, OK
[HI3700] (Research):These descendants furnished by Chuck Seyfert [email protected]
Wise vs. Wise
O.S.,345:N.S. 125- Bill, 23rd March 1819 Marriages of children from [email protected]
[HI3709] (Research):Submitted by Vol 1 # 2923 from WFT Maker
[XI3709] 64336 �tab�KIZER �tab�SARAH �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�VA. �tab�05/19/1874 �tab�05/21/1874 �tab�H �tab�Lot 212 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 15
[NI3715] Married Henry Beam Rohdes 6/4/1837 Rockingham Co, VA
[NI3716] Md Frederick Speck
NOVEMBER 16, 1779 Grand Jury presentments for retailing liquors without a license, viz...Ab el Griffith pg 209,John McClenachan and others
Chalkley Vol III, page 581 DB 26 page 40, 16 Sept 1787 Abel Griffith deeded land for Mossey Creek Presbyterian Church
3/20/1776 (108) Abell Griffith, vice John Anderson--road overseer.
Robert and David Griffith, sons of Abel Griffith, who died in 1812, v s. Magdalene, Caleb and Hiram.--Magdalene was widow, Caleb and Hiram we re two infant sons. Bill for partition.
Will Book No XI, Page 180- 2nd May 1811 Abel GRIFFITH'S WILL To wife Magdalene; sons Isaac and Elijah (land on Green River, Henderson County, KY) to son, William: to son, Abner's two children; daughter Catherine C arson's children; daughter Jane Evilsizer's children; daughter Agnes Wood 's (dec'd) children; to four youngest daughters, Elizabeth, Ruth, Hanna, R ebecca; to four youngest sons, Robert, David, Caleb, Hirum (land on Long G lade). Exrs Wife Magdalene and Martin Coiner. Test: Alex Robertson, John B ell, Robert Curry. Codicil- 28th July 1812. The land he bought of son Jam es he has exchanged with Jno M Estill, but has no deed; devised to four yo ungest sons. Proved Dec Ter, 1812. Executors qualify. }
Sept 1783 Agnes Bell, widow of James Bell John Bell, eldest son and Agnes Bell wife of James, executors Feb 1785 Betsey Bell, daughter of Agnes Wood (March) 2 May 1811 pg 190 John Bell was a witness to Abel Griffith's will leavi ng land to Agness Wood's (dec'd) children. Proved Dec term 1812 (la nd on Long Glade) Abel Griffith lived on Greenbrier and in 1787 gave 3 1/2 acres land for t he Mossey Creek Church and 1 ac burying ground
Deed Book 18 Page 527 14 Nov 1772 John McCoy and Sarah to Abel Griffith, on Mossey Creek, part of 320 acr es patented to John McCoy and James McCoy, 25 Sept, 1762
Hi I am interested in where you got your information that this Abel GRIFFI TH had a son named Abel. If there was a son named Abel, his name probab ly was Abel Abraham GRIFFITH. I descend thru this line thru Abel GRIFFITH 's son Evan GRIFFITH & his wife Susannah WITHEROW and then thru their s on Abel Abraham GRIFFITH & his wife Zelphia BRUSTER and then then thru the ir son Abel Abraham GRIFFITH & his wife Ailsey WITHEROW and then thru the ir son Abel Abraham GRIFFITH & his wife Arzelia PRATER.
The only children I have for him were gotten from his Will dated 2 M ay 1811 probated in Dec 1812. And from the book - Chronicles of the Scotch -Irish in Virginia Vols 1, 2 & 3 (Ancestry.com database - The Scots-Iri sh in Virginia Vols 1, 2 & 3). His Will is included in this reference too.
If there was a son named Abel by this Abel GRIFFITH he is more than like ly one of the Abels mentioned in the reference as well as the Abraham ment ioned too. Let me know how you determined there was a son named Abe l. I am interested as there isn't any mention of an Abel GRIFFITH as s on of Abel GRIFFITH in this reference. Alan Lerwick [email protected] 1794 W South Jordan Pkwy Salt Lake City, UT 84095
Judy Prince [email protected]
Complete Griffith genealogy at www.gencircles.com
(Research):Not proven to be wife of William, however, William was in 1810 Augusta Co. ,VA Census. Only one marriage in the Evilsizer line does not have a recor d. In Abel Griffith's will dated May 2, 1822 he names daughter, Jane Evils izer's children. Census shows she would have been born appx 1779. First ch ild born 1801, and first male child named Griffith.
There is also a grave in Floyd County next to the Hurbaughs, Reeps, and Ge orge Evilsizer of a Mary . b 1/15/1791 d. 4/3/1841. I believe Ja ne to be Mary Jane. The date fits and date of death agrees with his seco nd marriage in 1842
Will Book No XI Page 180-2nd May 1811 Abel GRIFFITH'S WILL To wife Magdalene; sons Isaac and Elijah (land on Green River, Henderson County, KY) to son, William: to son, Abner's two children; daughter Catherine C arson's children; daughter Jane Evilsizer's children; daughter Agnes Wood 's (dec'd) children; to four youngest daughters, Elizabeth, Ruth, Hanna, R ebecca; to four youngest sons, Robert, David, Caleb, Hirum (land on Long G lade). Exrs Wife Magdalene and Martin Coiner. Test: Alex Robertson, John B ell, Robert Curry. Codicil- 28th July 1812. The land he bought of son Jam es he has exchanged with Jno M Estill, but has no deed; devised to four yo ungest sons. Proved Dec Ter, 1812. Executors qualify.
(Research):Times, The | San Mateo, California | Friday, January 15, 1971 | Page 33
Belmont Bowler Shot Dead in Lot
A Belmont man was slain early today in the course of a holdup by two men in the parking
lot of a Redwood City bowling alley. Police are investigating the possibility that the suspects arethe same ones that robbed adesk clerk at Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge about a half-hour after the slaying. Shot and killed in the parking lot of Mel's Bowl, 2580 El Camino
Real, about 12:35 a.m., was Gene Edward Evilsizer, 49, of 631 Masonic Way, Belmont, a
machinist for Lenkurt Electric Company. He was pronounced dead on arrival at Sequoia Hospital. Police Chief John R. McDonald, Jr., termed the slaying "senseless," noting that the robbers took Evilsizer's wallet which contained only a few credit cards, a blank check and
no cash. Evilizer's wife, Peggy, told police investigators .that her husband left home about 6:45 p.m. for his weekly 'bowling session with the Lenkurt bowling, team. She said he had only about $10 with him. Police said they found 58 in currency and some change in a front pocket of the victim's trousers. Police Sgt. Edward A. Tennis reported that Evilsizer and
three other members of the bowling team, a man and two women, left Mel's about 9:30
p.m., and drove to a bar where they remained until after midnight. Evilsizer drove one woman
back to the bowling alley in his pickup truck so she could get her car. The other couple departed from the bar in another auto. The woman, a 54-year-old Cupertino resident, told Policeman Fred Granis that Evilsizer waited'in his truck while she went to her car.
She related that after getting in 'her car she turned to' see two men approach Evilsizer's truck
and talk to him. All she heard, the witness told Granis, was one of the men tell Evilsizer, " !
mean it." The woman reported that Evilsizer got out of the truck and she heard what sounded like a gun shot. She said that Evilsizer fell to the ground and one of the men reached down, took the victim's -wallet, and the two walked' off across the parking lot towards Park Street.
Tennis said that the fact the robbers appeared unhurried indicates they hadn't seen the wit-
(Please See Page 2, Column I) walked off across the parking lot across the street.
drove off in her car, finally driving into a service station at Five Points where she called police. At the hospital, doctors found a bullet wound under Evilsizer's left arm. Tennis said the wound caliber gun, possibly a .22 pistol. The bullet apparently entered the chest cavity, killing Evilsizer immediately. The night clerk at Howard Johnson's, 387 Veterans Boulevard, reported to police that two men entered the lobby shortly after 1 a.m., one of them pointing a small caliber pistol at him and ordering him to place money from the cash register in a white paper bag he handed the clerk. Sullivan said he .placed $158 in tne bag, then was ordered to
hand over his wallet and lie down on the floor while the robbers departed. . .In both incidents, the suspects were described as black, one being tall, abou t6-ft., 2-in., and the other shorter, about 5-ft., 8 or 10-in. Both had Afro hair styles. The victim was exceptionally well-liked at Lenkurt. Evilsizer had worked for Lenkurt since March, 1962, and was employed as a shop workman in the Tool and Machine Engineering Dept.of the Model Shop, which builds advance laboratory models of future equipment and experimental devices. He bowled with the Lenkurt Recreation Association, an employee group.
San Mateo Times, Wednesday May 19, 1971
�b�R.C. �/b�Slaying Trial Begins
Selection of a jury for the murder-robbery trial of Christopher �i�Z. �/i�Brown started yesterday before superior Judge Robert D. Miller in Redwood City. Brown, 20-year-old Redwood City resident, is accused of slaying Gene E. Evilsizer, 49, of Belmont, in the parking lot of Mel's Bowl in Redwood City last January 15. ,,.�,,Evilsizer was shot and killed beside his pickup truck after driving a woman bowling companion back to her car from a tavern where they and others had gone following league competition. Police said the contents of the victim's wallet were taken. Brown was arrested a weeK following the slaying after an oil company credit card taken from Evilsizer's wallet was used for the purchase of gasoline at a Redwood City service station. A second suspect in the case. 14-year-old Laurence Eugene Larr also of Redwood City, was arrested April 29 and lodged in Hillcrest Juvenile Hall. Brown is being defended by attorneys Walter Harrington and Norman Meadows. Deputy district attorney Martin Taylor is prosecuting the case.
San Mateo Times, Thursday May 27, 1971
�b��i�Lawyers Finally Agree
on Murder Trial Jury
�/b��/i�After going through a record panel of 110 prospective jurors and taking seven days in the process, attorneys in the murder-robbery trial of Christopher . Brown finally agreed late esterday on a jury of five men made this morning by Deputy District Attorney Martin Taylor, who is prosecuting the 20-year-old defendant. Brown is being defended by attorneys Valter Harrington and Norman Meadows. The trial, being heard before uperior Judge Robert D. Miller. The Trial is expected to continue for five to six weeks. Brown is accused of murdering and robbing Gene E. Evilizer, 49, of Belmont, in the�b� �/b�parking lot of Mel's Bowl in tedwood City last January 15. Evilsizer was shot and killed as he stood beside his pickup ruck. A witness said two persons involved took the victim's wallet. Brown was arrested a week later after allegedly being dentified as the person who used Evilsizer's oil company credit card to make a gasoline purchase. A 14-year-old boy. Eugene Larry, was arrested April 29 and charged with murder in the crime. He was turned over to juvenile authorities. Court officials in Rewood City �i�say t�/i�hey cannot recall another criminal case in which such a great number of prospective jurors were processed nor which took so long in selecting a jury.
San Mateo Times, Friday, June 11, 1971
�b�Slaying Trial Set Monday
�/b�A Superior Court jury of five men and seven women is scheduled to begin deliberations Monday to decide the guilt or innocence of Christopher Zachary Brown, accused of murder and robbery in the holdup slaying of a Belmont man in a Redwood City parking lot last January 15. Superior Judge Robert D. Miller ordered the jury to appear at 9 a.m. to receive instructions following completion of testimony and final arguments yesterday by Deputy District Attorney Martin Taylor and Defense Attorneys Walter Norman Meadows. Redwood City, is accused of shooting and killing Gene Evilsizer, 49, of Belmont. in the parking lot of Mel's Bowl. One of Brown's oil company credit cards allegedly was used by Brown to make a gasoline purchase. The defendant testified during the trial that .someone else gave him the credit card and also sold him the gun. i d e n t i f i e d as the murder weapon, for $12.
San Mateo Times, Thursday, June 24, 1971
�b�R.C. Bowling Alley Killer Sentenced to Life in Jail�/b�
A Supreior Court Jury decreed life imprisonment for murderer and robber Christopher Zachary
Brown yesterday following 2 1/2 hours of: deliberation. The same jury of five men and seven women found the 20-year-old dsfendant guilty of first degree murder last week in the January 15 holdup slaying of Gene Evilsizer, 49, of Belmont, in the parking lot of Mel's Bowl in Redwood City. In the penalty phase of the trial, it was up to the jury to determine between life imprisonment or the death penalty for Brown. There were a total of 18 law enforcement officers in the courtroom of Judge Robert O. Miller as the jury returned with its decision yesterday. The officers outnumbered the spectators. who on occasion during the trial had filled the courtroom. Deputy District Attorney Marty Taylor said that in talking with some of the jurors that they indicated the defendant's vouthful age was a major factor in favoring life imprisonment rather than the death penalty. "They seemed to think that if there is any possibility of rehabilitation they were going to give him the benefit." Taylor reported. A person convicted of first degree murder is eligible for consideration for parole after seven years in prison. Taylor said that the average length of stay, however, is 15 to 16 years, with a usual range of 12 to 30 years. Judge Miller ordered a�i� �/i�pre-sentence report and ordered that Brown appear July 6 at 9 a.m. for formal sentencing. Although there had been some unverified reports of threats to the jury, both Judge Miller and Taylor said none of the jurors had reported any threats and that there had been no problems in the process of the trial.
EVILSIZER, Gene E- Redwood City, CA 1/15/1971. Gene EVILSIZER, beloved husband of Peggy Evilsizer of Belmont; father of M rs. Donna Kay Lance; step father of Kenneth Leonard, devoted son of Mr a nd Mrs. George EVILSIZER of Niles CA; brother of Bill Evilsizer of Downeyv ille Calif. and Mrs. Georgia May Winslow of Niles, CA. A native of Okmulge e, OK; age 49 years. A member of the International Brotherhood of Electric al Workers- Local # 1969 of Redwood City, and the Grass valley Lodge # 221 7, Loyal Order of Moose. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday, Janua ry 17th at 8:00 P M at the Carlmont Funeral Chapel, 1101 Alamed de las Pul ghe, Belmont under the auspices of Newark Moose Lodge 4539. Interment priv ate
[MI3719] (Medical):Death was a homicide. Shot in parking lot at 2562 El Camino, Redwood City, CA by a known person while being robbed
[HI3722] (Research):CCGS News Fall 1988 Clara McIlroy died 7/19/1868 in Champaign Co, Rush, OH of hysteria a ge 33 farmer, d/o T M and Mrs Kimball
(Research):Paradise Post-March 2, 1973 RESIDENT OF MAGALIA DIES Private funeral services were conducted Friday at Paradise Chapel Of the P ines for Billie R. Evilsizer, 52, who died Feb 21 at his home in Magali a. He was born June 13, 1920, in Okmulgee, Okla. Evilsizer had been an
equipment operator for the State of California for 10 years and was a veter an of World War ll. He came to the area eight months ago from Downeyville. Surviving are his widow, Dorothy, a son, Billie, and his father George E., all of Magalia; and a sister, Georgia Mae Winslow of Niles. Cremation took place following the service with burial at sea. (dated 3-2-73)
Enterprise Record of Chico, Feb 23, 1973 B.R. Evilsizer Paradise (E-R)- Private funeral services for Billie R. Evilsizer, 5 2, of 820 Wood Drive, Magalia, were today at the Paradise Chapel of the Pi nes. He died Wednesday night at his home. Born June 13, 1920, in Okmulg ee, Okla., he came to Paradise eight months ago from Downieville. He work ed as a highway maintenance equipment operator for the state. Evilsizer w as a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, serving in Europe and Afric a. He is survived by his widow, Dorothy, and a son, Billie, both of Maga lia, and a sister Georgia Mae Winslow of Fremont. Cremation followed the serv ice. The ashes will be scattered at sea. (dated 2-23-73 )
Paradise Post-March 2, 1973 RESIDENT OF MAGALIA DIES Private funeral services were conducted Friday at Paradise Chapel Of the P ines for Billie R. Evilsizer, 52, who died Feb 21 at his home in Magali a. He was born June 13, 1920, in Okmulgee, Okla. Evilsizer had been an
equipment operator for the State of California for 10 years and was a veter an of World War ll. He came to the area eight months ago from Downeyville. Surviving are his widow, Dorothy, a son, Billie, and his father George E., all of Magalia; and a sister, Georgia Mae Winslow of Niles. Cremation took place following the service with burial at sea. (dated 3-2-73)
Enterprise Record of Chico, Feb 23, 1973 B.R. Evilsizer Paradise (E-R)- Private funeral services for Billie R. Evilsizer, 5 2, of 820 Wood Drive, Magalia, were today at the Paradise Chapel of the Pi nes. He died Wednesday night at his home. Born June 13, 1920, in Okmulg ee, Okla., he came to Paradise eight months ago from Downieville. He work ed as a highway maintenance equipment operator for the state. Evilsizer w as a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, serving in Europe and Afric a. He is survived by his widow, Dorothy, and a son, Billie, both of Maga lia, and a sister Georgia Mae Winslow of Fremont. Cremation followed the serv ice. The ashes will be scattered at sea. (dated 2-23-73 )
California, Death Index, 1940-1997"
Name: �tab�Billie R Evilsizer
Event Type: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�21 Feb 1973
Event Place: �tab�Butte, California, United States
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jun 1920
Birthplace: �tab�Oklahoma
Gender: �tab�Male
Father's Name: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
[HI3727] (Research):More Avery ancestors and descendants at www.gencircles.com
(Research):"Estate of Absalom Bringle, Petition for Letters" Filed June 4 June 187 8, R. B. Hatton County Clerk. The within petition haveing been hear d, is herby granted as prayer for and order that letters of addministrati on (sic) be isued (sic) in open court the 4 day of June 1878. E. C. Mas on County Judge for Lake County." "To the Honorable County Court of Lake County Oregon. Your petitioner the Subscriber here unto would respectfully Represent to y ou Hon 1st That Absalom Bringle a citizen and resident of Lake County Oregon di ed at his residence in Chewaucan Valley in Said county and State on the ei gth-day April 1878 2nd that the deceased was owner of property in Lake County Oregon at the t ime of his death of the probable value of $800.00 3rd that the deceased died instestate leaving the following named heirs
Matilda Bringle aged 59 years Lake County Oregon
James A. Bringle aged 29 years Lane County Oregon
Amanda J. Bringle aged 25 years Lake County Oregon
Sarah E. Bringle aged 23 years Lake County Oregon
In consideration of the relation of your petitioner to the deceased I woul d respectfully ask to be appointed administratrix of Said estate. Lakeview Oregon June 4 1878
her Mrs Matilda + Bringle
mark "
Family researcher- Stephanie [email protected]
(Research):Matilda Evilsizer Bringle is buried in a small cemetery on private property near our home. I have copies of her probate.She is buried next to her husband, Absalom Bringle who does have a stone. We have not been able to probe enough to see if she has a stone. Their daughter, Amanda Jane was the first wife on my husband's grandfather. Amanda and her infant son, George) were buried next to her parents, but her son (John Bringle) moved them from this tiny cemetery to the cemetery in town..still a small cemetery, but in town and easier to get to pay respects. Would you like the information that I have, or do you already have that info?
Diane Elder [email protected]
[HI3732] (Research):Complete Hubbard genealogy at www.gencircles.com
Hubbard, Rebecca �tab�65y 9m 8d �tab�f �tab�w �tab�4/24/1884 12 midnight �tab�Nodaway COD Plurey Newmoney Burial Lamar Station, Mo.
[HI3738] (Research):In the LDS ancestral file there was found an America Swank born in Harris on Co, IN 2/8/1844 and married Joshua Hedges in Des Moines, IA 4/24/187 6. It is unkown as to the relationship, but interesting to continue resear ch, as the unusual name. This America was not named in the 1860 all name I ndiana Census as a child of 16
[HI3740] (Research):Ancestors of Phillip from Georgia Munroe 350 Orchard Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501
(Research):Family researcher [email protected]. Donna Ekstrom
1880Census Place:Greensburg, Knox, Missouri Source:FHL Film 1254697 National Archives Film T9-0697 Page 63 9A Adam MILLERSelfMWW48INOcc:FarmerFa: NCMo: NC Thomas MILLERSonMMW22MOOcc:FarmerFa: INMo: IN Cecelia MILLERDauLFMW21IAFa: IREMo: IRE Hariet MILLERDauFSW18MOFa: INMo: IN Christena EVILSISOR MotherLFWW68OH Fa: PAMo: MD
[HI3745] (Research):Marriage records from several sources name Rhury or Rhuana. Census recor ds 1850 name Thessy. Census records in 1860 , letter "T", and 1880 na me is Thursy, hard to read.
(Research):Name indexed as Boyles, Boley, and Boyer
Abstracts of Floyd Co Wills Probate Ct Records 1830-1837 Will dated 9-19-1831 Probated 10-22-1831 Exe, John Merriwether Wit Ja A Craig John Mayall Thas Ashby Chas Boyles
1830 Floyd Co, IN Census Isaac Boyles pg 359 2m <5 (Hirum b 1827, Jonathan b 1829) 1m 5-10 (Cornelius b 1820) 1m 30-40 1f<5 1f5-10 1f 30-40 Also the 1830 census Charles Boyles Sr pg 354-100110-100020 Daniel Boyles pg 353 110001-11001 John Boyles pg 343 0011001-0001001
1850 Floyd Co, New Albany, IN pg 350 Daniel Boyles 50 b KY Elizabeth 47 b NC Daniel B 16 IN James 8 twin IN Wesley 8 twin IN Elizabeth 6 IN
pg 355 Floyd Co, New Albany, 1850 pf 355 John Boyles 67 KY Delilah 56 KY
By process of elimination, it appears as John, and Daniel and Charles a re brothers of Isaac.
(Research):Corporal "Roll of Company of Rifleman, Rifle Reg.U.S.Army 31 Oct to Dec 31 ,1811.
Complete Baker genealogy at www.gencircles.com
[HI3750] (Research):No further record found. Research has recealed the following: 1820 Census Harrison Co, IN - Pg 62 (close to William Evilsizer) was Jo hn McKEE-100210-32101. This household has the possibility of havinga son and daughter-in-law and children. 1820 Census Harrison Co, IN -Pg 56 (next to George and Adam Evilsizer) was James McBee 000010-22010. This household also has possibilites. The only family in 1850 was John McGee in Dearborn County, Manchester, pg 361, but he has a wife Zilla age 32. The correct spelling of this name is in question. McGee was a popular name in this county as there were several marriages before 1850. John McBee purchased ten bushels of wheat form the estate of Adam Evilsizer in 1821
Name: �tab�Wilbur Talbott
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Dec 1897
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Nellie E. Lilley
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
Name: �tab�Crystal Maud Talbot
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�30 Jul 1911
Event Place: �tab�Kennmore, Summit Co., Ohio
Residence: �tab�Kennmore, Summit Co., Ohio
Street Address: �tab�So. Cennecticut Ave.
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�12y6m18d
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�Student
Birth Date: �tab�12 Jan 1899
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1899
Burial Date: �tab�01 Aug 1911
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�Lakewood Cem.
Father: �tab�Wilber Talbot
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother: �tab�Nellie Lilley
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 40480
Film Number: �tab�1953046
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021109
Image Number: �tab�2039
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Wilbur F Talbot
Name: �tab�Wilbur F Talbot
Birth Date: �tab�1877
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Akron
Residence County: �tab�Summit
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�8 Mar 1964
Hospital of Death: �tab�Barberton Citizens Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Barberton
County of Death: �tab�Summit
Certificate: �tab�23334
Age at Death: �tab�87
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
(Research):Griffith's father is not proven at this time. I would assume by facts fou nd that it would be William, as he is not mentioned in the wills of Georg e, or Adam Evilsizer in this same county. Since William married Jane Griff ith, I have strong evidence to support his parentage.
Griffith is found in the 1860 Knox Co, MO Census listed with wife named Ca therine age 37 b Ohio. Transcription error?
(Research):Name: William H Evilsizer Birth Year: 1925 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Indiana State: Indiana County or City: Randolph Enlistment Date: 1 Apr 1943 Enlistment State: Indiana Enlistment City: Indianapolis Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 2 years of high school Civil Occupation: Student Codes 0x, 2x, 4x and 6x as pertain to students w ill be converted, for machine records purposes, to the code number 992. Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 36 Weight: 086
Muncie Star Tuesday July 2, 1974 Ridgeville- William H Evilsizer, 49, died Monday afternoon at Veteran's hospital, Indi anapolis, after a short illness. A carpenter, he was a member of the Carpe nter's Union Local 3228 in Muncie, and was a World War II veteran. Survivo rs include his wife, Evelyn; a son, William II; three daughters, Mrs Dav id (Marjorie) Stephenson, Ridgeville, Mrs Carl (Jonelle) Tucker, Ridgevill e, and Miss Patty Sue Evilsizer, at home; four grandchildren, his mothe r, Mrs Nellie Ringley, Ridgeville; two sisters, Mrs Jesse Shauver, Fort Wa yne and Mrs Don Yeargain, Farmington, MO; and two step sisters, Mrs Jeanet te Stump, Ridgeville and Mrs Fern Bannon, Union City. Funeral services wi ll be held at 2 P.M. Thursday at the Church of the Nazarene with Rev Kenne th Adams officiating. Burial will be in Lawndale Cemetery. Friends may ca ll at the Middletown Mortuary from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday a nd at the church an hour before services. The family requests memoria ls be made to the American Cancer Society or the Church of the Nazarene.
Family of Ben Evilsizer [email protected]
Info also from Marjorie Evilsizer Green [email protected]
(Research):For Margaret to marry John Ralston in Harrison Co In in 1827, she would ha ve had to been born bef 1813. I think she must have fibbed on her age wh en she married Nathan Evans since he was so much younger. If the 1850 cens us age of 36 is correct, she would have been born in 1814 and would have b een 13 when married.( Not unheard of ) She could only be a child of Ada m, George or William. We can eliminate George, as his will names his child ren. We can Adam. He could have been married before Polly Baker (he was o ld enough)but his estate listed his minor children, and Margaret not list ed. By fact process and elimination,I have named her a a child of Willia m. Parentage not proven.
Nathan Evans must have adopted her children from John Polson, as they h ad the name of Evans in the 1860 Census.
(Research):Married second:
Name: �tab�Benjamin Taylor
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�10 Jun 1849
Event Place: �tab�, Floyd, Indiana
Alternate Event Place: �tab�
Registration Place: �tab�, Floyd, Indiana, United States
Marriage License Date: �tab�09 Jun 1849
Residence Place: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Male
Age (Estimated): �tab�
Name �tab�W D Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�16 Aug 1873
Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Eddon Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Emily J Lowe
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I10449-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295232
Reference Number �tab�114-115
Name : William Forest Evilsizor Death date : 09 Nov 1930
Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 02 Aug 1873
Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 57 years 3 months 7 days
Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : RD 7 Urbana Occupation : Laborer Burial date : 12 Nov 1930 Burial place : Nettle Creek Cemetery name : Spouse name : Blanche
Father name : Edon Evilsizor Father birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother name : Emily Jane Lowe Mother birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Informant Jake Evilsizor
COD-undetermined natural causes
GSU film number : 1992277 Digital GS number : 4000566 Image number : 991 Certificate number : fn 64169 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Burba Family Researcher Bob & Connie Lawrence 264 S. Willo-Esque Wichita, KS 67209 sprintguy@kscable or [email protected]
My Grandmother always said that her mother was a Wolf and her father was a Burba although I don't remember if she ever told us their given names. Blanche had brothers and sisters that I remember-Annie, Etta, David and Walter. There could have been more but these are the ones I either met or that my grandmother talked about the most. They all lived in Ohio. Aunt Annie was married to a man named East and had a son and a grandson named Lawrence. Aunt Etta was married to a Bruce West. I don't know about children. I do not know who David and Walter were married to or if they had children.
Sometime in the 1930's she married a man named Harry Lindsay. This would have been in the Flint area also. I do not have any other information on him. She was already married to him in 1939 when I was born. Harry Lindsay died in 1949 or 1950 in a nursing home around Flint. Blanche married a man named Charles Barnes in 1950 in either Oscoda County or Montmorency County in Michigan.They were married for 2 or 3 years until he died. In the late 50's or early 60's Blanche married a man named Joe East. I don't know whether she married him in Ohio or in California but they lived in California. I don't know the date of Joe's death but Blanche died on February 1, 1973 in California and is probably buried there.
California Death Index, 1940-1997 about Blanche D East
Name: �tab�Blanche D East
Social Security #: �tab�364284668
Sex: �tab�Female
Birth Date: �tab�4 Apr 1882
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Date: �tab�1 Feb 1973
Death Place: �tab�San Bernardino
(Research):1820 Harrison Co, IN pg 55 Samuel Elliott-210010-11010 pg61 James Elliott-200010-01010
Or there are 2 John Elliotts, or so the theory of Lee Elliott If it helps to shed any light on the possible situation of two John Elliot ts, one of whom might possibly be "mine", I wanted to share with you the n ames of some of his children born in Indiana (the eldest ones would have been old enough to have married and not be listed with him in 1850). My reasoning is that these names do not appear to have been Elliott family names:
John Elliott 46 b NC* Mary 28 b MO
Peter J. Elliott b ca 1829 Indiana-mining
Thomas Zacariah Elliott b ca 1831 Indiana (my GGGfather)
Jane Elliott b 1833 Indiana
Martha E. b 1837 Indiana (she says "Illinois" in 1880)
Rachel Susan b 1839 Illinois or Indiana (she says "Indiana" in 1880)
John G. Elliott b 1842 Indiana (for sure). Robert F 1
Note*I don't believe this to be John Elliott from Harrison Co, IN. Men were not married at age 14. I believe it it pure "conincidence" this family settled in Lincoln Co, MO where Joshua and Sinclair settled.
The mother apparently died during or soon after John G's birth, or may have told Mr. Elliott to take his kids and go to Missouri (which was, along with Texas, synonymous with "Hell"). He married here in 1847 and added to the brood.
There are about 40 separate Indiana Land Grants during this period listed to "John Elliotts" in at least ten different counties, none of them Harrison, even, and about five different marriages in the time-frame mentioned, so I am sure Indiana was lousy with John Elliotts at this time, and few of them found it useful to go with a middle initial. It is really looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack, but, when faced with a mounta in ... I am trying to nibble around the edges, eliminating the impossible to see what's left.
It is therefore a long shot that "my" John Elliott is the one married to Nancy Evilsizer, but it also appears it may not have been the same John Elliott who married Caroline Littrell, and, if not, who was he and where d d their kids go?
I love a good mystery, and hope you do too. Thanks for your help.
Sincerely, Lee [email protected]
John Elliott who married Caroline Littrell in 1843 in Floyd Co, IN died in New Albany 6/6/1887 age 68 recorded in Book CH-15 Pg 81
It is possible that John Elliott and Nancy Evilsizer married in 1820, and are the same family shown in the Vigo County, Indiana, census of 1840, where we know our Rachel Susan was born in 1839. Mrs. John Elliott we believe died between 1842, when her youngest was born in Indiana, a nd 1847, when John shows up with the kids and marries Mary Ann Kent,
widow of John Brotherton, in Warren Co, MO, in 1847. They appear again in 1850 Lincoln County census with kids b Ind. 1829-1842.
[HI3765] (Research):CD17- Birth records indicate she was born in June, not January
Name �tab�Martha Jane Evilsiser
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�10 Jun 1872
Birthplace �tab�Seneca, Noble, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Ebinezar Evilsiser
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Baker
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04218-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930098
Reference Number �tab�v 1 p 184
[HI3772] (Research):
[DI3772] Banner Press, Cape Girardeau, MO April 1939 Thoms McGee, 79 years old, died Sunday at Southeast Mo Hospital in Cape Girardeau where he had been a patient for a week. The body was removed to the Baker Funeral Home where it remained until Monday when services were held at McGee Church. Burial was in the Church Cemetery. members of the Zalma Masonic Lodge of which he was a member, assisted with the services. Mr McGEE was born and reared in the McGee community in the edge of Wayne Co, and lived there his entire life. He was a son of Mr and Mrs Blair McGee. He was one of five children. He was married to miss Elsie EVILSIZER of the Cane Creek Community, who died a number of years ago. They had six children, but only two survive. Blair of Greenville and Hugh of McGee, also several grandchildren and one brother, Dan McGee of Advance, and a half-brother, Frank STILTS of Arab.
(Research):6 children, only 2 survived
No record of her death in Missouri prior to 1960. Thomas was a widower when he died in 1939
Poss died prior to 1900. 1900 census wife name Effie E, born 8/1864 age 45 gives no time married and no number of children. Thomas was a widower in the 1910 Census
(Research):1900 Cneus says Martha had six children and 5 living, but other census re cords prove she had more children.
In the 1850 Census of Montgomery Co, TN (Cheatham Co, was formed from par ts of Montgomery in 1856), pg 153 in Benjamin Pace age 27 b TN, wife Emi ly 27 b NC and daughter Martha age 2 b TN
1850 Montgomery Co, TN pg 173 William H Pace 29, wife Judith age 25, Jo hn 8, Martha 6, Sally 3, Angeline 1. all b TN
[NI3775] �u��b� �/b�
(Research):�u��b� Parentage not proven.�/u��/b� 1900 Census says he was born in Ohio. The only family in Ohio this early was Henry. The only two families that did not change the spelling to OR was children of Allen Evilsizer (s/o Henry), but he did not marry until 1836.; and Jacob. Jacob and Hannah Blue had some children not accounted for as she died and he remarried Hannah Franklin. There is a notation of a son born in 1832 to Jacob and Hanna Blue ,( in the files of a deceased researcher) but I have not been able to find the record documented.. If this is true, then this is their son, however He did not appear in the 1850 census. (Perhaps left home young)
IN the 1840 Census appears a son age 5-10 born 1831-1835 confirming he had a son this age
I checked Tennessee census records from 1830 through 1860 for ALL variations of this name. The only family from TN was Phillip, son of Ol Jakob, but he only two daughters. An Unknown male child was listed in the 1830 Census age 10-16, but places of birth for Philip and Anna do not agree with the census records for this John. I conclude he is not a child of Phillips.
I have checked all of the 1840 Census of the Ohio Evilsizers and found all male children accounted for. I then continued to check all 1840 Census records and find no children not accounted and documented.
The descendants of John use the spelling EVILCIZER Family Researcher Patty Evilciser 1815 Park St Springfield, TN 37172 Patty 1821 @aol.com 615-384-4618. However he used the name spelling Evilsizer first.
Patty says that John told his son that he was a stow-away on a ship from Holland at age 12. He never told his son who his grandfather was. If this story is true, then he would have arrived in 1844. Why does he never show in any census records of 1850 or 1860? If this is true, why did he always give his birth place and his parents birth place in the US? He consistantly says on the census that he and his parents were born in the US. Son Shelton death cert says father John born in Tennessee. Debunks the stowaway theory.
Patty writes- Searching the files of the Robertson County Registers office, I find that the first land purchased in Robertson County by John Shaw was May 1, 1892. I started with the year 1879. It seems Martha could not write her name and affixed her (x) to these deeds. She later learned to read and to write. Many land transactions are recorded, both buying and selling. On February 6, 1900, John and Martha Evilsizer sold a piece of land to Shelton Evilsizer. It was described as 120 feet with said alley, 120 feet to what is known as Sizer street thence North with the East side of Sizer street, 188 to Brick street said lot under a plank fence. It is of interest to note John Shaw spelled his name Evilsizer as well as Sizer Street every time a transaction was made in the court documents. We are the only family to spell our name with a "c", all other families in the U.S. spell their name with an "s". When I asked Tom Bill he said they had always used the "c". I had to take him to the courthouse and show him his grandfather 's signature. It is assumed Shelton changed the spelling for some reason. I found a copy of the marriage license of Shelton and Annie�the clerk had spelled Shelton's name "Evilcizer", perhaps this the beginning of the changed spelling.
Another plot of land was sold by J.H. Bell to John Shaw on November 27, 1896 at 4 PM. This was 7 acres.
In Pleasant View, Tennessee, there is a cemetery plot that is bordered on all sides with bricks. This is believed to be the resting place of John Shaw, Martha A. Pace Evilcizer, John Shaw, Jr., and John Shaw 's first wife.
In later life it is said John Shaw was a short, heavyset man.
In the family BIBLE, John Shaw's date of birth was written as November 1832. Shelton Lafayette, wrote: "Pa died Friday night at 9 o'clock, May 5, 1909. John died Wednesday morning 10 � o'clock. Ma died Friday morning, 5 o'clock, May the 27, 1904." The John refers to John Shaw, Jr., who died of T.B. at Shelton's home in the year 1904. John Shaw, Jr. was unmarried.
From Pattie 6/2002 (The name Evilcizer (Evilsizer) is of German origin. Depending on which research you go with, the name means either "maker of brick" or "chickpea ". I prefer the maker of brick version because as far back as we can trace, the family occupation has been making brick and or laying brick. There is also a family crest.) Note: This Evilsizer is the ONLY Evilsizer that was a bricklayer.
Several theories come to mind such as : 1. Perhaps he was here illegally as the stow-away theory would indicate and thought he might get into trouble (how much trouble could you get into with immigration in 1880?) 2. It was John Shaw's father or grandfather who was the stow away and the truth got lost along the way. 3. Since his first child was born in 1863, perhaps he was a civil war deserter. (Thus the stow away story)
There is a cemetery in Pleasant View. It is bordered with bricks. It is the resting place of John, his two wives, son and infant daughter. According to burial records and Mr. Walker. We have been there but there are no markers except the brick border. This parentage is not proven. Nona Basset (now deceased) has a note in her files of a record of a male child born to Jacob and Hannah in Champaign Co, Johnson Twp in 1832. The census records do not indicate this male child in 1840 , but since Jacob left all of his children in Champaign
County when he moved to Jay Co, Indiana, it would be possible. My research has led me to a John Evilsizer b 1832 Ohio which shows up in Tennessee in 1870 who remains unknown. Most Ohio Evilsizer's changed the spelling to (OR) with the exception of Jacob and Hannah's children.
He is perhaps the John Evilciser who married nancy Ferguson 1/1/1865 in Williamson Co, IL
ame: �tab�James Leroy King
Death Date: �tab�03 Feb 1943
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�19 Aug 1893
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Madison County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�49 years 5 months 14 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R.D. 4
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Urbana
Burial Date: �tab�06 Feb 1943
Burial Place: �tab�Mutual, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Gertrude King
Father's Name: �tab�Joshua King
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Annabell Mason
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Illinois
Film Number: �tab�2024045
(Research):Name when married William Evilsizer was Amanda Wyatt
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: �tab�Amanda Kinman
Age in 1860: �tab�7
Birth Year: �tab�abt 1853
Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Home in 1860: �tab�Jefferson, Pike, Indiana
Gender: �tab�Female
Post Office: �tab�Petersburg
E G Hays �tab�59
Sarah Hays �tab�41
William E Hays �tab�16
Lydia Kinman �tab�14
Josiah Kinman �tab�11
Amanda Kinman �tab�7
Sarah Kinman �tab�2
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: �tab�Thos M Kinman
Age in 1860: �tab�36
Birth Year: �tab�abt 1824
Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Home in 1860: �tab�Petersburg, Pike, Indiana
Gender: �tab�Male
Post Office: �tab�Petersburg
Thos M Kinman �tab�36
Rachel Kinman �tab�28
Sarah Kinman �tab�11
Allice Kinman �tab�5
Jefferson Kinman �tab�17
Mary Edwards �tab�22
1900 census says she is Thomas Kinmans sister, but parents are born in different locations. They both are listed as widowers. Amandas children Theresa and Frank by her husband William Evilsizer are in this household. But husband William Evilsizer did not die until 1917, so the relationship to Thomas Kinman is not known.
1910 Knox Co, Shelton, MO
Charles Beers, head, 63, m2x IL NC NY, farmer, grain
Amanda, wife, 59, m2x M6y 7/4 IN KY KY
Lena, grdau, 2, MO MO IL
Death cert name father unknown Kinman and mother name not known.
[NI3778] Dau of William P Hughes and Ann Goodson
[HI3778] (Research):William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Lydia (wid John E) h 1034 Broadway
(Research): Herald Press, The (St. Joseph, Michigan) > 1949 > April > 19 Springfield, OH - A runaway freight-car pushed a one story brick building into Center St last night, completely wrecking it. No one was injured. The owner of the downtown building, Homer H Evilsizor, a general
contractor, estimated damage at $11,000. Authorities said the air brakes on the car which is owned by Springfield Suburban Railroad Company, apparent ly failed.
Williams Springfield City Directory 1925 Walsh Bldg, S.E.C. 3rd and Vine, Cincinnati, Ohio Evilsizor Homer H. Bricklayer h 1012 W. Columbia (Harriet C)
William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Homer H. (Harriett C) Building contractor we S. Center h 312 W Harding Rd
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Homer H Evilsizor Death Date: 31 Jan 1977 County of Death: Palm Beach State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 74 Race: White Birth Date: 18 Jul 1902
[MI3779] (Medical):Died at Good Samaritan Hospital
Marriage Certificate says born 7-18-1901
Name �tab�Homer Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�18 Jul 1902
Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Ezra Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Lidia Hughes
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00802-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 123
Springfield News Tuesday Feb 1, 1977
Homer Evilsizor, 74, of 280 List Rd, Palm Beach, Fl died at 3 P.M. Monday in the Good Samaritan Hospital, Palm Beach. He was born July 18, 1902, in Springfield, the son of John Ezra and Lydia Evilsizor and had resided in Springfield and Palm Beach most of his life. He was a retired contractor. Mr Evilsizor had received his 50 year pin from the Masonic Lodge at Lake Worth Fl. He was a member of the Scotish Rite Valley of Dayton and Antioch Shrine of Dayton. Survivors include his wife, Bernette; a daughter Mrs Darlene Deer, Springfield; seven grandchildren; two great grandchildren, and a brother, Harold of Springfield. A son, Jack died in 1963. His body was taken to the Jackson Lytle and Coffman funeral home where friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Thursday. Services will be held there at 1 P.M. Friday in charge of the Rev Kay M Glaesner, pastor of the St John Lutheran Church. Burial will be in Ferncliff cemetery. Contributions may be made to the St Johns Church memorial fund.
