[HI42228] (Research):1860 household William Vance age 67 KY, Moses Vance, 56, OH, brothers of B ridget
[HI42229] (Research):MUZZY JOSEPH C County Name: LOGAN Date of Death: 1/30/1916 Volume Number: 1839 Certificate Number: 4867
Newspaper Abstract
July 23, 1868
Died 20th inst at the residence of her father in Salem Twp, Miss Orminda E, daughter of Horace Muzzy, aged 30 years.
CCGS Newsletter June 1991 Deaths from Urbana Daily Citizen Orminda Muzzy dau of Horace d 7/20/1868 30y
Name: �tab�Orley C. Huntoon
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�15 Apr 1903
Event Place: �tab�Paulding, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�William J. Huntoon
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Zora A. Deal
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Laura E. Brown
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�John W. Brown
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Lottie Elsey
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�vol7, p11, cn22
Film Number: �tab�925302
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017327
Image Number: �tab�363
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Orley C Huntoon
Name: �tab�Orley C Huntoon
Birth Date: �tab�1884
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Willard
Residence County: �tab�Huron
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�22 Aug 1962
Hospital of Death: �tab�Willard Area Mercy Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Willard
County of Death: �tab�Huron
Certificate: �tab�59885
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
[HI42236] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Octob er 9, 1903, W C Coleman, Teacher Retta Runkle age 12
(Research):Name: Otto H. Eaton Serial Number: 2935214 Race: W Residence: R. F. D. 2, Degraff, O. Enlistment Division: National Army Enlistment Location: Bellefontaine, O. Enlistment Date: 27 Jun 1918 Birth Place: Rosewood, O. Birth Date / Age: 17 Oct 1886 Assigns Comment: 158 Depot Brigade to 18 July 1918; Co D 334 Infant ry to 12 Oct 1918; Co A 161 Infantry to 21 Oct 1918; Headquarters Compa ny 23 Infantry to 6 June 1919; Co E 23 Infantry to Discharge Private Meuse -Argonne; Defensive Sector. American Expeditionary Forces 25 Sept 19 18 to 3 Aug 1919. Honorable discharge 14 Aug 1919. Volume #: 5
Name: OTTO H EATON Gender: Male Date of Death: November 20, 1961 Volume: 16691 Certificate: 76013 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 76
Name: �tab�Sallie E. Detweiler
Death Date: �tab�14 Jan 1914
Death Place: �tab�Salem Township, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�11 Dec 1847
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Mifflaine Co., Pa.
Death Age: �tab�66 years 1 month 3 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Isaac Plank
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Barbara Yoder
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1953824
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021273
Image Number: �tab�678
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 580
(Research):Marion and his daughter Doris died in an automobile accident
Marion K Detwiler 20 W Ohio Champaign 1910 Wife Hazel L 21 Ohio Son Norman S 01 Ohio
[HI42240] (Research):Unable to locate in 1910 Poss Dau of Frank and Dolly Hoffman found in 1920 Census, she age 15
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NW 1/4 Jan 31 1930 Quitclaim from U G Furnas to Eva O Furnas, 85 acr es Bk 65 Pg 173 NW 1/4 Apr 14 1936 Eva O Furnas to Farm Bureau Rural Electrification Coope rative Inc, pole line right-of-way Bk 125 Pg 345 NW 1/4 May 2 1938 Eva O Furnas to Shell Petroleum Corp, pipeline right-of- way Bk 130 Pg 360
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NE 1/4) 31 Jan 1930 Quitclaim from U G Furnas to Eva O Furnas, 85 acres NW 1/4 S ec 6 (including 5 acres NE 1/4 Sec 12) Bk 116 Pg173 14 Apr 1936 Eva O Furnas to Farm Bureau Electrification Cooerative Inc, po le line right-of-way Bk125 Pg 345 02 May 1938 Eva O Furnas etvir to Shell Petroleum Corp, pipeline right-of- way Bk 130 Pg 360
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NW 1/4 Jan 31 1930 George W Verdier deceased by Exec to U G Furnas, 85 ac res Bk 116 Pg 166 NW 1/4 Jan 31 1930 Quitclaim from U G Furnas to Eva O Furnas, 85 acr es Bk 65 Pg 173
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NE 1/4) 31 Jan 1930 George W Verdier deceased by Exec to U G Furnas, 85 acres NW 1 /4 Sec 6 (including 5 acres NE 1/4 Sec 12) Bk116 Pg 166 31 Jan 1930 Quitclaim from U G Furnas to Eva O Furnas, 85 acres NW 1/4 S ec 6 (including 5 acres NE 1/4 Sec 12) Bk 116 Pg173
Name: �tab�W Grant Furnas
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�19 May 1943
Event Place: �tab�St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Male
Death Age: �tab�72y 9m 13d
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race: �tab�w
Occupation: �tab�... agent
Birth Date: �tab�06 Aug 1890
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1871
Burial Date: �tab�21 May 1943
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�Fletcher
Father: �tab�Noel Furnas
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother: �tab�Sarah Patty
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Spouse: �tab�Eva Verdie Furnas
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 28916
Film Number: �tab�2024131
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4122068
Image Number: �tab�2716
Groom's Name: �tab�Harold Wiltsie Biddle
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1908
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Paulding County, O.
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Bertha Alice Winkler
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1911
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Miami County
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Apr 1930
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James Biddle
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Bertha Wiltsie
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Winkler
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Eva Bagford
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[HI42247] (Research):Name: Harold W Biddle Gender: Male Date of Death: 21 December 1984 Birth Date: 22 May 1907 Volume: 25874 Certificate: 092737 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 281105316 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: British, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, Scottish Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Miami County Age: 77 Years
Groom's Name: �tab�Herbert R. Biddle
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Bertha F. Kemp
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1916
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Gallipolis, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Feb 1934
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James M. Biddle
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Bertha Wiltsie
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Charles Kemp
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lavida Hollingsworth
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
(Research):Name: HERBERT R BIDDLE Gender: Male Date of Death: February 28, 1989 Birth Date: November , 1910 Volume: 015015 Certificate: 27633 Social Security Number: 281105366 Father's Surname: BIDDLE Time of Death: 99:99 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic Place of Death: Years of Schooling: Elementary or Secondary Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 78 Years
Name: Herbert R. Biddle SSN: 281-10-5366 Last Residence: 43045 Milford Center, Union, Ohio, United States of Am erica Born: 28 Nov 1910 Died: 28 Feb 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: �tab�Leroy Harbour
Death Date: �tab�12 Aug 1929
Death Place: �tab�Duchouguet, Auglaise Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jul 1906
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaigne Co., Oh
Death Age: �tab�23 years 30 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Machinist
Residence: �tab�Duchouguet, Auglaize Co., OH
Burial Date: �tab�14 Aug 1929
Burial Place: �tab�Pases
Cemetery Name: �tab�Pases
Spouse's Name: �tab�Adeline Harbour
Father's Name: �tab�Harley Harbour
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaigne Co., Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Della Harvey
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaigne Co., Oh
Film Number: �tab�1991908
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022273
Image Number: �tab�503
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Esther Curl
Name: �tab�Esther Curl
Birth Date: �tab�1902
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Shelby
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�7 Aug 1985
Hospital of Death: �tab�Lima Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Lima
County of Death: �tab�Allen
Certificate: �tab�056569
Age at Death: �tab�83
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Social Security Number: �tab�289-14-8080
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Elementary and secondary schools
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Cooks, except short order
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Winter 2005 Vol 21 No 3 pg 80 Sait Paris, Oh Graduates 192 6-1932 1928-Garner Lickliter
Name: Garner Licklider SSN: 294-20-0770 Born: 5 Mar 1910 Died: 26 Nov 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
CCGS Newlsetter Dec 2008 Vol 24 No 4 Page 108-109
Alumni Directory for the Salem High School , Urbana, Ohio 1897-1947
1907-Ralph Allgyer
[HI42265] (Research):ALLGYER RALPH County Name: CUYAHOGA Date of Death: 4/4/1915 Volume Number: 1618 Certificate Number: 20656
(Research):Name: Dorothy E Allgyer Age at Death: 65 Date of Death: 12 Feb 1977 City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Volume: 22766 Certificate: 007737 Date of Birth: Est. 1912 Gender: Female Marital Status: Never Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: Unknown
Name: Dorothy Allgyer SSN: 269-30-3554 Last Residence: 43070 Rosewood, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 27 Oct 1911 Last Benefit: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Died: Feb 1977 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1951 )
Urbana Daily Citizen 2/13/1977
Services for Miss Dorothy E Allgyer, 65, of 1088 W Ohio 29, Rosewood, who died in her residence Saturday morning, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Baker-Cisco Funeral Home, St Paris. She had been in failing health for two months. She was born in Bellefontaine on Nov 27, 1911 the daughter of Ralph K and Chloe Ford Allgyer. She was a 1929 graduate of Rosewood High School and a member of the Rosewood United Methodist Church. She had been a practical nurse most of her life. She had also served the Rosewood Community as a correspondant for thr Urbana Citizen, assuming the job after her mother's death last summer. Survivors include a brother Marvin of Piqua and a nephew Chris of Big Stone Gap, Va. Burial Rosedale Cemetery.
[XI42266] Sec C 1911-1977
[HI42267] (Research):Name: MARVIN FORD ALLGYER Gender: Male Date of Death: June 24, 1999 Birth Date: January 24, 1914 Volume: 32016 Certificate: 051924 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 287144300 Father's Surname: ALLGYER Time of Death: 3:30 PM Marital Status: married Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: hospital/inpatient Years of Schooling: 15 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: US NAVY Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: FORD Race: White Birth Place: BELLEFONTAINE, LOGAN, Ohio Residence: PIQUA, MIAMI, Ohio Age: 85 years
[HI42268] (Research):Census Place:Quincy, Logan, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1255041 National Archives Film T9-1041 Page 16 2A Henry B. PERSINGERSelfMMW51OHFa: VA.Mo: MD. Mary J. PERSINGERWifeFMW36OH.Fa: OH.Mo: OH. Lester O. PERSINGERSonMSW8OH.Fa: OH.Mo: OH. William H. PERSINGERSonMSW5OH.Fa: OH.Mo: OH. Dorithia CURLMotherLFWW72OH.Fa: OH.Mo: OH.
Groom's Name �tab�Walter W. Holding
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1886
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�39
Bride's Name �tab�Leona F. O'Bryant
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1905
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�20 Aug 1925
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Emmet Holding
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Belle Sandebaster
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John T. O'Bryant
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rose Bennett
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
[HI42271] (Research):Name: Robert R Obryant Birth Date: Est. 1908 Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Urbana Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 9 Mar 1964 Hospital of Death: Osu Medical Ctr City of Death: Columbus (Pt) County of Death: Franklin Certificate: 18583 Age at Death: 56 Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Married
Name: Robert R Obryant Birth Date: Est. 1908
Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Urbana
Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio
Residence Country: United States
Death Date: 9 Mar 1964
Hospital of Death: Osu Medical Ctr
City of Death: Columbus (Pt) County of Death: Franklin Certificate: 18583 Age at Death: 56 Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Married
[DI42272] death occurred at the Columbus Institute for Feeble minded and states burial in Urbana . cemetery marker has death year as 1925. (source Karen Heber 10/2014)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
about Frank E Obryant
Name: �tab�Frank E Obryant
Birth Date: �tab�1914
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Franklin
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�25 Mar 1970
Hospital of Death: �tab�G/Rmh Grant Campus
City of Death: �tab�Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: �tab�Franklin
Certificate: �tab�027355
Age at Death: �tab�56
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Census Tract: �tab�0979
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1922 Lucille O'Bryant Motter
MOTTER LLAM H (?????) County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: /19/1928 Volume Number: 4 Certificate Number: 7701
Name: �tab�Francis Lucille Mottes
Death Date: �tab�25 Aug 1928
Death Place: �tab�Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 Apr 1904
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�24 years 4 months 12 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Springcreek Twp., Ohio, USA
Burial Date: �tab�27 Aug 1928
Burial Place: �tab�Rorsedale, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Arther Mottes
Father's Name: �tab�Frank O Bryant
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Curl
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Springhill, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991348
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022110
Image Number: �tab�466
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 50819
(Research):Source Richard Pence http://www.pipeline.com/~richardpence/gensum1.htm http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wpickett/JohnPenceobit.html
Rev. John Pence
The pioneer fathers in the ministry of the Reformed Church in the "West ," one by one, are passing away, and, already "faint and few," they soon w ill have gone from among us to their eternal reward. They experienced priv ations and endured hardships, but labored faithfully and persevering ly in the Master's service, and accomplished a good foundation work. We li ve upon the results of their labors, travel over the beaten paths of the ir earlier footsteps, and enjoy the inheritance bequeathed to us bu the ir self-denying efforts; and our sense of obligation and affection shou ld inspire us to kindly remembrance of their Christian virtues and their w ork in the Lord.
Rev. John Pence (written originally Bentz), son of Henry Pence, and his wi fe Catharine, whose maiden name was Manger, was born in Rockingham Count y, Va., December 13th, 1799. He descended from Christian parents,(1) his f ather being a member of the Lutheran Church, and his mother of the Reform ed Church. He was consecrated to the Lord by baptism in the Peaked Mounta in Church, July 2nd, 1800, by Rev. John Brown. About 1810 his parents remo ved to Warren Co., O., and settled in the vicinity of Springboro, whe re he spent the next ten years of his life with his parents in farming.
From early life he was tenderhearted and susceptible of serious impression s, being of a sympathetic nature and easily moved to tears, and as ear ly as in his fifteenth year he became religiously inclined, and deeply exe rcised about his soul's salvation. Feeling that he was a sinner in the sig ht of God, he sought the Lord with a believing heart, and after much spiri tual conflict, he realized the pardoning favor of God, and was enabl ed to rejoice in the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ. And having at tended a course of catechetical instruction, with fifteen other young pers ons, and making public profession of religion through faith in the savio r, he with the other catechumens, was received by confirmation into full c ommunion with the Reformed Church, in the old log church of the Salem (n ow Springboro) congregation in June, 1817, by Rev,. Thomas Winters.
Soon after his conversion he became impressed with the idea of being call ed to preach the gospel of grace and salvation to his fellow men. These im pressions became gradually deepened and strengthened, especially so aft er he had publicly consecrated himself to the service of God, and regular ly united with the church. But, as in the case of many worthy and pious yo ung men, he could see no way open to secure the necessary preparations f or the sacred and responsible office of the gospel ministry. He lacked pec uniary means as well as a proper preparatory education; and no kind frie nd appeared proffer assistance, or speak a word of encouragement. The Lor d, however, had a work for him to do, and gradually opened the way, and en abled him in due time to become an ambassador for Christ. During the inter val of about three years between his union with the church and his enteri ng upon a course of study, nothing specially transpired, as he continu ed to labor on the farm until he was over twenty-one years of age.
His early educational advantages were meager and unsatisfactory. The fir st winter after settling in Ohio, his father taught him the German alphabe t, and in about two or three months he had progressed so far in the Germ an language as to be able to master "common easy reading." In the followi ng spring he started to an English school taught in the neighborhood. He w hole of his primary or preparative education was received in the common sc hools, as they then existed in the State of Ohio, under five or six differ ent teachers. This course of education, confined to three or four mont hs in a year, extended in the aggregate to scarcely two years. Meanwhil e, as opportunity offered, he read good and useful books, and especially t he Bible in which he became well versed.
With this preparatory training, under the divine blessing, he commenced h is theological studies(2) on the 21st of May, 1821, with Rev. Thomas Winte rs, at Germantown, O., and continued them about three years with commendab le zeal and success. During this time he also pursued (to a limited exten t) some historical and scientific studies. At the end of eighteen month s, because of a want of means, he was compelled to teach a common school f or three months, near Schleiffer's Church, five miles north of Germantow n. In the spring of 1823 his parents removed from Warren County to a fa rm in the vicinity of Schleiffer's Church. This proved a pecuniary advanta ge to him, as he could again board at home, and was thus enabled to ful ly resume his studies, reciting once a week to his preceptor, at Germantow n, until in May, 1824.
Having completed his allotted studies, and receiving a call from the Uni on charge, he traveled in June about 200 miles on horseback to New Philade lphia, O., to attend the annual meeting of the Ohio Classis, which was the re on the 14th of June, officially merged into the Ohio Synod of the Refor med Church; and on making application to the Synod he was examined, licens ed and ordained(3) on the 15th of June, 1824, in connection with David Win ters and Jacob Descombes. These were the first young men who received ordi nation by authority of the Ohio Synod.
Now, being clothed with the functions of the gospel ministry, and conscio us of the responsibility of the sacred office, he entered upon his pione er work with zeal and devotion, and soon became "abundant in labors." H is first field of labor was the Union charge within the present limi ts of Miami Classis, consisting of three congregations, namely, Frieden 's (now Mt. Pisgah at Lawrenceville) in Clark Co., Salem in Champaign Coun ty, and Stillwater in Montgomery County. In the winter of 1824-25 he organ ized a new congregation near Hyattsville, in Miami County, known as Worman 's, until in 1845 when it was called Emanuel's. These four congregations p roperly constituted the Union charge, though occasionally including o ne or two others for a few years, but his missionary operations extend ed to other points, which, in course of time, grew into congregations. Bet ween 1830 and 1834 he commenced preaching in Shelby County north of Sidne y, and has to travel forty miles every four weeks in going thither. In 18 35 he began to serve the New Providence congregation, continuing his pasto rate three years, and also had to travel forty miles every four weeks to m eet his appointments. He also preached at some other points, and his labo rs ultimately extended over five counties. Thus, in connection with his re gular charge, he operated a large mission field, and out of his char ge in the broader sense, and on the territory he originally traveled and s eeded, gradually grew the St. Paris, the Port Jefferson and the Salem char ges.
His pastorate in the Union charge continued from 1824 to 1847, a peri od of about twenty-three years, and during the period, being full of vig or and energy, he achieved the best results of his ministry, as his report ed statistics show, viz: Baptisms, 1,165; confirmations, 407; communion s, 4,357; and funerals, 266.
In 1826, during his pastorate in the Union charge, he was appointed as t he first missionary of the Ohio Synod, and during that and the three succe eding years, he made an exploring tour through southern Indiana, visiti ng different points, preaching the gospel to he destitute, administering t he ordinance of baptism and the Lord's Supper, and imparting instructio n, consolation and encouragement to the "scattered flock of Israel."
From 1847 to 1850 he was without a charge, but meanwhile acted as a Bib le colporter, canvassing four townships in Clark and Miami Counties, O., p reaching occasionally, and making several brief missionary tours to Indian a.
From 1850 to 1851 he served or supplied the Second Reformed Church of Tiff in(4) , the congregations at Caroline (Baseline) and McCutchenville, and t he Salem congregation, about four miles from Fremont.
From 1851 to 1853 he had no charge, but was part of the time engaged in Bi ble and missionary work.
In the spring of 1853 he accepted a call to the Basil charge, in Fairfie ld County, Ohio, but in consequence of impaired health resigned at the e nd of one year.
From 1854 o 1860 he was without a charge, being for several years mo re or less ill, but subsequently did some Bible and missionary work.
In 1860 he organized two congregations(5) in Randolph County, Indiana, a nd served them two years, or until in 1862. This was his last charge, b ut during the interim of twenty-one years (1862-83), he was not secluded n or inactive, nor did he lose interest in the church and spiritual thing s; but he generally, on Sabbath, united in the service of he sanctuary a nd Sunday-school, occasionally preaching and assisting at communions, regu larly at classis and not infrequently at synod.
The reminiscences and incidents of his early ministry, had they been mo re fully preserved on record, would now be read with thrilling interest, a nd lead to a better understanding of the privations, hardships, and inconv eniences he endured in his pioneer work. He had to encounter not only mora l, but also natural difficulties and obstacles in the form of bad roads, s wollen streams, inclement weather and threatening dangers. A few of the se are here noted:
1. On his first missionary tour in September, 1826, to Indiana, he pass ed along down the Ohio River to the Falls above Louisville, and having be en instructed to visit Brunnerstown, (now Jeffersonville), in Kentuck y, he was necessitated to cross the river just above the Falls in a fra il ferry boat, while the water was deep with a strong current. The underta king was regarded as a very perilous one, but under divine protection he s afely reached the opposite shore and engaged in his assigned work.
2. In the latter part of the month of May, 1828, he arranged to attend t he meeting of the Ohio Synod at Canton, Ohio, and on a certain day after d inner started on his way towards Springfield. When about four miles from h ome, he was overtaken by a terrific whirlwind, which caused devastation a nd destruction in its course, upsetting fences, unroofing buildings and bl owing down trees. Two large trees fell prostrate near him and some of t he branches passed over his head. To save himself from being carried aw ay or dashed against some object, he laid himself flat on the ground. H is horse got away, and his hat and buffalo robe became lost and never reco vered. As the whirlwind soon abated, he at once returned home, (where no w hirlwind had existed), and borrowed a hat of his brother-in-law, and aga in started on his journey, and met the other delegates at Springfield, nam ely Revs. Thomas Winters, David Winters and Henry Hiestand. They then purs ued their journey together. In a few days they were again confronted by da nger. In coming to the junction of White Woman and Tuscarawas Rivers, bo th having risen to he highest water mark, there was no way of crossing b ut on a common ferry boat, and the distance across was nearly half a mil e. There was a halt and a pause! But finally the four delegates, with tru st in God, ventured on the boat and safely landed on the "other shore," a nd pursuing their journey arrived at Canton on Sunday afternoon, June 1,18 28.
3. In his early ministry, in order to meet his appointments, he had freque ntly to cross the Miami River, at all stages of the water, about five mil es south of Troy, in Miami County, and at times not without danger. The pr ocess was in the wise: He would first strip his horse of saddle, blanket a nd saddle-bags, then lead him to the side of the canoe or skiff and ke ep a tight hold of the rein, while the ferryman would work the oars with g ood effect, and make a safe landing on the opposite shore.
During the first thirty years of his ministry he traveled at the rate of a bout 2,000 miles per year, mostly on horseback, besides about 15,000 mil es on railroads and otherwise, a total of 75,000 miles; and including h is travels in the remaining twenty-nine years, he traveled, perhaps, duri ng the whole period of his ministry between 90,000 and 100,000 miles. A nd the results of his ministry, as far as these can now be ascertain ed in the absence of a complete record, are as follows: Baptisms 1,212, co nfirmations 422, marriages 245, funerals 276, and organized nine congregat ions.
He preached his first sermon, while a student, in the German languag e, in February, 1822, in the Schleiffer church, five miles north of German town, from II. Peter ii. 9; and his last sermon in the English langua ge in the Reformed church at Tremont City, on Friday, April 6, 1883, on t he occasion of the funeral of Reuben Sagers, from Matt. xxiv 44: "Therefo re be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man co meth."
He was married, June 7, 1827, at the residence of the bride's parents to M iss Margaret Jones, by Rev. David Winters; and in this union they had ni ne children, three sons and six daughters, of whom one son and three daugh ters preceded the father to the "world beyond"-- leaving as mourners a dev oted wife, two sons, and three daughters, nineteen grand-children and sev en great grand-children, together with a large circle of friends. Soon aft er his marriage he secured a pleasant homestead, including ten acres of la nd, nearly two miles west of Tremont, Clark County, Ohio, and became perma nently settled there, continuing to live there during the succeeding yea rs of his long and eventful life, and having Tremont for his post-office ( now called Tremont City).
Father Pence inherited a vigorous constitution, and with little excepti on enjoyed continuously good health, manifesting even after having pass ed the goal of "four score years" much of the vigor and spring of youth. N or was he called at the last to endure a lengthened period of sickness a nd suffering. Twelve days previous to his final departure he preached a fu neral sermon, and he was in the enjoyment of his usual health up to Saturd ay, April 16th, at 9 o'clock a.m., when he was suddenly taken with a hea vy chill, assuming somewhat of a congestive nature with a slight tenden cy to pneumonia. He gradually grew weaker, without any pain or sufferin g, and on Wednesday morning, the 18th of April, 1883, at 7:30 o'cloc k, he calmly fell asleep in Jesus, aged 83 years, 4 months and 5 days.
The funeral occurred on Friday, April 20th. On a silver plate on the coff in lid, besides his name and date of death, was engraved this significa nt motto: "Rest in peace." His remains were conveyed from his late residen ce to the Mt. Pisgah Reformed Church at Lawrenceville (formerly Noblesvill e), a distance of about two and a half miles, where a large concourse of p eople assembled to manifest their respect for their aged pioneer father, a nd this sympathy with the bereaved family, as well as to unite in the sole mnities of the occasion. The sermon, founded on Psalm xc:10, 12, was preac hed by Rev. Isaac H. Reiter, D. D., who also read a sketch of the life a nd labors of the deceased. The other ministers present, and taking pa rt in the services, were Revs. Daniel R. Taylor and Solomon Ream, of the R eformed Church, and Rev. John A. White, of the Methodist Episcopal Churc h. After the services in the church, the remains of Father Pence were la id to rest in the adjoining graveyard by the side of his four children, wi th appropriate services conducted by Rev. Taylor, to await the awakening f iat of the resurrection unto life and glory! Near by is also the gra ve of Rev. John Peter Dechant, whose death was caused by injuries receiv ed from a falling tree, and whose remains were interred here in 1824.
Father Pence, whatever may have been his infirmities or failings, was a tr uly Christian man, sincerely and devoutly pious, living much in the spir it of prayer, and making the divine will his rule of action. His private l ife bore evidence of strict integrity and consistency, and his ministeri al career was marked by honesty and fidelity. Even if he erred in judgme nt or zeal, he was right in motive and honest in purpose. He often felt h is weakness, but sought his "sufficiency" in God. The chief aim of his Chr istian efforts was to promote the glory of God, and to secure the salvati on of souls. Properly considered he may be said to have achieved a good a nd enduring work in his day, ever accepting and teaching the Word of G od as inspired and true, and firmly believing the doctrine of divine provi dence and grace. He had a confiding trust in Jesus Christ as his Redeem er and Savior, and was always ready to give an answer in regard to the ho pe that was in him. For him to live was Christ, and to die was gain. He co ntinued steadfast in the faith and hope of the gospel unto the end. His mi nistry has ceased on earth, and he has gone to the blessed reward. "Re st in Peace"---------------- I. H. R.
[Obituary of Rev. John Pence from unknown source] The Rev. John Pence, the Ohio missionary, of whom we gave a short sket ch in a previous number of this paper, gently fell asleep in Christ on t he 18th of April last, in the 84th year of his age, and the 59th of his mi nistry. On his 71st birthday, thinking he might not live much longer, he p enned some verses of poetry with which he supplied his friends with a prin ted copy. We here give a portion of them.
But, oh ! One thought of love divine, Does all my follies far outshine, When I remember Jesus died, For me and all mankind beside. Not only died, but has prepared A heaven of glory to be shared With angels bright in realms above, Where all is joy, and all is love. There with you bright angelic throng, With hearts we'll sing the heavenly song, And there, with all the blood-washed host, Praise father, Son and Holy Ghost.
1. His parents in their later years lived with their son-in-law, Samuel Ol dfather, in the vicinity of Farmersville, Ohio, where they died only sev en weeks apart, and are buried in the cemetery at Farmersville. His fath er died December 31st, 1860, aged 85 years, 11 months and 23 days; and h is mother died February 18th, 1861, aged 86 years, 2 months and eight day s. Rev. I.H. Reuter preached the funeral sermons on both occasions.
2. Rev. Pence in a letter to the writer some years ago said: "On the ne xt day after my arrival at Germantown, as a theological student, some prel iminaries had to be attended to, and among others, such as getting a lar ge and heavy slab at Lewis Shuey's saw-mill, and after dressing the upp er side, and putting four plain legs in the lower side, it served as a wri ting desk for myself and David, the oldest son (of my preceptor), who n ow were yoked together as fellow students in a small room in the south-we st corner of Father T. Winter's parsonage, where we recited our German gra mmar and other branches of study." Here we have a glimpse of the mann er in which our pioneer fathers had to start as students, and yet with a ll their privations, disadvantages and discouragements, they by their indu stry and application made themselves useful in the service of the Lord. Wh at a contrast between the past and the present! How superior the opportuni ties and advantages of the present day! Are they properly appreciated a nd improved?
3. The Committee of Examination consisted of Revs. John Peter Mahneuschmid t. Henry Sonnedecker and Benjamin Faust. The Committee of Ordination consi sted of Revs. George Weisz, Henry Sonnedecker, and Thomas Winters, who pre ached the ordination sermon in the evening from I. Tim. iv:16.
4. It is said in Lang's history of Seneca County, Ohio, page 285, that t he Second Reformed Church of Tiffin, "was first organized by Rev. Frederi ck Wahl." But, in a letter written to the writer in 1869, Rev. Pence say s: "I organized the Second Reformed Church of Tiffin in April or May, 185 0; and I also organized the Reformed congregation at the Baseline (Carolin e) in the summer of 1850." In regard to the organization of the Second Ref ormed Church of Tiffin, who is right?
5. The one was organized at Hiestand's school-house, nearly three miles we st of Winchester, on Good Friday, April 6, 1860, with George Dietz as elde r, and Reuben Batt as deacon; and the other was organized in the corpora te limits of Winchester in the house of Henry Ludy, who was elected elde r, and Stephen Segraves, deacon.
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1917 Floyd Dormire
Name: Herman F. Dormire Serial Number: 4544521 Race: W Residence: R. F. D. 1, Pemberton, O. Enlistment Division: National Army Enlistment Location: Middletown, O. Enlistment Date: 01 Oct 1918 Birth Place: Sidney, O. Birth Date / Age: 7 Feb 1897 Assigns Comment: Students' Army Training Corps Miami University Oxfo rd O to Discharge Private Honorable discharge 21 Dec 1918. Volume #: 5
[HI42281] (Research):DORMIRE FOSTER S County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 6/17/1931 Volume Number: 6630 Certificate Number: 35134
(Research):Name: George Blackford Gender: Male Date of Death: 11 December 1973 Volume: 21514 Certificate: 091848 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 79 Years
Name: George Blackford SSN: 275-36-8505 Last Residence: 43343 Quincy, Logan, Ohio, United States of America Born: 26 May 1884 Died: Dec 1973 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1956-1958 )
[HI42286] (Research):1850 Census name is Indiana 1860 Census name is Angeline
Groom's Name: �tab�Victor Olen Curl
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�North Lewisburg, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Gerda Henrietta Schoneberger
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1896
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Cin., O.
