Table of Contents
Funeral for Rev. Father Oscar W. GERHARDUS, Pastor of St. Veronica, Hamilton
Death Cards of J.E. CAMPBELL and Michael ALLSTATTER of Hamilton
Mrs. Charlotte KIMBLE Obituary
MONET Obituaries: Theodore, Charles, and John
Early Butler County Funeral Invitations
Philip BERRY, Sr., Judge Philip G. BERRY and James B. BERRY Obituaries
Benjamin and Barbara HILBERT Obituaries
Chris RUFFING Obituary
Garbed in the emblems of sacerdotal life, the mortal remains of Rev. O.W. GERHARDUS, for sixteen years pastor of St. Veronica Church, were tenderly borne to their last resting place in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Price Hill, Thursday morning.
The following funeral cards were found in an antique shop in Miamitown, Ohio:
Funeral Notice. The funeral of Jessie B., daughter of J. E. OWENS, will take place from the residence of J. E. CAMPBELL, on Sunday, May 11, 1873, at 2 1/2 o'clock, P.M. Services at the First Baptist Church. Place of interment, Greenwood Cemetery. Hamilton, May 10th 1873.
Relatives, friends and acquaintances are sadly notified of the death of our dear father, Michael ALLSTATTER, yesterday afternoon at 1/2 before 2, at age 65 years, 11 months, and 6 days. The funeral will be tomorrow (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Requiem at St. Stephen Church. Hamilton, 3 August 1870. (Translated from German)
From The Tracer, the publication of the Hamilton County Genealogical Society, December, 1997.
The following Obituary was phtocopied by Lane Public Library but did not
show the name of the newspaper or the date. The subject, however, died 29
Dec 1897 according to Butler County death records, v. 3, p. 133.
DEATH Has Come to Claim Mrs. Kimble, a Christian Woman
Mrs. Charlotte Kimble, the wife of William Kimble of 608 Ross St., died
at noon Wednesday of dropsical affliction and general disability at the
advanced age of 64 years. She was a loving wife, a kind mother, a pleasant
neighbor, true friend and a Christian woman. She is survived by the
bereaved husband, six sons and three daughters.
Theodore Monet, age 60, custodian at the Monkey Mutual Aid society hall,
517 South Monument Avenue, died Friday morning at 3:45 o'clock in Mercy
Hospital where he had been a patient since November 15.
Mr. Monet leaves two brothers, Harry and William Monet, both of Detroit,
Michigan. The body is being held by the W. H. Cahill and Sons funeral home, 229
Dayton Street. Funeral arrangements await the arrival of the brothers
from Detroit.
Charles Monet, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Monet of Port Union, died
at the home of his parents Thursday morning at 5 o'clock of
complications, aged 23 years, 7 months and 9 days. He is survived by his
parents and three brothers. The funeral will take place at the house at
7:30 o'clock Saturday morning, and at 9 o'clock in St. Joseph's Church,
Hamilton. Interment, St. Stephen's cemetery.
Funeral of John B. Monet of Port Union will take place from the St.
Joseph Church at 8:30 o'clock Friday morning. The remains will be
interred in St. Stephen cemetery.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Cerelda, daughter of Thomas R. and Charlotte FLEMING, in Hamilton, this morning at 10 o'clock.
Thursday, August 15.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Phebe GARRISON, niece of John D. GARRISON, from his residence, to-morrow (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock.
Sunday Evening, September 16.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. RINEHART, consort of John RINEHART, of Hamilton, this afternoon at half past two o'clock. At which time a funeral Sermon will be pronounced by the Rev. D. REED, in the Methodist Church. Hamilton, Wednesday January16.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of George B. JOHNSON, this day at 10 o'clock, from the dwelling of Mr. HAMMOND, A Sermon by the Rev. J. DURBUN.
August 13.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Solomon MOORE, at 2 o'clock. tomorrow afternoon, Hamilton, September 28, 1814.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Miss Elizabeth McCLURE which will take place this morning at half at past nine o'clock, from the residence of Joseph LASHORN. Sunday morning April 7.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Amelia Elizabeth SMITH, daughter of Harriet and Willard M. SMITH, from their dwelling house this day, precisely at one o'clock P.M. Hamilton, June 5, 1819.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of John RAMSEY, late of Pennsylvania, from the house of J. SUTHERLAND, in Hamilton, this evening at six o'clock.
