Lela (Stanbery) Helms-Gore Family Photos

The Lela (Stanbery) Helms-Gore Family

Click on the thumbnail images for larger views (displayed in separate windows)

LelaJudHelms.jpg (31046 bytes)

JudHelms.jpg (30111 bytes)

JudLelaHelmsFamily-plow.jpg (30131 bytes)

Jud-Homer-Elvie-farming.jpg (30157 bytes)

GoreFamily.jpg (29126 bytes)

Lela & Jud Helms (May 1914) Jud Helms Jud & Lela Helms family, 1919 Jud Helms (left), Elvie Helms & Homer Stanbery (right), 1919 Lela and her family (names not yet identified)


LelaHelms-children.jpg (30321 bytes)

Lela-in-Toms-clothes!.jpg (26337 bytes)

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Lela with her children (names not yet identified) Lela dressed up in her brother Tom's clothes! Washie & Lela Gore Washie & Lela Gore and family
(names not yet identified)
Washie & Lela Gore


IreneFuller1965.jpg (23485 bytes) Lela100-family-0198.JPG (27808 bytes) Bobby Akers.jpg (27169 bytes) BobbyAkers-BennyFuller-0900.jpg (25363 bytes)
Irene (Helms) Fuller
(Sept. 1965)

Lela and her family at her 100th birthday party (Jan.1998)

Bobby Akers, Lela's great-grandson (Sept. 1998) Bobby Akers & Benny Fuller (Sept. 2000)

More Photos will be added as they're obtained and as time permits. If you have any you could share with us, please contact Roland at [email protected].


Family Group Sheet (Family Tree Section):
Jud & Lela (Stanbery) Helms Family

Washie & Lela (Stanbery) Gore Family


Photo Collections of Van & Mintie Stanbery's Family
| Jennie | America | Tom | John | Albert | (Lela) | Una | Iva | Clyde | Clarence | Homer | Carl | Archie | Leon |

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