Ghost Town USA’s

Guide to the Ghost Towns, Mining Camps,

and Other Formerly Inhabited Places in



Locations beginning with P & Q



  • Unless noted otherwise, most of these listings are quoted from postings to Rootsweb’s Missouri Ghost Town discussion forum (THE LIST).  Some minor editing for editorial consistency and spelling WAS made, as well as spelling out of directions (N, SE, NNW, etc), and numbers less than ten.  
  • Unless noted otherwise, indicated population figures are from the 1990 census.  (In the next year these should be updated to the 2000 census.) If the population is listed as 0*, the asterisk indicates “assumed”, based on other facts.
  • Many of these listed locations may be just rural post offices, country churches schools, forts, stage stations, crossroads stores, mills or river fords, rather than what we normally consider towns.  The reason for that is that many of these types of locations had small communities grow up around the main business. 
  • When a current town that is not listed in this work went by a different name, or a name markedly different than its present name, it is indicated by the DEAD NAME entry.  These are noted due to the fact that these names MAY be discovered in research, and by listing them here, it makes it easier for the researcher to discover the current name.
  • In all the listings below, personal comments will be noted with either names or initials, like (MF) {Mike Flannigan}, or (GBS) {Me}. In some cases, I didn’t write down the name, but only an e-mail address, so I left them in.  If you know of any Missouri ghost town location not listed on these pages, please contact THE LIST if you are a member, or me if not.  I will pass on the information to THE LIST.
  • Highways are marked thus...
    • CR – County Roads
    • SH – State Highway
    • US – US Highway
    • I – Interstate Highway
  • Locations marked with a $ indicate an admission fee is charged to visit the site.
  • Locations with part of the name HIGHLIGHTED are linked to a page listing “all” locations of the same type such as those listed below.  Many times these type of locations acted as a magnet for a small community that later faded away.  Some of these locations included: Ferries, Mills (These include flouring, grist and logging mills.), Mines (and the associated mining camps), Rural Post Offices (These were usually small “post offices” located in a farmer’s home or out building.  They served folks in outlying farming areas, and often acted as a community center or gathering place to catch up on the latest gossip or commodity prices.), Way Stations (These include railroad & stage stations, rural stores, taverns, or other stopping points along transportation routes.).
  • See also our Ghost Town Index, listed by County.


Without further ado, let’s visit some of Missouri’s many hundreds of ghost towns!





PACE                                                                          Gasconade Co.

This was a village in Roark Township.


PACKARD                                                                  Hickory Co.

Packard was a rural post office that operated in 1892, 1901, and 1902. Location and name origin are unidentified.


PARK MINE                                                                Franklin Co.                                          0

This copper mine was located in the southeastern corner of the county, in the southern part of Prairie Township (T40N, R1 or 2W), on the Franklin/Washington county line.  It was active in 1888.  Exact location not determined.  (GBS)   


PARKERVILLE                                                             Bates Co.                                             0

Parkerville was a town laid out in 1857 on land granted by Wiley Parker, for whom it was named, in East Boone Township. It was extinct by 1933.


PARKERSVILLE                                                           Callaway Co.                                         0

            AKA – Cote Sans Dessein

According to the 1888 Goodspeed’s History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford & Gasconade Counties, Missouri, this pioneering settlement was established in 1801. In GNIS, it is listed under its AKA.  It is located about 16 miles due east of Jefferson City, south of the Missouri River.  (GBS)

This was the first settlement in Callaway County. It began as a French trading post. The name means "hill without design". The town is now gone due to Missouri River encroachments. (GNIS)

Lat: 38.5833743, Long: -91.9112888

Lat: 38º35’00”N, Long: 091º54’41”W


PARKS SETTLEMENT                                                            Henry Co.

Parks Settlement was located in Leesville Township It was started in 1833, and named from the Parks family that came from Lincoln Co. Kentucky in 1830.

I think this is southwest of Tightwad.  (Mike Flannigan)


PARSONS MILL                                                         Cass Co.

Parsons Mill was erected in 1835 on South Fork of Grand River and named for John Parsons, who settled in 1830.  (Mike Flannigan, Jan 07, 2001)


Parsons Mill was a personal name for me. This old mill was possibly operated by my PARSONS family. 

My GGGG Grandparents Jesse & Elizabeth (LAY) PARSONS and their 12 kids settled in Jackson Co. MO around 1820.  Jesse died in Blue TWP Jackson Co., in 1828 and Elizabeth died c1850 in TX, moving there with the family when they all headed there around 1850.


