• [S45] Registers van de Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland 1796/1811-1940, online http://database.zeeuwsarchief.nl/ Hereinafter cited as Huwelijksakten Retranchement 1796-1922.Elodia Maria van Landschoot
    Bruid Huwelijksakte op donderdag 7 augustus 1919 Retranchement
    Aktenummer/Number of deed: 6
    Aktedatum/Date of deed: 7 8 1919
    Bruidegom/Bridegroom: Matheus Baart
    Beroep/Occupation: Werkman
    Leeftijd/Age: 45 jaar/years old
    Geboorteplaats/Birthplace: Sint Kruis
    Bruid/Bride: Elodia Maria van Landschoot
    Beroep/Occupation: Werkvrouw
    Leeftijd/Age: 32 jaar/years old
    Geboorteplaats/Place of birth: Maldegem (België)
    Moeder bruidegom/Mother bridegroom: Maria Baart
    Beroep/Occupation: Z
    Vader bruid/Father bride: Charles Louis van Landschoot
    Moeder bruid/Mother bride: Marie Louise van der Steenen
    Beroep/Occupation: Werkvrouw
    Opmerking/Note: Bruidegom gescheiden van Maria Wille, bruid weduwe van Emile Alphonse Moelaer
    Huwelijksakten Retranchement 1796-1922
    Archief:Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer
    Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland 1796/1811-1940.
  • [S49] Kathy A Kuroda, "St. Mary's Cemetery Records," e-mail message from e-mail address (Winnebago County,Illinois) to Hans Van Landschoot, feb 2002 . Hereinafter cited as "St. Mary's Cemetery Records"., I talked to Pat about locating the grave of Madeleine. After she talked with you, she did not keep the information. She told me you know where the grave is located. Can you e-mail me what you told her? She said if I can get that from you, to call her back and she will have someone mark the grave with a cone so I will be able to find it. Our snow has melted and we are supposed to have nice weather this week. I talked to Pat and she said she would have Madeleine's grave marked for me today. I went over there this afternoon. I found her grave, but there is no headstone marking her grave. Pat had the block and plot marked. I can still take a picture of the area if you would like. I just wanted to let you know that there is no headstone. That is probably why I could not find her burial in the books at the library. The books were done by volunteers walking the cemetery and recording headstones .The cemetery is not that big. If you can tell me where in the cemetery the grave is, I might try to find it on my own this week end
    source:Kathy A Kuroda <e-mail address> RAOGK volunteer ,Winnabago Co,Illinois)
    Re: IL lookup:Illinois Death Index 1916-1938 at Family History Center
    Van Landschot, Madeline Cert. #3010573 12 Aug 1929
    Winnebago Co., Rockford deathcertificate Cert. #3010573.
  • [S50] Chris Anderson, "St. Mary's Cemetery Records," e-mail message from e-mail address (Winnebago County,Illinois) to Hans Van Landschoot, sept 2002 . Hereinafter cited as "St. Mary's Cemetery Records."
  • [S51] Burgerlijke Stand inventarisnummer. Burgerlijke Stand Zeeland 1796/1811-1940, online http://database.zeeuwsarchief.nl/. Hereinafter cited as Huwelijksakten * Overlijdensakten 1796-1950.
  • [S81] Frances Fass Yuskaitis, "Email Paterson, New Jersey," e-mail message from e-mail address (Pennsylvania) to Hans Van Landschoot, june/2004 . Gustav and Edmond are buried in the same plot in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Paterson. I am going down to Paterson on Sunday June 6th and I will go to the cemetery and take a picture. It is supposed to be very heavy rain though, so I may have to delay that. Wive's are not there. Looking for Albert's now. They have an Edward on file, so I will check that out further. They may have the name correct. I have a lot of info on the Monton family. Do you want this? Mathilde Tillman (we called her tante Tillie) married Peter Monton in Lapscheure. I will try and send a couple photos to you. Let me know if you get them. I am not real good at this computer details, but let's see if it works.
  • [S83] Frances Fass Yuskaitis, "Email Paterson,New Jersey," e-mail message from e-mail address (Pennsylvania) to Hans Van Landschoot, june/2004, Edward Van Landschoot begraven op 21 december 1900,verwondingen waren de oorzaak van zijn overlijden.
  • [S84] E. Van Wonterghem, De Levensboom (VVF Meetjesland), Jaargang 14,Nr 2 /2001 pagina 53.
  • [S85] Newspaper obituary, online http://www.chronicleonline.com/chronicle_online/. Hereinafter cited as Chronicle online.
  • [S86] Census records,Passengerlists,Military files,newspapersrecords. PAID ACCES IN 2001,2003 AND 2005, online at http://www.ancestry.com/.. Hereinafter cited as records at Ancestry.com.
