Table of Contents
F. W. ENGLE Obituary
Dr. Orrillus M. CORSON Obituary
Mamie HUFF Obituary
Jacob STORK Obituary
E. Flander DUFF Obituary
Mary E. COLES Obituary
Charles Edward COYLE Obituary
Leonidas H. BUTLER Obituary
Miss Sarah E. DICKEY Obituary
E. C. WOODWARD Obituary
Mrs. Carrie WOODWARD Obituary
Mark Albert THOMAS Obituary
Pearl Pressler ASHWORTH Obituary
Mary PRESSLER Obituary
F. W. Engle, 69, former Butler County Treasurer and ardent worker in
the Democrat party, died at 9:45 A.M. Sunday at the Engle homestead on
South Dixie Highway.
Dr. Orrillus M. Corson, 78, one of the oldest members of the medical
profession in Middletown, died at the Middletown hospital at 5:40
o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Giving birth to a daughter one week previous, Mrs. Mamie Huff, 25,
wife of Warren Huff, of 20 North Leibee Street died Sunday morning at
3:30 o'clock.
Jacob Stork, 56, employee of the Sorg Paper Mill for 25 years, died
suddenly today at 8:15 a.m. of a heart attack at his residence, 1019
Elwood Street. He had started to work , but became ill on the way and
returned home, where he died a few minutes later.
E. Flander Duff, 97, who quit farming in his twenties to join the
Union Army of the Civil War, died at the home of his son Garfield Duff,
of Blue Ball Pike, Monday night. He had been failing rapidly the past
few months and death was not unexpected.
Funeral services will be held here Wednesday for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
Coles, member of a pioneer Middletown family, who died Sunday at 9:30
p.m. at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati.
Charles Edward Coyle, 30, of this city died Thursday in a hospital
in Detroit, Michigan, and his body brought to this city for burial
today. Coyle succumbed to pneumonia from which he had been suffering
the last ten days and his death was a severe shock to countless friends
in this community.
Leonidas H. Butler, 94, who for years held the honor of oldest
living person born in Middletown, died Saturday afternoon at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. C. B. Palmer, of Van Nuys, Cal., according to
information received by Mrs. Gloria Palmer of the Blue Ball Pike,
another daughter.
Miss Sarah E. Dickey, 87, last representative of the first settlers
of Amanda who were also among the first inhabitants of this vicinity,
died Friday morning at 12:30 o'clock at the Home for Incurables, Walnut
Hills, Cincinnati.
E. C. Woodward, prominent paper mill executive, deeply religious and
refined citzen of Middletown for more than half a century, died Thursday
at 8:12 a.m. at his residence, 301 South Main Street.
Services for Mrs. Carrie Thomas Woodward, 85, member of one of
Middletown's prominent families, who died Friday at her residence, 215
South Main St. were conducted today at 3:30 p.m. at the residence.
Burial was in the Woodside Cemetery with the Russell Galloway
Mark Albert Thomas, retired Middletown and industrialist and member
of a pioneer Miami Valley family, died at 4:20 a.m. today at his home
on Route 25.
Mrs. Pearl Pressler Ashworth, 77, of 2012 Central Avenue, passed
away at 9:07 a.m. Sunday in Middletown Hospital.
A stroke of paralysis July 8 resulted in the death of Mrs. Mary
Pressler, 85, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.A. Ashworth of 2012
Central Avenue. Mrs. Pressler died Thursday night at six o'clock.
� 1998, 1999, 2000 by David J. Endres
This site was updated 15 May 2000.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
F. W. Engle, 69, Active Democrat, Served As Treasurer in 1913
Heart disease, which removed him from business circles in recent
years, was responsible for his death. He had been in serious condition
since last summer.
As did his parents before him Mr. Engle died at the family home at
Engleside, where he was born and spent all of his life. His mother, Ida
Ryerson before her marriage to Henry Erwin Engle, also was born in the
old residence.
For several generations the Engles were the leading family of that
locality, their home for many years being the only connecting link
between Excello and Amanda. Frederick William Engle received his
education at the Amanda school. His mother too attended this school.
Taking an active and respected place in Democratic affairs of the
county, he became deputy treasurer in 1901, serving four years under his
father, four years under John Sommer and four years under Harry Long.
So ably did he execute the duties of his office, he was elected
treasurer in 1913, serving until 1917.
After retiring from public office, he was engaged with his brother,
H. R. Engle, in the foundry business at Trenton until two years ago.
A man of quiet manner but agressive nature, he enjoyed success in
his career and contentment in the circle of friends he held in his
neighborhood since boyhood.
