October 6, 1911 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
Professional Cards

Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.
State's Attorney For Hand County
Real estate law a specialty.  Estates probated and titles cleared up.  Office four doors south of postoffice.
School Report
   The following pupils were present every day of the first month, and never tardy;  Nora McCormack, Fred Pitzer, Gladys Rock, Charles Flint, Ivan Krauth, Earl VanVranken, Georgia Flint, Hazel Rock, Wilhemina Furrer, Ruth Porter, Johnnie VanVranken, Edna Pietz, Daisy McCarthy, Era McCormack, Ruth Thompson, Susie Shephard, Margie Moore, Verne Rock, Edward Ring, Edythe Finder, Leah McCormack, Edna Flint, Flossie Wilson, Alma Flint, Susie Furrer, Alta Reeves, Hazel Flint, Bernice Kintigh, Elmer Nelson, Myrtle Clegg.
   The following, also, were present every day:  Myrtle Porter, Martin Daley, Charley King, Bernard Daley, Mildred Goyke, Alma Nelson, Etha King, Frances King
   The daily attendance in the high school was 97.7 percent of the enrollment.
Schedule of Examinations for 1911
Date----------------------Grade of Certificates
August 31 and Sept. 1- Life, State and First
October 12 and 13 -  2nd, 3rd and Primary

November 23 and 24 - Life, State and First
Mary Rudd, County Superintendent
Unclaimed Letters.

St Lawrence, S.D., Oct. 1st, 1911
The following is a list of letters remaining at the postoffice at St. Lawrence, S. Dak.. for two weeks, uncalled for:
   Miss Mary Brown 2.
  Miss Cloie Barrows.
  Harry Haskins.
  Miss Ellen Olsson.
  Mr. Eugene Smith.
  Miss Betty Ulrich.
  Miss Hazel Wigs
Parties calling for these please say "advertised."

G. Smith, postmaster.
per A. Krauth, Asst.

Wheaton News
Rockham Record

W.S. Thomas and better half visited their relative in our town, last week.

E. A. Miller and family are enjoying a visit with a niece from Rosendale, Wis.

Albert Schade has built a new barn on one of his farms, this being the second one recently.

L.O. Cramer and wife with Mrs M. Creager and Vesta Southworth went to Redfield, Monday evening.

Born to Mr. and Mrs H. Combes, Monday, a fine girl.

J. W Johnston has sold out his barber shop and pool hall to Rollie Wheeler.

Miss Erma Rose and Mrs. P. Wheeler drove to Miller one day last week.

Mrs. W. G. Carl and Mrs. W. A Mikesell were passengers to Huron one day last week

W. J. Davey spent last week with his family in Mitchell; also attended the Corn Palace exposition

Little Lois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Carl, has been quite sick, but is better at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Halidy have returned to their home at Laurel, Neb. after spending the summer with their son Roy.

The dance at Vayland last Friday nite was well attended, and as it rained almost all night the folks danced till 5:30 Saturday morning.

Quite an accident happened at the home of Ick Brown last week A young man by the name of Lafe with some more boys were examining a gun out in the yard when it was accidently discharged in the window. Glass was scattered about the room and it was necessary to call a physician to remove some pieces
from a baby which was in the room.

October 4, 1911

John Bartlett is on the sick list.

Dance Friday night at E. E. Bingham's.

The Aid meets tomorrow at Mrs. Lottie Smith's.

Art Palmer recently sold a choice male hog to F. Hudson.

E. Bailey sold his shoats to Ed Smith and S. S. Roberts.

E. W. Smith has cut 125 acres of corn for different parties.

S. F. Eaton reports having 90 acres of corn in the shock.

R. Grommon has cut some hay on shares for Grandpa Dowler.

The recent rain hindered threshing, hay stacking and baling.

Clyde Keys recently bought a bunch of calves of  M. D. Harris.

S. S. Roberts was in this township last Thursday buying livestock.

The stork left a 10 1/2 pound baby girl with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schubring last Friday.

Peter Gobelman left Friday for Plattsmouth, Nebraska to work and visit during the fall
and winter.

Mr. Eaton and daughters, Mesdames Hawks and Martin, left Monday for a visit with relatives in Minnesota.

Last Thursday noon occurred the marriage of Miss Maude Hiatt and M. R. Larsen, Rev. Hartley officiating. The bride is the popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Hiatt, and the groom is a popular young farmer of Tulare, S D. They have the best wishes of a host of friends.


The county commissioners were in regular session in the county seat this week.

In renewing his subscription for another year, J. D. Eneboe writes from Canton: "The Hand County News is just like receiving a letter from home."

