Butler County Obituaries

Obituaries from Butler County, Ohio
Part 15

Table of Contents
Rita HUENTELMAN Obituary
Lucy JENNINGS Obituary
Peter KEHM (KEBM) Obituary
Thomas MATHEWS Obituary
Charles MATHEWS Obituary
Archie MCKAY Obituary
Davio MERTZ Obituary
Sarah NAGULA Obituary
Mamie NIETERS Obituary
Infant PARDON or PARDEN Obituary
George PFLAZGRAPH Obituary
Anna Mary PHILLIPP Obituary
Elizabeth SCHRICHTE Obituary
Catherine MATHEWS SCHRICHTE Obituaries
Elizabeth BECKER SCHRICHTE Obituary
Elizabeth Christina SCHRICHTE Obituary
George H. SCHRICHTE Obituaries
John Henry SCHRICHTE Obituary
Moses WETZEL Obituaries
Pearl WYCOFF Obituaries

Rita HUENTELMAN Obituary, unknown Hamilton newspaper, unknown date
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Rita Huentelman, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huentelman, 209 Minster street, passed away at the home of her parents, Saturday morning at 7:10 o'clock at age of four and one-half years. She leaves to mourn her loss the bereaved parents, a brother, Adrian, and two grandparents, John Huentelman and Mrs. Philomene FUERSICH besides a host of little playmates all over the city. Funeral services will be held at the home 209 Minster street, Monday morning at 8:30 and at St. Joseph's church at 9, with interment in the St. Stephen's cemetery. Friends may call at the house Sunday afternoon and evening.

Emma FUERSICH HUENTELMAN Obituary, unknown Hamilton paper, June, 1944.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones


Mrs. Emma Huentelman, age 49 wife of Edward Huentelman, 220 Washington street died of complication Tuesday night at 10:30 o'clock in Mercy hospital where she had been a patient since March 16. Mrs. Huentelman was born in Hamilton, September 28, 1894, the daughter of George and Philomena Alf Fuersich. She was educated in St. Stephen parochial school and on October 28 1920, was married to Edward Huentelman. She was a devout Catholic, a member of St. Joseph church and its St. Anne's Married Ladies Society. She leaves the widower, Edward Huentelman, two sons, Pfc. Adrian Huentelman, with the army in San Antonio, Tex., and Richard Huentelman, at home; two brothers, Ben Fuersich, Hamilton, and Louis Fuersich, Elmwood, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Harry FLUM, Mrs. Jacob NEWMAN, and Miss Theresa Fuersich, all of Hamilton, and many friends. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock in the M.J. Colligan funeral home, 437 South Third Street, and at 9 o'clock in St. Joseph church. Burial will be in St. Stephen cemetery. Friends may call after 4 o'clock Thursday at the funeral home.

Lucy JENNINGS Obituary, Hamilton Daily Democrat, June 4, 1897.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Miss Lucy Jennings, age 18 years, died Wednesday night at her home, on Eighth street, Middletown.

Peter KEHM (KEBM) Obituary, The Hamilton Daily Democrat, Monday, August 12, 1889
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Peter Kehm (Kebm), an old and respected citizen residing near Symmes Corner, died last night of tumor.

Thomas MATHEWS Obituary, Hamilton Daily Democrat, July 16, 1892
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Thomas MATHEWS Summoned With But Little Warning. Thomas Mathews, aged 61 years, died suddenly at his home at Fifth and Walnut streets, at 3 o'clock this morning. He had not been well for a week past, but was not considered in a critical condition. During the night he suddenly became very ill and sank rapidly until he did as above stated. The cause of his death is supposed to be general debility. The deceased was 61 years of age and leaves a wife and a family of grown up children. The funeral will take place from the residence at 8:30 o'clock Monday morning, and at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church, Rev. James O'DONAHUE officiating. Interment, St. Mary's cemetery.

Charles MATHEWS Obituary, The Republican-News, Hamilton, Ohio, Wednesday, October 27, 1909
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Chas. Matthews, who has been cook at Morner's café for some time, died at Mercy Hospital at 11:45 o'clock this morning of complications of disease.

Archie MCKAY Obituary,  Hamilton Evening Journal, November 17, 1917
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Archie Mckay, a prominent farmer, died at his home in Ross township, R.R. No. 9, Saturday morning while out at his barn, he had a severe stroke of paralysis. Mr. Mckay was a member of the Presbyterian church at Ross. He was a man of fine character and sterling worth and numbered his friends by the hundreds. He is survived by his bereaved widow, four sons and two daughters, Thomas, Chester, Frank and Henry McKay, Mrs. Maud HINES and Emma McKay; six grandchildren, a sister and two brothers, also many friends who mourn his loss. The funeral will take place at his home Monday at 2 p.m., Rev. Mr. GORDY of Cincinnati, officiating. Interment Ross township cemetery. Friends my view the remains any time after 2 p.m. Sunday.

