Vol. 5 Pages 002, 3 Petitioner: wife
Perkins Alfred Ernest and --- Nellie
Married 31 May 1882 at Ottawa, ON Dissolved: 18 Jan 1924
Vol. 5 Pages 005, 10 Petitioner: wife
Sweetser Charles Walton and Wilson
Married 8 Jan 1920 at Victoria, BC
Co-respondent(s): Mary Louise Lancaster
Remarks: This marriage was ordered null &
void, 12 Feb 1924, because Charles Walton Sweetser was
already married to Mary Louise Lancaster, who was then
still living.
MR: Charles Walton Sweetser, 51, bach., farmer, r.Eberts,
BC, b.Belfast, ME, USA, Epis, s.o. Charles Webb Sweetser,
mariner & Louisa Walton mar Janey Wilson, 49, wid,
r.Eberts, b.Bruce Mines, ON, Meth, d.o. William Edward
Tremelling, farmer & Jane Semons, 8 Jan 1920,
DRI: Charles W. Sweetser, 19 Sep 1945, 74, Vancouver.
Vol. 5 Pages 007, 13 Petitioner: wife
McIntosh George Spencer and Clapp
Married 7 Oct 1914
Vol. 5 Pages 051 Petitioner: husband
Fagan Joseph A. and James
Edith Martha
Married 15 Jan 1916 at Ladysmith, BC
Co-respondent(s): R. Wilkinson
Remarks: Filed 24 Nov 1924.
MR: Joseph Alexander Fagan, 22, bach., train conductor,
r.Ladysmith, b.Victoria, RC, s.o. Gerald Fagan, farmer
& Mary McDermott mar Edith Martha James, 19, spin.,
r.Ladysmith, b.Northfield, Ang, d.o. Frederick William
James, miner & Tenna Rhodes, 15 Jan 1916, Ladysmith.
Noted added: Marriage dissolved at Nanaimo, 29 Jan 1915.
Vol. 5 Pages 015, 20, 26 Petitioner:
Mason Ernest and Capewell Florence
Married 16 May 1910 Dissolved: 22 Apr 1924
Co-respondent(s): George C. Thomas
Remarks: Her name was entered as Florence Mason (otherwise known as
Florence Thomas, formerly Florence Capewell). Florence married George C. Thomas
were married in WA, USA and had a daughter, Dorothy, b.WA, USA.
Vol. 5 Pages 016, 18 Petitioner: husband
Robertson George Edward Livingstone and Connors Mabel Johanna
Married 16 Feb 1906 at Vancouver, BC Dissolved: 27 Mar 1924
Co-respondent(s): William Edward Gardner
Remarks: See Gardner divorce, v.5, p.24. See their other petition for
divorce v.3, p.250.
Vol. 5 Pages 017, 23 Petitioner: husband
Harknett Arthur and Peacock Sarah Elizabeth
Married 11 Mar 1918 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 4 Apr 1924
Co-respondent(s): William Irvin Wright
Remarks: Child: Evelyn Isabell.
MR: Arthur Harknett, 26, bach., teamster, r.977 Cloverdale Ave, Victoria, b.N.
DEV, ENG, CE, s.o.Henry Harknett, farmer & Susan Evelyn Major mar Sarah
Elizabeth Pearl Peacock, 21, spin., r.920 Cloverdale Ave, Victoria, b.Sault Ste
Marie, ON, Psb, d.o.James William Walton Peacock, farmer & Jane Isabella
Hughes, 11 Mar 1918, Victoria.
MR: Arthur Harknett, div, 32, CE, r.2514 Rock Bay Ave, Victoria, b.Bradford,
ENG, s.o. Harry Harknett, b.ENG & Susan Evelyn Mayer mar Mary Isabella
Scott, spin., 16, Psb, r.2054 Trafalgar St, Vancouver, b.Glasgow, SCT, d.o.