[XI3779] EVILSIZOR �tab�HOMER �tab�H. �tab�1/0/0 �tab�SPR �tab�2/1/1977 �tab�2/4/1977 �tab�Sec T �tab�Lot 41 �tab�SubLot 2 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 3
[HI3781] (Research):11/30/2004 [email protected] Catherine Evensizer is an incorrect spelling. It should be CATHERN Catherine McDonald is also incorrect and should also be CATHERN. I did lo ok up the census records and see that it was spelled Catherine there whi ch was incorrect.
[HI3782] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Saturday, October 19, 1940 Mrs Arlena Buck Dies at age 77 Mrs Arlena A Buck, 77, died suddenly at 12:15 P.M. Friday at her home thr ee miles west of West Liberty in Harrison Township. Death was due to a hea rt attack. Mrs Buck was born near Sidney in Shelby County and was former ly Miss Arlena Barker. Her husband was the late Joseph Buck, who died in J uly, 1926. Mr and Mrs Buck moved from Shelby County to Champaign coun ty 24 years ago. Deceased was a member of the West Liberty Christian Churc h. She had made her home for several years with two sons, Emmett and Ro y. Surviving are six children. Five sons, Staley, Charles , Emmet and Ro y, West Liberty, and Ralph, DeGraff; one daughter Mrs Thurzie Kauffman, We st Liberty; two brothers, Isaac R Barker, Fulton, Ind and Lancaster C Bark er, Rochester, Ind, and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be condu cted at 2:30 P.M. Sunday from the family home with Rev Robert E Wearley of ficiating. interment will be in Fairview Cemetery by Troyer and Lynn, fune ral service.
Name: �tab�Ora B. Buck
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�30 May 1906
Death Place: �tab�Monroe Township, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Birth Date: �tab�1883
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Laborer
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07060-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534834
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 18
(Research):Parentage not proven but supporting facts indicate probable parentage. Death Cert names father as Benjamin. Many facts support he would be the child of Jacob and Hannah Blue. Originally it was thought he was a son of Henry Jr and Mary J Patterson, however they were in Jay County Indiana in 1840. The proof for this observation for his father being a child of Henry Sr, was is the 1880 census naming Minor Dye as his cousin proving he was the child of one of the sons of Henry Evilsizer Sr. When Hannah Blue died, Jacob farmed out his children and I expect Daniel was one of them. Research shows no Benjamin Evilsizer in any census until Daniel 's brother in 1856. 45 years of my research, 50 years of my parents before me, and 50 years of my grandmother before that has never revealed a Benjamin Evilsizer of this age to be parent. Perhaps it was a middle name.
Facts to support this child are the following:
1830 Census- Jacob Evilsizer -10010-10100 Male child under 5, fits Danile born 1828. Parents married in April 1827 is a perfect fit for first-born children.
1840 Champaign Co, Johnson, OH-01010-21010-pg332 male child age of Daniel.
Mother died around 1840/1841 which explains the children being found scattered in the county.
Living in Miami Co, Troy Twp Ohio in same area as Jacob and Hannah Blue. Jacobs children married in Troy, Miami Co, OH
Daniel's cousin Mary Evilsizer (d/o Squire) married James Dye, brother to Daniels wife Barbara Ann Dye was a sister to both James Dye who married Mary Evilsizer, d/o Squire and a sister to Frances Dye who married Leonard Morris Evilsizer,s/o Henry and Betsy. Lived next to his Aunt Sophia Evilsizer Wirt in 1870 Census, Miami Co, OH Minor Dye named as cousin in 1880 census confirms this family tie This is the only unidentified child of these families in this area at this time I find death certificates to be not always accurate Death Cert says father b PA - Evilsizers gone from PA by 1788 The above facts STRONGLY support the theory and discount a father named Benjamin
[DI3784] EVENSIZER -- Daniel Evensier died of general debility and old age at the home of his son, J. Harrison Evensizer, 808 Eastman Street, in this city, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the ripe old age of 84 years. Mr. Evensizer had been a resident of Boise but two years. In addition to the son at whose home he died, Mr. Evensizer leaves a son and a daughter in North Dakota. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon at the funeral chapel of Fry & Summers. Rev. J. B. Creighton, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene will conduct the religious services. Internment will be in Morris Hill cemetery.�i�Idaho Statesman, 04Mar1012, Boise, ID (submitted by Doug Wangen)�/i�
[HI3785] (Research):The Courier Central City, Merrick County, Nebraska February 25, 1892 CHAPMAN- Died-Saturday, February 20, 1892, Mrs Barbara Ann Evensizer, in h er 66th year, while visiting her daughter at Walbach. The funeral services were conducted by Rev Samuel Miller from the Baptist Church Mond ay at 2 P.M. after which the remains were followed to the Chapman Cemetery by a large concourse of people and deposited in their last resting place. She leaves and aged husband and three children to mourn her departure.
[HI3786] (Research):Census Place:Lost Creek, Miami, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255049 National Archives Film T9-1049 Page 11 7D Chas. F. DERRSelfMMW32MDFa: MDMo: MD Francis DERRWifeFMW27OHFa: OHMo: OH Rena A. DERRDauFSW6OHFa: MDMo: OH John E. DERRSonMSW4OHFa: MDMo: OH Wm. A. DERRSonMSW3OHFa: MDMo: OH Chas. DERRSonMSW1OHFa: MDMo: OH Jessie DOTYOtherFSW18OH Fa: NJMo: NJ Henry DERRFatherMSW56MDFa: MDMo: MD Jas. THOMPSONOtherMSW24N
(Research):Family researcher Thomas Cassel/Sarah Evilsizer are my paternal great grand-parents... Daniel Cassel/Harriet Pennsinger are my paternal grand-parents... Kenneth Wight Cassel/Beulah Turner are my parents. Doyt Cassel [email protected]
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dunkirk, Jay, Indiana; Roll: T6 23 380; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 68. Casper Marsh 29 Della Marsh 27 Tina Marsh 10 Roy Marsh 8 Ethel Marsh 4 Thomas Cassel 63 father in law Sarah Cassel 62 mother in law
Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920
Name: Sarah Cassel Date: 29 Dec 1919
LOCATION: Knox Township Age: 82 yr
Gender: Female Race: White
Source Location: County Health Office, Portland
Source Notes: The source of this record is the book H-7 on page 106 with in the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
(Research):Census Place Monroe, Miami, Ohio 1880 Family History Library Film 12550 49
NA Film Number T9-1049 Page Number 138A Samuel RUSSELL Self M Male W 57 OH Farmer SC NC Harriet RUSSELL Wife M Female W 56 OH Keeping Hou se NY NY Jesse M. RUSSELL Son S Male W 22 OH Works On Fa rm OH OH
Samuel Russell, farmer; P. O. Troy; is the son of Isaac Russell, who was b orn in 1799, and came to Miami Co. as early as 1806. He was married in 182 2, to Tamar Mendenahll, whose parents were natives of North Carolina, in w hich state she was also born; they settled on the farm now owned by John W estlake, and entered a quarter-section adjoining; they had nine childre n, seven are living -- Samuel, our subject, Joseph, Rachel, Rosanna, Olive r, Harriet and Tamar; Ruth and Isaac are dead. Samuel grew up on the far m, and was ever an honest, vigorous lad. At the age of 21, he was wedd ed to Miss Harriet Franklin; they commenced housekeeping, and have alwa ys lived on part of the land originally entered by his father; their child ren are named Louisa, Margaret A., John F., Mary J., Isaac N., Samuel L. a nd Jesse M.; Louisa and John are not living; Mary J. is the wife of Jam es H. Snavely; Margaret wedded Jacob A. Cain. Mr. Russell is one of our su bstantial men, and lives in a style commensurate with his means; his wi fe died Aug 1 1880; she was a noble woman, whose loss will be deeply fel t, not only by her husband and children, but by the entire neighborhood. I saac Russell was wedded to Miss Frances J. Curtis; Mr. Russell was born No v. 17 1822, and his wife Jan 30, 1824, in Warren Co., Ohio; they were a mo del pair and the children should ever feel a pride in having an ancestry w ho were ever foremost in promoting all that pertained to honesty and moral ity.
Samuel Russell, farmer; P.O. Troy. Samuel Russell is a prominent farmer, b orn and raised in Monroe Twp. His father, Isaac Russell, came to the coun ty in 1806, and his mother in 1802. The maiden name of Samuel's mother w as Tamar Mendenhall, a native of North Carolina. Although a farmer, Mr. Ru ssell has done considerable carpenter work; he married Miss Harriet Frankl in in 1843; they were the parents of Louisa, Margaret A., John, Jane, Isaa c, Samuel L., and Jesse M. Louisa and John are not living. Margaret is t he wife of Jacob Cane; Mary J. wedded James H. Snavely; John married Mi ss Elizabeth Cane; Isaac married Miss Joselia Curtis. The home farm compri ses 50 acres, which was improved by X-Mozilla-Status: 0009ublican in polit ics; both himself and wife are members of Monroe Grange. Should we be ask ed where true happiness reigned, the answer would be, in the home of Samnu el Russell and his worthy lady.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Albert, Benson, North Dakota; R oll: T624_1138; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 19; Image: 699. HH3 43 Jesse M Russell, head, 52, m1x m27y OH OH OH RR Foreman Melissa W, wife, 45, m1x no ch. OH OH OH
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Cando, Towner, North Dakota; Rol l: T625_1340; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 171; Image: 1037. J M Russel 60 OH OH OH RR Bumper Melissa O Russel 54 OH OH OH Hilda Kassen 24 lodger
RUSSELL, JESSIE M 11/07/1924 Towner MALE 66 Years 99/99/9999 North Dako ta Towner
[HI3791] (Research):Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio; Rol l: 1793; Page: 21A; Enumeration District: 7; Image: 1041.0. Herman Neugebauer 48 head Barber Neugebauer 44 wife Chester Baker 27 son in law Leona Baker 23 dau Chester Baker 5 grson
51825 �tab�BAKER �tab�CHESTER �tab�E. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�SPRINGFIELD, OH �tab�03/11/1972 �tab�03/14/1972 �tab�B �tab�Lot 68 �tab�Sublot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 7
51826 �tab�BAKER �tab�ANNA �tab�L. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�MEDWAY, OH. �tab�08/18/1980 �tab�08/21/1980 �tab�B �tab�Lot 68 �tab�Sublot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 9
[HI3792] (Research):[email protected] (james r carpenter) My wife comes from the same Leander Atkinson that the Billie Atkinson ca me from. His Father and my wifes mother were brother and sister.Jim Carpenter
Name �tab�Leander Atkinson
Death Date �tab�30 Nov 1948
Death Place �tab�Wood, West Virginia
Gender �tab�Male
Age �tab�62y 2m 17d
Estimated Birth Year �tab�9-13-1886
Birth Place Spencer WV�tab�
Marital Status �tab�Married
WWI vet
SS# 234-03-7294
Spouse's Name �tab�Emma Taylor age 48
Father's Name �tab�Charles Atkinson
Father's Birthplace Ohio�tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Occupation �tab�Laborer , Vitrolite
Street Address �tab�Tavener Ave, Parkersburg
Residence �tab�
Cemetery �tab�Spencer Cemetery
Burial Place �tab�Spence, WV
Burial Date �tab�12/3/1948
Informant Mrs Leander Atkinson
Film Number �tab�1984023
Digital Folder Number �tab�4260221
Image Number �tab�635
Source �tab�County Records
Reference Number �tab�15623
(Research):This family connection from Douglas L Carey [email protected]
(can this be same Sarah Carey?) Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg 187 9/24/1897 At the r es of Lucien Carey, in St Paris, Mr Charles Matthews, of Columbus w as md to Miss Sarah Carey , on Thursday 9/16/1897 by Rev White of Piqua.
[HI3794] (Research):This family from WFT Vol 25 Tree # 2492 Billie M Atkinson Rt 2 Box 179K L ittle Hocking, OH 45742
[NI3796] Didn't marry, however, he had a long time girl friend, and he was in the Army. He died in Long Beach CA where is he also buried.
Name: �tab�James E Evelsizer
Birth Date: �tab�3 Dec 1936
Birth Place: �tab�Summit
State File Number: �tab�1936100226
Additional Information: �tab�William
Name: �tab�James E Evelsizer
Social Security #: �tab�555484646
Gender: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�3 Dec 1936
Birth Place: �tab�Ohio
Death Date: �tab�15 Aug 1965
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Hoschar
Name: �tab�James E Evelsizer
Birth Date: �tab�3 Dec 1936
Death Date: �tab�15 Aug 1965
Cemetery: �tab�Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)
Burial or Cremation Place: �tab�Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Has Bio?: �tab�N
name: �tab�Florence Evilsizer
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Birth
event date: �tab�13 Mar 1897
event place: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
registration date: �tab�
registration place: �tab�
gender: �tab�Female
race: �tab�
father: �tab�Jasper Evilsizer
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
father's age: �tab�
mother: �tab�Emma Hamilton
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
mother's age: �tab�
additional relatives: �tab�
reference number: �tab�p 136
film number: �tab�295232
digital folder number: �tab�004016263
image number: �tab�00323
Citing this Record
"Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KSPT-YYZ : accessed 02 Nov 2012), Florence Evilsizer, 1897.
Name �tab�Florence Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab�22 Mar 1897
Death Place �tab�Madriver Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age �tab�0
Birth Date �tab�1897
Birthplace �tab�Madriver Tp.
Occupation �tab�
Race �tab�
Marital Status �tab�Single
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Jasper Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Emma Hamilton
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07024-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295234
Reference Number �tab�p 133
Name �tab�Eva Leslie
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�18 Oct 1908
Burial Place �tab�Cygnet, Ohio
Death Date �tab�14 Oct 1908
Death Place �tab�Toledo, Lucas, Ohio
Age �tab�47
Birth Date �tab�14 Aug 1861
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�George Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name �tab�Cath. Worthington
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B07141-1
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1653154
Reference Number �tab�rn 17736
[NI3802] Alvin bought their home at 310 W Jackson Street, Fostoria in 1899. His barber shop was built behind the house and is still standing (2009) but is now used as a garage. He was a hoop maker for 4 years and had a barber shop for 16 years.
(Research):Parents of Alvin from : Victor Grant Hillard, Jr.
Name: Alvin B. Crow
(Research):Children of this family from CD12 Tree 3623 submitted by Mary J Riter 13323 W Beardsley Rd, Sun City, West, AZ 85375-4115 (1992)
(Research):Married Hannah MOffitt 1851 Guernsey Co, OH
(Research):Lippencott, Lemon, born ----, Shoemaker, died 6/30/1868 in Jackson Twp , s tabbed with knife, resided in Shelby County, widower, age 58--- -- - # 122 Bk 1 pg 4
Indianapolis Star, The (IN) - March 13, 2002
(Research):Never found in 1870, 1880 or 1900 census
(Research):No further record
(Research):Dye Data (K.A.R.D.) Vols I, III, and IX, "History of Pleasants County West Virginia .
Name: Belle Alexander
(Research):Lucretia Franklin married William Dunsen 22 June 1848 by Justice of the pe ace N. Rhodes. Is this really Letitia? CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: OH COUNTY: Champaign DIVISIO N: Town of Urbana REEL NO: 665 PAGE NO: 396a 14 319 323 Dunson William 45 M B Musici an NC
(Research):Marriage Bond signed by Tom Cassel , father of groom and Sarah Evilsize r, mother in Jay Co, Indiana, 3/15/1884 Book MT 1 Pg 37
Ft Wayne IND 5/14/1993 EVILSIZER, Paul G- 54 of Fort Myers, Fla, died Sunday. The Fort Wayne native retired after 15 years as a plumber and construction worker. He is a veteran of the marines. Surviving are his daughters, Sherry Kruckeberg and Tami, both of Ft. Wayne; son, William of Ft. Wayne; mother Helen Thurber of Ft Myers; two sisters; and three grandchildren. Memorial services will be scheduled. Preferred memorials are gifts to the American Cancer Society.
(Research):No futher record found.
(Research):Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Miami, Ohio; Roll: M653_1 011; Page: 260; Image: 85. John Dison 25 Martha Dison 20 John Dison 4 Sarah E Dison 2 Sarah Carpenter 14
name: �tab�Lorne Evelsizer
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998
(Research):Served in the Civil War with his brother William in same Company and Regim ent. Also re enlisted in the 195th Infantry Organized in March, 1865, for one years service, under Colonel Henry B. Ba nning, it proceeded to Virginia and after Lee's surrender performed garris on duty at Alexandria until mustered out December 18, 1865. This Regime nt was mostly composed of veterans who had seen service.
(Research):Name: Elizabe W Matteson Birth Date: Est. 1881 Gender: Female Residence County: Union Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 23 Jun 1972 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities City of Death: Union County County of Death: Union Certificate: 049271 Age at Death: 91 Certifier: Physician Marital Status: Widowed
(Research):In 1850 Living with James Star family, Harrison Co, IN James 42 and Elizab eth 33, Christina A 9, Mary E 6
Plot: Section 6 row 26 north to south
(Research):Complete Kenoyer Genealogy at www.gencircles.com
Son of John Swank and Roseanna Summitt
(Research):Johnson Parents info from Carol Dowell [email protected]
(Research):McDonough Co, Cemetery records show a William Evilsizer 1855. Since William was in the 1860 Census, this may be a birth date instead of a death date. They may have had a son who is buried here. Alyce Lundberg wrote me in a previous message: "In an 1859 school tax list of names, I found a Samuel Long and a Jacob Bower as residents of District #4 in Macomb Twp. Martin Etter and William Ebilsisor were listed in District #5.
(Research):1861 Military Census of Walnut Grove Twp., McDonough Co., IL: EVILSISOR, David
(Research):Died in early days of Civil War. He enlisted, went to camp, was stricken w ith typhoid fever; sent home sick and soon died.
(Research):Source Lisa J. Rieger
(Research):Per her father's obituary, Harriet married M.E. Boone (unknown relationsh ip to my Boone's). She was alive when her father died in March 6, 1920. S he was living in "Kenwood" when he died.
PROBATE COURT DEATH RECORDS, Mercer County, Ohio, Book II (1889-1907) Comp iled by: The Mercer County Chapter of the OGS, PO Box 437 - Celina, Ohio 4 5822-0437 Page 45 of resource listing Reporting year 1905 died July 2, 1904 in Center Township FLOWERS, Elizabeth female widowed age: 73-0-0 born in Ohio cause of death: cancer
MERCER COUNTY, OHIO, CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS Volume III, Center and Union To wnships, 1988 by The Mercer County Chapter of The OGS, PO Box 437, Celin a, Ohio 45822-0437 Page 13 listing Neptune Cemetery, Center Township Row 6 - N to S FLOWERS: Amanda d/o S. & E. 13 Jan 1896 25-11-0 FLOWERS: Samuel 1821 - 1913
(Research):This Ancestor & descendant lineage of POLSON by FTM Vol 6 Tree # 3352 Rebe cca Noyes 3680 Renee Way Reno, NV 89503:However, the census in both 1850 a nd 1860 as well as marriage record shows John Ralston.
(Research):Roll of Honor Civil War Union Soldiers #2481 Pvt No Co 12th Battery , Light Artillery Sec B Lot #218,Nashville, TN Vol XXII Nashville Natl Cemetery
(Research):Complete Byrn Genealogy at www.gencircles.com
(Research):A source on the internet says he was born 1772 in Md and died 1844 in Oh io, But this cannot be this William. It also says he married Sarah Morg an in 1800. Census records for 1850 shows this William married and ali ve to Sarah Rawlings. The William Comegys who died in 1844 in Champaign County, Ohio names a son William Comegys, but that he lived in illinois. (See b elow) So the relationship of this William is not known.
(Research):1880 Census Place:Morgan, Harrison, Indiana Source:FHL Film 1254283 National Archives Film T9-0283 Page 31 7C Charley BYRNSSelfMMW 77NCOcc:FarmerFa: NCMo: NC Nancy BYRNSWifeFMW55KYFa: VAMo: VA Melvin HAZZARDSSonMMW24MOFa: KYMo: KY Susana HAZZARDDauLFMW30INFa: NCMo: NC
(Research):Name: Charles E Evilsizer Birth Year: 1923
(Research):Name: Evilsizer, Donald Father: James Mother: Grace Prvilt County: Dekalb Gender: M Birth Date: 17 Mar 1911 Reference: Dekalb County, Indiana Index to Birth Records 1882 - 1920 Inclusive Letters A - Z Inclusive Book: 2CH-21 Page: 25
(Research):Michigan City News Dispatch, Dec 21, 1990 Pg2 Ethel M Evilsizer, 78, of La Porte, died at 12:29 p.m. yesterday, Dec 2 0, 1990 at La Porte hospital. The funeral will be at the Haverstock Funer al Home, La Porte, at 11 A.M. Monday. Burial will be in Pine Lake Cemeter y. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m. Sunday and u ntil service Monday. Mrs Evilsizer was born August 3, 1912 in Michigan Cit y, the daughter of Mose and Emma Morris Stearns. On Feb 20, 1943, in Fo rt Lewis Washington, she married Don L Evilsizer who died Oct 31, 1987. Su rviving are two sons, James R Evilsizer, Portage, and Garry L Evilsizer, M cAllister, OK; four grandchildren; one brother, Richard Stearns, LaPorte a nd one sister, Elnora Branscom, LaPorte.
Name: �tab�R Evilsizor
Springfield News Sun Sunday October 19, 1997 Harry Richard Evisizor, 75, of New Carlisle Ohio, died Wednesday, Octob er 15, 1997 at 8:42 P.M. in McCauley Center, Urbana. He was born October 1 4, 1922 in Champaign County Ohio, the son of Loren and Eunice (Groves) Evi lsizor. He was a retired Civil Service employee of Wright Patterson Air Fo rce Base and a navigator during WW II in the Army Corp. He is surviv ed by his wife, Gladys; three sons, Larry and wife Karen Evilsizor of Cent erville, Ohio; Roland and wife Marcia Evilsizor of Lima, Ohio; Dennis Evil sizor of Kettering, Ohio; daughter Cheryl and husband James Ferrier of Gre ely, Pennsylvania; mother Eunice Evilsizor of Urbana, Ohio; seven grandchi ldren; two step sons, Don and wife Pat Sprague of Trotwood, Ohio; two st ep grandchildren; brother Edward and wife Margaret Evilsizor of Urban a. He was preceded in death by his father and wife Pauline in 1984. Servic es will be held Monday, October 20, 1997 at 2 P.M. in the Trostel Chapm an and Christmas funeral home, New Carlisle with Pastor Clarence Dinnen of ficiating. Burial will follow in New Carlisle Cemetery. Friends may call o ne hour before services. If desired, memorial contribution may be ma de to the National Parkinson Disease Foundation
Name: Evilsizer, John G
Ft Wayne, IND Journal-Gazette-Tuesday Nov 25, 1958 John Grant Evilsizer, 51 died at 12:05 P.M. yesterday at his home, 2820 Ad ams St. A native of Jay Co, he had lived in Ft. Wayne the past 25 years. He is a tool grinder at the International Harvester Co. Mr. Evilsizer was a member of the First Church of god, Moose Lodge # 200 and the United Auto Workers. Friends may call at the D.O.McComb & Sons Funeral Home afternoon today. Surviving are his wife, Helen; a son, Paul G (see below ), Fort Wayne; two daughters, Marcia and Linda, both at home; one sister, Mrs Edna Pearson, Bluffton; the father, William H Evilsizer, and one granddaughter. Services will be held at 3:00 P.M. Wednesday in the funeral home, the rev V O Barnhart officiating. Burial will be in Prairie Grove Cemetery.
(Research):The News Sentenel , Fort Wayne Jan 25 1955 Hartford City- Joseph Dale (Joey) Evilsizer, 15 year old son of Mr and M rs Joseph Evilsizer, this city, died at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Blackfo rd County Hospital . He had been ill nine years with muscular dystrophy. F uneral services will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Wesleyan Methodi st Church. The Rev C A Hoover, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in t he IOOF Cemetery
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters John Allison
(Research):1861 Military Census of Walnut Grove Twp., McDonough Co., IL: EVILSISOR, John H.
name: �tab�Carl Edward Evilsizer (spelling in birth book)
Name: �tab�Carl E. Evelsizer
�b�WALTER EVENSIZER DIES MARCH 20 (submiited by Doug Wangen)�/b�
(Research):Emmet Township Pioneers-Page 58-McDonough Co.,ILL
(Research):NANCE, Elizabeth Jane(EVILSIZER)-
(Research):1880 Mc Donough Co, IL Census, living with family of Edward and Eliza Gree n, spelling Ebelsizer
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Rovilla Mumper-Humphreys Class of 1891
(Research):Name: Beulah Stickley Gender: Female Date of Death: 22 February 1973 Volume: 21177 Certificate: 007747 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 59 Years
(Research):They have 6 children, and I know one son is blind, and her one daught er is named Nancy Claudette. Nancy married a Ray Pierce, but is now divor ced from him. Source-Email from Patty Strickland per telephone conversati on with Lois.
Name: �tab�Lois F Evelsizer
(Research):Mother and father signed a marriage bond on 4/4/1900, Jay Co, IND
(Research):Moved in 1888 from St. Louis, Mo. to Nashville, IL
Name: �tab�William Arnesmeyer
(Research):Letter transcribed and shared with me by Pat Bowers
From Pat Bowers 10/2014
(Research):Ann Arbor News
(Research):This family info from Tony Day [email protected]
(Research):This family connection from Billy D Carr [email protected] He received info from grandson of Isa, John Campbell [email protected] Bill and lois [email protected]
(Research):These two brothers were among the first navy men to enter Tokyo Bay aft er the surrender of the Japanese. C Eugene Evilsizer, storekeeper, Second Class was aboard the USS Highlands, the first troop transport to anch or near the enemy capital on V-J Day, Charles B Evilsizer, Fireman First C lass was aboard the Aircraft Carrier Cabot also in the Navy occupying forc e. Both brothers saw action at Iwo Jima, Okinawa and several other
Name �tab�Floid W. Evilsizer
(Research):Telephone conversation with Lily Anderson Evilsizer on 11/11/2000 help ed to include some descendants of this family. She is the wife of Robert L awrence, son of Floyd
Name �tab�Floyd Evilsizer
(Research):Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 Name: Frank Evileizer Census Date: 1915 Residence County: Linn Residence State: Iowa Locality: Cedar Rapids Birth Location: Missouri Marital Status: Married Gender: Male Age 27 Estimated birth year: abt 1888 Race: White Occ: Cigar Maker 1924 earnin gs $600 Mother's Birth Location: United States can read and write, 7 years in Iow a Father's Birth Location: United States Line: 393a Roll: IA1915_296
(Research):Garnet was previously married to Mullin, as her SS Application was appli ed in the name of Garnet Lucille Mullin.
(Research):Given Name: Robert Initial: L. Sex: Male Alias: Day of Birth: 24 Month of Birth: September Year of Birth: 1926 Day of Death: 17 Month of Death: November Year of Death: 1995 City of Residence: Jerome County of Residence: Midland State of Residence: Michigan City of Death: Midland County of Death: Midland State of Death: Michigan Death Certificate No.: 071330
(Medical):Diabetes, Heart disease, and Prostrate cancer contributed to death
(Research):Death Certificate of son says middle name David.
(Research):Descendant of this family were verified with a telephone call on October 1 8, 2000 to Debra Evilsizer Kelso-704-985-1335 in NC
Roane Co, WV Register 12/16/1904 Roane Co, Spencer, Reedyville WV
(Research):Publication Date: May 13, 1993 The Kansas City Star Page: C4 HARVEY R. EVILSIZER Harvey Ray Evilsizer, 54, Leavenworth, died May 11, 19 93, at the home. Graveside services will be at 1 P.M. Saturday at Lakeside Cemetery, Sumner, Mo. Friends may call from 6 to 8 P.M. Friday at the B arnett-Larkin-Brown Chapel, Leavenworth. The family suggests contributions to the family. Mr. Evilsizer was born in Sumner and lived in Kansas City from 1953 until he moved to Leavenworth two years ago. He formerly worked for the Midway Ford Truck Center for 15 years. He was a member of the Gospel Temple, Kansas City, Kan. Survivors include three daughters; his father; four brothers; a sister; and five grandsons.
(Research):These descendants from WFT CD 13 Tree 3599 Danny Wilson 23420 Avenida Rote lla # 101 Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(Research):Shelton Lafayette Evilcizer was born April 28, 1871, it is not known in wh at county or for that matter what state, since he was born before the fir st known date of his father coming to Robertson County and buying lan d. He could have been born in Pleasant View, Tennessee.
Name �tab� Shelton A. Evilcizer
(Research):Name: James L Evilsizer Birth Year: 1921
(Research):John was in Ranger, Texas as boy and young man with mother,somethi ng to do with oil boom, probably his mother had a boyfriend!! Lots of pic s. with men friends, .married quite a few times also, was ahead of her tim es!! John didn't have a easy life went to work as a young boy to help supp ort mother
(Medical):High cheek bones and course black hair
Name �tab�John Albert Evilsizer
EVILSIZER, JOHN A : Husband of late Margaret R (Obit.). Plain Dealer 20 Ja n, 1993, pg. 07 sec. F John A Evilsizer, beloved husband of the late Margaret Rose (Nee Fulop), dear father of Ronald, Jerald, Brian and the late james, grandfather of 1 5, great grandfather of five, and uncle. Friends may call at the Mandley Vetrovsky Funeral Home where serviceswill be held Friday Jan 22 at 11 a. m. Contributions may be made to Lutheran Hospice c/o Lutheran Medical Center
(Research):The Guthrian Guthrie Center Iowa 18 September 1972 Fourth term jurers Opal Evelsizer
(Research):film 00224 image 0899 Lloyd Ray Evilsizer SS# 347-16-1305 born - 25 June 1922 in Illinois died - 25 April 1986 Palomar Hospital, 555 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido, C A father - Charles Jefferson Evilsizer born in Illinois mother - Lorraine Qualles birthplace unknown spouse - Barbara J. Feshek public relations manager 4-1/2 years automobile company military - 1949-1950 residence - 30447 Spica Ct., Rancho California, Riversidy County, CA 92390 informant - wife cremated 3 May 1986 cause of death - respiratory arrest, hypercalcemia, metastic squamous cell
(Research):Fort Wayne News Sentinel Feb 24, 1989 Pauline Evilsizer, 7, Hartford City, died Wednesday. Surviving are four da ughters including Clara May Evilsizer and Rose Lee Evilsizer, both of Fo rt Wayne. Services are 10 a.m. Monday in Keplinger Funeral home. Preferr ed memorials are gifts to Grace United Methodist church, Hartford City.
Cert 002248
(Research):No Children
(Medical):Died at St. Johns Hospital
(Research):Parents signed marriage application
(Research):Springfield News Sun Saturday May 19, 1962 Urbana-Cecil P Evilsizor, 59, of 410 Boyce St, was pronounced dead on arri val at Mercy Hospital, Urbana, at 11:45 P.M. Friday. He was taken there by the Urbana Fire Division Emergency Ambulance. Mr Evilsizor was born Sept 3, 1902 in Urbana, as son of Ernest and Alice True Evilsizor. He was employed as custodian at the Urbana Municipal Building for the past four years. Survivors include his wife, Mary E; a daughter, Miss Martha Evil sizor at home; a son Kenneth Evilsizor of Urbana; a sister, Mrs Arthur Cot trell of Urbana route 3, two grandchildren and several nieces and nephew s. His body was taken to the Humphrey's funeral home where friends may ca ll after noon Sunday. Services will be held at 1:30 P.M. Tuesday in the funeral home with the Rev Carl Ogden, pastor of the Church of Christian, Uni on, officiating. May 22, 1092 Pallbearers were William Evilsizor, Arthur Cottrell, William King, Robe rt King, Harold King and Art Cottrell
Name �tab�Pearl Cecil Evilsizor
(Research):512 - UNION COUNTY Sergt. William R. Cranston, e. May 2, 1864. Died a, Alexandria, Va., Augu st 21, 1864
(Research):Springfield News-Sun Tuesday October 23, 1990 Harold R Evilsizor,90, formerly of 2110 Maiden Lane, died at 12:15 a.m. Mo nday n Eaglewood Care Center. He was born in Springfield on June 26, 190 0, the son of Ezra and Lydia (Hughes) Evilsizor. He was self-employ ed as a plumbing contractor for 30 ears, retiring in 1962. He was a memb er of the Central Christian Church. Fraternal Order of Eagles No 397, Elde rly United, and the Plumbers and Steam fitters Local. He is survived by o ne daughter, Marilene Bussen of Springfield; two grandsons, Todd Buss en of Greenback, Tennessee and Tim Bussen of Springfield; two great grandc hildren, Ashley Jo Bussen and Kyle Joseph Bussen. Precede in death by h is first wife, Bertha in 1967, his second wife Alice in 1989, and one brot her Homer. Friends may call in the Conroy Funeral Home from 3-6 Tuesday. F uneral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in the funeral home, wi th Dr Joseph Aspley officiating, with burial in Ferncliff cemetery.
Marriage Certificate gives birth date 6/26/1899
EVILSIZOR �tab�HAROLD �tab�R. �tab�1/0/0 �tab�SPR �tab�10/22/1990 �tab�10/24/1990 �tab�T �tab�Lot 41 �tab�SubLot 1 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 2
Name �tab�Hershel Evilsizer
(Research):1910 Ohio Census Champaign 0011 John W Howell Husband W 33 Ohio Wife Anna 30, Ohio Son Florence F 11, Ohio Son George W 09, Ohio Daughter Radil I 07, Ohio Son John W 05, Ohio Daughter Edna V NR, Ohio Son Eligh C R NR, Ohio
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 J E Grube .06
(Research):Parentage not proven, but census records indicate there is a female chi ld in the household who fits this age bracket. She appears 1820 and 1830 t hen gone in 1840. Her first son was born in 1840. This family lived in t he vicinity of John Evilsizer and his children. In 1850 they are but a f ew doors away from John's son Joshua. The death certificate of her son Wil son names his mother as Talitha Evilsizer.
(Research):1850 Census name is Eli age 2 1860 Census name is David age 12
(Research):Jay County In Birth records show a male child born to John Butcher and Ma ry Bedwell 12/26/1896
(Research):Appleton Post Cresent, Appleton, Wisc. 2 ohio Residents Hurt in Crash Wo Ohio residents were injured about 1:15 a.m. Sunday when their auto a nd one driven by a Cleveland, Tenn man, collided at W. Northland Avenue a nd N Richmond St. Taken to Appleton Memorial Hospital by Gold Cross Ambula nce were marvin Evilszor, 31, Urn=bana, Ohio who had a head bump and rig ht leg injury, and Helen Evilsizor of Urbana, a head bump. Both were ridi ng in a car driven north on Richmond by Paul R Evilsizor, 40, of 4105 N Ri chmond St, Appleton, which collided with a westbound auto driven by Willi am H Brown, 30. The Tennessee man was cited for failure to stop at a flash ing red light.
(Research):Name: Berton B Evelsizer Gender: Male Date of Death: 21 October 1977 Volume: 23048 Certificate: 078048 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Bowling Green, Wood County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Residence: Bowling Green, Wood County Age: 59 Years
(Medical):Born premature causing deafness
Name �tab�Berton B. Evelsizer
(Research):CALVIN COOK, farmer; P. O. Terre Haute. Lewis Cook was a native of Vermon t, and lived in that State until he was 21 years of age, at which ti me he went to Western New York, and there married Annie Peck, a nati ve of that State; her parents, accompanied by Lewis and his wife, started for Ohio on a flatboat down the Ohio River; they passed Cincinnati a nd stopped at North Bend, fifteen miles below; here Lewis engaged with Gen. Harrison to work his farm, and continued in his employ four years; he t hen, in company with his brother-in-law, Ethmore Warren, came to this coun ty and entered the quarter-section where Mr. Cook now lives; they all ca me to this neighborhood about 1817, and, in 1823 or 18'24, the Peck fami ly moved to Lake Co. Lewis Cook's wife died in 1823, leaving five children -Percy, William, Jane, Calvin and Melinda; in 1825. Lewis again married
Springfield Sun November 1, 1902 The Passing of a Tremont Man Calvin COOK, aged 83 years, died at his home in Terre Haute, last Sunda y. He has lived in Champaign County for many years and was well and favora bly known in Tremont having many distant relatives living in this burg. H is funeral was held at M E Church, Terre Haute, Tuesday afternoon and w as largely attended. Rev C T WILLIAMS, a Baptist minister, had charge of t he services. Interment occurred at the Terre Haute Cemetery. "Uncle Calvi n" as he was generally called leaves an aged widow, and five sons and o ne daughter, all of whom are married and have families. With a host of acq uaintances both in Clark and Champaign counties, all of whom cherish his g ood name.
D/o Jacob and Alice
(Research):Complete Kenoyer genealogy at www.gencircles.com
(Research):Edith divorced Joseph and remarried on 10/29/1923 Dossie H Sutton in Gra nt Co, IN. Recorded in Marriage Book 26, Pg71
(Research):Came to Ohio in the wagon train in 1852 from New Jersey with five other fa milies. John T Hulsizer, Capt J A Jones, William Fishbaugh, William Pet ty , Jacob Hunt and William Williamson.
(Research):Michigan City News Dispatch, may 18, 1993-Pg 2 LaPorte- Ellen GERBRICK, 71, of 1900 Andrew Ave, LaPorte, died at 10:30 p. m. Sunday, May 16, 1993 at Fountain Terrace Nursing Home, LaPorte. The fun eral will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Haverstock Funeral home, LaPort e. Burial will be in Pine Lake Cemetery. Friends may call from 2-4 and 6 -9 Wednesday and Thursday until time of service. Mrs Gerbrick was born Apr il 20, 1922 in LaPorte, the daughter of Harry and Grace Pruitt Franci s. On April 27, 1967, in LaPorte, she married Richard C Gerbrick, who di ed March 28, 1985. Surviving are two daughters, Joy Lake, Westville and Jo an Mier, Merrillville; four grandchildren; one great grandchild; and one b rother, Mirwood Francis. Memorial contributions may be made to the Americ an Cancer Society or the National Kidney Foundation.
Social Security Death Index about Mirwood Francis
(Research):I follow the Gerberichs (and all the various corruptions). I cannot conne ct Ellen Mae Evilsizer to any know Garbricks in the LaPort area at this ti me. Nor did I see additional obit info on her. Do you know who her husba nd is/was?
HELEN GRACE (EVILSIZER) THURBER, of Fort Wayne, went to be with her Lord and Savior on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009. Born and raised in Fort Wayne, she later moved to Florida during her retirement years. She was the daughter of Edward and Elizabetha Swank. She moved "back home again to Indiana" in 2005 and had since resided with her daughter in Pendleton. She loved to be a caregiver and helper to others and always looked for the best in everyone she met. She always said "What would Jesus do?" Surviving are her daughters, Linda (Daniel) Seal of Pendleton, Conny (Tom) Loftus of Reno, Nev.; sons, Daniel (Carol) thurber of Fort Wayne and John (Carol) Thurber of Punta Gorda, Fla.; 21 grandchildren; 37 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; sister, Elsie Lanterman of Florida; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her first husband, John Grant Evilsizer and in 1958; second husband, Russell Thurber, in 1975; son, Paul Evilsizer, in 1993; daugther, Marcia Riggin, in 2002; brothers, Leslie, Howard and Robert Swank; and sister, Edith Bender. Service is 10 a.m. Saturday at Elzey-Patterson-Rodak Home For Funerals, 6810 Old Trail Road, Fort Wayne, with calling one hour prior. Burial in Prairie Grove Cemetery, Fort Wayne.
(Research):The Retrospect - 1925- Issued by The Senior Class of P. A. Allen High Sc hool Bluffton, Indiana English Club------------Mrs. Bart Mrs. Ratliff Miss Riggs Alspach, Margar et Anderson, MargaretBartlemay, Genevieve Borne, Betty Burgan, Mary Edi th Barnes, Robert Buckles, Mable Baumgardner, Velma Boyd, Bernice Cotto n, Natalie Costello, Corrine Clark, Ralph Carnes, Scantland, Marvin Carnal l, Don Dawkins, Eugene Edris, Kathryn Eddington, Franklin Evilsizer, Edna
(Research):Ann Arbor News
Death Date: �tab�28 Mar 2009
(Research):Fite ancestry at www.gencircles.com
(Research):Living with James Star family, Harrison Co, IN James 42 and Elizabeth 3 3, Christina A 9, Mary E 6
(Research):Jane Evilsizer b 8/1821 appears in the 1900 Indiana Census, Floyd Count y, Greenville Twp living with Bernard Piper
Name: �tab�Edgar M. Rhoads
(Research):Parentage is possible David Collins. 1840 Census, these families lived wi thin 3 farms. 1840 Harrison Co, Morgan, IN- David Collins 00001100-010010
(Research):Name: Annis Fern Evilsizer Date: May 13, 1920 Location: Penn Township Age: 1 yr Gender: Female Race: W Source location: County Health Office, Portland Source notes: The source of this record is the book H-7 on page 122 wit hin the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Maxwell D. Evilsizer, 77, Yorktown, died Tuesday evening at Ball Hospital, Muncie. He was employed at Warner Gear and later as a foreman at Acme-Lees until 1962. Mr. Evilsizer was born in Winchester and moved to Muncie as a young man. He later moved to Yorktown. He was a member of Yorktown Christian Church and Yorktown IOOF Lodge.