We are requested to announce that the temperance drams, "Out In the Streets", has been postponed to next Saturday night, October 7.

Dr. D. C. Bond, the well known specialist of Mitchell, will be at the hotel Wednesday, October 11.
Eyes carefully examined. Glasses made that WILL FIT. Special attention to heachaches and nervousness.
Come early.

Supper at Park Hotel

A supper will be given Saturday night, October 7, in Park Hotel by Mrs. Finder, the proceeds to go to the churches.
Supper 15-25 cents
Locals and Personals

J. A. Dowler was on the market Monday with a load of last year's hard wheat.

A. W. Turner, of Rockham, transacted business in this burg the forepart of this week.

Geo. McCormack is among the first in this vicinity to lay in his winter's supply of hard coal -- a good example to follow.

S A. Rowen of Wall, who has been in Nebraska for some time, arrived overland Sunday afternoon, accompanied by his nephew.

A number of neighbors and friends gathered at the J. C. Wilson home in Logan township Friday night and spent a most enjoyable evening.

B. P. Scoville has traded his buggy to J. C. McCool and will soon leave for Iowa and Illinois, where he will spend the fall and coming winter.

A number of the members of the Odd Fellows lodge went over to Miller Saturday night and participated in an oyster supper given by the county seat members.

The Misses Hoover and Palmer stopped off here for a short visit at the A. L. Fritts home on their way to Lennox from Highmore. They made the trip overland and proceeded on their journey Sunday afternoon.

Cornelius Roberts is baching while his mother is away on a visit in Illinois.

The North Hand Sunday school convention was well attended last Sunday and a very interesting program was rendered.

A. A. Taylor, of Mitchell, state agent for the De Laval cream separator company, was here on business the forepart of this week.

Miss Anna Van Brunt, who is teaching school near Cavour, came up on Friday's night passenger and visited at home until Sunday evening.

M. C. Blackmer arrived early Saturday morning with a car load of horses and cattle, which he bought over in the western part of the state.

Despite the threatening weather last Saturday, the fried chicken supper, given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church, was quite well attended.

Dr. J. B. Taylor arrived home Monday forenoon from a trip into Minnesota in the vicinity of Cambridge and St. Croix, where he took a look at land with a possible view of investing.

Thos. Callahan and wife, of Chicago, Ill., arrived here Wednesday forenoon to make a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Pike in York townsip. Mr. Callahan is Mrs. Pike's brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartmann enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Hartmann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Larson, of Centerville, S.D., and sister and brothers for several days. Her sister returned home Monday morning and her mother and brothers departed on Tuesday's evening passenger. They made the trip up here in their auto, in which Mr. Larson returned home yesterday, we believe.

John McCullen, of Miller, has sold his touring car.

Mrs. Harriet Bailey visited St. Lawrence friends this week.

Waterhouse and Mickelson report the sale of 90 tons of hay.

James Moncur, of Greenleaf township, was in town Monday.

G. H. Kiddle was up from Huron over Sunday visiting his family.

P. C. Arends and family moved into the B. P. Scoville cottage Wednesday.

Linn Thorn was been limping around for several days with a sprained ankle.

Emil Finder was out in the country a couple of days the forepart of this week selling cream separators.

Carl Erion drove up from Wolsey Tuesday with a load of apples which he sold here. He returned home yesterday.

Eldon Jones, of Gilbert townsip, traded horses Monday to R. H. Andrews, of Miller, for his Cole 30 five-passenger auto.

The miller from the Miller mill has been busy here for several days manufacturing flour for M. D. Harris so as to catch up with back orders.

Hans Callsen sold some corn to John Scoville and Wm. Wilson at 40 cents a bushel, they to husk it. Mr. Callsen estimates his corn at 35 bushels per acre.

H. C. Larson drove his car to Burdette Wednesday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hartmann, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartmann and Mrs. Julius Friemark, where they visited at the E. S. Ross home.

J. J. Bingham departed yesterday for Des Moines, Iowa, to spend the coming winter at the home of his daughter. On his way down,  he expects to make a short visit in Webster City and near there where his son and another daughter reside.

H. C. Walker, who has been engaged in F. A. Altenow's store and conducted the sale of farm implements and machinery in connection, has traded his stock of implements and horses to Mr. Altenow for residence property in Seatlle, Washington. The forepart of next week he intends to have a sale of household goods and, with his family, expects to move to the above-mentioned city.

The Independent Missionary Preparatory Society, more familiarly known as the "I.M.P.S.", held a meeting at the home of their president, Miss Anna Van Brunt on last Saturday evening. While this meeting was held behind closed doors and admittance restricted to members only, it is understood that some features of the evening's program were unique in their character and highly entertaining.

