Seneca County
was formed from old Indian Territory, April 1, 1820, organized April 1,
and named from the tribe who had a reservation within its
limits. The
surface is level, and the streams run in deep channels. The
county is
well watered, has considerable water-power, and the soil is mostly a
loam. It was settled principally from Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Maryland and
New York, and by some few Germans.
principle farm products are wheat, corn, grass, oats, potatoes and
Area, about 540 square miles .
In 1887 the acres
cultivated were 219,543; in pasture, 26,352; woodland, 58,716; lying
1,447; produced in wheat, 969,701 bushels; rye, 9,777; buckwheat, 400;
834,806; barley, 10,407; corn, 1,204,246; meadow hay, 24,699
tons; clover
hay, 8,369; flax, 12,900 lbs. fibre;
potatoes, 87,584
bushels; butter, 686,237 lbs.; cheese, 5,800; sorghum, 3603 gallons;
syrup, 10,489; honey, 3,848 lbs.; eggs, 553,716 dozen; grapes, 6,746
wine, 226 gallons; sweet potatoes, 99 bushels; apples, 21,815 bushels;
2,735; pears, 1,746; wool, 287,003 lbs.; milch
owned, 8.737. Ohio Mining Statistics,
1888.—Limestone, 21,155 tons burned
for lime; 27,500 cubic feet of dimension stone; 13,226 cubic yards of
stone; 35,076 cubic yards of ballast or macadam. School
census, 1888, 11,718; teachers, 361. Miles of
railroad track, 172.
Townships And Census |
1840 |
1880 |
Township And Census |
1840 |
1880 |
Adams, |
1,250 |
1,624 |
London, |
763 |
4,315 |
Big Springs, |
926 |
2,048 |
Pleasant, |
974 |
1,317 |
Bloom, |
1,168 |
2,162 |
Reed, |
1,214 |
1,527 |
Clinton, |
2,197 |
9,581 |
Scipio, |
1,556 |
1,836 |
Eden, |
1,472 |
1,598 |
Seneca, |
1,393 |
1,519 |
Hopewell, |
913 |
1,631 |
Thompson, |
1,411 |
1,901 |
Jackson |
596 |
1,399 |
Venice, |
1,222 |
2,231 |
Liberty, |
1,084 |
2,157 |
Seneca in 1830, 5,157; 1840, 18,139; 1860, 30,868; 1880, 36,945; of
whom 26.947
were born in Ohio; 3,154, Pennsylvania; 905, New York; 350, Virginia;
Indiana; 27, Kentucky; 2,402, German Empire; 339, Ireland; 159, France;
England and Wales; 131, British America; 11, Scotland; and 6, Sweden
Norway. Census, 1890, 40,869
Fort Seneca, a military post built in the war of 1812, was nine miles
north of
the site of Tiffin. It was a stockade with a ditch, and
occupied several
acres on a plain, on the bank of the Sandusky. Some vestiges of the
work yet
[1846] remain. It was only a few miles above Fort Stephenson,
and was
occupied by Harrison’s troops at the time of the attack on
the latter.
While here, and just prior to Perry’s victory, Gen. Harrison
narrowly escaped
being murdered by an Indian, the particulars of which we derive from
The friendly Indians of the
Delaware, Shawanese and
Seneca tribes had been invited to join
him. A number had accepted the invitation, and had reached
Seneca before
the arrival of the Kentucky troops. All the chiefs, and no
doubt the
greater part of the warriors were favorable to the American cause; but
their departure from their towns, a wretch had insinuated himself among
with the intention of assassinating the commanding general.
He belonged
to the Shawanese tribe,
and bore the name of Blue
Jacket; but was not the celebrated Blue Jacket who signed the treaty of
Greenville with Gen. Wayne. He had formerly resided at the
town of
Wapakoneta; he had, however, been absent for a considerable time and
returned but a few days before the warriors of that town set out to
join the
American army. He informed the chiefs that he had been
hunting on the
Wabash, and at his request, he was suffered to join the party which
were about
to march to
Seneca. Upon their arrival at M’Arthur’s
blockhouse, they halted and encamped for the
purpose of receiving provisions from the deputy Indian agent, Col. M’Pherson, who resided
there. Before their arrival at
that place, Blue Jacket had communicated to a friend (a Shawanese
warrior), his intention to kill the American general, and requested his
assistance; this his friend declined and endeavored to dissuade him
attempting it, assuring him that it could not be done without the
certain sacrifice
of his own life, as he had been at the American camp and knew there was
a guard round the general’s quarters, who were on duty day
and night.
Blue Jacket replied,
that he was determined to execute
his intention at any risk, that he would kill the general if he was
sure that
his guards would cut him in pieces not bigger than his thumb nail.
No people on earth are more faithful in keeping secrets than the
Indians, but
each warrior has friend from whom he will conceal nothing; luckily for
Harrison, the friend of the confidant of Blue Jacket was a young
Delaware chief
named Beaver, who was also bound to the general by the ties of
friendship. He was the son of a Delaware war chief of the
same name, who
had with others been put to death by his own tribe, on the charge of
sorcery. Gen. Harrison had been upon terms of friendship with
the father,
and had patronized his orphan boy, at that time ten or twelve years of
age. He had now arrived at manhood and was considered among
the most
promising warriors of his tribe: to this young chief the friend of Blue
revealed the fatal secret. The Beaver was placed by this
communication in
an embarrassing situation, for should he disclose what he had heard, he
betrayed his friend, than which nothing could be more repugnant to the
and principles of an Indian warrior. Should he not disclose
consequences equally or even more to be deprecated were likely to
assassination of a friend, the friend of his father, whose life he was
bound to
defend, or whose death to revenge by the same principle of fidelity and
which forbade the disclosure
While he was yet hesitating, Blue Jacket came up to the Delaware camp
intoxicated, vociferating vengeance upon Col. M’Pherson,
who had just turned him out of his house, and whom he declared he would
put to
death for the insult he had received. The sight of the
traitor aroused
the indignation and resentment of the Beaver to the highest
pitch. He
seized his tomahawk, and advancing toward the culprit, “You
must be a great
warrior,” said he; “you will not only kill this
white man for serving you as
you deserve, but you will also murder our father, the American chief,
and bring
disgrace and mischief upon us all; but you shall do neither, I will
serve you
as I would a mad dog.” A furious blow from the
tomahawk of the Beaver
stretched the unfortunate Blue Jacket at his feet, and a second
terminated his
existence; “There,” said he to some Shawanese who
were present, “take him to the camp of his tribe, and tell
them who has done the
The Shawanese were far
from resenting it; they
applauded the conduct of the Beaver, and rejoiced at their happy escape
the ignominy which the accomplishment of Blue Jacket’s design
would have
brought upon them. At the great treaty which was held at
Greenville in
1815 Gen. Cass, one of the commissioners, related the whole of the
to the assembled chiefs, and after thanking the Beaver, in the name of
United States, for having saved the life of their general, he caused a
present to be made him out of the goods which he had sent for the
purpose of
the treaty. It is impossible to say what
was the motive
of Blue Jacket to attempt the life of Gen. Harrison: he
was not one of
the Tippecanoe Shawanese,
and therefore could have no
personal resentment against the general.
There is little doubt that he came from Malden when he
arrived at
Wapakoneta, and that he came for the express purpose of attempting the
life of
the general; but whether he was instigated to it by any other person or
persons, or had conceived the idea himself, has never been
Upon the arrival of the chiefs at Seneca, the principal war chief of
the Shawanese requested
permission to sleep at the door of the
general’s marquee, and this he did every night until the
embarkation of the
troops. This man, who had fought with great bravery on our
side in the
several sorties from Fort Meigs,
was called Capt.
Tommy; he was a great favorite of the officers, particularly
the general
and Commodore Perry, the latter of whom
was accustomed
to call him the general’s Mameluke.
The Senecas
of Sandusky—so
called—owned and occupied forty thousand acres of choice land
on the east side
of the Sandusky river, being mostly in this and partly in Sandusky
county. Thirty thousand acres of this land was granted to
them on the
29th of September, 1817, at the treaty held at the foot of the Maumee
Hon. Lewis Cass and Hon. Duncan M’Arthur
being the
commissioners of the United States. The remaining 10,000
acres, lying
south of the other, was granted by the treaty at St. Mary’s,
concluded by the
same commissioners on the 17th of September, in the following
year. By
the treaty concluded at Washington city,
February 28,
1831, James B Gardiner being the commissioner of the general
government, these
Indians ceded their lands to the United States, and agreed to remove
of Missouri, on the Neosho river.
At this time their principal chiefs were Coonstick,
Small Cloud Spicer, Seneca Steel, Hard Hickory, Tall Chief and Good
Hunter, the
last two of whom were their principal orators. The old chief
Good Hunter,
told Mr. Henry C. Brish,
their sub-agent, that this
band, which numbered about four hundred souls, were in fact the
remnant of
Logan’s tribe, (see Pickaway county), and says Mr. Brish
in a communication to us: “I cannot to this day surmise why
they were called
the Senecas.
I never found a Seneca among
them. They were Cayugas—who
were Mingoes—among
whom were a few Oneidas, Mohawks, Onondagoes,
Tuscarawas and Wyandots.”
From Mr. Brish, we have
received an interesting
narrative of the execution for witchcraft of one of these Indians,
named Seneca
John, who was one of the best men of his tribe.
About the year 1825, Coonstick,
Steel and Cracked Hoof left the reservation for the double purpose of a
years hunting and trapping excursion, and to seek a location for a new
home for
the tribe in the far West
At the time of their starting, Comstock, the brother of the first two,
was the
principal chief of the tribe. On their return in 1828, richly
laden with
furs and horses, they found Seneca John, their fourth brother, chief,
in place
of Comstock, who had died during their absence.