Davio MERTZ Obituary, The Daily Democrat, Hamilton, Ohio, Monday, August 12, 1889.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Mrs. Davio Mertz, of Vine Street, died Saturday evening of liver trouble, the funeral took place this morning.

Sarah NAGULA Obituary, Hamilton Rebublican News, January 18, 1909.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Mrs. Sarah Nagala, wife of Harmon Nagala, died at her residence 1304 Chestnut Street of apoplexy. Mrs. Nagala was born in Hamilton County, March 1, 1848 and had reached the age of 60 years, 8 months and 18 day at the time of her death. She leaves behind her husband, six sons, Martin, George, James, William, Charles and Henry. Three brothers and one sister and three grandchildren. The funeral will take place from the house on Thursday at 1:30 . . .

Mamie NIETERS Obituary, Hamilton Daily News, 1897 (?)
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Mamie Nieters, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Nieters, of 117 Walnut street, died at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning, of lung trouble, aged 19 years and 11months. The funeral will take place from the house at 7:30 o'clock, Monday morning and at 8 o'clock from St. Joseph's church. Interment, St. Stephen's cemetery.

Infant PARDON or PARDEN Obituary, The Hamilton Daily Democrat, Thursday August 8, 1889
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Pardon (Parden) of the Fifth ward, died and was buried yesterday.

George PFLAZGRAPH Obituary, June 3, 1897, unknown newspaper.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Geo. Pfalzgraph, eighty years old, died at his home in Trenton, and was buried this afternoon. Mr. Pfalzgraph will be remembered by many as a butcher who regularly attended the Hamilton market for many years.

Anna Mary PHILLIPP Obituary, The Republican-News, Hamilton, Ohio, Friday, February 13, 1914
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Mrs. Phillipp Follows Husband To Grave.
Well Known Woman Dies at Home of Daughter Thursday.

Less than one month after the death of her husband Gottfreid Phillipp, Mrs. Anna Mary Phillipp passed peacefully away at her home, 734 South Front Street Thursday afternoon at three o'clock. Mrs. Phillipp at the time of her death, which was caused by general debility, was 72 years, 1 month and 20 days old. Anna Mary Phillipp was born in Nenstatten, Baden, Germany and had been a resident of this country for 61 years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Gus GREEN and Mrs. Herman VOLMER, two sons, Gottfreid and Henry Phillip, 17 grand children and 1 great grandchild. Mrs. Phillipp was well known and highly respected in this city, and the surviving members of her family have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of a kind and loving mother. The funeral has been arranged to take place Monday afternoon at the residence, 734 south Front street at two o'clock, the Rev. H. A. DICKMAN officiated. Interment, Greenwood.

Ida M. SKILLMAN ROBERTS Obituary, The HamiltonDaily Democrat, June 4, 1897.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Mrs. Ida M. Roberts, nee Skillman, died at the home of her parents, on Young Street, Middletown, Wednesday afternoon, of consumption. She was 24 years old. The funeral took place on Friday, from the residence, 51 Young street, at 3 p.m. Interment in the Middletown cemetery.

Roy STILLWAUGH Obituary, The Republican-News, Hamilton, Ohio, Friday, February 13, 1914.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

The funeral of Roy Stillwaugh will take place at the residence of his mother, 137 Williams Avenue, Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. G.S. GERHOLD officiating. Fort Hamilton lodge number 1437 Royal Order of Moose, will hold services at the home on Friday evening at eight o'clock. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.

Elizabeth SCHRICHTE Obituary, Hamilton Evening Journal, November 17, 1917.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Schrichte will take place at the home of her son George DOELLMAN, 185 Heaton street, at 8:30 o'clock and at 9 o'clock in the St. Stephen's church on Monday morning. Interment, St. Stephen's cemetery.

Catherine MATHEWS SCHRICHTE Obituaries
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

June 3, 1897, unknown newspaper.

Mrs. Catherine Schrichte, the wife of Frank Schrichte, of East Ludlow street, died at 8 o'clock this morning after a lingering illness of consumption. Deceased was a young woman of most estimable character and was in the twenty-fifth year of her age at the time of her death. She leaves a husband and one son, four years of age. The funeral announcement will be made later.