Thomas Scott, b.Edinburgh, SCT & Jessie Hoyle, b.Glasgow, SCT, 30 Oct 1924,
DRI: Arthur Harknett, 3 Jul 1972, 80, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 019, 28, 30 Petitioner: wife
Porter George William and Beadle Minnie Jane
Married 28 Sep 1904 at Caterham, SRY, ENG Dissolved: 8 May 1924
Remarks: Children: Violet Rose & George Alfred. See v.5, p.48 for her
other divorce.
Vol. 5 Pages 021, 82, 92, 393 Petitioner:
Anderson Jack Emmanuel and Dawson Margaret
Married 8 Sep 1918 at Mort Lake, ENG Dissolved: 12 Jun 1925
Remarks: WWI Attestation: Jack Emanuel Anderson, b.Gottenberg, SWE, 6 Dec
1888, r.corner 5th & Couch, Portland, OR, USA, blacksmith, single. NOK: John
Anderson, Clinton,
MN, USA, brother. Papers signed: 20 Mar 1918, Victoria. They were divorced a
second time on 6 Feb 1931, and had been married on 12 Jun 1925 and also 8 Sep
1918 at Mort Lake, ENG.
Vol. 5 Pages 022, 27 Petitioner: wife
Johnson Willy Konrad and Poirier Cecilia
Married 4 Dec 1912 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 23 Apr 1924
Co-respondent(s): Ruth Vernon
Remarks: MR: Konrad Willy Johnson, 25, r.Victoria, b.Bergen, NOR, bach.,
engineer, Lu, s.o.Ingemar Johnson & Ella Johnson mar Cecilia Poirier (d,D1,
p.1, l.35), 18, r. & b.Sooke, spin., RC, d.o. Joseph Poirier & Ella
Fatioux, 4 Dec 1912, Victoria.
MN, Times, 5 Jul 1917, p.12: William Henry Dilley of Scarff, BC, mar Victoria
McLeod Porrier, d.o. the late Joseph Porrier (d,D1, p.1, l.28-35 for family)
& Mrs Porrier of Sooke, 4 Jul 1917 Victoria.
DN, Times, 11 Aug 1921, p.9: Mrs Victoria Dilley, 37, w.o. William Henry Dilley,
b.Sooke, d.10 Aug 1921, r.Sooke.
MR: William Henry Dilley, retired, wid, 48, CE, r.Sooke, b.London, ENG, s.o.
Willaim Dilley, b.London, ENG & Sarah Abbot, b.COR, IRL mar Cecilia Johnson,
wid, 28, RC, r. & b.Sooke, d.o. Joseph Poirier, b.QC & Ellen Vantrain,
b.Portland, OR, USA, 13 Aug 1923, Victoria. Note this was before she had
obtained her divorce from Johnson.
MR: William Henry Dilley, retired, wid, 49, Ang, r.Sooke, b.London, ENG, s.o.
Willaim Dilley, b.London, ENG & Sarah Abbot, b.COR, IRL mar Cecilia Johnson,
wid, 28, RC, r. & b.Sooke, d.o. Joseph Poirier, b.QC & Ellen Vantrain,
b.Portland, OR, USA, 23 May 1924, Victoria.
DN, Times, 30 May 1938, p.11: William Henry Dilley, d.Sooke, 65, b.Eng, leaves
wid, stepson & stepdau.
DRI: Cecilia Dilley, 27 Mar 1976, 82, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 024, 25, 29, 31 Petitioner:
Gardner William Edward and Thomas Charlotte Ann
Married 16 Sep 1899 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 1 May 1924
Co-respondent(s): Mabel Johanna Robertson
Remarks: Children: George Morris & Ilace Elvina. See Robertson
divorce, v.5, p.16.
1901CEN: Gardner family, d.12, p.22, l.27-29.
MR: William Edward Gardner, 28, r.Victoria, b.Louisburg, NS, bach., Meth, marine
captain, s.o. William Edward & Elbina R. mar Charlotte Ann Thomas, 21,
r.Victoria, b.Eldersly Twp, Bruce Co, ON, spin., Meth, d.o. James Edward &
Emma, 16 Sep 1899, Victoria.
1900DIR: Gardiner, W.E., master Str. 'City of Nanaimo', h.39 North Park.
