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Monroe County Obituaries



Bundy, Son Bundy

Davie, Son Davie

Published June 29, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Drowned - A sad case of drowning occurred near this place on Monday.  Two boys about eight years of age - one belonging to Wm. P Bundy the other to William Davie - were playing near the culvert on the new pike, a short distance north of town.  A plank was laid across the stream, and the children amused themselves by walking across it, and occasionally throwing a dog in the water.  It is supposed that they both fell from the board at once.  The water was not more than three or four feet deep, but they were probably so terrified as to be unable to stand up or get out. - Another child, somewhat younger, hastened to the home of one of the boys and gave the alarm, but when assistance arrived, the boys had been half an hour in the water, and all efforts to resuscitate them proved unavailing.  The parents have the sympathy of the community in their great bereavement. 

Barnesville Enterprise.


Clark, Joseph Clark

Published Feb 2 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield OH

Mrs. Clark, of Barnesville , Belmont County, Ohio, has just discovered that her husband, Joseph who has been missing for twenty-three years was killed in one of the battles of the Mexican War.


Cook, Thomas Cook

Published May 18, 1869, Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Suicide - On Sunday evening the 25th of April, Thomas Cook, a resident of Bethel Township, this county, left his residence and hanged himself.  The family were engaged in conversation during the evening and about 10 o’clock prepared to retire.  On Monday morning some one of the family went to call Thomas and found his bed had not been occupied.  Search was immediately made but without finding him, until Thursday the 13th inst., when his body was discovered about three or four hundred yards from the house, in a terribly mutilated condition.  It appears that he had hanged himself on a limb about four and a half feet from the ground, from which he had been pulled down by a lot of dogs and almost devoured.  His body was identified by the clothing worn when he left home.


Cox, Mrs. Jane Cox

Published April 20, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Death of An Aged Woman

Mrs. Jane Cox died in this place last week, at the advanced age of 93 years.  She was the oldest person in this vicinity, and quite active for her years.  She was found dead in her chair, having passed away without pain or disease - She came to this place about 50 years ago, from Calvert county Maryland - Her husband cleared the land on the west end of Main Street, and in honor of their native county, called it “Calvert” which name it still retains, Mrs. Cox leaves several great grandchildren, who are old enough to regret her death.

Barnesville Enterprise


Ferrell, Joseph Ferrell

Published June 15, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

From the St. Clairsville Gazette (10th inst.)

Another Murder in Belmont Co. 

Our community was startled on Tuesday last by the announcement that another murder had been committed in Kirkwood township.  It seems that Mr. Joseph Ferrell, who was raised in the neighborhood of Harrisville, where he has three brothers, was on a visit to his brother-in-law, Mr. Grafton Bernard, in Guernsey County, and accompanied by him visited Hendrysburg on Monday 31st ult..  Ferrell was about 21 years of age.  They had been drinking some during the afternoon, and about 8 o’clock in the evening, accompanied by another friend, visited the grocery and saloon of Mr. Henry Yaus, and called for wine. - Mr Yaus was not at home, and they were waited upon by Mrs. Yaus.  Some altercation too place about the price of it.  That being drank they called for more, which was furnished.  Mrs. Yaus , thinking there would be trouble, sent for her husband, who was at the store of Mr. Arick.  On his arrival they were asking for one more glass for Ferrell, his brother-in-law Bernard, had drank a part of his last glass while at the door talking with a friend.  Yaus refused to give them anymore, and requested them to leave as he wished to shut up, it then being 9 o’clock.  They refused to leave until the should get the wine - which he told them they could not get.  Ferrell then commenced moving toward Yaus, and Yaus backing out towards his back room, telling him to keep off, that he knew what they came there for; and as Ferrell laid his hands on the back of a chair Yaus fired and shot him, the ball taking effect in the left side, two inches below the navel, and coming out at the lower end of the right hip.  Yaus was brought to jail, and Ferrell died on Wednesday night.  Court being in session a special Grand Jury was summoned and a true bill found in murder in the second degree.  Yaus entered into bonds in the sum of $5,000, for his appearance at the next term of Court - This is the third murder trial now pending in our Court - one, however, was brought from Guernsey County, which is now in progress of trial.


