Table of Contents
Joseph W. SHAFOR Obituary
Henry C. REED Obituary
Lucinda SUTPHIN Obituary
Ruth Alice VAIL Obituary
Charles A. SEBALD Obituary
Henry P. LEIBEE Obituary
Lulu Gunckle FLENNER Obituary
William A. SINKEY Obituary
Mary ROOT Obituary
Hampton H. LONG Obituary
Earl LeRoy PRESSLER Obituary
Middletown feels a great loss in the death of Joseph W. Shafor, vice
president of the Oglesby and Barnitz bank and life-long resident here at
the family resident 537 1/2 East Third Street this morning at 8:45
The passing of Mrs. Lucinda Sutphin, 89 years of age, widow of John
Sutphin, marks the departure of a woman of noble character and one of
Middletown's pioneer residents. The close of her long and beautiful
life came Sunday morning at 4:30 o'clock at the home of her son, C. W.
Sutphin, 120 South Monroe Avenue.
Mrs. Ruth Alice Vail, representative of Middletown's first family
and widow of Hugh Porter Vail, son of Stephen Vail, founder of this
city, died at the home of her son, Stanley Vail, in Salem, Oregon,
Wednesday night. She was 80 years old.
Charles A. Sebald, 55 years old, one of Middletown's most widely
known citizens, died suddenly at his home, 2214 Linden Avenue this
morning. As the news was flashed through the city, expressions of keen
regret at his untimely passing were heard from many quarters, where he
was known.
On Tuesday morning just as the dawn was driving back the darkness of
night, at his home, in Buffalo, New York, the Spirit of our kind friend,
Henry P. Leibee, took its flight into the mysterious realms of the Great
Beyond. A good man has fallen leaving behind him his devoted wife, his
loving daughter, Gertrude, her husband, Mr. Wheeler and a grandchild. Mr.
Leibee spent nearly all his life of 76 years in our city, where he was
born in a brick home at the corner of Clark Street and Central Avenue
where the Roosevelt school now stands (old city building). His father was
Jacob Leibee and his mother Sarah Lefferson Leibee; a worthy son of two
of the pioneer families of Middletown. Mr. Jacob Leibee was a clear,
far-sighted public citizen; he with another neighbor or two bought the
first fire engine for our city and in 1860 he built the Leibee block
on Central Avenue and Main Street; he was one of the pioneer Dry-Goods
men of this part of the Miami Valley, which business Mr. Henry P. Leibee
took up, when it was surrendered by his father, Jacob; our friend Henry
P. Leibee, became associated in the office of Robert Wilson, Daniel
McCalley when they carried on the tobacco trade in our city; Mr.
Daniel McCally having married his sister, Mary; our friend afterwards
became associated with three gentlemen in the manufacture of twine and
later on he was connected with Hill and Son in the manufacture of
Middletown today erased another name from the list of the city's
pioneer and highly esteemed families as word came of the death, at 11
P.M. Friday of Mrs. Lulu Gunckle Flenner at her apartment in the Hotel
Green at Pasadena, California. The body, relatives and friends have
been informed, will be returned to Middletown for burial at Middletown
William A. Sinkey, 91, retired farmer, and president of the
Middletown Collateral Loan Company succumbed to the infirmaries of age
Tuesday night at 9:30 o'clock at his home, 2 Yankee Road.
Death claimed the head of one of Middletown's best know families in
the passing early Sunday morning of Mrs. Mary Root, 80. Mrs. Root, one
of whose sons brought fame to Middletown as "Charlie" Root, noted
baseball player, succumbed at 7:05 A.M. at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. A. C. Rempe, of 1029 Kunz Avenue. Mrs. Root had been in failing
health for a year following a stroke while visiting her son, Charles, in
Death shortened the ever-narrowing list of Civil War Veterans of
Middletown Friday night when Hampton H. Long, 92, expired at his home,
2217 Superior Avenue, as a result of injuries received last Tuesday when
he fell down a flight of outside cellar steps.
Earl LeRoy Pressler, 39, of 230 South Fifth St., Alhambra, Calif.,
secretary of the local Fraternal Order of Eagles lodge for 10 years,
died at Pasedena Hospital, Pasedena,Calif., Sunday at 1 a.m. In ill
health for a year, he suffered a heart attack Saturday and was taken to
the hospital.
� 1998, 1999, 2000 by David J. Endres
This site was updated 15 May 2000
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Was Vice President Of Oglesby & Barnitz Banking Company
Is Survived by Brother and Two Daughters -- Born Near Amanda
Mr. Shafor was also secretary of the American Building
Association and a member of the Board of Health.