MR: William Edward Gardner, mariner, div, 53, Meth, r.Victoria, b.NS, s.o.
William E. Gardner, b.NS & Elvena Gardner, b.NS mar Mabel Johana Robertson,
div, 38, Psb, r.Victoria, b.USA, d.o. William Connors, b.USA & Marie
Connors, b.GER, 2 May 1924, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 033, 41, 43 Petitioner: wife
Burke William Patrick and Lovick Norah Maud
Married 16 Aug 1919 at London, ENG Dissolved: 5 Nov 1924
Remarks: MR: Arthur Hubert George Cutt, tinsmith, bach., 30, religion -
City Temple, r.1327 Bay St, Victoria, b.ENG, s.o. Ernest Cutt, b.ENG &
Louise Parsons, b.ENG mar Norah Maud Burke, saleslady, divorced, 24, City
Temple, r.1737 Oak Bay Ave, Victoria, b.ENG, d.o. Joseph Lovick, b.ENG &
Blanche Jones, b.ENG, 11 Feb 1925, Victoria.
DN, Times, 28 Sep 1948, p.18: Arthur Hubert George Cutt, 54, r.Cordova Bay,
Victoria, b.ENG, leaves wife, Norah, parents Mr & Mrs E.L. Cutt, Victoria.
DRI: William Patrick Burke, 19 Nov 1982, 95, North Cowichan.
Vol. 5 Pages 034, 38, 75 Petitioner:
Roberts Albert and Frederickson Hilda
Married 28 Mar 1910 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 2 Dec 1925
Co-respondent(s): H. Finnell
Remarks: Children: Esther Mary, 11 & David Olaf, 10.
MR: Albert William Roberts, 37, r.Victoria, b.Manchester, ENG, bach., bailler,
Meth, s.o. Edward & Mary mar Hilda Marie Frederickson, 27, r.Victoria, b.SWE,
spin. Lu, d.o. Olaf & Matilda, 28 Mar 1910, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 036, 40, 85 Petitioner: wife
Tivy William Elliott and --- Eva
Married 24 Mar 1913 at Rivers, MB Dissolved: 16 Oct 1924 Absolute: 19 Jun 1925
Remarks: Children: Violet & Henry.
Vol. 5 Pages 039, 132 Petitioner: husband
Dane Bernard Thomas and Gregory Dora
Married 20 Jul 1918 at Bredgar, KEN, ENG
Remarks: Filed 14 Oct 1924; last entry 10 May 1926. This marriage was
ordered null & void by reason of frigidity or impotence of Dora.
WWI Attestation: Bernard Thomas Dane, b.Belvedere, KEN, ENG, 27 Jan 1889, r.St.
Josef Bay, BC, non conformist, farmer, single. NOK: E.E. Dane, father, c.o.
Vickers Ltd., Cost Dept., Barrow-in-Furness, ENG. Papers signed: 9 Feb 1918,
DRI: Bernard Thomas Dane, 26 Dec 1976, 87, New Westminster.
Vol. 5 Pages 042, 46 Petitioner: wife
Williams Frederick and --- Harriett Frances
Married 19 Sep 1917 at St. Botolph, Bishopgate, London, ENG Dissolved: 18 Nov
Remarks: MR: Frederick Williams, soldier, divorced, 41, CE, r.o.810
Phoenix St, Esquimalt, b.London, ENG, s.o.Alfred Williams, b.London, ENG, mother
n/k mar Annie Elizabeth Thomson, domestic, divorce, 23, CE, r.810 Phoenix St,
Esquimalt, b.Halifax, ENG, d.o.Albert S---fe, b.DBY, ENG & Mary Ellen
Skinner, b.YKS, ENG, 23 Dec 1925, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 044, 68 Petitioner: wife
Temple James Pennington and Little Nellie
Married 11 Jun 1912 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 16 Mar 1925
Remarks: 1901CEN: Temple family, d.3, p.13, l.29-33.
