Hudson Direct Line Ancestors



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McLeod Reunion Tombstone Project
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Secondary Research
When not researching my McLeods and working on the FTDNA projects, these lines are researched.

Wilke of Germany/N.Y.
Jessup of England
Checker/Tskeris of Greece/N.Y.
Abnett of England
Hudson of South Carolina
Ives of South Carolina

Sideline Research
These lines have married into my family (primary and secondary lines of research seen above) and are included here to aid other researchers. I am not currently researching these names; however, the pages are updated as information becomes available.

Arrants of South Carolina
Barnes of South Carolina
Blyther of South Caroliina
Boykin of South Carolina
Cook Family of South Carolina
Coombs of Maine
Checker/Tskeris Greece
Davis of South Carolina
Dennis of South Carolina
Freeman of South Carolina
Holland of South Carolina
Huggins of South Carolina
Hurst of South Carolina
Jones of South Carolina
Josey/Jossey of South Carolina
Keretas of Greece
Medhurst of England
Meyers of South Carolina
Moseley of South Carolina
Rodgers of South Carolina
Ross of South Carolina
Yates/Yeates of South Carolina


Online Research Sites

Sumter South Carolina Genealogy
Kershaw South Carolina Genealogy
County Kent England Genealogy




Walking with Ghosts..........

a website for the descendants of Angus and Nancy McCutchen MacLeod


Hudson Family of Darlington County South Carolina USA
possible ancestry includes Gentleman Henry Hudson of Tamworth, Staffordshire, England

There is some evidence that our family descends from the same line as the exployer, Henry Hudson (including oral history that has been passed down since the earliest days) - however a "break" in the document trail does not allow us to consider this relationship proven. Therefore, the line of descent which remains unproven is in RED FONT and that which is proven is in the usual BLACK FONT.

The following explains the "break" in the document trail:

HFA Bulletin HUDSON Family Association (italics - mine)

MARCH 27 2001

Dear Mr. Hudson,

A Northampton County (VA) court record was misread several years ago. In this particular record dated July 6, 1644, Richard HUDSON (the first, grandson of Gentleman Henry Hudson of England) and his wife, Mary (widow of John HAYES), bound out Richard's daughter-in-law, Ruth HAYES, to John and Ann JOHNSON. This record has been the sole data "seeming" to prove that Richard was Richard HUDSON, "Sr.", thereby allowing speculation that Richard HUDSON (previously called the second or Jr. by researchers) (who married Mary BOWMAN) was his son.

This particular document-reading-error discovery now breaks the earlier assumed relationship of Richard HUDSON (previously called the second or Jr. by researchers) (husband of Mary BOWMAN) to Richard HUDSON (the first, grandson of Gentleman Henry Hudson of England) who married (first) to Mary ???, (second) to Mary HAYES, and (third) to Barbara JACOBS. Researchers should see HFA Bulletin #113, pp.2-4 for specific documentation on this matter. We now have much more research to do on this line.

Sincerely, John W. Hudson,
Editor HFA Bulletin
HUDSON Family Association
1101 Heatherwood Road Bluefield, WV 24701 December 2000

This web page has been updated in May/June of 2011. The original intent of this site is the same as it has always been; to provide a FREE tool for researchers to help each other by the sharing of information - please support this intent by helping to keep it as accurate as possible. The information on this page represents the combined efforts of several researchers. I have verified the information by Wills, Equity, Deeds, Census and Cemetery Records where possible. Where no source is given, the information is unproven/unverified. Additions and corrections are welcome (rude emails are not). When writing, please include the Page Title and Web Address. Proper credit is always awarded to the provider of information. Happy Researching! Keep the circle of sharing intact, include the following if you take information for your own records: !Source: Lori McLeod Wilke; "Walking with ghosts", Research 2000 - 2011

Possible Generation One "Gentleman" Henry Hudson I"

