January 24, 1913 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
Page updated by Carolyn S. Rosemore 13 Nov 2003
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Professional Cards
Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Office on block west and one block north of the depot.
Office over Collins' Drug Store. Phone No. Main 16.. Calls answered day or night.

Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.
Double service for single day. Two percent charged for first $509; over that amount one percent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge will be made.
Phone Green 143, St. Lawrence, S.D.

The following beautiful tribute was sent from Illinois by her former Sunday school class:

Lewiston, Ill., Jan. 13, 1913.
Mr. O.H. Arends and Sons,
St. Lawrence, S. Dak.

Dear Friends:

The sad news of Pearl's death came to us. I am writing you in behalf of the Sunday School of the Christian Church to express to you our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of one who has been dear to us all.

While Pearl was with us here her sweet life was an inspiration to us all, for as the Superintendent said this morning to know her was to love her.

The influence of her life shall continue to be a blessing in Lewiston.

And while life may never seem the same without her, and tho' it is hard to bear yet we can rejoice that she has gone to be with that dear mother and that they together are waiting to welcome us all to that home which the Savior has gone to prepare.

May the Heavenly Father be very near to you in these days.

Yours in love,
Bertha Huges, Sec'y.

When the words flashed over the town that Miss Pearl Arends had been accidentally killed last week, Thursday nite, it affected our citizens as would a flash of lightning from a clear sky. She had spent Christmas here at home and returned to Vayland on the early morning passenger the following Monday to resume her duties as teacher at the Marshall school, 3 miles southeast of the above-mentioned place.  A few days later she wrote her father that she would be home again Friday of last week.

On Wednesday night she and her pupils spent the evening at the Davis home, and while there planned to spend the next evening at the Fisher home. 
She boarded at the Marshall home and, according to arrangements made the evening before, a team of horses was hitched to a double-box wagon with no endgate or rods in in which she and the Marshall children were conveyed to the Davis home, one mile east and one mile south of her school, to take in the Davis children.  As they were leaving this place to turn south---about three rods from the Davis residence---Miss Arends and four of the occupants who were leaning against one side of the wagon were thrown out just as the wagon turned on a slight sloping grade.  The accident took place at about 8 o'clock.

Shortly after being thrown out Miss Arends raised up on her elbow and asked one of her pupils if she were hurt, replied;  "No, teacher;  are you?"  when she fell back with a muffled cry and lapsed into unconsciousness and died in about 27 minutes.  Immediately after the accident she was carried into the house, when it was found a blood vessel had been ruptured on one side of her neck.
Pearl Arends was born in St. Lawrence, S.D., March 26, 1887.  The following spring her parents moved onto a farm 1 1/2 miles northeast of Vayland, where they resided for about one year, and then removed to Illinois.  Two years ago last March she and her father returned to St. Lawrence and made it her home until her death on January 16, 1913.

Deceased is survived by her father, and two brothers, O.K. and Evan Arends, of Ft. Lipton, Colorado, the former having arrived in time to attend the funeral of his sister, accomplanied by his little son.  Other
nearby relatives of the deceased who attended the funeral obsequies were the Otto family from near Vayland.

Funeral services were held in the Methodist church Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. L. Walsh and assisted by Rev. G. Isaac.  The funeral arrangements were in charge of the Rebekah lodge, of which deceased was a charter member, and this is the first death to occur since the order was established here.  She was a faithful member of the Christian church, and also belonged to the Christian Endeavor Society of this place.

The large attendance at the funeral and the profusion of beautiful flowers that covered her casket is silent but eloquent
evidence of the profound esteem and respect in which she was held by all who knew her.

The remains were deposited in a tomb in the cemetery north of town, and later may be taken to Illinois for burial beside those of her mother, who died nearly three years ago.

The bereaved father and brothers have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this community in this their sad hour of affliction.evidence of the profound esteem and respect in which she was held by all who knew her.

The remains were deposited in a tomb in the cemetery north of town, and later may be taken to Illinois for burial beside those of her mother, who died nearly three years ago.

The bereaved father and brothers have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this community in this their sad hour of affliction.
Locals and Personals
Eli Reisland and family moved into the Rollins house this week.

A 10-pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carl Sunday night.

Len Breese and wife are getting settled in their newly purchased cottage this week.

Frank Pitzer shipped two car loads of hogs ans one of cattle to Sioux City, Iowa Tuesday.