MR: James Penington Temple, 25, r.678 MacPherson Dr, Victoria, b.Liverpool, ENG,
bach., book binder, CE, s.o. Benjamin Temple & Sarah Penington mar Nellie
Little, 24, r.Victoria, b.Brighton, SSX, ENG, spin., CE, d.o.George Little &
Jane Crowley, 11 Jun 1912, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 047, 65, 91 Petitioner:
Parker Howard and --- Jetska Johanna
Married 13 Mar 1908 at Hitchen, HEF, ENG Dissolved: 16 Jul 1925
Co-respondent(s): L.C. Calmyre
Remarks: Children: John Howard & Phyllis Mary.
Vol. 5 Pages 048, 50, 54, 55 Petitioner:
Bray Roderick and Beadle Minnie Jane
Remarks: Filed 21 Nov 1924; last entry 17 Dec 1924. This petition was
dismissed. Roderick Bray had claimed that Minnie Jane was married to George
William Porter when he married her (see v.5, p.19).
1901CEN: Roderick Bray, d.8, p.9, l.47.
MR: Roderick Bray, teamster, bach., 28, Psb, r.1160 Pandora St, Victoria,
b.Victoria, s.o. Richard Bray, b.CON, ENG & Mary Black, b.Victoria mar Mary
Jean Porter, divorced, 29, Psb, r.2217 Clark St, Victoria, b.ENG, d.o. Alfred
Beadle, b.ENG & Mary Warne, b.ENG, 7 Jun 1924, Vancouver.
DR: Roderick Bray, 74, b.Victoria, 29 Dec 1896, d.Saanich, 20 Aug 1971, r.2869
Sooke Rd, Victoria, single, agriculture, s.o. Richard Bray, b.CON, ENG &
Mary Black, b.Victoria, informant: E. Bray, 1232 Rudlin St, Victoria, son.
Vol. 5 Pages 049, 53, 60 Petitioner:
Briggs Albert Leonard and --- Edith
Married 9 Feb 1917 at Seaford, ENG Dissolved: 3 Feb 1925
Co-respondent(s): Richard Stewart
Remarks: Child: Frank.
WWI Attestation: Albert Briggs, b.Haworth, YKS, ENG, 25 Jun 1885, painter,
single. NOK: Mr L. Briggs, Ryshworth Hall, Bingley, YKS, ENG . Papers signed: 25
Nov 1915, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 051 Petitioner: husband
Fagan Joseph A. and James Edith Martha
Married 15 Jan 1916 at Ladysmith, BC
Co-respondent(s): R. Wilkinson
Remarks: Filed 24 Nov 1924.
MR: Joseph Alexander Fagan, 22, bach., train conductor, r.Ladysmith, b.Victoria,
RC, s.o. Gerald Fagan, farmer & Mary McDermott mar Edith Martha James, 19,
spin., r.Ladysmith, b.Northfield, Ang, d.o. Frederick William James, miner &
Tenna Rhodes, 15 Jan 1916, Ladysmith. Noted added: Marriage dissolved at
Nanaimo, 29 Jan 1915.
Vol. 5 Pages 052, 61 Petitioner: wife
Gallicano John
and Polkinghorne Rosina
Married 8 Jun 1912 at Chase River, BC Dissolved: 3 Feb
Remarks: His name was entered as John Gallicano
(otherwise known as John Gilligan). The year of marriage
was entered as 1912. Children: Verna Elizabeth Ann, b.27
Jul 1912; Charles Earl, 4 Mar 1913 & Thelma Bernice,
b.6 Dec 1914.
MR: John Gallicano, 22, r.Victoria, b.Detroit, MI, USA,
bach., can inspector, Psb, s.o. Victor & Annie mar
Rose Polkinghorne, 19, r. & b.Nanaimo, spin., Meth,
d.o. James & Mary, 8 Jun 1911, Nanaimo.
WWI Attestation: John Gallicano, b.Windsor, ON, 10 Oct
1889, r.Nanaimo, car builder. NOK: Rose Gallicano, 37
Strickland, Nanaimo, wife. Papers signed: 20 Dec 1915,
DRI: John Gallicano, 13 Dec 1936, 46, Vancouver.