Gentleman Henry B. 1500 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND D. December (20?) 1555 , of malignant fever in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND Buried Church of St. Dustans in the East, London, ENGLAND - Tombstone states he was the father of eight sons and three daughters Marriage 1 1525 in St. Editha, Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND to Barbara Unknown b: 1504 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND d. unknown in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND

Named in Queen Mary's Charter, 6 Feb. 155 as one of the founders of the Muscovy Company, which sponsored John Sebastian Cabot in his expedition to the New World

An Alderman in the City of London

Achieved wealth in both trade and land, considered Lord of many manors. The manors had, at least some of them, been conferred upon him by King Henry VIII.

Grandfather of Henry Hudson, Exployer

His widow Barbara married an Alderman named Richard Champion, who was elected sheriff 1558-9, Lord Mayor 1566. She died in 1568 without issue.

Hudson Coat of Arms - The arms of Gentleman Henry Hudson are described as "argent, semee of fleurs de lis gules, a cross engrailed sable.

Children of "Gentleman" Henry Hudson (I)

Due to an inscription on the tomb of Henry, it is known that he fathered eight sons and three daughters, but research has given us the facts of only two of his children: "

1. William Hudson born 1528 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, England

Some researchers believe that our possible ancestor William was the son of this William and not the son of Henry Hudson II (below). Henry II would have been about 19 when William, whom we believe to be his son, was born. This young age leads researchers to believe our William was more likely born to this William, who was in his thirties at the birth. "

2. Henry Hudson II born 1541 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, England died Bef. 1632 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, England

This Henry, born in 1541, would have been about 19 when William, possibly our ancestor was born. According to some researchers our William was Henry's nephew, the son of his brother William (born 1528, the only other child of Gentleman Henry's for whom records exist). Henry II is the father of Henry Hudson III, also known as Henry Hudson the Exployer and for whom the Hudson River was named.

Most researchers believe that Richard I is the grandson of Henry Hudson II, born to his son,William although there are a few researchers who believe that William was not the son of Henry II but of William, (#2 above).

Regardless, no one appears to doubt that Gentleman Henry was Richard's great grandfather and Richard was either nephew of Henry the Exployer, or cousin of Henry the Exployer. Henry's Grandson Richard I, used a variation of the Arms of Gentleman Henry Hudson as shown in Court Records of Accomacke County Virginia lending credence to the relationship.

Possible Generation Two Henry Hudson II

Henry II B. 1541 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND D. BEF. 1632 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND Marriage date and location unknown to Spouse Unknown

Most researchers seem to agree that Henry was a member of the Muscovy Company, which was the Association of Merchant Adventurers. The Muscovy Company was founded by Sebastion Cabot in 1553. Some researchers reference records which could indicate that Henry was a co-founder of this company.

Henry apparently owned land in Stourton, Lincolnshire, England and like his father, Gentleman Henry, appears to have been an Alderman. Records also indicate that he was a member of the Skinners and Tanners. The Skinners and Tanners were one of 12 privileged companies from which a Lord Mayor could be chosen.

The tomb of Henry's father, Gentleman Henry, is enscribed with the fact that he was the father of eight sons and three daughters. Records apparently only exist for Henry II and his brother William, born 1528.

Henry, born in 1541, would have been 19 when William, our ancestor whom we believe was Henry's son, was born. It is possible however, according to some researchers that our William was Henry's nephew, the son of his brother William (born 1528).

Henry II is the father of Henry Hudson III, also known as Henry Hudson the Exployer and for whom the Hudson River was named.

