Curtis/Fitzgerald Family Tree

The Curtis/Fitzgerald Family Tree

Husband: John Edgar FITZGERALD
Born: 16 Feb 1847 Place: Maury Co, TN Married: 4 Apr 1867 Place: Anderson Co, TX Died: 19 Oct 1915 Place: Concord, Anderson Co, TX Father: William ("Billy Coupe") FITZGERALD Mother: Elizabeth ("Betsey") FIELDS Other Spouse: Elizabeth Belle ("Lizzie") LUNSFORD
Wife: Sarah E. RAUSIN
Born: 1848 Place: AL Died: 12 Apr 1870 Place: Anderson Co, TX (in childbirth) Father: Hugh Rausin Mother: Lucinda Jane Thomas Sister: Melissa Caroline Rausin (married Clayton Alexander Fitzgerald)
Name: Hugh Eldridge ("Bud") FITZGERALD Born: 12 Apr 1870 Place: Anderson Co, TX Married: 17 Mar 1904 Place: Anderson Co, TX Died: 13 Apr 1950 Place: Anderson Co, TX Spouses: Minnie Belle RICHARDSON

Curtis/Fitzgerald Family Tree
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For privacy sake, no personal information (such as birthdays, marriage dates, mailing addresses, and personal biographies) for living people are included in this website unless permission has been given. However, I'm collecting all available information (full names, dates & places) in my personal genealogy database, so if you can fill in some blanks please email me. Thanks for your help! GEDCOM files are available to family members upon request. -RJH
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� October 2003, Roland J. Heddins