Hamilton Daily News, Thursday, June 3, 1897

Mrs. Katherine Schrichte, nee Matthews, the wife of Frank Schrichte, died at her home, 642 East Ludlow street, at 8 o'clock Thursday morning, of consumption, age 24 years and 11 months. She is survived by the husband and a son 3 years old, her mother who resides in Boston, Mass., seven brothers and four sisters. The announcement of the funeral will be made later.

The Hamilton Daily Democrat, June 4, 1897.

The funeral of Mrs. Frank Schrichte will take place from her late residence, 642 East Ludlow street, on Monday morning, at 8:30 o'clock and from St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock. Interment, St. Stephen's cemetery.

Elizabeth BECKER SCHRICHTE Obituary, The Hamilton Daily News, June 25, 1883
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

Mrs. Elizabeth Schrichte of the Third ward, died yesterday noon at her residence on Third street, of puerperal fever after a four days illness. The deceased was in her forty-second year and was born in Germany. She came to this country in 1850 and was married on July 29th 1858. She had nine children of whom two have died. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from St. Stephen's church. Place of interment, German Catholic cemetery. Friends and relatives are invited.

Elizabeth Christina SCHRICHTE Obituary, The Hamilton Daily News, Friday, July 20, 1883
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

The funeral of Geo. Schrichte's infant daughter, who died Wednesday evening, took place this morning.

George H. SCHRICHTE Obituaries
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

The Hamilton Daily Democrat, Friday, August 9, 1889.

George Schrichte, a member of the board of equalization, and an old resident of this city, died this morning at the Good Samaritan hospital in Cincinnati. Due notice of the funeral will be given. He was 56 years of age and was a member of the St. Paul and St. George Benevolent societies of this city.

The Hamilton Daily Democrat, Monday, August 12, 1889.

The funeral of the late George Schrichte took place yesterday afternoon and was very largely attended. The Miami club turned out fifty-six strong and made an imposing appearance.

John Henry SCHRICHTE Obituary, The Republican-News, Hamilton, Ohio, January 20, 1913.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

J.H. Schrichte Dies In Mercy Hospital

John Henry Schrichte, of 428 North Seventh street, died at Mercy hospital Sunday evening at 10:50 o'clock of liver trouble, age 36 years 10 months and 13 days. He was a machinist by occupation and was employed at the Laidlaw-Dunn-Gordon Co. at Elmwood Place. He was born and reared in Hamilton and lived all of his life here. He leaves a widow and four children, three brothers, Frank, William and Charles and four sisters, Mrs. Mary SCHULTE, Mrs. Frank BUELTERS, Mrs. Joseph FAGER and Mrs. George KOEHLER, besides many close friends and former associates, who will long mourn his untimely death. Mr. Schrichte was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, Court Butler No. 1380, Butler Aeri,(hard to read on copy) No. 407. Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the Niles Mutual Aid Society. He was a devout Catholic and member of St. Stephen's church. The funeral notice will be given later.

Moses WETZEL Obituaries
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

The Hamilton Daily Democrat, July 16, 1892.

Moses Wetzel, a former resident of this city, died in Dayton yesterday of dropsy. Deceased belonged to the 35th OVI and was a brother of Jacob Wetzel after whom Wetzel-Compton Post G.A.R of this city was named. The remains will be brought to this city and interred, Monday. Harmony lodge No.14, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of which lodge the deceased was a member will have charge of the funeral.

The Hamilton Daily News, Saturday July 16, 1892.

Moses Wetzel, a former well known resident of this city and son-in-law of Mrs. Julia S. BEAVER of the First ward, died yesterday at his home in Dayton of consumption and aged about 50 years. He was a member of the 35th Regiment, O.V.I. under Gen. VanDERVEER, and also of Harmony Lodge, I.O.O.F, of this city. His remains will arrive her Monday for interment in Greenwood cemetery.

Pearl WYCOFF Obituaries
Submitted by Mary Ellen Jones

The HamiltonDaily Democrat, July 16, 1892.
Pearl Wycoff, aged 19 years, and a sister of Postmaster Wycoff, of Mason died at her home in Mason early Thursday morning.

The Hamilton Daily News, Saturday July 16, 1892.

Miss Pearl Wycoff, a highly esteemed young lady of Mason, and well known in this city, died at her home in Mason Thursday of typhoid fever in the 19th year of her age. Her funeral took place at Mason today.

Those who wish to contribute an obituary, death card, or newspaper article
to this page are encouraged to e-mail it to David J. Endres

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This site was created on August 12, 1998.
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