(Research):Ann Arbor News April 20, 1997
Ann Arbor News April 20, 1997
(Research):Evilsizer, Fay F
�tab�Daily Telegram, The (Adrian, MI) - December 19, 2009
Named as mother of Arthur in his death record
(Research):Last known to be living in San Diego, CA
(Medical):Donated her body to science
Name: �tab�Jeanetta M Evelsizer
(Research):Additonal note- Recent search of the 1880 Census reveals that Benjamins mother is more than likely Rachel Jones Schlosser, being one and the same pe rson. His fathers marriage was to Rachel Schlosser who appeared in the Census with her father Jesse. A marriage to Rachel Jones was never found. Death Certificate says mother was Rachel Jones. Since Benjamin does not sh ow in the 1880 census as a child of 3, I believe the cert is in error a nd he was born probably after 1881 marriage. In the 1900 Census, Rachels ays she had one child, but he was not living. This was obviously an
Muncie, IN Sunday Star dated Nov 18, 1934 (Sec 2, Pg 1) ..."After preparing several letters to relatives and friends and one direc ting disposal of his body to a funeral director, Benjamin Evilsizer,67, co mmitted suicide by shooting himself in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun ea rly yesterday in a local hotel. Evilsizer formerly lived at 723 North Madi son Street but had recently been in Marion seeking employment. He ca me to Muncie Friday night and registered at the hotel and was seen in t he lobby at 2:00 yesterday morning mailing a letter. Another letter fou nd in his room was timed at 3:30 A.M. Guests adjacent to his room did n ot hear the shot and the body was not discovered until about 9:00. His fai lure to secure employment and also the death about a year ago of his wi fe were given as motive. The body was removed to the Meeks Mortuary accord ing to his written directions after police had been called and an investig ation made in co-operation with Coroner C G Plepho. Grave side services wi ll be at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Beech Grove Cemetery. Survi ving are four sons, Max D Evilsiger, Charles H and Daniel, all of Muncie, and Paul A, a member of the Navy Station in Norfolk, VA. The mother, M rs Rachel Hobbs, of Marion, and two half - brothers, Henry and Ernest Hob bs also of Marion. He was a member of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty a nd the Red Mens Lodge.
(Research):This child in listed in the 1880 Census as P Slagle age 4m, d/o Samuel a nd Laura Slagle. She must have been adopted by John Bush.
(Research):1861 Military Census of Walnut Grove Twp., McDonough Co., IL: EVILSISOR, L ewis E
(Research):County Birth record names Pearl M Lloyd as mother.
(Research):Nellie married Steven Ringley after the death of Bert.
(Research):1920 Indiana Census Cass County/Logansport Living with James E Hayden (listed as Step-Daughter)
(Research):1910 Census shows married 38 years, having 9 children and only five sti ll living
Attached to Norfolk Naval Station in 1934. Family members say Paul retired from a career in the navy and died sometime in the 1960's.
(Research):Attached to Norfolk Naval Station in 1934. Family members say Paul retired from a career in the navy and died sometime in the 1960's. I have No record of his death.
(Research):Died while minor was engaged in fighting in the Civil War. A week togeth er before he left, did they have a child? She died 4 months after the marr iage.
IRON MOUNTAIN - Barbara J. Peshek (Evilsizer), 81, of Iron Mountain, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013, at ValleyCare Medical Center in Livermore, Calif.Barbara was born on June 23, 1932, the daughter of the late Lawrence and Marguerite Peshek. She married Gordon M. Duncan in 1951. Gordon lost his life as a pilot representing his country in October 1954 in Korea. Barbara had two small daughters, Jannie (age 2) and Conilee (4 months) at the time of her husband's death.
(Research):Delmar T Whitney 40 W Ohio Allen, Lima City 1910 Wife Fannie B 32 Ohio Son Dewey T 12 Ohio Daughter Bernita A 10 Ohio Son Rerkl F 04 Indiana Mother-in-law Mazie Mann 51 Ohio Grandmother Elizabth Duckworth 81 Ohio
(Research):Name: Max E Evilsizer Birth Year: 1926
MUNCIE - Joan H. Needler, 84, passed away Friday, May 30, 2014, at her daughter's residence in Muncie following an extended illness.
(Research):Loretta and Sheldon adopter her sister's child.
Social Security Death Index
Sisters obit names deceased sister Betty Jones
(Research):James was left, as a small child, on the doorstep of the Arthur Still home
Name: �tab�J F Still
(Research):Name: Evilsizer Father: Henry A Mother: Winiford M Guver County: Jay Gender: F Birth Date: 01 Jun 1893 Reference: Jay County, Indiana Index to Birth Records 1882 - 1920 Inclusive Volume I Letters A - Z Inclusive Book: H-6 Page: 3
(Research):There is a record of a marriage of a Frances Jane Wible to a Jacob Wible 6 /9/1883 in Jay Co, IN Book C-E Pg 404. She may have married her husband 's brother Jacob. Until I find a death record for William, this may on ly be speculation.
(Research):Several records in Jay County refer to Mary as "Fame' Evilsizer Possible s ister to Mary who married Wible brother, William
(Research):In 1880, mary was age 69 and living next to Eli Barber. Eli was the broth er of Elitha Jane who married Minor Evilsizer
(Research):This family tree came from Linda Vaughn 316 1/2 Harmon St Marietta, OH 457 50 Also researching is Linda Forshey [email protected]
(Research):Name : William Augustus Groves Titles : Widowed Death date : 25 Jul 1949 Death place : Marietta, Washington, Ohio, United States Birth date : 06 Apr 1858 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Washington Co., Ohio Age at death : 91 years 3 months 19 days Gender : Male Marital status : Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : Isaac Groves Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Nancy Evelsizer Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 2247094 Digital GS number : 4109164 Image number : 02502 Certificate number : 46685 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Groves, Johnathan Lived in: Marietta Township, Washington County, Ohio 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1330 Book: 2 Page: 239
(Research):Name : Mary Farley Death date : 28 May 1936 Death place : Marietta, Washington, Ohio Birth date : 24 Nov 1863 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Liberty Twp., Ohio Age at death : 73 years 6 months 4 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : American Street address : Occupation : At Home Burial date : 31 May 1936 Burial place : Valley Cemetery Cemetery name : Spouse name : John Wesley Farley Father name : Isaac Groves Father titles : Father birth place : Washington Co., Ohio Mother name : Nancy Evilsizer Mother birth place : Wash. Co., Ohio GSU film number : 2022661 Digital GS number : 4122439 Image number : 820 Certificate number : fn 35330 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Name : Malinda Groves Miller Death date : 07 Jun 1952 Death place : Warren Twp, Washington, Ohio, United States Birth date : 09 Apr 1867 Birth place : Washington Co., Ohio Age at death : 85 years 1 month 29 days Gender : Female Marital status : widowed Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : none at home Residence : Constitution twp Burial date : 6/9/1952 Burial place : Washington Co, OH Cemetery name : Layhigh Cemetery Father name : Isaac Groves Mother name : Mary Evilsizer Informant: Oscar Warfield COD- Hypertension GSU film number : 2246300 Digital GS number : 4109428 Image number : 01649 Certificate number : 42426 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name �tab�Martha J. Groves
Name �tab�Samuel Groves
Name: �tab�John Wesley Farley
(Research):Muncie Star Feb 12, 1991 Betty J Evilsizer, 63, 5805 Taylor Rd, died Sunday in Ball Memorial Hospit al after a long illness. She was born in Muncie, graduated from Dalevil le High School and spent most of her life in the Muncie area. Mrs Evilsiz er had worked at Yorktown Upholstery Shop and earlier at Ball Brothers (n ow Ball Corp). She was a member of American Legion Auxiliary Post 19, a nd the Warner Gear Sympathy Club. She served on the Delaware county Electi on Board for more than 20 years and was active in Precinct 97 in Mount Ple asant township. Survivors include her husband of 43 years, Max E Evilsize r; two daughters, Cheryl Bryant and Sandy Evilsizer, both of Muncie; two s ons, Randall J Evilsizer, Oklahoma City, Okla, and Danny Max Evilsizer, Sa rasota, Fla; her twin sister, Ruth Rains. Montpelier; two brothers, Dav id C Bartle and Kirby L Bartle, both of Muncie; five grandchildren and sev eral nieces and nephews. A sister, Mary A Bartle, and two brothers, J oe E and John W Bartle, preceded her in death. Services will be at 11:30 a .m. Wednesday in Meeks Mortuary. Burial will be in Elm Ridge Cemetery. Cal ling will be 2-4 and 6-9 P.M. today or before services Wednesday at the mo rtuary.
(Research):No children
(Research):Ft Wayne Journal-Gazette, pg 2-Mar 14, 1965 Graveside services for Dawn Renee Evilsizer, infant daughter of Mr and M rs Paul Evilsizer, 2402 Oliver St, were held at 3 P.M. yesterday in Prair ie Grove Cemetery, Rev Hubert Miller officiating. The baby died at bir th at noon Friday in the Lutheran Hospital. The parents are members of t he First Church of God. Surviving besides the parents are three sisters, P eggy, Kim and Tammy all at home; the grandparents, Mrs Russell Thurber, Fo rt Wayne and Mr and Mrs John Warner, Kokomo and the great grandmother M rs Edward Swank, Fort Wayne. D O McComb & Sons funeral home was in char ge of arrangements.
George Fred Padgett, 56, of Brookfield, Mo., died Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009 in Sparks, Nev. George was born April 30, 1952 in Brookfield, Mo., son of James William and Marie Francis (Evilsizer) Padgett. He married Beverly Fugate. He was a member of the Grace Baptist Church. He was a truck driver for C.R.S.T. and former restaurant owner and enjoyed gambling and cooking. Fred is survived by two sisters, Mary White and husband George, Browning, Mo., and Laura Douglas, Brookfield, Mo.; two nephews, Jim White, Galt, Mo., and Joe White, Browning, Mo.; three step-children, Pattie, Billie and Jackie; six great-nieces; two great-nephews; and several cousins and other relatives. He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, seven sisters and one niece, Tammie Jo Douglas. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 6, 2009 at the Rhodes Funeral Home, Brookfield, Mo., with Pastor Frank Bolin officiating. Burial will be in the Parklawn Memorial Gardens, Brookfield, Mo. Visitation will begin at 9 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009 at the Rhodes Funeral Home, Brookfield, Mo., with the family receiving friends from 6 to 8 p.m. that evening. Memorial contributions are suggested to the family or the Linn County Humane Society and may be left at the funeral home or mailed to 216 Linn Street, Brookfield, MO 64628.
name: �tab�Edward Leon Kelley
(Research):1900 Census shows birth date March, 1852. Here is where some confusion beg ins. This family line used the spelling Ebelsiser/or and John M is sho wn in the Floyd Co, 1850 Indiana Census as born in March of 1850. IF IN F ACT he was born in 1852, it gives cause for concern that this John is t he child of William Conrad, Immigrant who came in 1876 and settled in Ca ss Co, Indiana. His son Otto shows up in the 1920 Census and living in t he household is Rosina Koch, grandmother, born in Germany. This would le ad us to believe this is really the son of William Conrad. (See later chap ter) William Conrad's family used this spelling for quite some time. The o nly question being the location fits with our family tree in Floyd Co, Ind iana, as the Cass Co immigrant seemed to have stayed in that area. But loc ation of Floyd Co, IN strongly suggests this lineage is correct, as Willi am Conrad and family settled and stayed in Cass Co, IN
(Research):12 children, 10 survive at time of death
(Research):This family not found in the 1850 or 1860 Indiana Census
(Research):Descendants of Eli from WFT CD 13 # 3460
(Research):This family not found in the 1850 or 1860 Indiana Census
(Research):�u��b�World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 �/u�
(Research):Researching this line [email protected] (Cora Pruitt) 4805 Scotty Drive K ingman, Arizona 86401
(Research):I found your family file on William A. Pruitt on ancestry.com. My na me is Cora Pruitt and I have been researching my husband's family for abo ut 5 yrs. have been looking for family, (cousins) on the William A. Prui tt line and you are the first! Pleasant Pruitt is my husband's gg-grandfather, and William would be our g g-uncle. I am still researching Pleasant. I have found him up until the 1 880 census for Indiana. I am also looking for Pleasant's father: Archiba ld Pruitt. We have not found a burial location for Archie or Pleasant. We believe that Pleasant may be buried at Maple Lawn with William, (Carroll County,Ind.) possibly an unmarked grave. My husband's line descends from Pleas ant's youngest son: James Minrow Pruitt b. April 1862, (step) broth er to William A.. I have collected a lot of information on our line and s till have a lot to go..... When I saw your name: Evilsizer, I knew that there was a connection. T he only reference I have to your name is" Grace M. Pruitt, daughter of Wil liam A. and Maria Timmons. Grace married second: James T. Evilsizer in Ca rroll Co on April. 30, 1908. ( I have copies of marriage licenses comi ng on Grace from both marriages.) My husband and I moved from Chicago, I L. 9 years ago to Kingman, Arizona. We still have a lot of family in the C hicago area and also in Indiana, (Ft. Wayne, Delphi, Warsaw and scatter ed ). If you have any information on Pleasant and other family member s, I sure would appreciate it and I will forward any information to you that you may need/want. It's a pleasu re to make your acquaintance and I am looking forward to hearing from o ur newfound cousins! Best Regards to you and yours. Cora and Tom Pruitt [email protected] 7/15/2000
Is this Lillian?
(Research):History of Cass Co, Indiana From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, with Biological Sketches pg 396 (no dates, after 1913)
(Research):Name: Charles Evilsizer Date: Nov 13, 1906 Location: Logansport Age: 2 mon Gender: Male Race: W Source location: County Clerk Office, County Clerks Office, Loganspo rt Source notes: The source of this record is the book C-12 on page 19 wit hin the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administratio
Plot: 13-0766 -06
(Research):CD#355 Germans to America Arrived 12/5/1865, Last residence Sundheim, in Prussia, Purpose of trip-st aying in USA, Ship Name Reinhard, Captain, Hinrich Wamhen, Ship manife st # 00010674, Port of Embarkation, Bremen, Mode of travel Cabin. UEBELSHAUSEN, ???Infant, Conrad, age 6, occupation child; Elisabeth, age 3 2, occupation Farmer; Elisabeth, age 7, occupation child, Johs, age 13, oc cupation farmer, Wiegand,** age 36, occupation Farmer.
Parents James Goring and Ellen Dempsey
Parentage has not been proven, but find circumtancial evidence:
[ 2 syll. ni-ram, nir-am ] The baby boy name Niram is pronounced NIYRahM �. Niram's language of origin is Hebrew and it is also used mainly in the Hebrew language. The name is of the meaning 'the people's cultivated fields'.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Judy Riley. My daughter is currently involved with a young man named Anderson Ross Painter, son of David Alan Painter, son of Philip Painter, son of August Henry Painter. August is the son of John Painter and Martha Elizabeth Evilsizer/or Ubelshouser. I believe your Evilsizers/Ulbelshousers are the same as the one in Andy's family.
(Research):Williams children used the original spelling Ubelshauser
Death certificate name is William Name: William Evilsizer Date: Aug 07, 1903 Location: Logansport Age: 75 yr Gender: Male Race: W Source location: City Health Office, Logansport Source notes: The source of this record is the book CH-1 on page 128 wi thin the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
(Research):CD#355 Germans to America Arrived 12/5/1865, Last residence Sundheim, in Prussia, Purpose of trip-st aying in USA, Ship Name Reinhard, Captain, Hinrich Wamhen, Ship manife st # 00010674, Port of Embarkation, Bremen, Mode of travel Cabin. UEBELSHAUSEN, ???Infant, Conrad, age 6, occupation child; Elisabeth, age 3 2, occupation Farmer; Elisabeth, age 7, occupation child, Johs, age 13, oc cupation farmer, Wiegand, age 36, occupation Farmer.
Name: �tab�Elizabeth Ubelhouser
(Research):Information on this immigrant ancestor provided by Mary Ellen Martin at the Cass Co, Indiana Historical Society. One similarity in this family, aside from Williams burial record, is that Rev . John Evilsizer, s/o John Evilsizer and Mary Peters, s/o Old "Jakob" also married an Arnold, (Mary Polly). Coincidence? This family may have been related back in Germany, but they never left Cass Co, IN. And they did not migrate until between 1860 and 1870.....over 100 years later!
(Research):1920 Census, Denver, Co, her mother is living in household, Sophia White a ge 56, Wd, b OH
(Research):Name: Evilsizer, Dorallo M Father: Conard Mother: Glyda Hall County: Cass Gender: F Birth Date: 27 Feb 1915 Reference: Cass County, Indiana Index to Birth Record 1882 - 1920 Inclusive Letters A - Z Inclusive Book: CH-4 Page: 72
(Research):California Death Index, 1940-1997 Name: Charles David Evilsizer Social Security #: 521018751 Sex: MALE Birth Date: 22 Oct 1882 Birthplace: Indiana Death Date: 24 Mar 1957 Death Place: Los Angeles Mother's Maiden Name: Goring Father's Surname: Evilsizer
(Research):Name: Freda Maedolen Evilsizer Social Security #: 564843105 Sex: FEMALE Birth Date: 22 Jan 1894 Birthplace: Indiana Death Date: 11 Sep 1979 Death Place: Los Angeles
(Research):Name: Doris Evilsizer Date: Jun 29, 1920 Location: Logansport Gender: Female Race: W Source location: City Health Office, Logansport Source notes: The source of this record is the book CH-5 on page 96 wit hin the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Name: �tab�Vincent Paul Parlette
(Research):Sarah previously married John Hurbaugh on 4-12-1817 in Shenandoah Co, VA Her parents and siblings found on WFT Vol 49 Tree 0933
Name: �tab�Gladys S. Idle
(Research):This family connection from Cindy S Hamm 5829 Main Street Rockhill, MD 21661 WFT Vol 22 Tree#3174
Name: �tab�Meltiah Florence Middleton Hinton
Hubbard, �tab�Nodaway Co.MO. �tab�Nodaway �tab�Nov.4, 1884 �tab�Benjamin Hubbard �tab�Emma Hubbard
Name: �tab�John Hubbard
(Research):From:[email protected] (Thom Shank) Forgot to ask until the message was being sent. How did you make the conn ection that Michael Weis's wife was Anna Barbara Braun. I had thought t he same several years ago but still can't find anything on Michael or Barb ara's parents. Since you didn't submit anything to ancestry.com about the ir ancestors, I would assume you don't know anything about them. If y ou do know something about them, I would be forever grateful. I spent a l ot of money, time and looked at dozens of films from Salt Lake City but th ey still elude me.
(Research):Complete Engleman genealogy in harrison Co, IN at www.gencircles.com
(Research):Her father Henry Baker purchased items from Adam's estate. Magdalene' Baker ancestry can be found from Jack Ott http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~jackott/index.htm
(Research):This information is from handwritten notes prepared for John Ebelsheiser 's obituary in July 1909. He was 82 years, 3 months and 15 days old.
(Research):This marriage from Allen Donald Tallman [email protected]
(Research):1900 Census had John Doverman boarding with this family age 84 born PA
(Research):Had two girls
(Research):Ill State death index says death cert filed in Cook Co, IL
(Research):Family contributors: Bill & Joyce Corgan 300 West 1st Street New Berlin, I llinois 62670-9760 (217) 488-6461 [email protected] Complete Corgan family ancestry at myfam ily.com
(Research):�b�Name:�/b�Esther V. Young�b�
(Research):Additional Nance descendants and ancestry can be found at www.gencircles.c om Ancestry back to John Nans born c1385
(Research):Son of Ann Maria and her Bro-in-law, Jacob Engleman. It seems when Andr ew went to Calif looking for gold he left his pregnant wife and 7 childr en living with his brother, Jacob. Jacob and his wife Elizabeth has two ve ry young children. One of Jacobs children died while Andrew was go ne as he mentions it in a letter. source, letter, copy from pat Bowers.
(Research):Theory # 1 Ivan Evilsizer claims to have found a Thomas Evilsizer buried in Augusta County.,VA, but does not have his notes, or backup documentation. This creat es the first theory of the father of Adam, George and William. Died 18 09 age 52.
Dau of Frederick Hanger Jr and Mary Magdalena Hull
Springfield News Jan 20, 1963 Charles B Hoberty, 85, of Springfield, Route 2, died in Mercy Hospit al at 8:40 P.M. Sunday following one week of illness. He was born in Dar ke Co May 16, 1877 the son of Nicholas and Mary Buckles Hoberty, and had r esided in Clark and Champaign counties all his life. He was a retired farm er, but was well known in this area as a trainer, breeder and seller of ha rness horses, throughout the country. His wife Clara preceded him in dea th in 1951. Mr Hoberty is survived by one son, Clement L, of Springfiel d; three brothers, John of New Carlisle and Joseph and Lee of Springfiel d; 11 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. His body was taken to t he Jackson-Lyle and Coffman funeral home where friends may call from 7 P. M. Tuesday until time of services at 1 P.M. Thursday by the Rev Jesse Hopp er of Wilmington. Burial will be in Terre Haute Cemetery
Name: �tab�Henrietta A Snarr
Name: �tab�Iva Viola Snarr
Name: �tab�Iva Viola/Snarr
(Research):Complete Enlgeman genealogy at www.gencircles.com
(Research):George Van's parents: Joseph Rollison Vann (Geo. dropped the 2nd 'n') b 1 809 KY and 2nd wife Elizabeth Rhodes b 1815 IN. They were married 10 D ec 1840 Warrick Co. IN. George had a half brother, Abner (from Joseph's 1 st marr), and full sibs: David, Ann, and Elizabeth. Joseph Vann's paren ts were: Absalom Vann b 17 Feb 1784 SC and 1st wife Rebecca Rollison. Jos eph had two brothers: Jesse L. Vann and John A. Vann and 7 more half sibli ngs from Absalom's 2nd marriage. Pat Bowers
Deat Date from Swaim-Tysen book, but cannot confirm.
(Research):I made it to the library today but unfortunately could not locate an ob it on Hazel. Just for your records, I checked the Anaheim Bulletin, fr om April 22-29, 1983.; Tammy
George was raised by people named Bowman, around Dean Lake, near Snyder and Triplett, MO Childrens Names and birth dates copied from family bible by Mrs Walter Dow Evilsizer sometime in the 1960's. Mrs J K Kelliher, 54 Wynnewood Rd, Livingston, NJ 07039
(Research):Served in the military on 5-8-1812 in Frederick Co,MD Maryland 9th Briga de Infantry under Capt Henry Steiner's Company of Artillerists.He serv ed in the military on May 8 1812 in Frederick Co.,MD, 9th Brigade Infant ry under Captain Henry Steiners Company of Artillerists. This is the line of Mrs Diane Wilcox Dayley, 1781 Pine Lane, Provo, Utah 8 4604
They had six children: Della May, Lulu, Harry Lincoln, Clinton Gray, Elizabeth and Eva
(Research):BRANDYBERRY, Demeriu E. Death date: 6/16/1922, Champaign Coun ty Volume #3893, Certificate #31931
Name: �tab�Demerius Evans Brandyberry
(Research):not sure if Daisey was Spouse of Alex or Allyn. Only have a obit that stat es "sister-in-law" Carrie Ella Evilsizer" so i know she was the wife of o ne of the two.
(Research):There is another marriage in Guernsey Co, OH of a Solomon Peters to Sar ah E Herring 7-25-1895. It is not known if this is Solomon, or a son.
(Research):New Albany Daily Ledger 1 NOV 1920 p 2 c 4 (Monday) Mrs. Belle Ebelsisor, widow of John M. Ebelsisor, died at 5 o'clock Sund ay morning at the Deaconess Hospital, Louisville, where she had been f or the last three weeks. She underwent surgical operation. The body h as been taken to her home at 1201 East Main street. Mrs. Ebelsisor w as 65 years old and she was a native of this county. She resided in the ci ty twenty-five years. she is survived by a son, Otto Ebelsisor, and a brother, Joseph M. Williamson, of this city. She w as a member of Hutchinson Presbyterian Church. Funeral services will be h eld at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the family residence and buri al will be in the Fairview Cemetery.
(Research):1900 census has Rosina Koch b 8/1822 b Germany living with household. S he is named as Grandmother. I believe to be the grandmother of wife Lorett a, as cannot possibly be his.
Dau of John M Smith and Catherine Emmons
ame: �tab�Francis E. Yke
(Research):ENGLE, Milton J. Death date: 12/26/1927, Champaign County
(Research):Complete Fouts ancestry I have posted at www.gencircles.com
(Research):Springfield Sun March 5, 1904 Mrs William LOUDENBACK of near Grafton Chapel, who was found dead in b ed by her husband last Wednesday morning about 4 o'clock, was buried Frida y. Mr LOUDENBACK got up to build the fire and going back to bed, found h is wife dead. She had been in bad health for several years with heart trou ble. She was 80 years old. Rev Alfred TAYLOR, minister of the church to wh ich she was a lifelong member had charge of the services.
(Research):This info from German researcher Dr. Arnd Freidrich, Pfr. sent to Sharon D urels 3-28-1984 From Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg- Translation- The original entry in the monthly "Notices" (12/8857/ & 67 v0) regarding J akob Ubelshauser reads as follows: "One (commoner) Jacob Ubelshauser, bo rn at Dodenhausen at Haina monestary(cloisters), 29 years old, 6"1" tal l, having served 9 years and 11 months, has entered retirement this very d ay June 21 (of this current year =a.d.)" This does not necessarily mean th at Ubelshauser returned to Hessen, but is merely an indication (he might h ave) The results of checking on files regarding pension payments of surviving w idows after the year 1831 were negative. This is the Jacob that was a Hessian Soldier who returned to Germany
(Research):this family line from the German IGI at the Mormon Library
(Research):As theory presents itself, i would presume this is a high possibility th at he is the father to our Johan Jacob Evelsheimer. He would have nam ed a son after himself, probably in 1754-1760 and named one after his fath er, Thomas during the same time period. This would help the theory of o ur Jakob having a brother Thomas who died supposedly in Augusta County, VA in 1811, age 52
(Research):Info provided by German researcher Dr. Arnd Friedrich, Pfr to Sharon Dure ls 3-28-1984 Additional info provided by Evangelische Kirche in Deutschl-Parrish recor ds inparrrish of Lohlbach
Name: �tab�Ralph V. Krause
(Research):KENTUCKY DEATH INDEX 1911-1986 SEARCH RESULT MILDRED U EBLESISOR Date 721117 Age 064 Place JEFFN Residence INDIANA Volume 057 Cert 28235 Deathvol 72
Name �tab�Charles Willard Evelsizer
Veterans with Federal Service Buried in Utah, Territorial to 1966 for Charles Willard Evelsizer
(Research):Nancy married Joseph Patton in 1923 Salt Lake City, UT after death of Will ard.
Death Cert
(Research):Name: Martha J Evilsizer Age at Death: 78 Date of Death: 2 Aug 1981 City of Death: Akron County of Death: Summit Volume: 24551 Certificate: 061435 Date of Birth: Est. 1903 State of Birth: Virginia Country of Birth: United States Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Social Security Number: 299-03-2970 City of Residence: Akron County of Residence: Summit State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Census Tract: 5017 Certifier: Physician
(Research):Mantlo family history from Rich Mather [email protected]
(Research):Complete Engleman genealogy at www.gencircles.com
Name: �tab�Samuel B. Hedges
Name: �tab�Edward Hines
Name: �tab�Ernest Elsworth Cost
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Verna E Inskeep
Name: �tab�John W. Vermillion
Name: �tab�Ella Vermillion
Name: �tab�Newton Alonzo Hess
Name: �tab�Hanna M Hess
Md Joseph Roller
(Research):Appears in 1860 Census age 39 as head of house with children Mary E Dor ah age 7, Harriett Dorah age 3, Oscar Dorah, age 1 Possible she married m an named Dorah. Appears in 1850 Census as a domestic in the household of P hillip (39 b VA) and Mary Dorsch (28 b IN). (Dorsch could also be Dorah)
(Research):1834-Trustees, Henry Fairchild, John N. Williams, Sylvanus Smith; Clerk, C hristopher Cranston ; Treasurer, Bela Kimball.
(Research):It is unknown who the parents are of John. Birth date is highly suspicio us of John Price Sanders (of the Nathaniel Sanders lineage). His middle in itial P was originally thought to be Price. This would indicate John Pri ce Sanders, son of Lewis and Margaret Price Sanders of Kentucky. In the G enealogy of Kentucky Families Vol II says only one son of Lewis and Margar et married. In 1850 Greene Co, AR Census in same area is Moses Sande rs 53 b GA, wife Goola 53 b NC, Walter 18 b NC, Peter 15 n NC, Franc is 13 b AR, Thomas 11 b AR and Sarah 8 b AR. Next door to Moses is David S anders 33 b KY, Mary 38, Francis 6, Sarah 4, Moses 2, all b AR and indicat ing by naming patterns that David is a son of Moses. Ironically next do or to John is a Charles W Price b GA, Mary 36 b TN and children Emily E 1 1, Mitchell 4, Serinda 1 and William W 13. I would think it logical th at Moses would be the father of John Sanders.
(Research):poss dau of Josiah and Hannah Levitt 1850 Champaign Co, Union, OH pg298
Groom's Name: �tab�Edward Smith
Groom's Name: �tab�Marion Earl Humes
Groom's Name: �tab�Clarence Van Humes
Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002
(Research):Descendants for James Harrison were submitted by Johnnie Evensizer and was taken from the EVENSIZER family Bible. As with other descendant lines, the name spelling was changed, apparently at this point.
(Research):Parents not known, but the 1870 Clark Co, Mad River, OH Census on pg 1 44 is a Barnett Rynearson age 61 born in VA.
Name �tab�Meda May Evilsizer
(Research):family line submitted by Tracey [email protected] (tracey dawn) Elsie never changed her name to Evensizer.
(Research):supposed to have married Frank Wilson and died 3/17/1920
KANSAS CITY STAR, Sunday, January 6, 1991 Page B4 HARRY E. EVANSIZER Harry E. Evansizer, 86, southeast Kansas City, a real estate broker, died Jan. 5, 1991, at Baptist Medical Center. Mr. Evansizer owned the Evansi zer Real Estate Co. since 1948. He was a member of the Real Estate Board of Kansas City. He was a member of the Evangel Temple-First Assembly of God Church. He was born in Nampa, Idaho, and lived in Ventura, Calif ., before he moved to this area in 1946. Survivors include his wife, Mary Evansizer of the home, three sons, James H. Evansizer, Evanston, Ill ., and Edwin A. Kouts and Norman A Kouts of Kansas City, a daughter, Helen S. Wingate, Kansas City, four grandchilfren, and four great-grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Mount Moriah & Freeman Chapel, burial in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8 p.m. Monday at the chapel.
Dau of John Hurst and Martha Menifee
Name: �tab�Paul Hurst
27025 �tab�HURST �tab�PAUL �tab�B. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�BELLEFONTAINE, O. �tab�04/16/1947 �tab�04/19/1947 �tab�Q �tab�Lot 155 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 5
Name: �tab�Clifford Hurst
(Research):Spoke with Norman 10/30/2000 about ancestry. 732-350-1640
(Research): Ellis Island
(Research):I believe this to be the following because of ages, and birth dates of chi ldren. The records could have been copied wrong, but family member verifi es wife's name was Katherine.
History of Caldwell Co, KY by Samuel W Stegar pg215
(Research):From:[email protected] I found you via Ancestry WFT. I am Ida's great grandneice. Her sister O ra was my great grandmother. How odd that I found you today and that tod ay I was able to find her death certificate. I am desperately trying to f ind out who Ora & Ida's mother was. Both death certificates say "Unknow n" and the marriages were too old to request that information. Anyway, he re is what I know: Ora's last name when she died was KOCH, and her marital status was divorc ed. I don't know Mr. Koch's first name or when the marriage occurred, b ut I'll find it in the next couple of weeks. She died in Clark County Ind iana on November 12, 1965 at the age of 93. The cause of death was "HC VD w/ decompensation & Pulmonary Edema" (sounds bad but I have no idea wh at the HCVD is. Probably some sort of cardiovascular disease.) The physi cian was Joseph P. Mudd of Clarksville (Clark Co.) Indiana. The funeral w as handled by Kraft Funeral Home of New Albany (Floyd Co.) IN and burial w as in Slate Run Cemetery, also in New Albany. The death was recorded in b ook 1965, page 48. Her date of birth was 3/21/1872 in Indiana. Her usu al residence at the time of her death was New Albany IN with her nephew, E dward Cheap, who was Ora's son. I know that her father's name was George Walts, born about 1844 in Flo yd County IN. I have no idea who her mother was, but I have an idea th at it was Elizabeth J. Lambdin who I suspect died between 1874 and 187 8. I think that her father then married Nancy Ella Stone in 1878. Th is is all speculation at this point, but I intend to find the 1870 & 18 80 Crawford Co. Censuses to settle it. George's father was also George Wa lts and his mother was Catherine (maiden name unknown.) In the 1850 cens us for Crawford Co. IN Whiskey Run Township house #583: Walts, George51FarmerPennsylvania Catharine45Tennessee Elizabeth19Harrison Co. IN Susanah16Harrison Co. IN Francis M.12Floyd Co. IN William A. 9Floyd Co. IN George M. 6Floyd Co. IN In the 1860 Crawford County census, Whiskey Run Township, house #316 Walts, George59FarmerPA Catharine54TN Susan22IN {There is only 6 yrs difference since 1850} Francis M.21Farm laborIN William A.19IN George16IN
Ohio records of birth of Sarah uses spelling of Evilsizer
(Research):My great-aunt had thought that Hiram, Isacc�s son, originally came from De lphi, IN. I don�t know where she got that information but anyway, Hiram e nded up in St. Eele Twp., Daviess Co., IN. He is listed in the 1860 censu s. He married Elizabeth Dillon on Nov. 5, 1854.
(Research):Just at the hour of midnight when all was still and peaceful, Mrs. Mary Lo uella Boyles slipped silently away into the world beyond, without a strug gle but as quiet as the spring night without. For years she had been unab le to do any housework but has been cheerful throughout her many yea rs of suffering. Each winter she had had an attack of flu and would be co nfined to her bed much of the time but even that did not daunt her good n ature and her ready smile. Although her age was not so advanced in year s, her appearance would lead one to believe that she was quite elderly for the y ears of suffering had not failed to leave their traces. Born December 2 8, 1864 in Knox County, the daughter of David and Mary A. Whiteneck, Ma ry Louella lived most of her life in this vicinity. It was here that s he met and wed Andrew J.Boyles. To this union were born nine children, ei ght of whom are living. They are: Chester, deceased Nellie, at home Everett, of Bicknell Twins, Mrs. Nora Anderson and Mrs. L ora Shedd, both of Bicknell Mrs. Bernice Venable, of Vincennes Mrs. Elsie Clark, of Bruceville Mr s. Mary Van Meter, of Johnstown She is survived by the husband, the children, several more distant relativ es and a host of friends. Funeral services will be held Sunday morni ng at ten o�clock at the Nazarene church, with Rev. Miller in charge. Bu rial will be made in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.(Lester was left off of this ob ituary.)
Name: �tab�Raymond Paul Rabey
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Elsie B Rabey
California Death Index, 1940-1997
California Death Index, 1940-1997
California Death Index, 1940-1997
California Death Index, 1940-1997
California Death Index, 1940-1997
(Research):WED., FEB. 25, 1987 ELWOOD CALL LEADER CARRIE M. FOUTS Carrie M. Fouts, 93, died at Parkview Convalescent Center Tuesday, Feb. 2 4, after an extended illness. Born October 6, 1893, in Hobbs, she was the daughter of George and Susan ( Hobbs) Scott. She married Archie Fouts. He preceded her in death in 195 2. She was associated with the Main Street Wesleyan Church, and was a char ter member of the Eagles Auxiliary. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Ma donna Winans of Elwood; a son, Byron �Bill� Eugene Fouts of Elwood; a brot her George Scott of Elwood; five grandchildren; 13 great-grandchilren; a nd 11 great-great grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 1pm Frid ay at the Copher and Fesler Funeral Home with the Rev. Brian Morton offici ating. Burial will be in Elwood City Cemetery.Friends may call fr om 4 to 8 pm Thursday at the Copher and Fesler Funeral Home.
Son of Henry Burba
Dau of Samuel Wolf (1819- and Sarah Ann Wade (1821-
(Research):Williams Social Security Application names his parents.
name: �tab�Isabelle Jane Sellars
(Research):History of Morrow Co, OH JOHN SELLARS, farmer and stock-dealer and raiser; P. O., Cardington; was b orn in Perry Co., Ohio, Nov. 1, 1827, and is the oldest of a family of fo ur children of Jacob and Effa (Fluckey) Sellars; George Fluckey, a revolutionary soldier, and grandfather of John Sellars, removed from Perry Co., O ., to Morrow Co., and settled upon the farm now owned by the former, in the year 1834. John Sellars' parents came the same year and entered an adjo ining piece of land. They brought with them 40 heads of sheep, but it w as not long until the entire flock were killed by the wolves, which at th at early day were very troublesome. They were hard-working people, and h ad soon made for themselves comfortable homes. Jacob Sellars died in 185 0, his loss being deeply felt by his family and numerous friends; his wi fe survives him and is a resident of Cardington Tp. John Sellars passed his youth and early manhood assisting his father upon the farm; he receiv ed but a limited education, and on the 29th of March, 1849, was united in marriage with Miss Jane Curl, daughter of William Curl, Esq., one of the early settlers of Cardington. Tp.; she was born Jan. 9, 182 8, in Clark Co., O. The fruits of this union were ten children, eight of w hom are now living-Selby, Lucinda, Wiley, Amanda, Lovina, Isadora, Ross a nd Leman; those deceased were named Alva and Freeman. Mr. Sellars first purchased forty acres of land, which he has owned a great many years; he n ow owns 310 acres of well-improved land in Cardington Tp.; also valuable p roperty in the village, besides lands in Paulding Co., O., and in Missouri. He is a Prohibitionist politically, and an earnest advocate of the Temp erance Reform. He takes great interest in religious and educational enterp rizes, and has, for a great many years, been a consistent member of the Un ited Brethren Church. He deals largely in fine stock of all kinds; he h as a stud of thirty horses now upon his farm, and is the owner of Mohawk Jackson, whose record an a trotter is scarcely second to any horse in the S tate; he is also the owner of several. fine Bashaw horses. There are few men in Morrow Co. who have done so much to improve all kinds of stock as Mr. Sellars, and the county would be much better off had it more such men.
name: �tab�John Sellars
(Research):Morrow Co, Ohio Hostory 570 - CARDINGTON TOWNSHIP.
On same stone with Mary A
(Research):History of Morrow Co, Ohio Cardington Twp HENRY W. CURL, farmer and stockraiser; P. O., Cardington; was born in Cla rk Co., Ohio, Oct. 21, 1829; his parents, William .and Margaret (Arbogas t) Curl, came from Clark to Morrow Co., Ohio, in 1835; the former was bo rn in Miami Co., Ohio, Aug. 9, 1807, and the latter in, Virginia, in 180 8. Jeremiah Curl, father of William, was a soldier of the war of 1812, a nd one of the first settlers of the Miami Valley; William Curl and wife a re the parents of five children, all of whom are living, the youngest bei ng past forty years of age. He and wife connected themselves with t he M. E. Church in 1828, and have ever since lived exemplary Christian liv es, and are loved and respected by the entire community. Henry W. Curl liv ed with his parents upon a farm until he reached his majority, when he beg an for himself. He was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Johnston, Oc t. 24, 1850; she was born in Perry Co., Ohio, July 4, 1829. Her parents, W illiam and Catharine (Fluckey) Johnston, were pioneer settlers of Perry Co ., Ohio, and came from there to Morrow Co. in 1830. They were the paren ts of nine children, seven of whom are now dead, as are the parents. In M r. Curl's family there were seven children, six of whom are now living-El zy S., Franklin M., Cora A., Haze D., Ida M. and Ada B. The one deceased w as a twin sister of Ida M., and died in infancy. Mr. Curl first purchas ed forty acres of wild woodland and began its improvement; he added t o- it by purchase from time to time, until he owned 180 acres of well-impr oved land. This was in Marion Co.; he sold that in 1867, and purchased "t he old Kees farm," of 148 acres, one of the best improved in Cardington Tp ., upon which he has since resided. He is a staunch Republican, politicall y, and a member of the M. E. Church.