Flasherty, Dennis Flasherty

Published Jan 12 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield OH

On Sunday night a train ran over and killed an Irishman, named Dennis Flasherty, near Bridgeport, Belmont County, Ohio.  mutilating him in a horrible manner.  The train passed on without discovering the accident, the unfortunate man’s body was not discovered until next morning.  The train had cut him into four or five pieces, and the legs being completely severed from the trunk.                        Cadiz Sentinel


Fox, Girl Fox

Published Feb 2 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio


On Thursday night  last in Kirkwood township, a young man by the name of Carr, cut the throat of a young girl by the name of Fox.  She died immediately.  He was found in the woods afterwards with his throat cut, but did not die until Saturday.  We have not learned the particulars, but it is supposed she refused to become his wife, when he became enraged.

Since the above was put in type we learn that the girl was 14 years of age and Carr is 28.  He is not yet dead although he shot himself and cut his throat.  It seems that the girl was living with a neighbor, where this young man was at work.  And the father learning that overtures of marriage were being made to his daughter, sent a young son to bring her home.  On their road home, Carr stepped from his concealment and after a short conversation in which he asked her if  she would become his wife, and on giving him a negative answer, he seized her and cut her person in some 14 places with a razor, nearly severing the head from the body.  He afterwards concealed himself in the spring house near the girl’s father’s house, for the purpose of killing other members of the family, as he had threatened so to do. - Upon being required to surrender under threat of being shot by the neighbors who had congregated to arrest him, he shot himself in the breast, the ball passing through his left lung and lodging in his shoulder.  He then took shoe knife from his boot and made several cuts across his throat, severing the windpipe , but not reaching the jugular vein.  He was requested to take the razor and finish himself which he declined to do.  He is still living but not able to be brought to jail.


Galligher, James Galligher

Shipley, Tyler Shipley

 Published Feb 9 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

From the Barnesville Enterprise February 1.  Terrible Accident- One Man Killed and Three Others Badly Scalded.

On Monday morning our community was startled by the news of an accident which occurred on the Central Ohio Railroad, near the Trestle, four miles west of Barnesville.  The construction train engaged in repairing the slip near this place had left Spencer’s Station, that morning, in charge of Tyler Shipley, the regular engineer being absent.  Shortly after the train had crossed the Trestle the driving-rod broke in two places and fell down.  One end of it became fastened in the ground and the other end , standing up, was thrust through the fire-box of the locomotive and into the boiler.  The boiling water rushed out through the hole thus made in the direction of the tender, passing through the red hot furnace on the way.  There were four men in the cab of the locomotive at the time, all of whom were more or less injured by the escaping hot water and the steam produced by its passing through the fire.  A man named Hugh Devine, who was acting as fireman, had just stooped down with his back to the fire.  He was thrown upon the tender and from thence to the ground.  He was badly scalded, but will recover.  Patrick Lillis and James Galligher were partially blown off the locomotive and managed to crawl to the ground.  Their clothes were completely saturated with boiling water.  Two-thirds of Galligher’s body was scalded, and he died Wednesday morning.  Lillis may recover, but his case is considered doubtful. 

When the accident occurred everybody about the locomotive was alarmed and confused.  Mr. Shipley jumped out of the window headforemost.  Unfortunately a pile of cross-ties was lying where he fell.  His head struck one of the ties and was badly fractured.  He was not conscious after the accident.  He was brought  to the residence of Mr.  Mulinix, in this place, and died about twelve o’clock Monday night.

Two men named Abels and Shawn were in the front part of the locomotive at the time of the accident.  Abels jumped off and was somewhat bruised by the fall.  Shawn remained and was not injured, all the steam going backward.

This is one of the few railroad accidents where it may be said “nobody was to blame”.  The breaking of the rod might have been foreseen but could not be prevented.  Running at a slow rate, no particular damage would have been done had it not been for the complications that occurred afterwards.  It was a singular accident, illustrating with terrible emphasis the uncertainty of human life.


Gillespie, George Gillespie

Published Feb 9 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died - Mr. George Gillespie, an old resident of Adams township, on the 3d inst., of apoplexy.  Mr. Gillespie was an old and respected citizen of this county, and his loss will be severely felt throughout the county, as well as the community in which he lived.  Mr. Gillespie was aged 67 years.


Grey, John Grey

Published April 27, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Mr. John Grey, an old gentleman, aged 85 years, living between this place and Antioch, who has been confined to his bed by sickness, got out of bed, and fell in the fire on Tuesday evening, the 20th inst., during the temporary absence of his wife and daughter.  His injuries were so severe that death ensured at 1 o’clock on Wednesday morning.


Grimes, William Grimes

Source: Spirit of Democracy Dec 28, 1869

   A man named William Grimes, a resident of Salem township, was found dead in his bed, one morning last week.


