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I am in the process of updating all characters on all of my websites like commas, hyphens, quotation marks, and other characters that have become corrupted. I am not sure why they have become corrupted and after so many years that these websites have had no problems. These characters now need to be replaced and it is a long process to go through each of the websites and webpages replacing each character. I also have a deadline that the websites need to be updated by the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024. At this time the website servers Rootsweb and Ancestry will no longer support updating and creating new websites or webpages. All the websites will continue to be online and at this time I will no longer be able to correct outdated links and content on the websites and webpages. I started my websites both family and military over 20 years ago and I was a pioneer in the beginning of using the internet for personal, family, geology research and military preservation of history. We have preserved a lot of history that would have gotten lost. As I go through correcting these websites and webpages, I am amazed on how much information we have posted and how many people have shared their family pictures and documentation with us. I thank you!Thank you for your years of support.
- Greg Krenzelok - Director - Historian
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group.
Serving to remember all that served our Country.Veterinary Station Hospital mission: The principal veterinary hospital within the Zone of the Interior. Provide the final stage of animal hospitalization within the Zone of the Interior; furnish definitive treatment to salvageable animals that require no further treatment by lower echelon veterinary services but are not yet ready for return to duty; furnish definitive treatment to cases received from lower echelon veterinary services located in the Zone of the Interior.
Thanks for the information. It is both helpful and appreciated. The problem we have with saving the Veterinary Corps history is the same we have in researching our military and family history - in other words, we wait until the people with the answers are dead or we have tore down our history and then we have to go to the trouble of digging up the information from second hand sources - or in the words of the old Dutchman - "too late smart!".Again, thanks for all that you have done to save our history!
Dave Wigginton
National Register of Historic Places listings for Monterey, County
Above picture is of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941) in 1948. The sign on the Veterinary Clinic building C-5 reads: "Station Veterinary Hospital" Not shown in the picture is building T-3144, C-6 Clinic Veterinary Surgical building and the veterinary detail Barrack T-3132. Source: Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper, 1948. Eye witness and interviewed, General Elia was stationed at the veterinary hospital at the time. Image credit: DLIFLC & POM Archives. Note: this image has been re-created from the original Fort Ord Panorama newspaper image by Greg Krenzelok.Note: Those trees in front of the Veterinary Clinic have sure grown large.
Left Image: Taken at the beginning of our research in 2008. credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved. Right image: Stabilization of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941), 2013. Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.On the left is Barrack T-3132. On the right, right to left are; T-3140, C-5 Vet. Clinic; T-3141, Colic Building; T-3142, Ward A; T-3143, Ward B and T-3144, C-6 Vet. Clinic Surgical Building, a complete Series 700 WW2 Station Veterinary Hospital built originally to care the horses of the U. S. Army.
Note: Because the Veterinary Barrack T-3132 is owned and is on Marina Coast Water District property it was not included in the City of Marina's stabilization of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital c1941. It needs stabilization, new roof, repairs and painting. And because the 902nd Military Intelligence Group INSCOM, Army Counterintelligence Detachment was located in T-3132 until Fort Ord closed in 1994 it was maintained until then. I believe the water district make have done a little work on the barracks at some time.
The U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group has spent a lot of time in its effort to preserve the history of these historical buildings and the rich Monterey Bay area U.S. Army Horse soldier history. The City of Marina is now in the process of deciding the fate of the U.S. Army Veterinary Hospital (Horse c1941). It is our duty to make a stand that the historical buildings must be preserved to their original function and must be kept intact. Below is our vision and mission. Anything less is unacceptable and will affect our involvement in the future.OUR VISION FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE HISTORIC FORT ORD STATION VETERINARY HOSPITAL (U. S. ARMY HORSE c1941)
Our vision and mission is the restoration of the Historic Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital is to restore all six buildings. These buildings are: building T-3140, C-5 veterinary clinic; building T-3141, Colic building; buildings T-3142 and T-3143, veterinary wards A and B; building T-3144, C-6 surgical clinic; and T-3144, veterinary barrack, housed the veterinary detachment c1941-1942. At this time building T-3144, the barrack is not under the City of Marina's control. For years I have been trying to get the city to acquire this building from the Marina Water District. High on the priority is to get this building.Our vision and mission is to restore these buildings inside and out to their original historical significance and function as it was in 1941, with only some, but minimal vendor impact. As an example of our vision, we look at the 1909 brick Veterinary Hospital at Fort Robinson, Crawford, Nebraska. Once again, I would like to thank Thomas R. Buecker Curator of the Fort Robinson Museum for helping us to understand the function of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital when I was working on the research in 2009.
Click on the link to view the c1909 brick Veterinary Hospital at Fort Robinson, Crawford, Nebraska: U. S. ARMY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, FORT ROBINSON, CRAWFORD, NEBRASKA
U. S. Army Veterinary Hospital c1909, Fort Robinson, Crawford, Nebraska
"Historical significance is a historiographical concept that defines and influences the social remembrance of past events"Thank you, Fort Ord Equine Foundation for all your hard work and your bold stand on supporting the vision and mission to bring back the glorious U. S. Army Horse Soldier's past of the historical buildings of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941). These buildings have such historical significance as an example of our U. S. Army Horse Soldier's past, something that will help our self's, the Monterey Bay community, our children, and the world to understand the importance of our history. City of Marina, we will only have just one chance to get this right, now is the time. We see the vision, do you?
My responsibility as an historian is to make sure communities save their history, historical buildings, and not make the mistake of lost opportunities. Sometimes this means not being popular. Just think before our research in 2008 the memory of Fort Ord having once stabled over 1,400 U. S. Army horses and mules, 21 stables with their blacksmith shops, the hay barn, incinerator, brick building T-1442, and the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital was almost a lost memory. Today it is accepted as a fact, due to our research. That is saving history.
"Modifying the inside of the buildings of the National Historic U. S. Army Horse Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital c1941 for vendors to me is like taking the National Historic Landmark Monterey Custom House, restoring the outside, and turning the inside into a coffee shop. The two animals that have given up their lives for human beings are horses and dogs. Do we not owe the horses their place in history? " - Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Right now, February 2021, we are at a very crucial time for the Historic Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital as the City of Marina decides the direction of the City of Marina Equestrian Center, in which the hospital is located.
It is our research that played the key role in achieving the National Register of Historic Places status. We are a co-author of the application. We reserve all copyrights on our research material and it is prohibited to use our research material without our permission in anyway.
Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian.
U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group.
Serving to remember all that served our Country.
"Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you, you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end, requires some of the same courage which a soldier needs in battle. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men to win them".- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group gives the City of Marina and its mayor 3 stars out of 10 stars rating (1 star being poor and 10 stars being excellent) on showing their interest in preserving the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse c1941. And honoring Fort Ord's history and those who served here. It is the only 700 Series type building at Fort Ord to receive the National Register of Historic Places status, I repeat, the only one. I have done everything in my power to help the City of Marina to understand the historical significance that the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital is and just how important it is to the community of Marina. The city needs to take responsibility for its historical buildings.February 2023: As Chaparral Country Corporation becomes the concessionaire of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse c1941, located in the City of Marina Equestrian Center. The top priorities of the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group who are responsible for the research and museum collection for the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse, c1941, are that the C-6 (Surgical Veterinary Clinic where the horse operating table was originally installed) must be brought back to its original configuration and historical significance as it was in 1941. The dog kennels must be removed and any structures attached to the building that were not original (c1941). For example, the C-5 building was almost identical to the C-6 building in appearance. And most important is that the veterinary barrack which is in the hands of the Marina Coast Water District must be transferred into the hands of the City of Marina and become a part of the park. It is also important to note that the C-5 building is still intact to its original configuration inside and outside to its historical significance, and as it was in 1941. This building must not be modified in anyway.
- Greg Krenzelok - The Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital suffering preservation movement. 15th anniversary of working on this project. Started in December 2008.
Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941. Very nice image of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital taken using Google Earth 2023. New housing developments are getting closer to the veterinary hospital as the old Fort Ord slips into the past. T-3141 the Colic building is covered by trees. This image gives you a very good idea of the dog kennels that have been added on to the C-6 building where the U.S. Army horse operating table was install in 1942. It is very important that the dog kennels and their structures be removed along with any fencing to bring it back to its original configuration and historical significance as it was in 1941. Its also important to understand that the dog kennel structure are basically lean-to contruction with no foundations, making removal simpler. And just as important is that the Veterinary Detach Barrack T-3132 become a part of the park.
Above image: A close up of the Veterinary Ward A and Veterinary Ward B, and the dog kennels, their structures and fencing that needs to be removed. - Greg Krenzelok - Director/Historian - U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Red Dots: Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (Horse 1941), and Imjim Parkway, 2010. Credit: Google Earth and Greg Krenzelok. Things have changed since 2010 when I captured the images on Google Earth. I mapped out Fort Ord on Google Earth at that time and several other years to document the changes that I knew were coming.
Red Dots: Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (Horse 1941), and the Horse Stables on 4th Avenue, 2020. Credit: Google Earth and Greg Krenzelok.
October 15, 2014: As I start my horse soldier research on the Presidio of San Francisco I am learning that the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital has even a larger role in the history of the last horse units in the U. S. Army. The Presidio of San Francisco had an incredible horse cavalry and artillery history in its past. It has always been the West Coast hub and embarkation and debarkation center of army activity. From the Indian Wars to patrolling our National Parks the Presidio was the station for these troops. In 1891 the cavalry at the Presidio of San Francisco received an additional assignment, protecting the Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant national parks (the latter eventually becoming a part of the Kings Canyon National Park). But the role of the horse soldiers at the Presidio after 1914 pretty much came to an end. This was not true for Fort Lewis, the Presidio of Monterey and later Fort Ord (also later Camp Lockett ). These posts remained the major locations on the West Coast for remaining army horse units. The Presidio of San Francisco was only a destination for these horse units for practice maneuvers, patrolling and other duties in the 1920s to the 1940s. The Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital even know it never reached its full potential due to the end of the horse units played a key role as a last remaining example of the U. S. Army's Horse Soldiers. And especially on the West Coast of the United States where you do not have army horse installation examples like other parts of the country. The Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (horse c1941) has been temporally saved from it's destruction and there still is a long way to go to its real preservation. We are thankful that these buildings are now listed in National Register of Historic Places. We regret losing the battle to save the remaining Fort Ord horse stables and blacksmith shops that this veterinary hospital was built to service that were located next to the hospital.- Greg Krenzelok, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group.
The U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group is the leading expert in the country in the research of the U.S. Army Veterinary Service in both World War I and II. Our research and "Flash Museum" is credited in fueling the preservation efforts in saving the veterinary hospital. We originally started the current "Horse Soldier" research on the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital in December of 2008. We continued on with research of the SD-17 horse stables and their blacksmith shops on 4th Avenue, Fort Ord Main Garrison, Camp Ord/East Garrison, Camp Ord Military Reservation (Gigling), Camp Del Monte, Camp John P. Pryor, Camp Lockett, Camp McQuaide and recently the Presidio of Monterey. You will find our extensive research online. In our possession is a large archive of audio tape interviews, the Lt. Lee Stickler Collection (76th and 75th Bn.), images, old movies, vintage books, old newspapers, picture albums, and other material including the only complete display of uniforms: 11th Cavalry, 76th Field Artillery, 107th Cavalry, Veterinary Corps both WW1 and WW2 and more, field equipment, saddles, tack, horse-drawn artillery harness, Phillips pack saddle, veterinary instruments, field phone, artillery fire-control instruments including: M1915A1 Battery Commander Scope complete with wood case, M1916 and M1917 Ranger Finders with cases, U.S. M1916 Aiming Circle (Spencer Lens Co Company) with case and tripod, French Aiming Circle with tripod and case (Lemaire, Paris) WW1, U.S. M1918 French type Aiming Circle with case , U.S. M-1 Aiming Circle (1941) with case, M1918 type Prismatic tripod mounted compass, M1917 field phone, WW1, wood case, (the EE type field phones used by the field artillery are the predecessors of the M1917 field phone), EE-3 (WW1 and post, wood case, very similar to the M1917 field phone), EE-5 (1920's to 1940's, leather case) and EE-8 (1930's and later, leather case) field phones, 1920's W & L.E. Gurley tripod and plane table used by the U.S. Field Artillery, 1930's Dietzgen plane table and tripod, M1913 Sketching Board with tripod both WW1 and WW2, 1930's portable army forge, MKIII 10 Gauge flare gun Very pistol dated 1918, No. 1 Stewart hand-crank horse clipper, Saddlers chest for Battery wagon, Saddler's tools and roll and so many more items that interprets the Horse Soldier history of the Monterey Bay area. Our collection is a mobile full size "Horse Soldier" museum. It has been our quest to learn everything about the Army horse and mounted soldiers and their equipment that was used and we have done this. No one else has attempted to any meaningful research on this area of research and many have written about Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital only to copy our research. We have interviewed a large amount of men that were in horse units.It is our research that played the key role in achieving the National Register of Historic Places status. We reserve all copyrights on our research material and it is prohibited to use our research material without our permission in anyway. We are very interested in promoting this wonderful history and are very open to granting permission to use our material, so please contact us - Greg Krenzelok, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group.
The U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group horse soldier mobile museum set up at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (horse c1941) in the C-5 veterinary clinic; building T-3141. Notice the original horse stock, alittle right of center. Image Source: U. S. Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group Collection - Greg Krenzelok Director. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.Find us on Facebook:
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
This is also the story of the Monterey Bay military presence, The Presidio of Monterey Horse Soldiers and the Fort Ord Horse Soldiers, Post WW1 to WW2. The Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital is: "A Complete, Series 700, WW2 Mobilization Building Type, Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941), Intact, Complete and Unique." We have interviewed many old horse soldiers in the course of our U. S. Army Horse Soldier research. They are all gone now. Now is the time to preserve their history and stories.
This is the only Complete Series 700 Temporary, WW2 Mobilization Building Type, Station Veterinary Station Hospital of its type that exists throughout the country. This is confirmed. There are other types of U. S. Army Veterinary (U. S. Army Horse) Hospitals. Mainly earlier brick permanent type, but not the Wooden 700 Series type. Camp Lockett is the only other location where a C-6 surgical Clinic and Ward stables exist. But nothing can even begin to compare to this fine example at Fort Ord. That's why it has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. We are co-authors and creators of the National Register of Historic Places Listing.
Fort Ord was one of the last locations of the U. S. Army Field Artillery Horse-Drawn units and Horse Cavalry mounted and Mechanized units.
These Buildings Deserve to be saved and preserved. Unbelievable Original Condition.
Note: There were once 21 SD-17 Model Artillery and Cavalry Stables, Drawing Series 700-372, 58 Animal Capacity, 46 feet x 156 feet on 4th Avenue. Along with their blacksmith shops, and hay shed. They were a stone throw away from the Station Veterinary Hospital. We fought hard to keep the remaining stables and blacksmith shops from being Demolished. In May 2011 we lost the battle. The veterinary hospital served those stables.
Click on the below link:
4th Avenue Stable layoutAll this is documented on this website.
The Monterey Bay area has a huge U. S. Army Military, Horse Cavalry and Horse-drawn presence from before the 1900 century to the early 1940's. Including the Citizens Military Training Corps (C.M.T.C.) 1920s at the yearly encampment at Del Monte. Remains of the horse racing track (original encampment) can still be seen at the Monterey Regional Airport and the Monterey County Fairgrounds area. Later it was moved to the Presidio of Monterey and was located up on the hill. A few famous names that can be associated are: Artist Jo Mora was a man of many additional talents, artist-historian, sculptor, painter, photographer, illustrator, muralist, cowboy, and author. He illustrated the C.T.M.C camp's Cat Musketeer yearbooks and also served at the camp. And American Impressionist: Howard Everett Smith who created the 107th Cavalry Lithographs at Fort Ord in 1942. And noted is famous hero of WW2 and the Battle of the Bulge, Brigadier General Tony McAuliffe acting commander of the 101st Airborne Division. He's the guy that told the Germans "Nuts" at the Battle of the Bulge. McAuliffe who was in the 76th Field Artillery was a horse chariot driving in Cecil B. DeMille's 1923 lavish silent classic movie THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. The 76th Field Artillery horse/drawn drove the pharaoh's chariots in the movie and were encamped on the movie site. And of course the Military training that went on at the Camp Ord Reservation, now the Fort Ord National Monument. In which military units throughout California and the Western States came to train. Including the Stanford University R.O.T.C Horse-Drawn unit in the 1920s and early 1930s. Note: I have many of their yearbooks.At the center of our museum collection is a very rare find, it is the Foot Locker of Lt. General Robert C. Richardson who is connected to our Fort Ord research.
The VII Corps Headquarters was rushed to the West Coast after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Major General Robert C. Richardson, Jr. at the time was commanding the VII was in charge of overseeing the defense of California. He also became the commander of the California Defense Sector of the Western Defense Command. Part of his command would have been the 7th Division at Fort Ord and included the 74th, 75th, 76th, Field Artillery still horse-drawn and the 107th Cavalry (horse/mechanized) who were stationed throughout California protecting our coast and other sensitive areas. Originally the Headquarters of the VII Corps and Northern California Sector was established at San Jose, California by the Seventh (7th) Division in accordance with Plan Rainbow No. 5. Later they were moved to the Presidio of San Francisco.In June 1943 he was promoted to the temporary rank of lieutenant general and became Military Governor of Hawaii and Commanding General of the Hawaiian Department, and all Army personnel in the Pacific Ocean and Mid-Pacific Areas. He oversaw the US military planning, preparation, training, and force deployments that would lead to victory over Japan. He was the first senior Army general officer to ever serve as Joint forces subordinate commander under a non-Army flag officer, Fleet Admiral Nimitz. Lt Gen Richardson stood in the front row of senior officers and leaders who witnessed Japan's formal surrender on the deck of the USS Missouri. Note: look for the below link to his website. - Greg Krenzelok
"General Robert C. Richardson Jr. had a successful and significant career in the United States Army, but is rarely remembered for his contributions".
- Quote: National Register of Historic Places Registration Form for Richardson Theater, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY MUSEUM
Click on the below link:
Click on the below link:
Jo Mora Renowned Artist: C.M.T.C. Camp, Del Monte, California 1920sAMERICAN IMPRESSIONIST: HOWARD EVERETT SMITH, 107TH CAVALRY LITHOGRAPHS 1942
Click on the below link:
American Impressionist: Howard Everett Smith who created the 107 th Cavalry Lithographs at Fort Ord in 1942.THE 76TH FIELD ARTILLERY'S ROLE IN CECIL B. DEMILLE'S 1923 MOVIE: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS
Click on the below link:
The 76th Field Artillery's Role in Cecil B. Demillies's 1923 Movie: The Ten CommandmentsVIDEO: FORT ORD WAR HORSE DAY 2013
Fort Ord War Horse Day Event 2013 at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941. City of Marina, Ca. Equestrian Center.
Click on the below link:
Fort Ord War Horse Day in Marina 2013 by Elizeth Labega VideoZeeBiz
Note: the above video was taken before the Stabilization Project for the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse c1941, 2013. Notice the condition of the buildings then.VIDEO: FORT ORD WAR HORSE DAY 2016
Fort Ord War Horse Day Event 2016 at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941. City of Marina, Ca. Equestrian Center.
Click on the below link:
Fort Ord War Horse Day in Marina 2016 by Elizeth Labega VideoZeeBizTRIBUTE OF HONOR: SGT. ALLAN MACDONALD U. S. ARMY HORSE SOLDIER
Click on the below link:
Click on the below link:
General Richardson Fort Ord Defense of West Coast
Left image: Aerial image of Camp Del Monte C.M.T.C. (Civilian Military Training Corps) Camp and polo field and race track in the 1920's. Looking southeast. City of Monterey and Hotel Del Monte is in the background and marked with arrows. Source: John Sanders, Dudley Knox Library, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, and Margaret Davis. Right image: Aerial image of the C.M.T.C. at Del Monte. Souce: Monterey Regional Airport photos section, Jennifer Hickerson, 2014. Note: You must seek permission to use these images. - Greg Krenzelok
Left image: Aerial image credit: c1956 Aerial Monterey County Fairgrounds (Del Monte Polo Field) and the Monterey Regional Airport. University of California, Santa Cruz, Science and Engineering Library Map Room. High St., Santa Cruz, CA. Right image: Aerial Monterey County Fairgrounds and Monterey Regional Airport, google earth 2012. Red Dot is where the Camp Del Monte C.M.T.C. (Civilian Military Training Corps) Camp and polo field and race track was in the 1920's.THE CITIZEN MILITARY TRAINING CAMP PROGRAM
The Citizen Military Training Camp program was a summer youth camp program open to young men aged 17-24. All uniforms, equipment, food, and lodging would be provided free-of-charge to accepted attendees. The purpose of these camps, to quote the original proposal, was, "To develop closer national and social unity by bringing together young men of all types, both native and foreign born; to teach the privileges, duties and responsibilities of American citizenship; to stimulate the interest of the youth of this country in the importance of military training as a benefit to the individual taking such training and as an asset vital in the problem of national defense." Much emphasis was placed on physical, mental, and moral health. Sports, scholarship, and religion were a large part of the program. Field trips to the nearby attractions of Monterey were common.An enormous advertising campaign was undertaken to recruit young men to attend the camps. Print advertising, radio broadcasts, posters and broadsides, magic lantern shows at the movie palace, and even a special postal stamp cancelation were all employed. One of the better advertising ideas was an essay contest for girls aged 13-19 who were to write about "Why a Young Man I Know Ought to Attend a Military Training Camp". In fact, quite an effort was focused on the female population to get mothers and girlfriends to push their young man towards the CMTCs.
Initial enrollment in the camps was 10,000 in 1920 and expanded to 25,000 by 1923. That was the first year that a camp was held here in Monterey on the grounds of the Del Monte hotel. The actual camp area was at the race track and polo field of the hotel which today is part of the Monterey County Fairgrounds. Monterey was the ideal location for a military training camp in part because the 11th Cavalry and the 76th Field Artillery soldiers from the nearby Presidio of Monterey were available as instructors. Another advantage of the Monterey location was proximity to the huge Giggling Reservation (Fort Ord National Monument today).
Photography and editing by: Lt. T. C. Jones, Veterinary Corps and Lt. T. D. Gillis, 11th Cavalry Every year many American youths spend thirty happy days in a camp under the supervision of United States Army Officers. Here they learn many things that help prepare them for good citizenship. This film offers a few glimpses into the life at one of our Citizen's Military Training Camps and is an excellent account of the summer encampment and training. Length: 42 minutes and 27 second. Source: adaptation from A Year on a Cavalry Post, Presidio of Monterey, California, 1938.
Click on the below link:
Presidio of Monterey Citizens Military Training Camp (CMTC) 1938
Sgt Allan MacDonald in 2010 at Comanche's Grave, at the old Camp Ord Reservation (Fort Ord National Monument). Comanche, a mustang adopted and trained by Sgt MacDonald, was the last ceremonial warhorse of Fort Ord, dying in 1993. Sgt MacDonald is riding her successor, Comanche II, also a white mare from a BLM gather. Photo courtesy of Fort Ord BETA.COMMISSIONING BRONZE STATUE OF SGT. ALLAN MACDONALD MOUNTED ON COMANCHE
In the future the U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group is hoping to commission a bronze stature of Sgt. Allan MacDonald with his long flowing hair mounted on his horse Comanche, that will be place front and center at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941). This is the same time period that Sgt. MacDonald served as a horse mounted trooper. This statue will give a special meaning to the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941. And it will attract many visitors of different interests to the historic veterinary hospital and the City of Marina.This statue will also be a tribute and reminder of the rich U. S. Army Horse Soldier History of the Monterey Bay area and 11th U. S. Army horse cavalry and 76th Field Artillery horse-drawn artillery that served at the Presidio of Monterey, the Civilian Military training camp (C.M.T.C) at Del Monte and the Presidio of Monterey, and those that trained at the Camp Ord Reservation (Fort Ord National Monument), and the horse soldiers at Fort Ord, 1940 to 1943.
We hope to partner with the Chaparral Country Corporation, Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse, the City of Marina, the community of Marina, the City of Monterey, and everyone who is interested in helping to make this a reality. We feel that the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital which is on the National Register of Historic Places and the location of the many events that Sgt Allan MacDonald participated in and was always our honored guest is the perfect place for his statue. - We hope that you will join us with this tribute and of the U. S. Army horse soldiers!
"Isn't it time we give something back to Sgt. Allan MacDonald; he has given so much to us and the City of Marina and the Monterey Bay area. Let us not forget him and one of the last U.S. Army Horse Soldiers. Let us honor our veterans."
- Greg Krenzelok, Director/Historian
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Serving to remember all that served our Country.Note: Look in the above link for a Tribute Of Honor: Sgt. Allan MacDonald U.S. Army Horse Soldier website.
Update: Sgt Allan MacDonald Statue
To: Bruce Delgado - City of Marina City Mayor,
Good morning, Bruce,
Update on the commissioning a memorial bronze statue of Sgt. Allan MacDonald mounted on Comanche. That would be placed, front and center at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941).Greg Krenzelok Director/Historian
U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 I contacted Bruce Delgado the City of Marina City Mayor. Below was his reply:Reply from: Mayor Bruce Delgado:
I'm in. Let me know how I can help. Get us details you need asap as we are in the start of our budget process so this is best shot for next two years whether you need staff time and city approvals or $$ or both.
thank you,
April 28, 2023:With Bruce's approval I started the process of commissioning a memorial statue of Sgt. Allan MacDonald mounted on Comanche. I made contact with Matt Glenn's Administrative Secretary, Ruby Anderson of Big Statues. We started the proposal and quote process with all the necessary details and pricing. All emails from Big Statues were addressed to both Bruce and myself. Bruce was kept in the loop. I sent Ruby a letter's describing what we wished the statue to look like. I sent pictures of Sgt. Allan MacDonald and Comanche. I thought it would be a good idea to use the correct period tack on his horse Comanche. as a 1940s U.S. Army Cavalry mount would have been a model 1928 McClellan Saddle, correct bridle, a U.S. Army blanket used as a saddle blanket, and saddle bags. Allan would appear in his c1940s U. S. Army Cavalry uniform with all of his decorations, as we always saw him over the years at many events.
April 28, 2023 - I received a proposal for making the statue of Allan and Comanche + shipping cost and setting it up.Hello Greg and Mayor Bruce Delgado,
Thank you again so much for contacting us about your statue of Sgt. Allan MacDonald and his horse Comanche! We would love to be involved and are so grateful for the consideration of our company. We have attached a Project Proposal (see attachment below) with all the necessary information for this project, including a total cost summary, as well as the expected time frame.
We look forward to hearing back from you. Have an amazing day!
Big Statues
Ruby Anderson
Administrative Secretary
2601 N Canyon Road
Provo, Utah 84604
April 28, 2023 from Big Statues:Dear Greg, thank you for allowing Big Statues the opportunity to bid on your amazing project. In the following proposal, we have outlined the creation process for your sculpture. Here at Big Statues, details are crucial and customer satisfaction is always guaranteed. As local craftsmen, we are proud of our American made products and hope to fulfill all of your sculpture needs.
Matt Glenn, master craftsman at Big Statues working on the Spartan Warrior statue.1. Design Concept Session Big Statues offers a design concept session, free of charge, which sets us apart from other artists and sculptors. This is also an opportunity to review concept drawings and specific designs that will be incorporated into your custom sculpture.
- Specific details of the statue - including pose, clothing, stance, and any other accouchements.
- Surrounding areas - including walking paths, benches, lighting, and landscaping.2. Sketch Using your inspiration photographs and references, our in-house artist will create a rough sketch of the project. You will receive the images & have a chance to make edits and changes.
3. 3D Rendering Using the approved sketch, our digital sculptor will create a digitized 3D model of your sculpture. You will have opportunities to provide feedback and multiple rounds of edits before the next steps.
4. Clay, Armature Construction & Molding When the clay sculpture is finished, we begin the process of creating a mold of the statue. The clay is covered in layers of polyurethane or silicone rubber which captures every minute detail. Plaster is applied to the exterior of the mold as a ridged "jacket" to help the mold hold its shape. Once the mold is dry, the clay is removed.
5. Casting Solid blocks of 100% USA bronze are heated to temperatures nearing 2250 degrees so that liquid bronze can be poured into the ceramic molds. Once liquid bronze is poured into the ceramic shell, it is left to cool for several hours before being removed from the mold.
6. Delivery & Installation When the statue is complete, logistics such as shipping and installation are taken care of in coordination with our patrons. Finally, the completed bronze statue is ready for its unveiling.
- 6-8 months upon signing of agreementDELIVERY, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Once your sculpture is complete it will be crated, delivered, and unloaded at the address of your choice. Your custom statue is insured for its full value during the entire shipping process. The statue will include all of the needed mounting hardware for installation. We are happy to walk you through the process or, if you choose, we will provide one of our representatives to handle the installation at an additional cost.
Your unique custom bronze statue will require very little up-keep. Some weathering will occur over time, leaving natural mineral deposits. To avoid weathering and to preserve the new appearance of the statue, keep it coated with Johnson's Floor Wax.
- Estimated shipping & handling (including crate charges) are roughly $5,600
- Estimated installation if you choose to have our team install the sculpture, including necessary equipment (cranes, cement cutting, etc.) is roughly $5,000
Total Statue Cost includes:
- Artist Fee
- Artwork/Sketches
- Materials Used
- Fabrication
- Clay Work
- Mold Work
- Foundry FeeEND OF QUOTE
I contacted Susan Pennell from Chaparral Country Corporation to see if Chaparral would be interested in pursuing organizing a fundraiser for the Sgt. Allan McDonald Statue. I also told her that with Bruce's help, the Marina Equestrian Association might also be interested in getting involved in the fundraiser.I never heard back from Chaparral or the mayor.
- Greg Krenzelok - Director/Historian
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Click on the below link:
Ultimate Guide to Creating Bronze Statues Website
NOTE: Look for the links within this website. If you don't you will miss a lot of wonderful information!
All images and material are copyrighted by the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group or our contributors, Greg Krenzelok or Fort Ord Warhorse, Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.
Stabilization Veterinary (U. S. Army Horse c1941) Ward B and re-roofing Veterinary Ward A buildings, 2013. Image credit copyrighted Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse, all rights reserved.STABILIZATION OF THE FORT ORD STATION VETERINARY HOSPITAL, U.S. ARMY HORSE C1941
City of Marina, California, Equestrian Center Envelope Stabilization Project for the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse c1941. Bid opening November 14, 2013.Stabilization of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary U. S. Army Horse c1941 KSBW News Action News TV - Jan 15, 2014
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Stabilization: KSBW News Action News 8 TV - Jan 15, 2014The Marina City Council approved a contract for over $400,000 for the Stabilization of the WWII Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital buildings at the Marina Equestrian Center. While the city's "envelope stabilization" project is not a restoration, it is intended to halt deterioration of the warhorse hospital by making the buildings watertight with new roofing and paint. The best part of this news is the recognition of the value of these buildings by the city. We have worked long to garner this recognition, and your efforts have been instrumental. Thank you for taking the time to send emails to council, attend meetings, and participate with the city's MEC Ad Hoc Committee. Most important, thank you for visibly demonstrating your support by attending Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse events.
We are now urging the city to take special precautions to ensure architectural integrity is preserved as work proceeds. The cachet of a vintage building is in the details, especially windows and hardware. The Friends continue to monitor the work and urge the city and contractor to treat these buildings lovingly and preserve their character. - Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse. Image source: Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse
The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation.Note: The Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S Army Horse c1941) is the first of Fort Ord's World War II period temporary type buildings to receive the National Register of Historic Places status. This is great honor.
