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The old Fort Ord Artillery and Cavalry Stables on 4th Avenue held over 1,400 U.S. Army horses of the 76th Field Artillery (horse-drawn) and 107th Cavalry (horse-mechanized) in the early part of World War 2. In 1942 these units were mechanized and the days of the horses were over. Even know the life of the stables were short it does not detract the historical significance of the stables and that it marked the end the hundreds of years of the glorious end of the U.S. Army Horse Cavalry and Horse Field Artillery era. And it also marked the end of the years of the presence and tradition they played along with the 11th Cavalry in the Monterey area and the Presidio of Monterey. If you listen carefully and walk around the stables you can still hear the pounding of hoofs, the nay of horses, the rustling of men and equipment, the pounding of the blacksmith's hammer and the movement of horse drawn limbers, caissons, canons and horses in draft, horse drawn wagon clatter, the barking orders of the stable sergeants, the troopers performing stable duty and the sound of canon roar. This all happen here at the stables on 4th Avenue. But now all is quiet and time has a way of forgetting but there always will be a few that remember those "Glorious Days Here". We salute those men who were here, there are not many left.
The SD-17 buildings were a standard C.Q.M. building designed for many types of configurations. The most common design was for motor sheds. The SD-17 buildings on 4th Avenue were specifically designed as "Horse Stables" and not motor sheds. The drawings were series 700-372.2 and also C.Q.M. Plans No. 6665-237. They were specially built with a unique door design to take in account for the horse stalls, saddle and tack room. They were later converted into many uses after the horses moved out of Fort Ord.
May 2011: "A TRAGIC LOSS OF HISTORY AT FORT ORD, CALIFORNIA" just after Memorial Day the last complete example of our country's end of the U.S. Army Warhorse which were still being used at the beginning of World War II. The Series 700 temporary type buildings: artillery, cavalry stables along with their blacksmith shops are being demolished on the California State University at Monterey Bay Campus, California. Leaving only the Fort Ord Station Veterinary Horse Hospital the only buildings remaining to testify of the memory of the "Fort Ord Horse Soldiers" that were there from 1940 to 1942. This action ends a two year long battle for their recognition and preservation.
- Greg Krenzelok, U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group.
Words cannot express what is in my heart at seeing and walking the grounds of where the Fort Ord Field Artillery and Cavalry stables once stood.
SD-17 artillery and cavalry horse stables on 4th Avenue in 2008. California State University, Monterey Bay, CSUMB, Dianne Harrison, President says the stables will come down. Greg Krenzelok says: "A tragic loss of history that cannot be replaced."
Aerial picture taken Feb. 24, 1941, in the center of the pictures is the artillery horse stables, blacksmith shops, corrals and gun parks of the 74th, 75th, and 76th Field Artillery Battalions horse-drawn still at this time at Fort Ord. To the right center in the picture is the corner of the Station Hospital and the lone C-5 Veterinary Clinic building can be seen between the stables and the station hospital in the foreground. Construction went up fast and soon the colic ward; wards A and B along with the C-6 surgical clinic would be complete. (Source: National Archives) (See below "Guard Duty" map. (Source: National Archives)Note: The Artillery and Cavalry stables and Blacksmith Shops on 4th Avenue are located on the property of the California State University, Monterey Bay and is private and fenced off, but can be easily viewed from several sides without trespassing.
SD-17 Model Stables, Drawing Series 700-372, 58 Animal Capacity, 46 feet x 156 feet.
Layout of the horse stalls and saddle room. DLIFLC & POM Archives
SD-17 Model Stables, Drawing Series 700-372, 58 Animal Capacity, 46 feet x 156 feet. DLIFLC & POM Archives
Office of the Quartermaster General, SD-17 stables, details of stalls and accessories. Plan number: 700-372.2
(Source: National Archives)
(Source: National Archives)
(Source: National Archives)
Above this wonderful image was found in the 1941 Fort Ord Yearbook "Historical and Pictorial Review of the 17th Infantry, 7th Division" on page 9. The corrals of the 76th Field Artillery looking north behind the stables and blacksmith shops that are on the left side of this picture. In between each blacksmith shop is a canvas tent holding hay temporarily until the hay shed which can be seen at the north end (roof) is finished, according to Lee Stickler.
