Belgian Funeral Cards
Note: I have linked to this page a new page that contains Obituaries that have been sent to me.
There are not that many on the page as yet but I will add them as I receive them.
The information contained on the following site was found on the funeral cards of people of Belgian descent and submitted by contributors to this site.
Listings are alphabetical.
Select the first letter of the Name from the list above to jump to appropriate page.
NOTE: At the request of the submitter, some entries will not have a link .
If you have any information that you wish to have included on this list please email it to me. See instructions below.
Instructions for submitting Funeral Card Information
Information supplied must be of people of Belgian descent.
Notify me if you do NOT wish to have your email address linked to your submission otherwise it will be linked from your funeral card data and from your name in the contributors list.
Include your name when you send me information to be entered on the page.
Information to be included in submissions Note: some information may be left blank if the information is not available.
VAN OVERMEIRE, Stephania - Born: 18/July/1885, Overmeire, Belgium - Died: 01/October/1978, Overmeire, Belgium - Burial: Mariakerke, Belgium. (Wife of Henri Jozef SCHEPENS) (Daughter of August VAN OVERMEIRE and Emerentia DE CLERCQ). |