Bride's Age: �tab�27
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Jun 1923
Marriage Place: �tab�, Hamilton, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�B. M. Curl
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara E. Meyers
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�G. G. Schoneberger
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Katherine Hunsche
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[XI42292] Sec32 �tab�Lot 49 �tab�SubLot 1 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 1
(Research):Orville Journell
Age: 28 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0001
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0224
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mabel 24 Ohio Son Wilson NR Ohio
[DI42310] FREESE, Ruth Onnollee 90, of Springfield, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Sunday, April 12, 2009. She was born on September 4, 1918, daughter of Raymond and Florence (Neese) Persinger. She is preceded in death by her parents; loving husband, Louis Freese; and brothers, Ned, Ronald, and Robert Persinger. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, David and Marcia Freese; daughter and son-in-law, Rebecca and Paul Matthews; grandchildren, Kelly (Rick) Parker, Nikki (Tim) Jobes, and Lori (Russell) Simpson; great-grandchildren, Sarah, Melissa, and Cody Parker, Katie and Jared Jobes, and Megan and Nathan Simpson; and great-great grandson, Braylon Parker. Ruth was a Registered Nurse at Mercy Medical Center where she retired after 30 years of service in 1978. She was also a member of Lagonda United Methodist Church and recently attended Grace Bible Church with her son and daughter-in-law. She was an avid sewer and loved to knit. She also loved doing alterations, which she was still doing until the time of her passing. She loved family gatherings and always enjoyed reunions. Ruth was happiest when she was spending time with her family and helping others. Also, a favorite past time for Ruth was playing games and doing puzzles. She will be deeply missed by all her family and friends and will always be cherished. Visitation will be held on Thursday, April 16, 2009 from 6-9 PM at JACKSON LYTLE WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME- Springfield where a celebration of her life will be held on Friday, April 17, 2009 at 11AM. Interment will be held at Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. In Lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Lagonda United Methodist Church, 2030 Mitchell Blvd., Spfld, 45503 or Grace Bible Church, 1500 Groop Rd., Spfld, 45504. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.jacksonlytle.com
[HI42311] (Research):from info i found in a census i thought Carrie's parents were William a > Elizabeth (Cook?) Scoby.... my cousin in Newark Ohio says William and > Elizabeth (Staley) Scoby? so not sure about Elizabeth's maiden name. > maybe two marriages? [email protected]
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1906 Mary Shanley Yinger
Name: Mary Yinger Gender: Female Date of Death: 01 June 1971 Volume: 20521 Certificate: 047124 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Sidney, Shelby County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 83 Years
[HI42313] (Research):YINGER, Clarence Bruce Death date: 6/11/1939, Champaign Coun ty Certificate #35332
[HI42314] (Research):Name: Ralph Hughs Yinger Gender: Male Date of Death: 08 September 1996 Birth Date: 08 June 1916 Volume: 30795 Certificate: 067277 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 293344742 Father's Surname: Yinger Time of Death: 12:05 PM Marital Status: Never Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Shanley Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 80
(Research):Doctor, Major US Army WWII
Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1921 Starling Yinger
[HI42316] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1923 Beulah Yinger Runkle
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1920 Ruth Huling Anderson
Name: Ruth M Anderson Age at Death: 70 Date of Death: 18 Mar 1971 City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Volume: 20395 Certificate: 015645 Date of Birth: Est. 1901 Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Name: Ruth Anderson SSN: 293-34-3779 Last Residence: 45317 Conover, Miami, Ohio, United States of America Born: 4 Feb 1901 Died: Mar 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1955-1956 )
[HI42320] (Research):Name : Robert Covault Titles : Death date : 10 Jan 1909 Death place : Clinton, Shelby, Ohio Birth date : Estimated birth year : 1901 Birth place : Age at death : 8 years 5 months 1 day Gender : Male Marital status : Race or color : Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : Wm Covault Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Iva Steinmetz Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 1926953 Digital GS number : 4024277 Image number : 2020 Certificate number : fn 4702 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1925 Pauline Purk Winegartner
Name: Pauline R. Winegardner SSN: 280-44-0297 Last Residence: 45503 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 25 Oct 1907 Died: 13 Jun 2001 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963 )
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1920 Edna Covault Coverston
Name : Edna R. Coverstone Death date : 17 Jul 1930 Death place : Sidney, Shelby, Ohio Birth date : 12 Jul 1901 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 29 years 5 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 317 Wilkinson Ave. Occupation : At Home Residence : Burial date : 19 Jul 1930 Burial place : Cemetery name : Rosedale Cem. Spouse name : Elza Coverstone Father name : Charles Covault Father titles : Father birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Mother name : Lillie May Armstrong Mother titles : Mother birth place : Sidney, Shelby, Ohio GSU film number : 1992173 Digital GS number : 4000548 Image number : 2478 Certificate number : fn 44837 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953 COVERSTONE EDNA R County Name: SHELBY Date of Death: 7/17/1930 Volume Number: 6363 Certificate Number: 44837
[HI42326] (Research):Name: Harold G Covault Gender: Male Date of Death: 22 April 1973 Volume: 21273 Certificate: 031727 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Sidney, Shelby County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Residence: , Shelby County Age: 56 Years
(Research):Lemmon Holy Bible - Bible with a suitcase bought at an Urbana Flea Market Presented to Carey Lemmon by Carsville Christian Church Sunday School F eb 27, 1963
This certifies that Carey Emil Lemmon and Nellie Mae Sidder were unt ed in Holy Matrimony on the 4th day of May 1941 Births (Hard to read) Nellie Mae Lemmon (1_93) Carey Lennon 2/27/1920 Loretta Lemmon Nov 3 1_95 Linda Lemmon 9/2/1957 Letha Lemmon 5/6/1943 Ira Lemmon 11/17/1888 Wanda Su 11/15/1965 Byron Wayne Jr 8/28/1966 Monica Jane 2/25/1966 Jennifer Anita 4/13/1964 Sarah Elizabeth Lemmon 10/16/1985 Kennth Lee Lemmon 8/27/1968
Marriages Nellie Sidders and Carey Lemmon Sarah Lemmon and Ira Lemmon Oct Betty Imel and Wayne Lemmon Lethea Lemmon and Denver Cultice
Deaths Sarah Lemmon 10/31/1959 Ira Lemmon 3/1/1962 Carey Lemmon 1/1/1968 Byron Wayne Lemmon Jr 3/4/1967
(Research):Name of wife in 1930 is Rachel, age 44, married first time at age 23
Name: Mabel Journell Gender: Female Date of Death: 21 October 1977 Volume: 23017 Certificate: 070318 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Middletown, Butler County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 91 Years
Name: Mabel Journell SSN: 288-44-9050 Last Residence: 43343 Quincy, Logan, Ohio, United States of America Born: 15 Jan 1886 Died: Oct 1977 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963 )
[HI42329] (Research):Vol. C Page 316 . N side of NE 1/4 Sec. 17 T.3 R9 Mad River Twp. no w. 7 Dec. 1816, from Robert Russell and wife Winiford. $300 for 60 acr es
[HI42333] (Research):
CCGS Newsletter June 2008 pg 39 Urbana Daily Citizen
News of the death of Alice, daughter of Henry M Russell, has been received by her friends in this county. She died in Utah, whither she went less than a year since.
Name: Alice Claudine Russell Lewis
Death date: 28 Oct 1904
Death place: Provo, Utah, Utah
Birth date: 10-2-1875
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 29 years 26 days
Former Residense- Delaware Ohio, 4 months
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: White
Spouse name:
Informant Rev Charles H Lewis
Father name: Henry M. Russell
Father titles:
Mother name: Melinda Baker
Mother titles:
Burial Date 10-30-1904
Cemetery: Provo Utah
GSU film number: 2230662
Digital GS number: 4121310
Image number: 1385
Reference number: 209
Collection: Utah Death Certificates 1904-1956
[HI42334] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts M ay 1855-1871, (March 2000), pg 193. 9/2/1869 Died near Decatur, IL 24 th ult, Rebecca C, wife of H M Russell, formerly of this place.
[HI42335] (Research):Poss the Malinda Baker age 16 b VA in the 1860 Census Champaign Co, Concor d, pg209. Head of house Susannah baker 43 b VA and Martha Baker age 18 b V A
(Research):The handwriting (on the death certificate of Matilda Urton - see notes on her) is hard to read, and the spelling could be Speece or Spence or Spencer She probably died before 1880, because didn't appear with family in this census.
She had an Aunt Lou, probably mother's sister, who married an English professor at a college in Weston, W.VA. Death Certificate 68982 confirms birth date, death date, and husband: Aron Henry Russell. She died at age 69 y, 2 m, 6 d. Listed father and mother were Henry M. Russell and Catherine Speece or Spence or Spencer. I believe these are the parents of the husband, Aron Henry Russell, and not Matilda E. Russell nee Norton
[HI42340] (Research):Name: GLADYS G SHEARER Gender: Female Date of Death: September 07, 1964 Volume: 17811 Certificate: 69325 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Dayton, Montgomery County Race: White Residence: Dayton, Montgomery County Age: 47
[HI42342] (Research):Name: John W Eaton Gender: Male Date of Death: 26 July 1972 Volume: 20937 Certificate: 050097 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 53 Years
[HI42343] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1926 Irene Russell
[HI42344] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1917 Lois Clark Russell
[NI42345] MIddle name from son David death cert
Name: �tab�John Eaton
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�09 Feb 1897
Death Place: �tab�Adams Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�74
Birth Date: �tab�1823
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 133
[HI42346] (Research):CARL SCHROEER 23 Sep 1881 Jul 1965 (Minnisota) (none specified) 476-24-48 04 Minnesota
(Research):Name: Dorothy Linebaugh Gender: Female Date of Death: 05 July 1975 Volume: 22140 Certificate: 047613 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 80 Years
Name: Dorothy Linebaugh SSN: 293-34-2830 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 8 Jan 1895 Died: Jul 1975 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1955-1956 )
Urbana Daily Citizen 9/5/2008
Vesta Marie (Linebaugh) Davis 92 of Urbana passed away Thursday, September 04, 2008 in the Community Hospital Springfield.She was born September 23, 1915 in Rosewood, Harrison Township, Champaign County, Ohio, the daughter of Grover Cleveland and Dorothy (Gundolf) Linebaugh.She was a 1933 graduate of Rosewood High School, the salutatorian of her class. Vesta was a longtime and faithful member of Kingscreek United Methodist Church. She was a 4-H advisor for 25 years; she helped in the Champaign County fair office for many years, was employed as a Secretary in the Extension Office and also was a guide at the Ohio Caverns.She enjoyed being a farmer's wife. She was a member of the Farm Bureau, Salem Garden Club and Urbana Senior Center. She was known as "The Doll Lady", she loved doing crafts and sewing.She is survived by daughters Nancy (John) Bryner of Hilliard, OH, Connie (Kenny) Huffman of Urbana and Kay Eaton of Baxley, GA, her grandchildren, Doug Curtis, Angie (Bill) Knott, Jeffrey (Amy) Bryner, Cyronda Schofield, Bart (Debbie) Eaton, Marcia (Sean) Killilea, Staci (Shannon) Spence, Chad (Dee) Eaton and Clint Huffman; 17 great grandchildren, 3 great great grandchildren, as well as numerous nieces and nephews of several generations.
She is preceded in death by her loving husband, Russell Davis, her parents, her sisters Mary Alvertia Cooper and Cleo Irene Davis and a grandson, Eugene Huffman and his wife, Teresa.
A gathering of family and friends will be held from 2-5 p.m. on Sunday, September 7, 2008 in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana, Ohio.
Funeral services will be held 11:00 am on Monday in the funeral home with Pastor David Brown officiating.
Burial will follow in Kingscreek Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Kingscreek United Methodist Church 1368 Kennard-Kingscreek Rd., Urbana, Ohio 43078.
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 250
Name: Raymond D Pheneger Gender: Male Date of Death: 26 August 1974 Volume: 21783 Certificate: 057537 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 62 Years
[HI42359] (Research):Harry L. Eaton, age 96, of Piqua, died Friday, May 26, 2006 at 12:10 p~ m. at the Upper Valley Medical Center in Troy. Harry was born Feb. 3, 19 10 in Rosewood to the late John E and Florence N. (Diehl) Eaton. He was pr eceded in death by his first wife of 40 years, Mary Ellsworth and his seco nd wife, Della Irvin, whom he married July 10, 1970 in St Paris. She di ed May 16, 2006.Harry is survived by two daughters and one son-in-law, Dor othy (Dot) and Roger Shaffer and Peg Terry both of St Paris; one son a nd daughter-in-law, Danny and Evie Eaton of Wapakoneta; two step-sons a nd daughters-in law, John and Jean Irvin of Piqua and Sam and Frances Irv in of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Lucille and An dy Cupps of Troy and Alta Gates of Urbana; eight grandsons, Terry and Nan cy Shaffer and bob Shaffer of Inthanapolis, Ind~, Bill Terry, Don and D eb Terry, David and Teresa Terry all of St Paris, Robin and Kelley Ter ry of Springhills, John Harter, Craig Eaton of Wapakoneta; two granddaught ers, Dodie Eaton of Dayton and Mary Eaton of Wapakoneta; 15 greatgrandchil dren and several nieces and nephews.Mr. Eaton was preceded in death by o ne daughter, Mildred Law; one step-daughter, Mary (Ables) Scott; three bro thers, Robert, Clarence, and Donald Eaton; two sisters, Minnie and Nell ie Godwin,
[HI42360] (Research):ROBERT C. EATON 88, of 5104 East U.S. Highway 36, Urbana, Ohio, died Sunda y, June 29, 2003 at 6:05 p.m. in Mercy Memorial Hospital, Urbana, Ohi o. He was born on July 22, 1914 in Champaign County, to John and Floren ce (Diehl) Eaton. He was a dairy farmer and retired from Concord Townshi p. He is survived by his wife of 28 years, Mary Gale (Malone) Eaton; child ren, Robert (Marilyn Sue) Eaton, Jr. of Urbana, Kenneth (Lelia) Eaton of R aphine, Virginia, Dale (Jean) Eaton of Minot, North Dakota, Paul (Jacqu e) Eaton of Hinesville, Georgia, Judy (Pete) Nichols of Mutual, Sharon Ire land of Urbana, Ohio, Rodney (Rhoda) Eaton of West Jefferson, Patricia (To m) Dever of New Moorefield and Michael (Vicky) Eaton of West Jefferson; st ep-children, Jerri (Bob) Palmer, Janet (Carl) Craig and Donald (Nancy) Rob ert all of Cable; daughter-in-law, Vickie Eaton of Hiltibran of St. Pari s; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren; brothers, Harry (Della) Eat on of Piqua and Donald Eaton of Urbana; sisters, Lucille (Andy) Cupps of T roy and Alta Gates of Urbana. He was preceded in death by his parents; inf ant daughters, Alice and Nancy; first wife, Dorothy (Scott) Eaton; son, Me lvin Eaton; brother, Clarence Eaton; sister, Nellie Godwin; son-in-law, Ne il Ireland and step-grandson, Chris Craig. He was a member of Jenkins Chap el Church. The family will receive friends from 1-3 and 5-8 p.m. Wednesd ay in the WALTER-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, A Dignity Memorial Provider, 6 42 South Main Street, Urbana, Ohio where the funeral service will be he ld at 10:30 a.m. Thursday with Pastor Robert Custer officiating. Burial wi ll be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Friends may, if they w ish, contribute to a charity of choice in his memory. First published in DDN on Jul 01 2003
[HI42361] (Research):Name: Clarenc D Eaton Gender: Male Date of Death: 21 October 1974 Volume: 21868 Certificate: 078760 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Marital Status: Unknown Place of Death: Dayton, Montgomery County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 57 Years
(Research):Champaign Co, Ohio History 1991 pg 124 John Duckworth is said to have immigrated with two brothers. One brother w as thought to be Guthridge, but there is no record of him. The other broth er was George
Parents of seven children
Name: �tab�Emaline Jane Hunter
Death Date: �tab�26 Dec 1927
Death Place: �tab�Harrison, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�18 Apr 1843
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�84 years 8 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�28 Dec 1927
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Wesley Chappel
Spouse's Name: �tab�Thomas J. Hunter
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob S. Carey
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary J. Sell
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1985159
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022052
Image Number: �tab�1891
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 67410
Name: �tab�Carrie S. Bricker
Death Date: �tab�07 Oct 1945
Death Place: �tab�Rushsylvania, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�12 May 1861
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�84 years 5 months 25 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Joseph
Father's Name: �tab�Conrad March
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Buck
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372585
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4072475
Image Number: �tab�02399
Certificate Number: �tab�60610
Name : William H. Yinger
Death date : 06 Jun 1930
Death place : London, Madison, Ohio
Birth date : 17 Aug 1847
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : State
Age at death : 82 years 9 months 19 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Farmer
Residence :
Burial date : 09 Jun 1930
Burial place : Rosedale
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : Mary J. Yinger
Father name : Casper Yinger
Father titles :
Father birth place : State
Mother name : Mary Burton
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : State
GSU film number : 1992171
Digital GS number : 4000546
Image number : 1596
Reference number : fn 37683
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI42372] (Research):COVAULT CAROLIN County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 2/3/1923 Volume Number: 4094 Certificate Number: 13089
Name: �tab�Victoria Mae Hoffman
Death Date: �tab�05 Nov 1953
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�22 Aug 1877
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co. Adams Twp. Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 2 months 13 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�William F. Bailar
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Flora Newcomb
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246620
Removed to Oak Dale Cemetery (Lot 8 Sec 35)
Inscription: Daughter of P & L Colwell -- Aged 16y, 9m, 2d
[HI42378] (Research):Bailar, Cory E. Lived in: Adams Township, Champaign County, Ohio 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 14
Name: �tab�John David Bricker
Death Date: �tab�13 Nov 1953
Death Place: �tab�Quincy, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�19 Dec 1868
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Woodville, Ohio Champaign Co
Death Age: �tab�84 years 10 months 25 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Bricker
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Ellen
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246621
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109484
Image Number: �tab�01555
Certificate Number: �tab�74782
Name: �tab�James Albert Bricker
Death Date: �tab�08 May 1921
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�29 Sep 1870
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Concord Twp.
Death Age: �tab�50 years 7 months 9 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Laborer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�10 May 1921
Burial Place: �tab�Concord Twp.
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Bricker
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary E. Beasley
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991591
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4024980
Image Number: �tab�2606
Certificate Number: �tab�cn 25681
[HI42385] (Research):Died at home of son in law Lewis Dick. leaves 6 children.
Name: �tab�Catharine Eaton
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�08 Feb 1901
Death Place: �tab�Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�64
Birth Date: �tab�1837
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 133
Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign County, Ohio St Paris Newspaper Abstracts St Paris New Era, St Paris Disptch, St Paris Independent, St Paris Era Dispatch, St Paris News Dispatch Jan 1877 to 1911 (June 2000 By Champaign Co Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH P O Box 682 Urbana, OH 43078). 2/15/1900 Mrs Catherine Eaton, died at the home of her son in law Lewis Dick, on Wed, aged 64y,11m, 21d. She leaves six children to mourn her death, three boys and three girls, all of whom are married. Funeral was conducted by Rev Fenner. Interment in Halterman Graveyard
[BI42386] Son of Jim Sellers and nancy Ann Preston
Name: �tab�David Henry Eaton
Death Date: �tab�12 Nov 1915
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�07 Nov 1855
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�60 years 5 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Day Laborer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�13 Nov 1915
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Haulterman Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Henry Eaton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Houseman
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1983548
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4019444
Image Number: �tab�936
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 58547
[HI42387] (Research):Mary was married prior to Oliver Perry Hedges 8/15/1883 who died in 1887.
Name: �tab�Mary D. Dick
Death Date: �tab�31 Jan 1929
Death Place: �tab�Perry Twp., Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�11 Jul 1860
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�68 years 6 months 20 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�03 Feb 1929
Burial Place: �tab�Piqua
Cemetery Name: �tab�Forest Hill
Spouse's Name: �tab�David Lewis Dick
Father's Name: �tab�John Eaton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Penn.
Mother's Name: �tab�Kathryn Houseman
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991723
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022231
Informant Frank Dick
(Research):Thomas P Eaton
Age: 43 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0083
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0120
County: Greene
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Olive M 30 Ohio Son Frank C 12 Ohio Daughter Nellie E 08 Ohio Son Lester M 03 Ohio Daughter Nora B NR Ohio Brother William 41 Ohio Nephew James 08 Ohio Nephew Howard 06 Ohio
(Research):Former husband of Mrs Marion Apple
Thomas P Eaton
Age: 43 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0083
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0120
County: Greene
Relation: Head of Household
Wife Olive M 30 Ohio
son Frank C 12 Ohio
Daughter Nellie E 08 Ohio
Son Lester M 03 Ohio
Daughter Nora B NR Ohio
Brother William 41 Ohio
Nephew James 08 Ohio
Nephew Howard 06 Ohio
[BI42389] Death cer says 1/15/1870 however the census records show earlier date. IN the 1970 census he was 7. Later census also show this is a more likely date
Name: �tab�William S. Eaton
Death Date: �tab�10 Jan 1919
Death Place: �tab�Mad River, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�15 Jan 1870
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�48 years 11 months 26 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Laborer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�12 Jan 1919
Burial Place: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Eaton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�not known
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1984636
Inf-James Eaton
Name: �tab�Laura Carder
Death Date: �tab�10 Jan 1940
Death Place: �tab�Kenton, Hardin, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�30 Jun 1874
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champagne Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�65 years 6 months 10 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�311 E. Jennings
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�12 Jan 1940
Burial Place: �tab�Kenton, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Joseph Carder
Father's Name: �tab�John Eaton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champagne Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2023827
[HI42392] (Research):YINGER CHARLES E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/29/1931 Volume Number: 6546 Certificate Number: 14211
[HI42393] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1898 Lulu Yinger Mitchell
(Research):1870 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH pg 483 Thomas Eaton age 64 b VA farmer Mary 60 VA Emily 11 OH Henry 30 VA Annie 26 OH John R 9 OH Thomas S 8 OH Malinda J 6 OH Charles W 3 OH William A 11m enumerated 6/15/1870
1860 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH pg 33 Thomas Eaton 5? VA Mary 58 VA Nancy 35 VA Sarah Jane 17 OH Henry Eaton 25 VA Ann 18 OH
Family researcher Dr. Gary Thompson 5750 Hughes Road Galena, Ohio 43021
E-mail:[email protected] Voice: (740) 965-1630
[HI42404] (Research):One obit says single and aged 70 the other says born 1856 and Mrs Eaton
[HI42409] (Research):Parentage not proven
[NI42412] PG 140 HANNAH PITTMAN PROBATED 25 AUG 1886 SPRINGHILLS [DIED 17 AUG 1886) Heirs-W B Fuson-bro-res unk; James Fuson-bro-Ia; John Fuson- bro-Or; Jerem iah Fuson-bro-Mo; �u�Washington Fuson-bro-left heirs in In�/u�; Artie Burks dec'd -sis-helrs unk; Celia Speece dec'd-sis-heirs unk; Elizabeth Epla dec'd-sis -heirs [James McDargh-Urbana; Elisabeth Toomire-Eris; James Epla-Urbana; Celia Fay-Mutual]; Mary Hoover dec'd-sis-heirs unk; Lucinda Terrell dec'd-s is-heirs unk; Sarah McIntyre dec'd-sis-heirs unk; Charlotte Gosling niece- Bloom Center, Oh. To William H Melhorn my two town lots. John W Kizer administrator witness: J C Eby Harriett A Eby will signed 21 Apr 1882
[HI42412] (Research):Children were listed as heirs of the estate of Jacob Barger in 1863. Barbara Herring [email protected] has entered the family of Washington Fuson ( born December 1812 CH Co.; died 2 Dec 1864 Liberty Tp., St. Joseph Co., IN, as the son of Joel Fuson & Bethania Brammer). A. Mary Jane Fuson m. Michael Finkey (according to Barbara Herring the surname was "Tinkley") B. Celia Ann Fuson m. David Whitmer C. Sarah E. Fuson m. Henry Finch D. Matilda Fuson m. Frederick Horn E. George W. J. Fuson, age 20, of Jasper County, Indiana F. Arminty Fuson, 16 years G. Lydia Fuson, 12 years
[NI42415] Information on Sarah was given to me (Sandi Koscak) 9/2011 by phone call from Jennifer Marks 813-661-4085. [email protected].
Age 40yr 10mo 9d
Karen Heber Research-
She married Charles Edward Jackson
Both are buried in Spring Grove Cemetery section 3
She died 12-Oct-1961
Sources: Cemetery marker, burial records for 1961 and lot records
Her name is listed as Glennie on the cemetery marker
Burial record Glenna Mae
Lot record listed as Glenna Mae
Ohio Death Index-listed as Glenna
Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio obituary-listed as Glenna Mae
[HI42423] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1912 Jessie Geuy Ward
[HI42428] (Research): Granddaughter Doris J. Lewis [email protected]
[HI42432] (Research):Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 Name: Estella Harvey Birth Date: Est. 1892 Gender: Female Race: White Residence City: Urbana Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 17 Apr 1965 Hospital of Death: Cambridge Mental Hlth & Devlp City of Death: Guernsey County County of Death: Guernsey Certificate: 28472 Age at Death: 73 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Never Married
[BI42433] Shelby County Memorial records show birth 11/13/1893
[HI42446] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Dec 2005 Vol 21 No 3 pg 80 Sait Paris Ohio Graduates 1926- 1932 from St Paris Ohio Graduates 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1932-Ruth Walborn Weaver
Served in OVI 4/18/1861-1/16/1866 POW in Andersonville
Obit names parents George and Catherine Gumpert - Death cert names diff
Name: �tab�John Gumpert
Death Date: �tab�24 May 1920
Death Place: �tab�Johnson Twp, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�22 Jun 1834
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Baden, Germany
Death Age: �tab�85 years 11 months 28 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer Retired 20 Yrs
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�26 May 1920
Burial Place: �tab�Spring Grove
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Gumpert
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Germany
Mother's Name: �tab�Magdelene Martin
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�France
Film Number: �tab�1991132
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4157167
Image Number: �tab�2337
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 34205
Spring Grove Burial Record 1968
Lucille M Armstrong age 55 death date 1-Jul-1967 cause of death carcinoma internment date 1-Jul-1967 section 9 lot 79 grave 1 lot book page 39 undertaker Wickham.
Note\emdash she is listed in the 1968 internments. This is bizarre. Unless she was cremated and buried later.
Ohio Death index \endash death listed as 1-Jul-1967
Birth date on stone 1911
[NI42452] �b�Troy Daily News - (Aug/18/2007) �/b�PIQUA - Sarah Catherine �b�Pence�/b�, 92, of Piqua Manor and formerly of Saint Paris, passed away at 10:56 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007. She was born July 9, 1915, in Columbus, to the late Ray and Laura (Putnam) Michael. She married �b�Herbert�/b� �b�Pence�/b� on July 30, 1936; he preceded her in death April 14, 2004. She is survived by two cousins, Jim Putnam of Delaware and Russell Putnam of Fayetteville, Tenn.Sarah was a member of the St. Paris United Methodist Church, a 1933 graduate of Johnson-St. Paris High School and a homemaker. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m Monday at Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield St., Saint Paris, with the Rev. Doug Upton and the Rev. Dr. James VanZile presiding. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery. Visitation will be 2-4 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Graham High School Marching Band, care of Graham High School, 7800 W. State Route 36, Saint Paris, OH 43072.
[HI42453] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Vol 22 No 1 pg 16 Jan 2006 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1934-19 39 From St Paris Ohio Graduates June 10 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthingto n 1936-Camilla Berry Kessler
[HI42454] (Research):Name: Robert Beekman SSN: 290-03-0030 Born: 26 Sep 1908 Died: Jan 1969 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Md Orville Studebaker deceased
CCGS Newsletter Vol 22 No 1 pg 16 Jan 2006 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1934-19 39 From St Paris Ohio Graduates June 10 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthingto n 1934-Lucille Brecount Studebaker
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1924 Ruth Apple Davis
Name: Ruth E Davis Gender: Female Date of Death: 25 July 1994 Birth Date: 25 January 1907 Volume: 29893 Certificate: 055130 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 281427959 Father's Surname: Apple Time of Death: 7:20 PM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 16 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Struck Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 87
[HI42459] (Research):L/w grandparetns in 1930
DEATH: Social Security Death Index
Name: Paul S. Stroud SSN: 289-28-7239
Last Residence: 43318 De Graff, Logan, Ohio
Born: 3 Feb 1933 Died: 29 Apr 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006
Name: Paul Samuel Stroud Service Info.: CPL US ARMY KOREA
Birth Date: 3 Feb 1933 Death Date: 29 Apr 2005
Cemetery: Highland Memorial Cemetery Cemetery Address: West Liberty, OH
Name: �tab�Robert W. Spain
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�10 Aug 1872
Death Place: �tab�Rush Township, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�0
Birth Date: �tab�1872
Birthplace: �tab�Rush Township
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Robert M. Spain
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Grizella
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�P 36 # 171
[HI42466] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 140
Name: �tab�Mable Iola Mohr
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�28 Dec 1901
Birthplace: �tab�Miami Tp., Logan, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Andrew Mohr
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Minnie Forry
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04041-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534832
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 104
[NI42472] Md Deborah WaX
[HI42474] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 280
[HI42476] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1932-Orval Snapp
Name: Florence Stapleton
Gender: Female
Date of Death: 07 January 1995
Birth Date: 17 May 1899
Volume: 30095 Certificate: 000611
Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 302203450
Father's Surname: Gabriel
Time of Death: 4:45 AM
Marital Status: Widowed
Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic
Place of Death: Nursing Home
Years of Schooling: 08 Certifier:
Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial
Mother's Surname: Coffelt Race: White
Birth Place: Clark County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 95
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign Co, OH ta ken July 28, 1892 Scott Stapleton age 13
Census Microfilm Records: Ohio, 1900 Lived in: Jackson Township, Champaign County, Ohio Series: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 78
Friday February 16, 1906, Urbana Daily Citizen An echo of the tragedy enacted at Addison on the 4th of this month when li ttle Laura Stapleton, aged 6, succumbed to the effects of whiskey, was hea rd in the probate court and the court of common pleas on Friday morning wh en Scott Stapleton, the father of the little girl and the divorced husba nd of her mother, brought suit for the partitioning of the estate le ft by the little one.
On the 14th of September 1901, Scott Stapleton was divorced from h is wife, who is now Mrs Rally Leese. At the time of the divorce being grat ed he deeded to her a number of lots located in Addison, that is the prope rty was deeded to Mrs Stapleton and the child, Laura, whose death followi ng and orgy at her mother's home aroused the 4th inst. The suit which Mr S tapleton now brings is for the partitioning of that property and the setti ng aside of the part belonging to Laura to himself as the legal heir to t he same. In the suit William Huddleston, Maria E Rossman, C F Miller and h imself as administrator of the estate of his late child, are made party de fendants to the suit. Huddleston, the plaintiff avers, is a tenant in comm on with himself while Maria Rossman and C F Miller claim to have certain i nterests in the property. According to the plaintiffs petition Huddlest on came into possession of the property through deed from Rally Leese, w ho is his daughter and the divorced wife of the plaintiff.