Vol. 5 Pages 057, 74 Petitioner: wife
Hare Frank Leslie and Denning
Remarks: Filed 13 Jan 1925; last entry 19 Mar
1925. See v.5, p.202 for his second divorce. Her name
was entered as Mabel Florence Denning (otherwise known
as Mabel Florence Hare). The marriage was ordered null
& void, 19 Mar 1925, as Frank Leslie Hare was
already married to Margaret Burford Pearce (see v.5,
p.202 for the Hare - Burford divorce).
DR: Frank Leslie Hare, 70, b.Kemlis, SK, d.Surrey, 28
Sep 1957, r.578 Johnston Rd, Surrey, farmer, h.o. Anna
Katherine Kisslinger, s.o. William Richard Hare,
b.Pictou, ON & Alice Bertha Garratt, b.ON.
Vol. 5 Pages 058, 66, 70 Petitioner: husband
Manser Albert Reginald and Rendle
Frances May
Married 23 Aug 1922 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 6 Apr
Co-respondent(s): Frank Herman Smith
Remarks: Child: Douglas George.
MR: Albert Reginald Manzer, electrician, bach., 22, Psb,
r.2465 Florence St, Victoria, b.Maple Creek, SK, s.o.
Luher Sydney Manzer, b.Nashwaak, NB & Charlotte
Elizabeth McBean, Nashwaak, NB mar Ivy Frances May
Rendle, stenographer, spin., 17, Psb, r.Victoria,
b.Pitney, SOM, ENG, d.o. George W.F. Rendle, b.ENG &
Rose Hannah Force?, b.Cullompton, DEV, ENG, 23 Aug 1922,
DRI: Albert Reginald Manzer, 13 Jan 1973, 72, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 059, 69, 87 Petitioner: wife
Perry Charles Kenneth and Warnock
Married 6 Aug 1924 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 29 Jun
Remarks: Charles Kenneth Perry was in the
Penitentiary of Washington State at Walla Walla, WA,
MRI: Charles Kenneth Perry mar Helen Kier Warnock, 6 Aug
1924, Saanich.
MRI: Richard A. English mar Helen Kier Warnock, 25 Aug
1926, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 062, 64 Petitioner: wife
Chapman William Thomas
and Cameron Bella
Married 16 Sep 1907 at Cobble Hill, BC Dissolved: 24 Feb
Co-respondent(s): Thelma Gould
Remarks: Children: Mable Ada, Mary Bernice,
Myrtle Edith & Ivy Elizabeth.
MR: William T. Chapman, 32, r.Cobble Hill, b.Bothwell,
ON, bach., farmer, Meth, s.o. W.T. Chapman & Sarah
E. Slater mar Isabel May Cameron, 27, r.Cobble Hill,
b.Pictou, NS, spin., Psb, d.o. S.D. Cameron & M.A.S.
Uqhart?, 18 Sep 1907, Mill Bay.
DRI: Bella May Chapman, 17 Sep 1954, 74, Duncan.
DRI: William Thomas Chapman, 15 Sep 1944, 69, Cobble
Vol. 5 Pages 063, 67 Petitioner: wife
Nelson Charles Gordon and McTavish
Christina Marguerite
Married 17 Oct 1906 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 17 Mar
Remarks: DR: Jessie Christina Nelson, 82,
b.Russelldale, ON, 19 Oct 1885, d.Victoria, 29 May 1968,
r.732 Yates St, Victoria, occ. - King's Printer,
divorced from Charles Gordon Nelson, d.o. John Douglas
McTavish, b.ON & Annie McGregor, b.SCT.
Vol. 5 Pages 071, 76, 81 Petitioner: wife
Ponton Gerald Mungo and Taylor
Married 18 Feb 1913 Dissolved: 5 Jun 1925
Remarks: The petition stated that Gerald Mungo
Ponton had divorced at Fort Worth, TX, USA, 12 Jul 1925
and married Muriel Standley at Dallas, TX, 19 Jul 1925.
