Dust in the Wind








(ISBN:  1-882279-05-0)





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Western & Eastern Treasures

"Both as a waybill to adventure and a lasting reliable reference, here is a book certain to satisfy anyone intrigued by the prospect of exploring realms of the past. Resist the allure of DUST IN THE WIND?

Not a ghost of a chance!"

Lost Treasure

“With DUST IN THE WIND, Gary invites us into his world and takes us on a state-by-state, ghost-to-ghost adventure...Toss your camping gear into your vehicle and head down the road with Gary Speck...What better way to learn of American history than to visit the sites where history was lived. DUST IN THE WIND by Gary Speck is the perfect place to start your journey."

Treasure Seekers

"Historians and treasure hunters who enjoy the significance of Ghost Towns should place this easy to read book at the top of their list...DUST IN THE WIND is a product of countless hours of research and photography. This informative book makes for a superb traveling companion and provides a colorful insight to American History."

Roads to Adventure

"Mr. Speck has done an outstanding job of describing what makes each of these sites unique, and detailing how to get there...We highly recommend DUST IN THE WIND as truly being worth its weight in gold, not just as a traveling companion, but as a wealth of knowledge about our country's history..."


Gives DUST IN THE WIND five stars and calls this book

Highly accurate and informative. A must for all travelers.”


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