Woodrow Richard Wells1

M, #49015, b. 24 August 1918, d. 22 September 1918
  • Reference: W037 ID747


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Margaret Ward1,2,3,4,5

F, #49019, b. 1840, d. 16 January 1911
  • Reference: W999 ID315

Family: Isom Wells b. c 1831, d. b 1880


  1. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Lincoln, Tennessee, ED 64, roll
    T623 1584, page 14B.
  2. Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ
    of Latter-day Saints `Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve,
    Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use
    license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
  3. Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Subdivision 2,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, roll M432_887, page 69, ima.
  4. Ancestry.com, Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002, Online publication - Ancestry.com. Tennessee State Marriages,
    1780-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Gshville, TN,
    USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Microfilm.
  5. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  6. Unknown author, Lincoln Co., Tennessee Marriage Book A, page 367
    Jamuary 5, 1860, James Jolly and Margaret Ward by W.L. Rees,

Claude Emmons Wells1

M, #49023, b. 10 September 1895, d. 27 August 1986
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Milit-Beg*: 28 May 19184,1

Family 1: Nora Morgan b. c 1903

Family 2: Serena Odele Acklin b. 23 Jun 1906, d. 17 Feb 1938

Family 3: Nora Francis Watts b. 20 Oct 1893, d. 28 Aug 1978


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genee following
    NARA web page: href=''http:/_____/www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-cata
    logs/census/1910/''>f the United States, 1910.
  3. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 56, page 276.
  4. Unknown author, U.S. Veterans Cemeteries, ca.1800-2004, National Cemetery Administration. U.S. Veterans Cemeteries,
    ca.1800-2004 [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamilye Locator.

James Wells1

M, #49027, b. circa 1804
  • Reference: W037 ID347


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Vera A Wells1,2,3,4,5,6

F, #49028, b. 14 April 1901, d. 20 July 1987
  • Reference: W037 ID315


  1. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Madison, Alabama, ED 116, roll
    T623 28, page 2B.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1930 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genesus.
    Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.:
    National Archives and Records Administration,.
  3. Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census.
  4. Ancestry.com, California Death Index, 1940-1997.
  5. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census.
  6. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Caroline M Wells1,2,3,4,5

F, #49029, b. 24 June 1897, d. January 1986
  • Reference: W037 ID315


  1. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2005. Indexed by Ancaged
    from National Archives and Records Administration.1920 Federal
    Population Census. T625, 2,076 rolls. Nationa For details on
    the conten.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Madison, Alabama, ED 116, roll
    T623 28, page 2B.
  3. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census.
  4. Ancestry.com, Social Security Death Index.
  5. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  6. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 46 p. 613.
  7. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census.

Frank Haggard Wells1,2,3,4,5,6,7

M, #49030, b. 31 January 1894, d. 15 January 1962
  • Reference: W037 ID315

Family: Stacie Rena Curry b. 27 Sep 1902, d. Apr 1966


  1. Unknown author, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Ancestry.com. World War I Selective Service System Draft
    Registration Cards, 1917-18 [database online] Provo, UT:e
    Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. M1509,
    4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Roll
    1509405, DraftBoard.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2005. Indexed by Ancaged
    from National Archives and Records Administration.1920 Federal
    Population Census. T625, 2,076 rolls. Nationa For details on
    the conten.
  3. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Madison, Alabama, ED 116, roll
    T623 28, page 2B.
  4. Ancestry.com, Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002.
  5. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census.
  6. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census.
  7. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  8. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genee following
    NARA web page: href=''http:/_____/www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-cata
    logs/census/1920/parl data - United States of.

Minnie Lou Wells1,2,3,4,5

F, #49031, b. 4 September 1891, d. January 1968
  • Reference: W037 ID315


  1. Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1930 United States Federal Census. [database on-line] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. Indexed by Ancted
    States Federal Census. [database online] Provo, UT:
    Ancestry.com, 2001. Data imaged from National Archives an,
    D.C.: National Archives.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Madison, Alabama, ED 116, roll
    T623 28, page 2B.
  3. Ancestry.com, Social Security Death Index.
  4. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census.
  5. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  6. Unknown author, Madison Co., Alabama Marriage Book, Volume 37, page 602.

