Hattie Agnes CLEMENT BIDDINGER (1858-1942)
Hattie Agnes Clement was born Oct. 1, 1858, at Redding, O., the daughter
of Augustus and Eliza Clement. When she was a small child the family moved
to this community and she spent the remainder of her life here. On April
24, 1888 she was united in marriage to Fred J. Biddinger. To this union
was born one child, Ethel Marie. Mrs. Biddinger has made her home with
her daughter for the past six years and was with her when she went to be
with the Lord on March 31, 1942, at the age of 83 yrs. and 6 mos., after
an illness of ten weeks. She leaves to mourn her death, her daughter, Mrs.
Will MESSICK; one grandson, Mr. Earl Messick of Nyack, N. Y. and one step
son William Biddinger of Cincinnati, O. Also many friends and other relatives.
She was preceded in death by her parents, 13 brothers and sisters, and
her hsuband.
Mrs. Biddinger was a member of the First Christian Church of Harrison,
O. and found the Lord as her own personal Saviour during her recent illness.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends neighbors
and relatives for their kindness during the illness and death of our beloved
mother and grandmother.
Especially we wish to thank Miss Blanche KRAUS her kind and faithful
nurse; the pallbears:- William Biddinger, Orville Biddinger, George INGALLS,
Harry MCDONALD, George MORTASHED and Henry Mortashed and Rev. SLAGLE and
Rev. COHAGAN and those who furnished the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Messick
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Messick
Louis BROWN Obituary
Submitted by James W. McDonald
Louis BROWN, 76, Dies In Kentucky: 1875-(1951?)
Louis A. Brown, 76, for many years a prominent Hamilton resident and
well-known paper hanger, died early Saturday morning of complications at
his residence in Hazel Green, Ky. Mr. Brown had been living at 404 Harrison
Ave., when he left Hamilton a year and a half ago.
He was born Nov. 30, 1875, in Cincinnati, the son of Swayne C. and
Elizabeth Joyce Brown. On July 31, 1898, he married Mary A. JEANS, and
they would have celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary on Monday.
A resident of Hamilton most of his life, Mr. Brown had many friends
in business and social circles. He was a member of the Painters and Decorators
Union, in whose councils he was most active.
He leaves the widow; two sons, Delmar Brown, Hazel GREEN, and Clifford
Brown, Hamilton; two sisters, Mrs. Susan BUTZ, Cincinnati, and Mrs. Birdie
ELLENBERGER, Washington, D. C.; six grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
The funeral services and burial will be held in Hamilton under direction
fo the David Webb and Sons Funeral Home, S. D St., and Ross Ave., but arrangements
are incomplete.
John M. CLEAVER Obituary
Submitted by James W. McDonald
John Merritt Cleaver, 73, 37 N. Seventh St., Butler County deputy sheriff
for more than 25 years before his retirement several years ago, died Tuesday
at 9:30 p. m. in Mercy Hospital. He had entered the hospital on May 19.
Prior to that time he resided in the Greenwood Manor Rest Home since July
7, 1954.
He leaves a daughter, Vergalene M. Cleaver, Hamilton. His wife, Mrs.
Etta M. Cleaver, preceded him in death last March 27.
Funeral arrangements at the Campbell Funeral Home, 640 High St., are
Mrs. Martha T. Cullen Obituary, Oxford Press, Thursday, March
22, 1956
Submitted by James W. McDonald
Hold Last Rites for Mrs. CULLEN
Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Marshall-Smith Funeral Home
for Mrs. Martha T. "Ressie" Cullen, 77, Morning Sun, who died in Mercy
Hosptal Saturday. Burial followed in the Beechwood Cemetery south of Morning
Born in Morning Sun, she was the daughter of John and Martha MURDOCK
YEAKLE. She operated a boarding home for some time in Dayton. She and her
husband, Oliver, moved to Morning Sun in 1922. He died in 1940.
She leaves a nephew, John Yeakle, Dayton. A brother, Charles Yeakle,
who made his home with her, died last December.
The Rev. Robert DICKSON, pastor of the Morning Sun United Presbyterian
Church, of which she was a member was in charge of services.
Eliza SNIDER GARDNER Obituary, Miltonville, March 3, 1908
Submitted by Timothy S. Harris (Sep 12 1997)
Mrs. Eliza Gardner, who died in Hamilton on February 18th, and was buried
by the side of her husband in our village cemetery on the 20th, was born
near Weston, West Virginia, in April 1825.