April 23, 2014: According to a phone call to the California Office of Historic Preservation that at the State Historical Resources Commission quarterly meeting at Pacific Grove, California on April 22, 2014 the pending nomination for the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital has been approved.STATUS UPDATE ON "APPROVED" NOMINATION OF THE FORT ORD STATION VETERINARY HOSPITAL (U. S. ARMY HORSE c1941)
The State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) considered the following nominations at their regularly scheduled hearing on April 22, 2014 at Pacific Grove, Ca. They recommended the State Historic Preservation Officer forward six National Register nominations to the Keeper of the National Register for listing. They also approved updates to five existing California Historical Landmarks and one new California Historical Landmark. The Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital was one of the six National Register nominations forward to the Keeper of the National Register.April 28, 2014 - phone call with Amy Crain, California State Historian II, on the status of the nomination:
Greg, it passed on the consent calendar last week (April 22th) by the commission (State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC). It will be finalized sometime this week and signed by either the State Preservation Officer (SHPO) Carol Roland-Nawi or the deputy and it will be sent to Washington D.C. and the Keeper of the National Register who has 45 days for that office review and determination. After that if everything is approved by the keeper it will be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. No plaque or marker is issued and it is totally up to the owners and interested parties discretion to pay for the making and installation of such a plague or marker. Questions and answers regarding such a plague or marker can be found on the Office of Historic Preservation Website:
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Office of Historic Preservation Website
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Plaques for National Register of Historic PlacesNOTE: It is very important to note that the nomination is based on the U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group's research work. We are extremely proud of our research work that is making it possible to preserve the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital and that we are co-authors of the nomination.
Click on the below link:
The Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941) National Register nomination application
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National Register of Historic Places listings
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National Register of Historic Places listings for California
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National Register of Historic Places listings for Monterey, CountyDid you know that the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army horse c1941 is the only listing of the National Register of Historic Places in the City of Marina?
Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941)Article Monterey Herald Newspaper
By Tom LeydeClick on the below link:
Equestrian Site Gallops onto National Register
The 76th Field Artillery Regiment and the 107th Cavalry were stationed here in the 1940's. This also was one of the last Veterinary Hospitals to be built to service the large amounts of horses of the U.S. Army Cavalry and Field Artillery.
In the fiscal years of 1941 and 1942 the Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941) had a ward capacity of 60 animals. It was one 12 new veterinary facilities built by the U. S. Army. Actually the capacities of the faculties were not fixed, but were designed to include as many stalls as were needed to hospitalize 3.5 percent of the animals in a camp or unit and to provide 360.5 square feet of corral space for each animal.
Above Source: (1) Annual Report of the Surgeon General, United States Army. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1941, pp. 166 and 194. (2) Annual reports, Veterinary Division, Surgeon General's Office, U. S. Army, 1942. This information is also found in: UNITED STATES VETERINARY CORPS IN WORLD WAR II by Lieutenant Colonel Everett B. Miller, Veterinary Corps, USA on page 565.
In mid-1940 before the 11th Cavalry and the 76th Field Artillery left the Presidio of Monterey. There was a Veterinary ward capacity of 49 animals at the Presidio which made it the 7th highest ward capacity of the Veterinary Hospitals in the Zone of the Interior. Camp Hale, Co. capacity 190, Camp Carson, Co. capacity 110, Camp Lewis, Wash. capacity 60 and Fort Ord, Ca. capacity 60, were the largest of the new Veterinary facilities built in 1941-42. Fort Ord has the only completely intact Veterinary Hospital of it's type that I have been able to find. If the three-quarter barrack come down this will end it being intact. And if the Fort Ord Equestrian Center is demolished it will be gone forever. I have contacted several sources at Fort Lewis and there seems to be no trace remaining of the Veterinary Hospital by local historians. There was a very large present of horses at the Fort Lewis Remount station (1919's) which I have a picture on my website and this to seems to be almost forgotten.
Contact me at:
- Greg Krenzelok
Left Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved. Right: Stabilization re-roofing of building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic, Type C-5, 2013. Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.Above: The Fort Ord Equestrian Center (City of Marina Equestrian Center). The Veterinary Hospital at Fort Ord was built originally to service over the 1,400 horses of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment (Horse Drawn) and the 107th Cavalry (Horse/mechanized) and the 21 stables of horses on 4th Avenue that were stationed here in the 1940's. The intention was short lived as the horse units became mechanized in May of 1942 at Fort Ord, Ca. I am still doing research into the function of the Veterinary Hospital after this time. The U.S. Veterinary Corps had a present here until it closed down in 1994 as a Station Veterinary Hospital. We know that a platoon of the 1st Veterinary Company was permanently stationed here in December 7 1941.
Go to GOOGLE EARTH and go to the STREET LEVEL and view the Veterinary Hospital in 360 degrees! (3104 5th Ave, Marina, Ca 93933)
The 11th Cavalry and the 76th Field Artillery, horse mounted and horse drawn units ran their maneuvers at Camp Ord and Camp Gigling at the East Garrison area in the 1920's and 1930's. Most of the information on the Station Veterinary Hospital at Fort Ord during the 1940's to 1994 when it closed seems to be forgotten and we need your help. Please contact me if you have any information or pictures that may help us to preserve the history of this part of Fort Ord. We also are looking for the families who had relatives stationed here and at the Presidio at Monterey that were part of the 11th Cavalry and the 76th Field Artillery.
VETERINARY CLINIC, TYPE C-5, BUILDING T-3140 (U.S. Army Horse c1941)
Left Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved, taken 2008. Right: Stabilization of building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic, Type C-5, 2013. Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.Note: The C-5 building T-3140, U.S. Army Veterinary Clinic has been basically untouched. Mainly because U.S. Army veterinarians where stationed their until 1994 when Fort Ord was closed.
Building T-3140, Clinic, Veterinary, Medical, Type C-5, Date of design May 5, 1937, Authorized to supplement the Surgical Clinic where the animals strength warranted its need. Includes an office, latrine, rooms for supplies and heater, dispensary, and dressing floor with stocks and hitching rails. Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital. Building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic, Type C-5, front view from 5th Avenue. The T-3140 building was completed January 30, 1941
LAYOUT C-5 BUILDING (U.S. Army Horse c1941)
Click on the below link to view the Layout Plan for the C-5 building
Plans and Layout to the Type C-5 Vet. Clinic Ft Ord
Left Image 2008, credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved. Stabilization of building T-3144, Clinic, Veterinary, Surgical, Medical, Type C-6, Date of design May 5, 1937, 2013. Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.Building T-3144, Clinic, Veterinary, Surgical, Medical, Type C-6, Date of design May 5, 1937, Authorized one per camp Includes an office, latrine, rooms for supplies and heater, dispensary, laboratory and room with operating table, dressing floor and one stock and hitching rails. Fort Ord, Ca.
Note: The C-5 building was modified and updated by the Monterey County Animals Services as the animal control center. I have talked with Kathy who was en-charge of choosing the build that would be used and I was able to get the blue prints that were drawn up at the time.
Note: The horse-operating table was still installed in the C-6 Veterinary Surgical building in 1946, and later that year it was removed and went to the Fort Ord salvage yard according to General Elia.
February 2023: As Chaparral Country Corporation becomes the concessionaire of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse c1941, located in the City of Marina Equestrian Center. The top priorities of the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group who are responsible for the research and museum collection for the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse, c1941, are that the C-6 (Surgical Veterinary Clinic where the horse operating table was originally installed) must be brought back to its original configuration and historical significance as it was in 1941. The dog kennels must be removed and any structures attached to the building that were not original (c1941). For example, the C-5 building was almost identical to the C-6 building in appearance. - Greg Krenzelok
Note: In the above images of the C-6 Surgical Veterinary Clinic the added-on building on the left side with louvered windows is not a part of the original building c1941. Some of the dog kennels were installed in 1946-1948 when the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse c1941 was converted from large animal (horse) to a small animal clinic. Additional dog kennels and structures were added by the Monterey County Animal Service who used this building temporarily until there new location was completed.
Note: Only the peaked roof part of the C-6 building is original c.1941. Everything else needs to be removed. The C-6 building must look like the outside of the C-5 building. - Greg Krenzelok
LAYOUT C-6 BUILDING (U. S. Army Horse c1941)
Click on the below link to view the Layout Plan for the C-6 building
Plans and Layout to the Type C-6 Vet. Clinic Surgical Ft Ord
Left Image 2008 credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved. Right image: Stabilization of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941) , 2013. Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.On the left is Barrack T-3132. On the right, right to left are; T-3140, C-5 Vet. Clinic; T-3141, Colic Building; T-3142, Ward A; T-3143, Ward B and T-3144, C-6 Vet. Clinic Surgical Building, a complete Series 700 WW2 Station Veterinary Hospital built originally to care the horses of the U. S. Army.
Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (U. S. Army Horse c1941) looking north on 5th Avenue. 45-men Barrack on the left,on the right is building C-5, Colic building, Ward A, Ward B and building C-6 at the very end. The station veterinary hospital originally was built to handle a large amount of horses and animals of the 76th Field Artillery and other units but it was decided early that no horses would be used in Europe on the battlefield. Many animals were used during WW2 in other parts of the world like the CBI. I am sure the role of the veterinary hospital changed after the large amount of horses left the fort in May of 1942 and it became a station veterinary hospital handling all the animals of the post along with the other duties of the veterinary officers such as food inspections. I still feel there was still quite a few U.S. Army horses at Fort Ord up to the time it closed. Further research is needed. It is also important to note that when the 1st Medical Regiments came to Fort Ord in 1941 to open the new post hospital the 1st Veterinary Company was detached and both hospitals were close to each other and part of the Medical Department. I believe they were built around the same time
Layout of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary (U. S. Army Horse c1941) WW2 Horse Hospital. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.AFTER OVER 82 YEARS THE HORSES ARE STILL HERE AT FORT ORD!
The above picture from left to right, Building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic, Type C-5, Colic Building; T-3141, Building T-3142 (Ward A), T-3132 (barrack in the background), T-3143 (Ward B) building and T-3144, C-6 Vet. Clinic Surgical Building which is covered by a tall white fence (Built originally as a barrier between the horses and dogs). General Elia tells me Wards A and B were not being used in 1946 to 1948 and they were being used for storage and vehicle storage. The stalls were still in place at this time. General Elia also tells me the barrack was used at this time for the housing of about 12 to 15 enlisted men stationed at the veterinary hospital. Between Ward A and B are 2 concrete pads with 2 wood post stocks believe to be a horse washing area which is still use today. There are also a wooden picket lines for each ward.
"You are looking at a completely intact U. S. Army World War 2 Station Veterinary Hospital that was built to service the horses originally of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment and later the 107th Cavalry's horses"
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reservedLAYOUT OF WARDS "A" and "B" OF THE U. S. ARMY HORSE FORT ORD STATION VETERIARY HOSPITAL c1941
Click on the below link to learn more about the Series 700-486 Veterinary Ward A and B at Fort Ord.
Ward A and B Ft OrdT-3142 and T-3143 buildings: Horse Wards, Office of the Quartermaster General - O.Q.M.G. Plan number: Series 700-486. Includes rooms for attendants, ward treatment room with horse dressing stock, and 16 single and 6 box stalls. Two concrete water troughs. The capacity of the wards are 30 animals each, materials wall: Frame; foundation: concrete, roof; asphalt shingles, floor; concrete, Size; 29.6 x 130 feet.
Wards "A" and "B" at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Station were used for the horses and mules recovering from illness and injury when the hospital served as a horse hospital during WW2. Included rooms for attendants and heater, treatment room with dressing stocks, and 24 single and 6 box stalls. The dressing stocks were removed at sometime but their remains can still be seen on the floor. As you walk into the first sliding door of each Ward (east end) you will notice another sliding door that is a little hard to notice but take a good look and you will see. Between these two door is the Ward Dressing and Treatment area that was originally an open room now divided by walls. On the north side of this room there are now two small rooms where what remains of the dressing stock can be seen. (These rooms are private and are usually locked). If you walk through the second sliding door on the south side you can still see the attendant's room in Ward A.
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.Above: Building T-3132 is a 700 Series Shirt-Roof (Aquamedia) 1940's type Barrack at the Station Veterinary Hospital. Note: This barrack is the only 45-man barrack that I have been able to find on the 1940's blueprints of Fort Ord.
February 2023: As Chaparral Country Corporation becomes the concessionaire of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse c1941, located in the City of Marina Equestrian Center. One of the top priorities of the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group who are responsible for the research and museum collection for the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse, c1941. The veterinary barrack which is in the hands of the Marina Coast Water District must be finally transferred into the hands of the City of Marina and become a part of the park - Greg Krenzelok
A distinctive feature peculiar to Series 700 buildings was a shirt-roof that projected from the spandrel wall above the ground story windows on two-story buildings, and continued around all four sides. Both the single-story and two-story buildings, it also extended the eave line beneath the front and rear gables to span the width of the building. Other terms used to describe this shirt-roof were "canopies" and "eyebrows". The official term used by the Army to designate this feature is "aquamedia" and its origin is as uncertain as its Latin derivation. Whatever it ontology, aquamedia was of questionable value. A pent roof had been used above windows on barracks designed in 1917, for the purpose of shedding rain while permitting the window sash to remain open for ventilation. Rather than frame separate pents for each window, however, a continuous skirt was devised in 1940, extending 3 feet from the face of the wall and braced by 2x4s. The feature was dropped from Series 800 buildings because it could not shield against blowing rain, and leaks could occur where stub rafters were framed in the wall.Source: Fine and Remington, The Corps of Engineers, p 266; James A. Glass, "Historic American Buildings Survey: Fort McCoy, Building T-1129 (Barrack)" (HABS: unpublished report, 1988), pp 2-11. World War II Temporary Military Buildings by John S. Garner, pp 41,42
The 902nd Military Intelligence Group INSCOM, Army Counterintelligence Detachment was located in T-3132 for many years and until Fort Ord Closed in 1994. A former MP has told me he would deliver and return prisoners to this building but was never allowed to go inside. There was a great mystery about what went on inside T-3132 and the padded interrogation room on the second floor. What went on in this building was very secretive during the Cold War, Vietnam to the Gulf War and is another great part of the history of Fort Ord. When I first enter T-3132 in 2009 working on my Station Veterinary Hospital research work with the permission of the Water District it was still filled with 902nd's paperwork and materials that were left when they moved out of T-3132 and Fort Ord in 1994. A special security team at this time went in and cleared the building of some still classified material. It was interesting to walk into the old barrack and to see pretty much like it was left when the 902nd Military Intelligence Group exited the building. There were many calendars, paperwork and rosters dated 1993 still on the wall and it was like walking into a time capsule.
LAYOUT OF BARRACK, 45-MEN (U. S. Army Horse c1941)
Click on the below link:
Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital Barrack T-3132
Above picture is of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital in 1948. Not a very good picture but it is our first look at the original hospital. So far my research has not uncovered much of a horse present at Fort Ord like the 1940- 1945 period. It looks like the days of the U.S. Army Horse were basically gone. We know there were still horses at Fort Ord but we are not sure of their use and numbers. The Veterinary Hospital at this time had a small animal clinic and was involved with food inspections of the camp and animal disease. Also shown in the picture is the Colic building and Ward A and Ward B. The sign on the Veterinary Clinic building C-5 reads: "Station Veterinary Hospital" Not shown in the picture is the C-6 Surgical building and the half barrack. Source: Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper, 1948. DLIFLC & POM Archives. Note: this image has been re-created from the original Fort Ord Panorama newspaper image by Greg Krenzelok.
The first Post Veterinarian Commanding the Station Veterinary Hospital at Fort Ord is believed to be Lt. Colonel Allen C. Wight based on the "Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association" May 1941 issue page 433 which states:"Lieutenant Colonel Allen C. Wight is assigned to Fort Ord, Calif., upon completion of his present tour of Foreign Service in the Panama Canal department".
Also in the March 1942 issue it states:
Page 277
Each of the following named officers is relieved from his present assignment and duty at the station indicated, effective on or about February 4, 1942, and is then assigned to the station specified:Colonel D.B. Leininger is relieved from his present assignment and duty at Fort Bliss, Texas and is assigned to Fort Ord
Colonel W.C. Wight is relieved from his present assignment and duty at Fort Ord, California and assigned to Fort Bliss, Texas
Note: Lt. Colonel W.C. Wight has an impressive record including commanding Veterinary Hospital No. 8, Claye Souilly, France during WW1.
In the "VETERINARY MILITARY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES" By Louis A Merillat VC and Delwin M. Campbell VC, Volume II, page 1126 it states:
Captain ALLEN C WIGHT, Pennsylvania
Commissioned 2nd Lt. March 31, 1917 R.A.; 1st Lt. December 15, 1917; Captain December 2, 1918; discharged April 30, 1920; duty, A.E.F., August 1, 1917 to July 13, 1919; Commanding Officer of Veterinary Hospital No. 8, Claye Souilly, France; Camp Humphrey, Va., upon return; discharged from temporary commission; reverted to R.A. status.LT. COLONEL ALLEN C. WIGHT
Buried at Arlington National Cemetery
Date of Birth: 12-19-1890
Date of Death: 06-17-1956
Buried at: Section 3 Site 4175
The second Post Veterinarian Commander at the Station Veterinary Hospital at Fort Ord was Colonel Daniel B. Leininger, V.C. (DLIFLC & POM Archives)COLONEL LEININGER HONORED HERE ON RETIREMENT
"Medics Pass in Review in Salute of Veteran Officer"Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper, July 9, 1943
HONORED BY REVIEW on his retirement after 32 years active service last week was Col. Daniel B. Leininger, Post Veterinarian. Units of the Medical Corps at Fort Ord passed in review on the north parade ground. Officers on hand were: Colonel Leininger, Colonel Roger S. Fitch, Commanding Fort Ord, Colonel Arthur R. Gaines, Post Surgeon, Major Floyd J. Rutherford and Major Karl E. Beihler, staff officers.
Colonel Daniel B. Leininger, Veterinary Corps, a veteran of 32 years of service in the United States Army, has been retired from active duty, according to General Orders No. 4, issued from Fort Ord Post Headquarters last Friday.
Colonel Leininger, considered one of the Army's best experts in the art of Veterinary Science, has been stationed at Fort Ord for several years, and has seen service throughout the United States, as well as abroad. He served in the Philippines Islands and took in the punitive expedition into Mexico in 1916 and 1917. He was well known throughout Army circles as an expert in the treatment of horse ailments, specializing in foot diseases. In recognition of his wide knowledge and experience, he was appointed Director and Senior Instructor in the Department of Hippology, The Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kansas, in 1917 and served through 1920 at that post.
Note: Hippology is the study of the horse.
He has also been active in horse shows throughout the nation, and served as Honorary Veterinarian of the Hunt Club, Fort Bliss, Texas; and of the Hunt Club at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, as well as M.F.H. of the Fort Ord Hunt. He is a graduate of the Kansas (Mo) Veterinary College in 1906, and has taken several post graduate courses since that time. During World War I he served with a temporary rank of Major and in 1919 was permanently commissioned. He became a full colonel in September 1936.
In recognition of his 32 years of service, a formal review was staged in his honor last Wednesday afternoon, two days before his actual retirement. The parade was held on the North Parade Ground, with all units of the Medical Detachment here passing in review.
Paperwork posted by John GillmartinClick on the below link:
Colonel Daniel B. Leininger, Fort Ord Post Veterinarian, Retirement paperwork, 1943
May 1945 issue page 328Colonel Daniel B. Leininger was born November 27, 1879, in Wernersville, Pa. He received his degree of D.V.S. from Kansas City Veterinary College in 1906, and entered the Army as veterinarian with 12th Cavalry on September 25, 1911 transferred to the 14th Cavalry on May 24, 1913, transferred to 8th Cavalry October 1, 1913. He was on duty with the 7th Cavalry, Camp Stewart, Texas, when he accepted a commission as assistant veterinarian with the rank of First Lieutenant on April 4, 1917, under the Act of June 3, 1916. He was promoted through the grades, attaining the rank of colonel on September 29, 1937. Colonel Leininger served as instructor at the Mounted Service School, Fort Riley, and Kansas. He was a graduate of the Army Veterinary School in 1920, a post-graduate course in 1936. Colonel Leininger served a tour of duty in the Philippines and also at Camp Harry J. Jones, Arizona: Camp Marfa, Texas, Presidio of Monterey, California, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort Bliss, Texas. He was on duty at the Fort Ord, California at the time of his retirement on June 30, 1943.
Colonel U.S. Army
Served: World War I, World War II
Date of Birth: 11-27-1875
Date of Death: 01-08-1960
Buried: San Francisco National Cemetery, Section EE Site 1-BMORE INFORMATION ON COLONEL LEININGER:
Click on the below links:
First Post Veterinarian at Fort RileyMemorial of Colonel Leininger's son
Note: General Elia personally knew and served with Colonel Allen C. Wight and Colonel Daniel B. Leininger both the last of the great U.S. Army Horse Veterinarians. General Elia told me Colonel Daniel B. Leininger retired in the Carmel area.
"On the little knoll, behind the Hospital, near the old prisoner of war stockade (WW2), lies the Station Veterinary Hospital at Fort Ord"In Command is Lt. Colonel Harry R. Lancaster - Post Veterinarian
Second in Command is Captain Charles V.L. Elia
Detachment Head Clerk is Staff Sergeant Don EnglishSource: Fort Ord Panorama 1948, DLIFLC & POM
VERY SPECIAL NEWS! I have made contact with the above Second in Command; Captain Charles V.L. Elia, is who now Brigadier General Charles V. L. Elia (Ret.). The General was at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital in 1946 to 1948. General Elia CONFIRMS MY RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS that the veterinary hospital was ORIGINAL BUILT TO SERVICE THE LARGE AMOUNT OF HORSES THAT WERE AT FORT ORD IN ITS EARLY YEARS. I cannot tell you how pleased I am to make contact with General Elia and how much I look forward to finally learning about the Station Veterinary Hospital from someone who was there.
Retired U. S. Army Brig. Gen. Charles V.L. "Chuck" Elia celebrated his 100th birthday July 27, 2021, at a ceremony hosted by U. S. Army North (Fifth Army) at their Quadrangle headquarters at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston.DISTINGUISHED ARMY VETERAN, VETERINARIAN CELEBRATES 100 YEARS OLD
NEWS - July 30, 2021
By Lori A. Bultman 502nd Air Base Wing Public Affairs"General Elia is a shining example of someone who dedicated his life in service to his country and his community."
"Elia's service awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit with one oak leaf cluster, Defense Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster, American Defense Service Medal, WWII Victory Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster."
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Distinguished Army veteran, veterinarian celebrates 100 yearsGeneral Elia is a friend and was key to my Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941 research. As a young Lieutenant in the U. S. Army Veterinary Corps he was stationed at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital. He was given the job of converting the hospital over from horses to small animal clinic. General Elia in many phone calls he told me it was a big job because there were so many medical supplies for horses and the horse operating table and the five horse stocks had to be removed. A large hole was dug on the side of the C-5 veterinary clinic and all the medical supplies were buried. And to this day they are still buried there. He joked that if he did it today, he would be in big trouble by the EPA We hope in the future to discover the location and see if anything of value can be discovered. One possibility is medicine bottles.
- Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Serving to remember all that served our Country.
Brigadier General Charles V.L. Elia U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Chief 1972-1976Click on the below link:
Corps Chiefs U. S. Army Veterinary CorpsClick on the below link:
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Chief FacebookClick on the below link:
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps History WW1-WW2
First contact, phone call one way conversation with General Elia Stationed at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse c1941. General Elia was stationed there from 1946 to 1948. General Elia was in charge of converting the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital from horse to small animal. General Elia confirms my research conclusions that the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital was original built to service a large amount of U. S. Army horses that were at Fort Ord in its early years 1940 to 1943. General Elia tells me that the barrack (T-3132) was being used at this time (1946-1948) for housing about 12 to 15 U.S. Army veterinary enlisted men. Note: This phone call was in the very early days of the research. - Greg Krenzelok.Note: In this phone call with General Elia, I learnt we had a common bond, it was Alaska. For years every summer he went up to Alaska to fish for late season silver salmon. Over the years I talked with General Elia, and a lot of times when I was spending the winters on Kalgin Island. At that time during the summers, I was commercial setnetting for kings, reds, and silvers in Cook Inlet, around Kalgin Island. And we loved to talk Alaska fishing. He was always traveling and do very interesting things all over the world. I always enjoyed our phone calls very much.
Audio credit: Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group. Audio interview research collection.
Note: On the audio tracks after you click the arrow to start the audio interview the screen will change to: "Stream and download new music on demand" Click the "X" in the upper right-hand corner to go back to the original interview screen. Also note: Sometimes the audio interview with pause from a downloading problem. When this happens make a note of the play time in minutes and seconds. You may have to go back to the beginning and then go forward to the time you noted and it should again start playing again from there.
Second one way phone call with General Elia about the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941 history. General Elia talks about burying a large amount of horse medical supplies next to the C-5 building. Trying to bring to the attention of the public about the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941 history.Audio credit: Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group. Audio interview research collection.
Third one way phone call with General Elia about the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941 history. General Elia receives the information that I sent him about the research. General Elia is working on the write-up on his time at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital 1946 to 1948. I let him know that we are working on the National Register of Historic Places application. I ask him if the horse stocks were still in place in the C-5 building, yes they were and General Elia was in charge of taking them out. I asked him if there were any horses on Fort Ord when he was stationed there? Yes, the Fort Ord Ranger's horses were there. Note correction: the stables are on 4th Avenue and not 5th Avenue. I asked him if the horse operating table was still in the C-6 building, and it was. He was in charge of removing it. We talk about the Colic building. Note: remember this was at the very beginning of our research and there was so many things that we didn't know. Colic is a very serious medical condition for a horse and caring for animals with colic was very important to the U.S. Army veterinarians and that's why the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital had one, it was a complete U.S. Army Station Veterinary Hospital. And that is why every building is historically important. We talk about Wards A and B. We talk about the veterinary detail barrack. It was still in use by army veterinary enlisted men. Note: It was a great conversation with General Elia. - Greg KrenzelokAudio credit: Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group. Audio interview research collection.
December 2011, two way phone conversation I talk to General Elia about the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U. S. Army Horse, c1941, Horse Stock that was donated. We talk about the horse stocks that were at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital. General Elia tells me what he remembers. He mentions the horse operating table in the C-6 Surgical building. I ask General Elia about when the horse stocks were used. We talk about army horses and officers' horses that were still at Fort Ord including the Fort Ord Rangers who were mounted MP's. Note: Dr Deter confirmed that the "Ajax horse stock" was removed in the 1960's at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital by Dr. Gary Deter, DVM and his associate. Dr. remembers the stock was removed from Ward A. The stock was used daily for 40 years at their veterinary clinic in Salinas and continued to be used by the Steinbeck Country Equine Clinic until it was replaced with a new stock. It was given to Coral Armstrong, DVM at Los Coches Animal Hospital, Soledad, Ca who donated it to the U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group and Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse who are now the owners. We talk about the 70th Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse, c1941, Anniversary Celebration, January 30, 2011. General Elia talked about when he first was stationed at the veterinary hospital in 1946 and burying a large amount of horse medical supplies. He also talks about the many trips overseas that he has planned and what he remembers when he was stationed in the Monterey Bay area.In one of my phone conversations with General Elia, he told me the location of the German POW camp. He told me it was not located below the veterinary hospital barrack, but when you walked out of the door of the C-5 building it was below the hill on the left or kiddie corner from the C-5 building. He also told me that the German prisoner camp had some beautiful artwork in the barracks.
Audio credit: Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group. Audio interview research collection.
Source: WB movie Sgt. Murphy - Filmed at the Presidio of Monterey.Note: On Sgt. Alan MacDonald webpage in the audio tape at the top of the page you can hear quite often we are talking about the horse operating table. Here is what one looks like, there are several different types that the Army used: This large animal operating table and the veterinary hospital is believed to be filmed at the Presidio of Monterey's Station Veterinary Hospital c1938. We believe it is very possible that this horse operating table in this video was transferred to the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital. Based on the images we have of the Fort Ord Station's verterinary horse operating table. It also should be noted that the uniforms in this video are the same type officer and enlisted men uniforms that were worn by the Fort Ord Horse Soldiers in 1940-42. And the same uniform worn by Sgt. Allan MacDonald. - Greg Krenzelok
Note: This is the horse operating table that General Elia removed from the C-6 Surgical Veterinary Clinic building. In the above image it is being installed in the C-6 Surgical Clinic building in 1942.Above image: Sgt. Gerald Hicks (right) at the crank handle and Pfc. Tom Lehl, setting up an operating table used for ailing horses in the C-6 Veterinary Surgical Clinic, Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital. (October 9, 1942 Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper) DLIFLC & POM
Note: We believe it is possible that the horse operating table in this video was transferred to the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital in 1942 when the horses left the Presidio of Monterey. Based on the images we have of the Fort Ord Veterinary Station's veterinary horse operating table above. If you watch the above video very carefully and look at the image below it appears the tables could be identical. It is also stated that Sgt. Gerald Hicks and Pfc. Tom Lehl, are setting up an operating table at Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital in the October 9, 1942 Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper. Could this mean that they are setting up the horse operating table from the Presidio of Monterey?
The October 11, 1940, Oakland Tribute mentions that the veterinary hospital at Fort Ord is to be built.
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.In front of Building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic, Type C-5, Left to right: John A.T.Tiley; military researcher, Margaret Davis, "The Old Horse Soldier"; Allan A. MacDonald, 5th Cavalry (page 127 in "We Remember" by the U. S. Cavalry Association) , and Jerry N Bowen; military researcher. December 11, 2008. Right image: John A.T.Tiley, Jerry N Bowen, Margaret Davis, and Allan MacDonald helping us to identify the buildings as a U. S. Army Station Veterinary Hospital (Army Horse c1941) at the very beginning of our research in December 2008.
It is important to note it was Alan MacDonald "Old Bill" that put our research on course re-discovering the rich history of the Horse Soldiers that were at Fort Ord in the early 1940s. We continue to uncover the lost history of the Horse Soldiers of the Monterey Bay area.
Image credit copyrighted Alan MacDonald, all rights reserved."The Old Horse Soldier": "Old Bill" MacDonald Fort Bliss, Texas 1940 with Lippan Buck. Assigned B Troop, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, and assigned as Colonel Miller's orderly. At Fort Bliss the 1st Cavalry Division was made up of the 5th Cavalry Regiment, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 8th Cavalry Regiment and 12th Cavalry Regiments.
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.Building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic, Type C-5, The above is a picture inside of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital where the horse stocks were once installed.
Note: We now know according to the Floor Plan of the VETERINARY CLINIC BUILDING C-5 that we now have, the four holes you see in the ground had four posts sticking up with sides made of pipe to contain the horse. The drawings call this a "STOCK" and looking at the above picture the horses would have been brought in and tied on both sides of the room on a long pipe hitching rail and then one at a time brought into one of the two stocks, given a shot, moved out and the next animal would be moved in. In this manner they could have inoculated a lot of animals relatively fast. The SURGICAL CLINIC C-6 on the other side of WARD A AND B also had one stock and the elevating surgical table installed there. Look below on this webpage at the newspaper "With the Fort Ord Veterinarians" for a view of a horse in a stock and a view of the elevating surgical table in the Surgical Clinic.
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.What remains of the two horse stocks that were once installed in the C-5 Veterinary Clinic buidling.
NOTE: The "Horse Stock" was used for veterinary examinations, treating injured horses, giving vaccinations to unruly horses, washing & grooming, horse shoeing, They are still used and sold today.
NOTE: General Elia told me the Horse Stocks were still installed in the C-5 building when he first came to the veterinary hospitl in 1946, they were cut off at floor level and they went to the salvage yard that was right across from the vet hospital. The hitching posts were removed also at this time.
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.Note: On January 7, 2011 in time for the 70th Anniversary Celebration of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital one of the original "Ajax horse stocks" were returned to the veterinary hospital. Donated by Coral Armstrong, DVM of Los Coches Animal Hospital, Soledad, Ca. and Tony Parga. Dennis. Dennis Winfrey, Camp Warhorse of the California Historical Artillery Society donated his time, truck and trailer to bring the stock back to Fort Ord. Also assisting were Margaret Davis and John and Greg Krenzelok. The stock was originally in "Ward A" and removed in the 1960's by Dr. Gary Deter, DVM and his associate. The stock was then moved to their Veterinary Clinic in Salinas where they were used daily for 40 years until the new owner of the Steinbeck Country Equine Clinic replace the stock with a larger newer one. Coral then became the new owner of the stock.