Name: �tab�Henry White Curl
(Research):WILLIAM COFFEY, Catawba. The first white man who settled within the borde rs of Pleasant Township, was Joseph Coffey, a native of New Jersey, born N ov. 15, 1776, whose father, Joseph, was a native of the same State, of Eng lish descent. The family moved to Pennsylvania, where Joseph, Jr., met a nd married Jane McCoy, born in the '� Keystone State" March 15, 1771, a nd daughter of John McCoy, a native of Scotland, who, when a young man, em igrated to Pennsylvania and served throughout the Revolutionary war. Jose ph Coffey, Sr., and wife, resided in Pennsylvania until death. and the fam ily were members of that peace-loving society known as Quakers. Joseph, Jr ., with his wife and one son, Tatom, in the spring of 1802, started for t he Western wilds, coming down the Ohio River on a flatboat as far as Cinci nnati where they remained until the following spring; Joseph in the meanti me taking a trip of observation to what is now Clark Co., at which ti me he decided to settle in this portion of the State. In the spring of 180 3, he started through the dense wilderness with his family and worldly eff ects in an ox-cart, arriving upon the farm which he made his future home M ay 6, of that year; here he built a "camp," which was a rude three-sided s tructure of logs with an open front, and thus began his pioneer life in Oh io ; he soon afterward erected a cabin, the foundation stones of the lar ge fire-place being yet visible, and, in 1807. built a hewed log house whi ch had a brick chimney, glass windows, sawed-lumber floor and door, an d, in fact, was the finest house in the township at that date; this buildi ng is yet standing, is in a good state of preservation and is yet us ed by William Coffey for general purposes; here Joseph and wife labored ye ar after year clearing up the land and trying to make a home, and althou gh it was a severe struggle for mere existence for the first few years, y et time and constant, unremitting toil, made a visible change in the den se forest, and comfort came with the passing years; their children were Ta tom, born in Pennsylvania ; Joseph, near Cincinnati; John, Sarah and Willi am in this county; the two last mentioned are the only survivors; Sarah be ing the wife of Enos Neer, of Catawba. Joseph Coffey, although raised a Qu aker, died a member of the M. 1'. Church, Sept. 2, 1838, his wife dying Oc t. 2, 1845, dying as she had lived-a sincere member of the Presbyterian Ch urch. Joseph Coffey was well fitted by nature for the life of a pioneer, b eing a man of large, muscular frame, of an iron constitution, and possess ed of an invincible courage and determination, which carried him through t he trials and dangers of those early days. He served as Township Trust ee a number of years; was a much respected citizen, and ever took an acti ve part in all public matters pertaining to the welfare of the communi ty in which he was so long a prominent factor; his wife was always a faith ful helpmate, and often in the early days, when his courage would fail hi m, she would encourage him to still greater efforts, and prompt him onwa rd to success. The subject of this sketch was born in the hewed-log hou se heretofore mentioned, Jan. 11, 1811, and grew to manhood on the home fa rm of 280 acres, receiving a very meager education, and helping constant ly to fell the forest and clear up the land, which has ever since been h is home. He was married, Dec. 15. 1831 to Nancy Curl, daughter of Jeremi ah and Cynthia (Romine) Curl, the former being born upon the south ban ks of the Potomac River, in Virginia. Feb. 14, 1778, and his wife, in Loud oun Co., of the same State, Oct. 15, 1783; her grandfather, Jeremiah Cur l, was also a native of the " Old Dominion," his father being an Englishma n, who settled in that State. Mrs. Coffey's parents came from Virgin ia to Clinton Co., Ohio, in 1803. coming to Clark Co. in 1811, and settli ng about half a mile southeast of where Catawba now stands ; they had four teen children, nine of whom lived to maturity; the family being Samuel (de ceased), William (deceased), James (deceased), Daniel (deceased), Elizabet h, Mary, Nancy, Jeremiah (deceased), Benjamin (deceased), Cynthia, Georg e, Temperance (deceased), Sarah (deceased) and Lewis. Mrs. Coffey was bo rn within sight of her present home Feb. 28, 1811, and has had four childr en-John, who now resides in Iowa; George, who lives on a portion of the ho me farm ; Mary, the wife of Thomas Roberts ; and Jeremiah, who. while a so ldier in the rebellion, took sick at Milliken's Bend, dying in March, 186 3, his remains now resting in the National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Miss. Mr s. Coffey, like most of the pioneer women, is well versed in the use of t he spinning-wheel, having spun flax-tow, cotton and wool, and she has wov en hundreds of yards of all classes of household fabrics, and yet spends h er leisure moments at the old wheel. Politically, Mr. Coffey is a Republic an, and has served as Township Trustee twelve years, and Township Treasur er three years; he has been a member of the Masonic Fraternity since Au g. 24, 1 847 ; he witnessed the Presidential election of 1820, in Pleasa nt Township, and the law requiring the ballots to be strung on a thread, b ut the clerk of the election being out of thread, he used a timothy str aw for that purpose, an incident which demonstrates the shifts often neces sary in those early days. Mr. Coffey began in life a poor man, inheriti ng less than $800 from his father's estate, but by buying out the heir s, he became the owner of 196 acres of the old homestead, which the fami ly yet own, besides 176 acres in Iowa. In his home, he is kind, generous a nd the soul of hospitality, and all will find there a hearty welcome-fr ee from cold formality on the one hand or utter neglect upon the othe r; in every public movement, he has been looked up to as a safe adviser, a nd all good citizens trust, honor and respect him for his moral integrit y, his invincible honesty and his unswerving rectitude in all the relatio ns of life. For nearly fifty years, he and the partner of his joys and sor rows in life's battle, have walked hand in hand, and now in their declini ng years are as trusting as in the days of their youthful vigor, while t he lingering sunset of life casts its shadows back over long years fruitf ul of good and usefulness.
(Research):David (Jonathan, David, John David Pfouts) is descended form John David Pf outs (b 1729 Germany) who immigrated in 1749. In 1759 in Lancaster County, PA he married Anna Barbara Hahn
(Research):These descendants provided by Jackie [email protected]
(Research):FEBRUARY 17, 1921 ELWOOD CALL LEADER MRS. CHARLES FOUTS Former Elwood Resident Died at Wabash This Morning. The long distance ca ll from Wabash this afternoon, stated that Mrs. Charles Fouts, 53, has di ed at her home in that city today, following a several days� illness fr om euremic poisoning. Eight years ago, Mrs. Fouts left here with her husb and, Rev. Charles Fouts, a long time pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist chur ch here, going to Wabash where they have since resided. During the sever al years of their stay here, the Fouts� resided in Main street, and wi ll be will remembered by the many who had occasion to know the minister a nd his good wife. A few days ago, Archie Fouts, a son, residing in East Ma in street, received word of his mother�s illness and left immediately f or her bedside. He is expected home this evening with Rev. Fouts, and th ey will probably arrange to hold the funeral and burial in this city.
(Research):FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1952 ELWOOD CALL LEADER ARCHIE FOUTS, 59, DIES THURSDA Y; RITES SATURDAY Archie Fouts, 59, 119 South 27th Street, died Thursday evening at 4:55 o�c lock at his home following an illness of five years. Born in Louisvill e, Ky., Sept. 27, 1982 he was the son of Charles and Lena Fouts. He was m arried to Carrie Scott Nov. 30, 1912. He was a member of theEagles Lodg e, a former employee of the tinplate company and of Delco Remy at Anderso n. He has lived in Elwood the past thirty eight years. Survivors inclu de the widow, two daughters, Pauline at home; Mrs. Madonna Winans of Li ma Ohio; a son, Byron Fouts of near Elwood; three brothers, James of Gar y, David and Harry of Martinsville; a sister Helen Fouts of Cleveland a nd four grandchildren. The body is at the Robert L. Jackley funeral home w here friends may call after 7 o�clock this evening.Funeral rites will be h eld at 2 o�clock Saturday afternoon at Robert L. Jackley funeral home. Re v. Walter Titus will be in charge. Burial will be made in Elwood City Cem etery.Members of the Eagles Lodge will meet tonight at 7:30 o�clock at t he lodge home, from where they will go to the funeral home for the funer al rituals.
(Medical):Sick with cancer for five years
Groom's Name: �tab�Lewis Baker
(Research):. She married ROGER CRIST September 06, 1927 in Covington, Kentucky, s on of SAMUEL CRIST and MATILDA SCHEERSCHMIDT. He was born September 12, 1 907 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, and died May 26, 2000 in Springfi eld, Ohio.
Name: �tab�Nancy Mcculloch Swisher
(Research):Her grandfather was Jeremiah Curl
Name: �tab�Margaret Curl
(Research):In the 1880 Crawford Co. IN census, George A. Walts is married to Elizabe th J. (Lambdin) and living with her father, James R. Lambdin, her mother W inniford and siblings. Their two daughters, Ida and Ora, are living the re too. That was house #90. House #92 is Robert B. Walts, age 65, with h is wife (couldn't read her name but it looked like Thi?rsey or Krirsey-ha rd to say), age 60, and two children Hariet (age 28) and McClellin S. (a ge 16). House #93 is Frank(lin) P. Walts, age 25, his wife Alice G. (Math ers), age 25, and their daughter Unie A., age 2.
(Research):So Indiana Gen Society Quarterly pg 62 Call to Colors Public Press Jul 2 4, 1917 (draft eligible) Elbert R Evilsizer 241 W Spring # 1240 draft
Plot: Section 6 row 26 north to south
(Research):Complete Sappenfield genealogy at www.gencircles.com
(Research):These descendents from CD#10 Tree# 666 Gilbert Cantlin 12500 Edgewater Dr # 1501 Lakewood, OH 44107
(Research):I have your Minnie ARGABRIGHT in my database as a child of Arthur Argabrig ht and Sarah Leonard. This info came from Denise (can't remember her la st name but she lives here in Ms) who has done alot of Champaign Co resear ch.) I am going to get in touch with my main Argabright researcher to s ee where your Floyd Co, Va line connects. The family name was originally E rchenbrecht. Two brothers left Pennslyvania and went to Rockingham Co, V a. A son of one of these brothers, went to Montgomery co, Va -- lat er to be Floyd co. I descend from this line as does your Minnie. My Jose ph born 1785 had a half brother John but he lived in Breckenridge County, Ky in 1830-1840 so does not look like your John. I'll see if I can cat ch up with Gerald Argabright and figure out where your family fits into t he master file. Take care Marilyn [email protected]
(Research):Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch Sept 14, 1914 Pg 1
(Research):Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch Nov 8, 1927 Pg 1 Aged Pioneer is Called By Death Funeral Held Sunday Mrs Jane Ebelsisor Dies at Home of Daughter in Leavenworth Death again entered the ranks of our pioneer mothers when Mrs Jane Ebelsis or, better known as Mrs George Ebelsisor, passed to the Great Beyond at s ix o'clock Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs J D Ingrah am in Leavenworth township with whom she had been making her home the pa st three months. Although Mrs Ebilsisor had been ailing for a period of ab out two years she was up and around until about three weeks ago when she f ell and sustained a slight fracture. She never fully recovered from the ef fects of the fall. Mrs Ebilsisor was past seventy-five years of age at t he time of her demise and came to this section as a young woman. She liv ed through the years of privation and knew in detail the early settleme nt of Brown county and the troubles and tribulations which followed the gr eat conflict between the north and the south and the Indian wars. The fune ral was held Sunday afternoon from the Methodist Episcopal church and rema ins were laid to rest in the Home Cemetery, Rev E C Teachout officiatin g. Mrs Jane Ebilsisor was born in Illinois, march 21, 1852 and was therefo re past seventy-five years of age at the time of her demise. She was marri ed in 1872 and four children were born to this union as follows; Mrs J D I ngraham of Leavenworth; John who passed away in 1914; Frank Ebilsisor of S leepy Eye and William of North Brook, Illinois. She is also survived by t en grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Mrs Ebilsisor was a devout m ember of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years and took an acti ve part in church activities until advanced age and illness brought an e nd to her earthly existence. Among the relatives and friends from dista nt points who were here for the funeral were; Mrs Elmer Armstrong and M rs Henry Reynolds of Minneapolis; Mrs Henry Kuhlman of Fergus Falls; Mr a nd Mrs William Ebilsisor and son of North Brook, Illinois; Mr and Mrs Will iam Etter of Madelia; Mr and Mrs William Tolerson of Madelia, and Mr and M rs Schelen of St James.
Name: �tab� Jane Ebilsisor
Name �tab�Mary Jane Erelsizer
Name: �tab� Mary Ingraham
Name: �tab� Jay Dewit Ingraham
(Research):Info provided by "Merna", best buddy of Wendy H Hiefield [email protected] This is Merna's daughter in law's family Oct, 1998
(Research):When her mother remarried,after death of her father, she was given to gran dparents to raise. From a letter 1961 from Marion Kelliher to LaVonne Schu lze: "Cora's father died or was killed shortly after the war. Estel Bur ke said that Cora's mother practically deserted the child -- anyway gave h er to her Evilsizer grandparents to raise, as she married some other man."
(Research):Ohio Death Index Certificate Number 008752 Volume Number 19562 Sex Female Race White Name Mable I Evelsizer Date of Death, 1969, age 49 married
Name �tab�Mable Irene Evelsizer
(Research):Millie M Blohm and Carl William Blohm, are buried in the Oakwood Cemete ry block number 31; lot number 196. Millie M Blohm died of meningiti s; at the age of 56 yrs old. Carl William Blohm, died at the age of 30 d ue to Typhoid fever.
(Research):This family connection from Mary J Riter 13323 W Beardsley Rd Sun City Wes t, AZ 85375-4115
Name: Benjamin Franklin Simon
Name �tab�Abbie Alberta Mallas
Name: John C. Rihart
Cemetery Stone Is On Back Side Of Rev John Evilsizer
Name �tab�Mirta Annetta Simons
(Research):This tree from Jack Barker [email protected] Also a member of the Dye Society The common name of "Reason" and "Minor" are suspect they are connected wi th the DYE/EVILSIZER families in Miami & Wood Co's in Ohio.
Ona Rosemary "Rosey" Martin, 90, of Piqua, died at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 27, 2013, at Sterling House of Piqua. She was born November 30, 1922, in Piqua, to the late Theodore and Zora (Osborn) Wiltheiss. She married Raymon L. Martin on December 27, 1940, a marriage of over 72 years; he survives.Mrs. Martin is also survived by two sons, Raymon Jr. "Skip" (Marie) Martin of Covington, and Terry (Dee) Martin of Sidney; 11 grandchildren, Greg (Patty) Neff, Mindy (Jeff) Stewart, Marty (Shari) Neff, Laurie (Sarah) Benendum, Renee (Clark) Combs, all of the Cincinnati area, Robyn (Tony) Manzo of Springboro, Christian (Jen) Martin of Dublin, Marcy (Phil) Thomas, Shani (Travis) Karn, Kelli (Jim) Meckstroth, all of Piqua, and Elizabeth (Rob) Jacquemin of Tipp City; 33 great-grandchildren; and six great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Judy Rae Neff; a grandson, Todd Martin; and two sisters, Margarite Jay and Ruth Houser-King.Rosey was a 1940 graduate of Piqua Central High School and was a member of Fletcher United Methodist Church. She worked in the medical field for several local doctors, retiring from the practice of Dr. Donald Luna. After retirement, she and Ray wintered in Florida for several years.A funeral service to honor her life will be conducted at 1 p.m. Monday, December 2, at the Jamieson & Yannucci Funeral Home with Pastor Andy Perry officiating. Burial will follow in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Ann Arbor News - (Jun/10/2010)
(Research):Given Name: Goldie Initial: M Sex: Female Day of Birth: 27 Month of Birth: February Year of Birth: 94 Day of Death: 10 Month of Death: July Year of Death: 75 City of Residence: Waterford County of Residence: Oakland State of Residence: Michigan City of Death: Pontiac County of Death: Oakland State of Death: Michigan Death Certificate No.: 41552
(Research):Court Record Jay Co, IN pg584-Robert Wible appointed guardian of minor hei rs of Mary Evilsizer, deceased
(Research):Date:9/3/2000 9:37:15 AM Mountain Daylight Time From:[email protected] To:EVILSIZER3 My research has centered on my grandmother Anna Grace Hudson Shaffer sin ce so little Evilsizer info was available. Charlie
(Research):Parents signed marriage application 7/7/1900, Jay Co, Indiana
(Research):1880 Census Place:Richland, Jay, Indiana Source:FHL Film 1254287 National Archives Film T9-0287 Page 48 7A Tillmon WRIGHTSelfMMW53MDOcc:FarmerFa: MDMo: MD Eliza WRIGHTWifeFMW49OHFa: MDMo: MD Elmer E. WRIGHTSonMSW16OHFa: MDMo: OH Emory L. WRIGHTSonMSW17OHFa: MDMo: OH Joseph P. WRIGHTSonMSW12INFa: MDMo: OH S. D. Clayton WRIGHT SonMSW9INFa: MDMo: OH Alfonso WRIGHTSonMSW6INFa: MDMo: OH
(Research):1860 Census lists age as 30. (Before marriage of parents) There is a dea th record in Jay co, IN 12/28/1888 in Book H1 Pg 84 of an Elizabeth Whitak er in Pennville, age 53. We cannot be sure with this age, as Elizabe th is a popular name and she was alive in 1889 to sign the marriage applic ation for her daughter Emely. There are two records of marriages. Elizabe th Whitacre married Charles W Davis 8-18-1898 in Book CH-Pg 493 and Lizz ie Whitacre married a W S Silvers 6-11-1887 in Book C-F Pg 241. Further re search is needed . Elizabeth and Chas Davis had a child in 1904, elimintai ng this possibility.
(Research):Not found in 1860 Jay Co, IN Census. George is buried in the Heran Fami ly Cemetery with a wife Mary born 1843 died 1919. This must have been a se cond wife, as Mary Evilsizer married Robert Wible.
(Research):Funeral home records names mother as Katherine Aker
(Research):Parentage in question. Census records name Ephriam b 1848, Cemetery records name him Joseph. I suspect this is one and the same person, as only this family is buried in the Winters Cemetery Cemetery records differ. One ages 23y8m26d and another 28m26d.
(Research):Had 4 other wives Susannah Poulson m 9/14/1865 Eliza Ginter immerman 6/20/1878 Anna Baumgardner 12/11/1902 Sarah Jane Hollingshead 11/22/1910
(Research):Copy of a framed newspaper clipping, a gift to the Troy Historical Socie ty from Mrs. Edmond A. Sotherland, November 29, 1973
(Research):Headstone says mother of 16 children
(Research):No will or administration for Andrew jr. He is thought to be the Andrew D ye who married Elizabeth Martin in 1814. Court records show that Andrew D ye Jr served on the first grand jury of Miami Co. No record of descendants . There is a marriage record in Miami Co, OH 7/7/1814 to Elizabeth Martin. Catherine Riffle is shown for several sources includes the LDS library
(Research):Benjamin Dye (1779-1843) was married in Pennsylvania at age 19 and: "... a bout 1799 he started with his wife for Ohio. Their oldest child was born t hat winter near the present site of the city of Cincinnati. Mr. Dye and h is wife make their way down the Ohio River on a flat-boat from Pittsbur g, bringing with them a feather-bed, one horse and a fine rifle. Arrivi ng in Cincinnati, an old French Indian trader and trapper offered Mr. D ye a large tract of land which is now in the heart of Cincinnati in exchan ge for his rifle, but Mr. Dye refused the offer. However, he remained f or some time near Cincinnati and there built a log cabin, in which the fam ily lived in true pioneer style. Subsequently, he removed to what is now E lizabeth Township, Miami County, where he built a little home on a tra ct of wild land, which he afterward transformed into a good farm. "
(Research):Frances Dye was born in PA 7 Jan 1777.(181) Frances died 27 Feb 1853 in St aunton Township, Miami, OH, at 76 years of age.(182) Her will was dat ed 20 Sep 1849 and proved on 21 Apr 1853. The bequest portion stated: ". .. First, That the expenses of my Last sickness and funeral shall be pa id first. Second That all my just debts, if any I owe are to paid next. Th ird-That my clothing lace & bedding are to equally divided amongst my Daug hters excepting Clarissa. Fourth-That all my grand Daughters named for m e, excepting Frances Blue and in her stead Sarah Blue are each to have t en dollars. Fifth- That the remainder of the money belongi ng to me is to be equally divided among my children excepting Thomas Jr, J ames & Samuel & Phebe Mary & Clarissa and Rachel. Sixth-That I hereby cons titute & appoint my son Andrew to be Executor of this my Last Will & Testa ment confirming & establishing it & revoking all others. ....." Her body w as interred in Staunton Cemetery, Staunton Township, Miami, OH.(183) She m arried Thomas Sayres in Washington County, PA, 23 Apr 1795.(184)
(Research):Thomas was born 26 Dec 1770.(185) Thomas was the son of William Sayres a nd Mary Fithian. Thomas died 15 Jul 1844 in Miami County, OH, at 73 yea rs of age.(186) According to a book "The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer F amilies," he and Frances had 17 children. (10 daughters, 6 sons, 1 of unkn own gender.) Apparently, the original copy of his will was lost or destroy ed and there was disagreement that a copy of it was valid. A jury was empa neled and found that the copy was in fact the Last Will & Testament of Tho mas Sayres and it so recorded as such in a session of the Court of Comm on Pleas on 24 Mar 1846. The bequest portion of the will stated: ".... It em first I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Frances Sayers in li eu of her dower, one horse, one cow, one Bureau, one clock & two beds; a nd I also will to Ira & Clarissa Drake the farm on which we now live and n ine acres which ... bought of Geo. Green & .... and he is to give to my be loved wife Frances Sayres the third of the hay and grain, while she live s; and I also will to all my living daughters except Clarissa Drake, one h undred dollars and to my deceased daughters heirs, I will to Ann Lee's hei rs forty dollars, to ....Green's heirs forty dollars, to Rachal Blue's dau ghter Sarah forty dollars, and to the balance of her heirs forty dollar s, and I also will to my son William Sayres the farm on which he now liv es in Elizabeth Township Miami County, and thirty dollars to my son Jam es Sayres and my just debts to be paid and the balance of my proper ty to be sold, and after paying all my debts ..... equally divided betwe en my heirs except my deceased daughter's sons & those that have no heir s. And I appoint Andrew D. Sayres & Nyer S. Yates my Executors." Charl es J. Beckman's account: Frances Dye Sayers (1777-1853) was married at a ge 18 and had five children when she and her husband reportedly left Penns ylvania in 1808. In Miami County they settled in Staunton Township, near h er father and brothers on the east side of the river. She was the moth er of 17 children and lived to age 76. ........
Name: �tab�George B. Moore
(Research):DEED BOOK 8, PAGE 598, 23 JULY 1831, MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO ------------------------------------------------------- MOSES FRAZEE TO FIELDING DYE Transcribed verbatim by Sandra Lake Lassen, January 1994 This indenture ma de this twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eig ht hundred and thirty one, between Moses Frazee of the county of Miami and state of Ohio of the first part and Fielding Dye of t he county of Miami and state aforesaid of the second part Witnesseth th at the said Moses Frazee and Sarah his wife for and in consideration of t he sum of one hundred dollars lawful money of the United States to th em in hand paid by the said Fielding Dye the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha ve granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents doth sell and conv ey and confirm unto him the said Fielding Dye his heirs and assigns forev er all the following described lot or parcel of land, to wit, being the ir equal undivided fifth part of the south East quarter of Section ninetee n, township Two range Nine Mrs exclusive of the widows right of dower in t he same, which the said Sarah Frazee, formerly Sarah Dye, holds as he ir at law of Samuel Dye deceased, and all the estate right title intere st claim and demand of them the said Moses Frazee and Sarah his wif e, of in and to the said premises and every part thereof; Together with a ll and singular the privileges and appurtenances to the same belongin g, or in any wise pertaining; and the rents, issue and profits therei n; To have and to hold the premises hereby bargained and sold or mea nt or intended so to be, with the appurtenances to the only proper use a nd behoof of the said Fielding Dye his heirs and assigns forever. and t he said Moses Frazee and Sarah his wife, for their heirs executors and adm inistrators doth promise covenant and agree to and with the said Fieldi ng Dye his heirs executors administrators and assigns that they are the true and lawful owners of t he premises hereby granted; and have good right full power and lawful auth ority to sell and convey the same in matter and form aforesaid; and furth er that they the said Moses Frazee and Sarah his wife their heirs executo rs and administrators will warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premis es with their appertenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the sa id Fielding Dye his heirs and assigns against all persons claiming or to c laim by from or under him them or any of them or by from or under any oth er person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said Moses Fraz ee and Sarah his wife have to these presents set their hands and seals t he day and year first above written Sealed and delivered in presence of Jo hn H. Wolcott - William Wilson Moses Frazee [seal]
(Research):DYE JAMES M County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 8/2/1935 Volume Number: 7903 Certificate Number: 50191
(Research):Lineage of this family not known, but in 1816 Champaign Co Property Tax es were: Joshua, 475 acres John, 103 acres Job, 225 acres
Name: �tab�John Franklin Delaplane
Name: �tab�John Keith
Name: �tab�Irvin Russell
(Research):History of Miami Co pg 89 claims 13 children
Name: �tab�Forman C. Prater
Name: �tab�Bert E. Metcalf
Name: �tab�Thomas Hunter
(Research):WILLIAM DYE was born in Miami County, Ohio, April 15, 1807, and is the s on of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Jackson) Dye, both natives of Pennsylvani a. The father was born December 27, 1779, and the mother June 10, 1776, a nd they were married in Greene County, Penn. Mrs. Dye died about the ye ar 1815; Mr. Dye then married his brother's widow, and died in June, 1842. He was the f ather of fifteen children - ten by his first, and five by his second wif e. Among them were ten sons - Stephen, Vincent, Andrew, James M., Willia m, Benjamin, John, Jeremiah, Horatio and Basil. April 6, 1826, William D ye married Nancy Meek, who was born in Fairfield County, Oho, September 1 5, 1808. This lady died in Miami County, Ohio, January 12, 1843. In the sp ring of 1846, Mr. Dye came to Pulaski County, and settled on the farm of 1 60 acres where he now lives, having in the meantime lived a few years in Tipp ecanoe County, Ind. March 18, 1847, he married Emily Hollenback, who di ed November 17, 1860; December 4, 1861, he married Nancy McDonald, who di ed March 9, 1872; September 18, 1873, he married Mrs. Elzira Shepard. He has had born to him fourteen children as follows: Vincent, Sarah, Jackso n, John, Basil, Benjamin, Eli and Horatio by his first wife; William, Emes ila and an infant daughter, who died unnamed, by his second wife; Jam es M. and Emily by his third, and Edward R. by his fourth wife. He has ser ved as Justice of the Peace a number of years, and he and wife are membe rs of the United Brethren Church.
Name: �tab�John W Keef
(Research):Wife must have died. Alone in 1850 Census
(Research):Father is possible Joseph Gaunt buried in the winters Cemetery 11/8/1875 a ged 76y3m6d
(Research):Father Lewis Dewees MotherMary Mckelvey
(Research): From the "Portrait & Biographical Album of Morgan & Scott Counties
Name: �tab�William Roach
(Research):Name: Wilbur Sinclair
(Research):OVERHOLSER ABRAHAM County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 4//1923 Volume Number: 4138 Certificate Number: 24166
(Research):Vol 32 page 539 Nov 23, 1853 Samuel Overholser sells to Moses Overholser Jr in German Twp, the East 1 /2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27 Twp 4 Range 10 (80 acres bought above) subj ect to the widow Overholser, dower of 65 acres.
(Research):Clark co DB Vol 27 page 630 Nov 7, 1851 On May 24, 1851 John and Anna Roller file petition in court of common ple as against Jonas Overholser and the widow and other heirs of Christian O verholser, deceased demanding partition of certain real estate and th at at the August term 1851, the sherrif was ordered to sell real esta te at public auction. This was sold to Samuel Overholser for $533.33 bei ng the East 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27 Twp 4 Range 10 containi ng 80 acres. ( My note: this was sold to Moses Overholser Jr.
(Research):this family line linked in Champaign Co, OH to Evilsizer & Nitchman from Judi 3614 N Wittfield St., Indanapolis, IN 46235-2242
(Research):William H. Abbott Married a Susannah Woodring August 8 or 16 1836 in Shel by Co., Ohio Trying to determine if this is same William Abbott. Seems is is as Susannah is buried next to him in Pearl Cemetery no dates wife of W H
Name: Etta Ravilla Fay
Sister of James Abbott
Name: �tab�Otto C. Reel
Name: �tab�Frank Erter
Name: �tab�Mariah H. Dye
Dau of Peter Derks and Mary Workman
(Research):See notes under sister Jesse
John A. Huff �tab�Evergreen Cemetery - Block 00018 000017 000000 0000SW �tab� �tab� �tab�09/21/1937
Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts "The Urbana Citizen and Gazette" Jan 1884-Dec 1885; "The Urbana Daily Citizen" Jan 1886-Dec 1888 (Champaign County Genealogical Society (CCGS)by Pat Stickley January 2002 P O Box 682 Urbana, OH 43073). pg66 8/27/1885 Emory Parlett of Salem Twp was arrested Thurs on bastardy charges by Mary V Parlett, the parties are first cousins and live opposite each other in SalemTwp. Case compromized by Parlett paying all of cost of case and money to girl, $50 bond to Salem Twp saying child would never be a twp charge.
Name: �tab�Emory Parlette
ame: �tab�Brinnon
Name: �tab�Ella Vashli Brinnon
(Research):Found oil on her land and made quite a lot of money. Had four children.
John Wesley Scowder, born 5/27/1888 Bollinger Co, Loss Creek, MO, birth reported 6/7/1888. Male , second child born to parents. Father Simeon Scowden age 30, farmer.
(Research):Name: Tessie Barrett SSN: 513-42-5722 Last Residence: 66522 Oneida, Nemaha, Kansas, United States of America Born: 13 Jun 1881 Died: Sep 1966 State (Year) SSN issued: Kansas (1958-1959 )
As to Levi Crow and Elizabeth Grove, my wife's family tradition was that they were born and married in Scotland but that doesn't agree with their responses to the census questions where they both respond that they were born in Ohio.
Family sheets provided by Janet Crow Burgoon
402 Wood St, Pataskala, OH 43062-8237
�u�[email protected] �/u�
Death date: 06 Apr 1929
Death place: Fostoria, Seneca, Ohio
Birth date: 05 Jun 1854
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Cygnet, Oh
Age at death: 74 years 10 months 1 day
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 310 W. Jackson St.
Occupation: Barber
Burial date: 09 Apr 1929
Burial place: Fostoria, Oh
Cemetery name: Fountain
Spouse name: Matilda Crow
Father name: Levi Crow
Father titles:
Father birth place: Oh
Mother name: Elizabeth Groves
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Pa
GSU film number: 1991871
Digital GS number: 4025345
Image number: 2557
Reference number: fn 30763
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Marcia Ann Evilsizer Riggin, 57, Indianapolis, died March 9. She was a homemaker. She was an Army veteran. She was a member of First Church of God, Fort Wayne. Memorial contributions may be made to Wheeler Mission. Services: 1 p.m. March 16 in Legacy Funeral Alternatives at Memorial Park, wi th calling from 11 a.m. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery. Survivors: husband Delmar C. Riggin children Monica Biggs, Drew Thomas mother Helen Swank Thurber brothers Daniel, John Thurber sisters Conny Loftus, Linda Sea l.
Social Security Death Index about Marcia A. Riggin
Name: �tab�Marcia A. Riggin �tab�
SSN: �tab�307-46-5494
Last Residence: �tab�46226 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana,
Born: �tab�5 Dec 1944
Died: �tab�9 Mar 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Indiana (1961)
Death date: 29 Feb 1924
Death place: Springfield City, Clark, Ohio
Birthdate: 03 Jul 1836
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Ohio
Age at death: 87 years 7 months 26 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 1412 Clay St.
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 02 Mar 1924
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Nettle Creek Cemetery
Spouse's name: James R. Alexander
Father's name: Jacob Seifert
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Penn.
Mother's name: Nannie Mc Connall
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: U.S.
GSU film number: 1992490
Digital GS number: 4000604
Image number: 1625
Reference number: fn 6996
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
News-Sentenial-Ft Wayne, IN
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Paul Grant Evilsizer Death Date: 11 Apr 1993 County of Death: Lee State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 54 Race: White Birth Date: 20 May 1938
1870 Miami Co, Concord, OH -pg 318 John Dyson age 40 b ENG Susan 28 John Jr 13 Sarah E 10 james W 7 mary A E 5 David 3 Laura E 2m
Martha must have died prior to 1870
event: �tab�Birth
event date: �tab�30 Sep 1903
event place: �tab�Marietta Tp., Washington, Ohio
gender: �tab�Male
race: �tab�white
father: �tab�Lewis Evelsizer
mother: �tab�Daisy Cameron
reference number: �tab�p 84
film number: �tab�941956
digital folder number: �tab�004017370
image number: �tab�00435
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VN7G-SYF : accessed 14 Sep 2012),
Daisy Cameron in entry for Lorne Evelsizer, 1903.
Name: Lorne Evelsizer Death Date: 18 Oct 1973
County of Death: Citrus State of Death: Florida
Age at Death: 70 Race: White Birth Date: 30 Sep 1903
From Dyer's Compendium 195th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, and mustered in Ma rch 14 to March 20, 1865. Moved to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., March 22-25; th ence to Winchester, Va., and assigned to Brooks' Provisional Division, Ar my of the Shenandoah. Ordered to Alexandria, Va., April 28 and provost du ty there till December. Mustered out December 18, 1865. Regiment lost duri ng service 32 Enlisted men by disease.
1870 Census has Jane Fox, age 78 born Texas in household. Daughter Hett ie not in household
Additonal Swank family info in my personal files.
Some records indicate he was born in TN. I dont see how this could be poss ible. Probably an error, or maybe within the territory at this time in history. William is named in his fathers will. His age in 1850 he said was 43 making him born 1807, but parents not married until 1811. However he moved to McDonough Co, IL with his cousin Lewis, son of Adam. He then gives his age as 49 which is closer to the truth. Phillip has an unknown son in the 1830 Census born between 1816 and 1820. This is much too late for this William unless he lied about age for his younger wife. Until a grave is found for William, the mystery will continue as to his place of birth.
Obituary in Edina, Knox County Democrat, Thursday March 11, 1920, Page 1:
Adam Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willaim Miller, was born November 27, 183 1, in Marion County, Indiana, and died Saturday March 6, 1920, at the ho me of his daughter, Mrs. M.E. Boone at Kenwood, aged 88 years 3 months a nd 9 days.
When he was eight year old the family moved to Missouri from Indiana, loca ting in Knox County west of Edina and northeast of Hurdland. The remaind er of his life was spent in the vicinity where his death occurred. Wh en 25 years of age he was married, December 11, 1856 to Miss Filena Evilsi zer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Evilsizer, also of Knox County, a nd to this union was born two children, a son, Benton, and a daughter, Har riet Anne. Early in life Mrs. Miller preceded her husband in death, 44 yea rs ago, having died July 5, 1876.
Mr. Miller was one of the teachers of the county for a number of years, la ter following farming for a livelihood until his retirement. He was a memb er of a large family, having eight brothers and sisters, all of whom are d ead except one sister, Mrs. Joseph Boone of Kirksville, MO. The others w ho survive him are a son, Benton Miller of Kansas City, a daughter, Mrs. M .E. Boone of Kenwood, a grand daughter Miss Grace M. Miller of Kansas Cit y, four grand sons, F.E., W.J. and T.e. Miller of Kansas City, and O.F. Bo one of near Kenwood. The funeral services of Mr. Miller were held at 1:30 o'clock Monday aftern oon by Rev. Finnell of Hurdad at the M.E. Boone home and interment ma de in the Linville cemetery at Edina.
Elizabeth 1833 - 1904
St paris News, 8/11/1904 James Mitchell and wife and Mrs Walter Runkle att ended the funeral of their aunt Mrs samuel Flowers near St Mary's last week. They returned home Monday
Polson genealogy found at www.gencircles.com
I believe the "Caleb " Evilsizer in the 1860 Harrison Co, Morgan Twp, I nd Census who is living with the Smith family is this Spencer. Only chi ld in Harrison Co Census born the same year. This would make sense as he d ied in the civil war and neither Spencer, nor "Caleb" appears in any futu re census. After looking at the census with magnifying glass, this most de finitely can be Spencer.
12th Independent Battery Light Artillery
Organized at Jeffersonville and Indianapolis and mustered in January 25, 1 862. Left State for Louisville, Ky., January 25, 1862. Served unattache d, Army of the Ohio, to September, 1862. Post and Defences of Nashville, T enn., Dept. of the Ohio, to November, 1862, and Dept. of the Cumberla nd to July, 1865.
SERVICE. Movement to Nashville, Tenn., February 14-March 6, 1862, thence m arch to Savannah, Tenn., march 20-April 7. Advance on and siege of Corint h, Miss., April 29-May 30. Buell's Campaign in Northern Alabama and Midd le Tennessee June to August. Assigned to duty as garrison at Fort Negle y, Defences of Nashville, Tenn., August 18, 1862, to July, 1865. Sie ge of Nashville, Tenn., September 12-November 6, 1862. Repulse of atta ck on Nashville by Breckenridge, Forest and Morgan November 5, 1862. One h alf of Battery ordered to Chattanooga November, 1863, and participat ed in the battles of Chattanooga November 23-25, 1863. Battles of Nashvil le December 15-16, 1864. Non-Veterans mustered out December 23, 1864. Batt ery mustered out July 7, 1865.
Battery lost during service 2 Officers and 22 Enlisted men by disease
Connection of Temple Byrn and Elizabeth Slaughterback researcher Sandy Heilig [email protected]
Record Book 20, Page 389 � Filed 30 Nov 1844 � Heard November Term 18 44 � Petition to Sell D.S. Bell, Admin. for William Comegys vs The widow & Others D S Bell, administrator for the estate of William Comegys, deceased; wi ll annexed; states that the personal property not sufficient to pay the de bts. William Comegys was the owner of a permanent lease, dated 20 July 182 2; to hold estate for 99 years, renewable forever for the north�west quart er of Section 16 reserved for the use of schools, Township 5 Range 12 (Sal em Tp.). 162 acres of the land was leased to William Comegys by William Sc ott, James Turner & Edward Morgan, Trustees. William Comegys made lar ge & valuable improvements before he died in 1844, leaving widow, Sarah Co megys, and the following children: Henry Clay Comegys; Elizabeth Comegy s; Daniel Webster Comegys; Samuel C. Comegys; Benjamin F. Comegys and Char lotte Comegys � all of Champaign County; Levi Comegys; Sarah Ann Comegys J ohnson, wife of John Johnson � all of Indiana; William Comegys of Illinoi s; Presley N. Comegys of Illinois; Jacob Comegys; Maria Comegys Snyder, wi fe of John Snyder; and Martha Comegys � all of Champaign County, Ohio.
Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Indiana
State: Indiana County or City: Grant
Enlistment Date: 14 Nov 1945 Branch:
No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private First Class Grade Code: Private First Class
Term of Enlistment: One year enlistment
Component: Regular Army (including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, a nd Enlisted Men) Source: Enlisted Man, Philippine Scout or recall to AD of an enlisted m an who had been transferred to the ERC
Education: 1 year of high school
Civil Occupation: Machinists Helper
Marital Status: Married Height: 68 Weight: 000
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 about Charles Evilsizer Name: Charles Evilsizer Death Date: 6 Sep 1981 Death County: Bexar Gender: Male
Last known address: 1520 Harry Wurzbach Road San Antonio, TX 78209 Cemetary URL: http://www.cem.va.gov/nchp/ftsamhouston.htm
�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 02/04/1923
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 09/06/1981
�tab�BURIED AT: SECTION 4 SITE 1143 Click to view the cemetery map
�tab�(210) 820-3891
Michigan City News Nov 2, 1987 Michigan City News Dispatch Page 10, Col 2 LAPORTE , IN- . Evilsizer, Don L-76, of 6036 W County Road 370 N., di ed at 4 P.M. Saturday in LaPorte Hospital. Mr. Evilsizer was retired fr om the Michigan City School Corp. and was former owner of Don's Truck St op in The Pines and of the Petroleum and Equipment Co. He was born March 1 7, 1911 in Garrett, Ind. On Feb. 20, 1943, in Fort Lewis, Wash., he marri ed Ethel Stearns. She survives along with two sons, James Robert of Dubuqu e, Iowa, and Garry Lee of Fort Madison, Iowa; several grandchildren; two s isters, Maxine Smith of Lafayette, Ind., and Ellen Mae Gerbrick of LaPort e; and a brother, Mirwood Francis of LaPorte. He was a member of the Fir st Church of God and the LaPorte Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was an Ar my veteran of World War II. Services will be 1 P.M. Tuesday in Haverstock Funeral Home, where frien ds may call from 5 to 9 P.M. Monday and until the time of services Tuesda y. Burial will be in Pine Lake Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be ma de to the church building fund.
This is the father of Garry Evilsizer who spent 20 years in the Oklahoma S tate Prison. His story is on the "Evilsizer's in the Law" page. This is n ot a descendant of "Ol Jacob", as his ancestor Jacob Evilsizer (ironic, hu h?)b 1808 came from Germany in 1865 and settled in Cass Co, Indiana.
