More Gleanings from the Nottingham & Newark Journal

More Gleanings from the Nottingham & Newark Journal

 The following morsels have been taken from Cresswells Nottingham & Newark Journal 1772 - 1775

MAY 22, 1772
The creditors of William Radish, late of East- Markham, in the
County of Nottingham,Gent.
Deceased, on Mortgage, Bond or otherwise, (who have not already done it) are requested forthwith to give in an Account of their respective Demands, to Messrs. Rbt. and Geo. Hutton, Attornies, at Carlton-on-Trent, in the said County, that all proper Means may be taken towards payment thereof.


Origin of the Coroner's Jury in England

A gentlewoman of London, after having buried six husbands found a Gentleman hardy enough to make her a wife once more. For several months their happiness was mutual; a circumstance which seemed to pay no great compliment to the former partners of her bed, who, as she said, had disgusted her by their sottishness (?) and infidelity. In the view of knowing the real character of his amorous mate, the Gentleman began frequently to absent himself, to return home at late hours, and when he did return to appear as if intoxicated. At first reproaches, but afterwards menaces, were the consequence of this conduct. The Gentleman persisted, and seemed every day to become more addicted to his bottle. One evening, when she imagined him dead drunk, she unsewed a leaden weight from one of the sleeves of her gown ; and having melted it, she approaced her husband, who pretended to be sound asleep, in order to pour it into his ear through a pipe. Convinced of her wickedness, the Gentleman started up and seized her; when, having procured assistance, he secured her till morning, and conducted her before a Magistrate, who committed her to prison. The bodies of her six husbands were dug up and as marks of violence were still discoverable upon each of them, proof of her guilt appeared strong upon her trial, - that she was condemned and executed. To this circumstance, says the compiler of the Dictionaire a' Anecdotts, &c. is England indebted for that useful regulation, by which no corpse can be interred in that kingdom, without a legal inspection.

The Acts of 35 George III, cc. 49, 112 (1795) obliged persons using
hairpowder to take out an annual certificate with a stamp duty of a
Non-commissioned officers and the clergy, were exempt.
Lists were to be transmitted by the commissioners to the clerk of the
peace, but were discontinued after a few years in most counties,
although the provisions were not repealed until the Statute Law Revision
Acts, 1861 & 1871

In the thirty-first year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth an Act was
passed "for the avoiding of the great inconveniences which are found by
experience to grow by the erecting and building of great numbers and
multitude of cottages, which daily more and more increased in many parts
of this realm," and it was provided that no person shall make, buylde,
or erect any manner of cottage unless he assign to the same cottage four
acres of ground at the least to be continually occupied with it.

By a provision of 5 Elizabeth 4, which remained in force till a recent
period, it was in general required that every person exercising a trade
in England should have previously served as an apprentice to it for
seven years
Some of the trades referred to in the Indictments are :-
Blacksmith, Taylor, Wheelwright, Carpenter, Baker, Fishmonger, Mercer,
Ironmonger, Pewterer, Miller, Mason & Slater, Plumber, Codder, Cutler,
Brewer, Barber, Shoemaker, Grocer, Linnen Draper, Currier, Woolen
Draper, Fellmonger, Surgery (chirurgi).

In the 17th,18th and early 19th centuries the Clergy were 'above the
Privilege of Clergy was the right claimed by the clergy to be free from
the jurisdiction of the Lay Courts and to be subject to the
Ecclesiastical Courts.
As a matter of fact the mode of trail in use in the Ecclesiastical
Courts was so advantageous to the accused that the benefit of Clergy was
invariably claimed by all persons entitled to it, and sometimes by those
who were not.
This benefit was later extended to everyone who knew how to read & write
or had the slightest pretence of learning.
It gradually became a mere farce and was abolished in 1827.
A verse of the time said.
If a monk had been taken
For stealing of Bacon,
For Burglary, murder, or rape;
If he could rehearse
(Well prompt) a neck-verse,
He never could fail to escape.
The 'neck-verse' was the beginning of the 51st Psalm.