Monday, August 29th, 1831.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Thomas T. D., son of John C. and Catharine W. DUNLAVY, at their residence at 4 o'clock this evening. Hamilton, August 20, 1830.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of John Cleves SYMMES, from his late residence, this afternoon at 5 o'clock. May 29, 1829.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Miss Charlotte RICH, daughter of William and Mary RICH, from the residence of her parents, in Hamilton, this afternoon at 6 o'clock. Wednesday July 23, 1828.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary MILLIKIN, consort of Samuel MILLIKIN, Esq., from her late residence in Hamilton, on this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sunday, July 13, 1828.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Emily SHEA, consort of Simon SHEA, from his residence, this afternoon, at half past three o'clock. February 13, 1830.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Daniel KYTE, at the Presbyterian Meetinghouse, to-morrow at 11 o'clock. June 9th, 1823.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Margaret Catharine, infant daughter of Dr. WEILY, from the residence of her parents, precisely at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Hamilton, September 28, 1823.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dorothy WEILY, late consort of Dr. John WEILY, from their dwelling, precisely at 4 o'clock P.M. Hamilton, October 7, 1823.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Sarah WOODS, late daughter of John and Sarah WOODS, from the dwelling of her parents precisely at 2 o'clock P.M.
Hamilton, February 22, 1823.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Elizabeth DEVOU, from the dwelling of her father, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Hamilton, October 6, 1820.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Silas W. CALDWELL, from the dwelling of his father, this afternoon precisely at 4 o'clock. August 2d, 1820.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mr. John E. SCHOOLEY, from his late residence in Rossville, precisely at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. DEARBON, will deliver Discourse on the occasion. Rossville, November 19, 1821.
Yourself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Nancy DAVIS, from the dwelling of Mr. Jonathan PIERSON. A funeral sermon will be delivered by the reverend Mr. BAKER, at 11 o'clock A.M. Hamilton, October 29th, 1822.
Death of Philip Berry
James B. Berry, justice of the peace of this city and an old and honored resident of the city died unexpectedly this morning at his residence on South Front street at 8:15 this morning aged 60 years.
Judge Philip G. Berry died this afternoon shortly before 1 o'clock. He had lingered at the point of death for the past 48 hours. His wonderful vitality endured what would have been impossible for most other men and it was only after the sternest of battles that death conquered. The cause of Judge Berry's death was a recurrence of paralysis due to the bursting of a blood vessel in the brain. Two years ago, in July, while fishing at Silver Lake, Michigan, he experienced a severe stroke of paralysis extending over his right side and from which it was exceedingly difficult for him to recover. He had, however, to all appearances recovered and was enjoying fair health. Last Thursday, Judge Berry went to Cincinnati on legal business, purposing after completing his business to go out to the baseball park and see the game of ball. He was prevented from this by a severe headache that came on him suddenly. He went to a drug store and asked for something to relieve him. The druggist noticed that he was perspiring freely on one side of his face and was not on the other, but did not tell him that there was anything serious the matter, although, he advised him strongly to go home and go to bed. Judge Berry went to a hotel where he remained all afternoon and in the evening, accompanied by several friends, he took a train for home. On the way to this city he had a very severe billious attack. Upon arriving here he went to his residence and explaining to his daughters that he fell ill and had a bad headache, he retired for the night. The next morning he was found in a paralyzed condition. The paralysis extended all over his right side and a ruptured vessel in his brain was bleeding profusively. From the first there was small hope of his recovery and as the hours passed he grew worse and his case became hopeless. Yesterday morning for a short time he was placed in a chair and it was thought he was growing better, but the improvement was only for a moment. Before noon he relapsed, at 2 o'clock he became unconscious and all last night and this morning he was dying. Several times last evening reports of his death became current. His death is one that has shocked the entire community. He was in the prime of vigorous manhood, talented, popular and honorable.
Benjamin Hilbert Dies Suddenly (1839-1930)
Benjamin Herman Hilbert, 92, died suddenly Tuesday
morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emma Mitchel, 860 Central Avenue.
He had been in frail health several years suffering from the infirmities of
age. He would have celebrated his 92nd birthday next March.
Mrs. Hilbert Drops Dead (1843 - 1901)
Mrs. Barbara Hilbert died suddenly at 12:30 o'clock this
morning of heart failure, aged 59 years. Mrs. Hilbert had taken medical
treatment the last time about one month ago, but no indications were apparent
previous to her death of such a calamity. Mrs. Hilbert was an old resident of
Hamilton and was the wife of Benjamin Hilbert. She leaves nine children, Mrs.
