Freeman Family of Sumter South Carolina



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Wilke of Germany/N.Y.
Jessup of England
Checker/Tskeris of Greece/N.Y.
Abnett of England
Hudson of South Carolina
Ives of South Carolina

Sideline Research
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Arrants of South Carolina
Barnes of South Carolina
Blyther of South Caroliina
Boykin of South Carolina
Cook Family of South Carolina
Coombs of Maine
Checker/Tskeris Greece
Davis of South Carolina
Dennis of South Carolina
Freeman of South Carolina
Holland of South Carolina
Huggins of South Carolina
Hurst of South Carolina
Jones of South Carolina
Josey/Jossey of South Carolina
Keretas of Greece
Medhurst of England
Meyers of South Carolina
Moseley of South Carolina
Rodgers of South Carolina
Ross of South Carolina
Yates/Yeates of South Carolina

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Walking with Ghosts..........

a website for the descendants of Angus and Nancy McCutchen MacLeod~~



Freeman Family of Sumter South Carolina

This web page has been updated in May/June of 2011. The original intent of this site is the same as it has always been; to provide a FREE tool for researchers to help each other by the sharing of information - please support this intent by helping to keep it as accurate as possible. The information on this page represents the combined efforts of several researchers. I have verified the information by Wills, Equity, Deeds, Census and Cemetery Records where possible. Where no source is given, the information is unproven/unverified. Additions and corrections are welcome (rude emails are not). When writing, please include the Page Title and Web Address. Proper credit is always awarded to the provider of information. Happy Researching! Keep the circle of sharing intact, include the following if you take information for your own records: !Source: Lori McLeod Wilke; "Walking with ghosts", Research 2000 - 2011

Name History and Origin for Freeman

English: variant of Free. (chiefly East Anglia): nickname or status name from Old English freo �free(-born)�, i.e. not a serf.

North German: topographic or habitational name from a place named Frede or Frede(n). North German: nickname from a variant of Middle Low German word �crooked�.

Irish: Anglicized (�translated�): form of Gaelic � Saoraidhe Seery Irish (Westmeath): reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic � Saoraidhe �descendant of Saoraidhe�, a personal name derived from saordha �noble�. It has been Anglicized (�translated�) as Freeman. Woulfe, however, believes the original Gaelic form was � S�oghraidh, from a borrowing of the Norse personal name Sigefrith.

In New England: an English equivalent of French Foissy . Foisy

French Canadian: variant of French Foissy, a habitational name from a place so named in Yonne. In French Canada Foisy is also a secondary surname for Freni�re or La Freni�re (see Lafreniere), and Americanized as Freeman.

Translation of German Freimann (see Freiman). Freiman Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from German frei �free� + Mann �man�. German (Freimann): status name in the feudal system for a free man as opposed to a bondman or serf (see Freier).

Generation One James Freeman

James Freeman born April 6 1742 in Unknown (source:Ralph McCathern -descendant) died bef September 5 1803 in Sumter District, South Carolina, USA (source:Ralph McCathern -descendant) buried unknown married to Ann Unknown born Unknown died after 1800 in Kershaw District, South Carolina, USA buried unknown


1800 Kershaw District South Carolina Census -
possibly this James - would have been 58 in 1800 - found on-line 5-8-2003 - US Census Project - Completed Transcriptions

Pg #421 #37 Last Name Freeman First Name James

Males to 45+ =1 /
Females 45+ = 1/
Others =0 / Slaves =0 /

Generation Two: Children of James and Ann Freeman

Census Records of Sumter District, South Carolina Deeds and other Records of Sumter District, South Carolina Oral family history by several descendants including Donald Ross McLeod Jr. Ralph Freeman McCathern - descendant of James N. Freeman -son of Jose Freeman

1. Ann Beth Freeman born abt 1764 possibly in Camden District a.k.a. Lancaster and presently Kershaw District, South Carolina (father and brother, Eli, present as separate heads of households in 1800 Kershaw Census) died unknown but in probably Kershaw or Sumter District, South Carolina married on 24 Jan 1780 to William Jones born about 1764 in Amhurst, Virginia died 1809 in Sumter District, Sumter South Carolina (source of spousal information: Billy Jones desc. of Wily A. Jones - unverified)

JONES -My 4 great-grandfather was William Jones (Born: 11 April 1764 in Amherst County, VA /// Died: 12 Feb1809) who served in the Revolution from Amherst Co., VA and accompanied Gen. Greene's troops from VA to Sumter District, SC serving prior to 1780 until June 1782 as a private.