In the country birth record book is recorded a male infant born same d ay as Donald. Do not know if this was a twin who died at birth, or if th is entry recorded in error.
Name: Don L Evilsizer Birth Year: 1911
Race: White, citizen
Nativity State or Country: Indiana State: Indiana County or City: La Porte
Enlistment Date: 8 Oct 1942
Enlistment State: Illinois Enlistment City: Chicago Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life Education: 4 years of high school
Marital Status: Divorced, without dependents Height: 70 Weight: 148
Birth Date: �tab�14 Oct 1922
Birth Place: �tab�Champaign
State File Number: �tab�1929004912
Additional Information: �tab�Loren (sic)
Name: Harry Richard Evilsizor
Gender: Male Date of Death: 15 October 1997
Birth Date: 14 October 1922
Volume: 31265 Certificate: 077165
Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 290146028
Father's Surname: Evilsizor
Time of Death: 8:42 PM
Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic
Place of Death: Nursing Home
Years of Schooling: 12
Certifier: Physician
Branch of Service: Army Air Force
Referred to Coroner: No
Method of Disposition: Burial
Mother's Surname: Groves
Race: White
Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio
Residence: Ohio Age: 75
Father: William Mother: P M Rix
County: Jay Gender: M
Birth Date: 02 Dec 1906
Reference: Jay County, Indiana Index to Birth Records 1882 - 1920
Inclusive Volume I Letters A - Z Inclusive Book: H-12 Page: 43
From Judy Rose Evilsizer 7/2000 I remember Joey being in a wheelchair and being real skinny. I also rememb er him being real nice, and Pauline being mean to him. I was pretty sma ll at the time, but seems like someone said he wouldn't live much past eig hteen.
1870 Census says he was born VA, but I believe in error as census recor ds show no Evilsizer's. The dates fit and the only two brothers ( Lou is J Indiana roots (by marriage to women born in Indiana) Also says age 3 8, but belive the 8 to be a 3. Also naming a child William after his fathe r. I also believe the male child age 2 (G.D.)to be George after his uncle .
Probably the John Evilsizer Union Twp Dist 3 MO IRS Tax Assessment March 1864 Retail dealer license Clas B $3.33
John Evilsizer Wartersburg Iowa May 1866 Yax Assessment on unreported income $7.15
event: �tab�Birth
event date: �tab�22 Mar 1912
event place: �tab�Washington, Ohio, United States
gender: �tab�Male
race: �tab�white
father: �tab�Louis Evilsizer
mother: �tab�Daisy Cameron
reference number: �tab�8379
film number: �tab�941956
digital folder number: �tab�004017370
image number: �tab�00542
Citing this Record
"Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VN7G-VLQ :
accessed 14 Sep 2012), Daisy Cameron in entry for Carl Edward Evilsizer, 1912.
SSN: �tab�280-01-4365
Last Residence: �tab�26101 Parkersburg, Wood, West Virginia,
Born: �tab�22 Mar 1912
Died: �tab�23 Dec 2000
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
Walter Evensizer, former Cando man, died March 20 at San Jose, California after a brief illness. He was born in Tippecanoe, Ohio on December 27, 1880 to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Evensizer.He came with his parents to Towner County in 1902 and lived on a farm until 1912 when the family moved to Cando. In 1942 he left to make his home in Portland, Oregon and since 1964 has lived with his daughters in and around Portland.Survivors are his five children, Harold of Fairfield, California, Mrs. Lawrence (Catherine) Wangen of Petersburg, Mrs. Clarence (Esther) McCahan and Mrs. Daniel (Eva) Rust of Portland and Mrs. Carl (Gladys) Uggen of San Jose, California.In addition, he leaves eight grand children and four great grandchildren.
�i�Probably taken from the "Cando Record", 1970�/i�
Lewis emigrated from near New Albany,IN about 1839 with families Andrew Hu ff and Jacob Keithley. He and Mr. Huff operated a plow shop in Rushville,S chuyler Co, coming to McDonough Co about 1844-1845. Not yet married he boa rded with the Huff family.The men improved their land in summer and blacks mithed during the winter. Next to Lewis & Elizabeth in 1850 Census is Jam es Nance age 25 b.Ind and family. Elizabeth was survived by a brother Abso lum Nance of Blandinsville and nieces, Mrs. Tracey Jane Hickman and Mrs. P hoebe Darlington, both of Emmett Twp, and a number of nieces and nephews a round Ft.Madison,IA
Macomb Eagle-Sat 7-7-1877 There is on the farm of Lewis Eblesizer, north of Blandinsville, a buried -oak log across a ravine, which is well known as one of the oldest "inhabitants" in that section. Forty-Five years ago, Mr. Eblesizer placed it a cross a branch on his farm to use as a foot log. The log is 30 feet long, with a facing of 2 feet, and is remarkable from the fact that it is today sound and perfect as it was 45 years. ago.
DEATH OF ANOTHER PIONEER - Macomb Journal 2-21-1884- Macomb,ILL Lewis Ebl esizer, of Blandinsville township, a man prominent and well known for years throughout the Northwest part of McDonough, died at his home Friday Mor ning last at 3:00. He had been in poor health for the past three to four years, his disease being an affection of the heart. For six months, he has grown worse rapidly, and during a month or more his death has been expected almost daily. Funeral Services were conducted at Blandinsville Saturday, after which the remains were buried in the Liberty burial ground north east of the town some two or three miles. He was about 65 years old Deceased was born, we believe in Indiana. He migrated from near New Albany, that state, about the year 1839, coming to Illinois in company with the families of Andrew HUFF and Jacob KEITHLEY;deceased was then unmarried. Mr. HUFF and Ebleseizer first settled in Rushville, Schuyler County, where for a few years they carried on a plow shop. About 1844 or 45 they came to McDonough County and settled upon the land where deceased spent the remaining portion of his life. Deceased, still single, boarded with Mr. Huff, and the two spent the time in improving their land in the summer and blacksmithing in the winter.Some few years later, was united in marriage with Elizabeth NANCE whose parents resided in Hancock County, near LaHarpe. The fruits of their marriage was one child, a son, C C Ebleseizer, now some 30 years old and married. The wife of deceased survives him. Mr. Eblesizer was a first class farmer in every respect, a man of strong convictions, yet scrupulously honest withal. He was a kind neighbor, a warm friend, a man whose living was a benefit to the community in which he lived.
Blandinsville Star Gazette-
Elizabeth Jane NANCE was born in Floyd Co, Indiana in 1827 and died at h er home in Blandinsville 4/25/1912. At the age of eight years with her parents and other members of her family moved to Illinois, settling at LaHarpe, Hancock Co. which place was her home until her marriage with Lewis EBELSIZER in the year 1846. They then moved on a farm three miles east of Blan dinsville where her husband died in the year 1884. She moved to Blandinsville in March 1892 which place has since been her home. There was one son born to them, Columbus, in the year 1853. He died Feb 3, 1896, aged 42 years, 6 months and 10 days. In the month of June, 1846 she united in the Christian Church at Old Bedford, under the ministry of Andrew cane, and continued a faithful member of the Church until her death, covering a period of 66 years. Deceased leaves a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Columbus Ebelsizer and her adopted daughter, Mrs. Ralph Grigsby, and husband and 6 children. Deceased was a member of a family of eight
children, born to Giles and Phoebe NANCE. Only one of the family, Mr. Absalom Nance of Blandinsville survives. He at one time made his home with his sister. She also furnished a home for and reared from childhood to womanhood, Mrs. E Hickman, of this city. Besides her immediate family and close relatives, she leaves a number of nieces and nephews and distant relatives, together with a host of friends to mourn her loss.
Elizabeth's father, James A Mustain was born September 24, 1829 in Pittsyl vania Co, Virginia. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Mustain, who wi th a large family moved to this county in the fall of 1832 when deceased w as about three years of age, settling on the northwest quarter of Secti on 16 of Blandinsville township. Here deceased was raised to manhood and l ived his entire life in Blandinsville and Scoita townships. He was marri ed on the first day of March 1855 to Emmeline Roberts who died March 4, 19 00. To this union six children were born as follows: Elizabeth J Eblesiz er of Blandinsville;
Birth Date: �tab�29 Mar 1927
State File Number: �tab�1927029674
Additional Information: �tab�Williav
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Lois F Walker
Name: �tab�Lois F Walker
[Lois F Evelrizer]
Birth Date: �tab�29 Mar 1927
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: �tab�Streetsboro
Residence County: �tab�Portage
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Zip Code: �tab�44241
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�15 Jun 2006
Death Time: �tab�06:30 AM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Nursing Home
Certificate: �tab�47307
Age at Death: �tab�79
Registrar's Certificate Number: �tab�001106
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: �tab�Cremation
Filing Date: �tab�16 Jun 2006
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing home
Injury at Work: �tab�Unclassifiable
Father's Surname: �tab�Evelrizer
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�12
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Occupation Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Occupation Not Classifiable
Census Tract: �tab�9999
Primary Registration District: �tab�7703
With their infant daughter, Paulina Anna Carolina (b. 1887) and two son s, George and August, Julia (Klee) Arnsmeyer (b. 1865, d. 1905) and Willi am Arnsmeyer (b. 1852, d. 1919) moved in 1888 to Nashville from St. Loui s. Both Julia and William were of Scotch-Irish heritage, having added t he "meyer" to William's original family name of "Arns". three more childr en were born to their union. Ruth Frances in 1893, Luella Mae (known as " Chub") in 1890, and Mayme Adelle in 1897. George married Violet Green (a Nashville girl) and they had two childre n, Elvira Louise (now Brown and living in Atlanta) and Mary Elizabeth (n ow Drane and living in California). August married Sophie Lee (also of Na shville) and they moved to Johnson City. Paulina married Frank Guy Trum an Schafer. Frank's father was an English Jewelry salesman and his moth er was half Cherokee Indian. Paulina and Frank had five children, Mildr ed Helen (later Brink) in 1909, Vera Mae (who died in infancy) in 1914, I mogene (later Wallace) in 1915. Homer G. (who died as a young man) in 192 2, and Frank Guy in 1924. Ruth married Charles "Chick" Evilsizer and th ey had two children, Darlith (now Warmack and living in Pennsylvania) a nd James, living in the metro-east area. Ruth and Chick lived all their m arried life in Nashville. Luella Mae married John Engleman and they lived all their married li fe in Nashville also. Their children were Delene (now Anderson), Ilene ( now Pratt), John Jr., Mayme (now Krause), Betty (now Pemberton) and Rank W illiam. Mayme married Walt Reidelberger (also of Nashville). Children bo rn to their union were Audrey (now Gaebe and living in Rhode Island), Wa lt Robert (now living in the Orient) and Jean (now Farmen-Farmian).
Titles and Terms (original): �tab�
Death Date: �tab�06 Nov 1919
Death Place: �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�
Age: �tab�67
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1852
Birth Date: �tab�15 Oct 1852
Birthplace: �tab�St. Louis, Mo.
Father: �tab�Henry Arnesmeyer
Father's Titles and Terms (original): �tab�
Father's Birth Place: �tab�Germany
Mother: �tab�Caroline Swedmeyer
Mother's Titles and Terms (original): �tab�
Mother's Birth Place: �tab�Germany
Occupation: �tab�Coal Miner
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original): �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�08 Nov 1919
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�
Informant: �tab�
Additional Relatives: �tab�
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4008084
Image Number: �tab�2437
Film Number: �tab�1562401
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: �tab�cn 2
Misouri Kanion Eldorado County California July the 20th 1851
Dear wife, I once more by the Mercy of God embrace the opportunity to inform you th at I am still well and in good health and spirits. Hoping that those f ew lines may find you and the children enjoying the same or similar so. I will now let you know that me, and Lee and Isaac are still mining to ga ther yet and expect to as long as we stay in California. We are sti ll in Misouri Kanion yet where we have bin for about eight months out in t he mountains about twelve miles from George town and about four miles fr om a little town called Gray Eagle City which is on what is called the middle f ork of a Merican river. We have our provisions packed to us from a tradi ng post about one mile from where we are at work. We have not bin o ut of this Kanion but once or twice farther than the trading post sin ce we have bin here. As we have our letters brought to this trading post by express which go es from the MidleAmerican river to Coloma Sacramento and San Francisco f or letters. This is the surest way to get our letters that is all, thou gh it is very few that I have ever got from you. Not one word have I ev er seen or heard from you except from my Dear father whom I never shall fo rget and one letter that July Ann rote to Isaac. Mentioned that you want ed me to come home which is every thing that I ever have heard from yo u. I Hope that you have not forgotten me. Many is the times that I ha ve thought of you and the dear little children with tears trinkling do wn my face. Many are the letters that I have rote to you and Jacob and Ma rtin and Abraham and never have received but one from any of you and th at was rote November the 6th 1850. But whether that is all you have ro te or not I can't tell but I hope that it is not. It is all that I have r eceived as yet from any of you. I will now let you know that I received o ne on the 14th of this month from my dear father rote May the 12th 1851 wh ich gave me much sadisfaction to hear that they are all well and that he h ad bin out to Crawford last week and found you all well at that time and d oing well and that you looked better than he ever saw you and that the chi ldren were all well at that time but that they had all had the hooping cou gh and that Thomas had had the araciples but was now going to school whi ch gave me much sadisfaction. I have rote to you in two of my letters bef ore to send them all the chance you have. He rote that young son of mi ne was the finest that you ever have had and that you call him Isaac Andr ew which is a great big name. He also informed me that Jacob had lost the ir son. Jesse died with Croop which I am very sorry to hear but for th em not to greave too much for he is better off than any of us and that th ey shall try to meet him where parting shall be no more. I am very sor ry to think that I never will see Mother in law any more in this world b ut I hope to meet her in heaven. Isaac is very much hurt to think th at he will see his dear mother no more in this world but he hopes to me et her in heaven where parting shall be no more. You need not think th at because we are in a farin land that we are like the natives. Have no c are nor fear many is the time that we think of our future days to com e. I now will let you know something about our mining. We are runing wh at is called a long torn which we can make an average of six dollars a d ay each which is tolerable good wages at this time in California these day s. I have not made a great deal as yet. I have got but three pounds of g old at this time but I think if I have my health till fall that I can ma ke that much more which will sadisfy me for the trip to California I expect to come home this winter sometime if God willing and meet you f ace to face and if not I hope to meet you in heaven where meeting sha ll be to part no more. A few lines to Martin. I would like to know wh at is the reason that you don't rite to me. Have you forgotten me intire ly or what is the matter. I have rote two letters to you and never got a ny answer from you yet. If you get this I want you to rite to me as so on as you get it and rite about all the neighbors and relatives, how th ey are doing and getting along in the world and whether there are any impr ovements up in the neighborhood and so on and so forth, about crops fru it and so on.Tell granny Wymon that I saw Charles Dyer last Wednesday a nd that he is well and harty and in good spirits and has got six or sev en hundred dollars in gold now and that he thinks he will come home wi th us next winter to old Indiana to see all his relations and acquaintance s. Nothing but to remain your affectionate brother untill death I send a f ew lines to Abraham. I received one letter that you rote to me which ga ve me much sadisfaction to think that you have not forgoten me. I have se nt you my respects in several letters that I sent home. I now send my be st respects to you, my respects to Jacob and Elizabeth and my love to y ou my dear wife and children who I expect to meet next winter someti me if God willing. I will close by signing my name
Andrew Engleman to Mary Ann Engleman
I want you to answer this as soon as you get it. Levi sends his lo ve to you all and says if Luiza Wymon is single yet when he comes home th at he will snarl her. Isaac sends his best respects to you all.
On the William Wesley Engleman note (I know you can't keep track of everything!!): After Ann Marie Evilsizor Engleman's husband, Andrew, returned from the gold rush with pneumonia and died in 12/1851, she might have stayed living with her brother-in-law Jacob and his wife Elizabeth. Oops, she then had William Wesley by Jacob. So she gave William Wesley the Engleman name (not her maiden name of Evilsizor) since Engleman was her married name. Hope this clears that up.
This story of the "illegitimate child", was told to me by a first cousin to my dad many years ago. Ann Maria Evilsizor Engleman Mills was her great grandmother. Although, the cousin told me that there were two children that Ann Maria had by her bro-in-law, Jacob. If true, one might have died as an infant. In the picture that I shared with you of Ann Maria and her second husband, James Mills, in 1860, she is only age 37. She looks much older to our standards. She must have had a hard life, but they did during that time.
Evilsizer, Benjamin J. 801 City Rd., Manchester
Age 72, died Monday, July 6, 1987, at the Saline Community Hospital. He w as born January 6, 1915, the son of Benjamin and Josephine (Murphy) Evilsi zer. Mr. Evilsizer was married to Doris Wurster on October 20, 1936 and s he survives. He had been an employee of the Ford Motor Co. for 35 years, retiring in 1974. He was a member of Emanuel United Church of Christ a nd the Manchester Sprortsman Club. In addition to his wife, he is surviv ed by two daughters, Mrs. Grant (Jean) Smith and Mrs. Curtis (Joan) Day bo th of Manchester; one son, Jerry Evilsizer of Reed City; eight grandchildr en; six great grandchildren; four brothers, James and Raymond both of Houg hton Lake, Fay and Jack both of Manchester, three sisters, Ione Schoolmast er of Tecumseh, Irma Taddie of Ypsilanti, Betty Gerger of Lewiston; sever al nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death bu two infant sisters. F uneral services will be Wednesday, July 8, 1887 at 11 a.m. at Jenter Funeral Hom e, with the Rev. Robert Macfarland officiating. Burial will follow in t he Lenawee Hills Cemetery in Tecumseh. The family wil recieve frien ds at the funeral home from 7-4 p.m. on Monday and from 2-5 p.m. & 7 -9 on Tuesday.
Given Name: Benjamin Initial: J Sex: Male Alias: Day of Birth: 06 Month of Birth: January Year of Birth: 15 Day of Death: 06 Month of Death: July Year of Death: 87 City of Residence: Manchester County of Residence: Washtenaw State of Residence: Michigan City of Death: Saline County of Death: Washtenaw State of Death: Michigan Death Certificate No.: 44648
Evilsizer, Benjamin
Age: 15 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son
Ann Arbor News Wednesday, June 8, 1966
Evilsizer, Benjamin F. Sr. 20516 Logan Rd. Manchester Township
Age, 78, died this morning in Herrick Hospital, Tecumseh. Born May 10, 18 90 in Ithaca, Mich., he married Josephine Murphy Oct. 31, 1911 in Tecumse h. She survives. Mr. Evilsizer was a Manchester farmer for many years. A lso surviving are five sons, Benjamin F. Jr., James, Raymond, Fay and Jac k, all of Manchester; three daughters,Mrs. William (Ione) Schoolmaster, Mr s. Donald (Erma) Taddie of Ypsilanti and Mrs. Carl (Betty) Bristle of Manc hester; 20 grandchildren; 16 great grandchildren; two sisters and one brot her. Funeral service will take place at 1:30 Friday from the Jenter Funer al Home, the Rev. Oscar Cooper officiating. Burial will follow in Brookside Cemeter y, Tecumseh. Friends may call at the funeral home.
WWI Draft Registration 6/5/1917 Ionia, MI Benjamin Franklin Evilsizer age 27 449 E ?earsom?, Ionia, MI Born 5/10/1890 Ithica, MI Meat Cutter for Evilsizer Brothers Married, wife and 2 children, ages 2 and 4 Med Build small frame, Blue eyes, Brown hair, no defects
Evilsizer, Benjamin F
Age: 39 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Michigan Roll:
Race: White Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Head Evilsizer, Josephine B
Age: 35 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Wife Evilsizer, Benjamin
Age: 15 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son Evilsizer, Erma J
Age: 10 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Daughter Evilsizer, James L
Age: 8 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son Evilsizer, Raymond E
Age: 6 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son Evilsizer, Fay F
Age: 2 10.12 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son
Family member, Randall Joseph seems to think Charles never had any childre n. He had five wives, but only three are accounted for.
engagements of the Pacific War-They are sons of Mr and Mrs H B Evilsizer, 1235 Ot to Blvd.
Dallas Morning News, 1/30/1969 Man Draws Life Term In Murder
Charles B Evilsizer was convicted Wednesday of killing his estranged wife's aunt and was sentenced to life in prison. Prosecutors had asked for the death penealty. Evilsizer was found guilty in the shooting death Nov 15, 1967 of Mrs Ruth Gunnel at 1433 Casaval. Testimony revealed that Evilsizer went to the home where his wife had gone after a family argument, pulled Mrs Gunnels from the home and fired a bullit into her head. A witness testified that Evilsizer, a real estate salesman, called him hours later and said "he thought he had hurt or killed someone." Evilsizer testified that he has consumed an average of a fifth of liquor per day for several years. Medical witnesses disagreed on the effect on the brain of prolonged use of alcohol. Defense attorney Emmet Colvin argued that Evilsizer was not responsible for his actions. Assistant Dist Attys. Buddy Erwin, Joe Max Hendley and Frank Watts prosecuted the case before a jury in the court of Dist Judge Jim Zimmerman.
EVILSIZER VS STATE Cit as 487 S.W. 2d 113
Charles Bartling EVILSIZER, Appellant, The STATE of Texas, Appellee No 45198 Court of Criminal Appeals Nov 1/1972 ReHearing denied 12/13/1972
Defendant was convicted before the Criminal Court,. No 3, Dallas county. T he Court of Criminal appeals, Odom, J held that if preexisting condition of mind of the defendant was not such as would have rendered him legally insane in and of itself, recent use of intoxicants cusing stimulati on or aggrevation of such preexisting conditions to the point of insani ty could not be relied upon as a defense to commission of crime of murd er with malice...Judgement affirmed
487 SOUTH WEST-ERN 114 Lex.
The record reveals that on November 15, 1967,1 appellant and deceased, the aunt of appellant's estranged wife, were talking in the front yard of deceased's home in Dallas. Following a brief argument, deceased struggled with appellant and shouted to a neighbor, "look out, he's got a gun." During the struggle deceased fell to the ground and appellant put a g un to her head, and said, "This will shut you up, damn you." He then sh ot her and she died from the gun shot wound. Appellant then left in his car. Early the following morning appellant was arrested at his home, whe re a bloody shirt was found. Later, a .25 caliber hull was found in appellant's car which was parked a block from the scene, of the killing. Appellant testified in his own behalf and stated: that during World W ar II he received a blow on the head; that since 1946 he has had a drinki ng problem; and that he received a blow to the head from a pipe in 196 6. He testified that on the day of the killing he borrowed a .25 caliber pistol to go deer hunting; that he consumed around eight beers, two highballs, and "Quite a bit" of a fifth of bourbon. He further stated that a bout 5:30 P.M. he called deceased to talk with his estranged wife; that deceased refused to allow him to talk to her and hung up. From that time un til awaking after dark, sometime between 6:00 and 11:00 PM., he had no memory of events. Judgement was entered in the trial court on 1/29/1969 and Record was filed in Appeals Court, 1/12/1972
"You have found out more information on my father than even I knew. He came to live with me when he was paroled, in fact I was somewhat instrumental in his getting paroled. I did not know the particulars of his crime, only what he told me and that was somewhat different than the information you have. He lived with me for about 3-31/2 years after he was paroled
and definitely had a drinking problem still at that time. You realize my family had not seen him or had contact with him since I was but a child, I do think we had figured somewhere in the time frame of 37 years or there abouts. It was like he forgot us once he and my mother separated." by daughter Pat Mueller
Birth Date �tab�25 Jan 1896
Birthplace �tab�Newark, Gratiot, Michigan
Gender �tab�Male
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Frank Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Hannah Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Michigan
Mother's Age �tab�
Christening Date �tab�
Christening Place �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Death Date �tab�
Death Age �tab�
Film Number �tab�2322568
Digital Folder Number �tab�4206364
Image Number �tab�754
Frame Number �tab�
Reference Number �tab�item 1 p 380 rn 15
WWI Draft Registration 9/12/1918 Midland Co, MI Floyd Evilsizer, age 19 born 2/28/1899 Res Midland Co, Midland, MI Self Emp farmer, single Relation- John Q Evilsizer Tall, Brn Har, Brn Eyes
Index: SAGINAW NEWS Thursday, December 28, 1961 (A15) Name: EVILSIZER, FLOYD J. Spouse's Name: EMMA Age: 62 Date of Death: Thursday, December 28, 1961 Place of Death: JEROME TWP., MI Miscellaneous Cemetery: HARRISON Funeral Home: SCOTT WILSON
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�28 Feb 1899
Birthplace �tab�Jackson T.P., Wood, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�John Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Laura Richard
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C03976-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�955536
Reference Number
�u��b�World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 �/u�
Name:�/b�Frank Evilsizer
�b�City:�/b�Not Stated �b� County:�/b�Linn �b� State:�/b�Iowa �b�
Birthplace:�/b�Missouri;United States of America �b�
Birth Date:�/b�8 May 1888�b� Edina, MO
Race:�/b�Caucasian (White) �b� Roll:�/b�1643179
Address Box 25 Cedar Rapids, IA
Self Emp Farmer in Linn Co, College, IA
Supporting wife and one child, married,
claims exemption for dependent relatives
Med height, slender build, light gray eyes, black hair, no disabilities
Signed June 5, 1917 Frank Evilsizer
This family puzzling. Proof of children is from conversations with family members, death certificates and other proof. However in the 1920 Census, Walter is shown married to a Myrtle and only one male child named Edgar (which I believe to be Elroy) age 3. We know others were born before 1920. it still does not explain the missing children from the census
Name: Glen G Evilsizer Gender: Male Date of Death: 23 February 1973 Volume: 21210 Certificate: 015782 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Akron, Summit County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Akron, Summit County Age: 68 Years
1930 Census is mother in law Della Smith age 51 widow and brother in Law B ailey Smith age 25 single.
Times Recorder Spener West Virginia April 4 2002
Notice to Redeem
To Glenn Evilsizer, heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns. You will take notice the Roy G Hildreth & Son Inc, the purchaser of the following real estate, Cert No 443390 located in Spencer Dist, as 23 1/3 OG Colt Run which was returned delinquent, or nonenetered lands of Roane County at the sale for delinquent taxes on Oct 22 2001. Roy G Hildreth & Son requests that you be notified that a deed for such real estate will be made on ar after April 18 , 2002 as provided by law unless before that day you redeem such real estate.
Taxes 174.30 , Title Service $261.96 Total 436.26
Glen Gordon Evilsizer
Father Samuel Evilsizer born Spencer age 37
Mother Leona Wines Evilsizer born Kyger age 35
5th child born to this couple
He had 2 girls and raised another named Angel.
Atchison Daily Globe Atchison Kansas 01 January 1957 Harvey Ray Evilsizer, 17 and Raymond Waler Jr, 18 both of Kansas City,sentenced to reformatory at Hutchinson following pleas of guilty to robbing the Collins Liquor Store may 2
Harvey Evilsizer-9/23/1988-Kansas Court of Appeals, Overland Park Kansas, guilty of selling cocaine.
State of Kansas, Appellee vs Harvey R Evilsizer, Appellant No 59,690 Court of Appeals of Kansas. Appeal from Johnson District Court, William G Gray, Judge. Rick Kittel, Assistant Appellant Defender, and benjamin C Wood, Chief Appellate Defender, Yopeka, for appellant. Bruce W Beye, Assts Dist Attorney, Dennis w Moore, Dist Attorney, and Robert T Stephen, Attorney General for appellee.
Harvey R. EVILSIZER appeals his conviction of three counts of sale of cocaine. He contends that the prosecutor's comments during closing argument were improper and require reversal, and further contends that the court erred in admitting evidence about prior drug sales made by John 1. Davis to an undercover agent. Davis was not a codefendant or otherwise involved in the case.
EVILSIZER first complains that the following statements made by the prosecutor during closing argument constitute reversible error.
The prosecutor said:
"They are not saying to you, hey, he didn't do it. What they are saying to you is, hey, you policemen did not do what you were supposed to do. And because you don't have a voice recording or fingerprints, well, then you haven't proven him guilty."
The defense objected at trial to this as an impermissable comment on the defendant's failure to testify and moved for a mistrial. Thu prosecutor argue that this was not a comment on the defendant not testifying, but was a comment on the evidence, or lack of evidence, presented in the case. The court took the motion under advisement. It then made a precautionary comment to the jury and emphasized the jury instructions stating that the burden is upon the State to prove the defendant guilty and that the jury should not consider the fact that the defendant did not testify in arriving at the verdict.
The evidence that EVILSIZER had sold cocaine three times to other undercover agents was not contested. EVILSIZER'S defense concentrated on attacking the training and the reliability of the officers and the methods used by the law enforcement agencies. He repeatedly pointed out that no fingerprints had been taken and he stated that he had been introduced to Harvey EVILSIZER by John T. Davis, who told him that Harvey EVILSIZER could take care of him if he ever needed cocaine. Over the defendant's objection, Officer Jacoby testified that he had twice purchased cocaine from John I. Davis at the Clarett Club. He further testitied that on two separate occasions he had bought a white powder from Harvey EVILSIZER, which tested to be cocaine. Jacoby stated that EVILSIZER engaged in the type of furtive behavior often associated with drug transactions.
Officer Baldwin of the Overland Park police department testified that he also had worked on undercover narcotics cases at the Clarett Club. He stated that he had approached EVILS1ZER about buying cocaine and that EVILSIZER had directed him to John T. Davis, who sold him cocaine. There was no objection t this testimony. Baldwin also testified that he purchased a substance from EVLLSIZER at a later time which was cocaine.
Officer Jacoby's testimony concerning purchases of cocaine from John T. Davis was objected to by EVILSIZER. The court ruled that the information was relevant. EVILSIZER contends that the testimony concerning Davis was prejudicial to him since it tended to show his bad character through Ms association with an alleged drug dealer. He contends that he had not offered testimony concerning his character and that the testimony admitted was a violation of K.$.A. 60-447. At the trial however, the testimony of Officer
Affirmed Kan App 1988 State vs Evilsizer 762 P 2d Unpublished Disposition
Surname: EVILSIZER Given Name: Howard Initial: W Sex: Male Day of Birth: 27 Month of Birth: November Year of Birth: 1916 Day of Death: 11 Month of Death: October Year of Death: 1989 City of Residence: Waterford County of Residence: Oakland State of Residence: Michigan City of Death: Waterford County of Death: Oakland State of Death: Michigan Death Certificate No.: 61769
Evilsizer, Howard View Image Online
Age: 13 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll: T626_1016
Race: Page: 13A
State: Michigan ED: 13
County: Oakland Image: 0408
Township: Bloomfield
Relationship: Son
He was first married to Almeada Traughber Stanley, who had three childr en by her first marriage: Luda (Ludie) Stanley married Henry Henderson. Mrs. W.L. Hamsley is the da ughter of Luda and Henry. Florence Stanley married Stanley Fulton. Auther Stanley's descendants li ve in Portland, Tennessee. All of these children are now deceased. They were grown when Shelton a nd Almeada married. Shelton and Almeada had two children.
Shelton and Annie�the clerk had spelled Shelton's name "Evilcizer", perha ps this the beginning of the changed spelling.
Gender �tab� Male
Burial Date �tab� 05 Oct 1934
Burial Place �tab�
Death Date �tab� 04 Oct 1934
Death Place �tab� Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee
Age �tab� 62
Birth Date �tab� 1872
Birthplace �tab� Tenn.
Occupation �tab� Brick Mason
Race �tab� White
Marital Status �tab� Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab� John Evilcizer
Father's Birthplace �tab� Tenn
Mother's Name �tab� Martha Pace
Mother's Birthplace �tab� Tenn
COD exhaustion from mental disease
Manic Depressive
Burial 10/5/1924 Elmwood Cemetery
Informant-Central State Hospital Records
Lived there 1 year and 20 days
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� B06466-2
System Origin �tab� Tennessee-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 1876817
Reference Number �tab� cn 22352
Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Michigan State: Michigan County or City: Washtenaw
Enlistment Date: 31 Dec 1942 Enlistment State: Michigan
Enlistment City: Kalamazoo Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life Education: 2 years of high school
Marital Status: Married Height: 69 Weight: 160
Surname: Evilsizer Given Name: James Initial: L. Sex: Male Alias: Day of Birth: 31 Month of Birth: December Year of Birth: 1921 Day of Death: 28 Month of Death: December Year of Death: 1993 City of Residence: Adrian County of Residence: Lenawee State of Residence: Michigan City of Death: Sandstone County of Death: Jackson State of Death: Michigan Death Certificate No.: 075676
Widowed at time of death Informant Mrs Candance Sussex
Evilsizer, James L
Age: 8 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son
Birth Date �tab�14 Feb 1906
Birthplace �tab�Chester, Hancock, West Virginia
Gender �tab�Male
Father's Name �tab�George Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Winnie Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Christening Date �tab�
Christening Place �tab�
Paternal Grandfather �tab�
Maternal Grandfather �tab�
Paternal Grandmother �tab�
Maternal Grandmother �tab�
Death Date �tab�
Death Age �tab�
Film Number �tab�858820
Digital Folder Number �tab�4230084
Image Number �tab�239
Reference Number �tab�p 34
Source �tab�County Records
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about John Albert Evilsizer
Name: �tab�John Albert Evilsizer
Birth Date: �tab�14 Feb 1906
Birth State: �tab�West Virginia
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: �tab�18 Jan 1993
Death Time: �tab�12:50 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Fairview General Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Cleveland
County of Death: �tab�Cuyahoga
Certificate: �tab�001093
Age at Death: �tab�86
Hospital Status: �tab�Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: �tab�271-09-4212
Father's Surname: �tab�Evilsizer
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Cluley
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�12
Industry of Decedent: �tab�General government, not elsewhere classified
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Inspectors and compliance officers, except construction
Census Tract: �tab�1241
Primary Registration District: �tab�1801
Daily Independent (Murphysboro, Illinois) > 1948 > June > 11 Bachelor of Arts Degree in the College of Libeal Arts- Lloyd R Evilsizer
Harry Evilsizer died Linn Co, Brookfield MO 1/6/1964
living 313 Burnham St for 12 years
Age 74 born 3/4/1889 Hutchinson, KS
Father George W Evilsizer
Mother Addie L Evilsizer
Informant Mrs Addie Evilsizer, Brookfield, MO
COD Heart Attack
Burial 1/7/1964 Rose Hill Cemetery Brookfield, MO
Joplin Globe (Joplin, Missouri) > 1955 > November > 13 Mr and Mrs Wesley Evilsizer purchased the NuWay Washette at 920 W 19 th St from Mr and mrs Frank Awalt. Earl Campbell handled the sale
Evilsizer, William H age 39
Age: 29 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Indiana Roll: T625_440
Race: White Page: 3B
State: Indiana ED: 76
County: Jay Image: 772
Township: Penn Pearl M, 32, wife, John Grant, son, 13 Edna Mae, dau, age 11 Anice Fern, dau, 1y1m 1/29/1920
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Born 1/20/1881, farming, age 38 next of kin Pearl M Evilsizer. Tall, Medium Build, Blue eyes, light hair, no defects. Signed 9/12/1918 Jay Co, Portland, IN
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: William H Evilsizer Birth Date: 20 Jan 1881 Residence: Wells, Indiana Birth: Delaware, Indiana Race: White Roll: WW2_2240822 Ser# U1220 Address- 518 S Morgan St Wells Co, Bluffton, IN Age 61 Person-Edna Malcolm 518 S Morgan, Bluffton, IN Employer-Tokheim Oil Tank & Pump Co, Ft Wayne, IN Signed W H Evilsizer
Cecil Evilsizer was taken to the Childrens home in Urbana April 4, 1909. Reason was Father was sent to work house and mother unable to provide. He was returned to his parents on August 22, 1909
East Liberty Cemetery, Perry Ohio Evilsizor, Cecil P., 1902-1962 (on monument with Mary E. Evilsizor) Evilsizor, Martha L., 1924-1981 Evilsizor, Mary E., 1906-1972 (on monument with Cecil P. Evilsizor
Name: CECIL P EVILSIZOR Gender: Male Date of Death: May 18, 1962 Volume: 16892 Certificate: 33359 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 59
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�03 Sep 1902
Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Ernest Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Father's Age �tab�25y
Mother's Name �tab�Alice True
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Mother's Age �tab�18y
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04079-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530184
Reference Number �tab�v 9 p 3
Possible widow in 1870 Census Union CO, Liberty, OH Martha J 28 OH Laulie, (female) age 6
1880 Census Place Liberty, Union, Ohio Family History Library Film 12 55073
NA Film Number T9-1073 Page Number 44A Elenso W. ARGO Self M Male W 43 PA Wheelwrig Martha J. ARGO Wife M Female W 37 OH Keeping Hou se OH IL Walter G. ARGO Son S Male W 6 OH PA OH Lulia CRANSTON SDau S Female W 16 OH At Scho Clarence S. ARGO Nephew S Male W 15 OH At Scho ol PA NY
Williams Springfield City Directory 1925 Walsh Bldg, S.E.C. 3rd and Vin e, Cincinnati, Ohio Evilsizor harold R testser h 1014 W. Columbia (Bertha)
William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Harold R (Bertha B) plumber h 915 W. Mulberry
Name: HAROLD R EVILSIZOR Gender: Male Date of Death: October 22, 1990 Birth Date: June , 1900 Volume: 072054 Certificate: 28280 Social Security Number: 277057560 Father's Surname: EVILSIZOR Time of Death: 12:15 am Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic Place of Death: Years of Schooling: Elementary or Secondary Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 90 Years
Name �tab�Harold R. Evilsizor
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�26 Jul 1900
Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Israel Evilsizor
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Lydia Hughes
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00802-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466658
Reference Number �tab�v 4 p 121
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�15 Aug 1909
Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Robertson Co., Tennessee
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Shelton Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�Cheatham Co.
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Anne Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Robertson Co.
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00028-1
System Origin �tab�Tennessee-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�425496
Reference Number �tab�1908-1912 p 31
Edna remarried John York and had children Lewis and Elizabeth.
As a researcher this could become addictive as I noted one of my Grandfath er Charles Clifford's pall bearers (Long) later married the Betty that w as his step daughter. Also another was a Howell that was Grandmothers bro ther. Edna was a saint she raised the 3 children Betty James Alice Mae th en raised me and also was in on raising Richard Long a son by Betty born a bout the same time I was born in 1942 or earlier as I remember. Edna al so had a still born in 1945 that is in the plot with Edna and John Yor k. Edna also helped and kept for long periods 2 of James and Katherine 's older girls (Vicky and Pam) Edna also kept my son Donald II all summ er for many years. Pam and Vicky stayed with Edna for some periods becau se of the Logan County school situation plus Edna really enjoyed having k ids around and she played a lot of attention to all of us. I remember Ed na saying she was 10 years different than John and John York was born in 1 896 and passed in 1997 8 .?? I do not think she was much more than 16 wh en Betty was born. Also I could never figure out what Betty's maiden na me was. I think she may have used Howell but then I remember John givi ng a name of Betty's father one time. My grandfather York claimed the Howells was a crazy bunch but then every f amily has it's own ""situations"".. John said that Edna had a sister nam ed Dorothy that was in the county home for years. Frances Howell accordi ng to John was always in trouble. I also remember visiting Edna's sist er Irene Doyle in Springfield every Sunday after church. The Doyle work ed at IH as did everyone in Springfield at the time. (Donald Allen DAllen @DCCA.com)
EDNA YORK 20 Jun 1905 Sep 1982 43360 (Zanesfield, Logan, OH) 43360 (Zanes field, Logan, OH) 281-10-4487 Ohio
Name: Edna V York Birth Date: Est. 1906 Birth State: Ohio Birth Country: United States Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Logan Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 6 Sep 1982 Hospital of Death: Mary Rutan Hospital City of Death: Bellefontaine County of Death: Logan Certificate: 065156 Age at Death: 76 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Social Security Number: 281-10-4487 Marital Status: Married
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Johnson, Champaign, Ohio; Rol l: T623 1245; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 8. James E Goube 46 Mary E Goube 44 Charles E Goube 18 Rearl A Goube 18 George W Goube 16 Cara E Goube 6 Mary L Goube 5 Sylva M Goube 0
Jay Co Probate records Butcher John 1879 No. 599, Box 47
Urbana Citizen Monday April 26, 1976 Marvin Evilsizor, 38 , 214 Campground Rd, died at 6:45 a.m. today in Mer cy Memorial Hospital, following an illness of two and one-half years. He w as born Jan 9, 1938 in this county, the son of Clair and Stella Zerkle Evi lsizor. A member of the St Mary Catholic Church and 1956 graduate of Westv ille High School, he served as the assistant postmaster of the Urbana Po st Office. He was a member of the Urbana Racing Pigeon Club, the Americ an Postal Workers Union, the Ostomy Club of Springfield and he served as 4 _H Club advisor for a number of years. He is survived by hi s wife, the fo rmer Helen Matthews; two daughters, Ann and Deborah; one son, Daniel; h is parents; Mr and Mrs Clair Evilsizor of Urbana; one sister, Mrs Harold ( Garnet) Markley of St Paris; three brothers; Donald of Rosewood, Rola nd of Terre Haute, and Paul of Hortonville, WI; and a number of nieces a nd nephews. Mass of Christian Burial will be sung Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. in St Mary's Church with the Rev Father Robert Schutte the celebrant. B urial will be made in Mt Calvary cemetery. Friends may call at the Walt er funeral home from 3-5 and 7-9 P.M. Tuesday. Parish prayers will be sa id in the funeral home at 5 P.M. Tuesday.
