Mary of Mt. Carmel Statue
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Florence, Oneida County, NY

Preserving the past for future generations

1845 - 2003
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Saint Mary of Mount Carmel Statue

Located down by the big pine trees at the driveway entrance.

entrance pines, statue, old sign
Photo: Barb Paufve
July 2003
old sign & St Mary of Mt Carmel statue
Photo: Barb Paufve
July 2003
Father Clark was given a purse when he was transferred to St. Mary's Church. When he left St. Mary's Church and St. Paul's Church in Redfield, NY, he donated back the purse.
This statue came from Italy and is of Saint Mary of Mount Carmel - the actual name of this church.
Pines by entrance
Old Sign and Statue

Saint Mary of Mount Carmel statue
Photo: Barb Paufve
July 2003
Saint Mary of Mount Carmel statue
Photo: Barb Paufve
July 2003
St. Mary of Mt. Carmel
on stone foundation
St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Statue
Statue Base Inscription


The Marcellus Observer
Thursday, Nov. 19, 1959
Page 3

newspaper article

Microfilm from
(Marcellus NY Weekly Observer 1959 - 1959 Grayscale - 0642.pdf)

Guests At Blessing
Of Shrine

    Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hercsa and
family of McDonald Rd. attend-
ed the ceremony of the blessing
of the Shrine of Our Lady of
Mount Carmel, at Florence, N.
Y. on Sunday.
    This is an outdoor Shrine,
with an Altar built of natural
field stone. Mr Hercsa built this
Altar, on which rests the statue
of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,
weighing 1,100 lbs., carved out
of one piece of marble in Italy.
    Later in the day, they were
guests of Father O'Brien, pas-
tor of St. Mary's Church in
Florence, N. Y., at a banquet at
Kimberly Manor, at Camden,
N. Y. Among the other guests
attending was the Rev. Chas. A.
Stuczko, former pastor of St.
Michael's Church.

Newspaper Transcription

This page last updated: September 14, 2014

Website started August 17, 2006, Revised April 6, 2007.
Created, Designed and Maintained by Barb Paufve
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