A. L. Fritts shipped another car load of stock hogs to Wagner Tuesday.  He went in charge of same.

George Ford, who has been at work on the Great Northern railway in Minnesota, arrived here last Friday forenoon.

Magness Brothers have dated eleven sales this week, and those wishing to have sales should hurry and arrange for dates at once.  (adv.)

The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold a food sale in Fugate's store Saturday, January 25.
[?] Come and buy your Sunday's dinner. (adv.)

After the close of the literary program Tuesday night an organization was perfected and the next meeting will be held on the night of February 4.

Mrs. B. F. Magness and children arrived home from their visit in Illinois and at the home of her parents near Ben Claire, this state, last Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzer went to Madison Tuesday evening for a few days' sojourn on business relative to their newly acquired farm near that city.

[The following 2 paragraphs have a few words missing...I will replace as best as I can, or leave blank space.  csr]
Rev. E. P. Swartout, of Turton, who was pastor here twenty years ago has been engaged to take the place of Rev. J. T. O'Neill, when ---------leaves here, March 1st.  Ree Heights Review.

_______ Greene, of Hiland township departed with his car load of immigrant goods Tuesday enroute to Sumas, Washington, to make his home there.  His family preceeded him a few days.

Mrs. Emil Finder left on last Friday's morning passenger on a visit to relatives at Wagner  Her daughter Edith accompanied her and stopped at Huron to visit with her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Fritts.

Miss Nelia Sorensen of Brookings, who has been visiting at the home of her brother, E. C. Sorenson, and family here and with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Croll and family, of Holden township, for about a month, departed on this morning's train.

R. S. Shephard left Tuesday noon on an extended trip to the west.  He went by way of Omaha
[?] Ogden [?] enroute to Portland, Oregon, where he will visit his cousin, Charles Davis, whom he saw last about 18 years ago.  Later he intends to go by water to San Francisco and southern California points to visit with relations and old friends.  Here's wishing him a safe journey and pleasant time.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Altenow and daughter, Miss Mabel, departed on Tuesday's evening passenger enroute to California by way of Kansas City over the Santa Fe.  They intend to visit with his mother, who is about 84 years old, and who lives in San Diego, and will also sojourn with his brother at Aneheim, adjoining which city Mr. Altenow owns a 20-acre fruit farm.  They will likely be gone until April 1.  Their many friends will wish them a safe journey and a pleasant visit.
Letter from J.C. McVay
[Typed as printed - csr]
Butlerville, Indiana, Jan. 20, 1913.
St. Lawrence News:  Left Huron 9 a.m. on the 9th inst. over the N.W.R.R., via Missouri Valley Junction, for double well-balasted track for Chicago, where we arrived at 9 p.m. Friday.

Left at 2:30 a.m. Saturday over Monon and B. O. for Butlerville, where we arrived at 7 p.m.  Very pleasant trip in very way.  Now ten days here and not a mantel of "soft white snow, " or ice, have we seen.  Typical October weather.  Not so much sunshine by a lot, as in God's country, but gently falling rain---no lightning nor thunder and but little wind and facing it half a mile every day, going to B. gives no sensation of cold whatever.

Blue birds, red birds and others, my neighbors, who live near large belts of timber say, make the welkin ring with springtime songs.

Hastily and regards to you and all my friends in the Land of Sunshine.

Jno. C. McVay
Card of Thanks

Our heartfelt thanks are hereby extended to our many friends who so kindly assisted us in the funeral preparations of our beloved daughter and sister, who was so suddenly taken from us.
O.H.  Arends
O.K. Arends
Evan Arends
For Sale, Lost, Found, Etc.
TAKEN UP:---One gray gelding, one brown gelding, one brown gelding about one year old, one bay mare, taken up on the premises of N. Noble., S.W. 1/2 20, Gilbert Twp., Hand Co., 6 miles north of Vayland, 7 miles east and 4 miles north of St. Lawrence, S.D.  Owner may recover property by proving same and paying costs.
R. E. Noble.

FOR SALE -- A few Holstein heifers  Now is the time to buy.  Enquire of Thos. Croll, St. Lawrence.

FOR SALE -- AAbout 25 pure-bred Rhode Island Red chickens.  Ready for delivery in St. Lawrence about February 1.  Edward Beacom.

FOR SALE -- Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels.  I have 25 that I will sell resonable if taken now. (adv) P. C. Arends.

S. S. Roberts pays the highest market price for cattle and hogs and recives them at any time.  Phone him at St. Lawrence. (adv)

I am prepared to pay the highest market price for cream.  Call and see me next door south of First State bank.
William Wilson.