Guard Duty map for the 74th, 75th, and 76th Field Artillery Battalions as of August 2, 1941 at Fort Ord, California. Shows the stable area for each unit and their gun park, the guard posts, HQ building for the 75th FA Bn, the barrack area for each unit, guard house and the writing in red that is hard to read on the right tells the area of the officer's barracks. (Source: National Archives)
(Source: National Archives)
One of the stables of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment labeled up close to the peak of the roof. (Source: National Archives)
76th Trooper on stable duty. (Source: National Archives)
According to official paperwork from the archives T-1467 is listed as a "Veterinary Infirmary". (Source: National Archives)
(Source: National Archives)
The above image lists the "Loading corrals (2026) and ramp (2028)" at Fort Ord in the 1940's. I do not believe there is any existing evidence remaining, but I have not taken a good look. My best guess is between the existing Quartermaster warehouses and Highway 1, west of storehouse (warehouse) T-2033 and T-2034. The road in this area was called Warehouse Place. A ramp is located in this area on a September 15, 1941 layout blueprint map of Fort Ord and this ramp may be the animal loading ramp. (Source: National Archives)
Eighty-three new horses direct from the Army Remount Station at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, were given an official welcome by the Fort Ord artillerymen last week. Arriving Monday were 150 more from the Remount Station at Fort Reno, Oklahoma. Note: Loading ramps at Fort Ord.
Stable T-1431 on 4th Ave. The two vertical strips of wood on each post are believe to used to installing the horizontal stall boards between each stall.
SD-17 Stables being built at Fort Ord, Ca. 1940. DLIFLC & POM Archives
DLIFLC & POM Archives
The above picture lays out the SD-17 stables on 4th Avenue and on the north end of the stable I have marked the hay shed. The Post Hospital is being built and to the right is the 76th Field Artillery's tent camp. The Veterinary Hospital has not been built as of 11-20-1940 when this picture was taken. DLIFLC & POM Archives
I was in Alaska at the time and was not able to document the buildings being demolished. A friend of mind did, Efren Lopez a military combat photographer did. I would like to thank Efren from sharing these posted images. This is my first real good look at these pictures as a tear rolled down my face. - Greg Krenzelok, U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
May 2011 Fort Ord horse stables and blacksmith start to come down. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
What's left of T-1442, incinerator, dated completed November 30, 1940, 5- ton. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Stable being demolished by excavator using demolition bucket "The Jaws of death for this stable", May 2011. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Overview of the old stable and blacksmith shop area. Demolition is about complete except for T-1672 (SP-14 Motor repair shop). Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Fort Ord horse stables being demolished, May 2011. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Fort Ord horse stables and blacksmith are now down and all that is left is clean-up, May 2011. Courtesy photo by Efren Lopez
Click on the below link:
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group Facebook Stables
Lee tells us that it took a lot of men to support a field artillery horse-drawn unit. They were very high maintenance. First were the care of the horses, which was constant; feeding, grooming and watching out for their health. Lee tells us that the first job of a Trooper was to care for his horse and this meant feeding and grooming before himself. The horse came first at all times. The Army could get a man for nothing but horses were expensive.It was the constant work of the troopers on stable duty to maintain the stables, sweeping, feeding, laying out new bedding and cleaning up after the horses, it was just like taking care of a child. There was a stable guard quartered in each blacksmith shop to care and watch over the welfare of the horse's needs 24-hours a day. Each stable had a stable sergeant who's job it was to know each of his horses and to watch over them, maintaining the stable and the basic health of his horses. It was also his job to order the feed of the stable. He kept very careful records of his stable and was responsible for all the things that went on there.
Other important functions at the stables were:
The Stable Sergeant was in charge of his stable and every stable had one. His job was to know each of his horses and to watch over them, maintaining the condition of the stable and the basic health of his horses. It was also his job to order the feed and to feed the animals. He kept very careful records of his stable and horses and was responsible for all the activity that went on at the stable. He decided what animals were fit for duty as long as there where no medical issues and he issued the animals as needed for each day. Those on stable duty assisted him.Click on the below link to learn more about the Stable Sergeant
The veterinarian who was in charge of the horse's health each day he was conduct "Sick Call" Deciding if a sick or injured animal could be nursed back to health at the stable or needed to be sent the station veterinary hospital.I extensively cover the veterinary hospital on the main page of the website and it will not be covered here.
