May 16, 1913 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
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VOL. 6.     ST. LAWRENCE, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913.     NO. 35
Professional Cards
Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Office over Collins' Drug Store. Phone No. Main 16.. Calls answered day or night.

Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.
Double service for single day. Two percent charged for first $509; over that amount one percent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge will be made.
Phone Green 143, St. Lawrence, S.D.
Locals and Personals
Notice to Stock Owners.
You are hereby notified to keep your stock from running at large.  If this notice is not complied with the marshal will impound same.
By Order of Village Council.
P.C. Arends, Marshal.

Notice to Clean Up.
Every property holder and renter is hereby notified to clean up his preemises of weeds, trash, etc., by Mary 20, 1913, or same will be done by order of the village council and expense of same taxed against the property.
P.C. Arends, Marshal.
Cover Your Cisterns.
There are a number of cisterns on vacant lots about town which are not properly covered for the safety of the public.  Each owner is requested to see that same is put in safe condition.
By Order of Village Council.
P.C Arends, Marshal.
Meets every Monday night at 8 p.m.
J. L. FLINT,  V.G.
J. L. WALSH, Secretary

Visting brothers always cordially welcome


Meets First and Third Wednesday Evening at 8 o'clock in Odd Fellows Hall.

Visiting brothers and sisters are cordially invited to meet with us.

A. O. U. W.

Meets first and third Thursday of each month

F. A. ALTENOW,  Master Workman
H. CLEGG,  Recorder
G. SMITH,  Financier
Visiting brothers cordially invited.
Meets Second and Fourth Friday of Month.

MRS. M. CLEGG, Financier.
Visiting members are always cordially invited.
Fred Rollins, of Huron was on our streets Monday.

Fred Rose, of Vayland was a St. Lawrence visitor Tuesday.

The misses Myrtle and Annie Clegg's schools closed Tuesday.

A goodly delegation of Miller's citizens were over last Friday night and attended the class play.

The fine, gentle rains this week are just the thing to make wheat stool, trees come out in full leaf, and grass to grow.

Prof. A.H. Heiby, who taught school here a year ago and in Canistota the past term, is expected here this forenoon.

J.F. Peterson sold a fine young mare to Jim Magness Tuesday for the good sum $225.  It pays to raise horses of that class. --Wessington Times-Enterprise.

Messrs. Jacobs and Mortensen put in a cement foundation, 12x36 Monday for Emil Finder who will have an addition built on the north side of his meat market.

J.D. McCool departed on Monday's morning passenger enroute to Atlanta, Georgia, as a delegate from this district to the Presbyterian Assembly which convened in that city yesterday.

Rev. J.L. Walsh went to Mitchell Monday morning to attend a meeting of the different districts of the state and the inauguration of Dr. Seaman as president of Mitchell college.

Mrs. C.C. Porter and children departed on Monday's evening passenger enroute to their new home near Loraine, Wisconsin.  A large number of friends was at the depot to bid them goodbye.

The town school closes today.  Plans have been made by the teachers and pupils to enjoy an outing in the form of picnics at various places, but the rainy weather forced a postponment for a few days.

Sorensen and Murphy have made over thirty new plow lays to date.

L.A. Blake arrived Wednesday night from Fairview, Montana, near which place he rented a farm.

Messrs. F.L. Sedam and Roy Lewis finished papering Charles H. Williams' house and painting the interior woodwork yesterday.

A dance will be given Tuesday night, May 20, in Shaul's hall.  Music by Weller's orchestra, of Miller.  You are cordially invited.