Click on the below links:
Return of the Fort Ord Horse Stock Pictures
Click on the below link:
Dr. Gary Deter, DVM, speaking at the 70th Anniversary Celebration of the SVHNote: If you are having a problem with the sound on the above video of Dr. Gary Deter, DVM, speaking at the 70th Anniversary Celebration of the SVH try the below link:
Dr. Gary Deter, DVM, speaking at the 70th Anniversary Celebration of the SVH
The above picture is a "U. S. Army Horse Stock" located at the Old Veterinary Hospital at Fort Robinson, Crawford, Nebraska that is exactly what was in the Type C-5 and C-6 Vet. Buildings at Fort Ord. There were once three of these horse stocks here at Fort Ord. I would like to thank Thomas R. Buecker (Curator of the Fort Robinson Museum) for providing the above picture of one of their stocks in their Veterinary Hospital. Picture taken by Holly Counts.Click on the below link to view the interior of the Fort Robinson U.S. Army Veterinary Hospital
U.S. Army Veterinary Hospital at Fort Robinson
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.View of the back of the Station Veterinary Hospital. Building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic, Type C-5. To the right is T-3141 Colic Building, Building T-3142 Ward "A" can also can be seen. The animals would have come into the clinic through the sliding door in the above picture to be inoculated or any other reason to inspect or care for the animal. This is the rear of the building or the corral side. If you had business with the Veterinary Hospital you would have come in through the front door or street side of the building. The office would have been on the right as you walked in. This is also true with the Surgical Clinic building C-6. Right image: Stabilization, re-roofing, Building T-3140, Veterinary Clinic (U.S. Army Horse c1941), Type C-5 and Stabilization Colic Building (U.S.Army Horse) T-3141, 2013. Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.
Stabilization of the U. S. Army Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (Army Horse c1941). Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved. Lower images: Roof vents for the U.S. Army Horse Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital c1941 being stored in the C-6 building. They need to be replaced. Margaret Davis told me the money was approved by the City of Marina but nothing was ever was done. - Greg KrenzelokMajor stabilization was in 2013 and the buildings were in very good condition. Price of stabilization was over $350,000 dollars. I hope the MEA has taken good care of the buildings.
A very important part of the historical building preservation. The vents were removed at the time of building stabilization due to the condition of the old vent. At the time it would have been expensive to have the old vents repair and rebuilt. I also thought at the time it would be a good idea to salvage anything we might need for the old Ford Ord buildings, like vents. As of 2021 it is still not too late to salvage. We did keep all of the old vents to restore in the future. The old vents were stored in the C-6 Veterinary Clinic building- Greg KrenzelokI also remember the company doing the stabilization was AL-BANA Construction (831) 970-1235 and Speed Boy Painting (831) 731-0507. - Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group.
Ventilation must be thorough and continuous without draft. In closed stables and wards ventilation is affected by means of ventilators, louver boards, windows, and doors. Animals rarely suffer from cold air, provided there is no draft. They do, however, suffer greatly from foul air; hence, the importance of an abundant supply of fresh air. Ventilators and louver boards are constructed in the ward or stable roofs to carry off the warm, tainted air. The principal supply of fresh air is obtained through windows and doors. Windows should be built to hinge at the bottom and open inward, thus forcing the incoming fresh air up and over the animals instead of directly on them. Doors are apt to cause drafts. They should be closed on the windward side in stormy weather. Any unpleasant odor on entering a ward or stable is an indication of insufficient ventilation and should be corrected immediately.Source: The R.O.T.C. Manual, Cavalry, Basic, produced for "The Cavalry Journal" 1931, Page 663
Stabilization of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary
KSBW News Action News TV - Jan 15, 2014
Click on the below links:
Stabilization: KSBW News Action News 8 TV - Jan 15, 2014
Stabilization Colic Building (U. S.Army Horse c1941) T-3141, 2013. Image courtesy of Margaret Davis, all rights reserved.
Colic building T-3141 (U. S. Army Horse c1941) before Stabilization, image taken in 2009. Image courtesy of the Greg Krenzelok Collection, all rights reserved.NOTE: General Elia says the colic building was being used as storage when he was stationed here in 1946-48. He told me a Colic building is padded building because when a horse gets colic it is very painful and the animals can get very unruly. The padding protects the animal. The Colic building is a key building in identifying this facility as a hospital for horses.
Otis Historical Archives
Oakland Tribune April 8, 1941It has been my belief from the beginning of this project that the Veterinary Hospital at Fort Ord was originally built to serve a large amount of horses. But because the role of the horse changed during WW2 it never came up to it's full potential and then it was down graded with serving a much less amount of horses and animals. Finding information on the Veterinary Corps is always a great challenge and one of my questions has been how many men originally were at the Veterinary Hospital at Fort Ord. I have not been able to answer that question yet but maybe the above image can help us. In the above image shows us the traveling column of the First Platoon of the 1st Veterinary Company. I have counted around 50 men in the above image. It looks like there were also 4 more platoons in the 1st Veterinary Company stationed elsewhere. I believe a platoon of the 1st Veterinary Company was stationed at the Veterinary Hospital until 1943 when they were shipped overseas to the CBI. I have an article about the 1st Medical Regiment moving by vehicles to Ord Fort from its base at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania and I believe this drawing was made for this move.
Also there has been a question as what was the amount of horses at Fort Ord during the war and after. I hope in the future that I will be able to answer this question. I am finding information that after the horse units were dismounted the U.S. Army brought back horses, mules and wagons to do various jobs at Fort Ord and many other bases to save gas and rubber. This is a role that few remember. The information refers that at least a few of the stables were being used for this.
The above image comes to us from Kathleen Stocker, MLS, Assistant Archivist, National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C. who has been a great help to me for a long time.
Note: The best source of information on the U. S. Veterinary Service during WW2.Click on the below link:
The United States Army Veterinary Service in World War 2
TABLE 44 - Veterinary hospitals and dispensaries with animal patient capacities for 10 or more animals, mid-1940 - Presidio of Monterey
Click on the below link:
Animal patient capacities for 10 or more animals, mid-1940 - Presidio of Monterey
TABLE 45 - Veterinary hospitals and dispensaries newly established in the construction programs, fiscal years 1941 and 1942 - Fort Ord
Click on the below link:
Veterinary hospitals and dispensaries newly established in the construction programs, fiscal years 1941 and 1942 - Fort OrdSource: UNITED STATES ARMY VETERINARY SERVICE IN WORLD WAR II
Army expansion and reorganization, and plans for training on a huge scale, have necessitated the enlargement of certain posts and the establishment of many new camps and training centers. Further, there have been a number of shifts in the location of Army animals. All of this has made it necessary to provide increases in veterinary hospital facilities. Authority and funds for these were obtained and the construction is proceeding satisfactorily.
To tactical organizations there is assigned veterinary personnel according to needs. It might be well to list, for those who may be interested, the prescribed veterinary personnel for the various tactical units:
GHQ - 1 colonel and 1 captain
Army Hq. - 1 colonel and 1 captain
Corps Hq. - 1 Lt. Colonel
Hq. Infantry Division (Square), 1 major, 2 enlisted men
Hq. Infantry Division (Triangular), 1 major, 2 enlisted men
Hq. Cavalry Division, 1 major, 1 captain, 2 enlisted men
Hq. Armored Division - 1 major, 1 enlisted man
Cavalry Regiment (Horse) - 3 captains, or lieutenants, 13 enlisted men
Cavalry Regiment (Horse-Mechanized) - 1 lieutenant, 4 enlisted men
Field Artillery Regiment (Horse-drawn) 75-gun - 2 captains or lieutenants, 14 enlisted men
Field Artillery Regiment (Horse) 75-How - 2 captains or lieutenants, 10 enlisted men
Field Artillery Battalion (Pack) 75-How - 2 lieutenants, 9 enlisted men
Field Artillery Regiment Composite - 1 officer and 5 enlisted men
Field Artillery Regiment, 75-gun, H.D., Tri. Div.- 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 12 enlisted men
Division Artillery, Cav. Div.- 2 officers and 14 enlisted menVeterinary Troop, Cavalry Division - 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 64 enlisted men
Veterinary Company, Separate - 1 captain, 6 lieutenants, 184 enlisted men
Quartermaster Squadron, Remount - 1 captain, 4 lieutenants, 32 enlisted men
Quartermaster Squadron, Cavalry Division - 1 officer and 8 enlisted men
Quartermaster Troop, Pack, Medical Department - personnel not yet specified
Quartermaster Battalion, Wagon - 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 16 enlisted men
Quartermaster Company, Refrigeration - 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 8 enlisted men
Veterinary Evacuation Hospital - 1 Lt. colonel, 1 major, 3 captains, 1 lieutenant, 89 enlisted men
Veterinary Station Hospital - 1 captain, 3 lieutenant, 78 enlisted men
Veterinary General Hospital - 1 Lt. colonel, 1 major, 3 captains, 5 lieutenant, 263 enlisted men
Veterinary Convalescent Hospital - 1 Lt. colonel, 1 major, 3 captains, 4 lieutenant, 249 enlisted men
Medical Laboratory, Army or C.Z. - 1 major and 3 enlisted men.When the present emergency started (1941), the Army Veterinary Corps consisted of 126 officers of the regular establishment, and a complement of 590 enlisted men. Today, we have on active service over 600 veterinary officers and approximately 2,200 veterinary enlisted men. The officer group consists of 126 Regular Army, 34 National Guard, 2 from the retired list, and the remainder of about 450 from the Veterinary Reserve Corps. The Veterinary Corps Reserve at the present time consists of approximately 1,535 officers.
DOES "BLITZKRIEG" SPELL DOOM FOR THE WAR HORSES AND MULES? HERE ARE THE FACTS:When the present defense program was inaugurated, the number of horses and mules in the Army was approximately 23,000. Today (1941) it is close 50,000. Whether or not there will be a further increase will depend upon the future developments.
While mechanization of modern armies has greatly reduced the horse and mule requirements, it is ERRONEOUS to believe that these animals have been completely eliminated. Failure to provide every bit of mechanization which offers reasonable assurance of advantage over the animal would be tragic. On the other hand, it would be serious shortsightedness to fail to provide animals for use under conditions and circumstances where it is evident that the horse and mule can excel over the machine. "The horses and mule can still go places where the motor can't, don't stall because of mechanical trouble and, if the need arises, can push on a critical few miles on empty stomachs.
There has been a great amount of mis-conception with regard to Germany's use of animals. The great emphasis which has been universally placed on the "blitz" character of Nazi warfare has, naturally, led many to infer that the horse and mule have been completely eliminated. This is far from the truth. In his campaign in Poland, when he invaded Belgium and France, it is reported that approximately 790,000 horses and mules served in his legions. These figures will probably prove more surprising when I tell you that during the World War of 1914-18the average horse and mule strength of the combined Allied armies in France and Flanders was about 750,000.
NOTE: From the above article we can see that the thinking of the horse and mule's role in the upcoming war was unclear. And again I believe this was the case at Fort Ord as far as the role of the Veterinary Hospital and stables.
NOTE: THE FORT ORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL WAS A "STATION VETERINARY HOSPITAL" - So prescribed veterinary personnel would have been 1 captain, 3 lieutenant, and 78 enlisted men. I have not been able to confirm the amount of veterinary personnel at the hospital yet. It is interesting also to note that a Veterinary Company, Separate consisted of - 1 captain, 6 lieutenants, 184 enlisted men. One platoon of the 1st Veterinary Company (I now know it was the 2nd platoon) was at the hospital in the 1940's. There were 5 platoons so it means that each platoon would have had around 36 enlisted men plus officers.
68th Quartermaster Pack Troop was stationed at Fort Ord, California and later went oversea to China-Burma-India Theater in 1943. I believe there were around 49 men in the command with around 140 animals. Picture taken at Fort Ord in the 1940's DLIFLC & POM ArchivesI have found a few names of the men in this unit:
1st Lt. T.C. Anderson
1st Lt. J.R. Kempston
Mess Sergeant Hill
PFC James Lee
PFC Herman Wiley
PFC William Loman
PFC Ernest Oglesby
Pvt. Ralph Anderson
First Cook, PFC Mark Tompson
First Cook, George DabneyNOTE: I also have not covered the Quartermaster, Pack unit or units that I have seen pictures of that were here at Fort Ord. I believe that they used horses and mules and these units would have been involved at the Veterinary Hospital and the stables on 4th Avenue. So there is still of lot of loose end research that is needed.
AUSTRALIA 1943 - The 61st, 62d, and the 68th Quartmaster Pack Troops and the 167th Field Artillery Pack Battalion were activated and organized locally and provided with horses purchased outright or obtained through lend-lease in Australia. These units were attached to I Corps, were included in the composition of the Sixth U.S. Army, whose mean strength, exclusive of 1st Cavalry Division increased from 1,525 for the month of May 1943, to 2,427 animals for July 1943. In the later months of that year, the packhorse units in Australia were dismounted or inactivated.There was a major change in the estimate on the urgency of pack-animal transported service and ground combat units, so that in April 1943, the horse procurement program in Australia was terminated (except to supply a few replacement animals to the units already mounted). The last shipment of mules, on requisition from the United States, arrived during July 1943. The remount station at Townsville, Australia issued horses of Australian origin to the 61st, 62d, and the 68th Quartmaster Pack Troops and the 167th Field Artillery Pack Battalion all being elements of I Corps, Sixth U.S. Army. These units were provided with separate veterinary detachments (Veterinary Sections D,E, F, G,H and I.
The Remount Depot at Townsville was an operational facility of Troop A, 251st Quartmaster Remount Squadron, which was activated during November of 1942. The depot was built largely through the labors of veterinary personnel and the animal population averaged more than 3,200 horses and a few burros.
Beginning in August and continuing through November 1943 it had become evident that pack-mounted units were not essential for fighting on Japanese held islands in the Pacific, the four-quartmaster pack troops and the field artillery battalion in Australia were dismounted or inactivated.
Before the end of 1943, the units were dismounted, and their animals were turned in to the remount depot, which maintained them on a caretaking, or ranch like basis. In August of 1944 to February 1945, approximately 2,300 of the horses were trans shipped to the China-Burma-India Theater.
Source: United States Army Veterinary Service in World War II Office of the Surgeon General by Lt. Col. Everett B. Miller, V.C., USA, 68th QM Pack Troop: pages 318, 335, 500, 608.
Click on the below link:
68th Quartermaster Pack Troop
Note: Use a Find on the page search: 68th Quartermaster Pack TroopSource: UNITED STATES ARMY VETERINARY SERVICE IN WORLD WAR II
NOTE: The above is just a few facts and figures that I was able to come up with on the 68th Quartmaster Pack Troops. It looks like they first went to Australia and I think they may have gone to the China-Burma-India Theater, but this need to be confirmed.
QUARTERMASTER PACK TROOP - DAWGGON ARMY MULES, FORT ORD PANORAMA NEWPAPER 1944NOTE: There was another Quartmaster Pack Troop in 1943-44 at East Garrison, Fort Ord, the below article "Dawggon Army Mules" talks about this unit. Because of war time censor the unit number is not mentioned.
Click on the below link to read about those Dawggon Army Mules of Fort Ord and Animal Pack Trains, September 1944.
Those Dawggon Army Mules of Fort Ord
According to Table No 49 - Historical record of veterinary evacuation and hospital units activated in World War II on the AMEDD website. The 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital (Re-designation of the 30th Veterinary General Hospital) was activated at Fort Ord on August 11, 1944 and date of departure from the ZI: October 22, 1944. Date of arrival: November 23, 1944 IBT and February 27, 1944 CT and came back to the state in 1945.
19TH VETERINARY EVACUATION HOSPITAL DURING WW2By the end of 1944, the China-Burma- India Theater was split, and the 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital activated at Fort Ord, Ca, after receipt of its equipment, was transferred to the China Theater in February.
19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital established eleven feed and rest stations and Veterinary Aid Stations along the Burma road axis from, Wanting, China to Tuhshan, China. This unit designed and supervised the building of animal racks for all the truck shipments, thereby eliminating injuries that here to fore caused great loss of animals from permanent injuries, death and long periods of treatments. Further, the 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital assisted in loading and unloading of all truck and plane shipments of animals; 13,580 animals were handled by the 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital. Due to weather conditions, lack of trucks and planes and shortage of forage in some areas, the 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital had to maintain a 24-hour schedule for handling of all air, truck and overland movements. This hospital unit furnished invaluable assistance in loading the 6th Army animals on planes and expediting their shipment from Chanyl to Chihkiang in April 1945 to halt the advance of the Japanese Army on Chihkiang.
In China the 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital assisted in the technical supervision over the tactical movement by rail of 5,000 Chinese military animals eastward fro K'un-ming to Chan-i during the late summer of 1945.
The 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital also supervised the original shipment and actually loaded the airplanes at the Sahmaw and Nansin fields in Burma. The same group of animals, then numbering 2,154, were airlifted during April and May 1945 within China, from Chan-i to Chih-chiang, in the operation to stem the Japanese advances on the bases of the Fourteenth Air Force. In the third airlift, or the second on over the Himalayan Hump, 2,751 animals of the Chinese 38th and 50th Divisions of the Chinese New First Army and a regiment were moved during July and August 1945 from Burma into Nan-ning, China. Losses incident to these air-lifts numbered two animals; one was fatally injuried during loading and the other destroyed en route when it endangered the safety of the airplane and its crew.
19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital provided veterinary services for the Chinese animals in remount stations at His-ch'ang and Kuei-yang. Most of the animals, as the result of a 6-week overland movement, arrived at these stations in poor physical condition and required a prolonged period of reconditioning.
After V-J Day the 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital was redeployed to the India-Burma theater for return to the United States.
Source: United States Army Veterinary Service in the World War II, Surgeon General, United States Army.
Note: A very impressive war record of 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital who was activated at Fort Ord.
NOTE: Now this brings up a whole new significance to the Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital. Not only was it a Veterinary Hospital, but the Hospital prepared a Veterinary Evacuation Hospital for overseas duty during WWII. This points to an even greater significance and role of the Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital.
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.Above image: Cameron Binkley Command Historian, Kurt Kuss Archivist (DLIFLC & POM Archives), Lee Stickler (76th FA Horse-drawn, Fort Ord 1940-41) and Alan MacDonald (B Troop, 5th Horse Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division). Working on research at the DLIFLC & POM Archives 2009.
This has been a fascinating journey recovering the history of the Station Veterinary Hospital and the horse stables on 4th Avenue and 8th street. When I first came in on this project we were not sure what the Equestrian Center Buildings were once. And on its way to be forgotten were the long row of stables on 4th Avenue and 8th Street. And Alan "Bill" MacDonald was one of the last of the Troopers who remembered this. But since this time we have been unfolding a rich and colorful history and memory of this part of Old Fort Ord. It is little remembered even by local historians of the men and horses who served here. Little is remembered of this very short period where man and horses still trained to go to battle to protect our country. These were the last days of the horse mounted and drawn units of the cavalry and field artillery unit of the U.S. Army. War World 2 came along and it changed everything and would be the end of man and horse in battle. The 76th Field Artillery (Horse drawn) was the first to be detached to the 7th Division that would be the first to be station at the new Fort Ord Camp.
The new camp would be built on the old Camp Clayton site. The 76th FA would move from the Presidio in Monterey in 1940 and camp in the area of 12th Street and 1st Avenue waiting for their new barracks to be built. Horses would be corralled on "Old CDCE HILL" and waiting for their new stables to be built at 4th Avenue and 8th Street that would house around 1,400 horses plus of the 76th Field Artillery alone. According to resources this was going to be 76th FA's new home and it was not looked upon as a temporary duty. Originally there were 21 stables built to house the horses and equipment with the Stable Sergeants, blacksmith shops and harness shops buildings on the east side of the stables. Many of the smaller buildings are still there today. The corrals were behind or east of these buildings. Little is remembered that the 107th Cavalry (Horse and Mechanized) was stationed here for a short time before they would move on to coastal patrol duty on Northern California's coasts during WW2.
DLIFLC & POM Archives
The above article in the September 27, 1940 Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper reads:
"This aerial view, by the Army Air Corps photographers, shows the site of the new Fort Ord cantonment which is rapidly taking shape on Monterey Bay. Tents along the highway at the left, house civilian workmen while the dark patch in the center indicates the network of railway tracks and temporary construction headquarters. Below may be seen some of the buildings now under way. At the extreme right are the tents of the 76th Field Artillery and in the background are the waters of Monterey Bay". DLIFLC & POM ArchivesNote from the above article: "At the extreme right are the tents of the 76th Field Artillery and in the background are the waters of Monterey Bay".
It has been fascinating uncovering the story of these men and horses once again and working to keep their memory alive. It has been very sad to see their memory being erased by progress. I wonder if anyone will save whatever they can of the last period when the horse was still very much a part of the U.S Army. The Post Veterinary Hospital was originally built to served the large amount of horses of the needs of the Cavalry, 76th Field Artillery and Fort Ord, but the way war was fought changed and the horses would no longer be needed and the hospital would change to cover the needs of all the posts animals and remain that way until it closed in 1994.
SD-17 Model Artillery and Cavalry Stables, Drawing Series 700-372, 58 Animal Capacity, 46 feet x 156 feet. The layout of the stables, Stable Sergeant buidlings, Saddle and Harness shops and Blacksmith shops on 4th Avenue. The buildings that are there today are still numbered the same as in the above blue print. Also note that in the earlier blue prints the corrals are marked and they are layed out. In the later blue prints, like the below blue print the plans are changing and in these prints the baseball field has been added. DLIFLC & POM ArchivesOriginally there were 21 SD-17 stables; T-1421 to T-1441 (12 stables are remaining May 2009, T-1430 to T-1441), Blacksmith and Saddler Shops B-S, T- 1451 to 1462 and the SD-15 Hay Shed was T-1463 (the Hay Shed is no longer there and would have been on the north end of stable T-1441 between B-S T-1462 which are still there as of May 2009.
The SD-17 buildings were a standard C.Q.M. building designed for many types of configurations. The most common design was for motor sheds. The SD-17 buildings on 4th Avenue were specifically designed as "Horse Stables" and not motor sheds. The drawings were series 700-372.2 and also C.Q.M. Plans No. 6665-237. They were specially built with a unique door design to take in account for the horse stalls, saddle and tack room. They were later converted into many uses after the horses moved out of Fort Ord.
It is still impressive driving down 4th Avenue (General Jim Moore) today and seeing row after row of buildings, but think what it was like driving down 4th Avenue with 21 stables filled with horses in the 1940's!
Click on the below link:
4th Avenue Stable layoutGo to GOOGLE EARTH and go to the STREET LEVEL and view the Stables in 360 degrees! (4th ave and 5th st., Marina Ca, 93933)
Looking north up 4th Avenue at the long forgotten 76th Field Artillery Regiment and 107th Cavalry SD-17 Stables, 2010. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.May 2011: "A TRAGIC LOSS OF HISTORY AT FORT ORD, CALIFORNIA" just after Memorial Day the last complete example of our country's end of the U.S. Army Warhorse which were still being used at the beginning of World War II. The Series 700 temporary type buildings: artillery, cavalry stables along with their blacksmith shops are being demolished on the California State University at Monterey Bay Campus, California. Leaving only the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Horse Hospital the only buildings remaining to testify of the memory of the "Fort Ord Horse Soldiers" that were there from 1940 to 1942. This action ends a two year long battle for their recognition and preservation.
Greg Krenzelok
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Preservation Group
Words cannot express what is in my heart at seeing and walking the grounds of where the Fort Ord Field Artillery and Cavalry stables once stood. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
I was in Alaska at the time and was not able to document the buildings being demolished. A friend of mind did, Efren Lopez a military combat photographer did. I would like to thank Efren from sharing these posted images. This is my first real good look at these pictures. - Greg Krenzelok, U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Aerial view of the 12 of the 21 original Fort Ord Cavalry and Field Artillery stables with the blacksmith shops behind before they were demolished in May 2011 by the university. Also to the right are SP-14 buildings T-1672 or T-1674 (original motor repair shops). Notice the old stable concrete building pads to the right of last right stable. The stables housed the horses of the 76th Field Artillery and the 107th Cavalry in the early 1940's. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
The Fort Ord cavalry and horse drawn field artillery stables and blacksmith shops in 2011 before they were demolished. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
May 2011 Fort Ord horse stables and blacksmith start to come down. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
What's left of T-1442, incinerator, dated completed November 30, 1940, 5 ton. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Stable being demolished by excavator using demolition bucket "The Jaws of death for this stable", May 2011. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Overview of the old stable and blacksmith shop area. Demolition is about complete except for T-1672 (SP-14 Motor repair shop). Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Fort Ord horse stables being demolished, May 2011. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Fort Ord horse stables and blacksmith are now down and all that is left is clean-up, May 2011. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Click on the below link:
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group Facebook Stables
Looking north at what is left of the 12, SD-17 Stables on the left and the blacksmith and Saddler's shops on the right. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
DLIFLC & POM Archives
In the above aerial image in the area of the lower right hand corner you can see a lone building, that is the C-5 Veterinary Clinic building. It was one of many of the top priority "E" emergency buildings that were to be constructed first, included were the barracks to house the 76th FA regiment, stables, blacksmith shops, corrals, hay shed and incinerator. It is interesting to note that the smaller buildings between the blacksmith shops were of a later construction. DLIFLC & POM Archives
The 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalion's stables can be seen in this aerial picture taken in 1941. Notice the outline of the corrals on the east side of the stables. Clearly at this time a large horse present is at Fort Ord. In the above picture the stables, blacksmith shops, corrals, hay shed, the incinerator and gun park can be seen. Also all of the 21 stables are built, in 2009 only 12 remain. This is not temporary housing for horses. DLIFLC & POM Archives
Aerial image of the Stables on 4th Avenue in 1994, all 21 of them.
DLIFLC & POM Archives
DLIFLC & POM Archives
Building T3132 is part of the Veterinary Hospital and is the three-quarter barrack made originally for the staff stationed at the hospital. DLIFLC & POM Archives
DLIFLC & POM Archives
At the DLIFLC & POM Archives we found the actual Blue Prints for the Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital. Above you can see were the three-quarter barrack building T-3132 is clearly part of the Veterinary Hospital.Note: In the above blue print the C-5 Veterinary Clinic building is mislabeled C-6. The surgical building is the C-6 on the left side of the drawing.
In this earliest blueprint dated November, December 1940 that I have been able to find at the DLIFLC & POM Archives shows an expanded version of the veterinary hospital with an isolation ward and hay shed. The colic build is located in a different location. There is no doubt that original plan was to have a pretty large full service station veterinary hospital to care for the horses and animals at Fort Ord until the war changed the role of the horse in the U.S. Army.
In the above article out of the Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper at the bottom of the first column it refers to the 1st Veterinary Company being part of the 1st Medical Regiment.
* Note: The above silhouette represent a U.S. Army horse-drawn section. The illustrations were originally published in the "The Field Artillery Journal" and created by Mr H.S. Parker, son of Lt. Colonel Edwin P. Parker, FA. (Field Artillery Journal, Jan/Feb 1938, page 78). Source and permission: United States Army Fires Bulletin, Fort Sill, Oklahoma
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE 76TH FIELD ARTILLERYIn 1940 the 76th Field Artillery Regiment moved from the Presidio of Monterey into their new homes, a tent city at Camp Ord around July of 1940 at the Old Camp Clayton site. It became the very first regiment to be assigned to the 7th Division and was commanded by Colonel John E. Sloan and was equipped with 75 mm guns. The 7th Division was under the commanded of General Joseph W. Stilwell at this time.
The 76th Field Artillery Regiment was first organized on June 6, 1917 as the 18th Cavalry and was designated the 76th Field Artillery on November 11th of the same year. The 76th Field Artillery was assigned to the Third Division in December 1917 and sent to France in May 1918. It was under fire for the first time on July 5th near Chateau-Thierry where it supported the 4th and 7th Infantry, Third Division. On July 15, 1918 the Germans started their last great offensive, by which they expected to win the war; but the Allies learned of their plans and orders were so timed that the 76th FA opened fire fifteen minutes before the hour set for the German attack. This was the famous Champagne-Marne Defensive and resulted in a severe defeat for the Germans.
On July 18th the Allies began the great Aisne-Marne Defensive. During the pursuit of the retreating enemy the guns of the 76th FA on July 22, were the first to cross the Marne. This battle lasted until July 30th. On August 1, after practically a month of heavy fighting in which many casualties were suffered, the 76th FA was relieved by the 147th Field Artillery and sent back to rest.
REGIMENT CITED: In recognition of its assistance and cooperation in the Marne campaigns, the regiment was cited orders by General Petain and the Croix de Guerre was pinned to the regimental standard by General Mangin, commanding the Tenth French Army, to which the Third Division was attached. From September 12 to 14 the 76th FA supported the First Division in the great St. Mihiel offensive. From there it moved almost immediately into position for the final Meuse-Argonne drive, in which campaign it participated continuously from September 26 to November 11, the date of the Armistice.
On the morning of November 6, one of the guns of the regiment accompanied some engineer troops across that river, and when the Armistice became effective at 11:00 a.m., November 11, 1918, the guns of the 76th Field Artillery were nearer to Berlin that any other Field Artillery of the Allied forces. The regiment marched to a position near Coblenz Germany as part of the Army of Occupation. It remained there until August 1919, when it entrained for Brest enroute for home. It arrived at Camp Merritt, New Jersey, on August 23rd and was sent to take station at Camp Pike, Arkansas, where it remained for two years. The station of the regiment was changed to Camp Lewis, now Fort Lewis, Washington, in September 1921.
In the summer of 1922 the Regiment, less the second battalion, was moved to Fort D.A. Russell, Wyoming, and the Second Battalion to the Presidio of Monterey, California. In the meantime the 76th was transferred from the Third Division to the G.H.Q. artillery and then to the 7th Division where it is now at Fort Ord, California. During the month of May 1940 the First Battalion, located at Fort Warren, Wyoming, was moved to Camp Clayton, Fort Ord, to join the 76th FA as the Third Battalion. The youngest organization is Battery "F" which joined the 76th FA at Clayton in July after being ordered here from Fort Hoyle, Maryland. So again the 76th FA composed of units from different sections, but of one spirit, stands, again under their regimental standard, ready!
Stationed at the Presidio of Monterey, the 11th Cavalry was soon moved to southern California for duty on the Mexican Border. The 76th Field Artillery was split into the 74th, 75th, and 76th field artillery battalions in January 1941. By December of 1940, Fort Ord had 1,098 buildings finished or in progress. Just under $15 million in contracts had been let for construction at Fort Ord by that time. A 1,500-bed hospital on the new post opened in February 1941 by the 1st Medical Regiment and I am guessing the Veterinary Hospital openned up at this time by the 1st Veterinary Company who was attached to the 1st Medical Regiment. The 76th FA had under it's command over 1400 horses and the tent camp is complete with a Boxing ring which also serves as a stage for shows.
Click the the below link to view pictures of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment
76th Field Artillery Regiment Pictures
Note: This is the time line history of the 74th Field Artillery Battalion after the 76th Field Artillery Regiment was broken into the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions at Fort Ord on 21 January 1941.
Click on the below link:
74th Field Artillery Battalion During WW2
Note: This is the time line history of the 75th Field Artillery Battalion after the 76th Field Artillery Regiment was broken into the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions at Fort Ord on 21 January 1941.
Click on the below link:
75th Field Artillery Battalion During WW2
Note: This is the time line history of the 76th Field Artillery Battalion after the 76th Field Artillery Regiment was broken into the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions at Fort Ord on 21 January 1941.
Click on the below link:
76th Field Artillery Battalion During WW2
Looking east, in this wonderful 1940's shot of the 76th field artillery stables on 4th Avenue at the top of the picture running north and south. Probably taken from the water tanks next to OQM barracks T-1010 and T-1011 (T-1011 was Lee's barrack). Lee, in the below picture is standing roughly in the area of the red dot, which was an open recreation area. To his left would be 4th Street run east to west (corner of 4th Avenue and 4th street). The road running north to south at the lower part of the picture is 3rd Ave. 1st Street would be on the very right side of the picture, which cannot be seen and is today called Divarty Street. The street going east to west at the bottom of the picture running off 3rd Avenue is 3rd Street. If you look carefully horses can be seen next to the stables.76th Field Artillery barracks would be on the right and left of the open recreation area. What remains of the barrack foundations on the right side can still be see at the corner of 4th Avenue and Divarty Street today.