Two of the kids were John (b: c1800 NC?/KY?) and my GGG grandfather James (b: 1805 Knox Co., KY).  According to my records, the name of Jackson County changed to Cass c1835.  With dad Jesse dying in 1828, it's quite possible John moved to the South Fork of the Grand River area about 1830, after the estate was settled.  Don't know how far Blue TWP is from Parson's Mill, and don't know if Blue TWP was part of Cass Co., when it formed.  Ah the mystery deepens!  If any of you have additional information, please let me know at GTUSA.  (GBS, Jan 15, 2001)


Looks to me like Blue Township is about 6-12 miles north of the current Cass County line. 

(Mike Flannigan, Jan 15, 2001)


PARSONS MILL                                                         Lincoln Co.

This might have been just over the county line into Pike County.  (Mike Flannigan)

Parsons Mill was a personal name for me. This old mill was possibly operated by my PARSONS family.  I don’t have any info on it, so if any of you do, please let me know at GTUSA.  (SEE above) (GBS)


PATTERSONS SETTLEMENT                                  St. Louis Co.

Located in St. Ferdinand Township on a grant of 1000 arpens of land given to James Richardson and bounded by the Missouri River, Cold Water Creek, Halls Ferry Road, and Bellefontaine Road.


Sounds like it's tied down, but I don't know where Bellefontaine Road is or was, and actually I don't know where Halls Ferry Road used to be.  I know where it is now, but not where it used to be.  1,000 arpens is about 1.6 square miles, a considerably smaller area than the description above seems to indicate. 

(Mike Flannigan)


PATRICK                                                                     Henry Co.

Patrick was located in the north-central part of the county. It may have been named for the Christian name of Patrick Henry.


PATTERSONVILLE                                                     Lincoln Co.

Pattersonville was platted but never developed on Guinns Creek on the Pike County line.


PATTON MINE                                                          Franklin Co.                                          0

This small lead mine was located in Sec 30, T42N, R1W.  It, as well as the Ellett Mine and Hamilton Mine, all had a combined output of 1500 tons of galena prior to 1888.  The exact location is not determined.  (GBS)


PATTONS LANDING                                   Warren Co.

AKA – Pattons Point

Located in southeastern Charrette Township.


PATTONS POINT                                                      Warren Co.

         …SEE Pattons Landing


PAULTOWN                                                                Adair Co.

            Location not determined.


PEACH ORCHARD                                                       St. Francois Co.

            Peach Orchard is about 10 or 12 miles from Wardell, (which is) about 20 miles from Hayti. (From an E-mail from “sis”, April 05, 2002)


PEARSON MILL                                                          Greene Co.

Another very early grist mill/distillery was built by Jeremiah Pearson, c1828-1831. The mill was set up on the headwaters of Pearson Creek, near Pearson (Powell) Spring in Section 5.


PECK AND IMHOFF                                                   New Madrid Co.

            Exact location of this historical location not determined.


PEERS                                                                         Warren Co.                                          40

Shown in the 1995 Rand McNally Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide, but not on the current state road map, this tiny community is located along SH 94 and the railroad, about four miles west of Marthasville.  (GBS)


PELHAM STATION                                                    St. Louis Co.

Located in Central Township on the Wabash Railroad.


PENDLETON SETTLEMENT                                      Maries Co.

Nothing could be learned of this place.  Probably near Old Van Cleve.  (Mike Flannigan)


PENINSULA MINE                                                    Franklin Co.                                          0

            AKA – Hardesty Mine

This lead mine was located on a peninsula-like bend of the Meramec River in Secs 15 & 16, T42N, R1W, Union Township.  Prior to 1888 had produced 600 tons of galena in a 40-year span.  It is one of the earliest lead mines in the county, starting in the 1820s.  (GBS)  


PENMAR                                                                      St. Louis Co.

Located in St Ferdinand Township.


PEORIA POST OFFICE                                              Bates Co.

            Peoria Post Office was discontinued after 1870.  Location not determined


PERKINS MILL                                                           Greene Co.

The Perkins grist mill was also known as Carey & Perkins' Mill and McElhanon & Perkins Mill.  It was located on Clear Creek in Boone Township in Sec 4.  It was built around 1848.


PERSINGERS MILL                                                    Montgomery Co.                                              

This was an early horse-powered mill in southern Loutre Township. It was named for the owner, Alexander Persinger.  (Mike Flannigan)


PETERS STORE                                                         Gasconade Co.

Location not determined


PILGRIM                                                                     Osage Co.                                             0

Located in German-settled eastern Osage County, probably reasonably close to Welcome, Useful, Hope (rural), Freedom (rural) and Judge (rural). (Mike Flannigan)


PILLMANS MILL                                                        Phelps Co.

