Ghost Town USA’s

Guide to the Ghost Towns, Mining Camps,

and Other Formerly Inhabited Places in



Locations beginning with B



  • Unless noted otherwise, most of these listings are quoted from postings to Rootsweb’s Missouri Ghost Town discussion forum (THE LIST).  Some minor editing for editorial consistency and spelling WAS made, as well as spelling out of directions (N, SE, NNW, etc), and numbers less than ten.  
  • Unless noted otherwise, indicated population figures are from the 1990 census.  (In the next year these should be updated to the 2000 census.) If the population is listed as 0*, the asterisk indicates “assumed”, based on other facts.
  • Many of these listed locations may be just rural post offices, country churches schools, forts, stage stations, crossroads stores, mills or river fords, rather than what we normally consider towns.  The reason for that is that many of these types of locations had small communities grow up around the main business. 
  • When a current town that is not listed in this work went by a different name, or a name markedly different than its present name, it is indicated by the DEAD NAME entry.  These are noted due to the fact that these names MAY be discovered in research, and by listing them here, it makes it easier for the researcher to discover the current name.
  • In all the listings below, personal comments will be noted with either names or initials, like (MF) {Mike Flannigan}, or (GBS) {Me}. In some cases, I didn’t write down the name, but only an e-mail address, so I left them in.  If you know of any Missouri ghost town location not listed on these pages, please contact THE LIST if you are a member, or me if not.  I will pass on the information to THE LIST.
  • Highways are marked thus...
    • CR – County Roads
    • SH – State Highway
    • US – US Highway
    • I – Interstate Highway
  • Locations marked with a $ indicate an admission fee is charged to visit the site.
  • Locations with part of the name HIGHLIGHTED are linked to a page listing “all” locations of the same type such as those listed below.  Many times these type of locations acted as a magnet for a small community that later faded away.  Some of these locations included: Ferries, Mills (These include flouring, grist and logging mills.), Mines (and the associated mining camps), Rural Post Offices (These were usually small “post offices” located in a farmer’s home or out building.  They served folks in outlying farming areas, and often acted as a community center or gathering place to catch up on the latest gossip or commodity prices.), Way Stations (These include railroad & stage stations, rural stores, taverns, or other stopping points along transportation routes.).
  • See also our Ghost Town Index, listed by County.


Without further ado, let’s visit some of Missouri’s many hundreds of ghost towns!





BACON                                                                        Cass Co.

Bacon was a switch in West Dolan Township on the Kansas City Southern Railroad. It was built about 1910. It was probably named for a railroad official.  (Mike Flannigan, Jan 02, 2001)


BAD LICK                                                                    Buchanan Co.

I'm new to the list. I have an old photograph that says it was taken in "Bad Lick", MO. I think the photo may have been taken in Buchanan Co. The time would probably have been in the 1840's. Does anyone know if there was once a town called "Bad Lick"??  (Margaret Gee, Jan 11, 2001)


BAILEY                                                                       Pulaski Co.

Location not determined.



BAKERS MILL                                                 Montgomery Co.

This early 1840s water-powered mill was located in southwestern Danville Township, on the east bank of the Loutre River. It was operated by Sylvester and Captain John Baker, after whom it was probably named.

It was probably located near Big Spring. (Mike Flannigan)


BALDRIDGE                                                                Pulaski Co.

Was a post office in Piney Township 1886 – 1901. It was named for the family who owned the land.

            I think this is 3.4 miles south of Big Piney. (MF)


BALLS MILL                                                                Vernon Co.

            …SEE Little Osage


BALLTOWN                                                                Vernon Co.

            …SEE Little Osage


BALTIMORE                                                               Franklin Co.

            DEAD NAME – An early name for New Haven.  (GBS)


BAND MILL                                                                St. Charles Co.

            ...SEE Cog Wheel Mill


BARNETT                                                                   Maries Co.

...SEE Barnetts Station


BARNETTS STATION                                               Maries Co.

AKA: Barnett, Barretts Station

This village was abandoned by 1938. It was located in northern Boone Township and was named for Dr Harrison Barnett, who was a physician there in the early 1850's.