  • [S88] Rita Van Landschoot, "Fotos grafsteen Canada," e-mail message from e-mail address (Overpelt,Limburg,B) to Hans Van Landschoot, 1/5/2006, Fotos genomen door Rita Van Landschoot tijdens haar bezoek aan Canada in jan 2006.
  • [S89] Tillsonburg News Obits, online http://www.tillsonburgnews.com/. Hereinafter cited as Tillsonburg News obits.
  • [S92] Find a grave : Rodney Sabbe, online http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi. Hereinafter cited as Find a grave.
  • [S94] Rochester, Monroe, NY Democrat & Chronicle,Sun Jan 3, 1937, online http://users.rootsweb.com/~nymonnws/1937/JAN.html. Hereinafter cited as Rochester, Monroe, NY Democrat & Chronicle,Sun Jan 3, 1937.
  • [S95] Missouri Deathindex, online http://www.deathindexes.com/missouri/index.html. Hereinafter cited as Missouri Deathindex.
  • [S96] Archives Départementales du Nord, 22 rue Saint-Bernard à Lille, France. Hereinafter cited as Actes de naissances; Actes de marriages; Actes de décès de 1855-1900. Les tables décennales d' états civiles se trouve sur le site internet: http://www.archivesdepartementales.cg59.fr/. Visitez en 2003 - 2004 - 2006 - 2008.
  • [S109] Diane Donar, "Marriage Jules Van Landschoot- Alida Roelandt," e-mail message from e-mail address (Toledo, Ohio) to e-mail address, 3/3/2009. Hereinafter cited as "Marriage information Jules VL". Diane is a granddaughter of Alida Roelandt.
  • [S112] Archives départementales du Nord, online http://www.archivesdepartementales.cg59.fr/ . Hereinafter cited as Recensement de 1906. Lomme, Nord, France. Page : 267.
  • [S114] Heemkundige Kring Ons Wingene, online http://www.onswingene.be/index.php. Hereinafter cited as Heemkundige Kring Ons Wingene.
  • [S123] 't Getrouwe Maldeghem van 15 mei 1927, online http://mail.maldegem.be/websitemaldegem/getrmaldegem/…. Hereinafter cited as 't Getrouwe Maldeghem van 15 mei 1927.
  • [S124] 't Getrouwe Maldeghem van 24 november 1907, online http://mail.maldegem.be/websitemaldegem/getrmaldegem/…. Hereinafter cited as 't Getrouwe Maldeghem van 24 november 1907.
  • [S125] 't Getrouwe Maldeghem van11 oktober 1936, online http://mail.maldegem.be/websitemaldegem/getrmaldegem/…. Hereinafter cited as 't Getrouwe Maldeghem van11 oktober 1936.
  • [S127] FamilyPilot, online https://www.familysearch.org. Hereinafter cited as FamilyPilot.
  • [S160] Fulton History - Newspapers, online http://fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html. Hereinafter cited as Fulton History - Newspapers.
  • [S229] Digitale Krantenarchief - D.A.D.D. vzw / Stadsarchief Aalst, online http://aalst.courant.nu. Hereinafter cited as Digitale Krantenarchief - D.A.D.D. vzw / Stadsarchief Aalst.
  • [S233] Weekblad van Maldegem 10 mei 1903, online http://mail.maldegem.be/websitemaldegem/weekblad/…. Hereinafter cited as Weekblad van Maldegem 10 mei 1903.
  • [S234] Weekblad van Maldegem 17 feb 1907, online http://mail.maldegem.be/websitemaldegem/weekblad/…. Hereinafter cited as Weekblad van Maldegem 17 feb 1907.
  • [S238] "New York, County Marriages, 1908-1935," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KZ9J-3H9 : accessed 14 May 2013), Julius Vanlandschoot and Margaret Bonne, 1934., online https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KZ9J-3H9. Hereinafter cited as Julius Vanlandschoot, "New York, County Marriages, 1908-1935".
  • [S239] "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K8VM-BNT : accessed 14 May 2013), Raymond Spackman and Marceline Mary Landschoot, 1937., online https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K8VM-BNT. Hereinafter cited as Raymond Spackman x Marceline Mary Landschoot, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952".
  • [S243] "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K8KW-4J8 : accessed 05 Sep 2013), George Hansing and Caroline Ziegler, 1946., online https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/…. Hereinafter cited as "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K8KW-4J8 : accessed 05 Sep 2013), George Hansing and Caroline Ziegler, 1946..
  • [S271] Greenwood Cemetery, Kent County, ON - Alfons Landschoot 1888-1951, online http://geneofun.on.ca/names/photo/1260721. Hereinafter cited as Greenwood Cemetery, Kent County, ON - Alfons Landschoot 1888-1951.
  • [S277] Belgium, East Flanders, Civil Registration, 1541-1910 Gent Huwelijken 1834 Image 363 of 658, online https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/…,1009340701. Hereinafter cited as Belgium, East Flanders, Civil Registration, 1541-1910 Gent Huwelijken 1834 Image 363 of 658.