Comstock was the favorite brother of the two, and they at once charged
John with producing his death by witchcraft. John denied the
charge in a
strain of eloquence rarely equalled.
he, “I loved my brother Comstock more than I love the green
earth I stand
upon. I would give myself, limb by limb, piecemeal by peacemeal—I
would shed my blood, drop by drop, to restore him to
life.” But all his
protestations of innocence and affection for his brother Comstock were
of no
avail. His two other brothers pronounced him guilty and
declared their
determination to be his executioners.
John replied that he was willing to die and only wished to live until
the next
morning, “to see the sun rise once more.”
This request being granted,
John told them that he should sleep that night on Hard
Hickory’s porch, which
fronted the east, where they would find him at sunrise. He
chose that
place because he did not wish to be killed in the presence of his wife,
desired that the chief, Hard Hickory, should witness that he died like
a brave
Coonstick and Steel
retired for the night to an old
cabin near by. In the morning, in company with Shane, another
they preceeded to the
house of Hard Hickory, who was
my informant of what there happened.
He said, a little after sunrise he heard their footsteps upon the
porch, and
opened the door just enough to peep out. He saw John asleep
upon his
blanket, while they stood around him. At length one of them
him. He arose upon his feet and took off a large handkerchief
which was
around his head, letting his unusually long hair fall upon his
This being done, he looked around upon the landscape and at the rising
sun, to
take a farewell look of a scene that he was never again to behold and
then told
them he was ready to die.
Shane and Coonstick
each took him by the arm, and
Steel walked behind. In this way they led him about ten steps
from the
porch, when Steel struck him with a tomahawk on the back of his head,
and he
fell to the ground, bleeding freely. Supposing this blow
sufficient to
kill him, they dragged him under a peach tree near by. In a
short time,
however, he revived; the blow having been broken by his great mass of
hair. Knowing that it was Steel who struck the blow, John, as
he lay,
turned his head towards Coonstick
and said, “Now
brother, do you take your revenge.” This so
operated upon the feelings of
Coonstick, that he
interposed to save him; but it
enraged Steel to such a degree, that he drew his knife and cut
John’s throat
from ear to ear, and the next day he was buried
with the usual Indian
ceremonies, not more than twenty
feet from where he fell. Steel was arrested and tried for the
murder in
Sandusky county, and
The grave of Seneca John was surrounded by a small picket
Three years after, when I was preparing to move them to the far West, I
saw Coonstick and Steel
remove the picket-fence and level the
ground, so that no vestige of the grave remained.
A writer in the Sidney Aurora,
gave a narrative of the
religious rites of this tribe, just prior to their departure for their
homes. We extract his description of their sacrificing two
dogs to the
Great Spirit. This writer was probably Mr. Brish.
We rose early and proceeded directly to the council house, and though
supposed we were early, the Indians were already in advance of us.
The first object which arrested our attention,
was a
pair of the canine species, one of each gender suspended on a cross! one on either side
thereof. These animals had been
recently strangled—not a bone was broken, nor could a
distorted hair be
seen! They were of beautiful cream color, except a few dark
spots on one,
naturally, which same spots were put on the other, artificially, by the
devotees. The Indian are very partial in the selection of
dogs entirely
white for this occasion; and for such they will give almost any
Now for part of the decorations to which I have already alluded; a
of one will suffice for both.
First—A scarlet ribbon was
tastefully tied just above
the nose; and near the eyes another; next round the neck was a white
ribbon, to
which was attached some bulbous, concealed in another white ribbon;
this was
placed directly under the right ear, and I suppose it was intended as
an amulet
or charm. Then ribbons were bound round the forelegs, at the
knees and
near the feet—these were red and white alternately.
Round the body was a
profuse decoration—then the hind legs were decorated as the
fore ones. Thus
were the victims prepared and thus ornamented for burnt offering.
While minutely making this examination, I was almost unconscious of the
collection of a large number of Indians who were there assembled to
offer their
Adjacent to the cross was a large fire built on a few logs; and though
the snow
was several inches deep, they had prepared a sufficient quantity of
material, removed the snow from the logs and placed thereon their
fire. I
have often regretted that I did not see them light this pile.
My own
opinion is, they did not
use the fire from their
council-house; because I think they would have considered that as
common, and
as this was intended to be a holy service, they, no doubt, for this
struck fire from a flint, this being deemed sacred.
It was a clear, beautiful morning, and just as the first rays of the
sun were
seen in the tops of the towering forest and its reflections from the
surface, the Indians simultaneously formed a semicircle enclosing the
each flank resting on the aforesaid pile of logs
Good Hunter, who officiated as High Priest, now appeared, and
approached the
cross; arrayed in his pontifical robes, he looked quite respectable
The Indians being all assembled—I say Indians, for there was
not a squaw
present during all this ceremony—at a private signal given by
the High Priest,
two young chiefs sprang upon the cross and each taking off one of the
brought it down and presented it on his arms to the High Priest, who
it with great reverence, in like manner advanced to the fire, and with
a very
grave and solemn air, laid it thereon—and this he did with
the other—but to
which, whether male or female, he gave the preference I did not
learn. This done, he
retired to the cross.
In a devout manner he now commenced as an oration. The tone
of his voice
was audible and somewhat chanting. At every pause in his
discourse, he
took from a white cloth he held in his hand, a portion of dried,
herbs, which he threw on the fire; this was intended as
incense. In the
meanwhile his auditory, their eyes on the ground, with grave aspect and
silence, stood motionless, listening attentively to every word he
Thus he proceeded until the victims were entirely consumed and the
exhausted, when he concluded his service; the oblation now made and the
of the Great Spirit, as they believed, appeased, they again assembled
in the
council-house, for the purpose of performing a part in their festival,
from any I yet had witnessed. Each Indian as he entered,
seated himself
on the floor, thus forming a large circle; when one of the old chiefs
rose and
with that native dignity which some Indians possess in a great degree,
recounted his exploits as a warrior; told in how many fights he had
been the
victor; the number of scalps he had taken from his enemies; and what,
at the
head of his braves, he yet intended to do at the “Rocky Moun-
tains;” accompanying
his narration with energy,
warmth and strong gesticulation; when he ended, he received the
applause of the assembled tribe.
This meed of praise was
awarded to the chief by
“three times three” articulations, which were properly
neither nasal, oral nor guttural, but rather
abdominal. Thus many
others in the circle, old and young, rose in order, and pro forma,
themselves of a speech. Among those was Good Hunter; but he
“Had laid
his robes away
mitre and his
His remarks were not filled with such bombast as some others; but
brief, modest
and appropriate; in fine, they were such as became a priest of one of
the lost
ten tribes of Israel
After all had spoken who wished to speak, the floor was cleared and the
renewed, in which Indian and squaw united, with their wonted hilarity
and zeal.
Just as this dance ended, an Indian boy ran to me and with fear
depicted in his countenance, caught me by the arm and drew me to the
pointing with his other hand towards something he wished me to observe.
I looked in that direction, and saw the appearance of an Indian running
at full
speed to the council-house; in an instant he was in the house and
literally in
the fire, which he took in his hands and threw fire, coals and hot
ashes in
various directions through the house and apparently all over
himself. At
his entrance, the young Indians much alarmed, had all fled to the
further end
of the house, where they remained crowded, in great dread of this
personification of the Evil Spirit. After diverting himself
with the fire
a few moments, at the expense of the young ones, to their no small joy
disappeared. This was an Indian disguised with a hideous
false face,
having horns on his head, and his hands and feet protected from the
effects of
the fire. And though not a professed “Fire
King,” he certainly performed
his part to admiration.
During the continuance of this festival, the hospitality of the Senecas was unbounded.
In the council-house and at
the residence of Tall Chief, were a number of large fat bucks and hogs
up and neatly dressed. Bread also, of both corn and wheat, in
Large kettles of soup ready prepared, in which maple sugar, profusely
made a prominent ingredient, thus forming a very agreeable saccharine
All were invited and made welcome; indeed, a refusal to partake of
their bounty, was deemed
disrespectful, if not unfriendly.
I left them in the afternoon enjoying themselves
the fullest extent, and so far as I could perceive, their pleasure was
alloy. They were eating and drinking, but on this occasion,
no ardent
spirits were permitted—dancing and rejoicing—caring
and probably thinking not
of to-morrow.
in 1846.—Tiffin, the county seat, is a compactly
built village, on a level
site, on the line of the railroad connecting Cincinnati with Sandusky
City, and
on the east bank of Sandusky River. It is 86 miles north of
Columbus and
34 from Sandusky City. It was laid out about the year 1821,
by Josiah
Hedges, and named for the Hon. Edward Tiffin, of Ross, president of the
convention which formed the constitution of Ohio,
the first governor of the state of Ohio in 1803. The town is
increasing with the growth of the county. The view was taken
in the
principal street, and shows on the left the court house and in the
distance the
spire of a Catholic church. It contains 2 Lutheran, 2
Catholic, 1
Episcopal, 1 Methodist Episcopal, 1 Reformed Methodist and 1 German
church, 5 grocery and 9 dry goods stores, 1 foundry, 2 newspaper
offices and had in 1840, 728 inhabitants: it now contains with the
about 1200. Opposite Tiffin, on the west bank of the
Sandusky, is the
small village of Fort Ball, so named from a fort erected there in the
war of 1812,
so called from Lieut. Col. James V Ball, the commander of a squadron of
under Harrison, while at Fort Seneca in this county. The fort
was a small
stockade with a ditch, occupying perhaps one-third of an
acre. It stood
on the bank of the river, about fifty rods south of the present bridge,
and was
used principally as a military depot. Vestiges of this work
remain. On the old Indian reservation, in a limestone soil,
are two white
sulphur springs,
respectively ten and twelve miles
from Tiffin and about two apart. The water is clear and
petrifies all
objects with which it comes in contact. The water furnishes
sufficient for two large merchant mills, flows in great quantities and
alike in all seasons. In the northeastern corner of the
county, in the
township of Thompson, is a subterranean stream, about eighty feet under
ground. The water is pure and cold,
uniformly and in a northern direction. It is entered by a
hole in the
top, into which the curious can descend on foot, by the aid of a
TIFFIN, county-seat of Seneca, is eighty miles northwest of Columbus,
miles southeast from Toledo; is on the T. B. & W., B. &
O., and N. W. Railroads.