Note: the year 1925 could not be possible - possibly
DR: Edith Taylor Ponton, b.Victoria, 10 Jun 1892,
d.Victoria, 6 Jul 1948, r.1160 Richardson, Victoria, wid
of Gerald Mungo Ponton, d.o.William John Taylor,
b.Belleville, ON & Myra Hopkins, b.San Francisco,
Vol. 5 Pages 072, 77, 114 Petitioner: wife
Philion Hayter Oscar and Stephenson
Married 10 Jul 1913 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 19 May
1925 Absolute: 19 Jan 1926
Remarks: Child: John Stephenson.
MR: Hayter Oscar Philion, 25, r.Victoria, b.Ottawa, bach.,
mechanic, Psb, s.o. Alpho Philion & M. Fackman mar
Nellie Anderson Stephenson, 18, r.Victoria, b.Alexandria,
DNB, SCT, spin, Psb, d.o. John Stephenson & Grace
Anderson, 10 Jul 1913, Victoria.
MR: Hayter Oscar Philion, contractor, bach., 39,
religion - none, r.1259 Robson St, Vancouver, b.Hull,
QC, s.o. Alphonse Philion, b.CAN & Emily Falconer,
b.CAN mar Mary Hilda Moffit, div, 28, religion - none,
r.Victoria, b.Western, ON, d.o. Cecil de Tuffard
Cunningham, b.ENG & Annie Mellon, b.ENG, 10 May
1927, Vancouver. DRI: Hayter Oscar Philion, 19 Dec 1959,
71, Vancouver.
DRI: Hayter Oscar Philion, 19 Dec 1959, 71, Vancouver.
Vol. 5 Pages 078, 83, 119 Petitioner: husband
Pears William John and Walton
Married 21 Nov 1918 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 10 Jun
1925 Absolute: 15 Feb 1926
Co-respondent(s): A.E. Read
Remarks: Child: Kenneth Walter
MR: William John Pears, warehouseman, divorced, 26, CE,
r.Victoria, b.Workington, CUL, ENG, s.o. Richard William
Pears, Cockermouth, CUL, ENG & Margaret Elizabeth
Currey, b.DUR, ENG mar Gertrude Elizabeth Lewis,
saleslady, spin, 28, CE, r.Victoria, b.Hednesford, STS,
ENG, d.o. Thomas Lewis, b.ear Mold?, FLN, WLS &
Margaret Cameron, b.near Montreal, QC, 3 Apr 1926,
MR: Archibald Edward Read, truck driver, bach., 26, CE,
r.2341 Western Ave, North Vancouver, b.ENG, s.o. Edward
Read, b.ENG & Florence Maud Albra, b.ENG mar Mabel
Pears, divorced, 28, Meth, b.ENG, r.5080 Chambers St,
South Vancouver, d.o. William Henry Walton, b.ENG &
Mary Louise Pilling, b.ENG, 22 Apr 1926, Vancouver.
DRI: William John Pears, 19 Dec 1968, 70, Coquitlam.
Vol. 5 Pages 079, 93 Petitioner: wife
Tallett John Henry Keen and Cunningham
Married 6 Dec 1919 at St. Mary's Church, Liscard, CHS,
ENG Dissolved: 10 Jun 1925
Remarks: DRI: John Henry Tallett, 4 Jun 1938, 78,
Vol. 5 Pages 080, 84 Petitioner: wife
Meakin Reginald Abbotts and McIllree
Married 3 Sep 1913 at Oak Bay, BC Dissolved: 18 Jun 1925
Remarks: WWI Attestation: Reginald Abbotts Meakin,
b.Dublin, IRL, 22 Sep 1888, clerk. NOK: Mrs R.A. Meakins,
wife, 1031 Carberry Gardens, Victoria. Papers signed: 16
Nov 1914, Victoria.
