People interested in the westward movement of the Fays can find a tremendous amount of information at Genealogy Exchange & Surname Registry. The material is organized by state, and within that, by county. There are many hyperlinks and search possibilities. For example, there is one for Iowa, whose state coordinator is Mona Knight. She recently posted a biography of Wooster Fay to our list. The one for Wisconsin is headed by our own Cathy Kubly. The one for Michigan is presently without a coordinator.
A similar project is underway at RootsWeb itself under the heading USGenWeb Project. See, for example, the pages dedicated to Cattaraugus County, NY. Once there, look especially for the many biographies including members of the Fay Family. This is run by
Laura Greene, who is listed as Cattaraugus County Bios Team Coordinator, but who seems to have her very creative finger in about all the pies!
GENDEX(in italics) -- WWW Genealogical INdex.. otherwise called Gene Stark's Index of Names for all GenWeb Sites. This index has both a paid and a free entry; it looks as if it would really pay to consult this index for missing people. Note that the source for many of the people are the authors WE have listed in the genealogies section of this site.
There are several major entry points for genealogical research. Of these, perhaps the three best known are:
1. Ancestry.com
2. RootsWeb.com
3. FamilyTreeMaker.com
All of these services have a great deal of free material available, and all of them offer subscription plans that permit access to further databases. Ancestry.com, for example, offers their subscriptions at $59.95/year.
For anyone researching the Fays, Massachusetts is the geographical starting point. Because of this, the Massachusetts Genealogy, part of the USGenWeb Project, provides an excellent resource. The statement of purpose says it all: "to provide a single entry point for all counties and towns in Massachusetts, where collected data will be stored." The material is divided into counties, and within counties, into towns. It is somewhat spotty in places, but does help.
Another MUST VISIT site is the one devoted to the History of Marlborough, Massachusetts, created by John G. Phillips Buczek. It is filled with information about Marlborough and its original settlers, including Fay families. Maps, early photos, vital statistics - one could spend hours there and just begin.
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While these are among the most important, they by no means exhaust the possibilities: there are thousands of genealogy links on the internet. Rather than trying to pick out a few, it is our opinion that the best thing for the researcher to do is to consult
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
This is a remarkable piece of work listing more than 58,300 genealogical sites on the internet, and constantly updated.