It is the seat of Heidelberg College and other educational
institutions, is in
the midst of a very productive agricultural region and has extensive
manufacturing interests. County officers, 1888: Auditor,
James A. NORTON;
Clerk, Lewis ULRICH; Commissioners, Henry F. HEDDEN, Truman H. BAGBY,
BURTSCHER; Coroner, Edward LEPPER; Infirmary Directors, Daniel METZGER,
RINEBOLT, William KING; Probate Judge, John ROYER; Prosecuting
William H. DORE; Recorder, George F. WENTZ; Sheriff, George HOMAN;
George MCGORMLEY; Treasurer, Benjamin F. MYERS. City
officers, 1888:
Mayor, Dr. J. F. E. FANNING; Marshal, John HUMMER; Street Commissioner,
Scudder CHAMBERLIN; Solicitor, H. C. KEPPEL; Clerk, William
DORE; Chief of
Fire Department, John ROLLER; Treasurer, B. F. MYERS,
Newspapers: Seneca
Advertiser, Democratic, Myers Bros., editors and publishers; Die Presse, German, George HOMAN,
editor and publisher; News,
Democratic, D. J. STALTER, editor and publisher; Heidelberg Journal,
E. R. Good & Bro, editor and publishers; Village Gardener and
Breeder, Philo J. KELLER, editor and publisher.
Churches: 1
Presbyterian, 2 Catholic, 1 Episcopal, 3 Evangelical, 1 Methodist
Protestant, 3
Reformed, 1 Methodist Episcopal, 1 Lutheran, 1 Baptist.
Commercial, Warren P. NOBLE, president, Samuel B. SNEATH, cashier;
National, John D. LOOMIS, president, J. N. CHAMBERLIN, cashier.
Manufactures and Employees.—Tiffin Union Churn Co., churns,
washboards, etc.,
58 hands; Tiffin Agricultural Works, agricultural implements, 110; E.
Rockwell & Co., woolen goods, 90; Schuman
Co., lager beer, 11; Enterprise Manufacturing Co., sash doors, etc.,
19; Tiffin
Manufacturing Co., sash doors, etc., 18; Glick & McCormick,
wagon supplies,
etc., 25; R. H. Whitlock, boxes, 18; Tiffin Glass Co., table ware, 90;
Machinery Co., bolt and nut machinery, 103; Loomis &
Nyman, general
machine works, 30; H. Hubach,
lager beer, 7; Ohio
Stove Co., stoves, 42.—State Report, 1888.
Population, 1880, 7,889.
census, 1888, 2,836; J. W. KNOTT, school superintendent.
invested in industrial establishments, $637,227. Value of
annual product,
$966,310.—Ohio Labor Statistics, 1887
Census, 1890, 10,801.
Tiffin is a substantial, well-built city, and occupies both sides of
Sandusky river,
including the site of the old Fort
Ball. It is in a very rich country and has a large local
trade. It
is well named from Ohio’s first governor—a
gentleman of diversified
of us think of a place it is, I believe, the universal law to have
spring into
our mind its prominent personalities, and according to the characters
mentally rise, is that place pleasant or disagreeable. To
multitudes of
Ohio people, when they think of the city of Tiffin, comes into their
Ohio’s great orator for near two generations—GEN.
Ohio in 1822, who as he says, was “the first male infant
carried into Seneca
county.” So well is he known that only as a matter
of record is it
necessary to mention him.
I presume there is not
a county in Ohio in which his voice has not been uplifted in patriotic utterance, and in many counties
many times. I know not
one living who has
appeared so much in our State on
public occasions as the orator of the day, especially at out-of-door
of farmers and at pioneer celebrations. And he gives so much
gratification that even his own townsmen throng any public place when
it is
advertised he is to appear. So, in his case, the old saying
prophets not being honored at home, fails when he is to appear in
by Henry Howe in
Pennington, Photo, 1886.
Gen. GIBSON is of the blonde order,
with oval face,
tall and graceful person; but his great peculiarity is the clearness
phenomenal powers of voice that enable him to send every word distinct
to the
ears of acres of people gathered around in the open fields.
Seldom has
been heard a voice like it since the days of Whitefield. Then
he is such
an entertaining, delight-giving speaker, that he will hold a
audience of men, women and children for hours together.
Capt. Henry CROMWELL, an old citizen here in Tiffin, said to me,
“I have been
hearing Gibson for more than forty years, and I am amazed every time I
him. In the Scott campaign of 1852 he introduced Gen. Scott
to our people
from the steps of the Shawhan
House. A reporter
of the New York Herald present said it was the best speech he had ever
In 1842, when a mere boy, I was present when he delivered the
Independence Day
oration at Melmore,
then a spot well out in the
woods. An old Revolutionary soldier sat by his side with
long, flowing
white hair, done up in a queue. As he closed he made an
apostrophe to the flag waving over them, and then turning round put
both hands
on the old man’s head, saying, ‘Here is a man who
fought for that flag.’ Half
of the audience were
in tears. In the course of his life he has participated in
presidential campaigns as a campaign speaker, and seems good for
more. In
the Lincoln campaign Harriet Beecher Stowe happened to hear him, and
wrote, ‘I
have heard many of the renowned orators of Europe and our own country,
but I
have never sat two and a half hours under such wonderful eloquence as
that of
Gen. William H. Gibson of Ohio.’”
Gen. Gibson as a youth began work on a farm, then learned the
trade, and finally was educated to the law; was elected to the office
of state
treasurer in the year 1856, on the ticket with Salmon P. Chase as the
served as colonel of the Forty-ninth Ohio, and was breveted
brigadier-general on his retirement. Of late, having been
duly qualified,
he occasionally serves in the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
If, when we think of Tiffin, the graceful from and somewhat sad face of
eloquent Gibson rises to our mind; so when we think of Fostoria, the
face and compact figure of another lights the scene. His is a
individuality—one that has illustrated that a man can be the
governor of this
great State and at the same moment “Charlie” to
everybody in it. Born
there when all around was woods; growing up with the people, ever
manifesting a
cheerful, generous, helping spirit; his life illustrates the fraternal
idea; so
the humblest individuals of his home community rejoice that he is one
them. The Hon. Daniel RYAN, in his “History of
Ohio,” thus outlines his
“The parents of CHARLES FOSTER were from
Massachusetts. They moved West
and settled in Seneca county, where he was born, April
12, 1828. He received a common-school education and engaged
in business
pursuits for the early part of his life. In 1870, he was
elected to
Congress and served for eight years, although his district was
politically very
strong against him. While in Congress he was noted for the
straightforward and businesslike view that he took of all
measures. He
was one of the Republicans leaders of that body. The
Republican party of
1879 nominated him for governor and he was elected. Two years
after he
was re-elected. He administered state affairs with
success. He took
advanced ground on taxing the liquor traffic, and his
party—in fact, the entire
people of Ohio—have
indorsed his views. He is
now in private life, devoting his attention to business affairs at
Other noted persons come up with the thought of Seneca
county. ANSON
BURLINGAME in 1823 came with his father’s family from the
East—a child of three
years. His father opened a farm near Melmore,
where he remained ten years. The family then removed to
Michigan, but
Anson soon returned and for a while taught school in Eden township.
Eventually he settled in Massachusetts, after a course of law at
In 1856, while serving as a member of Congress from the Boston (Mass.)
district, he spoke in such terms of indignation of the brutal assault
Preston S. Brooks, of South Carolina, upon the Massachusetts Senator,
Sumner, that Brooks challenged him. He promptly accepted,
named rifles as
the weapons, and Navy Island, just above Niagara Falls, as the place of
meeting. Brooks demurred as to the place for the dual,
alleging that to
get there he should be obliged to go through an enemy’s
BURLINGAME was an adept with the rifle, learned in his youthful days by
practice upon the wild
beasts of Seneca county,
and the public judgment was
that Brooks, after his challenge, had learned that fact, and feared if
meeting took place, no matter where it might be, his fate would be that
of some
of those Seneca county bears. BURLINGAME’s
conduct was largely approved of by his party friends at the North, who
on his
return to Boston received him with distinguished honors. The
crowning act
of his life was when, in 1858, as United States minister to China, he
made that
great treaty since known as the “Burlingame
Treaty.” This valuable and
heroic man closed his half century of life while on a mission to St.
in 1870.
Another mentionable fact connected with the personalities of this
county, is
that about a quarter of a century since, when that noted French divine,
HYACINTHE, left the bosom of mother church and advocated matrimony for
he proceeded to practice as he had preached and took for his bride a
county lady.
CONSUL WILSHIRE BUTTERFILED, the historian born in New York, began his
of authorship in this county, wherein for many years he was a teacher,
at one
time head of its Public Schools. His first work was a small
history of
Seneca county.
Of late removed to Madison,
Wisconsin, he has for his careful study and work access to the superb
collection of historical works in the Wisconsin State Library, an
which confers lasting honor upon that young State.
ALFRED H. WELCH, born at Fostoria, in 1850, died in 1888, when
professor of
English Literature in the Ohio State University, after a short but
bright and
useful career as teacher and author. Besides
a series
of school books he published “The Conflict of the
Ages,” The Development of
English Literature and Language,” and “Man and his
Relations.” He
started a youth of humble means and in the employment of Hon. Charles
who observing his faithfulness and capacity assisted him to obtain a
education. He has been said in many respects to resemble
He was fond of flowers and children, and it was his delight to organize
to hunt flowers in the wild woods or gather pond-lilies.
Between May, 1755 and April,
as related by himself.