Note: all streets running north and south on the old WW2 part of Fort Ord were "Avenues" and streets running east to west were "Streets". And not all the street matched up for the full length of the street, some were broken up, a little confusing.
Fort Ord, 1940's, the 4th Avenue and 8th Street stables in the background. I had the chance to interview this Trooper, Lee Stickler in February 2009 who was able to fill in a lot of blanks in my research of Fort Ord and the men and horses that were here. He was stationed here originally with the 76th Field Artillery Regiment before it was broken into the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions. Lee then became part of the 75th FA Bn. The below pictures are from Lee's photo album. Lee was 93 when I interviewed him in 2008. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Above image: Cameron Binkley at the time Deputy Command Historian (Dr. Stephen Payne was the DLI Command Historian, he openned my doors for my research), Kurt Kuss Archivist (DLIFLC & POM Archives), Lee Stickler (76th FA Horse-drawn, Fort Ord 1940-41) and Alan MacDonald (B Troop, 5th Horse Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division). Working on research at the DLIFLC & POM Archives 2009. Note: This is the first time we all met at the DLIFLC & POM Archives. After our visit at the archives with Cameron and Kurt we drove around the old Fort Ord Main Garrison, at the time a lot of it was still intact. Lee showed us where the 76th F.A. Regiment camped and where the horses were corraled. Where Lee's officers barrack was and over to the stables on 4th Avenue. Today: 2023 just about everything is gone. - Greg Krenzelok
First Contact with Lee Stickler at his home in Monterey Bay, January 2009. Note: at the very begin of our research, the pass Fort Ord history of the U. S Army horse soldiers was mostly forgotten. I had many questions to ask Lee Stickler. Lee Stickler was our first eyewitness of the U.S. Army Horse-drawn Field Artillery of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment that moved from the Presidio of Monterey to Camp Clayton, soon to be called Fort Ord in 1940. The new camp would be built on the old Camp Clayton site. The 76th FA would move from the Presidio in Monterey in 1940 and camp in the area of 12th Street and 1st Avenue waiting for their new barracks to be built. Horses would be corralled on "Old CDCE HILL" and waiting for their new stables to be built at 4th Avenue and 8th Street that would house around 1,400 horses plus of the 76th Field Artillery alone. According to resources this was going to be 76th FA's new home and it was not looked upon as a temporary duty. Originally there were 21 stables built to house the horses and equipment with the Stable Sergeants, blacksmith shops and harness shops buildings on the east side of the stables. Many of the smaller buildings are still there today. The corrals were behind or east of these buildings. Little is remembered that the 107th Cavalry (Horse and Mechanized) was stationed here for a short time before they would move on to coastal patrol duty on Northern California's coasts during WW2.Note: On the audio tracks after you click the arrow to start the audio interview the screen will change to: "Stream and download new music on demand" Click the "X" in the upper right-hand corner to go back to the original interview screen.
This is the first phone conversation but not the first time I had talked with Major (retired) Lee Stickler when he was first at the Presidio of Monterey then transferred over to Camp Clayton and later called Fort Ord with the 76th Field Artillery, horse-drawn. The horse corrals of the 76th Field Artillery were on "Old CDCE Hill" they were encamped in the area of 12th Street and 1st Avenue waiting for their barracks to be built in 1940. After Lee's time in the service, he and his wife settled in Monterey, California. Living in Monterey made it easy access to interview Lee. In this phone conversation, we cover a lot of different areas. On making the phone call, Lee's wife Annemarie first picks up the phone. First, I ask Lee if he received the packet of material, I sent him. We talked about Lee's pictures and photo album that I scanned and how it really puts a face on the U. S. Army Horse Soldiers that were at Fort Ord and the stables and blacksmith shops. I talked about Teddy Nelson who was also in the 76th Field Artillery horse-drawn at Fort Ord and later with the 76th FAB overseas during WW2. They were in the Battle of the Bulge. We talk about Lee's officers' barrack T1011 and my research at the National Archives at College Park and finding the Fort Ord Completion Report, and attending a funeral at Arlington National Cemetery, and seeing the Horse-Drawn Caisson Platoon. We talk about the support of Dennis Winfrey, Camp Warhorse of the California Historical Artillery Society, and the 3rd U.S. Artillery, Battery L & M with their Civil War period horses, limber, and gun. I ask Lee to write about his time with the 76th Field Artillery Regiment and the 75th Field Artillery Battalion at Fort Ord. We talk about doing an interview. We talk about the 75th Field Artillery Battalion trip to Hunter Liggett on their horses and inquiring about the purchase of the military reservation from William Randolph Hearst, Jr. We talk about old horse soldier movies from the 1930s and 1940s. I told Lee we need to document this story. - Greg KrenzelokAudio credit: Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group. Audio interview research collection.
Second phone call (two way) Lee Stickler 76th Field Artillery Regiment and 75th F.A.B., Horse-Drawn Fort Ord History. I asked Lee if he received the 76th Field Artillery officer roster. We talk about the trip to Hunter Liggett. Lee talks about entering the military at the beginning of WW2. Lee's Army horse mount Sam Brown. He talks about his time with the 76th Field Artillery Regiment at the Presidio of Monterey and Fort Ord. We talked about the Army Saddlers. I tell Lee about our event celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse, c1941.Audio credit: Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian, U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group. Audio interview research collection.
King City, California October 1940, F Battery, 76th Field Artillery Regiment. (L to R) Lt. Ed Raleigh, Jim M. Johnson, Lt. Lee Stickler and Captain Ralph Ganns (Battery Commander). Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.Lee Stickler in the above phone call said it is very important to note on the above picture that was taken when they rode down to represent the Army in the purchase of the Hunter Liggett property from William Randolph Hearst. When I told him we needed to document this mission he told me his "ass" documented this mission when they rode back to Fort Ord in one day, a trip of over 90 miles by horse. The men were extremely sore when they got back to the stables.
Phone call with Lee Stickler 75th Field Artillery Horse-Drawn, at Fort Ord 1940s. A conversation with Lee about several questions that I had. We talk about saddles they used, uniforms and insignias, Lee seeing if he can find some of the uniform brass he wore. And we also talk about their horse mounted trip to King City and Hunter Liggett. A very good conversation with Lee Stickler. Note: This conversation was at the very beginning of my research in 2011 and there was a large learning curve. - Greg KrenzelokNote: On the audio tracks after you click the arrow to start the audio interview the screen will change to: "Stream and download new music on demand" Click the "X" in the upper right-hand corner to go back to the original interview screen.
Jan. 25, 1917 - Nov. 21, 2012.
Lee R. Stickler retired Major U.S. Army died on Nov. 21, 2012 in Monterey, Calif., at the age of 95.He was born in Pendleton, the son of Albert and Matilda Stickler. In 1920, the family moved to Enterprise, where Lee graduated from Enterprise High School in 1935 and Oregon State University in Corvallis in 1940.
He retired from the military in 1963 and has made his home in Monterey, Calif. for the past 58 years.
Lee served in the armed services as a military officer and pilot in the U.S. Army from September 1940 to 1963, seeing duty in Europe during World War II, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and the Korean War. He retired from active service in 1963 with a rank of Major and continued to work in civil service from 1963 to 1990 for the federal government.
While in the Army, his medals included the Bronze and Silver Star medals, Air Medal with 5 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters, and numerous campaign and service medals from the World War II, Asia Pacific Campaign, and the Korean War. Lee also participated in the Nuclear Bomb Testing program at Camp Desert Rock, Nev., in the summer of 1957.
Lee enjoyed spending time with his family, playing golf, and fly-fishing. He was member of the Catholic Church, Enterprise Oregon Elks Lodge, OSU Alumni Association, Beaver Club and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, Fort Ord Golf Club and AT&T Bing Crosby Pebble Beach National Pro-Am Golf Tournament for many years.
Lee is survived by his wife of 65 years, Annemarie Stickler of Monterey, Calif.; daughter Diana Stickler of Cupertino, Calif.; son Greg Stickler and his wife Sue of Huntington Beach, Calif.; five grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister Mildred Moore of San Jose, Calif., and a brother Raymond C. Stickler of Walla Walla, Wash.
Graveside services will be performed for family and friends at the family plot in Enterprise in the spring.
Private First Class Teddy L. Nielson, First Section of Battery "A" 76th Field Artillery Regiment and then 76th Field Artillery Battalion.
Private First Class Teddy L. Nielson, First Section of Battery "A" 76th Field Artillery at Camp Roberts (left) with his father. Note: I have recently made contact with another survivor of the 76th Field Artillery. Teddy Nielson, now 92 and I will be working on telling his story. "I drove the swing team with the limber and cannon which was pulled by six horses. I rode the left horse of the second pair, the swing team. There were reins to the off horse, the rider less horse to the right," says Teddy Nielson. Teddy was drafted and sent to Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City at the beginning of WW2. I was given a physical and asked if I wanted to be in the Marines, Coast Guard or Navy. I told them I wanted to be in the artillery and I was sent out to Fort Ord, California where I became part of the 76th Field Artillery (Horse-drawn). Teddy fought with the 76th Field Artillery throughout the war in Europe during WW2 and was at the Battle of Hurtgen Forest. The Battle of Hurtgen Forest was overshadowed by the American victory in the Battle of the Bulge, and as a result, it is not well rememembered. The battle claimed 24,000 Americans; killed, missing, captured and wounded, plus another 9,000 who succumbed to trench foot, respiratory diseases and combat fatigue. (Picture: Dean Draper, Millard County Chronicle Progress)MEMORIES OF HORSE SOLDIER TEDDY L. NIELSON, 76TH FIELD ARTILLERY
Note: The memories of Teddy L. Nielson is based on a series of correspondents I had with Trooper Nielson in December of 2009 of letters and phone calls - Greg Krenzelok
Teddy L. Nielson, 93, of Delta, Utah enlisted in the Army leaving his home in Oak City. Teddy enlisted in the Army before World War II started. Inducted at Ft. Douglas in Salt Lake City he was soon sent to Fort Ord, Monterey Bay, California. When I was drafted they gave me a physical and then asked me if I wanted to be in the Marines, Coast Guard or Navy. I told them I wanted artillery. There was an opening at Fort Ord in the 76th Field Artillery Regiment and that is where they send me. I was assigned to the 1st Section, "A" Battery of the 76th Field Artillery horse-drawn Battalion, one of the few remaining horse artillery units in the Army at the time. 1st Lieutenant Kenney was in charge of "A" Battery (He was killed overseas and was assigned to Eisenhower). I was issued riding pants and cavalry boots that came up to my knees. I was given riding spurs and a campaign hat. Our shirts and jackets were wool and army green. We were proud of our sharp looking Trooper uniforms! The camp at the time held 35,000 soldiers with General Stillwell commanding.FORT ORD
Teddy Nielson was trained as a horse-drawn field artillery trooper operating a 75-mm Field Gun, Model 1897. "I drove the swing team, the cannon was pulled by six horses. Each hitch had three horse teams of two pairs of draft horses. There was the "Wheel Team" (close to the limber), the "Swing Team" in the middle and the "lead Team" out in front. The traces came back and hitched to the collars of the following teams and they were all hitched together. I rode the left horse of the second pair, which is called the swing team. There were reins to the off horse, the rider less horse to my right, each Trooper controlled a pair of horses in the team said Nielson."Our training consisted of manning and learning how to fire the 75-mm gun which was our horse-drawn field artillery piece, caring for horses, the firing and qualifying of a Colt pistol and a Springfield 30.06. We practiced war maneuvers and sometimes poison gas attacks donning our gas masks, the horses had their own gas masks, which we had to put on. Before the war started they strapped a 30-mm barrel on the 75-mm guns, which was cheaper to practice with. After the war started we practiced with the 75-mm guns. Handling the horses as a team was not easy and required a lot of practice. Every day we woke up to the bugle call and the raising of the flag, went to chow at the mess hall. We then groomed and fed the horses and practiced maneuvers, sometimes we would exercise and bathed the horses in the ocean at the beach on Saturdays and Sundays. We exercised the horses twice a day usually in the morning and in the evening. Sergeant Swaner was the stable sergeant for "A" Battery and 1st Sergeant Amonds ran "A" Battery he was 6 feet, 4 and weighted 350 pounds and a man not to recon with. When we rode by infantry troops they would give him a bad time by asking him "When are you going to get off that horse and give him a break, and maybe he should let the horse ride him" because he was such a big man. He was a graduate of West Point. One interesting memory Teddy has of his time with the 76th Field Artillery at Fort Ord was when the regiment was alerted when General Pershing was ill and not expected to live and the regiment should be prepared to go and be the "Honor Guard" at his funeral. The General recovered and they did not have to go. The 76th was chosen because of their ties to General Pershing when they were in France during WW1. We felt it was quite an honor to be chosen.
The 76th Field Artillery Battalion had Headquarters Battery, "A" Battery, "B" Battery, "C" Battery and Service Battery. Each battery had stables for around 130 animals. There were two horses in each stall. The floors were concrete with wood siding. The stables and blacksmith shops were located on the eastern part of Fort Ord. There was a blacksmith shop for every two stables. The limbers, caissons and 75's were parked in the open "Gun Park" east of the corrals. This is also where the teams were hooked up to the limbers. The horses were shod around every three weeks. Our battery had three blacksmiths that would shoe the horses that was their full time job. Everyday you would hear the sounds of the blacksmiths at work and the troopers cleaning the stables and the barking of the stable sergeant giving orders to the men. They would give each trooper a week for stable duty. We were given a wheelbarrow, a shovel and a broom to do the job. We would muck out the stalls and pile it up by each stable: they would pick it up with the honey wagon or truck. The stable police guarded the stables at night and watched the picket line when we were out on maneuvers. If a horse got away it was their job to go out and get it. Every morning there was "sick call" for the horses just like for the men. We had veterinary personnel assigned to the battalion and one of his jobs was to shoot the horses when they needed to be killed. If the horses got really sick they would go to the Station Veterinary Hospital. Horses in our battery were usually 12 to 14 hundred pounds and about 17 hands high. My horse's name was "Ammon" all of "A" Battery's horses were named with letters starting with an "A". When Ammon was assigned to me they told me he was a mean horse, but he was a "goosey". He was a good puller and did his share. I never had to use my spurs on him and he was a gentle horse.MANEUVERS
We ran maneuvers and war games at Fort Lewis, Hunter Liggett Reservation near King City, Camp McQuaide and many other places on the California Coast. We would set up our camp, lay our sleeping bags on the ground with one blanket. If we were lucky we had a tent. We had our field kitchen with us and the food was good and hot. On one 30-day war game we traveled by horse on Highway 1 for three days to the maneuver area. Here we were bombed by sacks of flour, playing mocked war. When in the field our horses were tied to "picket lines" a long rope or cable would be stretched out and the horses tied along the line. We tried to bivouac next to a stream for water and the horses would be fed using nosebags for the grain and given additional hay. Each morning and evening we groomed our horses. Sometimes we went to the Salinas Rodeo and ran chuck wagon races.SALE OF THE 76TH'S HORSES
Teddy claims that before the 76th went mechanized they left Fort Ord with their limbers, caissons and 75's in a column and was sent up to San Francisco area for mock war training and to practice shooting. We spend two nights at the Cow Palace and then we took the horses to be turned in at Bay Meadows Race Track at San Mateo, California. Bay Meadows was the only major track on the West Coast that was permitted to be open throughout the war. While in the San Francisco area we rode the horses over the Golden Gate Bridge for exercise and it was quite a sight by locals to see a horse-drawn field artillery unit going over the bridge. We rode the horses over the bridge, turned around and went back. I'll never forget it!"I can say I rode a horse across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco".
We went to Bay Meadows where the horses were to be turned in. We bivouacked at the race track and lived in the stands. We had orders to run the horses every morning and evening around the racetrack. We had a jockey club at Bay Meadows where we would relax in the evening's playing cards, checkers and a marble game. We would then go to sleep on the cement bleachers. We cared for the horses and got them ready for sale, a veterinarian checked the horses out. We were told the horses would be sold to the movie industry and turned over to the Coast Guard. At this time a large hole was dug and our saddles, harnesses, which were so old along with two horses that were to old to be sold were buried. The limbers, caissons and 75-mm guns were also turned in but I do not know what became of them. I asked if I could keep my saddle and send it home but I was told no. We were allowed to keep our spurs and cavalry boots. At the time of the sale we were guarding the San Francisco Water Works and did not see the sale of the horses.
We were later mechanized and our training started all over again switching to trucks and more modern 105mm cannon, said Nielson.
Note: Dean Draper, Millard County Chronicle Progress Delta UT has written an article about Teddy Neilson's account of his service overseas during WW2 see below.
Dean Draper, Millard County Chronicle Progress Delta UT has written an article about Teddy Neilson's account of his service in WW2
Click on the below link:
America Sleeps Safe Because of the Action of such Soldiers
Left to right: SGT Ralph B. Lawson "C" Battery 74th Field Artillery Battalion, Fort Ord 1941 and SGT. Lawson, 1945. Ralph B. Lawson is currently living in Hollister, MO. (R.B.Lawson Collection)Click on the below link: SGT Ralph B. Lawson
SGT Ralph B. LawsonClick on the below link: SGT Ralph B. Lawson Military History
SGT Ralph B. Lawson HistoryNote: I would like to thank Ralph's son Jerry and Charles E. Martin, President & Historian of the 18th Artillery Association Group who have made this post possible. The two above links come from the 18th Artillery Association Group's Website and covers Ralph's Military History during WW2. Jerry will be sharing a few of his father's pictures with us. Also down in the roster area of this page you will find SGT Ralph B. Lawson "C" Battery 74th Field Artillery Battalion, Fort Ord 1941 picture roster posted. Ralph is the oldest living member of the 18th Artillery Association.
Click on the below link SGT Ralph B. Lawson from Ralphs son Jerry
SGT Ralph B. Lawson from Ralph's son Jerry
Thank you! I've just found this website and scanned it. I plan to go through it more carefully when I have time, and to send it to my brother as well. Our father, James T. Horrocks, was a sergeant in the 76th Field Artillery, stationed at Ft Ord. He is now 93 and lives in Ft Worth, TX. Dad was assigned to the unit for his skills as a horseman and remained there for some time, charged with training new troops. He was stationed at Ft Ord, I believe, until the unit was mechanized. I've hear him tell stories of his time there for decades, but have never seen photos like the ones you have here - they help bring the stories to life! If you're interested, I will see if we have any photos or rosters. And if you have any questions, my Dad is still quite sharp and quick with the stories of life in the unit. He might be able to confirm or dispel some myth for you.
Good work!
John Horrocks
Note: We are very pleased to make contact with another surviving Horse Soldier of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment and Battalion who was at Fort Ord. John has been sharing with his father the research being done on the Fort Ord Horse Soldiers, and we have been told just how much his father has enjoyed it. We are hoping in the future to learn more about James time with the 76th Field Artillery. We would like to let his family know that our prayers are with James and his family as they deal with a serious illness of their father at this time - Greg Krenzelok
Thank you for your concern, Greg. Dad passed away a few days after our last communication. Fortunately, he was able to pass peacefully, and both my brother and I were able to be with him in his last days. His stroke prevented him from talking clearly, so there were some frustrating moments, but he clearly knew us and was responsive to all that was said to him.I really do appreciate all you're doing to find information about the 76th and others at Fort Ord. The horse-drawn artillery is an important part of our military history. I hope youll have success preserving some of the buildings, and that one day, when I can visit the area, I can explore what remains.
The materials from your website made an excellent "book" to present to my Dad - it was easier for him to look at that than to stare at a computer. It gave him a great deal of happiness in the month before he died - I had mailed it to him, but my brother was able to look through it with him when he was there for a couple of weeks. I just wish we could have helped him share a few of his stories and his reactions to your material - I'm sure he could have shed some new light on a few things and contributed some colorful anecdotes. Unfortunately his demise was quite sudden - he'd been in very good health until his last couple of months. Actually, it was his wife who took ill, and his determination to do more than he could for her that led to his own troubles. Otherwise, I'm sure he'd still be here telling a story about Captain Henniger, or Pvt Butkus or about one of his favorite horses and the trials of breaking them all.
I'll talk to my brother who's 10 years my senior, and see if he knows any of Dad's stories in enough detail to forward them to you. And if I can get my hands on his wartime photo album, I promise to send some along.
Many thanks, Greg. I'll be watching your website for new posts.
John Horrocks
March 11, 2011
My father served in the 76th and talked often about his experiences in WWII until his passing on New Years Eve 2009. Because of him I became very interested in the war and have often tried to find information about his unit. Thank you for providing it. My father was proud of the fact that he served as many other men were - they truly were all part of the Greatest Generation.Marc Stolk
Note: We are proud to announce we have found another member of the 76th Field Artillery. Marc will be sharing his father's well-documented time with the 76th Field Artillery Battalion with us. His father joined the 76th FAB in February 1942 when it was still horse-drawn and continued with the 76th overseas in Europe until the end of war.
Click on the below link:
1st Class Marinus W. Stolk, Battery C, 76th Field Artillery Battalion, WW2
Officer ready to drive in Draft Class Fort Ord stables 1940's. Note: by January 1941 the horses were in their new stables and the men in their new barracks, the first time they had been dry in a long time after the men had been living in tents and the horses outside in their corrals. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.Note: Draft: The act of moving a load by drawing or pulling
Color - Bay, brown, chestnut, black, red roan
Height - 15.3 to 16.2 hands
Weight - 1200 to 1300 pounds
Age - Six to twelve years
Sex - Mare or geldingAdditional requirements are: Clean head; short neck; wide breast; normal withers; fairly upright heavily muscled shoulders, possessing a distinct collar bed; short, clean legs, and strong articulations and plenty of bone; dense concaved hoofs; deep chest; large, springy abdomen; strong, straight, short back; well muscled loins; regular croup; strong and heavily muscled quarters; full tail and mane; tractable disposition, and soundness of wind, limb, vision, heart and digestion. In addition to these he must have clean gaits.
Stables at Fort Ord 1940 a Lieutenant of the 75th FA BN, 7th Division Artillery. This picture was taken looking east the roof of a blacksmith shop can be seen on the left and the corrals would be behind. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Full pack, Fort Ord 1940 a Lieutenant of the 75th FA BN, 7th Division Artillery. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Sgt. Reeves, Stable Sergeant, Fort Ord, 1941. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Moon Mullins with the hay storage in the background at the Fort Ord stables in 1940-41. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Horse corrals of the 76th Field Artillery on "Old CDCE HILL" when they were camped in the area of 12th Street and 1st Avenue while they were waiting for their barracks to be built, Fort Ord 1940. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Fort Ord Reservation 1940, 75th FA BN en route to firing range at a "gallop" draft class, limber and 75-mm gun. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
The 76th Field Artillery Regiment (Horse-drawn) from soon to be built Fort Ord, California unloaded their horses at Fort Lewis, Washington for the August 1940 Army maneuvers. Picture also gives us an idea of the loading and unloading of animals at Fort Ord. Photo: G.L. Krenzelok collection
Lt. Woody Malowne and Lt. Mcnotten, Fort Ord 1941. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
37mm Platoon Fort Ord 1941 "C" Battery 75th Field Artillery battery area, 7th Infantry Division Artillery. At Mid-night January 31, 1941 marked a fateful hour for the famous old 76th Field Artillery as it split into three units now the 74th FA, 75th FA and 76th Field Artillery Battalions. NOTE: The 76th FA was one of the first unit to move into their new barracks and the stables at this time the building were not painted yet. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
(right article) The December 27, 1940 Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper issue claims that there were over 1400 horses under the 76th Field Artillery's command alone at Fort Ord. It would take a pretty decent size Veterinary Hospital to take care of the 76th's horses and if the 107th Cavalry was soon to arrive that would have been a lot of animals. DLIFLC & POM Archives
Hotel Del Monte , Monterey, California in the 1940's. Lee says this is where they went for R and R when they lived in the tent city at Camp Clayton. Lee also told me that part of the 76th's duty was to police the construction site of the camp against thief by the civilian works. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
76th Field Artillery Regiment (Horse Drawn) passing in review at Camp Clayton, Fort Ord, 1940. Major General (Vinegar) Joe Stillwell on review stands, 7th Infantry Division and General Mike Dagley Division Artillery Commander and assistant Division Commander. From Lee Stickler's photo album, Lee has a few good stories about serving with Vinegar Joe at Fort Ord. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.Photo by: Acme News Pictures, New York, from San Francisco Bureau. Back of the picture states: THE OLD AND THE NEW - AMERICA ON THE MARCH
Fort Ord, Calif. --- While 5000 massed trainees watch, The 76th Field Artillery --- One of the last three remaining Horse Drawn field artillery in the United States Army --- Goes through its paces here. The outfit passed in "Review" before General Major Joseph W.(Warren) Stilwell, Commanding General and his staff, 2/25/1941. G.L. Krenzelok CollectionNote. The location is 7th Division Headquarters buildings (Regimental Headquarters area) , T-1044 and T-1045 would be in the rear of the review stand. Marching west down 3rd Street toward 1st Avenue and the area of the main gate.
King City, California October 1940, F Battery, 76th Field Artillery Regiment. (L to R) Lt. Ed Raleigh, Jim M. Johnson, Lt. Lee Stickler and Captain Ralph Ganns (Battery Commander). Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.Update November 22, 2010: Lee Stickler said it is very important to note on the above picture that they rode down to represent the Army in the purchase of the Hunter Liggett property from William Randolph Hearst when this picture was taken. When I told him we needed to document this mission he told me his "ass" documented this mission when they rode back to Fort Ord in one day, a trip of over 90 miles by horse. The men were extremely sore when they got back to the stables.
Lee Stickler, Fort Ord, 1941. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Lt. Lee Stickler, Lt. Olsen, Lt. Johnson and Lt. Malowne, Fort Ord. Note; Looking a several pictures I have been trying to figure out the building number on the sign and it looks like No 1469. I have not been able to find this building yet on the blue prints but it would be in the area of the stables on 4th Avenue. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Note: Class "B" uniforms being worn in the above Lee Stickler image of the officers in front of T-1469 : Lee Stickler donated to us the boots he is wearing in this image, they are beautiful boots. Lee and I pulled them out of his attic at his house in Monterey, California. We looked for his campaign hat, but were not able to find it - Greg Krenzelok
The breeches are officers. The color is drab, often called "pink" because it had a slight pinkish tint in the sun. The officer Class A uniform with the dark green coat and these breeches (or trousers) was nicknamed "pinks and greens".Interesting photo. I wonder if this was meant to show all possible variations of the officer uniform.
From left to right:
a. Summer Khaki Class B uniform (for officers this could be cotton or tropical wool; this was also acceptable for Class A in the summer);b. Officer's class B field uniform (green-yellow khaki wool; worn in the field or everyday wear on post);
c. Officer's Class B maybe with khaki or pinks breeches?
d. Officers class B uniform with pinks breeches and dark green shirt. There were two acceptable dress shirts with the class A uniform, a tan-khaki wool and this dark green wool. When worn without the service dress coat, this becomes a class B uniform.
Note the tie is always tucked into the shirt in the Class B uniforms.
Officers had to purchase their own uniforms so you will see some variations in style and cut that are not seen in enlisted uniforms.
- Fred Klink
Lt. Malonwne and 1st Sgt.Stafford, Battery C, 75th Field Artillery Battalion, Orderly Room (I believe the building number is 1469. Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Trooper Lee Stickler at Fort Ord 1940-41, Battery "F" stables, on his assigned mount "Sam Brown". Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
Trooper Lee Stickler at Fort Ord 1940-41, Firing point range area on his assigned mount "Sam Brown". Image credit: Lee R. Stickler collection, all rights reserved.
T-1011 OQM (Officer's Quarters and Mess) as it was completed in November 30 1940 when Lee moved in. OQM T-1010 is in the background next to the water tanks. (Source: National Archives)
Major (Ret.) Lee Stickler standing in front of his old OQM (Officer's Quarters and Mess) barrack building T-1011 in 2009. Lee was with the 76th Field Artillery Regiment when they moved from the Presidio of Monterey to a tent city in the area at the corner of 1st Avenue and 12th Street where a new shopping center is today. Their first assignment at the new Fort Ord was police duty making sure the civilian workers were not walking off with materials. Their horses were in temporary corrals waiting for the new barracks (also T-1011) and the stables on 4th Avenue to be built. The 76th Field Artillery Regiment were barracked in this area northeast and north south of Lee's barrack that was close to their horses at the stables. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.April 7 2009: OQM (Officer's Quarters and Mess)barrack T-1012 is down and being crushed, behind is barrack T-1011, Lee Stickler's barrack when he was a Lt. in the 76th FA. How shocked was I when I witnessed this on Tuesday. After doing my research on Lee Stickler these barracks, some of the first built had a more personal place in my heart and I could not help remembering all the men who had gone through these barracks including Lee. It made me wonder if this would be the fate of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital over at the Equestrian Center also. If anyone was interested in saving at least a few of the old barracks these would be the one's to save, located on a little hill over looking the old stables on 4th Avenue and the beautiful stonework the was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Lee told me. There is not much to remember of the old 76th Field Artillery Regiment on Fort Ord.
I find it quite amazing how fast we can erase history. Where once stood, is no more. Gone is another small part of Fort Ord history. I guess in a way, I am fortunate being a visiting military researcher who does not have to be a witness to anymore of this. My job is to save the memory, and this I have done. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
FORT ORD HISTORY SHALL NOTE HERE THAT ON APRIL 23, 2009: that OQM (Officer's Quarters and Mess) barracks T-1012, T-1011, T-1010, T-1009 and T-1030 (Guest House Barrack) were torn down under the Command of Dianne F. Harrison, Ph.D. President of California State University, Monterey Bay due to a lack of sensitivity on what remains of the Fort Ord WW2 Post. She ordered these barracks be torn down and gone before the 13th Annual 2009 Commencement Ceremony and seemed almost in a hurry to tear down these buildings. It shall be further noted that these 76th Field Artillery Regiment barracks (the last ones related to the 76th FA) did not come down without the thoughts and memories of those men that were barracked here during WW2, the Korean Conflict and the other wars and conflicts that Fort Ord trained personnel to fight in and who lived in these buildings and by those of us who witnessed their demise, including myself.Below is a quote from Dianne F. Harrison, Ph.D. September 23, 2008
"One of our ongoing frustrations, at least it's mine, is all of those old empty barracks and other buildings and other unidentifiable things - I honestly don't know what they are. If only we could afford to take them all down today I would be a very happy person."
2008 State of the University
by Dianne F. Harrison, Ph.D.
President of California State University, Monterey Bay
September 23, 2008Click on the below link:
Quote from Dianne F. Harrison, Ph.D. September 23, 2008
Click on the below link for more pictures
76th Field Artillery Regiment (Horse Drawn) Barracks Coming Down Ft.Ord
Click on the below link:
Deconstruction of the former Fort Ord. CSUMB seems to be coming along nicely
The 74th Field Artillery collectors stamp was published by the Hearst Publishing Company in 1942 and is based upon Disney combat insignia for the Battalion. The second image is a 8x10 original card that is in my collection. Source: G.L. Krenzelok Collection
Mid-night January 21, 1941 marked the passing away of the old famous 76th Field Artillery Regiment and the creation of three new units; the 74th, 75th, and 76th Field Artillery Battalions (Horse Drawn). Lt. Col. Norman J. McMahon Commanding the 74th, Major Edward M. Quigley the 75th, and Lt. Col. Clifford B. Cole the 76th.Note: The above article on the 74th, 75th, and 76th Field Artillery Battalions on the right will be found in the September 19, 1941 Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper. DLIFLC & POM Archives
Ft. Sill WWI Artillery Demonstration. At National Cavalry Competition 2011 Ft. Reno Oklahoma, Ft. Sill Color Guard performs Artillery demonstration.
