Clark's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Grant Co. KY

Grant County Kentucky

Cemetery Transcriptions & Photos

Clark's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery

Clark's Creek Bapt. Church was established in 1846 and is located on Clark's Creek Road off of Hwy 467, west of Dry Ridge.





? ?
Oct 2?, 1872
? ?
Aug 21, 1849 age 36yrs 8?mos 2?ds
? ? May 1, 1860 Apr ??, 1866? ? Of ??
? ? Feb 10, 1843 May 11, 1868 (broken stone may be part of 5923)
Allie? ? Sept 28, 1856 June 6, 1871
J.S. ? Aug 17, 1871 Aug 17, 1871
John S. ?
Oct 6, 18?1 son of ? - aged 2Yrs 5Mos & 17Ds
Sarah C. ? Oct ?, ???? Mar ??, ???
Nancy J. Abernathy 1849 1921
Sarah E. Abernathy 1852 1937
Simeon Abernathy 1848 1921
William J. Abernathy 1845 1923
Martha Allen
July 5, 1885 aged 22yrs 4mos 15?ds
Robert Allen Feb 5, 1834 Oct 11, 1871
Cora W. Ballard 1878 1965 mother (on same stone as James K.)
James K. Ballard 1875 1921 father (on same stone as Cora W.)
Mitch Ballard 1845 1931
William Ballard 1880 1911
Allie Berkley Aug June ? dau of
Amanda J. Berkley Apr 20, 1834 Apr 3, 1883 wife of S.T.
Euphamia Berkley
July 21, 1876 wife of Spencer - aged 79Yrs 4Mos & 12Ds
S.T. Berkley May 30, 1828 Oct 5, 1883 aged 55Yrs 4Mos 5Ds
Spencer Berkly
May 30, 1874 80Yrs 3Mos 15Ds
? Blackburn Dec 29?, 1864 Aug 5, 1866 dau of J.T. & L.E.
Anderson Blackburn Jan 2, 1856 Jan 11, 1890 aged 34Yrs & 9Ds
Infant Blackburn Dec 3, 1893 Dec 3, 1893 dau of Sim & Nancy J.
Jackson Blackburn Aug 10, 1846 Aug 20, 1856 `
James Blackburn Aug 21, 1818 Jan 8, 1905 (stone toppled)
Lewis Blackburn Nov 28, 184? Mar 8, 1863 born in Green Co. Ky
Rachael S. Blackburn Jan 2, 1870 Feb 2, 1870 dau of James & Malinda
Simon Blackburn Apr 9, 1805 May 25, 1864
Sophia? Blackburn
May 8, 1880 wife of Simon - aged 64yrs 8mos 3ds
Stella Blackburn
Oct 28, 1889 dau of J & Lunette - aged 7mo & 9Ds
Taylor Blackburn ? May 13, 18?7 son of ? & ?
William R Blackburn Jun 29, 1852 Nov 6, 1859 son of R & Ann
John T. Blackburn? Apr 26, 1833? July 10, 1866
Eleyann Brierley 1837 1915
Elizabeth Brooks
Dec 24, 1874 wife of John - aged ?Yrs 9Mos & 2Ds
Jacob T. Brooks Nov 25, 1829 Jan 13, 1907 (on same stone as Jane)
Jane Brooks Jan 10, 1826 Jan 18, 1899 (on same stone as Jacob T.)
John Brooks July 28, 1800 Jan 14, 1890
John A. Brooks Nov 14, 1898 Mar 7, 1909 son of John & Lutie
Martha J. Brooks 1857 1930
Perry Burnes Nov 13 1850 Oct, 10, 1874 son of Thomas & Elizabeth
U.R. Burnes Jan, ?, ? ? ?, 189? (homemade stone)
J. Burns no date no date (homemade stone)
S. Burns no date no date (homemade stone)
Emma Carter 1865 1929 mother
Dale L. Crabtree 1959 1977 son
Hettie M. Crabtree Dec 3, 1917 Mar 25, 1999
Audrey J. Crouch 1923 1927
Flora Crouch 1879 1908 mother (on same stone as John M.)
John M. Crouch 1869 1948 father (on same stone as Flora)
Malinda J. Crouch
1902 daughter infant
Martha Ann Crouch 1869 1943 mother (on same stone as Robert Lee)
Mattie M. Crouch 1911 1912 daughter
Robert Gene Crouch 1943 1961
Robert Lee Crouch 1872 1962 father (on same stone as Martha Ann)
Sarah E. DeJarnatt Apr 1, 1790 Oct 23, 1866 wife of Abijah
Gurly DeJarnette
June 6, 1877 infant dau of J.N. & Louisa
aged 1Year 3Mos 15Ds
Mary DeJarnette
Feb 16, 1882 infant dau of J.N. & Louisa - aged 1yrs 4mos 2ds
Jane Evans
Dec 9, 1897 wife of John - aged 75Yrs 4Mos &15Ds
John W. Evans
Jan 15, 1892 76Yrs & 20Ds
B.E. Green 1840 1915 (on same stone as Wm.)
B.F. Green May 2, 1799 Feb 18, 1883
Bettie J. Green July 14, 1865 Mar 18, 1869 daughter of D.M. & M.A.
C.R. Green Jan 28, 1838 Jan 19, 1864
Clara Green 1862 1951
Coleman R. Green Dec 21, 186? Jan ??, 18?? son of Coleman R & Mary ?
Edna Green 1894 1897 (on same stone as R.H. & Emma)
Elizabeth Green July 1, 1819 July 16, 1910
Elizabeth A. Green Oct 18, 1821 Sep 9, 1880 wife of J.F. (on same stone as J.F.)
Emma Green 1874 1897 (on same stone as R.H. & Edna)
H.J. Green 1856 1884
Hannah J. Green
Feb 26 1884 wife of W.T. - aged 27 Yrs 3Mo & 20Ds
Infant Green

