Ghost Town USA’s

Guide to the Ghost Towns, Mining Camps,

and Other Formerly Inhabited Places in



Locations beginning with J



  • Unless noted otherwise, most of these listings are quoted from postings to Rootsweb’s Missouri Ghost Town discussion forum (THE LIST).  Some minor editing for editorial consistency and spelling WAS made, as well as spelling out of directions (N, SE, NNW, etc), and numbers less than ten.  
  • Unless noted otherwise, indicated population figures are from the 1990 census.  (In the next year these should be updated to the 2000 census.) If the population is listed as 0*, the asterisk indicates “assumed”, based on other facts.
  • Many of these listed locations may be just rural post offices, country churches schools, forts, stage stations, crossroads stores, mills or river fords, rather than what we normally consider towns.  The reason for that is that many of these types of locations had small communities grow up around the main business. 
  • When a current town that is not listed in this work went by a different name, or a name markedly different than its present name, it is indicated by the DEAD NAME entry.  These are noted due to the fact that these names MAY be discovered in research, and by listing them here, it makes it easier for the researcher to discover the current name.
  • In all the listings below, personal comments will be noted with either names or initials, like (MF) {Mike Flannigan}, or (GBS) {Me}. In some cases, I didn’t write down the name, but only an e-mail address, so I left them in.  If you know of any Missouri ghost town location not listed on these pages, please contact THE LIST if you are a member, or me if not.  I will pass on the information to THE LIST.
  • Highways are marked thus...
    • CR – County Roads
    • SH – State Highway
    • US – US Highway
    • I – Interstate Highway
  • Locations marked with a $ indicate an admission fee is charged to visit the site.
  • Locations with part of the name HIGHLIGHTED are linked to a page listing “all” locations of the same type such as those listed below.  Many times these type of locations acted as a magnet for a small community that later faded away.  Some of these locations included: Ferries, Mills (These include flouring, grist and logging mills.), Mines (and the associated mining camps), Rural Post Offices (These were usually small “post offices” located in a farmer’s home or out building.  They served folks in outlying farming areas, and often acted as a community center or gathering place to catch up on the latest gossip or commodity prices.), Way Stations (These include railroad & stage stations, rural stores, taverns, or other stopping points along transportation routes.).
  • See also our Ghost Town Index, listed by County.


Without further ado, let’s visit some of Missouri’s many hundreds of ghost towns!






J J DAVIS MILL                                                        Barry Co.

         AKA – Davis Mill

            Was located on Roaring River and named for the owner.


JABIUS MILL                                                             Lincoln Co.

         AKA – Schroeders Mill

            Jabius Mill was located in southern Clark Township.


JACK MINE                                                                Franklin Co.                                          0

This small lead mine was located in Sec 24, T42N, R2W, Union Township. Exact location not determined. It produced 50 tons of galena prior to 1888.  (GBS)


JACKSON MILL                                                         Henry Co.

Jackson Mill was a water-powered mill on Grand River in Clinton Township.  It was established in 1840 by Mr. Jackson. It was abandoned by 1900.


JACOBS                                                                      Phelps Co.                                            -

I'm trying to find information on Jacobs, in Phelps County. Do you have any information on it?

(Dan Gibson, 02/09/2003)


I have nothing…anyone out there have anything?  (GBS)

Location not determined.  (MF)


JANIS GRISTMILL                                     Ste. Genevieve Co.

…SEE Sherlock Gristmill


JANIS PARK                                                               St. Charles Co.

            ...SEE Charlesworth Farm


JAPAN                                                            Franklin Co.                                          50

            AKA - Jepan

This old town is located in the southwest corner of the county, at the junction of CR H/J/AE, about eight miles west-northwest of Sullivan, NW¼ Sec 6, T40N, R3W, Boone Township.  This was one of the county’s 12 polling places in 1874.  (GBS)

Lat: 38.2392150, Long: -91.3059819

Lat: 38º14’21”N, Long: 091º18’22”W - elevation 912’


JASMINE                                                                   Adair Co.                                            

            Location not determined


JAY-BIRD TOWN                                                      St. Francois Co

Jay-Bird Town was near, and absorbed into, Flat River.  (Mike Flannigan)


JEFFERSON                                                               Saline Co.                                             0

            AKA – Old Jefferson

In 1820, this was the first designated county seat for Saline County.  In 1831 it shifted to Jonesboro.  According to GNIS the town is “extinct”.  Exact location not determined.  (GBS)


JEFFERSON BARRACKS                                            St. Louis Co.                                         0           

            Military post on South Broadway, 11 miles from downtown St. Louis.

Currently the Veterans Administration Hospital. (GBS)


JEFFERSON FORD                                                    Lincoln Co.

            Jefferson Ford was a crossing at Silex on the North Fork Cuivre River.


JEFFERSON                                                               Jefferson Co.