Hayden, Mrs. ----- Hayden

Published Sept. 21 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Mrs. ----- Hayden, wife of Mr. John Hayden, at Mt. Hope, died one day last week.


Hill, Son Hill

Published Sept. 14 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

On Friday evening, the 10th inst., a little son , aged 6 years, of Mr. John Hill, of Clarington, fell off of a flat boat into the river and was drowned.  His body was not recovered.


Hines, Esther Hines

Published Feb 9 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio


Died, January 31, 1869 Esther Hines, wife of Joseph Hines, near Stafford, of this county.  Her age was 49 years 11 months and 23 days.  She had been afflicted for many months.  At the age of nineteen she found and embraced her Savior,  and lived so as to adorn the profession she had made, being a firm, devoted and beloved member of the Bethesda Baptist Church.  In her latest hours she besought her friends and especially her sons to sustain the cause of Christ.  She leaves an afflicted and mourning husband and three sons who are members of the same Church, and two sons that we trust soon will be.  The funeral sermon was preached on the Tuesday following, to a large congregation, by Elder H Lyons from Luke 20:34 J.S.C.


Huneler, Michael Huneler

Published Jan 19, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield OH

Died - At his residence in Malaga Township, on the 10th inst., Michael Huneler , after an illness of five months.  His funeral service was performed on the 12th inst., by Rev.Pilger of the R.C. Church.


Jeffries, Mr. Elias Jeffries

Published Sept., 7, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died - On the 27th ult., Mr. Elias Jeffries, of Center township, aged 77 years and 8 months.

Mr. Jeffries removed from Fayette county Pennsylvania to this county in 1816.


John, Anthony John

Published June 1, 1869  Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Suicide.  On the 10th of April, Anthony John, a resident of Woodbarn, Iowa, committed suicide by hanging himself.  Mr. John was formerly a resident of Center township, this county


Key, Judge Thomas M Key

Published Jan 26, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield OH

Judge Thomas M Key died at Lebanon O., the evening of the 18th inst..  During the late war Judge Key acted as Judge Advocate on McClennans staff and was the author of several of that General’s excellent General Orders.  (From the St Clairsville Gazette, 28th ult..)


Koehler, Martha Koehler
Source: The Spirit of Democracy
Issue:  Woodsfield, Ohio, November 30, 1869
    Mrs. Martha Koehler died November 27, 1869, of consumption, aged 48 years; wife of Nicholas Koehler of this place. 


Luke, William H Luke

Published Oct. 12 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died - On the 25th day of September, 1869 William H Luke, son of Mrs. Margaret Luke, aged 21 years, after a lingering illness of about 2 years.


McMechen, Ellen McMechen

Published Aug 24, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Ellen McMechen, aged 10 years, a daughter of Benjamin McMechen, who resides near Benwood, was burned to death Thursday evening about 4 o’clock.  She went to the purpose of making a fire, and it is supposed she poured coal oil on the fire to make it burn.  The flames communicated to her clothing, and there being no one in the room with her, she was frightfully burned about the face and body.  Her death ensued a few moments after she was discovered.

Barnesville Enterprise


Morris, Daniel Morris

Published Sept. 21 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died - On Saturday, the 11th inst., Daniel Morris, of Malaga township, in the 88th year of his age.


Neal, Barnet Neal

Source: Spirit of Democracy Dec 28, 1869

   Died - On the 1st inst. at Boylaus Grove, Butler Co. Iowa, Barnet Neal in the 79th year of his age.

   Mr. Neal was for many years a resident of Woodsfield.


O’Dert, Thomas O’Dert

Published Jan 12, 1869  Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield OH

Died - At his residence on Wheeling Island, on Saturday, January 2, 1869, Thomas O’Dert  in the 76th year of his age.


Pogue, Bro. David Pogue

Published Feb 9 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield OH      Obituary

Died, Sunday morning, January 23 1868 (?) at his residence in Belmont County, Ohio, Bro. David Pogue.