I suspect this might be southeast of Meta in Sugar Creek Valley, but that's just a guess.  (Mike Flannigan)


BARNEYS FORD                                                         Lincoln Co.

            Barneys Ford was a crossing at Frenchmans Bluff.


BARRETTS STATION                                               Maries Co.

...SEE Barnetts Station


BARRY TOWN                                                            St. Francois Co.

A short distance from Doe Run. 

            This might be about 1.5 miles west of Doe Run.  (MF)


BARTLETT SPRINGS                                                 Pulaski Co.

            Location not determined.


BARTONSVILLE                                                         Gasconade Co.

AKA – Bartonville

This was the county seat before Osage and Maries Counties were formed. The county seat was moved here in 1825 when Gasconade City, the first county seat, was flooded. In 1828 Bartonsville was flooded, and the county seat was moved to Mt Sterling. 

Used to be the county seat, and now we have almost no record of it!  (Mike Flannigan)


BARTONVILLE                                                           Gasconade Co.

...SEE Bartonsville


BASIN KNOB POST OFFICE                                                Johnson Co.  

Basin Knob Post Office was established at Basin Knob about 1853. It was removed to Pittsville after 1858. 

            I think this is about 2.5 miles west of Elm, MO.  (MF)


BASS MILL                                                               Greene Co.

In 1915, the ruins of this 1858-1867 era steam-powered grist mill were still visible near the Pomme de Terre river and Fair Grove.  In 1863 the small community of Bassville (SEE) was established at the mill.


BASSORA                                                                   Franklin Co.                                          0

Bassora was originally laid out in 1836 along the Missouri River in Sec 23, T44N, R1W.  It had a “public landing” as well as surveyed streets and eventually a cemetery.  In 1839, Washington was established just to the west in Section 22, and eventually overgrew and absorbed the site of Bassora.  Bassora was located on the east side of Washington centered around the Fulton/3rd Street area, east of the SH 47 bridge over the river.  (GBS)


BASSVILLE                                                                 Greene Co.

Bassville doesn't have many residences either, but it's got a large cemetery and nearby church.   (MF)


I have a farm at Bassville.  The church has 200 members and is very active.  The cemetery is very well maintained.  The old store, post office and blacksmith shop was torn town in the late 60's.  By my count we have about 20 families in a one-mile radius.  (BQ)


BATES COUNTY POOR FARM                                  Bates Co.

            Was located just northwest of Butler.


BATESVILLE POST OFFICE                                                 Bates Co.

Batesville Post Office was an office located at Harmony Mission in 1841, and moved to Papinsville in 1848. It was named for the county.


BAVARIA                                                                    Franklin Co.

A vanished town near South Point.  Platted on Sept 6, 1858.

This is just east of Washington. (Mike Flannigan)


BEAVER                                                                      Phelps Co.                                           

            AKA – Beaver Station, Beaver Valley

This old railroad station was probably killed by the growth of Newburg.  It is no longer legally accessible. The Yowell Cemetery #1 is also there.  A post office operated here 1873-1875 and again 1882-1885.  (MO-GT, Dave P, Sep 16, 2002)

·        NE¼ Sec 25, T37N, R9W.


BEAVER CREEK MINE                                               Phelps Co.

Beaver Creek Mine is located about one mile up Iron Ore Creek, high on the ridge on the east side of the creek.  You can see it on the 1985 Rolla topo.  (Mike Flannigan Sep 17, 2002)


BEAVER STATION                                                    Phelps Co.                                           

            …SEE Beaver  


BEAVER VALLEY                                                        Phelps Co.                                           

            …SEE Beaver  


BECKERS LANDING                                                   Franklin Co.

A boat landing in northeast Boles Township. 

            This is probably near the Labadie power plant. (Mike Flannigan)


BECKS LANDING                                                       Lincoln Co.

Becks Landing was located on the Mississippi River south of Cap au Gris.


BEE BRANCH POST OFFICE                                    Johnson Co.  