In the year 1854, was published at Sandusky, one volume of “A
History of Ohio,”
by James W. TAYLOR, a journalist of Sandusky. Only
one of its two
designed volumes was issued. This comprised the period
between the years
1650 and 1787 and therefore before Ohio itself existed.
One of its chapters is entitled “A Pilgrim of Ohio One
Hundred Years
ago.” That chapter embodies all that is essential
in the personal
narration of Col. Smith and is here copied entire. It is
attractive from its simplicity of style and evident truthfulness in
It is in our power, by transcribing
from a Narrative
of the Captivity of Col. James Smith among the Indians, between May,
1755, and
April, 1759, to present a picture of the wilderness and its savage
which bearing intrinsic evidence of faithful accuracy, is also
corroborated by
the public and private character of the writer.
Col. James Smith was a native of Pennsylvania, and after his return
from Indian
captivity, was entrusted, in 1736, with the command of a company of
riflemen. He trained his men in the Indian tactics and
discipline, and
directed them to assume the dress of warriors and to paint their faces
red and
black, so that in appearance they were hardly distinguishable from the
enemy. Some of his exploits in the defense of the
Pennsylvania border are
less creditable to him than his services in the war of the
revolution. He
lived until the year 1812, and is the author of a “Treatise
on the Indian mode
of warfare.” In Kentucky, where he spent the latter
part of his life, he
was much respected and several times elected to the legislature.
The first edition of Smith’s Journal was published in
Lexington, Kentucky, by
John Bradford, in 1799. Samuel Drake, the Indian antiquarian
and author,
accompanies its republication in 1851 by a tribute to Smith as
“an exemplary
Christian and unwavering patriot.”
In the spring of 1755, James Smith, then eighteen years of age, was
captured by
three Indians (two Delaware and one Canasatauga)
about four or five miles above Bedford, in Western
Pennsylvania. He was
immediately led to the banks of the Allegheny river, opposite Fort DuQuesne, where he was compelled
to run the gauntlet
between two long ranks of Indians, each stationed about two or three
apart. His treatment was not severe until near the end of the
lines, when
he was felled by a blow from a stick or tomahawk handle, and on
attempting to
rise, was blinded by sand thrown into his eyes. The blows
continued until
he became insensible
and when he recovered his
consciousness, he found
himself within the fort, much bruised and under the charge of a French
While yet unrecovered
from his wounds, Smith was a
witness of the French exultation and the Indian orgies over the
defeat of Braddock. A few days afterward, his Indian captors
placed him
in a canoe and ascended the Allegheny river
to an
Indian town on the north side of the river, about forty miles above
Duquesne. Here they remained three weeks, when the party
proceeded to a
village on the west branch of the Muskingum, about twenty miles above
forks. This village called Tullihas, was inhabited by Delawares, Caughnewagas and
Mohicans. The soil between the
Allegheny and Muskingum rivers on the route here designated,
is described as “chiefly black oak and white oak land, which
appeared generally
to be good wheat land, chiefly second and third rate, intermixed with
some rich
While remaining at Tullihas,
Smith describes the
manner of his adoption by the Indians and other ceremonies, which we
prefer to give
in his own words: "The day after my arrival at the aforesaid town, a
number of Indians collected about me, and one of them began to pull the
out of my head. He had some ashes on a piece of bark, in
which he
frequently dipped his fingers in order to take a firmer hold, and so he
on, as if he had been plucking a turkey, until he had all the hair
clean out of
my head, except a small spot about three or four inches square on my
crown. This they cut off with a pair of scissors, excepting
three locks,
which they dressed up in their own mode. Two of these they
wrapped round
with a narrow beaded garter, made by themselves for that purpose and
the other
they plaited at full length and then stuck it full of silver
After this they bored my nose and ears, and fixed me off with earrings
nose-jewels. Then they ordered me to strip off my clothes and
put on a
breech-clout, which I did. They then painted my head, face
and body in
various colors. They put a large belt of wampum on my neck
and silver
bands on my hands and right arm; and so an old chief led me out on the
and gave the alarm halloo, “coo-wigh,”
several times,
repeated quick; and on this, all that were in the town came running and
round the old chief, who held me by the hand in the midst. As
I at that
time knew nothing of their mode of adoption, and had seen them put to
death all
they had taken and as I never could find that they saved a man alive at
Braddock’s defeat, I made no doubt that they were about
putting me to death in
some cruel manner. The old chief holding me by the hand, made
a long
speech, very loud, and when he had done he handed me to three young
squaws, who
led me by the hand down the bank, into the river, until the water was
up to our
middle. The squaws then made signs to me to plunge myself
into the water,
but I did not understand them. I thought the result of the
council was
that I should be drowned, and that these young ladies were to be the
executioners. They all three laid violent hold of me and I
for some time
opposed them with all my might, which occasioned loud laughter by the
that were on the bank of the river. At length one of the
squaws made out
to speak a little English (for I believe they began to be afraid of me)
and said
“No hurt you.” On this I gave myself up
to their ladyships, who were as
good at their word, for though they plunged me under water and washed
rubbed me severely, yet I could not say they hurt me much.
Those young women led me to the council house, where some of the tribe were ready with new clothes for
me. They gave me a new
ruffled shirt, which I put on; also a pair of leggins
done off with ribbons and beads, porcupine quills and red hair; also a
tinsel-laced cappo.
They again painted my head
and face with various colors, and tied a bunch or red feathers to one
of those
locks they had left in the crown of my head, which stood up five or six
inches. They seated me on a bearskin and gave me a pipe,
tomahawk and
polecat-skin pouch, which had been skinned pocket-fashion and contained
tobacco, killegenico or
dry sumach
leaves, which they mix with their tobacco; also punk, flint and
When I was thus seated, the Indians came in, dressed and painted in
grandest manner. As they came in they took their seats, and
for a
considerable time there was profound silence; everyone was smoking, but
not a
word spoken among them. At length one of the chiefs made a
speech, which
was delivered to me by an interpreter and was as follows: “My
son, you are now
flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone. By the ceremony
which was
performed this day, every drop of white blood was washed out of your
veins; you
are take into the Caughnewago
nation and initiated
into a warlike tribe; you are adopted into a great family, and now
with great seriousness and solemnity in the room and place of a great
man. After what has passed this day, you are now one of us by
an old
strong law and custom. My son, you now have nothing to
fear—we are now
under the same obligations to love, support and defend you,
that we are to love and defend one another; therefore you
are to
consider yourself as one of our people.” At this
time I did not believe
this fine speech, especially that of the white blood being washed out
of me;
but since that time I have found there was much sincerity in said
speech; for,
from that day, I never knew them to make any distinction between me and
themselves, in any respect whatever, until I left them.
If they had plenty of clothing, I had plenty; if we were scarce, we all
one fate.
After this ceremony was over I was introduced to my new kin, and told
that I
was to attend a feast that evening, which I did. And as the
custom was,
they gave me also a bowl and a wooden spoon, which I carried with me to
place, where there were a number of large brass kettles, full of boiled
and green corn. Everyone advanced with his bowl and spoon and
had his
share given him. After this one of the chiefs made s short
speech and we
began to eat.
The name of one of the chiefs of this town was Tecanyaterigto,
alias “Pluggy,”
and the other Asallecoa,
alias “Mohawk Solomon.” As Pluggy and his party
were to start the next day to war; to the frontiers of Virginia, the
next thing
to be performed was the war-dance and their war-songs. At
their war-dance
they had both vocal and instrumental music; they had a short, hollow
closed at one end, with water in it, and a parchment stretched over the
end thereof, which they beat with one stick, and made a sound nearly
like that
of a muffled drum. All of those who were going on this
collected together and formed. An old Indian then began to
sing, and
timed the music by beating on this drum, as the ancients formerly timed
music by beating the tabor. On this the warriors began to
advance or move
forward in concert, as well-disciplined troops would march to the fife
drum. Each warrior had a tomahawk, spear or war-mallet in his
hand, and
they all moved regularly toward the east, or the way they intended to
go to
war. At length they all stretched their tomahawks toward the
Potomac, and
giving a hideous shout or yell,
they wheeled quick
about and danced in the same manner back. The next was the
war-song. In performing this only one sung at a time, in a
posture, with a tomahawk in his hand, while all the other warriors were
in calling aloud, “He uh, he uh,” which they
constantly repeated while the
war-song was going on. When the warrior who was singing had
ended his
song, he struck a war-post with his tomahawk and with a loud voice told
warlike exploits he had done and what he now intended to do, which were
answered by the other warriors with loud shouts of applause. Some who had not before intended
to go to war at this time,
were so animated by this performance that they took up the tomahawk and
the war-song, which was answered with shouts of joy, as they were then
initiated into the present marching company. The next morning
this company
all collected at one place, with their heads and faces painted various
and packs upon their backs; they marched off, all silent except the
who, in the front sung the traveling-song, which began in this manner:
“Hoo caughtainteheegana.”
Just as the rear passed the end of the town they began to fire in their
manner, from the front to the rear, which was accompanied with shouts
and yells
from all quarters.
This evening I was invited to another sort of dance, which was a kind
promiscuous dance. The young men stood in one rank, and the
young women
in another, about one rod apart, facing each other. The one
that raised
the tune, or started the song, held a small gourd or dry shell of a
squash in
his hand, which contained beads or small stones, which
rattled. When he
began to sing he timed the tune with his rattle; both men and women
danced and
sung together, advancing toward each other, stooping until their heads
would be
touching together, and then ceased from dancing with loud shouts, and
and formed again, and so repeated the same thing over and over for
three or
four hours without intermission. This exercise appeared to me
at first
irrational and insipid; but I found that in singing their tunes,
“Ya ne no hoo
wa ne,” etc., like our
“Fa sol
la,” and though they have no such thing as jingling
verse, yet they can intermix sentences with their notes, and say what
please to each other, and carry on the tune in concert. I
found this was
a find of wooing or courting-dance, and as they advanced stooping with
heads together, they could say what they pleased in each
other’s ear, without
disconcerting their rough music, and the others, or those near, not
hear what
they said.