son of D.M. & M.A. - aged 14D
(on same stone as Mary A.)
Infant Green
April 22, 1885 dau of B.F. & V.D. - aged 3 Days
J.F. Green Nov 10, 1815 Nov 5, 1897 (on same stone as Elizabeth A.)
Jane Green
Aug 2, 1868 wife of W.P. - aged 80Yrs 9Mos & 5Ds
(on same stone as W.P.)
John W. Green Nov 17, 1820 June 8, 1883
John W. Green
Feb 22, 1886 son of B.F. & V.D. - aged 6Yr 8Mos &12Ds
Mary A. Green Dec 9, 1833 Sept 25, 1868 wife of D.M. (on same stone as Infant son)
Norman Green Sept 16, 1815 Mar 18, 1890 aged 75Yrs 6Mos & 2Ds
R.H. Green 1852 1907 (on same stone as Emma & Edna)
Robert H. Green 1856 1919
Susan E. Green Jan 6, 1867 Sept 20, 1872 daughter of D.M. & M.A.
Susan M. Green
Jan 31, 1884 wife of Norman - aged 64Yrs 9Mos & 23Ds
(lg stone is on the ground, couldt be something on the back)
W.J. Green
Sept 24, 1892 Rev. - aged 63Years 2Mos & 21Days
W.P. Green
June 3, 1864 aged 72Yrs & 22Ds (on same stone as Jane)
W.T. Green 1853 1911
William Green 1890 1917 (on same stone as B.E.)
William Perrin Green Sep 6, 1858 Aug 31, 1862 son of Coleman R. & Mary ?.
Wm. Francis Green
Oct 2, 1868 son of N. & S.M. - 21Yrs 3Mos 24Ds
Annie K. Grubbs 1931 1932
Arch Grubbs 1853 1923
Betty Grubbs 1846 1935
Ida May Grubbs 1889 1966
James T. Grubbs 1876 1937
Johnie Grubbs 1915 1921
Luther Grubbs 1908 1909
Kat??? Hendricks
May ?, 185? wife of Jonas - aged 61?yrs 11?mos 4?ds
(last name may be Kendrick or Kendricks)
E. J.