            Was possibly located just downstream from Spring Creek.  (MO-GT, Dave P, Sep 16, 2002)


Terrific job on placing Pillmans Mill.  Do you think it was just below the Pillman Cave (along the bluff), or another ½ mile north-northwest up by Smoky Hollow?  I suspect the first site (below the cave), but I'm just guessing.  I need to do some historical research to determine how it was powered.  (Mike Flannigan  Sep 17, 2002)


PIMVILLE                                                                   St. Francois Co.

            Located on the Pim Tract.

            Looks like this may be a little southeast of Derby.  (Mike Flannigan)


PIN HOOK                                                                  Ozark Co.

…SEE Helena


PINCKNEY                                                                  Montgomery Co.                                   0

Located along the Missouri River.  In 1818, when the county was formed, Pinckney served as the first county seat.  In 1826 it was moved to Lewiston. Exact location not determined.  (GBS)


PINCKNEY                                                                  Warren Co.                                          rural

Location not determined, but probably the same location as Pinkney.  (GBS)


PINE BLUFF                                                               Pulaski Co.

Was a rural post office in Piney Township. It is located on a bluff.  It was discontinued by 1938. 

This is a very interesting place about 1.25 miles south of Ross Bridge.  (Mike Flannigan)


PINEY MINE                                                              Franklin Co.                                          0

This lead mine is located south of the Northumberland Mine in Secs 8 & 17, T41N, R1E, Central Township.  In 1888 it was not in operation, but had reached a depth of 40’.  (GBS)


PINKNEY                                                                    Warren Co.

I do know that Pinkney Township/Pinkney Ridge is down CR U out of Warrenton, Missouri.  My Husband's ancestors were listed there in the mid 1840's.  (Bonnie)

The town of Pinkney is just south of where CR U and SH 94 meet.  But I thought Pinkney Ridge is another name for the town of Kruegerville.  This town is in the flood plain southwest of Treloar and is pretty much gone due to flooding.  (Mike Flannigan)

Probably the same as Pinckney. (GBS)


PINKNEY RIDGE                                                        Warren Co.

            …SEE Pinkney – Mike Flannigan’s comments


PIONEER                                                                    New Madrid Co.

            Exact location of this historical location not determined.


PITTS                                                    Warren Co.                                          0

A village once located four miles east of Warrenton and abandoned about 1904.


PITTS LANDING                                                       Warren Co.

A boat landing near Gore.


PITZERS LANDING                                                   Warren Co.

Located in southern Bridgeport Township near Case.


PLEASANT GREEN                                                                                                              -

            Location and county not determined  (GBS)


PLEASANT HILL                                                        Hickory Co.

Pleasant Hill was located in the north edge of Wheatland Township, and was named from its location on a hill.


PLUM GROVE POST OFFICE                                            Cass Co.

Plum Grove Post Office was an office in Pleasant Hill Township.  It was named for a grove of plum trees near by.  This is an interesting area on CR P about four miles south of Pleasant Hill. 

(Mike Flannigan, Jan 07, 2001)


PLUMB TOWN                                                            Dade Co.

Plumb Town was a trading point about seven miles east of Greenfield. It was named for the landowner.

I don't see much there now.  (Mike Flannigan)


POCAHONTAS                                                           Cape Girardeau Co.                              90

Pocahontas is located in the northeastern part of the county, about five miles north of Jackson (county seat).  It had a population of 130 in 1980.  (GBS)


Like New Wells, it was established in the mid 1850s, and was a settlement of Austrian-Lutherans. Today, much of the culture unique to the Austrian and German Lutherans is gone. The "old German" language is spoken to this day by some of the older generation, but the majority of the present population has not carried on the language and cultural aspects.

(Condensed from an E-mail from Brian McCutchen, 04/07/2003)


POGUES MILL                                                            Barry Co.

            Was on Pogues Creek and named for W. Pogue, owner.


POINT LABBADIE                                                      Franklin Co.

            DEAD NAME – Early name for Gray Summit.  (GBS)


POLLARDS FORD                                                     Lincoln Co.

Pollards Ford was located on Big Creek in southeastern Clark Township.


POLLARDS FORD                                                        St. Charles Co.

            A crossing on Eagle Fork of Cuivre River.

