Rose Deposition

I.M. Rose Deposition
Aron L. Hendricks Claim
Southern Claims Commission
M87 roll 2 frame 373
National Archives & Records Administration
Transcribed by Billy Markland

The Deposition of I.M. Rose taken at the office of E.L. Watson United States Commissioner for the Western District of Virginia, at Abingdon Washington County Virginia in support of the Petition of Aron L. Hendricks to the Hon. Commissioners of Claims (Under the Act of Congress of March 3rd 1871). The Deponent being first duly sworn deposes and says –

I reside in Abingdon Virginia and have been well acquainted with Aron L. Hendricks for [some?] years; and I knew him well whilst he resided in Abingdon during a portion of the late War – During his residence in Abingdon I know he was a decided and outspoken Union Man; such persons being scarce, and being a Union Man myself, I was frequently thrown with him. When the Rebel Authorities were in Abingdon they threatened to take my private residence and Mr. Hendricks for Hospitals simply because we were Union Men, and never spoke of taking any other private residences in the Town; and to prevent it we had to intercede with the Rebel General Longstreet [&?] he at last yielded to our solicitations and did prevent the medical authorities from taking them.

At the time of the Raid of General Stoneman & Burbridge into South Western Virginia; a portion of the command under the charge of a Lieutenant stopped very near my house, and seeing them go into a large building which had been used by the Confederates for keeping Commissary and other Stores in, I followed them into the house and meeting with the Lieutenant, he said to me he had a list of several buildings in Abingdon which he had orders to burn and the house we were then in, was one of them. As this house was immediately adjacent to my own, I commenced pleading with him not to burn it, as it would certainly destroy my own property, and after satisfying him of my own loyalty and devotion to the United States Government, he determined not to set fire to it. He then said that large building on the opposite side of the street and nearly opposite my own is the "John Floyd" property and my orders are to burn that . I told him that property was not Floyds now, but had been sold to Mr. Aron L. Hendricks from Russell County, and he was now living in it, and that I knew him to be a good Union Man and loyal to the United States, and from my representations to him he did not burn the Floyd House as he called it. During the Raid when nearly all the Federal Troops had left Town, some Confederate Soldiers dashed into the Town, and [?] overtook a Union Captain by the name of Wyatt, and commenced firing upon him, and at last inflicted upon him a wound which proved to be mortal. He fell from his horse near Mr. Hendricks house, and was taken by Mr. Hendricks into his house, and Mr. H called in a Physician, but after lingering a few hours the young man died. I made a coffin for him and buried him [from?] Mr. Hendricks house.

During this Raid Mr. Hendricks and myself were almost the only males who remained in the Town, and a great many hard things were said against Mr. Hendricks & myself because of our known Union Sentiments. And some idea may be formed of this feeling from the fact that those having the control of the Town burying ground would not permit me to bury Captain Wyatt in the grave yard.

As a further fact in relation to the known Union sentiments of Mr. Hendricks, I will state that immediately after the close of the War, at a meeting of the Citizens of Abingdon, he was appointed a Committee to proceed to Lynchburg and confer with the General commanding there in relation to the condition of the people of Washington County.

Question by Mr. Hendricks Please state what was the the conduct of Rebels immediately after the surrender of Genl. Lee towards those who were known during the War as Union men; and what was the conduct of the same persons towards those Union men after they had succeeded in getting the State of Virginia into their own hands again
Answer Immediately after the surrender of General Lee, those known as Union men during the War, were sough after and commended as being right &c, but shortly after this when the State was again in the hands of Rebels every ephithet which could be used, and implying meanness [sic] in every form and shape was applied to them, and they even went so far as to say that no such man should stay in this Country, and they were ostracised socially, politically and in business and in every other way.

And further this deponent saith not.

I.M Rose

Western District of Virginia

I do certify that the foregoing deposition was taken subscribed and sworn to before me at the time and place mentioned in the Ca[in smeared],

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal of office this 4th day of April in the year 1872.

E.L. Watson US Com
WD of Va.