Margaret B Wells1,2,3,4

F, #49032, b. 31 January 1889, d. September 1975
  • Reference: W037 ID315


  1. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Madison, Alabama, ED 116, roll
    T623 28, page 2B.
  2. Ancestry.com, Social Security Death Index, Online publication - Ancestry.com. Social Security Death Index
    [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generationeath Index,
    Master File. Social Security Administration.
  3. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census.
  4. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Mary Lou Wells1,2

F, #49033, b. September 1873, d. before 1906
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Married Name: 20 August 1894; Mrs. Fitch (Wells)


  1. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genesus. Twelfth
    Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National
    Archives and Records Administration, 1.
  2. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  3. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol 20, Page 275.

Charles Thomas Wells1,2

M, #49034, b. 5 June 1884
  • Reference: W037 ID315

Family 1: Addie Clarke b. 1881, d. b 1918

Family 2: Texie A Williamson b. Feb 1888, d. Dec 1964


  1. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2005. Indexed by Ancaged
    from National Archives and Records Administration.1920 Federal
    Population Census. T625, 2,076 rolls. Nationa For details on
    the conten.
  2. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  3. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 25, page 112.

Martha Jane Hudson1

F, #49035, b. 16 March 1827
  • Reference: W999 ID315
  • Misc*: 1
  • Married Name: 11 October 1876; Mrs. Wells (Hudson)

Family: Josiah Wells b. 1823, d. b 1920


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  2. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 8, Page 469.
  3. Unknown author, Madison County Marriage Book, Vol. 8, Page 469.

Patience E Wells1,2,3,4,5

F, #49036, b. 2 January 1854, d. 2 April 1885
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • (Head of Household) Census*: between 1860 and 1870;
    1860 Federal Census, living in District 25, Lincoln Co.,
    1870 Federal Census, living in Lincoln Co.,
    Tennessee District 25, Lynchburg post office, household # 105,
    page 513.
    1880 Federal Census, living in Flat Creek, Barry Co.,
    Missouri.Patience E. Wells is listed in the
    1870 censes as living in
    Lincoln County, Tennessee District 25, Lynchburg post office,
    household # 105, page 513.5
  • Married Name: 17 September 1873; Mrs. Morris (Wells)


  1. Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ
    of Latter-day Saints `Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve,
    Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use
    license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1860 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1860 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. District 25,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, post office Georges Store, ro.
  3. Ancestry.com, Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002, Online publication - Ancestry.com. Missouri Marriage Records,
    1805-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Gy, MO, USA:
    Missouri State Archives, Microfilm.
  4. Ancestry.com, Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002.
  5. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  6. Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus
    Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal.S.
    Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of
    Latter-day Saints `Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserr terms
    and conditions appl.

George F Wells1,2,3,4,5

M, #49037, b. 2 April 1880, d. 8 December 1954
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Name Variation: George Wells5
  • (Head of Household) Census*: 1880; Madison Co., Alabama, USA5
  • (Head of Household) Census: 19005
  • (Head of Household) Census: 1910; Shoalford, Limestone Co., Alabama, USA; 1910 United States Federal Census
    View 1910 United States Federal Census

    View blank form

    Report issue

    Name:      Alva Wells
    Age in 1910:      7
    Birth Year:      abt 1903
    Birthplace:      Alabama
    Home in 1910:      Shoalford, Limestone, Alabama
    Street:      County Line Road
    Race:      White
    Gender:      Male
    Relation to Head of House:      Son
    Marital Status:      Single
    Father's name:      George Wells
    Father's Birthplace:      Alabama
    Mother's name:      Pearl Wells
    Mother's Birthplace:      Tennessee
    Attended School:      Yes
    Neighbors:      View others on page
    Household Members:      
    Name      Age
    George Wells      30
    Pearl Wells      28
    Alva Wells      7; Household Member=Sallie Pearl Eddins, Household Member=Alvie Leonard Wells
  • (Head of Household) Census: 1920; Shoalford, Limestone Co., Alabama, USA; 1920 United States Federal Census
    View 1920 United States Federal Census