Prior to filing the suit in the court of common pleas Mr Stapleton ap peared in the probate court and had himself appointed administrator of t he estate of Laura Stapleton, the deceased child. He then filed his answ er and cross-petition as such administrator and asks in the same that t he property be partitioned and the Rossman and Miller be required to s et up their claim. Gilbert & Shipman , of Troy , are the attorneys
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 about Lowell L Stickley
Name: �tab�Lowell L Stickley
Death Date: �tab�Mar 1961
County of Death: �tab�Pinellas
State of Death: �tab�Florida
Race: �tab�White
Gender: �tab�Male
[HI42488] (Research):Name: Robert Romanus Stickley Gender: Male Date of Death: 16 February 1994 Birth Date: 21 August 1919 Volume: 29705 Certificate: 008055 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 274308981 Father's Surname: Stickley Time of Death: 11:19 PM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/ER-Outpatient Years of Schooling: 11 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Cremation Mother's Surname: Kite Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 74
(Research):Sons funeral home record names mother as Louise McCarty Daughter Ethel also names mother as Laura McCarty
Since the Ohio deaths begin in 1907 and she is not listed, I suggest she d ied prior to 1907.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Sylvia E Steinberger
Name: �tab�Sylvia E Steinberger
Birth Date: �tab�1905
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�9 Nov 1975
Hospital of Death: �tab�OSU Medical Ctr
City of Death: �tab�Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: �tab�Franklin
Certificate: �tab�080308
Age at Death: �tab�70
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, unknown if used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
(Research):DEGRAFF - Dorothy Rae Sprague, 96, of DeGraff, died at 9:30 p.m. Tuesda y, Jan. 18, 2005, at Logan Acres in Bellefontaine.The family will recei ve friends at the Rexer-Riggin-Madden Funeral Home in DeGraff Friday fr om 4 to 7 p.m. Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday at the funer al home, with the Rev. Terry Washburn officiating. Burial will be in the G reenwood-Union Cemetery in DeGraff.The family suggests memorial contributi ons be made to Logan Acres and Passport Services. Sidney Daily News
Dorothy Rae Sprague, 96, of DeGraf, died at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 18, 20 05, at Logan Acres. She was born in Logan County on Jan. 11, 1909, a daughter of the late R oe and Alice Staley Buroker. On Sept. 29, 1928, she married William Merton Sprague in Pemberton a nd he preceded her in death on Nov. 19, 1984. Survivors include two son s, Harry L. Sprague of DeGraff and Karyl M. (Jeane) Sprague of Indianapoli s; six grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and 12 great-great-grandchil dren. A homemaker, she was a member of the DeGraff United Methodist Chur ch and the Semper Fidelis Sunday School class, as well as the Sarah Elizab eth Chapter 335 of the Order of the Eastern Star in West Liberty. The Re v. Terry Washburn conducts a funeral service at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Re xer-Riggin-Madden Funeral Home, DeGraff, where calling is from 4 to 7 p. m. Friday. Interment is in Greenwood-Union Cemetery in DeGraff. Memorial c ontributions may be made to Logan Acres and Passport Services.
[HI42494] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1920- Faculty- Dolly Steinberger 1924 Faculty-Dolly Steinberger 1925-Faculty-Dolly Steinberger
[HI42495] (Research):Name: SUSAN MOHR Gender: Female Date of Death: August 27, 1963 Volume: 17373 Certificate: 58504 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Race: White Residence: Dayton, Montgomery County Age: 60
[HI42496] (Research):Name: Ruth A Yandle Gender: Female Date of Death: 01 January 1994 Birth Date: 12 July 1915 Volume: 29675 Certificate: 000612 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 281090821 Father's Surname: Steinberger Time of Death: 1:30 AM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Zea Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 78
Name: Raymond William Stephenson
Death date: 31 Mar 1943
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 23 Jul 1909
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Adams County, Ohio
Age at death: 33 years 8 months 8 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: Patrick Ave
Occupation: Lathe Operator
Residence: Urbana, O
Burial date: 03 Apr 1943
Burial place: Oak Dale
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Mary M Stephenson
Father's name: Anderson Stephenson
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Adams County, Ohio
Mother's name: Lilly Mcglove
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Adams County, Ohio
GSU film number: 2024129
Digital GS number: 4122065
Image number: 298
Reference number: fn 20781
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Social Security Death Index
about Esther L. Boles
Name: �tab�Esther L. Boles
SSN: �tab�294-12-4434
Last Residence: �tab�49002 Portage, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
Born: �tab�22 Jul 1922
Died: �tab�14 Feb 2000
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI42507] (Research):Name: Carl D Schneider Gender: Male Date of Death: 18 January 1986 Birth Date: 04 April 1918 Volume: 26321 Certificate: 002038 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 482141233 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: Greenville, Darke County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Birth Place: Iowa Residence: , Darke County Age: 67 Years
[HI42508] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 286
Name: Rachael Caroline Printz
Death date: 29 Jan 1939
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 15 Oct 1856
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Pike County, Ohio
Age at death: 82 years 15 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housework
Residence: St. Paris, Ohio
Burial date: 02 Feb 1939
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Evergreen Cem.
Spouse name: John W. Printz
Father name: Perry James
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name:
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2023676
Digital GS number: 4122482
Image number: 828
Reference number: fn 6727
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI42509] (Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 30/1898 Ada Prince age 18
Name: �tab�Ada E. Shank
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�16 Feb 1905
Death Place: �tab�St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�26
Birth Date: �tab�1879
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co.
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07023-7
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 497
[XI42509] (1878-1905) Wife of E W Shank, dau of J W & C Printz
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 286
Name: Evan Shank SSN: 281-01-8162 Last Residence: 45356 Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States of America Born: 9 Mar 1880 Died: Sep 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 ) Name: Evan W Shank Birth Date: Est. 1880 Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Piqua Residence County: Miami Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 11 Sep 1971 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities City of Death: Troy County of Death: Miami Certificate: 069583 Age at Death: 91 Certifier: Physician Marital Status: Widowed
Name: �tab�Mary M. Stem Blue
Death Date: �tab�02 Jan 1918
Death Place: �tab�Union Twp, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jan 1844
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�State
Death Age: �tab�73 years 11 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�05 Jan 1918
Burial Place: �tab�Greenwood
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Williard (diff from marriage record)
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�State
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�State
Film Number: �tab�1984227
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021709
Image Number: �tab�1321
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 4185
[HI42521] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Vol 22 No 1 pg 16 Jan 2006 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1934-19 39 From St Paris Ohio Graduates June 10 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthingto n 1939 Juanita Bair Shank
[HI42522] (Research):Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 75 Biography
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
about Mildred Snapp
Name: �tab�Mildred Snapp
Birth Date: �tab�1919
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Urbana
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�29 Sep 1974
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�065041
Age at Death: �tab�55
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Married
[DI42528] CHENOWETH, Dorothy L. 65, of Springfield passed away peacefully Monday morning, June 29, 2009 in the Cleveland Clinic with her beloved family by her side. She was born August 20, 1943 in Urbana, Ohio, the daughter of John "Chris" and Marjorie (Blue) Spear. Dorothy retired from Vernay Laboratories with 27 years of service. She was a member of the Greenview Calvary Tabernacle for many years and enjoyed gardening and traveling. Dorothy was a very loving and devoted wife, mom and grandma and will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her. Survivors include her husband of 46 years, Donald L. Chenoweth; one daughter, Bertha Chenoweth of Springfield; three sons and two daughters-in-law, Lee Chenoweth of Cedarville, Ohio, Steve (Pam) Chenoweth of South Charleston, Ohio and Jeff (Christy) Chenoweth of Springfield; one sister, Patty Fraley of Urbana, Ohio; seven grandchildren, Christopher, Zachary A., Elizabeth, Alex, Zach, Michael and Brianna Chenoweth; numerous nieces and nephews and beloved dog, Sadie. She was preceded in death by her parents; one sister, Phyllis McNeely; two brothers, Dick and Johnny Spear; sister-in-law, Tootie Spear; brother-in-law, Joe McNeely and beloved mother- in-law, Francis Chenoweth- Garrison. A gathering of family and friends will be held on Thursday, July 2, 2009 from 5-8 pm in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. Funeral services will be held on Friday at 11 am in the Greenview Calvary Tabernacle, 8010 North Main Street, Dayton, Ohio with Reverend Norm Livingston officiating. Burial will follow in the Kingscreek Cemetery.
[NI42529] Living 1900 Ross Co, OH servant in home of Ira Lutz b 12/1857 IN
Name: �tab�Hannah Semantha Shephard
Death Date: �tab�01 Jan 1928
Death Place: �tab�St Paris, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�05 Dec 1857
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Kokomo, Indiana
Death Age: �tab�70 years 28 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�04 Jan 1928
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Evergreen
Spouse's Name: �tab�Adam Shepard
Father's Name: �tab�James Riley Burton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Parker
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Film Number: �tab�1991142
Name: �tab�Charles F. Adams
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�13 Aug 1899
Event Place: �tab�Ross, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1875
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Abner A. Adams
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Samantha Burton
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Anna E. Windell
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1879
Spouse's Father: �tab�William H. Windell
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Sarah J. Delong
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 134
Film Number: �tab�281644
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016203
Image Number: �tab�468
Name: �tab�Charles F. Adams
Death Date: �tab�01 Apr 1951
Death Place: �tab�Peoria, Union, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�07 Oct 1874
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Kokomo, Indiana
Death Age: �tab�76 years 5 months 25 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Abner Adams
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Hanna Burton
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372801
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109377
Image Number: �tab�02821
Certificate Number: �tab�27708
Name: �tab�Abner A. Adams
Gender: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�1898
Death Place: �tab�???
[HI42533] (Research):Cemetery records show Charles died 1932 and wife Emma died 1950, but Champ aign Co, Death records nidicate Charles died in 1950. Emma Obit verifies s he is the one who died in 1932
[HI42534] (Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Loyd Stapleton, age 9 parent Charles
SMITH, Wesley J. Death date: 1/17/1913, Champaign County
Volume #966, Certificate #571
Name �tab�Wesley T. Smith
Titles & Terms �tab�
Death Date �tab�17 Jan 1913
Death Place �tab�Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�25 Jun 1839
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Virginia
Death Age �tab�73 years 6 months 23 days
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Race or Color �tab�Caucasian
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�Carpenter
Residence �tab�
Burial Date �tab�19 Jan 1913
Burial Place �tab�
Cemetery Name �tab�Evergreen Cemetery
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Film Number �tab�1953596
Digital Folder Number �tab�4021225
Image Number �tab�687
Certificate Number �tab�fn 571
[HI42540] (Research):6 children, 2 sons, 4 dau.
[HI42542] (Research):St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1901- Walter Stevens
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter Jan 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1902-Warren Stevens
Name: �tab�Warren Aden Stevens
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Sep 1915
Event Place: �tab�London, Madison, Ohio
Age: �tab�31
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1884
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Sameul D. Stevens
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Sarah J. Tomlin
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Nellie Hazel Bryan
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�27
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Spouse's Father: �tab�Chester E. Bryan
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Maria D..Ley
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�vol 6 Pg. 342
Film Number: �tab�545134
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016840
Image Number: �tab�528
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Warren A Stevens
Name: �tab�Warren A Stevens
Birth Date: �tab�1885
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Bexley
Residence County: �tab�Franklin
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�3 Aug 1964
Hospital of Death: �tab�MT Carmel Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: �tab�Franklin
Certificate: �tab�58485
Age at Death: �tab�79
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Census Tract: �tab�0900
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Charles Snapp age 14 attended 1898-1901
Name: CHARLES C SNAPP Gender: Male Date of Death: January 05, 1960 Volume: 16012 Certificate: 00693 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 75
North Carolina Death Collection, 1908-1996
Name: Rhynard T Snapp
Death Date: 16 Jun 1948
Death County: Durham Death State: North Carolina
Death Age: 66 Birth Date: 1882
Race: White
Source: NC State Archives. North Carolina Deaths, 1908-67
Name: �tab�Rhynard Taylor Snapp
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�16 Jun 1948
Burial Place: �tab�Milton, N.C.
Death Date: �tab�16 Jun 1948
Death Place: �tab�Durham, Durham, North Carolina
Age: �tab�66
Birth Date: �tab�03 Oct 1881
Birthplace: �tab�Champion Co., Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Merchant
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�Mary Snapp
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B02594-0
System Origin: �tab�North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�1926633
Reference Number: �tab�v 12B cn 12612
[HI42549] (Research):son of Samuel Sharp and Angeline Young
[HI42555] (Research):Enumeration of Youth in St Paris Village School District Champaign County, OH No date c1898 Myrtie Stradling age 11
Name: �tab�Arthur R. Cory
Death Date: �tab�30 Mar 1953
Death Place: �tab�Madison Twp, Fayette, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�29 Sep 1870
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Fayette Co, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�82 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Nathan Cory
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Boyd
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246500
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109458
Image Number: �tab�00967
Certificate Number: �tab�17065
[HI42557] (Research):Reseacher: John H. Ramer [email protected] We suspected that she was the daughter of a David Boss HOUSEL who had a da ughter, Lillian, b. 6 Oct 1875, BUT, this Lillian was born in NJ and not O H. In the 1900 census, as you know, and in the 1910 and 1920 census repor ts on her, the Lillian who married Arthur CORY is presented as born in O H. "Lillian" is a relatively rare name among the HOUSEL family. We only h ave five occurances out of over 11,000 members of the family. So she shou ld be easy to identify. Further, I am frankly also unaware of any other HO USEL who has been in Campaign County, OH, although they certainly have be en nearby. I do see a significant number of HOUSERs in Champaign Co. Cou ld there be some confusion, either way, between the two names?
Name: �tab�Mary Elizabeth Jenkins
Death Date: �tab�22 Sep 1926
Death Place: �tab�Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�05 May 1845
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�81 years 4 months 17 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�24 Sep 1926
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Emanuel Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Noah Freeze
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�O.
Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca Lyon
[HI42563] (Research):Name: Wilbur A. Snapp SSN: 276-12-7946 Last Residence: 33710 Saint Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida, United Stat es of America Born: 5 Aug 1920 Died: 6 Sep 2003 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):1930 census says he was born same month of the census. (4/1930) The SS Di says he was born 1929
Name: Carl R Snapp Gender: Male Date of Death: 27 December 1998 Birth Date: 17 April 1929 Volume: 31765 Certificate: 094353 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 283265909 Father's Surname: Snapp Time of Death: 8:45 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Residence Years of Schooling: 17 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Air Force Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Leonard Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 69
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. James A Snapp age 16 attended 1898-1091
Name: James A Snapp Gender: Male Date of Death: 10 April 1973 Volume: 21246 Certificate: 024856 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 90 Years
[HI42568] (Research):Name: JOE T SHANK Gender: Male Date of Death: September 15, 1967 Volume: 18977 Certificate: 65621 Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 18
[XI42573] Burial record, no stone located Dec 2007
[HI42575] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1901 Anna Dunlap
Name: �tab�John S. Dunlap
Death Date: �tab�26 Nov 1928
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1848
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�80 years 3 months 29 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Jennie Dunlap
Father's Name: �tab�William Dunlap
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Skiles
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1991604
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022211
Image Number: �tab�2615
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 65003
(Research):Name: Bertha P Terrell Gender: Female Date of Death: 09 September 1974 Volume: 21813 Certificate: 065034 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 87 Years
Name: Bertha Terrell SSN: 300-34-7968 Last Residence: 43318 De Graff, Logan, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 23 Jul 1887 Died: Aug 1974 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1956-1957 )
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
about Bertha Elizabeth Thatcher
Name: �tab�Bertha Elizabeth Thatcher
[Bertha Elizabeth Burgett]
Birth Date: �tab�25 Jul 1905
Birth City: �tab�Bucyrus
Birth County: �tab�Crawford
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Death Date: �tab�7 Jan 1996
Death Time: �tab�01:25 AM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
County of Death: �tab�Logan
Certificate: �tab�004373
Age at Death: �tab�90
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: �tab�302-20-2963
Father's Surname: �tab�Burgett
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Rettig
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�1 year college
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Own Home/At Home
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Housewife/Homemaker
Primary Registration District: �tab�4600
[HI42590] (Research):Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Adams, Champaign, Ohio; Roll: 1 755; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 1; Image: 602.0. Name Age Harold A Thompson 24 Marabelle Thompson 24 Miriama J Thompson 3
(Research):4/2/2007 9:21:00 AM Urbana Daily Citizen Harold A. 'Bud' Thompson, 79, of St. Paris, passed away March 30, 20 07 at 2 p.m. in his residence after a long and courageous battle with lu ng cancer. Visitation will be held on Monday, April 2, 2007 from 5 p. m. to 8 p.m. in the ATKINS-SHIVELY FUNERAL HOME, 216 S. Springfield Stree t, Saint Paris, Ohio. Graveside funeral services will be held on Tuesda y, April 3, 2007 at 11 a.m. in the Spring Grove Cemetery, North Heck Hi ll Road, Saint Paris.
Thompson, Jr. , Harold A. "Bud" of Saint Paris, age 79 years, dearly belov ed husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather silently passed aw ay March 30, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. in his residence after a long and courageo us battle with lung cancer. Bud was born on February 7, 1928 in Shelby Cou nty, Ohio the son of Harold "Shorty" and Marabelle (Geuy) Thompson. Bud ma rried Iva Marie (Poole) Thompson May 1, 1949 in the Saint Paris Methodi st Church. They were married 57 years. Bud graduated from Johnson-Saint Pa ris High School in May of 1946, and thereafter attended The Ohio State Uni versity majoring in Civil Engineering. In 1949 Bud began employment with t he Appliance Shop in Saint Paris, a business started, owned and operat ed by his father. Following Bud's fathers death in 1957, Bud and his broth er Darrell continued operating The Appliance Shop as a partnership and the reafter as a corporation until closing in August 2003. Bud was a memb er of the Saint Paris United Methodist Church, a former member an Sea Sco ut Leader, a former youth Sunday school teacher of the Methodist Churc h, a former member and president of the Saint Paris Lions Club, and a memb er of the Saint Paris Masonic Lodge. For 30 years Bud served the Saint Par is Community as a member of the Saint Paris council and as a member and fo rmer president of the Saint Paris Board of Public Affairs. Always interest ed and energetic in supporting the betterment of the Village, Bud also w as a member and helped to form the "Industrial, Commercial, and Residenti al (I.C.R.) Corp. and for more than 35 years I.C.R. served as a means f or promoting and achieving the economic growth and development of the Sai nt Paris Community. Throughout Bud's many years of working as a mechanic al contractor, providing plumbing, electrical, refrigeration, and water sy stems services throughout Champaign Co. and many neighboring counties, B ud continually employed innovative practices and utilized the latest too ls and equipment in accomplishing the project at hand. Bud always gave fu ll measure to his family, business and community. His council, vision, a nd service will be greatly missed by all who knew him, worked with him a nd loved him. Bud always had a smile, and sincere greeting for everyone wh ether he knew them or not. One of his favorite pastimes was telling stori es (to anyone who would listen) most of which were from his own experience s. This was his grandchildren's favorite time with him. Surviving Bud a re his wife Marie of Saint Paris, sons Nathan (Pam) Thompson of Beavercree k, and Daniel (Jeanne) Thompson of Sidney, grandchildren, Olivia Thomps on of Seattle, Washington, Jason Thompson of Seattle, Washington, Andrew T hompson of Evanston, Ill, Jennifer Thompson of Philadelphia, PA, great gra nd children, Simon James Thompson and Phineas Archer Thompson of Evansto n, Ill. Two sisters, June Purk of Urbana and Jayne (Merrill) Craig of Dayt on, a brother, Darrell (Jeanne) Thompson of Saint Paris, Ohio and sever al nieces, nephews and many, many good friends also survive. Bud was prece ded in death by his parents, Shorty and Marabelle Thompson. Bud will alwa ys be loved and greatly missed by his family. Visitation will be held on M onday, April 2, 2007 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Atkins-Shively Fun eral Home, 216 S. Springfield Street, Saint Paris, Ohio. Graveside funer al services will be held on Tuesday, April 3, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sp ring Grove Cemetery, N. Heck Hill Road, Saint Paris with Reverend Doug Upt on of the Saint Paris United Methodist Church presiding. Memorial contribu tions may be made to Community Mercy Hospice, 1343 N. Fountain Blvd., Spri ngfield, Ohio 45504. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 4/1/2007.
[HI42594] (Research): Champaign Couty Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 306
[HI42595] (Research):TAYLOR, Mary Death date: 12/29/1936, Champaign County Certific ate #74047
Name: �tab�Mary Taylor
Death Date: �tab�29 Dec 1936
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Apr 1902
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Mt Perry, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�34 years 8 months 12 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�331 W Broadway
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�31 Dec 1936
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Grandview
Spouse's Name: �tab�Leroy Taylor
Father's Name: �tab�J W Gordley
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Breckinridge Co, Ky
Mother's Name: �tab�Elsie Cross
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Co, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2022734
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4028257
[HI42597] (Research):Never married
[HI42598] (Research):RUTAN LUCY IA County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 1/10/1925 Volume Number: 4629 Certificate Number: 510
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lucy W Tullis
Name: �tab�Lucy W Tullis
Birth Date: �tab�1897
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Logan
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�3 Jun 1983
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Logan County
County of Death: �tab�Logan
Certificate: �tab�042436
Age at Death: �tab�86
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�275-46-0601
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Social Security Death Index about Winifred Tullis
Name: �tab�Winifred Tullis
SSN: �tab�275-46-0601
Last Residence: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio,
Born: �tab�16 Jan 1897
Died: �tab�Jun 1983
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1964)
(Research):William W Offenbacher
Age: 40 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0011
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0127
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mary P 42 Ohio Daughter Madge 04 Ohio Stepdaugther A Lucile Kizer 19 Ohio Sister Cora B Offenbacher 25 Ohio
[HI42604] (Research):Reg. Dist. No. 11 - State File No. 024606 Erma Irene Tullis b: 17 Oct 1915 Degraff, Ohio d: 23 Apr 1993 Saint Paris, Champaign Co., Ohio res: same bu: 28 Apr 1993 Spring Grove Cemetery, North Heck Hill Road, Saint Paris, Ohio married - surviving spouse: Vernon Tullis father: Ward Funk mother: Emma Estella McInturff informant: Mr. Vernon Tullis, Saint Paris, Ohio
(Research):Ward Funk
Age: 24 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0003
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0103
County: Champaign
Relation: NR
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household R W Hileland W
Ohio death certificate Reg. Dist. No. 11 - State File No. 041020 Ward Funk b: 5 Feb 1886 Ohio d: 12 Jun 1974 Urbana Mercy Hospital, Urbana, Ohio res: Urbana, Ohio bu: 15 Jun 1974 Spring Grove //cemetery// widowed father: unknown mother: unknown informant: Mrs. Erma Tullis, Saint Paris, Ohio
Name: �tab�Eugene Samuel Berry
Death Date: �tab�10 Jun 1946
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�13 Dec 1867
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�North Lewisburg, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�78 years 5 months 27 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Geneveive Berry
Father's Name: �tab�James D. Berry
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah E. Vickers
[HI42609] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Charles Taylor age 9
[HI42610] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Phillip Taylor age 7
Name: Hettie May Mcalexander
Death date: 14 May 1947
Death place: North Baltimore, Wood, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 05 Sep 1875
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Millerstown, Ohio
Age at death: 71 years 8 months 6 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: William Mcalexander
Father name: Silas Taylor
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: Ellen Buck
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2372931
Digital GS number: 4076161
Image number: 00283
Reference number: 35152
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�Arthur Mcalexander
Death Date: �tab�11 Jan 1947
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�20 Mar 1910
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Adams Co. Indiana
Death Age: �tab�36 years 9 months 21 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Pauline Folk Mcalexander
Father's Name: �tab�William Mcalexander
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Hettie Taylor
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372967
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4076299
Image Number: �tab�02574
Certificate Number: �tab�2260
[HI42615] (Research):Name: Richard E Thackery Gender: Male Date of Death: 28 July 1985 Birth Date: 23 May 1935 Volume: 26119 Certificate: 054115 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 269305517 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: British, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, Scottish Place of Death: , Marion County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Marion, Marion County Age: 50 Years
Social Security Death Index about Richard Thackery
Name: �tab�Richard Thackery
SSN: �tab�269-30-5517
Born: �tab�23 May 1935
Last Benefit: �tab�43302 Marion, Marion, Ohio,
Died: �tab�Jul 1985
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1951)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Richard E Thackery
Name: �tab�Richard E Thackery
Birth Date: �tab�1935
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Marion
Residence County: �tab�Marion
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�28 Jul 1985
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Marion County
County of Death: �tab�Marion
Certificate: �tab�054115
Age at Death: �tab�50
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�269-30-5517
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Telephone
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Supervisors, mechanics and repairers
[HI42619] (Research):Name: Harry E. Taylor SSN: 293-12-8488 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 9 Mar 1917 Died: 22 Jul 2002 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Name: FRANK ULLERY Gender: Male Date of Death: January 14, 1966 Volume: 18318 Certificate: 00690 Marital Status: Divorced Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 78
Name: Frank Ullery SSN: 275-36-7720 Last Residence: Ohio Born: 24 Dec 1888 Died: Jan 1966 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1956-1958 )
[HI42623] (Research):Name: Kathryn Ullery SSN: 268-36-4761 Last Residence: 45420 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 27 Apr 1888 Died: Nov 1968 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1956-1957 )
[BI42636] Champaign Democrat Juny 12 1912 Many Deaths of Aged People June Vital Statistics Show many Deaths of Aged Persons-Fifteen Births June 21- a boy to Mr and Mrs Ralph Wiant, Madriver, Twp
(Research):Visitation: Sunday Jun. 27, 2004 Service: Monday Jun. 28, 2004
Ruth Anne (Wiant) Snarr, age 83, of St. Paris, died on Wednesday, June 2 3, 2004 in the house where she was born on November 17, 1920 in Champai gn County, the daughter of Ralph W. Wiant and Carrie F. (Pine) Wiant. S he was a lifelong member of the Westville United Methodist Church where s he took part in all facets of church life. She was the church choir direct or for many years and was a fifty year member of the Urbana Chapter #530 O .E.S. She graduated from Westville High School in 1938 and attended Urba na College. During World War II, she worked for Grimes Manufacturing. Aft er raising a family, she worked at Mercy Memorial Hospital for 25 years mo stly helping with newborn infants.
Her daughter, Natalie J. Snarr of Groveport, Ohio and son, Raymond Snar r, of St. Paris and several nieces, nephews and many cousins, survive he r. Her parents and two brothers, Robert P. Wiant and J. Waldo Wiant preced ed her in death. Her husband, Charles B. Snarr died in June of 2001.
