Charles Talbot
First child of Matthew Talbot and Mary Williston
Last will and testament of Charles Talbot
In the name of God Amen-
July the fourth day one thousand seven Hundred and Seventy Nine.
I, Charles Talbot of Bedford County, being sick of Body but in my perfect senses & of sound memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of life & the Certainty of death do think proper to make Constitute and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and form following. First & principally, I Command my Soul to God who gave it & my body to the dust from whence it came to be buried in a decent Christian like manner according to the direction of my Executors hereafter mentioned & touching such worldly goods as hath pleased God to Bless me with-
Imprimis: It is my Will and desire that as soon as possible after my decease my Funeral Charges & just debts be faithfully discharged.
Item. I lend unto my Beloved Wife, Drusilla Talbot, one negro man named Prince, one negro girl named Winney, one Negro Boy named Peter, one Horse called Bow, one horse called jolly, one Horse called Brady, one side saddle and Bridle, one Featherbed & Furniture, Three Cows & Calves; also half my stock of cattle that shall remain after paying of the Legacies Contained in this my Will; also all my sheep that shall be left in like Manner; also the use of the House and plantation whereon I now live with as many Hoggs, Croping Utenseals, & Household Furniture as my Executors shall think she stands in need of. All the above mentioned Negroes, Plantation, Furniture, Stock, Utenscals with their increase I do lend unto my said Wife during her widowhood. I do farther lend unto my sd. wife, one negro man named Ben, & one negro woman named Rachel, four cows and calves, four sows & piggs, two featherbeds & furniture, one mare called young Leadenheels, one sorrell mare and Colt called young Greenwood, and their Increase until the owners thereof hereafter mentioned shall come of age & no longer.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Beloved Son, Williston Talbot, one large Bible; my part of a negro named Adam which we hold in equal partnership; also a set of Blacksmiths tolls held in like manner & one mare called Greenwood.
Item. I give & bequeath to my Beloved Son, Charles Moile Talbot, one certain tract or parcel of Land lying on both sides of Whipping Creek whereon is the plantation I purchased of Preseton Gilbert: it also consists of part of the tract I purchased of Maury: & also part of a survey made on East side of sd. Creek, the whole containing Three hundred and Twenty six acres and bounded by Lines of my own direction; one negro man named Jacob one negro woman named Betty, one Featherbed and furniture, two cows & Calves, two Sows & Piggs, & my Stalion.
Item. I give & Bequeath to my Beloved Daughter, Mary Thurston, one Tract or parcel of Land lying on both sides of Whipping Creek bounded on upper side by Charles Moile Talbots Lower Line & on the lower line by a tract that I intend for my daughter Christiana Talbot, not known what quantity of my land lying between Charles MoileTalbots lower line & Pearce Pennells upper line, to be divided into two equal parts & that half joining Charles Moile Talbots lower line to be my Daughter Mary Thurstons, the dividing line to begin at Robt. Pennells line thence running through across sd. Creek to Maurays land on my back land: one negro woman named Phillis, one mare called Leadenheels, & one negro man named Dick.
Item. I give and Bequeath to my beloved son, David Gwin Talbot, one tract or parcel of land lying & being on the East side of Whipping Creek on the sd. Creek where Charles M. Talbots upper line crosses it, thence up sd. Creek as far as will take half the land I own above said mentioned line on S. side sd. Creek, thence running across through to Maurays land or my back line; one negro man named Ben, one Featherbed and Furniture, two Cows & Calves, two Sows and Piggs, one mare called young Greenwood & Colt of same mare, & the time of a mulatto boy named Oliver who is bound to serve to twenty one years of age; in case my wife shall marry or die before sd. boy shall come of age, and otherwise he is to serve his time with her during her widowhood or he shall come of age.
Item. I give & Bequeath to my Beloved Daughter, Christiana Talbot, one certain Tract or parcel of Land lying on both sides of Whipping Creek bound on the upper side by the land mentioned above for Mary Thurston & on the lower side by Pearce Pennells line, & to contain same quantity of Mary Thurstons; one negro woman named Rachel with her increase, one young mare, old Pruets last colt; one featherbed & furniture, two cows & Calves, two Sows and Piggs, one side saddle & Bridle.
Item. I give & Bequeath to my beloved son Providence Talbot one Tract or parcel of land lying on East side of Whipping Creek beginning on said creek at my upper line, thence down said creek to the mouth of the Dry Branch, thence up sd. branch to my back line or Seegars & above sd. line to be his; one negro man named Prince, two young marcs one called Baker the other called Leadcnheels, one featherbed & furniture, two* Cows & Calves, two Sows & piggs, one bridle & saddle.,
Item. I give & Bequeath to my Beloved Son, George Talbot, one tract or parcel of land lying on East side of Whipping Creek beginning on said Creek at mouth of Dry Branch down sd. Creek to Charles M. Talbots upper line, thence along his line to Secgars, thence along his line to Providence Talbots lower line; one negro girl named Winney, one horse colt called Halls colt, two Cows & Calves, two Sows & Piggs, one featherbed & furniture, one bridle & saddle.
Item. I give & Bequeath to my Beloved son, Zeekey Talbot, one certain tract or parcel of land lying on the West side of Whipping Creek beginning at my upper line on sd. Creek thence down said Creek to David G. Talbots upper line, thence along his line to the back line including the plantation whereon I now live; one ncgro boy named Peter, one sorrel mare called Old Pruitt, one featherbed & furniture, two Cows & Calves, two Sows & Piggs, also as much cash as will purchase a saddle & Bridle.
Item. I give & Bequeath to each of my unmarried children, four head of sheep and the remainder of my stock of sheep to be lent to my wife during her widowhood; also that Plummer Thurston have the use of Christiana Talbots land till she shall come of age on paying the tax of same.
Item. It is my full desire that all lands, ncgroes, stock each and every article given and above mentioned to the above Legatees them and their heirs forever with all their increase (except-RHF) either of them should die under age & without issue & then such estate both real and personal to be equally divided between my legatees then living.
Item. It is my Will & what I Expect that my Wife will school such of my children that arc under age so long as my Executors shall think requisite, also board & cloath them until they shall come of age & in case she does not chuse to do it, then my Executors to be possess'd of so much of the Estate in my wifes hands as will be sufficient to comply with what is above required of my Wife & provide for my children in the most advantageous manner they can.
Item. It is my Will & desire that all the surplus of my Estate of all kinds that is not given nor lent, that my Executors make sale of; also such articles which I have lent my wife at her death or marriage be sold & after paying my just debts the surplus then remaining to be equally divided between all my children.
Lastly, I do appoint & constitute my brother, John Talbot, my son Williston Talbot & my son Charles Moile Talbot, my whole and sole Executors of this my last Will & Testament.
Item. It is my desire that in case my Executors should find any of the stock wanting for the want of proper provision being made for them there while any of the Legatees are under age, to sell said stock & be accountable for the amount of such sale when they shall come of age.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal to this my last Will & Testament the date & year above written.
In the presence of
At a Court held for Bedford County the 23rd day of August 1779 this last Will & Testament of Charles Talbot, Gent., deceased, was proven by the oaths of John Bullock and Sarah Cook.
Witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded.
And on motion of John Talbot, Williston Talbot and Charles Moile Talbot the Executors therein named who made oath thereto, certificate is granted them for obtaining probate in due form giving security-whereupon they together with John Fitz Patrick, Moses Fuqua and Plummer Thurston, their securities, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of Twenty Thousand Pounds for the said Executors due & faithful administration of the said decedents Estate and performance of his will.