John & Lizzie (Lunsford) Fitzgerald Family

John & Lizzie (Lunsford) Fitzgerald Family

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Bud-JohnFitzgerald.jpg (28529 bytes) John-Lizzie-Fitzgerald.jpg (22793 bytes) Fitzgerald-Family.jpg (32397 bytes) Fitzgerald-Family2.jpg (30856 bytes)
John Edgar Fitzgerald (1896, age 48-49) John Fitzgerald (right) and his oldest son, Hugh ("Bud") Fitzgerald John & Lizzie (Lunsford) Fitzgerald Fitzgerald / Lunsford Family: Alex, Sallie, Perry, Lunsford lady, Bud, Lunsford lady, John & Lizzie Fitzgerald / Lunsford Family
Seated:  John, Lizzie & Lizzie's sister; Back-center: Perry & Alex; Far-right: probably Sallie


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Lizzie (Lunsford) Fitzgerald William "Henry" Fitzgerald, John & Lizzie's oldest son


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Perry Fitzgerald, son of John & Lizzie Alex Fitzgerald, son of John & Lizzie Roy Fitzgerald, son of John & Lizzie (probably about 1915) Roy Fitzgerald, son of John & Lizzie, during WWI (about 1918)


PearlFitzgerald.jpg (30235 bytes)   Fitzgerald-family-1927.jpg (31032 bytes) Alex-Perry-JoeFitzgerald-3-21-1942.jpg (30242 bytes)
Pearl Fitzgerald and the old Fitzgerald house at what is now known as the Concord community Toy Crocker (Sally's husband) Fitzgerald Siblings: Toy & Sally Crocker, Henry, Joe, Betty Jane & Sam Curtis (1927) Alex, Perry & Joe Fitzgerald
(21 March 1942)


  Possibly-Lizzie Fitzgerald-with-horse.jpg (30013 bytes)  Possibly-LizzieFitz-with-Oren's-baby.jpg (29065 bytes)
Unknown Fitzgeralds
(Civil War tintype photos)
Unknown Fitzgerald/Lunsford lady (perhaps Lizzie or one of her daughters?) Unidentified lady, perhaps Lizzie (Lunsford) Fitzgerald or maybe one of her sisters. On the back of the photo on the right is written "...with Oren's baby"


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Joe Fitzgerald's pocketwatch Sally (Fitzgerald) Crocker's pocketwatch Curtis sisters: Viola Weathers, Anna Bell Lappe & Beula Stanbery at the old Fitzgerald homeplace (in Concord, Texas) that their great-grandfather built in the 1850s. (photo taken Aug. 1968)
[More photos in Sam & Betty Curtis' section]


Families of John & Lizzie Fitzgerald's Children
(Betty & Alex, the only two of John & Lizzie's children to have children of their own)
Samuel Benton & Betty Jane (Fitzgerald) Curtis Family Photos. Sam & Betty raised their family in Van Zandt County, Texas. Betty & Alex were sister & brother.
Sam B. & Betty Jane (Fitzgerald) Curtis Family
Alex-Jettie-Fitzgerald-small.jpg (4244 bytes)
Alex & Jettie (Gilson) Fitzgerald


Family Group Sheet (Family Tree Section):
John & Lizzie (Lunsford) Fitzgerald Family

John & Sarah (Rausin) Fitzgerald's Marriage Certificate
John & Lizzie (Lunsford) Fitzgerald's Marriage Certificate


Curtis/Fitzgerald Family Photos Page

Curtis/Fitzgerald Family Homepage