Children of Henry Hudson II

1. William Hudson b: 1560 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND (some records show birth as late as 1579)

2. Henry Hudson , III "The Explorer" b: 1570 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND

3. John Hudson b: BET. 1560 - 1580

4. Thomas Hudson b: BET. 1560 - 1580

5. Edward Hudson b BET 1560 - 1580

6. Christopher Hudson b: BET. 1560 - 1580

Generation Three William Hudson

William Hudson B. 1560 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND D. ABT. 1630 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND Marriage 1 November 1592 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, England to Alice Turner b: BET. 1565 - 1575 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND d. unknown in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND

Children of William Hudson and Alice Turner

1. Robert Hudson b: 1592 in Tamsworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND d. unknown in possibly Virginia, USA Ships records of the ship "James" in 1622 show a Robert Hudson. Robert is shown to be living in Chaplain's Choise on February 16 1623.

2. " William Hudson b: 1602 in Tamsworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND d. unknown in possibly Virginia, USA Ships records show a William Hudson listed as passenger on the ship "Bonaventure" on January 12 1635. "

3. Christopher Hudson b: 1605 in Tamsworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND d. unknown in possibly Virginia, USA Ships records for the "Alice" show a Christopher Hudson on July 13 1635. "

4. Richard Hudson I the Immigrant who sailed aboard the ship called "Safety" in 1635. b: 1605 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND believed to direct line His Accomac*, Virginia livestock mark was a "fleur de leis," a device associated with the Hudson coat of arms of Henry the Alderman. The fleur de leis was also the livestock mark of both Richard's sons, Henry and Nicholas, of Somerset County, Maryland. "

It is commonly believed that we are the decendants of William, through Richard's son Richard II. There is now some question that the Richard II of Henrico County through whom we decend may not be the same man as Richard I's son Richard. See Next Generation

5. Edward Hudson b: BET. 1592 - 1630 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND d. unknown in possibly Virginia, USA No ships records were found for his coming to Virginia, but an Edward Hudson is listed as living at Ye Neak of Land on February 16 1623 and as having 100 acres of land in Henerico County, southside of the James River well downstream of the falls.

Generation Four Richard Hudson I

Richard Hudson I - the Immigrant who sailed aboard the ship called "Safety" in 1635 - B. 1605 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, ENGLAND D. 1657 in Hungars Creek, Accomack County, VA FIRST Married: BEF. 1632 in England to UNKNOWN Tilghman b: BET. 1600 - 1616 d. Unknown - possibly before Richard immigrated but some researchers believe he either abandoned or divorced this wife.

SECOND Married ABT. 1632 in England or Virginia to Mary Hayes b: BET. 1600 - 1613 in England d. unknown in Virginia

THIRD Married abt. 1652 Barbara Jacobs b. unknown d. unknown Source of 3rd marriage: Denis Briggs

Christening 5 NOV 1608 Church of England Tamsworth, Staffordshire, England.

Event: Title (Facts Pg) Sometimes called "THE IMMIGRANT"

Occupation: Mariner

Occupation: Coastal Trader

Richard Hudson apparently sailed aboard the ship named "Safety", August 10, 1635, leaving London, England for colonial Virginia in 1635. Virginia Passenger lists of early 1600, show a Richard Hudson, apparently listing the year 1605 for his birthdate.

History shows us that while many left England for the colonies for religious reasons, many others, such as those male children who were not heir to their father's land and titles, left England for the opportunity to become Country Gentlemen. The Colony of Virginia was a popular place to arrive, already a thriving settlement when Richard arrived.

The English government granted 50 acres of land for every servant, criminal or other whom the "respected" individual transported to the colonies. Therefore, many without the means to pay for transport themselves, traveled as indentured servants of those who were already in the colonies or who had the means to pay for their own transport as well as the transport of others.

Richard settled along Hungars Creek in Accomack, Virginia. He was approximately 30 years of age upon his arrival.

There is speculation among researchers that Richard was married to a woman with the last name of Tilghman while still in England and either divorced his wife or she was deceased upon his departure. It is also commonly believed that at least two of his children possibly remained in England under the care of relatives, these two children being Henry and Richard previously referred to as Richard II, or Richard the husband of Mary Bowman from whom we descend - see next generation BLACK FONT.