At a stated meeting of Sunsbury Lodge No. 362 F and A M., the Committee to whom was assigned the duty of drafting resolutions expressive of the feeling of said Lodge, on the death of Bro. Pogue, reported the following, which were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, It has pleased the supreme Architect of the Universe to remove from our midst our worthy brother David Pogue, while in the meridian of life and usefulness; and while we bow in humble submission to the dispensation of Him who doeth all things well, may we each remember the Divine injunction  “Be ye also ready”  Deeply as we deplore the loss of our brother , whose social communion we can no longer enjoy, we extent fraternal condolence to the bereaved family and friends in this the hour of their affliction; and in the beautiful spirit of the Christian theology we would say that, “He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb” looks down with infinite compassion upon the widow and fatherless; therefore, be it

Resolved, That by the death of Bro. Pogue, our Lodge has sustained a loss which time can never fill, and his wife a companion and his children a father, who memory will ever remain fresh in the affections, and the community an ever faithful, worthy and upright citizen-

Resolved, That the members of this Lodge tender to the bereaved widow, children and relatives their heartfelt sympathies; and while with them also in the hope that he had finished his work well upon earth and has been called to reap his reward in that Celestial Lodge on high.

Resolved, That in testimony of respect for the memory of our departed Brother the Lodge be clothed in mourning and the brethren wear the usual badge for the space of thirty days; and that  a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of the deceased, and be published in the “Spirit of Democracy” and Belmont County papers.

Albert J Pearson

Anderson Hill

Shanklin Thornberry


Reich, Catharina Lisette Reich
Catharina Lisette Reich died November 21, 1869. She was born May 22, 1869, the daughter of Michael and Elisabeth Riemenschneider Reich.


Sinclair, Miss Mary Otis Sinclair

Published Aug. 31 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died - On Saturday morning, the 28th inst., Miss Mary Otis Sinclair, daughter of Mr. Alexander Sinclair of Woodsfield.


Stanton, Edwin M. Stanton

Source: Spirit of Democracy Dec 28, 1869

    Ex-Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, died at Washington City, on the 24th inst. of congestion of the heart.  He had just been appointed and confirmed Judge of the Supreme Court.

    Mr. Stanton was a man of marked ability. of distinguished legal attainments and of unyielding will. We can think of nothing more to say of his characteristic without violating the maxim “speak no ill of the dead”

   It is, perhaps, not improper to say, that many of Mr. Stanton’s countrymen will regard his death without feelings of great sorrow. This is especially true in view of his recent appointment to the Supreme Bench; a portion for which, many believed, his violent temper and revengeful disposition entirely unfitted him.

   Mr. Stanton left his mark deeply impressed upon the policy of his party, and will always be remembered as one of the most prominent actors in subjecting the South both during and after the war.


Steel, James Sylvester Steel

Published April 6, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

On the 15th of March, 1869 of Typhoid Fever, James Sylvester son of Samuel and Julia Ann Steel, aged 14 years 5 months and 12 days


Steel, Samuel Steel

Published April 6, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

On the 28th of March, 1869, of Consumption Samuel Steel, consort of Julia Ann Steel, aged 52 years 7 months and 5 days


Steward, Emily Steward

Published Aug. 24, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Sad casualty - On Tuesday the 10th inst., Miss Emily Steward aged 13 years, daughter of Bazil Steward, Esq., of Perry township, was instantly killed by the upsetting of a cart, in which she was riding, upon her.


Vernon, Son Vernon

Published Mar 9, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

On the 3d int., a son of Jacob Vernon residing with his father near Calais, this county, killed himself by cutting his throat with a knife or razor.  We have no particulars.


Waggle, Willie Western Waggle

Published April 6, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died on the 20th March, 1869, of Lung Fever, Willie Western, son of Abraham and Mary Jane Waggle, of Belmont county, Ohio, aged 3 years 6 months and 24 days. 


Watts, Joseph Watts

Published June 8, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Joseph Watts, driver of a beer wagon in Ironton, Ohio, fell under his horses’ feet the other day, and was dragged a considerable distance, receiving injuries which caused his death.


Wayne, Judge Wayne

Source: Spirit of Democracy Dec. 28, 1869

   Court to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Wayne, is a native of Massachusetts.


Witten, Infant son Witten

Published Feb 2 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died - January 16, infant son of Joseph B and L. E Witten aged about 3 weeks.


Witten, James Witten

Published June 15, 1869 Spirit of Democracy Woodsfield Ohio

Died - At his residence on the Ohio River, in Jackson township, this county, on the 12th inst..  James Witten, in the 81st year of his age.

The deceased came to this State with his father in 1797, and from that time until his death - a period of 72 years - resided on the same farm.  He was probably the oldest citizen of this county and it is doubtful if there is another instance in the State of a continuous residence for such a great length of time on the same farm.  He was the youngest of five brothers and survived them all.


                Last modified on 29 July 2013 by reh


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