All persons indebted to the St. Lawrence Lumber Co., either on note or book account, are requested to settle at once.  We have been as lenient as possible during the hard times, but must have our money now.  St. Lawrence Lumber Co.,
C. H. Williams, Mgr.

320 acres in Pearl township.  For further information see T. H. Hall, 2 miles west and 3 1/2 miles south of Vayland.
H. Bayer, owner,  Sioux, Nebraska

All who know themselves indebted to me either by note or account are hereby notified that same have been left with L. T. Jarmuth at First State bank for collection.   F. A. Altenow.
PLANKINTON -- The county auditor has been ordered by the board of county commissioners to advertise for bids for grading the Scenic highway across Aurora county.  The road will strike both White Lake and Plankinton.

MILLER -- Seed corn testing and farmers' institute meetings are receiving the attention of the people along this line.  There is a feeling prevalent that this year will be a good one from an agricultural standpoint.

ROCKHAM -- A boy scouts organization has been formed here with a good membership.  Two patrols, one of large and one of smaller boys, were formed.

WOLSEY -- Fred Willis, while engaged in baling hay, had his foot crushed.  He slipped from a frosty platform and was caught in the machine.
Miller, S.D. Jan 20 -- In going to a party east of St. Lawrence last night, Miss Ahrens, a teacher there, fell from the wagon and died almost instantly.

Pierre, S. D.  Jan.  -. -- The first session of the Sheriffs' Association of South Dakota convened at Pierre this week and the following officers were elected:  President, J. W. Laughlin, Pierre;  vice president, A. W. Phelps, Faulkton;  secretary-treasurer,  C. E. Coyne, Fort Pierre.  The new association will meet annually in the future.

Woonsocket, S. D., Jan.  0. -- At the term of circuit court for Sanborn county, Ray Howard was convicted of perjury and Judge Smith gave him a sentence of three years in the penitentiary.

Otto Lupke also appeared and entered a plea of guilty on the charge of bigamy and received a sentence of one year.  Not being informed on the marriage and divorce laws of the state, Lupke thought he had the privilege of abandoning his wife and taking up with another woman, in which relation he was not molested until his neighbors found out that he had deserted his legal wife.
The couple lived on a farm remote from the neighbors and as few people went there his duplicity had not been discovered.

Harrold, S.D., Jan.  0. -- Harrold is proud of the fact that there has just been established and now is in successful operation the only factory in the west for the manufacture of filler for automobile tires.

F. G. Allen, the real estate man, while in college made a hobby of chemistry, and being an enthusiastic motorist, he, for a long time has been wrestling with that troublesome problem of punctures and blowouts.  He says that he thinks he now has it solved and shows his faith in the matter by organizing a $50,000 company and subscribing for a majority of the stock himself and by giving the only "money back" guarantee to be had with any thing of a similar nature.

Mr. Allen has associated with him in the enterprise C. R. Schultz, a mechanic and automobile man of years of experience.

South Daakota needs more factories and the state in general and Harrold in particular is to be congratulated in the starting of this enterprise which, from the way it is being received by local motorists, bids fair to become an extensive proposition.
Via Chicago and North Western Railway

Daily Pullman sleeping car service is now in effect between Pierre and Huron, S.D., on train leaving Huron 10:20 p.m., arriving at St. Lawrence 11:48 p.m. and on train leaving Pierre 3:35 a.m. arriving St. Lawrence at 6:29 [?] a.m.  Cars may be occupied at Pierre at 9:00 p.m.  For reservations and full particulars apply to ticket agents, Chicago and North Western Ry.  (adv)
C. L. Starr,

Live Stock and Farm Sales a Specialty.

Terms One Per Cent.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Contractor and Builder

All Kinds of
Building & Repairing
Shop and Screen Work A Specialty.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
City Meat Market
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Fish, Game and Oysters in season.
Cash paid for hides

Dray Line


Special Attention Given to All Classes of Work in Our Line.

Phone Number Red 97.
We thank our old customers
For their patronage for the past year and solicit a continuation for the new year. We  invite new accounts and business and guarantee absolute safety combined with satisfactory services. We have Safety Deposit Boxes for rent, and make FARM LOANS on very liberal terms.
First State Bank
St. Lawrence, S.D.
F. D. Green, Pres.
F. A. Altenow, Vice Pres.
L. T. Jarmuth, Cashier
L. Stechmann, Ass't. Cashier