Records indicate that Richard married Mary Hayes (widow of John Hayes) in approximately 1638. After this marriage, a Court document in which he and his wife "bound out" their daughter in law, Ruth Hayes, indicates that he acquired at least one step child through this marriage. One researcher states that he also acquired "debts three times greater than the value of her estate" upon this marriage to the Widow Hayes.

The Coat of Arms of Gentleman Henry Hudson consisted of "argent, semee of fleurs delis gules, a cross engrailed sable". The livestock of Richard I in the colony of Virginia were marked with a similar brand, lending credence to the belief that he was of Gentleman Henry's family. Court records proved this in a dispute over a stolen hog (see Court Records below).

Transporting records of 1642 indicate that Richard was a "mariner" and Captain of his ship with a "mate" known as Thomas Streete. One researcher states that Richard married a third time to Barbara Jacobs and that Richard also left a verbal will naming only his three sons . Not having seen the basis for this belief, once again, I will continue to assume that Richard is "Richard of the Seven Sons" as stated by others.

Court and Other Records

Court Records indicate a dispute over a payment to Obedience Robbins. Some researchers believe this could indicate an indenture of Richard I to Obedience Robbins.

Court Records indicate that Richard filed suit against a Mrs. Savage for services rendered. The Court ordered Mrs. Savage to pay Richard 600 lbs of tobacco and five barrels of corn. (Deeds and Will Book 1632- 1640 page 19)

Richard also brought to court a man known as Goodwiffe Robbins for "slandering" Mary Hayes Hudson. Goodwiffe's wife, Alice, received 20 lashes for this offense. Many other records are available which involve the woman Alice. One other slanderous offence resulted in her being "lashed to the end of a canoe and towed over the creeke"

Court records also exit regarding a disputed hog which had been marked with Richards' brand of the fluer de lis.

The following two records have been the cause of some confusion; the first in that the record could have been about either a servant of Richard and Mary or a daughter of Richard and Mary. and the second more important to those of us who previously claimed decendency through this Richard.

A court record exists in which Richard explains that he came upon "his girlie" and a male in a compromising position in the woods. (According to those who have seen the record, it is an entertaining read.)

An early court document in Northhampton County, Va, Vol.2, 1640-1645, page 198, was misread by an earlier researcher. The document which is responsible for our knowlege of at least one stepson of Richard by Mary Hayes Hudson, details the "bounding" out of Ruth Hayes, their daughter in law, to John and Ann Johnson. Next to Richard's name, what appeared to be "Sr." in actuality was the word "do" or "does". This document was the basis, apparently of our "assumption" that the one we claim as Richard II was actually the same Richard who is Richard I's (the one about who this page is written) son. "

In the Book "Ye Kingdome of Accawmacke or The Eastern Shore of Va in the 16th Century" written by Jennings Cropper Wise, on page 137, one hundred and sixteen signatures are listed which include one Richard Hudson. This list of signatures was collected between March 11 1651 and the following 30 days. In 1651, this would probably have been the signature of Richard (who sailed aboard the Safety, believed father of our Richard) who did not die until 1657.

The Children of Richard Hudson I who sailed aboard the "Safety"
Early Accomac/Northhampton Court Records 1660-1700 - of which guardianship papers are included.

1. Henry (Hudsons of Maryland) Hudson

Some researchers believe that Henry was left behind in the care of others when Richard the Immigrant left England. This is unproven to the best of my knowledge.

2. Robert Hudson Onadock Creek, Accomack County, Va

3. Richard Hudson - perhaps the Richard shown below

4. Edward Hudson Rappahannock County, VA

5. Nicholas Hudson Poakomokehundred, Somerset County, Maryland

6. William Hudson Hungars Creek, Accomack County, Va

7. John Hudson Northhampton, Accomack County, Va.

Generation Five OR Generation One Richard Hudson (perhaps the II) husband of Mary Bowman
Founder of the Amelia County Virginia Hudsons

We descend from a Richard Hudson - whether or not it is the same Richard who was the son of Richard who sailed aboard the SAFETY is not proven or disproven.......But at this point begins our known ancestry....from this point on, the proven generation is in black font and the possible generation is in red font.....