Note: Look at the above articles on the "74th, 75th, and 76th Represent Half of Horse-Drawn Units"
On February 2, 2010 I am sorry to report in the passing away of another one of our last horse soldiers: John S. "Jack" Eberhardt. Jack served in the Army for five years during World War II, entering on active duty with the 112th Field Artillery Regiment, the last horse artillery regiment in the U.S., and he later had a book published "The Old Grey Mare" describing this experience. During combat service in Europe he was with the 250th Field Artillery Battalion, attaining the rank of major and participating with that battalion in five campaigns, during which it was in combat for 297 straight days without relief and received not only France's highest award for a foreign unit, but also a "Presidential Citation" this Country's highest unit award. He was awarded the Bronze Star medal, the European Campaign Medal with Silver Star, the pre-Pearl Harbor Medal, the American Defense Medal, the Victory Medal, and the German Occupation Medal. Also, the N.J. Distinguished Service Medal. Following combat, and while still in Europe, he became commander of the 250th FA, Executive Officer of a groupment of four artillery battalions and Assistant Provost Marshall of Salzburg, Austria.
Note: Jack was a great help in my research he was always "ready and willing" to talk about the horse-drawn field artillery and his experiences. His book "The Old Grey Mare" is a must read if you are interesting in the U.S. Army Horse Soldiers. He was very supportive of my research of the Horse Soldiers of Fort Ord.
Click on the below link:
I would like to thank Mike Capodarco for giving his permission to post the below pictures and information that comes from his website.
Click on the below link:
107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website
Click on the below link:
107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website VideoNote: lots of images when the 107th was at Fort Ord protecting the West Coast after Pearl Harbor attack.
Produced by Mike Capodarco
(1942 - May 4) - Fort Ord, California - Thundering Hoofs of the old Horse Cavalry coming over the hill are contrasted with the New Mechanized Cavalry rumbling forward on the command to charge. Both Scenes are of the 107th Cavalry Regiment, being trained here for conversion from horse mounts to ones of speedy steel. (APWIREPHOTO) From the U.S. Army Signal Corps. Image credit: Mike Capodarco.In November of 1940 the 107th Cavalry was reorganized and redesignaed as the 107th Cavalry Regiment (Horse/Mechanized). The First Squadron continued as horse cavalry and the Second Squadron became mechanized following the outbreak of World War II, the Regiment was ordered to Fort Ord, California where they arrived on 23 December 1941.
Beginning on 6 February 1942 until 6 March 1942, the regiment patrolled the California coast from the Golden Gate to Carmel, California. During the spring of 1942 the Regiment became completely mechanized and in August began desert training. This training lasted until December 1942. The entire year of 1943 was spent with the Western Defense Command, patrolling the California coast from the northern end of the Golden Gate Bridge to Eureka, a distance of about 300 miles. Regimental headquarters was located at Santa Rosa, California.
The below pictures are a history of their time spent at Fort Ord, one of the last horse units.
2nd Platoon, B Troop, 107th Cavalry, 1942 Fort ORD Califormia. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
107th Cavalry 1942 Fort Ord California. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
107th Cavalry 1942 Fort Ord California. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
Work detail with the 4th Avenue cavalry stables in the background. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
I believe this picture is looking down the cavalry stables with the doors open, Fort Ord. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
I believe the above picture are taken on the east side of the cavalry stables and would be the stable sergeant, blacksmith shops, Harness shops and supply buildings. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
I believe this picture was taken on the westside or 4th Avenue side of the cavalry stables where the barracks, dining hall and day rooms were. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
Woddie Larson; I believe this picture is taken on the east side of the cavalry stables. It looks like on this side there was no pavement only dirt because of the horses. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
Stable duty - What a sweet smell. This picture looks like the cavalry stables on the left and the barracks and day rooms in the background. Likes like the troopers maybe putting out hay. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
107th Cavalry Trooper with the Stables in the background. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
107th Cavalry tack room Troop A. location unknown. Note: I now believe there is a good possibility that the picture of this tack room could have been taken in the saddle rooms in the stables at Fort Ord. Notice the bridles, saddles, blankets, and saddlebags. Michael E. Capodarco, 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry Website, all rights reserved.
COAT OF ARMS: The unit crest shield is yellow for Cavalry. The bend charged with the alerions, taken from the arms of Lorraine, is representative of World War I service and is red to indicate that the 107th Cavalry served as Field Artillery during World War I. The Roman Sword in sheath is for Spanish-American War service and the cactus for Mexican Border duty. The motto translates to "To Act, Not To Speak".
Walter J. Schweitzer Troop "C" 107th Cavalry NG, jumping his horse "BIG CAIN" over a jeep at the stables and corral area, Fort Ord, California, 1942. Image credit: Walter J. Schweitzer, 107th Cavalry Troop, all rights reserved.Hello Greg
I am writing you in regarding to my dad's service at Ft. Ord, California with the 107th Horse/Mechanized Cavalry in the 1940's during WW2. My father is Walter J. Schweitzer, and is jumping his horse "BIG CAIN" over a jeep for a publicity stunt in the above picture. He has told me about traveling the coastline of California in search of Japanese subs and winning the Blue Ribbon at the Pogonip Country Club before the unit became mechanized. His horse never threw dad but his motorcycle did after the 107th became mechanized! Mom and Dad were married in Salinas during the war. Today Dad sits quietly with Mom at his side and his Military Memoirs in his lap.Thank you for your website
Note: Karen will be sharing a few of her father's pictures and will tell us about his time at Fort Ord and serving in California during the war. They are wonderful pictures and through them we will gain more insight of the horse history of Fort Ord in the early 1940's - Greg
Click on the below link
Lt. Walter J. Schweitzer Troop "C" 107th Cavalry NG
107th Cavalry Regiment Fort Ord May 1 1942. In the background of the above picture can be seen the cavalry stables on 4th Avenue (eastside of the stables) blacksmith shops, corrals and feed racks on the left.Note: The rows of vehicles that can be seen in the background are the 107th Cavalry's horse portees.
The VII Army Corps Headquarters was rushed to the West Coast after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Major General Robert C. Richardson, Jr. at the time was commanding the VII Army Corps and was in charge of overseeing the defense of Northern California. He also became the commander of the Northern California Defense Sector of the Western Defense Command. Part of his command was the 7th Division at Fort Ord and included the 74th, 75th, 76th, Field Artillery Battalions, still horse-drawn and the 107th Cavalry (horse/mechanized) who were stationed throughout California protecting our coast and other sensitive areas. Originally the Headquarters of the VII Army Corps and Northern California Sector was established at San Jose, California by the Seventh (7th) Division in accordance with Plan Rainbow No. 5.
BETTER VIEW: General Richardson couldn't see the mounts being loaded into the portees closely enough from the reviewing stand Saturday, so he stepped down from his armored car and walked into the demonstration area. He's shown here with Colonel King, Col. Fitch and other staff officers. (Right) Major General Robert C. Richardson, center. Image source of Fort Ord Panorama: Presidio of Monterey, DLIFLC Archives.
Fort Ord Panorama: Major General Richardson can be found on the front page of the Friday May 1, 1942 Fort Ord Panorama newspaper: "REVIEW HONORS MAJ. GEN. RICHARDSON". General Richardson is reviewing the 107th Cavalry before they lose their horses. It is a great article and tribute to his presence at Fort Ord and California.Click on the below link:
General Richardson Website
Fort Ord Stables on 4th Avenue and 8th Street taken in 1996 looking north taken on the east side of the stables. Stables on the left and stable sergeant, blacksmith shops, Harness shops and supply buildings on the right. Posted by Trooper Allan MacDonald
Fort Ord Stables on 4th Avenue and 8th Street taken in 1996, stable sergeant, blacksmith shops and supply buildings. Posted by Trooper Allan MacDonald. General Elia believes the stables on 4th Avenue were not being used for horses or mules in 1946 to 1948. The Fort Ord Ranger's were horse-mounted unit and he believes their horses were stabled closer to where they were barracked (We are not sure where this was at this time).
Click on the below link:
Blacksmith Shops with Stable Guard Quarters, Ft. Ord
Fort Ord Stables on 4th Avenue and 8th Street taken in 1996. Posted by Trooper Allan MacDonald.
SD-17 Model Stables, Drawing Series 700-372, 58 Animal Capacity, 46 feet x 156 feet. Fort Ord Stables on 4th Avenue and 8th Street taken in 2009 looking south taken on 12th Avenue (General Jim Moore Blvd.). There are 12 of the original 21 stables still standing. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
SOME PEOPLE THINK THESE WERE ONLY WAREHOUSES AND NEVER ORGINALLY BUILT AS STABLES FOR HORSES OF THE 76TH FIELD ARTILLERY AND CAVALRY !As a military researcher I find this very sad! How fast our history is lost and neglected - Greg Krenzelok
For those that doubt look at the Official Quartermaster paperwork for Fort Ord that were found in the Archives in Washington D.C. that were created upon completion of the stables, blacksmith shops, veterinary clinic (C-5) and hayshed that can be found in links within this website. Each of the paperwork for the above came with an official picture taken at the time the paperwork was made.
Fort Ord Stables on 4th Avenue and 8th Street taken in 2009 looking north on the east side of the stables. Stables on the left and stable sergeant, blacksmith shops, Harness shops and supply buildings on the right. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
T-1463 Hay Shed was at the north end of the stables and Blacksmith shops. Look at the picture above this one to see where is once stood. It would have been at the very end and is no longer here. Note: to the middle left you can barely see a part of the brick incinerator buildings No. 1442 which is still standing here today (2009). I believed the stables also used this incinerator to dispose of their waste materials (manure and old bedding hay which was the approved method of disposal).T-1463 HAY SHED AND T-1442 INCINERATOR BUILDING (5-TON)
Click on the below link:
SD-15, T-1463 Stable Hay Shed, Ft. Ord
SD-17 Model Stables, Drawing Series 700-372, 58 Animal Capacity, 46 feet x 156 feet. The back side of the photo is labeled "Fort Ord Stables 1940's". The stables had not been painted at this time. This would have been 4th Avenue looking north. DLIFLC & POM Archives
DLIFLC & POM Archives
THE END OF A GLORIOUS ERA! (Picture taken in one of the stables on 4th Avenue. Notice racks on the post for the bridles, saddles, blankets, and saddlebags) DLIFLC & POM Archives
Above picture taken at the stables at Fort Ord or the Presidio of Monterey. Note: see the next above picture and the comment about saddle rack. DLIFLC & POM Archives
DLIFLC & POM Archives
Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper February 1945, the Station Veterinary Hospital was winding down as a horse hospital as can be seen in the picture of Tom holding the reins of a horse and holding a cat. In 1946 General Elia's (Captain at the time) job would be to dismantle the horse hospital and convert it to it's new role in an Army without horses.We still had a Pack Troop of mules and horses out a East Garrison training according to the September 1944 article "Dawggon' Army Mules" (See article under 68th Quartermaster Pack Troop). I believe this was a different Pack Troop training to go overseas out at East Garrison. The 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital was activated on August 11, 1944 at Fort Ord and I presume they received some type of training and orientation at the Station Veterinary Hospital. And with whatever horses still on Fort Ord like the Fort Ord Rangers (mounted police) there was still enough work for the vet hospital to care for these animals. DLIFLC & POM Archives
S/Sgt. Tom Sapash, stable sergeant with the Post Veterinary Section (See above Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper). DLIFLC & POM ArchivesNote: The above picture of S/Sgt. Sapash was found in the 11th Cavalry pictures at the archives and it appears he was station at the Presidio before coming to Fort Ord. The archives have several fine pictures of S/Sgt. Sapash with horses taken at the Presidio. Tom was born in June 8, 1898 came from Canada, born in Belgrade, Serbia, served in WW1 and died in San Diego on August 17, 1972. You can find him in the 1930 census at the Presidio of Monterey. A little salute to you Tom!
Lt. Colonel Raymond I. Lovell V.C., Post Veterinarian
1st Lt. Thomas C. Jones, V.C.
Sergeant Frank Baker
Sergeant Murl M. Morialty
Pvt. 1st class Robert J. Creager
Pvt. 1st class Charles G. Schroder
Private Jennings B. Lister
1942 - Lt. K.J. Hester V.C., Veterinary Hospital, Fort Ord
1942 - Tech. Sgt. Weldon Preble, Veterinary Hospital, Fort Ord
1942 - Sgt. Gerald Hicks, Veterinary Hospital, Fort Ord
1942 - P.F.C. Tom Lehl, Veterinary Hospital, Fort Ord
1942 - P.F.C. Harlan Southworth, Veterinary Hospital, Fort Ord
February 1945: S/Sgt. Tom Sapash, Post Veterinary Section, Stable Sergeant, Fort OrdNOTE: My guess is the above men from 1942 were part of the 1st Veterinary Company, detached to the 1st Medical Regiment - Greg
Page 91
Captain Lloyd C. Tekse is relieved from his present assignment and duty at the Presidio of Monterey, California and is assigned to the 11th Cavalry at that station.The following officer of the Veterinary Corps Reserve now on extended active duty at the station indicated, have been ordered to report to the commanding officer, Chicago Quartermaster Depot, Chicago, Ill., for temporary duty for a period of 30 days for the purpose of pursuing a course of instruction, commencing on November 25, 1940 in the inspection of meat, meat-food and dairy products, under the depot veterinarian. Upon completion of this duty each of the officers indicated will return to his proper station: Roland O. Scott - Presidio of Monterey, California
Page 175
The following officer of the Veterinary Corps Reserve now on extended active duty at the station indicated, have been ordered to report to the commanding officer, Chicago Quartermaster Depot, Chicago, Ill., for temporary duty for a period of 30 days for the purpose of pursuing a course of instruction, commencing on January 6, 1941 in the inspection of meat, meat-food and dairy products, under the depot veterinarian. Upon completion of this duty each of the officers indicated will return to his proper station: Hilding M. Marlowe - Presidio of Monterey, CaliforniaPage 349:
First Lieutenant Edward J. Watson is relieved from further assignment and duty at Presidio of Monterey, Calif., effective upon his return to that station from temporary duty at the Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., and is then assigned to Fort Ord, Calif.Page 433
Lieutenant Colonel Allen C. Wight is assigned to Fort Ord, Calif., upon completion of his present tour of Foreign Service in the Panama Canal department.First Lieutenant Hilding M. Marlowe is relieved from assignment and duty of the Presidio of Monterey, Calif., effective on or about March 5, 1941, and is assigned to duty at Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Page 86
Captain Earl T. Martin is relieved from assignment and duty at Fort Ord, California and will proceed to San Francisco, Calif., and sail on transport scheduled to leave that port on or about July 16, 1941, for duty in the Hawaiian department.Page 169
Lt. Colonel Raymond I. Lovell is relieved from assignment and duty at the Presidio of Monterey, California effect on or about July 20, 1941 and assigned to Camp Forrest, Tennessee for duty.Special order relieving Captain Earl T. Martin from his present assignment and duty at Fort Ord, California and assigning him to duty in Hawaiian department is revoked.
The following officer of the Veterinary Corps Reserve now on extended active duty at the station indicated, have been ordered to report to the commanding officer, Chicago Quartermaster Depot, Chicago, Ill., for temporary duty for a period of 30 days for the purpose of pursuing a course of instruction, commencing on June 9, 1941 in the inspection of meat, meat-food and dairy products, under the depot veterinarian. Upon completion of this duty each of the officers indicated will return to his proper station: William B. Snodgrass, Fort Ord, California
Page 313
The following officer of the Veterinary Corps Reserve now on extended active duty at the station indicated, have been ordered to report to the commanding officer, Chicago Quartermaster Depot, Chicago, Ill., for temporary duty for a period of 30 days for the purpose of pursuing a course of instruction, commencing on September 2, 1941 in the inspection of meat, meat-food and dairy products, under the depot veterinarian. Upon completion of this duty each of the officers indicated will return to his proper station: Joseph W. Harrison, Fort Ord, CaliforniaPage 515
Veterinary Corps Reserve - 1 st Lieutenant John. E. Craige is relieved from assignment and duty with the station hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, effective on or about October 20, 1941, and assigned to the ninth corps area laboratory, Presidio of Monterey, California.JANUARY TO JUNE 1942
Page 179
First Lieutenant Ernest St. J. Watkins is relieved from his present assignment and duty at Fort Douglas, Utah, effective on or about December 20, 1941, and assigned to the 68th Quartermaster Troop, Fort Ord, California.Page 277
Each of the following named officers is relieved from his present assignment and duty at the station indicated, effective on or about February 4, 1942, and is then assigned to the station specified:Colonel D.B. Leininger is relieved from his present assignment and duty at Fort Bliss, Texas and is assigned to Fort Ord
Colonel Allen C. Wight is relieved from his present assignment and duty at Fort Ord, California and assigned to Fort Bliss, Texas
DAILY OPERATION OF THE STATION VETERINARY HOSPITAL (1941)Below is an adaptation using: TM 8-450, Technical Manual, Veterinary Administration, May 1, 1941 and United States Army Veterinary Service in World War II, Office of the Surgeon General by Lt. Col. Everett B. Miller, V.C., USA.
The veterinary service of the U.S. Army is responsible for investigating the hygiene and the sanitary condition of the animals of the Army and making recommendations advising as to the methods of animal management as they concern animal health and efficiency instructing military personnel in military animal sanitation, management and horseshoeing. Also examination of forage when procured, in storage and at issue; evacuation and care of sick and wounded animals; management and control of veterinary military hospitals and all other veterinary units; and control, training, instruction, and assignment to duty of commissioned and enlisted personnel of the Medical Department belonging to the veterinary service. The veterinary service is responsible for investigating the quality and sanitary conditions of meats, meat-food, and dairy products used by the Army prior to and at the time of purchase, while in storage, and at issue; the sanitary condition of establishments, storehouses, freezers, refrigerators, refrigerating space in cars and ships, and other places in which such supplies are manufactured, handled, stored, shipped, or issued; the sanitary conditions of dairies, and milk herds supplying troops; and for making recommendations with reference thereto. The dual nature of the functions of the veterinary service, concerning animals on one hand and human beings on the other, involves a close and definite relationship in the general service required of the Medical Department.Proper coordination of its activities as a branch of the Medical Department can be only assured when there is a representative of the veterinary service on the staff of the commanding officer at posts, camps and stations. And in turn all activities are then reported to the Surgeon General's office that is in-charge of both departments. A chief of the veterinary service is assigned to this office to administer the veterinary activities and personnel. The Veterinary Corps also functions in cooperation with the Quartermaster Corps as that service is concerned with the purchase and distribution of animals and of food supplies used by the military forces. The head veterinary officer commands and administers the veterinary detachment, veterinary hospital, or other units and exercises this function separate and apart from the administration of the medical units employed on medical service for humans.
The duties of the head veterinary officer at a post, camp or station is to keep himself informed of existing conditions of the health and physical efficiency of the animals of the command; and conditions concerning meat, food and dairy products which may affect the health and physical efficiency of the troops. To make prescribed reports as required, to perform such other duties as might be required of him by superior authority. To point out un-sanitary conditions in connection with the animals of the Army and making proper recommendations for their corrections. To train, discipline and make assignments of the duty of those under his command. To make sure of the maintenance of the equipment under his command and to make the requisition for supplies needed.
Lt. Col. Russell Sperry, V.C. (center foreground) operates on an injured horse, anesthetized on the Fort Riley Cavalry Station Veterinary Hospital operating table, Feb. 5, 1941TITLES OF VETERINARY OFFICERS IN THE U.S. ARMY 1941
Territorial department - Department veterinarian
Corps area - Corps area veterinarian
Post or camp - Station veterinarian
Animal purchasing board - Purchasing board veterinarian
Animal transport - Transport veterinarian
Port of embarkation - Port veterinarian
Depot - Quartermaster Remount veterinarian
Field force - Chief veterinarian
Army - Army veterinarian
Corps - Corps veterinarian
Division - Division veterinarian
Regiment - Regimental veterinarianPOST AND CAMP STATION VETERINARY SERVICE
To a station having an animal strength of 200 or more, a station veterinarian may be assigned and where the number exceeds 600 animals, additional veterinary officers are authorized to assist the station veterinarian. A station with less than 200 animals but presenting other veterinary requirements in connection with meat and dairy hygiene, maintenance of instruction courses, purchasing and breeding of animals, or other duties pertaining to the veterinary service may be allowed one or more veterinary officers as conditions warrant.DUTIES OF THE SENIOR VETERINARIAN
The senior veterinarian officer of a veterinary station is responsible for the veterinary activities of all the organizations at that station. He commands the station veterinary hospital and the veterinary detachment, which includes all the veterinary officers and enlisted men of the Medical Department (veterinary service) at the station. His special duties in connection with the station or hospital service, physical examination of animals, animal sanitation and communicable diseases, meat and dairy hygiene, as well as the routine reports, records. Medical supplies required by the veterinary detachment operating a veterinary station hospital are obtained by requisition by the medical supply officer of the station. Equipment and supply allowances for a station veterinary detachment will be found in the Medical Department Supply Catalog.A veterinary dispensary at a station having a veterinary hospital should have suitable facilities for storing and dispensing medicines and other veterinary supplies for the use of the organization. It is utilized for holding sick call and for rendering necessary treatment for emergency cases until they can be sent to a veterinary hospital, or for minor cases of short duration until they can be returned to duty.
The veterinary personnel permanently assigned to a station which is not a tactical organization is called the "station veterinary detachment" the strength of the detachment varies with the particular need of the command. For efficiency of operation in peacetime, all veterinary personnel at a camp, post, or station are usually grouped in a detachment under the command of the senior veterinary officer present and perform all the necessary veterinary activities for the station. In large stations, particularly in time of war, there will ordinarily be a station veterinary detachment, which operates all permanent veterinary activities such as the veterinary station hospital, food inspection, etc., and a veterinary section, regimental medical detachment, for each mounted organization at the post.The principal duties of a station veterinary detachment are training, sanitary inspections (animals, meat and dairy products, and forage) care and treatment of disabled animals including operation of veterinary dispensaries and hospitals. Accordingly, the enlisted men of the detachment are trained in the following general subjects: principles of animal sanitation and practical application thereof; inspection of shoeing of animals, including detection of ordinary defects; examination of forage; observation and interpretation of common symptoms of diseases in animals; dosage and administration of simple remedies; management of disable or sick animals; principles of first aid, including application of dressings and bandages; and routine inspection of meats, meat foods, and dairy products. Qualifications in some or all of these subjects are a requisite for appointment to the several non-commissioned officer grades. It should be understood that activities of enlisted personnel are performed under direction of veterinary officers and no attempt is made to qualify them in accurate diagnosis or the practice of veterinary medicine.
In addition to this instruction, a station veterinarian is required to organize and conduct classes for the instruction of such non-commissioned officers and enlisted men. He ordinarily gives instruction in animal hygiene and management in the principles of horseshoeing. It should be understood that the management of the veterinary station hospital is only one of the several duties of a station veterinarian. He must become thoroughly familiar with all conditions at the station, which have to do with animal management, with a view to preventing and limiting animal disabilities rather than the treating of them after they occur.
Immediately upon the arrival of animals at a station from any source whatever and before they have come in contact with any other animals of the command, they should be given a careful examination by the veterinarian and placed in quarantine for at least 21 days. This is for the purpose of controlling any communicable disease that they may be contracted en route.
Veterinarians utilize veterinary sick call, routine daily inspections, and every other available occasion for the prompt detection of animal disabilities. The routine daily inspections can ordinarily best be accomplished during "stables" that is, the time designated for animals to be groomed. Veterinarians initiate the necessary action to secure the separation of the sick from the well, particularly those that may have communicable disease; the segregation of patients in hospital or other suitable place and their retention therein until recovered; the adoption of appropriate measures of management and restraint; and are responsible for the application of such curative procedures as they consider advisable.Sick call is a formation held daily at an hour and place designated by the commanding officer. It is usually held at the veterinary station hospital or dispensary. Each organization having a veterinary detachment holds veterinary sick call or by the station veterinarian if there is no veterinary detachment. At the designated time, sick animals conducted to the place for holding sick call the non-commissioned officer gives the attending veterinarian a list of the sick animals. The veterinarian officer, after examination, indicates on this list the animals, which are to be admitted to hospital and those to be returned to stables or to duty. He notes on the sick list what work, if any, the stables cases can perform and any other information in regard to the sick animals that he may have to communicate to the commander. Animals on sick report are classified as "Stables" or "Hospital". Patients admitted to the register and which are under the complete care (treatment, feeding, grooming, watering, etc.), and control of personnel of the veterinary service will be classified as hospital patients; all other patients admitted to the register will be classified as stable patients. Personnel of the veterinary service will give a stables patient professional treatment.
Sick call is not a suitable time for the careful examination and treatment of the sick. It is more properly a "sorting". Its purpose is to determine the number of animals unfit for work so that organization commander may act accordingly and so the morning report of the sick may be promptly sent to the commandeering officer. It should be conducted as expeditiously as possible and at a hour that least interferes with the operation of the units of the command. Minor injuries and aliments are ordinarily treated during sick call, however, if they are few in number and the time and conduct of sick call is not prolonged thereby. The equipment required in holding sick call need only be that necessary for making hasty diagnoses (thermometers, etc.) and dressings and remedies for treatment of minor ailments. Admission to the hospital is accomplished after sick call has been completed. Should stables cases require treatment other than that which can be given quickly, it is done later. In case of emergency, sick or injured animals may be admitted to the hospital at any time.
Veterinary hospitalization in peace and war conforms in type to other Medical Department organizations, that is, the stationary or fix establishments and field or mobile units. On a peace basis and in the zone of the interior, only two types of fixed establishments are maintained; veterinary station hospitals and veterinary general hospitals.Veterinary station hospitals are established in both peace and war and are provided for the hospitalization of sick and wounded animals of local commands and vary in size accordingly. In exceptional instances, they may be so located and established as to meet the needs of a district or section or may be designated to receive special cases from any place within the district or section under whose control they function.
Each station having a veterinarian will ordinarily have a veterinary station hospital, the size thereof depending on the animal population. A hospital may vary from a simple temporary building to one elaborately fitted out. In any event, it should be kept clean and orderly and should have the following conveniences:
1. Office
2. Supply room
3. Dressing room with proper means of restraint (stock)
4. Water, hot and cold
5. Quarters for stable guard
6. Forage room
7. Single stalls
8. Box stalls; one being sufficiently large for confining colic cases
9. An isolation ward for communicable diseaseVeterinary general hospitals serve general and special rather than local needs and are established when the number of animals or special needs in an area demand such a large establishment. They are units of standard size (500 normal plus 500 emergency patients) and in war may be located in either the zone of the interior or in the theater of operations (communication zone). Veterinary hospitals for field service are enumerated and discussed in appropriate Army Regulations, Tables of Organization, and Field Manuals. A veterinary hospital is essentially a place designated by proper authority for the collection, shelter, care, and professional treatment of sick and injured animals. Certain basic principles are involved in their construction and arrangement such as:
1. Shelter from the elements in properly lighted and ventilated structures
2. Separate stall for each patient
3. Hard, dry standing, preferable concrete, well drained and accessible for cleaning
4. Facilities for the segregation of classes of cases and the isolation of individual animals
5. Provision for the restraint and handling of special cases such as box stalls, colic stalls, foot bath, dipping vat, operating and dressing room; for the preparation of special feeds; clipping, shoeing, etc.; and for pharmacy, storage and office.
Two Army veterinarians, Captain J.H. Todd (left) and Captain R.A. Boyce, peer into the mouth of a horse as they treat an infected molar at the Fort Riley Cavalry Station Veterinary Hospital. There are 2,500 horses at the post, Feb. 5, 1941ADMINISTRATION AND DUTIES OF VETERINARIAN
For purposes of administration, the station veterinarian commands the veterinary hospital or dispensary at a station, its personnel and patients subject to the authority of the station commander. He organizes the professional and non-professional service of the hospital and is responsible for its operation. He is responsible for the maintenance of the veterinary hospital, dispensary, convalescent corral, and other places set aside for the use of disabled animals. The station veterinarian will determine what patients are to be admitted to the hospital or dispensary, will assign them to wards according to convenience and nature of their complaints, and take the necessary measures for their proper care and treatment as well as being responsible for deciding when they are so far recovered as to be able to leave the hospital and return to duty or to stables for further treatment.SANITATION
Veterinary Hospitals are peculiarly exposed to infection and unremitting attention must be paid to the routine cleaning and disinfecting of stalls, mangers, feed boxes, watering toughs, and exposed interiors surfaces of every kind of equipment or appliance and of fences, corrals, feed racks, picket lines, etc. In order that patients may be kept in better condition and the period of hospitalization shortened, it is essential that strictest sanitary measures be in effect at all times.COMMUNICABLE DISEAE
Upon the occurrence of a communicable disease, regardless of the nature of its termination, every precaution must be exercised to assure a most thorough cleaning and disinfection after the removal of the patient and before other animals are allowed therein. In case of death, the carcass must be disposed of in accordance with the best sanitary practice by burning or burying and all equipment should be subjected to proper disinfection. Should it be considered advisable, quarantine or restriction of movement of animals should be recommended to the commanding officer. An animal infected with glanders, anthrax, equine infectious anemia, or surra will be destroyed as soon as a positive diagnosis is established, while those infected with other communicable disease should continue in isolation until no longer a menace to other animals. Animals suspected of infection should be handled with as much precaution as if they were actually infected and all other animals in the lot or shipment will be regarded as contact animals. Routine report of communicable disease is rendered on W.D.M.D. form 102. The veterinarian will promptly notify the commanding officer of all outbreaks of important communicable diseases in the command and in cases of glanders, surra, anthrax, and equine infectious anemia will also notify the proper local or State authorities and the surgeon in cases of disease which might affect humans.VETERINARY SUPPLIES
Drugs, chemicals and reagents, surgical dressing, surgical instruments and appliances, hospital equipment and supplies, as well as laboratory appliances and supplies including biologics, field equipment and supplies which included Medical Department blank forms necessary in the care and treatment of animals, are procured from the medical supply officer by proper requisition. Rapidly deteriorating products such as mallein and biologics will be requisitioned in such amounts as can be foreseen for the immediate future and care will be exercised to preserve products by proper storage. Special attention will be paid to the safekeeping and proper use of narcotics, poisons, alcohol, and substances containing alcohol. Issues of medicines and dressings are made to public animals and authorized private mounts without charge.DISINFECTION OR DESTRUCTION OF INFECTED ARTICLES
Animal equipment and veterinary hospital furniture and other stores used in the treatment of communicable animals diseases will be disinfected or burned on recommendation and under supervision of a veterinary officer. The destruction of property to prevent contagion will be accounted for by the certificate of the officer responsible, showing fully the circumstances necessitating the destruction.HOSPITAL LAUNDRY
The linen of a veterinary hospital authorized to be laundered at public expense consists of operating and pharmacy linen belonging to the Medical Department, white coats and trousers of enlisted attendants including those inspecting food supplies, and blankets, covers, and other washable articles of horse equipment which are public property. Usually soiled linen of the veterinary hospital is turned over to the station surgeon to be washed as a part of the laundry work of his hospital and clean linen is issued in exchange.MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS
The professional services common to all veterinary hospitals in the admission, examination, classification, mallein testing, identification, treatment, and disposal of patients and the keeping of the necessary records and rendition of reports in connection therewith. Each ward is in charge of a veterinary officer, assisted by enlisted men, the senior of whom is called the "ward master". The ward officer is responsible for the professional care and welfare of the patients in the ward, for its records and property, and for work performed by the personnel on duty. Upon admission to the hospital, the patient is taken to the admission ward for a thorough physical examination and is then assigned to a ward. If the mallein test has not been applied within the past 21 days it will be accomplished at this time. A register card will be accomplished for each patient showing the data available at the time and the ward assigned noted on the reverse of the card. The clinical record brief (W.D. M.D.) form No. 55a-V) will be made out and accompany the animal to the ward as authority for its admission. The following morning the diagnosis will be furnished the office by the ward veterinarian with the morning report of that ward. The examination given patients in the receiving ward is an essential step in the detection of communicable disease and the prevention of contact with other animals. Animals presenting positive or suspicious symptoms are promptly removed to the proper wards and the necessary quarantine measures are adopted.FORAGE, SPECIAL FEEDS, AND BEDDING ALLOWANCES
The forage allowance for patients in hospital is the same as prescribed for normal animals. Special feeds as available and necessary for the treatment of the sick may be drawn from the quartermaster. The bedding allowance for each patient in hospital is six and two-thirds pound of straw. The diet for each patient is prescribed by the ward veterinarian at his daily visit after which the ward master consolidates the forage and bedding requirements of his ward in a single list and submits it to the forage master of the hospital for the issue of required ration.VETERINARY MORNING REPORTS
The senior veterinary officer of each command, promptly after veterinary sick call, forwards to the adjutant a report of the sick animals of the command on W.D.M.D. Form No. 71 V (Veterinarian's Morning Report of Sick Animals) This report covers a 24-hour period and shows, , by organization, the number of animals on sick report at beginning of period, the number admitted, the number disposed of and the manner thereof, and those remaining at the end of the period and whether in stables or hospital. Animals treated but not marked "hospital" or "stables" on the company sick lists are not shown on the morning report of sick animals. After the report has served its purpose at headquarters, the adjutant enters in the proper column the animal strength of the command for the day, present and absent, and returns the report to the veterinarian who utilizes the data thereon in compiling his reports. For purposes of all report, hospital cases are those in which the complete care of the animals is accomplished by veterinary personnel while stable cases are those cared for by the organization to which assigned except for the necessary professional service which is accomplished by veterinary personnel.REGISTER AND REPORT OF SICK AND WOUNDED ANIMALS
Except in the field in time of peace and in a theater of operations in time of war, a full record of the sick and wounded animals of every military post or station and separate command which is attended by a veterinary officer or civilian veterinarian will be made on register cards (W.D.M.D. Form No. 115) These cards collectively constitute the register of patients and a case carded on them is said to be on the register. In the field in time of peace and in the theater of operations in time of war, the emergency veterinary tag (W.D.M.D. Form No. 115b) is used instead. Register and report cards, one being a duplicate of the order are made day by day as the cases are admitted on sick report. They are kept in two files, the current file and the permanent file; the current file consisting of register and report cards of uncompleted cases arranged in the serial order of their register numbers, and the permanent file comprising the register cards only of completed case filed in the serial order of their register numbers. There are 20 spaces on the card (W.D.M.D. Form 115) completely identifying the animal, showing date of admission, whether a stables or hospital case, diagnosis, causes, complications, last mallein test, disposition, name of hospital, days sick, and name of veterinarian. The veterinary diagnostic nomenclature for use on cards in prescribed in AR 40-2250. Identification to be used is the animal's individual permanent serial symbol brand (left side of the neck) in accordance with the "Preston Branding System" described in AR 30-455. At the end of each month, the report card of each case completed during the month is forwarded to The Surgeon General's Office. A copy of the register card (called the remaining card) of each case still on sick report at the end of the month and which has been on the sick report more than a month, is also sent to The Surgeon's General's Office. Not more than one remaining card is sent for each case from any one hospital regardless of the time carried on sick report. When such cases are completed, a final report card is forwarded with the report for the month during which it is completed. The report cards and the report sheet described below together constitute the monthly report of sick and wound animals. At stations where veterinary enlisted personnel are assigned without a veterinary officer, the surgeon renders the reports.In order that higher authority may have constantly available general data relative to the number of sick and wounded animals, hospital accommodations, and the movement of the more important animals diseases, a veterinary report is required from all veterinary units and detachments having animals attached or assigned to the command W.D.M.D. Form No. 102 (Veterinary Report of Sick and Wounded Animals). The first section of this report applies to the station from which the report is rendered together with the period involved, the mean animal strength of the command divided into various classifications, the composition of the command together with important variations in strength and composition, the number and results of tests for glanders administer and the number of various forms of W.D.M.D. Forms No. 115a and 115b which accompany the report. On the reverse of the form, the second section pertains to the status of patients, those killed, destroyed, or died, patient days for each class of animals, and the status of hospitalization available. The third section is designed to furnish information concerning contagious or communicable diseases.