Smith describes an expedition about thirty or forty miles southwardly,
to a
spot which he supposed to be between the Ohio, Muskingum and Scioto
(Hocking river, near
Athens), perhaps in Licking
county. It was a buffalo lick, where the Indians killed
several buffalo,
and in their small brass kettles made about half a bushel of
salt. Here
were clear, open woods, and thin white-oak land, with several paths
like wagon
roads leading to the lick.
Returning to the Indian village on the Muskingum, Smith obtained an
Bible, which Pluggy and
his party had brought back
among other spoils of an expedition so far as the south branch of the
Potomac. He remained at Tullihas
until October,
when he accompanied his adopted brother, whose name was Tontileaugo,
and who had married a Wyandot woman, to Lake Erie. Their
route was up the
west branch of the Muskingum, through a country which is for some
distance was
“hilly, but intermixed with large bodies of tolerable rich
upland and excellent
bottoms.” They proceeded to the headwaters of the
west branch of the
Muskingum, and thence crossed to the waters of a stream, called by
Smith the “Canesadooharie.”
This was probably the Black river,
which, rising in Ashland, and traversing Medina and Lorain counties (at
by the waters of its east branch), falls in Lake
Erie a few miles north of Elyria.
If we suppose
that Tullihas, situated
twenty miles above the
principal forks of the Muskingum, was near the junction of the Vernon
Mohican rivers, on the borders of Knox and Coshocton counties, Smith
and his
companion probably followed what is called on Thayer’s Map of
Ohio, the Lake
fork of the Mohican,” until they reached the northern portion
of Ashland
county, and there struck the headwaters of the Canesadooharie,
where, as Smith testifies, they found “a large body of rich,
land—the timber, ash, walnut, sugar-tree, buckeye,
honey-locust and cherry,
intermixed with some oak and hickory.” Let us here resume the
On this route we hand no horses with us, and when we started from the
town all
the pack I carried was a pouch, containing my books, a little dried
venison and
my blanket. I had then no gun. But Tontileaugo
was a first-rate hunter, carried a rifle-gun, and every day killed
raccoons or bears. We left the meat, excepting a little for
present use,
and carried the skins with us until we encamped, and then stretched
them with
elm bark on a frame made with poles stuck in the ground and tied
together with linn or
elm bark, and when the skins were dried by the fire
we packed them up and carried them with us the next day.
As Tontileaugo could
not speak English, I had to make
use of all the Caughnewaga
I had learned even to talk
very imperfectly with him. But I found I learned to talk
Indian faster
this way than when I had those with me who could talk English.
As we proceeded down the Canesadooharie
waters our
packs increased by the skins that were daily killed, and became so
heavy that
we could not march more than eight or ten miles a day.
We came to Lake Erie about six miles west of the mouth of Canesadooharie.
As the wind was very high the evening we came to the lake, I was
surprised to
hear the roaring of the water and see the high waves that dashed
against the
shore like the ocean. We encamped on a run near the lake, and
as the wind
fell that night, the surface was only in a moderate motion, and we
marched on
the sand along the side of the water, frequently resting ourselves as
we were
heavy laden. I saw on the strand a number of large fish that
had been
left in flat or hollow places; as the wind fell and waves abated they
were left
without water, or only a small quantity,
and numbers of bald
and gray eagles, etc., were along the shore devouring them.
Some time in the afternoon we came to a camp of the Wyandots,
at the mouth of the Canesadooharie,
where Tontileaugo’s
wife was. [This is believed to be the
Black River in Lorain County.]
Here we were kindly received: they gave us a kind of rough brown
which grew spontaneously, and were called by the Caughnewagas
These potatoes peeled, and dipped in
raccoon’s fat, taste nearly like our sweet
potatoes. They gave us also
what they called cancheanta,
which is a kind of
hominy made of green corn, dried, and beans mixed together.
From the headwaters of Canesadooharie
to this place
the land is generally good, chiefly first or second rate, and
little or no third rate. The only refuse is some swamps that
appear to be
too wet for use, yet I apprehend that a number of them if drained would
excellent meadows. The timber is black oak, walnut, hickory,
black ash, white ash, water ash, buckeye, black-locust, honey-locust,
sugar-tree and elm. There is also some land, though
comparatively small,
where the timber is chiefly white oak or beech; this may be called
third rate.
In the bottoms, and also many places in the uplands, there is a large
of wild-apple, plum, and red and black haw trees. It appeared
to be well
watered, and plenty of meadow ground intermixed with upland, but no
prairies or glades that I saw or heard of. In this route
deer, bear,
turkeys and raccoon appeared plenty, but no buffalo, and very little
signs of
We continued our camp at the mouth of the Canesadooharie
for some time, where we killed some deer and a great many raccoons: the
raccoons here were remarkably large and fat. At length we
embarked in a
birch canoe. This vessel was four feet wide and three feet
deep, and
about five and thirty feet long; and though it could carry a
burden, it was so artfully and curiously constructed that four men
could carry
it several miles, or from one landing place to another, or from the
waters of
the lake to the waters of the Ohio. We proceeded up Canesadooharie
a few miles, and went on shore to hunt; but to my great surprise, they
the vessel that we all came in up the bank, and inverted it, or turned
bottom up, and converted it into a dwelling house, and kindled a fire
before us
to warm ourselves and cook. With our baggage and ourselves in
this house,
we were very much crowed, yet our little house turned off the rain very
We kept moving and hunting up this river until we came to the falls:
here we
remained some weeks, and killed a number of deer, several bears and a
many raccoon. They then buried their large canoe in the
ground, which is
the way to preserve this sort of canoe in the winter season.
As we had at this time no horses, every one had a pack on his back, and
steered an east course about twelve miles and encamped. The
next morning
we proceeded on the same course about twelve miles to a large creek
empties into Lake Erie betwixt Canesadooharie
and Cayahaga.
Here they made their winter cabin in the
following form: they cut logs about fifteen feet long, and laid those
logs upon
each other, and
drove posts in the ground at each end to keep them together : the posts
ties together at the top with bark, and by this means raised a wall
feet long, and about 4 feet high, and in the same manner another wall
to this, at about 12 feet distance : they then drove forks in the
ground in the
center of each end, and laid a strong pole from end to end on these
forks : and
from these walls to the poles, they set up poles instead of rafters,
and on
these they tied small poles in place of laths : and a cover was made of
linn bark, which will
run even in the winter season.
As every tree will not run, they examine the tree first, by tying it
near the
ground, and when they find it will do, they fell the tree and raise the
with the tomahawk, near the top of the tree, about five or six inches
then put the tomahawk handle under the bark, and pull it down to the
butt of
the tree; so that sometimes one piece of bark with be thirty feet
This bark they cut at suitable lengths in order to cover the hut.
At the end of these walls they set up split timber, so that they had
timber all
around, excepting a door
at each end. At the
top, in place of a chimney, they left an open place, and for bedding
they laid
down the aforesaid kind of bark, on which they spread bear skins
From end to end of this hut, along the middle, there were fires, which
squaws made of dry split wood, and the holes or open places that
appeared, the
squaws stopped with moss, which they collected from old logs, and at
the door
they hung a bearskin, and notwithstanding the winters are hard here,
lodging was much better than I expected.
It appears that this Wyandot encampment consisted of eight hunters and
squaws, boys and children. Soon afterwards, four of the
hunters started
on an expedition against the English settlements, leaving Tontileaugo,
three other Indians and Smith to supply the camp with food. The winter months passed in hunting
excursions—the bear, even more
than the deer, being an object of active and successful pursuit.
The months of February and March, 1756, seem to have been occupied as
In February, we began to make sugar. As some of the elm bark
will strip
at this season, the squaws, after finding a tree that will do, cut it
down and
with a crooked stick, broad and sharp at the end, took the bark off the
and of this bark made vessels in a curious manner, that would hold
about two
gallons each; they made above one hundred of this kind of
vessels. In the
sugar tree they cut a notch, sloping down, and at the end where they
stuck a
tomahawk, they drove a long chip, in order to carry the water out from
tree, and under this they set their vessel to receive it. As
sugar-trees were plenty and large here, they seldom or never notched a
that was not two or three feet over. They also made bark
vessels for carrying
the water that would hold about four gallons each. They had
two brass
kettles that held fifteen gallons each, and other smaller kettles in
which they
boiled the water. But as they could not at times boil away
the water as
fast as collected, they made vessels of bark that would hold about one
gallons each for retaining the water, and though the sugar-trees did
not run
every day, they had always a sufficient quantity of water to keep them
during the whole sugar season.
The way we commonly used our sugar while encamped was by putting it in
fat until the fat was almost as sweet as the sugar itself and in this
we dipped
our roasted venison. About this time, some of the Indian lads
and myself were employed
in making and attending traps for
catching raccoons, foxes, wild cats, etc.
As the raccoon is a kind of water animal that frequents the runs or
small water
courses almost the whole night, we made our traps on the runs, by
laying one
small sapling on another and driving in posts to keep them from
The under sapling we raised about eighteen inches and set so that on
raccoon’s touching a string or a small piece of bark, the
sapling would fall
and kill it; and lest the raccoon should pass by, we laid brush on both
of the run, only leaving the channel open.
The fox-traps we made nearly in the same manner, at the end of a hollow
log or
opposite to a hole at the root of a hollow tree, and put venison on a
stick for
bait : we had it so set
that when the fox took hold of
the meat, the trap fell. While the squaws were employed in
making sugar,
the boys and men were engaged in hunting and trapping.