Bath, August 18 1773
Lately died at East Town, in the parish of Steeple-Ashton, Wilts.,
Assina Newman, a woman, who in the space of two years, had been tapped
40 times for the dropsy, and a full six gallons of water taken from her
each time ; but this diorder did not occasion her death (as she was
remarkably stout during the time of these operations) but her
imprudently taking large quantities of rhubarb.

Extract from Cresswell's Nottingham & Newark Journal Sat. Aug. 14 1773
A Tavern Scene between a Noble Lord and a Great Genius
Lord F--te, you are a sad dog! I don't believe there is a wickeder
fellow breathing.
F. My Lord, I own I am pretty well for a Commoner ; but your Lordship is
a proof that I can't keep pace with a Nobleman.
Lord, Hark you! Tel me one thing : Do you think you will die by the Pox
or a Rope?
F. That my Lord, will depend upon two contingencies ; whether I embrace
your Lordship's Misstres, or your Lordship's Principles.


Cresswell's Nottingham & Newark Journal Sept. 25 1773
Whereas John Tyney, Apprentice to Mr. Robert Brooks, F.w.k. in Butdye,
absconded his masters service some time since; he is 5 feet high, much
freckled, light curl'd hair, hump back, had on a dark frize coat, a
green or red waistcoat, and a pair of leather breeches.
Also, Jouathan Jelly, apprentice to Mr Thomas Roberts, F.w.k. in
Broadmarsh, absented his masters service in July last ; he is 5 feet 4
inches high, strong made, dark hair, had on thickset coat and waistcoat,
with white metal buttons, and leather breeches, Also, John Gracie
apprentice to Mr. Joseph Holwell, cordwainer, absconded his masters
service some time since, he is 5 feet 7 inches high, dark hair, had on
an orange-coloured red coat and waistcoat, and a pair of leather
These are to discharge all persons from harbouring or employing the said
apprentices, as they will be prosecuted with the utmost severity as the
law directs, by the society of Manufactures at Mr. Lee's the Peacock, in
St. Peter's Gate.
Any person who will secure or bring the said apprentices to the club
house shall be amply paid, and all charges Mr. Matthew Booker, Clerk to
the society.

Birmingham, Aug. 26 1773
A poor woman who is the mother of five children, having a strong
propensity to see Duckworth suffer, set out from hence in a cart on
Saturday morning, for that purpose : She had not rode many miles before
they were met by a waggon, and the cart turning out of the road, by a
jolt she was thrown under one of the waggon wheels, which went over her
stomach; and caused a violent discharge of blood from her nose and ears:
it providentially happened that the waggon was empty, or she must
inevitably have been crushed to pieces. This accident, however, did not
in the least lessen her curiosity, for the first words uttered after she
had recovered her spirits were, that she was determined to see Duckworth
hanged; and immediately pursued her journey to

Saturday May 30th 1772.
Extract from a Letter from a Gentleman at the
Illinois, dated at Kakakias, (?) Jan. 17,1772 to a Gentleman at New York.

"On the 17th of July last I went out to your plantation, to see if your harvest was gathered in, according to my agreement with the Frenchman I had hired for that purpose. A few minutes after I entered the house, eight Kickapdo Indians, who had seen me riding through the Grand Prairie, followed me into the house, and as I had no means to defend myself, they immediately made me prisoner. From thence they conducted me through the Prairies to Wiotonion (their town near the head of the Wabache River) where we arrived the ninth day of a most fatiguing march. They rode my horse by turns, but would never allow me the same indulgence. On our arrival at the town they stripped and painted me black. which is usual with the savages when they intend to burn their prisoners. The next day they lighted a fire, bound and laid me before it, and were proceeding to exercise the most cruel tortures on me, when some French Traders from Detroit, touched with compassion , Interceded for my life, which, after two days consultation, the savages agreed to allow, on the payment of a very great ransom : which with my expences to return here, &c. will cost about 300l. The 3rd of August I left Winton, and arrived here the 15th. from a miserable and distressing tour, which was worse than death to undergo.

"Since we have had possession of the Illinios country, the above nation of Indians, with their adherents, have taken seven Englishmen and one woman prisoners, scalped one soldier, of the 18th regiment, alive, killed and scalped upwards of 30 Englishmen, from the age of 18 to 30, and robbed English Merchants boats and stores, to the value of 10,000l. yet no measures are taken to chastise their persidy."