Mr. Shafor's sudden passing comes no more of a shock to his friends
than to his bereaved family, which had been encouraged by improvement in
his condition the past few days. Although in a weakened state, his
recent attack of high blood pressure, with which he had been a sufferer
for many years, did not keep him entirely bedfast, and he arose this
morning at his customary hour and seemed apparently sustained by rest.
Just a few minutes after leaving his room he collapsed in a chair.
His two daughters, Lucille and Nellie, the latter who had been
summoned from Washington, D.C., last Saturday by her father's illness,
and his brother George H. Shafor, the last surviving member of the
immediate family, were with him in his last moments.
Mr. Shafor was born on the old Shafor homestead, east of Amanda, and
if he had lived until the thirtieth of this month, would have celebrated
his sixty-ninth anniversary. He was one of the sons of David and
Elizabeth A. Shafor, deceased, who are still remembered by the pioneer
residents of the city for their staunch belief in things that were
upright and honorable. They instilled this trait in the minds of their
sons whose constant endeavors in contributing their services unselfishly
to every worthy object has proved them useful emissaries of the school
of training in which they were reared.
When the deceased was a boy his parents removed to Middletown and
with the exception of a residence of about two years in Cincinnati, he
had always made his home in this city.
At an early age, he started to work in a grocery store here and
later entered the employ of Harry Engel, who conducted a general store
in Amanda. He continued to work for several years and later accepted a
position as bookkeeper in the Adam Dickey flour mill, at Amanda, where
he built up a wide friendship with farmers in that vicinity and rendered
valuable service, which later brought him the appointment to the
position of cashier of the Oglesby & Barnitz bank to fill the vacancy
left by the resignation of Charles Denny. Due to his keen insight and
ability, he arose from that position to vice-president of the company in
which capacity he served faithfully.
In banking circles Mr. Safor's acquaintance was especially extensive
but he made friends in in all endeavors of life as a man of integrity
and influence. His friends in business included the leading financial
men of the city and state but by everyone who knew him he was regarded
not only as a sound financial expert but the kind of a man who had given
to the city its reputation for solidity in business affairs. Perhaps
one of the most generous and expressive tributes to him as a citizenis
that he was "a friend of man."
In industrial affairs, civic improvements, church activities and all
lines of worth-while endeavor he had always been in front ranks but
through his devotion to his daughters and his serene home life he
perhaps maintained the most cordial esteem of the community. Mrs.
Shafor, who was Miss Lizzie Anderson before her marriage to Mr. Shafor
in 1879, passed away in 1892. To that union were born the two daughters
to whom the deepest sympathy of the city is extended.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Henry C. Reed, Civil War Veteran, Passes To Reward
Mr. Reed was born, February 17, 1845 and served in the One Hundred
and Sixty-senenth Regiment of Division G, during the Civil War. One of
his comrades in this regiment was Doctor T. E. Reed, 69 South Main Street.
Mr. Reed and his wife celebrated their golden anniversary, last
March having spent 50 happy years together.
Mr. Reed is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Reed, a sister of the
late Mrs. D. B. Bundy; two daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Duffield of Somerville
and Mrs. Earl Wilson of Sevenmile, two sons, Robert Reed of Trenton and
Bundy Reed of Somerville, also two brothers, Robert C. Reed and James O.
Reed both of Excello.
Mr. Reed's father, Tom Reed, carried the distinction of being the
first male child born in Butler county.
Funeral arrangements will be made later.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Mrs. Sutphin's well preserved health failed the past few weeks
during which time she was confined to her bed, but the end was resigned
and peaceful.
She was born in Alleghany County, Pa., January 25, 1833, and at the
age of two years was brought to what is now the vicinity of Amanda.
With the exception of a few years, her entire life was spent in and
around Middletown and her lasting influence in the community had been
that of a good Christian woman.
Since early in life, Mrs. Sutphin was a Methodist, and was one of
the oldest members of the Broadway M. E. church at the time of her
death. That church is deprived of one of its most consistent members in
the death of Mrs. Sutphin.
Surviving her are one daughter, Mrs. A. C. Diver and C. W. Sutphin,
with whom she made her home. Funeral services will be held there
Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. C. W.Sullivan in charge and
interment will be made in Woodside cemetery.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Body of Mrs. Ruth Vail To Be Buried Here
The message of her death, received here today, contained the
information that the body will be brought to Middletown for burial.
Arrangements for the funeral will be made later.