    View blank form

    Report issue

    Name:      George F Wells
    [George F Welle]
    Age:      41
    Birth Year:      abt 1879
    Birthplace:      Alabama
    Home in 1920:      Shoalford, Limestone, Alabama
    Street:      By Roads North of Nick Davie Pike
    House Number:      Farm
    Residence Date:      1920
    Race:      White
    Gender:      Male
    Relation to Head of House:      Head
    Marital Status:      Married
    Spouse's Name:      Sallie Pearl Wells
    Father's Birthplace:      Tennessee
    Mother's Birthplace:      Texas
    Able to Speak English:      Yes
    Occupation:      Farmer
    Industry:      General Farm
    Employment Field:      Own Account
    Home Owned or Rented:      Own
    Home Free or Mortgaged:      Free
    Able to Read:      Yes
    Able to Write:      Yes
    Neighbors:      View others on page
    Household Members:      
    Name      Age
    George F Wells      41
    Sallie Pearl Wells      38
    A Lenard Wells      16; Household Member=Sallie Pearl Eddins, Household Member=Alvie Leonard Wells
  • (Head of Household) Census: 1930; Shoalford, Limestone Co., Alabama, USA; 1930 United States Federal Census
    View 1930 United States Federal Census

    View blank form

    Report issue

    Name:      Sallie Wells
    Birth Year:      abt 1881
    Gender:      Female
    Race:      White
    Birthplace:      Tennessee
    Marital Status:      Married
    Relation to Head of House:      Wife
    Homemaker?:      Yes
    Home in 1930:      Shoalford, Limestone, Alabama
    Map of Home:      View Map
    Dwelling Number:      117
    Family Number:      124
    Age at First Marriage:      21
    Attended School:      No
    Able to Read and Write:      Yes
    Father's Birthplace:      Tennessee
    Mother's Birthplace:      Tennessee
    Able to Speak English:      Yes
    Household Members:      
    Name      Age
    George F Wells      50
    Sallie Wells      49; Household Member=Sallie Pearl Eddins
  • (Head of Household) Census: 1940; Shoalford, Limestone Co., Alabama, USA; 1940 United States Federal Census
    View 1940 United States Federal Census

    View blank form

    Report issue

    Name:      S P Wells
    Age:      58
    Estimated birth year:      abt 1882
    Gender:      Female
    Race:      White
    Birthplace:      Tennessee
    Marital Status:      Married
    Relation to Head of House:      Wife
    Home in 1940:      Shoalford, Limestone, Alabama
    Map of Home in 1940:      View Map
    Street:      Wills Road
    Inferred Residence in 1935:      Shoalford, Limestone, Alabama
    Residence in 1935:      Same House
    Resident on farm in 1935:      Yes
    Sheet Number:      7B
    Attended School or College:      No
    Highest Grade Completed:      Elementary school, 6th grade
    Neighbors:      View others on page
    Household Members:      
    Name      Age
    George F Wells      60
    S P Wells      58; Household Member=Sallie Pearl Eddins

Family: Sallie Pearl Eddins b. 15 Sep 1881, d. 5 Mar 1959


  1. Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ
    of Latter-day Saints `Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve,
    Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use
    license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
    , M.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Indexeda imaged
    from National Archives and Records Administration. 1910 Federal
    Population Census. T624, 1,784 rolls. Wabama, ED 97, roll 15,
  3. Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1930 United States Federal Census. [database on-line] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. Indexed by Ancted
    States Federal Census. [database online] Provo, UT:
    Ancestry.com, 2001. Data imaged from National Archives an,
    D.C.: National Archives.
  4. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2005. Indexed by Ancaged
    from National Archives and Records Administration.1920 Federal
    Population Census. T625, 2,076 rolls. Nationa For details on
    the conten.
  5. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  6. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genee following
    NARA web page: href=''http:/_____/www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-cata
    logs/census/1920/parl data - United States of.
  7. Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1930 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genesus.
    Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.:
    National Archives and Records Administration,.0.
  8. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 27 p. 203.

Nancy Ann Stanley1,2

F, #49038, b. 1829, d. before 1855
  • Reference: W999 ID315

Family: Isom Wells b. c 1831, d. b 1880


  1. Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Subdivision 1,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, roll M432_887, page 178, im.
  2. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Julia Ann Wells1,2

F, #49039, b. 9 November 1836, d. 22 July 1901
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Name Variation: Julia A Wells2
  • Married Name: 15 November 1855; Mrs. Mims (Wells)


  1. Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Subdivision 2,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, roll M432_887, page 25, ima.
  2. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  3. Unknown author, Lincoln Co., Tennessee Marriage Book A, page 292
    November 15, 1855. James Mims and Julia Ann Wells were married
    in Lincoln Co., Tennessee by R.B. McGaugh M.G.