A clipping containing the following item was handed us by Mrs. Charles Shephard, and the engineer referred to is her brother, who resides in Canada:

   On Wednesday of last week engineer Fred Sproule of the Teeswater train got a thriller that made the beads of sweat stand out on his brow, says the Orangeville Sun.  While the train, which was in charge of conductor Joe Walker, was speeding between Inglewood and Cheltenham engineer Sproule saw a little girl wander on the track and only quick action saved her life.   The engineer instantly shut off steam and applied the emergency brake, bringing the train to a stop within two feet of the child.  She was a little four-year-old girl named Campbell, and her father saw her on the track ahead of the rapidly approaching train.  He was almost frantic, but was greatly relieved when he saw the iron monster come to a stop in time to save his little girl.
Class Play a Success
The class play, "The Kingdom of Heart's Content", was ably presented last Friday night to a large and appreciative audience.  The recipts for the evening amounted to nearly $35.00.

In order to put on the play the graduates were assisted by a number of young people whose names appear in the following cast of characters;

We, the class of 1913, extend our sincere thanks to those who have so willingly helped us in our class play and graduating exercises;  to the Misses Ethel Ice and Jessie Kintigh and others who helped us with our play;  to Mr. Isaac;  to the orchestra for their music;  to Mr. Fugate for the use of his piano;  to Messrs. Shephard and Thompson for their draying, and to everyone else who has in any way assisted us.
Emily Flint
Frank Clegg
Elmer Nelson
Lawrence Goyke
Commencement Exercises
Last night a good-sized audience gathered in the M.E. church to witness the second annual graduation exercises of the St. Lawrence High School.

The following young people were the graduates:  Miss Emily Flint, Messrs, Frank Clegg, Elmer Nelson and Lawrence Goyke.

A very interesting program, as given below was rendered.

Salutatory --- Frank Clegg
Piano Solor ---- Miss Anna Clegg
Commencement Song --- Messrs. C. H. Williams, R.S. Shephard, Floyd Shephard, and J.L. Flint
Valedictory --- Miss Emily Flint
Piano Solo --- Miss Klide VanBrunt
Address --- Dean Gage, of Huron
Vocal Solo --- C.H. Williams
Presentation of Diplomas
Male Quartette --- Messrs. Williams, Shephard, Shephard and Flint
(First Pub. May 9,; last May 30.)
St. Lawrence, S.D.
Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of  St. Lawrence School District, until 2 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, June 10, 1913, for the construction of a public school building in St. Lawrence, S.D., exclusive of plumbing and heating according to plans and specifications prepared by A.H. Shoultz, Architect of Watertown, S.D., copies of which are on file with the Clerk of the District and at the Builders Exchange of  St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Additional copies for individual use may be obtained by special arrangemennts with the Architect.

Proposals must be made on form accompanying specification and accompanied by certified check of three per cent of amount of bid, paybable without reserve to this district.

Right reserved to reject any or all bids.

Dated, St. Lawrence, S.D., May 9, 1913.

R.S. Shephard, Clerk
Eighth Grade Examination
The eight grade examination will be held in the court room in Miller, Thursday and Friday May 22-23.  Only one eighth grade examination will be given.  It will take two weeks for your papers to be marked;  if they grade to an average of 80 per cent, with no paper below 65 percent you will receive a common school diploma.  The subjects will be given in the following order:  Thursday forenoon -- Reading and Geography.  Afternoon -- Grammar, U.S. History and Physiology.  Friday forenoon -- Arithmetic and Spelling.  Afternoon -- Drawing, S.D. History and Civics.
Mary Rudd
[County Supt.]
KENNEBEC -- A heavy sheepskin coat saved the life of P.C. Moran, living some miles from here, when his horses became frightened and ran away while he was engaged in discing one of his fields.  The horses dashed through a fence, throwing Moran in front of the machine.  The heavy coat protected his body but his lower limbs were badly gashed.

The Highmore Commerical Club elected the following offiers:  President, M. Harry O'Brien;  secretary, J.B. Perkins;  treasurer, C.H. Gray;  vice president, LB. Houston; second vice president, L.A. Sherer;; directors, Dr. Langsdale and D.T. Jekyll.  Arrangements were made to have a good roads meeting the near future.