Name: Marvin E Evilsizor Gender: Male Date of Death: 26 April 1976 Volume: 22445 Certificate: 024855 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 38 Years
Gender �tab�Male
Burial Date �tab�24 Oct 1977
Burial Place �tab�Portage, Ohio
Death Date �tab�21 Oct 1977
Death Place �tab�Bowling Green, Wood, Ohio
Age �tab�59
Birth Date �tab�15 Feb 1918
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Occupation �tab�Custodian
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�William M. Evelsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Hattie M. Hoscher
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B01541-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�2032336
Reference Number �tab�cn 127
Boadicea Fay ; they were parents of Clarissa, Louisa and Lewis; she died in 1830 or 1831, and Lewis was again married, in 1833, to Mrs. Mary Hartwell ; they had no children. Of the whole number of children, only Percy, Louisa and Calvin are living. He was reared on the farm upon which be w as born and still lives. He married Miss Elizabeth Hupp in 1842; she was a native of Virginia, and was born in that State April 23, 1819, and Ca lvin, April 1'2, of the same year; he purchased the 80-acre tract of his father, who went to Hancock Co., Ill., where his son William was living, a nd died there a few months later. Calvin and his wife were parents of elev en children, of whom Amanda, William, Raper, Lewis, Wesley, George, Mary a nd Samuel are living; all but two are married, and live in this neighborho od. Mr. Cook has traveled extensively through Kansas, Iowa, Illinois and I ndiana, but still remains true to his old home in Champaign Co.; he has be en one of our most successful farmer;. and owns a large tract of land, whi ch has been accumulated by his own industry; he is a man noted for his cor rect business habits, and to his children will leave a patrimony of whi ch they may well be proud-a name unsullied by fraud, which has never be ep brought into disrepute. He is still actively engaged in farming, and en joys the confidence of all who know him.
I have an unusal story. I'm looking for information on a C.B. Evilsisor and Pearl A. Evilsisor, husband and wife. They would have been living in G reene county, Missouri on a farm that belongs to us. Documents were fak ed when my aunt died, her name was Zella Miller. I have been in contact w ith the probate courts and county clerks office. So far we have not fou nd a will by Zella Miller nor did they find any transfer of real estat e. I'm going on information from a letter by my grandfater. This lett er was responded too by a Jammie U. Page (who was not a representati ve of the county). AS far as the county can tell, there was no transfer a nd the Evilsisor's do not own property in the state of Missouri. My moth er is the only living Miller left. I have been unable to find any other i nformation. If you have any clue or no anything about the ones mentione d, please help. I'm looking for my Aunt Zella's bible which dictates t he provisions on the property. From the story my mom has told me it's like this. Back in th late 1930 's my great aunt Zella and her brother (my grandfather) purchased proper ty in Greene co., Missouri. My mom was sent to live on this farm with t he Evilsisor's, from what she tell's me these people are someone you wa nt your worse enemy to end at. Aunt Zella was working in Colorado as a nu rse when she was told she had terminal cancer.
In 1948 she went back to the Missouri farm to die, about Feb of 48. Now t his is were it get's confusing. My mom says that Zella had a bible that s pelled out that everything was to go to her, which of course didn't happ en because the Evilsisor's got some one to forge a letter, which my grandf ather did not bother to follow up on. The property was co-owned, so how t he Evilsisor's figured they would get the property is beyond me. I've be en in contact with the clerk's office and they concur, they don't have a r ecord of the Evilsisor's either. This happened in April of 1948 that t he property was supposedly signed over, which of course it never was. I 'm trying to track down these people, I believe they would be the one's y ou think you have mentioned. But I can't say for sure yet. I'm goi ng to the area were the farm is suppose to be and check grave yards. The re seems to be no record of my great aunt's burial.
Her brother went thru Missouri back in the late 1980's and actually saw C. B. & Pearl Evilsisor?! Go figure,.. I sometimes would like to strangle he r, she waited so long to give me the papers from her dad's estate, I ev en found insurance policie's that were good and ready to be paid.,, Any h ow., I guess I'm back to square one. My mom's name was Freda Miller ba ck then., and she said that they had only one girl that she knew of an s he thinks she was adopted and there was another little girl there also. M om says they were a couple of years older than her. She was born in 19 34 and was 8 or 9 at that time. She also thinks the Evilsisors were bo rn around the late 1800 or early 1900's, but we are going on a memory th at isn't exactly great. Her Aunt Zella would have been around 68 when s he went back to Missouri to die, and the Evilsisor's were living in her ho me at that time. As for the property, I'll just have to keep digging a nd hope I uncover some clue as to it's exact location, hopefully the coun ty clerk will email back with some good news, but I doubt it. My gut tel ls me that there was something illegal going on and I'll have a hard ti me just finding Zella's gravesite. Thanks for your help, at least I ha ve a couple of more names to either add or remove. If you come across som ething pass it on please and I will do the same, who know's this could tu rn out to be one of those notorious stories of our past.
Well I finally found the probate records on the land in Missouri. The WI LL stated that the property was sold under a contract to CB & Pearl. Fort unately for me they never full filled the contract. The county is tracki ng down other information that has to do with the property.
One thing my mom mentioned was, there was a bible that belonged to her Au nt Rose Zella Miller.
Maggi [email protected] Margaret Peterson
Name: �tab�Mirwood Francis
SSN: �tab�331-10-2199
Last Residence: �tab�54495 Wisconsin Rapids, Wood, Wisconsin,
Born: �tab�8 Sep 1916
Died: �tab�15 Nov 2000
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Illinois (Before 1951)
[email protected] (Shirley Atkins Hartman)
Her father named her as nearest relativ ein 1942 WWII reg Edna Malcolm
Taddie, Erma June Ypsilanti, MI
Age 72, died suddenly June 14, 1991 at her residence. She was born Ju ne 4, 1919 in Macon, MI, the daughter of Benjamin F. and Josephine B. (Mur phy) Evilsizer. She graduated from Manchester High School. She came to Y psilanti in 1937 where she met Donald J. Taddie. They married on October 29, 1938. He preceded her in death January 2, 1988. Mrs. Taddie was form er part owner of Ypsilanti Contractors Inc. and the Hickory Woods Golf Cou rse, where she co-managed the Pro Shop until 1980. She was a member of t he Friends of Greenfield Village, the Huron Valley Humane Society and the National Clock and Watch Association. Survivors include two daughters, Mr s. LeRoy (Kay Sprague) Fromwiller of Chelsea and Mrs. Daniel (Patricia) Si monell of Ypsilanti, two sons, Michael D. (Jayne) of Ft. Myers, FL and Tho mas A. (Jeanne) of Ann Arbor; four brothers, James of Jackson, Raymond of Houghton Lake, Fay and Jack both of Manchester, one sister, Betty Gieg er of Lewiston, MI and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in de ath by three sisters, two in infancy and Ione Schoolmaster and one brothe r, Benjamin. Funeral service wil be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Moore Memorial Cha pel (Stark Funeral Services). Burial will follow in Arborcrest Memorial Par k. Memorial contributions may be made to the Huron Valley Humane Socie ty or the American Cancer Society at the funeral home where friends may ca ll 2-4 and 6-9 p.m. today.
Evilsizer, Erma J
Age: 10 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Daughter
Obituary Date: �tab�30 Mar 2009
Newspaper Title: �tab�The Daily Telegram
Newspaper Location: �tab�Adrian, MI, USA
Birth Date: �tab�3 Jul 1930
Spouse's name: �tab�Carl F. Bristle
Parents' Names: �tab�Benjamin and Josephine (Murphy) Evilsizer; Lewiston
Childrens' Names: �tab�David E. (Deb) Bristle of Montgomery and Danny C. (Laura) Bristle of Tecumseh; Deborah K. Barker and Diane S. Bristle
Siblings' Names: �tab�Ben, Jr., James L. and Raymond E. Evilsizer; Bessie Ione Schoolmaster and Erma June Taddie; Fay (Dee) Evilsizer and Jack (Patsy) Evilsizer of Manchester
The Daily Telegram - (Mar/30/2009)
ONSTED, Mich. -
Betty Jane Geiger passed away at home on March 28, 2009.
She was born on July 3, 1930, the daughter of Benjamin and Josephine (Murphy) Evilsizer. She spent her early years in the Manchester-Clinton area, moving to Lewiston in1981 and returning to the Onsted area in 2001. Betty enjoyed the outdoors, her four children, grandchildren, and her animals. She married Carl F. Bristle, who preceded her in death in 1966. She married Alvin "Boots" Geiger in 1974. He passed away in 1999. Betty is survived by sons, David E. (Deb) Bristle of Montgomery and Danny C. (Laura) Bristle of Tecumseh; daughters, Deborah K. Barker and Diane S. Bristle, both of Clinton; granddaughter, Julie (Don) Pines of Tecumseh, and grandsons, Nicholas Barker of Monroe, Carl John (Marianne) Bristle of Leslie and Riley Dean Bristle Baker of Clinton; five great-grandchildren; two brothers, Fay (Dee) Evilsizer and Jack (Patsy) Evilsizer of Manchester, and several nieces and nephews.
Preceding her in death, besides her parents and two husbands, was beloved grandson David Arthur Bristle; two sisters, Bessie Ione Schoolmaster and Erma June Taddie; and three brothers, Ben Jr., James L. and Raymond E. Evilsizer.Visitation will be held on Tuesday, March 31, 2009, from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. at the Clinton Chapel of Handler Funeral Homes. Graveside Services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 1, at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery in Chelsea with Pastor Tom Hawkins of NewSong Community Church officiating.
In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to the charity of the donor's choice. Condolences may be offered to the family at www.handlerfuneralhomes.com.
Social Security Death Index
about Betty J. Geiger
Name: �tab�Betty J. Geiger
SSN: �tab�365-48-8767
Last Residence: 49265 Onsted, Lenawee, Michigan
Born: �tab�3 Jul 1930
Died: �tab�28 Mar 2009
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Michigan (1963)
Death Date: �tab�31 Aug 1911
Death Place: �tab�Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�01 Mar 1857
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�54 years 5 months 30 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�3417 Dury
Occupation: �tab�Merchant
Residence: �tab�Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�02 Sep 1911
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Henry Rhoads
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�U.S.
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Moore
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�U.S.
Film Number: �tab�1953047
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021120
Image Number: �tab�2323
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 43552
Surviving are his wife, Gondolia; a son, Max E. Evilsizer, Muncie; two daughters, Mrs. Loretta Clark and Mrs. Joan Needler, both of Muncie; a step-daughter, Mrs. Mary Catherine Rash, Yorktown; two brothers, Charles and Dan W. Evilsizer, both of Long Beach, Calif.; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday in Richman Funeral Home, Yorktown, Rev. Paul Vise officiating. Burial will be in Hawk Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Friday (today) and before Saturday services. Yorktown IOOF will conduct memorial services at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.
Evilsizer, Raymond E. Manchester, MI Age 73, passed away on April 18, 1997. Ray was born in Tipton on Novemb er 9, 1922, the son of Benjamin and Josephine (Murphy) Evilsizer. On Ju ly 19, 1947 he married Juanita M. Coy and she survives. Ray was a veter an of WWII serving in the European Theater. He retired from Ford Motor Co mpany in 1976 after over 30 years of service. He was also a member of t he Houghton Lake Association and a member of L.A.W. local 812 of Saline. Raymond is also s urvived by one son, Ronald (Martha) Evilsizer, one daughter Eileen (Joe) M aissoy, seven grandchildren, two great grandchildren, two brothers, Fay Ev ilsizer and Jack Evilsizer, all of Manchester, one sister, Betty Geig er of Lewiston, MI. He was preceded in death by two brothers, two siste rs and one grandson. Visitation will be on Saturday from 6-8 p.m. a nd on Sunday from 1-3 and 6-8 p.m.. Funeral services will be on Monday Apr il 21, 1997 at 11 a.m. from Jenter Braun Funeral Home, Manchester with Re v. Thomas A. Davenport, officiating. Interment will take place at Lenaw ee Hills Memorial Park, Tecumseh. Memorials may be made to the Manchest er Fire Department.
Evilsizer, Raymond E
Age: 6 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son
Evilsizer, Raymond E. Manchester, MI Age 73, passed away on April 18, 1997. Ray was born in Tipton on Novemb er 9, 1922, the son of Benjamin and Josephine (Murphy) Evilsizer. On Ju ly 19, 1947 he married Juanita M. Coy and she survives. Ray was a veter an of WWII serving in the European Theater. He retired from Ford Motor Co mpany in 1976 after over 30 years of service. He was also a member of t he Houghton Lake Association and a member of L.A.W. local 812 of Saline. Raymond is also s urvived by one son, Ronald (Martha) Evilsizer, one daughter Eileen (Joe) M aissoy, seven grandchildren, two great grandchildren, two brothers, Fay Ev ilsizer and Jack Evilsizer, all of Manchester, one sister, Betty Geig er of Lewiston, MI. He was preceded in death by two brothers, two siste rs and one grandson. Visitation will be on Saturday from 6-8 p.m. a nd on Sunday from 1-3 and 6-8 p.m.. Funeral services will be on Monday Apr il 21, 1997 at 11 a.m. from Jenter Braun Funeral Home, Manchester with Re v. Thomas A. Davenport, officiating. Interment will take place at Lenaw ee Hills Memorial Park, Tecumseh. Memorials may be made to the Manchest er Fire Department.
Age: 2 10.12 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll:
Race: Page: 4A
State: Michigan ED: 26
County: Lenawee Image:
Township: Franklin
Relationship: Son
�tab�Fay Evilsizer, age 82, of Manchester passed away Dec. 16, 2009, at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. He was born on July 30, 1927, the son of Benjamin and Josephine (Murphy) Evilsizer.He worked at Ford Motor Company as an inspector until his retirement in 1985, and was also a member of the UAW 892. Fay enjoyed farming, hunting, horse racing, going to the casino and spending time with his family.Fay is survived by three stepchildren, Terry (Michelle) Brown, Jerry Brown, and Pam Brown; his family.
Fay is survived by three stepchildren, Terry (Michelle) Brown, Jerry Brown, and Pam Brown; his loving companion of 25 years, Udean "Dee" Richardson, and her daughters Lisa (Gary) Brighton and Sherry (Roger) Johncox; foster son, Bob (Connie) Barth; brother, Jack Evilsizer; 18 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Maxine Sturdevant; three brothers, Benjamin, James, and Raymond; and three sisters, Ione, Erma, and Betty.
In honor of Fay, memorial donations may be given to St. Joseph Mercy Health Systems. Envelopes will be available at Borek Jennings Funeral Home, Jenter Chapel, Manchester, where the family will receive friends on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2009, from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. A Healing Farewell Service will take place at 11 a.m. Monday, Dec. 21, 2009, at Borek Jennings Funeral Home, Jenter Chapel, Manchester, with Pastor Bobby Toler officiating. Interment will follow at Lenawee Hills Memorial Gardens in Tecumseh. Please sign Fay's guest book at www.BorekJennings.com or leave a message of comfort for his family by calling 1-877-231-7900.
The Daily Telegram Adrian MI 10/18/2006
ST. CHARLES, Ill. - Denny Richardson, age 59, of St. Charles, Ill., died Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006, at his home.He was born April 2, 1947, in Tecumseh, Mich., to Erwin Murray and Udean Mable "Dee" Richardson. A former Onsted resident, he graduated from Onsted High School in 1966.Denny is survived by his wife of 25 years, Silvia; his mother and stepfather, �u��b�Dee Richardson and Fay Evilsizer�/u��/b� of Manchester; three children, Brian Scott Richardson of Lansing, Shana Kay (Jeff) Schneider of Dwight, Mich., and Shaun (Maribel) Falzone of St. Charles, Ill.; six grandchildren; two sisters, Sherry (Roger) Johncox and Lisa (Gary) Brighton, both of Onsted; a brother, Bob (Connie) Barth of Onsted; a sister-in-law, Jeannie Richardson; and several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his father, Erwin Murray; and a brother, Murray Edward Richardson.Funeral services will begin at 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 20, at Yurs-Wittenberg Funeral Home, 1771 W. State St., Geneva, Ill. Burial will be at Whitney Cemetery, Campton Township, Ill. Visitation will be from 3-8 p.m. Thursday. For more information, call (630) 232-7337.
Birth Date: �tab�3 Jul 1933
State File Number: �tab�1933097144
Additional Information: �tab�William
error. We also know his obit age was in error. Rachel Jones, born 1860 was found in the 1880 Census. The only glitch is that Rachel Jones married A D Hobbs two months before Benjamin married Rachel Schlosser. If nothing else, poor Benjamin was born out of wedlock.
Death Certificate Cert # 26397 filed in Muncie, IN , Nov 1934 names parent s, birth and death dates.
1870 Census says he was born VA, but I believe in error. The dates fit a nd the only two brothers ( J H ) with Indiana roots (by marriage to wom en born in Indiana) G D was the son of his dads brother John.
1900 Washington Co, Polk, IN Dist 136 Buston? Farabee, head, 3/1864 IN IN IN (1880 gives no clue as to what h is name might be) Mary W, wife, 4/1866,34, M7y 4/4 IN IN IN Edith B, dau, 3/1894 Harold H, son 2/1896 Ethel M, dau, 5/1887 Nellie P,. 7/1899
SSN 308-07-8381 Residence: 46947 Logansport, Cass, IN
Born 22 Dec 1903 Last Benefit:
Died 8 Nov 1992 Issued: IN (Before 1951)
Name: Winifred Evilsizer Date: Nov 20, 1912 Location: Wayne Township Age: 64 yr Gender: Female Race: W Source location: County Health Office, Portland Source notes: The source of this record is the book H-6 on page 61 with in the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Not mentioned in brothers obit 1978
Not mentioned in brothers obit 1978
Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Indiana State: Indiana County or City: Delaware Enlistment Date: 21 Jan 1946 Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment
Grade: Private First Class Grade
Code: Private First Class Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the Panama Canal Department Component: Regular Army (including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, a nd Enlisted Men) Source: Enlisted Man, Philippine Scout or recall to AD of an enlisted m an who had been transferred to the ERC
Education: 3 years of high school Civil
Occupation: Student, High School, Academic or Copper Or Tinsmith* (C oppersmith. ) or Sheet Metal Worker* An asterisk (*) appearing after a j ob title indicates that a trade test for the particular occupation wi ll be found in the United States Employment Service Manual
Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 27 Weight: 366
7/18/2002 Max Evilsizer, 75, Muncie, died Monday in Ball Memorial Hospital. Born O ct 17, 1926 in Yorktown, Mr Evilsizer retired from Borg Warner Corp in 19 91 after 44 years of employment. He also worked as a sonsultant for Alli ed Enterprises for 4 years. Surviving are his wife, Judith Evilsizer, t wo daughters, Cheryl Bryant and Sany K Swain (husband Ryan); two sons, Ran dy Evilsizer (wife Marjorie) and D Max Evilsizer, a stepdaughter Rozan ne K West (husband Kenny); two stepsons, Chris W DeWitt (wife Shelley) a nd Scott A DeWitt (wife Kim); two sisters, Loretta Clark and Joan Needle r; 17 grandchildren and a great grandchild. Services will be at 11 A M tod ay, Thursday, July 18, 1002 in Elm Ridge Funeral Home. Interment wi ll be in Elm Ridge Memorial park, with military graveside rites by the Vet erans of Delaware County. Memorials may be made to the Oncology Departme nt at Ball Memorial Hospital
She was born May 2, 1930, in Muncie, the daughter of Max and Helen Becker Evilsizer, attended Muncie schools including Muncie Central High School.Mrs. Needler was a nurse's assistant at Ball Memorial Hospital for thirty-five years prior to her retirement.
She loved animals and was an avid fan of NASCAR's Michael Waltrip.
Surviving are her daughters, Marie Ann Rakhsha and Carrie E. West, (husband, Michael); her son, Thomas A. Needler, (wife, Sherri); eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Needler; her sisters, Betty Jones and Loretta Clark; and her brother, Max Evilsizer.The family will receive friends from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday at Parson Mortuary.
Private graveside services will be Wednesday at Elm Ridge Cemetery.
about Loretta Rose Clark
Name: �tab�Loretta Rose Clark
SSN: �tab�312-20-2733
Last Residence: �tab�47302 Muncie, Delaware, Indiana
Born: �tab�23 Nov 1923
Died: �tab�10 May 2009
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Indiana (Before 1951)
Death Date: �tab�12 Feb 1943
Death Place: �tab�Sarahsville, Noble, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�27 Aug 1865
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Noble County
Death Age: �tab�77 years 6 months 15 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�RFD
Occupation: �tab�Laborer
Residence: �tab�Caldwell
Burial Date: �tab�14 Feb 1943
Burial Place: �tab�Archers Ridge
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Arthur Still
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Noble County
DUNKIRK SISTERS PARTED BY DEATH Dunkirk Ind, May 5, 1911 This photo is of Bertha Evilsizer on the left and , her late sister Haze l, on the right, daughters of Henry Evilsizer and Winnifred McGeever Evils izer, east of the city. Hazel, age 17 after an illness of three days, di ed April 28th. They were always in each others company. Hazel leaves besid es a father, mother, and sister Bertha, another sister, Mrs Clara Rix of P ennville and two brothers, Edward of Celina, Ohio and William of Flat.
Name: Ethel Hazel Evilsizer Date: Apr 28, 1911 Location: Richland Township Gender: Female Race: W Source location: County Health Office, Portland Source notes: The source of this record is the book H-6 on page 41 with in the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration
Jay Co Probate pg 508 Robert Wible Guardian of Mary Evilsizer Citation se nt and returned and attachment ordered.
Pg 584 Robert Wible guardian of minor heirs of Mary Evilsizer, Box 21. Wib le says he is chargeable with nothing and claims a credit of $5.05. Mino rs named John Wible, Mary E Wible, Dilla Wible
Mary not in household of Robert Wible in 1880, Jay Co, Pg 456a. Name ha rd to read looks like "Lake" age 28
Census Place:Knox, Jay, Indiana Source:FHL Film 1254287 National Archives Film T9-0287 Page 47 5A Eli BARBERSelfMMW36OHFa: ---Mo: --- Lucy J. BARBERWifeFMW25INFa: OHMo: VA Lingal W. BARBERSonMSW7INFa: OHMo: IN Mary E. BARBERDauFSW4INFa: OHMo: IN Mary EVILSIZNOtherFWW69OHFa: NJMo: VA John HERONGSonMSW20INFa: OHMo: OH
Bill and Kathy Forshey [email protected]
Name : Jonathan Groves Death date : 20 Jan 1950 Death place : Marietta, Washington, Ohio, United States Birth date : 18 Mar 1850 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Monroe County, Ohio Age at death : 99 years 10 months 2 days Gender : Male Marital status : Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : 1-23-1950 Burial place : Cemetery name : Oak Grove Cemetery Spouse name : Father name : Isaac Groves Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Nancy Evilsizer Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 2372553 Digital GS number : 4109221 Image number : 00776 Certificate number : 06111 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�23 Feb 1871
Birthplace �tab�WASHINGTON,OHIO
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Isaac Groves
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Nancy Evilseizen
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C51405-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number �tab�941955
Reference Number
Death Date �tab�10 Apr 1955
Death Place �tab�Wood, West Virginia
Gender �tab�male
Age �tab� 80y6m25d
Estimated Birth Year 12-16-1874 �tab�
Birth Place �tab�Washington Co, OH
Marital Status �tab�married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Isaac Groves
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Nancy Evilsiger Or Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Occupation �tab�oil well pumper
Street Address �tab�
Residence �tab�Washington Co, Wingett Run, Liberty OH
Cemetery �tab�Lehigh
Burial Place �tab�
Burial Date �tab�4-13-1955
COD prostrate cancer
Informant Mrs Elizabeth Groves
Film Number �tab�1984375
Digital Folder Number �tab�
Image Number �tab�2409
Source �tab�County Records
Reference Number �tab�5369
Death Date: �tab�01 Aug 1926
Death Place: �tab�Marietta, Washington, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1844
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�About 82 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1984472
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4096044
Image Number: �tab�3205
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 53146
Star Press, The (Muncie, IN) - October 20, 2005 Deceased Name: Danial Evilsizer, 51 BENNETTSVILLE, SC - Danial Max Evilsizer, age 51 passed away Monday, Mar ch 28, 2005.He is survived by his brother, Randy Evilsizer; sisters, Cher yl Bryant and Sandy Swain. He is preceded in death by his parents, M ax E. and Betty J. Evilsizer. Graveside services will be held at 2:30 p. m. on Friday, October 21, 2005 at Elm Ridge Memorial Park. Local arrangeme nts are entrusted to Elm Ridge Funeral Home.
Star Press, The (Muncie, IN) - April 6, 2005 BENNETTSVILLE, SC - Danial Maxwell Evilsizer, died Monday, March 28, 200 5. Born October 15, 1953. The son of the late Maxwell Everett and Betty Ba rtle Evilsizer. Survivors include a brother, Randy Evilsizer; two sister s, Cheryl Jeanne Bryant and Sandra Kay Swain; several Aunts and Uncle s; 8 nieces and nephews; and 1 great niece. A memorial service will be he ld at the home of his sister, Sandy Swain, in New Albany, IN, Saturd ay 9, 2005 at 5:00 PM. Condolences may be sent to: [email protected] om.
Wed Feb 04, 2009, 11:57 AM CST
Online condolences may be left at rhodesfh.com.
Arrangements are under the direction of Rhodes Funeral Home, Brookfield, Mo.
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�13 Nov 1940
event place: �tab�Johnson Township, Champaign County, Ohio
residence: �tab�Crayon, O.
street address: �tab�Urbana R. 2
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�40y 5m 14d
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�white
occupation: �tab�Carpenter
birth date: �tab�30 May 1900
birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1900
burial date: �tab�16 Nov 1940
burial place: �tab�Christiansburg
cemetery: �tab�
father: �tab�Edward Kelley
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
mother: �tab�Amanda Hornes
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
spouse: �tab�Ida Kelley
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 65799
film number: �tab�2023883
digital folder number: �tab�4020874
image number: �tab�3178
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X68J-MCQ : accessed 10 Oct 2012), Edward Leon Kelley, 1940; citing reference fn 65799, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Name:�/b�James Thomas Evilsizer�b� City:�/b�Not Stated �b� County:�/b�Uinta �b� State:�/b�Wyoming �b�
Birth Date:�/b�9 Jan 1881�b� age 37
Living Uinta, Evanston, WY
Occ- R R Brakeman for Union Pac RR Co
Kin- Myrtle Evilsizer, same address
Med height, med build, grey eys, light hair, no disabilities
Signed James Thomas Evilsizer, Sept 12, 1918
Grace was married first to Charles T Miller in 1904 and last to Harry Fra ncis In the History of Carroll County, there was an article on Grace's fathe r, William A Pruitt . I do not have copies of all pages, but have transcri bed what I have. Page 314 ....is deceased, and Grace is the wife of james T Evilsizer, of Wellsbor o, Indiana. William A Pruitt, father of these children, was reared in Carr oll County and for forth years has been an auctioneer and has practiced la w. He resides in Flora, Indiana, where his first wife died on march 1, 189 5, at the age of forty-five years. She was a devout member of the Descipl es Church. William A Pruitt is a veteran of the Civil War, having serv ed in the 24th Indiana battery for a little more than three years. At tim es he has served as justice of the peace. After the death of his first wif e, he was married to Rosa Jones. Mr Pruitt's paternal grandfather was Pleasant Pruitt, who was a native of Pennsylvania and a pioneer in Carroll County. He and his wife, also a native of Pennsylvania, spent much of their t ime, however, in Howard County, being farmers by occupation. The grandfath er died in Flora Indiana at the age of seventy-two years; his wife died ea rly in life. William A was the only child born to this marriage. After t he death of his first wife, Pleasant Pruitt married again and by the second marriage had three sons, Sampson, Harry and Joseph. Mr Pruitt's matern al grandparents were natives of ohio and pioneers in Burlington Township, Carroll County, Indiana. Their children included, Elizabeth J Leeka, of Fairmont, Illinois; Sarah Aylsworth, William R Timmons, Ezekiel Joh n, Maria A Pruitt and Cyrus Timmons. Born on the little farm of forty acres owned by his father near the town of Darwin, Edward E Priott moved with his parents into the town of Darwin, where the father ran a small store for a time. Later the father took up auctioneering. Edward E Pruitt grew to manhood in Darwin attending the country schools at Burlington. He ta ught school for seven years and during the last four years in the school room, studied law preparatory to attending law school. Subsequently, he was a student of law in the office of Odell & Ryan and graduated from the l aw department of Indiana University in 1893, but was admitted to the bar . ....
Brother of Grace LaPorte, Indiana Newspaper, Dated March 19, 1946. Edward died: March 18, 1946. JUDGE EDWARD E. PRUITT Word has been received here of the death of Edward E. Pruitt, former Carr oll County circuit court judge in a Lafayette hospital yesterday mornin g. Among survivors are a sister, Mrs. Grace Francis, and a niece, Mrs. Ha rry Canfield, both of LaPorte. Funeral services will be held Thursday aft ernoon at Flora, Indiana.
More Pruitt ancestry at www.gencircles,com
Groom's Name �tab�Frank William Whitmeyer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�Jun 1880
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Roann, Ind.
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Lilian Ubelhauser
Bride's Birth Date �tab�20 Apr 1881
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Cass Co., Ind.
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�03 Jul 1928
Marriage Place �tab�Fulton County, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Aaron Whitmare
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Nancy Whittle
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Henry Wirwake
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Darkness Earl
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00461-4
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1871214
Reference Number �tab�p431
Improved Order of Red Men
Minisee Council No 66 meets Wednesday evenings. Mrs Lillie Evilsizer, Prophetess
**Note: In the 1880 Cass Co, Logansport Census, next dor to Conrad and Sar ah are her parents, james and Ellen Goring. Next to them is Henry WEIGA ND age 52 b Germany. Wiegand age 36 arriving in 1865 would fit with Wiega nd in Census age 52. The immigration record however indicates it was a Wie gand Uebelshausen, though.
Name: Conrad Evilsizer Date: Apr 10, 1913 Location: Logansport Age: 54 yr Gender: Male Race: W Source location: City Health Office, Logansport Source notes: The source of this record is the book CH-4 on page 8 with in the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Probably named after: Adoniram Judson an American Baptist missionary, who served in Burma for almost forty years.
1. Blue brothers John Kirk Blue and Adoniram Blue married probably Allison sisters, Phobe Jane Allison and Mary Ophelia Allison.
2. Location 1840-1850 in Champaign Co OH
I would really enjoy hearing from you and maybe sorting this out. I'd started the research on Andy's family to provide my granddaughter (they have a child together), Gabriella, a family history. However, it's not been all that easy as the Painters aren't real talkative about their family history, other than the information that they are Jewish. I have no idea which side this Jewish connection is coming from either. I have tested Andy's DNA at Family Tree to see if it is Ashkenazie and it isn't from what I see. Maybe you could tell me if Martha, August's mother, was the Jewish connection for the Painter boys. And who exactly is Martha's father and mother? So many questions with very few answers. So, I'm really hoping we can help each other.
Judy Riley
[email protected] (8/2014)
Conflicting information on the arrival of this person. Germans to America, 1850-1874
Ebelsheimer, Conrad Age : 28 Country of Origin : Bavaria Arrival Date : May 27, 1857 Final Destination : United States Port of Embarkation : Havre Ship's Name : Progress Occupation : Farmer Gender : Male Captain's Name : Enoch Chase Purpose for Travel : Staying in the USA Mode of Travel : Steerage Manifest ID Number : 00008924
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild SS Wieland Hamburg and Havre to New York October 4, 1876 DISTRICT OF NEW YORK -- PORT OF NEW YORK I, C. Hebich Master of the German S.S. Wieland do solemnly, sincerely a nd truly affirm that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, a nd now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection D istrict of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the passengers tak en on board of the said vessel at Hamburg Gy. to Havre France from which p ort said vessel has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designat ed the age, the sex, and the occupation of each of said passengers, the pa rt of the vessel occupied by each during the passage, the country to whi ch each belongs, and also the country of which it is intended by each to b ecome an inhabitant; and that said List or Manifest truly sets forth the n umber of said passengers who have died on said voyage, and the names and a ges of those who died. Sworn to this Oct. 4. 1876, before me: unreadable s ignature. So help me God. C. Hebich (signature) List or Manifest of all the passengers taken on board the German S.S. Wiel and whereof ? C???? Hebich is Master, from Hamburg burthen 2267 46/100 ton s. Columns represent: No., Names., Age - Years./Months., Sex., Occupation., T he country to which they severally belong.
Conrad Ebelsheimer 48 male single U. St.
One of her daughters must have married a Hickman, as in 1910 census, livi ng w Elizabeth is a grandson age 17 IN IN IN, Victor Hickman
Date: �tab�19 Aug 1915
Location: �tab�Logansport
Age: �tab�84 Yr
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Source Location: �tab�City Health Office, Logansport
Source Notes: �tab�The source of this record is the book CH-4 on page 65 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Name: Dorothy M. Satterfield SSN: 520-60-8270 Last Residence: 82009 Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyoming Born: 27 Feb 1915 Died: 9 Jul 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Wyoming (1966 )
Cheyenne Tribune Eagle 7/18/2006 Dorothy May Satterfield, 91, of Cheyenne died July 9 at Cheyenne Health Ca re Center. She was born Feb. 27, 1915, in Logansport, Ind., and had liv ed in Wyoming for 56 years. Mrs. Satterfield was a member of the Daughte rs of the Nile, Tamah Egyptians and was a past Matron of the Eastern St ar Vespa Chapter 19 in Thermopolis. She was served sacraments at home by S t. Christopher's Episcopal Church. Mrs. Satterfield was an avid dancer a nd choreographer and taught for many years. She is survived by her daughte r, Connie Calkins of Cheyenne; a son, Charles G. Satterfield of Mammoth La kes, Calif.; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. She was pre ceded in death by her husband James L. Satterfield, whom she married Sep t. 1, 1935, in Thermopolis; her parents, Conrad and Glyda Evilsizer; and o ne brother, George Evilsizer. Cremation has taken place at Cheyenne Memori al Gardens under the direction of Wiederspahn-Radomsky Chapel of the Chime s. Friends may contribute to the Shriners Hospitals or St. Christopher's E piscopal Church.
WWI Draft Registration 9/12/1918 Cass Co, Logansport, IN Chaarles David Evilsizer lives on Old Market St in Logansport. age 35 Born 10/22/1883 Carpet Salesman, Seybold Dry Goods Co. Nearest Relative, Mrs Levi Powell, 1901 George Logansport, IN Med Heigth, Small Build, BLue Eyes, Brown Hair, no defects
Name: Evilsizer, Doris O Father: Charles Mother: Froda May Best County: Cass Gender: F Birth Date: 13 Jun 1920 Reference: Cass County, Indiana Index to Birth Record 1882 - 1920 Inclusive Letters A - Z Inclusive Book: CH-7 Page: 41
Date: June 30, 1920 Location: Indiana Paper: Fort Wayne News Sentinel
Infant Daughter Dies Logansport In June 30th-
Doris Evilsizer, 14 day old daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Evilsizer died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock at their home at 1307 1/2 Broadway. The funeral will be held at 4 o'clock today from the residence.
Death Date: �tab�10 Oct 1944
Death Place: �tab�Patterson Field, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�02 Oct 1891
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Oh
Death Age: �tab�53 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Office Clerk
Residence: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, OH
Burial Date: �tab�13 Oct 1944
Burial Place: �tab�Dayton, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�Calvary
Spouse's Name: �tab�Helen Kerntz Parlette
Father's Name: �tab�George W Parlette
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Tremont, Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Downey
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Tyrone, Ire
Film Number: �tab�2032407
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4057841
Image Number: �tab�1840
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 63758
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�AUGLAIZE, OHIO
Birth Date: �tab�29 Sep 1900
Birthplace: �tab�Santa Fe
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Geo. W. Idle
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Ella Bailey
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00035-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0963053
Reference Number: �tab�P125 Rn1
Death Date: �tab�05 Jul 1930
Death Place: �tab�Rush, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 May 1861
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Wayne Twp., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�69 years 1 month 22 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�House Work, At Home
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�07 Jul 1930
Burial Place: �tab�Champaign Co.
Cemetery Name: �tab�Treaclea Creek
Spouse's Name: �tab�M. E. Hinton
Father's Name: �tab�William Middleton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Brown Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Esta Guthridge
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992172
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4000547
Image Number: �tab�949
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 40235
Birth Date: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Age: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Sarah Ballenger
Spouse's Birth Date: �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Event Date: �tab�16 Jul 1876
Event Place: �tab�Nodaway,Missouri
Sarah Died prior to 1880. John widower in 1880 with parents
"John Ebelsheiser, Sr. was born in Waldeck, Porttenhauser, Germany, March 18, 1827. He was the son of Jacob Ebelsheiser. When he was seven years of age, his mother died, leaving him, with one half brother and one half sister. At the age of 18 years he left the Fatherland and came to America, ( New York , 4/23/1855 on the "Confederation" )settling in Pennsylvania for one year, then going to Ohio, where he remained for seven years. He then came to Iowa, locating on a farm two miles north of Hedrick. Later he purchased his home, south of Hedrick, where he had been living for 40 years.
In 1858 he was married to Mrs. Caroline Lowenberg Kling (from Rodenbach, Gelheim, Bavaria, Germany) and to them were born nine children. William, Marie (Mrs W.G. Lanz), Phoebe (Mrs J.W. Porter), Susan (Mrs. William Stewart/ step daughter) all of Hedrick, and John, of Kingsley, were present at the funeral. Two children died in infancy, and two daughters, Carolina and Jennie, have also preceded their Father to the better land. Mrs Ebelsheiser died in 1892.
....Mr. Ebelsheiser was one of the pioneers of this part of the country and was well and favorably known by all his fellowmen and neighbors."
1860 Census is a Susan Evilsizer age 8 born in Prussia. Relationship not known. Could be the Susan Kline age 16 in the 1870 census also enumerated with the family.
Edwardsville Intelligencer Edwardsville Illinois 21 January 1924 The following pleaded guilty to charges of possessing intoxicating liqu or and were fined $100 each and costs.....Bart Evilsizer
WWI Draft Registration Card 9/12/1918 Washington Co, Nashville, ILL Edward Bartling Evilsizer age 18 born 9/24/1899 living in DuBois, IL Coal Miner- cant read company Kin Matilda Evilsizer Med Height Med Build Brown eyes, Brown Hair no defects
Chapel Hill Cemetery records indicate Ruth is buried there. Her son sa ys he had her cremated and is on a shelf in his basement. He also sa id he had always meant to take her ashes down to where my grandpa is buri ed but just never seemed to get it done.
SSN:�/b�559-30-6103 �b�
Last Residence:�/b�91910 Chula Vista, San Diego, California, United States of America�b�
Born:�/b�5 Dec 1920�b� Died:�/b�31 Aug 2003�b�
State (Year) SSN issued:�/b�California (Before 1951 )
Theory # 2 There was a Nicholas Evilsizer who served in the Rev War and deserted to t he enemy in Oct 1777. Being a deserter would explain not being found in t he Census. Adam was born around this time, as his first child was born c 1 797.
Theory# 3 On the 1779 Tax List in Berks Co, PA was a John Eisenhammer
All three of this man's children were born in Pennsylvania, migrated to Rockingham and Augusta Co.VA, then migrated to Indiana.
Jacob's children who also migrated to Indiana were Sarah & Peter Hartsook, Anna Margaret & Elias Huff, and Elizabeth & Reese Allstadt. Joshua al so went to Indiana, but much further north in Morgan Co.
Family outline July 2000 sent from Pat Bowers, and Engleman descendant, living in 2000 in Long Beach CA names this father as Thomas 1759-1811. Unsure of her sourcing.
Birth Date: �tab�Mar 1866
Birth Place: �tab�Hardy, West Virginia
Sex: �tab�Female
Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Snarr
Mother's Age: �tab�
Mother's Birth Place: �tab�
Father: �tab�Philip H Snarr
Birth Date: �tab�2 May 1882
Birth Place: �tab�Hardy, West Virginia
Sex: �tab�Female
Mother: �tab�Annie L Snarr
Mother's Age: �tab�
Mother's Birth Place: �tab�
Father: �tab�John W. Snarr
Father's Age: �tab�
Father's Birth Place: �tab�
Maternal Grandmother: �tab�
Maternal Grandfather: �tab�
Paternal Grandmother: �tab�
Paternal Grandfather:
Sex: �tab�Female
Death Date: �tab�12 Jul 1882
Death Place: �tab�Hardy Co., West Virginia
Age at Death: �tab�2m 10d
Burial Place: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�
Funeral Home: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�
Birth Place: �tab�Hardy
Marital Status: �tab�S
Spouse: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�None
Address: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Annie S/Snarr
Mother's Birth Place: �tab�
Father: �tab�John W/Snarr
Father's Birth Place:
Phillip Engleman could have been born in 1752 in York Co.,VA, baptiz ed in Christ Church,York PA in 1752. He could be the Phillip who was confi rmed in Straus berg, VA. In 1772 Strasburg, Va, 28 Oct, the following we re confirmed, and 29 Oct Dou. 18p Trinitatis were first admitted to Holy C ommunion: 1. Phillip Engelmann 19 years Catharina Englemannin 15 years
From August County History 1865-1950 by Richard K MacMaster- Augusta County Historical Society >p17 "In 1787 Frederick Hangar and Phillip Engleman helped obtain a licen se to celebrate marriages for Adolph Spindler, the first resident Luther an pastor in Augusta County. Hangar and his neighbors had built a log meet ing house in 1785 for the use of Lutherans and Reformed, near the prese nt St. John's United Church of Christ, Middlebrook. The records of this co ngregation began in 1779."