Albert Kemptner, Cincinnati; Mrs. William Lewellyn, jr.; Mrs. Samuel Mitchell,
Mrs. Fred Bidorf, and Miss Lizzie Hilbert, and Benjamin, Pierce D., Henry and
George Hilbert.
Chris Ruffing Dead
� 1998, 1999, 2000 by David J. Endres
This site was updated 15 May 2000.
The Hamilton Daily News, Friday, August 5, 1927
Archbishop McNicholas and Many Priests of Other Cities in Sorrowing Assembly At St. Veronica Church
A sorrowing flock took final leave of their departed shepherd while the body lay in state before the main altar of the church which was a monument to his untiring effort in life. The church was decorated with streamers of black and white, symbols of the mourning into which his death had plunged the congregation. On the altars were beautiful floral tokens, the expressions of sympathy of his parishioners.
Throughout Wednesday afternoon and evening thousands of persons, Catholic and non-Catholic, who had come to know him during his life, paid their final respects, passing in respectful silence before the catafalque, those of the faith passing to offer prayers for the repose of his soul.
The church began to fill soon after it was opened Thursday morning, although the final services were not scheduled to begin until 9:30 a.m. By that hour, the church was completely filled and many who arrived at the church afterwards, crowded around the entrances and the open windows to get at least a glimpse of the funeral services.
Special sections of the church were reserved for the clergy many of whom had come long distances to assist in the service. In the sanctuary were Archbishop John T. McNicholas, head of the Cincinnati archdiocese, and other prelates of the Catholic church, including Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis VARELMANN, who delivered the funeral sermon.
At 9:30 o'clock the priests began chanting the office for the dead. The solemn Requiem high mass followed. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Daniel BUCKLEY, of Springfield, vicar general of the Archdiocese was celebrant.
Other officers of the mass were: deacon, Rev. L. L. DENNING; sub-deacon, Rev. Aloys MONTER; masters of ceremonies, Rev. Albert J. VANDENBOSCH and Rev. Cletus MILLER; assistants to the Archbishop at the throne, Rev. Jerome E. BARTEL and Rev. HANNEBERG; assistant priest to Archbishop, Rev. Henry SCHENGBER, Dean; preacher, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis M. VARELMANN, St. Elizabeth Church, Norwood; candle bearers, Rev. Al HUBER and Rev. H. VOELKER; censer-bearer, Rev. Joseph TRENTMAN. In the sanctuary were Rt. Rev. Msgr. B. MOELLER, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles BADEN and Rt. Rev. Msgr. James HENRY, all of Cincinnati.
A special choir of priests sang the Requiem mass. The organist was John FEHRING, of Cincinnati, diocesan music superintendent.
"Do not forget the responsibility your pastor has assumed for you," Rt. Rev. Msgr. VARELMANN urged. "He has borne them well. The best you can do is, in your tears of thanks and your prayers, to remember him always. Take him lightly to his last resting place."
The Monsignor outlined the early Catholic environment of Rev. GERHARDUS and how he had received the call to priesthood early in life. He told of his training for the priesthood at St. Gregory's and Mt. St. Mary's seminaries and of his long service in Hamilton.
"We are gathered here to pay our last respects," the speaker said. "We feel our loss deeply. The archbishop feels his loss in working out the pastorate of the archdiocese. The congregation feels the loss of a man who was interested in their welfare both spiritual and temporal. We all miss a good companion in our arduous life in the ministry." The topic of the sermon was "Assist him, ye angel and saints of God."
The Monsignor told that among that host we could expect those who had been saved through the ministrations of Father GERHARDUS, who had been called back from a life of sin and those innocent souls whom he had baptized and who were not spared long in this life.
"All of his efforts have been actuated by things for the glory of God," the speaker said. "For 24 years he ministered. He was not granted the great joy of a silver jubilee but he may enjoy it better in the abode of bliss."
The congregation remained in the church until the priests had marched out.
The active pall bearers chosen by a congregational committee were: John ALBERS, Cleo BECKER, John KIEP, Frank GERDING, Sr., Theodore WARNING, and Bernard KIRSCH, Sr. There were 52 honorary pall bearers named by the various Catholic fraternal and benevolent societies.
Among the visitors was Brother Lewis BARNHORN, S.M., principal of Catholic high school here while Father GERHARDUS was president and who recently observed his golden jubilee as a brother of Mary.
Rev. George MAYERHOEFER, of St. Joseph's Church, senior pastor of the city, has been in charge of affairs at St. Veronica's Church since the death of Father GERHARDUS.
After the service the funeral processions to the cemetery began. The body of Rev. GERHARDUS will repose in the mausoleum in St. Joseph cemetery.