 I have appointed Mr S. Creswell, my Agent, for the Sale of my medicines in Nottingham, and Places adjacent ; and all Persons may be supplied by him and Mr. Allen Bookseller at Newark, and at his Shop in Southwell ; Mr. Tomlinson Bookseller at Newark, and at his Shop in Retford.

(Sold also by Mr. Ward and Mr Heath, in
For the SCURVY

If ther be any yet affected with this Disorder, who have not the Water-Dock, whether from Inattention or from the supposed discredit of advertised medicines, (though, when the Author is known, and capable THAT ought to cease) it may be proper to remind them, this is the Season for a perfect cure. The certainty of its Effects, even in the most confirmed Cases, are sufficinetly known, from those of Mr. Wilford, Mrs. Carne, Sir Roger Twysden, and many more ; and its Innocence is such, that Infants take it in a proper Dose. There are many other Persons of Distinction, in whose Faces the good Effects of this Medicine may be seen ; though it be ill to revive the Memory of a past Disorder by mentioning their Names : This may be said with Truth and Safety, none need fear a Cure from it, because they have taken other things in vain.
2. Elixir of BARDANA.
For the Gout and Rheumatism. This re-establishes the Health after the Fits of the Gout, shortens such as follow, and eases the Pain. For the Rheumatism it is a certain cure ; and the Disease never returns.
3. Tncture of SAGE.
To lengthen Life, and keep off the Decay's of Age ; as Tremblings, Weakness, and all other Weaknesses of an advanced Life.
4. Tincture of SPLEEN-WORT.
The new invented Medicine for Hypochondraical Disorders.
5. Pectoral Ballan of HONEY.
For Colds, Coughs, and Asthmas. A Common Cold is often cur'd, and all the Consequences prevented by a single Dose. These Complaints are so common that no Family should be without this Medicine.
6. Tincture of CENTAURY.
A Stomache-Bitter, that gives a healthy Appetite and sound Digestion : A certain Cure for all Weakness and Disorders in the Stomach.
7. Tincture of VALERIAN.
For Disorders of the Nerves, Faintness, Head-Achs, and all Kinds of Fits.
$*$ All these are pleasant, innocent, efficacious Medicines, discovered by the Aurthor in the Course of his Study of Plants, and are so Safe, that Infants may take them in a proper Dose. They are sold at three Shillings each. Valerian at Half a Crown each with printed Directions.


Some advertisments from Creswell's Nottingham & Newark Journal dated
Saturday 30th May 1772.
East Retford, May 16, 1772

Nottinghamshire MILITIA.

Whereas there is still a Want of Officers in the
said Militia ; all Persons who are willing and
qualified to serve therein, are desired to send their Names
specifying the Rank in which they are willing to serve,
to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, the Lord Lieutenant,
at his Seat at Clumber in the said County, or to
his Grace at the Exchequer London, or in his Absence,
to the next General Quater Session of the Peace, to be
held for the said County next after Midsummer, vis. At
Nottingham the Thirteenth, at Newark the Fifteenth,
and at
East Retford the Seventeenth Days of July next.
By Order,
Clerk to the Lieutenancy, and
General Meetings.


Near St. Mary's Church,
Nottingham ;
Makes and sells Household Bread of the best
Wheat The Twelvepenny Loaf weighs 10lb.
Other Sorts in the same Proportion.
As every Housekeeper will find an Advantage in
becoming his Customer, he flatters himself he may hope for
their Favours.
May 14th, 1772
Whereas divers idle and disorderly Persons have
lately done much Mischief to the Park, Gardens,
Fish-Ponds, Back-Waters, and other Places contiguous
to the House of John Musters, Esq; at Colwick,
near Nottingham:
NOTICE is hereby given.
That if, after the Publication of this Advertisment, any
Person shall be discover'd offending in like Manner, he,
she, or they, will be immediately proceeded against, by
Information or Indictment, and prosecuted according to


Extract of a Letter from
Plymouth, dated May 3.

