February 7, 1913 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
Page updated by Carolyn S. Rosemore 14 Nov 2003
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Professional Cards
Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Office on block west and one block north of the depot.
Office over Collins' Drug Store. Phone No. Main 16.. Calls answered day or night.

Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.

Double service for single day. Two percent charged for first $509; over that amount one percent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge will be made.
Phone Green 143, St. Lawrence, S.D.

Locals and Personals
Holden and Vicinity 
Southeast Hand
Public Sale
Trustee 1st ward ............... C. H. Williams
Trustee 2nd ward ......................J.M. King
Trustee 3rd ward .................T.W. Wilson
Treasurer ...............................L.T. Jarmuth
Clerk ................................M.O. Thompson
Assessor .................................J.B. Kintigh
Marshal ...................................P.C. Arends
Street Commissioner .....M.O. Thompson
City Officers 
Charles Fisher, of Holden township, had sales printed at this office for a sale on the 10th of this month.

If you want to buy, sell or trade you will do well to see Frank Pitzer, the land man.

Mr. Ruth of Sioux City, Iowa and Floyd Reeves of Huron College were in town Wednesday on business.

F.A. Abbott bought O.H. Arends cottage and will move the same onto his farm, about 18 miles south of here.

Donald Beals' father of Pearl township was stricken with paralysis last Saturday which not only rendered him helpless but also speechless.

B.F. Magness arrived home Saturday forenoon from Gary, where he had been to buy cattle.  He shipped in two car loads of milch cows and young cattle.

Wessington business men are organizing a commercial club.  Wonder what became of a similar organization which was organized in St. Lawrence a few years ago?

Bre. McNeil, of the Wessington Times-Enterprise, is a candidate for the postoffice at that place.  Here's hoping that he may secure the plum for which he is reaching.

Christ Nelson of York township, who had sale bills printed at this office Tuesday, contemplates making a trip across the Atlantic ocean on a visit to his old home in Denmark.

The attendance at the literary meeting and debate Tuesday was good and the program greatly enjoyed.  The next meeting will be held on the 18th.

W. J. Thompson's sale was held yesterday, six miles north of town.  Mr. Thompson has purchased a farm in Martin county, Minnesota, and will arrange to leave for that state soon after his sale.

Messrs. R.E. Carl and M.D. Harris made a deal a few days ago whereby Mr. Carl secured a half section of land about 4 miles southeast of town and Mr. Harris gets Mr. Carl's town property and a lot of farm machinery.

B.G. Jeffries and family arrived here from Oaktown, Indiana, last Sunday night and will take up their residence again on their farm in York township after an absence of two years.  His son arrived with an emigrant car containing horses, farm implements and household goods yesterday.

A fire in the Pool Hall at Zell last Thursday eveing caused quite a bit of damage, burning out the interior of the building and entirely ruining the pool tables.  The fire was caused by the explosion of a gasoline stove

It was reported at this office lat week that G. E. Thomas of Wheaton, received a badly injured foot and other bruises when his foot caught in the stirrup while he was dismounting from his horse, and was dragged several rods over a plowed field. ---- Rockham Record.

The Royal male quartette was greeted by a packed house Monday night and gave a very delightful program of about one and a half hours' duration.  This was the last number of the winter's course.  The expenditures exceeded the recipts by about $5.00.  A collection was taken which materially reduced the deficit, and no doubt many who were not present will help out on the balance.  These lecture courses are splendid winter entertainment, and all that is expected or hoped for is to break even after expenses are paid.

During the month of February I will hang all grades of paper at 20 cents per bolt. --- F. L. Sedam.  (adv)

Mrs. Hoy of Huron, district superintendent of the Rebekah Lodge, visited the local lodge here Wednesday night.

H. R. Goyke took first premium on his Buff Plymouth Rock chickens which he had on exhibition at the Farmer's Institute in Miller last week.

C.L. Starr cried Walter Williams' sale, 4 miles south and two miles east of here,  Monday, and good prices prevailed.  Cattle especially solld at good figures.

Money to loan on Hand county land at all times.  Rates reasonable.  Prompt settlement.  First State Bank, St. Lawrence, S.D. (adv)

We printed sale bills for Ericson and McMullen, who will hold a sale on February 14, five miles south of Miller.  Mr. Ericson figures on moving to Kansas.

The next number of the C.E. lecture course will not be given until February 14, when Dr. Seaman of Mitchell college, will be present to deliver a lecture.  Do not miss it.  (adv)

O.H. Arends departed Wednesday evening with the remains of his daughter for Lewistown, Illinois, where they will be interred beside those of her mother.  Mr. Arends expected to be gone about two weeks.

Mr. Kirkpatrick writes from Los Angeles that the recent freeze there was not quite as disastrous as it might have been owing to the fact that it warmed up very gradually afterward and seemed to do but little damage to the trees.  He says they suffered a great deal with the unusal cold. ----Wessington Times-Enterprise.
Ben Jacobson was called to attend the funeral of his aged father in southern Iowa.

