The birth of Sally Fay to Nathan and Lucy, and her marriage to Elijah Bond, are recorded in the vital records of Southborough under 'Fay', while the births of four children to Sally and Elijah are recorded there under the name 'Bond'. Estes, the oldest child, is recorded as "Ester, s. Elijah and Sally, Sept. 7, 1805." Some researchers appear to have seen that entry, but look only at the name, interpreting it as "Esther" without noticing the significance of the "s." Estes was Sally and Elijah's only son, and his life and descendants are well documented in the vital records of Massachusetts. Sally, the oldest daughter, married Alvin Gore, and her line has been researched and reported by Paul Morrissey. Of the younger two daughters, Julia appears to have died young; while Hannah remained single and died in Sturbridge on May 2, 1880.