Runyan Genealogy
Voices in Time:
Runyan/Runyon Genealogy


Please note that any genealogical data on this website should not assumed to be accurate.  Some data on this site has been received from unverified sources and should not be assumed to be my own research.  Rule of thumb:  just because it is in black and white, doesn't mean it's right!  Do your own research, if you want to be sure!

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I would like to thank all my cousins--either by actual relation or by the genealogy hobby-- who have helped make this page possible:

Linda Runyon and Ira Runyon

About the name

Most if not all Runyan/Runyon/Rognion, etc. can trace their heritage back to Vincent Rongnion and Ann Martha Boutcher who married in New Jersey in 1668.  Vincent was a French Huguenot who sought refuge in America.  One book described the Huguenots "The Huguenots were a wise, temperate, frugal and most accomplished set of people in south France, who contributed most largely to the glory of France, and who attached themselves to the Protestant cause.  Catholic France made a great mistake in so prosecuting these Huguenots as
to force them to leave their native home for a refuge in the wilds of America." (Pioneers and Makers of Arkansas by: Mr Josiah H Shinn 1849-1917. Published 1908 Little Rock Ar)

Pike County, Kentucky Runyons

My husband's line has been traced back to Vincent.  His more immediate line came from Pike County, Kentucky through Madison Runyon, born in 1869 to John Compton Runyon and his wife Arena Bevins.  Madison Runyon married Mary Jane Murphy in 1892.  They had 13 children, including Great-Grandma Rena (pronounced Reeny).

Some of the Runyons of Pike County married into the famous Hatfield family.  Stories about the Hatfield and McCoy feud have been handed down to us from those who remember the feud.

Be sure to check out my Pictures of the Past page to see pictures of our Runyons.

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Websites for various branches of the name

Ira Runyon:  Has the most complete Runyon/Runyan information I've seen.

Linda Runyon:  While you are looking over her Runyon data, be sure to check out her Appalachian Ancestors and the great links too!

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Last Updated:  November 13, 1999