He was in the battles of Guilford Court House and Eutaw Springs. He married Ann Beth Freeman on 24 Jan 1780, and they had eleven (11) children between 1782 & 1807 in Sumter District, SC. Their ninth (9th) child was my 3great-grandfather, Wiley Asbury Jones (Born: 7 Oct 1804 /// Died: 5 Mar 1854). Lee Jones jenlee @ ev1. net

Note: Camden District created in 1769, Lancaster in 1785, Kershaw created out of portions of Claremont, Fairfield, Lancaster, and Richland Counties in 1791

William Jones - Revolutionary War under General Green

Children of Ann and William
(Source: Billy Jones desc. of Wiley A. Jones - unverified

i) James B. Jones born October 17, 1782

Planter had 100 acers of land on the Wateree River, Sumter Dist. He all so had a 75 acer farm in Spring Hill TownShip.

1. Rivers R. Jones
2. Charles L. Jones
3. Robert Lorenzo Jones
4. Edgar S. Jones b.07/1830 in Sumter Co. Fought in the Civil war in Co. G infantry, Hampton Legion. Enlisted near Columbia SC by Capt. Black. Edgar was a private. He was a farmer and lived in Spring Hill TownShip. married Frances Tabitha Britton b. Abt. 1810.... daughter of Francis Grier Britton and Eliza Rebecca Jennings.. ( Eliza Rebecca Jennings is the daughter of John Jennings Jr and Tabitha Howard )
5. Elizabeth Joanna Jones
6. George W. Jones
7. Dr. Jones
8. Lousia Caroline Jones

ii) Elizabeth Jones born December 5, 1784

iii) Mary Jones born December 1, 1786

iv) Peggy Jones born May 11, 1789

v) Nancy Jones born December 14, 1791

vi) Eli Jones born January 15, 1794 married Barbary Stafford (daughter of Joshua Stafford and Charity Stafford)

vii) William Jones born April 11, 1796

viii) Leonard L Jones born June 18, 1798 Martha A. Stegall daughter of Griffin Stegall and Mary Wren

ix) Wiley Asbury Jones born October 17, 1804 Died: 5 Mar 1854 married Rebecca Maria Disekler. He had a Plantation called Barkley Place in Clark Co, Al and a Plantation called Hill Place in Marengo Co, Al. He had 172 slaves.

x) Betsy A. Jones born September 3, 1805

xi) Sarah Jones born December 23, 1807

xii) Susannah Jones born January 26, 1810

xiii) Margaret Jones

2. William Eli Freeman born April 4 1768 possibly in Camden District a.k.a. Lancaster and Kershaw District, South Carolina (father and William "Eli" present as head of household in 1800 Kershaw Census see below) died 12 MAR 1820 in Sumter District, SC possibly married by 1800 to Sarah (Gaulding) GAULDEN b: 22 MAR 1778 in SC d. 2 FEB 1856 in Montgomery Co., AL (marriage date based on 1800 Kershaw District South Carolina Census in which 1 female aged 16-26 was present in his household)

1800 Kershaw Census - possibly William- Eli would have been 32 in 1800 - found on-line 5-8-2003 - US Census Project - Completed Transcriptions

Pg #401 # Last Name Freeman First Name Eli

Males to-10= 1/ 16-26 = 2 / 26-45 = 2 / 45+ =0

Females to- 16-26 =1 45+ = 0

Others =0 / Slaves = 7 /

3. Joseph Freeman a.k.a. Jose/Josiah born bet 1755- 74 in probably in Kershaw District, Sumter South Carolina died bef December 16, 1839 in Sumter District, Sumter South Carolina - Will recorded Nov 18 1839, Public Auction held December 16 1839 married to Rebecca Unknown b. unknown but in probably Sumter District, Sumter South Carolina died probably bef District, Sumter, South Carolina.. 1839 in Sumter

1790 Camden District Claremont County Census - 1 Free White Male 16 years and up 2 Free White Males 16 years and under 3 Free White Females including heads of Families 0 Other Free Peoples 4 Slaves

Date: 1804/01/09 Series Number: S213192 Volume: 0040 Page: 00209 Item: 01



Date: 1813/01/08 Series Number: S213192 Volume: 0043 Page: 00294 Item: 03




Date: 1817/07/29 Series Number: S108093 Reel: 0025 Frame: 00341 item: 00




1820 Sumter District Census

Jesse Freeman 3-0-0-0-0-1 2-4-0-1-0 page 108 1/2

South Carolina, Sumter District

In the name of God-Amen. I Jose Freeman being weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and ordain the following disposition of my property, to be my last will and testament --

First, I desire that my Executors herein after named, shall pay off all my just debts -----

Second -- After my debts are provided for, I desire that all my estate Real and Personal, shall be equally divided between my children----