Amongst all the improvements made in our refined arts, few come up to
that of our plated wares, as they are scarcely to be discovered from
real silver. But this is not wholly confined to metals ; for some of our
farmers wives in this neighbourhood posses the art of making plated
butter. A farmer with upwards of two thousand pounds property, was
detected on Monday last in the market selling plated butter upon hogs
lard, the butter was no thicker round the lard than a crown piece. The
farmer was taken to the Guildhall ; and as he could produce no patent,
he was obliged to pay about nine pounds fine and cost for the ingenuity
of his wife. A gentleman's servant bought four pounds of the same sort
of a man, but the artist hath not yet been discovered.


May 7th, 1773

Wherpas on Saturday the 17th of April last, Elizabeth alias Ann Selby,
late of the parish of Remston, in the County of Nottingham, (who since
lived in the Town of NOTTINGHAM, two Years or upwards, where she hath
committed several Crimes, and for one of them was publickly whipt) came
into the Parish of Snenton, in the said County of Nottingham, and was
there delivered of a Female Cild. She had all proper Care taken of her
by the Parish Officers, but before she was taken to be examined before a
Magistrate, did on Monday Evening the 3rd of this Inst. May, abscond and
runn away from Snenton aforesaid, the place where she lay in, and did
there leave her Child. She is a middle-sized Woman, between thirty and
forty Years of Age ; had on a dirty strip'd Cotton Gown, with brown
spots, or a blue and white Check Tammy Gown, black Silk Hat, a Quilt of
two Colours, brown behind Check before, a brown Cloth Cloak and Plaid
Apron. Whoever can give Intelligence of the aforesaid Elizabeth alias
Ann Selby, (so that she may be apprehended, and brought to Justice) to
Thomas Leeson, Constable of Snenton aforesaid, shall receive ONE GUINEA
Reward, and all reasonable Charges.


Saturday 11 September 1773


That James Nisbitt, from Tullydonnel in the County of Donegal, Ireland,
married Susanna Benson of Nottinghamshire ; he serv'd in the Guards, and
afterwards followed Merchandize ; he is supposed at his Death to have
left two Daughters ; one nam'd JULIET was at Tullydonnel. His Heirs, by
applying to Ralph Knox, Esq; London, or to Mrs. Jane Connor, of Raphoe
in Ireland, will hear of the Sum of 260l. to which they are entitled by
the Death of their Uncle Andrew Nisbitt.
Extract of a Letter from Jersey, dated April 26.


JANUARY 4th, 1772,

Lost or Stole, on Saturday before Christmas Day last, near the White
Lion, in Nottingham,
A blue grey Cur BITCH.
With a white short Neck, small blue Ears, short Tail, rough and hald

hair'd ; her Face has had her Hair lately clipt off ; answers to the name DOLL.
Whoever can give Information of the Person who stole this Bitch, shall
on Conviction receive TWO GUINEAS Reward : If Two were concern'd, and
one will impeach the other, he shall receive the same Reward and Pardon
; or if any Person will deliver the Bitch to the Printer of this Paper,
in eight Days after this Notice, they shall receive Half a Guinea, and
no Questions ask'd.
N. B. Let them that have her, keep her at their Peril.


We were greatly alarmed, on the 15th inst. with two shocks of
earthquakes, and on the 16th we had a third, a fourth on the 23rd about
noon, and a fifth the same night about half after eleven, which was the
strongest shock of them all, and being in the middle of the night, was

so much more dreadful ; many people got up, and left their houses all
night ; so many shocks, within so short a time, make us greatly
apprehensive of the worst. Thank God, no damage has yet been done, as
the shocks have not been violent ; but, as you may well think they are
greatly terrifying. The court met on Saturday afternoon, and made an
act, at the request of the Dean, and by the consent of the Governor, for
a great fast, to be observed on Friday ezt, the 30th. inst. on account
of these earthquakes ; which act was yesterday published in all the
churches : Many people have built up places in their gardens, and
pitched tents to lay in, and others are gone into the country, which
tends to greatly dismay the generality of the people so much the more.