Perry Wells1,2,3,4,5

M, #49040, b. circa 1814, d. after 1868
  • Reference: W037 ID315

Family: Eliza L Willet b. c 1814


  1. Unknown author, 1840 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1840 U.S. Federal Census [database online].
    Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud
    Records Administration, Washington D.C. Not Stated, Lincoln,
    Tennessee, roll 531, page 51.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1860 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1860 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Beatie, Benton,
    Arkansas, post office Maysville, roll M653_37,.
  3. Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Subdivision 2,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, roll M432_887, page 34, ima.
  4. Ancestry.com, Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002, Online publication - Ancestry.com. Tennessee State Marriages,
    1780-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Gshville, TN,
    USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Microfilm.
  5. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  6. Unknown author, Lincoln Co., Tennessee Marriage Book A, page 19
    December 19, 1838, Perry Wells and Eliza L. Willet by M.W.
    Yant, J.P.

Mary Diana Ashby1,2

F, #49041, b. 20 December 1837, d. 29 April 1924
  • Reference: W999 ID315

Family: Reuben Washburn Wells b. 16 Jun 1833, d. 10 Jun 1904


  1. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genee following
    NARA web page: href=''http:/_____/www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-cata
    logs/census/1910/''>f the United States, 1910.
  2. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Nancy Wells1,2,3

F, #49042, b. 18 April 1812, d. 6 April 1863
  • Reference: W037 ID315


  1. Ancestry.com, 1860 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1860 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. District 7,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, post office Fayetteville, roll.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Subdivision 2,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, roll M432_887, page 25, ima.
  3. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  4. Unknown author, Lincoln Co., Tennessee Marriage Book A, page 272
    October 2, 1854, George P. Stephens and Nancy Wells by Reverend
    John Smith.

Eliza L Willet1,2,3,4

F, #49043, b. circa 1814
  • Reference: W999 ID315
  • Married Name: 19 December 1838; Mrs. Wells (Willet)

Family: Perry Wells b. c 1814, d. a 1868


  1. Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Subdivision 2,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, roll M432_887, page 34, ima.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1860 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1860 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Beatie, Benton,
    Arkansas, post office Maysville, roll M653_37,.
  3. Ancestry.com, Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002, Online publication - Ancestry.com. Tennessee State Marriages,
    1780-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Gshville, TN,
    USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Microfilm.
  4. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  5. Unknown author, Lincoln Co., Tennessee Marriage Book A, page 19
    December 19, 1838, Perry Wells and Eliza L. Willet by M.W.
    Yant, J.P.

Rufus Bostick Wells1

M, #49044, b. 11 December 1899, d. 18 December 1982
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Note*: 1900; 1900 Federal Census, living with parents in Wells Beat, Madison
    Co., Alabama. 1910 Federal Census, living with parents in New
    Market, Madison Co., Alabama. 1920 Federal Census, living in
    Civil District 3, Hamilton Co., Tennessee. On World War I draft
    registration, he gives his occupation as finisher in a paper
  • (Head of Household) Census: 1910; New Market, Madison Co., Alabama, USA2,1
  • (Head of Household) Census*: 1920; Hamilton Co., Tennessee, USA5,1

Family: Lillie Mae _____ d. Oct 1995


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genee following
    NARA web page: href=''http:/_____/www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-cata
    logs/census/1910/''>f the United States, 1910.
  3. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genesus. Twelfth
    Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National
    Archives and Records Administration, 1.
  4. Ancestry.com, U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online publication - Ancestry.com. World War I Draft
    Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,ice
    System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
    Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National.
  5. Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genee following
    NARA web page: href=''http:/_____/www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm-cata
    logs/census/1920/parl data - United States of.

Elizabeth Wells1

F, #49045, b. circa 1865
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • (Head of Household) Census*: 18801


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Mattie Wells1,2,3

F, #49046, b. June 1876
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Married Name: 4 September 1894; Mrs. Hamilton (Wells)


  1. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Madison, Alabama, ED 101, roll
    T623 28, page 27A.
  2. Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ
    of Latter-day Saints `Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve,
    Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use
    license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
    , M.
  3. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  4. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Online publication - Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal
    Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Genesus. Twelfth
    Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National
    Archives and Records Administration, 1.
  5. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 20, p. 285.
  6. Unknown author, Madison County Marriage Book, Vol. 20, p. 285.