Submitted by Karen Hutten
The funeral will take place from her late residence at 1 o'clock Friday
afternoon and at 2 o'clock from the First Baptist Church, Revs. H. N.
QUISENBERRY and G. Z. MECHLING officiating. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery.
Submitted by Shirley Bawden, Camrose, Alberta, Canada
Submitted by Shirley Bawden, Camrose, Alberta, Canada
Submitted by Shirley Bawden, Camrose, Alberta, Canada
Submitted by Aileen Brewer
Submitted by Karol McKenzie
Philip Berry, Sr., died at his residence on Front, between Basin and Ludlow streets, at half past 8 a.m., Wednesday, May 4, after an illness of about ten days.
Mr. Berry was born on the banks of Opequean creek, West Virginia, near Front Royal, November 29, 1806. He was the son of John Berry, a native of Virginia. On the 8th day of December, 1830, he was married to Miss Nancy Gilbert and in 1834 he came with his family to this city, traveling all the way in a one horse wagon. Mrs. Berry died in this city March 25, 1841, and one child only, Justice James B. Berry, survives. On the 19th of July, 1842, Mr. Berry was again married to Miss Rachel Sophia Cushman (Chrisman), of Hamilton County. Philip G. Berry is the only survivor of the second union, Mrs. Berry having expired in this city November 25, 1886.
Mr. Berry joined the M. E. church in 1828, and during his entire life was an active and zealous member of that denomination. he was a blacksmith by trade and shortly after his arrival here, he purchased the frame of an old country distillery, then situated on the Major Millikin farm, moved it in and onto the lot on the northeast corner of Riley and Basin streets, transformed it into a blacksmith shop and followed his vocation there for over fifty years. His services as a mechanic were held in such high esteem by the late John Riley that he gave Mr. Berry the ground rent free during his life time and until the property passed into the hands of his heirs.
In the early days, Mr. Berry was an active politician, was always at the polls, was a whig before the war, a republican ever since the organizatin of that party and he was an uncompromising abolitionist always. Along in the "fifties" he was appointed a deputy marshal and served two years, during which time, in an attempt to arrest Tom McGehan, Bill Synod and some others, he was struck on the head with a stone and sustained a fractured skull. He owed his recovery to his powerful physique and constitution. In 1863 and after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, in company with Joseph B. Gorsuch he was selected at a public meeting of the citizens here to go to the field and nurse the sick and wounded. He went and remained two or three weeks, during which time he contracted a chronic diarhea, from which he never recovered and which was probably the remote cause of his death.
He was of an extremely affectionate and gentle disposition, was very fond of children, and during his last illness many citizens called upon him whom he had danced upon his knee when they were small. He delighted in the Sunday school, was an invincible foe to immorality and intemperance, was pronounced and outspoken in his opinions, and was an entire stranger to duplicity and deceit. His entire life was based upon the principle to which he himself gave expression only a few days ago: "Life is only worth so much as we make it worth to others." He was taken sick a week ago last Saturday.
The funeral took place from the M. E. church Friday at 2 o'clock p.m.; Revs. G. W. DuBois and E. C. Simpson officiating.
Submitted by Karol McKenzie
A Brief Illness With a Fatal Terminatin
Sketch of His Life and His Active Career
Squire Berry had not been in robust health for some years. On Sunday last he was taken ill with stomach trouble but in a measure recovered and Monday, while feeling very faint, started to go to the office. He was dissuaded from the attempt and remained at home. He grew constantly weaker. Drs. Hermann and Millikin were called but there was a gradual decline and sinking until death closed the scene.
Squire Berry was the son of the late Philip Berry and wife and was born in the well known Berry homestead on South Front street. He was raised and educated in this city and subsequently attended school at Athens and Delaware and at the Cincinnati law school. he was admitted to the bar, but afterward taught school for some time, being at one time a principal in the schools of this city.
On 25 August 1868 he was married to Miss amelia Holland, of Cincinnati. Nine children resulted from the union. Two are dead and seven survive; Mrs. John maning of Washington, DC, Lewis P. Berry, of Dayton, Gilbert Berry of West Alexandria and Fannie, Amy, George and John of this city.
During the war of the rebellion, Squire Berry was a valued correspondent and he had done much work in newspaper lines. His death will be largely regretted.
The funeral will take place from the late residence Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. J. W. Peter officiating. Interment Greenwood Cemetery.