(foot stone only)
John A. Judy
Apr 27, 1927 age 82Yrs 3Mo & 21Ds
May Judy
Aug 28, 1882 wife of John - aged 34Yrs 4Mos &3Ds
Sallie A. Judy
Dec 26, 1890 wife of John - aged 32 Yrs 6Mos & 25Ds
Emma Jump 1867 1937 mother (on same stone as Michel & Esta)
Esta Jump 1883 1906 daughter (on same stone as Emma & Michel)
Laura Jump 1911 1913 (on same stone as Nellie & Lottie)
Lottie Jump 1915 1925 (on same stone as Laura & Nellie)
M. Jump

(homemade stone)
Michel Jump 1851 1917 father (on same stone as Emma & Esta)
Nellie Jump
1913 (on same stone as Laura & Lottie)
? Kuhn
Dec 21, ????
A.J. Kuhn Sep 11, 1817 June 14, 1903
Annette Kuhn 1835 1870 (on same stone as James A. & Sarah W.)
Elizabeth Kuhn Mar 11, 1788? Oct 9, 1856 wife? of Jacob?
Jacob Kuhn Oct ??, 1777 Dec 7, 1853
James A. Kuhn 1838 1926 (on same stone as Annette & Sarah W.)
James P. Kuhn May 9, 1871 Dec 20, 1871 son of ? & J.
John Kuhn Sept 11, 1808 Dec 22, 1890 aged 82Yrs 3Mos & 11Ds (on same stone as Rebecca)
Margaret Kuhn
May 23?, 1844 wife of John - age 32yrs 2mo & 17ds
Nancy M. Kuhn Oct 15, 1831 Sep 8, 1876 wife of A.J.
Rebecca Kuhn June 7, 1811 Dec 31, 1903 wife of John (on same stone as John)
S.C.K. Kuhn Oct 13, 1871 Oct 29, 1871 son of W.L.K. & S.A.
Sarah E. Kuhn Nov 6, 1880 July 10, 1881 dau of W.J. & S.A.
Sarah W. Kuhn 1848 1923 (on same stone as Annette & James A.)
John J. Kuhn?
Aug 8, 1878? son of ? & ? - aged ?yrs 9mos 13ds
Anthony Lam May 26, 1894 Oct 16, 1910
Jeff Lamn

Lutitia E. Massey
July 20, 1876 wife of ?C. - aged 47Yrs 6M 3Ds
Wesley Ann McAtee

wife of Richard (broken stone may be part of 5922)
Oscar McCoy Jan 6, 1879 Jan 15, 1879 son of Oscar & Dora E.
Abraham McMillan Sept 27, 1816 Mar 26, 1904 aged 87yrs 5mos 29days
Dulcenia McMillan June 18, 1824 Oct 13, 1880 wife of Abram - aged 56yrs 2mos & 24days
Ella May McMillan
July 4, 1890 dau of Henry & Sallie - aged 1Yr 11Ms & 24Ds
Ruth McMillan
Sept. 28, 1849 wife of Abraham - aged 32Yrs & 2ds
Elizabeth Moore
Jan 9, 1892 aged 78 Years
Ronald Haze Murphy April 18, 1972 Nov 29, 1999
A.S. Osborn 1848 1908 (on same stone as Sallie C.)
Amanda Osborn
Nov 13, 1878 wife of Cinclair - aged 67Yrs 8Mos & 29Days
Amanda Osborn 1814 1878 (on same stone as St. Clair)
Clyda M. Osborn 1889 1912 (on same stone as Fred M.)
E.J. Osborn 1891 1924
Fred M. Osborn 1876 1919 (on same stone as Clyda M.)
Robert E. Osborn 1874 1947
Sallie C. Osborn 1851 1925 his wife (on same stone as A.S.)
St. Clair Osborn 1814 1904 (on same stone as Amanda)
W.G. Osborn Aug 28, 1885 Nov 12, 1917
Nanie I Parrish
July 14, 1870 dau of W.P. & A.
Nellie M. Purnel June 8, 1915 April 9, 1987
Charles R. Purnell 1908 1982 father (on same stone as Leola)
Leola Purnell 1907 1978 mother (on same stone as Charles R.)
Parrish Redd May 15, 1874 May 10, 1876 son of A & Mattie
Mary J. Redman
Sept 20, 1888 wife of J.J. - aged 43Yrs 1Mo & 25Ds
J.E. Rice
July 25, 1907 aged 81 years (on same stone as Susie)
Susie Rice
Apr 11, 1907 aged 74 years (on same stone as J.E.)
Florida S. Sleet Sept 1, 1860 Nov 12, 1893 wife of O.B.
O.B. Sleet