  • [S283] Richard Van Landschoot, Geboorteakten Sint Laureins, akte nummer 09 (30-1-1891), Rijskarchief Gent.
  • [S298] Série 25 : France - Fonds Coutot Compléments - 1800-1940, online http://www.geneaservice.com/. Hereinafter cited as Série 25 : France - Fonds Coutot Compléments - 1800-1940.
  • [S299] Newspapers online paid acces dec. 2014-jan. 2015, online http://www.newspapers.com/. Hereinafter cited as Newspapers online paid acces dec. 2014-jan. 2015.
  • [S300] Newspapers online paid acces dec. 2014-jan. 2015, online http://www.newspapers.com/. Hereinafter cited as Newspapers online paid acces dec. 2014-jan. 2015.
  • [S309] Obituaries, Database: State Journal-Register (Springfield, Illinois), Obituaries, 1993-1999 Source: The State Journal-Register Springfield, ILLinois.Page: 12, Springfield, ILLinois, 15-2-1996, 12. Hereinafter cited as State Journal-Register (Springfield, Illinois), Obituaries, 1993-1999.
  • [S327] Drs. Shirley Levine, "City directories on microfilm in the New York Public Library," e-mail message from e-mail address (New York City) to Hans Van Landschoot, 2007. Hereinafter cited as "City directories Paterson, New Jersey."
  • [S328] RAOGK look up volunteer for Passaic County,NJ, Paterson Morning Call, Saturday, June 7 1952 Page 17.
  • [S358] Monumenten en andere gedenkstukken
    ter nagedachtenis van de Belgen die bij gewapende conflicten sneuvelden, online http://www.bel-memorial.org/all_names/van_f.php. Hereinafter cited as Bel-memorial.
  • [S367] Taptoe Meetjesland 26-8-2015 - Overlijdens berichten, online http://www.taptoe-online.be/2015/tt-2015-35/index.html. Hereinafter cited as Taptoe Meetjesland 26-8-2015 - Overlijdens berichten.
  • [S382] Het Laatste Nieuws van woensdag 9 dec. 2015 - Regio Nieuws Oost Vlaanderen, online http://www.hln.be/. Hereinafter cited as het Laatste Nieuws van woensdag 9 dec. 2015 - Regio Nieuws Oost Vlaanderen.
  • [S385] Huwelijksbijlagen Van Landschoot - Frederic -Leveugle 1871, online https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-8BXQ-5PC. Hereinafter cited as Huwelijksbijlagen Van Landschoot - Frederic -Leveugle 1871.
  • [S388] Mémoires des Hommes - Registres matricules des sous-officiers et hommes de troupe de l'infanterie de ligne (1802-1815)., online http://www.memoiredeshommes.sga.defense.gouv.fr/fr/…. Hereinafter cited as Mémoires des Hommes.
  • [S403] Het gezin Maarten Sierens en Van Pamele Tanneken en Steyaert Cristina Geschiedenis Bekegem, online http://bekegem.be/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/maartenoed.pdf. Hereinafter cited as Het gezin Maarten Sierens en Van Pamele Tanneken en Steyaert Cristina Geschiedenis Bekegem.
  • [S413] Rouwberichten " Het Laatste Nieuws" 4-5-2017 Els Vanlandschoot, online http://www.hln.be/hln/nl. Hereinafter cited as Rouwberichten " Het Laatste Nieuws" 4-5-2017 Els Vanlandschoot.
  • [S424] The News (Fair Lawn, NJ) Wednesday August 3th 1938 - Obit Mrs. edward De Brock online subscription 1-7- sept. 2019
    , online https://www.newspapers.com/. Hereinafter cited as The News (Fair Lawn, NJ) Wednesday August 3th 1938.
  • [S427] Rochester Times Union 26-2-1940 online at Fulton History, acces 7-9-2019, online https://fultonhistory.com. Hereinafter cited as Rochester Times Union 26-2-1940.
  • [S431] Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, NY Friday Jan. 24th 1969 online subscription 1-7- sept. 2019
    , online https://www.newspapers.com/. Hereinafter cited as Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, NY Friday Jan. 24th 1969.
  • [S434] Mémoires des Hommes, Minéstères des Armées de France; soldats Napoleon
    Joannes Baptist Van Landschoot 131e régiment d'infanterie de ligne, 6e bataillon, 27 février 1811-27 juillet 1813, online https://www.memoiredeshommes.sga.defense.gouv.fr/fr/…. Hereinafter cited as Mémoires des Hommes, Minéstères des Armées de France; soldats Napoleon.
  • [S448] Archief Maldegem - Getrouwe 16-6-1940 -oorlogsjaren, online https://archief.maldegem.be/Databank. Hereinafter cited as Archief Maldegem - Getrouwe 16-6-1940 -oorlogsjaren.