The necessary information concerning veterinary personnel, other personnel attached for duty, transportation, and material is rendered on the Statistical Report (W.D.M.D. Form No. 86c) adapted to the veterinary service by the insertion of the word "Veterinary" above the heading. In time of war, this report is rendered weekly by all veterinary officers commanding units or detachments or by the surgeon of units having veterinary personnel but no veterinary officer. One copy is forwarded through medical channels for necessary consolidation and one copy is retained for file. In peacetime this report is normally rendered monthly as of the morning report of the last days of the month by all veterinary officers commanding units or detachments or by surgeons of units or detachments having veterinary personnel but no veterinary officer. This form is made in triplicate, the original being forwarded direct to The Surgeon General, one copy to the surgeon of the corps area in which the station is located, and the third copy retained.VETERINARY SANITARY REPORT
The veterinarian of every station or detached command submits to the commanding officer on the last day of each quarter (March, June, September, December), a written sanitary report in letterform. The subjects to be reported are prescribed in AR 40-2255 and cover all matters relating to animal sanitation. The purpose of the veterinary sanitary report is to place before superior authority a comprehensive survey of all existing conditions which affect or tend to affect the health and physical efficiency of the animals, with suitable recommendations for the correction of defects. The report shows the true veterinary sanitary condition existing on the date rendered and is also a summary of the information gathered through the daily and other inspection during the period. The letter covers the following subjects in the order given:1.Veterinary hospitals, dispensaries, stables, picket lines, corrals, shoeing shops, and other places occupied by animals, and their surrounding (especially as to sanitary conditions, cleanliness, and ventilation).
2. Forage, special feeds, and bedding,
3. Water supply
4. Feeding and Watering (especially as to frequency and quantities allowed at each feeding and watering), and the sanitary condition and cleanliness of all feeding and watering places
5. Methods of animal management in operation, including grooming (especially as to frequency and time allowed and care of implements), trimming and clipping; care of equipment; bedding; tying and other restraint, and stable police, with special reference to the removal of manure and wastes.
6. Exercise, work, conditioning, training, or other handling in garrison or on the march
7. Qualifications and suitability of personnel engaged in handling or caring for animals. (Comment on nature and amount of any instruction given by the veterinary service to such personnel.
8. Care of feet, and frequency and suitability of the shoeing, including qualifications of the horseshoers.
9. Fit of saddles, harness, etc., and condition of same.
10. Disposal of dead animals
11. Animal strength of the command on the last day of the month; the non-effective rate
12. Character and causes of prevailing animal diseases and measures taken to prevent them. Comment is made on the unusual incidence of preventable diseases and disabilities, showing the number of such cases, causes, and corrective measures, which have been or should be adopted.
13. A statement regarding the annual intradermic mallein test of animals of the command, giving specifically the date on which the test was completed, the character of reactions obtained, and any other relevant data of interest in connection therewith.
14. Any special items which the occasion or local conditions warrant.
15. RecommendationsThe commanding officer forwards the report through military channels to The Surgeon General, noting thereon his views and the action taken by him, and if he has deemed the action recommended by the veterinarian impracticable or undesirable, he states his objections. The commanding officer furnishes the veterinarian with a copy of his endorsement forwarding the report, which, together with a copy of the report, is filed in the veterinary history of the station. The veterinarian furnishes the surgeon with a copy of every sanitary report, and should he at any time have knowledge of conditions, which may affect or tend to affect the health of the personnel of the command, he furnishes the surgeon with full information thereon. In rendering the above report, the veterinary officer should bear in mind that his criticism of faulty conditions should be constructive and followed by practicable recommendations for their correction. Defects, which can be corrected by the veterinarian without reference to higher authority, should not be reported. The veterinarian must also use judgment and defects of minor importance, which may be corrected by informal recommendations to proper commanding officers, should be corrected in that manner rather than by entering them on the sanitary report. While the quarterly sanitary report is the medium commonly used for communicating information and recommendations that require administrative action by higher authority, The veterinary officer may also make special sanitary reports when he has important or urgent recommendations to make.
On request, a veterinary officer makes physical examinations of animals which officer may contemplate purchasing for use as official mounts and if passed, render certificate as to soundness. The examination covers physical condition, soundness, and age. The veterinary officer passes on questions of type and conformation only when so directed; the age and conformation standard for officers' private mounts are prescribed from time to time by the War Department. A veterinary officer likewise examines physically and reports on officers' mounts which are to be sold back to the Government. Physical examination of officers' mounts as to soundness and suitability are made by veterinary officers at such other times (for example, annually) as may be required.EXAMINATION PRIOR TO INSPECTION FOR CONDEMNATION
When animals are deemed unserviceable, they are submitted to an inspector appointment to determine the disposition. Prior to this, a complete physical examination is made by a veterinary officer when one is available. This examination comprises a thorough investigation of the general physical condition, age, and soundness, taking cognizance of the nature and duration of past treatment, prospects of final cure or relief, and extent to which the future usefulness of the animal in any arm or service may be influenced by these factors. Commanding officers and inspectors are informed of the results of the examination and advised by the veterinary officer as to what disposition in his judgment should be made of the animal. Inspectors are authorized to destroy unserviceable animals, preferably by shooting, for the following reasons:1. To terminate suffering
2.To prevent contagion
3. Because of incurable diseases or injury
4. Because of old age or other good and sufficient reason
5. Total blindnessDEATHS OF ANIMALS
Upon the death or contemplated destruction of a public animal, whether it is on sick report or not, the station veterinarian will be promptly notified. Prompt report will be made to the accountable officer, accompanied by a certificate signed by the veterinarian stating the cause of death and whether it was as the result of neglect or through the fault of any person. The same procedure will be followed when an animal is destroyed on account of communicable or incurable diseases or injury after first securing the approval of the commanding officer for destroying the animal except when the animal has been inspected and condemned and its destruction directed.DISPOSAL OF ANIMAL CARASSES
The station veterinarian will make suitable recommendations to the commanding officer as to the best method of disposing of animal carcasses and will supervise the operation of the plan adopted.Burning and burial are the approved methods.
Contract may be made with civilians for the disposal of dead animals other than those infected with anthrax, glanders, or rabies, when such disposal does not conflict with State or municipal regulations.
Note: I will not be covering the above duties of the station veterinary officer at this time because my main area of research is the veterinary service of the U.S. Armys horses and mules at a station veterinary hospital. After the war years the main function of the vet. hospital at Fort Ord was the small animal clinic, Meat and Dairy inspections - Greg
U.S. Army Veterinary School, 30th Training Battalion, Medical Replacement Training Center, Camp Grant, 1942
The mission of the remount service is to insure the supply of a sufficient number of horses and mules suitable for military use; to procure horses and mules; to condition and train them and to issue conditioned and trained animals to the using arms as they may be required. The animals procurable upon mobilization must have been bred in time of peace; for this reason, and because the wartime organization is similar to that in time of peace, the peacetime organization and operation of the remount service is outlined in connection with its organization and functions in time of war.ORGANIZATION
The remount service consists of the remount branch, supply division, office of The Quartermaster General; remount areas; and remount depots.a. Remount branch. -The remount branch, which is part of the supply division of the office of The Quartermaster General, supervises all remount operations.
b. Remount areas. -Geographically, the United States is divided into seven areas, each under the supervision of an officer in charge, who with an officer of the Veterinary Corps forms the buying board in that area. The officer in charge of an area is responsible for the efficient operation of the Army horse-breeding plan and for the procurement of animals in his area. There are three remount depots maintained in peacetime by the remount service of the Quartermaster Corps (1941) at Front Royal, Virginia; Fort Robinson, Nebraska; and Fort Reno, Oklahoma. In time of war, auxiliary depots would be established at suitable points throughout the United States. These depots serve as reservoirs where animals are conditioned, sorted, and distributed to the military forces. The veterinary service at a remount depot is essentially a station service.
c. Supervision of Army horse breeding plan. -The supervision of the Army horse-breeding plan includes:
1. Inspecting applicants who wish to act as agents in caring for stallions to determine whether or not the applicants have proper facilities and are reputable citizens in their communities; the obtaining of information as to the type of stallion desired and the number and type of mares to be bred.
2. Placing of stallions with agents.
3. Inspecting stallions assigned to agents to determine their care and condition, suitability of their offspring, and to give necessary instructions to agents and owners of mares with reference to the best technique and practices in horse of age.d. Procurement. -The procurement of animals in time of emergency will be by purchase from dealers. It is the policy of the remount service in peacetime to purchase animals from breeders; thus the broker is eliminated and the breeder gets a better price for his stock, which encourages him to breed better animals; and the purchasing officer is able to obtain first-hand information of horse conditions in his area.
1. Primary function. -The primary function of remount depots is to receive, condition, and issue animals. The conditioning process usually requires not less than 120 days. During this time, the expectation is that the animals go through sickness and recovery; become excellent in health and flesh; become gentled and broken to ride or drive so that when issued to line troops they may be handled and continued in their training without the necessity of the troops spending time in handling sick, unconditioned, and intractable animals.
2. Secondary function. -The secondary purpose of remount depots is to conduct a limited amount of breeding as a means of instructing remount personnel so that they in turn can properly supervise the breeding operations in the various remount areas.EXPANSION AND OPERATIONS UPON MOBILIZATION
General -In event of an emergency, the remount branch becomes a separate division of the office of The Quartermaster General and operates directly under The Quartermaster General. The number of remount areas remains the same, but additional purchasing boards are set up in each area as conditions may demand.Depots. -The three peacetime remount depots continue normal peacetime operations and expand to take care of a proportion of the additional animals purchased. In addition, they conduct schools for training of remount personnel.
1. Additional depots. -Additional remount depots located at San Mateo, California; San Angelo, Texas; Lathrop, Missouri; and Atlanta, Georgia, will be established. These four remount depots will conduct no breeding, but will operate by receiving, conditioning, and issuing animals that have been purchased.
2. Issue of animals -The issue of animals from these remount depots will be direct to troops or to other remount depots in the zone of the interior and to field remount depots established in the theater of operations.
3. Control in zone of the interior-The control of animals by the remount service in the zone of the interior ceases when they are issued to troops or to remount depots in the theater of operations. The control of remount activities by The Quartermaster General through the remount division is confined to the zone of the interior.
4. Operation in zone of the interior - Remount depots in the zone of the interior will be operated by a remount squadron and such civilian personnel as may be requiredTHEATER OF OPERATIONS
a. Remount depots in the theater of operations are branch depots and will be controlled in the same manner as other quartermaster depots. When the location and depth of the theater of operations warrant it, there will be established in the communications zone necessary debarkation remount depots, base remount depots, and advance remount depots. Within the combat zone, there will be established remount depots in the army or in the corps as required. All remount depots in the theater of operations will be operated by remount troops.
b. The functions of remount depots in the theater of operations are to receive animals from the zone of the interior and issue them to the using arms and to receive evacuated animals for reconditioning or for further evacuation to remount depots in the zone of the interior.
The veterinary hospital system in the Zone of Interior included stall accommodations for 2,500 horse and mule patients and was operated in a manner closely paralleling the Medical Department's hospitalization program for troops. The veterinary system included facilities located in more than a hundred camps, training centers, remount depots, purchasing and breeding zone headquarters, and ports. Together, these provided 1,700,769 days of hospital treatment during the 5-year period, 1941 through 1945. Lesser number disabled animals were treated as stable cases and not admitted into the hospitals. These veterinary hospitals, for the greater part, were operated as a Medical Department activity under the control of the camp surgeon.The beginning of World War II found the Army's horse and mule strength at about 22,000 and its veterinary hospital system comprising a patient capacity for 5.4 percent of the animal strength or 1,188 stalls. Of this number of hospital stalls, 970 were located in the Zone of Interior and 218 in the oversea departments. These stalls were distributed among 2 general veterinary hospitals, 41 station veterinary hospitals, and 32 veterinary dispensaries , but those having accommodations for 10 or more animal patients numbered only 30.
EVACUATION AND HOSPITALIZATION In the Army of World War II the day of the jeep, armored force, and airplane - it may be a surprise to many to know that the Army Veterinary Service provided 2,065,289 days of hospital treatment to Army horses and mules, operated a veterinary hospital system in the Zone of Interior that totaled a stall capacity of 2,500 for disabled animals, and developed animal evacuation plans for oversea theaters comprising of 72 separate detachments, companies, and hospitals, and several provisional organizations .
The veterinary hospital was the central establishment, whether at a station in the Zone of Interior or in the field in a war theater, for the collection, shelter, segregation, care, and treatment of sick and wounded animals. In the U.S. Army, a reference to it may have been made as early as 1868 when the War Department ordered the establishment of an animal recuperation depot at Fort Leavenworth, in the military division of Missouri. The veterinary hospital system and animal evacuation plan that came into existence during World War I was studied, tried in maneuvers, and further perfected in the peacetime years following the Armistice and then was used when the need arose in World War II.
Table adaptation, United States Army Veterinary Service in World War II Office of the Surgeon General by Lt. Col. Everett B. Miller, V.C., USA, page 5641936 through 1940 hospital treatment days totaled 1,631,463. Sick and wounded animals not admitted to the veterinary hospitals were classified for treatment as "stable cases" and their total days of treatment (stable days) were considerably less than the number of hospital days of treatment.
Beginning in the fall of 1940 and continuing through the fiscal year ending 30 June 1942, a wartime building program added more than 1,450 stalls to the veterinary hospital system in the Zone of Interior. The 2-year program - costing $933,500 - included a veterinary hospital (10-stall); 17 dispensaries; 16 surgical clinics; 8 colic buildings; 54 medical, contagious, and surgical wards; and a variety of accessorial structures such as 2 autopsy slabs, 4 dipping vats, 3 squeeze chutes, 16 corrals, 18 sheds, and barrack accommodations for 482 enlisted personnel. These comprised the establishment of new hospitals and dispensaries at 12 Army camps (table 45) and addition to the existent facilities at 5 camps and the 3 remount depots. The additional construction at the depots included the expansion of the hospital ward capacities, and at Forts Bliss, Bragg, Clark, Riley, and Sill, included dispensaries, surgical clinics, and ward buildings.
Table adaptation, United States Army Veterinary Service in World War II Office of the Surgeon General by Lt. Col. Everett B. Miller, V.C., USA, page 565The 12 new veterinary facilities each included a surgical clinic, one or more wards, sometimes a colic building and corral, and a few other structures; however, the facilities at Camp Carson and Camp Hale, Colo., were the larger of these and included also new dispensaries (4 and 10, respectively) for mounted units which were in training.
The above construction program was completed with a degree of rapidity and ease that reflected favorably on the preparatory planning which had taken into account such matters as the determination of requirements and the development of construction plans. There were also matters of inspecting the buildings during construction, and, later, the assigning of operational personnel. The urgency of the moment in which these problems seemed to arise made necessary the finalization and centralization of many matters in the Veterinary Division, Surgeon General's Office. The latter alone could obtain firsthand information from the War Department staff on pending plans to augment the Army's horse and mule strength or to organize and train a mounted unit at a particular camp. The requirements were stated in terms of the kind, capacity, and location of the veterinary hospitals and dispensaries. Actually, the capacities of the facilities were not fixed, but were designed to include as many stalls as were needed to hospitalize 3.5 percent of the animals in a camp or unit and to provide 360.5 square feet2 of corral space for each stall.
The station veterinary hospital was designated ordinarily to serve the local camp of which it was a part, but where the requirements were quite small or were extended to include a large number of widely dispersed mounted units, the camp was provided with a dispensary only or with a number of dispensaries supplemental to the hospital. The latter were designated regimental dispensaries and served specific mounted units. The camps selected for the approved building program were recommended by the Surgeon General's Office in requests to The Adjutant General or the War Department Bureau of the Budget for the necessary appropriations of money and were influenced by the expressed intentions of The Quartermaster General and chiefs of the mounted services.
With few exceptions, the hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, wards, and other veterinary structures built during World War II followed the construction plans which, since 1937, were developed or perfected by the Office of the Quartermaster General in cooperation with the Surgeon General's Office. There were at least 11 approved plans as of the fall of 1941 (table 46). As these were entered in the building projects, the Surgeon General's Office encouraged the local camp veterinary officers to inspect them and, also, to requisition those items of Medical Department supply that would have to be fixed in the structure (such as Ajax dressing stocks and operating tables). Under the provisions of Army regulations, the station veterinarian was responsible to The Surgeon General for expressing his opinion on the exact sites and arrangements of the new hospital or dispensary and for reporting on the compliances of any construction with the approved plans. As the building program progressed, a number of corrective suggestions in the plans were made by the station veterinarians, and these, after a review jointly by the Veterinary Division, Surgeon General's Office, and the Office of the Quartermaster General, were incorporated into changes to the plans and were referred to the civilian contractors for compliance.
In the same manner that it influenced the hospital capacities, the animal strength was used also to determine the personnel space authorizations and the assignments of operational personnel to the station veterinary hospitals. During World War II, Army regulations provided for the assignment of at least four enlisted personnel in the grade of private or private first class when the camp's animal strength totaled 200 animals, and one additional such enlisted personnel for every additional 75 animals. Noncommissioned officers were allotted one for each station, and one for every four privates first class. The station complement for veterinary officers was expressed at one per station having 200 to 600 animals, another one where the station strength was between 601 and 1,100 animals, three for a station with 1,101 to 1,600 animals, and thus in graduated increases up to six veterinary officers where the station strength was between 2,801 and 3,500 animals. These regulatory provisions were actually used by the Surgeon General's Office in planning requirements or recommending assignments of veterinary personnel to certain Army camps.
3-Actually, certain construction plans were studied by the Veterinary Division, during the early thirties. Later, during 1941, the responsibility for this construction planning was transferred from the Quartermaster Corps to the Corps of Engineers, which up to then was responsible only for construction planning in a theater of operations. The exceptional structures were remount depot ward buildings which were constructed pursuant to modified plans approved by the Chief, Remount Division, Office of the Quartermaster General. This action seemingly was based on the situation that an unexpected program for 28,860 horses and mules had been approved for immediate procurement in October 1940. However, before the construction became available, The Quartermaster General had leased several buildings for veterinary use at the depot.
4- one particular problem was that contractors attempted to place tar paper and wood lathe strip on buildings.
5-Changes recommended included the sloping and adding of drains to the clinic floors, the lowering of the feedboxes from 41 to 34 inches above the floor, the replacing of metal feed racks with wooden troughs so as to provide head room and to lessen interference with the ventilators, the lowering of the bails (separating bars) between stalls from 48 to 36 inches above the floor, and the lowering of the bottom boards of box stalls from 8 to 7 inches above the floor.
Table adaptation, United States Army Veterinary Service in World War II Office of the Surgeon General by Lt. Col. Everett B. Miller, V.C., USA, page 5681. Planning for veterinary hospital construction included also stable, closed, types S-1 through S-9, drawing 700-320, and stable, open, types S-10 through S-19, drawing 700-321, both dated 5 May 1937. Types S-1 and S-10 each had a stall capacity of 20; these capacities were increased in increments of 4 stalls so that the closed stable, type S-9, had a rated capacity of 52 stalls, and the open stable, S-19, had a rated capacity of 56 stalls.
2. Drawings 800-1301 through 800-1308 superseded drawing 700-486, dated 5 Nov. 1940, Veterinary Station Hospital: Veterinary Ward; Veterinary Contagious Ward; and Colic Building.
3. Superseded by drawings 700-4400 through 700-4403, Construction Division, Office of Chief of Engineers, 16 July 1942. Source: Memorandum, Col. J. F. Crosby, VC, Veterinary Division, Surgeon General's Office, for Director, Historical Division, Surgeon General's Office, 9 Nov. 1944, subject: History of Wartime Research and Development.
Has many wonderful pages of information on their webpages, may be you should take a look!- UNITED STATES ARMY VETERINARY SERVICE IN WORLD WAR II
AUDIO AND VIDEO: HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO BE A HORSE SOLDIER IN THE LATE 1930's AND EARLY 1940's? WELL, FIND OUTHORSE ARTILLERY TRAINING AND ORGANIZATION AT FORT BLISS, TX 1936-1942 PART 1. Jerry Eades oral account of horse artillery organization and training at Ft. Bliss, TX in preparation for WW II. Slide show of photos taken of 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 61st Field Artillery Battalion and 62nd Field Artillery Battalion Note: This is a wonderful narration of the description of the life in the Field Artillery and Cavalry in the late 1930's and early 1940. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!
Jerry W. Eades U.S. Army Horse Artillery Training and Organization at Ft. Bliss, TX 1936-1942JERRY W. EADES HORSE ARTILLERY AND ADDRESS TO THE 62nd AFA REUNION PART 2 Operations and Training of the Horse Artillery (Part 2) of the 82nd Artillery Regiment, 61st Artillery Battalion, 62nd Artillery Battalion ay Ft. Bliss, TX, 1936 - 1942. Audio recollection of an address to the 62nd Armored Field Artillery Battalion Association Reunion in 1980's. Slides of the WW II soldiers from these units Note: This is a wonderful narration of the description of the life in the Field Artillery and Cavalry in the late 1930’s and early 1940. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!
Jerry W. Eades Horse Artillery and Address to 62nd AFA Bn Reunion PART 2BUGLE CALLS AND MILLITARY MUSIC BY JERRY W. EADES Demonstration of Cavalry and Artillery bugle calls by Jerry W. Eades, bugler for the 62nd Field Artillery Battalion from 1936 - 1942
BUGLE CALLS AND MILLITARY MUSIC BY JERRY W. EADESD DAY LANDING ON OMAHA BEACH ORAL ACCOUNT BY JERRY W. EADES Oral account by Jerry W. Eades of his experiences and memories of landing on Omaha Beach on D Day, June, 6, 1944. Sgt. Eades of the 62nd AFA Bn, landed from an LCT with an M7 Preist self propelled artillery. The accompanying slide show is from photos taken by the 62nd soldiers. From horse artillery training at Ft. Bliss, to the Louisiana Manuvers, North Africa, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Czechoslavakia, the 62nd soldiers endured 424 days of combat. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!
A FEW STEPS IN THE TRAINING OF REMOUNTS - OR HOW TO KEEP WELL THE HARD WAY - When a batch of remounts arrived the other day. Panorama Photographer Emmett Griggs went over to the 74th F.A. Bn., corral to record the subsequent events. Top row, Sgt. Ralph Wilson of "C" Battery, holds, while Pvt. Lloyd Knox, "B" Battery gets out of the way of a fast one while grooming. Next, when you have a horse following you around like Corporal Wayne Sanderson "C" Battery, has, half the battle is won. Mounting a remount, as demonstrated by Pvt. Max Christensen, "C" Battery, it is a delicate process, and dismounting, as demonstrated by Corporal Louis Bullock, bottom row left, takes practice. In the next photo Pfc. David Sweetser calms a remount while Corporal Ralph Putman harnesses for the first time, and last, Private Joe Rodriguez Jr., gives the same horse his first lesson in pulling drag. It's all in the day for the remount details of the 74th, 75th, and 76th Field Artillery Battalions at Fort Ord. DLIFLC & POM ArchivesClick on the below link to read the above article from the November 28, 1941 Fort Ord Panorama Newspaper.
Breaking in Artillery Remount Horses at Fort Ord 1941
Click on the below link:
74th Field Artillery Battalion History
Click on the below link:
Battery "C" Roster 74th Field Artillery Bn Ft. Ord 1941
Click on the below link:
"B" Battery Roster 76th Field Artillery Battalion, Fort Ord, 1941
"C" Battery Roster of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment and Thanksgiving Menu at Camp Clayton in 1940. "C" Battery was still encamped in tents at this time and before it was officially called Fort Ord. We are getting our first look at a roster of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment before they were broken down into the 74th, 75th, and 76th Field Artillery Battalions. This is a good example of the make-up of a field artillery battery.
The 76th was transferred from the Third Division to the G.H.Q. artillery and then to the 7th Division at Fort Ord. In 1940 for the first time in 18 years the 76th Field Artillery Regiment was again assembled as a combined fighting unit. During the month of May in 1940 the First Battalion, located at Fort Warren, Wyoming was moved to Camp Clayton to join the 76th as the Third Battalion. The youngest organization was Battery "F" which joined the 76th at Camp Clayton in July of 1940 after being ordered to Camp Clayton (Fort Ord) from Fort Hoyle, Maryland. The 76th composed of units from different sections, but of one spirit, stands, again under their regimental standard, "ready to fight". The 76th Field Artillery Regiment was first to be attached to the 7th Division and the first to be camped in tents at Camp Clayton that would soon be called Fort Ord.
The 76th Field Artillery acquired 120 trained and experienced men when the entire Battery "F", 6th Field Artillery, Fort Hoyle, MD., was transferred to Fort Ord. It maintained it's original identity as Battery "F" when it became a part of the 76th Field Artillery. It is commanded by 1st Lt. R.R. Ganns.
"C" Battery (Of the original First Battalion) transferred to Camp Clayton (Fort Ord) in May of 1940.
Click on the below link:
"C" Battery Roster 76th Field Artillery Regiment Camp Clayton 1940
Click on the below link:"C" Battery Picture Roster 76th Field Artillery Bn Ft. Ord
Note: This list covers of the Officers (only) in: Headquarters Battery 7th Artillery; 31st Field Artillery Battalion and 76th Field Artillery Regiment (Horse-Drawn)
Click on the below link:
It can get a little confusing dealing with the rosters so let me explain. We are dealing with several changes with in the Army around the time of WW2. The first rosters are when the 76th Field Artillery was a "Regiment" and when it was built up to full strength consisted of the Headquarters Battery, Batteries A through F, and Service Battery this would have been first at Camp Clayton which became Fort Ord. (note: I am a little confused about this but normally a regiment of artillery had a 1st and 2nd battalion but I am finding a reference to a 3rd battalion. At midnight January 21, 1941 was the fateful hour for it marked the passing away of the old 76th Field Artillery Regiment and the creation of three new units - the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions. So finally there will be a roster for the Headquarters Battery, Battery "A", Battery "B", Battery "C" and a Service Battery for each of the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions. So basically I am looking for the rosters when the 76th Field Artillery was a Regiment" before January of 1941 and the rosters of the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions until they left Fort Ord for other duties in December of 1941. I hope this will help you to understand the rosters.One more note is 74th Field Artillery Battalion History above come from a very rare unit history book covering their full history until the end of the war. I have a complete roster of all the men in unit up to the end of the war but I have no way to know which of these men were at Fort Ord so I also need to find the rosters of the 74th FA when they were at Fort Ord.
Finding these rosters is not a simple task and hopefully as I complete the rosters I will lay them out in a more simple to read organized format. But for now they will be in a bits and pieces format as I find them. Note: if you have a roster "please" contact me and share it with us.
Private Jack W. Keller Bugler of the 75th Field Artillery Battalion (Horse-Drawn) at Fort Ord is one soldier who is not roused every morning by a bugle - because he's the bugler. And, if you ask him, the whole job from reveille to taps is a music headache.
"Toot toot ta ta toot, that's all I do from dawn to dusk he moans. "But don't get me wrong I love my work"
Official bugler for battery "A" of the 75th Field Artillery (Horse-Drawn), Fort Ord, California, young Trooper Kelley is having a "devil of a time" learning all the calls.
"Yesterday was a holiday was a holiday so there was not formal retreat. But I had to play it anyway" he complains in a letter to his mother, Mrs. S. V. Keller of 342 East Second South Street. "I played "First Call" then "Retreat" then "To the Colors" Somehow I managed to get through without too many mistakes.
Private Jack W. Keller "Blows many Calls". " At 5:00 p.m., I blew "Chow Call" and at 9:00 p.m. it was "Tatto" which is worst of all. It is worst because it is the longest. No, I don't know why it is called "Tatto"
"To finish out the day I blew "Call to Quarters" at 10:45 p.m. and "Taps" at 11:00 p.m. Then up bright and early this morning I played "First Call" at 6:15 a.m. About 10 buglers from the 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions lined up to "Reveille" They played a lot of marches, too, which I didn't know. The only bad thing about reveille is that the buglers have to get out of bed 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the soldiers.
"Some of the other calls which I have been practicing are "Fatigue Call", "Sick Call", "Water Call", "Assembly" and "Recall" Altogether, I have to learn about 15 calls in order to go on guard duty. I get off every afternoon to practice with the rest of the buglers, so I miss KP and a lot of other unpleasant duties. Oh, yes, bugling has its advantages.