ABERDEEN -- While making a garden, A.C. Ressegrien struck a vein of lead ore on his premises in this city.  The ore was analyzed and pronounced practically pure lead in the form of galena, or lead sulphite.  The vein is but a short space under the ground and apparently runs the entire length of the lot.

BOWDLE -- Samuel Haring has retired as town marshal, and George Sautner has been appointed temporarily.  The residents of Bowdle are so law-abiding that steps have been taken to abandon the office.

SCOTLAND -- The residents of Scotland are so law-abiding that the city council held a special meeting to vote the town marshal out of office.  The council will try the experiment of doing without such an offical.

VERMILLION -- Florence, the two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piersol, died yesterday morning of infantile paralysis, after only a few hours illness.

RELIANCE -- While John Donahue was driving across the prairie after his cattle he found the unconscious form of John Peterman, an eccenric farmer liviing in the vicinity, lying on the prairie.  Medical aid was summoned, but the old man never recovered consciousness and died about five days later.  Death was due to hemmorrhage of the brain.  The authrities have been unable to locate any of his relatives.

MITCHELL -- Judge Tripp has announced his decision in the Warne divorce case, granting a decree to the wife and ordering Dr. Warne to deed to her their residence in Mitchell and pay permanent alimony of $50 per month for the support of Mrs. Warne and the three children.  The case attracted a great deal of attention at it's trial a few weeks ago.
(Continued in column 2)
(continued from column 1)

PIERRE -- Mrs. Elizabeth McGannon died at her home at Okobojo today at the age of 94 years.  She was one of the squatter settlers of Sully county, locating with her husband on the a claim near Okobojo before that county was opened to settlement in the spring of 1883.

BANCROFT -- A new town is to spring into existence on the Great Northern railway at a point midway between Bancroft and Willow Lake, the state board of railroad commissioners having demanded that the railway company construct a sidetrack at that point.  An elevator will be built and when the sidetrack is completed no time will be lost in demanding a depot, when a full fledged new town will be on the map.
[I don't know what town this would become...checking map, only Carpenter is close by, so if it's not that, this new town must not have came into being, or didn't last long.  csr]
Redfield, S.D.  May 12, 1913 -- The parties interested have prepared to make  desperate fight in the probate court of Spink county in a case involving a $50,000 estate.  The hearing in the case will be held before the county judge May 15.  The estate is that of Miss Hattie M. Butler, who for about 30 years was a resident of Spink county.  She died in a hospital in February of this year.  She executed a will by which she left her entire estate to one person -- Corbin Ingalls, also a resident of Spink county.  No mention of any of her relatives was made in the will, all of them being disinherited.  Some of these relative who live in Chicago and New York have institued a suit by which they seek to have the will legally declare invalid, on the ground that undue influence and alleged fraud were used by Ingalls to induce Miss Butler to make the will in his favor.  It is the hearing on this suit which will be held May 15.
We Solicit Your Business
We Pay Five Per Cent Interest on Time Depoisits semi-annually, and Loan Money on Good Security.
Remember also, that we have Safety Deposit Boxes for rent for your valuable papers, and make
On Very Liberal Terms.
First State Bank
St. Lawrence, S.D.
F.D. GREENE, President
F.A. ALTENOW, Vice President
L.T. JARMUTH, Cashier
L. STECHMAN, Assistant Cashier
Presbyterian Church
Morning services every Sunday at 10:30 o'clock.  Sunday School at 11:30.  Evening service at 7:30 o'clock.  Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m.  You are always welcome.
Rev. Issac, Pastor
Methodist Church
Services every Sunday morning at 10:45;  evening srvice at 8:00.  Sabbath School at 12:00 p.m.  Epworth League meets at 7:00 o'clock;  Junior League at 3:30 p.m.  Midweek prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p.m.  W.F.M.S. first Tuesday of each month.

Everybody is cordially invited to attend.
J.L. Walsh, Pastor.