Third-- I give grant and devise unto my Executors, as trustees for my two children, James M Freeman and Julia A Joes (should read Ives*) the shares of my property to which those two children may be entitled -- to have and to hold the said two shares as trustees for the following uses interests and purposes -- first to suffer and permit during the natural lives of James M Freeman and Julia A Joes, to suffer and permit them to take and receive the emoluments and profits of their share repsectively for so long as either may live -- free from thier debts and contracts and controll during thier life time respectively and free from the debt contacts and controll of any husband that Jula A Joes may now or hearafter have-- and after the decease of my said two children, then in trust for their respective children absolutely and in fee simple forever--

Fourth - I desire that my son James M. shall have his share of my land, allotted off-on that part adjoining WH Jennings---

Lastly- I nominate and appoint my Friends Hasten Jennings and John R. Pollard and my son Hasten Freeman when he becomes of age- Executors and Trustees of this my last will and testament --

signed Sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of Jose Freeman, in our presence, who have subscribed as witnesses in the presence of the Testator and in the presence of each other.

The word "Heirs" erased and children inserted before signing

Jose Freeman (Seal)

WE Richardson Jo.s S Bofsard (Bossard) Joseph Paris (husband of Marg. Eliz. Freeman)

Recorded in Will Book M, page 226
Recorded November 18th 1839
W. Lewis O.S.D. Bundle 113 Pkg. 18

NOTE: The Will of Jose Freeman was transcribed during the 1920's by Government employed laborers. These laborers were hired to transcribe surviving Court Records and documents for preservation. They had no interest in the people the documents concerned and also were dealing with the often illegible handwriting of the times. In many cases, a name was misspelled or even changed. This will is one of those cases with the married name of Julia Ann Freeman being written as "Joes" instead of "Ives".

I have copies of Jose's Will, Warrant of Appraisement and a list of items sold at "public auction to the highest bidder". The auction was held on 16 December 1839. Attempts to scan these copies have been unsuccessful as they were copies of microfiche and not very clear. The items listed for sale at the auction are too numerous to include on a web page, but the following are an example of what was sold and to whom:

  • Harriet Freeman purchased 1 carpet at $3.00; 1 cabinett $4.00; 1 lott chairs $9.00; 3 pitchers $1-121/2; 1 eight day Clock $8.00 Note: Harriet purchased quite a lot of the items for sale
  • James M. Freeman purchased 1 red heifer $16.00; 1000 lbs. fodder $8.10
  • Mrs. J Ives (Julia Ann Freeman Ives) purchased 1 bay mare $140.00
  • Bn Caine (h/o Mary Ann Freeman) purchased sheeps skin, 10 lbs plus one lot, tan, to be paid for later
  • Other purchasers included: (please bear in mind that the writing is barely legible and some of these initials or names may be incorrect.)
  • Jas. T. Sparin (sp?);
  • C. Hurst,
  • J. Bostick,
  • T. Jackson,
  • JJ Knox,
  • L or C Jennings,

Copy of Will/Estate Record provided by Donald Ross McLeod JR,gr gr grandson. The Will can also be seen at the Sumter Will Project

Generation Three - Children of Jose and Rebecca

Census Records of Kershaw and Sumter Districts, South Carolina Deeds and other Records of Sumter District, South Carolina Oral family history by several descendants including Donald Ross McLeod Jr., Ralph Freeman McCathern - descendant of James Freeman -son of Jose Freeman

1. Margaret Elizabeth Freeman born bet 1803 - 1805 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died unknown in probably Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina married Joseph Paris b. unknown d. unknown

2. Julia Ann Freeman born abt 1806 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died abt 1870 in Sumter District Sumter South Carlina married to Matthew William Ives born 1798 in Edgecomb, North Carolina died abt 1860 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina source: Sumter Courthouse, Bundle 113-18 S 4637 - Will of Jose Freeman in which he names her as daughter

3. Mary Ann Freeman born abt 1807 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died unknown in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina married Benjamin Cain b. unknown d. unknown

4. Harriet R Freeman born abt 1807 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died Aft. February 03, 1852 in probably Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina source of parentage: Petition Filed against Will of Jose Freeman by Henry Hasten Freeman 6 Jan 1840, Sumter Courthouse NO. 31, Bundle 113-18 S3411, S 3416, S3412/Will of Jose Freeman in which he states her sisters husbands name)

Will of Harriett Freeman
The State of So. Carolina Sumter District

In the name of God Amen I Harriatt R. Freeman of the State and District af.d being of Sound mind and memory, but weak in body, and knowing it is appointed for all once to die, do make this my last Will & testament.

Item at my death, I consign my body to the Grave to be decently intered and my soul into the hands of Him who gave it,

Item, I give to my dearly beloved Sister Martha J. Pollard the wife of John R. Pollard my two negro Slaves, Lavina and Rose, not to be Subject, to the debts of her present or any future Husband, but to be disposed of at her death, as she may think proper.