Richard Hudson (Hudsons of Amelia) born about 1659 in what is believed to have been Henrico County, Virginia Died October 21, 1746 in Amelia County, Virginia married abt. 1658 in Accomack County, Virginia to Mary Bowman born February 15, 1633/34 in Varine Parish, Bermuda Head, Henrico County, Virginia Died June 21, 1690 Henrico County , Virginia

The Identity Question

Until very recently, most researchers of our Line of Hudsons (from Amelia County, Virginia), believed that this Richard Hudson was the son of Richard Hudson (who sailed aboard the ship "Safety", who himself was the son of Henry Hudson and was the grandson of Gentleman Henry Hudson of Tamworth, England).

Because of this belief, this Richard has been referred to as Richard the II, the father of the Amelia County Hudsons. The recent publication of The Hudson Family Associations Bulletin # 113 on February 15, 2001 has brought this belief into serious question. The assumption that this Richard is the son of Richard (who sailed aboard the Safety...) was based upon a court document of NorthHampton County, Virginia, in which Richard (who sailed aboard the Safety) and his wife Mary Hayes (widow of John Hayes) "bounded out" the daughter in law, Ruth Hayes, to John and Ann Johnson. The document was apparently misread by the researcher as to having a "Sr." beside the name Richard Hudson. The "Sr" is actually the word "do" or possibly the word "does".

Even while claiming that this Richard was the son of Richard I, certain records regarding this Richard were apparently in conflict with other records. For example, the Court Records of Henrico County, Va indicate that Richard arrived in the colony of Virginia by November 20, 1652, when Robert Elam of the same county had imported several indentured servants including Richard Hudson, who later married Mary Bowman. Source: Henrico County Court Records show a Patent for 503 Acres to Robert Elam. (Land located on the South Side of the James River above the Bermuda Hundred between Thomas Shippey and Richard Johnson.) Upon receiving the Patent, Robert Elam imported several persons apparently for indentured labor, these included Ann Elam, Richard Hudson, George Smith, George Swann, Peter Drongcold, John Revell, Richard Haywood, John Pake, William Partridge and Elizabeth Partridge.

The Richard who is credited with being the father of this Richard, apparently, as stated above, arrived in Accomack County Virginia after sailing on the ship "Safety" which left England in 1635. This Richard (about whom this page is written) would have been about one year of age at that time. It is possible that the Richard (who sailed on the Safety) is the father of this Richard, leaving him behind until he could arrive here as the Indentured Servant of Robert Elam. At least one researcher has said that Henry Hudson, also sited as being the son of the Richard who sailed aboard the Safety was left behind in England, giving at least some credence to the belief that Richard II could have been left as well.

The Hudson Family Association shows a prior marriage for Richard (who sailed aboard the SAFETY and h/o Mary Hayes) and many researchers believe at least two of the children proven to be those of Richard (h/o Mary Hayes) were of this first marriage. Records indicated a birthyear between 1832 and 1834 for Richard (h/o Mary Bowman). Richard I (h/o Mary Hayes) did not leave England until 1835 and did not marry Mary Hayes until cr. 1838. This would indicate that even if this Richard was the son of Richard (h/o Mary Hayes) he was not a child of that marriage. This would seem to be substantiated by the estimated birth years of Henry (Hudsons of Maryland) Hudson born cr. 1832 and the one we have called Richard Hudson II (about whom this page is written).

In any event, there would appear to have been both a Richard Hudson son of Richard I (h/o Mary Hayes) and a Richard Hudson (h/o Mary Bowman). The question is whether or not they are the same man.