A station on the Missouri-Pacific Railroad just north of Sulfur Springs.

This is probably Kimmswick.  (Mike Flannigan)


JEFFERSON MILLS                                                   Jefferson Co.

Located on Negro Creek (Big River) in northern Jefferson Co.

This might be near Hoene Spring.  (Mike Flannigan)


JEFFRIES MINE                                                        Franklin Co.                                          0

This small lead mine was located in Sec 21, T41N, R1E. Exact location not determined. It reached a depth of 50’ by 1888.  (GBS)


JEPAN                                                                         Franklin Co.

            …SEE Japan


JESSE COXS MILL                                                    Lincoln Co.

AKA – Coxs Mill

Jesse Coxs Mill was on the Cuivre River near Davis in North Bedford Township.


JOHANES                                                                   Jefferson Co.

…SEE Johannes


JOHANNES                                                                Jefferson Co.

AKA – Johanes

A station on the Frisco Railroad in eastern Rock Township. 


JOHNS MILL                                                             Douglas Co.

            The only Johns Mill I know of is in Douglas Co.  (Mike Flannigan)


JOHNS MILL                                                 Greene Co.

            This water-powered grist mill was built on the Sac River in 1855 by William Johns. In 1872 William’s son

            built another mill on the south side of the Sac River nearby. A dam across the river about one half mile east

            of the mill formed a mill pond. The mill was torn down around 1920.

            …Also SEE Haven


JOHNSON-CHERRY MILL                                        Lawrence Co.

Johnson-Cherry Mill was located on Johnson Creek one mile above Johnsons Mill (Spencer). 


JOHNSON SPUR                                                       Benton Co.

Johnson Spur was located in the central part of Williams Township along the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. It was named from the owner of the land on the ridge.


JOHNSON STATION                                               Gasconade Co.

This is an abandoned village in eastern Canaan Township, east of Rosebud. It was named for Dr Johnson, who lived there and owned the land. There is still a railroad siding there.


JONATHAN BRYANS MILL                                      St. Charles Co.

Located on a small stream in southern Femme Osage Township, one mile from Nathan Boones Home. This was the first water-powered mill west of the Mississippi. Built in 1801.


JONES LANDING                                                    Montgomery Co.                                              

This early Missouri River landing was located in Loutre Township and named for the owner, W P H Jones.


JONES MILL                                                              Lawrence Co.

Jones Mill was a pioneer mill on the Spring River operated by a Mr. Jones.


JONES SPRING                                                         Greene Co.

            An unidentified mill was built here in the 1800s.


JONESBORO                                                              Saline Co.                                             0

This was the second county seat for Saline County, obtaining the honors in 1831.  The seat shifted a third time, to Arrow Rock.  Exact location not determined.  (GBS)


JONESBURG                                                              Monroe Co.

This was a rival town to Clinton, separated from it by an alley. It was laid out Sept 20, 1836, by Col. Gabriel Jones and Greenlie Hays and was named for the former.  It no longer existed in 1933. 

I can't find a Clinton in Monroe County, but there is a Clinton School just northwest of North Fork.  (MF)


JONESVILLE                                                            Cass Co.

Jonesville was an early town in western Dolan Township. It was named in honor of B. F. Jones who laid out the town.  The town site was a farm in 1933.  (Mike Flannigan, Jan 07, 2001)


JONESVILLE                                                              Henry Co.

Jonesville was a town in Fairview Township, laid out in 1857, on land granted by Humphrey Hogan.


JONESVILLE                                                              Lincoln Co.

            Jonesville was an African-American settlement one mile from Troy.


JUANITA                                                                   New Madrid Co.

AKA – Junita

            Exact location of this historical location not determined.


JUDAH SPRING MINE                                              Franklin Co.                                          0

            AKA – Judith Spring Mine

This iron mine was located near Stanton in Sec 19, T41N, R1W.  In 1888 production increased from 50 to 100 tons per day.  (GBS)


JUDGE                                                                        Osage Co.                                             rural

Six miles southeast of Linn. (GBS)


JUDITH SPRING MINE                                            Franklin Co.

            …SEE Judah Spring Mine


JUNITA                                                                      New Madrid Co.

            …SEE Juanita



*       *       *


Also visit:


Ghost Town USA’s Ghost Towns of Missouri

Missouri Ghost Town locations with names beginning:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | PQ | R | S | T | UV | W | XYZ


Detailed information on individual locations:

Blythedale | Rivermines | McLellan Springs


Listings of related groups of locations




Also visit: Ghost Town USA’s


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CURRENT Ghost Town of the Month | PAST Ghost Towns of the Month

Ghost Towner's Code of Ethics | Publications | Genealogy | License Plate Collecting


A few LINKS to outside webpages:

Ghost Towns | Treasure Hunting | License Plate Collecting | Genealogy




First Posted:  July 27, 2001

Last Updated: January 01, 2006



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