Robert N. Houghton1

M, #51691, b. circa 1840, d. 24 April 1857


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birthcirca 18403
DeathApr 24, 1857Georgetown, Williamson Co., TX, USA3
ObituaryMay 9, 1857Obituary: Texas State Gazette-9 May 1857-"Died of inflammation of the brain at the
residence of his brother, Joel A. Houghton, Esq., Georgetown, Texas, on Saturday,
April 25, 1857, Mr. Robert N. Houghton, in the 17th year of his age. Amiably and
highly intellectual of exalted aims and asperations, bent upon amassing knowledge
for great and useful purposes, he was devoted to study, but-Alas, too intensely for
his finely strung nature. In the early bloom of his high youthful promise-from the
loving care and fond hopes of his devoted relatives, he has been called away (we
humbly trust), to, "The bosom of his Father and his God." New Orleans Delta, and
Lake Providence Herald, please copy."3
ProbateFeb 5, 1858This probate information found in Williamson Co., TX helped to link Joel Houghton with his brothers Robert and Benjamin and sister
Ann Eliza Curry.)
Probate Packet H-16, Williamson Co., TX:
Filed 5 Feb. 1858-Application for Administration of Probate
· Estate of R.N, Houghton
· J.A. Houghton requests to be appointed Administrator
· States that Robert N. Houghton is his brother
· States that Robert died 24 April 1857
· States that the only property worth an inventory in the said county and state
is an interest in a negro woman named Clarissa
Filed 27 Feb. 1858-bond as Administrator of the Estate of Robert N. Houghton
· J.A. Houghton as principle
· Ann Eliza Curry and B.T. Houghton as surities B.T. as their Attorney in Fact.>
Filed 28 April 1858-Inventory of the Estate of R.N. Houghton by J.A. Houghton
· "only property of Robert N. Houghton in this state worth inventory is a joint
interest with Ann Eliza Curry of the state of Louisanna in a negro woman,
Clarissa, worth $250.00."
ii. ANN3


  1. [S415] E-mail from Elizabeth Randall, Jan. 20, 2001.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Elizabeth Randall, Apr 6, 2001.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Beth Randall, Feb. 22, 2011.

Elizabeth Ann Hayes1

F, #51692

Family: (?) Randall


Corresponded with authorY
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
ContributnElizabeth Randall
Address[email protected]


  1. [S415] E-mail from Elizabeth Randall, Feb. 21, 2011: Joel A. Houghton Descendency File.

Edith Houghton1

F, #51693, b. circa 4 May 1880, d. 28 October 1880


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birthcirca May 4, 1880dd calc1
DeathOct 28, 1880age 5 months, 24 days1
BurialLetts Cemetery, Peck Lake Rd., Ionia Co., MI, USA, d. of L. and D. Houghton1
Relativesame cemetery2


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, 12/1998.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Epaphroditus Houghton1

M, #51694, b. circa 1851

Family: Lydia Knapp b. c 1862

  • Marriage*: Epaphroditus Houghton married Lydia Knapp on Feb 24, 1880 age 29.1


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birthcirca 1851Pittsfield, Lorain Co., OH, USA, age 9 in 1860 census; age 19, OH, in 1870 census; age 27, MI, in 1880 census; age 58 in 1910 census; age 68, OH, in 1920 census; age 78, OH, in 1930 census2,3,4
MarriageFeb 24, 1880age 291
1880 Census1880Orange, Ionia Co., MI, USA, age 27, a farmer; next door to father5
1910 Census1910Orange, Ionia Co, MI, USA, age 58, farmer6
1920 Census1920Berlin, Ionia Co., MI, USA, age 68, widower, farmer7
DeathIonia Co., MI, USA3
Note(e-pa-fro-di-´tes) , in the New Testament, messenger from the Philippians to Paul in Rome.