One webpage entitled "The Amelia Line " - cites a document (untitled on this page) which apparently shows the indenture of Richard I's son Richard to one James Bruce. This, if indeed factual, could indicate that Richard (h/o Mary Bowman) was not the same man as the Richard II who was indentured to James Bruce. Although one could suppose that Richard, after being freed from indenture to James Bruce, had returned to England at some point before November 20, 1652 when the above referenced record indicate his ARRIVAL in Virginia.

Lending credence to the belief that Richard (indentured servant of Robert Elam) and Richard, son of Richard I and stepson of Mary Hayes, were one and the same, is apparently the absence of records indicating the presence of the son of Richard and Mary Hayes in the area of Accomack County, after the time that Richard (indentured servant of Robert Elam) appeared in the Court Records of Henrico County Virginia.

What We Do Know~!

In any event, this Richard, after earning his freedom from indenture to Robert Elam, married Mary Bowman, daughter of Robert Bowman. Henrico County, Va., records indicate that Richard and Mary received a plantation called Roxdale from Robert Bowman. It also would appear that the Bowman and Hudson families lived together there.

Orphan Court Records of Henrico County from August 20, 1678 to August 20, 1686, would indicate that Richard died around 1678 at the point of his minor children being placed into the Guardianship of Thomas Poulden by the Crown. Richard and Mary Bowman Hudson had three children who were named in Richard's will dated October 25,1669. The will is itself among the lost records of Henrico County but was somewhat reconstructed based upon an December 1, 1688 deed filed regarding their sons, Richard and Robert Hudson. The three minor male children inherited Roxdale Plantation.

Note: The lost records of Henrico County - refers to Records which were burned by Sherman during the War between the States as happened in so many of the Southern towns. Fortunately, during the time when Virginia was a Colony of England, records were duplicated and stored in England. Unfortunately, even then, not all records have been "found", the will of Richard being one of those lost records. Mary Bowman was living as late as 1688 as she signed the Deed regarding her sons, Richard and Robert to release her dower rights.

Also Note: In the Book "Ye Kingdome of Accawmacke or The Eastern Shore of VA in the 16th CenCentury" written by Jennings Cropper Wise, on page 137, one hundred and sixteen signatures are listed which include one Richard Hudson. This list of signatures was collected between March 11 1651 and the following 30 days. In 1651, our Richard was in Henrico County and not Accomacke County so this would probably have been the signature of Richard (who sailed aboard the Safety, believed father of our Richard) who did not die until 1657.

The Children of Richard Hudson and Mary Bowman

1. Robert Hudson , I (Hudsons of Chesterfield) Born about 1662 in Henrico County, Virginia Died between 1733 - 1734 in Chesterfield County, Virginia

Children of Robert

i) Samuel Hudson, born Bet. 1681 - 1734 in VA; died 1761 in Elbert (?) County, GA married Drucilla (unknown). born Bet. 1680 - 1740, died in Elbert (?) County, GA

ii) Robert Hudson II, born 1685 in Henrico County, VA; died 1757 in Swift Creek, Chesterfield County, VA. married Martha Hancock Abt. 1720 in VA, daughter of John Hancock. Born Bet. 1680 - 1686 in VA. died April 02, 1758 in Chesterfield County, VA.

iii) John Hudson, born 1687 in VA. married Ann Robertson born Bet. 1680 - 1700.

iv) William Hudson, born Bet. 1689 - 1720 in VA; died Abt. 1790 married Susannah Irby born Bet. 1720 - 1734 in VA.

v) Peter Hudson I, born 1690 in Henrico County, VA; died October 07, 1752 in Halifax County, VA. married (1) (unknown) Abt. 1708 in died Bef. August 1723 in VA. He married (2) Martha Briggs August 20, 1723 in Henrico County, VA.born Bef. 1690 in VA ??, and died 1774 in Halifax County, VA

vi) Phebe Hudson, born 1690 in VA; died 1760 married James Hudson; born Aft. 1658 in Henrico County, VA.

vii) Henry Hudson I, born 1693 in Chesterfield County, VA; died Aft. March 31, 1756 in Chesterfield County, VA. married Mary Russell Aft. 1720 in VA. born Bef. 1705, and died Aft. 1735 in Chesterfield County, VA.

