Anything above this line is advertising and is not a link to information on my web site DNA Project Notes |
This has been prepared for participants who have joined the project and have ordered their DNA test. If you have not already done so, and are interested in the project, please read our
Frequently Asked Questions.This web page contains several links. Please save this web page so you can refer back to it from time to time.
- We will work with you directly, by email, for the project's web site information. You have final approval of what is on the web - names of living persons will not be included unless you request it (some participants have web sites and want their links there). See below.HOW TO TAKE THE TEST-
while you wait for your kit, review these guidelines:RESULTS PAGE
(for our project - you will also have personal pages at FTDNA:When
ALL results are in, be sure to upload to YSearch and explore other Y base options:HOT TOPICS - When something is "hot" (for example, new tests at FTDNA) - check this link:
- They have many links with more information. You will also have personal pages there - you will need your kit number and pass code to see them - they will send the pass code when your DNA sample is returned. Important: If something happens to me, Robb, and/or the web site project, you will still have everything you need there. And you can always write to them and ask questions - you are their customer!MORE DNA Links
Most of the above links (and more) are at:
You might want to start with the Newbie list sponsored by ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy). Now days, the RootsWeb list is a bit top heavy with ancient ancestry posts (haplogroups and SNP tests) but newcomers are welcome.
Georgia Kinney Bopp
Robert R. Lenhart
Lenhart Variations DNA Surname Project
We need your direct line Lenhart/Linhart ancestry from the earliest known Lenhart/Linhart down to you (the participant). You will have final approval of what is on the web - names of living persons will not be included on the site unless you request it (some participants have web sites and want their links there). You may provide this in any format and we will adapt it as needed for the web page.
Examples of ancestry information are at this link:
When your results are in you can also submit a GEDCOM to FTDNA and to Ysearch.
If you are new to genealogy, let us know (and check out these TIPS). Some of our researchers may be able to help you. Some participants begin with extensive information while others only have information back to their grandparents
GEDCOM (gedcom) is an acronym for GEnealogical Data COMmunications.
If you are new to genealogy and do not know what a gedcom is, do not worry about that.
A gedcom can only be created if you are using a genealogy program. It is a flexible and uniform format for exchanging computerized genealogical data, and allows you to share files with other researchers who may not use the same genealogy program that you do.
You do not have to use a genealogy program, and do not need a gedcom, to participant in our Y-DNA study.
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This is the web address of the page you are now reading (for those of you who print this):
GKBopp |