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Federal Census, Boston, Ionia Co., MI, Reel 676, p. 371b, line 3, dwl 234.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Larry R. Houghton, Jan 7, 2006.
  4. [S415] E-mail from Larry R. Houghton, April 8, 2009.
  5. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Orange, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: T9_584; Family History Film: 1254584; Page: 243C; Enumeration District: 99; sheet 23, line 3, dwl 222-229.
  6. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Orange, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: T624_650; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 28; line 13, dwl 172-173.
  7. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Berlin, Ionia, Michigan; Roll T625_772; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 66; line 72, dwl 91-91.
  8. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Berlin, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: 992; Enumeration District: 4; page 222, sheet 1A; line 19, dwl 8-8.

Ira Houghton1

M, #51695, b. circa 1800, d. 1874


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birthcirca 1800dd calc1
Death1874Boston Twp, Ionia Co., MI, USA, age 74; Ionia Co., MI, courthouse1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Almira Winslow1,2

F, #51696, b. circa 1839

Family: Ira Houghton b. c 1833, d. 1894


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birthcirca 1839MI, USA, age 21 in 1860 census2
MarriageOct 29, 1854Ionia Co., MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  2. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Orange, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: M653_546; Page: 212; line 34, dwl 2794-2189.

Emma Louise Piper1

F, #51697, b. 2 January 1856, d. 10 February 1924

Family: Addison Houghton b. Feb 1846, d. 1933


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthJan 2, 1856OH, USA, age 44 in 1900 census; age 54 in 1910 census2,3,1
MarriageFeb 24, 1887also given as Emma L. Piper2
1900 Census1900Orleans, Ionia Co., MI, USA, age 54, farmer; and Lottie Piper, sister in law, 32, school teacher4
1910 Census1910Orleans, Ionia Co, MI, USA, age 64, farmer3
DeathFeb 10, 1924Orleans, Ionia Co., MI, USA2,1
BurialWoodard Lake Cemetery, Palo, Ronald Twp, Ionia Co., MI, USA2
ParentsDparents born in OH3


  1. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online,
  2. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Orleans, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: T624_650; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 29; line 17, dwl 266-269.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Orleans, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: T623_717; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 24; line 1, dwl 185-185.
  5. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Belding, Ionia Co., Michigan; Roll: 992; Enumeration District: 2; page 204, sheet 11A; line 45, dwl 216-269-296.

Frank Glenn Houghton1,2

M, #51698, b. 9 January 1881, d. 29 May 1962

Family: Fannie E. Quigley b. c 1883, d. 1957


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthJan 9, 1881MI, USA, Jan 1881, age 19 in 1900 census; age 30 in 1910 census; age 49 in 1930 census1,2
1910 Census1910Jackson, Jackson Co., MI, USA, age 30, teamster laborer, boarder, single4
Marriagecirca 1913age 32 and 305,1
Residence1918Jackson, Jackson Co., MI, USA2
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918Jackson Co., MI, USA, age 37, a farmer; with bad wrist2
1920 Census1920Rives, Jackson Co., MI, USA, age 39, farmer6
1930 Census1930Hamlin, Eaton Co., MI, USA, age 49, farmer5
1940 Census1940Orleans, MI, USA, age 59, farmer7
1950 US Census1950Orleans, MI, USA, age 69, farmer
DeathMay 29, 1962Ionia Co., MI, USA1
BurialWoodard Lake Cemetery, Ronald Twp, Ionia Co., MI, USA1
ParentsSparents born in MI


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  2. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online, Roll: 1675761.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Orleans, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: T623_717; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 24; line 1, dwl 185-185.
  4. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Jackson Ward 5, Jackson, Michigan; Roll: T624_653; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 19;
    line 24, dwl 814-51-54.
  5. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Hamlin, Eaton Co., Michigan; Roll: 983; Enumeration District: 18; page 78, sheet 1A; line 1, dwl 1.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Rives, Jackson, Michigan; Roll: T625_774; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 40.
  7. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Orleans, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: m-t0627-01764; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 34-31.

Fannie E. Quigley1,2

F, #51699, b. circa 1883, d. 1957


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birthcirca 1883MI, USA, age 47 in 1930 census3
1920 Census1920Rives, Jackson Co., MI, USA, age 39, farmer4
1940 Census1940Orleans, MI, USA, age 59, farmer5
1950 US Census1950Orleans, MI, USA, age 69, farmer
BurialWoodard Lake Cemetery, Ronald Twp, Ionia Co., MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  2. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online, Roll: 1675761.
  3. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Hamlin, Eaton Co., Michigan; Roll: 983; Enumeration District: 18; page 78, sheet 1A; line 1, dwl 1.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Rives, Jackson, Michigan; Roll: T625_774; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 40.
  5. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Orleans, Ionia, Michigan; Roll: m-t0627-01764; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 34-31.