Item I also give to my said Sister Martha J. Pollard, all I may die pofsed of consisting of a feather Bed & furniture and Sundry articles of household & kitchen furnature--

Item I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend Mayor John Ballard Executor to this my last will & testament Given under my hand and Seal this 3 rd day of February in the year of our Lord 1852
Harriet Freeman (SEAL)
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Will Ballard G. W. Black A. J. McFarland
Recorded in Will Book D-2, page 383
Recorded March 1852 W. Lewis Ordy. Bundle 126,
Pkge 12

Sumter Will Project

5. Martha J. Freeman born abt 1810 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died abt 1852 in probably Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina married to John R. Polard b. unknown d. unknown Source: Will of sister Harriet Recorded in Will Book D-2, page 383 Recorded March 1852W. Lewis Ordy.Bundle 126, Pkge 12

    Note: Sole heir in her sister Harriet's Will, see above

6. James M Freeman born abt 1815 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died abt 1852 in probably Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina married to Mary Unknown b. unknown d. unknown source: Sumter Courthouse, Bundle 113-18 S 4637 - Will of Jose Freeman in which he names him as son

Camden Volunteers Company E., 2nd Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers. (?)

1850 Sumter District Census

Found 10/23/01 at Census - South Carolina 1790-1890 Database

1850 Sumter County, no Township listed, page 392, Federal Population Schedule, SC 1850 Federal Census Index ID # SCS5a6067

Children of James M. Freeman and Mary Unknown

i) John H. Freeman born abt 1868 in South Carolina died unknown probably in Sumter District, South Carolina

ii) William Davis Freeman born abt 1837 in South Carolina died unknown probably in Sumter District, South Carolina

iii) Francis S. Freeman born a.k.a. abt 1841 in South Carolina died unknown probably in Sumter District, South Carolina

iv) Harriet R. Freeman born abt 1843 in South Carolina died unknown probably in Sumter District, South Carolina

v) Joseph J. Freeman born abt 1846 in South Carolina died unknown probably in Sumter District, South Carolina

vi) Rosanna Freeman born abt 1848 in South Carolina died unknown probably in Sumter District, South Carolina

vii) Thomas E. Freeman born abt 1848 in South Carolina died unknown probably in Sumter District, South Carolina

viii) Louise Collins Freeman born abt 1850 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died abt 1913 probably in Sumter District, South Carolina married July 27 1873 to Excellina Boykin born abt 1850 in Darlington District, South Carolina

Children of Louise Collins Freeman and Excellina Boykin

1) Marnie May Freeman

2) William Hastings Freeman

3) Anna H. Freeman

4) Elizabeth Freeman,

5) James Harrison Freeman married November 8 1918 to Margaret Eugenia McCathern daughter of William James Costello (McEachern) MCCATHERN, who was son of William Daniel Mceachern and Miriam Ann Corbett, daughter of James S. Jr. Corbett and Priscilla Ann Smith

Children of James and Margaret:

i) James Harrison Freeman , Jr. b: 1 NOV 1919 in Hauser St., Sumter, Sumter Co. SC

ii) Margaret Eugenia Freeman b: 11 OCT 1922 in Sumter, Sumter Co. SC

iii) Raymond Alvin Freeman b: 21 SEP 1924 in Sumter, Sumter Co. SC

iv) Daniel Addison (Freeman) McCathern b: 17 MAR 1928 in Goodland, Orangeburg Co. SC

v) Infant Freeman b: 17 MAR 1928 in Goodland, Orangeburg Co. SC
All information on James M. Freeman received from Ralph Freeman McCathern

7. William T. Freeman born abt 1818 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died aft 1852 Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina

    Possible record - Freeman, Emma - widow of William Freeman, Co. C, 8th SCV - applied for Widows Pension. This could be our William. Need to do further research.

8. Henry Hasten Freeman born October 4 1826 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina died March 17 1876 in Sumter District, Sumter, South Carolina source: Sumter Courthouse, Bundle 113-18 S 4637 - Will of Jose Freeman in which he names him as son

    Future Research

    • a Sarah Freeman in 1820 page 111, no township listed, in Sumter County.
    • an Alice Freeman in 1860 Kershaw County page 119, at Ridgeway P.O. -
    • an Eliza Freeman in 1860 Kershaw County page 119, at Ridgeway P.O. -
    • a Harriet Freeman in 1860 Kershaw County page 116, at Ridgeway P.O. -
    • a G. Freeman in 1860 Kershaw County page 094, at Flat Rock P.O.
    • a John Freeman in 1860 Kershaw County page 078 , no township listed
    • a John Freeman in 1860 Kershaw County page 081 , no township listed
!Source: Lori McLeod Wilke copyright © 2000-2011 All Rights Reserved