Surviving him are the widow, Ella Engle, who was Ella Purcel prior
to her marriage; one son, Robert Engle, a grandaughter, Martha Ryerson
Engle; one brother, H. R. Engle, who was his neighbor; two nieces, Mrs.
E. F. Harding of Washington, D.C., and Miss Adelaide Engle, and two
nephews, Harold Hood, of White Salmon, Washington and Robert Hood, of
California. The funeral will be held at the residence at 3 P.M. Tuesday.
Burial will be in Woodside Cemetery.
The Rev. A.L. Kenyon of the Episcopal Church of Ascension, will
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Retired Physician Dies at Middletown Hospital, Thursday
Death was the result of a fall at his home 9 Kenwood Drive, on the
Fourth of July. A slight stroke from the shock of the fall hastened the
Dr. Corson had been in somewhat frail condition for several years.
Nine years ago he retired from active practice of the profession in
which he was a leader for half a century.
His office and his home at First Avenue and Main Street was removed
a few years ago, when the Standard Oil was erected on that site. Upon
demolishment of the Corson home, Mr. Corson removed from the locality to
which virtually all of Middletown had gone for medical aid at some time.
He was one of the most prominent physicians in this section and his
practise extended into other communities. The present locality of the
Corson home was all farm lands some distance removed from Middletown
when Mr. Corson's success was at its height. He served patients on
those farmlands many years, making many emergency calls into that and
other parts of the city which were then countryside adjacent not much
farther than the Miami and Erie canal. With the growth of Middletown,
the practise of Dr. Corson grew and his services were in demand up to
the time of his retirement.
Prior to practicing in Middletown he was a physician in Trenton
until 1878.
Dr. Corson was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Corson.
Eaton was his birthplace February 6, 1852.
He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Marie Corson; three sons, Orville,
building and plumbing inspector; Daniel, of Middletown and Lester of
Dayton, five grandchildren and one nephew.
Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the
late residence. The body will be interred in Woodside cemetery.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Private Funeral Service To Be Held Tuesday Morning
Scarlet fever and other complications followed the birth of the
child and it was while the young mother was being removed to Middletown
Hospital as a last resort to save her life that death occured.
The condition of Mrs. Huff during the week had marred the joy of her
last born, the family for days keeping constant vigil at her bedside.
Born in Middletown, Mrs. Huff was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas LaFayette, well known residents of this city. She received her
education here and was regarded as a lovable young woman and an ideal
Two weeks ago Mrs. Huff's aunt, Mrs. Charles LaFayette died, the
double sorrow in the family making her death more acute.
Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom LaFayette, and her husband,
Warren Huff, she leaves four children, Barbara, Warren, Jr., Joanne and
the one-week-old baby, Gloria Jeanne; one sister, Mrs. Irene Verdady, of
Cincinnati, and tree brothers, Gilbert, Gordon and Tom LaFayette, of
Private funeral services will be held at the Baker funeral home
Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Burial will be made in Woodside
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
He was a veteran of World War I, having served as a corporal in
Company A, 335th Machine Battalion. He was a former member of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Eagles Lodge.
He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Stork, with whom he lived; a
brother Jim and six sisters, Mrs. Major Long of Manhattan Beach, Calif.,
Mrs. Ed Neumann, Mrs. Margaret Caldwell, Mrs. William Burnett and Mrs.
William Lickert, all of Middletown and Mrs. Albert Seamon of Alpena,
Services will be conducted Monday at 2:30 p.m. at the Joseph R.
Baker and Son Funeral Home with the Rev. H. H. Jung officiating.
Friends may call at the funeral home after noon Saturday.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
E. Flander Duff Dies At Home Of Son
A farmer by vocation, Mr. Duff, followed his father at the trade in
the state of Virginia, later moving to Kentucky after the war.
Upon retiring 16 years ago, he came here to make his home with his
son who survives with 10 other children, Courtney, Edward, Guy, Buford,
Harrison and Tom Duff, Mrs. May Dunaway and Mrs. June Meeks, of this
city, Sam and John Duff, of Campton, Ky., and 43 grandchildren.
A member of the Methodist Church of Campton, Ky., he joined the
Nazarene Church upon coming to Middletown. The Rev. Charles Henderson
will conduct the funeral Thursday at 2:30 P.M. at the church. Burial
will be in Woodside Cemetery.
The body will remain at the Baker Funeral Home until time for the
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Mrs. Coles, who was prominent in the city's life for many years and
operated a store on Baltimore St., had lived with a daughter, Miss
Frances Coles, Phelps Apartments, Cincinnati for the past few years.