MR: Reginald Abbotts Meakin, 26, bach., civil service,
r.1601 Pembroke St, Victoria, b.Burton-on-Trent, STS,
ENG, CE, s.o. George Meakin, dec. (brewer) & Frances
Ann Abbotts mar Violet Cecilia McIllree, 26, spin.,
r.1631 Carberry Gardens, Victoria, b.Maple Creek, SK,
CE, d.o. John Henry McIllree, retired, late asst.
commissioner R.N.W.M.P. & Lily Humphrys, 3 Sep 1913,
Oak Bay.
DRI: Reginald Abbotts Meakin, 20 Jun 1934, 43,
Vol. 5 Pages 086, 96 Petitioner: husband
Herd Alexander Hope Crawford and Peterson
Married 9 Nov 1910 at Duncan, BC
Co-respondent(s): Archibald Burnett
Remarks: Children: Harold Henry & Donald
Crawford. Filed 23 Jun 1925; last entry 9 Oct 1925.
1901CEN: Alexander H. Herd, d.10, p.2, l.21.
MR: Alexander Hope Crawford Herd, 28, bach., printer,
r.Duncan, b.Victoria, Cong., s.o. George Herd, carpenter
& mar Lou Viola Peterson, 21, spin., r.Duncan, Psb,
b.Port Townsend, WA, USA, d.o. John Henry Peterson,
accountant, 9 Nov 1910, Duncan.
MN, Times, 11 Nov 1910, p.18: Lou Viola Peterson, y.d.o.
Mr & Mrs J.H. Peterson mar A. Hope Crawford Herd, of
the Cowichan Leader.
DRI: Alexander Hope Herd, 20 Dec 1967, 83, Nanaimo.
Vol. 5 Pages 088, 97, 104, 170 Petitioner: wife
Cameron Thomas
and Tysoe Dorothy Kathleen
Married 20 Jun 1917 at Saanich, BC Dissolved: 18 Nov
1926 Absolute: 24 Nov 1926
Remarks: Thomas Cameron's residence was listed as
1420 Palm St, Seattle, WA, USA.
MN, Times, 25 Jun 1917, p.8:: Sgt.-Major T. Cameron mar
Dorothy Kathleen, d.o. Mr & Mrs S. Tysoe, r.454
Gorge Rd, 20 Jun 1917, Victoria.
MR: Thomas Cameron, 34, bach., Reg.- Sergeant Major,
r.Sans Bruit, QC, b.Ballymena, IRL, Psb, s.o. James
Cameron, farmer & Mary Jane Charters mar Dorothy
Kathleen Tysoe, 27, spin., teacher, r.Victoria, b.Rumer
Hall, WAR, ENG, Ang, d.o. Samuel Tysoe, gardener &
Elizabeth Kate Smith, 20 Jun 1917, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 089, 103, 143 Petitioner: wife
Knight Joseph and Dunn
Florence Lillian
Married 18 Sep 1912 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 10 May
Remarks: Joseph Knight was living in Manchester,
LAN, ENG at the time of the divorce.
MN, Times, 2 Sep 1912, p.10: Joseph Knight mar Lillian
Dunn, sister of W.E. Dunn, Fifth St, Victoria, 18 Sep
1912, Victoria.
MR: Joseph Knight, 31, r.Victoria, b.ENG, bach.,
carpenter, Meth, s.o. Joseph Knight & Annie
Stranghton mar Florence Lillian Mary Dunn, 21,
r.Victoria, b.Toronto, ON, Meth, spin., d.o. James Dunn
& Sarah Wallis, 18 Sep 1912, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 090, 99, 118 Petitioner: wife
Porter Geoffrey and Law
Annie Mary Edith
Married 22 Sep 1915 at Vancouver, BC
Remarks: A judicial separation was ordered
17 Dec 1925. Children: Geoffrey McEwan & John.
MR: Geoffrey Porter, 31, bach., chief electrical
engineer, BCER, r.62 Kensington Pl, Vancouver,
b.Wartling, SSX, ENG, CE, s.o. John Robinson Porter,
clerk in Holy Orders & Mima McEwan mar Annie Mary
Edith Law, 21, spin., r.24 Florence Court, Georgia St,
Vancouver, b.Swatow, CHN, CE, d.o. Donaldson Riddall
Law, merchant & Jessie Jane Taylor, 22 Sep 1915,
DRI: Annie Mary Edith Porter, 20 Feb 1980, 86, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 094, 105, 106 Petitioner: husband
Palmer (Reed-Palmer)
Thomas Reid and ---
Married 22 Sep 1911 at Edmonton, AB Dissolved: 8 Dec
Remarks: Child: Norah Emily.