Rachael Wells1,2

F, #49047, b. 22 July 1821, d. 9 May 1859
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Married Name: 29 July 1841; Mrs. Springer (Wells)


  1. Ancestry.com, Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002, Online publication - Ancestry.com. Tennessee State Marriages,
    1780-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Gshville, TN,'
    USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Microfilm.
  2. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  3. Unknown author, Lincoln Co., Tennessee Marriage Book A, page 48
    July 29, 1841, William Springer and Rachel Wells by Major M.
    Bedwell, M.G.
  4. Ancestry.com, Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002, Online publication - Ancestry.com. Tennessee State Marriages,
    1780-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Gshville, TN,
    USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Microfilm.

Louisa Elizabeth Martin1

F, #49048, b. circa 1840
  • Reference: W999 ID315
  • Name Variation: Louisa Elizabeth Martin-Ferrell1
  • Married Name: before 1860; Mrs. Ferrell (Martin)
  • Married Name: 24 September 1895; Mrs. Wells (Martin)

Family: Reuben Washburn Wells b. 16 Jun 1833, d. 10 Jun 1904


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.

Eliza Neville1

F, #49049, b. 26 May 1836, d. 11 June 1895
  • Reference: W999 ID315
  • Married Name: 3 June 1881; Mrs. Wells (Neville)

Family: Francis M Wells b. 26 Dec 1818, d. 22 Sep 1902


  1. Unknown author, FINDAGRAVE.COM, Record Type: CEMETERY.
  2. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  3. Unknown author, Madison County Marriage Book, Vol.11, Page 485.
  4. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol.11, Page 485.

Nancy Jane Wells1,2,3

F, #49050, b. 1849, d. before 1884
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Misc*: 3
  • Name Variation: Nancy J Wells3
  • Married Name: 5 September 1865; Mrs. Tucker (Wells)


  1. Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ
    of Latter-day Saints `Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve,
    Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use
    license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1870 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1870 United States Federal Census. [database on-line] Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2003-. Indexed870
    United States Federal Census. [database online] Provo, UT:
    MyFamily.com, Inc., 2003. Original data: Data ima. M593, 1,761
    rolls; part.
  3. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  4. Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. Subdivision 2,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, roll M432_887, page 25, ima.
  5. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 5, page7.

Thomas R Wells1,2,3,4,5

M, #49051, b. March 1853
  • Reference: W037 ID315
  • Misc*: 5
  • Name Variation: Thomas Wells5

Family: Minnie L Williams b. Feb 1869


  1. Ancestry.com, 1870 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1870 United States Federal Census. [database on-line] Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2003-. Indexed870
    United States Federal Census. [database online] Provo, UT:
    MyFamily.com, Inc., 2003. Original data: Data ima. M593, 1,761
    rolls; part.
  2. Ancestry.com, 1860 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1860 United States Federal Census [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Originachives
    and Records Administration, Washington D.C. District 6,
    Lincoln, Tennessee, post office Narris Creek, roll.
  3. Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ
    of Latter-day Saints `Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve,
    Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use
    license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
  4. Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census, Ancestry.com. 1900 U.S. Federal Census [database on-line].
    Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Ud Records
    Administration, Washington D.C. Lincoln, Tennessee, ED 76, roll
    T623 1584, page 7A.
  5. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  6. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 22, Page 632.

Minnie L Williams1

F, #49052, b. February 1869
  • Reference: W999 ID315
  • Married Name: 22 December 1898; Mrs. Wells (Williams)

Family: Thomas R Wells b. Mar 1853


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  2. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 22, Page 632.

Emma Gray1

F, #49053, b. circa 1883, d. 5 January 1917
  • Reference: W999 ID315
  • Married Name: 28 November 1898; Mrs. Watwood (Gray)
  • Married Name: 3 August 1915; Mrs. Wells (Gray)

Family: George Perry Wells b. 18 May 1854, d. 19 Aug 1925


  1. Unknown author, GEDCOM File C:Documents and SettingsBonitaMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v7gedcomsW037.ged imported on 2010/12/11 at 14:23:37.
  2. Unknown author, Madison Co. Marriage Book, Vol. 25 p. 304.