About the latter end of March we began to prepare for moving into town,
in order
to plant corn. The squaws were then frying the last of their
bear fat and
making vessels to hold it :
the vessels were made of
deer skins, which were skinned by pulling the skin off the neck without
ripping. After they had taken off the hair, they gathered it
in small
plaits around the neck and with a string drew it together like a purse,
in the
centre a pin was put, below which they tied a string and while it was
wet they
blew it up like a bladder, and let it remain in this manner until it
was dry, when
it appeared nearly in the shape of a sugar loaf, but more rounding at
the lower
end. One of the vessels would hold about four or five
gallons. In
these vessels it was they carried their bear oil.
When all things were ready the party returned to the falls of Canesadooharie, and thence,
after building another canoe of
elm bark, to the town at the mouth of the river.
By this time, Smith was thoroughly domesticated among his Indian
He found himself treated as an equal and often with disinterested
kindness. His Indian name, by which they habitually addressed
him, was Scoouwa.
At length, he and his adopted brother Tontileaugo,
started for a westward journey to Sandusky
Lake—Smith on horseback along the strand of Lake Erie, and
the Indian in a
canoe near the shore. Here we resume our extracts:
We arrived safe at Sunyendeand,
which was a Wyandot town, that
lay upon a small creek which empties into the
little lake below the mouth of the Sandusky. The town was
about eighty
rods above the mouth of the creek, on the south side of a large plain
on which
timber grew, and nothing more but grass and nettles. In some
places there
were large flats where nothing but grass grew, about three feet high
grown, and in other places nothing but nettles, very rank, where the
soil is
extremely rich and loose—here they planted corn. In
this town there were
also French traders, who purchased our skins and furs, and we all got
clothes, paint, tobacco, etc.
As the Indians on their return from their winter hunt, bring in with
them large
quantities of bear oil, sugar, dried venison, etc. at times they have
and do not spare eating or giving—thus they make away with
their provision as
quick as possible. They have no such thing as regular meals,
dinner or supper, but if any one, even the town folks, would go to the
house several times in one day, he would be invited to eat of the
best—and with
them it is bad manners to refuse to eat when it is offered.
If they will not eat, it is interpreted as a symptom of displeasure, or
the persons refusing to eat were angry with those who invited them.
All the hunters and warriors continued in town about six weeks after we
in. They spent this time in painting, going from house to
house, eating,
smoking and playing at a game resembling dice, or hustle cap.
They put a
number of plum-stones in a small bowl, one side of each stone is black
and the other
white: they then shake or hustle the bowl, calling “hits,
hits, hits, honesy, honesy, rego,
rego;” which
calling for white or black, or what they wish to turn up, they then
turn the
bowl and count the whites and blacks. Some were beating the
(described elsewhere as “a short hollow gum closed at one
end, with water in
it, and parchment stretched over the end thereof, which they beat with
stick”) and signing; others were employed in playing on a
sort of flute, made
of hollow cane, and others playing on the jews-harp.
Some part of this time was also taken up in attending the council and
as many
others as chose attended and at night they were frequently employed in
and dancing.
Towards the last of this time, which was in June, 1756, they were all
in preparing to go to war against the frontiers of Virginia.
When they
were equipped they went through their ceremonies, sung their war songs,
etc. They all marched off, from fifteen to sixty years of
age, and some
boys only twelve years old, were equipped with their bows and arrows,
and went
to war, so that none were left in town but squaws and children, except
one very old man and another about fifty years of age, who was
lame. The
Indians were then in great hopes that they would drive all the
Virginians over
the lake, which is all the
name they knew for the
sea. They had some cause for this hope, because at this time
Americans were altogether unacquainted with war of any kind, and
very unfit to stand their ground with such subtle enemies as the
Indians were.
The two old Indians asked me if I did not think that the Indians and
would subdue all America except New England, which they said they had
tried in
old times. I told them I thought not: they said they had
already driven
them all out of the mountains and had chiefly laid waste the great
valley betwixt
the North and South mountain, from Potomac to James river, which is a
considerable part of the best land in Virginia, Maryland and
Pennsylvania, and
that the white people appeared to them like fools, they could neither
against surprise, run, nor fight. These, they said, were
their reasons
for saying that they would subdue the whites. They asked me
to offer my
reason for my opinion, and told me to speak my mind freely. I
told them
that the white people to the east were very numerous, like the trees,
though they appeared to them to be fools, as they were not acquainted
their way of war, yet they were not fools, therefore after some time
they will
learn your mode of war and turn upon you, or at least defend
I found out that the old men themselves did not believe they could
America, yet they were willing to propagate the idea in order to
encourage the
young men to go to war.
When the warriors left this town we had neither meat, sugar or bear oil
All that we had to live on was corn, pounded
Into coarse meal or hominy—this they boiled in water, which
appeared like well
thickened soup, without salt or anything else. For some time
we had
plenty of this kind of hominy : at length we were brought to very short
allowance, and as the warriors did not return as soon as they expected,
we were
in a starving condition with but one gun in the town and very little
ammunition. The old lame Wyandot concluded that he would go a hunting in the canoe and take
me with him, and try to kill
deer in the water, as it was then watering time. We went up
Sandusky a
few miles, then turned up a creek and encamped. We had lights
as we were to hunt in the night, and also a piece of bark and some
bushes set
up in the canoe, in order to conceal ourselves from the deer.
A little
boy that was with us held the light, I worked the canoe, and the old
man who
had his gun loaded with large shot, when we came near the deer, fired,
and in
this manner killed three deer in part of one night. We went
to our fire,
ate heartily, and in the morning returned to town, in order to relieve
hungry and distressed.
When we came to town the children were crying bitterly on account of
pinching hunger. We delivered what we had taken, and though
it was but
little among so many, yet it was divided according to the strictest
rules of
justice. We immediately set out for another hunt, but before
we returned
a party of warriors had come in and brought with them on horseback a
of meat.
These warriors had divided into different parties and all struck at
places in Augusta county, Virginia. They brought in with them
considerable number of scalps, prisoners, horses and other plunder: one
of the
prisoners was one Arthur Campbell, who was eventually taken to Detroit:
company was very agreeable and I was sorry when he left me.
When the
prisoners were made to run the gauntlet, I went and told them how to
One John Savage was brought in and a middle-aged man about 40 years of
age. He was to run the gauntlet and I told him what to
do. After
this I fell into the ranks with the Indians, shouting and yelling like
and as they were not very severe with him, as he passed me I hit him
with a
piece of pumpkin, which pleased the Indians much but hurt my feelings.
About the time the Indians came in, the green corn was ready, so that
we had
either green corn or venison and sometimes both, which was
comparatively high
living. When we could have plenty of green corn or roasting
ears, the
hunters became lazy and spent their time in signing, dancing, etc. They
appeared to be fulfilling the Scriptures beyond those who profess to
them, in that of taking no thought of to-morrow; and also in love,
peace and
friendship together. In this respect they shame those who
Sometime in October, another adopted brother, older than Tontileaugo,
came to pay us a visit at Sunyendeand,
and asked me
to take a hunt with him on Cayahaga.
As they
always used me as a freeman and gave me the liberty of choosing, I told
that I was attached to Tontileaugo—had
never seen him
before, and therefore asked some time to consider this. I
consulted with Tontileaugo
on this occasion, and he told me that our old
brother Tecaughretanego
(which was his name), was a
chief, and a better man than he was, and if I went with him I might
expect to
be well used, but he said I might do as I pleased, and if I stayed he
would use
me as he had done. I told him he had acted in every respect
as a brother
to me, yet I was much pleased with my old brother’s conduct
and conversation,
and as he was going to a part of the country I had never been in, I
wished to go
with him. He said that he was perfectly willing.
I then went with Tecaughretanego
to the mouth of the
little lake, where he met with the company he intended going with,
which was
composed of Caughnewagas
and Ottawas.
Here I was introduced to a Caughnewaga
sister and
others I had never seen before. My sister’s name
was Mary, which they
pronounced Maully.
I asked Tecaughretanego
how it came that she had an English name. He said he did not know it
was an
English name; but it was the name the priest gave her when she was
and which he said was the name of the mother of Jesus. He
said there was
a great many of the Caughnewagas
and Wyandots that were
a kind of half Roman Catholics; but as
for himself, he said that the priest and he could not agree, as they
notions that contradicted both sense and reason, and had the assurance
to tell
him that the book of God taught him these foolish absurdities; but he
could not
believe that the great and good Spirit ever taught them any such
nonsense, and
therefore he concluded that the Indian’s old religion was
better than this new
way of worshiping God.
The Ottawas have a very
useful kind of tents which
they carry with them, made of flags, plaited and stitched together in a
artful manner, so as to turn the rain and wind well—each mat
is made fifteen
feet long and five feet broad. In order to erect this kind of
tent they
cut a number of long straight poles, which they drive in the ground, in
form of a circle, leaning inwards; they then spread the mats on these
beginning at the bottom and extending up, leaving a hole in the top
uncovered—and this hole answers the place of a
chimney. They make a fire
of dry
split wood in the middle,
and spread down bark mats
and skins for bedding, on which they sleep in a crooked posture all
round the
fire, as the length of their beds will not admit of their stretching
themselves. In place of a door they lift up one end of a mat
and creep in
and let the mat fall down behind them.
These tents are warm and dry, and tolerably clear of smoke.
Their lumber
they keep under birch bark canoes, which they carry out and turn up for
shelter, where they keep everything from the rain. Nothing is
in the tents
but themselves and their bedding.
After remaining here several days the party embarked in their canoes,
and sailing along the shore until they came to the mouth of the Cayahaga, which empties into
Lake Erie on the south side
betwixt Canesadooharie
and Presque Isle.
We turned up Cayahaga
and encamped, where we stayed
and hunted for several days, and so we kept moving and hunting until we
came to
the forks of Cayahaga.