I can't find the Eagle Fork in St. Charles County.  I think this may be in Lincoln County.  Can anybody locate Eagle Fork Post Office?  (Mike Flannigan)


PORT HUDSON POST OFFICE                                 Franklin Co.                                          Rural

This Rural Post Office/rural community is located on CR C, about 1.8 miles north of its junction with US 50, at a point two miles west of Leslie, SW¼ Sec 22, T43N, R3W, Lyon Township.  This was one of the county’s 12 polling places in 1874.  (GBS)

Lat: 38.4539390, Long: -91.2540413

Lat: 38º27’14”N, Long: 091º15’15”W - elevation 869’


PORT ROYAL                                                              St. Louis Co.

A station on the Rock Island Railroad in northwestern Meramec Township.


PORT ROYAL LANDING                                            Franklin Co.     

            Located at Port Royal.

Now if we only knew where Port Royal was.  I could be wrong, but I think this might be near where St. Charles, Franklin, and St. Louis counties come together.  (Mike Flannigan)


PORT WILLIAM                                                         Franklin Co.

            DEAD NAME – Early name for Gray Summit.  (GBS)


PORTERS FORD                                                         Franklin Co.

            A crossing on the Bourbuese River south of Union.


POWELL                                                                      Cass Co.

Powell was a town in western Union Township on the K. C. and S. Railroad. It was named for J. M. Powell, who resided in Union Township and owned a large amount of land in this section.

         Latitude: 38° 42' 59" N Longitude: 094° 35' 26" W – El 980'.


POWELL                                                                      McDonald Co.

            Location not determined.


Powells Mill                                                          Lincoln Co.

…SEE Tillotsons Mill


POWELLVILLE                                                            Phelps Co.

Located along I-44, just northeast of Onyx Cave.

Ctr Sec 34, T37N, R10W.

(MO-GT, Dave P, Sep 16, 2002)


POWER HOUSE                                                         St. Francois Co.

            ...SEE Electric Place


POWERS MILL                                                           Bates Co.

Powers Mill was a steam-powered saw & grist mill erected in the southern part of Butler in 1867. It was named for M. S. Powers.


PRAIRIE BIRD                                                            Adair Co.

            Location not determined.


PRAIRIE SCHOOL                                                      Franklin Co.                                          0

This abandoned school is located on a side road about 0.6 miles west of CR FF, at a point about three miles south of Lonedell and ten miles southeast of St. Clair (Luebbering

?).  In 1874, it was one of the county’s 12 polling places.  It is probably along the section road along the south side of Sec 20, T41N, R2E, Prairie Township (GBS)

Lat: 38.2694966, Long: -90.8312447

Lat: 38º16’10”N, Long: 090º49’52”W - elevation 725’

PRATT                                                                        St. Francois Co.

Located on the St Francois County Electric Railroad in St Francois Township. 

Probably located near Bonne Terre.  (Mike Flannigan)

PRATTS FORD                                                            Ste. Genevieve Co.

            …SEE Yallalys Ford

PRENTISS FORD                                                       Barry Co.

            Location not determined.

PRESTONIA MILL                                                     Ozark Co.

Prestonia Mill was built by and named for Mr. Preston. 

Apparently about 1.5 miles southwest of Howards Ridge.  (Mike Flannigan)

PRICE                                                                          St. Louis Co.

         AKA – Claytonville, Walnut Plains

In 1878 Price had its own post office.  It was located on Clayton Road, east of Warson Road about three miles. T45N, R6E. (Michelle Robinson)

That places it where Clayton Road crosses 270.  I had this as “A PO from 1876 to 1887 and 1889 to 1902 in Central Township.” This was also called Claytonville and Walnut Plains.  (Mike Flannigan)

PRIEURS LANDING                                                   St. Charles Co.

            A landing on the Mississippi River.

PUMKIN CENTER                                                       Pulaski Co.

…SEE Hawkins

PUNKIN CENTER                                                       Pulaski Co.

…SEE Hawkins

PUTNAMVILLE                                                           Putnam Co.                                           -

This was the first county seat of Putnam County.  It was shifted to Winchester, and finally to Harmony, which was renamed Unionville.  Exact location not determined. (GBS)


QUACKENBRUECK                                                     Franklin Co.

            The site of an old covered bridge.  Location not determined.

QUINNETTE                                                            St. Louis Co.

Located in central Bonhomme Township north of the Meramec River.

This would be around Manchester or Sulphur Springs Road, or somewhere around there I guess. 

(Mike Flannigan)

This town was near the town of Valley Park, MO on Big Bend road and Quinnette road. I think it was incorporated into the town of Valley Park, a few years ago.  (Donna Wirth, 03/17/2003)


That is where Keyes Summit is (or was) located.  (Mike Flannigan, 03/18/2003)

*       *       *

Also visit:

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First Posted:  July 27, 2001

Last Updated: December 30, 2005

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