Bee Branch Post Office was located in Grover Township and named from the little creek nearby.  This is probably located by the Pettis Co., line at the junction of CR NN and CR E.  (Mike Flannigan)


BEEMONT                                                                  Franklin Co.                                          -

Listed in the 1888 Goodspeed’s History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford & Gasconade Counties, Missouri as one of the “other towns and post offices in Franklin County.”  No other information available.  It was on CR ZZ, a half mile east of the county line and about five miles north of Gerald.  (GBS)

·        SW¼ Sec 10, T43N, R4W, Lyon Township.

·        Lat: 38.4806046, Long: -91.3593235

·        Lat: 38º28’50”N, Long: 091º21’34”W - elevation 640’


BELGIQUE                                                                  Perry Co.

Can anyone tell me about the town of Belgique, MO?  Went past there 12/27/2001...Just a bunch of old foundations....what happened to it?  (Renee Byram Kleffner)


It possibly got wiped out in the 1993 flood, since it is down in the flood plain.  In 1970 it had more than 20 occupied residences and a large building (church?).  Nativity Cemetery is (was) just 0.3 miles east-southeast of the town center.  (Mike Flannigan)


About the now ghost-town of Belgique, Missouri. My father grew up on a farm between Belgique and Menfro in Perry County Missouri and he went to grade school in Belgique.  The inhabitants originally came from Belgium and wanted to name their settlement 'Belgium', but since a village by that name already existed in Missouri the inhabitants decided to give their town the French name for Belgium.  There were originally 2 groups:  Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Walons from Belgium.  Settlers also later came from Ijzendijke, Groede and Watervleit in the Netherlands.  At one time there had been shops, pubs, a town hall, a post office in the general store, a Catholic grade school which later became a public school (eight grades), and there had even been a convent for nuns.  By 1993, however, there wasn't much left of the town.  The pubs and businesses were long gone by then.  The Archdiocese in St Louis wouldn't provide a priest for the parish either since the community was so small.  The Roman Catholic Church in Belgique had been closed a year prior to the 1993 flood and most everything inside had been gutted and sold off by the Archdiocese in St Louis.  The bell tower had been ripped out too.  The '93 flood was the last nail in the coffin for Belgique and Menfo. The flood washed away most buildings and I believe even slightly damaged the grave yard (caskets float).  I believe 2 families still live in Belgique, but they had to forfeit any rights to federal flood disaster aid should they insist on living in the bottoms.  That above everything else convinced the people of Belgique to resettle on higher ground.  (Contributed by Brian Farrar, Jan 24, 2006)



BELLANDS FERRY                                                      St. Charles Co.

Located on the Missouri River at St. Charles. Founded by J.B. Belland in 1805.


BELLE PLAINE POST OFFICE                                  Cass Co.

Belle Plaine Post Office was located near Harrisonville. It was named for the school, which is two miles south of Harrisonville. (Mike Flannigan, Jan 02, 2001)


BELLEFONTE                                                  Pulaski Co.

            Location not determined.


BELLEVILLE STORE                                    Montgomery Co.

AKA – Half Way House

This discontinued Post Office and store were located on Little Bear Creek, in eastern Bear Creek Township. It was established by a Mr. Hoss and named for his oldest daughter, Belle. It was also known also as Half-Way House, due to its location midway on the Truxton-Jonesburg mail route. (Mike Flannigan)


BELLS MILL                                                                Bates Co.

Bells Mill was a sawmill on the Marais Des Cygnes built shortly after the Civil War and named after James S. Bell.

            This might be present day Athol or Nyhart. (Mike Flannigan)


BELMONT HEIGHTS                                                 St. Louis Co.

Located in Bonhomme Township near Hillsboro and south of Valley Park.

I doubt this is near Hillsboro.  (Mike Flannigan)


BENOIST                                                                   St. Louis Co.

Located near Esther.

???  Esther is in St. Francois Co., two counties south of St. Louis Co.  (Mike Flannigan)


BENTON CITY                                                           Johnson Co.