From Chalkey's Chronicles of The Scoth and Irish 1788 (451) Philip Ingleman is appointed guardian of Samuel Laywell and Peter La ywell, orphans of Andrew Laywell deceased. 6/19/1793 (296) Philip Ingleman is appointed guardian to Hannah Laywell, orphan of A ndrew Laywell, deceased. 1/21/1794 (44) John McClintock, orphan of John McClintock, chose Philip Ingleman gua rdian
In 1983, Jewel Engleman Tyler shared with the Society a list of names of E ngleman generations written the 25th of March 1892 by Lewis Engleman .( 1) This account, while not completely accurate, has been a treasure tro ve for those of us researching the Engleman family. Each of the six sons was named with his spouse and many of his children a nd grandchildren. Lewis named the six daughters of Philip and Nancy Anna S illings Engleman, who each daughter married, and stated he would not li st anything more concerning the daughters. In Philip Engleman's will, written in 1825 and probated in 1826, daught er Susanna was mentioned as an heir.(2) Lewis Engleman had listed Susan na as married to a "Mr. Spitten". For many years we could not find a Spitt en family in Indiana. While reviewing the Harrison County probate records of William Englema n, we found that two notes, each for $5.00, were paid to Adam Spitten. O ne was dated September 6, 1822 and the other dated January 12, 1823.(3) Wh ile this information at least ~ve usa complete name, we still could not fi nd an Adam Spitten in Indiana. In July 2000, while in Augusta County, Virginia for a church reunion, we f ound a Spider family. This led to the research of records at the Augusta C ounty courthouse. We found the marriage of Adam Spider to Susanna Englem an April 1, 1805.(4) Philip Engleman and Adam Spider, bachelor, had sign ed the bond. Searching further we found that Adam Spider, the son ofJac ob and Catherina Spittler, was, born October 16, 1778, in Bethel Townshi p, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.( 5) Adam purchased, for $600.00, 196 ac res of land in Augusta Co., Virginia on December 24, 1805.6 He and Susan na sold this land for $750.00 on March 1, 1806.(7) We next find Adam Spid er and family in the 1820 Meade County, Kentucky census.(8) We could not f ind the family in either the 1810 Virginia or Kentucky census. In 1820, bo th Adam and Susanna were listed as between 2&-45, one son under 10, and t wo daughters under 10. By September 24, 1824, we find the family in New Albany, Indiana. Adam pur chased a house on Lower High Street from Isaac Scribner.(9) It appears th at things did not go well for the family as the home was sold, by the sher iff, September 28, 1828. (10) There are other court records concerning b ad debts. The New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana 1830 census listed the family as Ad am and wife being over 45, two sons, 15-20, one son 10-15, two sons und er 5, one daughter 15-20, two daughters, 5-10 (2 adUlts and 8 children) .( II) Later records for Adam and Susanna have not been found. Records are found in Floyd County for Martin,]ohn, Anna E. and Franc es A. Spider. Proof is needed that these are the children of Adam and Susa nna Engleman Spider. By 1850, records in Newton and Jasper counties of Ind iana list Spider names. Are these related? Any information on these famili es will be appreciated.
I Southern Indiana Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. IV, #4, October 19 83, pp. 1110-1111. 2 Floyd County, Indiana Will Book B, p. 114. 3 Harrison County, Indiana Probate Box #23, William Engleman, deceased, Ab raham Engleman, Administrator. 4 Augusta County, Virginia Marriage Book, Vol. 10, 1804-1808, #05-20 5 Duetche Bethel Moravian Church Records, Bethel Township, Lancaster, Penn sylvania. 6 Augusta County, VIrginia Deed Book 33, pp. 283-284. 7 Augusta County, Virginia Deed Book 33, p. 377. 8 Meade County, Kentucky 1820 Census, p. 84. 9 Floyd County, Indiana Deed Book B, p. 426. 10 Floyd County, Indiana Deed Book C, pp. 496497. 11 Floyd County, Indiana 1830 Census, New Albany Township, p. 330.
She not found after 1910 census
Clinton born 12/3/1884 Champaign Co, OH
Died of injuries sustained in a fall from scaffolding .
Death Date: �tab�16 Jun 1922
Death Place: �tab�Adams, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�18 Oct 1851
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�71 years 7 months 28 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�18 Jun 1922
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Rosedale
Spouse's Name: �tab�Solomon Brandyberry
Father's Name: �tab�Benjamin Evans
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�May Dealay
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992025
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4025277
Image Number: �tab�572
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 31931
Nashville News Oct 12, 1967 Daisy E Rice, 85, of Coulterville, formerly of Nashville, passed away O ct 1 at Mt Vernon. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs Edna Bassit te of St Michael, PA; a son, Gene Rice of Coulterville; eight grandchildre n; two sisters-in-law, Mrs Ella Evilsizer of Odin and Mrs Laura Hugh es of Centralia. Both formerly of Nashville. Funeral services were held We dnesday Oct 4 at the Howard and Wilson funeral home and interment was in C oulterville Cemetery. Mrs Minnie Hampston of here called at the funeral ho me Tuesday night and Mrs Laura Hughes, Mrs Ella Evilsizer and daughter, M rs Russell Williams attended the last rites
This family connection also researched by Loni Fink [email protected]
WWI Draft Registration 9/12/1917Signed in Floyd Co, IN Ottie Virgil Eblesisor age 42 - 1201 Marie, New Albany, IN Born 8/3/1876 Occ- Garage, self- Vincennes and Spring Rd, New Albanay, IN Wife Gracie, Medium Height, Medium Build, Blue eyes, Brown Hari
Death Date: �tab�11 Nov 1931
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�18 Feb 1902
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1902
Birthplace: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�29 years 8 months 23 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�1241 Dayton Ave
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�13 Nov 1931
Burial Place: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Joseph Yike
Father's Name: �tab�Frank Wilson
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Susan Belle Callison
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992478
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4000608
Image Number: �tab�2286
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 69006
Volume #5508, Certificate #67427
This family line from the German IGI-Morman Library
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�03 Aug 1914
Event Place: �tab�Henry, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Krause
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Jennie Karnes
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ruth R. Michael
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Spouse's Father: �tab�Frank P. Michael
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Minnie Rawlings
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v 12 p 96 cn 3191
Film Number: �tab�423624
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016740
Image Number: �tab�379
Titles & Terms �tab�
Death Date �tab�12 Feb 1920
Death Place �tab�Myton, Duchesne, Utah
Birthdate �tab�
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�
Death Age �tab�
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Chas. Wellard Evelsizer
Father's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Ella Dalton
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Film Number �tab�2229973
Digital GS Number �tab�4122522
Image Number �tab�1197
Certificate Number �tab�8
Name �tab�Charles Willard Evelsizer
Date of Death �tab�02 May 1921
Place of Death �tab�Myton, Duchesne, Utah
Date of Birth �tab�13 Apr 1872
Place of Birth �tab�Indiana
Cemetery �tab�City
Place of Burial �tab�Myton, Duchesne, Utah
Military Unit �tab�Btry M 5th U S Arty
Branch of Service �tab�Army
War �tab�Spanish - American War
GSU Film Number �tab�485489
DGS Number �tab�4236472
Image Number �tab�00627
Myton Cemetery
Duchesne County
Utah, USA
Plot: A9.5_6_6
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: David D Evelsizer Birth Year: 1918 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Utah State: California County or City: Los Angeles Enlistment Date: 3 Mar 1941 Enlistment State: California Enlistment City: Los Angeles Branch: Quartermaster Corps Branch Code: Quartermaster Corps Grade: Corporal Grade Code: Corporal Component: National Guard (Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Me Source: National Guard Education: 2 years of college Civil Occupation: Projectionist, Motion Picture or Stenographer or Teletyp ewriter Operator or Typist or Court Reporter or Stenotype Operator or Cler k-Typist Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 69 Weight: 146
�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 03/14/1918
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 12/19/1942
�tab�1300 SNEATH LANE SAN BRUNO, CA 94066
�tab�(650) 589-7737
Dushene Co, Myton UT 10/12/1920
Chalres Willard Evelsizer
Boy, babe, lived 1 hour. Injury at birth.
Father Charles Willard Evelsizer born IN
Mother Ella Dalton born Parowan, UT
Informant Ella Dalton Evelsizer.
Burial 2/13/1920 Myton UT
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�17 Jul 1897
Death Place: �tab�Upper Sandusky, Wyandot, Ohio
Age: �tab�68
Birth Date: �tab�1829
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., O.
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07109-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�905940
Reference Number: �tab�v 1891-1901 p 78
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Jul 1901
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1878
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Charles Hines
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Miller
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Sarah Jane Cox
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Spouse's Father: �tab�George W. Cox
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Christina Branstetter
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�M567
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�608
Catherine Hines (1902 - 1902)*
Franklin E Hines (1903 - 1904)*
Charles Henry Hines (1909 - 1909)*
Harold R Hines (1910 - 1910)*
Death Date: �tab�30 Jul 1972
Death Place: �tab�Clifton, Bosque, Texas
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�white
Death Age: �tab�51 years
Estimated Birth Date: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jul 1921
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Cost
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Francis
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired Supervisor
Place of Residence: �tab�Valley Mills, Bosque, Texas
Cemetery: �tab�Combs Cemetery
Burial Place: �tab�Harlingen, Texas
Burial Date: �tab�02 Aug 1972
Additional Relatives: �tab�X
Film Number: �tab�2223925
Digital Film Number: �tab�4169219
Image Number: �tab�1558
Reference Number: �tab�cn 56596
Name: �tab�Verna E Inskeep
Birth Date: �tab�1898
Birth State: �tab�Pennsylvania
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Youngstown
Residence County: �tab�Mahoning
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�19 Apr 1981
Hospital of Death: �tab�St Elizabeth Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Youngstown
County of Death: �tab�Mahoning
Certificate: �tab�029231
Age at Death: �tab�83
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�291-44-2970
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Census Tract: �tab�8028
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 Apr 1914
Event Place: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Age: �tab�64
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1850
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Daniel Vermillion
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Eliza Zumbro
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ella C. Hess
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�46
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1868
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Hess
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Christena Barr
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�pg420 cn832
Film Number: �tab�534841
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4260459
Image Number: �tab�301
Death Date: �tab�17 Dec 1936
Death Place: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�01 Jan 1868
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Lancaster Co., Pa.
Death Age: �tab�68 years 11 months 16 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�DeGraff, Logan Co., Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�20 Dec 1936
Burial Place: �tab�Degraff, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�John Vermillion
Father's Name: �tab�John Hess
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Lancaster Co., Pa.
Mother's Name: �tab�Christine B..Wer
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Lancaster Co., Pa.
Film Number: �tab�2022736
Death Date: �tab�18 Apr 1939
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�14 Aug 1873
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co, Oh
Death Age: �tab�65 years 8 months 4 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�92 Linwood
Occupation: �tab�Maintenance Man
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�20 Apr 1939
Burial Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Newton Hess
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Hanna Brabson
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�, Logan Co, Oh
Death Date: �tab�06 Oct 1933
Death Place: �tab�Harrison Twp., Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�08 Nov 1849
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Lancaster Co Pa
Death Age: �tab�83 years 9 months 28 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�Logan Co Home
Occupation: �tab�House Wife
Residence: �tab�Harrison, Logan, OH
Burial Date: �tab�08 Oct 1933
Burial Place: �tab�Logan Township Harrison Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�Degraff Cemeteru
Spouse's Name: �tab�Newton W Hess
Father's Name: �tab�Wm F Brabson
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Mother's Name: �tab�. Eckman
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Unable to find the 1850 Census Info again. Found in a trip to the libra ry years ago and did not record the page number. Checked every spelli ng of Dorsch possible.
1835-Trustees, Henry Fairchild, Sylvanus Smith, William Milligan; Clerk, O ziel Lapham; Treasurer, Bela Kimball, Justices, Guy Gary, William Audas.
1836-Trustees, Henry Fairchild, Sylvanus Smith, Stephen Spain; Clerk, Ozi el Lapham ; Treasurer, Bela Kimball
1837-Trustees, Elba Burnham, William Milligan, David H. Hall; Clerk, Isa ac W. Marsh; Treasurer, Bela Kimball; Justice, Ira C. Johnson.
BELA KIMBALL (deceased). The subject of this memoir was born in the year 1 799. He was a son of Andrew and Abigail Kimball, who were among the ear ly settlers in this township, locating in the year 1817. Bela Kimball w as married to Elects Franklin, by whom he had nine children, five of wh om are living, viz., Olive, Harvey, Clarissa, Milo and Estella. The deceas ed are Andrew A., Herman, Fanny and Laura. Mr. K. first located on la nd on the east side of the township, where he lived until 1850, when he er ected a dwelling further west from the first place of residence, in whi ch he lived till his decease. He departed this life Sept. 30, 1878, in h is 80th year. Elects, his wife, departed this life July 19, 1861, ag ed 57 years and 1 month. Mrs. Kimball's parents were born in Vermont, whe re they died when she was quite young. Andrew Kimball died at the a ge of 70 years; Abigail, his wife, in the 89th year of her age.
Children Olive Kimball b: in Union Co., Ohio Harvey Kimball Estella Kimball Laura M. Kimball Clarissa Kimball Herman Kimball Fanny Kimball Andrew A. Kimball Sarah Kimball Milo Kimball b: 1835
1850 Census living in the household are his parents, Abisha age 81 b VT a nd Sabrina 54 b VT
There is some speculation that John P Sanders may be John Price Sanders, s ince the birthdays, ages, and middle initial are all strangly conincidenta l. A bio was found of Lewis Sanders and Margaret Price in Franklin c o, KY and it mentions son John P never married. Lewis is a descenda nt of the famous Capt Nathaniel Sanders. (See file at www.gencircles for a ncestry of John Price Sanders)In 1850 Green Co, AR, St Francis Twp was a D avid Sanders 33 b KY, possibly brother. Wife Mary, 38, Children Franc is 6, Sarah 4, Moses,2. Next Door was a Moses age 53 b Geo and wife Goo la 53 b NC. Children Walter, 18, Peter, 15 and Francies 13 b in NC, Thom as 11 and Sarah 8 b AR. Would think this Moses to be father of David, a nd possible father to John. Moses info appears on Ancestry WFT
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1850
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Michigan
Groom's Age: �tab�58
Bride's Name: �tab�Florence Huffman
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1854
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., O.
Bride's Age: �tab�54
Marriage Date: �tab�11 Apr 1908
Marriage Place: �tab�Darke, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Nelson Smith
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Harriett Russel
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Huffman
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Hester Goudy
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary Elizabeth Ronk
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1895
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Wheeling W Va
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�05 Dec 1915
Marriage Place: �tab�Marion County Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�David S Humes
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Manerva Kister
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Sidney R Ronk
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Rose Mckee
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Kenark Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Bertha Loemma Hultz
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1890
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Kankakee Ill
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Nov 1914
Marriage Place: �tab�Marion County Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�David Humes
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Minerva Cester
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George Hultz
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Christina Houk
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86883-7
about Reson Daniel Evensizer
Name: �tab�Reson Daniel Evensizer
Death Date: �tab�11 Sep 1923
Death County: �tab�Olmsted
State File Number: �tab�010405
Certificate Number: �tab�010405
Certificate Year: �tab�1923
Record Number: �tab�386125
Necrology-North Dakota
Vol 3 May 30, 1923-July 7 1924
State Historical Society of North Dakotaaaaaa
Evensizer, R. D. Cando Record
Another old Civil War Veteran has passed on. R D Evensizer has heard the last assembly and has answered to his name at the last roll call, joining his comrades by whose side he fought in 1864. Word was received in Cando Tuesday of his death at St Mary's Hospital at Rochester, Minnesota. The body arrived in Cando Wednesday.The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at two o'clock from the Methodist Church, and will be in charge of the local post of the American Legion. Interment will be made in the IOOF Cemetery. R D Evansizer was born April 19, 1848, near Troy, Ohio and died Sept 11, 1923. He was married August 20, 1873 to Catherine McDonnell, and moved to the state of Nebraska in 1884. They made their home there for eleven years, coming to Cando, North Dakota in 1895. He took up a homestead 8 miles north of Cando and the family lived there for 17 years, after which time they moved to Cando, where he has resided until the time of his death.
He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the G.A.R.. In 1864, when sixteen years of age, he enlisted in Co G, the 196th Ohio Voluteer Infantry, with which organization he served until the close of the war. Mr Evensizer leaves to mourn his departure, his wife, two sons, Charles and Walter, one daughter, Mrs Grace Bobst of DuBois Nebraska, and one sister, Mrs J M russell of Cando, besides fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. The entire community join with the bereaved in their time of sorrow.
6/14/1860 Clark Co, Enon, OH Mad River PO
Henry Rynearson, 21, OH
Ann, 19 OH
William 2 OH
Marion 5m OH
6/9/1870 Whitley Co, Cleveland, OH
Henry B Rynearson 32 OH
Anna 29 OH
William A 12 OH
Francis M 10 OH
Mary E 8 OH
Laura Bell 6 IN
Charles E 4 IN
Alnozo 8m IN
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�23 Nov 1882
Birthplace �tab�Lost Creek, Miami, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Daniel Evilsizer (incorrectly names grandparents)
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Dye
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C00756-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�549805
Reference Number �tab�v 2 p 55
ND Land Records EVENSIZER REASON P 05 159 N 067 W 013 160a 2511 01 PA 3776 02/27/1901 EVENSIZER DANIEL 05 159 N 067 W 013 160 2511 01 PA 3954 02/27/1901
Death Date: �tab�16 Apr 1947
Death Place: �tab�Bath Twp, Allen, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�14 Nov 1883
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Bellefontaine, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�63 years 5 months 1 day
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�M. W. Hurst
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Elmira J Blair
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372926
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4076105
Image Number: �tab�02573
Certificate Number: �tab�21420
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�22 Apr 1913
Event Place: �tab�Hardin County, Ohio
Age: �tab�41
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1872
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Martin W. Hurst
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Almira J. Blair
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Jessie Maple Hall
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�40
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1873
Spouse's Father: �tab�Thomas N. Maple
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Anna Sorgen
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 366
Film Number: �tab�1299101
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017486
Image Number: �tab�221
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival 1. Katharine Eibelshauser Hochstadt, Germany 1924 25
German, Arrived 10/21/1924 age 25, single, port of Dep- Bremen, germany Residenc e, Hockstadt, germany Ship Muenchen Built for North German Lloyd, German flag, in 1922 and named . Bremerhaven -New York service. Burned and sank on February 11, 1930; refloated and ret urned to Germany. Renamed General Von Stuben in 1930. Renamed STEUBEN in 1 938. Torpedoed and sunk by a Soviet submarine in the Baltic on February 1 0, 1945. [995]
1930 Essex Co, Newark, NJ film light and hard to read George? Balke? 53 Kate, wife, 31 Erwin, son, 15 Theodore Eibelshauser, 30 widower, Verna, niece, 5 Catherine? niece 3y1m
CD# 356-Germans to America Passenger's Name: Jac. Ebelshauser Age: 30 Gender: Male Occupation: Farmer Last Residence: Bavaria Date of Arrival: May 04, 1881 Final Destination: USA Ship's Name: Lessing Manifest ID Number: 36050 Port of Embarkation: Hamburg & Havre
Passenger's Name: Kath. Ebelsheimer Age: 23 Gender: Female Occupation: Servant Last Residence: Germany Date of Arrival: Jul. 14, 1881 Final Destination: USA Ship's Name: Ohio Manifest ID Number: 36148 Port of Embarkation: Bremen
Published in The Plain Dealer from Dec. 17 to Dec. 18, 2013
WALASZEK GERALDINE M. WALASZEK (nee Smith), age 90. Beloved wife of Robert M. (deceased); loving mother of JoAnn Majernik (Jim), Sue M. Walaszek (Janice), Robert W. Walaszek (Joyce) and Christine Evilsizer (Bob); dear grandmother of Jimmy and Justin Majernik, Kathleen, Mark, Sherry and Michael Evilsizer and Jason Walaszek; great-grandmother of six. Funeral Services Thursday, Dec. 19, 2013 at THE MALLCHOK FUNERAL HOME, 5660 RIDGE RD., PARMA, OH at 10 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. FAMILY WILL RECEIVE FRIENDS AT THE FUNERAL HOME WEDNESDAY 3-7 P.M. Family suggests memorial contributions to The Wounded Warrior Project, P.O. Box 758517, Topeka, KS 66675. www.cleveland.com/obits
Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953 about James Alfred Board
Name: �tab�James Alfred Board
Death Date: �tab�9 Aug 1915
Death Location: �tab�Marion
Age: �tab�64
Gender: �tab�Male
Ethnicity: �tab�White
Birth Date: �tab�28 Mar 1851
Birth Location: �tab�Kentucky
Father's Name: �tab�Ben Board
Father's Birth Location: �tab�Kentucky
Mother's Name: �tab�Sallie Burdett
Mother's Birth Location: �tab�Kentucky
..Married Geroge Harty Payne March 18, 1929 of Caldwell County. Had three children, William Jessie born 5/16/1930 Not married living at Claxton, Rosie and James. James Edward Payen born 8/12/1935 married Betty Lou Brewer of Caldwell born 9/8/1939 dau of Frank and Elcy Brewer. Bought his father's place on Hwy 62, after the house burned. Living there still. Four children: Rhonda, Sharon, Michael and Gary. ROsie Mae Payne bonr 8/11/1932 on Sugar Creek. Raised on the old Board Place near Flat Rock Church, until the age of ten. Two years after her mothers death, her father bought a piece of land on Hwy 62 just over the first mile hill and built a house. She finished eighth grade at Lerwistwon School. Married Glenn Harold Chronister from Fisk, Mo Butler Co July 1953. Bought land from her grandfather, Major Payne in 1957 at the McGowan Station in Caldwell, living there still. Two girls, Suzette and Gloria
Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953 about Mary Elizabeth Payne
Name: �tab�Mary Elizabeth Payne
[Mary Elizabeth Board]
Death Date: �tab�23 Sep 1940
Death Location: �tab�Caldwell
Age: �tab�28
Gender: �tab�Female
Ethnicity: �tab�White
Birth Date: �tab�24 Jun 1912
Birth Location: �tab�Caldwell, Kentucky
Spouse's Name: �tab�Geo Payne
Father's Name: �tab�Ben Board
Father's Birth Location: �tab�Caldwell, Kentucky
Mother's Name: �tab�Dora Nuchols
Mother's Birth Location: �tab�Crittenden, Kentucky
COD Internal injuries to chest. Struck by truck which turned over on her and pinned her beneath it.
Burial Perry Cem 9/25/1940
IGI Records says this child born to Reason D Evilsizer and Sarah E Carey
relationship unknown. Birth record names surname Evensizer. Death record names surname as Carey. ( common if out of wedlock)
Name �tab�Sarah E. Evilsisor
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�10 Oct 1873
Birthplace �tab�Concord, Miami, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Reason Evilsisir
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Sarah E. Cary
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04050-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�549805
Reference Number �tab�v 1 p 140
Hiram enlisted Sept. 22, 1864 ranked as a Pvt. Claimed residence in Washi ngton, IN. Served Indiana Enlisted D Co.82nd Inf. Regiment. IN. Voluntee rs of Evansville, IN by Captain Hynes. Died at Savannah, GA on Jan. 15, 1 865� We don�t know the cause of his death or where he�s buried. My au nt said that he did die in a hospital.
I looked up January 15, 1865 on the search web and found out that a maj or battle took place that day at Ft. Fisher, NC. There were Indiana troo ps in that battle. So that�s all I know about that so far.
The Civil War Pension Index lists Elizabeth Boyles as his widow and a Min or Andrew J. Boyles. There were actually 3 other children. Laura, Kathe rine, Andrew and Hiram. Elizabeth later married a man with the last na me of Qualls. Andrew told my great-aunt (he was her father) that Elizabe th is buried in Lettsville Cemetary in Daviess Co.
At the time of Elizabeth�s death, Katherine was working in the home of a m an named Nathan Bastian Bruce. Mr. Bruce told Katherine that Andrew cou ld live with them. Just this week I found in the 1880 census that Hira m, Jr. was also living in the Bruce home. Under the Relation column Andr ew was listed as son and Hiram, Jr. was listed as other (in 1880 Andrew w as 18 and Hiram was 16) Hiram became the black sheep of the family. He fa thered an illigetimate son, and deserted from the standing army. Lat er he served time in the Ohio penitentiary for attempted robbery of a sta ge coach. Katherine married a man by the name of John L. Goodman and th ey had 3 daughters. Laura married a man with the last name of Farrel.
That is about all I know of Hiram, Sr. If you are interested about mo re of his family members let me know. This is brief as I�m not sure how m uch your interested in the extended family members. (Source ) Hiram Boyles was my g-g-grandfather but no one knew anything abo ut his family Joyce Mackey [email protected])
Drafted as a recruit of Company D, 82nd Regiment, Indiana volunteers at Ev ansville, IN on Sept. 22, 1864 by Capt. Hynes for a period of one year. H is war record states, "Age 30. Died at Savanna, GA" Cause of death unknown .
Hiram Boyles
Residence: Washington, Indiana Occupation:
Service Record:
Enlisted as a Private on 22 September 1864 Enlisted in Company D, 82nd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 22 September 1864 . Died Company D, 82nd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 15 January 1865 in Savan nah, GA
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�12 Jan 1933
Event Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Street Address: �tab�1220 W. North
Gender: �tab�Male
Death Age: �tab�23y 4m 2d
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race: �tab�white
Occupation: �tab�Office Clerk
Birth Date: �tab�10 Sep 1909
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1910
Burial Date: �tab�14 Jan 1933
Burial Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Cemetery: �tab�Ferncliff Cemetery
Father: �tab�Harry Rabey
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Mother: �tab�Elsie Circle
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 629
Film Number: �tab�1992775
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001869
Image Number: �tab�696
Name: �tab�Dorothy Jones
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�11 Apr 1936
Event Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�318 West Cecil St.
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�31y 8m 3d
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�Employed-....
Birth Date: �tab�08 Aug 1904
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1905
Burial Date: �tab�15 Apr 1936
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�Ferncliff Cem.
Father: �tab�Harry Rabey
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Mother: �tab�Elsie Circle
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Fremont City, Ohio
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 22615
Film Number: �tab�2022614
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4041664
Image Number: �tab�3180
Name: �tab�Delbert Leo Lones
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Oct 1927
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Birth Date: �tab�16 Apr 1904
Birthplace: �tab�Sabina, Ohio
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1904
Father: �tab�John Lones
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Harriet Nevvergoll
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Dorothy Rabey Sullivan
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�23
Spouse's Birth Date: �tab�08 Aug 1904
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Clark County, Ohio
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1904
Spouse's Father: �tab�Harry Rabey
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elzie Circle
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Clk, OHVol33CN 18378
Film Number: �tab�466638
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016778
Image Number: �tab�99
Name: �tab�Elsie B Rabey
Birth Date: �tab�1884
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�21 Nov 1974
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�081313
Age at Death: �tab�90
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
about Emma Fouts Deaton
Name: �tab�Emma Fouts Deaton
[Emma Fouts Fouts]
Social Security #: �tab�0
Sex: �tab�Female
Birth Date: �tab�17 Nov 1872
Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Death Date: �tab�15 Feb 1949
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Esbelsizer
Father's Surname: �tab�Fouts
about Archibald S Deaton
Name: �tab�Archibald S Deaton
Social Security #: �tab�0
Sex: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�19 Sep 1868
Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Death Date: �tab�6 Dec 1940
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Father's Surname: �tab�Deaton
about Paul A Deaton
Name: �tab�Paul A Deaton
Sex: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�18 Nov 1902
Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Death Date: �tab�15 May 1963
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Fouts
about Margaret F Trumbauer
Name: �tab�Margaret F Trumbauer
Sex: �tab�Female
Birth Date: �tab�2 Apr 1878
Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Death Date: �tab�12 May 1962
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Ebilsize
about Horace Greely Trumbauer
Name: �tab�Horace Greely Trumbauer
Social Security #: �tab�0
Sex: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�17 Oct 1871
Birthplace: �tab�Pennsylvania
Death Date: �tab�8 Sep 1949
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Bachman
Father's Surname: �tab�Trumbauer
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�26 Jan 1914
event place: �tab�Cardington Twp., Morrow, Ohio
residence: �tab�
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Female
death age: �tab�86Y 7D
marital status: �tab�
race: �tab�White
occupation: �tab�House keeping
birth date: �tab�09 Jan 1828
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1828
burial date: �tab�27 Jan 1914
burial place: �tab�Cardington O
cemetery: �tab�
father: �tab�Wm Curl
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
mother: �tab�M...Grel Arbog....
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Hrgima...
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 4790
film number: �tab�1953825
digital folder number: �tab�4021274
image number: �tab�2041
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8X9-X54 : accessed 31 Oct 2012),
Isabelle Jane Sellars, 1914; citing reference fn 4790, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�25 Sep 1912
event place: �tab�Cardington Twp, Morrow, Ohio
residence: �tab�
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�84y 10m 24d
marital status: �tab�
race: �tab�W
occupation: �tab�
birth date: �tab�01 Nov 1827
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1828
burial date: �tab�
burial place: �tab�
cemetery: �tab�
father: �tab�Jacob Sellars
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
mother: �tab�Effa Fluchey
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 52150
film number: �tab�1953478
digital folder number: �tab�4096402
image number: �tab�2099
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6XT-KM9 : accessed 31 Oct 2012), John Sellars, 1912; citing reference fn 52150, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
WILLIAM H. CURL, farmer and stock raiser; P. O., Cardington. This gentlem an was born in Clark Co., Ohio, Aug. 20, 1834; he is son of William and Ma rgaret (Arbogast) Curl; he remained at home, until about 20 years of ag e, when he began for himself. He was married to Miss Rebecca Johnston, Ap r. 27, 18-54; she was born in Morrow Co., Ohio, Feb. 2, 1832; she died M ay 7, 1864. The results of this union were four children-Perry N., Sara h, Lucena, and Lemuel. Mr. Curl was united in marriage with Miss Susanna S haw, Sept. 14, 1864; she was born in Morrow Co., Ohio, Feb. 4, 1841; fo ur children are the fruits of this union-Jonathan S. Willie H., Maggie 0 ., and Ellis R. Mr. Curl owns 215 acres of land, all un der a high sta te of cultivation. He has obtained all his property by bard work and clo se attention to business, and is in the fullest sense of the term, a self- made man. He is a Republican, and a member of the M. E. Church, and has he ld a great many positions of honor and trust in the township. He is o ne of Morrow county's most respected citizens.
Children �tab�Sex �tab�Birth
Sarah Curl �tab�F �tab� �tab� Edit
Perry Nelson Curl �tab�M �tab�30 Jan 1855 in [city], Marion, Ohio,
Lucena Lovenia Curl �tab�F �tab�abt 1857 in Cardington, Morrow, Ohio,
Lemuel Curl �tab�M �tab�abt 1858 in Cardington, Morrow, Ohio,
Spouse #2 Susannah Shaw
Born: 21 Feb 1841 in Cardingdon, Morrow, Ohio, USA
Died: 11 Jun 1920 in Cardingdon, Morrow, Ohio, USA �tab�
Marriage: 14 Sep 1864 in Morrow, [county], Ohio, USA �tab�
Children �tab�Sex �tab�Birth
Jonathan Shaw Curl �tab�M �tab�22 Mar 1866 �tab�
William H Curl �tab�M �tab�29 May 1868 in Cardingdon, Morrow, Ohio,
Margaret Ova Curl �tab�F �tab�25 Mar 1873 �tab�
Ray Ellis Curl �tab�M �tab�26 Nov 1879 in Cardingdon, Morrow, Ohio,
Troy Walters Curl �tab�M �tab�3 Sep 1881 in Cardingdon, Morrow, Ohio,
Stella Flossie Curl �tab�F �tab�21 Mar 1885 in Cardingdon, Morrow, Ohio,
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�18 Mar 1896
Death Place: �tab�Cardington, Marrow, Ohio
Age: �tab�66
Birth Date: �tab�1830
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., O.
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07048-7
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�388730
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 yrs 1880-1909 p 68
Obituary Rev Charles A Fouts was born in Harrison County, Indiana, on the 12th of M ay, 1868. Departed this life November 19, 1927. Age 59 years, six months a nd 7 days. The early part of his life was spent in the Southern part of t he state, where he worked as a laborer in factories and as a motorm an on a city car. Early in life he was united to Lena Vogel. To this uni on were born six children., Emma May deceased. Lena Fouts, the wife and mo ther passed away February 17, 1921. Rev Charles A Fouts was united in marr iage to Lillie E Oliver in Huntington, October 23, 1924. He leaves to mour n, a widow, five children; Arthur, James, David, Harry, and Hellen; two br others and four sisters, Jake Fouts of Greenville; Clarence Fouts , a half -brother of Oaktown; Mrs Eva Elliott of Chicago; Mrs Emma Daston and Mrs M argaret Traumbaurer of Los Angeles; and Mrs Ethel Green of Phoenix, AZ. Ch arles A Fouts came to Elwood, Indiana, about twenty-nine years ago. The re he was saved in an Old Fashioned meeting, where he soon begun his minis terial life. He was greatly used of the Lord in revival meetings, and espe cially good in Faith for Divine healing. A few days before he passed awa y, while sitting on the edge of his bed, in a vision, death appeared to hi m, he reached out his feeble hand, to shake the hand of death and said. "D eath isn't it? You have the power to take me, but I have the victory ov er you ." Father's chair in the family circle is vacant; father's chair ar ound the family table is vacant. Father's good advise we will hear no mor e. He is gone, but not forgotten.
I have a brief history of the church David Aaron and Lena helped sta rt in Elwood, a copy of their Marriage license and marriage supplement fr om Harrison County. One of the oldest living FOUTS members in Elwood to ld the story of Charles and Lena coming to Elwood because one of their chi ldren died as an infant and the German Catholic church would not let th em bury their child in the Catholic cemetery because the baby was not bapt ized. This caused Charles and Lena to leave for Elwood and to become Wesle ans.
Subj: Fouts family Date:9/26/2000 8:36:20 PM Mountain Daylight Time From:[email protected] (David Fouts) To:[email protected] My name is David Michael Fouts Jr. I found JaMaVo on AOL and she suggest ed I e-mail you. As you can tell by my last name I am a descendant of Ch arles and Lena FOUTS. They were my great-grandparents. I have a great in terest in finding information on the EVILSIZER and FOUTS family. JaMaVo s tates you have a huge library of information on these families. I will sh are any of the information I have with you, if you need it.
Thanks for your time, David Fouts
Angel Ann Fouts Hall [email protected]
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Troy, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Hettie Collins
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1872
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�St. Albans, W Va.
Bride's Age: �tab�40
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Aug 1912
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�G. C Baker
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Tharp
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Wm Grass
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Flint
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Notes for ISSABELLE GARLAND GARVER: Issabelle's obituary published in the Springfield Daily News, Springfiel d, Ohio on February 7, 1975 Mrs. Isabelle Crist, 65, of 238 Vale Road, died in her home at 1:15 p.m. T hursday (February 6, 1975) following three months of illness. Born in N ew Carlisle on Sept. 13, 1909, a daughter of Charles and Barbara Garver, M rs. Crist lived in Clark County all her life. She was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, the Ivor Rebecca Lodge and t he Pythian Sisters. Survivors include her husband, Roger; a son, Charles Crist, Sr., of Lawren ceville; a daughter, Mrs. Nancy DePriest of Lawrenceville; two sisters, Mrs. Ada Wyatt of Florida and Mr s. Carabelle Downing of Springfield; six grandchildren and one great-grand child. Her body was taken to the Richards Memorial Home where friends may call fr om 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. Services will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday in the memorial home by the Re v. Tom Rogers, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church. Burial will be in Vale Cemetery
Death Date: �tab�25 Dec 1926
Death Place: �tab�Union, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1835
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�91 years 1 month 11 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�James M. Swisher
Father's Name: �tab�Geo Mccollock
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sofie Mason
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1984616
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4024315
Image Number: �tab�3086
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 72423
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�09 Sep 1889
Death Place: �tab�Cardington Tp., Marrow, Ohio
Age: �tab�81
Birth Date: �tab�1808
Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07048-7
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�388730
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 yrs 1880-1909 p 64
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Floyd Co, IN- Born 7-4-1893 cant read app age 23, Claims married Blue eyes, Dk Brn hair. Med Height, slender Build. Signed Floyd Co, New Albany, IN 6/5/1917
1930 Census names wife Verlie N. She md age 19. Must be 2nd wife
World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Elbert Ray Evilsizer Birth Date: 4 Jul 1892 Residence: Floyd, Indiana Birth: Georgetown, Indiana Race: White Roll: WW2_2240822 Ser No U763 Elbert Ray Evilsizer 317 E 15th St, Floyd Co, New Albany, IN No phone, age 49 born 7/4/1892 Georgetown, IN Nearest Person-Mrs Vurlie G Evilsizer 317 E 15th St, New Albanay, IN Employer-Southern RR Co, 5th and Main, Louisville, KY Signed Elbert Ray Evilsizer
same stone with father Edward L
Champaign Co Newspaper Abstracts-Sept 1878-1900, Book II-(July 2001 CCGS by Pat Stickley) 11/26/1897 Md at the res of the officiating pasto r, Rev Gardner, in St paris, Mr John Johnson of Johnson Twp and Miss Minn ie Argabright, on Saturday, Nov 20, 1897.
Minnie Argabright poss died before the 1910 census.
John E. Johnson is listed in a second marriage in the 1910 census. Wife Margarette Horner in a second marriage also. Salem, Shelby Co., OH ED 147 -- looks like page 9B
The cold hand of death was pushed out from its shroud again to take away a nother pioneer and an old veteran of the Civil War. It was George B Ebilsisor who answered the final roll call of this time. He passed away at his h ome in the place Saturday afternoon after suffering the past six or sev en weeks from a paralytic stroke. Mr Ebilsisor was born July 15, 1836 in
t e state of Indiana, where he spent his younger days; coming to Minnesota at the age of 26 years. He was married in 1868 to Mary Jane Etter in Le avenworth. He also farmed in the town of Leavenworth until a couple of years ago, when he moved to Sleepy Eye to live. Mr Ebilsisor spent eleven months as a soldier in the war of the rebellion, serving with the 4th Minnesota, and being discharged honorably. The deceased is survived by his wife and three children. One of his children, John is dead. The others are Frank of this place; also William and Mrs Jay Ingraham of this place also. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon from the English Methodist ch urch conducted by Rev P Arkle of Redwood Falls.
"George B. Ebilsior [sic] was reared to farm life in Indiana and Illinois and early had instilled into him lessons of honesty, industry and frugality, and with these principles for the foundation of his career he started out to make his own way in the world. In August, 1863, [??] he came with a team and wagon to Brown county, Minnesota, and took a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres on section 25, Leavenworth township, where he has since continued to reside. Here he at first built a small house and lived in a somewhat primitive way, giving much of his time to hunting and trapping along the lakes and streams, in which he was very successful. One night his traps netted him a hundred dollars! Now he devotes his attention to general farming and stock-raising. He has a good residence and barn and other farm buildings, and everything kept up in first-class order. His grove of ten acres has a large variety of trees and is rega rded as one of the finest groves in the county. In January, 1864, [??] n ot long are he settled, Mr. Ebilsior enlisted for service in the Union army and went to the front as a member of the **Second Minnesota Infantry."