Martha May Bennett1

F, #51700, b. 1853, d. 4 May 1880

Family: Lyman Houghton b. c 1849


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1853MI, USA1,2
Marriage1872Ionia Co., MI, USA1
1880 Census1880Orleans, Ionia Co., MI, USA1
DeathMay 4, 1880Orleans, Ionia Co., MI, USA, of complications of childbirth, age 27, dropsy (edema)1,2
BurialWoodard Lake Cemetery, Ronald Twp, Ionia Co., MI, USA1
Relativesame cemetery


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  2. [S1377] 1880 U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedule , Orleans, Ionia, Michigan Enumeration District: 90 Line: 2 Roll: T1164_75.

Elizabeth Emaline Compton1

F, #51701, b. 15 June 1855, d. 20 July 1921

Family: John Locke

  • Marriage*: Elizabeth Emaline Compton married John Locke h/1.1


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthJun 15, 1855Saginaw, MI, USA1
DeathJul 20, 1921Thomas, OK, USA


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

John Locke1

M, #51702

Family: Elizabeth Emaline Compton b. 15 Jun 1855, d. 20 Jul 1921


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Charles Carpenter1

M, #51703

Family: Elizabeth Emaline Compton b. 15 Jun 1855, d. 20 Jul 1921


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
MarriageDec 8, 18741


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

William Harrison Compton1

M, #51704, b. 25 July 1865

Family: Hattie (?)

  • Marriage*: William Harrison Compton married Hattie (?)1


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthJul 25, 1865Saginaw, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Hattie (?)1

F, #51705

Family: William Harrison Compton b. 25 Jul 1865


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
NoteShe was a Native American


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

John Bliss Compton1

M, #51707, b. 24 April 1870

Family 1: Rosa E. (?)

Family 2: Georgia Loudella Ivey

Family 3: Launa Carradine


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthApr 24, 1870Muskegon, MI, USA1
Marriagecirca 1901AR, USA1
MarriageMar 29, 1920TX, USA1
NoteHe stayed with his Aunt Annie B. in Little Rock just after the death of Rosa and just before marriage to Georgia, Calvin's mother


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Nettie Compton1

F, #51708, b. 1872


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1872Muskegon, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Maud Compton1

F, #51709, b. 1874


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1874Muskegon, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Delia Compton1

F, #51710, b. 1876


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1876Muskegon, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Esther Knapp1

F, #51711, b. February 1859, d. 18 April 1935

Family: Ambrose Eber Hammond b. Sep 1852


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthFeb, 1859MI, USA, age 1 in 1860 census; Hester A., age 11 in 1870 census1
DeathApr 18, 1935Lake Odessa, Ionia Co., MI, USA2


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  2. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online,

Alison Peter Knapp1

M, #51712, b. 26 March 1860, d. 29 May 1935

Family: Lilybell Dysinger b. 27 Mar 1868, d. 1941


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthMar 26, 1860Sebewa Twp, Lake Odessa, Ionia Co., MI, USA, age 9 in 1870 census1
MarriageJul 3, 1886Odessa, Ionia Co., MI, USA1
DeathMay 29, 1935Limon, Lincoln Co., CO, USA, at home, of a stroke, age 74 years; he had suffered a stroke 12 years before, becoming an invalid1
BiographyRobert Gordon Morrison (from Ellen Picard): The Knapp family came to Colorado about 1904. They rented RR boxcars (like many homesteaders) and shipped their livestock and furniture together. They homesteaded 6 miles southwest of Limon, CO, in the SW1/4 sec.24, T10S, R57W, in 1906. In 1909, they purchased the NW1/4 sec 13, T10S, R57W, across the road from the house. They patented the homestead on 22 Oct 1913. As of 1999, the house and bare were still standing. His obitiuary in Limon paper stated he resided 29 years in the community.1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Horatio S. Knapp1