Benton City was a town on the Osage Division of the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad in northwestern Rose Hill Township, started in 1872. The town was abandoned after a short time. It was named for Senator Thomas Benton.  This may be located near Latour. (Mike Flannigan)


BEOUF CREEK                                                                        Franklin Co.

Listed in the 1888 Goodspeed’s History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford & Gasconade Counties, Missouri as one of the “other towns and post offices in Franklin County.”  No other information available.  It was probably a misspelling of Boeuf Creek (SEE)  (GBS)


BERGER SETTLEMENT                                             Franklin Co.

An early colony along the Missouri River. (GNIS)

Surely this is simply the existing town of Berger.  (Mike Flannigan)

Berger had 247 folks in 1990.  (GBS)


I am currently living in Berger. We have lived there for nine, years and you’re right, it is a ghost town. There are 247 or so people that live there. It is a shame that the city council has let the town go into such disarray. The flood of 1993 really hurt the town. It used to be thriving, having churches, bars (of course!), restaurants, a mortuary, beauty salon, grocery stores and much more. It is my understanding that this was a hopping town as early back as the 70's maybe even some of the '80's. The nearest town is 10 miles, which is where we have to go for food and school. The nearest WalMart and "big" town is 30 miles.  Unfortunately the town has succumbed to being a ghost town, and sometimes I wonder if it is not all of the "dead and stagnant" thinking of those that run the town!

Contributed by “B” Oct 06, 2005


BERGER STATION                                                    Franklin Co.

            DEAD NAME – Early name for Berger.  (GBS)


BERNHEIMER                                                 Warren Co.                                          rural   

Shown in the 1995 Rand McNally Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide, but not on the current state road map, this tiny community is located along the railroad at the junction of SH 94/CR U about five miles west of Treloar (pop-130). (GBS)


BERNICE CITY                                                          Atchison Co.                                       

            Location not determined.


BERT                                                                           Maries Co.

...SEE Honseville


BESTS BOTTOM POST OFFICE                              Montgomery Co.

This boat landing (Kallmeyers


) was on bottomland along the Missouri River in south-central Loutre Township.  John Best, a Kentuckian, located here in 1808 and built a fort.  Bests Bottom Post Office was also located here. The boat landing was named for Garrett Kallmeyer, owner of the landing, and here. It looks like this was across the river from Gasconade, MO.  There are still a few homes in the area. 

(Mike Flannigan)

BEULAH                                                                      Phelps Co.

            The post office was established in 1886.

(MO-GT, Dave P, Sep 16, 2002)

·        NE¼ Sec 28, NW¼ Sec 27, T34N, R10W

BIERBAUMS CUSTOM MILL                        Warren Co. 

            ...SEE Bierbaums Steam Grist & Saw Mill

BIERBAUMS STEAM & GRIST SAW MILL             Warren Co. 

            ...SEE Bierbaums Steam Grist & Saw Mill


AKA – Bierbaums Custom Mill, Bierbaums Steam & Grist Mill, Schaaf Mill

An old mill in Charrette Township on Emmaus Creek. Started by C. H. Schaaf in 1841 and closed in 1907.

I think this is a few miles west of Femme Osage.  (Mike Flannigan)

BIG BERGER POST OFFICE                                      Franklin Co.

This was a rural post office that was in operation 1874-1876.  It was located in northwestern Boeuf Township.  Exact location not determined.  (GBS)

BIG CREEK SETTLEMENT                                        Cass Co.

Big Creek Settlement was a pioneer settlement in Pleasant Hill Township. It is said to have been named for David Creek, who came from Jackson County in 1828, but it was probably named for the stream.

(Mike Flannigan, Jan 02, 2001)

BIG RIDGE CHURCH                                                 New Madrid Co.

            Exact location of this historical location not determined.

BIG RIVER MILLS                                                     St. Francois Co.                                   50

         AKA – Georges Mill, Tyler Mill

According to the 1888 Goodspeed’s History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford & Gasconade Counties, Missouri,   this pioneering settlement was established in 1796. (GBS)

Located on the Big River.  Built in 1825.  This is probably about two miles southeast of Bonne Terre.  (MF)

BIG SPRING MILLS                                                   Lincoln Co.