2. William Hudson , I (Hudsons of Hanover) was born February 19, 1667 in Henrico County, VA, and died November 27, 1701 in Hanover County, VA. married Elizabeth Jennings 1689 in VA, daughter of Humphrey Jennings and Mary Millward born October 03, 1667 in Essex, ENGLAND died July 16, 1711 in Hanover County, VA.

Children of William Hudson

i) William Hudson II, born Aft. 1689 in Virginia.

ii) Christopher Hudson, born 1690 in Virginia

iii) John Hudson, Sr., born 1692 in Hanover or New Kent County, VA; died April 11, 1732 in Page's Warehouse, Hanover County, VA. He married Elizabeth L. Harris 1712 in New Kent, New Kent County, VA, daughter of William Harris and Mary (unknown). She was born November 02, 1698 in New Kent, New Kent County, VA, and died Abt. 1758 in Hanover, Hanover County, VA.

iv) Charles Hudson, born 1694 in VA; died Aft. 1745 in VA. He married Sarah Ann Royall. She was born Bet. 1685 - 1695, and died Aft. 1711 in VA Note: Mary Bowman Hudson's brother, William Bowman, in his will dated July 13 1670, "devised a tract to William Hudson (and William Bowman Jr?) Source: "Hudson Family Genealogy" by Lloyd DeWitt BOCKSTRUCK, Genealogist, and Helen Marie Hudson, Editor

3. Rebecca Hudson b: BET. 1670 - 1680 (source: Mr. Van A. Hudson "Records indicate the possible existence")

4. Richard Hudson II ( previously Richard Hudson the III) born about 1659 in Henrico County, Virginia Died Betweeb 1710 and 1752 in Amelia County, Virginia Married Bet. 1677 and 1688 to Mary Hall Born about 1660 Probably Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia Died Between 1709 and 1799 in Amelia County, Virginia Sources: Early Accomac/Northhampton Court Records 1660-1700 - of which guardianship papers are included.

Generation Two (or Generation Six) Richard Hudson II ( a.k.a. Richard Hudson the III)

Richard Hudson II (son of Richard Hudson and Mary Bowman) born about 1659 in Henrico County, Virginia Died Betweeb 1710 and 1752 in Amelia County, Virginia Married Bet. 1677 and 1688 to Mary Hall Born about 1660 Probably Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia Died Between 1709 and 1799 in Amelia County, Virginia Sources: Early Accomac/Northhampton Court Records 1660-1700 - of which guardianship papers are included.

By now, you just might be quite confused.....this Richard is definitely the son of Richard and Mary is his father who may not be the son of Richard who sailed aboard the Safety. From this point on, the proven generation is in black - the possible generation is in red. He is the ancestor of Alice O. Hudson McLeod.

Children of Richard Hudson and Mary Hall

1. Charles Hudson born aft 1677 in Amelia or Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia died unknown in unknown

2. Issac Hudson born aft 1677 in Amelia or Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia died unknown in unknown

3. James Hudson born abt 1685 in Amelia or Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia died unknown in unknown

4. Richard Hudson born 1690 in Amelia or Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia died unknown in unknown
For the most part, this branch of the Hudsons of Amelia moved west to Texas and neighboring states.