The high wind on Tuesday blew down the stable at the J. L. Jones school house, in which Miss Emma King keeps her horse.

Jacob Pietz intends to move onto his farm in the spring. His tenant, Mr. Snodgrass, will move onto the Crater farm in Florence township.

J. B. Kintigh arrived home from his trip Saturday forenoon from Modale, Harrison county, Iowa, where he was looking at a tract of land.

G. H. Farris, of Hudson, an old friend and business partner for fifteen years of A. L. Fritts, made Mr. Fritts and family a visit the latter part of last week. This week Mr. Farris is visiting in Miller at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Iverson, and husband.


Meets every Monday night at 8 p.m.
Z.B. TAYLOR, Rec. Sec.
C.W. MILLER, Cor. Sec.
H.C. WALKER, Treas.

Visting brothers always cordially welcome

Meets First and Third Wednesday Evening at 8 o'clock in Odd Fellows Hall.

Visiting brothers and sisters are cordially invited to meet with us.

A. O. U. W.

Meets first and third Thursday of each month

W.J. DAVEY,  Master Workman
H. CLEGG,  Recorder
G. SMITH,  Financier
Visiting brothers cordially invited.
Meets Second and Fourth Friday of Month.
MRS. H. CLEGG, Rec.-Fin.
MRS. H.D. WALKER, Treas.
Visiting members are always cordially invited.
County and City Officers


Henry Scott, Chairman, Ree Heights
Jas. T Bailey, St. Lawrence
J. McMurtry, Wessington
Chris. Ericksen, Miller
Ed. Andrews, Howell

Auditor - Chas I. Odle
Register of Deeds - W. L. Davis
Treasurer - R.L. Mead
Clerk of Courts - Will Morrow
Attorney - F.R. Fisher
Supt. Schools - Miss M. Rudd
Judge - R.C. Anderson
Sheriff - J.J. Morris

Trustee 1st ward - C.H. Williams
Trustee 2nd ward - J.M. King
Trustee 3rd ward - A.L. Fritts
Treasurer - L.T. Jarmuth
Clerk - M.O. Thompson
Assessor - J.B. Kintigh
Marshall - H.C. Carl
Street Commissioner - M.O. Thompson

Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Postoffice at St. Lawrence, South Dakota as second-class mail matter.
Offical Paper of Hand County

Subscription $1.00 Per Year

Methodist Church
Services every Sunday morning at 10:45; evening service at 8:00. Sabbath School at 12:00. Epworth League meets at 7:00 o'clock p.m.  Junior League at 3:30 p.m. Midweek prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p.m.  W.F.M.S. first Tuesday of each month.

Everybody is cordially invited to attend. T. E. Sanderson, Pastor
Presbyterian Church
Morning services every Sunday at 10:30 o'clock. Sunday School at 11:30. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. You are always welcome.
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FOR SALE - My town residence. One hundred forest trees and thirty fruit trees on premises. Can take some stock and farm machinery in trade. - J. A. Loomis
JUMBO -- Black Mammoth Jack.
Weight, 1,100 lbs. Age, 5 yrs.
Best Jack ever shipped in S. Dak.
Will make the season of 1911 at the Magnes barn in St. Lawrence.
Terms--$15 to insure living colt; $12.50 to insure mare with foal. Service fee due at any time mare is disposed of. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but we will not be responsible for any that may occur.  F. Pitzer, B. F. Magness.
St. Lawrence, S. D.
Dray Line
Special Attention Given to All Classes of Work in Our Line.
Phone Number Red 97
The "Square Deal" restaurant is the place to buy your tobacco and cigars.
Farmers, when in town come to the "Square Deal" restaurant for your meals.
You can relieve that hungry feeling by dining at the "Square Deal" restaurant.
Mrs. Drew at the new hotel will give the farmers their meals for 25 cents.
For building, repairs, screen and shop work see Wm. J. McPhail, contractor and builder. Shop west of Carl Bros.
Baled hay is $7.00 a ton, and soft coal is selling at $7.50 a ton. Hard coal at present is selling at $10.00 a ton if taken from the car.
Good calves are in demand as a result of the splendid hay crop.
For Sale, Lost, Found, Etc.
Our Certificates of Deposit Earn You Five Percent Interest

Convenient -- Safe -- Negotiable

First State Bank
St. Lawrence, S.D.
F. D. Green, Pres.
F. A. Altenow, Vice Pres.
L. T. Jarmuth, Cashier
L. Siegling, Ass't. Cashier

City Meat Market

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Fish, Game and Oysters in season.

Cash paid for hides