         AKA – Enon, Zumwalts Spring

Big Spring Mills was located near Flint Hill in southeastern Clark Township. It was out of existence by 1943. 

BINSBACHER MINE                                                  Franklin Co.

            …SEE Binsbacker Mine

BINSBACKER MINE                                                  Franklin Co.                                          0

            AKA – Binsbacher Mine

This lead mine was discovered in 1888, and was located in Sec 36, T42N, R2W, Meramec Township.  (GBS)

BIRDS POINT                                                            Mississippi Co.                                     0

On an island in the Mississippi River at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.  Bird's Point was at the point where the Highway 60 bridge from KY to Cairo IL and Cairo IL to MO met, just northwest of Wickliffe, KY.  It was established around 1800.  (GBS)

BLAIRSVILLE                                                             St. Francois Co.

            Located one mile north of Bismark.  The plat was filed on April 14, 1858.    

            This looks like an interesting place.  There is a very large cemetery nearby.  (Mike Flannigan)

BLANTONS FORD                                                      Lincoln Co.

            Blantons Ford was named for Ben Blanton.

BLATTNER STORE                                     Warren Co.

A general store in Central Hickory Grove Township.

I think this is southeast of Wright City.  (Mike Flannigan)

BLEDSOE                                                                    Hickory Co.

Bledsoe was a rural post office in 1867-1868 and located in southern Montgomery Township, three miles north of Wheatland. The post office was kept in Bledsoe Montgomery's house, and named after him. 

The name was later changed to Wheatland (Dallas Bowling – Apr 10, 2007)

BLISH MILL                                                               Franklin Co.                                          -

            A flour mill located in northeastern Boeuf Township. (GNIS)

            This is the town of New Haven.  (Mike Flannigan)

New Haven had 1757 people in 1990. It appears that this mill grew into what is now New Haven.  In 1874, the mill was one of the county’s 12 polling places.  (GBS)

BLOODLAND                                                               Pulaski Co.                                            0

All the towns in this area (Fort Leonard Wood), including Bloodland, were taken over and basically razed by the army.  They now do bombing practice in this area and sometimes target the old structures. You have to be careful if you visit. 

(Mike Flannigan, Jun 10, 2002)

BLOOMGARDEN                                                         Maries Co.

AKA: Blumengarten

Bloomgarden was on the Gasconade River in the center of the county.  It was named Blumengarten by Charles James (a German), for his fine garden. It has been Anglicized.

BLOOMING ROSE                                                     Phelps Co.                                            Rural

In the southwestern part of the county, at the junction of CR K/ZZ, about five road miles southwest of Beulah. The post office closed in 1955. (GBS)

In the early 1930s, when I was about 12 years old, I remember visiting Blooming Rose, MO. where my family had some land. I collected post office cancellations at that time and I remember getting a cancellation at the Blooming Rose Post Office which was located in a small shop on county road ZZ near the point where it joins county road K. I inherited 50 acres of land in that area.   Contributed by Roy Werthmuller, Nov 08, 2005

·        Lat: 37.6128205, Long: -91.9726581

·        Lat: 37º36’46”N, Long: 091º58’22”W

·        Elevation 1152’

BLOOMING ROSE CAMP                                           Phelps Co.                                            -

In Wolf Hollow, in the extreme southwest corner of the county about three miles southwest of Blooming Rose.  A number of buildings are shown on the GNIS map.  (GBS)

·        Lat: 37.6058761, Long: -92.0251593

·        Lat: 37º36’21”N, Long: 092º01’31”W

·        Elevation 899’

BLOOMING ROSE CCC CAMP                                Phelps Co.                                            0

            It is located on a US Forest Service road about a half mile east of CR K about three miles north of Blooming Rose.  (GBS)

·        Lat: 37.6544866, Long: -91.9732141

·        Lat: 37º39’16”N, Long: 091º58’24”W

·        Elevation 1155’

BLOOMINGTON                                                        Macon Co.                                            rural