(plot marker)
Seaberry Smith 1897 1954
A.W. Stone Jan 23, 1830 May 27, 1869 son of A.W. & Sarah
Edward Stone
Mar 9, 1879 son of J.E. & ? - aged 4yrs 9mos & 10ds
Emma F. Stone
1921 infant
Euphema J. Stone Sept 9, 1844 April 10, 1881 wife of J.E.
J.E. Sr. Stone May 24, 1806 May 3, 1873
James ?. Stone Sep 21, 18?1 Feb 16, 18?6
John H. Stone June 26, 1855 Sept 2, 1908 (on same stone as Mary E.)
Mary E. Stone Sept 7, 1849 no date (on same stone as John H.)
Sarah A. Stone ? 17, ? ? wife of A.W. (broken stone)
Guy Sturgeon June 29, 1892 June 29, 1892 son of J.L. & Atha E.
Amanda Taylor
Sep 30, 1891 aged 58Yrs 2Mos & 24Ds
Lydia A. Thompson Sept 15, 1877 Jan 20, 1879 dau of A.M. & Monika
Andrew A. Updike 1873 1925 (on same stone as Lulie M.)
Ben F. Updike 1878 1946 (on same stone as Ella Mae)
Ella Mae Updike 1883 1962 (on same stone as Ben F.)
James B. Updike 1886 1972 married Aug 4, 1915 (on same stone as Martha J.)
Lulie M. Updike 1889 1978 (on same stone as Andrew A.)
Martha J. Updike 1893 1973 married Aug 4, 1915 (on same stone as James B.)
W.E. Updike

(field stone)
Bernie Delano Webster Aug 10, 1939 Feb 16, 1997 PFC US Army
Bessie Webster 1899 1955 mother (on same stone as Bradley)
Bradley Webster 1894 1958 father (on same stone as Bessie)
James B. Webster Sep 11, 1918 Feb 17, 1978 PVT US Army WWII
James B. Webster 1918 1978 husband (on same stone as Vertie M.)
Vertie M. Webster 1927 1994 wife (on same stone as James B.)
Ethel W. Williams 1883 1894 Grand dau of Wm. & S. Oder
A. Winterling 1845 1915
Charley Winterling
Oct 26, 1897 son of A & Emma - aged 2Yrs 2Mos & 26Ds
E.A. Winterling 1863 1940
Gracie May Winterling Dec 26, 1903 Jan 28, 1904 dau of A & Emma
Joseph Winterling 1869 1966 (on same stone as Maud F.)
Maud F. Winterling 1886 1917 (on same stone as Joseph)
Gertie Wynn 1912 1917 (on same stone as Ina & Shirley)
Ina Wynn 1891 1918 (on same stone as Shirley & Gertie)
Shirley Wynn
1912 (on same stone as Ina & Gertie)
Willie Wynn 1887 1973

There have been visitors to the Grant Co. Ky Cemeteries Site since January 29, 2002
Site last updated May 15, 2009

© 2002-2009 Kerry Kirk
No portion of this site may be used or reproduced elsewhere without written permission.