A gathering of family and friends will be held on Sunday, June 27, 2004 fr om 2-5 pm with Eastern Star services to begin at 5:00 p.m. in the LITTLET ON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, URBANA. A memorial service will be held on Mond ay at 10:30 a.m. in the Westville United Methodist Church. Burial wi ll be in the Concord Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the W estville United Methodist Church, 76 N. State Rt. 560, Westville, OH 430 83 or to the Graham Community Foundation Scholarship Fund in care of Jo hn Steinberger, 6666 Runkle Rd.; St. Paris, Ohio 43072. You may express co ndolences at www.littletonandrue.com
[HI42642] (Research):LOWELLWOOD B. "WOODY" WIANT 81, of Christiansburg, passed away on Saturda y, July 24, 2004 at 8:35 a.m. in Koester Pavilion, Troy. He was born in Ch ampaign County, Ohio, on October 8, 1922, the son of the late Walter and M ary (Baker) Wiant. "Woody" attended Christiansburg-Jackson High School a nd served in the United States Army during World War II. In 1985, he retir ed from Wittenberg University, Springfield, where he was maintenance super visor. Mr. Wiant was a member of Mount Olivet Chapter 266, Free and Accept ed Masons, Christiansburg, where he had attained the honor of being a thir ty-second degree Mason; the Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton; and the Christ iansburg United Methodist Church. He was an avid sports fan of both Grah am and Indian Lake High Schools. On June 1, 1943 Woody married the form er Beulah Christine McDonald. She passed away on March 29, 1997. Also prec eding him in death were two brothers, Elwood and Woodrow Wiant. Survivo rs include a son, Keith (Ann) Wiant of Troy; a daughter, Theresa (Terry) M iddleton of Conover; five grandchildren, Wade (Kathleen) Wiant, Elizabe th (Anton) Kaufmann and Jason "J.T." Wiant all of Columbus, Matt (Lisa) Mi ddleton of Maineville, Ohio and Megan Middleton of Conover; seven great gr andchildren, Austin, Olivia, Aidan and Collin Wiant, Kristin and Ant on J. Kaufmann, IV, and Jace Middleton; one sister, Alice Roberts of Tr oy and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held on Wednes day, July 28, 2004 at 11 a.m. in the RICHESON-WICHHAM AND ATKINS FUNERAL H OME, 216 South Springfield Street, Saint Paris, with Reverend Douglas Fli nn from the Christiansburg United Methodist Church officiating. Burial wi ll follow in Upper Honey Creek Cemetery. The family will receive frien ds on Tuesday, July 27, from 4-8 p.m. in the funeral home, where Masonic s ervices will be held at 8 p.m. Memorial donations may be made in Woody�s n ame to the Christiansburg Fire Department, P.O. Box 300, Christiansburg, O hio 45389. First published in SNS on Jul 25 2004
[HI42643] (Research):WOODROW BRADBERRY WIANT age 85, of West Milton, passed away on Thursday, S eptember 25, 2003 at Upper Valley Medical Center in Troy. He is preced ed in death by his father, Walter Cleveland Wiant; mother, Mary Elizabe th (Baker) Wiant; wife, June Louise (Hall) Wiant; and son, Larry Wiant. Su rvivors include son and daughter-in-law, Ted and Rita Wiant of Laura; daug hter and son-in-law, Linda and Richard Phillips, of Kettering; grandchildr en, Walter Wiant, Mary Wiant, Ammie Phillips, and Katie Phillips; brothe r, Lowellwood Wiant, of Christiansburg; and his sister Alice Roberts, of T roy. He was a member of West Milton Lodge F and AM 577, 32nd Degree Maso n, Franklin Chapter of Coleman Commandry, Shriner, Laura Lions Club, Shar on Chapter 132 O.E.S. He was formerly employed by Troy Sunshade and former ly owned Wiant�s T.V. Repair in West Milton. Funeral services will be he ld on Monday, September 29, 2003 at 10:30 a.m. at the Potsdam Church of t he Brethren, with Pastor Robert Kurtz officiating. Burial will follow at R iverside Cemetery in West Milton. Friends may call on Sunday at HALE-SARV ER FUNERAL HOME from 3-8 p.m. Masonic services will be held at Hale-Sarv er on Sunday at 5 p.m. and Lion�s Club services will be held at 6 p.m. First published in SNS on Sep 27 2003
[HI42647] (Research):Name: Zahlia N Walborn Birth Date: Est. 1901 Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Logan Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 10 Nov 1969 Hospital of Death: Mary Rutan Hospital City of Death: Bellefontaine County of Death: Logan Certificate: 094046 Age at Death: 68 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Married
(Research):The same household in 1930 Logan Co, Miami, OH is a Wilson Wiles age 55 a nd his wife Stella age 54.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan; Rol l: 1018; Page: 22A; Enumeration District: 79; Image: 252.0. HH#258 Carl Wiles 37 md21 OH OH OH Zalria Wiles 34 md18 IL IL IL Mary C Wiles 7 OH OH IL Robert Wiles 15 OH OH OH
[HI42650] (Research):Michigan Deaths, 1971-1996 about Robert V WILES Name: Robert V WILES Birth Date: 15 Feb 1915 Death Date: 20 Jan 1989 Gender: Male Residence: Waterford, Oakland, Michigan Place of Death: Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan
(Research):1900; Census Place: Monmouth, Shawnee, Kansas; Roll: T623 500; Page: 6B; E numeration District: 134. Anna R Largent 56 11/1843 VA VA VA wd md35y 9/8 Cora A Largent 19 dau 9/1880 KS Grover J Largent 15 3/1895 KS Ida M Zirkle 31 4/1869 dau, md 1/1 IL Wilma J Zirkle 2 grdau 12/1897 KS next house Emery T Zirkle, head, 12/1863, single, OH VA OH
Census Date: 1905 Residence County: Shawnee Residence State: Kansas Locality: Monmouth Birth Location: Kansas Family Number: 127 Race: White Line: 3 Roll: ks1905_154 Ann R Largent 61 Cora 24 Grover 20
Name: �tab�Anna L. Detweiler
Death Date: �tab�21 May 1936
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�18 Sep 1877
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Oh
Death Age: �tab�58 years 8 months 3 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�West Liberty, OH
Burial Date: �tab�24 May 1936
Burial Place: �tab�Kings Creek, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�David Detweiler
Father's Name: �tab�James L. Clark
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Wv
Mother's Name: �tab�Amanda Gorley
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va
Film Number: �tab�2022659
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4122428
Image Number: �tab�3193
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 31509
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about William M Williams
Name: �tab�William M Williams
Birth Date: �tab�1900
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�8 Nov 1987
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Champaign County
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�080711
Age at Death: �tab�87
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�277-03-0236
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Railroads
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Locomotive operating occupations
Name: �tab�Daniel L. Steinberger
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�16 May 1894
Birthplace: �tab�Lake Tp., Logan, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Alva C. Steinberger
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary C. Wonders
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04041-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534832
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 145
Name: �tab�Harry W. Mccartney
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�21 Jun 1899
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1879
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�James T. Mccartney
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Susan Thompson
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Lillie M. Glenn
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�James Glenn
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Maggie Pence
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v 18 p 95
Film Number: �tab�465395
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4254626
Image Number: �tab�359
name: �tab�Nancy J Bashore
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�02 May 1912
event place: �tab�Concord, Miami Co., Ohio
residence: �tab�
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Female
death age: �tab�74y 5m 7d
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�White
occupation: �tab�Housewife
birth date: �tab�25 Nov 1837
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1838
burial date: �tab�05 May 1912
burial place: �tab�
cemetery: �tab�Pleasant Hill
father: �tab�Jacob Fu...K
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Pennsylvania
mother: �tab�Emma Mott
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 29235
film number: �tab�1953419
digital folder number: �tab�4021195
image number: �tab�1413
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X86Q-N2G : accessed 12 Oct 2012), Nancy J Bashore, 1912; citing reference fn 29235, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Name: �tab�Martha A. F. Kessler
Death Date: �tab�06 Jun 1921
Death Place: �tab�Milton, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�01 Oct 1842
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�78 years 7 months 5 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�08 Jun 1921
Burial Place: �tab�Milton, Miami, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�Mosleum At Riverside
Spouse's Name: �tab�W. H. Kessler
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Funk
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Mother's Name: �tab�Amy Molt
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Not Known
Film Number: �tab�1991686
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022225
Image Number: �tab�2651
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 34706
Name: �tab�James Burton Williams
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�04 Oct 1884
Birthplace: �tab�Piketon, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Charles Williams
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Frances Idora Russell
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Adams County, Ohio
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04079-7
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�530184
Reference Number: �tab�v 9 p 357
Name: �tab�James Burton Williams
Death Date: �tab�19 Jan 1944
Death Place: �tab�Mad River Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�04 Oct 1884
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�59 years 3 months 15 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R.D. # 2
Occupation: �tab�Air Plant Guard
Residence: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�22 Jan 1944
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�Oakdale Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�Florence Williams
Father's Name: �tab�Charles Williams
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Frances Russel
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2024189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4057836
Image Number: �tab�789
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 680
Name: �tab�Ruth Wert
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�08 Nov 1949
Event Place: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�58y
Marital Status: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�13 Apr 1891
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�
Father: �tab�William Nunberger
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Alice Hoddinott
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Certificate
Film Number: �tab�2247101
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109193
Image Number: �tab�00391
[XI42669] 7938 �tab�WERT �tab�RUTH �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�CITY �tab�11/08/1949 �tab�11/11/1949 �tab�V �tab�Lot 27 �tab�SubLot 4 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 1
(Research):Alca O Clapp
Age: 19 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0014
Birth Place: Indiana Visit: 0169
County: Champaign
Relation: Hired man
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household John D Wysong W
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Everett Woodruff
Name: �tab�Everett Woodruff
Birth Date: �tab�1914
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�24 Nov 1975
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�078607
Age at Death: �tab�61
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Social Security Death Index about Everett Woodruff
Name: �tab�Everett Woodruff
SSN: �tab�281-10-6061
Born: �tab�21 Feb 1914
Died: �tab�Nov 1975
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Hubert Alva Clapp
Name: �tab�Hubert Alva Clapp
Birth Date: �tab�28 Dec 1915
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�15 May 1990
Death Time: �tab�01:38 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�033298
Age at Death: �tab�74
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Referred to Coroner
Filing Date: �tab�18 May 1990
Hospital Status: �tab�Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: �tab�Yes
Type Place of Injury: �tab�Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: �tab�298-16-3787
Father's Surname: �tab�Clapp
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Education: �tab�11
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Agricultural production, crops
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Farmers, except horticultural
Primary Registration District: �tab�1101
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 319
Not found in 1860 census
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 G W Wert
(Research):Name: Emerick N. Weaver
Death date: 10 Oct 1953
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 15 Apr 1908
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: West Virginia
Age at death: 45 years
Gender: Male
Marital status:
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: Benjamin F. Weaver
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: Lydia A. Priestley
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2246617
Digital GS number: 4109480
Image number: 01691
Reference number: 64228
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
�b�s/o Lewis E Canter & Martha Clarkson
�b�d/o Benhard Burow & Anna Prieba
[HI42685] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 315
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Martha L Gabriel
Name: �tab�Martha L Gabriel
Birth Date: �tab�1870
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�9 Sep 1964
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Champaign County
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�64328
Age at Death: �tab�94
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
(Research):SCHOOL REGISTER FOR HONEY CREEK #5 Honey Creek School was located in Jackson Township, Champaign County, Oh io in district, section 26 on the north side of Old Troy Pike about �/2 mi le west of State Route 235. The log school at this site was called Woods a nd was the location of the township house. The later brick erected there w as the first two-story brick in the township. The school building is no lo nger in existence. The first record starts September 9, 1912 and ends April 13, 1913 with Har vey M. Loudenback as teacher. The second record starts September 8, 1913 a nd ends April 24, 1914 with Byron W. Snyder as teacher. The third record s tarts September 14, 1914 and ends April 23, 1913 with Tillie Kiser as teac her. The fourth record starts September 6, 1915 and ends April 21, 1916 wi th 0. K. Hewes listed as teacher. The last record starts September 11, 19 16 and ends April 27, 1917 with Mabel Jenkins listed as teacher. Sometim es the children were enrolled for only a short time as they had to wo rk on the farm. Our thanks to Ed Ridder for supplying this information. CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 page 15 Madge Stradling d/o Don Stradling age 11 grade 4 attended 1914-1915
Honey Creek # 5 School Jackson Township , Champaign Co, Oh Summary of atte ndance & Scholarship Term beginning Jan 3, 1916 and ending April 21, 191 6. From CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 56 Madge Stradling
(Research):Charles W Prince
Age: 49 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0008
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0154
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Ora E 40 Ohio Son Harvey R 18 Ohio Son Dwright A 14 Ohio Son Ralph 05 Ohio Father-in-law Amos Harvey 73 Ohio
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 254
Name: Ora Prince
Death date: 01 Feb 1925
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth date:
Estimated birth year: 1870
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: About 55 years
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: American
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: St. Paris, Ohio
Burial date: 04 Feb 1925
Burial place: St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Chas. W. Prince
Father name:
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name:
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 1992614
Digital GS number: 4001613
Image number: 2341
Reference number: fn 7994
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI42697] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 253
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Amos Harvey .19
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Amos Harvey
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Amos Harvey
Harvey, Amos View Image Online
Age: 83 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353
Race: White Page: 7B
State: Ohio ED: 8
County: Champaign Image: 162
Township: Johnson
1880 Census Place:St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 29 6A
Amos HARVEYSelfMMW44OHOcc:FarmerFa: PAMo: OH
Name: Amos Harvey
Death date: 21 Oct 1926
Death place: Brown, Miami, Ohio
Birth date: 23 Apr 1836
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 90 years 5 months 24 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Burial date: 23 Oct 1926
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Evergreen
Spouse name:
Father name: Henry Harvey
Father titles:
Father birth place: Va.
Mother name: Rachel Hayhurst
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 1984564
Digital GS number: 4021864
Image number: 423
Reference number: fn 63484
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�Charles Alexander Gumpert
Death Date: �tab�12 Jan 1935
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�29 Jun 1868
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Millerstown, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�66 years 6 months 13 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�430 Lafayette Ave.
Occupation: �tab�Stationary Engineer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�15 Jan 1935
Burial Place: �tab�Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Myrtle Gumpert
Father's Name: �tab�John Gumpert
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Germany
Mother's Name: �tab�Bertha Kensel
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�United States
Film Number: �tab�2022420
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001917
Image Number: �tab�674
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 584
[XI42706] Also has stone Honey Creek Baptist Church Cemetery New Sec Row 11. Burial record is from Oak dale. Wife is in Honey Creek, name on that stone.
(Research):he died years ago (late 1950/60s --??) He was never very healthy. I reca ll that he played the piano quite well. Emerson married late -- a Springf ield woman, I believe. I forget her name though -- I think she was previo usly married. (Ellen Martin [email protected])
Name: Emerson Gumpert SSN: 269-16-4519 Last Residence: 45504 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 10 Feb 1904 Died: Oct 1982 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: Emerson D Gumpert Age at Death: 78 Date of Death: 19 Oct 1982 City of Death: Springfield County of Death: Clark Volume: 24983 Certificate: 068937 Date of Birth: Est. 1904 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 269-16-4519 City of Residence: Springfield County of Residence: Clark State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Medical Center Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
(Research):the daughter of W. M. Day and Lyda Sweet
Clark Co Library Obit Index Mrs Claudie Pence Personal Information Spouse: Forest Ray Maiden Name: Nickname: Previous Spouse: Obituary Information Date of Publication: 1/19/1966 Page:
Name: �tab�Delmur J. Munson
Birth Date: �tab�1919
Birthplace: �tab�
Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Name: �tab�Jean M. Heck
Spouse's Birth Date: �tab�1919
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Event Date: �tab�12 Jul 1940
Event Place: �tab�Cass, Michigan
Father's Name: �tab�Chas. Munson
Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Dennis
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab�Ross Heck
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab�Leona Weaver
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�
Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Spouse's Race: �tab�
Spouse's Marital Status: �tab�
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�I01226-8
System Origin: �tab�Michigan-EASy
GS Film number: �tab�1941449
Reference ID: �tab�P 20
Ohio, Birth Index, 1908-1964 about Jean W Heck
Name: �tab�Jean W Heck
Birth Date: �tab�4 Dec 1918
State File Number: �tab�1918116805
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current about Jean Munson
Name: �tab�Jean Munson �tab�
Last Residence: �tab�49002 Portage, Kalamazoo, Michigan
BORN: �tab�4 Dec 1918
Died: �tab�31 Dec 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Michigan (Before 195
[HI42720] (Research):Name: Mary B Putnam Gender: 2 Date of Death: 13 December 1986 Birth Date: 28 December 1897 Volume: 26704 Certificate: 097958 Autopsy: 9 Social Security Number: 280103099 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: Marietta, Washington County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Marietta, Washington County Age: 88 Years
[HI42728] (Research):MCMORRAN, Flora Ellen 88, of Quincy, Ohio passed away in her home on appro ximately January 22, 2005. She was born in Champaign County, Ohio on Janua ry 14, 1917 the daughter of the late Neil and Zephyr (Deaton) McMorran. S he is survived by several cousins: Shirley Allen of London, Ohio, Ma ry Jo White of Chicago, Illinois, Marianne Waltrip of Peoria, Arizona, Nan cy Chifos of Cincinnati, Ohio, James Wilhelm of New Jersey, John Wilhe lm of Virginia, William Pence of Walled Lake, Michigan, David Pence of Cle veland, Ohio and many other distant cousins. In addition to her parents, s he was preceded by two brothers, John and Ben McMorran and a sister, Ru th Rogers. Her nephew, Neil McMorran passed away June 1, 2005. Flora Ell en was a 1935 graduate of Johnson-St. Paris High School. She never marri ed and she was a farmer all of her life. Memorial funeral services wi ll be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 in the RICHESON-WICKHAM & ATKINS FUNER AL HOME, 216 South Springfield Street, Saint Paris, Ohio with Reverend Sco tt Griswold of the United Church of South Vienna presiding. Visitation f or family and friends will be held on Tuesday June 7, from 6:00 p.m. unt il the time of services at 7:00 p.m. in the funeral home. Burial wi ll be at the convenience of the family. Memorial contributions may be ma de to the Champaign County Historical Society, 809 East Lawn Avenue, Urban a, Ohio 43078. Envelopes will be available in the funeral home. Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 6/4/2005 - 6/5/2005. Guest Book � Flowers � Gift Shop � Charities
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1920 Loren Geuy
GEUY LOREN S County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 12/22/1923 Volume Number: 4320 Certificate Number: 69646
[HI42730] (Research):Name: Bertha A Snapp Birth Date: Est. 1901 Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Logan Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 19 Dec 1964 Hospital of Death: Mary Rutan Hospital City of Death: Bellefontaine County of Death: Logan Certificate: 92230 Age at Death: 63 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Married
(Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 19247-Albert Shaffer
Name: Albert L Shaffer Gender: Male Date of Death: 27 February 1972 Volume: 20818 Certificate: 020390 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Franklin County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 61 Years
(Research):G. PEARL GAMMELL 87, of Urbana, died Friday, April 25, 2003 at 1:30 p. m. in the Mercy McAuley Center. She was born June 17, 1915 in Terre Haut e, Ohio to Perry and Alma (Leonard) Shaffer. She was retired from the Spri ngfield Boston Store. She is survived by foster children, Scott Graf of We sterville, Ohio and James Murphy of Alabama and many nieces and nephews. S he was preceded in death by her husband, Ivan Gammell; parents; twelve bro thers and sisters and a foster daughter, Linda Smith. She was a lifetime m ember of the Terre Haute United Methodist Church. Graveside services wi ll be held Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 1 p.m. in the Terre Haute Cemeter y, Terre Haute, Ohio with Pastor Frank Kampel officiating. Friends may se nd condolences to the WALTER-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, A Dignity Memori al 642 South Main Street, Urbana, Ohio by logging onto [email protected]. Fir st Published in SPR Classifieds on Apr 27 2003
CHAMPAIGN COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETYJAN/FEB/MAR 2007 VOL 23 NO. I Found in a diploma from Terre Haute High School Class of 1932 of Goldie Pe arl Shaffer. History of Class 32
The ship to success set sail Sept 5th, 1921 with a crew consisting of four teen members These fourteen were Mildred Baker, Esta Gearbart, Ada Shaffe r, Ethel Foster, Edna Bishop, Gladys Bishop, Pearl Shaffer, Harold Ceyle r, Orva] Comwell, Alva Hullinger, Virgil Markley, Jay Shaffer, Orval Sna pp and Herbert Shaffer. Mrs. Janet Jenkins, as our captain, was stanch a nd true. Our journey just begun we were joined by Alice Northup, Herman a nd Raymond Falkner. We sailed along fairly smoothly with but few gale s. On May fifth we sailed into harbor for a short time. Here Ada Shaffe r, Harold Ceyler, Herman and Raymond Falkner remained and joined the ne xt ship. On Septem�ber fourth we again set sail with our same faithful cap tain. To our diligent crew we added Rebekah Leonard. On this voyage Har ry Wilimeth was transferred to our ship.
We sailed into harbor again the next spring. On the third voyage Ethel Fos ter, Esta Gearhart, Alva Hullinger, Mi dred Baker, Lewis Mathews, Virgil M arkley, Orval Snapp, and Pearl Shaffer completed the crew. Juanita Chris-t am and Helen Pharen joined us on this voyage. Our captain was Miss Donna J enkins.
On September 1924 we set sail again with Miss Jenkins at the helm. Our cr ew consisted of Edna Bishop, Mildred Baker, Gladys Bishop, Juanita Christa in, Ethel Foster, Esta Gearhart, Helen Phares, Mae Storts, Pearl Shaffe r, Alva Hullinger, Eugene Lefevre, Lewis Mathews, Virgil Markley, Orval Sn app and Harold Zerkie. On this ventur Gladys and Edna Bishop were transfer red from our ship to another. In the next year of our career we bad tbirt ee in our crew. We sailed along smoothly and were joined by Floyd Antho ny and Mertilla Weimer, Gladys and Edna Bishop came back with us. We al so had the misfortune of having Harold Zerkie, Eugene LeFevre, Ethel Foste r, and Juanita Christain leave us.
On the sixth voyage our captain was Nellore Shaffer, Mildred Baker, Glad ys Bishop, Edna Bishop, Esta Gearhart Rose Herrier, Glenna Krebenenne, Pea rl Shaffer, Albert Gentis, Alva Hullinger, Virgil Markley, Orval Snapp, a nd Charles Wagner, as we sailed into port, Glenna Krebehenne remained f or the next steamer. Here Mertilla Weimer lingered and fell overboard in to the seas of matrimony.
The seventh attempt in our career, we had some new members. This year o ur crew was made up by Mildred Baker, Edna Bishop, Gladys Bishop, Esta Gea rhart, Rose Herrier, Pearl Shaffer, Opal Smith, Albert Gentis, Alva Hullin ger, Virgil Markley, Orval Snapp, Charles Wagner, and Harold Zerkle. We we re still under the command our faithful captain. Miss Shaffer. At the e nd of this venture we lost Mildred Apple, Charles Wagner, Albert Get tis a nd Harold Zerkie who sailed in the following ship.
In the following cruise the members, Esta Gearhart, Edna Bishop, Mildred B aker, Gladys Bishop, Pearl Shaffer, Rose Herrier, Alva Hullinger, Virgil M arkley, and Orval Snapp were under the guidiance of another captain also v ery stanch and true, Mrs. Skidmore. We all succeeded with the excepti on of Opal Smith who fell overboard in t the seas of matrimony. The remain ing were ready for another and greater task.
We set sail on our ninth voyage but Rose Herrier was transferred to anoth er steamer. At the helm was Mr. Steinberger with Mrs. Wagner as first mate .
Our eight members Mildred Baker, Edna Bishop, Esta Gearhart, Gladys Bisho p, Pearl Shaffer, Alva Hullinger, Arval Snapp and Virgil Markley set sa il again in September 1930. Mr. Steinberger again as captain but with Mi ss Bowers as first mate. We had begun to find a more rough sea as we we re journeying along. Nevertheless we suceeded in arriving safely at harb or for the tenth time.
On the eleventh voyage we were under the same advisors Mr. Steinberger a nd Miss Bowers. In this voyage Gla and Edna Bishop were transferred thus l eaving the six Esta Gearhart, Pearl Shaffer, and Mildred Baker, Alva Hulli nger, Orval Snapp and Virgil Markley. The six who are completeing their jo urney have shared the same struggles as we have been together since we fir st came aboard. Tonight we landed at harbor again and will soon set o ut as the Captain of ship or the undertakings of the world.
[HI42739] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1932-Mildred Baker
Name:�tab�Mildred E Cook
[Mildred E Baker]
Birth Date:�tab�26 Jan 1915
Birth Place:�tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Hispanic Origin:�tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence Place:�tab�Logan, Logan, Ohio, United States
Residence Zip Code:�tab�43318
Death Date:�tab�24 Mar 2003
Death Time:�tab�09:20 PM
Hospital of Death:�tab�Nursing Home
Death Place:�tab�Logan, Logan, Ohio, USA
Age at Death:�tab�88
Registrar's Certificate Number:�tab�000064
Referred to Coroner:�tab�Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy:�tab�No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition:�tab�Burial
Filing Date:�tab�26 Mar 2003
Hospital Status:�tab�Other/Nursing home
Injury at Work:�tab�Unclassifiable
Father's Surname:�tab�Baker
Mother's Maiden Name:�tab�Zerkle
Marital Status:�tab�Widowed
Armed Forces Indicator:�tab�No
Industry of Decedent:�tab�Industry Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent:�tab�Industry Not Classifiable
Primary Registration District:�tab�1100
[HI42741] (Research):Name: Harry F Shaffer Gender: Male Date of Death: 21 March 1983 Birth Date: 30 June 1897 Volume: 25164 Certificate: 014727 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 713037988 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Springfield, Clark County Age: 85 Years
(Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 Audra Shaffer- 1918
Name: Audra Groves Gender: Female Date of Death: 03 January 1972 Volume: 20739 Certificate: 000657 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 71 Years
[HI42744] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 261 went to Log an Co, IL
[HI42745] (Research):Name: Millard Shaffer SSN: 281-10-4995 Last Residence: 45344 New Carlisle, Clark, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 28 Oct 1907 Last Benefit: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri Died: Mar 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI42746] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1927-Almeda Shaffer
(Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1929-Noble Shaffer
Name: Noble C. Shaffer SSN: 277-05-3951 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of America Born: 4 Aug 1912 Died: 10 Jan 1994 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI42748] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1934-Ada Shaffer
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ada L Circle
Name: �tab�Ada L Circle
[Ada L Shaffer]
Birth Date: �tab�22 Jul 1915
Birth County: �tab�Champaign
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: �tab�30 May 1997
Death Time: �tab�05:20 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�035511
Age at Death: �tab�81
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Hospital Status: �tab�Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: �tab�301-09-6066
Father's Surname: �tab�Shaffer
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Davis
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�12
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Own Home/At Home
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Housewife/Homemaker
Primary Registration District: �tab�1201
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 286
12/22/1911 Pupils attendance, J R Price, Teacher Bert Shaffer, age 17, present 6 days, absent 6 dasy, withdrawn from school
Champaign County Gen Society Newsletter Jan/Feb/Mar 2007 Vol 23 No 1 pa ge 22 Report of Names, Ages & Residents of Pupils To be made during the last week of each month from Sept to June inclusiv e. (Required by law under sec 7772 Gen. Code) Magrew O, Dec 22, 1911 The Clerk of the Board of Education of Mad River Twp, Champaign County, Oh io, The following is a correct list of the pupils attending my school duri ng the month ending Dec 22, 1911. J R Price, Teacher Bert Shaffer age 17 withdrawn
Social Security Death Index about Bert Shaffer
Name: �tab�Bert Shaffer
SSN: �tab�279-01-7640
Last Residence: �tab�44637 Killbuck, Holmes, Ohio,
Born: �tab�11 Jun 1895
Died: �tab�May 1976
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI42754] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1931-Edith Markley
[HI42755] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1934-Ivan markley
Social Security Death Index ??
about Ivan C. Markley
Name: �tab�Ivan C. Markley
SSN: �tab�277-03-9861
Last Residence: �tab�21711 Big Pool, Washington, Maryland,
Born: �tab�4 Mar 1917
Died: �tab�13 Dec 2003
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI42756] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1937-Dorothy Markley
[HI42757] (Research):Name: Herbert R. Shaffer SSN: 277-28-4778 Last Residence: 45505 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 4 Feb 1915 Died: 14 May 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI42758] (Research):Name: Virgil Shaffer SSN: 281-10-5556 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of America Born: 25 Jun 1916 Died: 3 Aug 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):A. LUCILLE THACKERY 85, of North Hampton, Ohio, passed away on Monday, Apr il 28, 2003 at 12:55 p.m. in Mercy Medical Center, Springfield. She was bo rn in Champaign County, Ohio (Terre Haute) on April 19, 1918, the daught er of the late Roy and Helen (Roberts) Shaffer. Survivors include three br others, Rollin (Cleo) Shaffer of Springfield, Emmett (Betty) Shaffer of Ur bana, and Dane (Anne) Shaffer of New Carlisle; several nieces and nephew s; and special friends, Jim and Shirley Huffman of Urbana. In additi on to her parents, Lucille was preceded in death by her husband, Dougl as G. Thackery who she married January 19, 1941 and passed away on May 2 7, 1992; three brothers, Herbert, Virgil and Richard Shaffer and one siste r, Thelma Smith. There will be no visitation or funeral service. Burial wi ll take place in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, New Carlisle. RICHESON-WICKH AM AND ATKINS FUNERAL HOME, Saint Paris, is serving the family.
First Published in SPR Classifieds on May 2 2003
[HI42760] (Research):Name: Rollin Shaffer SSN: 283-18-8313 Last Residence: 45504 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 23 Jun 1919 Died: 11 Oct 2003 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about John G Lee
Name: �tab�John G Lee
Birth Date: �tab�1903
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�13 Dec 1985
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Clark County
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�088916
Age at Death: �tab�82
Certifier: �tab�Physician
(Research):Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg329
Enumeration taken by W W Helmick, of citizens aged 70 years or more who were residing in Urbana City and Urbana Township. Found in the 21 May 1889 Issue of the Urbana Daily Citizen page 3 Col 3&4 Joseph Eichelberger, Maryland; 72
[DI42763] PG 85JOSEPH EICHELBERGER PROBATED 18 MAY 1907 URBANA CITY [DIED 11 MAY 19 07] Heirs-Mary Eliza Eichelberger-widow-Urbana; Isabel Ward-dauUrbana; George H Eichelberger-grson-Cleveland; Frank Eichelberger-grson-Cleveland; Robert Eichelberger-grson-West Point, NY; Frederick Eichelberger-grson-Wash D C; Mrs Jerome B Zerbe-grdau--Cleveland; Annette Houston-'grdau-Annist on, Al; Fannie Staley-grdau-Springfield; Walter Eichelberger-grsonSpringfield; Belle Eichelberger-grdau-Springfield. A monument on my lot at Oak Dale Cemetery costing $1000 and $300 to Sinking Fund Trustees of Urbana for upkeep of lot. Wife Mary Eliza Eichelberger life estate in present homestead property on W Court St; and income from all other property her lifetime. Legacy to bro Henry Eichelberger his lifetime of $5 a month for his support. At death of wife dau Isabel Ward my portrait painted by my son Robert, also wife's portrait painted by Williams and portrait of dec'd dau Katie; all other hhd goods to my ch and grch divided equally. Nieces Frances Boyer and Sallie Boyer of Dayton $ 100 each; balance of estate 1/3 to dau Isabel Eichelberger Ward; 1/12 grd au Belle Eichelberger; 1/12 grdau Fannie Eichelberger Staley; 1/12 grson W alter Eichelberger; 1/24 grdau Jeanette Eichelberger Houston; 1/24 g~rd au Oella Massey Houston; said grch being ch of dec'd son William Asbury Eichelberger and ggch being dau of Jeanette Houston; remaining 1/3 to grch [ch of dec'd son George N Eichelberger] George H, Susan, Frederick B, Frank and Robert Eichelberger. Any person contesting will receives no portion of estate, Oella Massey Houston's to be held in trust by Rev William Houston, bro of her father, till of age. Frederick W Ambrose executor Edgar M Ward Jr administrator Witness:David O'Brine Louis Johnson will signed 9 Jan 1907
[HI42768] (Research):Urbana Citizen & Gazette 5/22/1873 Deaths Clark Co, Jacob Cromwell Pyle, wife and 2 ch
[HI42769] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Ida Benjamin-Weaver Class of 1873
[BI42771] probate book names James / male
No dates on stone.
Probably the daughter of Duncan & Phebe Vance. Buried in the same plot with the Vance family.
(Research):OPAL (PENETON) JONES 85, of Springfield, died at 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Apr il 16, 2002 in Eaglewood Care Center. She was born to Orville and Estel la (Lorton) Peneton on December 14, 1916 in Springfield, Ohio. She was a m ember of Northside Church of God. She is survived by ten children; Richa rd (Barbara) Jones of Springfield, Shirley Hosier of Enon, Joyce (Willia m) Adams of Columbus, Donna (Donald) Daniels of London, Donald (Jean) Jon es of Union, Linda (Bernard) Deaton of Lawrenceville, Jim (Sharon) Jon es of Huber Heights, Bill (Emily) Jones of New Carlisle , Carolyn (Jame s) McVey of Springfield, and Patricia (Steve) Callison of Thackery, Ohi o; one sister, Janet Jenkins of Springfield; 22 grandchildren; 32 great-gr andchildren, numerous great, great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews. S he was preceded in death by her husband, Russell Jones on January 12, 199 5, after 60 years of marriage; a son-in-law, Earsel Hosier; one brother, L loyd Peneton and one sister, Betty Peneton. Friends may visit with the fam ily on Thursday, April 18, 2002 from 6-8 p.m. in the JACKSON LYTLE & INGLI NG WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, North Limestone Chapel, A Dignity Memorial Provi der. Funeral Services will be held at the funeral home on Friday, April 1 9, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. with Pastors Don Kelly and Norman Livingston officia ting. Interment will follow at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. If desired, donatio ns may be made to the American Heart Association, 300 S. Limestone Stree t, Springfield, Ohio 45502 or Moorefield Township Paramedics, 1616 Moorefi eld Road, Springfield, Ohio 45503. opal
First published in the News Sun on Apr 17
(Research):Name: �tab�Lloyd Peneton
SSN: �tab�301-10-9783
Last Residence: �tab�45504 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of America
Born: �tab�1 Aug 1911
Died: �tab�May 1974
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: �tab�Lloyd M Peneton
Birth Date: �tab�Est. 1912�tab�
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White�tab�
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States�tab�
Death Date: �tab�9 May 1974
Hospital of Death: �tab�Community Hosp. of Springfield
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�033466
Age at Death: �tab�62
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No autopsy
(Research):JUDITH LEE BROWN 55, of 344 Lincoln Place, Urbana, Ohio died Tuesday, Apr il 16, 2002 at 8:50 p.m. in her residence. She was born February 28, 19 47 in Champaign County to Walter J. and Ruby Kathryn Pence. She had work ed for Honda. She is survived by her husband, Lewis E. Brown of Urbana; ch ildren, Jennifer (Wendel) Laubach of Riegelsville, Pennsylvania, Ryan Lew is �Woody� Brown and Aaron Matthew (Shaunda) Brown, all of Urbana; two ste p-grandchildren; sisters, Phyllis (Terry) Robins of Troy; brother, Rodn ey Pence of Maine; as well as several nieces and nephews. She was preced ed in death by her parents and a sister, Carol Pence. She was a former mem ber of Eastern Star and a graduate of Graham High School. The family wi ll receive friends Saturday, April 20, 2002 from 5-8 p.m. in the WALTER-SC HOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, A Dignity Memorial Provider, 642 South Main Stree t, Urbana, Ohio where a funeral service will be held on Sunday, April 2 1, 2002 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Douglas Muchiri officiating. In lieu of flowe rs the family requests donations to the Cancer Association of Champaign Co unty, P.O. Box 38125, Urbana, Ohio 43078 in Judith�s memory.