            AKA – Box Ancle, Box Ankle, Owenby Settlement

This rural community was the oldest community and the first county seat for Macon County - from 1837-1860.  The first mill in the county was located here, and was built by Judge Cochran in 1837.  At first the community was called Box Ancle, but the name was changed.  In 1860 (GNIS claims 1863) the county seat was moved to Macon.  It is located at the junction of CR O/OO, in Liberty Township in the center of the county, six miles northwest of Macon and about 3.3 miles due north of Bevier.  A cemetery is located about a half mile to the west.  (GBS)

·        Lat: 39.7969772, Long: -92.5601884

·        Lat: 39º47’49”N, Long: 092º33’37”W

·        Elevation 820’

BLUE GOOSE HILL                                                    St. Francois Co.

Just west of Flat River (now Park Hills) and is now part of Park Hills.  (Pam Shelton, February 26, 2002)

Blue Goose Hill is located around the 800 block of West Main St. in Park Hills. Refers to an old tavern that was there named the Blue Goose.  (L Patterson, Jan 20, 2004)

BLUE GRASS                                                              Lewis Co.

            ...SEE Tolona

BLUES STORE                                                           Audrain Co.

AKA – Littleby Post Office

This store later became Littleby Post Office, which was named from Littleby Creek, about two miles west.  Blues Store was named for Duncan Blue, proprietor. (GNIS)

It appears this store was located about two miles east of the creek.  Exact location not determined.  It is listed by GNIS as “Historical”. (GBS)

BLUES STORE                                                           Ralls Co.

This store was in southern Saline Township and was owned by a man by the name of Blue, who also operated a grist mill here. The place no longer existed in 1933. The name Brunes Store is an error that appeared on the Ralls Wall Map.

BLUFF SPRING SETTLEMENT                                 Johnson Co.

Bluff Spring Settlement was located in what is now partly within the limits of Kingsville and Jackson Townships. It was named for Bluff Spring. 

This is probably a few miles north of present day Kingsville.  (Mike Flannigan)

BLUFFTON                                                                 Ray Co.                                                 0

From 1820-1828, this was the original county seat for Ray County. In 1828 the county seat was shifted to Richmond. Bluffton was located on the Missouri River bluffs north of Camden. Exact location not determined. (GBS)

BLUMENGARTEN                                                       Maries Co.

...SEE Bloomgarden

BLYTHEDALE                                                              Harrison Co.                                         130

Eight miles south of the Iowa border, at the junction of CR N/T about two miles east of I-35 at Exit 106.  Today, this sleepy agricultural community’s downtown has more gaps than buildings.  It is a memory of the days when brick structures lined the street solidly for a couple blocks.  At the time of our visit on May 20, 1997, the last of the old-time brick buildings was slated for demolition, to be replaced with a modern community center.  (GBS)

This was Ghost Town USA’s Ghost Town of the Month for Dec. 1998.

BLYTHEVILLE                                                 Jasper Co

In 1838 Judge John C. Cox built a store on Turkey Creek and named the store and office Blytheville in honor of Billy Blythe. The post office was discontinued in 1872.

I wonder if this is Belleville?  (Mike Flannigan)

BOEUF CREEK                                                            Franklin Co.

…SEE Detmold

BOEUF SETTLEMENT                                               Franklin Co.

An early colony at the mouth of Boeuf Creek.  (GNIS)

Not a trace of this left due to Missouri River flooding.  (MF)

The mouth of Boeuf Creek is just northwest of Dundee (see)  (GBS)

·        Lat: 38.6000498, Long: -91.1484827  (Mouth of Boeuf Creek)

·        Lat: 38º36’00”N, Long: 091º08’55”W  (Mouth of Boeuf Creek)

BOGYTOWN                                                               St. Francois Co.

            Once located outside the limits of Bonne Terre.

BOLEJACKS MILL                                                      Johnson Co. 

Bolejacks Mill was located at Bluff Creek Spring in Kingsville Township. It was a horse mill erected by S. Bolejack in 1844, for whom it was named.