1901CEN: Irving family, d.6, p.5, l.41-3.
BR: (late reg. 1947): Diana Ogilvy Irving, b.Victoria,
14 Aug 1895, d.o.Paulus Aemilius Irving, r.46 Cook St,
Victoria, 38, b.Hamilton & Diana Hamley, 32, b.New
MRI: Walter William Brentzen mar Diana Ogilvy Irving, 16
Nov 1919, Victoria.
MR: Thomas Reed Palmer, broker, bachelor divorced, 41,
Ang, r.Vancouver, b.ENG, s.o. Albert Reed-Palmer, b.ENG
& Emily Reed, b.ENG mar Mrs Diana Ogilvie Brentzen,
journalist, divorced, 30, Ang, r.Vancouver, r.Victoria,
d.o.Paulus Aemelius Irving, b.Hamilton, ON & Diana
Hamley, b.Victoria, 30 Jan 1926, Nanaimo. 1926DIR: (BC
Directory): Thos. Reed-Palmer, 2830 Spruce, Vancouver.
MR: Walter William Brentzen, pensioner, wid, 32, UCC, r.
& b.Port Simpson, s.o. Hans Peter Brentzen, b.GER
& Sophie Catherine, b.Port Simpson mar Selina Edith
McKay, spin., 21, UCC, r.Port Simpson, b. n/g, d.o.
Andrew McKay, b. Port Simpson & Lucy Wesley, b.Port
Simpson, 15 Jan 1927, Prince Rupert.
DRI: Thomas Reed Palmer, 8 Sep 1953, 69, Victoria.
Vol. 5 Pages 095, 100 Petitioner: husband
Thomson Sydney Charles and Breidfjord
Married 25 Sep 1905 Dissolved: 30 Oct 1925
Co-respondent(s): Charles Enright
Remarks: Children: Dora Dumbell & Clarence
Archibald Breidfjord.
MRI: Sidney C. Thomson mar Vigurlena V. Breidfjord, 25
Sep 1905, Victoria.
DRI: Sydney Charles Thomson, 5 Jan 1958, 77, Vancouver.
Vol. 5 Pages 098 Petitioner: husband
Roberts John Edward and Chapple
Married 6 Apr 1918 at Victoria, BC Dissolved: 19 Oct
Co-respondent(s): Stan Levy
Remarks: MR: John Edward Roberts, 22, fireman,
r.Victoria, b.Staffe, ENG, CE, s.o.Edward Roberts,
miner, dec. & Edith Workman mar Chrisseda Chapple,
18, r.919 Market St., b.Millom, ENG, Meth, d.o. William
Chapple, miner & Margaret Birkett, 6 Apr 1918,
MR: Stanley Levy, shingle sawyer, bach., 28, Meth,
r.1022 Balmoral Rd, b.Victoria, s.o. Joshua Levy,
b.London, ENG & Mary Prior, b.London, ENG mar
Chrisseda Roberts, divorced, 24, Meth, r.915 Market St,
b.CUL, ENG, d.o. William Chapple, b.London, ENG &
Margaret Birkett, b.Coniston, ENG, 22 Nov 1925,
MR: John Edward Roberts, 29, city fireman, r.Victoria,
b.ENG, Ang, s.o.Edward Roberts, b.ENG & Edith
Workman, b.ENG mar Eleanor Weaving, waitress, 27, Ang,
r.Victoria, b.Wellington, BC, d.o.Sidney Walter Weaving,
b.ENG & Rosanna Woodruff, b.Woodstock, ON, 27 Jun
1927, Victoria.
DRI: Chriseda Lanora Levy, 23 Oct 1951, 49, Victoria.