Mrs. Vail, who was Ruth Alice Crane, of Red Lion before her
marriage into the family that settled Middletown, went west 14 years ago
to make her home with her son. She had been in ill health for several
During the life of this pioneer occurred many of the events that
made early history for Middletown. She saw it grow from a small hamlet
into the properous city she left 14 years ago.
Mrs. Vail was able to record early happenings in the life of the
town with accuracy and during her residence here was considered one of
the most reliable authorities on her husband's distinguished ancestors.
She was the only direct link between the Father of Middletown and the
present day.
Surviving her are two sons Hugh Vail, 705 Fourteenth Avenue, this
city, and Stanley Vail of Salem, Oregon.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Mr. Sebald had been in failing health for the past two years,
suffering from asthma and a lung infection. In search of renewed
health and vigor, he went to Albuquerque, New Mexico, last November,
returning in April somewhat improved though not entirely well. However,
his condition was not deemed serious in the past few weeks. Even last
evening he entertained close friend who called at his home, manifesting
his happiness in his associations in his old time manner.
The end came almost without warning about ten o'clock, said to have
been caused by a sudden attack of heart trouble.
Mr. Sebald had long been connected with leading business interests
of the city, being president of the William Sebald Realty company, where
he had large holdings in business blocks and dwellings throughout the
city and vice president of the William Sebald Brewing company. He was
actively engaged in the interests of both companies and when his health
permitted was faithful in the dispatch of his duties at the offices of
these companies.
Monuments to his business enterprise are the Sebald building at
Central Avenue and Broadway and the Castell building at Central Avenue
and the canal.
As a lodge man, Mr. Sebald was a member of Middleton Lodge 257,
B. P. O. E., Lafayette Lodge37, K. of P. and Middletown Lodge No. 501,
L. O. O. M. He enjoyed the fraternal associations made possible by his
lodge affiliations and was a moving spirit in the activities of all of
Mr. Sebald early in life affiliated himself with St. Paul's
Evangelical Church and was a faithful attendant during the years of his
better health.
He was a quiet unassuming, courteous gentleman, with affable
disposition. He had a keen love of his home and children and was never
happier than when among those he loved best.
Surviving is the faithful widow, who administered to him patiently
and kindly to him during the years of failing health, two daughters,
Mrs. Clayton M. Bailey, 117 Monroe Street, and Miss Charma and one son
Charles, Jr., the latter two residing at home together with little Jack
Ferris, a grandson who has made his home with his grandparents since the
death of his mother five years ago. The little fellow was one of Mr.
Sebald's greatest prides.
Also surviving are three brothers, George C., Ed and William (all of
Middletown) and two sisters, Mrs. G. A. Wilmer, of Middletown and Mrs.
Edward Reinart of Columbus.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
The deceased married Miss Marion Morgan of Buffalo, and brought her
to Middletown and built for their home the handsome house on South
Main Street, where they lived with their daughter Gertrude until she
married and moved to Buffalo. A few years ago Mr. Leibee sold his home
to Mr. George Verity together with the large and beautiful body of land
surrounding it, when he and his wife moved to Buffalo where he secured
another home near his daughter, Gertrude.
Mr. Leibee was a public spirited man and promoted every measure and
movement looking toward the advancement of the city of his birth; a
Republican in politics, a Presbyterian in his church relations; a
devoted husband, a thoughtful and indulgent father, a faithful friend
and a man of the highest integrity and by his personality winning a wide
circle of friends in Middletown.
Loving his home town he wished to be buried in Woodside cemetery on
the family lot where lies his father and mother, here he will be buried
on Thursday afternoon, December 6, 1924. The Big Four train arriving at
Middletown about 10 o'clock a.m. will bring family and the casket where
in sleeps our fellow-citizen. The friends of the deceased will meet at
the home of E. L. McCally on South Main Street at 2:30 o'clock in the
afternoon of Thursday, December 6, 1924, for the funeral services to be
conducted by Rev. Dr. Simonson of the Presbyterian church.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Mrs. Flenner was a native of Middletown, born in 1867, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunckle. In her younger days she was not only a
leader in social circles but was recognized as an outstanding musician
and a great lover of art.
Her father Charles F. Gunckle is remembered as a prominent business
man and later banker, being one of the organizers of the former
Merchants National Bank, which institution he served as president. In
later years he organized the Gunckle Banking Company.