BOLES                                                                         Franklin Co.                                          30

            AKA – Augusta, Augusta Station

Boles is listed in the 1888 Goodspeed’s History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford & Gasconade Counties, Missouri as one of the “other towns and post offices in Franklin County.”  No other information available.  It was located in the northeast corner of the county along Dunn Spring Creek and the Missouri Pacific Railroad, just south of the Missouri River, about four AIR miles west of Labadie.  In 1880, the population was 21.  (GBS)

·        SW¼ Sec 27, T44N, R1E, Boles Township. 

·        Lat: 38.5308857, Long: -90.8901376

·        Lat: 38º31’51”N, Long: 090º53’24”W

·        Elevation 489’

BOLLINGER MILL                                                      Cape Girardeau Co.

            An old grist mill and covered bridge on SH 34, south of Bufordville.

BONNE TERRE MINE                                               St. Francois Co.                                   0

Just outside the town of Bonne Terre, about 60 miles south of St. Louis. This 1864-1961 era lead mine now attracts SCUBA divers into some of its 17 miles of flooded tunnels. $ (GBS)

BOONE COPPER MINE                                              Franklin Co.                                          0

When this mine began production it produced copper, but later switched to iron.  It was still active in 1888, and was located ion the southern part of Boone Township (T42N, R3 or 4W).  (GBS)

BOONES FORT                                                          St. Charles Co.

            ...SEE Daniel M Boones Fort

BOONES LICK                                                            Howard Co.                                          0

This salt lick produced salt as early as 1805, and was developed by Daniel M. and Nathan Boone, two of the famed Daniel Boone’s sons, in 1807.  It is on CR MM, 19 miles northwest of Boonville.  (GBS)

Boone's Lick is north of Boonville. Go north on Highway 87 and turn left on Highway 187 and go west about two miles, and you will be at Boon's Lick State Historical site. This is in Howard County, Missouri just east of the Missouri River. 

(Vickie, 03/19/2003)

BOONS MILL                                                             Lincoln Co.

Boons Mill was a water mill six miles north of Elsberry. The house to the old mill was about 113 years old in 1942. 

This description would put it near Annada, in Pike County, but it's probably really in Lincoln County. Another interesting place lost to history.  (Mike Flannigan)

BOONSBORO(UGH)                                                   Moniteau Co.

DEAD NAME – When the county seat was laid out in 1845 it was first called Boonsboro, then later changed to California.  (GBS)

BOOTH BANK IRON MINE                                      Franklin Co.                                          0

This iron mine was located 2.5 miles from Dry Branch in Sec 27, T41N, R1W, Central Township.  It opened in 1882, and by 1888 had mined 2000 tons of red hematite (iron) ore.  (GBS)

BOSTON                                                                     Monroe Co.

This settlement was extinct as of 1933. It was laid out in April 1836, by John B Hays in the center of Union Township, west of Middle Grove. The name was doubtless borrowed directly or indirectly from Boston, MA.

BOSTON                                                 Warren Co.

AKA – New Boston

A former town in Charrette Township about six miles southeast of Warrenton.

BOUSES MILL                                                            Cass Co.

Bouses Mill was located in Camp Branch Township. It was named for Frederick Bouse, who came from Pennsylvania. 

(Mike Flannigan, Jan 02, 2001)

BOX                                                                             Phelps Co.

            Location not determined.  (MF)

BOX ANCLE                                                                Macon Co.

            …SEE Bloomington

BOX ANKLE                                                                Macon Co.

            …SEE Bloomington

BRADLEY MILL                                                           Monroe Co.

This was one of the first mills in the county. It was in Jefferson Township, three miles northeast of Florida. It was built and operated by Benjamin Bradley.

This is probably flooded by Mark Twain Lake and located near Indian Creed Recreation Area.  (Mike Flannigan)

BRANHAM                                                                  Ralls Co.

Branham was listed in the Rand McNally Atlas, but nothing could be learned of the place. (GNIS via Mike Flannigan)

BREEZY HEIGHTS                                                     Jefferson Co.

Located in western Rock Township.

