- Bayley/Bailey from Old Bonaventure, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland
- Calder from Scotland and Glengarry County, Ontario
- Davis from New England and Ontario
- Diamond from Newfoundland
- Elliott from Ireland and New York State
- Elsesser from Germany and New York State
- Frasier from Scotland and Ontario
- Guppy from England, Trinidad and British Columbia
- Guest from Bristol and Buckinghamshire, England, and related families including Fox, Roach and Pegley/Pegler
- Harris from England, Newfoundland and Vancouver, Britsh Columbia
- Holmes/Hoddinott from England, Newfoundland and Vancouver, Britsh Columbia
- Hunter from Ireland, New York and Dundas and Grenville Counties, Ontario
- Lechmere from England
- Maingot from France and Trinidad
- McBryde from British Columbia
- McIntyre from Scotland and Dundas County, Ontario
- March from Green's Harbour, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland
- Mowat from Scotland and Glengarry County, Ontario
- Muller (or Huller) from Ontario
- Munn from Connecticut
- Munro from Scotland, New York State and Glengarry County, Ontario
- Parkinson from England
- Pelton from England, New England and Grenville County, Ontario
- Reader from Newfoundland
- Robertson from Scotland and Glengarry County, Ontario
- Robinett from France and New York State
- Ross from Scotland, New York State and Glengarry County, Ontario
- Rostant from France and Trinidad
- Sandhoff from Germany, Ontario and Saskatchewan
- Sharp from Ontario
- Simmons from New England and Ontario
- Sproul from Ireland; Orange County, Ontario; Oxbow, Saskatchewan and Vancouver, British Columbia
- Taylor from England
- Wilman from New York State
Regional collections