First published in the News Sun on Apr 19 Springfield News-Sun
EDNA MAE RUNYAN 93, of Springfield died Friday morning, April 19, 20 02 in Villa Springfield. She was born July 17, 1908 in Springfield, Ohio the daughter of Russell and Elizabeth (Fleming) Zerkle. Her survivors include her daughter, Shirley Rosenbaum; two sons and daughters-in-law, Jerry a nd Carolyn Runyan all of Springfield and Stan and Anna Ruth Runyan of Brecsville; brother, Dale Zerkle of Springfield; four grandchildren, Eric, Curt (Tracey), Scott (Debbie), and Kyle (Amie) Runyan; four great-grandchild ren, Christopher, Amanda, Nicolas, and Travis Runyan; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, Harold E. Runyan. Funeral services will be held in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME,Springfield Monday at 2 p.m. with Pastor Richard Johnson o fficiating. A gathering of family and friends will be held one hour prior to the service. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Memorial gifts m ay be made to the charity of your choice. You may express condolences to the family through www.littletonandrue.com
First published in the News Sun on Apr 21
[XI42779] 7558 �tab�RUNYAN �tab�EDNA �tab�M. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�SPR �tab�04/19/2002 �tab�04/22/2002 �tab�V �tab�Lot 149 �tab�Sublot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 2
Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1919.
Date: 1919-12-01;
Publication: Serial Set Vol. No. 7716, Session Vol. No.45;Report
Zerkle, Russel E, North Hampton, OH
Stone-Gathering machine
No. 1,323,804 December 2, 1919 V269 P109
Social Security Death Index
about Harold Runyan
Name: �tab�Harold Runyan
SSN: �tab�268-03-1325
Last Residence: �tab�85014 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona,
Born: �tab�10 Dec 1906
Last Benefit: �tab�85014 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona,
Died: �tab�Feb 1979
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
[NI42783] Of Brown Co, OH son of Hiram and Maria Runyan
Name: �tab�Stella C. Runyan
Death Date: �tab�14 Apr 1945
Death Place: �tab�Sycamore Twp, Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jan 1882
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Williamsburg, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�63 years 3 months 1 day
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Wm. Runyan
Father's Name: �tab�Wesley Hull
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Hanna Mitchell
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372735
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4072629
Image Number: �tab�03358
Certificate Number: �tab�22538
(Research):JOHN E. ILGES 55, of Springfield, died in his residence on April 20, 200 2. He was born on June 22, 1946 to John Edmond and Edna (Shaffer) Ilge s. He is survived by his mother, Edna Ilges; his wife, Tina Ilges; his so n, Chad Ilges; his daughter, Betsy K. Good; his step-daughter, Regenia Pow ers; step-son, Richard Powers II; step-daughter-in- law, Michelle Power s, three brothers, Jim Ilges, Robert �Jerry� Ilges and Joel Ilges; grandch ildren, Jesse Morris and Kylie Powers; numerous nieces and nephews. He w as preceded in death by his father. He was a member of the Fraternal Ord er of Police. He retired from the Clark County Sheriff�s Department in 200 1. He was a Vietnam Veteran. He worked as an instructor for Clark States a nd JVS. He was also a member of Moose Lodge 536 and the Moose Riders. He w as a member of Tremont City United Methodist Church. Friends may visit wi th the family on Monday, April 22, 2002 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. in the JACKS ON, LYTLE & INGLING WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, North Limestone Chapel, A Digni ty Memorial Provider. Moose Lodge services will beheld during the 6-8 p. m. visitation. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 20 02 at 10 a.m. in the funeral home. Interment will follow in Mt. Calvary Ce metery. If desired, donations to the family may be made through the funer al home.
First published in the News Sun on Apr 22
(Research):OVERHOLSER, Paul H. 100, of Springfield, died Wednesday, February 16, 200 5. Funeral services will be held Monday, February 21, 2005 at Lawrencevil le Church of God. Visitation will be Sunday from 2-5 p.m. in the Littlet on & Rue Funeral Home, Springfield. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 2/17/2005.
OVERHOLSER, Paul Hartman 100, of Lawrenceville died on Wednesday Februa ry 16, 2005 in the Hearth & Home, Springfield. He was born on January 2 3, 1905 in Springfield the son of Alden E. and Nora (Hartman) Overholse r. He retired as an Electrical Engineer with Ohio Edison and was a memb er of the Lawrenceville Church of God. Mr. Overholser is survived by two d aughters; Joyce Demmitt of Troy, and Mary Lou Culver of Arizona, one son a nd daughter-in-law, Dale and Barbara Overholser of Springfield, two sister s-in-law, Mim Overholser of California and Helen Linkhart of Springfiel d, thirteen grandchildren and their spouses: Rita and Steve Harwood of Cal ifornia, Greg and Karen Demmitt of Arizona, Kevin and Audrey Demmitt of Ge orgia, John and Brittany Demmitt of Georgia, Alan and Darcey Demmitt of Tr oy, David and Debora Demmitt of Troy, Jay Overholser of New York, Jayne a nd Scott Webb of New York, Eric and Rachel Overholser of Springfield, P am and John Clarkson of Springfield, Elaine Brittingham of Springfield, Ch eryl and Jeff Steinmetz of Springfield, and Lyda and Brad Tennant of Color ado, and thirty-two great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his p arents, two wives, Helen L. and Ruth T., one son, John Overholser, and t wo brothers, Howard and J. Homer Overholser. A gathering of family and fri ends will be held on Sunday February 20, 2005 from 2-5 p.m. in the LITTLET ON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. The funeral service will be held on Monday at 10: 30 a.m. in the Lawrenceville Church of God, 4444 St. Paris Pike, Lawrencev ille, with Pastors Alan and Rex Cain officiating. Burial will be in the La wrenceville Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the church. Y ou may express condolences at www.littletonandrue.com Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 2/18/2005 - 2/19/2005.
[HI42787] (Research):Name: Howard Overholser SSN: 277-03-7886 Last Residence: 90201 Bell, Los Angeles, California, United Stat es of America Born: 13 Sep 1908 Died: Nov 1970 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Helen L Overholser
Name: �tab�Helen L Overholser
Birth Date: �tab�1905
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�22 Dec 1968
Hospital of Death: �tab�Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�102030
Age at Death: �tab�63
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Married
(Research):JOHN PAUL OVERHOLSER 71, of Bella Vista, Arkansas, died April 4, 2002 at B ates Medical Center in Bentonville, Arkansas. John was born July 25, 19 30 in Springfield the son of Paul H. and Helen (Linkhart) Overholser. He h ad been employed by Northup Aeronautical as an engineer for over 40 year s. John retired to Bella Vista from Huntington Beach, California seven yea rs ago. While living in the Springfield area, he was a member of the Lawre nceville Church of God. He enjoyed fishing the lakes of Bella Vista, brid ge and golf. John was preceded in death by his mother and first wife, Patr icia who passed away in 1982. Mr. Overholser is survived by his fathe r; a daughter and son-in-law, Rita and Steven Harwood; and grandchildre n, Nolan, Evan, and Colin all of La Canada, California; a brother, Da le of Springfield; sisters, Joyce Demmitt of Troy and Mary Lou Cellu ra of Phoenix, Arizona; and a former wife, Melba Overholser. A final tribu te memorial service will be held May 15, 2002 at Simi Valley Church in Cal ifornia. Arrangements were made by the Bella Vista Funeral Home and Cremat ory.
First published in the News Sun on Apr 28
(Research):George W Cupps
Age: 46 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0012
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0193
County: Adams
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Darathula 43 Kentucky Son Henry 24 Kentucky Son Alva 22 Kentucky Son Edward 17 Kentucky Son Marion 15 Kentucky Daughter Tena 11 Kentucky Son Charles 06 Ohio Son John 03 Ohio Son Jesse NR Ohio
Name: George Cupps
Death date: 13 Dec 1930
Death place: Johnson Township, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 14 Apr 1863
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 66 years 7 months 23 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Burial date: 15 Dec 1930
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Evergreen
Spouse name: Darthula Cupps
Father name: George Cupps
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Elizabeth Fortner
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1992279
Digital GS number: 4000564
Image number: 1819
Reference number: fn 70431
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[XI42790] Sec 1 Lot98 (66-7-23)
[NI42791] Daughter of Isaac Musser and Amanda Kegley
[HI42791] (Research):Funeral home record shows Dorthula Cupps Martin
Name: �tab�Edward Cupps
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�12 Feb 1915
Event Place: �tab�Adams, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�George Cupps
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Darthuca Murcer
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Eatre Eubauks
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Spouse's Father: �tab�Charley Eubauks
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Boggess
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Vol 1p 477 no.914
Film Number: �tab�545187
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016842
Image Number: �tab�288
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Edward N Cupps
Name: �tab�Edward N Cupps
Birth Date: �tab�1893
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�6 Jul 1977
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�047603
Age at Death: �tab�84
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Social Security Death Index about Edward Cupps
Name: �tab�Edward Cupps
SSN: �tab�302-20-6746
Last Residence: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio,
Born: �tab�16 Dec 1892
Last Benefit: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio,
Died: �tab�Jul 1977
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
Name: �tab�Alfred Bowman
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�09 Feb 1916
Event Place: �tab�Adams, Ohio
Age: �tab�30
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1886
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Thomas Bowman
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mariah Waldren
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Tena Cupps
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1898
Spouse's Father: �tab�George Cupps
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Darthida Musser
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Vol.2 p.89 rn 1094
Film Number: �tab�545187
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016842
Image Number: �tab�370
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Charles F Cupps
Name: �tab�Charles F Cupps
Birth Date: �tab�1904
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Logan
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�15 Nov 1982
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�076827
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�302-18-7732
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Name: �tab�John N. Cupps
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�28 Feb 1930
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1907
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�George Cupps
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Darthula Miesser
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Minda W. Beair
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1909
Spouse's Father: �tab�James Beair
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Goodwin
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�182
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�521
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about John Cupps
Name: �tab�John Cupps
Birth Date: �tab�1908
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Shelby
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�8 Apr 1984
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Champaign County
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�024289
Age at Death: �tab�76
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�276-12-4288
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Social Security Death Index about John Cupps
Name: �tab�John Cupps
SSN: �tab�276-12-4288
Last Residence: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio,
Born: �tab�14 Jun 1907
Died: �tab�Apr 1984
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
Name: �tab�Ada Cupps
Death Date: �tab�22 Dec 1923
Death Place: �tab�Seaman, Adams, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Nov 1891
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ky.
Death Age: �tab�32 years 1 month 5 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�House Work
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�24 Dec 1923
Burial Place: �tab�Mt. Leigh
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Henry Cupps
Father's Name: �tab�C W Movel
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ky.
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Movel
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Film Number: �tab�1992396
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4000579
Image Number: �tab�2200
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 69217
[HI42808] (Research):There is a record of a marriage for a Sophia A Wirt in Miami Co, OH in 188 4, License #16367 to a William C Casterline
Champaign County Ohio
I do hereby certify that David Bening?, Jacob Hoak and Samuel Brubaker were duly sworn by me as appraisers of the property of Gedion Landaker deceased and also to set off and award to the widow and children a competent maintenance for one year, January 4, 1839. Signed S G Brecount, JP
A true and account inventory of the goods and chattels of the Estate of Gedion Lankecker late of Champaign County Ohio deceased, presented to us the undersigned appraisers of the estate by Samuel Crabill , administrator thereof Jan 4, 1839
One lot brocks .09
One barrel bran .18
Lot of horsehoes .25
One churn .75
one kitle .50
one lot barrells .50
one bar of -oy 1.62
one lot pumpkin? .50
one sadle 2.00
lot of plank and scanting .12
lot of joiner tools 12.00
one brood mare and cow 3.00
4 bags 1.25
3 barrels 1.25
1 grindstone 1.00
one sythe 2.00
1 sythe and cradle 3.00
1 swinging mechene .75
1 plow brake .75
111 bushes of corn in the crick 55.50
1 pattent plow 3.00
1 shovel plow 2.00
1 pair doubletrees and pick fosher? 1.25
1 lot horse gear 5.00
1 barrel of chop .25
1 lot forks .06
1 wagon 50.00
2 axes 2.00
1 weding hoe .25
1 saw and 8 shates 10.00
1 mare 8.00
1 colt 10.00
1 muly cow 14.00
1 calf 1.25
2 calfs 6.00
1 set of hay laders .50
1 table .75
1 tray .50
1 spade and half bushel .37
1 oven 2.00
1 blades? 15.00
some grain i the field 12.00
1 tar bucket .18
Amount of Appraisal 182.69
Appraised this 4th day of Jan, 1839
David Beney?, Samuel Brubaker, Jacob Hough
Champaign County Ohio Probate Court Book A pg 800
List of the sales of goods and chattels belonging to the Estate of Gideon Landaker date of Johnston town, Champaign County dec'd. Sale at public vendue by the undersigned administrator of estate on the 5th of January 1839.
Names Property Price
Widow Landaker 1 lot of broches .06
Samauel Crabill 1 barrel of bran? 20.00
Jacob Hough 1 lot of horse shoose .37
Widow Landaker 1 chair .12
Jacob Hough 1 kitle .26
Abram Lung 1 lot of barrels .09
James Crabill 1 barrell of --oy 2.06
John Lokey 1 ferhire? .07
John Lokey 1 saddle 1.9
John Lokey 1 lot of plank - scantting? .02
James Carbill 1 drawing knife .75
James Crabill 2 augers .12
Samuel Crabill 1 handsaw 1.37
George Crabill 1 auger .40
George Crabill 3 chisels .41
Noah Crabill 1 zach plane .47
Noah Crabill 1 plane .50
Noah Crabill 1 plane .42
George Crabill 1 set groove planes 1.00
Joseph Campbell 1 bead plane .25
George Zimmerman 1 broad axe 1.75
Noah Crabill 1 saw .30
John Lokey 4 bags? .75
Abram Miller 3 barrels .70
Abram Miller 1 grindstone 1.15
Moses Magert 1 sythe 1.37
James Crabill 1 sythe and saddle 2.25
Jacob Hough 1 galon Mechane .37
Martin Miller 1 plane brake? .26
Abram Crabill 20 bushels of corn 11.80
James Crabill 20 bushels of corn 11.60
Isaac Mode 20 bushels of corn 12.50
Adam Lung 20 bushels corn 12.60
Isaac Mody 20 bushels corn 15.00
Noah Crabill 11 bushels corn 7.81
James Crabill 1 big plow 4.00
James Crabill 1 plow 1.50
James Crabill 1 cutting bore 2.06
James Crabill 1 pair double trees 1.12
Umphrey Collans 1 ? .50
James Crabill 1 lot of horse gear 3.18
James Crabill 1 set of horse gear 1.37
James Crabill 1 barrell .43
George Crabill 1 lot of bales? .06 1/4
John Lokey 1 wagon 79.00
James Crabill 1 axe 2.00
James Crabill 1 hoe .12 1/2
Elias Stover 1 axe .91
Benjamin Crabill 1 saw 3.50
Widow Landaker 1 shate .25
James Crabill 3 shates 2.25
Benjamin Crabill 2 shates .76
George Crabill 2 shates .60
Samson Owens 1 set of laders .10
James Crabill 1 mare 10.25
Jesse Jinkins 1 colt 8.75
Samuel Crabill 1 calf 3.00
Samuel Crabill 1 calf 5.33
Elias Stover 1 cow and calf 17.90
Samuel Crabill 7 acers of wheat 18.37
James Carbill 1 stack of hay 9.45
George Crabill 1 tair buckit .26
Elias Stover 1 table .30
Widow Landaker 1 tray .25
Widow Landaker 1 grande .03
Widow Landaker 1 over .25
James Crabill 1 half bushel .07
Widow 3 chairs .63
Samuel Crabill 2 chairs .75
Charles Kizer 1 clock 6.00
Jacob Miller 190 ft of plank and scantting 1.00
Widow 1 bed and bedding 2.00
Being 97.10 more than Appriasement
by Samuel Crabill, Administrator
(Research):Family researcher [email protected] (Paul)
Following information sent in document by email 1/16/2009. He has not done research in many years.
In my humble opinion Gideon came from Pennyslvania with John Landaker
This is what I have found on Gideon and Rachel (Landacre,Landecker,Lindecker Longacre)the name has or is corrupted for sure.On Feb 14,1820 a Gideon Landaker supposedly maried a female named Hannah Garrett in Fredrick County Va.in or arfound Winchester Va. The Bondsman for this Union (that's the way it was done in Virginia in those days) was one John Landaker.It is not known if he was Gideons father or even related to him or from where they came .There were no ages given for the Bondsman , the Groom or the Bride.I have no way of identifying if this Gideon is the same Gideon in the 1820 Virginia County Census in the Town of Strausberg.There is no record of a John Landaker being noted in the U.S. Census of 1820 to the best of my knowledge.
It is also interesting that Gideon stated in the 1820 Census he had four sons under the age of ten (10) suggesting they were all born between 1810 -1820,plus a female in the house the same approximate age as himself,which I assume to be his wife.Was this female Hannah Garrett?This is very puzzling. It does not seem likely that a women or man between 16 and 26 years of age would have five children when they were united in marriage unless he or she had been married previously.
Were there two Gideon Landakers ? I suspect there may have been because of a article In a 1955 Small Indiana travlers newsletter now out of business.The article read thusly "Seeking info on Gideon Landaker that married Hannah Garrett in Fredrick county Va. 1820.A son Gideon was born of this marriage in 1825 and a son Issac was born of this Union in vicinity of Winchester Virginia 1829.When Issac was six (1835) his father Gideon and mother moved to Ohio and lived near St. Paris in Champaign County.Did Issac have brothers,Lawrence and a half brother named Daniel? The young Gideon was said to have a half sister named Hannah
presumably after her mother Hannah. A record of Hannah Landaker marriage to Peter Kizer in 1837 and 1850 census shows she born c1813, too young to be a child of Hannah Garrett, but suggesting Gideon was married prior to Hannah Garrett or Hannah was a sister of Gideon. Issac is thought to have had two other sisters named Rachel or Sarah or maybe Racheal is his step mother? The 1830 Va. Census Fredrick County records a Hannah Garrett in a houshold with two males one aged 20-30 the other30-40 and one female aged 70-80,the female age 30-40 is presumed to be Hannah.
Could this woman be the same that supposedly married said Gideon in 1820? Were Hannah and Gideon really married? In the 1820 Va Census Shenadoah County Town of Strausberg there was a family living in close proxtimity to Gideon named Crabil that had several young females listed.
Did the female named Hannah Garrett move to Ohio with Gideon?I don't think that marriage took place.There is no record of her being buried in Strausberg in Shenadoah county as I checked with a fellow that has a record of all the cemetries in the county.This is one big Mystery.Was Gideon married before the so called Hannah union.I think the female in the 1830 Fredrick county Census is the same Hannah that supposedly Married Gideon,but it neve really happened.
Another peice of this Gideon Puzzle is there is a record of a Gideon Landeger marring a female named Racheal Crabil in Washington County Maryland in September 29 1829.There is no known1830 Census Record of Gideon Landaker that I have been able to locate.However there is a record of a John Landaker recorded in the 1830 Ohio censusMeigs County that lists his age born between 1790-1800.IN a later census he states he was born in 1794. I have assumed that it is the same fellow that was with Gideon in Va in 1820.The only Landakers that I have ever found in the earliest US Census were in Fredrick County, Shenadoah County Va. and Hardy County Va. which became Part of West Virginia in 1863.
In my humble opinion Racheal Crabil and Gideon of Strausberg Va. are the same two indivuals that were married in Maryland in 1829.His will gave much of his property to individuals named Crabils.Later Ohio census of Champaign states these Crabils originated in Va.
There is no record of where he was buried.I also read in a journal where he was present when his daughter was married as she was only sixteen,but his wife was not present or if she was she is not recorded as being present.It appeared to me as odd because in the other names listed the mother and father were both noted at there daughters marriage
[DI42822] Michael William Bodey, 56, of Urbana died at 8:19 A.M. Friday, January 16, 2009 in Mercy Memorial Hospital, Urbana. He was born December 18, 1952 in Springfield, a son of Leonard and Betty (Lucas) Bodey.Michael was a graduate of Urbana High School and Urbana University, served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era in Germany, was the Director of the Small Business Development Center at Wright State University, served on the Champaign County Veteran Service Board, and was a member of Disabled American Veterans.Survivors include his wife Kathy (Harrigan) Bodey, his parents, stepdaughter, Shannan Thompson and her husband Kevin of Columbus, three granddaughters; Glenna, Megan and Marley, three brothers; Gary Bodey and his wife Pat of Urbana, Larry Bodey and his wife Dixie of Englewood, FL and David Bodey of Urbana, brother -in-law and sister-in-law, John and Patty Harrigan of Urbana, sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Jane and Gene Sandy of Urbana, aunt, Cenie Hartman of Springfield, several nieces, nephews and cousins.The family will receive friends 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. Monday, January 19, 2009 in the WALTER-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, Urbana, where services will be held at 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, January 20, 2009 with Rev. Nancy Hardin officiating. Burial will follow in Oak Dale Cemetery.Memorial contributions may be made in Michael's memory to PAWS Animal Shelter, 1535 W. State Rt. 36, Urbana, OH 43078 or to Wright State University, Roj Soin College of Business for Small Business Fund, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy., Dayton, OH 45435-001.
Joseph W Brunk (1838 - 1928)
Mary Elizabeth Englehart Brunk (1861 - 1920)
*Cemetery Book Info
Wife of Henry Appel
Birth: �tab�Aug. 15, 1874
Death: �tab�Jul. 25, 1952
UrbanaChampaign County
Lewis Appel (1824 - ____)
Henrietta Neeb Appel (1842 - 1904)
Oak Dale Cemetery
Champaign County
Plot: Section 66 - Lot 69
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Dec 2004 pg 117 News From Westville Ohio March 12, 1908 Vernon Blose, Marley Zirkle, Edward Hanna and Manley Wilson have their sug ar camps running full blast and will furnish sweetness at a moderate price
Vernon M Blose
Age: 31 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0011
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0072
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Sallenda M 24 Ohio Daughter Miriam M NR Ohio
[HI42832] (Research):Never married
(Research):CCGS Newsletter July/Aug 2005 Vol 21 No 3 pg 48 St paris Ohio Graduates tr anscribed June 19 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1919 Donald Loudenback
Name: Donald Loudenback Gender: Male Date of Death: 08 March 1979 Birth Date: 15 April 1801 Volume: 23583 Certificate: 014383 Autopsy: No Autopsy Social Security Number: 283141328 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Not Classifiable Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Champaign County Age: 78 Years
(Research):Patty Wissink [email protected] Family researcher
; bur.Presbyterian Graveyard in Sidney but later removed to Lot 12-3 in Gr aceland Cemetery, Sidney. The site of the old Presbyterian Graveyard is n ow the Julia Lamb School football field
[HI42839] (Research):Chancery Records Champaign Co Court of Common Pleas Record Book 11 pg 1 76 Filed 3 April 1830 Partition William Neal and Abigail vs Heirs of John E Clarke John E Clarke died in 1823 owning the northeast quarter of Section 10 Town ship 5 Range 11 (Urbana) Johns heirs: widow Phoebe; Stephen Clarke, Abiga il Neal, John Gad and Electa his wife; James Ayers and Lydia his wife ' a nd minors Sarah, Jane Hannah and John Clarke.
[HI42840] (Research):Is it possible this is Aquilla? 1850 CHampaign Co, Urbana, OH -pg 427 Aquilla Neal 22 OH Rebecca 22 MD Sarah 6m OH
[HI42847] (Research):pg89 Aug 6, 1908 Alfred, the youngest son of Charles ZEIKEL died Thursd ay evening and was buried Satruday in the Myrtle Tree Cemetery.
(Research):Bio Beers pg 783 ALEXANDER PIATT (deceased). Mr. Piatt was born in Clark Co., Ohio, Aug. 2 2, 1814. The early part of his life was spent in farming. At about the a ge of 30 he began the harness trade, which he followed in Spring Hills ti ll the time of his death. In 1848, April 10, he married Aurelia Tenner y, a native of Troy, Miami Co., born Jan. 11, 1825. She is a daughter of Z ephaniah B. and Sarah (Shyrigh) Tennery, who were early settlers there. Al exander and Aurelia Piatt were the parents of six children, two of whom pr eceded him to eternity. The other four are still living -Fidelia Ann (n ow Mrs. J. M. Terrell), Joseph Edwin, Mary Effie and John Charles F. Alexa nder Piatt departed this life Sept. 10, 1874, having been a member of t he Baptist Church for over thirty years. Mrs. Piatt and her children are m embers of the M. E. Church. Joseph E. carries on harness-making and liv es with his mother. He is a patron of this work. Mary E. has been clerki ng in a store for about three years. She commenced teaching in the spri ng of 1880. The youngest son is learning the blacksmith trade with Mr. Ele yet, of this place.
Champ Co, Will Book D pg 174 Alexander Piatt probated 10/1/1874 Springhill s Wife Amelia Piatt all real estate and personal property her lifetime and g uardian of minor children. Minor sons Joseph Edward and John Charles Pia tt lot # 8 and # 28 and shop on lot # 27 in Springhills. Dau Mary Effa Pia tt property I now reside on (lot # 27) and dwelling except the shop. Fiedl ia Ann Piatt undivided interest in business in Springhills which I am in p artnership with james Wilson. Will amended to appoint Flemmon Hall exec a nd guardian of minor children. Wit: John C Eby and Wm H Paul. Will sign ed 7/10/1874
[HI42853] (Research):PIATT JOSEPH E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 11/15/1917 Volume Number: 2413 Certificate Number: 69065
Newspaper Abstract
January 8, 1863
Died 5th inst at his residence in Salem Twp, Joe Funk, an old and highly respectable citizen of that twp; he was buried yesterday at Oak Dale Cemetery with Masonic Honors
Will Book C pg358 probated 7/12/1863 Wife Elizabeth; son Jacob the house in West Liberty; son Aaron Benson t he farm in Champ Co; dau Emily A Myers 80 acres home farm and dau Caroli ne E share 80 acres. Mentions land in Henry Co, Oh and marshal Co, IN Aaron Benson Funk Exec Wit: John S Leedom, Joseph Funk Signed 12/31/1862
Name: �tab�Jacob Myers
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�12 Sep 1853
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�license 10 Sep 1853
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Emily A. Funk
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 255 cn 5791
Film Number: �tab�295229
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016261
Image Number: �tab�161
(Research):Named in Joel Funk will as daughter and also mother Elizabeths will
Also named as dau in will of Daniel Funk 4/18/1879
A FAMILY OF LONGS lived NE of Urbana on what was in early days Dugan Prair ie; Sec. 2, NE quarter, was their first location. Later they owned near ly all of Sees. 1 and 2. This was the very heart of Dugan swamp, a place d rained in 1827 by John Reynolds, who persuaded the Ohio Legislature to spo nsor man-made Dugan ditches for that purpose. The swamp covered a tot al of 5 or 6 square miles, much of it worthless for agriculture. Howeve r, once drained, it made excellent farm land. About three years ago a 300� acre tract of this land changed owners for $100,000. James Long was born about 1796 in Kentucky, his parents having come from P ennsylvania in 1795. They lived in Kentucky nine years, then came to th is county about 1805, buying the NE quarter of Sec. 2, which was on the no rth side of the swamp. James Long was twice married. His first wife, Martha Turner, died about 18 20. Twin daughters were born to them. His second wife was Susarinah Chene y; they had seven children. When James Long died in 1862, the family own ed 520 acres of land, only 225 then farmed. All the land is now (1959) und er cultivation.
[HI42863] (Research):1895 Washington DC
Name: �tab�Theo K. Funk
Death Date: �tab�28 Apr 1924
Death Place: �tab�Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�31 Jan 1848
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 2 months 27 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Attorney
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�01 May 1924
Burial Place: �tab�Greenlawn
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Funk
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Long
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1992496
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001422
Image Number: �tab�1410
Name: �tab�Rovilla A Funk
Death Date: �tab�30 Mar 1929
Death Place: �tab�West Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1854
Birthplace: �tab�West Liberty, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�75 years 4 months 9 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana
Cemetery Name: �tab�Noah Dale
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob S Funk
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Fredrick City, Maryland
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Long
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991765
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022250
Image Number: �tab�3479
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 22342
(Research):1896 Charleston, IN
October 28, 1925 Vaiparaiso Daily Vidette
Eugene T. Funk Dies at His Home at Hillcrest, Long Lake Following Year's Illness
Ex-Superintendent of the County Infirmary Succumbs to Tuberculosis of the Throat. Had Been in Poor Health for a Number of
Years. Funeral Tonight at Elks Lodge Rooms at 8 O'Clock
The Body to Be Shipped to Urbana, Ohio
Eugene T. Funk, ex-superintendent of the Porter county infirmary, in which office he served for more than seventeen years, died Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at his home at Hillcrest, Long Lake,
following nearly a year's illness. Tuberculosis of the throat was the cause of death.
Mr Funk had been in poor health for a number of years according to members of his family and intimate friends. While serving as infirmary
head he was suffering the pangs of illness, but refused to rehnquish the duties of the position and take a needed rest. After his resignation in April 1924, Mr Funk went to Long lake where he owned property, in an attempt to ward off the ailment which physicians diagnosed as the great white plague. Though improvement was noted for a time his physical condition was unequal to the task and for several months his hfe hung in the balance.
The body was removed to the C. W. Bartholomew and son funeral home on Washington street, where it will repose until this evening
when funeral services svill be held at 8 o'clock at the Elks lodge room in the new temple. Rev. Chester W Wharton, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will preach the sermon, and the officers
of Vaiparaiso Elks lodge will have charge of the services. The body will be shipped at 12:59 o'clock tomorrow morning to Urbana, Ohio,
where funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon.