A resident of the city most of her life, she was the widow of
Charles J. Coles who was prominent in business here a number of years
ago. Mr. Coles was associated with the old Emil Rathman furniture
store. Coles Road, Middletown's eastern connection with Route 25, was
named after his great grandfather.
She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Elsie Rosselot of Monroe,
Sister Fidelia of Xenia, Ohio, Mrs. E. M. Rupp of Columbus, Miss Coles of
Cincinnati, and Mrs. L. R. Horn of Albequerque, N.M. and three sisters,
Mrs. William Nilan, Mrs. O. C. Lamphier and Miss Edith Bergen, all of
Friends may call at the home of Miss Bergen, 112 Clark St. until
time for the funeral tomorrow. Services will be held at 9 a.m. at the
Holy Trinity Church with interment in Woodside Cemetery. The Joseph R.
Baker and Sons Funeral home is in charge of arrangements.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
The body upon arrival in this city was taken to the home of the
father, James Coyle, 405 Sutphin Avenue. He is survived by four
brothers, James, David, Paul and Emmett, and two sisters Mrs. Lucy
Robuck and Mrs Mary Fargo.
The funeral services will be held on Monday morning at nine o'clock
at Holy Trinity Church and burial will be made at Woodside.
Coyle served in France for eighteen months during the World War and
was gassed. On his return to this city he spent some time under the
care of a physician and later went to the Dayton hospital. He was an
honorary member of Middletown Post of the American Legion,which will
conduct a military funeral for him.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Butler, who went west seven years ago with the Palmers, and had
been active physically and mentally until a few weeks ago. Despite his
advanced years he did not suffer infirmities of age until recently.
When he removed to California with the Palmers, he accompanied them by
automobile and apparently suffered none from the long journey.
Butler was born in a little cottage at First and Curtis Street,
January 9, 1842, the son of James and Naomi Butler. That house was
removed to make way for the Middletown Public Library which now stands
on that site and is shaded by the same trees that protected his
His grandfather came to this country with Lord Baltimore, a story
with which he was familiar and liked to narrate in the manner which it
was given to him by his parents. His parents were contemporaries of
the Vails and Deardorfs who made Middletown History.
Learning the trade of papermaker, their son worked in some of the
older paper concerns of Middletown, several of which are no longer in
He served in the Civil War with the 35th Ohio Regiment and was said
to be the last survivor of that outfit.
He was a member of the Middletown Odd Fellows Lodge and served as
steward in the Broadway M.E. Church for more than 50 years. Mrs.
Butler, the former Mary McAdams, died 25 years ago.
Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. C. B. Palmer, Mrs. Gideon
Palmer, three sons, Harry and Fred Butler of Elma, Wash., Alfred A.
Butler, of Los Angelos, 10 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
Arrangements for the funeral are incomplete.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Decedant Was Member Of One Of The Pioneer Families of Amanda And Well Known
Miss Dickey, who had been confined at that institution for the last
14 years, had formerly made her home with her nephew, F. M. Gillen, of
210 Monroe Street.
Born in Amanda, June 3, 1848, Miss Dickey was the daughter of Samuel
and Karen Kappuck Dickey. Her parents died more than a half century
ago, but in her retentive mind remained stories of the pioneers of
Middletown and Amanda whom her parents knew personally.
Samuel Dickey owned the first flour mill in Amanda, his industry
being a contribution to the growth of the little village. When he moved
to Amanda, at the age of 14 years, there were only about a dozen
inhabitants in Middletown history records.
Miss Dickey belonged to that group which made the Methodist Church
at Amanda a popular center for young people. It was the Dickey family
which poured inumerable incidents into the early history of Amanda and
supported its early institutions.
"Aunt Sally," by which name Miss Dickey was known throughout the
community, was beloved and always remained an interesting character to
Services will be held at the home where she died Saturday afternoon
at one o'clock. The body will be brought to the Amanda Cemetery for
burial with other members of her family on the Dickey family lot.
Burial will be made at three o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Was Retired Secretary-Treasurer, Wardlow-Thomas Paper Firm
Death brought peace from suffering of five months which he endured
with the patience and courage that marked his entire life, and with the
strong faith of a Christian. His widow, Mrs. Carrie Woodward and son
Thomas C. Woodward of Coral Gables, Fla., who has been with his father
through his long siege, were at the bedside when the end came.
Mrs. Ewing R. Philbin, his daughter, of Long Island, N.Y., who made
several trips to Middletown during his illness, will arrive Friday.