Mrs. Flenner's mother, who before her marriage was Miss Ida Vail,
was the daughter of Hugh Vail and a grandaughter of Stephen Vail, one of
the earliest settlers of the Miami Valley who laid out the city of
Middletown. Mrs. Flenner became acquainted with her husband, Edgar
Flenner, who also claimed the distinction of being a member of a Butler
County pioneer family, while he was employed as assistant cashier of the
Merchants bank when her father was the president. They soon married,
lived here a few years and then moved to Wheaton, Illinois, where Flenner had
accepted a position with a large railroad company. He died suddenly a
few years later and Mrs. Flenner moved to Chicago where she developed
her love for art by becoming an interior designer and decorator.
Foreseeing the possibilities of developing her talent along this
line, farther west, she later removed to Pasedena, California. This was
about 15 years ago. Her ability gained rapid recognition and her
services were soon in steady demand. One of the outstanding monuments
in Pasedena to her talents in interior decorating of the Doheny Building
of 65 rooms, erected by the son of the once internationally known oil
king by that name.
Mr. Flenner's husband, who was a close friend, a chum in fact of
B. F. Harwitz, Middletown attorney, was a member of the family after
which Flenner's Corner, near the former Butler County Country Club -- now
the property of Hamilton, Ohio Elks -- was named. He was recognized as a
most outstanding young man. Prior to coming to Middletown, he served as
a time as a deputy clerk at the Hamilton court house.
With the exception of Miss Genevieve Gunckle, of 206 South Broad
Street, a niece, Mrs. Flenner has no relatives in Middletown. Details
other than that the body will be returned to Middletown for burial,
have not been received by Miss Gunckle or friends here.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Funeral Services for President of Loan Company to Be Friday
Death closed the life of this Butler County nonegenarian and highly
respected citizen of Middletown for the last three decades, whose
vigorous condition until 10 weeks ago was considered remarkable by his
family and friends.
With the enthusiasm of one many years younger than he, Mr. Sinkey
enjoyed life to the fullest and took an active interest in personal and
community affairs. Ten weeks ago he became confined to his room but it
was only recently that he would consent to remain in bed.
Refusing to be slowed by his advanced age and several obstacles
thrown in his path, Mr. Sinkey courageously surmounted difficulties and
lived a long, full life. His first sorrow was the death of his wife
nine years ago, soon after the couple celebrated their fiftieth wedding
Since that time he had been in the care of his only daughter, Mrs.
Frank Forbes, who made her home at the Sinkey homestead for years. Two
years ago after he suffered a broken arm , he accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Forbes on a trip south and last year enjoyed the World's Fair in Chicago
with them.
Mr. Sinkey was born at North Excello, a son of Daniel and Mary
VanSickle Sinkey. He was descended paternally from an old family that
figured prominently in the early history of Pennsylvania. He grew up in
the manner of the majority of country bays and his early experiences
were identified with the rugged duties of farm life. It was this early
training that eventually made him one of the prominent short-horn cattle
owners in Butler County.
He raised the short-horn species and the finest breed of hogs,
shipping them on an extensive scale and exhibiting them at county and
state fairs. It was common for him to capture premiums for his cattle
and to him much of the credit of improving livestock in Lemon Township
is due.
On coming to Middletown in 1902, he intended to retire leisurely
and enjoy the fruits of his life's work, but Mr. Sinkey was much too
prominent to fall out of public eye. In 1913 he was elected president
of the Middletown Collateral Loan Company, which office he held at the
time of death.
He was always interested in affairs of county and township, served
as real estate appraiser and was assistant appraiser of Lemon Township at
different times.
A loyal Democrat, that party always received his earnest support.
He took his duties at the polls earnestly and was always an early voter.
The late Mrs. Sinkey was Miss Mary Shafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Shafer. On the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Sinkey, the young
couple moved to the Shafor farm from which the elder Shafer had retired
and it was there that Mr. Sinkey made his success as a farmer and cattle
His church affliliations was with the First Baptist congregation
which he served as trustee for many years. When the Baptist Mission of
Amanda was getting its start, he became its superintendent and remained
interested in its progress.
Surviving Mr. Sinkey are the one daughter, Mrs. Frank Forbes, two
grandchildren, Mrs. Russell Lefferson and Marc S. Vail, three great
grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Jennie Ockenden, of Springfield, Ohio.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at three o'clock at
the late residence. The Rev. Franklin A. Stiles will officiate. Burial
will take place in Woodside cemetery.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Elderly Woman Succumbs At Home Of Daughter, Mrs. A. C. Rempe
A member of the pioneer Becker family of this district, Mrs. Root
was born near Germantown. However, most of her life was spent in
Middletown. She was the widow of Jacob Root, a well known contractor.
