Notes for James Meeks
Our Merged Meeks Families
Notes for James Meeks
"James MEEKS received land from John MEEKS, Sr. in 1772 (E: 38, witnessed by John NEALS O N , and Giles NEALSON), and had purchased 50acres adjoining this from John COOPER on 11 N o v 17 71 (E:31, witnessed by David AVERETT, William AVERETT, and David AVERETT, Jr.).He so l d both er tracts of land to Joseph LITTLE on 30 Nov 1773, described as land formerly owne d b y "Joh n MEEKS father of JamesMEEKS" (f:24, witnessed by Amos AKTINSON, James LITTLE, an d Ma tthew MEEKS). We next find on 10 May 1774 that James purchased from HenryANDERSON 175 ac re s joinin g James MAY (F:63, witnessed by JamesDeLOACH and Corneluis CHURCH). He sold 50 a cr es of thi s land toIsrael EDWARDS on 7 Aug 1786 (L:218, witnessed by William NICHOLS, Matth e w MEEKS, a nd Timothy KELLEY), and the remaining 125 to JohnOSBURN on 5 Jan 1789 (M:134, wi t nessed by W illiam NICHOLS and JamesSUMELING). He is listed in Pitt County in 1790. O n 1 M ay 1791 he purchased 50 acres from Shadrach MAY (M: 462), but on 16 Apr 1793, soldthi s lan d to Benjami n ATKINSON (N:23). James then appears to haveleft the state. However, h e ha d two sons unde r 16 at home in 1790,and could be the father of some of our unplaced Mee ks o f the nextgener ation, including our Allen."
-- The Butcher Report - Jun 1984 by Jonathan B. Butcher --
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