Eugene Turner Funk was born in Champaign county, Ohio, June 19, 1857. He was educated in the common schools at West Liberty, Ohio, and afterward attended the Covenator college at West Geneva, Ohio, and the Nelson Business college at Cincinnati, 0. After finishing a business course in the latter school he worked as an accountant in Cincinnati, 0. After finishing a business course in the latter school he worked as an accountant in Cincinnati Later he entered the United States government railway mail service and was on the run between Cincinnati and Pittsburg for two years. This was during the time the great floods in the section prevailed and caused so much trouble and loss.
The marriage of Mr~ Funk to Miss Lulu Nell Johnson of North East Pennsylvania, took place February 14~ 1884. Two children were born to this union. The oldest, James Maurice, met with. a sad misfortune when tenyears of age and was drowned in the world's Fair grounds, Chicago, on June 1, 1895.
[HI42867] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) James L Funk class of 1879
[HI42870] (Research):TOmbstone Died at half past eleven in the evening To the regions of flory the spirit is fled And left this poor body in activ and dead With anjelic armeys for ever to glaze, Jesus beauty for ever to gaze
[HI42871] (Research):Tombstone Dear Youthful friends prepared me. For that blest home of purity Which waits for all who love the Lord, and trust in his redeeming blood.
(Research):Arthur called grandson in the 1900 census. He was born 5 months after Pet er died.
Name: ARTHUR A BRIGHT Gender: Male Date of Death: December 15, 1962 Volume: 17125 Certificate: 91570 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 79
[HI42876] (Research):Name: Irene A Bright Gender: Female Date of Death: 18 April 1974 Volume: 21649 Certificate: 024048 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 87 Years
[HI42877] (Research):BOLLINGER SARAH B County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 5/27/1934 Volume Number: 7522 Certificate Number: 32454
Name: �tab�Sarah Bernice Bollinger
Death Date: �tab�27 May 1934
Death Place: �tab�Lost Creek, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�22 Jun 1873
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Kansas
Death Age: �tab�60 years 11 months 5 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Lost Creek, Miami, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�30 May 1934
Burial Place: �tab�Miami Co., Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Honey Creek
Spouse's Name: �tab�Emanuel Bollinger
Father's Name: �tab�Webster Simpson
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�O.
Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pen.
Film Number: �tab�1993034
Name: �tab�Henry F. Linville
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�27 Oct 1891
Death Place: �tab�Wayne Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�1
Birth Date: �tab�1890
Birthplace: �tab�Wayne Tp.
Occupation: �tab�Infant
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 299
Source CCGS News Spring 2010
�b�Lois �/b�L. �b�Phares, �/b�92, of St Paris passed away on April 19, 2010. She was born on February 4, 1918 in Fletcher the daughter of the late Samuel and Edna (Marshall) Pond. She married Norris E Phares on May 8, 1940 and he preced.ed her in death on January 11 1997. Surviving are three daughters �u�Nancy Weatherhead�/u� of Conover, Jane (Dick) Dieke of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, and Cheryl (Douglas) Stephan of St Paris, She is also survived by two sister-in-laws: Audra Luttrell of Christiansburg and Miriam Phares of Springfield, and a brother-in-law Chris Phares of Tiffin. She was preceded in death by a sister, Florence Jean Brown. Funeral arrangements are bei.ng handled by Atkin.s-Shively Funeral Home. Burial will take place in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, New Carlisle
Name: �tab�Herman Ersa Pond
Death Date: �tab�07 Sep 1913
Death Place: �tab�Brown, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1913
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�8 months 20 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Ersa Pond
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Edna Marshall
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1953758
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021300
Image Number: �tab�2420
[NI42882] Dau of Isaac Jackson
[HI42888] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1912 Garnet Shockey
[HI42890] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1916 Cecil Shockey
(Research):madeena leazenby [email protected]
John (Johann) Roller was born in Germany about 1728-30. He first married Anna Ocher (Ocker, Acker). She died circa 1787. He married again on the 12th of January, 1788 Catherine Dosserin.
John had 11 children by his first wife Anna and 6 by his second wife
Catherine. The children by Anna were as follows: 1. Jacob; 2. Casper; 3. Catherine; 4. Mary; 5. John; 6. Barbara; 7. Rachael and 8. Lea were twins; 9. Paul and 10. Andrew were twins; 11. Infant unknown. The children by Catherine were as follows: 1. George; 2. Margaretha; 3. Sarah; 4. Michael; 5 David; 6. Peter. In a county history, "Annals of Orange County", there was an article on county court papers that listed John Roller's Last Will as such: Paper endorsed: John Roller's Last Will, A copy. I John Roller, of the County of Shenandoah. Some of children of very tender age. All real estate to be sold by executors and proceeds divided between all the children, Viz: Jacob, Casper, Catherine Roller, Mary ?, JOHN, Barbara, Rachael, PAUL, ANDREW,
GEORGE, Margaret, Sarah, MICHAEL, DAVID, PETER. All to share alike, except my son Paul Roller, whose share is to be $200 less than any of his brothers or sisters. This deduction I make from his share in consequence of his disobedience to me and --- of before he come of age and taking up with a woman of profligate character. Sons to be put to learn trades. Executors: Casper Roller and Andrew Zirkle Jr. Dated 7 June, 1806. (Signed in German) Test: John Crondson, James Anderson, Jane Allen, James Allen. Proved in Rockingham County, April Court, 1816 by Anderson; and in June, 1816 by Crondson. Executors refused to execute, Widow refused to administer. Administration granted George Roller. Test: S. McWilliams, clerk. Test: H. G. Gambil, C.R.C. A copy.
(Research):ADAM NEHS (1766 - 1797)
The details concerning the life of our venerable brother Adam Nehs are thu s: The same was born into the world in the year 1766, the 31st of Decembe r. His parents are Mr. Michael Nehs, who at the present time is living, a nd his wife, the mother, Margareth, nee Zerckel, who two years ago enter ed into eternal life. These Christian parents were concerned that their s on was given Holy Baptism and was brought up in Evangelical Lutheran Doctr ine. Always, as he grew up in years, he was diligent and steady in schoo l, in German as well as in English, also in arithmetic and writing, mainta ining such ability, that shortly thereafter he had many opportunities to u se his talents to advantage. As he neared maturity, his ability was manif ested in complete perfection, so the afore-mentioned parents became anxio us that he, through the partaking of Holy Communion, be drawn to the imita tion of his Savior and walk in his steps. Thereupon, for about 7 years, w ith God's permission, he was joined in the Holy State of Matrimony with El isabetha Herbein. They lived with one another in Christian peacefulnes s, and 3 children were begotten, namely 2 sons and 1 daughter. During h is married state, Adam Nehs became the first among us in the new church, t he so-called Solomon's Church, by virtue of his goodly walk through life a nd his ability to lead the meetings of the congregation. Thus he was elec ted as deacon by the votes of the members, which office he administered si ncerely and faithfully. Nevertheless, in due time, it was God's will to i nflict upon him an indisposition in the month of March. This illness w as especially severe. Thus, it has pleased Almighty God, the day before y esterday, to take him out of this wretched world, on the 1st December 179 7, between 11 and 12 o'clock at night. He lived to the age of 30 year s, 11 months, and 1 day. May God grant him eternal rest.
Richard A. Connell, Colonel, USAF(Ret) 1830 Via Genoa Winter Park, FL 32789-1525 [email protected]
Shenandoah County, Virginia Abstract of Wills 1772-1850, Compiled by Amel ia C. Gilreath, 14200 Vint Hill Road, Nokesville, VA 22123, 1980, Page 159
Will Book E, Page 156 Adam Neas, Shenandoah County. Wife: Elizabeth. Two sons; John and Michae l. Dau.: Dolly. Exors: Brother, John Neas and friend, Jacob Stiegel Wi t: Jacob Sairfas, Philip Harpine, John Brener and Abraham Harpine. Dat ed 29 Aug 1797; proved 10 Jan 1798.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lottie M Cheney
Name: �tab�Lottie M Cheney
Birth Date: �tab�1873
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�22 Dec 1963
Hospital of Death: �tab�Memorial Hospital of Union County
City of Death: �tab�Union County
County of Death: �tab�Union
Certificate: �tab�95992
Age at Death: �tab�90
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Groom's Name: �tab�Bartlet James Cranston
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Marion Co.
Groom's Age: �tab�35
Bride's Name: �tab�Olive C. Williams
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Newark
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Dec 1903
Marriage Place: �tab�Licking County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James Cranston
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Viola A. Corey
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Williams
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Harmon
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[HI42920] (Research):1900 living with sister Emma Shirk b 2/1844, widow and mother Clara Philli ps b 8/1818 widow
[NI42927] Married \endash �b�Ducket �/b�\endash �b�Immel �/b�\endash At the toll gate on Green pike, on the 19th inst., by L. �b�Simmons�/b�, Esg., Amos L. �b�Duckett �/b�and Mrs. Martha E. �b�Immel�/b�, all of this city.
[NI42928] His parents were Samuel Heinrich BRANDENBURG and Johanna CHITTESTER
(Research):1850 census Jay County, Jefferson Twp., Indiana line 9
Aaron BRANDENBURG, age 35, born Ohio, farmer, real estate value $600
Louisa, age 34, born Virginia
Moses, age 10, born Ohio
Joseph Ballard, age 8, born Ohio
Cindvilla, female, age 6, born Ohio
John, age 4, born Ohio
Ezra, age 2, born Indiana
Sidney, female, age 1 born Indiana
1860 census Jay County, Indiana page 61 line 23
Aaron BRANDENBURG, age 46, farmer, real estate value $1300, personal estate value $1600, born Ohio
Louisa, age 45, born Virginia
Moses, age 19, born Ohio
John, age 14, born Ohio
Ezra, age 12, born Indiana
Seth, age 8, born Indiana
U.S. Tax Assessment Jefferson Twp., Indiana January 1865
Aaron BRANDENBURG assessed 20 cents for 2 hogs October 1965
Aaron BRANDENBURG, Veterinary Surgeon assessed $6.67 for occupation
1870 census Jefferson Twp., Jay County, Indiana page 36 line 13
Aaron BRANDENBURG, age 55, farmer, real estate value $ 2500, personal estate $400, born Ohio
Louisa, age 54, born Virginia
Moses, age 30, born Ohio
Ezra, age 22, born Indiana
Seth, age 18, born Indiana
1880 Census Place: Jackson, Jay, Indiana FHL Film 1254287 National Archives Film T9-0287 Page 370B June 10, 1880
Aaron BRANDENBURY, age 65, born Ohio, farther born Maryland, mother born New Jersey, Farming work
Louiza, wife, age 64, she and parents born Virginia
Moses, Son, No marital status listed, age 40, born Indiana, father born Ohio, mother born Virginia
Marilyn Jensen sent me this info July 2008
Brandenburg info from
All information from EARLY Clark County OHIO families submitted by Abby J. Roche, 26460 Westphal Dr. 120, Dearborn heights, Mi 48127
New address.
Abby J Roche
8535A SW 90th St.
Ocala FL 34481-9418
She descends from Louisa Argabright daughter of Joseph and Margaret Overpeck Argabright.
(Research):URBANA PEOPLE SOME WHO WERE RAISED IN THIS CITY AND ThEN MIGRATED TO OTHER PLACES AND W ON DISTINCTION. From Urbana Daily Citizen Nov 27 1889 by Geo A T JIMMY BERRY is in St Joseph, Missouri, where he operates a wholesale hardw are business
Wichita Ks 1902
Name: �tab�James Hughes Berry
Death Date: �tab�14 Apr 1916
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�10 Mar 1851
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�65 years 1 month 4 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�17 Apr 1916
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Thos. H. Berry
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Lux... Hughes
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Oxford, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1983648
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021392
Image Number: �tab�214
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 22996
From Biographical Memoirs of Huntington County, Indiana, 1901, pages 643-644
The late Eliphalet Brandenburg was one of the successful farmers of Huntington County, and for many years a prominent citizen of the township of Clear Creek. He was born January 15, 1818, near New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio, and there grew to manhood on his father's homestead. In 1840 he came to Indiana, locating in the County of Jay, where he purchased land, cleared a farm, and after residing thereon for a period of eight years disposed of the place and bought a quarter section of land in Whitley County. He cleared away the heavy timber, and a good farm was prepared for tillage, principally with his own hands, a task attended with many difficulties and hardships. He made of the above place a fine home, supplied with many of the comforts and conveniences of life; but in 1871 again made a change, removing to Huntington County.
Mr. Brandenburg was twice married, the first time to Susan Steepleton, by whom he had six children, namely: Mary, Anthony, Minerva, Sabina E., Elias and Eveline. After the death of the mother of these children Mr. Brandenburg, on the 2d day of April, 1871, married Mrs. Lydia A. Swank, widow of the late Jacob R. Swank, and daughter of Jacob and Mary Peffly. She was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, February 13, 1838. By her previous marriage Mrs. Brandenburg had two children, both deceased, and one child resulted from the second union, to-wit: William S. Brandenburg, a farmer and stock raiser of Clear Creek township.
Mr. Brandenburg, as previously stated, was one of Huntington County's representative farmers, and the township of Clear Creek was proud to number him with its best and most progressive citizens. Few men in the community where he lived were as highly respected or enjoyed so great a personal popularity. He was a hard-working, industrious man, and had the satisfaction of realizing the results of his arduous toil in a competency which he enjoyed during his later years. He stood "four square" to all the world, and won a reputation for sterling honesty, which is the most valuable heritage left to his descendants. His life was measured according to the standard as found in the teachings of Holy Writ, and as an humble and devout member of the Church of God he did much by his words and example to spread the cause of religion among his many neighbors and friends of Clear Creek township. After a long and useful life, fraught with great good to his fellow man, he died in the hope of a triumphant resurrection, May 18, 1897. At the present time the home farm, one of the most highly improved places in Clear Creek, which was the property of Mrs. Brandenburg previous to her marriage, is still in her possession, and she operates it with good judgment and gratifying financial results. She is a lady of high standing in the community, and possesses business ability of no mean order. She contributed much to her husband's success by her wise counsels and material help, and in the management of his large and valuable estate has increased its worth and kept intact the labors and savings of a long life of faithful and energetic toil. She is a member of the United Brethren church, and as such has endeared herself to the community by her many acts of benevolence and charity, and by living a life in harmony with the religion she professes.
[HI42956] (Research):Ellen might have been a Whaley, as in 1850 Jay Co, IN, next door is Le vi Whaley age 29 also born in DE. As she named a son Levi, this wou ld be a possibility
[HI42981] (Research):d/o M and C Maloney Mullowney
[DI42981] on line records of deaths indicate 1-29-1906
[HI42988] (Research):Name: Terry P. Bull Serial Number: Major Race: W Residence: Ohio. Birth Place: Champaign Co, O. Birth Date / Age: 30 June 1888 Assigns Comment: Dental Surgeon 28 Oct 1916; 1 Lieutenant DC 6 Apr 19 17 from Regular Army; Major DC Regular Army 6 Oct 1917. DC Hawaiian Depart ment to 28 Feb 1920; Letterman General Hospital San Francisco Calif to ter mination of WW. Schofield Barracks HT; San Francisco Calif. In Service Volume #: 23
Groom's Name: �tab�Mark S. Bassett
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�18 Jun 1885
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Birmingham, Mich
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Edna King
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�17 Mar 1886
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Tremont, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�08 Jun 1910
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Wm. H Bassett
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Seymour
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Elwood King
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sallie Dingledine
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[HI42995] (Research):Name: Norbert H. Bruns SSN: 280-07-2548 Last Residence: 45415 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 14 Dec 1913 Died: 8 Sep 1999 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[MI42996] (Medical):Died enroute to hospital near Fletcher
Name: �tab�Unnamed S Evilsizor
Birth Date: �tab�5 Aug 1938
State File Number: �tab�1938065592
Additional Information: �tab�Norman
[DI42996] EVILSIZOR, Shirlene Shyvonne Death date: 3/4/1939, Miami Coun ty Certificate #19047 Ohio Deaths 1908-1953 Name : Shirlene Shyvonne Evilsizor Death date : 04 Mar 1939 Death place : Brown Township, Miami, Ohio Birth date : 28 Aug 1938 Birth place : St. Paris, O Age at death : 6 months 6 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Residence : St. Paris, O. Burial date : 06 Mar 1939 Burial place : St. Paris, O. Cemetery name : Evergreen Father name : Norman Evilsizor Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Betty Brecount Mother birth place : O. Informant-Norman Evilsizor COD-Bronchialpnuemonia GSU film number : 2023710 Digital GS number : 4026402 Image number : 1151 Certificate number : fn 19047 Informant: Norman Evilsizor
(Research):Patricia Offenbacher Died: Friday, April 13, 2001 Piqua Daily Call
Patricia J. Offenbacher, 74, of Piqua, died Thursday, April 12, 2001 at 6: 51 a.m. in the Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy. She was born March 12, 1 927 in Springfield, Ohio, to the late Edgar and Mildred (McConnell) Aleshi re. She married Howard Offenbacher on Nov. 2, 1946, in Springfield, a nd he survives.
She is also survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Linda and David Tr outman of Franklin, Tenn., and Luanne Offenbacher of Cincinnati; two so ns and a daughter-in-law, Larry and Becky Offenbacher of Huntsville, Al a. and Lon Offenbacher of Rochester, Mich. Five grandchildren also surviv e, Andrew, Nicholas, Daniel, Laura, and Matthew Offenbacher. She was prece ded in death by one grandson, Kevin Troutman, and one granddaughter, Kar en Troutman.
She graduated from Springfield High School in 1945. She is a member of t he Westminster Presbyterian Church in Piqua and a former deacon of the chu rch. She was a volunteer for Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, Southweste rn Community Hospital in Berea, Ohio, and Piqua Memorial Hospital in Piqu a. She was the former president of the Green Leaf Garden Club in Piqua a nd former president of Jaycees Wives Club in Springfield. She was active w ith the Dayton Metropolitan Home Builders Association Wives Club.
Funeral services will be Monday at 10 a.m. in Westminster Presbyterian Chu rch in Piqua, with Dr. Daniel Clow officiating. Burial will follow in Mia mi Memorial Park Cemetery, Covington.
Visitation will be Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m. in the Melcher-Sowers Funeral H ome.
Memorial contributions may be made to Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3 25 W. Ash St., Piqua OH 45356.
[HI42998] (Research):Name: Edgar Aleshire SSN: 275-07-8282 Last Residence: 32074 Ormond Beach, Volusia, Florida, United Stat es of America Born: 25 Jun 1904 Died: Jul 1976 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Name: Mildred Aleshire SSN: 292-36-6209 Last Residence: 45356 Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States of America Born: 2 Mar 1905 Died: May 1986 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1957-1959 )
Name: Mildred E Aleshire Age at Death: 81 Date of Death: 23 May 1986 City of Death: Piqua County of Death: Miami Volume: 26467 Certificate: 038691
Date of Birth: Est. 1905 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Social Security Number: 292-36-6209 Industry: Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer Occupation: Homemaker City of Residence: Piqua County of Residence: Miami State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
(Research):1880 Census Place:Rutland, Meigs, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255048 National Archives Film T9-1048 Page 15 3A William ALESHIRESelfMMW38OHOcc:LaborerFa: OHMo: VA Emaline ALESHIREWifeFMW39OHFa: VAMo: VA Estaline ALESHIREDauFSW15OHFa: OHMo: OH James ALESHIRESonMSW6OHFa: OHMo: OH Julia B. ALESHIREDauFSW4OHFa: OHMo: OH Myrta ALESHIREDauFSW2MOHFa: OHMo: OH Sarah PHELPSCousinFSW28KYFa: OHMo: OH
ALESHIRE JAMES W County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 4/11/1925 Volume Number: 4708 Certificate Number: 20345
Name: �tab�James Will Aleshire
Death Date: �tab�11 Apr 1925
Death Place: �tab�German Township, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�15 Apr 1873
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Va
Death Age: �tab�51 years 11 months 26 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�R.D.# 1 Tremont City
Burial Date: �tab�14 Apr 1925
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Tremont Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�J. Aleshire
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va
Mother's Name: �tab�Arberia Aleshire
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va
Film Number: �tab�1992618
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001609
[HI43003] (Research):Name: LEONARD C ALESHERE Gender: Male Date of Death: January 29, 1963 Volume: 17142 Certificate: 00807 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Clark County Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 60
[HI43004] (Research):ALESHIRE LUTHER County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 3/5/1927 Volume Number: 5293 Certificate Number: 13738
Name: �tab�Luther Aleshire
Death Date: �tab�05 Mar 1927
Death Place: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Feb 1895
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Death Age: �tab�32 years 16 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�08 Mar 1927
Burial Place: �tab�Tremont Cy. Cem.
Cemetery Name: �tab�Tremont Cy. Cem.
Spouse's Name: �tab�Luther Aleshire
Father's Name: �tab�James W. Aleshire
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Ada Painter
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Film Number: �tab�1984700
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021958
Image Number: �tab�2795
Name: �tab�Elvin A Insley
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Aug 1927
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1905
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Harrison W Insley
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Francis Thompson
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Thera E Newland Aleshere
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�30
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Spouse's Father: �tab�H M Newland
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Gertrude Mcmurray
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Clk, OHVol33CN 18272
Film Number: �tab�466638
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016778
Image Number: �tab�71
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Irwin L Aleshire
Name: �tab�Irwin L Aleshire
Birth Date: �tab�29 Sep 1918
Birth City: �tab�Akron
Birth County: �tab�Summit
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Death Date: �tab�21 Mar 1996
Death Time: �tab�10:10 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�016543
Age at Death: �tab�77
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: �tab�269-16-4808
Father's Surname: �tab�Aleshire
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�6
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Not specified manufacturing industries
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Laborers, except construction
Primary Registration District: �tab�1200
Name �tab�Rosa Belle Evilsizer
Death Date �tab�1931
Death Place �tab�Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona
Gender �tab�Female
Race �tab�
Age �tab�59
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1872
Birth Date �tab�
Birthplace �tab�
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�A. B. Evilsizer
Father's Name �tab�Wm. H. Barber
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Ella Jones
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Occupation �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Place of Residence �tab�
Cemetery �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Burial Date �tab�
Film Number �tab�2114590
Digital Folder Number �tab�4203318
Image Number �tab�2658
Reference Number
(Research):Probably a grandchild. parentage not proven
1880 Census Place:Warsaw, Kosciusko, Indiana Source:FHL Film 1254290 National Archives Film T9-0290 Page 27 5D Martha J. NEFFSelfFWW47OHFa: VAMo: OH Jennie E. NEFFDauFSW14INFa: VAMo: OH Carrie D. NEFFDauFSW10INFa: OHMo: OH Joseph H. NEFFSonMSW6INFa: OHMo: OH William H. WARDSonLMSW25NYOcc:Works At PrintingFa: ---Mo: George WARDGSonMSW4INFa: NYMo: IN
[HI43013] (Research):Name: MARY E FREEZE Gender: Female Date of Death: December 10, 1963 Volume: 17494 Certificate: 88931 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 77
(Research): John A. LIPPINCOTT Self M Male W 64 OH Farmi Emily LIPPINCOTT Wife M Female W 55 VA Keeps Hou se NJ NJ Epriam V. LIPPINCOTT Son S Male W 16 OH Works For H is Pa OH VA Nettie LYON GDau S Female W 6 OH OH OH Source Information:1880 Census Place Lewistown, Logan, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255041 NA Film Number T9-1041 Pa ge Number 267
Name: �tab�Rachel Linvill
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�09 Mar 1902
Death Place: �tab�Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�0
Birth Date: �tab�1902
Birthplace: �tab�Salem
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 307
Name: �tab�Black
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�27 Feb 1885
Death Place: �tab�Salem Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�0
Birth Date: �tab�1885
Birthplace: �tab�Champ Co, Ohio
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�H M Black
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Jenie Williamson
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07023-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 17
(Research):Parentage not proven. Married too young. 7/26/2002 Denise Kay Moore worki ng on this connection
List of youth between the ages of four and 21 years within School Di st No 5 in Urbana Twp 11-20-1833 Adam Kite -5
Champaign Co, Indentures Book A - Misc CCGS Newsletter June 1989 compil ed by Pat Stickley pg109 8/22/1829 Martin R Miller by Adam Kite and Sarah his wife; 18yrs (2/11/1829); Sar ah Kite, Martin's gdn; bound to Martin L Lewis, printer to age 21 (F eb 11 1832)
[HI43042] (Research):Lukens, Sarah Ann es 1895 ProbCt Case 9975 Estate Mi Lukens, Sarah Ann gu 1888 ProbCt Case 8376 Guardianship Mi
Groom's Name: �tab�James Thackaray
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Chambers
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Dec 1848
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 01 Jan 1848 Quitclaim from Abram Judy to James McPheren, undivided 1 /4 of E 1/2 Bk T Pg512
1850, non resident of Champaign Co, OH
[HI43051] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 19 Feb 1848 Quitclaim from John & Catherine Miller to David Judy, E 1 /2 Bk T Pg487
[HI43052] (Research):1850 Hancock Co, Findlay OH 9/13/1850 Martha Whitney 43 OH Willard, 24, OH Jesse, 20 OH Martha 16 OH Elizabeth 14 OH Joel 11 OH Amanda 9 OH Harriett E 7 OH Hannah 3 OH John 1 OH Martha 9m
(Research):Ohio The cross road of our nation Records & Pioneer Families October-December 1964 Vol. V No. IV Published by Esther Weygandt Powell - NO COPYRIGHT
Contributed by Mrs. H.W. Woodruff, Springfield, MO JOEL WHITNEY was born in Harvard, Mass. on October 15, 1762. He died Febru ary 1, 1842 in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. Joel was the son of Jonas Whitn ey and his wife Zebudah Davis of Harvard, Mass. He is the great-great gran dson of John Whitney and his wife Elinor of England who settled in Waterto wn, Mass. in 1635. His record is to be found in Whitney Genealogy by Frede rick Clifton Pierce, 1895. Joel married Lydia Willard in Ringe, N. H., on December 7, 1786. (certification of town clerk in 1851, pension app lication) Lydia gives the added information that the ceremony was perform ed by Rev. Seth Payson; and Pierce says that Lydia was a member of Rev. Pa yson's family. Pierce describes Lydia as "smart, intelligent, active and u nusually neat...she was a devout Christian and the marriage was a happy on e." Lydia died near Lamoille, Illinois in Bureau County on January 8, 185 6. (pension, Pierce) Joel Whitney served in the army during the Re volutionary War in Mass. Continental Line, and during the latter part of h is life drew a pension. He says that he enlisted, along with his brother S olomon at West Point in July 1780 and served for six months in Col. Bradfo rd's 30th Regiment. He was stationed at West Point. A statement from Solom on Whitney who also served int the War of 1812, verifies the service. Joel gi ves his birthplace as Harvard, Mass., and that he lived there until aft er the War. Then he moved to Ringe, N.H., and later to Fitzwilliam, N.H. P ierce says of Joel, "those who knew him say his word was as good as his bo nd." After the death of her husband, Lydia moved into the new terr itory of Illinois, in Bureau Co., near Lamoille, according to her pensi on application. In the 1850 census she is found living in the home of h er daughter Mary (Greta) Morse, the wife of Benjamin B. Morse. (1850 Cens us Bureau Co., ,Ill. p. 199) CHILDREN OF JOEL and LYDIA ( WILLARD) WHITNEY: Taken from Whitney Genealogy by Frederick Clifton Pierce 1895
JESSE WHITNEY was born in Fitzwilliam, N.H. on November 8, 1794. (Pierce;1 840 Census Hancock Co., Ohio). Jesse died in Hancock Co., Findlay Twp.abo ut 1849. (relation to age of youngest child; inventory and appraisement, Hancock Co., Ohio Probate Court). Jesse m. Martha ____ about 182 5. (relation of age of children) Martha was born in Ohio in 1807. (1850-60 Census, Hancock Co., Ohio). S he died after 1860, presumably Findlay Twp.
Jesse Whitney bought one hundred sixty acres of land in township N o. 1, Hancock Co. on November 2, 1831 for six hundred dollars. The fami ly first appeared in the 1840 census with four sons and four daughters. No t known where the family lived prior to their coming to Hancock County.
Jesse died about 1849 and in the 1850 census his widow's proper ty was assessed at $4,500.00 which was considerable at that time. By 18 60 her holdings had dwindled to $1,075.00 and her occupation was giv en as that of a "weaver."
(compiled from 1840-50-60 census; marriages Hancock Co.; family record)
-A daughter, born about 1824, appears in 1840 census, missing in 1850. I b elieve this to be Mary Whitney who m. James Hamilton in Hancock Co. on Ma rch 4, 1848. -Willard Whitney b. 1826 in Ohio. Carries his grandmothers maiden name. -A daughter b. about 1828, appears in the 1840 census but missing in the 1 850. -Jesse Whitney b. 1830 in Ohio. -A son b. 1832, appears in 1840 census, missing 1850. -Martha Whitney b. 1834, no doubt Hancock Co. since her parents moved the re in 1831. There are two marriages in Hancock records for Martha Whitne y. On March 20, 1851 she married John Osenbaugh. On June 13, 1852 she mar ried Geo. Outhwait. One of the marriages may have been for Martha, wid ow of Jesse, yet in the 1860 census, she carries the name of Whitney. -Elizabeth Whitney b. 1836 Hancock Co., Ohio -Joel Whitney b. 1839 Hancock Co., Ohio -no doubt named for his grandfathe r -Amanda Whitney b. 1841 in Hancock Co., Ohio m. Henry Mohr August 1, 18 61 Hancock County. -Harriet Ellen Whitney b. in Hancock Co., Findlay Twp., in 1843. She di ed in the summer of 1862. On May 12, 1859 she married William Johns in Ha ncock Co. (certified). William was b. in PA on March 4, 1833, the s on of Levi and Elizabeth Johns. He died in Liepsic, Ohio August 31, 1900. William m. 2nd Mary Jane Edwards. Harriet Ellen was not quite 20 yea rs of age when she died, the mother of two small children; Emmalee Joh ns b. Findlay, Ohio about 1860 d. about 1863. William Harrison Johns b. F indlay Ohio November 17, 1861; d. July 30, 1929; buried Harmon Cemetery nearGilb oa, Ohio. He m. Ella May Woodruff at Ottawa, Ohio on September 14, 1884, d aughter of Lewis Bradshaw and Margaret Ann (Clark) Woodruff. William Harri son had four daughters: Myrtle, Ada, Nora and Celia. -Hanna Whitney b. 1847 in Hancock County, Ohio -John Whitney b. 1849 in Hancock Co., Ohio. He does not appear in the 18 60 census and may have died as a child.
[HI43054] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900) pg62 7/29/1889 In the Carysville news; 23 living in Adams Twp over 70 years of age. The f ollowing are names and ages: Nancy Clark 91 yrs
(Research):Of Butler Co, OH 9/5/1849
1850 Butler Co, Middletown,OH 9/16/1850 John Flowers, 26, OH Catherine A, 23 OH Nancy Eliz 6 OH James K Polk 4 OH John P 2 OH William C, 6m
No further census records found.