The surprise party given Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis Friday evening was well attended.

Henry Pietz has rented the M.L. Goyke farm in Holden township and will move onto same about March 1.

A.H. Burlingame made a trip to Miller this past week and brought out a load of coal for the Sunbeam church.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coquillette were in the county seat Friday to attend a wedding of one of their intimate friends.

B.A. Goyke has rented the Henry Biddle farm in York township for the coming season.  Mr. Biddle will remove to Miller.

Mrs. Frank Dynes and mother were hurriedly summoned to Sabula, Iowa, Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dynes' brother.

Thos. Croll recently sold one-half his herd of Holstein heifers, a large bunch going to a party near Faulkton.  Consideration, $90 a head.

Rev. Reynolds, who has been conducting revival meetings in the Congregational church of Sunbeam for the past ten days, has discontinued them.

Roy Hiatt has rented a farm near Vayland for the season of 1913.  Vernon Morris intends to farm all of his father's farm now occupied by Mr. Hiatt.  It is understood that his mother and sister will keep house for him.
Layton, the youngest child of J.H. Greeno of Bates township, is quite ill with acute bonchitis, tho now somewhat better than a few days ago.  For a day or two the issue of the attack seemed doubtful, but now there is fair reason to hope for the boy's early and complete recovery.

Revival meetins are now being held in the Free Methodist church in Bates township.  Rev. Donoghueof Wessington Springs, Rev. Patten of near the same place, and Rev. Cheavers of Wolsey are the clergymen conducting the meetings.  The attendance, while not over-large, is good, most of the participants in the services being regular members of the congregation.  The preachers are earnest in their work and their spirit is heartily shared by most of the regular church members; so while the meetings may be said to be really good, there is but little to relate as to conversions of non-church members.

Mrs. James Posey was taken to Pierre last Saturday to undergo an operation.  The writer has not learned as to the nature of the ailment from which she suffers nor whether the intended surgical treatment has been given.

The mother of Mrs. Laird, who is visiting her daughter and the latters family in northeast Bates township, had a stroke of paralysis Thursday of last week.  Just how grave the ailment may prove is not easy to forecast at this date, but her relatives and their friends think that, at least for a time being, the worst is over and that she will soon be much better.
Vayland Items
James McGuire is shipping hay to Chicago.

Frank Beardsley was a passenger to Redfield Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mikesell were Huron visitors Wednesday evening.

Alonzo Fisher has returned home after spending several weeks in Nebraska.

Harrry Combes has sold his house in town to Andrew Bjerkeset, the section foreman.

Miss Anna Simmons will give a temperance lecture in Vayland Friday evening, February 7th.

Ed Russell and Virgil Gardner were at the opera at Huron Wednesday evening of last week.

Mrs. Harry House, of Wessington, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Borkhuis, Sr.

W. A. Mikesell has opened up a cream buying station in the rear of the hotel building.  His price this week is 30cents.

Question for debate next Saturday night is:  "Resolved that money has caused more trouble than strong drink."  Leading speakers; Martin Wood and Asia Biddle.
Having decided to take a trip across the ocean, the undersigned will sell at public auction, on Sec. 7, York Twp., 6 miles due north of St. Lawrence, S.D.
Monday, Feb. 17, 1913, 10 a.m.

Twenty-five head of horses and mules, one bay and one buckskin mare, both in foal, 5 and 6 years old, weight 1400 and 1500;  two brown mares, in foal, 7 and 11 years old, weight 1300 and 1400;  one brown mare, in foal, 9 years old, weight 1100;  one grey mare, in foal, 5 years old, weight 1000; one bay mare, in foal, 5 years old, weight 800; one pair of black drivers 3 and 4 years old, weight 1000 each; one pair of black mare colts coming 3 years old, weight 1000 and 1250; one pair of black geldings 4 and 9 years old, weight 1300 and 15000; one bay and one grey gelding 7 and 10 years old, weight 1200 and 1300; one grey gelding 8 years old, weight 1800; one bay gelding 14 years old, weight 13000; four last spring colts, two mules 7 and 8, weight 1350; one brown mare colt coming 3, trotting bred, and my sorrel driver "Pat", weight 1200.

Twenty head of cattle -- six first-class milch cows, two fresh now, two fresh soon, and one will be fresh in April; three 3-year-old heifers, fresh in spring; one Shorthorn bull coming 2 years old, two steers 18 months old, five yearling steers and one yearling heifer, and two small calves.

Farm machinery, etc., one McCormick header-binder, good as new, one 11-ft. Superior grain drill, one 8-ft. Canton disc with tongue trucks, one 8-ft. disc without trucks, one 14-in. P. & O. gang plow with pulverizer attachment, good as new, one Deering mower with dropper, good as new, one 20-ft. drag with cart, one 9-ft. grain drill, three single row cultivators, three breaking plows, one bobsled, two triple box wagons, one wagon with header box and one with hay rack, three sets of Concord harness, three sets of farm harness, one set of double breasted harness, one light high seated buggy, some household goods including double iron bed, table, cupboard, and six dining room chairs, 40 to 50 tons of hay in stack, some good brood sows, some chickens and turkeys.
Free lunch served at noon.