Children of Richard:

i) Charles Hudson b: BET. 1707 - 1747

ii) Ward Hudson , Sr. b: 1735 in Amelia County, VA

iii) James Hudson b: 1737 in Amelia County, VA Source:

5. Hall Hudson born bet 1700-1708 in Amelia or Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia died March 13 1778, in Amelia County Virginia United States of America married to Elizabeth (--?--) Source: Ladsdon Genealogical Society, Vidalia Georgia Direct Line

6. Thomas Hudson born abt 1702 in Amelia or Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia died unknown in unknown

Generation Three (or Generation Seven) Hall Hudson

Hall Hudson born bet 1700-1708 in Amelia or Henrico County, British Colony of Virginia died March 13 1778, in Amelia County Virginia United States of America married to Elizabeth (--?--) Source: Ladsdon Genealogical Society, Vidalia Georgia

The Children of Hall Hudson and Elizabeth (--?--)
Source: Bristol Parish register

1. Peter Hudson born between 1720- 1740 in Amelia County, Virginia died unknown in unknown married Mary Terrell(?) Ward(?)

2. Isaac Hudson born 17 JUL 1722/3 in Amelia County, Virginia died unknown in unknown married Elizabeth ??? Mary Hudson born 27 DEC 1723/4 in Amelia County, Virginia died unknown in unknown

3. Joshua Hudson born 9 JUN 1727 in either Amelia County or Prince George County, Virginia died unknown in unknown

4. Benjamin Hudson born 15 JAN 1728 in Amelia County, Virginia died unknown in unknown

5. Hall Hudson , Jr. born ABT. 1732 in Prince George County, Virginia died unknown in unknown

6. Joakim (Joachim) Hudson born February 11, 1732/33 Prince George County, Virginia died December 5, 1817 in Darlington County, South Carolina - Direct Line

7. Elizabeth Hall Hudson born 1734 in either Amelia County or Prince George County, Virginia died unknown in unknown married Cuthbert Hudson

8. Obediah Hudson born ABT. 1735 in either Amelia County or Prince George County, Virginia died unknown in unknown married Rhoda Anderson(?)

9. Richard Hudson born ABT. 1737 in either Amelia County or Prince George County, Virginia died unknown in unknown

10. Susannah Hudson born ABT. 1742 in either Amelia County or Prince George County, Virginia married ??? Shelton

Court Records

25 March 1770 A Gift of Deed "for natural love & affection toward my 3 sons" conveyed:

150 acres to Joshua
190 acres to Richard
190 acres to Obediah.

17 December 1771 - Joshua, Richard and Obediah sold 162 acres for £100

20 March 1772 - Richard sold 172 acres for £92

26 February 1773 - Obediah sold the 190 acres for £138

27 Feb. 1775 A Deed of Gift Hall Hudson Sr. of Amelia County to Hall Hudson Jr. & Peter Hudson his sons ... "for the great love & affection" ....upper 1/2 of the tract I now live on... with provision that should either die without lawful heirs then the land shall revert to the other."

100a to Hall Hudson Jr.
100a to Peter Hudson ... Source - The Amelia Line Webpage

Will Book No. 2, 1780-1786 (Reel 29) pages 10-11 probated in 1780 - presented September 28, 1780 in Nottoway Parish, Amelia County, Virginia - dated 13 March 1778 Witnessed by John Grey, Elizabeth Grey, Richard Ward, Robert Hudson and George Snelling signed by Hall Hudson Peter Hudson was appointed sole executor. Source - The Amelia Line Webpage

Obedience Hudson, granddaughter - "1 cow and heifer, 1 sow & four shoats with increase to her and her hairs forever"
Noe Hudson- grandson - a feather bed, furniture and one cow and calf
Richard - Great Bible
Isaac, Hall Jr., Joshua, Benjamin, Joakim, Obediah, Elizabeth, and Susannah - "1 Shilling each and no more of my estate."
Peter Hudson - I give unto my son, Peter Hudson 1 Negro man Guy and all the rest of my living to him and his hairs forever."

Generation Four (or Generation Eight) Joakim (Joachim) Hudson

Joachim Hudson born February 11, 1732/33 Prince George County, Virginia died December 5, 1817 in Darlington County, South Carolina
!Source: Lori McLeod Wilke copyright © 2000-2011 All Rights Reserved