(Research):Record Book 30, Page 616- Filed 16 April lB64 -Petition to Partition Jam e, H. Allison & others vs Abraham Romick & Other, John West died in l864 and was seized of the east half (except 2 acre s) of the south-west quarter; about 30 acres of the west half of the south -east quarter; 40 acres of the west half of the east half of the north-we st quarter and , total of 37 acres in the north-west quarter, all of Secti on B Township 3 Range II (Jackson Township). John was the father of twel ve children: Ruth West, wife of James H. Allison; Tabitha West, wife of Wi lliam Merritt; Azuba West, wife of John A. Beatty; Eleanor West, wi fe of Abraham Romick of Illinois; Mary Ann West, wife of John Allison of C hampaign County; Rachel West of Champaign County, wife of William Scott w ho was in the army of the United States; Fletcher West of Iowa; Hannah Wes t, married ...Brown (and was the mother of Charles Brown of Indiana and El iza Brown of Champaign County); Eliza West, deceased, married ...Grafton ( and was the mother of Ann Grafton, wife of Oliver Faulkner of Illinois); W illiam West, deceased (father of Nancy West of Pennsylvania, Jasper Wes t, Susan West & John West, all of Illinois, and unknown illegitimate child ren); Nathan West, deceased (father of Rosetta West, Emily West and Franc is West of Indiana); Catharine West, wife of Jasper Grafton.
1820- Jackson Township, Champaign County, Ohio; 2 males, 1 female. 1830- Jackson Township, Champaign County, Ohio; p 27, line 11. 1840- Jackson Township, Champaign County, Ohio; 4 males, 7 females. 1850- Jackson Township, Champaign County, Ohio; p 911, line 1.
!PROBATE: Champaign County, Ohio; Record Book 30, page 616; 16 April 1864. John W. West may have been born in Berkeley County, VA/WV John W. West a nd Dorcas Ann Darnell were married by William Nickolson, JP. John was ment ioned in the 18 March 1839 Will of William West as, "my son John West ". On 2 November 1838 John signed the Inventory of his father's estat e, as "John West, JP". Joined Honey Creek Baptist Church on 1 October 184 2. John W. West was the Sheriff of Champaign County from 1847 to 1851.. T he 1850 Census of Jackson Township, recorded John as having been born in Virginia, age 59. In January 1851 John was an Associate Judg e; bald headed man, staunch Mason. On 8 December 1859 John gave a Quit Cla im Deed to son-in-law James Allison, in return for James farming their pro perty for them for the rest of their lives. John may be buried in Mt. Zi on Cemetery. John West "was seized of the east half (except 2 acres) of t he south-west quarter; about 30 acres of the west half of the south-east q uarter; 40 acres of the west half of th east half of the north-west quart er and a total of 37 acres in the NW quarter, all of Section 8 Townsh ip 3, Range 11, (Jackson Township).
Champaign County Ohio Land Deed Indices by Pat Stickley and Denise Moore pg 6 Sec 8 Twp 3 R 11 Jackson Twp,SW 1/4 E 1/2 Mar 11 1825 US to John West 81 a cres recorded 19 April 1839 Book P pg 249
CONCORD NOTES CCGS News Spring 1993 from Urbana Gazette Nov 23 1882 John West resided in Jackson Twp and wasat one time sheriff of this count y. A number of his children live in the old neighborhood.
(Research):Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg 94 Aug 16 1827 Wm Darnell bound his ward John Salisberry, c 5y 9m to Le vi Rouse, husbandry to yr 1842
Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg109 Aug 18 1827 Wm Darnell bound his ward Rachel Salisber ry c 9y 9m to Jeremiah Tyson, domestic age 18 - 1837
Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg110 Aug 18 1827 Wm Darnell bound his ward James Salisberry c 1 1y 9m to Jeremiah Tyson-brickmason age 21 1836
Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg111 Aug 18 1827 Wm Darnell bound his ward Wm Salisberry c7y9m to Willi am Runkle, tanner age 21 1840
Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg538 June 29 1829 Wm Darnell bound his ward Wm Salisberry age 3yr to Andr ew Black of Clark Co, OH- farmer- 21y 1847
Record Book 24, Page 507- Filed 9 June 1853- Petition for Partition Amel ia Darnell vs William Darnell et al Elias Darnell and William Darnell jointly owned 190 acres in Section 25 a nd Section 31 of Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River Township). According to t he judgement, Amelia Darnell, was the only heir of William Darnell. The he irs of Elias Darnell were: William Darnell; Mary Darnell, wife of ...Cheat ham of Illinois; Ruth Darnell, wife of Henry Oliver of Indiana; Cathari ne Darnell, wife of Simon Baker and Dorcas Darnell, wife of John West.
[HI43060] (Research):Marriages 1805-1820, Champ Date posted: Monday, June 19, 1819 Samuel CURL marries Jane LATTA on 6/19/1819 by john Strange; pg 460 from " The History of Champaign and Logan Counties" by Joshua Antrim, 1872; Extra cted by Linda Moeller, 1997.
(Research):1864 of Clermont Co, OH
Andrew ALLISON Self M Male W 58 OH Farmer PA VA Kezia ALLISON Wife M Female W 59 OH Keeping Hou se NJ OH Ida Precocia ALLISON Dau S Female W 23 OH At Ho me OH OH Sam'Ul Curtis ALLISON Son S Male W 17 OH Farm Labor er OH OH Geo. EVERHART Son S Male W 14 OH At Home OH OH Ellie SUTTON Cousin S Female W 13 OH At Home OH OH 1880 Census Place Union, Clermont, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1255000
NA Film Number T9-1000 Page Number 299B
Name: �tab�Andrew Allison
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�Nov 1883
Death Place: �tab�Union Township, North Precinct, Clermont, Ohio
Age: �tab�72
Birth Date: �tab�1811
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Shoemaker
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07043-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�327596
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 8
name: �tab�Azubah Beaty
gender: �tab�Female
burial date: �tab�
burial place: �tab�
death date: �tab�27 Sep 1905
death place: �tab�Jackson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
age: �tab�75
birth date: �tab�1830
birthplace: �tab�Jackson Tp.
occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
race: �tab�
marital status: �tab�Widowed
spouse's name: �tab�
father's name: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
mother's name: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�B07023-8
system origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
source film number: �tab�295234
reference number: �tab�v 2 p 49
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F664-6NG :
accessed 22 Nov 2012), Azubah Beaty, 27 Sep 1905.
(Research):Will Book A Clark County Ohio KIZER, Phillip of Champaign County, Ohio dated Mar 2 1818 recorded 1-19-18 19. Wife mentioned but not named in will, in recording of will named as Elizab eth Kiser. Sons: Michael, William, George and John. Daus; Sarah, Elisabet h, Caty, Anna , Mary and Peggy. Mentions that Negro boy Tom is to ha ve 80 acres in Section 30, Twp 4 Range 10 on condition that he stay with w idow and family until he is 26 years old. Execrs: wife (not named) and Dan iel Kiblinger. Signed Philip Kiser Wit: David Kiser, William Rector and Charles (mark) Rector.
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COU RT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book24 pg 98 filed 11 may 1850 in Chancery George Kizer vs John Kizer & others this suit was heard in during the October term of 1850. Phillip Kizer, dec eased, had two sons, George Kizer and john Kizer. Phillip gave the east ha lf of Section 7 Twp 4 Range 11 (mad River) in common to George Kizer (nor th half) and John Kizer (south half). This land was divided by de ed on 28 july 1836 but the deed was defective. This suit was asking f or a new deed. Sarah Kizer was the wife of george Kizer and Elizabeth Kiz er was the wife of john Kizer.
CCGS Newsletter June 1998 pg 65 Philip Kiser, down near Tremont, was captain of the Militia and when the re was a panic raised he would start a runner through the country to noti fy the militia to be ready to fall in. They would prepare their napsack wi th,~bullets, corndodgers, etc. so that when the captain came along they co uld fall in ranks and march out to. reconnoiter. . The most of the~men liv ed along and near the. creek. The first wheat that was procured by the family after coming here was ma de into flour near Tremont, and the family of children were anxious to ha ve a feast on wheat bread, but alas it was sick wheat. and they suffered t he consequences. It was not fit to use. The Indians frequently camped clo se by to hunt, the Indian boys playing with the boys of the family: and sh aring their corn bread which was the bread in general use on account of t he wheat making what was known as sick flour. After the war(5) broke out each citizen was expected to be prepared to ta ke part in case of emergency. Alexander Dunlap often acting independent ly as a scout. The writer of this rccollects well the day Hull surrendere d. He was at school near Peter Smith�s when the news spread in the neighbo rhood- The excitement in some places ran very high in expectation of an at tack from the Indians. In 1812 there was a draft in company spoken of eve ry third man being taken. Russell Jenkins being one of the number. About t he time of the war 400 Indians passed the house, generally going in sing le file. (5) War of 1812
[HI43074] (Research):a brother to Squire Benjamin Kizer
[NI43084] Md Thomas E Jones
[HI43091] (Research):Champ Co, Will Book C pg 221 Dennis Wilson probated 4/13/1857 Wife, no name the farm in Jackson Twp (80 acres) Children (no names) Thomas F Woods, exec. Wit; George Boole, Jacob P Bowers Signed 5/29/1856 (x)
(Research):According to will, the death date must have been before 1865
Champaign Co, Wills Book C pg 355 Andrew Wilson probated 11/3/1862 Wife Mary Wilson, fer maintenance to be provided by B M Robbins ($8 per ye ar); Benoni W Robbins (son of first wife). Elizabeth Fitzpatrick- a crippl e; ther children (not named) John Wilson and Robins R Wilson exec. Wit: T homas Shidler, David Shidler will signed 5/9/1856
[NI43101] Md John W Dill
Groom's Name: �tab�Arthur L. Doan
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1874
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�De Graff, Oh
Groom's Age: �tab�38
Bride's Name: �tab�Minnie L. Hellings
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1874
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Quincy, Oh
Bride's Age: �tab�38
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Dec 1912
Marriage Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Peter D. Doan
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Idle
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�J. N. Hellings
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Emily Bailey
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[HI43106] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) 07 Sept 1848 Administrator of David Huffman to Mary Huffman, 53 acr es in SW corner BkUPg219
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) 07 Sept 1848 Administrator of David Huffman to James Huffman, 48.79 acr es on north side BkUPg249 03 Apr 1850 James Huffman to Lemuel Taylor, undivided half of 48.79 acr es BkV Pg450 23 July 1850 Plat of Taylor and Huffman addition to St Paris Bk V Pg386 20 Nov 1855 James Huffman by Sheriff in partition, to D W White, 9.03 ac B kA2Pg311
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There are several books f or lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions are represented by th is transcription) Lot # ? 18 Feb 1851 Quitclaim from Lemuel Taylor to James Huffman, 10.76 a cres, part of St paris Bk W Pg220 Lot # ? 18 Feb 1851 Quitclaim from James Huffman to Lemuel Taylor, 9.3 acr es and 10.76 acres, part of St Paris BkWpg237
Record Book 30, Page 469- Filed 29 September 1862- Petition to Partition John Huffman vs Julian Ann Perrin & Others Leanna Protzman died in 1862 and was seized of !/4 of an acre located in t he south-east quarter of Section !8 Township 3 Range !! (Johnson Township ). She left neither husband nor children. Leanna's heirs were her siblin gs or their children: Julia Ann Huffman, wife of Jonathan Perrin; the chil den of Benjamin Huffman, deceased (Lydia Huffman, Benjamin Huffman and Sar ah Huffman); John Huffman; Betsey Huffman Lyon; the children of Mary Huffm an Miller, deceased (Elizabeth Miller, wife of Daniel Lemon; Nancy Mille r, wife of John Judy; Mary Miller, wife of William Lemon; Isaac Miller; Ba rbara Miller, wife of Joel Flowers; John Miller and Eliza Miller, wi fe of ...Barnhart); Samuel Huffman; the children of Reuben Huffman, deceas "ed (John Huffman and George Huffman); and Nancy Huffman. wife of John Wal ker
(Research):Obit-father of three daughters. Fought in 1812.
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) 07 Sep 1848 Administrator of David Huffman to John Perrin, 23 ac and .93 a cres BkVpg174 02 Oct 1865 John Perrin to B F Golden, 21.9 acres Bk36Pg405
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot # ? 09 Mar 1850 John Perrin to Reuben Huffman BkVPg175 Lot ? 4/21/1858 Jonathan Perrin to John Brown Bk 30 Pg71 Lot ? 12/11/1860 John Perrin to Jacob Kemp 1 acre Bk 32 Pg518 Lot ? 8/29/1862 Jonathan Perrin to John Custenborder, strip 10 feet wi de Bk 33 Pg 293
[HI43110] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 5/29/1879 Eliza Lyons to Ezra Pretsman 1.25 poles adjoining lots # 20 and #21 Bk 53Pg613
[HI43111] (Research):Will Champaign Co Ohio book C pg 200 Christian Lyons probated 8/18/1857 Wife, no name, sons Amos, james, Daniel, Ezra, Silas and Elijah Lyons; d au Sally, Eliza, Lucinda, Mary Ann Lyons. Son John's dec'd children. Wi t: David Loudenback, Lemuel Hoak. Will signed 3/24/1855
Record Book 30, Page 469- Filed 29 September !862- Petition to Partition John Huffman vs Julian Ann Perrin & Others Leanna Protzman died in 1862 and was seized of 1/4 of an acre locat ed in the south-east quarter of Section !8 Township 3 Range !! (Johnson To wnship). She left neither husband nor children. Leanna's heirs were her si blings or their children: Julia Ann Huffman, wife of Jonathan Perrin; t he childen of Benjamin Huffman, deceased (Lydia Huffman, Benjamin Huffm an and Sarah Huffman); John Huffman; Betsey Huffman Lyon; the childr en of Mary Huffman Miller, deceased (Elizabeth Miller, wife of Daniel Lemo n; Nancy Miller, wife of John Judy; Mary Miller, wife of William Lemon; Is aac Miller; Barbara Miller, wife of Joel Flowers; John Miller and Eliza Mi ller, wife of ...Barnhart); Samuel Huffman; the children of Reuben Huffma n, deceas"ed (John Huffman and George Huffman); and Nancy Huffman. wi fe of John Walker
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11( NE 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 08 Feb 1817 U S to Ambrose Huffman of Hamilton Co, also NW 1/4 of S12 T3 R 11 recorded 27 Nov 1818 Bk D pg397 20 Oct 1834 NE 1/4 Quitclaim from Abram and Elizabeth Hullinger to Dav id Maggert, 70.83 acres or 77 acres, N 1/2-BkL Pg537 05 Feb 1835 John & Eleanore Huffman of Hamilton Co, OH to David Magger t, east side, plus land in NW 1/4 S12 T3R11 Bk L pg536 04 Dec 1836 Tobias Huffman to Jacob Walborn, 101 acres Bk N pg467 19 Jan 1835 Heirs of Moses Maggert (Adam and Sarah Maggert); Samuel and Ba rbary Maggert; Joel and Sarah Maggert; James and Elizabeth Flowers) to Dav id maggert, 78 acres N 1/2 - BkL Pg533 27 Feb 1838 David Maggert to Phillip Eppard, N 1/2 - BkO Pg 184 09 Feb 1844 David Maggert to Simeon Smith, 50 acres on east side Bk S pg70
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NW 1/4) 05 Feb 1835 John and Eleanor Huffman of Hamilton Co, OH to David Magger t, NW 1/4 & land in NE 1/4 S18 T3 R11 Bk L Pg536 04 Oct 1843 D Maggert to John Apple, 50 acres Bk R Pg357
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 22 Oct 1831 Mathew King to David maggert W 1/2 BkJPg196 04 Mar 1834 David Maggert to Joseph Hoak, W 1/2 BkM Pg614
Researcher Larry Gardner [email protected] has Davids parents as Jacob a nd Sally Garvin Maggert
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Supreme Court Record, Volume 4, Page 253, 26 June 1832- Filed 1 June 18 30 - Petition for Divorce David Maggert vs Leanna Maggert David's petition was written 22 May 1830 and handled by Daniel S. Bell, so licitor. In 1824 David married Leanna Maggert and lived together about t wo weeks in Champaign County before she left. He charges adultery and mo re than three years willful absence. He named co-defendants, Joseph Hoak a nd Jacob Protsman, in the adultery suit. On 30 May 1832 David filed an amm ended petition which was written on 26 May 1832; charging that his wife h ad been living with Jacob Protsman in Johnson Township for three years.
Record book 14 Page 611 Filed 3 March 1837-Partition David Maggart vs Margaret Maggart et al Prior to 1825, Moses Maggert & Henry Maggert purchased (� each) the NE1 /4 of S12T3R11 (Johnson Twp) Moses Maggert, deceased, left a widow (now de ceased) and two infant children, who died soon after their father, leavi ng no heirs. Thus, Moses's estate fell to his siblings; Adam Maggert; Samu el Maggert; John Maggert; Elizabeth Flowers, wife of James; and David Magg ert, petitioner. Henry Maggert, deceased, died (1830's) left a widow Cathe rine, and the following children (who were all minors except Margaret); Ma rgaret Maggert; Reuben Maggert; Elizabeth Maggert; Abraham Maggert; Dav id Maggert; Mary Maggert; Lucretita Maggert; and Catherine Maggert.
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) 07 Sep 1848 Administrator of David Huffman to John Walker, 22.26 acres BkU Pg415 19 Sep 1849 John Walker to John Huffman, 1.75 ac part of SW 1/4 adjoini ng St Paris. Bk U Pg618
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot #? 27 May 1850 John Walker to Jacob Furrow, lot in St Paris, west si de of Springfield St BkVpg586 Lot ? 9/8/1859 John Walker to Samuel Bowersock, 2 acres 26 poles BK 32 Pg1 54 Lot ? 12/28/1863 John Walker to B F Golden, 15 acres Bk 34 Pg574
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 John Walker
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 John Walker
[HI43118] (Research):St Paris Era-Dispatch Oct 7 1887 Mrs Daniel Leamman who has been ill for six or eight weeks past and who to ok a relapse last week, died Tuesday at half past nine...Interment Spri ng Grove
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 5/15/1868 Daniel Lemon to B F Golden, strip Bk 42 Pg589
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 D G Lemon
Poll Tax 11/2/1880 St Paris, OH - CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Daniel Lemon
LEAMMAN DANIEL G County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 4/19/1921 Volume Number: 3550 Certificate Number: 19738
Name : Daniel Gordon Leamman
Death date : 19 Apr 1921
Death place : St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 30 Jul 1828
Birth place : Oh
Age at death : 92 years 8 months 2 weeks 5 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Retired Laborer
Residence :
Burial date : 21 Apr 1921
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Spring Grove
Spouse name :
Father name : Samuel Leamman
Father titles :
Father birth place : Oh
Mother name : Synthe Gordan
Mother titles :
Mother birth place :
GSU film number : 1991589
Digital GS number : 4022203
Image number : 2479
Reference number : fn 19738
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
CCGS Newlsetter Dec 2008 Vol 24 No 4 Page 108-109
Alumni Directory for the Salem High School , Urbana, Ohio 1897-1947
1918- Powell, Myron
[HI43120] (Research):Name: Myron Powell SSN: 289-07-8071 Last Residence: 45373 Troy, Miami, Ohio, United States of America Born: 14 Oct 1898 Died: Jul 1976 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI43122] (Research):d/o Daniel
(Research):1880 Census Place:Springfield, Clarke, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254999 National Archives Film T9-0999 Page 35 6C Phineas P. MASTSelfMW55PAOccManufacturerFa: PAMo: PA Anna M. MASTWifeFMW54OHFa: PAMo: VA Belle MASTNieceFSW18OHFa: PAMo: NY Lizzie M. MASTNieceFSW10OHFa: PAMo: IL Florence L. MASTNieceFSW8OHFa: PAMo: IL Eliza J. KIRKPATRICK SisterLFSW63OHFa: PAMo: VA
URBANA PEOPLE SOME WHO WERE RAISED IN THIS CITY AND ThEN MIGRATED TO OTHER PLACES AND W ON DISTINCTION. From Urbana Daily Citizen Nov 27 1889 by Geo A T P T MAST, the millionaire manufacturer, of Springfield, is one of the shin ing lights that began life here. He formerly kept a grocery in a little, f rame building that stood on the site where the Coulson building now stands
11/24/1898 pg 105
Phineas P. MAST died in Springfield, November 20th an ex-Mayor of Springfield & well known manufacturer. He was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania the son of John MAST, who was a resident of Salem Township, He married Maria KIRKPATRICK [who died 4 years ago] with no children. He leaves brothers and sisters; Mrs. Al STEWARD of Erie, Pennsylvania; Mrs. John R. LEMON, South Bend, Indiana; Mr. Emory MAST and Mr. J. K. MAST, Salem Township & Isaac W. MAST, unknown. He was 73 years of age, buried in Ferncliff Cemetery.
[XI43123] 56021 �tab�MAST �tab�P. �tab�P. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�11/23/1898 �tab�O �tab�Lot 41 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space FM
[DI43125] CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Paris Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg1, Eliza Miller, daughter of John and Polly Miller was born June 3, 1820 a nd died Dec 31, 1899 aged 79y6m28d. Early in life she was md to John Bosewell, they had one son, shortly after her husband died leaving her a widow. She was united in marriage to Isaac Zimmerman on Dec 31, 1845, by Rev John Ebert. To the union was born seven children, four sons and three daughters, all of them living except Darius who died Feb 6, 1867. The funeral services were conducted by Rev J T Kite at Myrtle Tree on Tuesday, Jan 2, 1900. Interment in Myrtle Tree Cemetery.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 318
Most data taken from this biography by Doris Weimer Carr Floate
Name: �tab�Peter Weimer Jr.
Death Date: �tab�10 Sep 1936
Death Place: �tab�Adams, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�15 Aug 1842
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Perry, Shelby, Oh
Death Age: �tab�94 years 25 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�12 Sep 1936
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Sylphina Almira
Father's Name: �tab�Peter Weimer
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Germany
Mother's Name: �tab�Kathrine Dormire
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�France
Film Number: �tab�2022690
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4046407
Image Number: �tab�60
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 55347
Name: �tab�Sylphena Almyae Weimer
Death Date: �tab�06 Jan 1927
Death Place: �tab�Adams, Campaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�06 Sep 1850
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 4 months
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�08 Jan 1927
Burial Place: �tab�Rosedole Con...Ville, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Peter Weimer
Father's Name: �tab�Eliske Dick
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Valantine
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�O.
Film Number: �tab�1984619
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017664
Image Number: �tab�562
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 492
(Research):1880 Census Place:Adams, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 18 8C Elisha YOSTSelfMMW41VAOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Caroline YOSTWifeFMW31OHOFa: PRUMo: FRA Etha YOSTDauFSW14OHFa: VAMo: OH Olive YOSTDauFSW11OHFa: VAMo: OH Dorah YOSTDauFSW9OHFa: VAMo: OH Caroline YOSTDauFSW7OHFa: VAMo: OH Mary M. YOSTDauFSW3OHFa: VAMo: OH Daisy YOSTDauFSW8MOHFa: VAMo: OH Peter WEIMERFatherLMMW83PRUFa: PRUMo: PRU
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 318
(Research):s/o Elizabeth Botkin Bixler
His wife's sister was married to Samuel Curtis Botkin (cousin to Elizabeth )
Name: �tab�Fremont Bixler
Death Date: �tab�22 Feb 1944
Death Place: �tab�Pleasant Twp., Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�20 Sep 1857
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Pennsylvania
Death Age: �tab�86 years 5 months 2 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
Residence: �tab�Degraff, Logan Co., Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�25 Feb 1944
Burial Place: �tab�Degraff, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Greenwood Ceme.
Spouse's Name: �tab�Ellie Wenrick Bixler
Father's Name: �tab�John Bixler
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Penn.
Mother's Name: �tab�Ellen Botkins
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2024194
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4057835
Name: �tab�Lillie May Bixler
Death Date: �tab�25 Apr 1921
Death Place: �tab�Pleasant, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�25 Apr 1856
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�63 years 11 months
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�27 Apr 1921
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Greenwood
Spouse's Name: �tab�Fremont Bixler
Father's Name: �tab�David Lehman
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Shower
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991590
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4122425
Image Number: �tab�2332
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 22594
Record Book 22, Page 513- Filed 4 August 1848- Petition to Partition Walt er Lockard for Heirs of Elias Steenbarger vs William Lockard et al Elias Steenbarger died seized of a mill site loca ted on 82 acres in the south-west quarter of Section I Township 4 Ran ge 11 (Mad River Tp.) and 20 acres in the south-west quarter of Secti on 2 Townhip 4 Range 11 (Mad River Tp.). The original owner of the land w as George Steenbarger, who sold the land on 21 September 1839 to Elias Ste enbarger, Isaac Steenbarger and William Lockard. Isaac Steenbarger and Wil liam Lockard are tenants in common with the heirs of Elias. Elias' heirs a lso hold in fee simple 383/4 acres located in the west part of the 82 acr es in the south-west quarter of Section I Township 4 Range 11. The hei rs of Elias Steenbarger are minor children: Walter Steenbarger, Elizabe th Steenbarger and Nancy Steenbarger. Isaac Steenbarger, an uncle of the c hildren, answered the summons on 14 September 1848 and said that the mi ll property should not be divided and that the children's interest was amp le for their support. The appraisers: William Runkle, George Kizer and Abr am Powell, valued the mill property at $3000.00 and the 383/4 acres at $20 .00 an acre. The land surrounding the mill (part of the 82 acres) was so ld to John Anderson on 14 July 1849 for $23.19 an acre, but on that day th ere were no bidders on the mill site. On 15 September 1849 John Newell ga ve $2180 for the 20 acres located in Section 2.
Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 Pg 346 22 Jun 1847 Walt er E Lockard gdn of Walter E Steinberger 10yr; Elizabeth Steinberger 7y r; Nancy Steinberger 5 yr minor heirs of Elias Steinberger dec'd. Suriti es William Lockard, William Runkle
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 Pg 346 22 Jun 1847 Walt er E Lockard gdn of Walter E Steinberger 10yr; Elizabeth Steinberger 7y r; Nancy Steinberger 5 yr minor heirs of Elias Steinberger dec'd. Suriti es William Lockard, William Runkle
pg 479 20 Jan 1854 Isaac T Lockhard gdn of Walter Steinberger 17yr; Nan cy Steinberger 11yr, minor heirs of Elias Steinberger dec'd. Surities Dani el Blose, Jacob Pence
[HI43149] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 Pg 346 22 Jun 1847 Walt er E Lockard gdn of Walter E Steinberger 10yr; Elizabeth Steinberger 7y r; Nancy Steinberger 5 yr minor heirs of Elias Steinberger dec'd. Suriti es William Lockard, William Runkle
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 Pg 346 22 Jun 1847 Walt er E Lockard gdn of Walter E Steinberger 10yr; Elizabeth Steinberger 7y r; Nancy Steinberger 5 yr minor heirs of Elias Steinberger dec'd. Suriti es William Lockard, William Runkle
pg 479 20 Jan 1854 Isaac T Lockhard gdn of Walter Steinberger 17yr; Nan cy Steinberger 11yr, minor heirs of Elias Steinberger dec'd. Surities Dani el Blose, Jacob Pence
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): �tab� Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: �tab� 2
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: �tab� 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: �tab� 2
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: �tab� 3
Total Free White Persons: �tab� 3
[NI43157] Md James Mowbray
[XI43166] Sec. 20
[HI43167] (Research):John Harding shared info from Janet Winkler in regard to John and Nancy Ford Clifton having sold land to Phillip BOWERS in 1846 and again in 1847. This land was located in Sec. 20, town 5, range 11. The exact area in which the land that Nancy Lee Clifton Ford's parents Joseph and Catherine Snell Ford owned. Surnames in describing the land of Joseph Ford/CAtherine Snell were, among others, Josiah RICHARDS and Samuel CLIFTON
[XI43167] age & d. date on cem. Marker, Row 7, Grave #17
[XI43168] Inscription: Daughter of Joseph Ford & Wife of MH Slygh -- Aged 49y, 6m, 6d
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters Maley Ford
Champaign Co, Ohio Public Records, Chauncery Records of the Court of Comm on Pleas Record Book 18, pg 379 Bastardy State of Ohio on Complaint of Mary Jane Moore vs Maley Ford. Maley Ford and Joseph Ford posted an appearance bond on 13 October 1844
Champaign Co., OH. Record bk 18, pg. 379 - "Bastardy State of OH on complaint of Mary Jane MOORE vs. Maly Ford. Maley's farher, Joseph Ford, posted an appearance bond 13 October, 1844." Mary Jane Moore evidently had a bastard child by Maley \endash Maley's death occurred 6 yrs. after his affair w/Mary Jane and the subsequent birth of Eliza.
[XI43169] Tombstone reading - Maley (s/o J.J. & C. - d. 18 June 1850, 27y 9m 23d. b. 25 Aug. 1822.) Info. per Liza Ruden.
Married first Mary Richards
believed to be the s/o Samuel
[HI43170] (Research):Name of requestor: George Clifton Email address: [email protected]
[XI43170] 49y 27d Row 7 Grave 18
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Vol 1 pg 427 4 April 1852 james Hedges gdn of Harriett Ann Ford, Henry S Ford, minor heirs of Maley Ford dec'd. Surities John Siebert, Jacob Ambrose
O-219 Partial settlement of Joseph Ford, Sr. \endash p. 686 - Wm. H. Ford to pay Jonas edges $653.91 as guardian of Henry & Harriet Ann Ford \endash bo th b. ca 1845/50.
Book D pg235 Will of Nathan Bishop Little probated 9 Aug 1876 Goshen Twp farmer and Minister of the Gospel. Wife Mary Ann Seibert Little the farm of 118 acres Goshen Twp; sons Henry A, George B, Luther L and John T Little; daus Mary E Chaney, and Martha A Little; grson Frederick Boship Little-twin son of Luther; John Thom as Little the manuscripts. Mentions Henry S Ford and harriett Ann Ford Eva ns. Relationship? Wife mary Ann executor-Witness John H Clarke, J E Hunt er will signed 28 Jun 1875
1880 Census Place:Goshen, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 22 4C Mary A. LITTLESelfFWW57VAFa: VAMo: VA Hattie A. EVANSDauFSW34OHFa: OHMo: VA Frank S. EVANSGSonMSW12OHFa: OHMo: OH Walter R. EVANSGSonMSW3OHFa: OHMo: OH Henry S. FORDSonMMW31OHFa: OHMo: OH Ettie D. FORDDauLFMW26 OH Occ:Keeping HouseFa: OHMo: OH Sarah FORDGDauFSW7OHFa: OHMo: OH M. V. B. FORDGSonMSW5OHFa: OHMo: OH
Name: Harriet H. Evans
Death date: 27 Feb 1925
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth date: 30 Aug 1845
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Urbana, Ohio
Age at death: 79 years 5 months 27 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 390 E 12th Ave
Occupation: None
Burial date: 02 Mar 1925
Burial place: Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Cemetery name: Maple Grove
Spouse name:
Father name: Waley Ford
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Mary Wiebers
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Pa.