M, #51713, b. 1868, d. 17 April 1951


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birth1868MI, USA, age 2 in 1870 census1
Census1900MI, USA, 2 doors from mother Lydia1
Residence1951Bedford Twp, Ionia Co., MI, USA1
DeathApr 17, 1951MI, USA, 83 years1
BurialLakeview Cemetery, Odessa, Ionia Co., MI, USA


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Albert Allison Houghton1

M, #51714, b. 25 February 1880, d. 24 October 1960

Family 1: Catherine Elizabeth Blake b. c 1880, d. b 1920

Family 2: Ethel M. (?) b. c 1899


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthFeb 25, 1880Orleans, Ionia Co., MI, USA, age 31 in 1910 census; age 40 in 1920 census; Picard: 8 Apr 1880; WWI: 18791,2
Marriagecirca 1902mar 8 y in 1910 census2,3
Author1910Title: Ornamental concrete without molds.
Publisher/ Date:      New York: Norman W. Henley Publishing Co; 1910. [Houghton Project has copy]4
1910 Census1910Northville, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 31, illustrating draftsman; and father in law Barkett3
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 39, proprietor, Houghton Realty Co., Boulevard Renting Co.
1920 Census1920Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 40, widowed, real estate broker5
Occupation1930owns own brokerage
1940 Census1940Detroit, MI, USA, age 60, private business building; and stepson Thomas Davey, 20, MI and stepdaughter Mary Davey, 18, MI; and 1 maid6
1950 US Census1950Detroit, MI, USA, age 70, no occup; Ethel, a dairy manager; Ethel's daughter Mary E. Davey, 28
DeathOct 24, 1960Detroit, MI, USA
BiographySteven Blake Houghton: Albert Allison Houghton had a 2nd wife named Ethel (her 2nd marriage as well). Ethel had a daughter named Mary (from her first marriage). Ethel was instrumental in helping my father, Lloyd Blake Houghton, Jr., get into Henry Ford Trade School. Both my father and my grandfather worked for the Ford Motor Company their whole lives. Also of interest is that Albert Allison Houghton wrote two books titled: "Concrete from Sand Molds" and "Concrete Monuments Mausoleums and Burial Vaults".7


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.
  2. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online, Roll: 2032446.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Northville, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T624_679; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 301; line 10, dwl 427-427.
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Columbia University Libraries Online Catalog: Houghton Surname search.
  5. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit Ward 14, Wayne, Michigan; Roll T625_813; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 435; line 78, dwl 1709-151-155.
  6. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T627_1891; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 84-1628; line 3, dwl 18830.
  7. [S415] E-mail from Steven Blake Houghton, March 13, 2013.
  8. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Redford, Wayne Co., Michigan; Roll: 1076 Enumeration District: 1036; page 12; sheet 12A; line 13, dwl 241-244.

Rosa E. (?)1

F, #51715

Family: John Bliss Compton b. 24 Apr 1870


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Georgia Loudella Ivey1

F, #51716

Family: John Bliss Compton b. 24 Apr 1870


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Marriagecirca 1901AR, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Launa Carradine1

F, #51717

Family: John Bliss Compton b. 24 Apr 1870


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
MarriageMar 29, 1920TX, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Calvin Smurr Compton1

M, #51718


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Lilybell Dysinger1

F, #51719, b. 27 March 1868, d. 1941

Family: Alison Peter Knapp b. 26 Mar 1860, d. 29 May 1935


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthMar 27, 1868Lake Odessa, Ionia Co., MI, USA1
MarriageJul 3, 1886Odessa, Ionia Co., MI, USA1
Death1941Limon, Lincoln Co., CO, USA1
ParentsDDaniel Deissinger and Esther King1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.

Frank Alva Knapp

M, #51720, b. 5 November 1887, d. 4 May 1957


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthNov 5, 1887Lake Odessa, Ionia Co., MI, USA
Residence1935Horton, KS, USA1
DeathMay 4, 1957


  1. [S415] E-mail from Ellen J. Picard, Dec. 10, 1999.