Yes, you have all the right relatives. I can put a lot of missing links together. THANK YOU so much. Your family is beautiful and I can't wait to meet all of you. I just wrote a long E-mail and the computer server cut off just as I was finishing but before I sent it. Will re-write it tomorrow. It is very late now.
I tried sending you photos of my family. Let me know if you get the 2 of them. Put your computer on landscape.....Seven of my sons are on the photo with me taken at my youngest sons wedding 3 years ago. Jeff was unable to be there as he was in medical school. I sent his graduation photo from Medical School. The boys on the photo L to R are: Christopher (#4), Paul (#7).Peter(#6), Timothy (the youngest, #8),
Gregory (#5), John (the oldest),Joseph (#2). Jeffrey was #3 and tragically, this past January we all went to Florida to attend his funeral. He was 43, only a doctor for a year and a half, and was hit by a car while riding his bike for exercise. He was where he was supposed to be, but the driver said he was hit with sunglare and could not see. We buried his wife in May of 2003. Elizabeth had a massive heart attack. They left 2 girls.
Let me know if you got the photos and tomorrow I will respond about the Tillman's. Thank you again, I would have never found them with the spellings.
You are a beautiful family and I can't wait to meet you. I looked at the photo so quickly last night...this AM I figured it all out, but was glad to get the names to go with the photo. I am trying to send some to you of my family. Make sure you have landscape on.......Let me know if you do not get them. I will make copies and mail them as I did before.
Thank you so much for all the information you sent. Wow...No wonder I could not find them though with the different spellings. You do have the right ones though. They used to say the name Till-e-man. So I was looking for similar spellings...but not the j in there.

Florence is my mother. Clara was next to the youngest. Julianna was the baby. When the parents died they left 8 children orphaned. Uncle Pete went in the Navy to support the family. There was tuberculosis in the family which was a big epidemic then. Josephine, one of the sisters, died from TB in 1914 and so did Camiel in December 1914. My mother always said that her mother died 3 months before her father. However, from the cemetery records Sabina was buried there in 1917, dying from TB. It is my belief, that in 1914 she probably was sent to a TB hospital and the kids were told that she died. I am trying to get those records to verify that was true.

Since the family was so infected with TB, I believe this is why none of the family would take the children to live with them. Uncle Pete was very bitter about this, but I now can understand. He would send money home to take care of his sisters through and Vicrtorine and apparently the money was not being used for them. Therefore, Uncle Pete became angry and remained so and that is why he refused to have their name on the gravestone. Uncle Pete told me this when I visited him in Oregon before he died.

My mother must have lived in the YWCA in Paterson when she went to work and moved out from Victorine and Joe at that point. I don't know where Aunt Clara went. Yes, the address was 120 Madison Avenue. I was born and raised across the street at 119 Madison Avenue. I was there until I married. Isn't it sad, I never knew that was my Aunt until after she died. My mother had a lot of bitterness in her...very sad.

Continuation---What I wrote last night I was able to retrieve.
Do the names Remie, Hypolitus, and Medardus translate to English? I have the remaining names of the siblings of Camil are August, Daniel,Paul , Matilda (who married August Monton), and Mary.
Paul Tillman married a Martha Knopf.
Camil sister, Victorina married Peter Wieme, son of Jacobus Wieme and Martha Moens. He was born in Paterson but I believe I traced his parents back to Holland. I have to do some matching now from info I got from your suggested site.
I have records from Ellis Island that I believe is my grandmother, Sabina. I have been trying to fit this in for quite some time now. Mrs. C. Tillman, arrived on 8/23/1893; age 24 yr. 3 mo. She was married and said she was from USA. Ship of travel was Norland leaving from Antwerp. If she was 24 then, she must have been born in 1869. Was she born Sabina Coene in the US and went for a visit to Holland? Or was it mistated that she lived in the USA but that was not her birthplace. Still looking for that one.

Must go for now...Sunshine is gorgeous and I must do some gardening. Again, lots of thanks.
I have a lot to look up on the site you suggested. I pulled up a couple where the names I knew were familiar and I know there are a lot more there re Jacobus Wieme. I spoke with Helen( Wieme) Cusick today to let her know all the info we have exchanged. She is 5 years older than I so therefore had a little more in her memory bank....
She had given me a copy of the wedding photo of Jacobus Wieme and his second wife, Clementia Zegers. His first wife Martha Moens had died and left him with 8 children. The youngest was her grandfather Peter Wieme. When Clementia and Jacob wed there were 8 more children born to that marriage. Now I know why he was the father of the bride and bridegroom so many times....Some of those entries had the mother of the bride or groom as Clementia Moens but I think that must have been misconstrued info at the marriage entry.

I spent 3 hours with the computer people today and they still could not get my printer in operation. I will have to waste another couple hours, I guess, on another day. Hope you got my photos I sent. Let me know.
Emails june 15th and june 16th 2004
Goodnight for now. Fran