Terms of sale:  Sums of $10 and under, cash; on all sums over $10, time will be given to November 1, 1913, purchaser to give approved note bearing interest at the rate of  10 percent per annum: Settlement must be made according to terms of sale before property is removed from the premises.
Christ. Nelson, Owner.
C. L. Starr, Auctioneer.
Geo. Richardson, Clerk.  (adv)

Public Sale
Having purchased land in Minnesota, the undersigned will sell at public auction, on Section. 32 in Holden township, 8 miles north of St. Lawrence, South Dakota,
Wednesday, February 19, 1913,
Beginning at 10 o'clock a.m. sharp, the following described property:

Twelve head of horses as follows:  one span of bay mares, 7 and 8 years old, weight about 1100 lbs. each, one dark grey mare, 3 years old, weight 1100 lbs; one dark grey gelding, 3 years old, weight 1100 lbs.; one black 4-year-old colt, one 2-year-old roan mare, and six yearlings.

Fifteen head of cattle, consisting of 5 good milch cows, all fresh, ages from 4 to 8 years old; 3 yearlings, two heifers and one steer; and six little calves.

Farm machinery, etc., two "Old Hickory" wagons, one McCormick Header, in good running order; one Monitor double-disc drill, nearly new; one 12-in. gang plow, one pulverizer with trucks, one mowing machine, one hay rake, one 24-ft. drag, one cultivator, one header-box on low trucks, one manure cart, four sets of work harness, and other articles too numerous to mention.

Free lunch served at noon.
Terms of Sale:  Sums of $10 and under, cash; on all sums over $10, time will be given to Oct. 1, 1913, purchaser to give approved note bearing interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum.  Settlement must be made according to terms of sale before property is removed from the premises.
R. O. Stone, Owner.
B.F. and J.M. Magness, Auctioneers
L. T. Jarmuth, Clerk.  (adv)
Standing Room Only At Farmers' Institute
Miller, S.D., Feb. 3 ---- Increased seating capacity had to be provided here yesterday to accomodate the large crowds that came to attend the farmers' institute, the sudden drop of the thermometer to 20 degrees below zero in the morning not having kept the people at home. 

The speakers were George Dixon on potato farming;  O. Hull on dry farming and alfalfa;  J. D. Morrison on field crops.  Each topic was received with intense interest.  The exhibits of vegetables, corn, grain, etc., and the display of cooking, sewing and fancy work had increased today until it made a magnificent showing. 

The poultry exhibit also had increased and the lecturers declared that they had never seen any such grand exhibit of fine poultry at any meeting anywhere that they had held.  A special address on poultry in the evening closed the institute, which been a great success.
Ladies' Aid Literary Program

February 5, 1913

Mrs. C. H. Williams entertained the Ladies Aid at her home Wednesday afternoon, at which time the following program was rendered and greatly enjoyed:

Piano solo ................... Mrs. Henry Clegg
Reading ..........................Mrs. W. Wilson
Selected Reading.......... Mrs. Alma Drew
Duet...........Mrs. Roberts & Muriel Pitzer
Recitation .......................Mrs. C. C. Porter
Reading .........................Mrs. C. W. Miller
Vocal solo ......................Mrs. C. McPhail
Selected Reading...Mrs. O. D. Thompson
Piano solo........................Rev. J. L. Walsh
Reading .............................Mrs. C. L. Starr
Vocal solo....................Miss Muriel Pitzer
Selected Reading..........Mrs. R. T. Sedam
Quartette..............Mesdames Thompson,    Wilson, Magness and Williams
Reading......................Mrs. C. E. Sorensen
Piano solo................Miss Bonnie Hoover
Selected Reading..........Mrs. M. D. Harris
Reading.................Mrs. M. O. Thompson
Vocal solo..........................Mrs. Dee Stout
Selected Reading...........Mrs. Frank Pitzer
Selected Reading...........Mrs. Allen Harris
Vocal solo........................Mrs. J. L. Walsh
Reading......................Mrs. B. F. Magness
Piano solo................Miss Klide VanBrunt
Reading........................Mrs. L. T. Jarmuth
Reading...................Mrs. C. H. Williams
Marrige Brings On Tangled Relationship

White Lake, S.D.  Feb. 1----

Nels Sorenson and Mrs. James Hanson, the former a widower and the latter a widow, were the principals in a wedding which had unusual features.

Mrs. Hanson's first husband and Mr. Sorenson's first wife were brother and sister, so that the children of the bride and groom, of whom there are a number, and all quite small, are cousins.

Sorenson will be uncle and stepfather to his bride's children, while the bride will be aunt and stepmother to the children of her new husband by his first wife.

[.....and, what  if the newly weds have 'more' children??-----
This is why genealogists turn grey, and genealogy software gets more complicated. csr] 