This is a very gentle
river, and but few ripples or swift running places from the mouth to
forks. Deer here were tolerably plenty, large and fat; but
bear and other
game scarce. The upland is hilly, and principally second and
third rate
land; the timber chiefly black oak, white oak, hickory, dog-wood, etc.
bottoms are rich and large, and the timber is walnut, locust, mulberry,
sugar-tree, red haw, black haw, wild apple trees, etc. The
west branch of
this river interlocks with the east branch of the Muskingum,
and the east
branch with the Big Beaver creek that empties into the Ohio about
thirty miles
below Pittsburgh.
From the forks of the Cayahaga
to the east branch of
the Muskingum there is a carrying place where the Indians carry their
etc., from the waters of Lake Erie into the waters of the Ohio.
From the forks I went over with some hunters to the east branch of the
Muskingum, where they killed several deer, a number of beavers, and
heavy laden with skins and meat, which we carried on our backs as we
had no
The land here is chiefly second and third rate, and the timber chiefly
oak and
hickory. A little above the forks, on the east branch of Cayahaga, are considerable
rapids, very rocky for some
distance, but no perpendicular falls.
From the east branch of the Muskingum the party went forty miles
north-east to
Beaver Creek, near a little lake or pond which is about two miles long
and one
broad, and a remarkable place for beaver. After various
adventures in
pursuit of beaver and other game, they went in February, 1757, to the
Beaver, and in March returned to the forks of Cuyahoga. Here
occurred a
lesson on profane swearing, which is not unworthy of repetition.
I remember that Tecaughretanego,
when something
displeased him, said “God damn it.” I asked him if
he knew what he then said?
He said he did, and mentioned one of their
degrading expressions, which he supposed to be the meaning, or
something like
the meaning of what he said. I told him that it did not bear
the least
resemblance to it; that what he had said was calling on the Great
Spirit to
punish the object he was displeased with. He stood for some
time amazed,
and then said, if this be the meaning of these words, what sort of
people are
the whites? When the traders were among us these woods seemed
to be
intermixed with all their discourse. He told me to reconsider what I
had said,
for he thought I must be mistaken in my definition; if I was not
mistaken, he
said, the traders applied these words not only wickedly, but oftentimes
foolishly, and contrary to sense or reason. He said he
remembered once of
a trader accidentally breaking his gun lock, and on that occasion
aloud, “God damn it.” Surely, said he,
the gun lock was not an object
worthy of punishment for Owananeeyo
or the Great
Spirit; he also observed the traders often used this expression when
they were
in a good humor and not displeased with anything.
I acknowledged that the traders used this expression very often, in a
irrational, inconsistent and impious manner; yet I still asserted that
I had
given the true meaning of these words. He replied, if so, the
were as bad as Oonasharoona,
or the underground
inhabitants, which is the name they give to devils, as they entertain a
that their place of residence is under the earth.
Making a large chestnut canoe, the party embarked, had an agreeable
down the Cuyahoga and along the south side of Lake Erie until they
passed the
mouth of Sandusky, then the wind arose, and they put in at the mouth of
Miami of the Lake, at Cedar Point, and sailed thence in a few days for
Detroit. After remaining in the Wyandot and Ottawa villages
opposite Fort
Detroit until November, a number of families prepared for their winter
and agreed to cross the lake together. Here occurs a
description of the
Island Region of Lake Erie.
We encamped at the mouth of the river the first night, and a council
was held
whether we should cross by the three islands, meaning of course, East
Middle Sister and West Sister, or coast around the lake.
These islands
lie in a line across the lake, and are just in sight of each
other. Some
of the Wyandots or Ottawas
frequently make their winter hunt on these islands, though excepting
wild fowl
and fish, there is scarcely any game here but raccoons, which are
plenty and exceedingly large and fat, as they feed upon the wild rice,
grows in
abundance in wet places
round these islands. It
is said that each hunter in one winter will catch one thousand raccoons
It is a received opinion among the Indians that the snakes and raccoons
are transmigratory, and
that a great many of the snakes turn
raccoons every fall, and the raccoons snakes every spring.
This notion is
founded on observations made on the snakes and raccoons on this island.
As the raccoons here lodge in rocks, the trappers make their wooden
traps at
the mouth of the holes; and as they go daily to look at their traps, in
winter season the commonly find them filled with raccoons, but in the
or when the frost is out of the ground, they say they can find their
traps filled
with large rattlesnakes, and therefore conclude that the raccoons are
transformed. They also say that the reason why they are so
plentiful in
winter is, every fall the snakes turn raccoons again.
I told them that though I had never landed on any of these islands,
yet, from
the numerous accounts I had received, I believed that both snakes and
were plenty there, but no doubt they all remained there both summer and
only the snakes were not to be seen in the latter; yet I did not
believe that
they were transmigratory.
These islands are but
seldom visited, because early in the spring and late in the fall it is
dangerous sailing in their bark canoes; and in the summer they are so
with the various kind of serpents (but chiefly rattlesnakes) that it is
dangerous landing.
I shall now quit this digression and return to the result of the
council at the
mouth of the river. We conclude to coast it around the lake,
and in two
days we came to the mouth of the Miami of the Lake, and landed on Cedar
where we remained several days. Here we held a council, and
concluded we
would take a driving hunt in concert and in partnership.
The river in this place is about a mile broad, and as it and the lake
form a
kind of neck, which terminates in a point, all the hunters (which were
three) went up the river, and we scattered ourselves from the river to
lake. When first we began to move we were not in sight of
each other, but
as we all raised the yell we could move regularly together by the
At length we came in sight of each other and appeared to be marching in
order. Before we came to the point both the squaws and boys
in the canoes
were scattered up the river and along the lake to prevent the deer from
their escape by water. As we advanced near the point the guns
began to
crack slowly, and after some time the firing was like a little
engagement. The squaws and boys were busy tomahawking the
deer in the
water and we shooting them down on land. We killed in all about thirty
though a great many made their escape by water.
We now had great feasting and rejoicing, as we had plenty of hominy,
and wild fowl. The geese at this time appeared to be
preparing to move
southward. It might be asked what is meant by the geese preparing to
move. The Indians represent them as holding a great council
at this time
concerning the weather, in order to conclude upon a day that they may
all or at
near one time leave the northern lakes, and wing their way to the
bays. When matters are brought to a conclusion and the time
that they are to take wing, then they say a great number of express are
off, in order to let the different tribes know the result of this council, that they may all be in
readiness to move at the
time appointed. As there was a great commotion among the
geese at this
time, it would appear from their actions, that such a council had been
held. Certain it is,
that they are led by
instinct to act in concert, and to move off regularly after their
Here our company separated. The chief part of them went up
the Miami river, that
empties into Lake Erie at Cedar Point, whilst we
proceeded on our journey in company with Tecaughretanego,
Tontileaugo, and two
families of the Wyandots.
As cold weather was now approaching, we began to feel the doleful
effects of
extravagantly and foolishly spending the large quantity of beaver we
had taken
in our last winter’s hunt. We were all nearly in
the same circumstances;
scarcely one had a shirt to his back, but each of us had an old blanket
we belted around us in the day and slept in at night, with a deer or
bear skin
under us for our bed.
When we came to the Falls of Sandusky we buried our birch bark canoes,
usual, at a large burying place for that purpose, a little below the
falls. At this place the river falls about eight feet over a
rock, but
not perpendicularly. With much difficulty we pushed up our
wooden canoes;
some of us went up the river,
and the rest by land
with the horses, until we came to the great meadows or prairies that
between Sandusky and Scioto.
When we came to this place we met with some Ottawa hunters and agreed
with them
to take what they call a ring hunt, in partnership. We waited
until we
expected rain was near falling to extinguish the fire, and then we
kindled a
large circle in the prairie. At this time, or before the
bucks began to
run, a great number of deer lay concealed in the grass in the day and
about in the
night, but as the fire burned in towards the centre of the circle, the
fled before the fire; the Indians were scattered also at some distance
the fire and shot them down every opportunity, which was very frequent,
especially as the circle became small. When we came to divide
the deer
there were about 10 to each hunter, which were all killed in a few
The rain did not come on that night to put out the outside circle of
the fire,
and as the wind arose it extended through the whole prairie, which was
fifty miles in length, and in some places nearly twenty in
breadth. This
put an end to our ring hunting this season, and was in other respects
an injury
to us in the hunting business, so that upon the whole we received more
than benefit by our rapid hunting frolic. We then moved from
the north
end of the glades and encamped at the carrying place.
This place is in the plains, betwixt a creek that empties into Sandusky
and one
that runs into Scioto; and at the time of high water, or the spring
there is but about one half mile of portage, and that very level and
clear of
rocks, timber or stones, so that with a little digging there may be
carriage the whole way from Scioto to Lake Erie.
From the mouth of Sandusky to the falls is chiefly first rate land,
lying flat
or level, intermixed with large bodies of clear meadows where the grass
exceedingly rank, and in many places three or four feet high.
The timber
is oak, hickory, walnut, cherry, black ash, elm, sugar-tree, buckeye,
and beech. In some places there is wet timber
land—the timber in these
places is chiefly water-ash, sycamore or buttonwood.
From the falls to the prairies the land lies well to the sun, it is
neither too
flat nor too hilly, and is chiefly first rate; the timber nearly the
same as
below the falls, excepting the water-ash. There are also some
plots of
beech land that appear to be second rate, as they frequently produce
spice-wood. The prairie appears to be a tolerably fertile
soil, though in
many places too wet for cultivation; yet I apprehend it would produce
were it only kept from fire.
The Indians are of the opinion that the squirrels plant all the timber,
as they
bury a number of nuts for food, and only one nut at one
place. When a
squirrel is killed, the various kinds of nuts thus buried will grow.
I have observed that when the prairies have only escaped fire for one
near where a single tree stood,
there was a young
growth of timber supposed to be planted by squirrels. But
when the
prairies were again burned all this young growth was immediately
consumed, as
the fire rages in the grass to such a pitch that numbers of raccoons
thereby burned to death.