GSU film number: 1992614
Digital GS number: 4001613
Image number: 2646
Reference number: fn 8277
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Maple Grove Cemetery
EVANS, Harriett M (kin of FW) 1845-3/2/1925
(Research):Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg438 5/25/1866 Nathan B Little gdn of Henry S Ford 17 yr 29 Mar 1866, heir of Maley Ford dec'd. Surities P arker Bryan and William N Ambrose.
O-219 Partial settlement of Joseph Ford, Sr. \endash p. 686 - Wm. H. Ford to pay Jonas Hedges $653.91 as guardian of Henry & Harriet Ann Ford \endash both b. ca 1845/5 0.
[HI43173] (Research):(d/o John & Catherine 'Bowers' Seibert from Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., V A) @ Champaign Co., Ohio \endash Src. - Champaign County Marriages \endash Jonas Hedges \endash guardian \endash Guardiansh ip Book \endash p.23, #263 \endash 4 Apr.1852) John Seibert & Jacob Ambrose \endash sureti es \endash (p.39, #427)
(Research):HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHIES OF DOUGLAS CO., IL is the following SLYGH family:
Slygh b. ca. 1775 in PA m. Mary Householder. Their ch:
m. Christina Ford and Mary Griffey as #2
Caroline m. Wood and Hess
Corydon m. Mary Clifton
Henry K. m. Mary/Polly Bowman
John Harding and others had shared this info. He was at �u�[email protected] �/u� back in the day. (Email not working 8/2008)
The Urbana Citizen & Gazette
May 30, 1872
Died at his residence 19th May of pneumonia, Mathias Sly; he was born in Shenandoah County, Virginia, 8th April, 1815.
[HI43175] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 24 Township 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 Section 6/12/1888 Quitclaim from H F Field etal to Ann Field, 29.75 acres for li fe Bk68 Pg523
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) Lot ? 3/10/1865 Abram Roop to George V Field, two 1 acre lots and ro ad Bk 35 Pg 619 Lot ? 8/17/1865 G V Field to William H Jenkins, 2 acres & road Bk 36 Pg35 7
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 G V Field .57
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 G V Field
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 G V Field
Obit names living children Florence and Horatio and deceased children A da and Francis. Death caused by heart disease
[HI43177] (Research):Record Book 32, Page 23 � Filed 17 January 1865 � Partition Benjamin Jenkins vs Andrew Flowers et al Elizabeth Jenkins, deceased, owned 50 acres of land located in the north�w est quarter of the north�east quarter of Section 19 Township 3 Range 12 (J ohnson Township). This land had been conveyed to her by Joseph E. Flowe rs & wife and descended to the twelve heirs of Elizabeth. Six of the heirs had sold their shares to Benjamin Jenkins, giving him 1/ 2 interest.The remaining six shareholders were: Andrew Flowers of Auglai ze County, Ohio; George Flowers of Minnesota; Elizabeth Flowers, wife of J oseph Buckles of Indiana; Charles Flowers and Joseph Flowers of Champai gn County and Rachel Flowers, wife of R.C Gibson of Mercer County, Ohio.
[XI43177] 1st w/o Lewis D Buckles
(Research):Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 L D Buckles
Not able to find in 1880. But this maight be him with another wife iN Indi ana. I would not have thought so due to difference in age, but childrens n ames are same, and Leander is next door which leads me to believe th is is right family.
1880 Census Place Harrison, Wells, Indiana Family History Library Film 1254323 NA Film Number T9-0323 Page Numb er 151B Lewis D. BUCKLES Self M Male W 61 OH Farmer VA PA Julia BUCKLES Wife M Female W 60 OH Keeping Hou se NJ NJ Charles BUCKLES Son S Male W 17 IN Farmer OH NJ James G. BUCKLES Son S Male W 12 OH At Home OH NJ
Leander P. BUCKLES Self M Male W 27 OH Farm Fanny BUCKLES Wife M Female W 20 VA Keeping Hou se VA VA Charles C. BUCKLES Son S Male W 4 IN OH VA George C. BUCKLES Son S Male W 6M IN OH VA
This Flowers family was from New Jersey, so it leads me to believe the na me of Julia in this census is not correct.
"History of Shelby County, Ohio" by A.B.C. Hitchcock; Sidney, Ohio; 1913
Richmond-Arnold Pub. Co.; Chicago, IL. Page 555
Submitted by: Diana (Souders) Smith,
who is one of Sidney's most respected retired citizens, occupying his comfortable residence which is located at No. 219 North Miami avenue, is one of the best known men of Shelby county, his various activities during his earlier years, bringing him into business and social relations with a very wide circle. He was born December 25, 1837, in Morgan county, Va.
Until he was seventeen years old Elisha Yost remained in Virginia, but early in December, 1856, accompanied his uncle, Rev. John Yost, to Logan county, O., and remained with him at Quncy, until the spring of 1857, when he began work at the carpenter trade, having learned the same with his brother before leaving Virginia. In Quincy he worked at the trade with his cousins for a time and then, being curious to see something of other parts of the state, accepted an offer from the American Tract Society and traveled through Logan, Shelby and Champaign counties for several months, selling that company's books. In Champaign county he found other relatives and worked for some of them as a farmer, after which he purchased the carpenter tools of a cousin and went into the building business, and continued until 1862, erecting many houses and barns all through the country, and a Methodist Episcopal church edifice in Champaign county. In the spring of 1862 Mr. Yost moved to Shelby county, and here, on August 11th of that year, he entered the Union army for service in the Civil war, enlisting as a private in Company H, Ninety-ninth Ohio Vol. Inf., and was honorably discharged at the close of that long struggle. During his first year he was connected with the Army of the Cumberland but then was transferred to the Pioneer Corps, that necessary branch of the service that, among its many duties, had the responsibility of building the pontoon bridges. Mr. Yost was present at the fall of Chattanooga and after that was transferred to the Veteran Volunteer Engineers, which built fortifications and probably occupied a more dangerous position than any other body of soldiers, and was made up entirely of skilled men. Although for all these years he lived a life of hazard. Mr. Yost escaped ail injuries and was finally mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., and returned to his home in Shelby county. In the following September he was married and he and his wife resided with the latters father until he built a residence in Champaign county, on a farm of 265 acres, which was purchased from his wife's brother and partly belonged to her, and on that farm they lived for twenty-two years. While at Quincy he had had some experience in the saw mill business, and as he had fine water power on his Champaign county property, he erected a saw mill there and successfully operated it and also made a profitable business of raising tobacco. When he sold his Champaign county farm he moved to Palestine, Shelby county, where he owned 400 acres, 200 of which he has sold. In 1907 he came to Sidney, where he has been a quiet but useful citizen ever since and a liberal supporter of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which religious body he has been a member since January 16, 1857.
On September 12, 1865, Mr. Yost was married to Miss Caroline Weimer, a daughter of Peter and Christina (Dormire) Weimer. Peter Weimer was born in Germany and when he came to the United States as a boy was entirely dependent upon his own industry for a living. After settling in Ohio and securing land he did not have enough capital to enable him to buy a plough with which to break up his land and it was with the only farm implement that he had, a hoe, that he toiled until he could sow wheat for his first crop. This lack of tools caused many early settlers to grow discouraged and abandon the land which they had worked hard to get, but Mr. Weimer was persevering in the face of poverty and through his industry became prosperous and in the course of years one of the large and successful farmers of his section. The mother of Mrs. Yost was born in France. To Mr. and Mrs. Yost the following children were born: Effie May, who is the wife of Edward Miller, a farmer; Olive Myrtle, who is the wife of Asbury Wilson: Dora A., who is the wife of Marcus Partington; Caroline Belle, who is the wife of Lee Sergeant; Mary M., who is the wife of Charles Leever and they live in Cincinnati; Daisy Alberta, who is the wife of O. W. Cook, of Maplewood, O.; Nonna Lavilla, who is a teacher of music, resides at home; and Bonnie Loretta, who is deceased. While never an aggressive politician, Mr. Yost has always taken a good citizen's interest in public affairs. While living in Champaign county he served twelve years in the office of justice of the peace and afterward served six years in the same office in Shelby county. For forty years he has been identified with the Masonic fraternity.
[XI43180] Co H 99th OVI Co K 1st Reg USV
[NI43183] son of Lorenzo Pegg and Susan McIntosh
Name: �tab�Albert E. Smith
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�26 Jul 1924
Event Place: �tab�Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�48
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Azarich E. Smith
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Phoebe Glass
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Daisy A. Cook
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�40
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1884
Spouse's Father: �tab�Elishe Yost
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Caroline Weimer
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�53264
Film Number: �tab�1854972
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017588
Image Number: �tab�330
Name: �tab�Almon R. Taylor
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Jun 1928
Event Place: �tab�Franklin County, Ohio
Age: �tab�45
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Thomas E. Taylor
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Frances Lapelle
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Daisy A. Cook
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�48
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�Elisha Yost
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Caroline Weimer
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Bk 100 p 376
Film Number: �tab�1862033
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017600
Image Number: �tab�762
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Daisy A Taylor
Name: �tab�Daisy A Taylor
Birth Date: �tab�1880
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Shelby
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�10 Mar 1967
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Shelby County
County of Death: �tab�Shelby
Certificate: �tab�23819
Age at Death: �tab�87
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
(This is probably a delayed certificate filing)
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 about Daisy A Taylor
Name: �tab�Daisy A Taylor
Death Date: �tab�May 1966
County of Death: �tab�Broward
State of Death: �tab�Florida
Race: �tab�White
Gender: �tab�Female
[XI43186] In Lot 57 East C Cedar Point Cemetery, Shelby Co, OH with Orrie Cook is a Daisy Taylor, but says she died 5/23/1966 which is not the same as the Ohio death record. Also says her residence was Hollywood, Fl, age 86 agrees with her age
[HI43187] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 318
Name: �tab�Joseph B
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 Dec 1871
Birthplace: �tab�St. Marys, Auglaize, Oh.
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�R. C Gibson
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Rachel Flowers
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C39647-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0959200
Reference Number: �tab�2:2RMX9FP
[HI43192] (Research): pg 426 4 April 1852 Amos Pence gdn of Marietta Pence, minor heir of Jo hn Thomas Dec'd. Surities Daniel Pence, Eli Pence
Name: �tab�Alma Frances Norton
Death Date: �tab�20 Feb 1941
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: 8-28-1862�tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Jones Co, IA
Death Age: �tab�78 years 5 months 22 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�2/22/1941
Burial Place: �tab�DeGraff, OH
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Oliver W. Norton
Father's Name: �tab�Joseph L. Steinberger
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret E. Tescuman
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Inf-Mrs W H Blair
Film Number: �tab�2023891
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4028079
Image Number: �tab�2939
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 8390
Name: �tab�Oliver Walker Norton
Death Date: �tab�23 Sep 1933
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�14 Sep 1861
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�72 years 9 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�213 East Lawn Ave
Occupation: �tab�Carpenter Contractor
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�25 Sep 1933
Burial Place: �tab�De Graff, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Alma F. Norton
Father's Name: �tab�Josiah Norton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Phinegar
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pennsylvania
Film Number: �tab�1992881
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001884
Image Number: �tab�2075
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 49106
[HI43199] (Research):Champaign County, Ohio GUARDIANSHIP and INDENTURES 1805-1858, CCGS March 1 993 abstracted by Pat Stickley. Inclding Vol 2 thru 1867. pg 468 19 Aug 18 53 John West gdn of Aaron Zercle 4 yr Oct next, William ZERCLE 7 yr Feb la st; Angeline Levina ZERCLE 5 yr May last, minor heirs of Caroline ZERCLE d ec'd Surities Manoah Howell, Levi Ross
[HI43201] (Research):Champaign County, Ohio GUARDIANSHIP and INDENTURES 1805-1858, CCGS March 1 993 abstracted by Pat Stickley. Inclding Vol 2 thru 1867. pg 468 19 Aug 18 53 John West gdn of Aaron Zercle 4 yr Oct next, William ZERCLE 7 yr Feb la st; Angeline Levina ZERCLE 5 yr May last, minor heirs of Caroline ZERCLE d ec'd Surities Manoah Howell, Levi Ross
[HI43202] (Research):Champaign County, Ohio GUARDIANSHIP and INDENTURES 1805-1858, CCGS March 1 993 abstracted by Pat Stickley. Inclding Vol 2 thru 1867. pg 468 19 Aug 18 53 John West gdn of Aaron Zercle 4 yr Oct next, William ZERCLE 7 yr Feb la st; Angeline Levina ZERCLE 5 yr May last, minor heirs of Caroline ZERCLE d ec'd Surities Manoah Howell, Levi Ross
Name: �tab�Lewis Emery Stover
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�15 Sep 1927
Event Place: �tab�Greene County, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�6/26/1903
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Lee Stover
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Celli Young
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ruth Chaney
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�9-2-1908 Greene Co, OH
Spouse's Father: �tab�Wm. Chaney
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Anna Belle Morris
Consent of mother, absent of father
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 159
Film Number: �tab�535131
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016829
Image Number: �tab�444
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lewis E Stover
Name: �tab�Lewis E Stover
Birth Date: �tab�1902
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Xenia
Residence County: �tab�Greene
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�13 Nov 1979
Hospital of Death: �tab�Greene Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Xenia
County of Death: �tab�Greene
Certificate: �tab�079082
Age at Death: �tab�77
Certifier: �tab�Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Social Security Number: �tab�274-30-5727
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
(Research):Chauncery Records of Champaign Co, Oh Court of Common Pleas Josephus Neese vs Josiah Neese, et al jacob Neese died in 1852. His children, Josephus Neese, Joshua Neese, Joan na Neese wife of Elijah Baker, John Neese, Joram Nees, Jerome Nees of Cham paign Counry, Jeremiah Neese, Jesse Neese, Sarah Neese of Clark Couty, O h. The last six mentioned were minors
EARLY SETTLERS of Champaign County and Surrounding Areas Vol 1 by Pat Stic kley and June Kiser. CCGS Feb 2000 , P O Box 682 Urbana, Ogio, 43078.pg75 In section 24, southeast of Terre Haute, John and Jacob Neese each owned f arms. John Neese purchased 200 acres in 1826 and Jacob Neese bought 110 ac res in 1830
[XI43204] -53-11-17
[HI43211] (Research):Chancery Records book 24 pg 589 Filed 24 Feb 1854 Petition to Partition John Smail and his wife Sarah vs Meltin Mitchell et al Samuel Mitchell, deceased, son of Samuel Mitchell, was seized of land in S ec 10 Twp 4 range 12 (Concord). Samuel left the following heirs; Maria Mit chell, widow, who married William Hurd; Sarah Mitchell, wife of John Smail; Malinda Mitchell; Meltin Mitchell and Hester Ann Mitchell. The widow, maria, denied that Sarah was a daughter of Samuel Mitchell; sayign that s he was begotten by Mariah and Jesse Petty about eight months before Maria met Samuel Mitchell. The court decreed that Sarah be given a child's portion.
American Civil War Soldiers about George Weimer
Name: �tab�George Weimer
Enlistment Date: �tab�11 Aug 1862
Side Served: �tab�Union
State Served: �tab�Ohio
Service Record: �tab�Enlisted as a Private on 11 August 1862 at the age of 24.
Enlisted in Company H, 99th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 26 Aug 1862.
Killed Company H, 99th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 24 Nov 1863 at Lookout Mountain, TN.
Sources: �tab�17,501
[HI43217] (Research):Either James or his wife Mary Ann had only one leg.
(Research):Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg557 Children Francis and Harriet deceased by 1902
From the �Bellefontaine Republican�, Bellefontaine, Ohio 30 Sep 1870 On Sep 28th of pneumonia at his residence in Harrison Tp.,C hampaign Co., William Rouse aged 50 years. Member of the Masonic Lod ge at West Liberty.
[HI43227] (Research):Is this the Joseph A Rouze who md Miss Rebecca Couchman 1/10/1858 ?
[HI43231] (Research):CCGS Dec 1998 pg 125 chart from Oliver David Hamilton
[HI43232] (Research):Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg63 Aug 8 1827 Mathew Magrew and Geo Hite (overseers of the poor) , Urba na Twp bound Samuel Jones, 16 yrs 7m 27 d to John Hamilton , saddle r, 21 on 11 Dec 1831
1907 Ohio History by Ohio Historical Society
The names of the men admitted to bail as they appear on the docket of the Probate Judge were as follows: B. P. Churchill, John C. Elliott, Evan B. Carty, Jared M. Trader, Thomas Meara, Samuel B. Garvey, James Darrell, Thodore D. Bentley, William H. Keifer, John Puffenbarger.
As soon as they were released B. P. Churchill and John C. Elliott were again arrested on warrant issued by James S. Christie, Justice of the Peace. The warrant was issued on the 28th, and the following entry was made on said Justice's criminal docket: "Springfield Township, Clark County, O., May the 28th,1857.
"This day before me, J. S. Christie, a Justice of the Peace in and for said County of. Clark, personally came William H. Compton and made solemn oath that on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1857, at said Clark County, Benjamin P. Churchill and John C. Elliott did assault one John E. Layton with intent to commit a murder upon the person of the said John E. Layton as affiant verily believes. Took his affidavit thereof. Thereupon issued a warrant for the bodies of the said Benjamin P. Churchill and John C. Elliott and delivered the same to Emanuel Crossland. Constable. May 29th, 1857, warrant returned with the bodies of the within named Benjamin P. Churchill and John C. Elliott, endorsed : I have the bodies of the within named B. P. Churchill and John C. Elliott before the Justice, E. Crossland, Const. Being satisfied that important witnesses for the state are absent, and their testimony cannot be procured until tomorrow at 9 o'clock A. M., to which time the case was adjourned, and the defendants allowed to remain in the custody of E. Crossland and others at Dr. Aken's Hotel in said town and county during said adjournment. Subpoenas issued for witnesses for the state namely: Leonard Sprague, G. W. Jones, Milton Houston, �u��b�Gideon Landaker,�/u��/b� T. Z. Nichols, L. T. Haight, Eunis Brown, E. G. Coffin, Thomas Jones, Michael Way, �u��b�Hester Landaker�/u��/b�, Dr. T. Height.
[HI43245] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship records 10/11/1838 pg 259 George Kizer gdn of S arah Ann Lung 13yr; Margaret Lung 11yr; John Lung 10 yr; Mary Lung 9 yr; M elvina Lung 7yr, Drucilla Lung 4 yr; George Lung 2y children and minor hei rs of George Lung dec'd. Surities Daniel Snider, John Hupp
Name: Samantha E. Thompson
Death date: 04 Mar 1936
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date: 06 Dec 1850
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Dalton, Ohio
Age at death: 86 years 2 months 28 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 25 N. Yellow Springs St.
Occupation: Housework
Burial date: 06 Mar 1936
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Newsome Chapel
Spouse name: William Thompson
Father name: William Rust
Father titles:
Father birth place: Virginia
Mother name: Lehanna May
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Virginia
GSU film number: 2022612
Digital GS number: 4027475
Image number: 1468
Reference number: fn 15179
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[NI43261] Bio of Jonas was published in Buracker & Buroker Family History Research Newsletter by R C Buroker Number 42 Feb 2011
[HI43262] (Research):From The Record of Hawksbill Church 1788-1850 Page County, VA: Barbara Buracker, b. Aug. 1, 1807. Bap. Jan. 17, 1809. Sponsor Barbara Pri ntz
[HI43264] (Research):Magdalena Buracker, b. May 11, 1823. Sponsors William and Magdalena Some r- From The Record of Hawksbill Church 1788-1850 Page County, VA:
[HI43265] (Research):Appears this family moved to Tazeweel Co, IL 1860 Census is Daniel age 5 0, but wife Christine, 45, Jane age 20 (see marriage record), Silas age 1 2, nancy age 9, Lydia, 7, Mary 4 and Christine 1 but all born in PA. The n ames agree except for wife with family in Champaign County 1850 but all bo rn and married in Ohio. This from Newspaper 2/17/1860 (1855-1871) pg45 Md at the res of the bride's father in Tazewell Co, ILL on the 2nd in st by J G Roe, JP, John Bowmand formerly of PA to Miss Elizabeth Jane Mous er, formerly of Champaign Co, OH.
(Research):1850 Champaign Co, Concord, OH -pg 314 John H Smith 62 MD Elizabeth 37 VA Susan 16 OH Newman 10 OH Joseph E 9 OH Elisa 7 OH Emily Jane 5 OH Francis 3 OH Davis 2 OH Harriett James 31 VA Westley James 1 OH John Smith 20 VA Mary A 22 OH
Seems this could be a second wife, as for his age. But children born befo re the marriage date of 1840. There is a marriage of a John H Smith in Ch ampaign County to Susanna 7/10/1820 to Susannah Walters.
(Research):From Champaign Co., Ohio Newsletter 1989, an article "Supreme Court Record s�.. Divorces" the following: "Susannah Bassett vs. Amos Bassett - filed Jan.12, 1818 \endash m. 1811 - one child, Eleanor � he left May 1812 to par ts unknown, She gets custody of child Elenor, decree granted July 15, 181 8. - Vol. 2 \endash p. 86; also found in Champaign Co. Genealogical Society
Newsletter, Spring 1989 \endash Vol.5, No. 2. (Champaign Co. Supreme Court Record #2 \endash p 44) - Found in "Ohio Divorce s: The Early Years. Bell, C.W. 1994. Bell Books. From Ohio Marriages Re corded in County Courts thru 1820 compiled and published in 1996 - Marria ge 11 Sep.1811 -Amos Bassit to Susannah Colgin in Scioto County, Ohio (pro bably d/o Daniel & Ruth 'Burns'Colgin), and she was probably b. in Jeffers on Co., Kentucky. Ruth Colgin's parents probably were William-1718, & Joanne/Joanna (VanMetre) Burns, Joanna b.c a. 1732 in Monocacy, Prince George Co., Maryland - Ancestry info from the Internet \endash not proven. (Michael Ford) In: 'Kentucky Marriages 1801-1825, Liahona Research, 1999, Heritage Quest, Bountiful, Utah,' page 40: Bassett, Amos to Sarah Adams, 26 Nov 182 2, Bracken Co. This from Fred Snyder (This shows Amos re-married after the divorce) (Source [email protected])
MARRIAGE RECORDS - PROBATE COURT, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, URBANA, OHIO, 1829-18 40 - #1887 - Bassett, Elinor m. Stephens, William S. - May 6, 1830 by Jesse Goddard, M.G.
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
July 31, 1884
Sarah Wiley, wife of Joseph Wiley, died at her home on Miami Street Friday, 74 years of age on 26th of last February. She was the daughter of John Steinberger and born in Champaign County, married Joseph Wiley 26th July, 1828.
Champ Co Will Book E pg 347 Urbana died 7/23/1884 probated 8/1/1884 Heirs, Hosband Joseph Wiley lot # 3 in Urbana; William Wiley-son-Colorado Springs, CO; Margaret Farichild-dau-Columbus; Aaron Wiley, so- Urban a; Harrison Wiley, son- Hartford City, IND; Jennie Guthridge-dau-Columbu s/ To purchase family monument in Oak Dale Cem-Urbana Husband Joseph Wiley exec. Wit: B F Ganson, John F Gowey will signd (x) 5/ 30/1881
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
November 5, 1885
Joseph Wiley died Monday, born 26th February, 1806, around 81 years of age; born Mad River Twp and married 1828 to Sarah Steinberger.
Champ Will Book F pg 57 Joseph Wiley Urbana died 11/2/1885 probated 11/17/ 1885 Heirs William Wiley son Los Angeles, CA; Aaron Wiley, son Urbana; Margaret A Fairchild, dau, Columbus; Harrison Wiley, son, Hartdord City, IN; Ja ne Guthridge, dau, Columbus. Monument to be purchased by exec in my family lot in Oak Dale Cemetery, urbana. To son Aaron, the property in the firm of Wiley and Son being property of Weaver Hotel; balance of residue (dw elling house and lot) to be divided equally among five ch now living; if son Aaron dec'd the residence to his wife Jennie B Wiley. William Fairchild Exec. Wit: Joseph F Eichelberger, James Tappan, Charles Ganson. Will si gned 8/23/1884
name: �tab�Clyde Steinbarger
gender: �tab�Male
burial date: �tab�
burial place: �tab�
death date: �tab�19 May 1884
death place: �tab�Westville, Champaign, Ohio
age: �tab�3
birth date: �tab�1881
birthplace: �tab�Rochester, Ind.
occupation: �tab�
race: �tab�
marital status: �tab�Single
spouse's name: �tab�
father's name: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
mother's name: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�B07023-6
system origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
source film number: �tab�295234
reference number: �tab�v 2 p 469
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F664-3MC :
accessed 02 Nov 2012), Clyde Steinbarger, 19 May 1884.
F: �tab�Giles Chapman Morgan
M: �tab�Caroline Tyler Adams
[DI43273] Octavious Morgan age 71 Los Angeles Co cert 12184 3/29/1922
[HI43276] (Research):One of seven brothers, five of whome were ministers of various faiths Came to Champaign County in 1814
(Research):Son In Law Richard Taylor 1880 Census Place:Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 40 5B Marshal S. MANAHANSelfMMW22PAOcc:Cart ManFa: PAMo: PA Louisa J. MANAHANWifeFMW22PAFa: PAMo: PA Pearl W. MANAHANSonMSW 1OHFa: PAMo: PA Benjamin FUSONOtherMWW 61 OHOcc:CartmanFa:VAMo: VA Martha FUSONOtherFWW85VA Fa: VAMo: VA
Urbana Daily Citizen atrticle on her 90th brithday. Children William, An na and Betsy were deceased at time of article 10/9/1883
[HI43278] (Research):History of Virginia Fusons says Joseph and Benjamin were twins
Name: �tab�Joseph Fuson Or Firson
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�10 Jan 1903
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�83
Birth Date: �tab�1820
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Carpenter
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 155 & 156
Urbana Newspaper Abstract
January 25, 1889
William Murray killed south of Urbana while loading logs; leaves a wife and two children, a member of Co B, 66th OVI
I know that my James T. Harper married three times but I've never located or documented the first two. I believe those could be Lena Shlonaker and Elizabeth Q. Hedges.
After 10 years I am still trying to find my Robert Harper's lineage. I can find him married to Julia Ann Hill (Julian Hill) in 1832 Champaign Co. and in 1850 LaGrange Co., IN but then he disappears. Julia Ann went back to OH and married William Idle. I've tried to locate him with Julia Ann in the 1840 OH since they married in 1832 but to no avail.
Robert and Julia Ann's children were:
� Samuel -- I believe Samuel M. Harper who married one Elizabeth Sheets
� William who married Dicy Idle daughter of William Idle and Francis McGinnis - fact
� Elizabeth who married James M. "Jesse" Adkisson and removed to Warren Co., IL (Julia Ann and children appear there also in 1855 but no Robert) - fact
� Eliza Jane who married Simon Blue - fact
� James who married Mary Ann Wheeler in Illinois but died after being struck by lightning 2 months after - fact (2 prior marriages names unknown)
� John who married unknown
I know you are familiar with the Idles. Anything on these others you know off the top of your head? I'll be looking into them today to see what I can find. I am still looking for that missing link. Robert was supposedly from Maryland or so it says on the 1850. There are some connection through his wife's lineages (Hill's, Oliver's, Randolph's) to Berkeley Co. VA so any Harpers in Champaign Co. from those areas raise a red flag to me. They could have all migrated to OH together. I know some of them were in Mason Co., KY before coming to Champaign Co., OH.
Thank you,
Catherine Burke
�b�Catherine Burke�/b�
�u�[email protected] �/u�
[HI43284] (Research):Enumeration of citizens over 70 years of age 5/21/1889 Hovey, Mrs Rachel, widow of S T Hovey, born VA age 84
[DI43284] pg86 9/15/1890 Mrs Albertine martin, wife of William of McComb, Illinois and Samuel Hovey, Hardin Hovey and Solon Hovey of Indianapolis and Vine Hovey of Forest City MO are here for the funeral of their mother, Mrs Rachel Hovey who died Sat. Rachel Comer was born in Rockingham Co, VA 1805 came to Ohio 1813 married Samuel Hovey and had 10 ch, 7 survive, buried Oak Dale
[HI43286] (Research):Beers 1881 Biography, History of Champaign Co, OH pg 657 HENRY CLAY HOVEY, grocer, Urbana; is another native and life resident of U rbana, and was born Dec. 29, 1827, within thirty-five yards of where he n ow resides, and has never removed. He is a son of Edward and Elizabeth (Ha rtsom) Hovey ; they came from Willimantic, Conn., and settled near Milfo rd Center, this county, about 1818, and soon after removed to Urbana. H is father became connected with the woolen factory, the history of which a ppears in the history of Urbana. Henry, when 14 years of age, began wo rk at brickmaking with his father and older brother, and fol lowed this to gether with building for several years. He burned the brick and laid the w alls of the building in which he now does business, as well as many oth er of the older brick structures of the city. In 1859, the firm of Happers ett & Hovey was formed, and opened a meat-market and grocery establishme nt on the south side of the public square, where they have continued the b usiness ever since with success. Mr. Hovey married, in 1855, Miss Susan Ha ppersett, a sister of his partner, Isaac B. Happersett, he having been pre viously married in 1850, to Susan Gregory, who died about four months aft er their marriage. They have two children-Edmund, now assistant in the sto re; and Bertha, aged 11 years. His residence is on Kenton street, and occu pies nearly a square between Factory and Water streets.
[HI43288] (Research):1910 Waldo Talbor 48 W Ohio Champaign, Urbana City Wife Bertha E 40 Ohio Brother-in-law Edmund Hovey 52 Ohio 2 non-relatives
[HI43289] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Bertha Hovey-Talbott Class of 1888
The Urbana Daily Citizen
July 1, 1887
David H Hovey died this morning at his residence on Scioto St, 66 years old. Son of Edmund B and Elizabeth Hovey who removed from Willimantic, CT, to Milford Center, OH, in 1818 and later to Urbana. He married in 1842 to Miss Nancy Bass who died May, 1883. Four sons: Edmund, David H Jr, Evans and Frank; three daughters: Mrs Judge Todd, Mrs William Hughes and Mrs John Buckles.
[HI43291] (Research):7 children, all living in 1883
(Research):Edward Hovey
Age: 60 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0020
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0005
County: Champaign, Urbana City
Relation: RO
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Henry C Freyhoff W
Census names Edward, Edmund, Edgar and Egbert
[HI43294] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Kerie Hovey-Bucher Class of 1881