That's one big township.  (Mike Flannigan)

Bremen                                                                     Ste. Genevieve Co.

            …SEE New Bremen

BRIDGETON STATION                                            St. Louis Co.

DO NOT confuse with the city of Bridgeton, which had a 1990 population of 17,000.  The location of this Norfolk Southern Railway station is not determined, but it is PROBABLY inside the corporate limits of the city of Bridgeton.  (GBS)

BRIGHTON MILLS                                                     Jefferson Co.

Located three miles northwest of House Springs.

BRINKERHOFF                                          Pemiscot Co.

            The exact location of this historical location is not determined.

BROSLEY                                                                    Cass Co.

Brosley was a village in southwestern Coldwater Township, started in 1869 upon the opening of a store by G. R. Christopher. It was named by Major M. Deroyer for a friend in his company. The town became extinct when the Kansas City and Southern Railroad was built.  It is probably fairly close to Drexel.  A Brosley Christian Church was organized in 1874 in or near this town.  (Mike Flannigan, Jan 02, 2001)

BROUSAN                                                                   St. Louis Co.

Located in southeastern Carondelet Township on the Missouri-Pacific Railroad.

(Mike Flannigan, Dec 30, 2000)

BROWNFIELD                                                            Pulaski Co.

Was a rural post office in South Liberty Township. It was named for the Brownfield family.

It was reportedly discontinued by 1938, but I think it's still a going concern just across the border into Laclede Co.

(Mike Flannigan)

BROWNS FERRY                                                        St. Louis Co.

Located in Carondelet Township on the Meramec River.

BROWNS MILL                                                          Cass Co.

Browns Mill was the first steam grist and saw mill in the county. It was built by R. Brown, for whom it was named in 1874. It was closed at the beginning of the Civil War.  (Mike Flannigan, Jan 02, 2001)

BROWNS MILL                                                          Lincoln Co.

Browns Mill was an old mill near Louisville on a road of some importance. Browns Mill was named for J Brown, who built the mill in 1856.

BROWNS PLACE                                                        St. Louis Co.

Located in southeastern Central Township.

BRUNES STORE                                                        Ralls Co.

            …SEE Blues Store

BUCKLAND(S)                                                             Phelps Co.                                            0

It was near the Hoss‑Ray‑Miller Cemetery. It is shown on an 1876 railroad map as five miles east of Yorks and 2.5 miles west of Taylors, along the old Springfield Road. It was probably east or southeast of the cemetery next to railroad. 

(MO-GT, Dave P, Sep 07, 2002)

Was a village in Rolla Township. It was named for the Buckland family. It was abandoned by 1938.  (GNIS)

BUCKLAND MINE                                                      Phelps Co.

            This old iron mine is located near Buckland.  The exact location not determined.

BUCKSNORT                                                              Maries Co.

...SEE Richey

BUD                                                                             Warren Co.

            Location not determined.  (GBS)

BULLION                                                                    Adair Co.                                             Rural

            Lat 40° 10' 17" N, Long 092° 29' 17" W – Elevation 951'

BULLS HELL MILL                                                      St. Charles Co.

         AKA – Audrains Mill

            Location not determined.  (GBS)

BUNKUM                                                                     St. Louis Co.

 A settlement across the Meramec River from Glencoe.

BURNETT STATION                                                 Johnson Co.

Burnett Station was an office in eastern Post Oak Township. It was established in 1872 and named for a blacksmith who was also the postmaster. The office was discontinued in 1895 when the railroad was built and Leeton was founded.  Probably was located between Leeton and New Castle.

BURR OAK MILL                                                        Lincoln Co.

            AKA – Robinsons Mill

            Burr Oak Mill was located in Burr Oak.

BURR OAK VALLEY MILLS                                       Lincoln Co.

            Burr Oak Valley Mills was a flour mill in Foley.

BURTON MILL                                                        Lawrence Co.

Burton Mill was built about 1850, three miles above Dildy Mill on the land of Milo Burton.

*       *       *

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First Posted:  July 07, 2001

Last Updated: April 03, 2009

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