On the west side of the prairie, or betwixt that and the Scioto, there
is a
large body of first rate land—the timber, walnut,
ash, elm, locust
sugar-tree, buckeye, cherry, mulberry, plum trees, spice-wood, black
haw, red
haw, oak and hickory.
After passing the winter on the Oleantangy,
tributary of the Scioto, the old Indian and his young companion
returned and
proceeded down Sandusky, killing in the passage four bears and a number
turkeys. We quote again:
When we came to the little lake at the mouth of Sandusky we called at a
town that was then there, called Sunyendeand
speaks as if it was a first visit, whereas we have devoted a large
space to his
former sojourn there.) Here we diverted ourselves several
days by
catching rock-fish in a small creek, the name of which is also Sunyendeand, which signifies
rock-fish. They fished
in the night with lights and struck the fish with gigs or
spears. The
rock fish there, when they began first to run up the creek to spawn,
exceedingly fat, sufficiently so to fry themselves. The first
night we
scarcely caught fish enough for present use for all that was in the
The next morning I met with a
prisoner at this place
by the name of Thompson, who had been taken from Virginia. He
told me if
they would only omit disturbing the fish for one night he would catch
more fish
than the whole town could make use of. I told Mr. Thompson
that if he
knew he could do this I would use my influence with the Indians to let
the fish
alone for one night. I applied to the chiefs, who agreed to
my proposal,
and said they were anxious to see what the Great Knife (as they called
Virginian) could do. Mr. Thompson, with the assistance of
some other
prisoners, set to work, and made a hoop net of elm bark, then they cut
down a
tree across the creek, and stuck in stakes at the lower side of it to
the fish from passing up, leaving only a gap at one side of the creek,
here he
sat with his net, and when he felt fish touch the net he drew it up,
frequently would haul out two or three rock-fish that would weigh about
five or
six pounds each. He continued at this until he had hauled out
about a
wagon load, and then left the gap open in order to let them pass up,
for they
could not go far on account of shallow water. Before day Mr.
shut it up, to prevent them from passing down in order to let the
Indians have
some diversion in killing them in daylight.
When the news of the fish came to town, the Indians all collected and
surprise beheld the large heap of fish, and applauded the ingenuity of
Virginian. When they saw the number of them that were
confined in the
water above the tree, the young Indians ran back to town and in a short
returned with their spears, gig, bows and arrows, etc., and were the
chief part
of that
day engaged in killing
rock-fish, insomuch, that we
had more than we could use or preserve. As we had no salt or
any way to
keep them they lay upon the banks, and after some time great numbers of
turkey-buzzards and eagles collected together and devoured them.
But enough of our Ohio Crusoe.
His remaining
adventures, before his restoration to his friends in 1760, consisted of
a trip
to Detroit, another hunt up Sandusky and down Scioto, and a journey to Caughnewaga, “a very
ancient Indian town about nine miles
from Montreal,” besides an imprisonment of about four months
in Montreal
itself. This picture of northern Ohio, a century since, has
the merit of
novelty at least. That it is authentic, there can be no
doubt, for in
several historians of authority occur frequent and respectful
references to the
narrative from whose pages we have drawn so copiously.
The geography of the last foregoing paragraphs is less difficult of
than in the first portion of the chapter.
The falls of Sandusky are doubtless the same as the rapids mentioned in
treaty of Greenville, near the site of Fremont, and the Sandusky plains
were burnt over by the ring hunt, are in Marion, Wyandot, and Crawford
is 12
miles northwest of Tiffin,
the largest part of it lies
in Seneca, a considerable portion in Hancock and a small part in Wood
county. It is a considerable railroad and manufacturing
center. Its
railroads are the B. & O., N. Y. C. & St. L., C. H. V.
& T.,T. &
O. C. and L. E. & W. Natural gas is
abundant and is used for manufacturing and domestic purposes.
City Officers: J. M. BEVER, Mayor; J. M. SHATZEL, Clerk; Charles
OLMSTED, Treasurer,
J. B. FOX, Marshal; J. A. STACKHOUSE, Solicitor; L. D. MUSSETTER,
Commissioner. Newspapers: Dispatch, Independent, A. J. DE
WOLF, editor;
Democrat, Democratic, Charles L. ZAHM, editor and publisher; Review,
Republican, J. P. DE WOLFE, editor and publisher; Half Hours
in Science
and Art, Science, George M. GRAY, editor. Churches: 1
Protestant, 1 Methodist Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian, 1 United Baptist, 1
Lutheran, 1 Catholic, 1 German Reformed. Banks: First
National, Andrew
EMERINE, president; Alonzo EMERINE cashier; Foster & Co.
Manufactures and Employees.—Fostoria Stave and Barrel Co.,
50; The Isaac Harter
Co., flour, etc. 51; Fostoria Glass Co., 150; Koss,
Mohler & Co., planing
mill, 16; Walter S Payne & Co., brass and iron foundry, etc.,
Cunningham & Co., spokes and bent work, 32; Eureka Planing
Mill and Lumber Co., 9; Nickel Plate Glass Co., 215; J. P. Warner,
flour and
feed, 4; G. W. & J. H. Campbell, planing
17; American Food Evaporating and Preserving Co., 70; The Mambourg
Glass Co., 60; The Butler Art Glass Co., 141; The Bevington
Signal Co., 18;--State Report, 1888. Population,
3,569; School census, 1888, 1,439; William T. JACKSON, superintendent
schools. Capital invested in manufacturing establishments,
Value of annual product,
$217,000.—Ohio Labor Statistics,
1888. Census,
1890, 7,070.
We annex the main points in the history of Fostoria, as given to us in
communication from its most widely known citizen, Hon. Charles FOSTER.
The lands in the neighborhood of this city were thrown open to market
1831. My grandfather, John CROCKER, who came to Seneca county
and settled
near Tiffin in 1824, entered the land upon which most of the city now
The town of Rome was laid out in the spring of 1832 by Roswell CROCKER,
son of
John CROCKER. About the same time, a mile north, the town of Risdon was laid out.
These towns were located at the
county line between Seneca and Hancock counties, part in each county,
the town
of Risdon being laid
out to the corner of Wood county.
The City of Fostoria now covers much more than
all the territory of the two original villages and includes a portion
of Wood county
My father built his double log cabin in the summer of 1832 and moved
into it in
November of that year, living with his family in one end and having his
store in the other.
The country filled up with actual settlers quite rapidly; but few had
more than a yoke of oxen and a few household effects. Being a
wooded country, the progress of the settlement was subject to all the
discomforts, privations and sacrifices incident to such settlements
Chas. A.
Among the staples sold at the store for the first ten or fifteen years
quinine. I think I have seen nine out of ten of all the
people in the
neighborhood sick with fever and ague at one time. The store
started in
1832 grew to be perhaps the largest country store in Ohio, and in my
hands and my own continued in existence until 1888, fifty-six years.
in the
midst of the Black Swamp the roads of the country were
horrible. The
first attempt at improvement of roads occurred in 1850, when a plank
road was
built from Fremont to Fostoria; Fremont, a that time, being at the head
navigation on the Sandusky river.
The first railroad was built in 1859, it is now known as the Lake Erie
Western. Since then four other railroads have been built
through the city
and it has now reached a population of about 8,000, having large
industries with natural gas for fuel.
the early
settlement there was great rivalry between the two hamlets of Rome and Risdon, a rivalry amounting to a
hatred of each
other. Many incidents might be related of the furious and
bloody combats
that took place when the boys of the two villages met.
GREEN SPRING is part in Seneca and part in Sandusky county.
It is 12 miles northeast of Tiffin on the I. B. & W. R.
R. The Green
Spring Sanitarium and Water Cure is located here. City Officers, 1888:
B. M.
REED, Mayor; Dell McCONNEL,
Clerk; J. C. KANNEY,
Treasurer; J. C. TARRIS, Marshal. Newspapers: Times,
Independent, M. F.
VAN BUSKIRK, editor and publisher; Mutual Underwriter, Insurance,
Co., editors and publishers. Churches: 1 Methodist Episcopal,
Presbyterian, 1 United Baptist. Bank: L. W. Roys
& Co. Population, 1880, 720. School
census, 1888,
259. George M. HOKE,
superintendent of
The Green Spring Academy was founded here in 1881 by the Synod of
It prepares students for college and for teaching. R. B.
president of its board of trustees.
ATTICA is 16 miles southeast of Tiffin, and one and a-half miles from
Station on the B. & O. R. R. Newspapers: Current Wave, Independent, V. Jay HILLS,
editor and publishers; Journal,
Independent, E. A. KELLY,
editor; Medical Compend,
Medical, H. G. BLAINE, M. D., editor and publisher. Bank: Lester
SUTTON. Population, 1880,
663. School
census, 1888, 220. R. B. DRAKE, superintendent of schools.
NEW RIEGEL is 9 miles southwest of Tiffin on the T. & O. C. R.
R. The
Catholic Orphans’ Home is located here. Population, 1880,
367. School
census, 1888, 109.
REPUBLIC is 9 miles west of Tiffin on the B. & O. R.
R. Population, 1880, 715.
census, 1888, 170. Ezra C. PALMER,
superintendent of
schools. It is a neat appearing village and was largely
settled from
Western New York.
FORT SENECA is 9 miles north of Tiffin on the Sandusky river
and N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. School
census, 1888,
BLOOMVILE is 12 miles southeast of Tiffin on the N. W. O. R.
Newspaper: Seneca County Record, Independent, I. N. RICHARDSON, editor
publisher. Population,
1880, 689. School
census, 1888, 243. W. E. BOWMAN, superintendent
of schools.
BETTSVILLE is 10 miles northwest of Tiffin on the N. W. O. R.
Newspaper: Enterprise, Independent, B. B. KRAMMES, editor and
Population, 800 (estimated.)
ADRIAN is 11 miles southwest of Tiffin on the I. B. & W. R.
R. Population, 1880, 211.
census, 1888, 66.