Death had seemed imminent many times since January last, when the
patient left duty as secretary treasurer of the Wardlow-Thomas Paper
Company, and on each sound of alarm the family gathered. A host of
friends had long sorrowed over his lingering illnesswhich cut him off
from a varied and active career.
In the death of E. C. Woodward, Middletown loses an estimable citizen
and the paper industry one of its competent officers. Few in the city
were held in higher regard nor considered more successful in business.
His career was not spectacular or adventurous. His life was devoted to
sane ways and sound values, both in business and private pursuits.
Edwin Ruthven Campbell Woodward dropped the double name early in life
and became plain "E. C." or "Ed" to those who admired and respected him.
He was the son of Samuel Beauchamp and Mary Campbell Woodward, whose
ancestry is written indelibly in the early history of Ohio and the Miami
Valley. He was the third generation to bear the distinguished name of
Campbell which so greatly affected the development of Ohio.
A first cousin of Governor James F. Campbell, Woodward was also the
grandson of Samuel and Mary Small Campbell, of Franklin, whose names are
still prominently mentioned when reference is made to the annals of the
Presbyterian Church in this section of the state. They emigrated to
America from Scotland.
His paternal grandparents Joseph and Mary Beauchamp Woodward were
devout Methodists and established the Methodist Church in Southern
Ohio. Joseph and Mary Beauchamp Woodward were of English origin.
Of sturdy Scotch-English extraction, his death is the first to occur
in the immediate family of three sisters and one brother. It is still
remembered that Mary Small Campbell, his maternal grandmother, celebrated
her one hundreth birthdayat the home of his parents, dying at the age of
101 years.
Woodward's father was a power in politics of the Miami Valley,
having personally known such eminent men as Thomas Corwin of Lebanon and
Governor Foraker. His uncle L.B. Campbell of Hamilton, was congressman
from this district for 30 years.
It was his father's influence that gave E. C. Woodward his first
start in business as a member of the banking firm at Lebanon. It was
his friendship with Thomas Corbin that furthered his acquaintance. The
next step in his career was at the old First National Bank of Middletown
where honesty, study and acumen served the institution and its patrons.
He then went to the Wilson-McCallay Paper Company.
His knowledge and sound judgement attracted the attention of the
late J. K. Thomas, father of Mrs. Woodward, and one of the city's
pioneers in the paper industry. He invited him to join the firm of
Wardlow-Thomas Paper Company, of which Thomas was one of the founders.
Woodward remained with the concern until his last illness.
Woodward also was a director in the Raymond Bag Company and was an
affilate of the Lawrence Bag Company.
Like his ancestors before him, he was cut upon a fine Christian
pattern and was an influence in the First Presbyterian Church of
Middletown. In former years he was a deacon of that congregation.
A scholarly person, Woodward showed his interest in the furthering
of education in Middletown by a long term of service on the Middletown
Board of Education. During his tenure, Middletown's first high school
was built at Central Avenue and Clark Street, the present city
building. He retired from the board, shortly after completion of the
Despite these varied activities, Woodward found time for recreatrion
and either promoted or staunchly supported movements to give
Middletonians wholesome recreation. He was a charter member of the old
Boat Club, Middletown's first country club, and helped select the site
north of the city which stands today. Golf was one of his chief hobbies which he followed as an early
member of the Butler County Country Club and Verity Golf Club.
Many of the older residents of the city remember Woodward as an
expert high bicycle rider, now a lost art. He was instumental in many
others taking up bicycle riding in his earlier years, long before
automobiles were known and when high bicycles and fine horses frequented
the dusty roads. He was a member of the Middletown Lodge of Elk and always one of its
substantial supporters.
His long life was full of service and satisfaction to himself in a
life well lived. The following quotation from Maccabeus fully describes
him as follows "and thus this man died, leaving his death for an example
of a noble courage, and a memorial of virtue, not only unto young men,
but unto all his nation."
Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Carrie Woodward, one daughter, Mrs.
Ewing R. Philbin, of Long Island, N.Y., one son Thomas Campbell Woodward
of Coral Gables, Fla., three grandchildren, Thomas Campbell Woodward,
Jr., Ewing R. Philbin, Jr., Caroline L. Philbin, three sisters, Mrs.