The blacksmith shops at Fort Ord handled all the shoeing of the animals and repair of the regiment's equipment including metal repair on limbers, caissons, wagons, and whatever else they would come up with the blacksmith and horseshoer to do. Not all blacksmiths where horseshoers and not all horseshoers were blacksmiths. The two jobs took special skills for the blacksmith the skill of metalworking and for the horseshoers special skills of shoeing an animal. Usually the Station Veterinarian overlooked the horseshoer skills because of the anatomy of an animal's foot. It was not unusual for the blacksmith or horseshoer to handle both jobs. Because of the amount of animals assigned to the stables there were many blacksmith shops to handle the need.SADDLER
The Saddler was charged with the repair of individual leather horse equipment of the 76th Field Artillery Regiment and with the harness pertaining to its equipment. The Saddler was in charge of the building, cleaning, and repair of all harnesses, halters, and bridles. The Saddler took care of the needs of all the leather equipment and was equipped to do so. From hasty patching of a broken trace on the march to actual making of certain parts in camps of considerable duration. The Saddler could make it. The Saddler was issued tools by the Ordinance Department and Quartermaster Department. If it was leather the Saddler fixed it. The Saddler would know the best part of the hide for the piece of part he was repairing. He was careful not to let any knots and rivets be left where they would rub and create a sore for the animal. He was a very important person of his unit and there was a lot of harness in a horse-drawn Field Artillery Regiment. The last Field Manual of Saddlers was issued in 1942.Click on the below link:
Duties of the U.S. Army Saddler
WAGONER (Teamster)
The 76th Field Artillery Regiment at Fort Ord being horse-drawn had as part of their unit horse-drawn wagons that supported the unit when they were on the move. A Wagoner (teamster) would have been in-charge of a wagon. These wagons would have carried the food and supplies of the regiment. The Wagoner or Teamster is responsible for his team, harnesses, and wagon, tools and repair parts. The Wagoner is responsible for properly lubricating his vehicle including the axles. The condition in which the Wagoner keeps his rig is a measure of his efficiency. The Wagoner will keep his animals in good condition, clean, and free of lameness and bunches or boils, and gets his load to the destination successfully. The Wagoner keeps his outfit in first-class shape; he feeds and waters his animals before himself. Looking over the animal's feet is the first and last thing the Wagoner will do every day. To clean their feet out and see if the horseshoes are loose. The Wagoner will inspect the harnesses looking for signs of wear and rubbing on the animals. The Wagoner also inspects and repairs his wagons if need be and is equipped to do so.Click on the below link to learn more about the Wagoner.
Note: We find two other types of small buildings among the blacksmith shops behind the stables, which their use is not clear at this time. I have been told they were stable sergeants offices and the saddlers shops. More research is needed.
Return to The Fort Ord U.S. Army Station Veterinary Hospital (Horse) WW2 homepage:FORT ORD U.S. ARMY STATION VETERINARY HOSPITAL (HORSE) WW2
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Fort Ord U.S. Army Station Veterinary Hospital (Horse) WW2
Click on the below Homepage links:11TH CAVALRY PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY, 1919 TO 1940
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11th Cavalry Presidio of Monterey, 1919 to 1940
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76th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Battalion
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East Garrison/Camp Ord 1940's Army Building Documentation 2013
Fort Ord U.S. Army Post Stockade in Images
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General Richardson Fort Ord Defense of West Coast
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7th Division Headquarters Buildings, Fort Ord, 1941, General Stilwell
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Fort Ord Buildings, Completion Report Images 1941-1942
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250th Coast Artillery Camp McQuaide California 1941
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Veterinary Corps in WW1
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Leonard Murphy in WW1
U.S. ARMY VETERINARY CORPS HISTORICAL PRESERVATION GROUPMotto: "Illic est Vires in Numerus" There is Strength in Numbers
"Working Hard to Preserve Our Country's History wherever it is being lost".
U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group is a group of individuals that are concerned about the preservation of the History of the Veterinary Corps, Remount Service and Cavalry or wherever our country's history is being lost in conjunction with our beloved "Horse and Mule". There is no cost to join and membership is for life. We believe by uniting together in numbers we will be a more powerful force to be heard. Our membership list is private and only used to contact our members. Email us and become a member.
Greg Krenzelok
[email protected]FACEBOOK: U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group
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U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Historical Preservation Group