The only trouble, these buglers blow so loud that a fizzle is heard practically for miles. The instructor said in the morning, "How you getting along? They bother you very much? Now, don't let them bother you"
"They don't bother me" I said. I don't care who hears it".
Bugler Keller's chief ambition however, is to play the trumpet. "The bugle is small time stuff alongside the trumpet. Of, course, they are both pretty much the same, and the bugle strengthens the lips which makes it easier to play the trumpet. But I won't be satisfied until I have a trumpet of my own.
Continuing with his report of life in camp, Trooper Keller continues: Yesterday afternoon was a holiday because Joe E. Brown and a lot of movie stars gave a free show. It was pretty good, I guess, but I had to go on guard so I didn't get to see it. I would rather play a bugle than see Joe E. Brown, anyways.
"We finally get some real hostesses down there. Two service clubs opened at the fort recently, and one is only three blocks away. It is a large wooden building, and just plain boards on the inside. But it is fixed up very nice, with a lounge that can be used for dancing and several big comfortable chairs".
"Most of the camp are going to Fort Lewis, Washington, for maneuvers next week, but we will stay here - probably on post guard duty. There have not been so many rumors lately about our moving somewhere, quite unusual.
"Funny thing, but when we first started driving horses, I was probably one of the worst in the outfit and got hail Columbia from everyone for doing the wrong thing. But now I am reputed to be one of the best lead drivers.
"I seem to be the only one in our section who knows all the signals, so I am nominated to drive the lead horses very often - too often, in fact"
Note: The above was found in an old newspaper article.
5:50 AM - First Call First signal for soldiers to "Rise and Shine"6:00 AM - Reveille
Upon the last note of this call, the flag was raised, the morning gun fired and the men all had to assemble for morning roll call.6:15 AM - Stable Call
Soldiers in the horse artillery and cavalry would report to the stables to feed and groom their mounts.6:30 AM - Breakfast Call [Mess Call]
7:00 AM - Sick Call
Soldiers who were ill were to report to the hospital for examination by the surgeon.8:55 AM - Guard Mounting, Assembly of Guard Detail
Men assigned to guard duty assemble in front of their respective barracks.9:15 AM - Water Call, Horses received their watering.
10:00 AM - Drill, Assembly
Soldiers would practice the Manual of Arms, bayonet drills and marching. New recruits would be taught more basic skills.12:00 Noon. Dinner Call [Mess Call] Dinner was the main meal of the day.
2:00 PM - Mounted Drill, Boots and Saddles
This signal alerted artillery men to put on their riding boots and saddle and hitch their horses.2:30 PM - Dismounted Drill
Artillery men are to practice maneuvers and drills4:30 PM - Water and Stable Call
Horses received their afternoon watering and artillery and cavalrymen repeated the morning care of their horses.5:00 P.M - Chow Call
5:30 PM - Assembly
The entire garrison would turn out for the Retreat ceremony. The actual lowering of the flag and playing of Retreat would occur at sunset.6:00 PM - Retreat the flag-lowering ceremony and "To the Colors" the flag is being folded.
10:00 PM - "Tattoo" was the signal for the men to prepare for bed and to secure the post.
10:45 - Call to Quarters; Assembly, Bed check, the last roll call of the day.
11:00 PM - Taps
By the final note of "Taps" all lights were to be extinguished, all men and horses were bedded down in their bunks and stalls, and all loud talking was to cease
Boots and saddles
Forward walk
Come about
Left wheel turn
Right wheel turn
To the left
To the right
Turn to the right
Turn to the left
Commence firing
Cease fire
Call to Church
Full dress uniform call
Mail call
It is important to Note: The "Audio of the Bugle Calls is just to give you an idea how bugle calls worked. It may not have been exactly like my humble recording. After 1940 Bugle Calls in the Cavalry and Artillery Horse units were used mainly in the field where the noise level of the men, horses and equipment was high and you could not see commands being made by hand signals. After the 1940's bugle calls were being used to a lesser degree in the Forts and Camps by the cavalry and artillery. It is interesting to note that pre-1940 it was popular to the sing "marching songs" when on the road traveling because of the slow pace of travel.
The Bear Cat Hymn Book, Songs of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment 1927 STRAIGHT GOODS FOR THE NEW HORSE-DRAWN ARTILLERYMENYou have come to the most strenuous branch of the service, the horse-drawn "FIELD ARTILLERY". Before you start in, you should be made acquainted with a few facts; attention to them might save you much trouble later on.
In the first place don't expect a soft snap. You will learn that the red leg with a light battery has something to do all the time. "WORK" is his middle name. He has got to be an animal tamer, a gun tamer, and a man tamer; he has got to know everything from horse flesh to ballistics, from harness to geometry, from telephone to high explosives. He much know how to shoot a pistol, a machine gun and a cannon; he has not only got to know how to ride a cavalry horse; but also to man-handle a pair of big busters that weight a ton and a half between them; and he must learn how to ride the trail and hold his seat on a pitching, roaring seventy-five. You can't be a coffee-cooler or a cake eater in the branch that wears spurs with a red hat-cord. As a certain member of the organization remarked on a famous "After Dinner" occasion: "You gotter be a Bull in the Field Artillery".
WHY DO THEY LIKE IT? The answer is two-fold. The first is the spirit. Artillerymen have always had it. They stick together in a remarkable manner. With but few exceptions you will find them a loyal lot; they will fight at the drop of the hat for their organization, and what ever growling is done within the family they seldom woof to outsiders. Traditions running back through the Revolutionary War have a lot to do with this condition; there are more songs, poems, stories and yarns about the Field Artillery than all the rest put together. Their loyalty is hereditary; their enthusiasm contagious.
The second reason for the popularity of the Field Artillery is joy of the life itself. Ask the driver. He will tell you that it is worth all his grooming and harness cleaning to experience the thrill of a snappy morning's battery drill at a brisk trot, the rhythmic pound of the hoof beats in his ears and the pungent smell of hide and leather in his nostrils; feeling the powerful muscles of a magnificent horse responding to his rein and spur, the stiff breeze crackling around the guidon, the musical, "jingle-bumpety-clank" as Kipling describes it, of the guns and caissons as they go rolling along; all filling the air with such an exhilaration of sound and moving life that his spinal column arches and his toes wiggle in his stirrups for joy. John D. Rockefeller with all his millions or Rudy Valentino with all his looks, cannot draw a bigger kick out of life than this.
Ask the B.C. Detail or the Headquarters Specialist. They will tell you that the job at the O.P. is the best of all jobs; that there is no better reward for work well done than the sight of the first salvo bursting around a target.
Ask the cannoneer. He will tell you that no doughboy drill can equal the satisfaction of the trained gun crew's play; when, working silently and with the speed and smoothness of a machine, they feed their guns the shell and shrapnel, as it kicks and bucks and bellows, and with a "crack-whistle-swish" and roar throws out its iron messengers of death. "Them babies that raise such hell up the line"
This year the boom of the Soixante-quinze will reverberate through the Sierras and over the plains of Wyoming and the Monterey bay as it did over the hills of France, and the caissons will go rolling along as merrily as they have done since 1776. New soldier, what you will get out of all of this will depend upon what you put into it. Your messmate will give you the glad hand, and your superiors a square deal, but if you don't get into the SPIRIT OF THE SEVENTY-SIXTH you will see only the work and not the play, the grooming and not the thrill. To make good you will need willingness, muscle and guts, particularly GUTS!
Note: Take from the "The Bear Cat Hymn Book, Songs of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment 1927".
The 76th Field Artillery Regiment at the big defense of the coast maneuvers in 1940 at Camp Ord. Posted by Dick Randall
ALLAN MACDONALD "THE OLD HORSE SOLDIER"Assigned B Troop, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division
Note: Trooper Allan MacDonald a familiar and colorful local of the City of Marina, Fort Ord and the stables of the old Station Veterinary Hospital has been a great help in my research and helping me understanding the U.S. Army mounted soldier during WW2. We pay tribute to Alan here and his honorable service to our country. Allen understands the importance of saving the History of the Fort Ord Horse Soldiers and has been active in their survival.
Thank you Alan or as I call him "Old Bill"
Greg Krenzelok
The old 11th Cavalry watering troughs by Mr. MacDonold's horse "Comanche" grave site in the area of East Garrison, Camp Gigling area, 2010. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
Allan MacDonald and the resting spot of his horse and friend "Comanche" The site is on the grounds of the old 11th Cavalry bivouac camp out at the East Garrison area. Below the large water tank on the hill the 11th cavalry set-up their tents and below them the horses grazed down by the present day road. I had a chance to go out with Old Bill and walk around, it was really special! (N 36° 38.668 W 121° 45.410), 2010. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
SGT. Allan MacDonald (b. Oct. 14, 1923) is well known as one of the last surviving U.S. Army horse mounted cavalryman, active horseman, and longtime Marina resident. He enlisted in the horse-mounted cavalry and was recruited at age 15 at Fort Dix, N.J. inspired by his grandfather who was in the 7th Cavalry during the Indian wars. First went to Fort Knox, then reassigned to Fort Riley where he received 8 weeks of recruiting drill (basic training). Went to Fort Bliss where he was assigned to "B" Troop, 5th Cavalry Regiment 1st Cavalry Division (Horse-mounted). The 1st Cavalry Division dismounted in 1943 and after further training in the states went to Australia at the beginning of WW2. Participated in the following campaigns: Admiralties' Islands, Leyte and Luzon Island in the Philippines, and the Ocupation of Japan force until 1950. While in Tokyo served as stable sergeant for General MacArthur and was wounded in the Korean War. Assigned to Fort Reno Remount Station where the Army's horse and mules were sold to the Turkish Army in the 1950's. He made three trips on animal transport ships to Istanbul, Turkey delivering animals. Later was assigned to the 35th Quartermaster Pack Mule Train at Fort Carson, Colorado. Another tour to Korea and Japan until 1965, upon his retirement came to Fort Ord and worked with Post Maintenance. Above picture of SGT. Allan MacDonald on Commanche I was taken at Fort Ord, Ca. in 1986. Image credit copyrighted Alan MacDonald, all rights reserved.
Sgt. Allan MacDonald on Commanche II at Fort Ord, Ca. October 23,1987. Image credit copyrighted Alan MacDonald, all rights reserved.Special Note: Old Bill is very proud of the fact that he and his horses Comanche I and II were in every major celebration and military ceremony on Fort Ord and in the City of Marina from 1970 to when the Fort closed in 1994. If you have not viewed the tape "Closing of Fort Ord 1994" I highly recommend taking a look at it if you can find a copy, there is a wonderful shot of Old Bill on the parade field. To see Bill in his Indian War Cavalry Uniform and on his horse (I believe Bill was using a friend's horse for this ceremony) proudly trotting down the parade ground is really something! Every once in a while Bill still goes to the old parade grounds that is now in dis-repair and remembers those wonderful memories. Allan is also known as "Bill" or "Old Bill".
SFC Allan A.MacDonald 5th Cavalry from "We Remember" by the U.S. Cavalry Association page 127
It is only fitting that this picture is placed here marking the "Last Stand of the U.S. Army Horse" at the end of my research webpage of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital to make my point. The above picture is of Old Bill MacDonald in the 1950's wearing an Indian Wars uniform. Bill has worn this uniform in countless Fort Ord ceremonies and local parades on Comanche his horse from 1970 until the Fort Closed in 1994. Image credit copyrighted Alan MacDonald, all rights reserved.
The Old Horse Soldier Allan MacDonald, also sometimes called "Old Bill', died peacefully at his home in Marina, California with his wife of 25 years Yasuko at his side.
Sgt. MacDonald's service to our country and to my research of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital and the history of the U.S. Army's Horse Soldiers was extremely valuable. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.
A visitation will be held at Mission Memorial Park & Seaside Funeral Home, 1915 Ord Grove Ave. in Seaside, on Thursday, April 21st from 11am-1pm at which time a Funeral Service will begin with Military Honors.
SFC Allan MacDonald one of our country's last horse soldiers was born October 14, 1923 in Kearny, New Jersey. He enlisted and was sent to Ft. Knox, Kentucky. He transferred to the cavalry at Fort Riley, Kansas and assigned to the 2nd Cavalry for basic training. Transferred to Fort Bliss, Texas and assigned to Headquarters Troop, 1st Cavalry Division. Later assigned B Troop, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.
The 1st Cavalry Division was sent to Australia during WW2 for training and sent to Admiralty Islands, then to Leyte and Luzon Islands, Philippines. After the Japanese surrender he was stable sergeant for 1st Cavalry Division at Camp Drake, Japan.
In 1949 he was sent by General Chase, 1st Cavalry Division commander, on TDY to GHO in Tokyo as stable sergeant for General Douglas MacArthur. Wounded in Korea and sent back home. Then assigned Fort Reno, OK, where he broke stud horses later shipped to Turkey. He made 9 trips overseas to Istanbul, Turkey with 1,200 horses and mules for the Turkish Army. He was later assigned to the 35th Quartermaster Pack Mule at Fort Carson, CO. He serviced another tour in Korea and Japan.
Came to Fort Ord, California and worked with Post maintenance and also participated in countless Fort Ord ceremonies including the closing ceremony.
In 1970 he purchase a wild mustang he named "Comanche". When his horse died he requested burial on the post and it was granted. Comanche's grave-site is still a major destination to this day. Allen was bigger than life and those that knew him was always remember him.
Thanks Bill, farewell!
Greg Krenzelok, Director / Historian
U.S. Veterinary Corps Preservation Group
Serving to remember all that served our Country.
VIDEO: TRIBUTE TO ALLENSgt. Allan MacDonald Horse Soldier
By Efren Lopez
SSGT Efren Lopez, USAF, Efren is highly respected for his Air Force camera work in Afghanistan and here on Fort Ord, and for years he's been a familiar friend at warhorse events. - Margaret Davis
Click on the below link:
Tribute Of Honor: Sgt. Allan MacDonald U.S. Army HorseBy Greg Krenzelok
U.S Army Veterinary Corps Historical Presrvation Group
Serving to remember all that served our Country.
"With the thundering hoofs and steady hands on the reins" A 76th Field Artillery Battery six-horse hitch at full gallop, Camp Ord. DLIFLC & POM ArchivesWERE THERE REALLY U.S. ARMY HORSES AT FORT ORD DURING WW2?
Click on the below link:
Were There Really U.S. Army Horses at Fort Ord
March 3, 2009 - "ORD"S WARHORSE HISTORY", Monterey Herald, Kevin Howe, Herald Staff Writer
Click on the below link:
April 23, 2009 "GROWTH OF CAMPUS MEANS END TO HISTORY" Otter Realm Newspaper of CSU Monterey Bay, Lucas Anthony: Staff Reporter
Click on the below link:
November 12, 2009 "THE FORGOTTEN ORD" Otter Realm Newspaper of CSU Monterey Bay, Lucas Anthony: Staff Reporter
Click on the below link:
December 3, 2009 "HONORING ORD'S HISTORY" Otter Realm Newspaper of CSU Monterey Bay, Lucas Anthony: Staff Reporter
Click on the below link:
August 19, 2010 "BATTLE HORSE HEROES" Monterey Weekly Newspaper, By Janet Upadhye
Click on the below link:
Click the below link:
Monterey County Historical Society Website "Interesting Links"
THE HISTORY OF FORT ORD 1847 TO THE SEPTEMBER 30TH 1994 CLOSINGThe Base officially became Fort Ord in 1940 when the 7th Infantry was activated under the Command of General Joseph W. Stilwell in Order # 7 of the War Department near Monterey, California they called "Camp Ord" was renamed "Fort Ord". But United States history of Fort Ord started much earlier in 1846 during the War with Mexico Commodore John D Sloat Commander of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Squadron landed a small-unopposed force of Marines in Monterey Bay and claimed the territory and the Presidio for the United States. Monterey would be the Capital Alta California. They moved the location of the fort and began improving defenses to protect the town and the harbor. This new fort was named Fort Mervine in honor of Captain William Mervine who commanded one of the ships in Sloats Squadron. Later soldiers from Battery F 3rd Artillery replaced these Marines as the garrison force. Two of the company's officers Lt. Edward O.C. Ord and Lt. William Tecumseh Sherman were to achieve fame as Union Generals in the Civil War. Fort Mervine continued to be manned by a small garrison until the Mexican War ended and gold was discovered in California. Units of the Fort were disbanded and most of the soldiers headed for the Gold fields. Army troops again occupied the Fort of Monterey during the Civil War. And in 1898 the 15th Infantry Regiment returning from duty in the Philippines was headquartered here. The Fort which had been known at various times as Fort Halleck, Ord Barracks, Monterey Barracks, Fort Stockton and many other names was officially re-designated The Presidio of Monterey in 1904 in honor of the original Spanish Fort.
From 1904 to 1910 a School of Musketry operated on the coast and a school for army cooks and bakers were located here from 1910 to 1917. The area that was to become Fort Ord began as a maneuver; Field-training area and target range for the 11th Cavalry mounted and the 76th Horse Drawn Field Artillery Regiment then stationed at the Presidio of Monterey. The 30th Infantry Regiment from San Francisco also used the area as did Reserve and National Guard Units. The land was originally leased from the David Jacks Corporation and August 4, 1917 the Army purchased 15,809 acres and designated it the "Gigling Reservation". Records indicate the Army paid over 10 dollars per acre for scrub bush that in many places was impossible to penetrate. A rough dirt road was all that connected East Garrison and the Gigling Railroad spur on Hwy 1. The Army called it "Gigling Reservation". The name derived from a German family that farmed the land on the Bluffs above Reservation Road. The reservation was composed of a series of training areas; Artillery Hill, Machinegun Flats, Parker Flats, Camp Clayton, Camp Hoffman, Camp Ord and Camp Pacific. During the summer months, the land was used to train members of the Civilian Military Training Corps, commonly known as the "CMTC". This was the forerunner of the ROTC Program, where young businessmen would train over a period of five summer months to become Reserve Officers.
On October 9, 1933, Gigling Reservation was renamed as "Camp Ord Military Reservation" in honor of Major General Edward Ortho Cresap Ord. In 1936, Colonel Groninger Commander, Presidio of Monterey cleared some 4,000 acres for two maneuver areas, Camp Ord and Camp Hoffman. The largest of the facilities was at Camp Ord, now today's East Garrison. This area consisted of concrete tent pads, latrines and administration buildings. Soldiers would arrive from Monterey by Southern Pacific Railroad at a spur next to the Gigling Barn name after a Germany family. Men arriving for summer camp would find the tent and cots on the concrete pad and they would then erect the tent and set-up" House" fro the summer.
In 1939 the Reservation was selected as the site for the then largest Army Maneuver ever on the west coast. To house all the men for the maneuvers, civilians of the Work Project Administration (WPA) doubled Camp Ord in size. Again, Col. Groninger oversaw the work. This time, two shifts of 1,400 WPA workers completed the 5,000-man camp in three weeks. A second tent area was developed, water and telephone lines were installed, and a rented circus tent (1,200 man capacity) was erected. "Between" December 20, 1939 to January 1940, some 200,000 dollars were spent improving the 640-acre camp. From January 2 to January 22 1940, the exercise ranged south to King City and North to the Pajaro River. The 3rd Infantry Division sailed from Fort Lewis, Washington, making an amphibious assault on the beaches and a landing on the Monterey Wharf. Aircraft Carriers and Battleships cruised off shore while airplanes and the observation Blimp "Bessie" flew out from the Monterey Airport. The invading forces were declared the winners of this "Battle". However, needless to say, the veterans of the defending forces had a different view of the outcome.
When the maneuvers was completed, the troops stayed in the tents of Camp Ord and continued their training. Here, men were issued the M-1 Garand rifle, the first such army units to receive the new weapon on the west coast. On April 6, 1940, "Army Day", the 3rd Division held an "open house" at Parker Flats, some 50,000 local residents attended the firepower demonstration; watching tanks climb hills and canons pound targets, all the while eating fresh cooked army beans at 25 cents a plate. A parade review and airplane fly-by ended a fine day of festivities.
With the outbreak of World War II in Europe Fort Ord total area was increased to 29,000 acres with land purchased and donated from local ranchers, 3,000 acres from Tom Work, 2,600 acres in Marina from the Jack's family and 3,000 acres from the Armstrong family. The 7th Infantry was reactivated under Commanding General "Vinegar" Joseph W. Stilwell in 1940 becoming the first major unit to occupy the permanent post and of August that year the camp was official renamed "Fort Ord".
Effective August 1, 1940, the Seventh Division, United States Army, Fort Ord, California, began to function with the following organizations attached:
Seventh Division Headquarters
Seventh Division; 17th Infantry, 32nd Infantry, and the 53rd Infantry
76th Field Artillery (75-mm Gun, Horse Drawn) The first unit to be attached to the 7th.
31st Field Artillery (155-mm Howitzer, Truck-Drawn)
13th Engineer Battalion
7th Quartermaster Battalion
7th Medical Regiment
Attached Medical Organizations, 7th Division.The 76th Field Artillery transferred cadres to other Artillery units, and these units became:
7th Division Artillery
31st Field Artillery
74th Field Artillery
75th Field Artillery
76th Field ArtilleryThis was wartime and the WPA along with private contractors race to build concrete mess halls wood barracks in the East Garrison area to get the troops out of tents and mud. Work also began on the million-dollar Soldiers Club overlooking Monterey bay. This enlisted man's club was a keystone in General Stilwell's effort to form a cohesive fighting force of the 7th Infantry Division. This club was financed by monthly donations from the soldiers. A WPA grant and donations from entertainers like Bob Hope and Bing Cosby. It was called the "Soldiers Club". It was later renamed "Stilwell's Hall" in honor of General "Vinegar" Joe. It was the finest club for enlisted men in the Nation. General Stilwell's dream of Fort Ord would be a very large installation with paved roads tall buildings, big shade trees and lots of things for the comfort and amusement of the soldiers. He always wanted them to have the best of everything.
The 76th Field Artillery Regiment (Horse Drawn) stationed at the Presidio of Monterey moved to a tent city at Camp Clayton soon to become Fort Ord with their over 1,400 horses that were kept in temporary corrals, both waiting for their new barracks and stables to be built. Mid-night January 21, 1940 marked the passing away of the old famous 76th Field Artillery Regiment and the creation of three new units; the 74th, 75th, and 76th Field Artillery Battalions (Horse Drawn). Lt. Col. Norman J. McMahon Commanding the 74th, Major Edward M. Quigley the 75th, and Lt. Col. Clifford B. Cole the 76th. In 1941 the 68th Quartmaster Pack Troop (Horses and Mules) would be stationed at East Garrison. 1943 the 68th Quartmaster Pack Troop would be in Australia and would become a elements of I Corps, Sixth U.S. Army. On December 23, 1941 the 107th Cavalry would arrive at Fort Ord (Horse, Mechanized) patrolling the coast from Carmel to the Golden Gate until March 1942. August 11, 1944, the 19th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital was activated at Fort Ord and would see action in the China Theater caring and transporting animals over the Burma Road and the Hump".
The Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital would be in-charge of the training and care of these animals and units.
Throughout most of WW2 Fort Ord was a major staging area for many combat divisions and units including the 3rd, 27th, 35th, and 43rd Divisions. The strength of Fort Ord during this time averaged about 35,000 troops. But at one time more than 50,000 troops were on the installation. 7th Infantry Division initially trained in the Mojave dessert at Camp Pendleton but in 1943 the 7th Division returned to Fort Ord for final training before being deployed into the Aleutians, the only unit to be sent directly into combat during WW2. The Monterey Bay was good training for the practicing of amphibious landings that would be needed in Alaska.
The Nation and Hollywood rallied behind the war effort there was a live radio show at Fort Ord on station "KDON, 1240 On Your Dial" and dances with big bands and formal balls were held at Stilwell Hall. Fort Ord also served as a detention center for prisoners of war for both the European and Pacific Theaters. Prisoners from the Axis Nations were interned from early in 1943 thru V-E and V-J Days in 1945.
After the end of the war in 1945 the 7th Infantry Division went to Japan as part of the Occupation Force. Then in 1946 they returned to Fort Ord for discharge along with about 800,000 other soldiers and prisoners of war. By 1947 Fort Ord assumed a slower pace, the Fort Replacement Training Center was activated under Major General Jens A. Doe and absubed the function of operating Fort Ord. Shortly there after the 4th Infantry Division was re-activated and given the mission of training replacements for the Army. This mission was to continue thru 1949. Down sizing was the big order of the day and was helped in a large part by the Women Army Corps. More than 100,000 women served in the Army during WW2.
In September of 1950 the Korean Conflict called a halt to the slow pace. The 4th Infantry Division was transferred to Fort Benning Georgia and the 6th Infantry Division was re-activated to replace the 4th and they assumed the Army Training Mission at Fort Ord. In late 1951 construction started on more permanent type of barracks. And in 1952 the first family housing were built in Bay View Park. Also in 1952 Congress passed a law that designated Fort Ord as a Permanent Army Post. Fort Ord continued its training mission with the 6th Infantry Division as the major command element throughout 1955. Thousands of soldiers were trained at Fort Ord during the Korean Conflict. 14 former Fort Ord soldiers were recipients for the Congressional Medal of Honor for their actions in combat. Throughout 1955 6th Infantry Division conducted basic and advanced infantry training. They also conducted common specialist schools including; clerk, supply, men, transportation, and communications training. The 5th Infantry Division was assigned Fort Ord 1956 under "Operation Gyro Scope" and the 6th Infantry Division was in-activated and the training mission assumed by the 5th Infantry Division until June 1957 when it to was in-activated.
The United States Army Training Center Infantry was then organized to perform the training mission at Fort Ord. Also CDEC, Combat Development Commands Experimentation Center was organized to test and evaluate training techniques and equipment.
Tragedy struck on September 30, 1960 when Major General Carl F. Fritzsche the Commanding General of Fort Ord, Brigadier General Thomas H. Hayes Deputy Commanding General and his aid Lt. Robert L. Fisher. Piloting a De Havilland U-1A "Otter" assigned to the Army's 17th Aviation Company, was Chief Warrant Officer Robert K. Brown, 38. With him was his co-pilot, Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth R. Kiester, 38, of Hemingford, Nebraska, and the plane's crew chief, Specialist Fifth Class Donald E. Peterman, 25, of North Hollywood were killed when their military aircraft crashed in route to San Francisco. Fort Ord's Fritzsche Army Airfield with its 3000-foot long runway and eight helo pads is named in memory of the former commander.
Numerous, Aviation, Engineer Transportation, Medical and other units were stationed here during the early sixties. Among these were the 52d Aviation Battalion with the 17th Aviation Company and 33rd Transportation Company (Light Helicopter). The 84th Engineer Battalion (Construction), the 26th Truck Battalion, 12th Evacuation Hospital, 41st Signal Battalion, 270th Signal Company, 56th Signal Company, 79th Ordinance Company, 573rd Ordinance Company and the 758th Postal Unit.
The Combat Aviation Brigade provides air mobility to the Division with it's UH-1 "Huey" it's attack capability with AH-1 Cobra (attack) and OH-58 Kiowa (LOH) Helicopters.
In 1965 the hostilities in Vietnam expanded and Fort Ord once again became staging area for units being deployed for combat. Fort Ord continued to conduct infantry training with the emphasis from South East Asia. A typical Vietnamese village was constructed at Fort Ord for use in preparing soldiers who eventually saw duty in Vietnam. Various service units were assigned at Fort Ord during this period. Including the 613th Engineering Battalion, 301st Transportation Company and 54th Military Police Company. 8th Medical Hospital and 629th Medical Company were assigned here under Operation REFORGER (Return of Forces from Germany)
In January 1971 with the end of the draft Fort Ord became the primary Center of the Conduct of Training under the Experimental Volunteer Army Program. The 70's also saw continued effort to improve the permanent post facilities. Silas B. Hayes Army Community Hospital grew into a 440-bed facility and 7 Monterey Schools operated within the confines of the post. Also improved post library, chapel, golf courses and the Post Exchange, which was the largest one, know at that time.
In 1974 the 7th Infantry Division returned to Monterey. The Army Training Center Infantry closed and Fort Ord became the permanent home for the 7th Infantry Division.
In the early 80's the Secretary of the Army converted the 7th Infantry Division into a prototype "Light Division". This concept reduced its manpower by over one- third and eliminated the bulk of its vehicles. Creating a "Highly Mobile Rapidly Deplorable Totally Air Transportable Division" Major General William H. Harrison took charge of the new light division. On March 16, 1988, 7th Infantry Division (Light) had its first test of rapid deploy-ability, 18 hours after receiving notice 1,200 Fort Ord Troop were on the way to Honduras in operation "Golden Peasant". This was soon followed by "Operation Nimrod Dancer" in which another 990 Fort Ord Soldiers were sent to Panama to strengthen America Security Forces. A major action of this new "Light Division" a cured in December of 1989 during "Operation Just Cause". The 7th Infantry deployed over 6,000 Troops from Fort Ord to Panama to protect the Panama Canal and to apprehend General Noregia. January 31, 1990, the operation was complete and the soldiers returned to Fort Ord.
These years of drills and rapid deployments permeated the fabric of Fort Ord's existence until the Base Re-alignment Closure Commission ordered the base "Closed". It became law in October of 1991. In August of 1990 however Iraq invaded and occupied the Emirate of Kuwait. As a result of this un-provoked attack President George Bush initiated a mobilization of the reserve component forces of the United States. Twenty-one U.S. Army Reserve and Army National Guard Units mobilized at Fort Ord from August thru November 1990. Nineteen of the Reserves and National Guard Units along with 4 active component units were deployed in the Middle East again validating Fort Ord readiness as a mobilization station. The liberation of Kuwait was successful Fort Ord Soldiers were able to return by mid-year 1991.
But Fort Ord's mission was not quite over in May 1992 its soldiers were called upon to help re-store order in Los Angeles in the wake of the riots that city endured. And later that same year the 571st Military Police Company deployed to Somalia in support of "Operation Re-Store Hope".
In August of 1993, a final inactivation ceremony was held and because Fort Ord accelerated its environmental un-exploded ordinance clean-up Fort Ord was declared "A Model for Base Closure". September 30, 1994, General Dennis J. Reimer Commander of "FORSCOM" and Colonel Thomas F. Ellzey Jr Fort Ord's last commander made closing comments at the closing ceremony. "The life of a unit is abstained as long as the colors are preserved. The senior noncommissioned officer of each command is responsible for the safety of his unit's colors. As the senior non-commissioned officer on Fort Ord Sergeant Major Richard Higdum received the garrison colors from the color bearer and presented them to the Commander Colonel Tom Ellzey. The Commander's last act was to "Case the Colors". The official orders read: "General Order Washington D.C. effective 30 September 1994, Fort Ord is closed and placed in, inactive status. Effective 30 September 1994, the United State Army Garrison is disestablished. By order of the Secretary of the Army Gordon R. Sullivan Chief of Staff". Upon completion of casing Colonel Ellzey presented the colors to his Commander, General Reimer. General Reimer then returned the Colors to the safe keeping of Command Sergeant Major. The casing of the Colors is the final traditional act in the inactivation of a United States Garrison and the closure of Fort Ord as an Army Installation. General Reimer's closing comments "Fort Ord Stands as a Monument to those dedicated Americans who trained here, worked here, who served here, who fought and died to keep the United States Army Strong and America free. There is a certain spirit about Fort Ord, you can see it, and you can feel it". Comments from Colonel Ellzey: "I have a keen awareness of what boarded up buildings, deserted streets, vacant motor parks and the missing sounds of soldiering, means to the old timers of Fort Ord. But my greatest honor has been to serve with each and everyone of you, I salute you".
The sounds of marching boots and canon roar are still, but to the thousands of soldiers that passed through it gates the memories of Fort Ord will remain forever.
On September 30th 1994 the U.S. Army Garrison at Fort Ord was inactivated and the post was "Closed".
To all those who's life were en-twined with Fort Ord Heritage we salute you!
The first land transfer of Fort Ord's property took place on July 8, 1994 when Secretary of Defense William J. Perry and Assistant Secretary of the Army Lewis D. Walker passed transfer documents to officials from California State University and the University of California, and the History Fort Ord opened a new chapter under the college's command.