** Military records indicate he was in the 4th Minnesota Infantry
4th Regiment Infantry
Organized by Companies at Fort Snelling, Minn., as follows: Company "A" mu stered in October 4, 1861, and Company "B" October 2, 1861. Moved to Fo rt Ridgly, Minn., and garrison duty there until March, 1862. Company "C" m ustered in October 7, 1861. Also moved to Fort Ridgly and garrison duty th ere until March, 1862. Company "D" mustered in October 10, 1861. Mov ed to Fort Abercrombie, D. T., and duty there until March, 1862. Company " E" mustered in November 27, 1861. Company "F" mustered in October 11, 186 1. Company "G" mustered in November 22, 1861. Moved to Fort Abercrombie a nd duty there until March, 1862. Company "H" mustered in December 20, 186 1. Company "I" mustered in December 23, 1861. Company "K" mustered in Dece mber 23, 1861. Regiment concentrated at Fort Snelling March, 1862, and mov ed to Benton Barracks, Mo., April 20-23, 1862. Moved to Hamburg Landing, T enn., May 2-14. Attached to 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of Mississipp i, May to November, 1862. 1st Brigade, 7th Division, Left Wing 13th Army C orps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 7th Di vision, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1863. 1st Brigade, 7th Division, 17 th Army Corps, to September, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 17th Army Co rps, to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 15th Army Corps, to Apr il, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Army Corps, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., May 18-30. Pursuit to Bo oneville May 31-June 12. Duty at Clear Creek until August. Expedition to R ienzi and Ripley June. Moved to Jacinto August 5, and duty there until Sep tember 18. March to Iuka, Miss., September 18-19. Battle of Iuka Septemb er 19. Moved to Corinth October 1. Battle of Corinth October 3-4. Pursu it to Ripley October 5-12. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign Novembe r, 1862, to January, 1863. Reconnaissance from Lagrange November 8-9, 186 2. Duty at White's Station and Memphis, Tenn., until February, 1863. Exped ition to Yazoo Pass by Moon Lake, Yazoo Pass and Coldwater and Tallahatch ie Rivers February 24-April 8. Operations against Fort Pemberton and Green wood March 13-April 5. Moved to Milliken's Bend, La., April 13-15. Moveme nt on Bruinsburg and turning Grand Gulf April 25-30. Battle of Port Gibso n, Miss., May 1. Jones' Cross Roads and Willow Springs May 3. Battles of R aymond May 12; Jackson May 14; Champion's Hill May 16; Big Black River M ay 17. Siege of Vicksburg May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 a nd 22. Expedition to Mechanicsburg May 26-June 4. Surrender of Vicksburg J uly 4. Garrison duty at Vicksburg until September 12. Moved to Helena, Ark ., September 12, thence to Memphis, Tenn., and Corinth, Miss., and mar ch to Chattanooga, Tenn., October 6-November 20. Operations on Memphis & C harleston Railroad in Alabama October 20-29. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campai gn November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 24-25. Mission Ridge November 2 5. Pursuit to Graysville November 26-27. At Bridgeport and Huntsville, Ala ., until June, 1864. Operations about Whitesburg, Ala., February 2, 186 4. Veterans on furlough March 5 to May 4, 1864. Moved from Huntsville, Ala ., to Stevenson, Ala., thence to Kingston, Ga., June 22-25, thence to A1la toona July 5-6, and garrison duty there until November. Battle of Allatoo na October 5. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Siege of Savanna h, Ga., December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 186 5. Salkehatchie Swamps, S.C., February 2-5. South Edisto River Februa ry 9. North Edisto River February 12-13. About Columbia February 15-17. Ch eraw March 3. Battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19-21. Occupation of Gol dsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh Apr il 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Mar ch to Washington, D.C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand Review M ay 24. Moved to Louisville, Ky., June 2-3. Duty there until July 19. Muste red out July 19 and discharged at St. Paul, Minn., August 7, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 58 Enlisted men killed and mor tally wounded and 3 Officers and 175 Enlisted men by disease. Total 239.
Death Date: �tab� 4 Nov 1927
Death County: �tab� Brown
State File Number: �tab� 001496
Certificate Number: �tab� 001496
Certificate Year: �tab� 1927
Record Number: �tab� 495318
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�30 Jun 1871
Birthplace �tab�
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�George Erelsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Mary Jane
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I04918-0
System Origin �tab�Minnesota-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1870146
Reference Number �tab�2
Name �tab�Mary Jane Evelsizes
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�20 Jun 1870
Birthplace �tab�Brown, Minnesota
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I01843-6
System Origin �tab�Minnesota-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1870146
Reference Number �tab�138
Death Date: �tab� 18 Jan 1933
Death County: �tab� Brown
State File Number: �tab� 001514
Certificate Number: �tab� 001514
Certificate Year: �tab� 1933
Record Number: �tab� 635416
Death Date: �tab� 13 Jul 1943
Death County: �tab� Brown
State File Number: �tab� 001413
Certificate Number: �tab� 001413
Certificate Year: �tab� 1943
Record Number: �tab� 926648
Stoner family ancestry found in "The Link Family" - Descendants of Jacob Link 1417-1951 by Paxson Link 1951. Joseph s/o Christian, s/o John, so/ Elizabeth, s/o John, s/o Adam, son of John Jacob Stoner. The book gives Cor as birth date as Dec 31 1875. Census records and the Calif DI gives 1872. The follwing proves this not to be accurate.
Edgar STONER Self S Male W 22 OH Mechanic MD MD
Eva STONER Dau S Female W 19 OH K House MD MD
Cora STONER Dau S Female W 17 OH At Home MD MD
Geo. STONER Son S Male W 15 OH Printer MD MD
Joseph STONER Son S Male W 14 OH Clerk MD MD
Source Information: 1880 Census Place 3rd Ward, Tiffin, Seneca, Oh
Family History Library Film 1255065 NA Film Number T9-1065 Pa ge Number 220C
1900 Jackson Co, Kansas City, MO Ward 9 pg 103 Joseph Stoner, head, (INdexed Stover)b 8/1865 age 34 md 2y OH OH OH Contr actor Cora M, wife,12/1876,23, 1 child, one living Clara E, dau, 9/1899, 8m , MO
1910 Jackson Co, Kansas City, MO Ward 5 pg 20 Joseph H Stoner , head, 42 OH MD MD Cora M, wife, 36 md 11 years, 2 ch 2 living MO MO MO Clair E, dau, 10 MO Sarah A, dau 9 MO
1920 Jackson Co, Kansas City, MO Ed 64 Joseph H Stoner, head, 53 OH MD PA Cora, wife, 46 Danny Moriarty , 21 Clairs S, wife, 21
Sarah W, dau, 19
1930 Hidalgo Co, Pct 6, TX ED43 Joseph H Stoner, head, 63 md age 32 own home, OH MD PA Cora, wife, 54 md 22 MO MO MO
Family connection from Laraine E Elter, 1113 Girton Rd, Risingsun, OH 4345 7, submitted on CD12 Tree 2163
Mentioned in her sisters obit:
Obituary Date: �tab�7 Nov 2006
Newspaper Title: �tab�Advertiser-Tribune, The
Newspaper Location: �tab�Tiffin, OH, Us
Gertrude Marie Gertie Brumbaugh, 92, a resident of Blakely Care Center, North Baltimore, died at 4:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 5, 2006, at the center. She was born Oct. 4, 1914, in Adrian, Mich., to Carl and Millie (Haley) Blohm. On July 18, 1936, she married Raymond L. Brumbaugh in Bowling Green and he preceded her in death on July 13, 1987. Mrs. Brumbaugh is survived by two sons, Robert Leo (MaryAnn Lane) Brumbaugh of Chandler, Ariz., and Roger Loy Brumbaugh of North Baltimore; one daughter, Rita Lois (Charles) Thompson of Minnesota; two daughters-in-law, Carol Brumbaugh of Findlay and Rita Brumbaugh of Tucson, Ariz.; 14 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were two sons, Raymond Lee and Richard Lynn; her parents; and four sisters, Rosemary Harman, Blanche Bishop, �u��b�Mabel Evilsizer�/u��/b� and Beatrice Blohm. Gertrude retired from BGSU in 1981 as the custodial supervisor. She was past president of the Senior Citizens Club of North Baltimore and a former member of the Eagles and American Legion auxiliaries. The funeral will be held 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 9, 2006, at Smith-Crates Funeral Home, North Baltimore, the Rev. Scott Brewster officiating. Burial will be at New Maplewood Cemetery, North Baltimore.
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�15 Jan 1969
Burial Place �tab�Portage, Wood, Ohio
Death Date �tab�12 Jan 1969
Death Place �tab�Bowling Green, Wood, Ohio
Age �tab�49
Birth Date �tab�02 Apr 1919
Birthplace �tab�Michigan
Occupation �tab�Maintenance
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�Berton Evelsizer
Father's Name �tab�Carl Blohm
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Millie Haley
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B01569-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�2032334
Reference Number �tab�cn 121
Millie M Blohm's parents are Nancy and Jarvis Haley
Home in 1900: Benton Harbor, Berrien, Michigan HH#116 Name: Jarvis G Haley Age: 52 Estimated birth year: May 1848 md4yrs Birthplace: Ohio Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Head father born ? mother born Ohio Physician, living alone
Home in 1900: Bloom, Wood, Ohio HH#107 Fred Steele, head, 4/1866, 34, m7yrs, OH OH OH Oil Pumper Nancy A, wife, 8/1855, 44 , 8 ch 4 living, OH OH OH Damon E Haley, step son, 6/1874, 25, single, OH OH OH Teamster Millie M Haley, step dau, 5/1889, 11, single, OH OH OH At School
Home in 1910: Chicago Ward 13, Cook, Illinois Dist 633 HH#424 Jarvis G Haley, head, 61, widower, OH NY OH
Unable to locate Fred or Nancy Steel in 1910, or Millie in 1910
1920 United States Federal Census > Michigan > Lenawee > Adrian Co > Distr ict 52 Enumerated Jan 5, 1920 HH7239 Carl M Blohm, head, 29 md own home w/mortgage, MI GER GER, Cabin et maker Millie M, wfie, 30, OH NY OH Beatrice M, dau, 6 MI Blanche A, dau, 2y8m MI Mabel I, dau, 9m MI
Home in 1930: Adrian Co, Lenawee, Michigan 4/5/1930 HH#829 Carl M Blohm head, age 65 md age 25, GER GER GER won home $2500 leath er products manufacturing sticker Hannah M, wife, 65 md 25 GER GER GER Edwin A, son 22, single, MI
1930 United States Federal Census > Ohio > Wood Co > Liberty > District 2 3 William C Kirran?, head, own hoem, age 49 md age ? OH OH OH cant read occu pation Ella K, wife, 48 md age 20 OH GER GER Beatrice M Blohm, (looks like the word adopted), daughter, 17, singl e, MI MI OH Mabel I, Blohm " "11, single, MI MI OH
1880 Census Place Liberty, Wood, Ohio Family History Library Film 1255 078
NA Film Number T9-1078 Page Number 126A Jarvis G. HALEY Self M Male W 32 NY Laborer NY OH Nancy A. HALEY Wife M Female W 24 OH Keeping Hou se OH OH Damon E. HALEY Son S Male W 7 OH OH OH Amy L. HALEY Dau S Female W 3 OH OH OH Rhoda HALEY Dau S Female W 10M OH OH OH
1880 Census Place Portage, Wood, Ohio Family History Library Film 1255 078
NA Film Number T9-1078 Page Number 100A Andrew WELTON Self M Male W 38 IL Farmer NY OH Jane A. WELTON Wife M Female W 33 OH Keeping Hou se NY OH Ellen F. WELTON Dau S Female W 6 OH IL OH D. E. WELTON Son S Male W 1 OH IL OH Rhoda HALEY MotherL Female W 58 OH At Home NY NY
1870 Wood Co, Libery, Grand Rapids, OH June 30 1870 HH13 Jarvis Haley 22 b OH Rhoda, 48 b OH
Home in 1860: Lloyd, Ulster Co, New Polly Landing, , New York HH1310 John Leroy, 61 NY Deborah 46, NY Jarvis Haley, 12 NY
1850 Defiance Co, Hicksville, OH HH1181 Henry W Haley, 32, NY (died 7/15/1880) Wood Co, OH Rhoda, 28, OH (Died 10/27/1877 Wood Co, OH) Harriet F, 8 NY John J, 6, OH Jane 4 OH Jarvis G, 2 OH Ruth O'Conner, 19 OH
Jargis G Haley md Nancy Arabelle Ireland d/o Thomas Ireland (1833-1884) a nd Laura NEwberry (1837-1918) Nancy born 6/1855 OH died 7/1917 Putnam Co, Continental, OH They married 6/22/1871 in Wood Co, OH Children: Damon E born 6/4/1873 Amy Louise 6/23/1876 died 3/10/1937 Rhoda 5/30/1879 d 1916 Adrian, MI R M 12/2/1884 Millie May 5/6/1889 William H 1890 all children born Wood Co, OH died 11/4/1891 Wood Co, OH
Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Reco about Jarvis G. Haley 9/24/1877 INvalid file #242420 886514 Co C 3rd NY Inf Co B 112th NY Inf
Name: Jarvis G Haley , Enlistment Date: 22 February 1865 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: New York Unit Numbers: 1371 1371 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 22 February 1865 at the age of 18 Enlisted in Company B, 112th Infantry Regiment New York on 22 February 186 5. Transferred Company B, 112th Infantry Regiment New York on 13 June 1865 Transfered in 3rd Infantry Regiment New York on 13 June 1865.
Ohter researcher [email protected] or (mebandit) is not clear (Lauraine Elter)
Although Benajmin died in 1937, he was never found in 1910-1930 census of Ohio
At time of death he says he was married to Rebecca, but Rebecca has never been found in the 1910-1930 census either.
Death date: 28 May 1937
Death place: Bloom, Wood, Ohio
Birth date: 02 Apr 1855
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Wood County, Ohio
Age at death: 82 years 1 month 26 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Railroader
Burial date: 30 May 1937
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Maple Wood
Spouse name: Rebecca Evilizer Simon
Father name: Andrew Simon
Father titles:
Father birth place: Unknown
Mother name: Leah Cris
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Unknown
GSU film number: 2023498
Digital GS number: 4020846
Image number: 3257
Reference number: fn 35798
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Death Date �tab�20 Mar 1965
Death Place �tab�Austin, Travis, Texas, United States
Gender �tab�Female
Race �tab�White
Death Age �tab�85 years 1 month 8 days
Estimated Birth Date �tab�
Birth Date �tab�12 Feb 1880
Birthplace �tab�Bairdstown Ohio
Marital Status �tab�widow
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Benjamin Franklin Simon
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Bertha Evilizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Occupation �tab�housewife
Place of Residence �tab�703 Robert E Lee Rd, Austin
Cemetery North Baltimore�tab�
Burial Place �tab�North Baltimore OH
Burial Date �tab�sent body 3/21/1965
Additional Relatives �tab�
Informant A A Mallas, son
Film Number �tab�2117754
Digital Film Number �tab�4141964
Image Number �tab�00741
Reference Number �tab�26711
Death date: 26 Feb 1911
Death place: Galatea, Wood, Ohio
Birth date: 23 Sep 1867
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Germany
Age at death: 44 years 5 months 3 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Fireman On Steam Shovel
Burial date: 28 Feb 1911
Burial place: N. Baltimore
Cemetery name: Maplewood
Spouse name:
Father name: John Rihart
Father titles:
Father birth place: Germany
Mother name:
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Germany
Informant Mrs John C Rihart
GSU film number: 1952818
Digital GS number: 4021055
Image number: 897
Reference number: fn 12043
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�16 Jan 1882
Birthplace �tab�Henry, Wood, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�B. F. Simons
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Rebecca Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C02118-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�422269
Reference Number �tab�v 2 p 237
Will in Miami Co, names wife Ann and nine children.
Source Bill Thompson WThom70916 @aol.com Andrew Dye became a subject of intense interest when newspapers in 1904 re ported that a 99 year lease on land he had owned in Pennsylvania (leas ed to Pennsylvania Railroad) had expired and a number of descendants hop ed to inherit part of the 33,000,000 at which it was valued
To focus this interest and to chart a course of action .A.C,Buchanan of Pi qua and other descendants in Miami County organized a great family reuni on that was held Aug 26 1904 at West Milton , where over 300 persons congr egated . After some discussion of the reported lease and money due the hei rs , an Andrew Dye association was formed to seek the heirs rightful inheritance a nd Thomas L Dye of New Arlisle was elected its president . A second reuni on was held in Pleasant Hill in 1905 reportedly with 500 in attendance b ut nothing approaching a inheritance ever developed
Andrew Alexander5 Dye Sr. (James4, John Laurens3 Duyts, Hans Laurensen2, L aurens1) was born in Cranbury, Middlesex, NJ May 1748.(170) Andrew di ed 5 Jul 1835 in Newton Township, Miami, OH, at 87 years of age.(171) H is body was interred Jul 1835 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Newton Townshi p, Miami, OH.(172)
He married twice. He married Sarah Minor in Whitely Creek, Greene, PA, 176 8.(173) Leckey says that Andrew 'removed to Maryland and from there to Whi tely Creek' and that 'he had met and married Sarah Minor, sister of Colon el John Minor, one of the first settlers on Whitely Creek, a daughter of S tephen and Athaliah (Updyke) Minor.' Others say Andrew also was in KY aft er MD and before PA. Beckman says Andrew married in MD and his first 2 chi ldren were born in MD. Need to develop chronology for Stephen Minor for be tter rationale on how Andrew and Sarah met and married. He removed to OH a fter 1800, maybe 1801, or a little later.
Miami Co, Oh Will Book A pg 142 Andrew Dye dated Mar 26 1835 Rec Oct 20 18 35 Wife Ann Dyw, sons James, Stephen, John, Andrew, Benjamin, heirs of Samu el Dy; heirs of Vincent Dye; heirs of William Dye; dau Jany Lewis Ex- Wife Ann Dye and William Perry Wit: David Ross, William Perry
Evilsizer, Patsy Jo (Snyder)
Passed away peacefully on June 9, 2010, at home with her family surrounding her with love and compassion. She was born on August 2, 1936, in Lima, Ohio, to Leonard Herschel and Carey Mabel (Fisher) Snyder who preceded her death, and grew up in Lafayette, Ohio. At the age of 12 she moved to Manchester, Michigan and lived the rest of her life at Pleasant Lake. She died in the house her father built.She graduated from Manchester High School where she met and later married her husband. She worked for nearly 30 years at the University of Michigan Plant Extension department. She is survived by her loving husband of 56 years, Jack D.; sister, Jane (Dan) Wahl of Apache Junction,AZ; children, Vicki Lynn (Thomas) Merline of Saline, Rebecca Sue (Paul) Pazkowski of Saline, and Scott (Lee) Evilsizer of Manchester; grandchildren, Letha Kelly (Pete) Nichols of Napoleon, Erin Jack (Jessica) Thornton of Highland, Alex-ander Pazkowski of Saline, and Evan Pazkowski of Saline; great-granddaughter, Annabella Thornton of Highland; nephew, Timothy Wahl of Apache Junction, AZ, and niece Trisha (Nick) Rayer of Dexter; and many other extended family. Patsy was a most compassionate human being.She would have adopted the world if she could have, as she felt that everyone was her responsibility to feed and care for. She will be remembered by her love for family, friends, flowers, and food. It was her final wish to spend her final days at home, and that was exactly the way it happened. A celebration of Patsy's life will be held at the Manchester United Methodist Church on Monday, June 14 at 11 a.m., Pastor Larry Wik officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Arbor Hospice in Ann Arbor
Evilsizer, Goldie View Image Online
Age: 33 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll: T626_1016
Race: Page: 13A
State: Michigan ED: 13
County: Oakland Image: 0408
Township: Bloomfield
Relationship: Wife
Pvt Wible Robert E 89th IN Infantry
From a Wible Descendant, Dr Judith Wible 7/2001 I cannot answer your question regarding the apparent nickname "Sadie" in t he 1880 Census. Aletha Twigg was listed by various names or nickname s. I am a neophyte at genealogy and know very little about my family.
I was very impressed with your "Genealogy Report: Descendants of Henry Evi lsizor." Do you do this kind of research as a professional? I would li ke to ask you if you are interested in tracking some Wible-Evilsizers f or me. My primary interest in genealogy is medical genetics. I have be en hunting for 'presumptive evidence' of a hereditary form of Phoneme Deaf ness in the Wibles. For example, in the 1900-IN Census I found "lost" Wib les as inmates in the Indiana School for the Feebleminded Youths. The se 3 Wible (Weibel) were missing from my tree.
I am intrigued with missing or unknown whereabouts of ancestors, especial ly deaf ones. I believe that both Robert and William Wible were carrie rs of this deaf gene, and that the Evilsizer-Wible connection is significa nt in this regard. Several of Robert's children had evidence of deafne ss from my memory of them: Charles, Nell, Benjamin, Lester, and Ardell
Have you found any living descendants of Ardella? The Hearn name see ms to be connected, in my memory, to Aunt Nell. I thought she was marri ed to him but cannot be sure. Nell, Les and Ben were frequent drop-in vis itors in the late 1940's and I remember them as friendly noncommunicator s. They were unable to respond to others in any meaningful way. And of c ourse, non-talkers make poor marriage partners. Les and Ben di ed in OH as bachelors and Nell's whereabouts has been a complete myste ry to me.
Joseph Wright found in: Census Microfilm Records: Indiana, 1900 Lived in: 2 Ward Parker, Randolph County, Indiana Series: T623 Microfilm: 399 Book: 2 Page: 88 b 8/1868 Divorced IN MD OH boarding
Complete Hearn genealogy at www.gencircles.com
Among the fathers of Miami County, Mr. Stephen Dye stands prominent, who d ied September 14th, 1851, in Shelby County, Ohio. Mr. Dye was the s on of Andrew and Sarah Dye. He was born in Maryland, but soon removed to P enn. Thence he emigrated with his father to Kentucky, what was then consid ered to be in the far west. Called to the defense of the frontier settlem ents against the depredations of the Indians, he became acquainted with t he fertile valley of western Ohio. Invited by such a country, and the adv antages of a free, over a slave state, he removed and was among the fir st settlers of Miami County. An idea of his judgment and forecast in prop erty matters, may be gathered from this step in his history. He selected 4 00 acres on the rich bottoms of the Miami River, near the center of the c ounty, where the location added essentially to the value of the lands, un surpassed in inherent worth. On this chosen spot, but 2 1/2 miles from t he county seat, he lived until 70 years old. At that advanced age, wi th a new wife, he removed to Shelby County, and commenced anew the cultiva tion of a farm and the support of a wife and a rising family. This is t he more remarkable as he had made a disposition of the greater part of h is estate and had been residing for several years with the son of his choi ce, upon the home farm. Here he remained upon a small farm at Port Jeffers on till the spring 1851, when his fourth and last wife died, leaving two c hildren the youngest about six weeks old. He then retired from the farm a nd made his home with Rev. Jacob Dye, residing in the neighborhood - whe re he died in the Fall of the same year, having filled up the full measu re of a long life and good old age, being over 80 years old.
Mr. Dye, though not rich, acquired an estate which enabled him to give a l arge family a good start in the world, reserving to himself a fair suppo rt in this old age. The property which he was managing and held in his han ds up to his death amounted to about $5,000.
We had the pleasure of visiting him at his residence, in the Winter of ' 49 and '50. We found him on a farm of thirty acres, with a convenient hou se and out buildings, a comparatively young wife and two little childre n, having no help in or out of doors. He was cheerful and happy and sa id he could manage his farm very well, only complaining that it made him r ather "leg weary" to follow the plow. He thought he would be obliged to hi re that done from that time on. Mr. Dye was much esteemed in this county for many years as a man and a Chr istian. He served the county as sheriff eight years; two periods of two te rms each, the law forbidding one to hold the office more than two consecut ive terms in connection. He also represented his county in the legislatu re of the state.
In politics Mr. Dye was a Democrat. and never to the day of his death----- -------(missing).; In religion he was a Baptist and held an honorable stan ding in that church for 46 years, dying in full fellowship, and in the tri umph of living and abiding faith in the great redeemer. He retained his re ason up to the last moments of his life, and expressed a firm confiden ce in the great redeemer, and in him alone put his trust. At the day of h is death, this patriarch could count in the line of his posterity 19 child ren, 114 grandchildren, 148 great-grandchildren. Total: 281.
Philip H. Dye [email protected]
In Stephen's will, dated 4 Sep 1851, his farm and proceeds from the sa le of sixty acres was bequeathed to his two minor children, Samuel Alexand er and Margaret. His house and lot in Port Jefferson, all his personal pro perties, monies and accounts were to be equally divided and paid over to t he balance of his heirs after all debts were paid. His son Jacob J., was a ppointed executor of his father's estate; and said Jacob, according to h is father's wishes was to 'raise and school my two youngest children His s ons, Fielding and Madison, were appointed guardians of the two minor child ren. Jacob was also to receive one half of Stephen's Bounty land, the bala nce to be equally divided among his heirs. Included with the will is a li st of the goods and chattels sold at the sale of Stephen Dye, deceased, so ld by Jacob J. Dye, Executor, 6 Oct 1851. The will is recorded in Shelby C ounty Will Book Volume 1, p. 184.
His birthplace is listed by Beckman as Shelby Co, OH. Hamm says Jollytow n, Green Co, PA.
Notes against Stephen Dye due 10/28/1841-$21.14; Fielding Dye due $30.2 5; James Dye due $35.53; J M Lee due $35.33; 'good for nothin' James Dye d ue May 16, 1846, $156.74; William and Jacob Tabler due 7/12/1850 $26.50; a lso lots of notes against Weatherheads and DeWeeses.
Shelby County Ohio Will Abstracts Book1 pg 184 Stephen Dye 9/4/1851 9/19/ 1851 (A-600) Son Samuel Alexander Dye and dau Margaret Dye, both under age; also Jac ob J Fielding L and Madison Dye. Poss other ch not named. Exec Jacob J Dy e. Wit: Geo Michael, Vincent Guerin. signe (x) Stephen Dye Sr
Old Pioneer Cemetery, Port Jefferson Shelby Co, OH Margaret, wife of Stephen died 8/1815 age 44y
Mother of 17 children
Death Date: �tab�22 Nov 1941
Death Place: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�11 Mar 1857
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�84 years 8 months 4 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�1010 Brown St..
Occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
Residence: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�25 Nov 1941
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Martha Anderson
Father's Name: �tab�Alfred Moore
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Beasley
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023973
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4094912
Image Number: �tab�2612
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 69190
Sarah Frazee [seal ]
(her mar k) The State of Ohio Miami County S.S. [seal] Before me John H. Wolcott one of the active Justices of the pea ce in and for the said county personally appeared Moses Frazee and Sarah h is wife the above grantors and severally acknowledged that they executed t he within deed for the use and purpose therein expressed - and the said Sa rah freely and not from any threats or constraint of her husband . In testimony wher eof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3 day of July in the ye ar of our Lord 1831. John H. Wolcott
Entered for record 28th Sept. & Recorded 5th Oct. 1831
Wm. J. Thomas D. Recorder--------------------------- Compiler's notes: This is Moses Frazee, Jr. (ca.1798-1847), son of Rev. Moses Frazee and Priscilla Morris.
Census Place Sidney, Shelby, Ohio 1880 Family History Library Film 1255 066
NA Film Number T9-1066 Page Number 25B Fielding L. DYE Self W Male W 72 OH Farmer PA NJ Wm. MORAN SonL M Male W 32 OH Farmer OH OH Flora MORAN Dau M Female W 28 OH Keeping Hou Mary MC LEAN Other S Female W 16 OH Servant OH OH
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�15 Aug 1915
Event Place: �tab�West Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�33
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Franklin Delaplane
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Susan Elizabeth Nichols
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Lucille Lenora Russell
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�36
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1879
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Russell
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Eliza Hullinger
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn1153, pg3
Film Number: �tab�534841
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4260459
Image Number: �tab�433
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�07 Jun 1900
Event Place: �tab�Harden County, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�J. M. Keith
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Nancy Witham
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Tressie Russell
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Russell
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Margarett Hullinger
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P203
Film Number: �tab�914846
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017305
Image Number: �tab�139
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�09 Mar 1905
Event Place: �tab�Hardin County, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1881
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Russell
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Lyda Hullinger
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Grace Brown
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�C. W. Brown
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Sallie Ripley
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P 122
Film Number: �tab�914847
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017306
Image Number: �tab�434
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�27 May 1927
Event Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�38
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1889
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John J. Prater
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Thompson
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Minerva Russell
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�39
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Russell
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Hullinger
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�VolO, p128, cn8766
Film Number: �tab�534842
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016823
Image Number: �tab�448
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�03 Nov 1923
Event Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�26
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�F. N. Metcalf
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary E. Ashly
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Florence Russell
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�29
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1894
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Russell
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Hullinger
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�VolN, p372, cn3602
Film Number: �tab�534842
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016823
Image Number: �tab�238
Death Date: �tab�11 Feb 1909
Death Place: �tab�Harrise, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�24 Aug 1838
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�70 years 5 months 17 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�13 Feb 1909
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Weely Chappel
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Henry Hunter
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Spry
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champ., Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1926954
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020895
Image Number: �tab�540
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 6026
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�29 Jan 1871
Death Place: �tab�Union Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�4
Birth Date: �tab�1867
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana Tp
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�George M Keef
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Amanda M
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 20 #163
Died from "congestion of the bowels"
Ills 1889"
Benjamin dye has been a resident of Morgan County nearly thirty years ,
and during that time has been prosperously pursuing agriculture and i s
one of the prominent farmers of township 15, range 10.. Here he h as a
beautiful home, replete with all the modern conveniences and comforts ,
of a pleasing style of architecture and constructed of brick. His
farm comprises a quarter of section 12, and it is considered one of
the best managed and most desirable in this part of the county.
The subject of this biography was born April 30, 1828, in Miami Co.
Ohio, within five miles of the town of Troy. His father, Vincent Dye ,
was a native of the same county, born in the early days of its
settlement, and after attaining to manhood he undertook the pioneer
task of constructing a farm from the primeval forest in that wild,
sparsely settled part of the country. He took unto him a wife,
Rebecca Swills, and seven children blessed their union, three of whom
are living: our subject; Maria, now Mrs. Harris, of Indiana; Fanny,
(Mrs. Ellidge) of Missouri. In 1832, he moved with his family to
Tippecanoe Co., Ind., and became a pioneer there. In 1859, he made
another move and became a pioneer of still another state, this time
settling in Bates County, Missouri. He was not allowed to remain in
undisturbed possession of his new home very long, but on account of
his strong union and anti-slavery sentiments, which he was too noble
to disguise even for peace and safety, he was driven out of that
county, and returning to Indiana in 1861, he died there in the month
of August, aged sixty-five years, and now lies quietly sleeping his
last sleep near Dayton, Ind. He was a good and true man, whose
honorable, manly course through life merited the highest respect. Hi s
wife stayed in Missouri after his departure to look after their
property, and after the close of the war came to Illinois and made he r
home with our subject till she closed her eyes in death at the age of
sixty-five years.
Our subject inherited from his worthy parents many sterling traits of
character that have made him a strong, manly man, true to those high
principles that they inculcated by precept and example. He was a
child of four years when he was taken from the beautiful scenes of
his early home to Indiana, and there, near Dayton, seven miles from
LaFayette, where his father took up new land, he grew to manhood,
obtaining a good, practical education in the common schools. After
his schooldays were over he engaged with his father in farming till h e
attained his majority, when he worked on a farm for some one else at
first, and after a little had a farm of his own. He began with eight y
acres of timber land, which he improved into a fine farm before he
left it, and erected a good frame house and other buildings. When he
first started out in life, desiring a companion and helpmate, Mr. Dye
asked Miss Sarah Bugher to share his fate and fortunes with him, and
they were united in marriage in June, 1850. Mrs. Dye is an Indianian
by birth, born about six miles south of Delphi, the county seat of
Carroll County, in 1829, and she lived under the parental roof till
her marriage. Her father, Samuel Bugher, was a native of Miami
County, Ohio, and was there married to Miss Nancy Schaeffer, who was
born near Troy, that state. They moved to Indiana at the same time
that the parents of our subject did, and lived there till after the
marriage of their daughter and our subject, when they went to
Wisconsin. Mr. Schaeffer died there, and his wife also, her death
preceeding his. He was always a farmer and also owned and manag ed a mill.
To Mr. and Mrs. Dye were born twelve children, ten of whom are living ,
four of them born in Indiana, and all have received good school
advantages and are well-bred. Ollie Ann, is now Mrs. Ezra Brown, of
Cowley County, Kansas; Eugene, who lives at home, married Margaret
Miller, and they have two daughters; Belle and Rebecca are at home,
the latter a teacher; Sampson is in Cowley County, Kan.; Nancy and
Rhoda are at home; Lewis is farming with his father; Benjamin, Jr.,
and John are at home.
Mr. Dye became a man of prominence in his Indiana home, although he
avoided politics, and he served in all the School and various Distric t
offices. On the organization of the Republican party he bravely took
sides with it and advocated its principles, although he knew that in
doing so in that part of the country where he was then residing his
very life was in danger, the pro-slavery element predominating and th e
Southern sentiment very strong. He incurred the hatred and animosity
of his neighbors, who called him a "black abolitionist," and pitched
on to him and he barely escaped having serious trouble. He was a
member of the militia or home guards, Company B, 10th Ind. and
accompanied his regiment to Virginia at the time of the call for "100
day" volunteers. Prior to going on this expedition Mr. Dye deemed it
expedient so sell his property in Indiana, and did so in the spring o f
1861. But he did not come to Morgan County, this state, till the fall
of 1861, when he bought his present farm, the land of which was
improved to some extent, and he has ever since been a valued resident
of this township. His removal to this place was made with teams and
it took ten days to accomplish the journey.
In the twenty-eight years that have elapsed since our subject came
here to swell among the kindly, hospitable people of this township, h e
has shown himself an open-hearted, generous, public spirited citizen,
one who is ever on the side of the right, ready to succor the needy
and unfortunate, and who has at heart the good of the community. He
and his wife are highly esteemed in social circles, and for a time he
was a member of the I.O.O.F.
Death Date: �tab�07 Jun 1911
Death Place: �tab�German, Lawrenceville, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�11 Aug 1841
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�69 years 9 months 26 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Usual place of residence same as place of death
Burial Date: �tab�09 Jun 1911
Burial Place: �tab�Lawrenceville, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Rev. Roach
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Vir.
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Baker
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Vir.
Film Number: �tab�1953043
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021106
Image Number: �tab�457
SSN: 289-14-8338
Last Residence: 45502 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of America
Born: 13 Mar 1921
Last Benefit: 45502 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of America
Died: Feb 1984 YOUR FILE HAS 1964
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Vol 36 page 52 Oct 20, 1858 Samuel and Margaret Overholser sell to Charles Callison for $350 in Germ an Twp,- part of the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Sec 20 Twp 4 Range 10 being 13 a cres off a tract of 20 acres conveyed by John Rust and wife to Samuel Over holser in Vol 31 page 137-138
Vol 47 page 85 June 1, 1859 Samuel and Margaret Overholser sold to David Ballentine for $850, pa rt of the Ne 1/4 of Section 20 Twp 4 Range 10 being the same conveyed to S amuel b John Rust and wife Vol 31 page 137/138. Recorded March 4, 1867
Vol 54 page 207 Sept 9, 1870 Samuel and Margaret Overholser sell to Jonas Overholser for $700 L ot # 14 in Noblesville and Lot # 11 Noblesville fronting 66 feet on Main S t. and extending back 132 feet. The same conveyed to Margaret Overhols er by James V. Ballentine and wife vol 37 page 221
Vol 72 page 33 I don't understand all the legal workings of this but ju st get the info to try to get family information. Oct 10, 1879Isaac Grie st, the duly appt and qualified guardian of Leonidas M.L. Overholser, William O. Overolser and George E. Overholser, minors, asks f or order to sell the interest of his wards in German twp being the undivid ed 3/20 of several tracts; one being a part of the SW 1 /4 of S 20 T 4 R 10 being in the line of lands formerly owned by Moses Ove rholser, dec'd, to a stone on the lands formerly owned by Willing Griest, dec'd, containing 15 acres. Al so another tract in the same Sec., Twp, Range containing 40 acres- and t he other parcel in the same Sec., Twp, Range containing 108 square ---- o ut of which land was assigned to Hannah Griest for her dower. 3/20 pa rt of the remainder to be subject to the estate of George W. Overholser. Isaac Griest sold t he property to Nathan Griest on Nov 15, 1879 for $372 being the highest bi dder and more than 2/3 of the appraised value and the said Hannah Overhols er (unmarried) in consideration of $124 paid by Nathan Griest and Geor ge W. Overholser for $85.
Nathan and Emaline Griest then sold this property back to Isaac Grie st as guardian of the children for $372. They also sold 9 acres that Nath an had bought from Philip Trout on April 10, 1877
Vol 72 page 162 Dec 24, 1879 Isaac and Sarah Griest; George W. Overholser; Jeremiah and Emma Overholse r; David and Elizabeth Michael; Isaac and Lydia Overholser, heirs at l aw of Moses Overholser, dec'd sell to Rueben and William Overholser for $2 000- the undivided 5/8 part of SW 1/4 of Section 20 Twp 4 Range 10 bei ng 46 acres - the same conveyed to Moses Overholser by J. Lorton and othe rs on July 14, 1848
Sent from Marilyn Jensen 3/2008
Generation No. 1
Jacob1 OBERHOLTZER was born About 1704 in Germany, and died 1755 in
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) Unknown About 1723. He married (2)
Barbara Unknown.
Arrived in America aboard the ship Samuel on 11 August 1732 with his two
children, Samuel and Elisabeth from Dirnheim near Sinsheim in the Upper Palatine
region of Germany.
One Child of Jacob OBERHOLTZER and Unknown:
Samuel OBERHOLTZER , born About 1729 in Germany; died 1783 in Shenandoah
County, Virginia
Generation No. 2
Samuel2 OBERHOLTZER (Jacob1) was born About 1729 in Germany, and died 1783
in Shenandoah County, Virginia. He married Maria Eva HAUSWIRTH September 08,
1765 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, daughter of Christian HAUSWIRTH and
Probate: December 25, 1783, Shenandoah County, Virginia (Will book B, page
Will dated: May 29, 1772, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Generation No. 3
Peter3 OVERHOLTZER (Samuel2 Oberholtzer, Jacob1) was born July 04, 1766, and
died April 01, 1818 in Mt. Jackson, Shenandoah County, Virginia. He married
Ann BAUGHMAN November 22, 1791 in Shenandoah County, Virginia, daughter of
Jacob BAUGHMAN and Catherine NEFF.
Probate: May 15, 1818, Shenandoah County, Virginia (will book K, page 434)
Will dated: February 14, 1818, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Generation No. 4
Christian4 Overholser (Peter3, Samuel2, Jacob1) born: October 4, 1794 in
Virginia died: March 15, 1849 in Ohio married August 24, 1819 Rebecca GETZ born:
March 14, 1802 in Virginia died: June 17, 1890 Ohio
Moses OVERHOLSER, ( (Peter3, Samuel2, Jacob1) born October 12, 1805 in Mt.
Jackson, Shenandoah County, Virginia; died February 05, 1872 in Clark County,
Ohio. He married Catherine BOWER June 09, 1831. Both buried Lawrenceville
Cemetery, Clark County, Ohio
Generation No. 5
Samuel5 OVERHOLSER (Christian4, Peter3, Samuel2, Jacob1) born: December 19,
1828 in Virginia died: February 1, 1902 Clark County, Ohio married February
9, 1854 Clark County, Ohio to Margaret CALLISON born: August 25, 1834 Ohio
died: January 11, 1901 Clark County, Ohio daughter of Charles CALLISON and Lucy
Death Date: 18 Feb 1917
Death Place: Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio
Birth Date: 20 May 1872
Estimated Birth Year:
Birthplace: Ohio
Death Age: 44 years 8 months 28 days
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Race or Color: American
Street Address:
Occupation: Housework
Burial Date: 21 Feb 1917
Burial Place: Mutual, Ohio
Cemetery Name:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Henry Speece
Father's Title & Terms:
Father's Birthplace: Ohio
Mother's Name: Emma Rusk
Mother's Birthplace: Ohio
Film Number: 1983934
Digital Folder Number: 4021548
Image Number: 1568
Certificate Number: fn 12924
Collection: Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�23 Aug 1915
Event Place: �tab�Richland County, Ohio
Age: �tab�37
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1878
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Marion F. Reel
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mollie Sanders
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ida Katherine Hawkins
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Spouse's Father: �tab�Frank M. Hawkins
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Viola Pullins
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
once prev married, name Ida Katherine Lawrence
Reference Number: �tab�rn 9806
Film Number: �tab�388747
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016677
Image Number: �tab�335
Death Date: �tab�12 Jul 1928
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�03 Oct 1856
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�71 years 9 months 9 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�Horne Rd
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�14 Jul 1928
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: �tab�Laura Erter
Father's Name: �tab�John Erter
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Md
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Grube
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Penna
Film Number: �tab�1991301
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022204
Image Number: �tab�3388
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 41295
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�27 Jan 1882
Death Place: �tab�Concord Tp., Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�61
Birth Date: �tab�1821
Birthplace: �tab�Concord Tp.
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07064-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�550190
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 73
HUFF JOHN A. 1870 21 SEP 1937 T-018
Death Date: �tab�01 Dec 1924
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�02 Jan 1864
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Fremont City, Oh
Death Age: �tab�61 years 11 months
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�04 Dec 1924
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Sarah Parlette
Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Parlette
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Baltimore, Md
Mother's Name: �tab�Agnes Randall
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Film Number: �tab�1992608
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001576
Image Number: �tab�2414
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 64068
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�01 Jan 1874
Birthplace: �tab�CHAMPAIGN,OHIO
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�William H. Brinnon
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Laura Middleton
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C51594-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number: �tab�295232
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�04 Aug 1871
Birthplace: �tab�CHAMPAIGN,OHIO
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�William H. Brinnon
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Matilda L. Middleton
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C51594-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number: �tab�295232
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Earl Shroyer
Name: �tab�Earl Shroyer
Birth Date: �tab�1888
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Troy
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�28 Mar 1961
Hospital of Death: �tab�Stouder Memorial - Closed 9/25/98
City of Death: �tab�Troy
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�20675
Age at Death: �tab�73
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Mother Clara E Evilsiger age 21. Medical attendant Wm S Ganes, Loundes, MO
Roll C753 #102
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