Clarence Harding, Misses Minnie and Mae Woodward of Franklin, two
nephews, Colonel Edwin Forest Harding of the United States Army and
editor of the Infantry Journal at Washington, D.C. and Judge Justin
Harding, until recently of Alaska.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Pallbearers were E. Forrest Harding of Franklin, Charles R. Hook,
R. C. Todd, Douglas Robbins, Robert Lukens and Ross Snyder.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Mr. Thomas was president of the Wardlow-Thomas Pper Company here
until his retirement in 1944, when he sold his interests to the Philip
Carey Company of Cincinnati. It later was purchased by the Prairie
States Paper Company, but now is operated by the Owens-Illinois Glass
Born in Hamilton, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Thomas, Mr.
Thomas came with his family to Middletown when he was a year old. His
father founder, of Wardlow-Thomas Company, established the family at
Yankee Road and Main Street.
Mr. Thomas became president of the company upon the death of his
father in 1906. The firm produced rope paper, wadding for shotguns and
a waterproof lining for flour sacks. Until 1936 it was the only mill
producing shotgun wadding, and all of its products found a ready market
through a Cincinnati distributor.
Educated in Middletown schools, Mr. Thomas attended Kenyon College,
then entered business with his father. He became expert in the paper
business and his knowledge was widely sought after. In addition to his own plant, he took an active interest in the Raymond Bag Company, and at the time of his death was serving as
vice-president and director.
He was one of the organizers of the Raymond Bag Company when it was
purchased in Cincinnati and moved to Middletown in 1910. He was also an
organizer of the Advance Bag Company with the late James Lawrence,
before the turn of the century. They later sold their interests to the
late Col. M. W. Renick, and the firm now known as the Southern Advance Bag
Company is located in Louisiana and is one of the large companies in the
He also was director of the Ogelsby-Barnitz Bank and Trust Company,
and for many years he was a financial advisor of the First Presbyterian
church and one of its trustees. In his early years he was active in the Elks Lodge.
Since retirement he has devoted himself to his farming interests on
Route 25, one of the oldest in this vicinity. The home was built in
1811 and Mr. Thomas was the third owner.
Mr. Thomas had been in failing health for more than a year, but his
condition did not become critical until a week ago.
Friends may call at the residence after 8 p.m. tonight, and after 4
p.m. Thursday. Elks services will be held Thursday night.
Funeral services will be held at the First Presbyterian Church at 2
p.m. Friday. Burial will be in the family lot at Woodside Cemetery.
Surviving him are one daughter, Mrs. Margaret Crane of South Main
Street; two sisters Mrs. M. T. Barnitz and Mrs. C. E. Woodward, of the
family residence, four grandchildren, William Crane of Huntington, Long
Island, Mrs. William Crawford, Mrs. James Martindale, and Mrs. Ames
Gardner, all of Middletown.
Honorary pallbeares at the funeral service will be Ed Frisch,
Richard Dowling, E. T. Gardner, David E. Harlan, Charles E. Aull, Nathan
Long and Frank Carlry.
Active Pallbearers will be Walter P. Lawrence, John Roche, Russell
Weatherwax, Colin Gardner, Sr., Robert B. Gardner, George Brown and
Everett Bake of Monroe.
Wilson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
She was the widow of the late August Ashworth, founder of the
Ashworth Coal Co., and was a member of the Highland Missionary Society,
Order of the Eastern Star and Philaethia Society.
She is survived by one son Robert of Middletown; three daughters,
Mrs. Nellie Leasure and Miss Elizabeth Ashworth of Middletown and Mrs.
Esther Stevens of Steubenville; a sister Mrs. Grove Tubee of Columbus
and five grandchildren.
The family will receive friends at the McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home
from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
Services will be conducted at the funeral home at 2 p.m. Wednesday
with the Rev. John I. Parr officiating. Interment will be in Woodside
Submitted by Carolyn Lacey
Former Resident of Franklin To Be Buried Saturday
Coming here a short time ago from Franklin, her life-long residence,
to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Pressler was suddenly stricken
with paralysis. Her health up to that time was believed to have been
On frequent visits to Middletown in years gone by, Mrs. Pressler
made a great number of friends here.
She was an active member of the Baptist Church of Franklin for many
Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Rose Trubee of Columbus and Mrs.
Ashworth, this city.
Funeral services will be held at the Unglesby Funeral Home of
Franklin, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. Willis S. Webb,
of the First Baptist Church of Franklin, will officiate. Burial will
take place in Woodhill Cemetery, Franklin.
Those who wish to contribute an obituary, death card, or newspaper article
to this page are encouraged to e-mail it to David J. Endres.*Go Back to the Southwest Butler County Genealogical Society Main Page*
This site was created by David J. Endres. Those with questions, comments, or additional information are encouraged to contact the compiler.
This site was created on August 12, 1998.