A Chuck Conners Production"To all those who's lives were entwined with Fort Ord's heritage, we salute you. "
September 30, 1994
Allan "Old Bill" MacDonald, Closing Ceremony Fort Ord, California 1994 (A. MacDonald Collection)
Allan "Old Bill" MacDonald, Closing Ceremony Fort Ord, California 1994 (A. MacDonald Collection)
Thank you for such an in-depth look at the history of Fort Ord and the cavalry. When I was a little girl, my mom and oldest sister spent a lot of time at the stables. In fact, the horse from the Fort Ord closing ceremony is my mom's horse Silver. She still has a picture in the house of Mr. MacDonald and Silver, and she was very proud to see it online here.The area around the stables is very special to me for so many reasons. There are many good memories for me there. Now as an adult looking back, the history is so fascinating. I think it's something important for us to preserve and to share. It's definitely a source of pride for the area!
Nina Martinez
September 30, 1994
Duration: 1.24 minutes
NOTE: Turn you volume way up, there is sound.Brought to you by the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group - Greg Krenzelok
September 30, 1994
Duration: 30 minutesSource: Fort Ord Closure Ceremony September 30, 1994 film. Producer Richard Dyer, Public Affair Officer.
NOTE: Turn you volume way up, there is sound. It takes a little while for the video to start.
Location: Main Parade Ground at the closing of Fort Ord. Right next to the old Post Headquarter which is known as Martinez Hall, Veterans Transition Center, Marina, California today. This piece of ground is for sale but still it is not developed. Everyone locally should go and walk the grounds. In the 1940's this was the north parade grounds and the medical unit's reviews were held here. The flag staff mount is still here and there are a still a few other signs of the parade ground existence. Go see this historic piece of ground before the land is developed.
Red dot marks where the Fort Ord Main Parade Field is located. This is the location of the 1994 Base Closure Ceremony.
Red dot marks where the Fort Ord Main Parade Field. In the future this site will be developed and pass location will be hard to recognize.
The parade grounds looking north from Imjin Road. Image credit copyrighted Greg Krenzelok, all rights reserved.
Brigade General Joseph W. Stilwell, Jr.
August 1940 - February 1941Colonel Roger E. Fitch
February 1941 - September 1943Brigade General H.D. Chamberlin
October 1943 - May 1944Colonel Dallas R. Alfonte
May 1944 - May 1945Colonel Charles D. Calley
May 1945 - September 1945Colonel Max W. Sullivan
September 1944 - June 1946Brigade General James R. Weaver
June 1946 - September 1946Brigade General David A. Ogden
September 1946 - March 1947Major General Jens Doe
March 1947 - February 1949Major General Rob T. Frederick
February 1949 - April 1951Major General Robert B. McClure
April 1951 - April 1954Major General Edwin K. Wright
May 1954 - September 1955Major General Wm. M. Breckinridge
February 1957 - September 1958Major General Carl M. Fritzsche
October 1958 - September 1960Brigade General Stanley R. Larsen
September 1960 - October 1960Brigade General Charles S. Dorsa
October 1960 - January 1961Major General Orlando C. Troxel Jr.
January 1961 - April 1963Major General Edwin H. Carnes
April 1963 - June 1965Major General Rob G. Fergusson
July 1965 - May 1967Brigade General Charles R. Meyer
May 1967 - June 1967Major General Thomas A Kenan
June 1967 - June 1969Major General Phillip Davidson Jr.
June 1969 - March 1971Brigade General Glen C. Long
March 1971 - May 1971Major General Harold G. Moore
May 1971 - August 1973Major General Rob G. Gard Jr.
August 1973 - January 1975Major General Marion C. Ross
January 1975 - October 1976Major General Robert L. Kirwan
November 1976 - September 1978Major General Phillip R. Feir
September 1978 - September 1980Major General Thomas D. Ayers
September 1980 - July 1982Major General James E. Moore Jr.
July 1982 - January 1985Major General Wm. Harrison
January 1985 - July 1987Major General Edwin Burba Jr.
July 1987 - June 1988Major General Carmen J. Cavezza
June 1988 - May 1990Major General Jerry A. White
May 1990 - September 1991Major General Marvin L. Covault
September 1991 - May 1993Major General Richard F. Timmons
May 1993 - September 1993Last Commanding Officer of Fort Ord Colonel Thomas F. Ellzey Jr.
September 1993 - September 1994
Pvt. Joe Martinez 1943 - On Attu, Aleutians, 26 May 1943
PFC J.F. Thorson 1944 - Dagami, Leyte, Philippine Islands, 28 October 1944
PFC L.C. Brostrom 1944 - Near Dagami, Leyte, Philippine Islands, 28 October 1944
Lt. Colonel D. Faith Jr. 1950 - Vicinity Hagaru-ri, Northern Korea, 27 November to 1 December 1950
Sgt. E.H. Ingman 1951 - Near Maltari, Korea, 26 February 1951
Captain R. Harvey 1951 - Vicinity of Taemi-Dong, Korea, 9 March 1951
1st Lt. B. Wilson 1951 - Near Hwach'on-Myon, Korea, 5 June 1951
PFC Jack Hanson 1951 - Near Pachi-dong, Korea, 7 June 1951
Sgt. J.C. Rodriguez 1951 - Near Munye-ri, Korea, 21 May 1951
Corporal Wm. F. Lyell 1951 - Near Chup'a-ri, Korea, 31 August 1951
1st Lt. E. Schowalter 1952 - : Near Kumhwa, Korea, 14 October 1952
PFC R.E. Pomeroy 1952 - Near Kumhwa, Korea, 15 October 1952
PFC C.H. Barker 1953 - Near Sokkogae, Korea, 4 June 1953
Corporal Dan D. Schoonover 1953 - Near Sokkogae, Korea, 8 to 10 July 1953
1st Lt. R.T. Jr. Shea 1953 - Near Sokkogae, Korea, 6 to 8 July 1953Note: Also listed is the action and location where the award was received.
7TH DIVISION ASSAULT ON ATTU ISLAND(Story of Pvt. Joe Martinez, Congressional Metal of Honor Recipient)
In 1942 a Japanese assault force had been dispatched to seize Dutch Harbor, the U. S. outpost in the Aleutians. They got cold feet, however, and decided to settle for Kiska and Attu at the western end of the chain of islands we bad obtained from Russia in 1867. It was clear that the Japanese hoped to use the islands as a springboard for an attack against Alaska.
The job of getting these islands back was given to the 7th Division. The Hourglass soldiers found it hard to believe that they were headed for arctic terrain after their desert training.
The first elements to land moved up on to Attu's "Red Beach" on May 11, 1943. They probed about for several hours and were able to consolidate beach positions before the Japanese learned they were there and started to bring defensive fire to bear. Then they had to fight a brutal campaign, which was not concluded until the defeat of the Japanese at Chiehagof Harbor
The 7th Recon Troop went ashore first, moving in resolutely despite a pea-soup fog which reduced visibility to zero. The principal landings were carried out by elements of the 17th Infantry Regiment under the command of Colonel Edward P. Earle, who was killed in the battle. The 17th was neither properly equipped nor clothed for a northern campaign, for in those days we knew practically nothing about waging extensive winter warfare. Nevertheless, the 17th Infantry soldiers carried on, and for this action won a Distinguished Unit Citation.
Company B scaled a sheer cliff in the face of Japanese gunfire to attack positions which were holding up an important advance against a ridge between the valleys of Holtz Bay. Company F's attack in the pass between the valleys was magnificent. The GI's used rifles, bayonets, and hand grenades to drive the enemy out of a series of trenches near the vital Cold Mountain. Company E charged the enemy entrenched in the Saran Valley-Massacre Valley Pass, and buried the Japanese out by the sheer fury of their assault. Companies I and K, though depleted by battle losses, conducted the attack on the upper plateau of Attu which led to the capture of Chichagof Harbor, where the fighting was at its fiercest.
All efforts to dislodge the enemy from his defense positions in the snow-covered mountain passes leading to Chichagof failed. On May 26 a new attempt was made by a reinforced battalion of the 32d, which was successful at first, then stalled as the intensity of the enemy's defensive fires drove the Gl's to cover.
Then Private Jose P. Martinez, a Company K Barman from Taos, New Mexico, started to charge the enemy trench lines. A few hardy soldiers ventured to follow him. Martinez completed the climb, and firing his BAR and throwing hand grenades he knocked out part of the enemy strong point. The main pass was still 150 feet above him, and the way was barred by enemy fire from both flanks and from tiers of snow trenches to his front. But Martinez was confident; he rallied the men who had come with him, and once more started the climb, blazing a path with fire from his BAR. As he reached the final trench and started to clean it out, he was hit and mortally wounded. But a few minutes later the infantrymen swarmed over the Pass. Its capture was the end of organized Japanese resistance on Attu, although the enemy had enough strength in reserve to mount a night Banzai attack in the Clevesy Pass on the last day of the month of May.
With Attu under control the Division turned its attention to the next target: Kiska, westernmost of the Rat Islands.
The above information is taken from the "7th Division Bayonets Website".
Fort Ord 1847- 1994, Chuck Conners, Sacramento, Ca. Added data and comments by Greg Krenzelok
DLIFLC & POM Archives, Box 6.3c, un-titled, no author article, 4 pages
Click on the below link:
7th Division Headquarters Buildings, Fort Ord, WW2 General Stilwell
The 250th Coast Artillery Regiment was a tractor-drawn organization equipped with 155-mm. guns.Camp McQuaide situated six miles west of Watsonville, California, in Santa Cruz Valley overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A satellite station of Fort Ord and was used for maneuvers, coastal defense and artillery firing range practice for the 76th Field Artillery Regiment (Horse-drawn) and after the regiment was broken up the 74th, 75th and 76th Field Artillery Battalions along with other units from Fort Ord.
Click on the below link:
250th Coast Artillery Camp McQuaide California 1941
Click on the below link:
The Fifth Street Chapel Fort Ord
MY STATEMENT OF THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FORT ORD VETERINARY HOSPITALFrom the dawn of the ancient war chariots of Egypt and the mounted cavalry of the Roman Empire, around the world and over thousands of years, man and horse went to war together. In America, the horse was the US Army's greatest friend, whether in the vast western territories or front lines of WWI and WW2 - a relationship that ended abruptly in WWII as modern weaponry and transportation finally outmatched the horse.
Fort Ord, California, was one of the last stands of the Army warhorse. Built in 1941 under the assumption that horses were an indispensable military asset and rendered anachronistic by motorized units within a year, the equine veterinary hospital at Ford Ord pinpoints the transitional months when horse units went obsolete. At Fort Ord in May of 1942, the horse for the first time was left behind.
A large part of Fort Ord was built for training horse soldiers, with twenty-one stables and a full-service station veterinary hospital that served the over 1,400 horses and mules of the 76th Field Artillery (horse drawn), the 107th Cavalry (mounted and mechanized), the 68th Quartermaster Pack Troop (mules and horses) and the Fort Ord Police Rangers who patrolled the beaches horseback during the war years. Research indicates that the veterinary hospital is the only completely intact veterinary hospital of its kind (note: I an still trying to find another) and perhaps the only example of the Veterinary Corps Type C-5 Veterinary Clinic and Type C-6 Veterinary Surgical Clinic buildings of its type still in existence today.
While horses and mules were still seen in World War II, their role was drawing to an end, and with it the associated medical duties of the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps. In WWI, ninety percent of the Corps treated animals and ten percent dealt with food inspection. During WWII, those figures were reversed, to ninety percent food inspection and lab services and ten- to fifteen percent animal services. Like the horse soldiers, the Veterinary Corps, too, retired their cavalry boots.
The veterinary hospital at Fort Ord currently functions as part of a public equestrian center owned by the City of Marina. Few today know that the stables now used for hay storage were built as hospital wards, or wonder about the strange wooden floor-wells of the "meeting room," or hear the thousands of hooves that echoed on the parade grounds and packed down the riding trails that bikers and equestrians now enjoy. The equine hospital at Fort Ord is an exemplary specimen of WWII construction on the former Army base, which is quickly losing its military history to redevelopment. These landmark buildings merit preservation in witness of an ancient alliance, in tribute to the American horse soldier and his companion in arms over two hundred years, and as a heritage site of considerable potential.
Greg Krenzelok, Director/Historian
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Serving to remember all that served our Country.
Click the below link:
Facebook: The Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital (Horse)
Click the below link:
Facebook: The Fort Ord Artillery and Cavalry stables and blacksmith shops
My name is Richard Eells, I am a U.S. Army veteran (Ft Dix 1975-1978) and I recently relocated to the Ft. Ord area. I am writing to express the importance of preserving the history of Ft. Ord including some of its buildings and especially the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital. As I understand, it is the only surviving one of its kind in the country and it should not be torn down. Being from the birthplace of our nation (Philadelphia, PA) I know the value of preserving our history. Sharing what many considered unremarkable events and efforts by extraordinary men and women during what will be known as the glory days of the United States of America (1900-1975) is vital if we are going to preserve our nation for future generations. Please don't let the places and buildings where these men and women achieved those accomplishments fall into disrepair and demolition and from our memories!Richard Eells
"The tragedy of life is not found in failure but complacency. Not in you doing too much, but doing too little. Not in you living above your means, but below your capacity. Never failure by low aim, is life greatest tragedy".
Return comment by Greg Krenzelok, U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Preservation Group:"Joe, you are right and we see this in the preservation of our country's history. If people only let a very few people do the work the project will fail and history we be lost. Historical buildings have just one chance to survive if they get torn down their gone. Please get involved in your local preservation projects "you make the difference".
Click on link to the Fort MacArthur Museum:
Fort MacArthur Museum
Click on the below link:
Deconstruction of the former Fort Ord. CSUMB seems to be coming along nicely
107th Cavalry Troop Walter J. Schweitzer at Fort Ord stables with his award winning jumping horse "Big Cain" 1941-42. Walter J. Schweitzer, 107th Cavalry Troop, all rights reserved.
2nd Lieutenant Walter J. Schweitzer 107th Cavalry National Guard, 1943. Walter J. Schweitzer, 107th Cavalry Troop, all rights reserved.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: REGARDING THE STABLES ON THE CSUMB CAMPUS BEING TORN DOWNThis matter should concern all of us. We travel afar to visit "places of interest". Why are they interesting? Because they touch us to past history. Because they are tangible memory of what has been. Because they still exist.
My Dad was at Fort Ord when the Cavalry became mechanized. Dad is 92 years old.
I visit an old soldier who will die. It is remarkable that those stables where he kept and cared for his mounts would still stand as a testimony to that time. When leveled they will be gone. Can't even excavate the ruins. The physical history will be destroyed. Gone forever.
To whom it should concern, please consider the consequence of your actions.
The Family of Walter J. Schweitzer
Karen McMannon daughter of Walter J. Schweitzer surviving member of the 107th Cavalry
We have a rare privilege to see and still visit a completely intact World War 2 Station Veterinary Hospital that was originally built for the horses of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment when they moved from the Monterey Presidio to Fort Ord in the summer of 1940. I hope if you live locally that you will take the time to visit the Station Veterinary Hospital and the stables that are still there on 4th Avenue, a very short distant away (Note: the stables were torn down in 2011). For Schoolteachers in the area it makes a perfect local low cost field trip. It is also a great chance to visit the City of Marina's Equestrian Center and the horses that are still there. There is even a small public picnic area to have lunch. The area is sponsored by the National Parks Service and the land was acquired from the Federal Government for use by the general public.Note: Marina Equestrian Association (MEA) leases all the buildings of the Station Veterinary Hospital from the City of Marina and should be considered private and respected. Looking around outside the buildings is fine and you should seek permission to enter any buildings or the stables.
MARINA, Calif. - Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011 marked the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Army Station Veterinary Hospital for horses and mules at Fort Ord and was pronounced "Marina Warhorse Day" during a historical event sponsored by the Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse. Speakers included DLIFLC Deputy Historian Cameron Binkley. DLIFLC Commandant, Col. Danial Pick attended the event that also included participation of an honorary color guard from the 229th MI Battalion. Letters were also read from Brigadier General Timothy K. Adams, Chief, US Army Veterinary Corps present and Brigadier General Charles Elia (ret.) Corps Chief U. S. Army Veterinary Corps (1972-76) who was stationed as a captain from 1946 to 1948 at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital and was in-charge of converting the hospital from "Horse" to administration and small animal clinic. Along with many other great guest speakers. It was rainy but no one seem to care because it was a great day!Click on the below links:
PHOTOS by Steven L. Shepard, Presidio of Monterey DLIFLC, Public AffairsArticle: Monterey Military News, Feb. 11, 2011, 70th Anniversary Celebration of the Fort Ord SVH
Some of the archives most frequently requested materials is the Fort Ord Panorama, the newspaper of Fort Ord from 1940 to 1994. The Panorama is particularly significant as for fifty-four years on a weekly basis it reported on the day-to-day lives and activities of soldiers stationed at Fort Ord and the Presidio of Monterey, The Panorama ceaselessly apprised readers about the links connecting civilian and military life and explained how such news related to the military or the war effort. The institute maintains the only known complete collection of these newspapers. The Command History Office is currently digitizing its entire collection of Panorama newspapers and making copies available via the web for research purposes
Click on the below link for an enlarged image
U.S. Cavalry Association "Letter of Support"
Click the below link:
U.S. Cavalry Association
Thomas R. Buecker
Curator of the Fort Robinson Museum
Fort Robinson Museum
PO Box 304
Crawford, NE 69339-0304Note: A lot of the horses at Fort Ord were received from the Remount Station at Fort Robinson and I proud to receive their support.
Click the below links:
Fort Robinson History Center
Click the below link:
Fort Robinson State Park Museum
Cameron Binkley
Deputy Command Historian
Defense Language Institute Foreign Language
Center & Presidio of Monterey
Monterey, CA 93944
Mike Dawson
Alliance of Monterey Area Preservationists (AMAP)
P.O. Box 2752
Monterey, CA 93942
(831) 646 8142
Email: [email protected]
Click the below link:
Alliance of Monterey Area Preservationists (AMAP)
Click on the below link:
City of Marina Official WebsiteNote: We need to support the decision of city council to pursue saving the Equestrian Center and the Station Veterinary Hospital and recognizing what a "Jewel" of history they possess and the huge potential in making a destination for people to come to Marina. I would like to personally the city council for their bold action! - Greg Krenzelok: U.S. Army Veterinary Corps History Preservation Group
Click on the below link:
City of Marina Mayor and City council
Click on the below link:
Fort Ord National Monument, Bureau of Land Management
Click on the below link:
70th Anniversary Celebration of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, Jan. 30th, 2011
71th Anniversary Celebration
Click on the below link:
2nd Annual Fort Ord Warhorse Day
Left image: Margaret Davis. Director of Friends or the Fort Ord Warhorse. Right image: Gail Morton, Marina City Council Member 2012 to 2020, with Sgt. Allan MacDonald and Comanche II at a Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital U.S. Army Horse c1941, Warhorse Day Event. Image credit: Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse.A LONG SHORT HISTORY OF THE EQUESTRIAN CENTER FROM SOMEONE WHO KNOWS
By Margaret Davis
Having invested literally tens of thousands of hours to save the Marina Equestrian Center park, horses, history, buildings, and trails since 2005, I am in a good position to review how we got where we are today. For anyone who has the patience, pull up a chair. The City acquired the Army's "Fort Ord Equestrian Center" when Fort Ord was divvied up, by applying through the National Park Service's Land to Parks program. The City requested the land as a public equestrian center and park with public access and trail connections. The transfer of the land was conditioned upon this public use, which was incorporated into the 1998 Quitclaim Deed as a city obligation in perpetuity. The City of Marina submitted a program of utilization (POU) for the property to NPS, and it was approved in 1998. The city neither formalized the program, nor implemented it. Instead, the City entered into a contractual relationship with the Marina Equestrian Association (MEA), a small group of horse owners, which assumed responsibility for developing the public park in conformity with a five-year plan for improvements, maintenance, public events, etc. In five years, the city reappraised. MEA had failed to perform the terms of the contract: the buildings and stalls were not being maintained and the facility was run as a private club. At the end of the five-year contract in 2005, Marina put out an RFP for a professional concessionaire.
The community would be enjoying a publicly accessible equestrian center park today were it not that, after awarding the bid, the City abruptly shifted gears again. In 2009, the City shut down planning discussions with the potential concessionaire and entered into an agreement to sell the entire park parcel to the Institute for Canine Studies, who sought to build a dog university on the premises. I had a horse at the MEC and though I was a newbie horse person, I was HORRIFIED. The equestrian center is a phenomenal resource for Marina, connected to hundreds of miles of trails in the Fort Ord outback. I was at a loss as to how to stop the City from divesting itself of this valuable asset and in looking for guidance it was suggested I start a petition. I ran to my smart lawyer friend Gail Morton, who at the time was not involved in Marina politics. She obtained a copy of the Quitclaim Deed. Identifying the legally enforceable covenant, she drafted a petition to National Park Service, asking them to hold Marina to its responsibility for a public park and equestrian center at the site.
The MEA board was hostile to the petition because they didn't want to rock the boat with the City. I was expressly forbidden from gathering signatures at the MEC. Nevertheless, others helped me secure 5,000 signatures by standing outside Grocery Outlet, etc. Gail and I took the deed and other legal papers to our federal, state, and county representatives, spoke before Fort Ord Reuse Authority, Marina city council, nonprofits, Army groups, CSUMB, UC, horse groups, environmental groups, rec groups, bike groups, you name it.
In 2009, the canine institute backed down and withdrew from its deal with the City. I was meanwhile casting about for permanent protections for the buildings. I found an Army veterinary historian, Greg Krenzelok, who came down from Walnut Creek to examine them. He discovered that they represent the last stand of the US Army mounted cavalry and horse-drawn field artillery, as one of twelve horse hospitals built in the lead-up to WWII. If anyone's interested in an illustrated article, I wrote on the history for the Monterey County Historical Society, drop me a line.
I formed a nonprofit called Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse (FFOW) and we began putting on large public events at the MEC to celebrate and publicize the Army history, the horses, the recreational potential, and every aspect of this jewel of Marina. For seven years, FFOW put on Fort Ord Warhorse Day in the spring and Veterans Day Celebration in the fall, with history talks, reenactors, caissons and cannons, petting zoos, student art, historical blacksmith, bike blender, Defense Language Institute color guard, choir, and band, and much more. We even had the Presidio of Monterey commandant mounted up on a six-horse field-artillery hitch. A heck of a lot of work, but we were protecting the venue and showing the City what they could do with this remarkable park. We made the front page of the Herald nearly every time.
Besides preservation of the park, it was vital to preserve the trails to the beach and Fort Ord outback. Gail and I learned that a 58-acre chunk of the trail to the outback was to be developed as the headquarters for the entire Monterey Salinas Transit bus fleet, for repair and nightly garaging. Inter-garrison Road between the college and college housing was slated to become the major bus thoroughfare. Gail and I cofounded a group called Fort Ord Rec Users ((orU) to fight this development, known as Whispering Oaks. Though Monterey County approved the use, we worked with Land watch to circulate a referendum petition and got 18,000 signatures against it.
Ultimately the county backed down. Gail Morton was the chief strategist for this grassroots effort and organized the opposition and signature drive. After the dust settled in 2012, she followed through on getting the State Department of Finance to exempt the Whispering Oaks property from the forced sale mandated with the end of Redevelopment Agencies. Today, Whispering Oaks is preserved as open space/habitat and is essential to trail connections between the Marina Equestrian Center and our Marina neighborhoods with the Fort Ord National Monument entrance at the Jerry Smith Corridor. Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse kept up the pressure on the city to recognize its equestrian center and develop it up for horse and multi-recreational public use. In 2012 the city established an ad-hoc committee for public meetings addressing the development of the MEC park, with Frank O'Connell presiding and MEA and FFOW as members of the committee (FFOW asked Gail to be our representative-again, this was before she was elected to council). The ad-hoc committee held many formal, agendized public hearings. Gail and I researched effective public equestrian centers and carefully documented what the program of utilization required and what was still unfulfilled.
We incorporated this information into an update of the program of utilization in 2013, which was adopted by the council. Using Greg Krenzelok's research, I wrote an application to place the MEC on the National Register of Historic Places. This status was granted in 2013. At this point, the old city manager, who disdained the horses, was replaced and our current city manager, Layne Long, was hired. This boded well. The council approved $400,000 in roofing and repairs to the Army buildings (some of which were on the verge of collapse) with Gail, who was now a councilmember, leading the way. The establishment of trail connections between the Fort Ord Dunes State Park, our equestrian center, and the National Monument was brought to Marina Council for adoption.
Marina was the first jurisdiction to act on a trail network through former Fort Ord, which grew into the multi-jurisdictional Fort Ord Recreational Trail and Greenway (FORTAG). In 2017, the National Park Service approved the council's updated program of utilization. The city was informed that long-term, uninterrupted private horse boarding by individuals was not an acceptable use for a Lands to Parks property. Cutting to today: the development of the MEC has been bungled and flubbed by the City from the get-go. Marina residents, you have been deprived of decades of fun and enjoyment of an equestrian park. The community should be outraged by this long history. Despite the fabulous potential of this site, and all the tens of thousands of hours put in by advocates like me and Gail Morton, our families, kids, and visitors have been cheated of the stellar park the MEC was meant to be.
Hold the Marina City Council and staff's feet to the fire. Yes, Fort Ord blight needs to come down. Yes, the city is correct in their intention of maintaining equestrian recreation at the MEC. And yes, we the people deserve the rich programs and robust public access we were promised at Marina's biggest park.
Margaret Davis
Gail Morton is a Marina resident since 1999, Gail was elected to the city council in 2012 and reelected in 2016. Gail has devoted tremendous energy and expertise-and untold thousands of hours-to protecting Marina's interests and working to amplify the value of its assets. Her participation at council and at the regional Fort Ord Reuse Authority Board is testament to her preparation and understanding of complex issues. She has remained principled and professional, redirecting focus to the bottom-line issues when many could not. In addressing government agencies, nonprofits, educational institutions, and history, military, social, and recreation groups, Gail has raised the profile of Marina and broadened our opportunities in the regional community.Gail's gift for strategy and grassroots leadership has been well employed. She was instrumental in preserving extensive open space and recreation trails in and around Marina. Her signature projects include the Marina Equestrian Center (39 acres), Whispering Oaks (58 acres), No on Monterey Downs (650+ acres), and easements and funding for the FORTAG trail (30 miles). As a representative eight years on the board of FORA (the Fort Ord Reuse Authority), Gail routinely fought powerful opposition to protect Marina's interests including our water supply, halt road projects detrimental to our city, prevent wrongful use of Marina funding, remove Fort Ord blight, and implement design standards for Fort Ord redevelopment.
Gail has a passion for promoting what is good, constructive, and inspiring for our society. Prior to relocating to Marina, she served as a board member of the Martin Luther King, Jr, Association of Santa Clara Valley and was an organizer for the annual Freedom Train which commemorated the 54-mile historic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. She served on the Board of Directors for Santa Clara University's accredited de Saisset Museum of art and history for ten years.
Note: We could have not done the preservation work and events at the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse c1941 (Marina Equestian Center) without Gail's dedication and hardwork. We owe her our greatful thanks!
- Greg Krenzelok, Director/Historian
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
Serving to remember all that served our Country.
We are looking for individuals, men and women to start a Monterey area reenactors group at Fort Ord for the 1941 time period. We are looking for individuals to sign up for the following units: 76th Field Artillery and 107th Cavalry you can be mounted or dismounted, A Station Veterinary Detachment made up of officers, NCOs and enlisted personnel to be stationed at the Fort Ord Veterinary Hospital that was built to service horses in the 1940's, Women's Army Corps (WAC's) personnel and personnel representing the 7th Division were stationed at Fort Ord in the early 1940's. Each individual would be responsible for acquiring his or her uniforms. We have organizations available to help you purchase the correct time period uniforms and equipment.
If you think this would be a lot of fun and in the process help the community to understand what it was like at Fort Ord in the early period of World War Two, please contact me:
Greg Krenzelok at [email protected] or "The Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse" to discuss the feasibility.
The 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment ''Old Guard'' Caisson Platoon, the equestrian unit assigned to Arlington National Cemetery, honors veterans for their military service one final time. The same tradition of saddles, tack, and harnesses were carried on by the 76th Field Artillery at Fort Ord, California in the early 1940's - Greg KrenzelokAmerican Artifacts: Old Guard Funeral Caissons Preview. Kirk Heflin, Curator of the Old Guard Museum explains the history of funeral caissons. Also appearing is SSG. Robert Maskey of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Caisson Platoon.
American Artifacts: Old Guard Funeral Caissons Preview
Click on the below Homepage links:FORT ORD STATION VETERINARY HOSPITAL U.S. ARMY HORSE c1941
Click on the below link:
Fort Ord U.S. Army Station Veterinary Hospital (Horse) WW2
Click on the below link:
Tribute Of Honor: Sgt. Allan MacDonald U.S. Army Horse
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Fort Ord Station Hospital c1941
Click on the below link:
11th Cavalry Presidio of Monterey, 1919 to 1940
The 11th, 10th, and the 28th Cavalry, Camp Seeley, Camp Morena and Camp Lockett
Click on the below link:
Camp Lockett Army Horse Defending the Border WW2
Click on the below link:
76th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Battalion
Click on the below link:
East Garrison/Camp Ord 1940's Army Building Documentation 2013
Fort Ord U.S. Army Post Stockade in Images
Click on the below link:
General Richardson Fort Ord Defense of West Coast
Click on the below link:
7th Division Headquarters Buildings, Fort Ord, 1941, General Stilwell
Click on the below link:
The Construction of Fort Ord 1940-1942
Click on the below link:
Fort Ord Buildings, Completion Report Images 1941-1942
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250th Coast Artillery Camp McQuaide California 1941
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Veterinary Corps in WW1
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Leonard Murphy in WW1
Click on the below link:
Nevers France and U.S. Army Hospitals in the area during WW1
THIS RESEARCH IS DEDICATED TO MY GRANDFATHER SGT. LEONARD PATRICK MURPHY U. S. ARMY VETERINARY CORPS, A.E.F, FRANCE, WW1This website is dedicated to my grandfather, Sergeant Leonard Patrick Murphy who was in the U. S. Army Veterinary Corps during WW 1. Leonard shipped to France with a load of U. S. Army Horses and Mules. I'll always remember my grandfather when telling his men about caring for horses: "It cost the Army a hundred dollars for a horse, but an enlisted man the Army could get for free." Leonard was stationed with the 18th Veterinary Hospital at Sougy, France. He grew up on a farm in Polk County, Wisconsin in the late 1890s and loved horses. He enlisted in the Veterinary Corps during WW1 to care for horses. It is his love of horses that inspired my research on the U.S. Army Veterinary Service and this research of the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Hospital, U.S. Army Horse, c1941. - Greg Krenzelok
Left image: My grandfather on the right, Sgt. Leonard Murphy with Major Daniel C. Martin, commanding officer, U. S. Army Veterinary Hospital No 18 at Sougy France, WW1, just south of Nevers, France. Right image: Picture of my grandfather Sgt. Leonard Murphy on his mount taken at Veterinary Hospital No 18 at Sougy France, WW1.Note: My grandfather and Major Martin are mounted on 1904 McClellan saddles, the same saddles used by the horse-drawn field artillery and cavalry at Fort Ord and the Presidio of Monterey in this research. Also the same saddles displayed in our extensive museum collection.
U.S. ARMY VETERINARY CORPS HISTORICAL PRESERVATION GROUPMotto: "Illic est Vires in Numerus" There is Strength in Numbers
"Working Hard to Preserve Our Country's History wherever it is being lost".
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group is a group of individuals that are concerned about the preservation of the History of the Veterinary Corps, Remount Service and Cavalry or wherever our country's history is being lost in conjunction with our beloved "Horse and Mule". There is no cost to join and membership is for life. We believe by uniting together in numbers we will be a more powerful force to be heard. Our membership list is private and only used to contact our members. Email us and become a member.
Greg Krenzelok - Director / Historian.
U. S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group.
Serving to remember all that served our Country.
[email protected]FACEBOOK: U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
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U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group