October 1773


I William Read, Constable of the Parish of Bullwell, in the County of
Nottingham, having about a Month ago, by Virtue of a Warrant under the
Hand and Seal of Thomas Charlton Esq ; one of his Majesty's Justices of
the Peace for the County of Nottingham, apprehended and taken up Joseph
Blackuock, Joseph Carnell, Matthias Carnell, William Morris, John
Wildgoose, James Brecknock, and Samuel Dawes, for a Misdemeanor, the two
latter of whom I permitted to escape, for which Offence I deservedly
ought to have been severely punished. But in Consideration of my
Submission, and due Acknowledgement of the Offence, the said Tho.
Charlton Esq; hath stayed all further Proceedings against me. Now I do
hereby publickly confess my Misconduct, and ask Pardon for the same, and
do most sincerely promise that I will be particularly attentive for the
future, in the Discharge of my official Duty, and render to the Publick
every Recompence in my Power, by a dutiful and proper Behaviour. As
Witness my Hand, this 11th Day of July, 1773,
William Read.
Witness,- Samuel Turner:


Nottingham , April 24  1773
Wednesday last, as we ventured to foretell in our last Journal, this town and the adjoining  villages were filled with company, who came from all parts of the country to see the noble foot race between the noted Geo. Harrison, and Granny, of Belpar, who entered into articles some time since to run a match of ten miles, or five times round our course, for two hundred pounds. The number of men, women, and children assembled from all parts, to see the fourth and probably the last struggle, between the Staffordshire and Derbyshire Heroes, was really incredible ; and the friends of Granny, who came from Belpar in Derbyshire, and that neighbourhood, were so infatuated with their dependence on his success, that they ran all hazards. Many of these deluded people sold their beds, cows, and swine, to raise money to make bets ; and others pawned their wive's wedding rings for the same purpose : for as the odds were seven to four and three to two before starting, in favour of Harrison, the temptation became so much the stronger, and very considerable bets laid ; the highest odds we hear of, were one hundred pounds laid by a gentleman in the stand to thirty.

  Exactly at two o'clock, the hereos stripped, and started in the presence of a vast multitude !

The struggle was great for seven miles, but in running the fourth time round the course, Granny by some accident fell lame on his right leg, and Harrison gained near 50 yards of him, which Granny could not with his utmost efforts recover, but rather kept losing ground, tho' in running the last mile, he made one grand push to recover it coming down the hill, but was very near falling in the attempt ; his courage and strength then failing, he gave up the contest, with tears flowing from his eyes, and was beat hollow ! To the surprise and pleasure of all disinterested persons, the victory was won without a shout, or acclamations of applause and the whole ended without noise or riot, tho' upwards of fifteen thousand people were assembled. The race was performed in exactly 56 minutes and two seconds of time, by the best watches, and we have only to lament for the sake of decency, and out of respect to the tender sex, that the competitors were not ashamed to run naked!


Saturday February 5 1774
Newark, Feb, 5.On Wedensday as the son of Mr. Winter, Breeches-maker, in this town, a fine boy, about nine years of age, was playing near its parents door, the Leeds Coach drove through the market place, the Coachman call’d out for the road to be clear’d, but the boy minding more of his diversion than the calls of the people; the wheels unfortunately went over its body, bruis’d its back in a most shocking manner, and broke its arm in two places; the child surviv’d the accident about two hours, during which it suffer’d the most excruciating agonies.
The Coachman was entirely freed from blame by every spectator, as he was not driving at an uncommon rate.


Saturday February 26 1774

Whereas a Report has been industriously spread, that one or other of us, the under-written, have been guilty of wearing a black Crape Gown, belonging to Miss Gould of Mansfield Woodhouse. Now we, being conscious of our Innocence, think it incumbent on us to clear our Characters, by declaring in the most solemn and sacred manner, as in the presence of God, that neither of us ever had the said Gown on ; and we would have made oath of what we now only affirm, if we could have had such an oath administered to us without the commencing a suit at Law ; but, as we defy all such Persons to make good their assertions, we are determined hereafter if there should be occasion to take such steps as shall be advised ; to punish any one, unwatrantably impeaching our Characters.

Mansfield Feb. 24th 1774.

Mary Durham,

Rebecca Durham.


Saturday March 12 1774

Nottingham March 12

Sunday last, Jane Perdie, a servant maid, at a farm house near Swanick, was found hanging in the kitchen, and immediately cut down, with great hopes of her recovery ; she lived tho’ in a state of insensibility till Monday and then expired. – Love ‘tis said was the occasion of this rash action.


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