Submitted by Karol McKenzie
The End This Afternoon
Fatal Paralysis
Much Sympath Expressed by All
Judge Berry was born November 5, 1850, in this city and was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Berry. He spent his boyhood and youth in Hamilton and secured his early education in the pulic schools of this city. He then entered Miami university from which he graduated with honor in the class of 1871. During 1871 and 1872 he studied law with the firm of Morey and Morey and was admitted to the bar. In November of 1872, he was married to Miss Maggie Hutchinson, daughter of Mrs. A. Hutchinson, and shortly aterwards he went to Terra Haute, Ind. where he practiced law for four years during a part of which time he was assistant prosecuting attorney. In 1877 he returned to Hamilton and he lived here in honor and prosperity until his death. In 1888 he was elected Judge of the probate court. He held the office for two terms of three years each and during his incumbency he administered the affairs of his department with conspicuous ability. he retired in 1894. In 1983 he was nominated by the democratic party for common pleas judge but was defeated with the rest of the party in the memorable election that followed. After retiring from the probate judgeship Judge Berry resumed the practice of law with splendid success.
Judge Berry was past exalted ruler of Lodge No. 93, B.P.O.E. and was past district deputy of southern Ohio for the same order. He was a member of Lone Star Lodge Knights of Pythias, a member of the Royal Arcanum and a trustee of Lane Free library. In his death the community loses an honorable and honored citizen, Butler county bar loses a talented and respected member. He was a man of large and liberal mind and of great and noble heart. Generous and fair alike to friend and foe he compelled the friendship and regard of all who knew him. Judge Berry leaves two young daughters, Misses Mabel and Lillian, who in the great bereavement and loss of their loving father, have the sympathy of all.
The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house. The Butler County bar association will meet tomorrow and take action on the death of Judge Berry.
Submitted by Becky Hilbert
Was Last Survivor of Civil War Unit - Nearly 92 Years of Age
His wife died 29 years ago since which time he has made his home with his
children. In his active years he had been a cigar maker, but he had retired
from all activity many years ago. He was a veteran of the Civil War and was
the last surviving member of Company F, 181st O.V.I.
Surviving relatives include three sons, Benjamin H. Hilbert, Jr., Hamilton;
Harry Hilbert, Williamsdale; and George Hilbert, Dayton; three daughters; Mrs.
Emma Mitchell, Mrs. Herbert Bittinger, and Mrs. William Llewellyn, Hamilton;
23 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. He was a member of St. Joseph's
The funeral is to be held Friday morning. Service at the house at 8:30
o'clock, and at St. Joseph's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Stephen's
Submitted by Becky Hilbert
Sudden Passing of a Well-known Hamilton Woman Today
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the family
residence, No. 309 North Sixth Street, and from St. Stephen's Church at 4
o'clock. The interment will be in St. Stephen's Cemetery.
Coroner Sharkey was notified of the death of Mrs. Hilbert and viewed the
remains this morning. An inquest will be held on a date not yet decided upon.
Submitted by Becky Hilbert
Naval Hero of The Civil War Passes Away
Christopher Ruffing, one of the oldest residents of this city, died at 2:30
yesterday afternoon at his home, 312 North Fifth Street, of congestion of the
lungs. Mr. Ruffing had been ill since last March, and for the past month has
been steadily declining. He was 62 years old at the time of his death.
Deceased was born in Cincinnati, and when his family came to Hamilton during
the Civil War, Mr. Ruffing enlisted in the Navy, and served faithfully through
the war of the rebellion under the leadership of Admiral Farragut on the ship
Great Western. At the close of the war, Mr. Ruffing returned to this city
for a number of years was employed in the shipping department of the Long and
Alstatter Co., retiring to the quiet of home life because of his failing health.
Besides his aged wife, Mr. Ruffing leaves two sons, John of Indianapolis, and
William of this city and one daughter, Mary who resided with her parents. One
brother, Peter Ruffing of Cincinnati, and one sister, Mrs. Joseph Wiseman, of
this city, also survive.
Mr. Ruffing was a member of the Men's Society of St. Stephen's Church and also
of St. Anthony's Orphan Society.
The funeral will be held on next Monday morning at 8 o'clock from his late
residence and at 8:30 from St. Stephens Church of which he was a devout
member. Burial will be made in St. Stephen's Cemetery.
Those who wish to contribute an obituary, death card, or newspaper article
to this page are encouraged to e-mail it to David J. Endres.*Go Back to the Southwest Butler County Genealogical Society Main Page*
This site was created by David J. Endres. Those with questions, comments, or additional information are encouraged to contact the compiler.
This site was created on August 12, 1998.