In 1827, her father, Daniel Snider, emigrated with his family to Ohio
and settled in Miltonville. In 1832, he moved back to his old Virginia
home, and remained there until 1847, when he returned to his former Ohio
home, and here he spent the remainder of his days which ended in 1863.
Her mother was a sister of Michael SIMPSON, who for many years was
the leading tailor in Middletown.
For many years after her marriage to Jacob Miller Gardner, this village
was their place of residence, and here they reared their family of seven
On the night of September 1, 1866, during a terrible thunder storm,
lightning struck their house, just north of town, and killed their oldest
son, Neilson, then in his 19th year, as he lay in bed. In 1829, her uncle,
John Simpson, was killed by lightning in his home in the village.
Her husband, who was a member of Co. G 83rd O. V. I. in the Civil War,
died in Hamilton in November, 1896 at the age of 71 (?) years.
Her paternal grandfather, who was born in Germany, was a soldier of
the Revolution, and had his first baptism of fire in the battle of Bunker
Hill. Her brother, Perry Snider, who lives in Council Grove, Kan. was in
the same company with her husband and was identified with the glorious
career of his regiment, known as the GREYHOUNDS, from their first battle
at the Arkansas post on January 11, 1863 to their gallant and successful
assault on Fort Blakeley, near Mobile, on April 9, 1865, the day on which
General Lee surrendered at Appomattox. For gallant and meritorious conduct
the regiment was honored with a unanimous vote of thanks by the Ohio legislature
-- a rare distinction.
In the cemetery in which she rests, lie her husband, one son, Neilson,
one daughter, Clara, her parents, two sisters, Ellen and Emma, two brothers,
Worthington and Leroy, one aunt, Mrs. Mary LAW, seven cousins of the Law
family and other more distant relatives.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Martha LONG and Mrs. Melvina
BEAUCHAMP of Hamilton; Mrs. Alice WALLACE of California; two sons, Alonzo,
of West Middletown, and Edward of Washington, D.C. ; two sisters, Mrs.
Margaret VORHIS, of Clermont County, and Mrs. Mary Jane SAULS, of Webb
City, Missouri; two brothers, George A. Snider (sic), of Council Grove,
Mrs. Sauls's husband, Thomas E. Sauls, died on June 17, 1907, aged
103 years, 8 months and 30 days.
Mrs. Mabel INLOES Obituary, July 15, 1957(?)
Submitted by James W. McDonald
Mrs. Mabel INLOES Stricken Suddenly
Mrs. Mabel A. Inloes, 55, 450 N. Washington Blvd., wife of David L.
Inloes, died of a heart attack Sunday at 9:15 a. m. at home. Althought
she had been ill for some time, death was sudden and unexpected and is
a deep shock to family and friends.
Mrs. Inloes was born in Franklin Co., Ind., on July 24, 1901. She was
the daughter of Albert and Anna CLEAVER LAWRENCE. She had been a resident
of Hamilton 32 years. Her marriage to Mr. Inloes took place on July 26,
1924, in Okeana.
Mrs. Inloes had been a teacher for four years in Seven Mile School,
and other positions she held included cashier assignments at LeSourdsville
cafeteria, and the cafeteria of Seven Mile, Okeana, and Millville schools.
Eva MACDONALD Obituary, died Monday, Feb. 17, 1969
Submitted by James W. McDonald
Eva MACDONALD Dies At 86
Mrs. Eva MacDonald, 86, 611 S. Main St., Oxford, died Monday at 4:30
a. m. in McCullough-Hyde Hospital, Oxford.
She was born in Drewersburg, Ind., Jan. 21, 1883, a daughter of George
and Anise SIZELOVE WALTZ. She was married to Harry J. MacDonald and he
preceded her in death March 15, 1956. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald operated a
dry cleaning establishment in Oxford a number of years. Mrs. MacDonald
was a member of the Rebekahs and the Kings Daughters.
She leaves a son, James MacDonald, Dayton; other relatives and friends.
Mrs. MacDonald was preceded in death by two brothers John and Jasper Waltz.
Services will be held Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. in the Marshall-Smith
Funeral Home, Oxford, with the Rev. Robert K. FOSTER, pastor of the United
Presbyterian Church, Oxford, officiating.
Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 3 until 5 and 7 until
9 p. m. Burial will be in Oxford Cemetery.