A member of the United Brethren Church, Mrs. Root was active in its
interests when health permitted. Her only other interest was her home
and family. Besides the daughter, Mrs. Root is survived by the
following children: Landis Root, Mrs. Chalmers Brewer, George Root, Jacob
Root, Mrs. Clyde Combs, all of Middletown; Mrs. Joseph Vandette, of
Clayton, N.Y., Mrs. Frank Comstock, of Miamisburg, 29 grandchildren and
16 great grandchildren.
Charles Root was notified Saturday of the gravity of his mother's
condition at Pittsburg and he came here immediately, arriving at 2:30
A.M. Sunday.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 P.M. at the United Brethren
Church. Burial will be made in Middletown Cemetery, beside the body of
her husband.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Funeral Services To Be Held From Residence Monday Afternoon
Since the accident, the aged veteran had lain in a coma and died
Friday night at 11 o'clock without regaiing consciousness.
No broken bones were suffered, death resulting from shock.
Realizing that death was imminent, his family gathered for the end, his
son John G. Long of Rankin, Texas, arriving only hours before his
death. Mrs. Fannie Stephenson, of Chillicothe, and Mrs. Letha Wilson,
of Seven Mile, also were present at his bedside.
Although the Longs lived to celebrate their sixty-sixth wedding
anniversary, their romance extended much farther than that time. They
had been boy and girl sweethearts and their marriage October 14, 1868
was the culmination of a romance that dated back as far as both could
The couple was married on the old Snively farm in Wayne Township.
Before her marriage Mrs. Long was Marie Snively and her husband was her
neighbor, whose farm adjoined that of the Snivelys. Living a life of
contentment and supreme happiness, they were given the glorious
privilege of long wedlock.
Mr. Long was one of only three living Civil War veterans in
Middletown, his generally good condition giving his family and friends
reason to believe he would live for some time. It was thought until a
few days ago when he suffered injuries in the fall that he would live to
see the century mark.
Mr. Long was a member of Wetzel-Compton Post No.96, G.A.R. at
Hamilton, at one time having served as its commander. At all reunions
of Vicksburg Circle, G.A.R. of Middletown, he and Mrs. Long were unique
figures. They were the last surviving couple of the Civil War and held
a place of distinction for that reason. War times were in the distant
past to Mr. Long, so much alive was he to the trend of the times and
current happenings.
He was interested in community, national and world progress and
viewed with passive enthusiasm the transitions that were ever taking
place around him. A constant reader, he kept informed on world events
and scarcely a day passed that he was not downtown attending to some
affair of his own on his home.
Mr. Long was affiliated with all the Masonic bodies. He was one of
the best known Masons in Butler County, having served as past commander
of Hamilton Commandary, 41, Knights Templar.
Six years ago he was presented with a silver loving cup by members
of Jefferson Lodge No. 90, Fraternal Order of Masons, for having
completed his sixty-second year in the organization.
In the affairs of the Butler county Shrine his name was one of five
mentioned, and the lodge derived benefit from his long experience in
lodge work. Mr. Long was the first member of the first class Syrian
Temple, Noble Mystic Shrine.
Since coming to Middletown from Hamilton 10 years ago, the Longs had
taken an active interest in this city which in turn regarded them as one
of its most highly-respected venerable couples. Their life was not
entirely centered in the immediately environs of their home and intimate
friends. They had traveled extensively, their tours taking them to
European countries, the West Indies and nearly every prominent point on
the American continent.
In addition to the widow, two daughters and one son, three
grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren survive.
Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at two o'clock at the
late residence. Dr. O. M. Gordon, pastor of the First Prebyterian Church,
will officiate. Mr. Long was a life-long Presbyterian. Burial will be
in Miltonville Cemetery.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Mr. Pressler moved to California from here four years ago. He was a
field director of the Fraternal Order of Eagles for two years and had
been secretary of the local Eagles Lodge, retiring in 1943. He also was
a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Before moving to California, he was employed by the Armco Steel
Corporation in the personnel department for 17 years.
Survivors include the widow Genevieve; two sons, Earl David and
Frank; a daughter, Trudy; four sisters, Mrs. Edwin Zickgraf, Mrs. Wade
Egelston, Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. Victor McGuire, all of Middletown;
three brothers, Russell, Carlton, and Charles all of this city.
Funeral arrangements at the McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home are
Those who wish to contribute an obituary, death card, or newspaper article
to this page are encouraged to e-mail it to David J. Endres.*Go Back to the Southwest Butler County Genealogical Society Main Page*
This site was created by David J. Endres. Those with questions, comments, or additional information are encouraged to contact the compiler.
This site was created on August 12, 1998.